A tintype of the author and his son, who couldn’t quite keep still during the long exposure.

My name is Jesse Crooks. I’m a fourth generation resident of Solebury Township, where I grew up living in the caretaker’s house at Solebury Friends Meeting. My family has owned and operated Tuckamony Farm in Solebury since 1925. I graduated from Bard College with a degree in history, where I wrote my senior thesis on the development of Lower Bucks County in the 1950′s. That project introduced me to archival research, and I’ve been hooked ever since. These days I moonlight as a reference archivist at the Mercer Museum, where I’ve spent countless hours cataloging their bound manuscript collection, county government records, and various other material. My research interests include African American history, the history of the poor, Quaker history, environmental history (specifically land use and the built environment), and pretty much any extant records from the colonial period.


jesse [at] burnbridle [dot] com