,j: of <fi,^
ALumni (riving Plan
[Established in 1909]
19 40
Hon. Calvin S. Boyer Frontisi)iece
Handbill of Mass fleeting, 1852 2
Time Table, Ma\- 6, 1857 4
Sellersville Tunnel 5
Hellertown Station 7
I'ortrait 9
St(jne Bridge, Edison 13
Barclay House, before 1915 14,18
Eight Scjuare School house 84
\\'ashington's I le:id(|uarters P2''). 1:^2
Sign of the llirdinlland : 135
Brick 1 lotel 138
Wrightstown Meeting House 190
Hampton P.ible Records 212,213
Martha Hampton School 228
Catherine I !am]iton Marriage Certificate 240
\\'oo(how Wilson's Letter 256
Crou]) at Ivlwin Markham's r.irthday 266
Mary Israel Ellet 271
Israel J srael 288
Charles Ellet. Jr _ 303
Charles Rivers Ellet 326
^lary \irginia Ellet Cabell 329.330
Maj) of the Purchases 350
Samuel Dulcenna Ingham 357
Advertisement. Pucks County Agricultural Society 376
Diploma. Bucks County Agricultural S<iciety facing 385
Gen. W. W. PI. Davis Jan. 20, 1880, to ]:>ec. 26, 1910
Dr. Henry C. Mercer Tan. 17, 1911. to Mar. 9, 1930
Dr. B. F. Fackenthal, Jr Since May 3, 1930
John S. Williams Jan. 15, 1901. to Ang. 21. 1920
Dr. Henry C. Alercer Jan. 21, 1908, to Jan. 17, 1911
Joseph B. Walter, M. D Jan. 17, 1911, to Ang. 18. 1917
Dr. B. F. Fackenthal, Jr Jan. 18. 1920. to May 3. 1980
Col. Henry D. Paxson Jan. 15, 1921. to Jan. 30, 1933
J. Herman Barnsley May 2. 1931, to May 25. 1932
Judge Calvin S. Boyer Mar. 11. 1993. to date
John H. Ruckman Mar. 11, 1933, to date
Annual meetings First Saturday in May
Admission fee $2, which includes annual dues for the year
of election
Annual dues thereafter $1 per year. Life Membership 5^25
For Charter, Constitution and By-Laws, see \'olume 1
For Amendments see Volume VI
On November i, 1937, as listed in Volume VII. there were 446 mem-
bers, including four life members ;md seven honorary members. Since then
2-/ have been dropped from the roll, 30 have died, and 42 new members have
qualified, leaving a membership of 431 as of January i, 1940, a net loss of
15 members.
Names .Iddrcss Elected
Bingham, Wheelock H.
Xewtown, Pa.
Carnwath, James, Jr.
Carnwath. Mrs. James, Jr.
Cassard, Mrs. Jeannette K.
Chamberlin, Jolm .\.
Cocks, Edmund
Cornell, Mrs. Helen W.
Newtown, Pa.
Newtown, Pa.
Bala Cynwyd Pa.
Churchville, Pa.
George School, Pa.
P^'easterville, Pa.
Davis, Joseph A.
Davis, Mrs. Bertha M.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Ellis, William G.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Fox. Mrs. Ralph M.
Fuguet, Geisse
I'^uguet, Mrs. Katharine L.
Funk, H. H.
Alorrisville, Pa.
Pineville, Pa.
Pineville, Pa.
Springtown, Pa.
Hampton, Dr. Vernon B.
Harrar, Dr. James A.
HiJson, Cleaveland
Staten Island, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Doylestown, Pa.
Jussen, Frederic C.
Jussen, Mrs. Edna A.
Haddonfield, N. J.
Haddonfield, N. J.
Kane, Harry J.
Doylestown, Pa.
Lathrop, Joseph B.
Lathrop, Mrs Catharine W.
Lintleman. 1*.. Helaine
Longstretli, Mrs. Ivlward T.
Loughery, Mrs. William \'.
Rye, N. Y.
Rye, N. Y.
Doylestown, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Newtnwn, Pa.
McCullough, Col. Charks R.
Mohr, Dr. Walter H.
MoIIoy, T. Carroll, Jr.
Molloy, "Mrs. J. Carroll, Jr.
Hamilton, Out., Canada
George School, Pa.
Newtown, Pa.
Newtown, Pa.
Pidcock. J. Cooper
Poore. Mrs. Jolin P..
New Hope, Pa.
Riegelsville. Pa.
Scarborough. Edward
Scarborough, Mrs. Mary M.
Scarborough. Howard
Shoultes, Maurice D.
Sigafoos, Evelyn E
Smith, Clarence H.
Summers, George i'.yron
Wycombe, Pa.
Wycombe, Pa.
Pliiladelphia. Pa.
Telford, Pa.
Doylestown, Pa.
W' vcombe. Pa.
Shelly, Pa.
'["wining, 1'. Cyrus
Twining, Mrs. Mary ( ).
Dovlestown, Pa.
Doylestown, Pa.
Wismer, Harvey M.
Perkasie, Pa.
Vardley, Mrs. Esther B.
Vardley, Mrs. .Mary S.
Yardley, Pa.
Yardley, Pa.
The Main Line of North Pennsylvania Railroad — 1852-1879
By geoi^.ge m. hart, doylestown, pa.
(Doylestown Meetins, May 7, 19?.8)
r tmrm^/^ HE North I'ennsylvania sixty years ago was beyond
I doubt the most familiar railroad to the people
^ of Ijiicks County, and it was the second railroad
to construct a track within the county. The
company, for the most part, was financially sup-
ported by individuals residing in Philadelphia ;
however, there v.-ere a number local subscribers, but hardly enough
to call the undertaking a local enterprise.
The North Pennsylvania Railroad was originally the Phila-
delphia, Easton and Water-Gap Railroad that was chartered on
April 8, 1852. The granting of the charter was the result of a
petition to the Pennsylvania Legislature, for authority to con.struct
a railroad from Philadelphia northward, to an undetermined loca-
tion in either Monroe or Pike County.
The first meeting of the Philadelphia. Easton and Water-Gap
Railroad \\as held in the Eagle Hotel, Philadelphia, on June 8,
1852, and the initial business was the formation of a committee
"to submit to the [wishes of] capitalists and business men. . .''
The chief topics of discussion were the resources of the Lehigh
\^alley, and the need for a trunk line between the Lehigh River
and Philadelphia, to compete with the PJelvidere Delaware Rail-
road and the Delaware Division of Pennsylvania State Canal.
1 he first otTicers of the railroad were as follows: Thomas S.
Ecrnon, President: Edward Armstrong, Secretary; William Wis-
ter. Treasurer: John !'. Prock. Solicitor: and Edward Miller,
Chief Engineer. In addition to the presiding oft'icers. there were
ten directors.
On April 18, IS-").'! the Philadelphia. Easton and Witer-Gap
Railroad was permitted b)- act of Assembly to ado])! in lieu of
their title the name of Xorth Penns\lvania h'ailroad. The jxiwers
and ])rivileges of the conipan\- were, in addition, enlarged.
The Xorlh rennsyhania like many other railroad^ of the
]>eriod, surveyed routes too ambitious for it> cai^ita!. In the fall
of 18.").'*. the ])ro])osed line ran from Philadeli)hi,-i. through Heth-
lehem, .\llentown. Mauch Chunk, White Haven, to Wilkes- P.arre,
IliSf 1 St. MItl I
VHi rtra-io ,'» . Jlr... THIS CAH BB ItUiVtUTTBS art A DIS£OT BAIZi HOAS TO MB!
WERfHANT. Tlif { \PIT\yS'l\ The owwr of Rral Eslalf. Tlir >I\.MI \(TIRKR
>IE(ll\Ml and WORMNCiM AN.
Isiiaf Haxlflnrst, Esq., of this ( It}, and Hob. Jamrs M. Porter. M. H. Jane. K*^
THE PBtUADEWHlA. EASTON AITO WATER GAP HAH. BOAS •>— M >- "-^ rcrt,.„k .~. .^i 6, i
Saturda-y ev'g, Oct. Stli, X8S2=
Tliis no! ice of ineeting, w1m)sl' Drimary purpose was to boost stock-sub-
sciiption.s foi tlK- Philadelphia, Easton & Water Gap Railrofid, appeared before
any construction had been undertaken. A railroad "to another city", refers to
New York.
and then parallel to the North branch of the Susqitehanna Ri'i/er to
Waverly, New York. In addition, surveys were made to Doyles-
town and Easton for branch lines.
The ]\fain Line was comprised of tliree divisions:
Southern — Philadelphia to Shimersville, opposite Freemans-
burg (Later replaced to South Bethlehem)
Lehigh — Bethlehem (later South Bethlehem) to Pittston
Susquehanna — Pittston to Waverly
On June 16, 1853. ground was first broken on the Southern
Division at Landis Ridge/ (now Perkasie Ridge) and at the close
of the same year, 2,000 men and 500 horses were employed in con-
struction. The entire route, from Philadelphia to Shimersville,
(on the Lehigh River ) fifty-four and one-quarter miles, had been
let to contractors, and work commenced almost simultaneously
on all parts of the division.
Scarcely a year had passed when $1,518,000 had been spent
for construction, and the Southern Division was only seventy-five
per cent completed. The railroad barely escaped a breakdown on
its floating debt in 1855, because a few individuals demanded im-
mediate interest return, and it was E. L. Moss who loaned the
North T'ennsylvania money to pay the notes on which the test
was made.
The tunnel at ( Avynedd was the subject of a controversy that
involved Edward Miller, the Chief Engineer. There was consi-
derable question if the line should be run around or directly
through the hill. Miller contended, "the rock is of soft texture",
and the piercing of the hill with a tunnel would not delay in open-
ing the road to Bethlehem. Actually, the rock was extremely
hard and time and expense mounted. The stockholders con-
demned yir. Miller for his suggestion, although they had accepted
it: stating he was the sole cause of the low price of stock, and
held him responsible for not completing the railroad to Waverly.
New York, by 1857. ( Iwynedd Tunnel and cut were thereafter
commonly referred to as "Miller's Ciash".-
' 1 lere tlio luniu'l tlirnu.Li'i tlic 'I'riassic (.f South Moumain. _',I30 foct lontr.
was known ns .Sellers\ ilk- 'I'unncl until iS^j. wlu'U tlir nanu' nt' IV'fkasie
Tunnel was first applied tn it.
-The Gwyncdd Tunnel was i>riginally lucaled aluait lhrcc-i|uarters of a
mile north of Gwynedd Valley Station. In 1931, the rock roof was entirely
removed, and the Tunnel converted into an open cut.
CoiiimeiKiiijs (mi Wki>nk«i>av May «*lli, 1H57,
Tioga Street, •
Utivn La lie. -
0»k Uw,
City l.iDo, ■
OM York Roa.;
Choltct) IW.\
Abington, -
Rigf WxW, -
WUssbickon, -
Norlh Wa!«s,
Lin,' Irfxingtoc,
New Briuiu.
Tunnel Billing,
H<''>l<-nn»n, ^
' FrMinaiudirv,
7 ir.
7 -^7
9 67
10 0!
10 117
10 1 !
10 U>
10 2*1
10 24
10 :'>•:
1(1 4(1
10 .)0
11 00
11 If.
3 57
4 01
4 07
4 11
4 15
i 20
4 -24
4 22
I 4a
■1 45
7 42
7 48
7 52
i; ..: 7 40 y uo
7 37 « 50
7 34 8 53
7 31 8 50
• T 27 '7 27 .'■ 4t;
7 0>5 t> 2;>
♦705 S 2 J
7 i.»0 S 16
G 55 * IJ
I'.' 0:i 5 23 5 4'J
:> 40
5 26
-> 12
5 08
4 &!
11 20 4 40 4 45
3 88
a 50
5 0!.
4 1-J
10 27
r, 4.'.
10 07
.•! -M
11 10
10 07
'mc nilr for liif.
-Till- luiMiOK ilii^ «!» iiiili«i«<i hj lh« lit«vjr iji-
l'..««n)[rl» >t Milium lurilud U>u. -.
-Train. IrmiBB lliH»r»..». of Ibc rMil. •I.rn ..Ihir ti ,.
.Ir.inMI^ n>«lli.i[ |«.inf. At lIlll.'Ml.l.;*, Mi..;.. . .. - ..
i.iiir. «n'l Ihr <l»l«Yrd IrniBii piBrt kr»|i "«ii of <'•<■»•'.'"" Oir rlij lr»'« _
-Til. Ilr-I »•<!• <-l T«r»^i, N- 1. •! ljioi»d»l». larBwl lo ihr Nortfc isainlrs tiMl Acc«<ni<«l*lioa Tr»in
Tkr Wliilc F«c» tuniMl I., itit Nortl., lliH ll i> oB th» llrBBrli. „ . .
-Tb^ llc-l »«r^ of Tarj^l, N" -. »< Ubb-I"!'. tamr4 In llif NDrtb, iBilicK-w lliBl AccouiMi-liHioB Tmii. •>
Tl.- While liitBfJ I.. II... Nonb, lUl 11 i...ntkr llTBlKk.
1 .. iKi Tr.ion i-uM »..< fUllo.-i r.^.rB|!« Tr.iu-, b«l B:..-> U on O.r |J.|^ l,..A Icb B.i"'..'..- l-r( ro I'.". Bptt Tr.n.s . .>• doi-.
l.rav« U*)lr«lawB at «.M». A. M. aad 3.IIV. ■•. M.
l.r«w Phllndrlphlu nt tcao, A. n. iinrt Vl.-k, P. "W.
A. H. FRACBLEK, >«»sl»r «f Tr.i>i.cri»iioD.
An early timet;
eight loeomotlvfs \\\
or the
)\vnf(l ;
1(1 tlie
Wm. F. Miller, .Jr.
, Issued in May 1857, wlien only
South Bethlehem unfir:ished.
Oil July 2, 1855, there was opened to public use a nineteen
mile portion of the Southern Division extending from Willow
Street, Philadelphia, to Gwynedd. The North I Pennsylvania's
third locomotive, the Araniingo. built by Matthias W. IJaldwin
in 1855, participated by drawing two passenger cars from Phila-
delphia to Gwynedd and return. In expressive style a contem-
porary newspaper account describes the excitement : "The hay-
makers ceased their work and looked wonderingly at the unac-
customed object. . . The horse, generally the most frightened of
all at the sight of the great iron rival, would snort and tremble as
the mass rushed swiftly by." Gwynedd remained the northern
terminus for eighteen months.
•;ki.lkrsville tunnel
This tunnel, 2,150 feet in lengthi, the only railroad tunnel in Bucks County,
was the most expensive piece of construction on the main line of the "North
Penn" Railroad. After 1872 it was known as Perkasie Tunnel, and the en-
trance is shown here with a single track just before the "North Penn" was
leased by the Philadelphia and Reading in 1S79.
(jwynedd Tunnel was the {principal cause of delay in opening
the road to Shimerville, and shortly before its completion, a tem-
porary track was laid west of the tunnel in order that materials
could be transported to northern sections. The tunnel was 500 feet
long and twenty-six feet wide. The entire .Main Line or Southern
Division, was opened on December 23, 1850; however, regular
trains were not installed until lanuarv 1, 1S57.
The second northern terminus was at Shimersville. fift^z-four
and a quarter miles from Philadelphia, where the North Pennsyl-
vania Railroad tracks connected with the L>ehigh Valley Railroad,
and afforded a through route between Philadelphia and Wilkes-
Barre. The Lehigh Valley Railroad was considered a connection
until the North Pennsylvania should complete its own road to
Wilkes-Barre, and Shimersville was to remain the northern terminus
until a more direct connection was completed to Bethlehem. This
link was opened July 7, ]857, and on the following day, passenger
trains were removed from the Shimersville Branch anrl run to
South Bethlehem for all time. The first station was held in common
with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and stood near the old Ferry
House in Bethlehem.
The North Pennsylvania Railroad management had changed
its policy by 1862, chiefly because the Lehigh Valley Railroad
had gained control of the most feasible railroad route to Wilkes-
Barre, and was backed by powerful financial interests from New
York. Accordingly, North Pennsylvania property along their
proposed Lehigh and Susquehanna Divisions was placed on sale,
and a construction program from Bethlehem northward along
the Lehigh and Susquehanna Rivers was forever dead.
The Main Line was double tracked at various intervals be-
ginning in 1868. This improvement was a necessity by reason
of increased business, and it may be illustrated with the following
facts : Revenues amounted to over a million dollars annually
after 1868; over two and one-half million gallons of milk were
annually shipped into Philadelphia during the late '70's ; fifty-
eight locomotives were operated in 1876, and 1,310,000 passengers
were carried in 1878.
The North Pennsylvania Railroad did not e.scape the effects
of the great railroad strikes in 1877. However, the road suffered
only a sharp decline in revenue, as connecting railroads had prac-
tically suspended operations, a fortunate condition in view of the
great loss of life and proj^erty on other railroads.
The .X'orth Pennsylvania was on the whole a very successful
enter])rise after the problems of construction had been solved just
prior U) the o])ening of the Civil War. It maintained itself chiefly
because of satis factorv business conditions and efficient manage-
■i:X.\ RAI
meat. A status of independence remained until as a sur])rise to
the public. President Franklin B, (iowen. of the I 'hi!adel])liia and
Reading Railroad, announced control of the Xortli Pennsylvania
on .Ma\- 15, ]87!). There was no change in operation or ])erson-
nel, however, until the lease extending for :)*){) vears, was ratified
by the stockholders on June 14, 187!). Thus the Xorth iVnnsyl-
\'ania. more commonp- known as the "Xorth I'enn", no l-mger
issued ])ul)lic time-tahles or stenciled its locomotive^ and cars
-X. P. R. R."
A history of the .Main Line of Xorth Peimsylvania Railroad
would not be complete without giving credit to So'omon \\". Rob-
erts. Engineer and Superintendent.
A iioitli bound three-car passenger train at Hellertuwn cliuins the middle
seventies. Scenes like this were t\i>ical.
R(jberts was a]i]X)inted Chief Engineer on Jnne !•. 185(J, and
to that time had. been associated with man\- e])och making enter-
])rises. .\t the age of sixteen, he was a rodman on the Lehigh
Canal, and in L-i27, witnessed the o])ening of the Maucli L'hunk
Switchback Railroad. In L8,SL lie was a-ppointed \ssistam Chief
l^ngineer of the Allegheny Portage Railroad, a ])art of the \ast
undertaking of Public Works by the State of I 'ciuisylvania. On
this line he located the Western ! )i\isioii from Summit to
Joh:istr)\vn, I 'euns\l\-ania, a work that inchideil the making of
tlie first railroad tunnel in the Cnited .States. ( ( ompleted Xo\--
ember, 1833.) From 1848 to 1856, Roberts was Chief Engineer
of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, later a part
of the Pennsylvania Railroad System. It may thus be seen the
"North Penn" from the outset, employed a man of wide exper-
ience, and we find his name associated with that company until
the assumption of control by the Philadelphia & Reading. Cer-
tainly no other person was such an important force in building
and maintaining the "North Penn" as a successful enterprise.
John Barclay — Biographical
Soldier, Innkeeper, Farmer, Judge, Mayor, Merchant and Banker
(Doylestown Meeting, May 7, 1938)
V thought in presenting this paper on John Barclay
was suggested by the fact that his name appears
on the books of the Durham Iron Company, and
that his home in Springfield township. Bucks county, where his
name first appears, was but seven miles from my home at Riegels-
ville, and was further suggested by the reference made to him
by Judge Calvin S.
pjoyer, in a papftv on
"The County Court at
Newtown," read Sep-
tember 22. 1934, before
a meeting of this so-
ciety. ( Rucks County
Historical Society, \ ol.
VII, page 256.)
John Barclay must
have been a man of
parts, advancing from
a country squire to
President Judge of the
Bucks County courts ;
member of the Consti-
tutional Convention in
1790; Mayor of Phila-
delphia in 1791, and at
the time of his death.
President of the Bank
of Northern Liberties
at Philadelphia.
Richard P)ackhouse,
one of the i)roprietors
of the Durham Iron
Works, records that in
'/Z^ ^^^^^^^,
May 1779, he stopped at r'.arclay's, and again stopped there when
enroute to Newtown on August 8, 1779, and on his return trip
August 21, he stopped at Brackenridges. These doubtless refer
to the same hostelerv, known as Three Tuns Inn, at GaUows Hill
in Springfield township, which John P'arclay bought June 7, 1787,
of Philip Jacoby, and evidently leased to Samuel Brackenridge,
who obtained a license to keep a hotel in 1779, saying in his appli-
cation that — "He had married the widow of Jacob Kookert, wdio
in his lifetime had kept a noted hotel at that place.""'
At the June sessions 1781. John Uarclay, Rsquire. presented
his petition for a license, setting forth, that "he lives on the plant-
ation belonging to Samuel lirackenridge in Springfield Township,
known by the name of Cooker's (Kookert) tavern, and lying on
the forks of the great road leading from Easton and Bethlehem
to Philadelphia." On March 24, 1790, John Barclay conveyed
the Three Tuns Inn proi^erty to Samuel Brackenridge.
John Barclay was bstrn January 22. 1749, ijut the place of
his birtli is not at hand. He was the son of James Barclay who
had married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Craig of Warrington.
Bucks county, which tends to show wh} lie later made Warring-
ton his home.-
General Davis, in his History of P)Ucks County, says the
Barclays were in Springfield township, Bucks county, at an early
da\', but does not know wlien they settled there. I can find no
confirmation of this statement. It is more likely that John Bar-
clay was a native of Warrington townshi]), that he entered the
army from there and after or diu-ing the war settled in .Springfield
in 1775, on the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, he en-
listed in the Continental army, and on January 8. 1776, was com-
missioned an ensign in Captain John Lacey's company of which
Anthonv Wayne was colonel, and on October 1, 1776, was pro-
moted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. He retired from the
' In \X^^, till- name of Gallows Hill was changed to that of Stony Point.
Imt later clianged hark again to Gallows Hill.
- lames P.arclay, Sr., father of John Barclay, was born in 1722, died
February 14, 1792, aged 70 years. His body lies buried in the Barclay plot
in the Nesliaminy Church Cemetery. What is now Warrington was origin-
ally called Craig's Tavern, then Ncwville. A jiost ofifice was established
there as Warrington, December 30, iS.^f), wiili ISenjamin Hougli, Jr., as
army January 1, 1781. with the rank of ca])tain. (Pennsylvania
Archives, Fifth Series, \'ol. 2, pp. 52 and 148. )
John Barclay was commissioned a Ju.stice of the Peace from
Bucks County December 13. 1782. (Colonial Records Vol. XITI,
page 454.) At that time he was living in .Springfield township,
where in 1781 and 1782, he was assessed as an innkeeper, with
150 acres of land. In 1783 he was assessed as a justice of the
peace. Tn 1785 he was assessed for 110 acres in Springfield and
98 acres in Durhan township. We have been unable to locate
either of these two tracts. On his return from tlie army he may
have devoted his life to farming, and ma>' have been operating
these farms under lease, and therefore the\- were assessed against
him. ( I'ennsylvania Archives. Third Series, Vol. XIII, pp. 168,
268, 396, 427. 567, 698 and 806. )
On June 7, 1787, he bought from Philip Jacoby, 174 Acres
67 Perches of land at Gallows Hill in Springfield township, on
which the Three Tuns Inn was located. On March 24, 1790, he
conveyed the eastern part, 53 acres 100 perches, the hotel part,
to Sanmel Brackenridge, and three years later, on March 20, 1793,
after he had removed from Springfield, he conveyed the remainder
of his Springfield real estate, 130 acres 68 perches to John Smith.
There are a large number of original documents in the library
of the l-ucks County Historical Society, in connection with his
ofi'ice as a justice of the peace, in Springfield township, 36 of
these contain his signature. The books of the Durham Iron Com-
pany show transactions with him from December 17, 1781. to
January 1. 1789, as does also the docket book of Esquire Richard
Backhouse of Durham township.
On June 27, 1789, he was appointed President Judge of the
Bucks County Courts, succeeding Judge Henry Wynkoop. who
had been elected a member of congress. John Barclay was the
last Lay President Judge, retiring from the bench in 1790, when
under the newly adopted constitution, men learned in the law
were thereafter appointed. Judge Barclay was succeeded in order
by Judge James Biddle 1790 to 1797 ; Judge John D. Coxe 1797
to 1805; Judge William Tilghman 3805 to 1806, and Judge Bird
Wilson 1806 to 1818. (See paper by Judge Harman ^'erkes,
Bucks County Historical Society, Vol. 2, page 82, et seq. >
Although not having been admitted to the bar as a trained
lawyer, he, like many other country squires, at that time, prac-
tised law as a layman, and in that capacity his name appears as an
attorney of record in the courts at Newtown, then the county-
seat of Bucks county, lie was the attorney of record for one of
the Richard Backhouse children in the settlement of that estate.
In 1790 he was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention
which met at Philadelphia. The Constitution was finally adopted
on September second of that year. (Pennsylvania Archives,
Fourth Series, Vol. IV, page 136.)
After the expiration of his term as judge, he removed to
Philadelphia, where he entered business as a shipping merchant.
In 1701 he served as Mayor of Philadelphia. His portrait in oil,
copy of which is shown herewith, is hanging in the Gilinn room
of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
On March 30, 1793, the State Bank of Pennsylvania was
incorporated with a capital of $3,000,000. John Barclay was
elected its first president. The bank was first opened in the Free-
mason's Lodge, on Lodge street, above Second and Walnut streets,
south side. In his account of the Yellow Fever previlent in Phila-
delphia in 1793, Matthew Cary records that "John Barclay, late
mayor of Philadelphia, acted in the double capacity of Alderman
and President of the Bank of Pennsylvania, to the duties of which
ofifices he devoted himself unremittingly, except during an illness
which threatened to add him to the number of valuable men of
whom we have been dereft." There were 5.000 deaths due to
Yellow Fever, the first occuring on August 22, 1793.
John Barclay was one of the founders of the Insurance Com-
pany of North America on its organization December 10, 1792,
having been appointed on a committee with John Ross and Charles
Pettit to present the petition of the company to the legislature for
a charter. He served as a director through 1793. the year he
moved back to Bucks County. At that time the office of the Insur-
ance Company was located at the southeast corner of First and
Walnut streets. Philadeli)hia.
When the Bank of Xorthern Liberties was chartered March
21, 1814, John r.arclay was made its first president, in which ofifice
he conti'uied down to the date of his death. The bank was located
on \inc direct, between Second and 'iiiird streets. It was taken
over and Ixcame i)art of the I'ank of Xorth America in l-'ebruary,
.JOHN BARC1..\^'
In 1793. John Barclay removed to Warwick township, where
he had purchased the Hoover homestead, located at the intersec-
tion of the Limekiln turnpike and the County line roads, where
he resided until 1799, when he built a large and substantial Colo-
nial stone house in the village of Warrington, four miles south
of Doylestown. locatetl on the northeast corner of the road leading
from Doylestown to Philadelphia. (Route No. Gil ) and the
!h-isto] road leading to Hartsville. This house, of which half-
tone engravings are shown herewith, is still standing and ap])ar-
entl\ in a'^ good condition as when built 139 years ago.
The stone arch Ijridge on automobile route No. fill, whicli
crosses the Neshaminy creek at what then was Bridge Point,
but later called Edison, was built In- ]ohn liarclav and John
Crossing tlie Nesliaminy Creek — Two niile.s south of Doylestown
Iror.i photosiapli taken in 19:lcS — View looking Nortli
•*Thi^ > arch liridge consisted of seven arrhes and twc abutments.
Two of the arches were 20 feet wide, two were -'.^ feet wide, tw'. were 27
feet wide and the other one 30 feet wide. Owing to the short curves at both
ends nf this bridge, it proved dangerous for automobile travel, and it was
therefore abandoned late in 1037, and a new concrete road laid down fartlier
east thereof.
Hough. The bridge was authorize<l by the Countv < ommis-
sioners Xovember 23. 1799. John IWclay was then living at
Warrington and serving as a Justice of the Peace. The bridge was
completed late in 1801. Its cost was $13,476 16.'' It replaced an
earlier bridge which had been built in 1764 by Henry Crossley at
a cost of £210, paid tor by popular subscrii)tion.
WaiiiiiKton, Bucks County, Pa.
It by John Barclay in 1709
1 1 ee was a not
It was rlamaRf
1 monument
by liKlitnin
and an obj'-ct of interest for ma
; in 1910 and cut down in 1915.
Jane Crawford, wife of John Barclay, having passed away
October 23, 1808, he sold his Warrington home and moved back
to Philadelphia. The house was purchased, together with 28
acres 99 perches of land on August 10. 1804, by Pjenjamin Hough.'*
ft remained in the Hough family for 51 years until 1856. when it
was sold to the Radcliffe family. The Houghs were kinsmen of
the Sim])son and the (irant families, and the family tradition is
that there in Warrington. Cadet Ldysses Simpson Grant, later
Cieneral Crant, spent part of his vacations when a student at the
West Point Military Academy.
The only evidence to support his family tradition is based
on the fact of Pieut. (irant having twice visited the region from
which his maternal ancestors had moved to Ohio: the first visit
was made st^on after his graduation from \\'est Point in 1843,
wh.en he stopjjed at the home of his great uncle, Benjamin Hough,
Sr.. and was taken to see the old homestead of his grandfather in
Horsham. Ten years later in 1853. he revisited the place and
^topped at the home of his relative. Robert McKinstry of War-
rington, on the countv line.
In his memoirs (pages 22 and 24) ( ieneral Grant says, "His
mother's family lived in IMontgoniery County. Pa., for several
generations." lie adds. "I have h'ttle information about her an-
cestors. Her family took no interest in genealogy, so that my
grandfather, who died in 1389. when I was sixteen years old,
knew back only to his grandfather." He furthvifr says that his
mother's father, John Simpson, moved from Montgomery County,
Pa., to Clermont County, Ohio, about the sear 1819, taking with
him four cliildren, three (laughters anrl one son. He says,
"My mother, Hannah Simpson, was the third of these children,
and wrs then over twent\- years of age. She still lives in Qer-
mont Count\- at this writing. Octolier 5, 1884. and is over ninety
years of age." He further says, "Tn June 1821, my father, Jesse
R. Grant, married Hannah Sim])son. I was horn on the 27th of
■•Mary, tlie dausliter of Henjaniin lliiutili, married John Rarnslcy. the
grandfather of luhvard R. I'.arnsley, <:ne of the (Hrertors of the I'.ucks
County Historical Society.
I'ornier President Theodore Roosevelt is also descended from Bucks
County ancestry. Robert Barnhill, his gTeat-g'\andfather, who was horn in
\\^^rwick township in 1754, was a son of John Barnhill who married Sarah
Craig of Warrington. The wife of Robert Barnhill was F.lizabeth Potts of
Germantown, and their daugiiter, Margaret, born in 1797, married Cornelius
Van .Schaick Roosevelt, grandfather of Theodore Roosevelt. (History of
Bucks County by General Davis, Vol. I, page 416.)
May, 1822. at Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio, and in the
fall of 1S23 we moved to Georgetown, the county seat of Brown
County, Ohio. This remained my home until at the age of seven-
teen in 1839 I went to West Point." (Memoirs, page 24.)
Hanging between two tombstones in the Xe-^haminy Cliurch
Cemetery, there is a board marker, setting forth that the graves
mark the resting place of John and Hannah Simpson, who were
the grandparents of General Grant. This is obviously an error,
as their ages indicate that they were his great-grandparents, viz.,
John Simpson (Sr.). born in 1738, died August 16, 1804, and his
wife, Hannah Simpson, jiorn in 1742. died January 22, 1821, when
General (jrant was but one year old. General Grant says that
his grandmother was living in 1884 at the age of 90 years. It is
therefore evident that the burials in the Nashaminy Church
Cemetery could not be his grandparents. The similarity of names
is confusing, for his grandparents' names were also John and
Hannah Simpson, and his mother's name was also Hannah. It
was at his home in Ohio where he spent his vacations, as recorded
in his memoirs (pages 40-41 and 42 ).
John Barclay, who is described by Sharp & Wescott as an
ex-judge, a bank president and a Federalist, was an active local
spirit in the War of 1812-14. He was one of the citizens of
Northern Liberties, who in 1814 formed themselves into "The
INlilitary Association of Northern Liberties," which organized a
regiment of artillery. On August 25, 1814, following the fall of
Washington, citizens met at the State House yard in a great town
meeting. Among other things the meeting appointed a committee,
of which John Barclay was one, for the purpose of organizing
the citizens of Philadelphia, Northern Liberties and Southwark
for defence.''
John Ijarclay was twice married, first to Jane Crawford,
daughter of John and Jane Crawford. She died October 23,
1803, leaving one scjn, James Barclay, a storekeeper living in
Warwick township.'' ( )n May 7, 1805, John Barclav conx^eyed
three tracts of land in Warwick township, to liis son James Bar-
■""'See SchartM'WestCDtt, History of Philadelphia, Vol. I, panes 571 aiul S7-3.
•' In Ills will, dated July i, 1806, (Will Book, Vol. VII, page 296), John
^Crawford of Warrinoton township, Piucks county, appoint.s, "John Barclay
'Esquire, late husliand of my daughter Jane, deceased," one of his executors.
John Crawford. Sr., was l)orn in i;i8, died September 6 ,iSo6. aged 88
years. His wife, Jane Crawford, was horn in 1724, died in 1821, aged 96 years.
clay for the nominal consideration of one dollar. ( Deed Book
No. 36, page 224, &c. )
James Barclay, son of John Barclay, was Ixjrn in 1778, died
June 9, 1806, leaving- a widow, Racliel, to survive him. Her fam-
ily name is not given ; she married a second hushand by the name
of Bache.
John Barclay died September 15. 1824, leaving to survive
his second wife, Esther, whose family name is not at hand, and
two sons, John L. Barclay, born November 25. 1810, and there-
fore in his fourteenth year, and James M. Barclay, born May 22,
1813, and therefore in his twelfth year, when their father died.
Another son, Washington Curtis Barclay, died at the age of 2
years and 8 months.
By his last will and testament bearing dale August 10, 1824,
and a codicil dated August 21, 1824. John 1 Barclay nominated
Abraham Chapman of lUicks County. Attorney at Law, and Isaac
W. Norris, Esquire, of Northern Liberties, Pliiladel])hia, Ship
Chandler, his executors and trustees, also guardians for his two
sons. The sons w^ere to come into one-half of their inheritance
on arriving at the age of 21 years, and the remaining half when
25 years of age.
To his widow he gave the house and lot whereon they re-
sided, at No. 227 North Third Street, Philadelphia, together with
the household goods contained therein, and $1,000 in money: "for
the purpose of supporting herself and family for one year after
my decease." Her dower of one-third of his estate was made
payable in one year after his decease, on condition that she did
not marry again within that time, and if she did marry, he limited
her inheritance to the payment of $500 per annum for life. The
remainder of his estate to go to his two sons.
Within one year after his death his widow, Esther, became
mentally deranged, and her dower remained in the hands of
trustees. When the trustees filed their account on March 16, 1841,
she was living, and the court appointed a committee to care for
her, who declined to act, and the court then ajij^ointed her two
I'hcir dauglitcr, Jane, wife of John I'.arcla}'. was born in 1755. and died
October 23. 1803, aged 4cS years. Estlier, second wife of John Barclay, was
born in 1787. died December i, 1864, aged 77 years. The bodies of the
at)ove all lie buried in the Neshaminy Church Cemetery, as do also that of
James Barclay, father of John, and another James Barclay, probably a
brother of John, Ixirn in 1755, died October _M, 180.?, in the 48111 year of
his age.
sons such committee to care for her and her finances. The amount
of money in their hands at that time belonging to her, seems to
have been $16,566.38. She Hved until 1864, dying at the age of
77 years.
1 he appraisement of John Barclay's estate amounted to
$61,521.41. and consisted of real estate, ground rents, mortgages,
personal loans, bank stock and $1,628.38 on deposit in the Bank
of Northern Liberties. There were 62 shares of stock of the
Bank of Northern Liberties, then appraised at $1,550, but on
Marcli 7, 1836, disposed of at $58 per share, amounting to $3,596.
WaiiinL;lon, Bucks Ccunty, Pa.
From v>liotogiaiJli taken after Pine Tree was removed
The correspondence between the executors shows the great
care with which they administered the estate, the value of which
largely increased in their hands, and the care and oversight they
exercised over their wards, ])lacing them in good school- and
otlierwise caring for and guiding tlicm.
Sucli. in brief, is tlic iiistor\- of an industrious man. with a
well-'lirccted ambition, who advanced from one position of
to anotlier, one of llu- kind of men that go to make u]) our l>est
American citi'/enshii). and of wliom wc should be just'v proud.
Early History of the Public School System in Bucks County,
and the
Passing of the One- Room School in Middletown Township
(Doylestown Meetintr, May 7, 193S)
'mmjwm p relate in detail all the minutiae concerning the
I inception of the system of education in Pennsyl-
^ vania would require more time for reading than
the allotment period would permit. To conform
to program requirements it is necessary, therefore,
to omit broad topics and to unite intimately in-
formation of a more restricted nature.
Homogeneous ancestral stock did not characterize the settlers
of Bucks County. Division of interests among the early inhabi-
tants caused by a mixture of races and the lingering effects of
harsh political regulations from sources abroad tended to retard
unity among the newcomers in their land of adoption. These un-
assimilated portions of old world persecution and restrictive in-
Huences wanted to be left to their own devices, each group to
work out its development according to its own ideas and capabili-
ties. When viewed from this background wonder becomes mini-
mized concerning the lack, or apparent lack, of interest in educa-
tional matters during the first hundred years of colonial venture.
The establishment of Presb3'terian Parish Schools in Scotland
well toward the close of the seventeenth century signified the
timorous beginnings of a system of public education.
Patience, tolerance and lenienc}- must find excuses for the
rather narrow attitude of our early pioneers. Laxity in educa-
tional advancement may be partially condoned in the period of
adaptation and readjustment. Surely, their fine zeal in religion
and industry tended to make amends for the lack of pedagogical
procedure, and they were not far behind the rest of the country
in culture.
The first account of a schoolmaster in Pennsylvania appears
in the records of the Upland Court, March 22, 1679. Edmund
I>aughton brought suit against Duncan (Dunk) Williams for
two hundred guilders for wages after he had completed his part
of a contract to teach Williams' children to read the Hible.
Draui^hton. the teacher, won the suit and received his wages.
I'^nder Penn's "Frame of Governient" education was recog-
nized and measures provided for the encouragement of public
schools and the Friends (Quakers) were undoubtedly early advo-
cates for education in Bucks County.
By the laws passed before Penn left England in 1682 it was
provided "That all children within the province of the age of
twelve years, shall be taught some useful trade or skill, to the
end none may be idle, but the poor may work to live, and the rich,
if they become poor, may not want."
That Penn realized that the success of his "holy experiment"
would be determined by the intelligence of those dwelling within
the colon}- is made clear by legislative enactment. In Chester,
December 10, 1682, he caused it to become a binding custom that
the laws of the province be one of the books taught in the schools
of said province and territory thereof.
Provincial legislation entrusted the education of youth to
various religious denominations and private agencies. Friends
Public School and the Philadelphia Academy were the only two
educational institutions that had received public recognition in the
form of charters prior to the revolution. It is quite likely that
governmental interest in education did not extend beyond the ex-
pressed desire to protect the property of incorporated educational
bodies. Reading from Smith : Laws of Pennsylvania, I, 382, and
act of March 12. 1772, states: "Be it enacted. That if any person,
or persons . . . shall maliciously and voluntarily burn the State
House of this province ... or any church ... or any academy
or school house or librar}', belonging to any body politic or incor-
porate, and shall be thereof legally convicted, every such person,
or persons, shall suffer death without benefit of clerg\'."
Section 44 of The Constitution of 1776 provided that "A
school or schools shall be established in each county by the Legis-
lature for the convenient instruction of youth, with such salaries
to the masters ])aid by the public as may enable them to instruct
youth at low i)rices, and all useful learning shall be encouraged
and promoted in one or more universities."
In the Constitution of 1790 there appeared a clause provid-
ing for the education of the ])Oor without charge. Upon this not-
able measure was laid the foundation for the creation in later
years of the whole public school structure.
The early schools in Pennsylvania, including those of Bucks
County, were, for the most part, of the parish type. With an
arrangement of this nature the inference immediately follows
that under church control and management there would be asso-
ciated a decidedly religious pervading influence. The Quakers,
Presbyterians, Mennonites, Lutherans, and Catholics, all sup-
ported schools as an adjunct to their church. It was the desire
of each sect and nationality to preserve the language, customs,
and creeds of the lands from which they had emigrated. The
parish system yielded slowly to the coming of the first secular
or publicly sponsored schools. These institutions, sometimes re-
ferred to as "neighborhood schools", were established to provide
educational facilities for those who wished to avoid sectarian in-
fluences, or who lacked funds to pay for their tuition.
The opening years of the nineteenth century revealed a
change in sentiment toward both schools and teachers. Recovery
following the devastating ravages incident to the War of Inde-
pendence may have proved conducive to a changed feeling. Much
of the indifl'erence and antipathy exhibited toward educational
advancement among the poorer classes had disappeared. Hitherto,
many of the poorer people had scorned education and schools
because of cruel pauper laws. Some religious sects looked upon
the acquisition of knowledge as a distinct evil. They felt that
education was a form of w^orldliness. and "to turn worldly" was
a procedure to be avoided. The teacher who worked and lived
among these people was often a social outcast. The instruction
of youth at that time did not compare with the attainments of
those who ridicule and endure being designated as "shiftless", or
a man with "notions". Especially true were these accusations in
remote areas. Now the teaching profession took on a new dignity.
Individuals better qualified began looking to this new vocation as
a means of livelihood. Thus, was the tone of instruction elevated,
and similarly were cultural attitudes improved.
Early in the nineteenth century sentiment began to form and
crystallize toward the enactment of measures leading to a system
of popular public school education. During this time leading citi-
zens of Bucks County, co-operating with other public spirited
individuals all over the state, had been discussing with great
earnestness some sort of legislative action to outline a compulsory
system of public education. In 1831 it was found that only a
trifle more than fifty per cent of Pennsylvania's 400,000 children
were attending school. Neighboring states already had initiated
steps for free education, and civic pride had become an impelling
force to lift the stigma placed upon the sluggish inertia of Penn-
In 1834:, during the administration of Ciovernor George Wolf,
a legislative act was passed making provision along general lines
for a system of public schools. The acceptance of the provisions
in this act was not of an obligatory nature upon any township.
It was left to the pleasure of each school district to act with dis-
cretionary power. In the beginning more than a little opposition
developed to any system of education that required for its support
the payment of taxes by the general public. It is quite likely that
this adverse attitude developed among those who had no children.
and were forced to contribute to those who had.
The new law provided for a state-wide election to select the
first school directors. Each district had the privilege of declining
to assume responsibilties the law imposed. In T.ebanon County
not one district accepted the new law. In Bucks County there
were thirty districts. Eight accepted and seventeen rejected the
progressive venture. The remaining districts failed to vote. With
this unconvincing expression of Bucks County sentiment little
advancement could be expected.
After 1800 schools of this type gradually spread throuohout
the State, and became very numerous after 1850 As evidence
of this widespread development, a long list of advertised schools
has been assembled, almost entirely from newspapers in various
])arts of the State.
Mulhcrn— "A Hist, of Sec. in Pa.", p. 264.
1 he ])eriod in which the high school made its app,earance in
Pennsylvania was one of great economic expansion and achieve-
ments. It was a period when the interest in the economic re-
sources of the State, which liad been increasing for fifty years,
had blossomed into an unbounded popular confidence in the untold
possibilities of the new land. America suddenly Ijecame the land
of opportunity.*
Everywhere, machinery and improved methods of transport-
ation were changing the whole face of society and the old modes
of life.-*
The industrialization t.f the State created on the one hand
a relatively few ultra-rich and a numerical preponderance of
manual representatives. Between the impoverished existed many
degrees of wealth, and many distinctions based upon earthly pos-
The factory system oi production, which increased so tre-
mendously the population of urban centres, brought with it new
social problems.
Child labor in factories brought its attendant evils and vag-
rant children of the poor became a problem of huge social propor-
tions. From an educational standpoint, the most significant
development, however, was the rise of an organized workingman's
party for the attainment of the political rights of labor in a
democratic society.***
As a means to the securing of their purposes the l^iion re-
sorted to political measures, resolving only to su]iport those candi-
dates for public offices who would uphold the interests of the
working classes. Prominent among the demands of the labor
partv was that of a demand for a State system of public
By 1830, organized labor had cast aside the old political al-
legiances and, as a new political party, demanded those rights
which to them seemed to be essentially implied in the principles
of democratic government. In 1880, the representatives of labor,
in an address to the working-men of the State, remarked :
The main ])illar of our system is general education: for it is
an axiom no longer controverted, that the stability of a re]nil)lic
* MLilhorn — .\ Hist, nf Sec. lul. in Pa., p. a^g.
** I l,id., p. 443
*** I l)id., p. 446
**** I bid., p. 448
depends mainly upon the intelligence of its citizens . . . that an
early and suitable education for each child is of primary import-
ance in maintaining the public weal.
It is now fort}' years since the adoption of the constitution
of Pennsylvania, and although that instrument strongly recom-
mends that provision be made for the education of our youth at
public expense, yet during that long period has the salutary and
]:)atriotic obligation been disregarded by our legislative author-
ity. . .
It is true, that some attempts have been made to remedy the
omission in two or three districts of the State, but they have
proved ineffectual. The very spirit in which these provisions
have been made not only defeats the object intended, but tends
also to draw still broader the line of distinction between the rich
and the poor. All who receive the limited knowledge imparted
bv tlie present system of public education are looked upon as
paupers. . . . The spirt of independence and of feeling in which
all participate, cause the honest and industrious poor to reject a
proffered bounty that connects with its reception a seeming dis-
grace. ....
All must be aware of the necessity of the prompt interfer-
ence of the people in behalf of those cardinal principles of repub-
lican lil;erty which were declared in '76, and whic]-; can only be
sustained by the adoj^t-on of an ample system of public instruc-
tion, calculated to impart equality as well as mental culture — the
establishment of institutions where the cliildren of the poor and
the rich may meet at that period of life, when the pomp and cir-
cumstance of wealth have not engendered pride; when the only
distinction known will be the celebrity each may acquire by their
acts of good fellowship. . . The objection that the children of
the wealthy will not be sent to these school'^, is one of minor im-
pcjrtancc. f )ur main object is to secure the benefits of education
for who would otherwise be destitute, and to place them
mentally on a level with proverty is not a crinie, neither is wealth
a virtue. Mcrluuiic's Free Press, July 10, 18;}0, 1-2.
(Mulhern's "A History of Secondary Education in Pennsyl-
vania", pp. 449-450.)
In j^revious references have been enumerated power tul fact-
ors that (H(l much to hinder consohdation of communal educational
interests, prior to the adoption of the free school law of 1834.
The parish type of school had come into existence centuries before
out of the intolerance and bigotry of the middle ages. Centuries
of reform, however, had modified and softened many of the
antagonisnis caused by conflicting civic and religious viewpoints.
Still such a system had several weaknesses or faults not compat-
ible with the ideals and best interests of the new democracy.
Where beneficent church influence was lacking, there were the
advantages of educational acquisition to a large degree denied.
Another element of the population that hesitated in giving
encouragement and support to the new movement was an aggre-
gation of all creeds and nationalities who objected to additional
taxation. Several factors were involved in this non-cooperative
attitude. They may briefly be summarized as folkAvs :
1. The right of government to levy taxes had not yet been
2. equanimity of opinion was lacking the tax levy
itself. Some deplored what was termerl inequality in proposed
tax assessments.
3. Complete altruism was kicking. Families with no children
contended that injustice j^revailed when they were compelled to
pav a school tax. while others, with onlv one or two children,
insisted that disproportion dominated when tliey had to pay as
much, or more, than families with several children, and perhaps
no taxaljlc real estate
4. invoked in moral darkness were individuals who argued
that education of the masses would invite discontent and perhaps
incite to revolution. 0])ponents maintained that a broadening
scope of intellectual achievement would cause men to develop
exalted estimates of personal worth, and the class of common
laborers, so neccssarv for the menial tasks about the farm, would
ultimately disai)pear.
I'v this time the oi)i)osition to the Act of 1834 had assumed
the character of open hostility. The controversy waxed hot in
a frenzy of excitement and open defiance to authority. Finally, a
crisis was reached. A move was launched to have the act re-
Now came family cjuarrels and commvmity feuds. Citizens
took sides. Some favored the retention of the act, but many
were outspoken against the new law. Into politics drifted the
issue, ^ilen were elected or defeated for the State Legislature on
the stand they took concerning the free school dispute.
Those who favored the Act of 1884 were not submissive
under the sting of opposition. Societies were organized all over
the state for the purpose of enlisting adherents for a sound, com-
pulsory, free public school law. By these advocates pamphlets
were sent into the homes, and local meetings were addressed by
proponents of the law. Thaddeus Stevens of Adams Coimty and
Samuel Breck of Philadelphia, with the aid and encouragement
of George Wolf, led the crusade for the schools. In Bucks County
the Reverend G. W. Ridgeley assisted by many leading citizens
espoused the movement in favor of the new law. A reply ac-
knowledging the receipt of one of the pamphlets descriptive of
the work being done in Bucks County was received from ex-
President Madison. Its content is revealed among other com-
munications herein listed.
As the time arrived for a hearing on the School Bill during
the 1835-36 session of the Legislature, both the House and the
Senate were in violent commotion due to heated debate and excite-
ment. The Senate promptly took action leading to the repeal of
the Act of 1834. The House was expected to concur in the
precedent set by the superior body. Dbubtless, this would have
occurred had it not been for Thaddeus Stevens. Near the close
of the debate he arose to face his colleagues and an unfriendly
crowd in the galleries. His address was an admirable plea for
the cause of democracy and free education. His audience was
thrilled and impressed by the soundness of his reasoning and the
pathos of his appeal for the educational rights of the poor. The
tide of sentiment against the law was turned and the House re-
fuccd to repeal the School .\ct. The Senate in due time reversed
its position. Thaddeus Stevens had saved the Public School Act
of 1834.
The remarkable feature about the speech of Thaddeus Ste-
vens is the impression it produced when delivered. In 1835 there
was no stenographer in either house of the Legislature Some
hours after the deHvery of the speecli an atten;pt was made to
report it from memory, hut the written speech is said to convey
very httle of the power of the words as they fell from the orator's
lips. The speech, heauti fully printed on silk, was presented to
Stevens by some school men of Reading, and was probably kept
by him as a relic to the day of his death. He considered it the
most efifective speech he had ever made, and styled it the 'crown-
ing utility" of his life. At another time he remarked that he
should feel himself abundantly rewarded for all his efforts in
behalf of universal education if a single child educated by the
Commonwealth should drop a tear of gratitude on his grave.
(Pennsylvania — A History — X'olume HI, 1346. Editor-in-
Chief, George P. Donehoo, Former Secretary of the Pennsylvania
Historical Commission and State Librarian.)
In order that this outstanding address may enjoy additional
publicity it is herewith copied and submitted for analysis and
.... At a critical point in the proceedings the member from
Adams County, Thaddeus Stevens, spoke with a cogency that pro-
duced an immediate efifect and that permanently linked his name
with the public school system in the Commonwealth. He said :
"Air. Speaker: I will briefly give you the reasons why I shall
oppose the repeal of the school law. This law was passed at the
last session of the Legislature with unexampled unanimity : but
one member of the House voting against it. It has not yet come
into operation, and none of its effects have yet been tested by
experience in Pennsylvania. The passage of such a law is en-
joined by the Constitution and has been recommended by every
Governor since its adoption. Much to his credit, it has been
warmly urged by the present Executive in all his annual mes-
sages delivered at the opening of the Legislature. To repeal it
now, before its practical effects have been discovered, would argue
that it contained some glaring and pernicious defect : and that the
last legislature acted under some strong and fatal delusion, which
blinded every man of them to the interests of the Commonwealth.
1 will attemjit to show that tlie law is salutary, useful and inijxir-
tant and that consequently the last Legislature acted v.isely in
passing, and the present would act unwisely in repealing it; that.
instead of being oppressive to the people it will lighten their bur-
den, while it elevates them in the scale of human intellect. . . If
an elective republic is to endure for any great length of time,
every elector must have sufficient information, not only to accu-
mulate wealth and take care of his pecuniary concerns, but to
direct wisely the Legislature, the Ambassadors, and the Executive
of the nation; for some part of all these things, some agency in
approving or disapproving them, falls to every freeman. If then
the permanency of our government depends upon some knowledge,
it is the duty of the government to see that the means of inform-
ation be diffused to every citizen. This is a sufficient answer
to those who deem education a private and not a public duty ; who
argue that they are willing to educate their own children, but not
their neighbor's children.
"Many complain of the school tax, not so much on account
of its amount as because it is for the benefit of others and not
themselves. This is a mistake. It is for their own benefit, inas-
much as it perpetuates the government and insures the due admin-
istration of the laws under which they live, and by which their
lives and property are protected. Why do they not argue the
same objection against all other taxes? The industrious, thrifty,
rich farmer pays a heavy county tax to support criminal courts,
build jails, and pay sheriffs and jail keepers, and yet probably he
never has had and never will have any direct personal use for
either. He never gets the worth of his money by being tried for
a crime before the court, allowed the privilege of the jail on con-
viction, or receiving an equivalent from the Sheriff and his hang-
men officers. He cheerfully pays the tax which is necessary to
support and punish convicts, but loudly complains of that which
goes to prevent his fellow-being from becoming a criminal and to
obviate the necessity of these humiliating institutions. . . . Why
shall Pennsylvania now repudiate a system which is calculated to
elevate her to that rank in the intellectual which, by the blessing
of Providence, slie holds in the natural world to be the keystone
of tin- arch, tlic very first among her ecjuals? I am aware, sir, how
difficult it is for the great mass of ])eoiile wlio have never seen
this system in operation to understand its advantages. lUit is it
not wise lo let it go into full operation, to learn its results from
cxi)erience? 'I^hen, if it proves useless and burdensome, how easy
to repeal it. I know how large a portion of the community can
scarcely feel any sympathy with or understand the necessities
of the poor; or appreciate the exquisite feelings which they enjoy,
when they see their children receiving the boon of education and
arising in intellectual superiority above the clogs which hereditary
poverty had cast upon them. It is not wonderful that he whose
fat acres have descended upon him from father to son in unbroken
succession should never have sought for the surest means of allev-
iating it. Sir, when I reflect how apt hereditary wealth, heredi-
tary influence, and perhaps, as a consequence, hereditary pride.
are to close the avenues and to steel the heart against the wants
and rights of the poor, I am induced to thank my creator for
having, from early life, bestowed on me the blessing of proverty.
Sir, it is a blessing, for if there be any human sensation more
ethereal and divine than all others, it is that which feelingly sym-
pathizes with misfortune.
"But we are told that his law is unpopular, and that the
people of the State desire its repeal. Has it not always been so
with every new reform in the condition of man? Old habits and
old prejudices are hard to be removed from the mind. Every new
improvement which has gradually been leading man from the
savage through the civilized up to the highly cultivated state, has
required the most strenuous and often perilous exertions of the
wise and good. But. sir, much of this unpopularity is chargeable
upon the vile arts of unprincipled demagogues. Instead of at-
tempting to remove the honest misapprehensions of the people,
they cater to their prejudices and take advantage of them to gain
low, dirty, temporary, local triumphs. Unfortunately, almost the
only spot on which all parties meet in union is the ground of com-
mon infancy. I have seen the chief magistrate of this Common-
wealth violently assailed as the projector and father of this law.
I am not a eulogist of that gentleman ; he has been guilty of many
deep, political sins. But he deserves the undying gratitude of the
people for the steady untiring zeal which he has manifested m
favor of the common schools. I will not say that his exertions in
that cause have covered all, but thev have atoned for man}- of
his errors. I trust that the people of this State will never be called
upon to choose l)etween a supporter and an opposcr of free
schools. P)Ut if it should come to thai, if that should be made
the turning- point on which we are to cast our suffrages, if the
opponent of education were my most mtimate personal and poli-
tical friend, and the free school candidate my most obnoxious
enemy, I should deem it my duty as a patriot at this moment of
our intellectual crisis to forget all other considerations, and T
should place myself unhesitatingly and cordially in the ranks of
him whose banner streams in light."
Due to the lack of compulsory measures in the Bill, the Act
of 1834 did little to improve education in Pennsylvania. Many
of the districts were cool to its inherent benefits, and where active
agreement did not exist, sometimes indifference prevailed. These
districts failed utterly to take advantage of an unfolding oppor-
tunity to improve their public schools.
For a number of years education lagged. Backward com-
munities lacked the facilities to educate their youth. In other sec-
tions where initial steps had been taken toward an improved gen-
eral instruction the efforts were characterized by ineft'iciency and
uncoordinated objectives. Finally, the apparent evil of this lack
of educational advantages in Pennsylvania brought unpleasant
notoriety and ridicule from outside.
AgaiiL Thaddeus Stevens and others came to the rescue. In
1849 they succeeded in having the State legislature pass a mea-
sure compelling the adoption of the school law by every commun-
ity in the State. In 1854 and 1857 supplemental legislation
strengthened previous acts and caused the compulsory phases of
school attendance to have enforceable merit.
As may be expected, it required a number of years to perfect
even a moderately efficient system. The lack of efficient teachers
was all too noticeable, the buildings were poor, the books anti-
quated, and the equipment obsolete. Inadequate funds had a deter-
ring influence. There was no method of organization and man-
agement and animosity to a large degree was aroused. All of
these adverse situatif)ns had to be overcome.
I. II. I foffman. i)resent Superintendent of Schools of Bucks
County, lias kindly aided the writer in having done for him cer-
tain rcsearrh work covering the period of educational unrest, 1834-
3(). I'or lliis valual)le assistance, due recognition and thanks are
herewith accorded.
covsry vvimac schools 31
Old copies of the Rucks County Intelligencer reveal that its
columns were open avenues of expression for both hostile groups.
Occasionally the Editor felt constrained to admonish contributors
to observe an attitude of fitness in their remarks and appeals, and
not to advance inimical phrases under cover of unauthorized
^luch of this material coming from a century or more of
past shows the intensity of thought prevailing at the time. In
order tliat the reader of today may share in this ancient pervading
influence without too much personal effort, the writer has com-
bined herewith material copied from the papers of an earlier day.
Time of publication would seem to be the logical determining
factor in arrangement.
Mr. Editor: — There is a subject in which I think it of great
importance that those who control the American Press should
take a much greater interest than they 'lo. I mean that of "Popu-
lar Education".
You gentlemen of the Editorial fraternity, tell us, that public
intelligence and virtue constitute the two main pillars of Repub-
licanism, and when we inquire into your political creeds, we find
that you are Republicans, to a man. Now if any class of our
citizens can exert a controlling influence over the rest, you are
that class. Your hands are upon the lever of Archimedes. You
occasionally give an abundant proof, that upon any subject on
which, you combine your strength. )-ou can "move the world".
And yet, it does not appear to me, that with all this power in your
possession, perfectly susceptible of being wielded against the worse
of social evils. Ignorance, very little is done by the American Edi-
torial cor])s, for the cause of educatitMi. I have not a doubt, that
if half a dozen of the leading newspapers of the Ignited States
would give themselves to this noble foundation deep in the affec-
tions of the American people, and extend its blessings to the most
destitute sections of our country, tlicy would product^ tin- most
salutar\- results upon that de])artm('nt of our social interests, the
reformation of which would reform all the rest.
If \iiu ask mc what can be done under such circumstances.
niv an-^wcT would l:c. that I rfallv cannot tell. I'.ut 1 would ask
whether a meeting of the friends of education in this County (all
sects and parties) might not be called. They could at least take
into consideration the state of education in Bucks, and if it were
deemed expedient, they could call a State Convention of the
friends of education in this Commonwealth, at Harrisburg, whose
influence would be felt throughout all our borders, and be a bless-
ing to generations unborn.
There was an attempt made to procure such ? meeting in this
county some two years ago. It failed from very peculiar circum-
stances. It is hoped that those who were then interested in it
would be glad to see the elTort revived.
Signed : G. W. R.
Fellow Citizens: — 1 am friendly to universal education and
cannot be other than gratified that the Penns\'lvania Legislature
have at last awakened to the subjc't.
The first glance at the contemplated system exhibits a promi-
nent feature, leading to the deve.ojDment of those less conspicu-
ous, and among them we cannot but ])erceive a sweeping denunci-
ation of those who have borne the liurdcn of the day in teaching
the youth.
1 am aware we are constitutionally obligated to educate all
the people and that exce]it this obligation is honestly complied
with free representative government cannot be permanent.
Adopt this bill and you exclude from the profession of teach-
ing, humble as it is, the graduates of colleges of other states and
from a partici])ation in the scanty pittance of a school teacher's
emolument : }-ou also exclude the taleiited from the states, who
occasionally use the "stepping stone" to qualify themselves for
what the world calls higher employment.
Can such selfish policy be called "Rejniblicanism" ? Now we
are on the "stepping stone", permit me to remark upon a few of
the elements who have been similarh- orcu]Med.
I 'resident .\dams, Sanniel Crawford. Daniel Webster and
Samuel Southard. Let them not despise the "stepping stone" as
the teacher's profession is humorously styled.
T would advise those college gentry who have once used the
"ste])ping stone" to divest themselves of false shame, and instead
of attempting to dishonor that whicli caused and aided their eleva-
tion. I would have them admit the fact, that a great proportion
of the present teachers of common schools are as competent to
teach as an e(|ual numher of graduates ;md that tlie circumstance
an 1 vv-ants of peoi)le considered, they will ]ierform their duties as
efficaciously The teachers will he whatever the peoi)le wish them
to he, and as money in this free county is the criterion of respect-
ahility and the i)assi)ort to fame, men of true honor ma\ he re-
tained as Aveil without the ]M-e])arator\- course recommended by
the Committee, and rather because time must elapse before this
can g(f into operation, whereas, now talented men will engage in
?inv honorable pursuit, ])rovidel ample remmierrition is afforded.
The bill provided that the teachers who a^'e to be. shall teach
two entire vears in their own neighliorhood. W'Jiy tliis? If those
gentlemen are men of "true honor"" will the\ not make teaching
a j^ermane'it profess'on. withoin b(Mng C(.nii)e'led hv law.
The bill presents another as]ject :— the ajiiiointment of school
inspectors to give a friendly call and rejjort the progress of in-
struction and for the examination of ieachers.
1 have remarked elsewdiere that the teacher is whatever the
peo])le wish him to be in regards to morals and science. Idiough
this >tate is not so ])rolific as some others in gentlemen of scien-
tific iri formation. \ et doubtless it jjossesses a sufficiency of highly
talented and i)rofessional gentlemen wdio wotd 1 undertake the su-
perintendence of school districts.
Al_\- maxim is. induce the ])eople to be!ie\-e that "good instruc-
tion is better than riches"" and then, an "old sclioohnaster"' will
riot l>e re])roached. It is to be api)rehended that the sublimit}- of
])olitics has too much engrossed the popular attention to engage
them energetically in defence of a project of their amehdration.
Signed : " liensalem"".
r.LTKS L()L'.\T\' lXTFdJJ(;b:.\'("bl^. .May 2(\. ls:M.
liducation : At a meeting of t!ic friends ot' eihv.-aiiou hc-b
at the Academy in Xewtown. on the Kith insi.. lames W'ortli
Esq.. was called to the L'hair. and Dr. lohn 11. ( iordon was aji
])oiiited Secretary; after a free discussion, the following resolu-
tions were unanimously adopted : —
Whereas the suhject of popular instruction is one in which
America has a deep interest, and every year furnishes new evi-
dence of its im]:)ortance to this countr) , and, wdiereas, it is in
the power of every citizen to aid in the promotion :
Therefore: Resolved, that the friends of this cause, in
Rucks County, he invited to meet at this place on Saturday, the
7th of June, at one o'clock P. M., for the puroose of concerting
measures t»^ interest the community more deeply in its hehalf.
Resolved : that a Committee he appointed to prej^are and
report to that Meeting a plan in wduch persons of all parties and
denominations may unite for the accomplishment of this important
Resolved: That Phineas Jenks Josliua Mitchell, John Stew-
art. G. W. Ridgely, John Vardley, Aaron Feaster aufl John H.
Gordon, be that (A)mmittee — the Committee to meet in this place
on the 30th inst. (Sat.) at 2:00 o'clock P. ^\
Resolved : That the ]>roceedings of this meeting lie signed by
the Chairman and Secretary and published in the ])a])ers of the
J. TT. (lordon. Secretary James Worth. L'hairman.
To the Societ}' of Friends ; also, to the Inhabitants of Buck-
ingham, generally: It is scarel\- possible that laws should be
made with complete adaption to the wants, or situation of all,
who thev are intended to benefit; and my eye rests upon one class
of tlie community, differing in some of their views frotu others.
! mean the .Society of h^riends, who would do well to enrjuire.
now tlie law for general education will operate on the interests
of the .Societ}- within the limits of the State of Pennsylvania.
It i<. well known that in divers situations, both in towns and
count)-, that this ])eo])Ie ha\e set a])art a i)()rtion of tlieir sub.-.tance
for a fund for the ^up])ort of schools and the education of their
children, tlie interest of which is to be ai)i>bed to those purposes,
and also thev contribute their portion to the education of those
whom tlie law makes it a duty to i)rovide an education for. as
also those who are in want, the indigent of their own Society, are
not allowed to be a burden to those who are not in commission
with them. Those matters present a claim for consideration,
which it is hoped will have due weight, when the plan is ripening
for tl'.e accommodation of the general public — and the justice
of the Legislature will keep an ear open if anytliing like oppres-
sion shcudd approach the borders of the Society. These are im-
portant items in contemplating jjublic expenditure, if any mode
can be devised so that their own funds can be availa1)!e to exoner-
ate them from a double portion of the burden of education, it
might place them on equitable ground. At least it is worthy of
respectful consideration by those who are situated, the law should
l>e carefully investigated, and be well understood before it comes
into o]:)eration.
The inhabitants of the townshiij of Buckingham generally,
are also perhaps, peculiarly situated. They have an act of incor-
])oration for the purpose of a school under the title of "The
Hughesian Free School", for the education of the indigent of
the townshi]) and have certain valuable property, the bequest of
a respectable individual, of liberal views, for the establishment
of a free school on the most disinterested plan, consisting of a
good farm of about ninety acres, and from six to nine thousand
dollars in money; when, the whole shall become available can be
applied to the purpose of etlucation, and comes to be wholly imder
the control of the trustees, will be considered a valuable bequest
to aid the education of those it was intended for. These things
are thought to be proj^er objects tor consideration of the inhabit-
ants of the township generally, and also of the Society of Friends
as the interests of each may be involved, as to require some care
to extricate them from the general interest of the commnnit}'.
Idle time is a])proaching when the inhabitants wdl be called
upon to act: and it would be right to b,e ])rei>arc(l to act under-
standingl\- u])on the subject; it ma\- be a good law in the general,
and for the common purjtose it was intended to conclude: but
ma_\- not be adapted to our situation. And we as a ])ortion of that
comminiit\- intended to be benefited are entitled to some consider-
ation, in tlie general plan to be adojtted under the Law for the
education of tlu' children of the ."^tate of I 'einisylvania.
Signed : "A (."itizen".
INir. Editor : — Your last paper contains an article signed "A
Citizen", in which the writer intimates that the Education Law,
which has occupied so many of your columns, is not, in all re-
spects, suited to the circumstances of some of the people of
Pennsylvania, because they have been accustomed to make some
provision for the instruction of their own juvenile population. He
particularly mentions the Society of Friends, and the township of
Buckingham. He states that there are many schools and literary
institutions supported by members of that society in different
parts of Pennsylvania ; and thinks that unless the Legislature will
make allowance for the money thus voluntarily given to tlie cause
of education, the law will operate unec[ually. Xo one would be
more read)' to award to the Society of Friends that credit which
is their due. on this score, than the writer of the i)resent communi-
cation. 1 very much question., however, whether on examination.
Friends will be found to have done more for their own people
(so far as giving the instruction is concerned) than most of our
other Christian denominations. Besides many schools of an in-
ferior grade, almost all of them have one or more colleges, sup-
])orted jirincipally, if not exclusively, b}- thenLselves.
Xow these institutions are su|>prted n.iainly. if not entirely,
by the denominations, under whose go\'ernment the}- are; and
while the\- are not sectarian at all in character of the instruction
which the\- offer, are open to all persons of anv name who choose
to avail themselves of the advantages they oft'er. This is not the
case (unless I am misinformed^ with the Friends' institution at
Westtown, and near Philadelphia.
The truth is, Sir, that any claim of allowance from public
treasury, on the ])art of any set of citizens, for what they may do,
of have done, for their own young ])eople, would, I should think,
if established, entitle every parent to claim indemnity, for what
he mav have ex])ended. or ma\' design to expend for the educa-
tion of his own children.
Most of oin- denominations ha\e done more or less for the
support and instruction of their own paupers. Any claims arising
frf>m tin- .sort of a])])ro])riation, would (if recognized at all) con-
llict witli the Act, which has been in existence for some years, to
])ro\'idc for the education of "poor children". lUit it would not
touch at all tlie provisions of the law, which established a g'eneral
system of education: and expressly repudiates the indivious dis-
tinction between rich and poor, which constitutes the princi])le of
the former.
Sismed : ""A Fellow CitizeiL"
^.Ir. Kelly: — T have lately read with attention the law to
establish a general system of education by common schools
throughout this Commonwealth, and some of its features, J do
not like, but taking it altogether, I do not know that 1 can
amend it for the better : I therefore have come to the conclusion
for one, to try the experiment, hoping it may succeed. — and as
1 have been making a few calculations relative to the probable
expense it will be to our county to carrv the same into effect, I am
disposed, through the medium of your pa])er, to make them pub-
lic, in order that the tax payers may not be taken by surprise
w hen they are called upon to contribute tlieir respective propor-
For the last three }ears there has been a County Tax levied
to meet the cm"rent expen-;es of the count\ amounting to some-
thing more than $28,000. Of this sum there has been annually
appropriated f(jr the schooling of poor children an average sum
of $3,000.
]\y the new law it is contemplated that each townslii]) and
l)orough comi)ose a school district and that each district shall con-
tain a sutl'icient number of schools for the education of every
child within its limits — those schools are to be taught b\- competent
teachers, employed b_\- the school directors upon liberal salaries.
Xow there are thirt\- townships and boroughs in the county,
and u])on a fair calculation it will re(|uire the average of four
-^ch(Jols to each, which will amount to 120 schools These schools
will recjuire as man_\- teachers : who are employed by the year
upon liberal .salaries, which I will say $27;") each.
Then 23 sa\- 120 schools emi)loying as many teachers, at
$275 each, amounts to the sum of $33,000. Stationery, fuel, etc.,
at the sum of $20 to each school, a sum much too low $2,400.
Estimate expense of 30 delegates at the annual meeting, — say
$100. Then without saying one doUar for the erection of new
school-houses ( and tliere will he many wanted ) we liave the
sum of $35,500. From which sum deduct our county propo^'tion,
which will be about $1,500*. Also the amount heretofore expend-
ed annuall}- for the schooling of poor children $3,000. And we
have left to raise with the countv rates anr] levies the sum of
$31,000. In addition to our former taxes wliich is rather more
than double them.
These are facts 1 wisli the public to Ijc made acquainted with;
and then if satisfied there\\.'ith, no grumi>lin_g thereafter. Let us
give the law a fair trial; but if we adopt the law, let us do it
generally, and not let two or three townshi])s take the whole of
the county dividend.
Signed : "Middleiow n".
*This item is underrated. An abstract from the (Jfficial
Notice of the Secretary of State, states that tlie numlier of tax-
ables in the County of Bucks was 9,076. and that the said County,
if it shall lie organized as a school division agreeablv to the ])rovi-
sions of the Act aforesaid, will be entitled to tlie sum of $10,675.40,
as its portion of the sum apj^ropriated.
Signed : James F"indlay,
Sccrcfarx of the Coiiunou'iccalfh.
Mr. Kelly: — I have heard of a distinguislied member of the
Legislature of our State, who when lie wished to defeat a ImII,
assumed to be its friend and advocated it so strenuously, and with
such apparent sincerity, that he generally succeeded in getting it
aiuended witli extravagant provisions, until it liecame so objec-
tional)lc to its true friends, that not infre(|uentl\-, the original sup-
]K)rters would aliandon it and finalh' vote ;!gainst it. This mav,
or may not be the design of the communication of "Middletown",
in your last ])a])er; who ])rofesses to lie willing to give the School
P.ill a trial, but does not deter, if not to frighten the people from
ado])ting it.
lie says that the cpiota of the school fund a])proi)riation for
Bucks County will be about $1,500, and that the people will have
to raise, by tax, $31,000; which will more than double the county
rales. This, no doubt, is done tor effect, for 1 am sure that tlie
writer must know l)etter.
Xow the ])lain and honest statement of the case is this; —
Uy the Official Notice of the Secretary of State, appended with
the communication in your ])aper, ilie quota is $2,675.40, and all
that the law re(|uires that the ])eople shall raise, by tax, is $5,350.80.
This is evidently different from $31,000. Xow let us i)Ut it
together, and see how it stands : —
The inhabitants of Hacks Count\- will be re(iuired
to raise $5,350.80
They now ]ja}- out of the County Treasury, \early.
according to "Middletown's" own statement, w liich is
raised bv tax 3.000.00
r.alance to be raised $2,350.80
The $3,000 now ])aid out of the County Treasury will Ije
saved to the people, and thus it aj^pears that they have only to
raise $2,350.80. over what they now do. to .get an annuity froiu
the .state of $2,675.-1:0 to helj) them along. This is all they are
obliged to raise — they may raise as much more as the}- see
proper — which is left entirel}- to themselves.
P)Ut let us supijose that they raise the sum of $29,825. which
is his own sum, minus his error, made evident by the note you
appended, and then see if the people increase the burden inijiosed
on them by tlie new arrangement. Oue thing is wish kept in
view — that is, now great number of children are left destitute
of the means of education, — the Covernor of the State sa}S,
more tlian one half.
\',y the last census there are 16,744 white children, in P.ucks
(_"ount\-, between 5 and 20 years of age. which is the ])roper A'ears
for schooling — now take l)Ut the half, for it ha- been estimated
b\- tlie ( io\ernor, that one half of the ]iopulation are destitute of
the means of education, and the minimum price, $2.00 per (|uarler ;
One half of 16,744, equals 8,372
Schooling per year, at $2.00 per ([uarter, equals 8
"Middletovvn's" estimate of the whole expenses for
educating- all the children in the county 20,825
( iain h\- the proposed arrangement $37,151
The calculation might have been made for children between
5 r-ind 15 \ears, as the greater portion leave school after coming
to age. That, however, would just reduce the expenses in
a direct ratio, to the diminished number of scholars, and now take
the w liole at the same rate, for every child ought to have an
education, let the able ])ay for their own, and the county for those
who are destitute oi means, and see what it amounts to. To
come within all proper bounds, T restrict the number of the poor,
made ])aupers, b\' the present s\'stem, to them l^^-tween 5 and 15
Half of the juvenile population to be !)aid bv the able $HH.976
The 5.707 ])oor children, between 5 and 15 vears, to
be educatec! bv the county : 45.656
Thus the sum of $112,632 would be reijuired, under the
present law. to do the poor equal justice: whicdi the Constitution
of our State declares, shall be provided for "gratis", and if we
w ere to restrict the whole number to 15 years, which some ma}'
think is a sutticient term, it would be attended with similar average
results, in regard to numbers and expenses.
Si.\t\-six thousand, nine hundred and sevenly-six dollars are
now paid, and the lowest calculation for the education of one half
the children of the county — leaving out any portion of the
cliildren under five \ ears of age, for many under that age go to
'["Inis, it will l)e seen, that under the jtresen* system, the
citizen^ of the county ])ay, at the lowest calculation. $66,976, for
the educatiou of one half of the children. — a jilain. good educa-
lio.i. would amount, annually to ,S100,000. — And yet from
"Middletown's" own statement, wdiich I believe pretty fair, and
luade large enough to serve his pur])ose, the people pay more than
double, for the education of one half of the childrcMi in the county,
than would be sufficient, according to "Middletown's" estimate,
C'UCNTN' Pl'Bl.lC snioo'.s 41
U) give the wlio'e juvenile populatior. a good education -- the
most de-^irahle boon and tlie greatest I)lessing, that can l)e con-
ferred upon the human family.
Mere, then, it ajjpears, the people i)ay, already, enough to
'-ustain, nay, to d(iul)le, and perhaps, to treMe the school establish-
ments estimated b}' "Middlctown", if necessary; which would ac-
commodate all, if they attended at the same time, wdiich i> far
from being common.
The School is not such a monster as some persons wish
to make it appear. It virtually does not tax the people, but reduces
it. their actual taxes: — gives their own famil\' an education for
one half what they now pay. and gets schooling for the more un-
fortunate, in the bargain. ( "ome friends, let u> economize, and we
shall alwa\s have sufficient for ourselves, and enough to helj) our
neighbors along, from what conimonh' is wasted. T>et us remove
the load from the unfortunate man., and relieve liim the hard
ueces>it\- of going to the commissioner^ and begging to grant his
children a few months' education, or see then-, degraded in ignor-
ance, us open the most efficient source of education and let
its benign streams llow over our countr\- as freel\- as the balmy
breezes of life. Education is the life of the intellect, as religion
i^ of the soul. W h\- seal u]) either, or make it a matter of price,
when with less eft'ort we can ha\e it as free as the winds of
i kaven.
Signed: "Hilltown".
r.L'CKS a)L-.\TV l.\TRLl.I(;bA'( l':i<, Sept. 6, 183-1.
Air. hjlitor:- I saw in the la>t number of the Tntelligencer.
a write-u]) uncjer the signature of "Miildletown", wdio professes
to be favorable to the Educational Law-, recently enacted: wdio en-
deavors to make the imiression uyou the public, that the amount
of tax which it re(|U.ire> of this county, will be found to be, the
enormous sum of S-")l,()()(). Mow an intelligent reader of tlu' law-
could ha\e made aiu such mistake, 1 cannot imagine The countx
will be re(|uired to raise, by tax, only twice the amount which it
receives from the Legislature: and a note appended to the very
article of "Middletown's" states the amount, awarded to Lucks
County to be $2675.40. This statement is sui)i)t)rted by the official
signature of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. I hope you
will not silkier so false an idea to be circulated through the medium
of }()ur paper, just on the eve of election ; hv which your fellow
citizens are to decide, whether the benefits of this important enact-
ment are to be secured to this county, or whether we are forever
to remain in the deplorable state in which we now are, in these
respects. It is true the law is not all that we could w^ish, perhaps.
It would be strange if the very first attemjjt at legislation, on the
subject, should be perfect. But let us adopt it. — ^^'e can modify
the system, as exj^erience shall throw light upon it, hereafter. Xo
individual or denomination should suffer private conveniences to
interfere with the best interests of the country. — It is a mistake,
to supjKjse that the welfare of the State is not of every class of
its citizens. T am afraid that there are some of our fellow citizens
who are in danger of being dehuled on this sultject.
Signed: "Honestv, The r)est Policv."
Letter to Editor : — People attend : — The day is rapidly ap-
proaching when one of the greatest boons — the greatest blessing
that government can bestow upon a ])eople, will be offered for
their acce])tance. Look to it ye who are ambitious of giving your
children a good education. The object of the law is to give the
])oor a chance for an education, — of letting the humble have an
opportunity of rising out of their obscurit}'. Its object is to
abolish all arbitrary dift'erences of rank and station — to bring the
rich and ]U)or into c!ose communion with each other — and to
nurture them u]) to s_\-mpathiy in their feelings and tastes, to regard
the government as only common to Iioth. and one in which they
have ari equal stake, and finally to unite them in a broad union of
affectior, and interest as one ]ieoi)le.
Is this n.ot wortliy of your attention? We true to yourselves
and vote for the sch.ool law.
Sis'ned : "A b'armer."
Mr. Kelly: — The oi>ject of my communication on the subject
of the School Law, two weeks since, was to awaken the minds
of the people and set them to thinking upon the imi)ortanl subject;
and believe it has had that efi'ect. ijut, my friend, for 1 ho])e he
is such, who styles liimselt "ITilltown" has left in an idea that I
wish to "frighten" the ])eo])le from a(loi)ting the T/aw. I'ut, if T
have frightened them with m\' $31,000. for educating all the
children in the county, for one year, his calculation v of $112,632,
will strike them like a claj) of thunder.
Vet it would seem, from reading the tirst i)art of "Hill-
town's" communication, that all we have to do, is to raise a sum
double the county's (juota from the State, viz: $5,350.80
( ounty quota 2,675.40
Together with the amount now expended for school-
ing ]H. or children: 3.000.00
Making the sum of .$11,026.20
And the law goes into complete operation, and our schools are all
open an.d free, to rich and poor. —
Now as "Ililltown" said by me, this must be done for elTect
— for I am sure he knows better — 1 admit, that by raising
double the sum of our county (|UOta from the state, we receive
that quota and th.e law goes into operation — but what kind
of operation? It will su])i)ort our schools about one-third of the
year and d.uring this period we must send our children, let it be
ever so inconvenient, or we derive no benefit from the law. —
And the fair presumption is, that in a majority of cases, except
in villages, our school houses will remain closed during the re-
mainder of the year.
Now this 1/3 or 1/2 way kind of business. 1 have no unit}'
with — and I. nnhesitantly say. unless we are to have our schools
open at all times, we ma\ send our children when we ])lease,
and most of us will send them a> much as possible, when we pay
no more for so doing, than for keeping them at home. 1 am de-
cidedly o])pose(l to the Law : and, in mv ojMnion. it will liav'e no
general good effect, setting aside places of dense ])oi)ulation : where
schools are made up at all times during the year, without diffi-
cultw In other situations it will be very difl'icult to obtain schools
after the ])ublic funds are exhausted, as there will be many indi-
viduals, who. after having sent their children during the free
term, will keep them at home until the next free term arrives, and
those who may be desirous of having their schools open during
the remainder of the year, can only accomphsh it by a heavy ex-
pense, far exceeding- the benefit derived by them from the free
There is another ol:)ject to this half way kind of business.
The schoolmen will have great difficulty in obtaining qualified
teachers, for a fractional part of a year and when they obtain
them in this way. it will onlv be bv heav\- salaries.
Then, as I said in my former communication. I am for going
the "Whole Hog". — Let us give the law a fair trial, and let it
live or die upon its own merits — and. as I do not expect to say
anv more u])on the subject. I will just observe to my "Hilltown"
friend, that he made a much greater mistake, and missed advocat-
ing the cause, farther, when he asserted, that under the "'present
Law", it would require the sum of $112,682 to do the poor equal
justice, in Bucks County, than I did, when I supposed we would
receive about $1,500 from the State instead of $2675.40. — But
T do not wish to dissuade nor encourage — I-et all sec and think
for themselves, on this important subject.
Signed : "Middletown".
Air. Kelly: — "Middletown" represeiUs me in endeavoring to
make the impression upon readers of your newspaper, that 1 con-
sider that the new School Law will require a tax to be raised of
$112,632. to support the school establishments that will be neces-
sary to educate the children of the county.
The estimate was made to show what would be required
under the ])resent law. not the school law, to educate the juvenile
population at the lowest price. Come. Mr. "Middletown". do not
disengenuous — meet the thing fairly. I stated expressly that
the sum would be required, under the "jiresent law",
would be S112,632
Deduct ".Middletown's" estimate of the whole expenses
for educating all the children in the county: 31,000
$ 81,632
nilTerence of cost for educating the children of the county
under the present arrangement, and the new law, which is oflfered
for our acceptance, is $81,632 — more than two-thirds saved by
the new law. Now do you understand ? 1 think that 1 have
made it evident, in mv former communication, that there is, al-
ready, double "Middletown's" estimate expended for the education
of one half of tlie children of the count\ . and that if the jjoor
be educated, which is our duty to do, will require under the
present arrangement, three, nay four times the sum that "Middle-
town"" says will sup])ort school establishments under the new
I do not say that it will require over the $31,000. 1 merely
take "'Middletown" at his own estimate and compare it with what
would be the cost under the present system, at the lowest price —
and show conclusively — that there would lie a saving of $81,632.
The New Law, I re])eat. will reduce individual school tax; enable
us to discharge our duty to our fellow creatures — our obligation
to the Constitution, and in the end, be a great saving to the people
of the county.
Signed : "Hilltown".
Mr. Kelly: — It is gratifying to every reflecting mind, to ob-
serve the excitement for the advancement of Education and the
blessings of equality — the true source of pro]ieritv and hap])i-
Hut while we are giving ourselves up to all the visionarv
ideas which fancy can suggest, or the most fertile imaginatir)n
paint, let us pause and examine, with impartiality and candor,
whether this philanthropic school law, which is calculated to
bring harmony and equality, will accompli'^h so desirable an ol)-
^^'e are told the great ostensible object is, to bring e(|ualit\ .
Certainly this is a desirable object, and well worthy the wisdom
of an enlightened Legislature. ITap])y would it be, had the Legis-
lature so directed that each taxable should jiay as much in projior-
tion. for the monev at interest, bank stock, rents, etc.. as for real
estate. I'.ut un<U-r the ])resent tax gathering system, the capitalist
who ha.s $5000 in hank stock, or at interc-t. jiays $r).00. the farmer
(»r a mechanic for a i)ropcrt\ valued at .$5000 (and ijrobahly in
.!cbt for $3000 of this) pays $15.00 direct and $5.00 state tax,
besides being at the whole expense of keeping the roads in perfect
trim for the gig and carriage of the capitahst — and is now called
upon to pay for his children's schooling. This we are told is to
bring on a system of equality — for the law says that "the ap-
propriations made for the common schools, by the joint com-
mittee, shall be considered part of the authorized estimates of
county ex])enditures, and shall b.e levied and collected in the
usual manner."
Thus, is this glorious system of ec|uality to be fostered by
the industry of the working class. The farmer or mechanic, stag-
gering under the heavy load of interest, must, to keep himself
from falling, keep his children at home to furnish the indolent
and rich, who are l)asking in the sunshine of legislative patron-
age, with the means of education. IJring this law into successful
operation, an.d the citizen who owns pro])erty, for which he is
in debt one half, will stand as fair a chance of being picked,
i)etween interest and taxes, as the head of the husband of two
wives — the younger of whom industriousl}- employed herself
in picking all the grey hairs out of his head : the elder in picking
all the black, b^xtravagant hypothesis.
Though- the pecuniary inequalitv be great, vet ha]ip\' \\'ould
it be. were it the only evil. But evil of a higher nature is feared
in districts where boards of schoolmen will be selected. bA* the
unsuspecting, whose great zeal for humanity will lead them to
blend religious duty with moral and intellectual improvement;
;'nd whose extensive views and infallible judgment will determine
the only true source of eternal felicity. In such districts, should
there an\- .'-o unfortunate be. as to have the audacity to assert the
rights of human nature: the right of thing for themselves in mat-
ters of religion, they must either suffer the children to all evils
of religious fanaticism, or instruct them themselves — while they
are comiielled to pa\- for the general s\-stem of Education.
Thus, ft'llow citizens, will the seeds of State and Church
be >o\vn in the infant minds. Thus will the canker worm be lain
at the yer\ root of the tree of liberty, under whose branches all
recline, and whose refreshing shade all enjoy. I'an you fellow
citizens suiTer a s\stem so unjust, so dangerous?
Think not, sir, that 1 am at war with echication. [-"ar he it
from nic. The indispensible necessity of a general S}steni of
education, so essential to the purity and prosi)erity of a repub-
lican government, that, without it little else than an emptv name
can exist. Hut I am at variance with the ine([nalit\ . b\- which
taxes are gathered: and with the dangerous tendency to the suf>-
version of religious libert\. Till the Legislature shall bring the
tax gathering on an e(|uality and until such provisions le inade.
as to prevent it from becoming sectarian, I shall oppose it —
then vice-versa.
Signed: "Plumstead Plough- I^)Ov".
Editorial Column: — On h'riday next the election for directors
of the schools takes |)lace under the new law. Much excitement
l^revads in some townshii)s res])ecting it and we are inc'ined to
believe several of the townships will choose school directors ad-
verse to its adoption.
In order to furnish our readers with various opinion- on the
subject, we have given an indiscriminate admissiciii into our col-
umns of several communications for and against it.
BL'CKS C()rXT\' IXTl'd.rjCEXCER. Sept. 15. 18:U.
Letter written to the Rev. G. W. Ridgley of P.ucks County,
by ex-l'resident Madison: —
"1 feel the subject of \our ])ami)hlet to be among the most
attractive. es])eciall\- with the elo(|uent and persuasive dress given
to it — Poi)ular lulucation in it.^ fullest extent, being the only
sme basis of a government truly and jifrmanently free.
If knowledge is ])ower, it is not le>s identified with Liberty
itself, fov without it no ])eo])le can long be free. nor. with it other-
It gixe-- me pleasure to find that Pennsylvania from your
printed rejjort i> following the exam])le of diffusing knowledge,
tile more >o, a> her own t'xample will ;dway> be among the most
influential on all important subjects. ""
Note: — Air. Ridgeley had sent ex- President Madison one of
his pamphlets wherein was descrihed the work of educational
propaganda conducted in Bucks County. K. C.
An A])peal to the Poor: — This an era in the annals of I'enn-
syjvania before unknown. r)he\'ing the injunction of our Con-
stitution, our Legislatin-e has wisel\' done it^ duty, in the best
manner ])ossible, tC) "provide for the education of the poor gratis"
and liave framed a law admitting your children into school on
equal terms with }our rich neighbors. Now we call to von united-
ly to support the law. To vote for school directions who will vote
for the adoption of the law. Remember on b'riday next, we
say whether your children shall ha\e learning or not. Remember
the law is not ])ositive, I'ut may be voted down, and to induce you
to vote against it, every means will Ijc tried, ^'ou \\\^.] be told
the law is inconsistent. It is inconsistent with the grovelling
interest of the miser, w b.o would rather see your children in rags
and ignorance than >])are one cent to school them — it is incon-
sistent with the designs of ambitious men v. ho would rather kee])
}"Ou as slaves than see \ou rise one ste]> from ])overt}'. You will
be told that it is arbitrary, and will oj^erate liard on the jioor.
If it be arbitrary to school your cbil,b'e:i at much less cost than
heretofore, it will be so. If it be arbitrary lo ])!ace your children
in sucli condition that their industr\- ma\- raise them to honorable
station, then so is the law. "Knowledge is ])ower"', and, I may
■d(\(\ over wealtli. Ignorance is ]uiverty and degradation.
^'ou will be told that it is an effort t<i bring \ou under jiriest-
craft — weigli this argument and you will soon see its fallacy,
f^riotcraft can have no influence where ])eople arc well informed:
and he that read the history of those countries wd^re it has reigned,
will fmd that in them ])o])ular instruction, the education of the
poor, has ever been neglected. If \-ou want to kee]) this rejniblic
free and independent, vote for the law. If you would o\ertIu"ow
the desires of the ambitious aristocrat, if you would i)ut down all
])robabi!ity of an ox-erthrow of our free go\ernment, xote for
ihe law.
If tile i)oor unite, they can carr\ the law into effect, but \du
ma\- lie as'-ured lliat man\ ricli men, who have no children to
send to scIkjoI. will helj) yon to \ote for school Directors who are
not in favor of the new Law.
Signed : "Mniulns".
A Philadelphia paper contains the following statement re-
speirting tht ahoxc important exactment :- -
"' M\ the Kitli ult. the election for school <lirectors took place
throughout the state, and from all we learn it is highly probable
a majority of the counties have elected directors favorable to the
llill. In one County (Lebanon) opposition directors were elected
in tverv township. In ilerks but two townshi]:)s accepted the law.
.About one-half of the districts in Chester, four in Daujihin, tive
in Ihicks, (there were 8 or 9 with us. I believe) and nearly all in
Delaware, a large number in Cumberland, a majority in Juniata,
nine in Adams, and all in Alifnin.""
This was better, Mr. Editor, than the friends of the law e.x-
pected. considering the misconcei)tions and misrei)resentations
that ha\e been circulated respecting it. It is the best. Sir. that
C(»uld be procured — it will doubtless be modified. It is the sheet
anchor of the State, let us sustain it.
Signed: "b^riend of the Educational Law.'"
The School Law: Wdiile the law was alnmdantly popular
with the great mass of the intelligence of the State, yet. in some
of the more strictly (German counties, it proved especially obnox-
iou-. either through an adversion to its objects, a dissatisfaction
with its provisions, or the misrepresentations of demagogues.
We are happ\ to observe, however, that all the clamor,
genuine and hctitiou-^. which was raised against the law has not
sufficed to defeat it. ])Ut in a great majority of the districts and
the counties, it has been approved by the |)eople. and its provisions
complied with. We have comi)iled the following tahular .state-
ment of ihe counties which have acce])ted or rejected it. The
figures annexed indicate the number of districts that cnucurred
in the decision : —
to 8
to 8
12 to 4
to 3
16 to 1
to 17
to 3
7 to 2
to 2
7 to 1
to 14
to 6
13 to 9
12 to 4
to 11
23 to 6
12 to 10
1 to 5
Apr. 1, 1835.
The School Law and the Public Department : Last fall and
more particularly at the commencement of the present session of
the Legislature a certain set of politicians put on foot a system
of operations to make an impression on the public mind, that Gov-
ernor Wolfe had become unpopular.
They, however, s])oke in the highest terms of his talents and
qualifications for the station "he so ably filled", but regretted that
the School Law and the debt incurred on account of public im-
l)rovements would break him down if renominated. Now the fact
is the School T^w was ])assed unanimoush- by the Legislature and
if Governor Wolfe had thought projier to put his veto upon it.
such interference would not have it going into operation, because
it would have been passed in defiance of his veto.
Many of the men who find mo^t fault with Governor Wolfe,
voted themselves for the ver\' School Law — and yet you hear
tin- cry that the School Law has made Governor W^olfe unpopular.
Messrs. Kelly and Large : — As it is the interest as well as
the pleasure and ambition of Educators to advocate general educa-
tion, I think you have manifested a very indulgent disposition in
admitting to your paper so many communications against the new
School Law, and I think it would l^e justice to give the intentions
of the law and its advocates an equal jirivilege.
.\s I do not feel disposed to write now, I send you the speech
of Mr. Stevens, of our Legislature, in answer to opposition to the
repeal of the law of 1834.
You w ill see that Mr. Stevens takes the same ground in one
of his arguments that I advanced last summer in replying to the
calculations to "Middletown", that it will cost less than half the
sum than is now paid for education — that it will educate all the
children at half the sum now paid by individuals for tlieir im-
mediate families.
Signed: "Hilltown".
'TIere follows the very interesting speech of Thaddeus Ste-
The New School Law Again: — ***** Common sense may
lead us into the path of truth, but it is only well attested exper-
ience that can terminate controversy and satisfactorily solve
mooted questions. And it was on the result of the experiment —
that the warmest advocate of the new School Law were willing to
test their professional opinion in its favor.
***** facts are stubborn things and figures do not lie — I intro-
duce the experience of the good people of Gettvsburg witli the
new School Law.
l-'rom the rejjort of the flirector of tlie free schools of the
borough of Ciettysburg we learn that the\- have six schools in
operation witli 305 ])upils. which are sup])orted at the ex])ense of
$1,298. The ex])ense of educating the same number under the
old i)lan would be $3,050. lie fore the free scliool system was
introduced there, the Directors have ascertained that the numl>er
of children taught was onl\- 135.
Here we see demonstrated by fair experience that education
does not cost one half on the free school system that it did on
the old system. Where is the taxation? If the whole were sent
to school, which the Constitution says shall be provided for, the
amount of tuition for the same children would amount to $3,050.
Where is the taxation, w-e again ask? l/ndcr the free school plan,
the whole of the juvenile population are educated and the unfor-
tunate raised above pauperism.
Will the people of Fmcks County remain wilfully and obstin-
ately blinded upon this important subject, and deprive themselves
of the great benefits of the new school s>stem. Will they still
be unjust to the indigent, without thereby benefiting themselves.
It comports not with their principles of philanthropy and
their reputation of benevolence and of doing as they would be
done by. *=i*** The law has been adopted in nearly all the western
counties, even in the mountainous districts. Go Bucks and do
Signed: "Hilltown".
^Messrs. Editors: — I am glad to see your correspondent "Hill-
town" has the sagacity to put the merits of the new School Law
on its proper basis — Money — Money. This is the all potent
argument. Nothing is so moving as an appeal to the pocket and
every objection to the law will vanish as if by magic, the moment
it is discovered that by it money may be saved. There are men.
and not a few in numbers, to wdiom you may talk loud and long
of patriotism and philanthropy, but they cannot hear, change but
the sul)ject, speak but of money, and in an instant, they are all
ears. Hence the propriety of calling up the question at this time,
since the friends of the new law have it already in their iiower
to use their strong argument in its favor — one alone which
promises to insure its success.
The responsibility of again touching this vexed question
seems now to devolve on the friends of b"^ducation. inasnmch as
there seem^ an unwilHngness so to do. by those of the opposition.
who lately took so valiantly in hand. Where now I nnght ask is
the "Plumstead Plough Boy" with his vice-versa (by the way he
wrote as sensibly as any of them) ? Is not the condition fulfilled?
Has lie forgotten his promise? or has his intellectuality evaporated
through the "soft cap" covering v^diich J am told lie afterwards
assumed. The "Farmer" too, (Though I almost fear to "beard
the lion in his den"). — his fears of religious depotism are, T hope,
allayed since the "obnoxious feature", as it has so often been
termed, the "cloven foot of priestcraft" has been so handsomely
amputated by the Legislature that not even the stump remains.
How it will progress on its remaining members, remains yet to
be seen, though to it, named as it is, its friends will not object —
they will even rejoice, if this one honest fear has been allayed or
its adoption hastened by its mutilation. The\' may. it is true, have
some misgivings, some ideas bordering on the ridiculous ; may
unbidden obtrude themselves when they see teachers undergoing
an examination touching their ability to teach certain branches of
education of which the sapient examiners are themselves most
profoundly ignorant. They will never-the-less as in dut\- bound,
repress these wandering thoughts and with a'l l>ecoming gravity
respond. Amen.
Sir.ce then this irresponsible agency is thus removed, the
"Sectarian domination" escaj^ed, and the wdiole "moral machine"
thrown "forever out of gear", personal property, money at inter-
est, stocks, etc.. taxed for its support, it would seem but fair, that
those who have asked for all this, should by way of acknowledg-
ment give in their allegiance, and lend their aid in the cause of
education, in accordance with their original professions. Last,
thought not least, let me inquire after our friend P. P. P).. who so
long hung in doubt on which side to declare himself. Let me im-
press a hope that his ""convex" and "concave", his diverging and
converging glasses, through which mole hills appeared as moun-
tains in their turn were lost in vacuity. Let me in charity, hope
that these may have given place to plain glasses ( for it would be
a downright insiiuiation to suppose his eyes so young as to be
injured by these ) and that now, di>abused by his spectral illusions,
his eyes are permitted to see many realities, from without the
region of hi^ own ""-.clh^li atmosphere", among the most rons])icu-
ous of which will be found, instead of ;i Law compelling (by a
process at present discovered), the poor who have not the where-
withal, to pay for the education of the rich — he <ees a law for the
united benefit of all, supported by everyone according to his
That he now sees the hereditary chain of "injustice and par-
tiality" broken and "republican simplicity", his darling theme, in-
sured without the severity of the ties of consanguinity. Nay, that
he not only sees "prospects" but actually sees himself "sailing"
(triumphantly) into the desired, the delightful haven of "Repub-
lican Simplicity", his step "stimulated", and his brow enlivened,
— not by "selfishness", but by the more ennobling consciousness ;
that posterity has blessings in reserve, and that peradventure his
own children may even yet be as wise as their fathers.
Signed: "Buckingham".
Dear Editor : — On looking over vour paper of the 2nth, I
had to give full vent to my risible powers on seeing the spirited
manner in which "Buckingham" has been cutting and slashing —
sometimes at the new and sometimes at the different correspond-
ents. Really one might suppose that he was as great a phlegmon
as Don Quixote, when he dealt such tremendous fore strokes,
back strokes, and round and side strokes upon the wine bags,
instead of the giant.
Had he not been a man of real grit, he would have come out
while the old school law was in full force and virtue, and his
opponents warm. Then might he have had an opportunity of
knowing wheher they had "evaporated". Tint he chose rather to
stand tacit and see his favorite system "mutilated"" — and then
like a man of real courage comes out while his o])]X)nents are
busily engaged in their harvest. 1 once knew a man of this spirit
who could stand bv without daring to speak above his own breath
and see his friend kicked and pounded blind. — and the moment
he finds himself out of danger becomes courageous; when his
friends gather round him and say — '\\r. Hasty, for TIeaven's
sake be (|uiet, you'll kill tlie man. he becomes insupportable —
tears loose from their friendly grasp, till at length his spirits
Having got over the first agreeal)]e emotions in which I freely
indulged, on reading " Ikickingham's"' communication. 1 clap])ed
coL'^■T^• I'UHLic SCHOOLS .).)
on mv l:)eaver. and o\er I ])ostecl to see how mv neighbor I'. P. I>.
was "sailing" into the desireil, the dehghtful haxeii of re|)n1')hcan
sini]iHcity. He was sitting under the shade of the old harvester,
and with the assistance of the glasses, which " lUickingham" has
so highly recommended, poring over the communication — occa-
sionally taking ofif the specks to wipe them — first looking over
then under them — reading it U]) and tlien down and sometimes
crosswavs til! he was entireh- out of lireuth. "rurning to me with
all the gravity of sixty, he says "friend Plowboy. here is a prong
or two in this knotty communication of 'Buckingham's t!iat I
am entireh- unable to define". Then reads thus "The Farmer too
(though I almost fear to beard the I.ion in his den) hi^ fear of
religious despotism are. T hope allayed, since the 'o1)noxious
feature" as it has so often been termed tlie 'c'oveii fof)t of priest-
craft" has been so handsomely ami)utated 1)\- the Legislature that
not even the stumj) remains."" "Xow,"' sa\s 1'. P. P., raising his
specks to his forehead, "the first instead of being a sentence is a
bunch of mixed up ideas, and if jiroperl} dige-ted form three
distinct sentences." 'The Farmer too", is a fuil ])ro])osition or
sentence, if we supply the ellipsis which ought to be done. It is
an interrogative sentence, the meaning of which is to enquire
where the farmer is. The parenthesis which i< placed between
the two sentences ought to form a distinct sentence. Idle remain-
ing sentence which commences with — "his fears" is an exi:)!ica-
tive sentence and cannot l^e joined to an interrogative .-entence.
thought it be connected by a parenthesis, and by arbitrary punc-
tuation." =;•**--- (The object of the writer for several ])arag'-aphs.
here, seems to be mainly to dissect the grammatical construction
of "liuckingham's"" letter.)
It is hoi)ed that the new system which makes its appearance
before the peo]ile. as soon as it can gather -trength enough to
stand on one foot. Should it. feel)le and "nnuilated" as it is. be
deemed worthy of the great state of I 'emisylvania. and friendly
to education, the [ 'lowbo_\- will lend a jiro]). **" Wil! "I'.ucking-
ham" assist in getting it before the ]ieople.
r.ut liefore we get to i)reaching u]> the sysion. will he
( I'.uckingliam ) be so l)enevolent as tn analy/e so much of his
marred sentence as to show its meaning. -='•*-=•■==:*
Till is clearly done we will believe, witli all his boasted
friendship to Education, that education has been less friendly to
him than he t<> education.
Signed : Plunistead Plow-Boy.
Cieneral Education #1: — It is a happy circumstance in the
hitherto prosperous land of liberty, and particularly Pennsylvania,
that "the free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of
the \aluable rights of man." .\greeable to this important trutli
I have taken up my pen in order, as a freeman, to solicit the privi-
lege of addressing a few numbers, to my fellow citizens, on the
subject oi general education.
Conscious as I am that my remarks may be somewhat un-
palatable to some readers, whose sight may have been dazzled by
the allurement of gold, yet to such as take offence at the humble
trutli, thev cannot fail ti) be agreeable. Should I be so unfor-
tunate as to differ from some of my fellow citizens, in the manner
of advancing general education, be so kind as not to denounce
me as an eneni}- to education, without first showing why I am
so. for em]»tv assertion will be taken only as the frotli\- effusions
of a crazed brain. With the same propriety and arch, equal justice
might the Presbyterian denounce the Quaker, or \ice versa, as
being enemies to religion.
Some may e.xclaim, of what use is there of rcvi\ ing the
'"disagreeable sul)ject" after the election? To this I would answer
tliat it may be disagreeable to the friends of a partial, hx'al or
imperfect citizen, but cannot be displeasing to the friends of edu-
cation. It can scarcel\- be amiss to distinguish the bad ([ualities
from the good. The Superintendent, not content with using the
pruning knife, walk> straight into the idolized system. He says,
(and who can tlis])ute it ) "The details as at ])resent organized are
certainh- defective. I'ut the mere ])runing of some or even all of
its mincjr evils will ])roduce little permanent good. The whiting
(»f tlie outside of the ,se])ulc]n-e a\'ail nothing while there is corrup-
tion within. < )ur common school -ystcm. e\en with tlie large
accession of i)ecuniary aid, which is iu no prospect, contained it
is feared within itself, the .seeds of its own destruction."
C'ertaiiil)- it cannot be prejudicial to education, or tC) a i^en-
eral s\steni of education to kee|) the subject alive — to arouse the
pul)lic mind, and awaken tlKuight ; for thoutjht is tlie first si)ring
of human action. Then would the useful parts be pro])erly ap-
preciated: tlien would it l)e discovered what was wanting, to adapt
it as nearh- a> possible to the want> as well as the wishes of the
people. "For," contin.ues the Superintendent, "an\' system per-
fectly fitted to the wan.ts of society cannot remain unpopular."
In order, therefore, to discover what will be agreeable to the
wishes as well a- the wants of the sovereign people, have, with
the utmost deferen.ce. entered upon the >ubiect. and deem thi> a
sufficient apology.
March 26. 3 836. "CincinnatuV.
RL'CKS CorXTV IXTF.Lf.lGEXCRR. May 4. 183*;.
General Rducation ^2: — In the session of the 33rd and
3-ith the Legislature resolvedi itself into a Committee of the whole.
Tt directed Samuel Breck. Chairman of the Joint Comniittee. to
send letters to the several states which had adojjted General F.du-
cation, and also to a number of individuals famed for their zeal
in the cause of educati(jn. But of this rich collecton of knowledge
the materials of the i>resent system were collected.
John \. l)ix. Superintendent of Conunon .Schools ni Xew
York, writes thus: "The system of common school instruction in
this state has been organized and brought to its |:)resent state of
perfection by the stimuhis of a ver\- small ]~)ecuniary interest. If
a sum of monev should be annually distributed among the towns
in \our state and if it were left for them to decide whether they
would i)articif)ate in the distribuiion, consideration of interest
would so(jn determine them in favor of >uch a course. Xo town
would be likely to resist such consideration, while adjacent towns
were availing themselves of the public liounty. Such sentiments,
although coming from so respectable a s«)urce, it is thouglit would
liavc been rejected with di-,dain. But >uch was not the case ***=*=
It was actuall}- incorporaleil within the 1 -aw itself.
Tile (ith .Nection of the l:iw sa\ ^ : — "If on either tlie hi->t or
>econd meeting, a nuijorit\ of the Commissioners and 'ielegates
from all the districts of an\- division shall atten<l, then those
l)i-esent shall proceefl in the same manner as if a majority had
attended and their proceedings shall be just as valid. "" How.
Re[)nblican I The minorit}' is to govern !
Thus, fellow citizens, a small pecuniary stimulus is presented
to the people baring the name "public bounty", as though it were
not the i)eo])le"s money. This public bounty, taken froni the
pockets of the people, or what is e(|uivalent, their rights bartered
for the same, is hande<l back with the utmost gravity imaginab^.e
If the majority reject receiving it. then the minority has the power
to use it. yes. the minoritv has the i)ower to use the monev of the
majority without their consent. \\ as the statutes of Pennsylvania
ever ]iolluted with so gr(».s.s a stigma u])on her re]niblican virtue?
In the writer's o])inion such a detestable feature ought to be
eradicated from the s\stem. It is unworthv of a benevolent svs-
tem — unworthv of Penns\'lvania.
Alan}- \vhose bosoms warm for the advancement of general
education, become disgusted at such a mean feature in the system
— and if it be not s])eedily removed. the\' will contract it with
that cordialit}- which a system worthy of the great state of Penn-
sylvania ought to be embraced.
Pet us then, as friends of general education, as we hold dear
the ]:)urity of our ])oi)ular institutions, unite hand and hand in
di.^tinguishing the ])lemishes of our s}-stem. and in desiring our
re])resentatives to remove them.
F.ducation that can be derived by agitating the passions, in
denouncing all as enemies to education who are found guilty of
tlie un])ardonable crime of ha\-ing discovered defects in it and in
])ointing them out in hoi)es of rendering the system nn^-e
])ure. --="--**•'■
.Signed : "Cincinnatus".
(ieneral Education i^3: — The alteration made in the .Sujjple-
ment P'^IU-.^.') ])y placing the tax more u]'on an eciualit}'. is merit-
orious, and reflects much credit ujjon the Pegislature. The land
liolder, the tenant and the laborer have e\er been cjp])ressed with
the burden of ta.xation. It is high time the\ were relieved. ( Hight
COUNTY priu.ic Sf'iiooi.s 59
not all taxes be placed more upon an e(|nalit\". in a ctjuntry thai
boasts of its equality, which declares that all men are created
ec|ual. to tax landed property, which, brings an income of not more
than three or four per cent, while the wealthy exempt, receiving
from six to eight per cent for money at interest, bank stocks, etc.
As light and knowledge advances, so should justice and ec|uality.
**** Should we not unite in imploring our Legislature to grant
us the justice and relieve us from that oppression which we have
so long born without mtirmur. ( )ught not this European stain be
washed from our po])ular institutions. *=!=***
rUit in this enlightened age we see the minority, patriots of
Bucks, making no other inquiry, than is it advantageous . — can
money be sa\e(l ? This is sufficient to make them exercise the
power of seizing upon monev of the majority. ?^Ione^' ! ^loney!
say they, is the all important argument. *''' Happy it is that the
majority of citizens of Bucks are not governed by one selfish
passion. The}- look to higher motives.
.\s the cheapness of the system has been used as one of the
powerful arguments to induce the people to accept it, and as Xew
York has been spoken of as the most perfect model for imitation,
it may not be improper to refer to the Superintendent's report for
that state. By this we may learn the cheapness of that system — -
and also why it is so. This will enable us to discover whether
the cheapness of a system will act friendh- or unfriendly to
education. *********
Signed : ■"Cincinnatus".
BUCKS COl'XTV IXTELLIGKXCER, July •_>(). is;-!(i.
To the h^-iends of Education in lUicks C^ounty :— -.\n op])()r-
tunity is now oti'ered the citizens of lUicks Lounty for advancing
the cause of Ivlucation in lUicks L'ounty, which if i)ropcrly em-
braced will Commence an era that will long be distinguished in
the annals of our .^tate. — and without wishing to dictate the
course which teachers and friends of education general!} should
]n-irsue, 1 have thought jiroper to state the fact lor their inform-
ation throughout the count}.
When we reflect on the eminent ser\ices of Tose])h 1 lolhrook
in the cause of ])opular education and re\ert to the consider. ition
that no individual living has done more to advance the facilities
for common school iiustruction than this distinguish philanthro-
pist, I am confident all teachers throughout the county will feel
the importance of taking early measures for securing his aid in
their respective neighborhoods and schools.
And would it not be highly advantageous to their interests
that a convention of persons of the profession should be called
to take this subject into consideration. The most enlightened
teachers of Philadelphia have shown in the most flattering manner
their estimation of the services of this gentleman: and it is not
uncommon for parties of pupils, above TOO in numbers, selected
from the best schools in the city, to accompany him in the various
pursuits of natural science. As several of the teachers have frank-
ly declared that their pupils have acquired more useful know'edge
in one of those rambles than they have gained by several months
apiilication to their books in the school roonu The country offers
abundant facilities for such instructive recreations — will the in-
telligent citizens of Bucks County :^how by their reception of
Joseph Holbrook that thev know how to appreciate his services?
Signed: "F.. H. D."
Kxerpt taken from the report of the Buckingham Lyceimi to
the Bucks County LyceuuL
(ien.eral education being so internall\- connected with the
r^vceuni sNSteuL and its improvement one of its professed ob-
jects, the Society have taken some panes to inform themsehes of
its condition within the bounds of the township (Buckingham).
The provisions of the latel\- introduced system of general
education have not been accepted by the citizens of Buckingham,
capacity, hold the jjrominent place and are one of the effects of
do not deem it re(|uisite to dwell upon, not doubting, that should
the experience of hi> sister districts prove the superiority of the
^\stcm, lier sense of justice will lead her to embrace the course.
Most fraught with the most intellectual advancement.
The number of schools in o])eration in the township is seven
dav school-, nnd one for boarders. Ti > the last, most of the others
owe an impulse of improvement, being mostly conducted, by
feina'es who have ix-ceivt-d a considerable ponior, oi ilieir educa-
tion tliere. Among tlie improvements in the schools, wliich have
come under our notice, that of the inductive i)rinci])le, and of
hooks adapted to assist the infantile inte'lect lo advance; in the
departments of knowledge, considered. heret(»fore. luuch above it^
capacitw hold the prominent ])lace and are one of the efforts of
the spirit wliich throws its influence over every departme'.it of
science, and is one of the characteristics of the juesent age:
emanating from the genius of Bacon. It has revolutionized Phil-
oso])hy — and found a retreat in the tem]^le of elementary knowl-
edge, imparting delegates to the infant mind.
Signed: Samuel J. I'axon.
Mr. Editor : — Allow me to put a few plain questions to these
districts who have not yet accepted the Xew School I^aw, and to
answer the objections of those opposed to the Common School
Let us examine their objections first, ^'ou say you are
opposed to the common schools in the first place, because, in order
to support them, we will be laid under too heav\- tax. But now
let us "calculate" a little, as they say down east, according to
Vvliat other townships get out of the state appropriation of
$200,000. our townships would receive. I see, about $150. Now we raise in tax three times that sum or $450, we shall
then have S600. We would not need more tlran six schools in our
township. conse(|uently we could give each teacher $100. for which
he could afford to teach five or six months, as long a period as
peojile in general send. Eet us see, further, how heavih- this tax
of $450 will fall upon each: I'll show you how it will he with
myself. ihe whole amount of tax we raise m our countv is
$900: of this 1 am obliged lo pay $6.00. "^'ou see that my share
of the >cliool tax will be $3.00. Why one child al(»ne cost me
that much under th.e old system. .So much for \-our first objec-
lint in the second ])lace vou ask me liow we shall jirovide
sclu)ol houses. I answer that, besides the annual ai)propr;;ition of
$200,000. the I^egislalure has recen.tly granted $500,000 for the
express purpose of building and preparing more school houses.
Now if we receive $150 of this $200,000. at the same rate we
will get $375 of the $500,000 and this, with a little exertion on
our part, will be sufficient to provide school houses.
You object, in the third ]5lace, that tlie directors are not paid.
To this part of the law, I know many are opposed, even where
they have acce]3ted it. Men v\ill not perform their duties unless
they are paid for their services and the school directors will have
much, especially at first, to attend to. Here, no doubt, the law
can be altered for the better. We do not say that it is perfect yet,
or as good as it can be. Time and trial are continually pointing
out its defects and the Legislature is constanth- amending it to
suit the requirements of the people.
You mav object in the next place, that, in case we accept the
law, we will then be saddled with the schools and be obliged to
support them, six months or more, out of each year, but I reply,
there is no obligation of this sort in the law. Each district can con-
tinue the school as long as it pleases or as long as the money lasts
and its inhabitants can go to the polls and decide just how long
the\- will have the school continue, and what can be fairer than
But 1 knew one man to say (shame on him for it) that too
much education would make rogiies of our childreiL Now 1 ask
this man whether schools conducted as ours are to be, have not a
universal tendency to make children morally better. I ask him
to look at the New England States, where the children are well
eflucated, and say whether the people are not the most industrious,
intelligent, enter])rising, moral and virtuous citizens in the United
True this person mav sav there are many sharpers and rogues
among them, because some who come ])ed<lling out here with
their wooden nutmags. etc., are such, l)Ut these, 1 say, are excep-
tions, who I \enture to affirm are far less i)i number to the whole
popnl.-ition than those who turn out nuisances among ourselves.
In Trnssia, loo, we lind, since the establishment of their school
system, a dcx'rease of juvenile offenders. aIthons.;]i tlie i)oi)ulation
has increased. \Vc want no better ])roof than this of the salutary
effects of educating children by C'ommon Schools.
coL'XTN' prni.ic schdois 63
Tliere are niaiu- honest r.ennaiis in the County, who think
a common school s\steni will hrint;" us into slavery. I k'now for a
fact of one who assigned as reason of his opposition to the law,
that he had heen told, hy an emigrant from ( iermany, that as soon
as they got Coiumon Schols in that country, so soon they hecame
ensla\ed. Xow this is not onl\- false, but it is a fact that the
more enlightened, the better educated part were those who arose
to fight for more lihertv than thev had before. \W such asser-
tions, as the one T have mentioned, does one man o])pose u])on
another, h'ducation, indeed, instead of having a tendenc\- to en-
slave, will, as tliat great statesman. lUu-ke, said, prove our "cheap
Xow Messrs. 0])posers, you must l;e aware that the expense
of tuition of each scholar ujjon an average, under the new system.
is onl\- alH)Ut .SI .00 ])er quarter, and sui:)pose the state pay one-
third of this, do \()U not perceive for what a trifle you can educate
your children. Is it not a fact, you farmers of the non-accepting
ilistricts. that Nour tax for the education of the ])oor gratis, has
been much increased of late, from the circumstances that many
in voiu' districts, being defeated in getting common schools, have
indignantly thrown their children u])on the county for support.
Does not the old law bear ver\ une([uallv upon the townships.
whilst others scarcely raise enough for the schc^oling of their owt
poor ?
\\h\- do \-ou oi)i)o>e it? \nu that ha\"e alread>- educated
your children. Should yon not sujiport it for the sake of your
children's children "
Lastly let me ask the rich man who has no children at all,
whv he is so bitter against ( "ommon Schoo's? Do \()n think that
_\-onr money can ever he applied to a hetter i)uriiose than the edu-
cation of the rising generation? Would \-ou see the peojile of this
re]ublican go\-erinnent uj'on an e(|ual footing with another? Lend
\-our aid to the ditTusion of knowledge among them and it will he
so. Would \(iu have our liberties i)eri)etrated " drudge not them
a little of \our suh-^tance for this (dieap defense of nations.
i);)\"Lh:sT()W\ i\'ri-:r.LiGENCER. Xov. :^. i^r>7.
I'?ditorial Column: — To Correspondents :— We ha\e on hand
several comnuuiications from scliool teachers in reitK' to criticism
of the County Superintendent of Schools on their manner of
teaching and mode of conducting exercises in their respective
scliools. These communications are not very compHmentary to
the County Superintendent and we are asked to pubhsh them
over ficticious names. This we decline to do. If the writers will
authorize us to attach their names to them they shall a|)pear in
our columns at once and we take occasion to say that all others
who feel aggrieved at the County Superintendent can have a hear-
ing in our columns <i\er their own names.
Messrs. Editors : — I would say to the townships which voted
down the School Law, are you aware that the school system must
continue in those townships one year longer ? The reason for the
supplement to the act is obvious. Inasmuch as the poor children
were not classed last Spring, unless the free schools continue this
year, the poor cannot be schooled for one year to come. Some
of the men opposed to the system, boast their willingness to con-
tribute to their instruction, provided the free schools are discon-
tinuefl. This is mere pretense. Put 'lown this law and you will
find such boasters not more charitable tlian their neighbors and
if tliey were, what Pennsylvanian would accept their bounty?
^^'hi]e our Constitution binds us to niake legal provision for the
education of all. Had Pennsylvania adopted the Public School
System one hundred years ago, she would not now be burdened
with a heavy i)u])lic 'lelit. and a mass of intellect would have been
in oj.'eration jjromotive nf his honor and ha])piness. As it is she
cannot evade her laws, though she may be retarded in their
execution I)\- rogues and swindlers.
ddie dut}- of tile townshi]) is ])lain : let the sch.ool directors
fearlessly discharge iliat dut\-, and the i^eople will vindicate their
rigiits in the trium])li of the school huv. Make \dur assessments,
ami allhout.;h a direct stale tax is now l;nd by improvident legis-
lation, the i)eo])le will not refuse to discharge their duty, if the tax
is ])aid in ;( eiu'rencv which ever\l)ody uses. I .et the i)eo]iie rellect
that the want of free school education has brouglit upon them
many evils.
Signed : ■"lUicks"
]*ul)lic Schools: — It is the opinion of man\' ])n1)Hr spirited
men that tlic jjresent piihlic sclioo] system has tlnis far. in a
great measure, heen a faiUire. That there is consiilerati(jn ground
for such an opinion must le admitted hy every reasonahle and
candid man.
Let us make a slK»rt investigation of the puhlic school system
and try. if we can discover what clog:^ the progress it so much
'Idle inherent ])ower of our ])resenT -chool system contains the
elements of certain success were they brought out and ])ut into
active operation.
The major pan of those ])ersons who liave the management
of our schools seem to be well satisfied with a mere embryo of
the system that they do not put forth one single effort to insure
its success.
Vv'e should be dee])ly impressed with the important fact that
our public schools can never prosper while the course of instruc-
tion continues so ilificient. This is the source of their imbecility
and degenerac}-.
Xot only employee^ but school directors are sometimes heard
to say. "It matters very little what kind of books are used in
school-, one is about as good as another."" .And others, "if reading,
writing, spelling and arithmetic are taught v.\ common school^, it
is suti'icient." and "should an\- person desire his children to ad-
vance further, let him send them to lujarding >chool.""
Vou might almost as well attempt to guide a ship across the
pathless ocean without system, as to advance a .-^chool without a
systematic course of instruction.
If ,-uch be the true state of things, something shouhl be done
immediately. If our schools are so deficient in their course of
instructioii and systematic training, this deficiency ought with(iut
delay, be remedied. The fir>t stc]) to tie taken i- to elevate the
standard of education, by intro(lucing into the ])ublii.- -chools.
several branches of study which are r.ot now taught in tluni. such
a> Mensuration. ( ieometry. rhiloso]»h\. Rhrtoric. Logic, (."hcmis-
tr\-. etc.
It will be necessary after such an enlargement of the course
of study, to obtain the services of more competent teachers. Their
present compensation will also have to be increased so that talented
and well qualified persons may be induced to engage in the busi-
ness of teaching.
Certainl}' the time has come when it is necessary to make a
thorough change.
We now leave the above suggestions with the people of Bucks
County. It is for them to say whether they will heed them or not ;
it is fo' them to decide whether the schools are to be conducted
in the same manner they have been heretofore or whether they
will endeavor to reform them and make them a blessing, not only
to their immediate descendants, but to all coming generations.
\A^e trust they will be so impressed with the magnitude and
importance of the public school system that they may see in it the
repository of the prosperity, greatness and perpetuity of our
Republican institutions.
YardleyviUe. April, 1852. Signed: S. T. V.
In 1885 Falls sustained ten schools at a total expenditure of
nearly five thousand dollars. The length of the amiual term is
nine months. Schools were established by the Friends shortly
after their settlement and were conducted under denominational
auspices until the introduction of the public school systenu "His-
tory of Bucks County", J. H. Battle, p. o83. (For aid in brevity
inciting source of authority. J. II. Battle will appear hereafter as
J. H. r>. in History of Bucks Coimty. )
BmsTor. Township
The public school system as promulgated in the Act of April
1, 1834, was adopted l;y the peojde of Bristol townshi]) at the
following election. The directors chosen. Moses Larne. Henry
M. Wright. Lardner \ anUxem, Haniel !>ailev, Samuul L. llooz,
and Joshua W right, held their first meeting on Saturdav, Septem-
ber 27. IH:U, at the house of Willis M. P.aldwin and organized
with .Moses Larue president. It doe^ not apjtear that tip. schools
received much attention ; in March, 1837, the question ot "school
or p.o school" was again voted upon and decided in tlie affirmative,
which ])lace(l the system on a permanent footing. Five scliools,
known respectively as Xewportville, C'enterville, Laurel Bend,
Smith's Corner and Badger's, were opened November 1, 1837,
with Daniel B. Hibbs, Tames C. King. Andrew J. Gilkeson, Wil-
liam Paxton, and E. O. Pool, teachers. The following entry in
the minutes of the board for 1840 may interest the pedagogue of
the present day: "Horace Estes agrees to teach the Centerville
school ten months; to commence on the first day of June, at the
sum of twenty-three dollars per month. He agrees to teach read-
ing, sj^elling, writing, geography, astronomy, arithmetic, English
grammar, natural philosophy, intellectual philoso[)hy, rhetoric,
book-keeping, algebra, geometry, history, and the Erench
language," from which it would seem that the curriculum has
been contracted since 1840, notwithstanding the boasted progress
of the school system. (J. H. B. pp. 423-24).
The Makefields
The interests of education receive fair attention from the
residents of this section. Lower Makefield sustains nine schools
an annual term of nine months, at a total expenditure of five
thousand six hundred and forty-seven dollars and sixty-three
cents ( 1885 ). The showing for Upper Makefield is not so credit-
able. The annual school term is nine months, seven schools are
maintained, and the sums expended aggregate two thousand eight
hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty-seven cents. Graded
schools have been established at points, and the standard for teach-
ers is becoming more elevated year by year. Among the curious
features of the school system generations ago was the shaj'e of
some of the schoolhouses. ( ;ne of this character was eight-sided,
built near Yardley by lirelsford on land given for the
purpose by Thomas Yardley. (J. II. B. p. 444 t
The educational interests of this section of the country are
fully abreast of its material wealth and religious advantages. The
construction of the schoolhouses indicates a rare ada])tability to
the purpose for which the\- are intended. In 1885 eight imblic
schools were in operation tor a term of ten months, employing
eight teachers at the uniform salary of four hundred and twenty-
five dollars. The total amount expended was about six thousand
dollars, more than other townships in the county, with a single
exception. It has also numbered among its educational advan-
tages Antlalusia College, at Andalusia, and Potter Hall, a board-
ing-school for boys, at the same place. ( When completed, St.
John's Industrial School for Boys. Eddington, will rank with the
leading eleemosynary- institutions of this country.) (]. H. B.
p. 476.)
Much interest is manifested in education, and the history of
the schools of the township presents many interesting passages.
It is said that Thomas Watson attempted to establish an Indian
school as early as 1730-40. but without success, owing to the
ravages of smallpox among his pupils. In 1754 Adam Harker
left a legacy of thirty-five pounds to Wrighstown and forty pounds
to Buckingham monthly meeting for educational purposes. In
1768 certain residents of Buckingham united with others in
Wrightstown and I'pper Makefield in leasing for school purposes
a tract of land "for and during the time the walk of a certain
house now building on said land shall by them, their heirs or
assigns, be thought sufl^icient to bear a roof." at a yearly rent of
one peppercorn. The house was finished ancl used for a school
many years. i J. H. B. pp. 521-22. ) Tyro Hall. In 1789
thirty-two citizens of Buckingham subscribed a trifle less than one
hundred poimds. with which Tyro Hall was built. This is one
of the most famous schools of the township. (J. H. B. p. 522.")
Hi'ciiiESi.AN School. In 1811 Amos Austin Hughes bequeathed
a farm of ninety-one acres and eight thousand dollars in money
to establish a charity for the education and maintenance (when
necessary) of poor children. In 1841 a schoolhouse was built,
and within a few years thereaftei" the trustees employe 1 Joseph
Fell as teacher. (J. H. B. p. 522.)
The public-school system was adopted in 1834, the first board
of directors being Pryn Kirk. Joel W'orthington. James Jamison,
AVilliam l.eiins. Jesse Reeder, and l\(il)ert Smith.
< )f the ])ublic .schools that known as Union claims to have
graduated a ir.dge. a general,, and a millionaire; while Buckingham
Still numbers among its former pupils the first two county super-
intendents, Joseph Fell and William H. Johnson ; five judges,
Ilonorables Edward M. Paxson, of the Supreme Court of Penn-
sylvania : Richard Watson, of Bucks County ; Hampton Watson,
of Kansas : Alfred Shaw, of New Orleans, and D. Newlin Fell, of
Philadelphia : two generals, Andrew J. Smith and John Fly : and
three memliers of Doctor Kane's exploring expedition.
The old Union schoolhouse was built in 1823 ; Church's is so
named from Joseph Church, upon whose land it was built ; Hick-
ory Grave was formerly known as the octagon, or eight square;
Independent was built in 1844, Friendship in 1845, and Greenville
in 1863. At the present time ( 1887 ) eleven public schools are sus-
tained an annual term of nine months. (J. H. P.. p. 522.)
Durham schools com])are favorably with those in other sec-
tions of the county. The first schoolhouse in this section of the
county was the "Old Durham Furnace School", built in 1727. It
was a small log-house on the east side of the road leading from
Easton to Philadelphia about one hundred yards north from Ehir-
ham creek. The only teachers of whom any record exists were
James Backhouse, whose proficiency in mathematics was extra-
ordinary; John Ross, subsequently a judge of the supreme court
of J'eimsylvania ; Thomas McKeen, afterward ])resident of the
Easton National P>ank : and Richard H. Horner, who taught in
1784 at a salary of seven shillings six pence per day. The singing
school was an important adjunct under his administration. This
schoolhouse, the educational pioneer of northeastern Bucks Coun-
ty, was demolished in 1792. (J. H. B. p. 666.) The Laubacii
SriTOOL. The Lauljach School has probably influenced the farm-
ing communitv more than others in the township. Among the
tcacliers here were Jacob Fewis in FS13 ; Dr. Drake, a man of
great scientific acquirements, in 1815; Michael Fackenthall, a pro-
ficient surveyor, in 1817: James Rittenhouse. a relative of the
great mathematician, in 1822: and Mr. Stryker, a rigid disciplin-
arian, in 1833. RuFK DisTKrcT. The first schoolhouse in the Rufe
district was of logs, built in 1802. The ground necessary for its
erection was donated b\- Sanuiel Fichline. In 1861 the old house
was burned and the jM-esent stone building erected. Among those
who taught here were Dr. Joseph Thomas and Hon. C. E. Hind-
enach. (J. H. B. p. 666. )
The new Furnace schoolhouse was built abc>ut 1855, and de-
stro3'ed b}' fire in 1876. A graded school built on land donated
by Cooper & Hewitt was opened in February, 1877, with N. S.
Rice principal, and C. W. Faucher assistant, fj. H. V>. p. 666.)
The McKean Long schoolhouse. a typical structure of the
olden time, was built in 1802 to accommodate those families who
were not convenient to Rufe's or Laubach's. It is a long. low.
stone building and many of the older residents of the township
point to it with just pride as the place where the foundation of
their future usefulness was laid. ( J. H. B. p. 666. )
The first schoolhouse in the Monroe district, a small frame
building, was erected in 1836 upon ground donated by George
Trauger. The more pretentious structure in use at the present
was built in 1865. Among those who have taught here were Dr.
S. S. Bachman, John Black. Reverends L. C. Sheip and C. Ft.
Melchor. Dr. B. N. Bethel. Dr. C. D. Fretz. and D. R. Williamson,
(J. H. B. p. 666.)
l^he Durham Church schoolhouse was built in 1884 upon
ground donated by John Knecht, Sr. Jacob Nickum was the first
teacher : Aaron S. Christine and Carrie Fackenthall were among
his successors. The present schoolhouse is a commodious build-
ing, and compares favorably with any other in the county. (J. H.
B. p. 666. )
The first schoolhouse in Riegelsville was built in 1846 and
o])ened with Dr. R. Kressler as teacher. G. F. Hess, H. IF Hough.
Rebecca Smith and David W. FTess was among its teachers. ( J. H.
B. p. 666.)
August 3, 1857. C. W. Faucher ()])ened an academy in the
Presbyterian church. D. 11. Williamson took charge September
1. 1869: Dr. George N. Best. September 13. 1871; John Frace.
September 30. 1872; but for want of support the project was
After a susjjension of ten years the effort to establish a school
of advanced standing was renewed. Through the eft'orts of John
W. Riegel, Esq., Professor B. F. Sandt, a former student of
Lafayette College, was indviced to ojjen an academy. It ha> out-
grown the accommodations at first provided, and since Se])tcmber
8, 1886, ha.s been condticted in a large stone building erected main-
ly through the munificence of Mr. John L. Riegel and deecicd in
trust for educational purposes to the trustees of St. John's Re-
formed clnircli in the I'nited States. .\ circulating library is one
of its mo>t valuable features. The institution reflects credit upon
its projectors and cannot fail to exert a favorable influence upon
the social and intellecttial life of the communitw ( j. II 1!. ]). 669.)
IT 10 1 1 Schools
Under Superintendent W'illiam ?1. Slotter. the Ouakertown
High School was instituted and a three academic course provided
in 1881. The first class of three students was graduated in 1884.
The average graduating class was three until 1891 when the aver-
age jumped to ten. This High School was elevated to first class
and a four year course provided in 1916. Ouakertown now has
a junior and senior high school. The largest graduating cla>s was
in 19'Xi when seventy-one graduated. The smallest class of a
single student graduated in 1885.
.\ High School was established in Sellersville in ISSH and in
Perkasie in 1895. Thev joined fcjrces and in September. 1930,
th.e fine new Sellersville- 1 'erkasie High School was o])ened.
Newtown and I Bristol have the oldest secondary scliools in
the County.
During the year 1887 the Wood Street School which is still
standing was built and this is in-obablv the first public school Iniild-
ing erected in Ijucks County. This school opened with an enroll-
ment of 246 pupils.
Sixteen years later the second school building was erected,
and, in 1873. the school s\stem was organized into a High School.
Grammar, ( ?) Secondary, and Primary School. The High School
building was not erected until 1894. The magnificent building at
Jefferson and I'ond Streets was bm'lt in 1909. The present en-
rollment is about 1100 ])U]m1s.
Morrisville pu])ils. ])rior to 18f)ll. who wished to continue their
education beyond the eighth grade were required to attend the
Trenton High School. The two story brick building on the south
side of Chambers Street was completed Deceinber 5, 1892. and
the opening enroHment numbered twenty pupils.
Two }'ears later the original six room William Case building
was opened at West Bridge and Morris Streets ; a four room
brick annex was added in 1912. Until 1915 only a three year
academic course was olTered. A four year term including other
courses was instituted the following years.
In 1924 the first unit of the three story new Rol)ert Morris
building with five rooms on each floor was completed. Two an-
nexes have since been added making the Morrisville Tligh School
one of the finest in the ccjunty.
The historic Summerseat Mansicjn adjoining the school build-
ing has been restored and houses th.e Home Economics Course
and e(iui])ment of the High School curriculum.
The brails Township High School in Fallsington was estab-
lished in LS95 with a three year course including only academic
subjects. In 1932 a regular four vear course was adopted.
The first New Hope High School graduating class of two
]x"rsons was that of 1898. In 1923 the three year course was
changed to a four year course.
The first High School course in Northampton Township was
taught in the old fire house in Northampton in 1896. This was a
two year course and C(intinued so mitil 1913 when another year
was added. In 1927 the f(jnr year course was adopted and an
increased faculty engaged.
L'pper Southam]3ton, the first High School in Southampton
Township, was established in 1898 with a two year coiu'se and
])rovisions f(^r post-graduate work.
After the flivision of the Township in 1930. a new Fdigh
School course instituted and its curriculum adopted to the six year
junior--etnor High School plan.
S])r!i'gfiel(l High School was opened in 1903 at Pleasant \'a!-
ley with one teacher in charge and the first class of two members
was graduated in 1905. The present modern High School was
erected in 1!»13.
Yardley High School in June 1922 graduateil its first four
year class, at which time there were but two courses, general and
academic. In 1913 a commercial course was added.
L'nVSTY PL'P.r.R' S<'H()()I,S 73
lUickinghani Higli School was organized in 1915 and was
lirst housed in the huilchng uf the Hnghesian Free School. The
first enrolment consisted of twenty-five i)Ui>ils. The course of
>tudv was a three }ear academic one, which continued to 1935,
wdien the junior-senior plan was adopted.
llidtown llio-h Scho(jl was begun in 1009, ottering a two
vear course. Ten pupils enrolled the first year under one teacher.
The three \ear plan was later adopted for a period of several
\ears until 19"2(i, when the four \ear plan was tried until 1932,
after which the three \ear plan was again adopted.
Bensaleni Township High School wa^ established in 1922.
1 Towever. secondary school work was done at Kddington as early
as 1910. Some High School subjects were taught at Penn Valley
School about 1912. The present t^ne High School building was
lirst used in 1930.
Xockami.xon Townshi]) sch(»ol authorities voted to establish
a High School in 1904 and in A!a\- 1906 the first commencement
was held for a graduating class of seven pupils. The course was
a two \ear academic inie and continued so until 1911, when an-
other vear was added. In 191 (i the regular four year period was
i.\ 1S40.
Rule 1. Scholar.-, must he at school ai the appointed time and
take their seats cjuietly and not run about the room
from ])lace to place without occasion.
Rule 2. .\o scholar .^liall he al'owcd to attend school who is
not decent and clean anrl free M'om infectious disor-
Rule 3. All umiece>sary di>course between the scholars must
he avoided and no words may be spoken above a
whisiier. except when attending class or by special
consent of the teacher.
Rule 4. Scholars nnist not >tare at strangers who come into the
room, nor at those who pass by the building, nor neglect
their studies to look out the windows at persons pass-
ing by.
Rule 5. Scholars must not ramble about in any enclosure, tield
or orchard, about the school building.
Rule 6. The larger scholars must not tease nor deride the
smaller or weaker ones, but must on all occasions
behave with civilit}-, kindness and respect toward each
Rule 7. No wrestling, fighting, swearing, lying, gaming, trad-
ing, or an\- indecent behavior shall be allowed under
pain of dismissal, as the nature of the cnse may he.
Rule 8. At noontime, scholars must not be noisy at play, nor
stare or point at passersby.
Rule 9. In coming or returning home from school, scholars
must pass along quietly without abusing any person or
Rule 10. Scholars must not mark nor deface desks, nor abuse
anv of the school pro]:)erty.
Rule 11. Scholars must not play tag. nor throw snowballs dur-
ing noontime, nor ingoing to and from school.
Rule 12. Scholars must be considered under the care of the
teacher from the time they leave home in the morning
till they return in the evening.
Rule 13. Every scholar shall be accountable for the windows
they break.
These rules are binding in every way upon the scholars of
every age and degree and if any should think themselves above
them and prove incorrigible, he may be expelled by the consent
of the trustees. He shall pay the teacher for the time he attended
It is hereby enjoined and required of the teacher that she
read these rules to the school once a week and that every scholar
])ay strict attention to the observance of them in every way.
School Districts. Each county and borough in lUicks
County is a se])arate school dictrict. There are thirty-one town-
ships and twenty-two boroughs, making a total of fifty-three
school districts in the county.
In Pennsylvania the school districts are divided into four
classifications according to population. I^^irst class scliool districts
must have a population of five hundred thousand or more; second
class districts range from thirty thousand to five hundred thous-
and : third class districts must have five thousand or more, and
ail under five thousand come in the fourth class.
In Bucks County all school districts are fourth class excei)t
Bristol, Bensalem and Morrisville. which are third class.
The Township School Directors. In general, in charge
of each school district is a board of school directors. In first
class districts, like Philadelphia, there are fifteen directors, ap-
pointed by the Court of Common FMeas. In the others, there are
nine, seven and five directors respectively, elected for terms of
six years by the people at the general elections.
Each school board may select from its members a President.
Vice-President, a Treasurer who receives and disburses the school
monies, and a Secretary who transacts the routine business as
directed bv the Board.
The Township school directors hire teachers, look after the
buildings and school equipment, fix the tax rate, which is based
on the budget reciuirements and the real estate assessed valuation.
The Couxtv Board of School Directors. The County
Board of School Directors takes the place of the recently abol-
i.shed executive committee. ^Members of this board are elected by
the entire body of the township directors assembled in convention
once each year. The county board consists of five members chosen
for terms of six years. Xo one may serve on the county lx)ard
who is not at the time of his election a member of one of the
township boards. The terms of office are so arranged that some
expire every two years, thus, preventing the situation of having
an entire new lx)ard. unfamiliar with its duties, take otYice at one
The countv school Ijoard is imder the supervision of the
Count\- Superintendent, and its duties are the inspection of all
townshi]) Inidgets and financial re])orts. They assist the local
boards in matters relating to school buildings and sites, trans-
portation, etc., and act in the capacity of general advisors.
The County Superintendent is chief executive officer of the
county board and furnishes them with advice and reports on the
various phases of tiie school work with which they have to do.
The Couxtv Superintendent of Schools. The County
Superintendent of Schools is elected every four years by the
township school directors at the time of their annual convention.
Roughly his duties are the general supervision of the county
school affairs. He is charged with the maintenance of standards
set by the school code or the school laws of the state. He is a
unit of the public school supervisory system of the state and
reports the progress of his county to the Department of Public
Instruction at Plarrisburg, once a year.
Tlie County Superintendent in Bucks County has two assist-
ants who help with the detail of supervisory and local administra-
tive affairs in the townships. They see that the standard for the
different townships is maintained in the separate schools, give the
linal examinations and, otherwise, supervise local school manage-
The Principals Association. The Principals Association
of Bucks County has been in existence for about ten years. Mem-
bership in the association consists of more than thirty-five mem-
bers, including the County Superintendents, Supervising Princi-
pals, and Principals of High and Elementary Schools.
During the past few years the meetings have been held regu-
larly each month, except during the summer months. These meet-
ings are held at various schools and usually in the evening, with
a dinner followed by a business meeting and program. Recreation
is often provided in the gymnasiums with basketball and volley-
ball games. This recreation is usuallv held in the afternoon
!)efore the meeting is called to order.
Problems relating to the county schools, legislation, attend-
ance, teaching and supervision, etc., are regularly discussed. The
Bucks Countv Teachers .Association and Institute programs with
the Bucks County Tnterscholastic Association take up much con-
i luest speakers, in the form of College Professors, Legis-
lators and School Directors, often appear on the program.
Medical Inspection and Sanitation. Each school district
is required to provide a mecHcal inspection for the pupils iu its
public schools. The service is under the direction of a countv
officer, known as Chief Medical Inspector, who is responsible to
the Commissioners of Health, at Harrisburg. He may select sev-
eral assistants whose duties are the examination of each pupil in
the schools of the territory of which he is in charge. Pupils are
examined for defective hearing and eyesight, bad teeth, or other
disabilities. He recommends any especial medical or surgical
attention the child may recjuire.
Once each year the County Medical Examiner is required to
make the rounds of the schools, to make careful examination of
all toilets, cellars, water supply and drinking vessels, to insure
against sickness or epidemics, due to uu'^anitarv conditions.
Any Board of School Directors may employ one or more
school nurses to cooperate and assist with the health and care of
the pupils.
The Modern Trend in Classroom Technique. The mod-
ern ideas of classroom mechanics and training represent a marked
change over the methods in use only a few years back.
Formerly the chief concern and objective of the classroom
instructor was the tiresome task of cramming the fundamentals
of mathematics, science and language into the unreceptive mind^
of his pupils, by way of the memory route. Reasoning and
deduction was left to later life and more mature years. Conse-
quently, the student often found himself suddenly confronted witli
the fact of discovery of tlie why and wlierefor for some theory
he had memorized, but only partial)} absorbed in the lower grades.
Due to the lack of early mental exercise and training of the
mental processes, many failed fully to develr)p their faculties
before a great deal of harm was done and much time lost.
Much of this is now changed. From his earliest ^ears of
school life the pu])il is taught to develop his individualities: to
cultivate his powers of observation and deduction, and to exert
his full mental i)rocesses to plan, reason and think for liimself.
The studant of today is tauglit the e->entials of clean democratic
government, in order that when his place is taken in society, he
will have an intelligent understanding of his responsibilities.
He unconsciously absorbs a new sense of the relation of
erlucation to character building. The present day high school
graduate, whether he continues his education in broader fields or
enters the commercial life of his community, has a well balanced
concept of the duties and obligations of citizenship.
The Teachers Institute. For the purpose of promoting
professional pride and interest in school work, and to acquaint
the public with what was being accomplished in the public schools,
the idea of a Teachers Institute was advanced.
Owing to the poor roarls and worse traveling facilities of
the early days, district institutes were held often and in more
narrowly restricted areas than now. Prior to 1860, so-called dis-
trict institutes were held as often as twice a month. The teachers
met to exchange views and discuss their problems. The parents
of children were invited and entertainment was provided, helping
to bring the general public to a better understanding of the school
The first regular County Teachers Institute was held at New-
town in 1858, and the year following at Ouakertown.
The District Institutes were eventually discontinued and the
present-day P^arent Teachers Association took its place.
The Teachers Institute has been changed from time to time,
and continues, a source of great inspiration for all who are en-
gaged in our county educational work.
XoRM.\L Schools. One of the crying needs of the early
schools was properly trained teachers. The county superin-
tendants were greatly handicapped in their efiforts to improve the
standard of the schools, due to the absence of qualified teachers.
It was one of the duties of the Superintendent to hold examin-
ations from time to time in dififerent pa^ts of the county, to ascer-
tain the fitness of applicants for positions as teachers. Mr. Fell,
in one of iiis rei^orts to the State Superintendent of Schools, com-
plains at length about this and suggests a remedy must be found
for this deplorable state of afifairs, l^efore any very substantial
progress can be made.
He hadn't long to wait, for the State Legislature passed an
Act in IS.')?, providing for the division of the state into twelve
Normal School Districts. There was to be an authorized school
in each district under private management, Imt subject to state
supervision, so that a fairly high standard he maintained to turn
out (|uaHfied teachers.
The tirst normal school in Pennsylvania was instituted at
Millersville, in Lancaster County, and man\ of our early teachers
and educators matriculated at "Millersville Normal". \t ahout
the same time, several other i)rivate sidiools. in other parts of the
state, attempted to maintain the hig'h standard required bv the
state and operate at a ])rofit, but they were generally unsuccessful.
State aid was given them in increasing amoiuits and the private
Normal School struggled along until 1911, when an addition to
the school code, provided for the purchase by the State of all
normal schools. This was done at a cost of $1,600,000. .Since
that time wonderful progress has been made. Many of our I'.ucks
County teachers come to us from West Chester Normal, at West
Chester, and from siiuilar schools at Kutztown and Stroudsburg.
.\t present there are fourteen of them throughout the state.
In 1926. the Normal Schools were reorganized under the
name of State Teachers Colleges. The standard was raised and
the courses enlarged, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science.
( )ur teachers have seized this opportunity to improve themselves,
and many of theiu already in the service as teachers, have gone
hack to com])lete the work necessary to receive a liachelor's
The Teachers Colleges also provide training in specific tields,
as art, music, home economics, health and kindergarten, library,
and industrial arts.
The professional standard for teachers is raj^idly rising, and
in the course of a few years, there is every probability that all <nir
teachers will have not less than the equivalent of a four year
college course, in preparation for the noble j:)rofession that is
theirs. School Article 40 of the School Code sets
aside several days of the school year to observe important events
in the history of Pennsylvania.
Bird Day. The (iovernor ma\ designate or set apart certain
days each \ear, to be known as "Arbor Day" or "Bird Day". ( )n
these occasions it is the dut\- of the teacher to devote at least two
hours of the school da\- to the ^tudv of birds ;uid wild life, to
understand better the value of Inrds to our national welfare.
JViUiain Pcnn Day. The Governor, by proclamation, calls
upon the people to observe William Penn"s birthday on October
24th each year. Appropriate exercises, with reference to the life
and teaching? of the great Founder of Pennsylvania, are sug-
gested for the school celebration of this day.
General Pulaski Day. October the eleventh is set aside by
official proclamation each year to be celebrated by suitable exer-
cises, and display of the flag in all schools and public buildings.
to commemorate the death of General Casimir Pulaski.
Free SeJwoI Day. Free School Day is to cnmniemorate the
adoption of the free school law in April 1834. The days of ob-
servance mav be between April the first and eleventh, inclusive.
Appropriate exercises and special study of the lives and achieve-
ments of George Wolf, Governor of F^ennsylvania at the time of
the passage of the law. and Senators Samuel Breck and Thaddeus
Stevens, who were largelv responsible for its adoption.
First County Superintendents. A most important feature
of the Act of 1854 was the ])rovision which called for the election
of a Coimtv Superintendent whose duties were the selection of
good teachers and the general guidance of his district. He was
to be a person of "scientiflc and literar}- acquirement and of skill
and experience in the art of teaching." (J)bviously, a person with
these attainments would value his services above tlie small salaries
(as low as two or three hundred dollar^ a year) that were being
offered to county superintendents at this lime. It was feared that
some difficult\- might he experienced in >ecuring competent men
for this work.
On June 5, 1854, a meeting was held in the old Court Flouse
at Doylestown, presided over by George Lear, then a member of
the Doylestown Borough School Board. In tliis meeting the
salarv was set and Joseph Fell of Buckingham was chosen as the
first County Superintendent of Schools of Bucks. Air. Fell was
an able man and was very instruni'^ntal in establishing a high
standard- in the first schools.
In hi> first re])ort, in 1854. lo the State Superintendent. ]\lr.
Fell write- in s(»me detail concerning the condition of schools
under his supervision. Beyond the usual comments about struc-
tures and equipment descriptive of Bristol. Doylestown. New
lIo])e. and Morrisville, he notes that "as a general thing the bor-
ough schools were better than the country schools." "in New-
town RoroLigh the co-edncatin of the sexes is re])Ufliate(l. There
are two schools here, one for the boys, the other for the girls
In closing his report. Mr. Fell stated he was anxious to estal)-
lish a normal school where teachers may be ]n-e])are(l for their
"high and holy calling". Tlie salaries ranged from $10.00 to
$.S0.00 per month for the teachers in 1854.
Mr. Fell's report for the following year was also very inter-
esting and comprehensive. During the year the first County
Teacher's Institute was held and the public invited. It was a fine
success and helped much in interesting the general public as de-
tailed newspaper reports were well circulated. The school equip-
ment was being added to. although there was still a shortage of
books. Some of the schools were attempting to teach both
English and ( ierman which resulted in much confusion.
And so from a very crude beginning the public school system
slowly, but quite surely, pulled itself out of nearly hopeless situa-
tion to a position of encouraging iirogress during the three years
of Mr. Fell's incumbency as County Superintendent of Schools.
In 1857, ^^'illiam H. Johnson was elected County Superin-
tendent, lie was a man of ability and accomplishment, Init relin-
quished the task after one term of three years.
Simeon S. Uverholt was elected in 1860, and served three
terms to 1869.
^\'illiam P. Sharkex- of Xew Flope served three months from
March to June in 1869.
Hugh B. Eastburn of Solebury was appointed to fill out the
imexpired term of Stephen T. Kirk, wlio was elected in 1869. Mr.
Eastburn. although a young man, entered into the performance of
his duties with such earnestness and zest that he was re-elected
for two successive terms, but resigned in 1876 to i)racticc law.
W. W. Woodrufi' of Xewtown was ai)pointed to fill out the
unexpired term and -erved until June 18S7. lie was followed
by William 11. Slotter of \'ardley. who served until 190L'.
Allen S. Martin of Uoyleslown succeeded Mr. Slotter to Jan-
uary 1906.
James H. Shelley acted to June 1908, when J. H. Hoffman
of Xewtown was elected. Mr. Hoffman has held the office con-
tinuously and very ably since.
At the last Directors" Convention held April 12, 1938. at
Doylestown, 2^Ir. Hoffman succeeded himself for another term.
Albert C. Rutter, Perkasie, and Charles H. Boehm, Morrisville.
are the Assistant Superintendents of the Public Schools of Bucks
ScTiot>L Directory Association. The School Directory of
Buck'; County organized into an association in A'lay 1889, and
held semi-annual meetings, thus better acquainting themselves with
the school work. This association has been a valuable aid to the
directory in maintaining a high standard for the schools of the
T?]E Teachers' Institute. By 1858 the Institute became
quite popular and was a means of creatihg new public interest
in the schools and education. Xot only were the teachers brought
into a closer relationship for better service but the general public
was invited and the social contact was of mutual benefit, adding
an immerliate new im])etus to the cause of the public schools.
Owing to the poor traveling facilities prevalent during this
earlv period, there were many district institutes of a local and
social nature that met once or twice a month, with a county insti-
tute held semi-annually at first, but later to once a year. The first
regular County Institute was held in Newtown in 1858. and the
following year at Quakertown.
The County Su])erinten(lent, William P. .Sharkey, in 1879
reported that in the county were thirty-seven school districts, two
hundred eighty-six schools, and three hundred si.x teachers. There
were 15,221 pupils.
To the casual passerb^• the Octagonal ( height Square ) School-
house is a structure of immediate interest and possible conjecture
concerning its utilitarian purpose.
Earlv in the nineteenth century a number of "eight-square"
school-houses were built throughout the couuty. Their architec-
tural design caused them to become objects of oddity, but their
unique appearance is enhanced by the turning years, rather than
becoming commonplace through the advent of time.
This type of buiUHng construction is beheverl to have had its
origin in Holland, where it had been in use years before. Some
assert that it is likely the first octagon shaped building in America
was an old Dutch trading post, built by the Dutch West India
Company in 1630 on the site of Trenton. The foundation of
this small building was brought to light through excavation oper-
ations in 1881.
In addition to schoolhouses. there were a few churches and
barns built here along similar lines early in the nineteenth cen-
The multiplicity of sides immediately determined the manner
of natural illumination, for there were seven windows, one to a
side, with a door in the eighth space. The desks were arranged
around the walls in two rows with the pupils facing the light, and
o])posite the door was the teacher's desk. The pupils' desks were
pine boards with an original smoothly planed surface, but attempts
to perpetuate the learner's identity through carving of initials, left
a tendency to impair the legibility of penmanship and exactness in
drawing. Xear the door on a stool was placed a water bucket and
a dipper. A large sheet tin stove occupied the center of the room.
Alodern methods of living, of course, do not sanction direct
illumination from without. Here the pupil was compelled to face
the window and subject himself to the undiminished glare. Later
schocjls were designed to remedy this fault, the windows l)eing
placed to admit the passage of light in two directions.
Following is a list of the Eight Scjuare schoolhouses, that are,
or have been, in Ilucks County: — Oxford \'alley Eight Square,
near (Jxford N'alley in Lower Makefield, the date stone being
marked 1775. This ma}- be an error. Authoritative opinion places
the date of its construction much later, probably 1830.
Penn's Lark. al)out one mile southwest of the town of Lenn's
Lark ^'ownshij), erected in 1802. This building is still standing.
I'Vankford School, near I'.ursonville in Springfield Townshi]) ;
buik 1807-09.
Leidytown. in llilltown Townshiii, at the intersection of the
Bethlehem Like and Chalfont Road; built in 1816.
Stewart's Schoo], on the Ferry Road in New Britain Town-
ship, near Fountainville ; built in 1816. and torn down about 1890.
Hickory Grove, on the Durham Road in Buckingham, near
Pkmistead Township hne, built in 1818.
Groveland School, near Hinkletown in Plumstead Township :
built in 1833.
Mine Spring School, near Rupletown in Bridgetown Town-
ship, built sometime before 1876.
- -#
(Fiom "An Autobiography", p. 114. By Thaddeus S. KenderHne, Newtowi
Lumberville School, at the intersection of the State Road and
the Lumberville to Carversville Road ; built in 1824.
From History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 1887. by J. H.
LJatlle. i)age 444, a])pears this notation :
"Among the curious features of the school system of several
generations ago was the shape of some of the schoolhouscs. One
of this character was eight-sided, built near Yardley by
Brelsford on land given for the purpose by Thomas Yardley."
In addition to the list of Eight Squares as herewith submitted
is the one mentioned in the history of Maple Point School. The
present discontinued school structure at that spot was preceded
by an "eight square" placed nearer the junction on the intersect-
ing highways, as described in interview with George Row on
September 25, 1937.
This picture has been kindly furnished by Anna W. Smith,
Wash.ington Avenue, Newtown, Pa.
The notation found in pencil l)elo\^- the picture, is in the hand-
writing of flannah M. Smith, mother of Anna V/. Smith. The
former, whose maiden name was Large, was one of the assistant
teachers at the Lumberville Eight Square". 3/23/1938.
■'Of all the works of the architect within this noble -tate,
The Octagon Athenium is noted and most great :
'Tis built of yellow free-stone; of corners it has eight,
Its roof is neither made of tin, nor is it made of slate.
'Twas built in eighteen 23 — If you can't think that true,
Go to tlie rear and you will see it present to your view."
— Kendcrdine.
Through the kindness of Aima Smith, Newtown, Pa., I have
been privileged to read from ""Personal Recollections and Travels,
at Home and Abroad", X'olume I, in Two Parts, by Thaddeus S.
Kenderdine, printed at the Newtown Enterprise Office, Newtown,
Pa., 1913.
Thaddeus S. Kenderdine was born 1836. and died in 1922.
This venerable Friend devoted several pages of his recollections
to the "Old Eight Square" near Lumberville. Gatchel c^ Man-
ning, Phila., appear to be responsible for the pen and ink sketch
which portrays the structure in a sylvan setting. Youth and maid
with lunch baskets and 1x)oks approach the house, which compan-
ions, already arrived, are ])icture(l in tlie plot, nr triangle of
ground, at the junction of roads. The ""snake" or ""wornr" fencing
is indicative of the method of enclosure at the time. l)ut it is the
adjoining property along tlie two lanes that is placed as a restricted
area. The school ground admit'- no 1)arrier between itself and
neighboring highways. The dates announce its building in 1823,
and its surrenrler as an educational center in 1855.
The author's facts and those hitherto stated are at some sHght
variance. The date of building under general information is re-
corded as 1824, and the "Eight Square" at the Chain Bridge, in
Wrightstown. as 1804 instead of 1802.
The following additional comments by Thaddeus Kenderdine
may well be incorporated into the story of the "Eight Square".
Wrote he in reference to "The Old Eight-Square near Lumber-
ville" :
"There were usually two extra movable rows of desks facing
the center of the room, and those occupying them, the smaller
scholars, had their backs to the light, and sat sideways to the
'master's' desk.
"I suppose the octagonal hall of learning which I attended
for twelve years, situated on the State road leading from the lower
end of Lumbervdlle to Lahaska about half a mile from the river,
was thirty feet across with twenty-four walled in 'lesks. and twelve
tacing the stove, and back of these were benches where the A,B,C,
and primer scholars sat. I have known between eighty and ninety
pupils on the rolls, but their attendance was irregular, for there
were no truant officers in those times and pupils could go when
and where they pleased, or stay at home at their parents' will, but
I have known from fifty to si.xtv crowded at one :ime in this little
building. At such times there would be an assistant taken from
among the larger girl pupils: one who ])erhaps. wa^ intending to
be a teacher, herself. Possibly they were paid something, but I am
not positive, as their apprentice experience might be worth enough
to ])ay theuL
"Tuder the eaves of the rear of the schoolhou>e was a date
board sliowing it was built in 1S23. Its carpenter was .Amos
Armitage. and 1 snjjpose the mason work was done by 'Danny"
Helwig. wlio lived near as a thrift\- I'armer, and who had laid for
])astime in liis younger da\■,•^. It was built on a triangular jiiece of
ground, on top of a hill, less than a (juarter acre in area, and
bounded h\ two converging roads and a woods, donated by an old
resident, Koliert Liveze\. l-"roni this a threr acre lot (was) after-
wards bought for a playground Xear the center of the lot
was a large oak, so much like the one in Comix's spelling book,
that I thor.ght the artist drew it thence and with a conscientious
j)C'iici!. riuler the shade of this wide si)rea(hng tree the ■J:\v\> had
their playhouses, withi wahs made of sniah stones and stieks of
wood aeross oiienin^s in them tor doors. 'I he erocker\- ware was
of hrokeu dishes from home for i)hues. while the cu])> were from
tile bases of acorn.-, (h-oppint,^ from the hmhs aho\-c as freely as
tile manna of the Israelites of the I'ihle.
"I have a list of the teachers from the time the I*".iL;ht S(juare
\va.s Ijuilt to the time it was dismantled after twer.t\'-four years of
service as a hail of learning, when it was bought b\- one Jerry
I-lynn for a home. 1 never saw the rooms after they were ])arti-
tioned olf. but from the fashion of the schoolhouse, they must
have been shaped like ])ieces of i)ie.
■'The teachers" names follow :
Solomon Wright ( ieorge W lietts
David McCready \\ illam K. Case
William C. Ely ( )liver Wilson
Isaiah Large ^ )bid M. I'ass
John Gillingham W illiam S. Janne\
Amos Winder Julia M. Tliompson
Elias Duer b'rank Stai>ler
Hiram Jones lurima .\tkinson
Sarah Lee Mar\ Hampton
Susan Parrv b^weretta lUidd
Susan Fell Rose liudd
Helena I'arr}- lulgar Mellin
1). Wilson Small Margaret Snnth
Susanna I'Ax ' ieorgc I'.astburn
John W. Cilbert Sarah I',. WiLon
I lanna M. Smith
■"0. Wilson Small studied law, mo\-ed to Wisconsin, and after-
wards married another of the F-ight S<|nare teachers, Susanna
El}-, lie became a law Judge in hi-- new location.
"The cult of 'Singing ( ieogra])h\' came in about IS.')!!, but
was by no means confined to our school di-^lrict, township, couniy.
or state, for it prevailed across the ri\er in Jer-iy. ( )ne Samuel
Xaylor introduced the system in both --tale'-. Teacher Small
studied under him. .... With the aid of 'I'elton's ( )utline Maps',
large hanging charts on w liicli were marked all the iprincipa! fea-
tures on the world's surface, rivers, lakes, bays, seas, mountains,
capes, grand and political divisions, with their principal cities, and
I don't remember what else, he had his pupils chanting to a modi-
fied tune from the (jpera of "Old Dan Tucker' the titles of the long
list named. Sometimes "( )ld Dan' had not compass enough, such
as in giving a description of the destruction of Herculaneum and
Pompeii, or some other noted event. . . . Before this lesson-sugar-
ing fad died out the pr(jsaic multiplication tables were assailed, and
then- 'Twice one are two' on up to "twelve times twelve are one
hundred forty- four' were set to the 'C)ld Dan Tucker' tune."
The manual lab<;)r idea in its significant social and educational
aspects, was institutionalized and popularized by Emanuel Fellen-
berg, at Hofwyl, in the first quarter of the century.
The private masters, with ])ossibly one exception, did r,ot do
nuich to promote manual labor schooL. In 1931, a Mr. Ismar,
who studied under Fellenberg, was conducting such a school near
Bristol. It was known as the Fellenberg School. Anthony Mor-
ris, who apparently contributed generously toward the establish-
ment and support of this school,* said of Ismar-
His character is unique, enthusiastic on the subject of the
system; thoroughly instructed first at Hofwyl: and finally by a
seven years course of study at Gottingen. He is a first rate Mathe-
matician and a practical Engineer. . . He applies all his theories
immediatelv to practice, such as transferring the principles of
Geometry, as taught on the blacklioard, instantly to the survey of
gardens, etc. As to the physical branches of education, he labors
himself with his scholars, walks with them, talks with thenL pene-
trates with a kind of intuition, (the result of his education) im-
mediately the ])eculiar j)ropensities and talents of each, and ap-
plies his instruction according!}-. (Ibid, 334)
To what extent this institution was a private undertaking is
not clear, but in a lectiu'c delivered in (reorgetown. in 1831, Ismar
outlined his "Plan for a ])reiiaratory school, after the Fellenberg
System." and remarked in i)resenting it ;
I haye therefore stated, that I was willing to establish a pre-
parat(jry school in this district, in order to introduce Mr. b'ellen-
berg's systenL uiuil 1 can determine in which part of this county
I shall found an entire llofvvyl institution. ... It is my desire to
begin by acting, and not by applying for the j^atronage of others.
I have stated that I have not requested, and never will ask pecun-
iary aid. 1 have learned, that such aid has uniformly proved in-
jurious to the welfare of the institution, as every contributor
claims a right to interfere in the internal policy; and, while they
pretend to support it, they substitute for its established system,
their individual views and opinions, which are oftentimes capri-
cious. (Hazard: Register of Pa., VIT, 404-5.)
He went on to explain his [ilan for instruction in agriculture.
In the beginning he could admit no poor student, because he would
have to accept gifts to do ^o, and thus lose his independence. He
remarked :
I must try another mode. 1 find it in a pre])arator\- school for
teachers, and for that class of society vvdiij are ahle, and are will-
ing, to pay an amuial remuneration., and to pa\- the same half
yearly in advance. . . This remuneration being fixed, ten ])upils
would be required to open a preparatory school, the i)arents of
whom should select from among themselves one, and mvself an-
other meniber, to form a committee, whose duty it should he to
decide, whether the son of this or that mechanic, or farmer, may
be admitted to the school, at a lower rate than tlie established
price; and who ought to pay quarterly in advance, one half in
money, and, if he so desire it, the other half in produce, labor, etc..
at the current rates of the day.
The pupils must not I>e less than ten years of age, able to read
and write tolerably — the young teachers should be seventeen
years of age, able to read and write correctly. (Ibid. 405) (Mul-
hern "A Hist, of Sec. Ed. in Pa.— pp 284-286.)
The curriculum as he outlined it was almost entirely modern
and scientific. Ismar was evidently one of the popularizers of the
h'ellenberg idea, and soon the legislature found petitions arriving
from several counties asking for public ;'iid for manual labor
schools. He was not, however, a i)ioneer, for a manual labor
school hafl been attemi^ted at i iermantown before he came to Pcnn-
.-ylvania. ( Mulhern ".X Mist, of Sec. V.i\. in Pa., p. 286. i I'.ucks
County Intelligencer. Oct. -U. 1881.
* Hazard: Register ot Pa., VII. 4 "i.
Bristol College, an Episcopal institution, adopted the plan (i.e.,
manual labor) in 1834. (The T^ws of Tlristol College, p. 18.
[Rucks Co. Hist. Soc] )
In the thirties the manual labor ])lan of education was finding
advocates in the legislature, where it was enthusiastically recom-
mended by a Committee on Education in 1838. The committee
found by investigation :
l^irst — That the expense of education, wlien connected with
manual labor judiciously directed, mav be reduced at least one
Second — That the exercise of about three liours manual labor,
daily, contributes to the healtl: and cheerfulness of the ])upil, by
strengthening and improving liis ])hvs'cal i)()wers. and hx engaging
his mind in useful pursuits.
Third — That so far from manual labor being an im]iediment
in the progress of the ]iupil, in intellecturd studies, it has been
found that in ])roportion as one ])U])il has excelled another in the
amount of labor ])er formed, the same pu]n\ has excelled the other,
in etfual ratio, in his intellectual studies.
b^ourth — That manual labor institutions tend to break down
the distinctions between rich and poor which exist in society, in-
asmuch as they give an almost equal opportunity of education to
the jioor by labor, as is afforded to the rich by the i)ossession of
wealth ; and
Eifth — That pupils trained in this wa\-, are much better fitted
for active life, and better (lualified to act as useful citizens, than
when educated in any other mode — that they are better as re-
gards ])hysical energy, and better intebectually. and morally. (Re-
jiort on Manual Labor Academies — Hazard : Register of Pa., xi,
Petitions came from man\- ])arts of the .State to the legislature
advocating the establishment of such schools.
The writer has been able to ol)tain from the State .\rcliives
at llarrisburg a photo-static coi)y of the original petition, or
memorial signed by citizens of lUicks County, June ( ?) 30, 1834.
and addres-ed to the Pennsyhania Eegislature. "Praying for .State
Aid for -Manual Labor Schools."
As a part of this pa]ier said photo-static co]))- is herewith
A sale of the schoolhonse at Maple Point on June 5, 19;57, to
Mr. E. Stocker of Earnkford hy the directors of the Middletown
Township School Board has ])r(inipted the undersigned to attenijjt
a brief history of the school, and thus preserve for posterity a
record of local interest.
A visit to George Row. father of Mrs. Amos Satterthwaite,
September 25. 1937, proved a rich source f(»r many a hint of per-
sonal recollection. Here in an attractive house dating previous to
1837, (the ix)int of time appears carved in a stone gate post at
the homestead entrance). Mr. Row narrated from carefully pre-
pared notes exact details of the school's past. Eavored. indeed, is
one to listen to such an able commentator. Hi"? own st()ry told
in the first ]:)erson lends additional charm to a tale that now borders
on memory.
^'To whom may be ascribed first the designation of the school,
I do not know. Its location at a junction of roads, ( formerly
Wildman's Corners), and the presence of mai:)!e trees on the
grounds form an easy basis of conjecture for dwellers of the
neighborhood to name the spot where children gathered to learn.
"My first term was in the 'h^^ight .S([uare'. This octagonal
shaped structure was placed on a small point of land taken from
the Wildman farm. There was not enough space about the build-
ing for children to pursue their games, and boys found it neces-
sary to play 'corner ball' in the adjacent highway. Strange that
people gave land so sparingly in those days.
"My father Washington Row was a school director and super-
vised the building of the present liouse in 1862 or "63. In this
office he gave service to the public for twenty-seven years. The
stone used in the octagonal structure was carried, back from the
}K)int and used in making the house now found u]m\] the spot.""
As already intimated the original land came from the Wild-
man farm. .\ parenthetical reference in tlie deeil m.ide I'ourth
month first. 1853. states l It being tlie ^aine lot w hicli James Wild-
man and wife conveved to John Watso:;, Thomas lenks. loshua
Rlakey. Jr.. Joseph Suber, (all deceased), and the above men-
tioned James Moon in fee for the use of a school by Deed bearing
date the 1th of 9th mo.. A. D.. 1804, recorded at Rucks in Deed
Rook No. 34. page 560 &c. . . .\
Concerning the date just mentioned a word of comment is
appropriate. There is an erasure in the original deed which, with
subsequent insertion, would indicate that 1822 had been made over
into 1804, and the "'th" for the month had not been changed to
Wiien the transfer was made in 1852 James Moon, surviving
trustee, is mentioned as conveying the land for fifty cents to an-
other board of directors. Upon this land a School House had
been erected. Tt is quite likely, therefore, that the original Maple
Point school building had been placed previous to the Public School
Act of 1834.
The later contracting School Roard embraced the names of
Joseph Rich, James W'ildman. Joseph Watson. Thomas Jenks,
Isaac Eyre, and Jame^ H. Moon.
Additional space was purchased from Mary Newbold Sept-
ember 27. 1862. In this later deed the "Directors of Common
Schools of Middletown Township" are listed as Paxson Rlakey,
David L. Watson, Jesse Cabe, W^ashington Row. Samuel M.
Gillam and Pierson Mitchell. The tract described as the New-
bold farm is now owned by William D. Rowe.
Roth the original deed and the one for later purchase are
herewith tendered ti) the keeping of the Rucks County Historical
Mr. George Row's remarks continue as follows :
"Of the teachers the Rlakely sisters, Marianna and Sarah,
were the first remembered. I think they taught in both the old
and present buildings. Mary Roberts of Dolington taught one
term. Sarah (lillam whose farm home was at Glen Lake was an
early teaclier. Her l)rothers, Jonathan and William, came with
her by horse and wagon. Idie school was very large that winter,
o\cr sixt^■ pu])ils being enrolled. Susanna Rich was another
teacher, but bow long she served I do not know. (The inform-
ation concerning this teacher has been supplemented through a
communication received from Elizabeth R. Kirk. West Chester.
Pa. Tt reads: "My .\nnt Susanna Rich taught at Maple Point
for a number of years. I do not know the dates exactly, but a'-
near as I can remember, I think the period of service was about
1872 to 1892. My cousin Mrs. Xathan U'orrall, also a niece of
Susanna Rich, was a pupil at Maple Point." )
"Cassie Rice, an outstanding person in some wa}s, also gave
of her time. She and her sister Maggie later taught m the Friends'
School, at Langhorne. The plain language, or the 'thee and thou
of the Quakers' was used at the time, probably influenced b}- the
Friendly expression of the neighborhood at that time.
"Flo (Linton) Ivins and Maggie (Wright) Pidcock were
later teachers. Agnes Cunningham followed, and Eftie W'atson,
too, was there for a longer time than some of the others.
"In the days to which reference has been made the matter
of boarding the teacher was a problem that confronted the director
then in office. No one cared to share the requisites of a home
with the temporary resident of the district. Father being a direc-
tor, the teacher found the necessary food and shelter under his
roof. He lived then in the house about a mile from the school
on the road to Yardley. This property until recently was owned
by the Heacock Nurseries.
"The jmrchase of the Wildman home by W^illiam and Mary
Watson furnished the needed relief to Mother who had a large
family for which provision must be made. The Watsons saw
their wa\' clear to entertain the teachers as thev came along and
thus help in the solution of a community obligation."
(George Row assigns credit for a part of the foregoing to
.Anna Watson, who died recentlv in the Friends' Home at Trenton,
New Jersey. )
Through the kindness of j\Irs. Peter Leichliter whose home
is at Mai)le Point, supplemented by a search of tlie minutes of
the Middletown Townsliip School r>oar(l. the writer ha- learned
of othtr> who taught in this school. The list of names has been
arranged in chronological order as closely as memory serves.
Edith Darlington
Eva M. FVankenfield, 1904
Violet S. Evans ( ? )
Mary Grace Reber, resigned Dec. 1906, later became the
wife of Judge Calvin Boyer.
Jennie S. Wildman (transferred from Frosty Hollow)
Edna Subcr. 1907
Helen T. Yerkes Row, 1908
Hazel E. Reburn
Edith Rich Cutler
Florence AT. Reeder
Edith H. Black ( Substitute, Dec. 17-24. 1918)
Helen Hays, 1919
Sarah C. \'anArtsdalen
Anna Scarborough
Mrs. M. P. Plammond
Josie Kimble (last to serve).
It is recorded in the minutes of the Board that on April 7,
1927, it was unanimously resolved to close the Maple Point School
at the end of the school year. It w as further decided to send all
the ]mpils of grades 1, 2, and 3 to Edge Hill, and all grades above
the third from both Maple Point and Edge Flill are to be sent to
The closing of Ma])le Point School was not accomplished
without protest. A petition of 190 names including those of tax-
jiavers. parents, and voters of Middletown Township expressed an
unwillingness for the discontinuance of a school in this section.
To such a formal objection must be accorded respect and consider-
ation, for both sentiment and neighborhood pride factor in com-
munal projects.
The Board on July 2. 1927. gave consideration to this peti-
tion, but felt that since the closing of W'ildman's Corner School
fso designated in the petition) had been carefully weighed in all
its details, no action should be taken rescinding the decision
reached at a ])revious meeting to close the school.
In the meantime, on June 2. 1927. the Board already had
resolved that immerliate .steps should be initiated for disposal by
sale of the building and property. To that end the President and
Secretary were authorized to execute and deliver a jiroper deed
for said premises to the purchaser thereof.
Scliool sessions were ended at Maple Point fune, 1927. Xow
modern busses carry the primary children to the one-room school
at Edge Hill, and those of the higher grades find their place of
learning in the Langhorne-Middletown Township combined sys-
tem of schools.
.V waiting system not far from the building, innv used as a
dwelling, affords protection in inclement weather to pu])ils await-
ing the arrival of the bus.
The ])resent Board of Directors of Middletown Township
is composed of Airs. Hannah G. C. Pickering, President, Wood-
bourne ; EcUnund Cocks, X'ice-president, ( ieorge School ; Walter
S. Miller, Secretary, Parkland ; Samuel H. Everitt, Treasurer,
llristol R. n. : and Christian \'. Tomlinson, Langhorne.
( )ther directors are noted as follows, sources of information
l)eing the deeds to which reference already has been made and
minute books of the Hoard.
Several a])pointments were dv.e to death or resignation of
predecessors. Some of the directors resumed office after an in-
terim from another term. In general, the time element is the
determining factor in the arrangement of names.
John Watson
Idiomas Jenks Maple Point
Joshua Plakey Original Purchase
Jose])h Suber ( 9/1/1804, or 1822)
James Moon
Joseph Rich
James Wildman
Josei)h Watson Majik Point
Thomas Jenks Transfer
Lsaac Eyre (4/1 '1852)
James 11. Moon
Paxson I'.Iakey
David P. Watson
Jesse Cabe M;q)le Point
Washington Row Second I'urcluLse
Samuel M. Gillam (9/27/1862)
Pierson Mitchell
Stacy Watson
Joseph C. Liew
Aaron Tomlinson Frosty Hollow
John W. Stackhonse Purchase
James Linton ( 11/1 /1 838)
Nathan Hellings
William Harmon Richardson
Samuel A]>nor Richardson
Aaron Knight
David Harrison
Joseph Mather
Edward Briggs
Benjamin S. Woodman
Edward Pickering (resigned 10/12/1907)
George Douglas
Charles McCorkle (replaced Mr. Douglas, due to illness
of latter.)
George Wisner
Samuel H. Longshore ( resigned due to removal from
district — place taken by Benja-
min S. Woodman. )
Joseph S. Walton (appointed 10/9/1909 to fill vacancy
caused by death of Benjamin S.
Andrew J. Hibbs (vice David Harrison, resigned.)
Wilmer McFayden
Joseph Linden felser
George Wislar
George Weeks
Howard Thompson
Airs. Hannah G. C. Pickering, who, according to the
minutes of March 7, 1925. was appointed to
fill the vacancy caused by the death of George
Minute, /\ugust 6. 1926. — "Our esteemed president, Mr.
Joseph Mather, having moved from the Township into the Bor-
ough of Langhorne, has had to resign by reason of non-residence.
To fill this vacancy an invitation was tendered to Mr. Samuel H.
Everitt. His acceptance followed,"
In the minutes of Xovember 10, 1928, the following- is re-
corded: "Tlie Board lias been stnnned to learn of the death of
onr fellow member Howard Thompson on Nov. 7, 1928. His
funeral was held on Xovember 10th. and was attended by all of
the surviving Board members."
Some difificulty was exjjerienced in finding one to take the
place caused by the death of ^Ir. Thompson. Finally Franklin
Briggs was elected to fill the vacancy on the Board.
Other names follow:
Mrs. Julia bVances .Sealv
Mrs. Harriet \\'. Tomb
?^lyron W. Harris
^Ir. Walter S. Miller, the present •secretary tn the Board, has
ser\-ed in that capacity- since February 11. 1922. His total number
of years as a Board member date from his election in Xovember
1921. The preceding incumbent, Mr. Fdward Briggs. served
faithfully over an extended ])eriod of \ears. The earlier book
of records finds minutes written bv him as far back as 6/11/1904.
In addition to his secretarial dutie-^, Mr. Miller is now ''resi-
dent of the Bucks Countv School Director'^' Xssociation. Bv
virtue of this office he holds a place on the recently organized
Board of Directors under the Count}- I'nit Flan.
( hie or two incidental notes nm\ ])os>ess sutYicient historical
interest to warrant their embodiment in thi- i)a])er. The di.scon-
tinuance of local trolley service, between Doylestown and Bristol,
October 31, 1923, helps to make clear the necessity of transporta-
tion facilities in modern times.
Some ])U])ils in the Maple Foint area, in order to gain instruc-
tion in grades suital)lc for their educational advancement, jour-
neyed from W'oodbourne to Langhorne on the Fhiladel])hia and
Reading Kailrdad, and from there to Hulme\'ille by trolley.
Miss Anna Scarborough informed the writer it was an ordi-
nary procedure for her on ^Monday morning to go from Xewtown
to Bridgetown b\- trolle} ai-id walk the remaining distance to the
school at Ma])le Foint.
Local designations often are suggestive of intimate associa-
tions and linkage. They tend to give character to the object named
and ultimately come to be invested with neighborhood life and con-
nections. Sometimes they seem to be steeped in tradition so that
the resulting infusion is an inseparable combination of the real
and legendary. How Frosty Hollow came to be is not known to
tlie writer but its significance holds a charm that such appellations
alone can convey
To introduce the story of the Frosty Hollow School, the
comment of Cieorge Row who was mentioned in the story of
Maple Foin.t may not be inappropriate. Said he. "My first recol-
lection of tlie Frosty Hollow School is associated with the name
of Harmon Richardson. He came from 'u]) county' as a teacher,
married a woman in that community, turned to farming as a
means of livelihood, and later became a director in the school in
which he originally taught. This was sixt}- years ago."
Mr. Samuel H. Everitt, a present member of the Middletown
Township School ll(jard. and Mrs. \'iola R. Hibbs of Hulmeville,
have kindly contributed pertinent information which agrees in
general with the foregoing, and from their observations the fol-
lowing supplementary material is adducefl.
Frosty Hollow Schoolhouse was built in 1838. The structure
was built of stone, being of the one-room type and provided with
a porch. The extent of grounds is given as nine-sixteenths (9/16)
of an acre.
An old histor}- of Uucks Count}' records that William Har-
mon Richardson served as school director for twenty-one years.
His son Samuel Abnor Richardson afterward acted in the same
capacity for a number of years with Aaron Knight serving as a
co-flirector. followed l)v David Harrison.
A copy of the deed of sale (herewith ofl^ered > with date of
record. June 4th. 1862. reveals that Stacy Watson. Joseph C.
Liew, Aaron Tomlinson, John \\'. Stackhouse. James Linton and
Nathan Hellings were the Directors of Common Schools of
Middletown Townshi]) District in the County of Rucks at the
time of ])urchase.
It is interesting to note that the names of six directors were
mentioned in this legal transaction. Likewise, a similar number
of name^, all <lift"crent, ap])ear in the deed of transfer for addi-
tional i)roperty at ^Llple Point. September 27, 1862.
Reference to the history of Ma|)le Point School will reveal
the Hpt of names of all directors that research has determined.
Many of these individuals had a share in formulating and directing
educational procedure and management of the Frosty Hollow-
School until its close in 1925.
A list of teachers' names that appear in the minutes of the
School Board or have been furnished by former Frosty Hollow
pupils are,
William Harmon Richard'^on
James G. Hibbs
S. Willet Bardine
Mrs. Stephen Woolston f Fallsington)
Ida ( Marple ) Heritage
Miss Lillie Rich
James Edoms
John Stroud
Miss Dixon
Miss May Flowers
Abdil Ramsey
Mrs. Permelia (Thompson) Conrad (1882-83)
Miss Olive M. Hibbs (grand-daughter of James G. Hibbs,
already mentioned.)
Mrs. Ellen B. (Duerr) Norton (1892)
Mrs. Susie (Good-Lovett) Walters
Miss Esther Wildman (1894-96')
Mrs. Anna (Pa.xson) Reeder
Miss Anna E. Horn (1904)
Miss Helen J. Baily (1906)
Miss Jennie E. Wildman (1906)
Miss Florence Yardley (1907)
Miss Florence M. Reeder (1907^
Miss Alabel E. Hawk-
Miss Catherine R. Neary (1912)
Miss Gretchen Magill (1918)
Miss Edna Paxson (1919)
Mrs. Marie D. Greenlee (1920-21)
Miss ]\Iaude Sealey (last to serve. 1925)
The average attendance when the school closed was sixteen
(16), but earlier enrolment was placed at thirty (30).
Mrs. Viola R. Hibbs (Hulmeville) contributed the following
interesting items :
1. I found a reward of merit to Samuel Abnor Richardson
from S. Willet Bardine, dated December 6th, 1860. Bardine evi-
dently was teaching there at that time.
2. I recall a flag raising, flag and pole having been donated
by the Order of American Mechanics of Bristol, Pa. The pre-
sentation was made by Doran Green of Bristol, but T do not
remember the year.
Mrs. Clarence Randall of Xewtown, Pa., related many inter-
esting events and anecdotes, when a call was made (4/15/1938).
1. About 1872, Abdil Ramsey was a teacher at Frosty Hol-
low. While teaching he was studying to become a minister. Later
years found him preaching the Episcopal faith in Newtown. He
married Ellen White, whose father, Ebenezer White, was second
cousin to Mrs. Randall's father.
2. Wesley White (h. 1828, d. 1887) and Annie E. (Hibbs)
White, parents of Mrs. Hannah (\\diite) Randall and Wilson
Randall, father of Mr. Clarence Randall, were pupils at Frosty
Memory on the part of Mrs. Randall recalled that an elderly
gentleman dwelt near the School. Entrance to the highway neces-
sitated the o]iening of a gate. The re-lived picture is so vivid that
she remarked she still could see the children run to open the gate
for the passing of horse and wagon of the Jenny IJnd type, in
order to get the penny of compensation for the courteous service
8. Entertainments formed a part of school life in those days
in a manner similar to jn'esent day custc>m. T remember on one
occasion ni}- sister antl I had a part to smg in which a reference
to "buttercups" formed a portion of the theme.
Mrs. Permelia (Thompson) Conrad, Newtown, Pa., said that
as a teacher she could recall that the stream near the school often
would rise (|uickly, due to sudden rainfall. The larger boys would
hurry to the bridge and remove the planks to prevent their being
washed away. For this service the remimeration was usually
Mr. Frank Ellis of East Washington Avenue, Newtown,
kindly gave of his lime to inform the writer of his experiences.
Mr. Ellis spoke of the eft'icient services of Miss Mav Flowers
who apparently merited in unl)ounded degree tlie affection and
esteem of her pupils.
Concerning James Edoms, Mr. Ellis remarked, "He was a
strict, but hne teacher. He gained the respect of the larger boys
who, in due time, learned not alone the subject matter from books,
but profited through associations with tlieir teacher in course of
daily routin.e."
One of the Carlisle Indian boys who attended Frosty Hollow
school lacked the colorful name the native language usually em-
ploys. It was the Anglicized designation of Bruce Havnian that
identified this protector of Mr. Ellis in his tender years of instruc-
]5ruce FTayman worked for Mr. James Rvles. For some rea-
son, perhaps a kindly service performed by the Ellis family, this
Indian boy took a keen interest in the welfare of the little son.
The latter was guarded in the rough play and teasing of the school
yard. For the pleasure of the boy wdiose parents made the so-
journer a welcome guest at their home on Sundays, he fashioned
a bow and arrow for the child's amusement.
Mr. F'Uis mentioned the names of Samuel Evcritt, Joseph
Everitt, Louis Brunner, John EaRue. Howard Buckman, and his
sisters Annie, Josephine, and Elizabeth Ellis as Frosty Hollow
Ofl^icial action began in 1920 for the closing of Frosty FTol-
low School. Minutes state that a meeting was held to consider
the question. It was apparently decided to send the pupils to
the flulmeville School and to transfer the teacher, Miss Edna
Paxson, to Parkland.
The minutes of Jidy 8, 1920, record that such action was
rescinded, for tliis quotation appears under the date mentioned,
"On account of the strc^ig opposition from the patrons of the
Frosty FTollow School against the closing of it. the P>oard reversed
its decision of a former meeting to close said school and decided
to open it. Mrs. Marie D. Greenlee of that neighborhood was
engaged to teach the present term of 1920-21, she having been a
teacher and well qualified."
After a lapse of five years (May 9, 1925) the Board held a
general discussion concerning the advisability of closing Frosty
Hollow School and transporting the pupils to Hulmeville. It was
decided that the entire board should visit the district, and go over
the proposed route, interview the parents and other interested per-
sons in order to determine if any pronounced objection exists.
The trip of inspection was set for May 10, 1925.
Within a month a report of the visit to the Frosty Hollow
section was ready for submission, for on June 13, 1925, appears
this motion in the minutes: "It was decided to close permanently
the Union (Frosty Hollow) school and to transport the pupils by
auto-bus." The matter of providing transportation, and also
waiting stations, or shelters, received attention. It was concluded
that possible drivers be interviewed.
On July 3, 1925, the minutes state the plans had been made
to convey children from the recently closer! L^nion (Frosty Hol-
low) School to Hulmeville over a line of travel to be known as
Route 3.
At the meeting of the Board held October 6, 1925, a petition
was presented praying for the restoration of the Frosty Hollow
School. Upon motion said petition was laid on the table.
One year after the closing of the school the question of its
sale was discussed. June 11. 1926, minutes find this notation:
".^s we will never be allowed to re-open it (the school) without
extensive re-building, if then, and since it is rapidlv deteriorating
it was unanimously resolved, upon motion, to sell the propertv at
public auction."
This resolution, newspaper notice of sale, and poster an-
nouncement are herewith appended.
Resolution passed, at meeting of June 11, 1926, and ntlified
and rei)assed at meeting of July 3, 192(i.
WHEREAS, the Frosty Hollow School i'roperty consisting
of School House and about one acre of land is not in use as a
public school of the School District of the Township of Middle-
(■()l-\TV PUBr.TC SCIIOOIS 103
town, and the condition of the buihhnii is such as to ])e (hsap-
proved by the State Department of fubiic Instruction and could
not be re-opened without the expenthture of large sums of money
thereon, and it is not feasible or necessary to re-o]ien said school,
as satisfactory arrangements have been made for the education of
all children from that community; and. it is the desire of the
School Board of the said Township of ?\[iddleto\vn that the said
property be sold.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOL\ED l)y the Schc.ol Board
of the Townshi]) of Middletown, Bucks Count}', Pennsylvania,
that the School District of Middletown Townsliip sell the said
Erosty Hollow School Pro])erty consisting of Iniilding and about
one acre of land in Middletown Townshi]), the same no longer
being needed or adapted for schr)oi purposes, and that for the
purpose of acquiring the best price obtainable therefor, Jesse C.
Everitt, a Real Estate Agent located at Hulmeville. Pennsylvania,
be, and is hereby, authorized to make sale thereof at ])ui)lic sale,
after advertisement in two or more newspapers in lUicks County,
once a week for three weeks, and by a proper number of hand-
bills, and sell the same to the highest bidder. Said agent to be
paid the cost of advertising and a commission of .S for
his services in making said sale, and the President and Secretary
of our said School P)oard be authorized to execute and deli\er a
proper deed in fee simple for said premises to the jnnxliaser
With all members present and voting, all voted aye upon the
above resolution on both occasions.
Signed: Walter S. ^ Filler.
(Notice of Sale) — Xewspai)cr.
The pro]:)erty was sold to Frederick and Elizabeth lloehle of
i'hiladel])hia, on date as advertised, i.e., August 7th. l!)'2(i.
Deed Book, Ml: i'age 4S1 : Grantee. School Directors of
Middletown Townshi]): ( irantor. William (\: Isaiah \ anhorn : Date
of Record, June 4, 1852; Location, Middletown Townshi]), De-
KXOir .ILL MI'X nV rilLSL PRESENTS th-dt we, Wil-
liam X'anhorn (S: I'^lizabeth his wife & Tsaiah X'anhorn & Elizabeth
and ^^^J I on
Satueday, AUG. 7/26
on the premises,
at 3 P. M., Daylight Saving Time.
By direction of the Board of Directors of the Middletown School
District, I will sell at public sale the property known as the Frosty
Hollow school, consisting of a
about 9-16 OF AN ACRE of LAND,
more or less,
situate on the cross road leading from the Dur-
ham road to the Bristol and Oxford Valley road,
in said township.
Terms day of sale.
J. C. EVERITT, Agent
C()l^\T^■ PTBLTr scitools 105
his wife, all of Middletown township in the County of Rucks in
the State of Pennsylvania for & in consideration of the sum of
forty five dollars to us paid at the ensealing hereof by Stacy Wat-
son. Joseph C. Liew. Aaron Tomlinson. John W. Stackhouse,
James Linton & Nathan llellings. Directors of Common Schools
of Middletown Townshi]) District in the County of Bucks afore-
said, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do grant, bar-
gain, sell, assure & convey to the said Directors aforesaid, their
successors & assigns, the following described piece of ground
situate in the said Middletown township. Beginning in the middle
of a public road at a corner of Aaron Everitt's land, thence by
the said Aaron Everitt's land north eighteen degrees west nine
perches &: two tenths of a perch, thence by other land of the said
W'm. A^anhorn and Isaiah X'anhorn north eightv three degrees
east ten jierches & two tenth of a perch to a stone & south eighteen
degrees east nine perches vS: two tenths of a perch to the middle
of tlie said public road, thence along the middle of the said public
road by the said A.aron Everitt's land south eighty three degrees
West ten ])erches & two tenths of a perch to the place of begin-
ning, containing ninety & two tenths square perches, be the same
more or less : II It being part of the same land of which Jacob
A'anhorn by \irtue of divers good conveyances & assurances in
the law duly had & executed l)ecame lawfully seizerl in fee, &
being so thereof seized died intestate leaving issue the said Wil-
liam A'anJTorn &- Isaiah A'anhorn to whom the same by the laws
of Pennsylvania relating to intestates estates did descend & come,
Together with all its rights, members »!<- appurtenances. To have
& to hold the said described piece of ninety & two tenths perches
of ground i.K: ap])urtenances to the said Stacey Watson, Joseph C.
Liew, .\aron Tomlinson. John W. Stackhouse. James Linton &:
Xathan Hellings. Directors aforesaid, their successors &: assigns
forever, for the establishment &• support of Common Schools in
said District according to law and the said William \^anhorn &
Isaiah \ anhorn do covenant with the said Directors, their suc-
cessors &: assigns, that they are lawfully seized in fee of the
afore granted premises, that the\' are free of all incumbrances,
that they have a good right to sell & convey the same to the
said Directors & will warrant & defend the same premises to the
said Directors, their successors & assigns forever, against the law-
ful claims & demands of all persons. In witness whereof we have
hereunto set our hands & seals, the twenty seventh day of October
in the year of our Lord, One thousand eight hundred & thirty
Wm. A'anhorn (Seal) Elizabeth X A'anhorn (Seal)
Isaiah A'anhorn (Seal) Elizabeth X A^anhorn (Seal)
Sealed & delivered in our ]jresence
Isaac A'ornhorn — Aaron Tomlinson
Received on the day of the date of the within written Inden-
ture of & from the Directors within named the sum of forty-five
dollars lawful monev of the I'nited States, it being the consider-
ation money within mentioned in full.
William \^anhorn
Isaiah \ anhorn
Witnesses present at Signing
Aaron Tomlinson
Bucks Co. SS. Be it known tbat on the twentieth day of
Xovember, Anno Domini 1838. before me esquire, one of the
Justices of the Peace in & for the said County of Bucks, came
the within named William \'anhorn & Elizabeth his wife & Isaiah
X'anhorn & Elizabeth his wife & acknowledged the within written
Deed of Conveyance to be their act & Deed & desired that the
same might be recorded as such according to law. The said wives
being of full age both & bv me separate &: part from their hus-
bands duly examined & the contents thereof first made known to
them declared that they did voluntarily & of their own free will &
accord seal & as their act (S: deed deliver the said deed of conve\-
ance. without any coercion or compulsion of their said husbands.
In testimony whereof i have hereunto set my hand & seal the day
X- year ab(jve written.
Aaron Tomlinson ( Seal )
— Recorded lune 4th, 1852 —
Deed liook 540; Page 593: C.rantee. Fred Iloehle — Eliz.
Moehle ; Grantor, The School Dist. of the Township of Middle-
town, Bucks Co., Pa. ; Date of Indenture, Sept. 7th, 1926 ; Date
COl'.\T\- Pl'BLlC SCHOOLS 107
of Record. Sept. 21. lO'iG: Location. Middletown Tw]). : Recital.
Same, Book 81. Page 481 ; Description,
THIS INDENTURE, made the seventli day of September in
the year of our Lord one Thousand nine hundrev and twenty Six
lietween the School District of the Township of Aliddletown,
I'ucks County. Penna. (!v Jtdia Sealey. Hannali Pickering, lioward
'idiompson, Joseph Mather eK' Walter S. Miller. Directors of the
Common Schools of said Middletown Townshi]) School District.
&' Fred Hoehle & Elizabeth Hoehle. his wife, oi the Citv of Phila-
delphia. State of Pennsylvania.
Whereas William \'anHorn & Elizabeth his wife 8: Isaiah
\'anI-Torn & Elizabeth his wife, by their indenture bearing Date
the 27th Day of October A. D. 1838 and recorded in Deed Book
:^81, Page 481. etc. granted &: conveyed unto Stacy Watson. Joseph
C. Liew. Aaron Tomlinson. John W. Stackhouse, James Linton
& Nathan Hellings. Directors of Common Schools of Middletown
Township. Bucks County, Penna. & to their successors & assigns
the tract of land hereinafetr particularly described by metes &
bounds & intended to be conveyed, situate in Middletown Town-
ship, containing ninety & Two Tenths square Perches more or
less, which said lot together with the messuage thereon was used
for Public School purposes for many years but has recently been
tliscontinued as a Public School & become unfitted & unadapted
for said purpose & the present Directors of the Common Schools
of said Township, consisting of Julia Sealey. Hannah Pickering,
Howard Thompson, Joseph Mather & Walter S. Miller, have
decided to sell the same & at a meeting of the said School Board
held on the 11th Day of June 1926. it was resolved to sell the said
property & after due & legal advertising the same was offered for
public sale (.\: sold on the 7th Da\- oi Aug. 1926 to Fred Hoehle
& Elizabeth, his wife, for the sum of Eight Hundred iJt Five Dol-
lars, all of which said action was duly confirmed by resolution
ad.opted by the school board on the 23rd Day of August 1926, said
I'iesolution being as follows: Having been dul} ado])ted & appear-
ing of record on the minutes of said School Board.
Whereas, By resolution adopted by the School Directors of
the School District of Middletown Townshij) on the 11th Day of
June 1926, It was resolved that the said School District sell the
Frosty Hollow School Property consisting of a School Building
»Sc about one acre of land in ATiddletown Township, which is no
longer needed or adapted for school purposes, & directed the man-
ner of sale etc.
And \\'hereas, after due & I.awful advertisement once a week
for Three weeks in two or more newspapers of Bucks Co. & by
hand bills the said property was exposed for sale at public auction
or vendue on Saturday, the 7th Day of August 192G & sold to
Fred Hoehle & Elizabeth Hoehle, his wife, of the city of Philadel-
phia, for the sum of Eight Hundred & Five Dollars ($805.00)
of which Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00 ) was paid in cash to
the Agent of said School District. The balance to be paid in cash
on or before September 15th upon execution & delivery of a
proper Deed on fee simple for said prem.ises freed & discharged of
encumbrances & easements, the said purchasers being the highest
bidders & the said sum of Eight Hundred & Five Dollars the
highest price bidden for the same, the said sale having been by
competitive bidding & a lunuber of bidders having been present
& bid on said premises.
Therefore be it resolved by the School Board on the School
District of the Township of Middletown. Bucks Co., Penna. that
the said sale of said Frosty Hollow School Property to Fred
Hoehle & Elizabeth Hoehle, his wife, for the sum of Eight Hun-
dred & Five Dollars & the Contract executed by the agent of said
School District with the said Fred Hoehle be confirmed & that
the said premises be conveyed in fee simple free of all encum-
brances & easements of record or otherwise to the said purchasers
on or before the 15th Day of September 1926 on receipt of the
balance of said purchase price, making the total price thereof Eight
Hundred & Five Dollars, the price bid therefor & that the Presi-
dent & Secretary of our said School District be authorized to
execute under the seal of our said School District acknowledge
& deliver in the name & on behalf of said School District of
Middletown Township a proper & sufficient deed in Fee Simple
for said Premises.
Now this indenture witnesseseth that tlie said parties of the
first part, for & in consideration of the sum of Eight Hundred &
Five Dollars, Lawful money of the United States of America,
unto the parties of the first part well &' truly paid by the said
parties of the second part, at & before the sealing & Delivery of
these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have
granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeofted, released & confirmed,
& by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeott, release &
confirm unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs & as-
All the certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the Township
of Middletown, County of P.ucks & State of Pennsylvania, bound-
ed & described as folk)Ws :
Beginning in the middle of a Public Road at a corner of
Aaron Everitt's land, thence by the said Aaron Everitt's lands
North Eighteen Degrees ^^'est Nine Perches &: two tenths of a
perch, thence by other lands of the said \\'illiam A'an Horn (!t
Isaiah A'anHorn, North Eighty Three Degrees East Ten Perches
& two tenths of a perch to a stone &■ South Eighteen Degrees East
Nine Perches & two tenths of a perch to the middle of the said
Public Road, thence along the middle of said public Road by the
said Aaron Everitt's land South Eighty Three Degrees West Ten
Perches & Two tenths of a perch to the place of beginning. Con-
taining ninety & Two Tenths square perches be the same more
or less.
All the present School Directors of the said School District
have joined in this conveyance with the corporate .school district
for the purpose of conve}-ing to & vesting an absolute title in the
said grantees, the said Directors being the successors of the said
grantees in said deed.
Together with all &• singular the buildings, streets, alleys.
]:»assages, ways, waters, water-courses, rights, liberties, privileges,
hereditaments & appurtenances, whatsoever thereunto belonging
or in anx-Avise appertaining, i.^ the reversions .S: remainders, rents,
issues (S; profits thereof & all the estate, right, title, interest, prop-
ert}', claim <!s; demand whatsoever, which were of the ]:)arties of
the first part, in law. equity, or otherwise howsoever of in. iS: to
the same & ever\- part thereof.
To ha\e (!\: to hold the said lot or ])icce of land. iK-reditaments
tv ])remises liereby gran.ted or mentioned X- intended so to be. with
tile api)urtenance.s. unt(» tlie said parties of the second ])art. their
heirs & assigns, to & for the only proper use & behoof of the
said parties of the second part, their heirs & assigns forever.
And the said School District of the Township of Middletown
& the said Julia Sealey, Hannah Pickering, Howard Thompson.
Joseph Mather & Waher S. Miller, as Directors of the Common
Schools of said Middletown Towship but not individually or per-
sonally do by these presents covenant, grant & agree, to & with the
said parties of the second part, their heirs & assigns, that they, the
parties of the first part, all & singular the hereditaments & prem-
ises herein above described & granted or mentioned & intended so
to be. with the appurtenances unto the said parties of the second
part, their heirs & assigns, against them the said parties of the
first part, & against all & every other person or persons whosoever
lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by,
from or under them or any of them, shall iS: will warrant & for-
ever defend.
Tn witness whereof, the said School District of the Township
of Middletown has hereunto afifixed its corporate seal & the said
Julia Sealy, Hannah Pickering. Howard Thompson, Joseph
Mather & Walter S. Miller, have hereunto set their hands & seals
of Directors of said School District, the day and year above
The School District of the
Township of Middletown, Bucks
County. Penna.
By : Walter S. Miller. Secretary
Julia F. Sealey (Seal)
Hannah G. C. Pickering (Seal)
Howard Thompson (Seal)
Joseph Mather as President
& individually (Seal)
Walter S. Miller (Seal)
( Corporate Seal )
Sealed & Delivered
in the Presence of Us:
Albert M. Morris
Margaretta A. Mather
Received the day of the date of the above indenture of the
above named Fred Hoehle & EHzabeth Hoehle. his wife, the with-
in named consideration in full.
The School District of the
Township of Middletown, Bucks
County. rVnna.
r.y: Walter's. Miller
f C!orporate Seal )
Witnesses :
Harry W. Spencer
State of Penna.
County of Bucks, .ss:
On the 7th Day of September. .\nno Domini 1926. before
me. the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace, duh' commissioned and
qualified ir. <S: for the said County tSr .State, per^onallv appeared
the above mentioned Julia Sealey. Hannah Pickering, Howard
Thompson. Joseph Mather & Walter S. Miller, as Directors of
the Common Schools of the said Middletown Township & in due
form of law acknowledged the above indenture to be tb.eir & each
of their act & deed & described the same mieht be recorded as
W^itness my Hand c<: Seal the Day & Year aforesairl.
(Official Seal) Harry W. S])encer
My commission expires first Monday
in Tan. 1932.
State of Penna.
County of Bucks, ."^s :
On the 7th Day of September. Anno Domini 1926, before me.
the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace dul}' commissioned & rjuali-
fied in &: for the said county & state. ]Dersonally appeared W'alter
S. Miller. Secretary of the said the School District of the Town-
ship of Middletown, Bucks Co.. Penna.. who being duly affirmed
according to law says that he was personally present at the execu-
tion of the foregoing indenture & saw the common or corporate
seal of the said corporation duly aff'ixed thereof, that the Seal so
affixed thereof is the common or corporate seal of the said corpo-
ration that the foregoing indenture was duly sealed i.^ delivered
1)\- Walter S. Miller. Secretary of the said cor]-)oration. as >.K: for
the act & deed of the said corporation, for the uses & purposes
therein mentioned & that the names of this affiant as secretary
& of Julia Sealey as President of the said Corporation, subscribed
to the said indenture in attestation of its due execution & delivery
are of their (!v each of their respective Handwritings.
Walter S. Miller — Secretary
Affirmed i^- subscribed before me ( Corporate Seal )
the da^' & year aforesaid.
Witness my hand «S: seal.
Harry W. Spencer
My Commission expires First Monday
of Jan. 1982.
Recorded: Sept. 21 — 1926.
The casual motorist, or the fre(juent traveller, as he journeys
on his erranrl of business or pleasure, finds no occasion to reflect
on the school that once had its site on the Bridgetown pike about
two miles south of Newtown. The building is gone and the con-
cealing hand of nature has covered the ruins so we 1 that one to
recall its previous existence must emplov mem<)r\- to re-establish
the scene.
H one possesses a Centennial Atlas of Bucks C otmty pub-
lished in 1876 by J. I). Scott. Philadelphia, let him turn its pages
until the region mentioned comes to his attention. Here, outlined
with the care and accuracy that characterizes the detail of the map
portrayal, in a local atlas, is found the sj^ot where once was the
Sunny Hill School.
On the northwest corner of t!ie Samuel I'^ite farm of fifty
acres, there ai)pears a single dot and a tiny square to indicate the
location of the schoolhouse and grounds. To the north on the
same side of the road, i.e., east, was the farm of Joseph Watson,
while to the south the atlas repeals the name of H. L\ Parry. Be-
tween the Samuel Kite and H. C. Parr\- farms a lane extends.
Across the pike, i.e., to the west, is featured the farm of Samuel
Story embracing 162 acres.
In addition to the directors listed on the Middletown Tow^n-
shij) School P.oard under Mai)le I'oint School are the names of
the following which hold associations with Sunny Hill. David
A\'atson (grandfather of the one of that name now intimately
associated in the hnsiness of A. W. and W. M. Watson Company,
Xewtown, Pa. ). and John lUickman. Closely connected with these
two is the name of P.enjamin Woofjman of the immediate neigh-
]\Irs. ]^>ank Rook, nee Miss A. Anna Moore, now residing in
Xewtown was a former teacher at Sunn\- Mill. Slie taught there
two _\ears (1890-1892 ). As memory serves she believes the direc-
tors at the time to have been Messrs. Joseph IMilner, George Reed,
and Edward r>riggs.
Mrs. Rook stated that while teaching at Sunny Hill her father
took her bx carriage to and from the school a great deal of the
time. In other occasions the distance was traversed by walking.
There were no trolleys.
Mrs. Rook recalls that Edith, ^Margaret, and Herbert Bunting,
grandchildren of Samuel Story, were pupils at the time, and in
addition three Tomlinson children (one boy and two girls\ and
Myra i Mitchell ) lUoom attended. The enrolment was given as
In an interview on March 29. 1938, with Mr. Samuel Rich-
ardson of Xewtown. many personal references developed. Mr.
Richardson stated that his appearance at Sunny Hill before be-
coming a pupil was that of a visitor under the care of his sisters
Margaret and Mary. Mrs. Sally Cothem, a widow, was his first
teacher. Joshua Richardson, another member of the family, i.e.,
a brother, also had his name recorded on the school register.
Carrie Dernmick was Joshua's teacher.
Other teachers were Miss Sally Twining, daughter of Stejihen
Twining, of Langhorne. She taught there several years. Aliss
\\'ilhelmina (Linton) Ivins, another teacher, boarded one winter
with the Joseph Richardson family. Also employed, were Miss
Elora Sickel, sister of Morris Sickel, Xewtown: and Miss Bella
Gill of Hulmeville. ^Miss Kate Ilogan, now living at Dolington,
preceded Mrs. h'rank Rook, and Mi^s Sarah Fite followed in serv-
ice the latter. Anna ( I'axson ) Reeder was among the last to teach
at Sunny llill, if not the last. .\lso. there was a Miss Carrie
Air. Richardson, speaking of the bHzzard of 1888, told of
the immense size of the drifts. Individuals were able to reach the
suspended telephone wires from the summits of the piles of wind
driven snow. Tops of market w^agons were visible above the
cuts made to restore avenues of travel. The writer can well
imagine the situation, for since being at George School he has
walked through a cut between the School and Bridgetown, where
the snow on either side was sufficiently high to hide the passage
of the main portion of the trolley cars after resumption of service.
Among pupils whom Samuel Richardson mentions as being
in attendance at Sunny Hill at various times are Martha (Buck-
man) Hills. George Doan, and sister Mrs. Annie (Doan") Balder-
ston, wife of Mr. Alonzo Balderston of Dolington. Frank Mitchell,
and Harr}^ Mitchell who lived back of the Samuel Fite place.
John Schlitz, one of the outside men now at George School, re-
calls his school days at Sunny Hill.
Mr. John Buckman who lived on the Fulling Mill road, had
two Indian boys from the Carlisle School during different winters.
The first gave his name as Joe Buckman and the second as Sammy
Noble. Both wore to school regulation suits of blue with brass
buttons, and a hat of felt. They, according to Air. Richardson,
were well mannererl, good-natured, and gifted in no small degree
witli athletic skill.
The third boy mentioned gave his name as Call Him Thunder.
Legend or fact has it that at the time of his birth a thimder storm
was in progress, and according to Indian custom some happening
of immediate consideration determined the name the newcomer
was to assume. This boy lived at Henry Johnson's, now the
Margeson place on tb.e Bridgetown pike.
Mr. George Buckman, a Director, and son of John Buckman
previously mentioned, had an Indian girl to help with the family
chores. Matilda Hoteney was the name, and she is said to have
been the only Indian girl that came into the neighborhood from
the Carlisle School.
The Sunny Hill school building was one of stone. Three
windows were on each side, and a porch was at the front.
One summer day while at work in a field across the way Mr.
Ricliardson observed that the building was on fire. Nothing could
be done to halt the conflagration, and as already intimated in this
article the Sunny "Flill school lives only in memory. The pupils
were transferred to Hnlmeville for the continuance of their edu-
Concerning the manner in which the grounds of the former
school were disposed, an extract from the minutes herewith ap-
pended will describe.
Copy of portion of the Minutes of Middletown Township
School District. Dated, Edge Hill, November 11th, 1911.
'■'School Board met at the Edge Hill school house, with all
members present except Andrew Hibbs,
"Upon there being a recall of the decision of the Board at
a former meeting in relation to the Sunny Hill school property
reverting back to the property it originally came from, (the vote
then having been a tie), under the recall, the Board was unanimous
in their decision that it revert back to the property it came from,
it being in accordance with the Deed of Transfer, which say
"when no longer used for school purposes etc.", And the
previous decision of the Board in the matter is herein and hereby
(Signed) E. Briggs. Secretary
I certify the above excerpt is a true copy of the official
minutes of the Aliddletown School Board, pages 143, 144. 145, of
the date and place as given, and no subsequent entries upon this
subject appear in the records.
Walter S. Miller, Secretary.
Through the kindness of Mr. Frank Mitchell, Sr., of Lang-
horne, we are able to list the names of many pupils who are known
by Mr. Mitchell to have attended Sunny Hill School. They are,
Agnes Satterthwaite
Mary Satterthwaite
William Satterthwaite
Pierson Satterthwaite
Horace Woodman
Clayton Woodman
Mary Woodman
Harry Woodman
Joshua Richardson
Samuel Richardson
Margaret Richardson
: - Mary Richardson
Emmor Watson
Lenora Watson
. . Sara Fite
Elizabeth Fite
Matilda Buckman
Luther Ridge
John Ridge Brothers and
May Ridge Sisters
Adaline Ridge
Frank B. Mitchell, Sr.
Harry Mitchell Brother and
Carrie Mitchell Sisters
Anna Mitchell
The only remaining one-room school in Middletown Town-
ship is on the old Lincoln Highway near its junction with the
newer thoroughfare of that name. This means that Edge Hill is
not far from Oxford Valley.
The building is of stone, neat and attractive in appearance.
Added description would lend little to the picture for outward
aspect and details of interior conform to the conventional require-
ments of this type of structure.
The advent of this particular school is comparatively recent.
Starting with the usual eight grades the pupil enrolment has been
reduced through stages, so the lower forms only, that is. the first
three grades, find instruction there at the present time. The aver-
age attendance is thirty-five ( 35 ).
The members comprosing the Board of School Directors
would parallel the list already given under Maple Point, Frosty
Hollow and Sunny Hill schools. All of these centers are, or have
been under the jurisdiction of the Middletown Township of Bucks
For future reference, however, it may be well to list the
teachers as far as memory recalls and available records reveal.
They are —
1904 — Miss Tacy E. Williams
1909 — Miss Elsie Husted (Aug. 30 - Sept. 24)
1911 — Miss Hilda Yerkes
1913 — Miss Mary K. Donovan (Minutes of 4/11/1914,
record the death of
Miss Donovan.)
1915 __ Miss Eva Blinn
Miss Maude C. Worstell
Miss Elizabeth M. Shaneley
1917 — Miss Emma Holzworth
Mrs. Emma Browning
1923-24 — Miss Ruth Clark ^
1924-26 — Miss Madeline Bowers
1926-27 — Mrs. M. P. Hammond
1927-29 — Miss Anna Vaughan
1929-31 — Miss Elizabeth A. Sherman
1931-34 — Miss Marion Lloyd
1934-37 — Miss Madeline Griftin
1937-38 — Miss Ethel Eederkeil
Bedminster Township Deep Run
Bridgeton Township Chestnut Ridge
Bristol Township Maple Shade
Laurel Bend
Buckingham Township Forest Grove
Hickory Grove
Do\iestown Township Sandy Ridoe
Castle Valley
Pebble Hill '
East Rockhill Township Sunnyside
Rock Hill
I'hree Mile Run
Haycock Township
Hilltown Township
Ivyland Borough
Lower Makefield Township
Middletown Township
New Britain Township
Newtown Township
Pkimstead Township
Richland Township
Solebury Township
Springfield Township
Tinicum Township
Upper IMakefield Township
Warrington Township
Wrightstown Township
Mt. Airy
Hickory Grove
Blooming Glen
Chestnut Ridge
Edge Hill
^laple Point*
Frosty Hollow*
Sunny Hill*
North Branch
Green Hill
Iron Hill
Silver Lake
Good Intent
Prospect Hill
Prospect Comer
Rocky Ridge
Rocky Ridge
Chestnut Grove
Green Hill
Stony Hill
Pleasant Valley
Clay Ridge
Red Hill
Ridge Valley
Mill Creek
Snapshots of Revolutionary Newtown
By ED^^'AKL) U. HAIiN.SL.h^Y, NEV\T( »\VX. PA.
( Bird in Hanc:, Newtown Meeting, October 22. 1938)
Mr. President aiul Fellow ^Members of Tlncks County
Historical Society:
am not sure to what ( )liver Wendell Holmes was
referring when he said: "Sonie things are good
for nothing until they have been long ke]it and
used." So when I discovered the Bird in Hand
had been long kept and used. — 215 years to be
exact. — I too concluded it must, therefore, be
good for something. But of just what that something is. T really
am not sure.
However, if one of the "somethings'" it is good for is to
create greater local interest in Newtown's rich historical heritage,
all the efifort involved in the restoration will be am]dy repaid. I
believe it v^^as Lincoln who said: "With public sentiment nothing
can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed."
Having this idea in mind. 1 purchased the liird in Hand a
year and a half ago to save it from an immediate destruction, and
since then have been attempting to restore it to its Eighteenth Cen-
tury cliarm. I am terribly sorry that the building is not tinished
and the grounds are n(jt completely landsc;q)ed for our meeting
this afternoon, but these things could simply not be done in time,
and they won't be finished either until they can be finished right.
Construction details of the Bird in Hand quickly showed us
that the irritating question "How soon can you do it?" was not
asked the builder in the reign of George I. Instead, he was more
apt to have been asked "How well can you build it?" That the
substantial framing and massive masonry of this d.ear old building
remain to-<la}' almost untouched is am]ile testipton\ of the pro-
ficienc}- of the early builders' skill. Thev have j^assed away and
been laid to their account, — both nanii s and graves tt>-dav tm-
kn(,wn, — leaving only their materials, self-hewed and self-(|uar-
ried. assembled int(j a graceful balanced .structure, called the Bird
in Hand.
Because of the lack of records it is very dift'icult to determine
the exact year in which this building was finislied, but it must
have been by 1723, for in that year Agnes Welsh received her
first license from the Court to keep her tavern or ordinary.* As
late as 1785. it was still called "The Old Frame Tavern". The
word Bird in Hand was applied to it in the early Nineteenth Cen-
tury, when the fannous Edward Hicks, a neighbor, painted a new
swinging sign, \\diether or not he copied an older sign of the
same name has not yet been ascertained.
( )n March 18, 1728. George Welsh, "inholder". gave a mort-
gage on the place to Henry Nelson and William Brelsford and
just three years later conveyed it back to John Walle3\ son of
Shadrach Walley, first purchaser in 1681. This deed, which for
some reason was never recorded, is on exhibition today .t
Concerning the inside furnishings of the building little is
known. The best description, although it does contain several
errors of fact, is that from the pen of the late Thaddeus S. Ken-
*[i-l To his ^Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Court of Quarter
Sessions Held at Bristol! this day the 13th of June 1723:
The Humble Petition of Agnis Welsh Shewing her deplorable Condi-
tion her husband b,eing a prisoner and haveing a great family of Children
that is Maintain'd by her keeping a house of Entertainment therefore Pray
the Honourable Justices to grant her a Recommendation for the Ensueing
Year, that she may be in a Capacity to maintain her Children and your
Petitioner as in Duty Bound shall Ever pray & ct
The Mark of
Agnis X Welch
[2.] To The Court of Quarter Sessions held at Newtown for the
County of Bucks tlie i6th : 4 mo: 1726. To Tlie Honourable Bench of his
Majesties Justices of the Peace Yo'r Petitioner Scndeth Greeting:
Whereas Your Petitioner the Subscriber hereof having had encourage-
ment from Divers Persons of note in this County to keep a Public House
in Xewtown for the entertainment of Travelers and to accommodate people
at Court times and other Publick Business that may accrue, And Yo'r
Humble Petitioner haveing rented a House and made provision for accom-
mi (lations as afore Said I do humbly crave that ^'ou would be pleased to
take it into Your Serious Consideration, And Grant me a Recommodations
to the Governer in Order for a License Yo'r Complyance with my Humble
request afore Said, will very much Oblige Ymir humble Servant.
George Welsh.
tDescription of the iin perty in this indenture dated March 17, 1731
reads : "All that Messuage or Tenement and Lott or peice of Ground
Scituate Lying and being in Newtown afsd. Begining at the west End of
the Second Street from ye Court House at a Stake Thence North by East
Ninety foot to another Stake, Thence East by South Ninety three foot to a
Staked Thence South by west fourty four foot to another Stake, Thence
East 1;y South fifty one foot to another Stake, Thence South by west forty
Six font to the llrst mentioned Street, Tlience l)y the Same west by north
One Hundred and fourty four foot to ye place of Beginning."
derdiiie, written about 25 years ago. ""I'here wa'=; no trusting the
bottle to him who crooked tlie elbow as in after days, when a
generous-sized hand could hide a drink which netted no profit
to the landlord. The 'Rird in Hand' had an English l)ar such
as Dickens s])eaks of, and wdiich was known in at least two other
Rucks County hoteN, 'The Lamel'. at I^umberton. anrl "Kach-
line's', in liedminster The peculiarities of this bar was a long
mantel, from whicli slats ran to the ceiling, through which was a
small opening where the liquor was passed out, while at one end
was a door of full height so that the barkeeper was well protected
in case of trouble from the effects of his goods. While Asa Cary
knew how to run a hotel, his wife. Tamar was the boss ginger-
cake baker of the town, her wares having a wide fame. Then
there were drinking stands in the neighborhood of the big meeting
where homemade beer, as well as the stronger variety, and mead
were sold, put uj) in bottles Hanker! by cakes and pies. Oh, but
tlie material wants of man wi're well jirovided for in the interval
before the orating began!
"Speaking of the cage-like protection of the Tlird in Fland'
style of bar, it sometimes failed in its mission. In the "good old
days' we hear about and which there are many of us who would
not care to trade the present for, Newtown was no symposium of
moral and ethical culture as it is now. and the W'.C.T.U. and
Centur}- Club and other institutions for the betterment of man-
kind were in the future and the bar room of the present, and the
gathering center. The to\\n had not got (jver the effects of its
big election days when the lower end of the county voted there,
its training-. r|uarter races and court scenes, and the Tiird in Hand
saw its share of stimulated hilarity on each and every day of the
week. Once, on First-da}-, when some of the sports of the neigh-
borhood were collected there, and while Uncle Asa and .\unt
Tamar. now old people, were taking some needed rest froin the
strenuous Mork of the night before, these carousers. not wishing
to disturb their re])ose. or probablv needing free drinks, with a
pair of long tongs circumvented the necessity of crawling through
the over-small o])ening for dispensing liquid joy. and drew from
the shelf bottle after bottle of their needs and jiassed a drnnken
night, hciving got bevond the control of the pri)prietors of the
"While Asa and Tamar Cary were at their best, it was an
enjoyable stopping place. Everything was neat and clean, from
the barroom through the dining room to the brick-floored kitchen
with its oven, where Tamar baked her noted ginger cakes, her
bread, biscuit and pies. Swinging in front was a sign on which
was the usual picture pertaining to the several taverns of that
name over the land, depicting a man with a fluttering bird in his
hand and a suggestive bush in the near distance. But as the pro-
prietors aged the hotel went down, and nnally out.'''
"In the town during the latter days of the 'IHrd in Hand' there
lived nearby a man named Peter, who was so doless that his wife
bad to teach school to eke out their living. Once a neighbor
called to see Peter, and, he not being in, his housekee]iing niece
gave the following impromptu paraphrase :
Peter, Peter, punkin eater.
Had a wife and couldn't keep her.
So he sets her keeping school,
\\diile he sits at Gary's and talks like a fool.
The meter is tolerable till the last line is reached, but it was the
best the young woman couid do on a liurry call."
On April 18, 1818, Proprietor Asa Cary was appointed hbrar-
ian of Newtown Library Company and the books and effects of
*Asa died on September i, 1841. in the 85tli year of his age. His widow,
ten years his junior, kept the tavern for only a year and a half, then em-
ployed John Barnsley as agent to sell her personal effects. He advertised :
"Will be sold at public sale on Wednesday the 2gth of this month, [1843], at
the house of Tamar Cary in the Boro' of Newtown, all her Household
goods, Chamber and Kitchen furniture — beds, bedding, l)edsteads, sacking
bottoms, tables, chairs, looking glasses, carpets, desk, case of drawers: Tin
Crockery and Earthen ware, stoves, shovels and tongs, baking implements,
bar furniture, tubs, buckets, meat tubs, wheelbarrow &c. Three First Rate
Shoats Of The Real Aunt Tamar Stock — and articles without number, such
as will always accumulate about a housekeeping of forty years standing."
Tamar died September 26, 1846, aged 80, and was buried in the Presby-
terian Grave Yard. Squire Barnsley, her administrator, sold her old Bird in
Hand tavern to T. Wilson Milnor on the following March. 4th to satisfy the
claims of the miner children, (one of whom was a lunatic), of her brother,
John Worstall, of Ohio, who had predeceased her. In her will, she provided
for two nieces ; namely, Tamar Worstall, daughter of Ijrother, John Wor-
stall, and Hannah Welsh, daughter of sister, Hannah Welsh. We know
neither the name of the husband of Hannali (Worstall) Welsh, nor the
relationship, if any, with Agnes and George Welsh, the first proprietors of
the Bird in Hand.
Miss Margaret J. Smyth, daughter of the wife of tlie al)Ove mentioned
T. Wilson Milnor, conveyed the old tavern t:i the writer on January 13,
Bucks County's oldest learned society were removed to the Bird
in Hand. Gary accepted with thanks his new position paying an
annual salary of $1.00 with the privilege of reading the books
free. The post office had been established in the building in 1800,
and it remained here for many years '■' About 75 years ago the
license was given up, and negro families began to occupy the
building. Since that time the decay of the house continued very
During the temperance epidemic which swept over Bucks
County in the 1840's, the Bird in Hand became one of three tem-
perance hotels established in Newtown. The following article
about the conversion of the Bird in Hand was signed by "The
Man About Town," and is taken from the Nezvtown Jouiiial and
Workingmen's Advocate of August 8, 1843:
"No Citizen of the Borough, was more pleased some five
months ago, than I, when it was announced that the 'Old Bird in
hand tavern' which had so long, been the Kennel and Sty, for
Three cent Topers, was about to be changed into a 'Temperance
Hotel' upon the tee total principle.! And I was delighted that my
brethren in the temperance cause were about to take the matter
in hand, and give their aid in establishing a public house upon
the 'cold water' plan, to be kept by a Reformed man and Worthy
*Jacob Kessler, innkeeper, was appointed postmaster July i. i8oo. On
April I, i8o6 the post office was removed to the "Middle Store" of James
Raguet, but on April 3, 1820 it returned to Bird in Hand with the appoint-
ment of proprietor Asa Gary, (1756-1841), as postmaster. On April 25,
1835, the office was permanently removed from the building w^hen Joseph 0.
V. S. Archambault, of the Brick Hotel, succeeded the aged Asa. The old
letter slot, now filled in, can still he seen in a weather board near the front
door of the sign of the Bird in Hand.
tVVe do not know how long the Bird in Hand continued to be a temper-
ance tavern, but we doubt that it was of much duration. On May 8, i860.
Jonathan Hibbs advertised in the Bucks Comity Intcllincnccr : "At the new
and popular Estalilishment, corner of State and Mercer Streets, where
the subscriber will keep constantly on hand, all the Refreshments in
the way of Eating and Drinking that are usually to be found in well con-
ducted houses of this kind. Oysters and Clams served up in every style in
their season, and Meals to Strangers at all reasonable hours. Connected
with the above business, will be kept a choice lot of Wines and Liquors
of all descriptions, at wliolesale and retail, at reduced prices. Physicians
and families purchasing for medical purposes, will find it tn their advantage
to buy at this Wine and Liquor Store, where they can procure l)ettcr articles
and upon more reasonable terms than elsewhere."
"It has now been some months since the house was opened,
and has been suppHed, I hrmly beheve. by no other than strictly
temperance drinks — and I will now ask of my temperance breth-
ren. How and bv Whom has it been patronised? When it was
the miserable 'Kennel' above alluded to. you could see the poor
wretches Go To and Depart From, it, and in a praiseworthy manner
rejoice that it was soon to be a nuisance No Longer. It has now
ceased to be a Nuisance: but many of you within its reach to ac-
commodate, have not thought as yet. to patronise it by expending
One cent therein. Now my fellow laborers in the great and good
cause of moral reform. One Word if you please, and may it have
a tendencv to let vou 'see yourselves, as others see you.' We (the
temperance men ) are much in the habit of calling Tavern Keepers
'Beggar and Pauper ^lakers', (and with, much truth.) who will
take from the poor intemjierate wretcli. his last penny. We liave
said we will not slacken our efiforts, while there yet remains a
licensed tavern within the limits of our State — and that we will
give our whole undivided influence to establish houses in which
ardent spirits shall not be tasted, nor sought after. But brethren
to do this, we must each of us be willing to put our 'shoulder to
the wheel." and Call and Spend a trifle at the houses we claim as
Ours or they cannot succeed, and we may perchance be the means
of making 'beggars and paupers' of those we have induced to be-
come Public I^en^ants.
".And I do most sincerely wish that such of my temperance
brethren, a^ are in the habit of visiting Our Borough For Hours
Together to think of This Matter, wdien they are in the Act Of
Hitching Their Plorses To The Posts Of Private Dwellings, lest
thev n:ake our worthy friend Chileon, what we accuse the Rum
Seller Of making His X'ictim A Poor Pennyles'; 'Pauper'
'Some Love to Ro.\m'
Some love to tell
Ho-w the Drunkard fell —
Yet the Tee Total Pledge set him Free,
But I tell you zvhat
That a Reformed sot
Is a "erittu.r" I seldom see."
So much for a brief resume of certain, but not necessarily
the most important, things which have come to mind alx)Ut the
Bird in Hand. It is to he hoped that other facts remain undis-
covered. Since Bucks County had no newspaper during the 18th
Century, items concerning local social life of the colonial period
are practically unknown.
In by-gone years many associations, companies,''' and various
social gatherings were welcomed by the proprietors of this small
country tavern to "Come sit ye down and rest awhile." To the
members of our county's Historical Society and particularl^' to those
many friends who by many ways have contributed many objects
and inspirations, the present owner is deeply indebted, and he
extends to al] a most ccjrdial invitation to return to the Bird in
Hand v^dien it is finally completed, and join the proprietor at his
(Carved in the fire-log of an ancient Elizabethan inn is the
inscription "Should I not take Mine Ease in Mine Inn?" But of
what benefit is "]\Iine Ease" if "Mine Friends" are not present
to share it?
But to concentrate now upon the subject of my paper to-day.
Snapshots of Rcvohitionary Nezutozcn, is difificult, because so
many events of Revolutionary interest liappened in or near the
Bird in Hand. To review this entire Revolutionary history would
make a tremendously thick album of pictures, and as the subject
is Snapshpts. not Time Exposures, I will try to be as brief as
possible and present only certain major Revolutionary events, par-
ticularl)- those during the stirring days of 1776 and 1778.
When war with Great Britain became inevitable, Bucks Coun-
ty was one of the first to prejiare for the confiict. and the center
of that preparation was naturally at Newtown, the County Seat.
The Committee of Safety first met here on July 9, 177-4: and
in onl\' four months after Lexington, Newtown had organized
and e(|uipped for action its first company of Associators. We
must skip over these preliminary activities, however, and turn at
once to the most important happenings in Newtown during the
Concerning the various locations of Washington's headquar-
ters throughout the war, volumes and vokmies hcive been written.
*Xewto\vn Reliance Company for Detecting and Apprehending of Horse
Thieves and Other Villains was instituted here on February 27, 1819, and
continued to hold its meetings at Bird in Hand until 1835.
yet a great deal still remains to be found out about some of ihem.
One of these locations, in a sense the most important of all, has
never before been definitely established, so it is about this one
which I speak. The question is, where was Washington immedi-
ately before the Battle of Trenton; and by "immediately", I mean
the day before, not the week before.
That George Washington was at Newtown just prior to his
memorable crossing of the Delaware was first suggested to your
speaker upon reading Benjamin Rush's Memorial. Dr. Rush,
a man of unquestioned veracity, was at that time stationed with
Cadwallader's command at Bristol, and he recorded: "In Decem-
ber I visited General Washington in company with Col. Jos. Reed
W \sHI\(n()N'S Hi:\DQU\RTBnS
!s iVusiKttid in iso', \n Clev evt E Lloyds,.
\ititoiin Past and r>}esent
at the General's quarters about 10 miles above Bristol, and four
from the Delaware." Later narration shows that the date Rush
made his visit was Tuesday, December 24, 1776. Since Newtown
is approximately ten miles above Bristol and four from the River,
it is most unlikely that Rush could have visited the Jericlio head-
quarters and been mistaken as to the mileage from Bristol, because
the Kieth House is nearly eight miles by road further beyond
As if to substantiate Dr. Rush's statement by definitely nam-
ing the headquarters as being at Newtown, General John Borrows
recorded autobiographically : "Gen. Washington lay about two
weeks at m\- father's, opposite Trenton ; then removed to New-
town, the county seat of 1 hicks, from which place he marched
with his httle army on Christmas morning. 1776, and crossed the
Delaware that night, nine miles above Trenton. I crossed w^ith
him and assisted in taking the Hessians next morning." Borrows,
wlio -served in the army from 1776 to 1781 and spent fourteen
months of liis }-outh living as a part of Washington's household
carrying his dispatches and so on. could hardly have been in error
as to wdiere his Commander-in-Chief was quartered at this time,
especially since Borrows' home was in Alorrisville and later in
Xewtown township itself.
Additional evidence that Washington marched to McKonkey's
Ferry from Xew'town instead of from the Kieth TTouse is verified
by the following account written by Newtown's own Eh*. Phineas
Jen.ks : "In the month of September, in the year 1812, walking
through the streets of our village, my eye caught sight of an aged
man of most interesting and res])ectable appearance. His hoary
locks and bent frame told of by-gone years. He was leaning on
his cane and appeared to be making a verv attentive survey of
the village. As 1 approached him. he turned his head tow^ards
nic au'l said. 'Can \-ou tell me. s'r. who was the former ow^ner of
that house?'. ])ointing to a large, o'd house, over the stream, and
fronting the village. I said to him that the house, to which he
alluded, has had within my recollection several owners. But, said
he. 'Can you tell me who resided there during the Revolutionary
war?" I reiilied that 1 had heard my father say that Mr. Harris
was tile ].)roprietor of the house, and resided there at the time to
which he alluded. "Then.' said the old man, his countenance
brightening and his aged frame assuming a more youthful atti-
tude, 'then I am not mistaken, but your village has so improved
and changed in a])])earance sim-e 1 was here, that 1 had doubts
of that being the house for which I was looking, but I am now
satisfied it is the same. The house was the headquarters of
(General Washington before and after the battle of Trenton. At-
tached to his suite were Colonels Hamilton and Burr. The greater
part of the army lay two miles from here on the road to the
Delaware. .\ single regiment to wdiich I was attached lay in the
town and ])erformed duty at headquarters. I stood sentinel at
that house the evening before the battle, and became convinced
from the great resort of tield officers that some important blow
was to be struck that night. At eight o'clock, on the evening of
the 24th of December, 1776, the sentinels were withdrawn from
the house and joined the regiment, which was already formed in
marching order. Immediately after the guard had fallen into line.
Washington and suite passed to the head of the regiment, and
the order. "Forward, march!" was given. ]\Iany of the men
were without shoes and stockings, and the groimd being hard
frozen, our footsteps were marked with blood. Soon after we
commenced our march it began to rain, which froze as it fell, and
added much to our sufferings. At Beattie's ferry* we joined the
other detachments of tlie army who had arrived there by different
roads. Here our suft'erings became intense. There were but few-
boats prepared to carry us across the river. The rain and sleet
increased, and we, standing inactive on the bank, were exposed
to the pitiless peltings of the storm. The ice was running so
thick that the boats were constantly obstructed and endangered
by it. All eyes were turned on our beloved general. His orders
were given with calmness and firmness of purpose, which won the
confidence of the soldiers, and inspired them with courage. Knox,
the heroic Knox, was there and commanded the artillery. His
stentorian voice was heard amid the storm encouraging the men
to exertion. Morgan, too, the gallant Morgan, was there at the
head of his well-trained rifle corps. By great exertion the army
was all landed on the Jersey shore by three o'clock in the morn-
ing.' "
The old man then continued his account of the march to
Trenton and the battle which ensued, — an excellent account
which should be preserved in our annals in a more permanent
form than its original publication in a local newspaper column
over a half century ago.
We have thus heard the testimony of two war veterans, eye-
witnesses and participators in the dangers and glories of that bril-
liant day at Trenton, both of whom confirm Dr. Rush's declar-
ation that on December 24. .1776, Washington was at his head-
quarters ten miles above Bristol ; namely, Newtown. So, there-
fore, we are not astonished to read that when General ^^'ilkinson
*Beatty's Ferry was the Upper Trenton Ferry, nnrtli of tlie present
Calhoun Street Bridge, opposite where Ferry Road intersects River Road.
Obviously this statement was an error of memory either by the "old man"
or Dr. Jenks, for McKonkey's Ferry was certainly meant.
came to Newtown from Phila(lel])hia on the afternoon of the
25th, he said he was sin-prised to learn that Washington had trans-
ferred his (|narters from the Kieth 1 lonse in L'oper Makefield
tow nsliip to the Harris Honse in Xewtown townshh).
Jt is interesting to note, also, that in 1848 Sherman Day in
his Historical L\)l!ccfions of flic State of I'ciinsyk'aiiia reported
that I'dward llicks, Xewtown's famons Onaker ])reacher and
amateur painter, l)orn in 1780, related to him that "Gen. Washing-
ton left Newtown the same night that he crossed the Delaware."
On Christmas Day. 1776, Washington left Newtown and
made that memorable crossing of Delaware River which was so
successfully carried out and gave birth to a nation of freemen.
As yon all know, prior to the battle of Trenton, general gloom and
despondency pervaded the country. No decided victory had yet
been achieved. An unfortunate impression had gon.e abroad that
the number and discipline of the enemy were t(o power fid for
successful resistance. The battle of Trenton disiKdled this erron-
eous impression, dissipated the fearful antici])aticns of the timid,
and gave birth to acts of heroism and devotion that astonished
the world. "The Battle of Trenton sealed the Declaration of Inde-
pendence. It is in truth and in fact the biriliday of freedom, but
the Declaration was a dead-letter imtil the triumph of our arms
brought it into active operation. Jt gave an energy of action, and
a contidence in our ability to meet the enemy successfully which
turned the tide of victory in our favor."
It has never been determined, as far as your speaker knows,
just where Washington spent the night of his victory, but it was
probablv at or near McKonkey's Ferry. The ])rivate soldiers cap-
ture! at the Battle were marched off immediatch- to Newtown,
wliere there were plenty of facilities for tlieir detention, but the
twenty-three Hessian officers, however, remained in a chaml>er
in the f errv House, where, according to their own account, they
passed a miserable night. Next morning they were escorted to
Newtown by Col. A\'heedon. .\t Newtown, the officers were quar-
tered at the various public inns, ])robabl\- including the llird in
Hand, and in certain jndvate houses, the soldiers in the Bresl)\-
terian Meeting House and in the County Jail.
(Ml the 27th, Newtown again became intimately coimected
with the triumj)hant results at Trenton when \\ a>hinglo:i wrote
from this place his heartening letter to Congress informing the
members of tlie most important event that led toward winning the
War of American Independence.
On Saturday, the 28th. Washington entertained at dinner,
but. unf(jrtunately, little is known about the details thereof except
what one of the staff officers wrote in his diary: "Here we are
back in our camp with the prisoners and trophies. Washington
is keeping his promise: the soldiers (Hessians) are in the New-
town meeting-house and otiier bu.ildings. He has just given direc-
tions for tomorrow's dinner. All the captured Hessian officers
are to dine with him. He bears the Hessians no malice, but says
they have been sold by th.eir Grand Duke to King George and
sent to America, when if they could have their own way they
would be peaceably living in their ov.m comitry."
Apparently, however, only four of the Hessian oft'icers ac-
tually had the ]>leasure of dining with Washington, the remainder
being entertained by Lord Stirling at the public house of Amos
Strickland, Sr., now called the Brick Hotel.* Concerning this event
Lieut. Piel. one of the Hessians, wrote : "'We had scarce seated
ourselves, when a long dark meager looking man. \\ hom we took
for the parson of the place, stepped forth and held a discourse
in German, setting forth the justice of the Ainerican side of the
war. He told us he was born in Hanover, and said the King of
England was nothing but the elector of Hanover. Lord Stirling
seeing we were not much edified 1a- the preacher, took us with
him to visit General Washington. The latter receivetl us very
coiu"teouslv, but as he could only speak Englisli. we could not
understand much of what he said. He invited four of oiu- officers
to dine with him, the rest dined with Lord Stirling."
*Amos Stricklaiul, Sr., one of tlie founders and original directors of
NewtOAvn Library Company, sometime high sheriff and later county com-
missioner of Bucks County, had acquired this property in 1760 from Joseph
\¥alley, grandson of Shadrach Walley, the first purchaser of land in New-
town. Tt was then known as the Sign of the Red Lion, one of three taverns
of that name flourishing in the coimty. The sale advertisement for the same,
dated December 22, 1760, reads, "By Virtue of a Writ to me directed, will
be exijosed to Sale, by Way of publick Vendue, on the loth Day of January
next, on tlie Premises, four Fifths of a Messuage or Tenement, and Lot
of Lanrj, containing about Half an Acre, situate, lying and being in Xew-
town, known liy tlie Name of the Red Lion Inn : late of the Estate of Joseph
Walley, deceased, and taken in Execution by Joseph Thornton, Sheriff."
Lieut. W'iderholfl. another of the captured Hessians, recorded
in his (Hary. "On the 28th we dined with General Washins^ton.
He (hd me the honor of talking with me ahout the battle at Tren-
ton, and when I said frankly that we had managed things badly,
and that we ought not to have been captured there, he asked what
I would have done. I pointed out the mistakes on our side, and
how we could have escaped, and he praised me for this and for
my watchfulness, and for my stout resistance with my handful
of men. He also gave me leave to go on parole to Trenton to
collect my efi'ects left there in the retreat."
On the 29th, General Washington wrote another letter to
Congress from Newtown telling of his plan to cross into New
Jersey the second time, but, said he, "I know that it will be at-
tended with much difficulty and fatigue on account of the ice.
which will neither allow us to cross on foot, nor give an easy
passage with boats."
When the Hessians were brought to Xewtown they were
greatly alarmed by a report, that was in some way raised among
them, that the Americans killed and ate their prisoners. The panic
would have become serious if it had not fortunately happened
that a German was found in Northampton township who could
talk to them and obtain their confidence. Perhaps he was the
same "long dark meager looking man" who they assumed was
"the parson of the place".
The thousand Hessian privates were only in Newtown on
the nights of the 26th and the 27th. They were then sent to
Philadelphia on the 28th, under the conduct of Newtown's Capt.
Francis Murray, at which place they arrived two days later and
were paraded through the streets to impress those of the popula-
tion having loyalistic tendencies. In and nearby Newtown was
stored their captured equipment. This was listed by Clement
Biddle, Deputy Quarter Master General, as consisting of, "arms,
six brass field pieces, eight standards of colors, a number of
swords, a!id cartouch boxes taken by the happy expedition."
The cai)tive Hessian officers, however, were detained in New-
town until the 30th, when A\'ashington left. On this date twenty
of them were released on their own Parole of Honor. Thev pro-
mised, in return for restricted liberty, to peaceably liehave them-
selves and, "by no way Send or give Intelligence to the British or
Hessian A-rmy or speak or do any thing disrespectful or IngLirous
to the American States while we remain Prisoners of war. We
will also restrain our Servants and Attendants Who are allowed
to remain with us as far as in Our power to the same Conditions."
It has been claimed by some that John Harris was the host
of Washington during these trying days of 1776, but this is not
correct, for the records of Xewtown Presbyterian Church show
clearly that John Harris, the prominent merchant and justice of
the peace of Newtown, died August 13, 1773, aged 56. Washing-
ton was, therefore, the guest of his widow, Mrs. Hannah (Stewart)
Harris, at her house on the west side of the Common, at the south-
ern corner of Swamp Road.
As illustrated in JSrt^ in W. W. H. Doris',
Historu of Bucks Covvty.
The headquarters house, the second on the site, was erected
some time prior to 1757 by Benjamin Twining, who conveyed it
in that year to Harris. The Harris family was one of means and
position in the community, and no doubt the furnishings and
equipment of their home were suitable for entertaining the Father
of his Country. No early writer, however, had the foresight to
record any details about this grand old building, except one, who
briefly stated, "On a pane of glass in a window in the lo\A'er story
was to be seen the name of Israel Putnam cut with a diamond,
until the glass was broken in washing." It would be extremely
interesting now to determine when Putnam was at Newtown, for
he, when in Bucks County, was regularly stationed at Bristol with
Cadwallader, who was reprimanded for not being able to get his
cannon across the River on account of the inclemency of the night.
Perliaps, Col. Putnam, like Dr. Rush and Col. Reed, visited Gen-
eral Washington before the battle of Trenton, and while waiting
in a down-stairs parlor to see the General, scratched his name on
a window pane.
The accurateness of the only known illustration of the Head-
quarters House, the one used in Davis' History, cannot be guaran-
teed, because this old cut was probably not made before 1862, the
year one Alexander German tore the ancient building down and
then erected on the same foundations the present stone house.
Such is a condensed history of Washington's headquarters
in Newtown.
After the removal of the Continental troops from the New-
town vicinity, anti-American tendencies suddenly began to in-
crease. But let us hear the story direct from the Memoirs of
Brigadier-General John Lacey, I'ucks County's own fighting
Quaker: "On his (Washington's) leaving our Neighbourhood the
tranquility and fearfull apprehensions of the People were allayed ;
but T soon discovered a radical change had taken place in the
Political sentiments of my Neighbours and acquaintances, during
my Absence. A sullen vindictive and malignant spirit seems to
liave taken hold of a large portion of the People in this County,
whose Hostilitv to the Revolution was too apparent not to be
noticed, and seemed only waiting a good opertunity to brake forth
openl} in favour of England, and against their own Country —
Threats and meanances were used by them, when the Company
of those they dare to use them. Happy for the Whigs, however,
the Tories were a set of Paltroons and Cowards, afraid Openly
to espouse their Cause, and declare themselves. While the Whigs
on the otlier hand acted Openly, avowed their intentions, and
determination to live free and Independent or die gloriously in
the struggle fighting for their Country. The Tories sneekingly
contin.ued to Act under Cover, giving secret information, when
ever they could to the British, rediculing the American Officers,
and using every means they could invent to discourage the Whigs
— and disswaid them from joining the .American army — or Mili-
During the occupancy of Philadelphia !)}• the Ih'itish in 1778,
while the Continental Army lay encamped at Valley Forge, the
country surrounding Newtown suffered severel}- from the con-
tinned depredations of the enemy's raiding parties, all of which
are now most interesting from the historical point of view. My
limited time, however, permits the review of only one oi them. —
the one that occurred in middle FelDruary of that year, near or
actually in the back-yard of the Bird in Hand. The result of
this raid by a much superior force was the death of live Conti-
nentals and the wounding of four others gloriously defending the
cause of American Liberty. At the same time, the enemy captured
as prisoners eight important officers and twentyfour privates of
the Pennsylvania Line. The rough stone monument at present
erected in front of the Bird in Hand is intended to commemorate
the magnificent but hopeless stand made by these patriots, and it
is to be hoped that before long some patriotic society will dedicate
on this boulder a suitable bronze tablet to mark the spot near
which the American Cause suffered more than twice as many
casualties than it did at the battle of Trenton.*
In 1871, a brief account of the said affair was published,
which today proves very interesting because it definitely connects
it with tlie Bird in Hand. The article written by George A. Jenks
and E. F. Church declared : "During the war there was a depot
for making clothing for the army in the old Penn house [as the
Bird in Hand was often called because tradition claims it to have
been built by William Penn.] The tailors ^vere guarded by mili-
tia; with them was a continental soldier, who had been left sick
at Newtown. The Tories attacked the depot. The guard and
tailors retreated without firing a shot. The continental, (a boy
of 19), alone stood his ground, and stationing himself at a garret
window, killed several of the Tories before he received his death
wound. He was buried on the lot now owned by J. V. Randall,
at the north end of town. But no tombstone marks his grave, and
the exact spot is not known."
The shooting must have occurred from the south garret win-
dow, because the stone building to the north, called Justice's
House, had been erected in 1768. Here was the headquarters of
William Alexander, Lord Stirlins;.
^Following the reading of this paper, the members of trucks Comity
Historical Society resolved mianimously to place a bronze marker on the
boulder. As soon as the proper inscription can be agreed upon, the work
will be done as authorized and notice thereof reported at the next annual
meeting of the Society.
1 \f' iiir ,
,4.s sketchFil h\i WiUiaiii V VitcnelU, after the, reatorution , 19:17- in.SH. of Eilirard
R. Rarn/'lev. It tra.i at flip Kinall irinfloiv next to thift chiuiiiru toheir the
Continental Soldier icas shot dicnna the Tory raid of 177S.
Regarding further details of this engagement, there are, for-
tunately, two excellent contemporaneous accounts preserved, —
one written by each side. The American account, contained in a
letter addressed to Thomas Wharton, Jr., President of the Su-
preme Executive Council, by Walter Stewart, Co'.onel of the Thir-
teenth Pennsylvania Regiment, reads: "Februarv 21, 1778. I am
nnich concern'd to Inform your Excellencv that an Express ar-
rived in Camp yesterday afternoon, with the disagreeable news
of a party of Light Horse belonging to the Enemy, consisting of
about Forty, pushed up to Newtown, Bucks County, and took my
Major, with a small party of men. Prisoners, and all the cloathing
I had laid up there for m}' Regiment. My hopes of getting my
Regiment genteelly and well cloathed this campaigne are vanish'd,
unless your Excellency & the Council will as'^ist me in ii, which
I must Intreat in the strongest manner. I really hop'd sir. my
own activiU' would have saved you this troul^le, but 'tis my mis-
fortune to find all my good intentions frustrated by this most
unlucky blow. My poor fellows are in a most deplorable situation
at present, scarcely a shirt to one of their Backs. & equally dis-
tress'd for the other necessarys ; but they bear it patientl>'. and
however they may suiter for the want, I must say, T would rather
wait a few weeks untill I could get all their cloathing together."
The British account of the above skirmish, contained in the
journal of Capt. John Montresor, Chief Engineer of the British
Armv, gives more details as follows: "Immediately after they
proceeded to Newtown, surprised & took the first centry without
alariii. On approaching near the quarters of Major Murray they
were fired upon by the centry at his door. This alarmed the guard
about 40 yards distance who, being 16 in number. & cover
of the guard house, immediately took to their arms and discharged
their ])ieces on the troops surrounding them. Inr. such was their
activit)- & alertness, that, after returning the fire & before the
enemy could load a 2nd time, they stormed the house, killed 5,
wounded 4 & took the rest of the guard prisoners & with them
a considerable quantity of cloth then making up by a number
of workmen for the rebel army. All this was done with so much
secrecv conduct & bravery, that none of either of the parties
received the least injury. About 6 o'clock the next evening they
returned, bringing with them the wounded & the following prison-
ers : b'raiicis Murray, Major of tlieir standing armv — Fienry
Martit, Lieut, of militia — John Cox, Ensign of their standing
army — Carnis (Irace, Ensign of (Htto — Andrew McMinn,
En>ign of ]\IiHtia — Charles Charlton. Quarter master of Stand-
ing army -- Eriel Welhurn, Sergeant of ditto — James Moor,
ditto of ditto. 24 Privates of ditto except one, Andionv Tate, a
Grand juror."
General Washington himself was very much alamied over
this affair and wrote the following from \ alley Eorge on Februarv
23, ]77S: "The insolence of the disaffected in Philadelphia and
Bucks Counties has arisen to a very alarming Height. They have
seized and carried off' a number of respectable inhabitants in those
Counties, and such officers of the Armv as fell in their way,
among others, Alajor [Murray, of the 13th Petmsylvania Regi-
ment, who was at Xewtown with his family. What adds to the
misfortune is, that they carried oft" near 2000 yds. of Cloth which
had been collected in the County, and was making up for the
Tlie reason Washington spoke of the "insolence of the disaf-
fected" is that this raid (as well as several of the others) was
conducted JDy two Bucks County tories, — Richard Hovenden, of
Xewtown township, to whom Lord Howe had given a captain's
comnnssion in the TMiiladelphia Light Dragoons, and Evan Thomas,
of Hilltown townshi]), who heM the captaincy of the Bucks County
\'olunteers, associated with Lieut. -(^'ol. Simcoe's Queen's Rangers.
These men were, of course, picked h\' Howe because of their
famiharitx' with their native sections.
T\\-() of the oft'icers they captured, Murrav and McMinn,
were very ijrominent whig citizens and >oldiers in Newtown.
bVancis Murray was the same who escorted for Washington the
Hessian soldiers to 1 'hiladelphia after the I;attle of Trenton: and
Andrew .McMinn, schoolmaster, was the builder of the tavern on
the main street now called the Temperance House. This capture
was the second experience for ]\Iajor Murray, the time being
at Long Island. He was exchanged on December 9, 177(5. When
taken the second time, as related above, he was not exchanged
until ( )ctol'.er 2."). 1780. While he was a prisoner of war. his wife,
to sup])ort herself and six small children, kept a retail shop two
doors above the Bird in Hand. It was in an eniptv NUgar hogs-
l^ead in the cellar of this shop that the Major is reported to have
secreted himself when the raid of 1778 occurred.
Such is a brief report of tlie disastrous skirmisli occurring
at Xewtovrn over a year after \A'ashington had made it his bead-
quarters. The next snapshot of Revolutionary interest in the vil-
lage was the very important conference between the O])posing
forces held there for the exchange of ])risoners of war. General
Washington and Sir William Howe each aii])ointed a commission
for the purpose. The American Commissioners were: Col. Wil-
liam Gravson, Lieut. Col. Alexander Hamilton. Lieut. Col. Robert
A.I fiifiravpt) iv 1H7H hv WiUidin T. Hmedlev. This shows the presevt building
enlarcjed by Joseph Archambanlt in 1830. The original Red Lion Tavern, where
the Commission for Exrhiinge of Prisoners met in 177S, was the two story
portion of the ganibrel-ronfed bvilding.
H. Harri^(jn of Washington's staff, antl I'dias Boudinot. Esq. The
British Commissioners were: Col. Charles O'Hara of the Cold
Stream Guards, Col. Humphrey Stevens of the h^irst Regiment
of Foot, and Capt. Richard Fitzpatrick of the Third Regiment of
Foot. Each C'ommission was attended by an escort of twelve
Light Dragoons, the American troop being under command of
Capt. Robert Smith of liaylor's Regiment.
REVt)l.L■TI().^■AR^' NEWTOWN 189
The Commissioners met first at Geniiantown on March 31,
1778. Imt adjourned to Xewtovvn on Aj^ril 6th, and assembled at
what is now called the iJrick Hotel. They remained at Newtown
until the 12th, but failed to come to an agreement. In a letter
written after the conference was over, Col. Roudinot said: "We
were very sociable, but had previously obtained the character of
our opponents, and were convinced they depended much on out-
drinking us. \\'e knew that Col. Grayson was a match for them
and therefore left all that part of the business to him. They sat
down often while we were preparing to go. till they could scarcely
sit u]iright. Just before sundown they were put on their horses
and went for the city."
There is not enough time remaining to even mention by name
those many things of more or less countv interest which occurred
at Newtown during the Revolution, such as the military hospital,
the (juartermaster depot, the militia encampments, and so on, none
of which had any particular national importance, but are, never-
theless, of the greatest value to the students of local history. It
is hoped, however, that enough material has been presented to
make us all realize that Newtown, the seat of justice of colonial
Bucks County, played a very important role in the establishment
of our nation's freedom. Although in no sense of the word should
Newtown be thought of in connection with such great names as
Lexington. Washington Crossing, \'alley Forge, or Yorktown, the
point I wish to stress, with an undisguised feeling of pride, is that
the history of this small community throughout the years has
proven to be a recapitulation of the history of our country. Every
social, political, and economic development of our nation occurred
to a lesser degree in this little country town.
Why Study Local History
(Newtown Meeting, October 22, 1938)
HE local historian makes a vital contribution to histori-
ography because his painstaking efforts to clarify prob-
lems which interest him result in valuable contributions
to the understanding of state and national issues. Aluch still
needs to be done before the story of American Civilization can
be written. To complete this story the student of local history
can make very real additions to our information on such impor-
tant problems as land tenure, reform movements, and the rise and
fall of such ventures as the production of silk which created so
much interest about a centurv ago.
One should note that no study of community history can be
carried on as an isolated event. Some years ago a young Detroit
lawyer resolved to collect documents pertaining to his home city.
He soon saw that this involved material pertaining to the state
of Michigan, to the Ignited States, to Indian affairs, and to
Anglo-French and Anglo-American relations. The collection grew
imtil it became the famous Burton collection, which is now in the
Detroit Public Library and which is consulted by scholars from
all parts of the United States and Canada.
The history of a community such as Bucks County makes
an excellent quarry because of its importance in local, state, and
national affairs. To give examples of a few occasions when
Bucks County was in contact with the larger affairs of state and
nation might be of interest. Further researches will bring out
many of these contacts. The number of instances is already so
large that one can suggest merely a few such occasions. The
selections are made because of my contact with some of the ma-
terial rather than because the events are more important than
others which might have been chosen.
We all know that Joseph Galloway, who was prominent in
provincial councils, was a resident and land owner of Bucks
County. The plan of union which he presented at the first Conti-
nental Congress was of more than ordinary importance. Addi-
tional researches on the life and activities of this man will throw
further light on the events of this important period of American
Newtown was an important center of activities during the
Revolution, which fact has been treated by several interesting and
vahiable papers read before this Societ>-. The fact that Wash-
ington's letters to Congress describing the battle of Trenton were
written here will always make this village a landmark in the
history of the struggle for freedom. The splendid \\ork which
is now being done by l\Ir. Edward R. Harnslev will serve to im-
earth much significant information regarding the town and the
Much still needs to lie done in studying that group of people
who chose to support tlie king during the Revolution. Many of
them held positions of leadership and responsibility in their re-
spective communities. At the end of the war large numbers of
these people had to give up these positions, forfeit their estates,
and flee to the protection of the British army. . . Although valu-
able studies have been made of this problem, much still remains
to be done before all the facts are in. A brief survey of the
Report oil .Inierican MSS in the Koyal Institutions in Great
Britain, a four volume calendar of the papers of the successive
British Commanders-in-chief by the Royal Historical AISS Com-
mission, indicates that there i> some interesting inaterial availalile
for the study of this phase of Buck? County history. Many of
these jiajiers are now accessible in the W^illiam L. Clements Col-
lection, Ann Arbor, Michigan, where they can be consulted by
interested persons. In volume II, page 408 of this collection we
find a "Memorial from John Striclan [sic] late of Bucks County,
in Pennsylvania, to Lieutenant General James Robertson," dated
February. 1782, stating that he was ])ersecuted for his loyalty,
that sickness had deprived him of most of his eyesight, .and that
lie now begs rations or other relief. This memorial had witb it a
certificate which was signed by Gilbert Hicks and five otbers. In
\'olume 111, p. 149, we find several petitions dated May 29, 1783.
All of them were countersigned. "AMlliam Thomas, lUicks County
Volunteers", and they are all ver}- similar. They state that the
petitioners entered the Bucks County Volunteers under Captain
Thomas, that they were some of those who became prisoners at
the surrender of \'orkto\vn. tbat the\- are now in great want and
beg ])as^age to Xova Scotia. The petitioners' names were I'disha
l>avis, Malhias Keyeser, I 'eter \\'aldm:ui. |o<e|di l"am1>\, Teter
Toner, and Isaac Taylor. On page 263 of Volume Til we find a
memorial of Jacob Holder to Sir (jiiy Carleton. dated June 13.
1783. It stated that he had served in the Bucks County Volun-
teers and had been taken prisoner at Yorktovvn, that he was going
to Nova Scotia with the rest of the "bretherin" and that he begs
the same indulgence because his "necessitys" [sic] are as great.
His certificate was signed by William Thomas of the Bucks Coun-
ty Volunteers. This is all interesting and valuable material and
if it is supiViemented by studies of land confiscations in the com-
munity, will hel]) to clarify an important part of our Revolution-
ary story.
We nfight take as another example of the relationship of
local with state and national history the story of Samuel D. Ing-
ham. Air. Ingham was a prominent member of President Jack-
son's first cabinet. He was more than that because he was asso-
ciated with many political and economic affairs of the state of
Pennsylvania. An}- study of Ingham will give significant inform-
ation concerning some of the vital developments of this great in-
dustrial state. Certain questions need further clarification. Thus
for instance it will be interesting to know more about Ingham's
relations with Simon Cameron. It may also be a real contribu-
tion to get some insight into Ingham's part in the early railroad
history of the state.
Lew is T. Coryell of New Hope w^as known to several Presi-
dents of the Ignited States. Six vohmies of his papers in the
Historical Society of Pennsylvania give some evidence of his
manifold interests and connections. His relation to state and
national politics needs further study and explanation. It is prob-
ably true that much Pennsylvania historv will have to be revised
when the story of such men as Ingham and Coryell is finally told.
It is useless to burden you further with examples. The op-
portunties are luilimited. Each year we shall approach nearer to
the time wdien we really can write a definite history of the nation.
When this history is finally written, it will be the result, in part,
of a great many painstaking researches by large numbers of local
historians who have envisaged their job as one of showdng how
the events of the community were a part of the larger movements
in state and nation.
Symbolism of Trade Signs
!y klmkr g. an!>1':uson, hate^.op.o, pa.
■d in Hand, Xewtown Meetin.c:, October 22, 1938)
HE majority of our peojtle to-day will most likely
tell you that the\- do not believe in signs, \et a
short (hive in an\- direction shonid convince any-
one that our merchants, at least, do place a great
deal of confidence in them. It might also be
said that considerable confidence is disi)'ayed b_v
those using the sign of "The Jerking Thumb". There are natural-
ly a wide variet\- of signs, some large, some small, good signs and
had ones.
\\ bile the origin of signs, as we know them, miglit 1 e some-
what obscure, it api)ears fairly conclusive that the ancient Egypt-
ians were the first to make use of them. In their cities, as in
those of the luist in genera', all trades were confined to certain
streets or rows in the various bazars. Jewellers, silk-embroiderers,
rug dealers, pipe dealers, and traders in drugs — each class had
its own ((uarters, where the merchants sat upon a kind of low
counter enjoying their pipes and their coftee. ( lenerally there was
no need for anv descriptive signs, for the customers knew well
where to find anything and everything they were seeking. Occa-
sionally, however, there were instances of inscri])tions. denoting
the trade with some device or symbol, from which it seems safe
to assume the Egyptians were the first users of ^-igns. However,
the Romans furnished more authentic evidence. Their streets,
as in those of Eurojiean ^Tedieval towns, derived their names
from signs. Some of their signs were jminted, but the Roman
fondness or preference for sculpture and carving e.xtemled to
this field as well, and many fine examples are still in existence.
There have, for instance, been found, ( in stone or terra-cotta re-
lief ), the figtu-e of a goat, the sign of a dair\- ; a mule driving a
mill, the signs of a baker. Later the many artificers of Rome
employed their tools as the >ign of their house as an indication of
their profession.
So it would '-ecm that our Engli.^h fort'fathers adopted the
sign-lioard from the Romans, and (|uite ob\iourdy, the colonists
iirought their -^ign tradition-- along when the\- settled in .\merica :
especially the Inn, Tavern and T'ublic House signs, which showed
a numerical superiority. Thus we find various devices used to
appeal to the kind of wavfarer trade desired, as the Cross, for the
Christian customer, and the Sun or Aloon for the pagan. Then
we find em.blems used to solicit the trade of the Saxon, the Dane,
or the Briton. The tradesman desiring the patronage of the mili-
tary displayed a weapon of some sort; or, if he sought for his
customers among the "more quiet artificers, there were the multiple
implements of trade used as an appeal to the merchants frecfuent-
ing his neighborhood.
In signdom, almost every conceival)le object has been used, —
trees, fruits, vegetables, animals, fish., Ijirds, tools, etc. The use
of heraldic motifs for signs began making their appearance during
the Middle Ages, the ]:)rincii^al reason for their use being this :
At that time, the houses of nobility, lioth in town and country when
the familv was aljsent, were used as hostehdes for travellers. The
family arms always hung in front of tlie house, and the most
conspicuous object in those arms gave a name to the establishment
amongst travellers. These coats of arms gradiuall\- became an ac-
cepted intimation that "good entertainment was to be Iiad for all
who passed", (a possible forerunner of our ]^resent-day night
club) ; the result being that innkeepers began to adopt them, hang-
ing out lions of red, blue, white, and .gold, green dragon, golden
bull, white horse, black horse and sorrel horse. Here then is un-
doubtedly to be found the source of the names of our own colonial
Tho the majority of signs in England were painted — a great
number of shops and tradespeople displayed some associated and
easily recognized article of their merchandise or trade — wdiich
in later years were displaced by reproductions carved in wood.
And there have been some very excellent examples of these carved
signs, some having been used until quite recently, for instance, the
carved boot as the sign of the slioemaker. .Also we have the gold-
beater's sign, a good brawnv arm gold-leafed, swinging a gold-
beater's mallet. This latter sign seems to have been in use for
many centuries, evidence showing it in existence during the Middle
Ages. Minerva, usually depicted as the goddess of wisdom, was
also regarded as th.e patroness of the shoemakers and often used
as their sign. Saint Hugh's ISones, another shoemaker's sign, had
its origin from the story that St. Hugh, the ^on of a prince, fell
deeply in love with a saintl\- coquette named Winifred. Having
been jilted by the lady, he went travelling, resisted temptations.
passed through numl)erless adventures that would put those of
Baron Munchausen to shame, and finally was made to drink a cup
of the blood of his lady-love mixed with p(jison, after which his
body was hung on the gallows. But among his misfortunes in his
travels he had lost all his wealth, necessitating the choosing of a
profession, lie liecame a shoemaker and liked his fellow workers
so well that w hen he died, having nothing else to give. be':iueathed
his bones to them, and after thev had been well picked bv the
birds, the shoemakers took the bones from the gallows and
fashioned them into tools. Hence their tools were called St.
Hugh's Bones.
The significance of the pole as a barber's sign dates back to
the time when barbers were also surgeons and practiced blood-
letting. The patient undergoing this operation had to grasp a pole
in order to make the blood flow more freely. As the pole was of
course liable to be stained with blood, it was painted red ; but when
not in use the barbers were in the habit of suspending the pole
outside the door with white linen swathing bands twistefl round it, resulting in the red and white stripes as we know it to-day.
It is perhaps interesting to note that in those days, as in our time,
world problems could be quite readily and definitely settled in the
barber sho]). Likewise, the barber at that time, as to-day, also had
the reputation for voluliilit}-. and to such a general extent that a
barber in I'aris. desiring to be different, placed a sign with the
inscription: "T shear (|uickly and am silent". The barbers must
have Iieen a rather witt}- bunch in tliose days, for there are numer-
ous amusing anecdotes and circinnstances recorded concerning
them. 1 might mention one occurrence that is finite amu.sing. A
barber in London, opening a shop in a building whose windows
were broken, repaired them with ])aper, on wh'ch appeared the
words, "Shave for a penn\", with the usual invitation to custom-
ers, while on the door he lettered the following \erse : —
"Here lives jimmie Wright.
Shaves almost as well as an\' man in b^ngland,
Almost — not quite".
A passerby noting the verse and hoping to extract more wit from
its author, ]ni]le(l off his hat and thrusting his head thru one of
the pai:ier ])anes. into the shop, called out -- "Is Jimmie Wright
at home?'". The barber immediately pushed his own head thru
another paper ]iane. into the street and re]ilied — "No sir, he just
popped out".
The eagle has been extensively and consistently used as a sym-
bol. Here again we find the inns and taverns adapting tb.e eagles
taken from the many heraldic forms, thus accounting for such
familiar names as "The Spread Eagle" and ''The Black Spread
Eagle". r)ur own early volunteer fire companies used the form
of the eagle very frequently ; Init T believe in this connection it
concerned the PlKenix, a fabulous bird of antiquity, said to be
like the eagle in form and size, and of its association with
fire was used in ornamenting the fire fighting apparatus. This bird
also furnished the name for many of the companies. The Phrenix
as a church emblem symbolizes Immortality and Resurrection.
Amongst the Egyptians it was the emblem of the soul, and was
said to live about six hundred years, then to make a pyre of arom-
atic gums and spices, light the pile with the fanning of its wdngs,
then to be consumed : and from its ashes it arose, reinvigorated
and its youth restored.
True constant and enduring symbolisni of signs has perhaps
been found nowhere to be more consistent than in the various
forms of sacred art. particularly in the stained giass windows of
the cathedrals. To at least partially account for this, we have the
facts of the general acceptance of the Divistian Faith; of the very
limited or total absence of reading ability of the average medieval
man or woman, making it necessary to use pictorial representation
to make the story of the Rible more forceful and understandable.
Symbolism has here been employed so thoroughly, and with such
few instances of variance, that it becomes a comparatively easy
matter to read the various episodes of the Bible illustrated in the
marvelous windows of the Medieval Cathedral.
To mention a few examples : The symbols used to represent
the four Evangelists were more than likely derived from, the re-
corded visions of Ezekiel and St. John, who wrote • "As for the
likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the
face of a lion, on the right side ; and they four had the face of
an ox on the left side: they four also had the face of an eagle".
Consequentl}- the angel or human form was assigned to St.
Matthew because his Gospel dwells most particularly U])on the
human nature of Christ : the lion to St. Mark, for the reason he
is termed the historian of the resurrection, of wdiich doctrine the
lion was considered the emblem, from the legend that it was always
born dead, but after some days licked into life by its parents; the
ox or calf to St. T.uke, being the emblem of sacrifice, it is the sign
of a priest or victim: and St. Luke especially dwells upon the
priestly character of Christ. And, the eagle to St. John, for as
the eagle soars highest among birds, so St. John soared upwards
beyond all other inspired writers, in setting forth the divine nature
of the TjDvd.
The initials T. H. S., being the first three letters of the Creek
word for the name Jesus, are used as the monogram of Christ.
Another means of identifying Christ is to be found in the nimbus
or halo, for, with practically no exception, his halo is illustrated
with a cross. Still another symbol of Christ and the baptism is the
fish, and quite often we find the figure of Christ standing or seated
within the fish form, which is nothing more nor less than an oval
shape coming to a point at both ends,
Xaturally, a great deal more could be said concerning the
subject of signs, which time does not permit. However, it would
perhaps be fitting to attempt some comparison of present day signs
with those of earlier days. Our signs of to-day show a vast im-
provement in pictorial and painting quality : but what the earlier
ones lacked in this respect was compensated for by the more elab-
orate ornamentation, carved or painted, or both, plus very well
wrought iron work. Along about the fifteenth century competi-
tion became keen in the matter of sign display, signs becoming so
large, that in many cases they reached across the narrow, quaint
streets and actually made walking through the streets a hazardous
adventure, what with the possibility of one of these huge signs
dropping on one's head or bumping head on into one of the many
signs hung on posts and individually provided arch structures.
This condition was remedied in mucli the same manner as has l>een
done to-day, by fining the owner of any sign not conforming to
regulations formulated for the protection of the public. As to
symbolic quality, I feel the old signs were more consistent than
;yx\ibolism of trade signs
our present ones. Then, one could be quite certain that a repre-
sentation of a hon indicated an inn, or a boot, a shoemaking shop.
To-day, what do we find — a gorgeous, beautiful and glamorous
young w'oman, either in full regalia or wearing only a bubble —
seems to advertise pretty nearly everything from a needle to a
Boulder Dam. Then, signs were confined to the immediate place
of business and not spread all over the country ; and i f I were
making lavrs. the first one would be to make it a criminal offense
for anyone to line our beautiful countryside with any sign measur-
ing more than six by twelve inches.
Remarks of B. F. Fackenthai, jr.
On announcing the paper to be read before the Bucks County Historical Society
Early Schoolhouses in Four Bucks County Townships
(Doylestown Meeting, May 6, T939)
Smitli who contributes this paper is a deaf
mute, lie is greatly interested in local history
and a frequent visitor to the Library of The
lUicks County Historical Society. Some of the
■esearch work he has accomplished is of such
\alue that we have gladly paid him for type-
written copies, which have been bound and are now lying on this
desk and open for inspection. Four volumes are devoted to the
marriage and death notices that appeared in the Bucks County
Intelligencer for 25 years from 1836 to 1860; one volume contains
tombstone inscriptions and one records of the Wrightstown Meet-
ing House.
Deaf Mutes i\ Durham and Vicinity
There was formerly a colony of nine deaf mutes living in
Durham and vicinity, of whom five men were employed at the
Durham Furnace at a time when I was the General ^Manager.
These men were good workmen, always faithful, and greatly
beloved by their associates, many of whom soon learned the deaf
and dumb alpliabet, and conversed with them quite freely. There
were three brothers by name of Heller, of whom the younger,
Robert C, called "Bob", was taught to speak simple sentences.
The first words they taught him to say was "Poor Bob". They
were a happy lot of men. all of whom could write intelligently.
Services in Riegelsville Church for Deaf Mutes
(^n January 24, 1886, services were held in the Reformed
Church of Riegelsville for the benefit of deaf mutes. Henry
Heller and his wife. Mary Francis, were confirmed ; ]Mrs. Edward
D. Heller. Robert C. Heller and Joseph Henry Penrose were bap-
tised and confirmed ; ]Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Riegel and Edward
D. Heller, members of other churches, partook of the communion ;
Miss Sally Heller, a ^Indent, recited in the sign language, the
hymn, "Nearer, my (J(nl, to Thee." The services were in charge
of Rev. Jacob j\J. Koehler, a deaf mute, of Scranton, Pa., assisted
by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Gallaudet, of New York City, both of
the Episcopal Church.
Rev. Dr. Thomas Gallaudet v^'as the son of Thomas Hopkins
Gallaudet, founder of the first institution in America for instruc-
tion of the deaf and dumb. Dr. Thomas, w^ho had married a deaf
mute, was a professor in the New York Institute for Deaf Mutes,
who in 1852 founded St. Ann's Episcopal Church in New York
City for the benefit of deaf mutes, for which a church and rectory
were purchased. Through his efforts deaf mute churches were
established in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Albany, Boston and other
Mrs. Fackenthal and I had the pleasure of entertaining Dr.
Gallaudet and Rev. Koehler, and I well remember the happy
hours we spent, extending late into the night, sitting around an
open hearth fire, listening to Dr. Gallaudet tell of his interesting
work among these people. He explained the great value of the
sign language, which he said was the same all over the world, of
which he gave us many examples, including the driving of horses
in Spain. He told us that when he was a boy he had long curls,
and the deaf mutes indicated him by imitating the twisting of a
curl. J-Ie was known by that sign throughout the world, and im-
itating the twisting of a curl was his deaf mute name. In like
manner other people were known by special motions and signs.
He spoke of the sign language as being the most universal language
in the world. Their name for me at the Durham Iron Works
was indicated bv placing their thumbs in the sockets of their
waistcoats, to indicate that 1 was the boss.
All the children of the Heller family, five in number, includ-
ing a son who died in infancy, were deaf mutes. None of the
paenits of the Durham colony or of their descendants were deaf
Early Schoolhouses in Four Bucks County Townships
(Doylestown Meeting, May 6, 19.3ft )
There appears in Davis" History of liucks County, Chapter
XX\T, on "School and Education", on page 366, one short item:
"In 1789 Thomas Smith gave a lot on the Street Road whereon
the 'Red School House' was built, but subsequently tunu-il into a
dwelling." This incomplete sentence aroused my attention, and
since reading it I have found several interesting old ])apers con-
cerning the above school, in which some of my ancestors received
their early education.
Before I proceed to give a fuller account of this school, I
would like to state that during my research I found there were
at least a score of small one-room -^choolhouses, independent of
each other, scattered over the townshi])s of liuckin.ghani, Solebury,
l^jiper Makefield and Wrightstown. around the year 1800.
This paper 1 am preparing deals onl\' with the rise and de-
cline of our earlv schools, giving sucli facts as have come to my
knowledge during an extensive research.
!\luch of the information regarding the early schools can be
found in the publications of the l>ucks ( ount\- Historical Society,
and I wish to quote from the writings of Warren S. Ely on the
"Octagonal or So-Called 'Eight-Square' Sclioolhouses" which he
read to this Society about 20 years ago: this 's as follows:
"About the middle of the eighteenth century a number of
schoolhouses were erected in our county on the i^lan of subscrip-
tions, by families residing in the neighborhood where the schools
were located, the funds to pay for them and their sites being raised
b}- popular subscriptions, the titles in each instance being held by
three or five trustees selected by the proprietors, i~; the subscribers
were generally called. Teachers were employed bv the trustees
or an auxiliary committee and were paid. u>uall\-. ]iro-rata for the
number of scholars taught. Some few schools were established
as early as 1735-40, but they did not become numerous or popular
in our county until about 1760. The first schoolliouses were con-
structed of logs, or of frame or stone, the matter of material
being governed by their location and the amount of monev that
could be collected for their construction."
Xo attempt has been made on m}- ])art to prove which was
the first schoolhouse ever established in any of the fotir town-
ships, owing to the fact that information is scam and diTficult to
obtain, as few records regarding the earl\- schools were preserved.
One of earliest schoolliouses in the \icinitv. so far as known,
was a rude log cabin on the "\\'ind\- Hush " farm, in l'])pcr .Make-
field Township, which was probably 1)ui!t about 1730. It was
located about 200 yards southwest of the mineral spring, ni the
woods, near the line of the Smith-Trego farms, and near the old
Indian-path, along the end of the mountain called Jericho Hill.
The location was selected for the convenience of settlers on both
sides of the hill, which in the boyhood days of Josiah R. Smith,
the historian, was known as the "Great Hill". The schoolhouse
was on the premises of Thomas Smitli (born about 1705; died in
1750), who owned the land called "Windy Bush", which was
devised to him by his father, William .Smith, by two deeds, dated
1721 and 1739 respectively. William Smith, tlie ])rogenitor of
the Smith family of Wrightstown, purchased 200 acre.> of the
above tract from the I'enn Commissioners. 170P.
How long the school served its community i= not known, but
it is presumed it was userl until near the close of the Revolutionary
War. In 1768 a new schoolhouse was built, at what is now Pine-
ville, and another one in 1789, on Street Road, near Curl's Run,
each about tw^o miles distant from the Windy Bush School. Dur-
ing that period the patronage of that school was not sufficient to
support a teacher and it was discontinued.
Samuel Smith, son of Thomas, mentioned above, left the
house standing in the woods several years and rented it to laborers
to work on his fann. In 1790 he tore the old log schoolhouse
down and rebuilt it as a dwelling house, just south of the barn on
his premises, using the best of the materials. He and his wife.
Jane, lived in it the rest of their lives. They were the great-grand-
parents of Josiah B. Smith, the historiari.
The house was constructed of hewn logs, filled with stones
and mortar, had two rooms, a small attic over head, and a cellar
underneath. It stood there as late as 1895 before it was tore
down. Two pictures of the above old house are preserved in the
photograph album belonging to the Bucks County Historical So-
In 1936 William K. Smith, who owns the adjoining farm,
which is also part of the original Windy Bush tract, pointed out to
me the site of what was the remains of the foundations of this
old log house, now covered up by a new lane, connecting the house
of the present owner, Thornton Lewis, with the State Plighway,
called Windv Hush Road.
Albert Heston, an old bachelor, (born in 1815; died in 1886 )
son of Jacob, anfl grandson of Jesse, was the lone tenant of the
old Iion>e. He was somewhat eccentric and far better satisfied in
the old house than he would have been in a comfortable boarding
house. William K. Smith said, when he was a small boy, he went
to see Albert and observed his nimsual customs. He repaired the
clocks for the neighbors and played the fiddle. He s'ept in a
bed made of canvas and supported by a pair of crosscl sticks of
woorl with a feather mattress over it.
At the southern liase of llowman's hill, is a small hamlet
called I-urgan, after the Irish birth-place of James Logan, a close
friend of William Penn. A hundred years ago there were about
fifteen buildings, grouped t(jgether, which can be seen on the old
Bucks County maps. The 1850 map marked one of the buildings
a "S. H." These abbreviated letters have a great significance. In
this small, humble one-story schoolhonse were educated several
prominent men. Davis' History of Rucks County says: "Among
the scholars were the late Judge John Ross. ( )liver H. Smith,
Senator in Congress from Indiana : Doctor John Chapman. Ed-
ward Smith., a learned man: Seth Chapman, son of Doctor John
Chapman, lawyer and judge; Doctor Seth Cattell. a student of
and who succeeded Doctor John W^ilson. who died early, and
others of note." (AOl. I. page 464.)
In the minutes of the Wrightstown Monthlv Meeting under
the date of the 4th day of the 2nd month. 1755, there is recorded
that "The Friends near the river requested leave to hold a meeting
of wf)rship at the School house near John Beaumont's for this
winter Season to begin the first day after next and to Continue
untill the middle of the fourth month next" ; similar minutes are
repeated, with some intermissions, until 12th month 1st, 176". It
is quite probable that this was the schoolhonse at Lurgan. But
the first actual mention of the name "Lurgan" we come across in
the ".Xi^pearance Docket". \"ol. 9. i)age 653. ( Prothonotarv Of-
fice) :
"He it remembered that on the L^th day of September. .\. D.
1832, I'er'-unall) . in the oj.en Court of Common Pleas held at
Doylestown in and for said L'onnt\' of iUicks. Benjamin Morris.
Jr.. Lsq., high Sb.eriff of the ("onnt_\ of I'.ucks. and acknowledged
a Deed of L"onve\ance b\- him made to Cornelius b"lv for a cer-
tain Stone School House in Upper Maketield Township, known
by the name of Lnrgan School House, on Lands adjoining Wil-
liam Groom, Thomas Randall & others near the Road Leading
from Neely's Mill to Wrightstown. Taken in execution & sold
as the Property of the Trustees or Proprietors or Possessors there-
of at the suit of said Cornelius Ely. Sold for $44.00."
I h.ave not ascertained whether the Lurgan school was con-
tinued after it was seized by the sheriff of Bucks County from the
trustee'^ on the complaint of Cornelius Ely. On April Est, 1834.
a new school was started at Brownsburg, and on April 1st, 1850,
anotlier one at Buckmanville. botli in L'jjper ]\Iakefield township.
After several cliange of hands of the Lurgan school lot until
1859, the schoolhouse appeared to have remainerl the same as it
was wlien it was seized in 1832 and so far had not been converted
into a dwelling house. On July 26th, 1859, a deed was made out
to Benjamin G. Walton for the part of the old schoolhouse lot.
"in for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the
L^nited States of America." ( D. P.. 108, p. 559.)
Davis" History of Bucks Cf)unty says, "Amongst those who
taught at this primitive seminary, were Moses Smith, afterward
a distinguished physician of Philadelphia; Mr. McLean, a noted
teacher, fine Latin scholar and mathematician ; Enos Scarborough,
celebrated for his penmanship, and Joseph Fell, Fkickingham."
(\^ol. L p. 464. ) Edward O. Pool was the last teacher at Lurgan
and the first one at Ikickmanville.
Today one will find this humble hamlet a few
buildings still standing and some ruins. The glory of Lurgan is
departed, and her scholars, statesman, and jurists have gone to
the "undiscovered country". The old foundation of the school-
house is still there, covered up with weeds and briars. It is easily
located, being opposite the entrance of the road leading to the
tower on Bowman's PTill.
A school was established in 1767 by Thomas Ross near his
I)remises in Solebury township. Reference was mentioned in the
minutes of Wrightstown Monthly ^Meeting, granting its members
the privilege of having a meeting of worship at the schoolhouse
near Thomas Ross's. Thomas Ross, who was a recommended
minister and traveled considerably in the ministry, taught school
In his last will, dated 4th month 12th, 1784, just before his em-
barkation to Europe, he "give and bequeath five Pounds to be
applied towards Building a School House in such place in my
Neighbourhood as Friends may approve." No definite inform-
ation has been brought to light regarding the above subject.
Next in order of time comes a curious old lease bearing the
date 17G8, and written in a hand that puts to shame the illegibility
of many of our modern penmen. This was the lease of a tract
of land for school purposes, situated in \\ rightstown township.
for the mutual accommodation of children of the three townships
(Wrightstown, Buckingham and Tpper ]\Takefield). This land
was leased by George Newburn "for and during the full time the
Walls of a certain House now building on said Land shall by
them, their Heirs or Assigns be thought sufi'icient to bear a Roof,"
the yearly rent thereof to be one pepper-corn.
This was the school at Pineville. The lot of land mentioned
in the lease contained eight perches and was of a triangular shape.
It was located at the intersection of the Durham Road and the
A'lill Road leading from Pineville to the grist mili at what is now
Wycombe, and adjoined the present store building. It was dis-
continued about 1816, when another school was started at what
was known as Warner's Point, a mile away. The late Heston J.
Smith said that there were four pine trees standing on the said
lot, one tree on each side of the schoolhouse. One of the trees is
still standing near the present dwelling house, a lonely sentinel of
the thrifty pine trees that stood there a hundred and fifty years
ago. Pineville derived its name from these trees, first "The
Pines," and later "Pinetown." V\'hen tlie post-office was estab-
lished in 1830, with Samuel Tomlinson as postmaster. Pinetown
became Pineville.
There was a schoolhouse on the abandoned road over Jericho
Hill, near C. E. Morgan's back lane. It was a very neutral loca-
tion, everyone that went to school had to go up hill, a real test for
an eagerness for knowledge. A path, said to be an Indian-path,
which almost comiected with the one that led to Bowman's Hill,
led west along the south side of Jericho Fiill. \\ bite chiklren tra-
veled this path to the schoolliousc that used to stand on the farm
of m\- ancester, John Eastburn, in L'p])er jMakeficld.
.\. story may be told in connection with this old schoolhouse
A bov who attended the school had tlu misfortune to lose his
mother, and his father took it upon himself to marry again. The
lady's name was Hannah. This boy did not take kindly to his step-
mother, Hannah, and wrote on the schoolhouse door: "When the
children of Israel wanted bread the Lord sent them manna, but
when old (giving his father's name) wanted a wife, the
devil sent him Haimah."
The proper education of the children was a weighty concern
of Friends in the olden time. The pious education of our youth
was frec|uentl\- urged by the yearly meeting as a necessity. It was
advised that schools be established and exaiiplary teachers be em-
ployed and committees of solid Friends be chosen to diligently at-
tend to the schools and see that the requirements of Friends be
carried one. Several Friends, feeling the importance of this mat-
ter, left money by will, in sums varying from five to fifty pounds,
to be placed at interest until a fund could be raised sufiL'icient to
maintain free schools in the neighborhood for the education of
Friends' children and others whose parents could not afford to
educate them.
The first mention of a school conducted by the Friends of
Wrightstov\-n Monthly Meeting was a minute dated 4th month
3rd, 1764, that "as the Deed for that Lott at Logtown The
Trustee? are all Dead now And we are of the mind that Friends
have the Sole right of Appointing New Trustees and that the
other Inhabitance of W'rightstown have no right in the said Lott
Except for a School." This Logtown lot was leased to the in-
habitants of Wrightstown township for the use of a school only,
and so continued until toward the close of the ISth century. In
another minute dated 9th month 6th, 1803, it is stated that "This
meeting being informed that the owners of the Building now
erected on the Lot of land near Logtown Belonging to this meeting
Propose to sell the same " After several months of debate
over the price demanded, the Monthly Meeting finally purchased
the building for forty-six dollars from the Committee of Wrights-
town township. Tn connection with the above purchase, the
Monthly Meeting also purchased a lot of land lying between the
meeting's lot and the public highway, made repairs to the building
and converted it into tenantable use.
Among the old documents belonging to Wrightstown Month-
ly Meeting is a deed dated Januar\ 14th. 1760, for a lot of land
contciinint( twenty-seven i)erclies, convcvecl by Doctor John Cha])-
man to the trustees appointed bv the monthly meeting "for the
only L'se, Benefit and Behoof of the Members or People belonging
to the [Monthly Meeting of the People called Quakers at Wrights-
town for ever to Erect and Continue a Schoolhouse thereon And
that the School there to be kept shall be free to and be under and
subject to the Direction of the said Monthly Meeting forever. . . ."
At the time some of the bequests \\ere made, there was a large
•^tone standing near the meeting house, which was
alluded to b}- some of the donors in their wills. This schoolhouse
was on the above mentioned Chapman lot. on the northeast corner
of the meeting grounds, across the Durham Road from the meet-
ing house, and under the care of the Educational Committee ap-
pointed by the Monthly Meeting. From the minutes of 1815 and
1816 it appears the old schoolhouse was taken down by direction
of the meeting and the materials divided between two others wdiich
were then proposed and agreed to be built. One of these was two
miles above ^^'rightstown, on the Philadelphia and Xew Ho])e
Roads ( at what was known as Warner's Point above the Anchor
Hotel on tlie Windy Bush Road \ and the other tliree-finuths of a
mile below, at the junction of the Xewtown and Makefield Roads
(at the point now called Ryan's Corner), both in the township of
Wrightstown and under the care of Committees of Friends. These
w^ere not free schools, but the cost was very moderate, and Friends
paid for the tuition of such of their members as could not con-
venientl}- do so. Several Friends' children were being educated
in this w ay in those schools most of the time. In 1850 the Prop-
erty Committee appointed by the monthly meeting reported that
the two schoolhouses were .being neglected, and purposed to sell
the j^roperties, which was done.
In 1845, after much controversy in the Monthly Meeting, ex-
tending over a period of several months, it was finally decided to
build a schoolhouse on the meeting-house grounds. This was done
at a cost of $1,360, and the school was opened in the winter of
1847. .\s stated before regarding the donors who left the money
for the free schools, the fund, left by the wills of Adam Marker,
Joseph Smith, David Ikickman, David Twining, Jonathan Ingham.
William Twining and others, had accumulated to the sum of more
than ten thousand dollars. With the expenses of building the
Stone schoolhoLises. some money not recoverable and the part of
the donation an Orthodox Friend refused to turn over to the
Hicksite Friends, the sum of $7,782.86 remained for the mainte-
nance of the school. By this time the free school system of Penn-
sylvania was in force and the necessity for Friends' schools was
not so great as when the bequests were first made.
The school at first was kept open the entire year, 46 Friends'
children attending and 35 not members, those of the latter number
not in need paying for tuition. The first teacher was paid $18
per month and the second $20, the salary steadily creeping up as
the membership and attendance of Friends' children fell short.
These were in days when teachers were strong enough to work
like other people every day and all the year, and we hear little
complaint of too hard work and not enough pay.
Toward the close of the nineteenth century, there were only
three Friends' children enrolled. Much of the money had been
lost, and the fund was so reduced that the school could not be kept
up to the requirements of a first-class school of that day. In
]903 the Friends' School was discontinued. The building was
leased to the township of Wrightstown and continued until 1922
or later, when the State Commissioners from Harrisburg con-
demned the building as deficient in light and air space.
When the school was started in 1847 the first teacher was
Margaret Smith, then Ruth D. Beans, Eugene Smith, Thomas
Smith, Carline Stradling, Deborah B. Smith, Mary B. Heston
Mattie B. Simpson, Anna C. Wollaston, Sarah Roberts. Elizabeth
Lloyd, Elizabeth Ball, Elizabeth Hart, A.nniel Ely, Annie Scarbor-
ough, and others. Grace Woodman was the last teacher of the
Friends' School.
On the Swamp road at its intersection with the Second Street
Pike, about one mile southwest of the village of Penn's Park,
stands an interesting building of by-gone days, an old octagonal
or "eight-square" schoolhouse. By a lease dated April 1st, 1802
(D. B. 33, p. 403 ) it was leased for a term of ninety-nine years to
the inhabitants of W^rightstown Township by Joseph Burson.
School was conducted there for about fifty years and was probably
replaced by a new school at Rush Valley in 1851.
Below Wycombe, uii the farm now occupied by Walter Er-
win. stood a schoolhouse which was known by the unusnal name
of the "Cider Press School". It was located where the railroad
crosses an old road which was abandoned when the railroad was
built. An old stone arch bridge and part of the old road which
led to the grist mill at A\"ycombe are still visible. Tins school was
discontinued in 1871. A few of the older inliabitants in this vicin-
ity remember this school, and the cloudburst, which is described
in the Bucks Coniit\ JiitclUf/cnccr unrler the date of May 15th.
1860, as follows:
"A small, nameless stream, flowing by Benjamin .Vtkinson's.
in Wrightstown township, cut the vvildest capers of any. Near
its confluen.ce with the Lahaska or Mill Creek is situated a school-
house, and by it a bridge over a stream. Drift stuff made a lodge-
ment above the bridge and caused a large dam of water, which
overflowed parts adjacent and flooded the schoolhouse floor whilst
the school was in session, causing great terror to the pupils, who
at last escaped by leaping out at the winrlows. In the midst of
the storm they ran across a plowed field to a neighbor's house.
The lodgment above the bridge at last gave way, just as an emptv^
lime wagoiL with four mules attached, drove upon the bridge.
The wagon, teaiu and all, were washed down stream, and lodged
against trees, just by the channel of the large creek. They all
escaped, but it was a very narrow chance "
I have not made an extensive study of the early schools estab-
lished by the Friends of fUickingham Monthly Meeting. From
their minutes I found the following:
1st of the 8rd month 1781: "Committee on Schools make
written rc]K)rt recommending tliat a committee be appointed to
ins])ect into school houses already I)uilt and ascertain where others
should l^e built on land of which title is vested in trustees of the
3rd of tlie 1st month 1785: "Committee on Schools report —
That there are a numl:ier of schoolhouses within the bounds of
the Meeting which from the nature of their titles are not likely
to admit of schools in them subject to the direction of this Meeting
anrl that they are in too irregular positions to answer the general
purpose of schools, except two. — one on land granted by Samuel
Eastburn, the title of which is vested in Trustees of this Monthlv
A/[eeting", — the other on land granted by Thomas Good, title
vested in members of this meeting- but not in trust for the Meet-
They recommend schools to be established as follows:
1. at the Schoolhouse near Samuel Eastburn's (known as
Centre Hill).
2. on York Road between William Kitchen's and Thomas
3. on road from Newtown to Coryell's Ferry, near the line
of Crispin and William Blackfan.
4. at intersection of Lower York Road and Street Road.
5. near the end of Thomas Carey's lane whicli leads to his
house (at Carver's Corner near CarversvilleV
6. near the southeast side of A'^/atson Wekhng's land (now
known as Forest Grove).
7. on Durham Road near Thomas Gilbert's (between Centre-
ville and Mechanicsville).
8. on Plumstead Meeting House land.
9. at the School House near Thomas Good's (known as Sandy
Some of their locations are obscure, but a closer examination
of minutes and other sources would probably show their exact
locations and whether the schools were already established or not.
The meeting established schools at Carversville, Forestville,
and Centre Hill. When the common school system was adopted,
the school buildings belonging to the ^Monthly Meeting were handed
over to the school directors of Buckingham and Solebury. on con-
dition that they be kept in repair and "be not used for purposes
and in a manner contrary to the testimonies and discipline of the
Society of Friends."
The first action taken towards establishing the Bucking-
ham Friends' School was 2d month 6th, 1792, when a committee
was appointed by the ^Monthly Meeting to circulate a subscription
paper among the members ; in this way £759 were raised for a
school fund. The school building was erected about 1794. and as
it was well built, it still stands as good as new, and has been used
for school purposes ever since.
EARIA S(;H0()L Hdl'SES 161
Buckingham township has been known for its famous schools,
such as old Tyro Hall, Martha Hampton's boarding school for
girls, Hughesian Free School. As they are frequently mentioned
in the historical papers of this Society and Davis' History, I will
not give any cletails.
When the Solebury Friends separated from Buckingham, in
1808, and built a meeting-house, the school fund was divided, the
former getting $4,500 as their share. Since the establishment of
public schools this fund has lain idle. The schoolhouse on the
meeting grounds was converted into a dwelling and is occupied
by the caretaker.
Centre Hill (at Solebury* is considered to be the oldest school
in the four townships, if not in the county, it having been in use
as a school since 1756. All the Solebury Township schoolhouses
(New Hope not included, it being a borf)Ugh i were discmtinued
(except Centre Hill) when the school con-olidation law went into
1 have jjrepared an almcjsl complete list of the jnist and i)vesent
schoolhouses, with their names, when they \vere established and
discontinued, by and to whom the lots of land were granted, how
replaced, and so on. Owing to the leuijth of the list (there are at
least thirt}-five schoolhouses marked <)n the 1850 P)ucks County
map). 1 am not including them in this iia])er. but wi'd include
them in the ]jublications of this Society.
-Vow, coming back to the Red .'^chotilhouse, referred to.
.Among the old ])apers is an agreement between Thomas ."^mith
of the township of liuckingbam and his ne'ghbor-;. called "Sub-
scribers", for a lot of land, on which a school'^'ouse was to be
erected. The house was of frame construction, one story high,
twenty-two feet long and twenty feet wide, situated on the north-
west side of Kyrl's Run, to extend from the southwest side of
the old saw-mill log-yard to the .Street Road, eight perches in
width, containing eighty-seven perches. The agreement was to
run for a j^eriod of thirty years and I'homas Smith was To be
paid a yearly rent of one pe])i:)er-corn (if demanded i. The build-
ing was to be completed by 1789. On the first da\ of tlic h'irst
month. 17!)(). a deed of trust was made out 1)\- Thomas Smith to
Thomas Smith. Jr.. Joseph Smith. Isaac \ anhorn and l^dward
Black fan.
Curl's Run, variously spelled as Kirl. Kyrl, Carl, was named
for Thomas Kirl, who owned land in l^juckingliam, which was
later bought by Robert Smith. 1723. The source of the creek is
at ihe farms of Harry Trego and Earl Daniels hi the vicinity of
the village of Pineville. flows east through the lands of John
Hogan, Harvey R. Smith. William E. Smith, Charles R. Wentz,
Charles \\'. Liveze}' and Lettie A. Betts, and empties into Pidcock
Creek. The three latter farms composed the original Robert
Smith homestead. The schoolhouse lot stood across the creek
from the property on wdiich George Rounsaville now lives.
Each subscriber, wdio contributed a certain sum ov money
toward the construction of the house, automatically became a
"Proprietor". Xo I'roprietor could have more than one vote, and
his right was to descend to his jwsterity. A committee of four
of the I'roprietors was to have charge of the school and no tutor
was be employed except by a majority vote.
This frame "Red Schoolhouse" stood for many years. An-
other agreement was made in 1830. The subscribers, believing it
impracticable to repair the old house, decided to build a new one
on the same premises. It constructed of stone, a little larger
than the frame one, at the cost of about three himdred dollars.
This schoolhouse was a plain, low stone building, a shed along
the front for wood and coal, a wide old j^aneled door, and a huge
stone door step, facing the south. The desks were ranged around
the three walls, pupils facing the wall, benches for seats, and a
large "ten-plate" stove for warmth, th.e stove pipe running up to
the chimney in the center of the house: platform on north end for
teacher's desk, and blackboard on that wall.
Among the famil\- names found in the agreement to build
the second house, known as the "New Prospect School", 1 find
the following: Ely, Palderston, Corson, Stradling, Atkinson, Kelly,
Gray, Schofield, Carver, Morris, Everett, Heston, Warner, Hamp-
ton, Eastburn. Doan, Perry, Scarborough, Sands. Betts, Simpson.
Dudbridge, Bruce and Smith. The house was built by the signers
spuoq luaa; .§uoi oj\^ MoqEi io ^uo;s "aaqiuni 'Xauoiu .ouiSp3[d
were required and no building requirements to be met. It should
be noted that the signers lived in three townships, Buckingham,
Solebury and Upper Makefield.
A most interesting j^aper recently found is an old school
report of pupil attendance, dated 1790. the first time the school
opened. This is the only report available, as there are no later
reports in existence. The report began on January 18th with 19
pupils present and continued for 47 days, ending on March 13th
with 32 pupils present. There were 43 male pupils on the roll,
no female pupils that winter ; they went to school in the summer
time. School was held six days a week. The largest day's attend-
ance was on the 26th of February, when 38 pupils were present.
(What a crowd in the small schoolhouse !) Three of the pupils
attended every day: they were Hugh Smith, Thomas Smith and
Joshua Smith.
The first teacher of the Red Schoolhouse was Robert Smith
(born in 1749; died in 1827). who kept the 1790 report of pupil
attendance. He also taught school (1783-89) probably at the
Eastburn's (Centre Hill), of which I have his copies of the
report of pupil attendance. Later teachers of the New Prospect
School were James B. Simpson, E. E. Smith, Mary P.. Heston,
Aimie Hibbs. Hetty Williams, Nellie Linton and others. The lat-
ter was transferred to the new school in 1868.
In 1867 John S. Williams gave a part of his land to the
School Directors of Solebury township, whereon was erected a
schoolhouse called "Hillside". In the following year the New
Porspect School property was turned over to the School Direc-
tors, who sold the two tracts on each side of the Street Road to
Mahlon Atkinson and Samuel H. Hibbs, "and the proceeds of
said sale be appropriated to the payment of the cost of erecting
-said new School House." (D. B. 141, p. 66.)
In the minute book of the School Board of Buckingham
township under the date of January 4th, 1868. there is recorded
"that New Prospect School in Solebury District having been dis-
continued, leaving the East corner of this district without suffi-
cient School facilities. We will establish a School for their ac-
commodation in Newlin E. Smith's wagon house to be called
Highlon School. Said School to be kept open three months, they
being willing to send elsewhere the remaining part of the year;
and that Patience Smith be appointed Teacher of said school at
ThirtA' dollars per month. The house to be fitted up at the expense
of the patrons of the school and without any charge for rent."
Ihe house at Xewiin E. Smith's, above mentioned, is still
standing, on the farm of the present owner, Charles W. Livezey.
From another minute of the above School Board it appears that
Patience Smith did not teach that school and Annie S. VAy took
her place.
Mahlou Atkinson, having acquired the lot with the house on
it, converted it into a dwelling and rented it. In 1892 he made
extensive repairs, remodeling it into a verv nice little house, with
better partitions, they having been made of boards. After several
years undesirable tenants had so wrecked the place that it became
only a harbor for tramps, and when Heston J. Smith wanted stone
for building ])urposes, he had permission from Charles Atkinson
to demolish the old house and haul the stones away. The last
tenant of this house was Annie Wilson, from Philadelphia, who
worked for the people in the neighborhood.
In 1905 Heston J Smith, with the help of his sons, James
Tden and Philip W.. tore the old walls down, hauled the stones
to his farm ( now James Iden Smith ) and built the stone walls
where the present wagon house stands The large stone door step
on which Heston played marbles as a school bov is now used as
a kitchen door step at James Iden Smith's.
Following is the list of the school properties, referred to in
the "Early Schoolhouses in f-'our Thicks County Townships."
Near Pineville. known as Xl'^TIiER ONE. from fk-orge
Warner t(^ the Trustees of Wrightstown Township School, about
tht time when the school at Warner's Point was discontinued.
Transferred to the School Directors. May 25th. 1852 (Deed Book
168, p. 359) and by release from George Warner to the School
Directors. April 29t'h. 1873 (Deed Book 168, p. 360). Additional
lot of land to the above, from Jesse P. Car\^er. March Otli, 1872
(Deed Book 168. p. 367). Schoolhouse rebuih in 1871. anrl the
original foundation of the first house stil; visible.
Near Penn's Park, known as XCMIJER TWO. from Aaron
Pitniian to the School Directors. October 11 th. 1872 (Deed Book
168. p. 375). Date-stone "1872". Replaced the old frame school-
liouse a few hundred yards below at a point which was occupied
many years by bachelor Joel Carver.
Xcar Rushland. known as XCMBER THREE, from Giles
Gordon to the School Directors. Xovember 17th. 1851 ( Deed Book
121. p. -467). Additional lot of land to the above, from Benjamin
Worthington. October 16th. J874 (Deed I'.ook 176. p. 142). The
original Rush \'alley school building was of a frame construction
and is now a carriage house on James Work's upper farm. It was
moved there bv Edward Thompson from the school lot now occu-
pied b\- the present stone building, built in 1874.
r.rCKXMAXAIPPE. from Joshua Smith to the School Direc-
tors, 4th month 1st. 1850 (Deed I'.ook 78. p. 481). Additional
lot of land to the above, from Kin.sey Smith. May 20th, 1861
(Deed Book 117, p. 149). Present school house rebuilt by I-'rank
Heston in 1892. ( )riginal foundations of tlic 1850 schoolhouse
still visible, built by William Starkey. the date-stone bears his
initials 'A\'. S." and the year 1850.
BROOKSIDE, from Stephen Betts, Jr. to the School Direc-
tors, in or about 1869, which deed was lost and never recorded,
another one had to be made, July 22nd, 1898 (Deed Book 287, p.
274). Date Stone "1869". School discontinued in 1929 and
property purchased by Howard Walker, July 1st, 1930 (Deed
Book 590. p. 509), now C. E. Morgan's property. Schoolhouse
is not occupied.
FAIRFIELD, from William Burroughs Heston to the School
Directors, no date given. (Deed Book 168, p. 661 ). Date stone
"1872". Replaced the old house, known as "Hayhurst", then
"Eagle", a few hundred yards up the road, which is still standing,
now used as a slied by its present owner Edward T. Buckman.
The first schoolhouse was built in 1804 on the farm of my an-
cestor. John Hayhurst, who was a minister of Wrightstown
Monthly Meeting. It was leased to the trustees of his neighbor-
hood by Benajah Hayhurst, November 12th, 1805, for a school
only (Deed Book 62, p. 19). An interesting little anecdote is told
in my family. My great-great-grandmother Rachel Hayhurst was
born in 1801. When the above first schoolhouse was built, it was
the three-year old Rachel's chore to lead her blind grandfather,
John Hayhurst, out the lane to "see" the masons working on the
schoolhouse. The three-year old child could not understand the
meaning of "see" in this instance.
HIGHLAND, from Kinsey Harvey to the School Directors,
March 21st, 1856 (Deed Book 94, p. 100). No date stone. Re-
placed the one about a mile away which was conveyed to the
School Directors by John Reeder. June 7th, 1851 (Deed Book 81,
p. 581). Discontinued in 1920 and property purchased by J.
Elmer Transue, June 30th, 1927 (Deed Book 529, p. 568). School-
house remodeled and occupied as a dwelling.
DOLINGTON, from Cornehus Slack to the School Direc-
tors, January 6th, 1860 (Deed Book 114, p. 248). No date stone.
Two-story high, the second floor not in use now. Prior to ]860
there was a schoolhouse on the Makefield Friends' meeting house
grounds, a short distance up the road.
TAYLORSVILLE, from Mahlon K. Taylor to the School
Directors, November 1st, 1854 (Deed Book 89, p. 330). Date
stone "1854". Replaced the old school, about a mile away, which
William Lownes conveyed to the trustees of his neighborhood,
February 21st, 1798 (Deed Rook 49, p. 454), known as the'T.etts
Schoolhouse". This house, built in 1827, is still standing, was
used as a (hvelling but is not occupied now. The Taylorsville
school was discontinued Decemiber 1st, 1926 and the property was
purchased by Charles W. Mather, June 30th, 1927 (Deed Rook
549, p. 473), who sold it to Emory Ruckman, it is now used as a
general store. The present schoolhouse is known as the Washing-
ton Crossing Schoolhouse and was built in 1926.
RROWNSRURG. (by subscription), from Joseph Thornton
to the trustees, April 1st. 1834 (Dfeed Rook 61, p. 299 ). No date
stone. There is no record of the transfer of this school from
the trustees to the School Directors. Additional lot of land to
the above, from Levi R. Raylman, March 28. 1857 (Deed Rook
100, p. 259).
CONCORD (now MOZART), from Wilham Titus to the
"Trustees of a School Company Inhabitants in the Townships of
Ruckingham, Wrightstown and V\'ar\vick." November 6th. 1817
(Deed Rook 46, p. 206). No date stone. It was known as the
"Concord School Company." Oldest schoolhouse in the township
and still in use as a school.
RUSHINGTOX (now FURLONG, known as Xo. 1), from
Israel Pemberton to the trustees for the use of a school in the
neighborhood, June 6th, 1772 No transfer has been made and
recorded during the period from 1772 to 1938, it became the
rightful pro])erty of Ruckingham Township School District for its
care and maintenance of this school. Ruilding rebuilt in 1867.
Discontinued in 1937 and the propert\- purchased by Daisy R,
Herr, June 13th, 1938 (Deed Rook 666, p. ) '
Phillips to the Trustees appointed by Ruckingham Monthly Meet-
ing, 7th month 1st, 1794 (Deed Rook 49, p. 512). Ruilding re-
built in 1855. This school was discontinued in 1937 and the prop-
erty will be sold.
INDEPENDENT (known as No. 7, on Durham Road be-
tween Pineville and Ruckingham A'alley). I am unable to find
any record of when it was started and by whom. Reference was
mentioneil in the '"Schools of Buckingham" by Elizabeth Lloyd,
that the land on which it stands was deeded to the township in
1843. Present house rebuilt in 1871.
UXir)X (near Five Points), from Thomas M. Thompson to
the trustees of his neighborhood, October 18th. 1825 ( Deed Rook
51, p. 454 ). Present house rebuilt in 1868. Discontinued in 1987
and the property purchased by Lewis F. Claxton, June 13th, 1938
(Deed Book 666, p. 279).
GREEWILLE (now HOLICOXG, known as Xo. 4) from
Edmund M. Price to the School Directors, no date given. ( Deefl
Book 171. p. 137). Built in 1863. In the minute book of the
School Directors the reason given for building a new schoolhouse
at Greenville was that the Orthodox Friends Meeting refused to
open their schoolhouse near Lahaska called "r)ak Grove Hall" or
"Orthodox School".
GITrRCirS (near Spring \^alley), from John Cox to the
School Directors, June 27th, 1851 (Deed Book 101, p. 309). Dis-
continued in 1932 and property purchased by David X. Fell. Jr..
October 24th, 1932 (Deed Book 608, p. 505).
T'S'RO HALL (near Mechanicsville, on Holicong road),
from David F. White to the School Directors. June 18th, 1860
(Deed P)Ook 148, p. 125). Additional lot to the above, from
David F. White, ^lay 1st. 1869 (Deed Book 148. p. 120). This
school should not be confused with the old Tyro Hall, about 2
miles down the Holicong road.
FRIEXDSTHP (near the west corner of Buckingham town-
sliip). '2 of a lot from Cornelius Shepherd by a deed granted to
the trustees for school i:)uri)oses and when done with for school
]mrposes to revert back to the owner ; and ^A of a lot from Wil-
liam K. Large by a deed granted to the trustees for school jnir-
poses and when done for school pur|)oses to revert back to the
owner. Xo deeds recorded. (See Deed ?>ook 141. p. 432 and
D. B. 184. p. 372. for late owners.)
HICKORY GRO\ E (on Durham Road near the township
line of Buckingham and Plumstead), from Jonathan Kimble to
the inhabitants (forty names in a deed) residing in Buckingham
and Plumstead townships, May 21st, 1818 (Deed Book 46, p. 500).
Original minute book of this school is preserved and is the prop-
erty of tliis Society. The present building was erected in 1873,
replaced one known to the school-board as the "Octagon", bnt to
the common peo])le as the eight-square schoolhouse. There was
also an older school called Union Schoolhouse which was men-
tioned in the above minute book, erected on the land of Benjamin
Scott in Buckingham township who leased it to the trustees of
his neighborhood, 9th month 16th. 1797, and Isaac B. Childs was
its first teacher.
CENTRE HILB (at Solebury). from Samuel Eastburn to
the trustees of Buckingham Monthly Meeting, 10th month 30th,
1756 (Deed Book 26, p. 101). Became the property of Solebury
Monthl}- Meeting, when it was sei)arated from P.uckingham in
1808. It was called "Stone Schoolhouse" in 1810. Transferred
to the School Directors, 12th month 1st. 1870 ( D. P.. 160, p. 205 ).
CAR\'ERS\TLLE. from Thomas Carey to the trustees of
P.uckingham Monthly IMeeting. 12th month 1st. 1794 (D. B. 49,
p. 512 ). Transferred to the School Directors in 1861 ( D. B. 118,
p. 395). Additional lot of land to the above, from Stedman Cow-
drick to the Scliool Directors. June llth. 1860 ( D. B. 118, p.
HKtIIPAXD (on a road about one mile above the Thomp-
son Memorial Presbyterian Church), from Thomas Cooper to the
trustees of his neighborhood. March 21st. 1821 ( D. P.. 49. p. 231).
Known as the "Cooper's School". Transferred to the School
Directors. July 25th. 1857 ( D. P.. 103. p. 452 ). Additional lot of
land to the abo\e, from Watson P. Magill to the School Directors.
December 31st. 1857 ( D. P.. 103. i). 453).
LCMP.ERX'IPPl^. from Abraham Paxson to the trustees of
his neighborhood. I->bruary 21st, 1824 ( D. P. 70, p. 575). The
building was octagonal, known as "Lumberville Athenian School".
School was maintained there until 1858, then replaced by a new
.school called "( ireen Hill".
(IKl'^l^X IIIPL (at Lumberville), from Cyrus Livezey to
the School Directors, Xovemler 8th, 1858 ( D. B. 105. ]). 364).
COTTA(;E\irJT{, from Eli Carver to the trustees of his
neighborhood, September 2nd, 1846 ( D. P>. 72, p. 726). .\ddi-
tional lot of land to the above, from Alfred Knight to the School
Directors, April 1st, 1871 (D. P.. 160, p. 206).
CENTRE BRIDGE, from John L. Johnson to the trustees
of Solebury Township "for the school purpose in use and benefit
of the persons residing in the vicinity of Centre Bridge, under
the name of 'Centre Bridge School Association'," 8th month 13th,
1849 (D. B. 94, p. 287). Transferred to the School Directors,
3rd month 27th, 1856 ( D. B. 94. p. 289).
CHESTXl'T GROA'E, from Benjamin Paste to the trustees
"appointed by the contribution and employers of the Chestnut
Grove School establishment." December 1st, 1847 CD. B. 75, p.
806). It was located on the north side of the Solebury Mountain,
near the road leading from Street Road to New Hope. It is
marked on the 1850 Bucks County map and school was probably
discontinued after that year.
HILLSIDE, from John S. Williams to the School Directors,
December 24th, 1867 (D. B. 139, p. 411). It replaced the New
Prospect School which I described at length before.
CLIESTNUT GROVE (on a road from Lahaska to Lumber-
ville, about one and a half miles from the former), from Wilson
Pearson to the School Directors, May 28th. 1859 (D. B. 118, p.
PHILLIPS'S (on River road, at its intersection leading to
Solebury Friends' ^Meeting house), from Charles Phillips to the
School Directors. 11th month 19th, 1864 (D. B. 126, p. 519).
School maintained there for many years before trans fering to the
Following is a quaint 1768 lease of the school at Pineville,
referred to in the "Early Schoolhouses of Four Bucks County
THIS INDENTURE made the Thirteenth day of December
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven liundred and sixty-
eight by and BETWEEN George Newbourn of Buckingham in
the County of Bucks in the Province of Pennsylvania yeoman
of the one Part, And Benjamin Smith, John Lacey, Christopher
Mutchler, James Spicer, William Newbourn, Jesse Heston, Tim-
EARLY SCH(X:)L IlorsES 171
othy Smith, John Wilson, James Sample, John Sample, William
Simson, Richard Parsons the younger. Richard Worthington.
Thomas Betts, John rxourle\-. Joseph Smith, Joseph Wiggans,
Thomas Smith. :\Toses Pidcock. James Wood. George Kelly!
Joseph Kirk,
Freemen of the Township of Buckingham, V.'rightstown and
I>per Makefield in the County of Bucks afore'=aid of the other
part \\MTNESSETH that the said George Newbourn as well for
and in Consideration of a good School being set up and kept in
the Xeighbourhood as for tlie Yearly Rents and Covenants herein
after mentioned on the behalf of them the said Benjamin Smith,
John Lacey, Christopher Alutchler, James Spicer. ^^'illiam New-
bourn. Jesse Heston. Timothy Smith. Joiin Wilson, James Sample.
John Sample, William Simson. Richard Parsons, Richard Worth-
ington, Thomas Betts, John Gourley, Joseph Smith, Joseph Wig-
gans, Thomas Smith, Moses Pidcock, James Wood, George Kelly,
Joseph Kirk Their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns
HATH Demised granted and for the L'se of a School doth Lett
a Lot or piece of Land Situate in the Township of Wrightstown
aforesaid. BEGINNING at a Corner of said Newbourn's Land
and from thence extending by the line divideing the Townships
of Buckingham and Wrightstown South forty two Degrees and
Twenty ^linutes West five Perches, Thence South seventy Degrees
East three Perches and five tenth parts of a Perch to Land belong-
ing to William Clark, Thence by the same north two degrees and
fifteen Minutes A\'est five Perches to the Place of Beginning
Containing eight Perches. TO HA\'E AND TO HOT.D unto
them the said Benjamin Smith. John Lacey, Christopher Mutchler.
James Spicer, Williani Newbourn, Jesse Heston. Timothy Smith.
John Wilson, James Sample, John Sample, \\'illiam Simson. Rich-
ard Parsons, Richard \\'orthington. Thomas Betts, John Gourley,
Joseph Smith, Joseph Wiggans, Thomas Smith. Moses Pidcock,
James Wood, George Kell}', Joseph Kirk
Their Heirs and Assigns from
the da}- of the date hereof for and during the full time the Wall
of a Certain House now building on said land shall bv them their
Heirs or Assigns be thought Sufficient to bear a root \\'liich Roof
& ^^'all Shall be renewed and Repaired as Occation may require
they Veilding and Paying for the same to the said George New-
bourn ever}- "^^ar the Yearly Rent of one Pepper-Corn if Demand-
ed, onl}- reserving to himself the said George Newbourn thereout
the full and equal F'riviled with any of the above named Parties
hereto of in and out of the said House and School that shall be
therein kept. AND it is Covenanted and agreed by and between
the said Parties hereto that the said Penjamin Smith, John Lacey.
Christopher Mutchler, James S])icer, William Newbourn, Jesse
Heston, Timothy Smith, John Wilson. James Sample, John
Sample, William Simson. Richard Parsons, Richard Worthington,
Thomas Betts, John Gourley, Joseph Smith, Thomas Smith, Moses
Pidcock, James Wood, George Kelly. Joseph Kirk Shall within
the Space of three Years next after the Date thereof Complete
and finish the Said House in a Good and Workman like manner
and every way Convenient and Suitable for a School to be kept
therein. AND it is further Covenanted and agreed to, by and
between the said Parties that if at any time During the Time
aforesaid, through the want of a Proper Teacher or any other
Cause the said House Shall at any time be Vacant it shall not
be in the Power nor shall any Person in or either of the said
Parties have Liberty or Authority to Appropriate it to any other
Cse wdiatsoever, nor at anv time take in such Subscribers towards
Hireing a Master as have not a proper right in the said House,
unless Such Persons shall agree to pay a Yearly Rent of three
Shillings for Each Scholar while they shall send, which Money
shall be Aplyed to the Repairing of said House, AND the said
George Newbourn for himself his Heirs Executors and Adminis-
trators and every of them doth Covenant Promise grant and agree
to and with the said Benjamin Smith, John Lacey, Christ'r Mutch-
ler, James Spicer, William Newbourn, Jesse Heston, Timothy
Smith, John Wilson, James Sample. John Sample, William Sinn-
son, Richard Parsons. Richard W^orthington, Thomas Betts, John
Gourley, Joseph Smith. Joseph Wiggans, Thomas Smith, Moses
Pidcock, James Wood, George Kelly, Joseph Kirk
their Heirs and Assigns under
the J^ents, Covenants Conditions and Agreements herein before
expressed on the part and behalf of them the said Benjamin .Smith,
John Lacey, Christ'r Mutchler, James Spicer, William Newbourn,
Jesse Heston, Timothy Smith, John Wilson, James Sample, John
Sample, William Simson, Richard Parsons, Thomas Betts, John
Gourley, Joseph Smith, Joseph Wiggans, Thomas Smith, Aloses
Pidcock, James Wood, George Kelly, Joseph Kirk
to be Performed as aforesaid
shall and may Reasably have hold use and enjoy all and Singular
the hereby granted and Demised Premises and every Part thereof
during the Term aforesaid AND as a further Confirmation of
all and every the Articles Covenants Clauses and Agreements
herein before Contained the said Parties do bind themselves, their
Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns each Party for him
and themselves firmly by these Present each unto the other in
the Pennal Sum of two Hundred Pounds current Law full money
of Pennsylvania. IX WITNESS whereof the said Parties, to
these Presents have Interchangeably put their Hands and Seals
the Day & Year first above written
Sealed and dehvered GEORG NEWBURN (Seal)
in the presence of Benjamin Lacey
Samuel flack
John Johnson
PERSONALLY appeared before me the Subscril>er One of the
Justices of the Peace for the County of Bucks, Samuel Flack and
being duly Sworn according to Law doth say. he saw George
Newburn the with grantor of the within Lease. Sign Seal and
deliver the same as his act and IDeed. and he did with John John,
and Benjamin Lacey Sign their names as Witness thereto. In
Witness his hand this 29th day of August 1803
Subscribed and Sworn to the day SAMCEL FLACK
and year above Written Rob. Shewell
BUCKS COUNTY ss Entered and recorded in the Recorder's
office of said Count\- in Deed P.ook No.
(Seal) 46 Page 523 W'itness my hand (S: seal of
Office June 3, 1818
John Pugh Rec'dr
h'ollowing are the three articles concerning the Ked School-
house, referred to in the "l^arly Schoolhouses in I'^)ur lUick^^
Count}' Townshi])s'".
A(;Rh^I{.M FXT. Thomas Smith and Sihsckimkhs. 17!!()
Whereas it is agreed on the Part of Thomas Smith of the
Townsliip of Buckingham in the County of Rucks that he will
grant &: Confirm to us the Suhscribers or our proper Trustees a
Lot of Land on the X. W. Side of Kyrl's Run, to entend from the
S. W. Side of the Old Saw-mill Log-yard to tlie Street Road,
eight Perches in \\'idth. for and during the Term of thirty Years,
under the Yearly rent of one Pepper-Corn (if demanded) : Sub-
ject to the Following Limitations, That is to say.
That before the expiration of the Year 1789 we the Subscrib-
ers will cause to be builded and well finished, on the said Lot a
One Story Framed House 22 Feet Long & twenty feet wide
That the said House & Lot shall remain an equal undivided
Estate for the l^se of a Sch.ool, for the Benefit of the Proprietors
lierein after described
That the said School shall be under the Government of a
Comnu'ttee, four of the Proprietors Annually Chosen by such of
the said Proprietors as from Time to Time shall meet at the said
House on the Day of in each year during the said
Term between tlie Hours of one & five in the Afternoon, for that
purpose: who shall be capable to make and revoke, By-Laws for
the Government of the School : fand necessary Provisions &
repairs for) But not such as shall extend to the removal or the
admission of a Master, unless for neglect of Duty or immorality;
nor to expel a Scholar but for Disobedience to School Laws
Tliat each Person, having a Real Estate in the Neighbour-
hood, who shall pay for the L^se of Building the said House the
Sum of £1:10 shall thereby become a Proprietor himself: and
make all his Posterity who may have Interests, separate from him-
self in a Schools being kept in the said House, and also such
Person or Persons as may become by Purchase or otherwise pos-
sessed of any Part or the whole of such Estates : and their Poster-
ity who mav have separate Interests as aforesaid full Proprietors:
And every Person paying for the said Use the Sum of 15s. Shall
thereby Become a Proprietor himself, and also make all his Pos-
terity, under the Limitations aforesaid Proprietors.
That no one Person shall at any Time be capable of exercising
or holding more than one Single Proprietary Pour (Power) or
That no Tutor shall be admitted into the said School house
until approved of by a Majority of the said Committee and with
the Consent of a Majority of the said Proprietors
We the undersigned Empl.ners to the Red Schoolhouse be-
lieving it impracticable t.. repair sai.l house so as to make it
comfortable e^ convenient for a School to be kept therein, and
believing it expedient that a new house be built on the Premises
belonging to the employers to said School— do agree and obligate
ourselves to contribute and pay for that purpose such sums'' of
money as we have hereunto severally subscribed— 1830
Elias Ely $5.00
Joshua Jialderson $6.00
Joshua Corson $5.00
Joshua Smith $10.00
Henry Smith 30 Bushels of
Lime delivered on the ground
Joseph Smith Jr. $5.00
John Stradling $1.00
Thomas Atkinson $5.00
Thomas Atkinson Sho. $2.00
Robert B. Smith $1.00
Jacob Eleston, Jr. $5.00
John Warner $2.00
Jonathan Atkinson $1.00
Robert Smith $10.00
Crispin Blackfan $10.00
Joseph Hampton $10.00
Benjamin Smith $10.00
Samuel Blackfan $10.00
Bezaleel Eastburn $10.00
George Ely $5.00
Joseph Doan $10.00
Samuel Atkinson $10.00
Jesse Doan, Jr. $5.00
Phineas Kelly 12 Bushels lime
$1.50 Jonathan Smith $10.00
Cornelius Ely. Lumber $5.00 John Smith $10.00
Dean Gray $2.50
John Scholfield $10.00
Edward Blackfan $5.00
Joseph E. Carver $5.00
Isaac Morris $2.00
Samuel E. Smith $5.00
Ezekiel Everitte $2.00
John C. Parry $5.00
Joseph Scarbrough $1.00
Thomas Sands $1.00
Cyrus Betts $5.00
Robert Simpson $10.00
L. S. Coryell, in Lumber $5.00
John Simpson $5.00
Wc the Emi)Ioyers &• Proprietors to the Red school house
agree to Contribute in hailing (hauling ) &- material, for the pur-
pose of builrling a new house the sum annexed i.. our names in
addition to our former Subscription
Robert Smith 3 days hailing
Joseph Hamton 3 days do
John Smith 3 days do
Jonathan Smith 3 days do
John Simpson 3 do
Cris]Mn Black fan 3 do
Benjamin Smith, Jr. 3 do
\\'illiam Dndbridge $2.00
Henry Bruce .50
Hannah Smith 1.00
Henry Smith 2.50
John -Vtkinson .67
Thomas Atkinson .37
Rec'd of Jesse Doane. Jr. $2.50
Rec'd of Joseph Doan $5.00
Rec'd of Benia : Smith $5.00
The Amount of Jose])h Smith's
Subscription was Rec -d by Sam :1
Atkinson and remains in his hands
on account of Stone Quarrying
Rt. Smitli
12 mo 27th 1830
For \'alue rec'd 1 promise to pa}' Robert Smith Treasurer of
Newprospect school Compan\- Twelve Dol!s. 9c. as on as before
the first day of March next without Defalcation
Jesse Doan, ]r.
John X'anhorn
John ]\Iarple
David Marple
Jesse Blackfan
Thomas illackfan
John Smith
Hugh Smith
Thomas Smith
Samuel Smith
Edmund Smith
Benjamin Smith
Jonathan Smith
Joseph Smith
William Smith
George Smith
Edward Wilson
Crispin Illackfan
Phineas Mihbs
John Ralderston
David Balderston
James Simpson
Mahlon Simpson
Dennis < lilmor
Benjamin Smith
Robert Smith
Handle Smith
WiUiam fimmons
David McCray
George Wiley
John Wiley
Andrew Wiley
Joslma Smith
George Kinsey
Samuel Rainey
]\Iahlon Trego
George Grubing
Joseph Trego
John Trego
Timy Smith
Jacob Heston
Isaac Heston
Jesse Smith
Samuel Richardsor
In the Footsteps of Joseph Hampton and the Pennsylvania Quakers
1!Y VIOliNON BOYCE HAMPTON, Ph. D., l.itt. D.
"SuMset Hill"', West New Brighton, Staten Island, New York.
(Doylestown Meeting, May 6, 1939)
wfwwmmRE name HAMPTON is found in ancient records
J in numerous localities in England, as early as
I 1273, indicating its antiquity. With variations in
s])elling. the name is recorded as Hamptone,
llamton, Hampten, Hampton. The general spell-
ing in America today is Hampton, and in the
oldest Hampton Family Bible of which 1 have any record, and
which is on display here today, the spelling changes in the written
record from H A AI T O N of the early entries, to H AMP-
TON in the records after 1867. The earliest date recorded in
this Bible is 1726, the date of birth of Ann (Wildman) Hampton.
I had alwa}s supposed that the name Hampton was distinctly
English. It was therefore with some surprise that I first read in
a Bucks County History, some years ago, that Joseph Hampton,
a Scotchman, had settled in Bucks County.
I was immediately driven to some research in the matter, and
discovered that in the extreme northern part of Scotland, the
name Hampton is very common, that it dates from the earliest
history of that country, that the first Earls of Hampton came
from there. It was the Hampton clan which helped to crush the
Campbells during a supposedly dark period in Scottish clan history.
The locality of the town of Hampton, in Scotland, is in the north,
between Oban and r>rora. and here the Hamptons were in num-
bers and here was the seat of the Earl of Hampton.
It is from Scotland, therefore, that John Hampton, father
of Josepli Hampton, came to America in 1682. He is the com-
mon ancestor of this line.
John Hampton is recorded as from Ephingstown, East Loth-
ian. Scotland. He arrived here in 1682/3, and on November 23rd
of that year purchased land at Amboy Point from the Scottish
proprietors of East Jersey.
Many adventurous colonists were redemptioners, who had
constituted the solid citizenry of the Old World, artisans, farmers,
and even younger members of the gentry seeking fortune and
freedom from the persecutions and religious and poHtical warfare
of Europe. These redemptioners paid their passage in the form
of services to proprietors and landholders of the colonies. The
"patrooneries" of New Netherlands were so settled. William
Penn's colony received the benefit of such assistance.
John Hamton and his daughter. Janett Hamton, braved the
wild Atlantic and the wilderness of East Jersey and here he mar-
ried again and founded a new dynasty to bear the name in honor
in the New World.
In Liber A of Deeds recorded in Trenton, N. J., pp. 155-156,
are listed the "Redemptioners" as they were registered in the
public records at Trenton.
The title reads :
The names of such persons as T.rre imported into this
Province and brought to he registered in the Secretary's
Books of Records are as follozcs: dated 1th decemb, Anno
Dm. 1684.
"T^pon the Accompt of such of the proprietors of this
province as belongs to Scotland."
"Janett Hamton (Indenture for four years)."
"John Hamton and John Reid, Overseers (Ind. for
four years)."
Both Hamton and Reid. as overseers, were in charge of the
Scottish colonists, and for this service, were subsequently granted
extensive lands. Overseer Reid has left us this memorandum of
their departure from Scotland, and the voyage to America (quoted
by Stillwell in \^ol. V. p. 493. Stillwell's Miscellany) :
"We went to Leith for our voyage to America the 2d of
August, 1683. Came aboard the ship the 10th day and next day
at Aberdeen, where we stayed to the 28th. Made sight of Long
Island the 30th 9 br. but off again and discovered Cape May 13th
Xbr. Came within Sandy Hook the 16th and ashore on Staten
Island the 19th. To Elizabethtown the 23rd and to Woodbridge
the 10th January. 1683/4."
Eight generations ago, the first soil which my paternal an-
cestor, John Hamton, trod in the New World in 1682/3, was
Staten Island in New York flarbor, my present home. This is a
coincidence of history to which snccessive generations contri-
buted, from Joseph Hampton to Benjamin, and so on down to my
father, the Reverend \Mlliam Jndson Hampton, D.D., who was
born in Hunterdon County, New Terse>', and eventuall\^ moved
to Staten Tslantl, New York.
The Staten Island over vvhich John and Janett tlamton and
their companions travelled in 1682/3 was a wilderness. Today
it is a great borough of the greatest American Metropolis.
Two Dutch travellers, Jasper Bankers and Peter Sluyter,
have given us a description of the Island as they journeyed across
it in 1679, three years before John Hamton set foot on the Island
at the "Watering Place," now Tompkinsville.
"This Island is about 32 miles long and four broad," wrote
Dankers and Sluyter. In such words, John Hamton might also
have introduced his own description of Staten Island. "Its sides
are very irregular with projecting points and indenting bays and
creeks nmning into the country. It lies for the most part east
and west, and is somewhat triangular; the most prominent part
is to the west
"The west point is flat, and on or around it is a large creek
with much marsh, but to the north of this creek it is high and hilly,
and beyond that it begins to be more level, but not so low as on
the other side, and is well populated
"There are now about 100 families on the Island, of which
the English constitute the least portion, and the Dutch and French
divide between them about equally the greater portion. Tliey have
neither church nor minister, and live rather far from each other
and inconveniently to meet together. ....
"About one third, of the distance from the south side to the
west end is still all woods, and is very little visited. We had to
go along the shore, finding sometimes fine creeks well provided
Avith wild turkeys, geese, snipe and woodhens After we had
gone a ]~iiece of the way through the woods, we came to a valley
with a brook running through it
"We pursued our journey this morning from ]:)!antation to
plantation, the same as yesterday. . . . After we had breakfasted
here, they told us that we had another large creek to pass, called
the Fresh Kill, and then we could perhaps be set across the Kill
Van Knll to the point of the Mill Creek, where we might wait
for a boat to convey us to the Manhattans. The road was long
and difficult \t last (our host) determined to go himself, and
accordingly carried us in his canoe over to the point of Mill Creek
in New Jersey, behind Kull. We learned immediately that there
was a boat upon this creek loading with brick, and would leave
that night for the city. After we had thanked and parted with
J'ierre le dardinier. we determined to walk to Eli7abethtown, a
gO')tl half-liour's distance inland, where the boat was."
It took these travellers three days to cross Staten Island, but
it was four days before John Ilamton and his shipmates reached
Elizahethtown after going ashore on Staten Island at its eastern
end. With the Quakers in and around Elizabethtown, they stayed
during Christmas and the early part of January succeeding, and
it was not until January 10th that they arrived at Woodbridge
near Amboy, after an arduous journey overland through fersey
lowlands and wilderness.
Hampton Ixad come to America in the Quaker migration en-
couraged by the proprietors of East Jersey. ,\rriving in 1682/3,
he was among the earliest of the Friends seeking a New World
It is easy to discern the reason for Hampton's selection of
New Jersey as the place of his pioneering venture in seeking a
Quaker haven. The British Crown and Government had united
in persecuting the Quakers over a period of years. As early as
1659, George Fox, the Quaker leader, had made inquiries into the
suitability of sections of America for a refuge for the Society of
Friends. In 1673, West Jersey was sold by Lord Berkeley to
John Fenwick and Edward r.yllinge. two old Cromwellian sol-
diers turned Quakers. It was not indicated as a refuge for Quak-
ers, but soon became such, for these two Quakers turned it into
the first Quaker colonial experiment, in which Penn also became
interested even before he acquired Pennsvlvania.
Byllinge and Fenwick soon quarreled o\er their respective
interests in the ownership of West Jersey, and. to prevent a
lawsuit, so objecti()nal)]e to Quakers, deferred the decision to
William Penn. a rising young Quaker thirtv vear< old, who had
dreams of an ideal Quaker refuge in America. Fenwick was
awarded a one-tenth interest and four hundred pounds. BylHnge,
who soon became insolvent, turned his nine-tenths interest over to
his creditors, appointing Penn and two other Quakers. Gawen
Lawrie, a merchant of London, and Nicholas Lucas, a maltster
of Hartford, to hold it in trust for them. Gawen Lawrie after-
wards became deputy governor of East Jersey. Lucas was one
of those thorough-going Quakers just released from eight years
in prison for his religion.
After the death of Sir George Carteret in 1680, his province
of East Jersey was sold to William Penn and eleven other Quak-
ers for the sum of £3400. Penn and his fellow proprietors to East
Jersey each chose a partner, most of them Scotchmen. To this
mixed body of Quakers and other dissenters, twenty-four pro-
prietors in all, the Duke of York reconfirmed by special patent
their right to East Jersey. They sought to establish East Jersey
as a refuge for Scotch Covenanters, Presbyterians, who were
much persecuted at that time by Charles IL Tliese Covenanters
began to arrive and seem to have first established themselves at
Perth Amboy, which they named in honor of the Scottish Earl
of Perth, the term Amboy being an Indian name meaning "point".
The first governor of East Jersey under the new regime, Barclay,
was not only a Scotchman, but also a Quaker.
We can trace John Hampton's activities in New Jersey up
to the time of his death, and Jane Hampton's activities through
her successive marriages up to the time of her removal to Penn-
sylvania with her son, Joseph Hampton, and subsequently to the
time of her death.
John Hampton paid quit-rents for his estate to the proprie-
tors of East Jersey, the records of Gawen Lawrie showing Hamp-
ton's name shortly after his arrival.
In Stillwell's Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, Vol. II,
p. 416, we read the record of these early accounts :
"From Gawen Lawrie's Accounts East Jersey Quit Rents.
East - New Jersey. All these accounts drawn out and dated
15 Oct. 1686 yrs.
"The Quit Rents of Middle-town
John Wilson A : 276 at lis 6d pr. and from 1678 to 1686 --
York I 'ay -
4 By Beef to John Haniton
m Bv cash
-4:15:00 )
-1:03:00 ) 5:15:00
-207:00 ,)
-3:08:00 ) 5:15:00"
John Hampton removed from Amhov to Freehold, which be-
came estabHshed as a Onaker settlement. As early at 1672, George
Fox recorded in his Journal, that there was a Friends' ^Meeting at
Middletown Harbor, "which was in a new country now called
Jersey." A new meeting house was als(^ being built at Shrews-
In 1686/7, John Hampton married Martha Brown of Shrews-
bury, his second wife. Cited in Stillwell's Miscellany, A ol. I, p.
242, we read the f'^riends' Records of Shrewsbury, entitled "The
Record oft" the Marriages off the Peoj^le of ( iod in Scorn called
1686-7, 3d of 1st mo. John Hamion. df Middletown Mtg ,
to Martha Brown, of Shrewsbury, "at tlie publicke meeting
hours of ft'riends," the first da\- of the week:
signed by John llaniton
Martlia 1 lamton
witnesses :
Abraham Brown
Peter Tilton
George Keith
Jedidiah Allen
John Toocher
Samuel Spicer
John Chambers
Judah Allen
FT)hraim Allen
Caleb Shreeve
Henry Chamberlain
John Cheshire
Thomas \'icker
John Lip]Mncott
Thomas Eaton
John Hamton
^Martha Hamton
Remembrance Lippincott
Nathaniel Cammact
John Harvey
Cattron Brown
Sarah Slireeve
Audrey West
Abigail fJppincott
Jane Porden
Jerusha Eaton
Elizabeth Hance
Hester \ icars
Mary Thorpp
Two years later, in 1689. Janet Hampton, daughter of John
his first wife, lanet. was married to Robert Rav at the home
of John Hampton in Shrewsbury. He was livings in Shrewsbury
at this time, and apparently had not yet purchased land in Free-
hold, Monmouth County, N. J. Stillwell cites this marriage record
in Vohnne T, of the Miscellany, p. 244 :
1689. 9th of nth mo. (in margin 10th of 2d mo. 1690)
Robert Ray md. to Jenett TIamton. both of Shrewsbury,
at the house of John Hamton.
witnesses signatures include
Jolm Hamton Robert Ray
]\Iartha Hamton Janet I : R : Ray
In 1692. 10th of 1st mo. (in margin 22d of 3d mo. 1692).
John Ham])t()n was a witness at the marriage of William Ashin
of Shrewsbur} . and Jenett Mill, "on a fifth day of the weake, at
the publick meeting house of ffriends."
The same year 1692, 29th of 7th !uo., he was witness at the
marriage of Abraham Brown and Leah Clayton, the former of
Shrewsbury and she of Middletown. at the home of John Clayton.
William Penn attended the annual meeting of Friends at Bur-
lington, and John Hamj^ton is listed among the elders and minis-
ters present. George Fox also visited the Buriington Meeting,
according to his Journal.
An important event in the h.istor\' of the Society of Friends
ij the Keithian schism. George Keith was one of the prominent
Quakers of the period, and his learning and eloqu.ence brought
him many followers. He was one to witness the marriage of
John Hampton and Alartha llrown in 1686/7.
George Keith, the redoubtable Scottish Quaker, began his
religious experience as a Presb\terian. but was converted to the
Society of bViends and became one of its ablest preachers and
defenders, For a time he was master of the Friends' school in
Philadelphia and an influential leader in the American meetings.
He had many friends and considerable property and prestige in
both East and West Jersey; his following was particularly numer-
ous around Freehold and Topanemus in Monmouth County.
Prior to 1691, Keith began to question some of the Quaker
doctrines, particularly that of the sufficiency of the "inner light."
as an interpreter of the FToly Scriptures and a religious and moral
JOS i: I'll iiAMPTox 185
Later, in the nionuniental C()^ltl■;)ver^v whicli shook the So-
ciety, Hatnpton was one of Keith's sii|)])orters, who is described
as "one of the prominent preachers and controversiaHsts of the
Otiakers." Tlie (hsi)uted doctrine was laid b^-fore the vearly
meeting in Phila(lel])hia in IfiOl. anrl Keith was denied (Jnakerism.
Followers of his preaching were called Separatists or Keithians,
instead of Christian (Jnaker>. llimdreds flocked to hear ( leorge
Keith, and outside of Philadelphia, it was the sense of many of
the regular meeting, that Keith was correct. He had an ascend-
ency in 16 oiit of 32 meetings. At the Yearlv Meeting of 1692,
held the 4th to the 7th days of the 7th month, at Burlington, a
large gathering of ministers and elders heard him. and declared
in His favor in a signed statement. Among the elders who signed
was John [fampton. Other signers were Xathaniel Fitzrandel
( Fitz-Randolph ), and ITarmon L'pdengrave.-, who later are related
to the Hampton family line. The long list of mmister.s and elders
signed as from the yearly meeting on behalf of themselves, and
"many more Friends who are one with ns herein." The statement
was a declaration that Keith and his friends were not guilty of
the division leading t(^ the setting up of separate meetings. (See
Chronicles of Pennsvlvania, 1688-1748, Keith. \ ol. [, pp 212-
John Hampton removed to Freehold about 1695. in which
year he is recorded as grantee in the Warrant Record for Quit-
Rents for Alonmouth Countw
"The Warrants for Surveys, Monmouth County. X. [." are
recorded a> follows :
"JOHX IFAXTOX.... 700 2 Dec. 1695 136 Monmouth"
He is li.sted among the early patentees as paying Quit Rent
on 544 acres (See "First Settlers of I'iscatawav & Woodbridge.
X. J.", \V,1. 1. pp. 57-61 ).
He had several children by his second wife, Martha Rrown.
She died about 16!;7. and the next year John Hampton married,
for the third time, the sweet and attractive widow of Samuel
Oglx^rne of lUirlington, namely Jane Curtis C)gborne. They had
one .son, JOSFITF HAMI'ToX, born 1702. who later removed
with his mother to r.uck> County, renn.vyhania, and became the
progenitor thru his wife, ]\Iary Canby. of the numerous clescend-
ants of Bucks County Hamptons.
Jane Ogborne. the third wife of John Hamton. was born in
Northamptonshire, England, the 2d mo. 11, 1661. She was the
daughter of Thomas Curtis and Jane, his wife, wdio later married
successiveh' John Chapman and John Pancoast. (See Burlington
Monthly ^Meeting Records).
Thomas Curtis lived in Xorthamptonshire, England, prior
to his emigration. He may have been a redemptioner, but his
name is not on the imperfect lists. He named his new^ home in
New Jersey, Bug Brook, after his residence in C)lfl England. In
1685 he is shown owning land in B.urlington County, N. J. In
1686, Oct. 10, Peter Harve\- and his wife, Sarah, conveyed lands
to Thomas Curtis of Bug Brook, \\>st Jersey. The records indi-
cate that in 1688 Thomas Curtis was deceased.
The children of Thomas Curtis and Jane Curtis are recorded
in Stillwell, :\liscellany. \ol. Ill, p. 200. as follows:
1. Jane Curtis, daughter of Thomas Curtis, of Bug Brook,
born 2d mo., 11, 1661.
2. Dorothy Curtis, born 7 mo.. 29, 1662.
3. Sarah Curtis, born 12 mo.. 21, 1663 : md. Farr ( ?)
4. EHzabeth Curtis, born 1st mo. 21. 1666
( Records of Northampton, Eng.. Monthly ?^Ieeting, in
Devonshire House, London. )
5. Mary Curtis, born 19, 1682-3 ( Rec. Burlington Mt.)
6. Abigail Curtis.
7. Thomas Curtis ; supposed.
The date of Jane Curtis's marriage to Samuel Ogborne is
not given, but he was living in Burlington in 1685, and her name
is given as Jane Ogborne, in the list of those present at the birth
of Ann, daughter of Thomas and Hester Butcher, 3 mo. 29th,
Samuel Ogborne, Jane's first husband, died 1694. His will,
dated Nov. 7. 1694, was proved Dec. 8, 1694. Will of Samuel
Ogborne, sick, of Burlington, etc., mentioned: "dearly beloved
wife, Jane." He gave £5 to each of his children at the discretion
of his executrix, if so much remains when they are brought up.
Executor: wife Jane. His brother-in-law. Peter Harvey, trustee
and assistant. The will was written and signed by the testator.
and was a fine speciiuen of caligraphy. Daniel Leeds, of Burling-
ton. Gent., and Wm. Atkinson, of Burlington, yeoman, went her
bond. She made her mark.
1694, 21. 9 br. The inventory of his personal estate amounted
to £127-11-7.
Jane Curtis Ogborne and Samuel Ogborne had three children,
1. Samuel Ogborne, Jr. : 2. Alary Ogborne, m. 1707 in Evesham
Meeting. John Engle ; m. in 1732. Thomas French ; 3. Sarah Og-
borne, of whom we read that permission granted Edmund Kinsey
and Sarah Ogborne to marry, Friends Records, Plainfield, N. J.
According to records, John FTarwood, of Springfiekl, Bur-
lington Co., Yeoman, sold 1695, Alarch 26, to Jane Ogborne,
widow, of the town of Burlington, for £80, a house and 90 acres,
which was previously sold by her husband, Samuel Ogborne. to
said Harwood, the property lying near Matoripan Bridge, south
of Maple Creek and north of the Great Swamp.
John Hampton and Jane Ogborne were married in 1698^ and
on IMay 12, 1698, John Hampton, listed as living in Freehold, and
wife Jane, sold a house in Burlington, late in the tenure of Samuel
Ogborne, former husband of Jane Hampton, to John Borradaill,
of Burlington.
John, the pioneer of the Hampton family, was an elder of
the Friends' meeting, and was often appointed to attend the (|uar-
terly and annual meeting with the ministers and elders. Jane
Hampton was also full of good works, and early came to be known
for her kindly and sympathetic ministrations. She visited ?vleet-
ings at Burlington, Plainfield, W'oodbridge, Had.donfield, all in
New Jersey, and Falls Monthly Meeting, Pennsylvania.
Jn the New Jersey Archives, Colonial Documents, First
Series, record shows that on Aug. 5, 1698, Sarah Farr of Bur-
lington, widow, bequeathed her personal property to Jane Hamp-
ton and others in her will, which was proved Feb. 3, 1698-9.
rSee .\bstracts of Wills, \ ol. 1. 1670-1730.)
The children of John (1) Hampton by his first two wives,
Tanet & Martha Brown were :
(1) Janet (2) Hampton, married Robert Ray.
(2) John (2) Hampton, whose wife is unknown, but who
had children. Tsabell Hampton and Geo. Hampton.
(S) David Hampton, who married Mary ■ — • and died
in 1710. and whose children were David Jr. and George,
under age in 1715.
(4) Andrew (2) Hampton
(5) Jonathan (2) Hampton.
(6 ) Xoah Hampton, who was living in 1714, but who died
before 1715.
(7) Elizabeth (2) Hampton, and
(8) Lydia (2) Hampton.
The 9th child of John (1) Hampton was Joseph (2) Hampton,
b}- his Srd wife. Jane Curtis Ogborne.
Andrew (2) Hampton, son of John (1) Hampton, was living
in 1712, for he is cited in the will of Peter Watson, Freehold,
merchant, and also in 1716, cited in the will of Edward Highbee
of Aliddletown, Monmouth County, being indebted to both de-
cedents. ( An Andrew Hampton, Jr., of Elizabethtown, as early
as 1698, and later dates, was not of this family, but hailed from
a Xew England family of that name which had moved to Long
Island and thence to Elizabethtown. N. j. )
David (2) Hampton, son of John (1) Hampton, Sr., is men-
tioned in 1709 in the will of Wm. Laing of Freehold, Monmouth
County, planter. The will cites debts due by David Hampton.
In 1710. David (2) Hampton died, according to recorded
will proved Feb. 27, 1710. The will indicates David as of Free-
hold, Monmouth County, and mentions his wife, Mary, and son
George Hampton, under age. The home, farm and personal prop-
erty are bequeathed in the will. The executors were his wife.
Mary Hampton, and George Commins. and John (2) Hampton,
David's brother. The witnesses listed include John Obeson, John
Lawrence, and Sarah Farr. (The last named was the daughter
of Sarah Farr of Burlington, who had died in 1698, sister of
Jane Curtis Ogborne Hampton (John Hampton Sr.'s wife.)
In 1714, Sept. 14, the will of John Bowne, of Mattawan,
Middletown, Monmouth Countv, merchant, mentions his estate.
inchi(lin<^^ mortgages, lionds and book debts, among the book-
debtors being listed John (2) Hampton, Thomas i3) Hampton,
Mary Hampton, and Xoah ( 2 ) I lampton.
An a(kHtional accounting of the estate of Peter Watson in
1716, Nov. 4, cites receipts for payments bv Marev Hampton.
The ("ommins famih' must have been rekited to the Hamp-
to;is, although 1 have been unable to ascertain how. ( leorge Com-
min- was one of the executors of I^avid Hampton's will in 1710
( ])reviously cited V The will of David Commins ( Conimin ) in
1715, lists several Hamptons, to whom bequests are made. This
will was made Feb. 7, 1715/6, and indicates David Commin of
Piscataway, Xew Jersey, cordwinder. It divides personal estate,
including P)ible and books, among Margaret Frazer, David (3)
Flarnpton, son of David (2) Hampton, deceased, Isabell (3) and
George (3), children of John (2) Hampton, Mary Barnet, Hugh
Frazer and John (2) Hampton. The last two are executors.
\\'illiam Radford (Redford) of Freehold, yeoman, made his
will February 27, 1720/21. The will mentions, among others,
Isabell ( 3 ) Hampton, deceased. It also left legacies to the Month-
ly Meeting of "Quakers" at Shrewsbury, and to overseers of
Poor at Shrewsbury.
In 1723. Thomas Combs of Freehold, carpenter, makes his
wife, and "Jonathan (2) Hampton, of Preehold. cordwainer".
executors of his estate, and shows as a witness one John Fenton.
The will of Cornelius Tomson, of Freehold, yeoman, made
August 14. 1727. mentions real and personal estate, and indicates
home farm with a meadow "bought of John (2) Hampton".
Thus we follow the fortunes of the various children of John
(1 ) Hampton, who were Joseph Hampton's half-brothers and sis-
ters, and who resided in New Jersey, in the vicinity of Freeliold.
It is not possible, nor desirable, within the limits of this ])aper,
to trace the later generations of Central and Souih Jerse\- Hamp-
tons who have descended from John (1) Hamilton. A monu-
mental work, indeed, would l)e a genealogical record of his de-
scendants in whicli all l)ranches of the family could be accorded
their proper i)lace.
The only child of Jane Ogborne and John (1) Hampton was
Joseph (2) Hampton, born in Freehold, New Jersey, in 1702.
The father died in Freehold in 1702, but this son was destined to
accompany his mother into Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and to
become a leading elder of the Wriglitstown Monthly Meeting, and
a prominent colonial legislator, a progressive landholder and busi-
ness man of Pennsylvania.
Thus by the single slender thread of one stalwart migrant
from New Jersey, the Pennsylvania Hamptons had their origin,
but this Joseph gave his blessing to the numerous progeny who
today claim Pennsylvania Hampton descent and who happily
honor his name and memory.
John (1) Hampton died at Freehold, Monmouth County,
1702, January 23. His will notes that he was a planter. In the
will which was proved February 26, 1702/3. he mentions his wife
Jean, and children John, Joseph, Andrew, David, Jonathan, and
Noah, the last four under age, Elizabeth and Lydia. Testator
speaks of his wife Jean and "her" son Joseph and "my" son
Joseph. He also refers to her children "before our marriage",
Sarah and Mary Ogborne, to whom he left a legacy. He be-
queaths his land on Dutchman's Brook, and other land next to
James Reed, and land bought of John Butler ; also personal prop-
erty. He mentions his daughter Jannet Reed ( ?) Ray, and chil-
dren, and also his four grandchildren, names not given and pre-
sumably children of his married sons. Executors were his wife
and Robert Ray of Freehold. Witnesses, Andrew Burnett, John
Trott, and Wm. Laing. (Ref. Monmouth, New Jersey, Wills;
also Stillwell's Miscellany, Vol. IV, p. 157.^
Inventory of John Hamton, Sr., Estate.
1702-3, February 12. Inventory of personal estate, £202.
19. 10 1/2, including a large and a small Bible, £2. The
inventory of John Ilamton's estate was made by Walter
Ker, Andrew Burnett, and Wm.. Laing.
A good woman was not long unmarried in those primitive
settlements where attractive women were an asset and an orna-
ment to tlie house. Hence we are not surprised to find Jane
Hampton marrying for the third time, four years after John
Hampton's death. Her third husband was a distinguished colonial
legislator, resident of Woodbridge. Nathaniel Fitz-Randolph. He
was a member of the colonial assembly of New Jersey 1693/4,
and was High Sheriff of Middlesex County in 1699. He was
also an elder of the h^dends" Meeting of Woodbridge. and attended
the quarterly and annual meeting at TSurlington, where John at-
tended before his death.
Nathaniel Fitz-Randol]ih, of Woodbridge, and Jane Hamp-
ton, of Freehold, were married 4 mo., 12, 1706, according to the
records of the Shrewsbury, N. J., ^Monthly fleeting. He had
been married previously, his first wife having been a Kinsey.
At the marriage of Nathaniel Fitz-Randolph. of Woodbridge,
and Jane Hampton, "of the county of Freehold", as the record
has it, tliere were many who had witnessed her marriage to John
Hampton. This, her third marriage, was "at the house of Jane
Hamton", and occurred 1706, 12th of 4th month. (Margin,
1706/7, 8th of 12 mo. )
Those who witnessed the marriage of Jane Hamton. w^idow,
and Nathaniel Fitz-Randolph were :
John Hamton (Jr.)
David Hamton
Phillip Edington
Charles Cordon
Robert Ray
George Allen
Edmund Wolley
Trustrom Allen
llenid (^iriffith
John Laing ( ? )
Wilt Red ford
Jolin Hebron
Remembrance Eippincott
Tzibell Hamton
May Layton
Hannah Woodhouse
Mary Foreman
Sarah Potter
Margaret Lippincott
Nathaniel Fitzrandolph
Jane Mtzrandolph
John Fitzrandolph
Samuel Fitzrandolph
Joseph Fitzrandolph
Desire Fitzrandolph
John F^ensey (Kinsey)
Grace Rensey (Kinsey)
Samuell Ogborne
Mary Ogborne
Sarah C)gborne
Abigael mark Eddington
Lvdia Gortlon
102 JOSEPH hamtton:
It will be noted that two stei)-sons of Jane Hampton, John.
Jr.. and David, were present at this ceremony. And that Isobell
Ham])ton, daughter of John. Jr., was a witness. The tliree
children by Jane's iirst marriage were also prcbcnt, — Samuel,
Mary and Sarah Ogborne. John Hampton's daughter. Janet Ray
(Jane's step-daughter ) was not ])resent, but her Imsband, Robert
Ray, attended.
Fitz-Randolph died in T714, and in liis will mentions Joseph
Hamton, whom he calls his son-in-law. evidently meaning step-
son. Joseph a])i)arently was a favorite son of Jane Hampton, his
wife, and was very likeable. Jane Hampton refers to him re-
peatedly in her own will several years later, and remembers him
Nathaniel Fitz-Randolph and Jane had for their first child
Benjamin Fitz-Randolph. born in 1707. There may have been
other children.
Nathaniel's will, dated 3 mo. 5, 1713, indicates that he was
a resident of W'oodbridge, Countv of Middlesex, planter. He
says : "am att the writing hereof of sound perfect disposing
Minde". He mentions: 'T giue .... the sheep that is att John
Nokes to be Equaly Diuided Between my said son Benjamin and
my son In law Joseph Hamton and Thomas Nessmith share ....
alike . . . ." The will was proved by John Kinsey. a witness, May
12. 1714.
For the third tiiue the poor widow goes before tlie court
officials and makes declaration of her widowhood. The harsh
frontier life was hard on the men-folk of the time. However,
from the large number of men who lost their wives in those primi-
tive times, it was equally hard on the courageous women who
braved the American wildnerness.
On May 12, 1714, is the declaration of "Jean, the widdow and
Executrix of . . . Nathaniel Fitz-Randolpli". before Thomas Gor-
tlon. Surrogate. This is recorded in Lib. I, continued: p. 483,
Trenton, N. J.
The quiet Quaker countryside of Bucks County, Pennsyl-
vania, now beckoned Mrs. Fitz-Randoli)h and a part of her family,
including doubtless her son Joseph Hampton, a boy of about fif-
teen. On the 2 mo. 15, 1715, at a monthly meeting at Woodbridge.
Jane Fitz-Randolph requested a certificate of removal for herself,
her son-in-law, Edmund Kinsey, and her daughter, his wife, to
Falls Monthly Meeting, Bucks County.
( Ref. ^Minutes of Woodbridge Monthly Meeting)
1715, 8 mo. 2. At a monthly meeting at Falls, of this date
Edmond Kinsey. wife and mother-in-law, ]iroduced a certificate
of removal from Woodbridge Monthly Meeting.
(Ref. Minutes of Falls Monthh' Meeting. Rucks County,
Widow Fitz-Randolph. the mother of Joseph Ilamton, re-
sided for three years in Bucks County, and then returned to New
Jersey to marry in her fifty-eighth year, John Sharp, of South
Jersey. It is eas}- to trace how this came to be. Jane apparently
visited among her children and other relatives, staying for ex-
tended periods because of the inconvenience of travel. Her -ister.
Sarah Curtis Farr, had resided in South Jersev. in lUirlington
C'ounty, and at her death bequeathed personal belongings to Jane
Hamton, a^ she then was, in 1698. The people of the clan, bound
by ties of Ioa'c and marriage, kept close to one another. In 1710,
when David Hamton, son of John Hamton, and ste])-son of Jane
Hamton. died in Freehold, in Monmouth County, Sarah Farr was
a witness to the will, and must have been a visitor or a member
of the David Hamton household. This Sarah Farr was the daugh-
ter of Sarah Curtis h""arr, and niece of Jane Hamton. The Bur-
lington ties were strong through this family union, and there un-
doubtedly Jane met John Sharp, and probal^ly had known him
for some years, since neither of them was young any more.
1719, 8 mo. 7th. at a monthly meeting at Fall>. Bucks County.
Pa., Jane Fitz-Randolph was granted a certificate of removal,
according to the Falls ?\Ionthly Meeting ?^linutes. John Sharp
of Evesham, Burlington County, X. J., and Jane Fitz-Randolph,
widow, were married. 19 mo. 20, 171f>. This is recorded in the
Records of the Haddonfield Monthly ^^leeting, X. J.
Jane .Sliar]) resided with her husband in Evesham for about
seven years, when he passed away. Life had indeed brought Jane
Hamton much sorrow. She had, h(nvever. a large and devoted
family and soon >lie returned to live in Bucks Countv, wliere her
(laughter, Sarah Kinsey, her son-in-law, Edmund Kinsey, and her
favorite son, Joseph Hampton, were living.
John Sharp made his will 3 mo. 17, 1725 : he died Oct. 23,
1726, and his will was proved ^larch 29. 1727. In the will he
mentions his wife, Jane.
Jane Sliarp returnerl to Buckingham to spend her remaining
days. She had not many years to live, for she died in 1731, at
seventv vears of age. Whether she lived with her daughter Sara,
or with her son Joseph Hami)ton and Mary Canh} . I do not know.
I hope the sainted mother had her dwelling place for at least part
of the time with Jose])h, for 1 like ^o think of this sturdy, brave
pioneer, so manv times removed my great-grandparent, living for
a time with the Mam])tons in her calm closing }'ears among these
beautiful liills and woodlands of Rucks County.
Her will is a remarkable document. It is cited by Stiilwell,
in the Historical and ( ienealogical Miscellany, \'ol. I\'. p. 159.
J will cite it in full :
1729, "Sth day of ve 6th month called .August."
Will of Jane Sharj), of Buckingham, in ye County of
Bucks and ])rovince of Pensilvania, wid(>w ; proved Dec.
13. 1731. The will mentions:
"to nu' sou Samuel ( )gburn the sum of 8 ])ounds proclama-
tion money,"
"to m\- son Joseph Hampton 12 pounds."
"to mv son-in-law Edmund Kinsey 5 ])oimds."
"to my son lienjamin h'it2-Rand(jlpii twenty fiounds and
also one bed and 2 pair of sheets, 2 pillows and 2 pairs
of pillow cases, 1 diper table cloth, 3 blankets, one
bird eyed ccnerlidd, one silver spoon, one great Bible,
one great looking glass, one ])air iron doggs."
"to m}- Crand daughter Jane Engle a great pewter tlish."
"to my daughter Mary Ketle 25 jiounds."
"to my daughter Sarali Kinsey 25 pounds."
"after my legacies is payed if an}' money remains let it he
given to my two daughters and Jo Hamton."
"to m_\- daughter Alary's three daughters and to ni}' daugh-
ter Sarah's three daughters and to my sou Joseph
Hamton's one daughter (who are all now living) 7
pounds in Silver and Gold, twenty shillings apeace
"to Mary Kinsey and Fdizabcth Kinsey each of them one
"all my house and wares be sold or valued and the value
of them to pay all charges to my executors that may
accrue to them 1)\- funeral expenses or any otherwise
wdiatsoever upon my account and . . . after legacys
and other charges are all payed if any thing remains
of value 1 hereby give ... it to Edmund Kinsey, but
if it should so happen that my estate shall fall short
of paying my legacyes and all charges then ... all
Legtees shall abate their proportion according to their
"I give . . . my executors . . . forty shillings a]iiece."
Executors: — "mv son-in-law Echuund Kinsev and Joseph
Witnesses : John [ fill and Elizabetli Fell.
The testator made her mark to the wiH.
1731, 28 of Xber : The inventory of Jane Sharp's per-
sonal estate was exhibited, which was made the 18th
day of the ninth month, 1731, by John Hill and
John Walton and amounted to £118.10.9.
T ha\e traced the activities of Jolm d) Hamton, and of his
wife, Jane, who twice re-married after his fleath. The scene now
turns definitely to Rucks County and the prominent part which
JOSEPH (2) HAMPTON, son of the above princii)al^. played
in early colonial histor}-.
At the outset we need to note that Josej)!! (2) Hampton ap-
pears 1o ]ia\c l;een very early a man of means. He Iniilt the An-
chor Tavern, in Wrightstown. about 1724. and operated it for
several years as a pul)lic house; he was one of the Founders of
Wrightstown Meeting; he married into the faiui!\- of Thomas
Canby, one of the ])rominent figures of colonial I'ennsyKania ; his
large landholdings in Wrightstown. and in adjacent townships,
included extensive plantings of fruit trees, and !ie early became
an agricultural experimenter, l)eing noted as having planted the
first grafted orchard of apple trees in the county. He was elected
a representative to the Provincial Assembly from Rucks County,
successively from 1746 to 1757, and again in 1760 and 1766. He
was also a Bucks County Provincial Official for ten years m an-
other capacity, being Collector of Excise from 1757 to 1767. In
the V/rightstown Meeting we find him very active, as an elder,
overseer, and for a time in charge of the care of the building or
meeting house. He was delegated to attend the quarterly and
annual meetings at Philadelphia and elsewhere, repeatedly, and
was clerk of the Quarterly Meeting.
On the farm of Joseph (2) Hampton was located the famous
"corner wdiite oak" which was an identifying mark in the historic
Indian purchase of land The Indian i^ath or lanrl to the Indian
village of Playwicky also crossed the Hampton farm, making a
continuous path from the corner white oak. on the Hampton
farm, to Playwicky.
T believe Joseph (2) Ham})ton first came to P)ucks County
with his mother in 1715. He may have remained with his half-
sister, Sarah Ogborne Kinsey. and Edmund Kinsey, when his
mother returned to New Jersey to be married in 1719. for she did
not again come to Bucks County to live until after the death of
John Sharp, Oct. 23. 1726. In the meantime Joseph i 2) Hampton
married Alary Canbv 8 mo.. 8 da.. 1722. at Buckingham Monthly
Meeting, indicating that he was living in Buck? County and
thoroughly acquainted with the leacHng Bucks County families.
Mary Canby. wife of Josepli (2) Hampton, was the daughter
of Thomas Canby. born in Thorn. Yorkshire, England, in 1667,
died at Wrightstown. 20 of 9 mo. 1742. and Sarah Jervis, born
. died at Abington 1708 (?), married in Philadelphia.
2d of ye 9 mo. 1693. Thomas was the .son of Benjamin Canby,
of Thorn. Eng., youngest son of Thomas Canby, Gent., of Pinfold
House, Thorn. The family arms are of ancient vintage. Mary
was born 10 mo., 14 da., 1697, at Abington, Pa., and died at
Wrightstown, Pa., 8 mo. 4 da. 1794.
In the History of Bucks County, by Battle, the author says
Thomas Canbv found his first acquaintance with provincial life
as the indentured apprentice of Henry Baker, with whom he emi-
grated in 1683/4. It is supposed that he lived in Buckingham as
early as 1690. His activities are chronicled in \'ol. V\ Bucks
County Flistorical Society Proceedings, P. 521 ff.
Thomas Canby, Joseph (2) Hampton's father-in-law, was
a large landholder, and a member of the Provincial Assembly,
representing Bucks Count}', along with his son-in-law. He was
not. however, as continuous a legislator as Joseph Hampton.
The first list of children of Joseph Hampton and Mary
Canby was published by Rev. John Hampton Doan, in the Hamp-
ton History, published 1911. at Milton. K> .. (copies may be ob
tained from Miss Ella K. Hampton, Milton, Ky. ) as follows:
(1) Benjamin
(2) John. b. 12 of 1st mo.. 1724.
(3) Sarah, married a Wilson.
(4) Mary, married James Stokes.
Stillwell (1916') gives a longer list of children of Joseph
Hampton and Mary Canby :
(1) Sarah Hampton, born 9. 30. 1723, m. 1, 12, 1744,
Isaac Wilson.
(2) John Hampton, born 1. 12. 1724-5. d. 9. 10. 1775.
(3) Benjamin Hampton, born 7, 15. 1728, m. 9, 28, 1750,
Ann ^^'ildnlan.
(4) Jane Hampton, born 1. 26. 1731, died 1, 31. 1809.
(5) Joseph Hampton, born 1, 29. 1735-6.
(6) David Hampton, born 8. 22. 1737; d. 1. 3. 1757.
(7) Mary Hampton, born 2. 12. 1739; d. 11. 13. 1804: m.
James Stokes.
C. Arthur Smith, of Wycombe. Pa., (1939) has conducted
more extensive search into the children of Joseph Hampton for
me and furnishes the following, except for additional Benj. Hamp-
ton dates which I have added from other .sources:
(1) Sarah Hampton, b. 9-30-1723: d. : m. 10-19-
1744 at Wrightstown ^Mtg., Isaac Wilson, b. 7-2-1723;
d. ; son of Stephen Wilson and Rel>ecca
(2) John Hampton, b. 1-12-1724/5; d. 9-10-1775; m. 1748.
at Middletown Mtg-.. Ann Croasdale, b. 11. 15, 1730:
d. : dan. of Jeremiah Cro.isdale and Grace
(3) Benjamin Hampton, b. 7-15-1728: d. 5. 7. 1811; m.
9-28-1750. at Wrightstown Meeting. Ann Wilchiian.
b. 12-16-1726; d. 9-3-1806. dan. of Josepli and Sarah
^^'i]dman of Aliddletovvn.
C4) Jane Hampton, b. 1-26-1731 ; living in 1768. Shepro-
dnced a certificate of removal from Ihickingham
Alonthlv Meeting which was accepted bv ^^''rig]ltstown
fleeting 4-5-1768. The Women Friends of Wrights-
town ])roduced this certificate for Jane Hampton on the
above date.
(5) Joseph Hampton, b. 1-29-1735/6: <1. 17-10.
(6) David Hampton, b. 8-22-1737; d. 1-3-1757.
(7) Mary Hampton, b, 2-12-1739; d. 11-15-1804: m. 10-
12-1768. at Wrightstown Meeting, James Stokes, b.
3-27-1738: d. 10-27-1811; son of John Stokes and
Snsanna Olden.
Joseph (2) Hampton pnrchased 224 acres of land in Wrights-
town townshi]) from Thomas and Jane Canby in 1724. He se-
cnred from Zebnlon Heston the remaining portion of the Rich-
ardson tract, abont 250 acres, and also purchased a large tract of
land out of the township. In "The History of the Township of
Wrightstown", by Dr. Charles \A\ Smith, (1855 V we read of
Josepli Hampton: "He was an active man, of good business cap-
acity, and was a useful member of society. His land in W'riglits-
town is still owned bv his descendant, ^^loses Hampton, and has
become noted in history as the land upon which stood a corner
white oak. marked with the letter P standing by an Indian path,
that leadeth to an Indian town called Playwicky. and near the head
of a creek called Towsisnick.^ which is the angle in the line of the
Indian purchase in 1682, as it passes through the township." The
boundar\- line referred to jiasses on in a straight line, observes
Smith, until it comes to a white oak. near the head of a creek, on
Moses Hampton's land, about three-fourths of a mile northeast
from W^rightstown meeting-house.
Joseph ( 2 ) Hampton was an active and conscientious mem-
ber of the Society of Friends, identified with t!ie W'rightstown
JMonthly Meeting. A few quotations from the Minutes of the
Wrightstown Meeting (a copy of which is on file in the Itistorical
Society Library) show the conscientious service which Joseph
Hampton rendered in thr)se early years :
(Photograph, 19:! 9.)
Minutes of JVriijJitstowji Monthly Meeting of friends
From Establislinient of Meefiucj, Vol. I,
^734 io IJQO
(Rucks County Historical Society!
Joseph Hampton one of committee appointed to examine into
tlifference between \\'m. Croasdale and Jeremiah Bowman over
land ])urc]iase. App't by Mo. Meeting. 1st da. of 2fl mo. 1735.
.\t ^Meeting 3d da. of 4 mo. 1735: W'm. Smith. Jr.. gives
over being overseer, "this meeting therefore chooseth and apj'joints
Joseph Hamton be an overseer in liis stead."
3d da. of 5 mo. 1735. Joseph •/bapman and Jose]di 1 lamton
ap])ointed to see that the maj'riage of Henry Tyson and .\nn
Harker "is duly accomplished and report next Monthly ^Meeting."
3 da. 12 nio. 1735. John LaNcock and Josej^h Haniton a])-
pointed to attend services of the Ouarterly Meeting.
4 da. 3 mo. 1736. Joseph Fdamton and \Vm Smith. Jr., and
Zebu^.on Heston are appointed to attend service of the Quarterly
1 da. 4 mo. 1736. Joseph ITamton and John Linton are ap-
pointed to investigate John Trego's clearness from all other
women in relation to marriage and what else is needful and report
to next monthly meeting. Declaration of intent of marriage with
Hannah Lester having been previously n.iade.
/f da. 6 mo. 1736. Amos Strickland and Agnes Buchanan ap-
peared and the friends appointed to assist her in settling lier about
her children report that it is no further settled than at last meet-
ing, and after a long discourse, and much tender and loving ad-
vice, the matter came to this issue that the aforesaid friends be
continued and that the said Agnes choose Joseph Fell and Richard
ATitcheH and Abraham Chapman, the other executor chose Thomas
Canbv and Joseph Hamton to be added thereto, and they are to
make one other essav towards settling the affair, and report to
next meeting.
5 da. 7 mo. 1737. Joseph ?Iampton and Abraham Chapman
having care of building the new meeting house, they re|>ort that
divers debts is due for material to build the said house and ought
to have been paid before this time and that there i^ sundry persons
who has subscribed towards building the said house that has not
fully paid their respective subscriptions.
5 da. r» mo. 1737. To this meeting was brought the extracts
of the Yearh- Meeting at I'urlington in which is recommended
a half collection as usual.
At this meeting Joseph Hamton, one of the overseers, re-
ported that Jacob Heston requested a certificate.
5 da. 12 mo. 1739. Joseph Hamton requested to be released
from the service of an overseer, and John Chapman was nomi-
nated and appointed to be overseer instead of Joseph Hamton.
6 da. 3 mo. 1740. Joseph Hamton was appointed to attend
Ouarterly Meeting.
3 da. 12 mo. 1740. same
JOSEPH !i.\MPT()\ 201
2 (la. 2 mo. 1741. Rebecca Wilflinan of Aliddletown Monthly
Meeting, and Jeremiah Cooper requested a certificate of mar-
7 da. 12 mo. 1748-4. Joseph Hamton appointerl one to assist
C'ark in reviewing minutes.
Family visitation. Joseph Hamton appointed as member of
visiting comnn'ttee to visit families of the community- parish.
2 da. 7 mo. 1746. Joseph I damton and David Daws ap-
pointed to speak with Richard Parson "who hath of late been
sundry times overtaken with strong Drink."
3 da. 1 mo. 1746-7. Joseph Hamton appointed to take care
of meeting house for one year from last monthlv meeting.
In the records of the Quarterly Meeting of Minutes and
Elders for Buckingham we note that Joseph Hampton was dele-
gated to attend the quarterly meetings at Falls and the annual
;md spring general meetings in I'hiladelphia and Burlington every
year from 1752 to 1762. He was clerk of the quarterly meeting
at Buckingham for many years, according to the records.
Jostph Hampton was a member of the Penn-^ylvania Colonial
.Assembly with lienjamin Franklin. During the French and In-
flian Wars, he pursued a consistent Quaker attitude, voting with
other Quakers in the Assembly to desist from furthering the
fighting. However, he with others voted the expenditure of large
sums needed to carry out the activities to prevent invasion. Against
the 0])pres^ive measures of the Governor and Council, this bodv
of earnest Pennsylvania representatives, which included Joseph
Hampton of I'ucks County, advanced doctrines of the Independ-
ence of tlie peoi)le's .Assembly which were far in advance of 1776.
Their i]idcpcndcut action in ij-pf, acfiially sounded a keynofr
■:,-/i!ch. sluncs that rennsylrnnia. as well as Xe-r:' Enqland. nntv
he eonsidered the forerunner of the deinoeraey of whicli we hold
the heritage today.
The Governor in a Message to the Asseiubly in Mav 16,
1755. said in part :
". . . . by the whole of your Conduct since you have been
made acquainted with the designs of the French, will be convinced
that your Resolutions are and have been to take advantage of
your Country's Danger, to aggrandize and render i)ermanent
^'our own Power and Authority, and t() destro\- of the Crown.
That it is for this Purpose and to promote )oiU" Scheme of future
Independency \'ou are grasping at the Disposition of all Puhlick
Alone\- and at the Power of fdling all the offices of Government
especiall\- those of the Revenue. . . . ."
This was a startling and far-reaching pronouncement, and
shows indeed the tenor of the colonial American mind. Actual
inde])endeiice was hut twentv-one years a\vaw
Jt is not surprising that the peace ])rinciples (jf the Friends
led them to strenuously oi)])ose the extensive e(|ui])ment of troops
for aggressive war against the b'rench and Indians other than the
approjjriations alreadv voted. The fee'nig against the Quakers
became pronounced. In fact, the Crov.n re(juested the Friends
to refrain from seeking a place in the lolonial As'-embly.
The session of 1760, however, was dominated hv the Whig-
Peace Party, and in that year the request of the Colonial ^^linistry
for an increase of the Provincial .\rmv was refused by a majority
of three votes, among those who voted with the majority being
the six lUicks County representatives. Abraham Cha]iman. Jose])h
TIam])ton. George Ely. (hies Knight. William Smith and Amos
Strickdand, all Quakers.
Joseph Hampton attended the request by the Crown, how-
ever, and did not again seek election to the Assembl\' until 1766.
in which vear he was again chosen for Pucks County. It was
the last \ear of his long period of service as a colonial legislator,
for the next \ear he passed away.
The operation of the Anchor Inn in 1724 as a "House of
Entertainment" by Josei:)h IIam])ton may be judged in the light
of the lOtli century Quaker attitude toward such hostelries. As
was usual in such cases, it was indicated that the ap])licant "is
com]Kdle(l to entertain numerous travellers from Xew England,
\ ermont, Xew York, and the Jersie Province." and sojcnu'ners
from the South out from Philadelphia. Among the Quakers of
early years, a tavern ])artook of the general hospitality of the
comnumit}'. Warren S. Ely has ably pointed out in one of the
Papers of this Society ( \'ol. 3) that the members of the Society
of bTiends evidently realized the necessity of the inn. "since it
relieved them of the burden of entertaining numerous travellers
jusEiMi n\>rpT()\ 203
wending their tedious way across our country from the Jerseys
and elsewhere: and we find the names of the most i)rominent
Quakers a]:)])ended to ])etitions f«ir license to keep liouses (jf enter-
tainment." Tlie names of many good Quakers are noted in the
lists (if inn-keepers in various parts of the country.
If we mav judge from the character of some of the estimal)le
Colonial gentlemen who maintained taverns in those davs — men
such as Joseph Ham]:)ton, of Wrightstow n, Thomas C'cUihy at the
}'"err\- (now \ew Hope). T<»hn liogart and ( leorge I lughes, of
r.uckingham. and others, it is e\'ident that the average inn-keeper
was a leading man in his communit_\- and exercised a wide influ-
ence. }\Jan\- of these colonial inn-keepers achieved distinction and
left a remarkahle record of civil, religious and in some cases
military service to colonv and tieoiile.
Over in liuckingham. Renjamin Kinsey. a nei)he\v of Josej)!:
Hampton, in 174S |)etitione(l for "a recommendation to his Exce^
lenc}-. the ("lovernor." to keep a house of entertainment at the
])resent vil'age of Holicong, "where one i>art of Durham Rode
crosses \'ork Rd. that leads from Canbys Ferrv to Philadelphia,
and near the Road that leads for said York Road to Butler's ^lill
and North Wales." Among Benjamin Kinsey's Quaker neighbors
and friends who signed this petition for a Buckingham tavern
were the Byes, Pearsons. Scarboroughs. Shav-.'S, Browns and
Joseph Hampton's Anchor inn in W'rightstown wa-- located
on his |iro])ert\- at the intersection of Xewtow n-Doylestown Road
and Second Street FMke which leads at right angles from I3ovles-
town Road. The ta\-ern today is located on a triangle formed by
Newtown Road, the new highway junction and the route of the
old Second Street l^ike.
The toll gate at the end of the ])ike was located in earlier days
at the end of the road in front of the tavern, and the ancient
gate-hou-e still stands on the Newtown Road op])osite the Anchor
The Anchor changed hands frequently after J<Ke])h llam])ton
built and o])erated it. Xearb)' were his extensi\-e lields and or-
chards, stretching toward i'ineville in the one direction and over-
sprL-ading W'rightstown d^iwnshi]) in a wide acreage During his
tenanc}- the hostelr}' enjoxed high reiiutation and great improve-
ments were made in the community through Joseph Hampton's
management. Whether he used the Anchor sign or not I do not
know, and there appears to be no record of the first appearance
of the Anchor Sign Board and no evidence of when it was first
hung out. Who operated the tavern between the date that Joseph
Hampton gave it up and the Revolution. I do not know. There is
no mention of the tavern in the will of Joseph Hampton, cited
subsequently. I am of the opinion that Hampton operated the
tavern for 10 or 20 years. He might have terminated his activities
in 1735, when he became active in Wrightstown Meetings, but I
am more inclined to think that he maintained operation until 1746,
when he was first elected to the Provincial Assembly for Bucks
County. He was continually a member for nearly 20 years.
Located at the strategic junction of Newtown Road and Sec-
ond Street Pike, it is said to have been a rendezvous of the Doan
boys during their "cowboy" escapades. Of course, the tavern
had long since changed liands, and who the owner was at that
time I do not know. In 1800 it was kept by John Parker, and
then was known as I'arker's. Battle's History of Bucks County,
published in 1887, says "midway between Pineviile and Wrights-
town in the rhichor, one of the most famous of the old time tav-
erns in central Bucks County."
Tlie tavern today is called "The Old Anchor Inn", being
under the management of Mrs. Pouisa Kohlhaas. A great anchor
is painted on two sides of the sloping roof and the anchor sign
hangs before the house. The ancient landmark, more than 200
years old, retains the architectural features of the colonial period ;
four antique fire places are seen in the Inn, and the rooms reveal
the heavy beams and well-built walls of an earlier day. The
dining room is on the main floor, bedrooms and living rooms above.
The changes necessitated by modern improvements have not been
permitted to alter the colonial character of the tavern, and save
for the attractions of a modern orchestra and dining and dancing
in the 20th century manner the atmosphere of pioneer days is
preserved. The tavern built by Joseph Hampton in 1724, has the
distinction of being the oldest inn in continuous operation in Bucks
County today.
Edmund Kinsey and Sarah Ogborne, Joseph Hampton's step-
sister, lived in Buckingham. There David Kinsey was born in
]7]2. (See Book of Rirtlis and linrials and Marriage Certificates
of Bucking'ham Monthly ^Meetings. )
David married Tamor I^'oll at Buckingliam 'M) (k, 11 mo.
1734. among the witnesses being jane ( "anby. E(hnund Kinsey.
Sarah Kinsey. Samuel Kinsey. Mary Kinsey. Elizabeth Kinsey,
Joseph Hampton. Thomas Canby and Oliver Canby.
When Edmund Kinsey died in 1758. his will mentioned hi';
wife Sarah, (who died subsequently in her O^th. year), and ap-
pointed his son Benjamin Kinsev and his brother-in-law, Joseph
Hamf)ton, Wrightstown. as his executors.
Joseph (2) Hampton (John 1| died 10 mo., 2. 1767. accord-
ing to a record given in the religious and literary journal. The
Friend, \'ol. XXXHI. This record mentions ''noted ministers
and Elders and other concerned meml)ers of tlie Yearly Aleeting
of Philadelphia." and on page 340 contains this item :
"Joseph Hampton was ior a number of years, an elder in
esteem in Bucks County Quarterly Meeting. His death took
place Tenth mo. 2d. 1767." High praise indeed from a people
who use praise in moderation — Joseph Hampton, "an elder in
The will ot Joseph (2 ) Hampton is recorded in Bucks Coun-
ty. I'a., Will Book #3. It was made 9/5/1767 : and the will was
proved Xov. 19. 1767. Jose]ih mentioned his wife Mary, to wdiom
part of the home ])lantation was bequeathed; "Son John (after
decease or marriage of wife) to receive that part Plantation I
live on, on Road leading from Zebulon Heston's and Wrightstown
meeting House adjacent Isaiah Einton. Joseph Tomlinson and
London County." Son Benjamin received the Residue of said
Plantation. His daughters received money bequeaths — ^Daughter,
.Sarah Wilson, £25 ; Jane Hampton, £100, and Mary Hampton,
£100; his grandchildren each 30s; residue equally divided among
children. He named his sons, John and Benjamin, executors, and
witnesses were John Long, James Stokes and .Vndrew Homer.
C)nly two of l()sei)h Hampton's four sons survived him, and
are mentioned in his will. lli> three daughters are mentionetl,
however. Sarah Wilson, and jane and Mary Hamilton, jane may
not ha\e married, but Mary became the wife of James Stokes in
176S I see pg. 17. w liere the children of josepli arc li^tcii).
John (3) Hampton, [Joseph (2 ), John (T ) ] was the eldest son
of Joseph (2) Hampton. Born 1-12-1724/5, he was married in
1748, at Middletown Monthly Meeting, to Ann Croasdale, daugh-
ter of Jeremiah Croasdale and Grace Heaton. They declared
intention of marriage at meeting 4 d. S mo. 1748, and again 1 d. 9
mo., 1748, the marriage being consummated before 6 da. of 10
mo., 1748, when the ceremony was reported duly accomplished
at the Monthly Meeting. Ann was born 11th mo.. 16, 1730. Her
mother, Grace Croasdale, was an approved minister of the Society
of Friends, and Ann Hampton likewise became noted as one
of the Friends Ministers of that day.
The children of John (3) Hampton, [Joseph (2). John (1)]
and Ann Croasdale Hampton were :
1. Asenath (4) Hampton, born 15 of 11 mo., 1749.
2. Sarah (4) Hampton, born 3 d., 10 mo., 1751.
3. Joseph (4) Hampton, born 17 of 8 m., 1753.
4. Hannah (4) Hampton, born 6 of 7 mo., 1756, d. same
\'ear, 12 mo., 25th.
5 David (4) Hamjiton, I;orn 24 of 10 mo., 1757.
6. Jonathan (4) [lampton, born 2d of 9 mo., 1760.
7. John (4) Hampton, liorn 16 of 10 mo.. 1763.
8. Ann (4) Ham])ton, born 3 of 4 mo., 1767.
John (3) Hampton and his brother, llenjamin (3), became
active in Wrightstown Monthly ATeeting while their father, Joseph
(2), was still alive. The long ]ieriod of service of Joseph (2)
Hampton was a worthy example for them to follow, and by the
time of Jose]ih's death, in 1767, the two sons were taking up his
mantle. The records of \^'rightstown meetings indicate great ac-
tivity on the part of John during the year 1768, the period im-
mediately following the death of his father. The Clerk's records,
so ably kept by Joseph Hampton for many years, were collected
bv a Committee of the Wrightstown ^leetmg, revised and deli-
vered to the newl\' ap])()inted clerk. An entry for 11 mo. 3 da.,
1767, reads: "'Joseph Ilampton, who was many years Clerk of the
meeting, being lately deceased," anotlier Clerk appointed.
j()S!:p!i ri\.\[PTr)X 207
-Vcconliiig to the minutes. ;} hk).. 1, 1768, we note that John
iram])t()n, Ueiijaniin Ilanipton, and Abraham Chapman were ap-
pointed to collect the Writings belonging to this Meeting and
deliver them into the hands of the clerk. Minutes revised, and to
be handed over. Josej)!! Chai)man recorded this minute.
Jolm (8) 1 Iam])ton was a])])ointed overseer in 1770. and in
1773 was a])])ointed by W'rightstown Meeting to receive subscrip-
tions tor r.ooks recorded b\' the meeting of Sufferings in I'hiladel-
])hia. rienjamin ( o ) Hampton was appointed to settle the
Wrightstown Meetings accounts, 1770.
Thus we see the activities of Jose]')h ( 2 ) Hampton's sons
carrying on tlirough the >ears.
W'c will follow the family of John (3) Hampton for two
more generations l.efore taking up the I'enjamin (3) Hampton
Ann Hampton, wife of John, became a noted minister of the
Friends. In the Wrightstown Meetings, 10, 1 mo.. 1781. we read
"Our I^-iend, Ann TIamton, acquainted this meeting that she has
had for some time Drawing in her mind to vi^'t the families of
I'^iends belonging to Tdtnustead Meeting, with which this meeting
concurrs, and the Clerk is desired to give her a copv of this
Minute." She spoke at meetings far and near, and attended the
quarterly and annual meetings for Wrightstown.
Davis, in History of 1 lucks County, states that the women
(ministers) were good riders and generally went to these meet-
ings on horseback, although some of the Women Friends Minis-
ters walked several miles to meetings. These ''Quaker IVeach-
er>'" were deepl\- consecrated.
Of the children of John (3 ) and Ann Hamilton T am able
to record the following further data: —
1. Asenath (4i Ham]')ton ( b. 1740) | John 3, Joseph 2, John
1| m. Isaac Comly ; issue —
1. Martha. 2. John, 3. Isaac, A. Joseph, 5. F.zra. 6. Ftham,
7. Jason.
John ("onily, second child and obkst son, abo\e, was the most
noted descendant of the original Josejih Hampton, that had ap-
jTeared in his da\. Rev. |ohn Hampton Doan, author (U' '^ton
nisUvy. (op. cit.), says of John (/om!y :
"He was an approved minister and teacher among the Friends
and eminent in both positions. His name is in the list of teachers
in tlie W'estown school, the oldest and most noted of the l^'riends'
schools in .\merica, having entered as teacher (or iirincipal ) 1800-
6-11, and retired in 2d mo. 1822." He was the author of several
well-known school books, including an elementary English (iram-
mar. much used in those days and noticed by Gould Brown in his
"Grammar of English Grammars." A large book has been pub-
lished, entitled "Life and Religious Work of John Comly." John
Coml\'s distinguished residence at Byberry was on Lazy Lane
(Husband House), and here was located his noted Mount Pleas-
ant School. T should like to note rather fully an article published
in July, 1852, in the Knickerbocker Magazine, giving Byberry
Reminiscences by a former ])upil of Joim Comly's. The article is
dated from San Francisco by an anonymous writer, who signed
his name Vadessac ( Casseday ? ) . The writer tells of his boyhood
in Byberry, scenes of rural delight.
"Th.e school-house was a plain, dralj-colored building, over-
looking a verdant lawn, garden in I)ack. Mow I feasted on stolen
readings in school hours, of hot drowsy summer afternooiis! The
store was a place of Saturday afternoon resort. Its contents,
printed calicoes, crowded cake-tobacco, shoe-blacking, whet-stones,
and Epsom salts stared at you from the same shelf. The store-
keeper was important in the village life.
"Meeting house. Interior divided into 2 compartments, se})a-
rated at pleasure by sliding shutters, and furnished with plain
wooden benches, facing long wooden galleries slightly elevated,
occupied by the ministers and elders. What scores of silent
'meetings' have 1 sat through within its walls, watching without
the open door, bird or butterfly disporting in the summer air,
hushe<l, save when broke upon it the clatter of some restless horse,
and the occasional tinkle of a sheep bell: or contemplating the
motionless forms, and settled, solemn features of the venerable
Friends. Sometimes a few impressive words would be pro-
nounced ; sometimes a longer sermon preached. There was the
tall, spare figure, there fell the feeble accents of J H ;
there beamed the calm, benevolent countenance, and was raised
the [lersuasive voice of John Comly ; there in solemn supi~»lication,
M P poured forth a fervent spirit.
"The meeting over, you mingle witli. the congregation upon
the green, are accosted in a friendly manner, and hospitality ex-
tended to von if a stranger. Before leaving, lean upon the low
stone wall, and regard the thickly-sown, undistinguishable grass.
There the relentless reaper has gathered in the generations. The
accidental conditions of life are no longer recognized; the sleep
of death is a sleep of equality, witli no perpetuating marble, no
tonibstone laudation. No scul])ture flatters the living ; no graven
line unduly exalts the dead. There is a stern and solemn sim-
plicity about a Quaker burial. The gentle lowering of the coffin,
the unbroken stillness that for a space pre^■ails, the downward gaze
of the surrounding mourners, it may be a few earnest, slowlv
uttered words : then the last fond look, and the gradual and decor-
ous departure. . .
"The Saturday half-holidays at that (Alt. IMeasant School't
"San Francisco, July, 1852." "Yadessac."
"San Francisco, July, 1852."
II. Sarah Hampton (4) ( b. 1751) [John 8. Joseph 2, John
1] married Isaac Smith; issue — 1. Eber, 2. Hannah, 3.
Sarah. 4. David, 5. Isaac, 6. Asenath. 7. Jonathan, 8.
III. Joseph Hampton (4) ( b. 1753) [John 3, Joseph 2. John
1] married Mary Blaker, 12, 20, 1775; issue— 1. Alary,
2. David. 3. John, 4. Joseph, 5. \bner. 6. Samuel. 7.
Hannah, 8. Amos. 9. Jonathan. 10. Ann. 11. Noah.
This Josejdi Hampton, grandson of the original Joseph, was
also active in the Wrightstown Meeting. Beginning in 1780 we
find his name in the minutes of Wrightstown Meetings. r)n 15,
11 mo., 1780, he was one of a committee to confer with Tsacher
Morris, William Heaton, Zachariah Betts and others regarding
the paying of fines in lieu of their military service during the
Revolution. Quakers were not to serve in war or to pay fines for
failure to serve. On 7. 8 mo., 1781, he was a]>iiointed to give
copies of reports read against Benjamin Buchanan. William Mar-
tindale and David Lee, Friends who were in difficulties with the
Meeting for paying fines for military service during the Revolu-
tion. Joseph was 31 years of age at this time. He subsequently
removed to Catawissa, where he settled with his family.
I\'. David (4) Hampton ( h. 1757) |john 3, Joseph 2. John
1], of Soleburv, married 6, 16, 1779, at Buckingham
Monthly Meeting, Rebecca Philhps, daughter of Aaron
Philhps. Issue:— 1. Joseph (5). b. 1778(?), 2. Aaron
(5) b. 1780, 28, 5: 3. rslary (5), 4. Mercy (5).
The two sons of David (4) H^ampton, Joseph (5) and Aaron
( 5 ) both removed to Hunterdon County. Xew Jersey. Joseph
vverit to Flemington in Hunterdon (^ounty, about 1804 where he
purchased a farm, according to deeds recorded in the County
Clerk's records at Flemington. He was married in Flemington
September 16. 1804, to Elizabetli Dator, the ceremony performed
by Justice of the Peace Opdyke, apparently marrying "out of
meeting". He must have made satisfaction with the Friends' So-
ciety, however, for he became identified with the Kingwood
Monthly Meeting, ( formerl\- Dethlehem Monthly Meeting), at
Quakertown. N. J., upon presentation to that meeting of a certifi-
cate dated 12. 1. 1804, from I'uckingham.
( See Record of Kingwood Monthly Meeting of Friends)
Aaron (5) Hampton, second son of David (4) above, also
married "out of meeting", being wedded to Jane Slater, Nov. 1,
1801, the ceremony also being performed by Justice of the P^eace
Opdyke. of Flemington. ( See Marriage Records of Hunterdon
County, \. J., 1795-1875. \'ol. 1. 1918. published by H. E. Deats.)
He also became identified with Kingwood Monthly Meeting,
bringing a certificate from Huckingham, 8-6-1809.
He was present at the marriage of David L.aing anrl Rachel
Twining, at Kingwood. 24, 9. 1807. Tlie record presents the
certification of this marriage: "David Laing of P>uckingham,
Middlesex, son of Thomas and Martha Faing. dec. and Rachel
Twining, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Twining of Kingwood."
The names of witnesses are of interest because of the indica-
tion of many Pucks County names : David Laing. Rachel Laing.
Henrv Cliffton, William Parson. William Clilifton, John Steven-
son, Emle\- Olden, Aaron Hampton, Joseph Stevenson, Samuel
Large, William \\'ebster, Stephen Kester, Harmen Kester, John
Large, Thomas Craven, John Stine, Alex. Shotwell, John Web-
ster, Samuel Webster, Jr., Joseph Willson, Patrick McCarty,
Peter Stout, Eliza. Olden, Elizabeth Davis, Eliz. Vail, Mary
Dawes, Martha William, Rebecca Stevenson, Sarah Cliffton, Cath-
erine Jacobs, L'zariah Titus, Margret Suydam, Thomas Laing,
Thomas Twining, Sarah Twining, Mary Laing, John Twining,
Jr., Hugh Laing, Mary Twining, SeHnda Twining, Charles Twin-
ing, Samuel Webster, Rachel Webster, Elizabeth Large. Mary
Aaron (5) was present at other marriages; 15, 8, 1807, —
20. 12, 1810, — 25, 10, 1810: he was also signer of numerous
certificates of removal granted to various Friends.
The record of births in the Kingwood Monthly Meeting
minutes offers the following concerning Aaron Hampton and
family :
Aaron (5) Hamton, son of David (4) and Rebecca Hampton,
Solebury, Pa., b. 27, 5, 1780, and Jane Hampton, daughter of
Peter Slater and Sarah, his wife, of Kingwood, b. 31, 1, 1780.
Children of Aaron and Jane :
1. David, b. 9. 8. 1802.
2. Rebecca, b. 21. 4. 1804.
3. John. b. 3. 6. 1806.
4. Sarah, b. 4. 8. 1807.
5. Ann, b 3. 11. 1808.
6. Oliver, b. 7. 12, 1809.
7. .Slater, b. 6. 2. 1812.
According to Kingwood records, 9 mo.. 8th. 1814, Aaron
Hampton returned a certificate of removal which had been granted
him directed to Eden and requested another to Earmington. N. Y.,
"where he has settled".
A certificate of removal to Earmington. N Y.. was granted
as requested. 13, 9, 1814, to Aaron Hampton and family, includ-
ing his wife Jane, children, David, Rebecca, John, Sarah. Oliver,
Slater and Mercy Ann.
Y. J(jnathan (4) Hampton. [John 3. Joseph 2, John 1], b.
1760, 9, 2: d. 1832, 10, 10; married 1783. 4, 16, to Elizabeth Phil-
lips, at Buckingham Monthly Meeting, born 1762. 7. 25: died
1843, 5, 30. Issue:—
1. Thomas, b. 1784, 2, 7.
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Maile by Bonjaiiiiii Hainpton.
2. Eli, b. 1787, 7, 13; d. 1855, 7, 12.
3. Rebecca, b. 1790, 5, 12.
4. Mary, b. 1792, 9, 24.
5. Elizabeth, b. 1797, 9, 1 ; married Alendenhall.
6. Jonathan, b. 1797, 10, 15.
7. Aaron, b. 1804, 2, 23.
This Family, or most of them, removed from Pennsylvania
to Ohio.
(For further record see Hampton History by
John H. Doan. )
A'T. John (4) Hampton. [John 3, Joseph 2, John 1 ] . b. L763,
10, 16: d. 3, 12 mo.. 1842. buried at Pennsville, Ohio; married 20,
6 mo., 1787, Mary Betts. daughter of Zachariah Betts and Beth-
ula C.-."" 1^'^rn Upper Makefield. Bucks County. Pa.. 26, 7 mo.,
1771. She was in her 16th year when married. John Hampton
was a young school teacher. When they began housekeeping.
Zachariah Betts gave his daughter, Mary Hampton, a large family
Bible. This Bible was of the first edition of family Bibles pub-
lished in America, which was widely subscribed throughout the
States, between 1788 and 1791, the date of its publication. Zacha-
riah Betts subscribed for one dozen, giving one to each of his
eleven children. Another belonged to James Hampton, son of
Benjamin Hampton, which descended to Catharine Hampton and
Hiram Burgess, anrl to their grandchildren, Esther, Elma, and
Mary Wildman, who in turn presented it to me in 1938. It is now
preserved in a fireproof safe, containing written Hampton family
records dating back to 1726, in James Hampton's handwriting.
He was a school teacher and wrote a book. "Memories of James
The Minutes of Wrightstown Monthly Meeting show that
John Hampton, above, in his youth, requested of Wrightstown
Monthly Meeting, a certificate to Middletown Monthly Meeting,
he being placed as an apprentice with Ezra Croasdale of that
Meeting. He was 19 years old at that time, the request being
posted at meeting. 5, 3, 1782.
John ( 4 ) and ^lary Betts Hampton began housekeeping in
\\'rightsto\vn, l)ut later removerl to Middletown, where many of
their children were born. They sul).se(|uently removed to Mont-
gomery. Maryland, and finally to ( )hio. Issue: —
1. Gary. b. 4. 5 mo.. 1788: d. 21. 8. 181].
2. Jesse P>.. b. 21. 7. 1789.
3. Betluila, b. 1, 8 mo.. 1791.
4. James, b. 26. 6. 1794.
5. .\senatli. b. 3. 3. 1796. (married Win. Doan).
(see ]). 31. Ham]jton History by J. H. Doan)
6. Zachariah, b. 25, ], 1798.
7. Asa C. b. 7. 5 mo.. 1800.
8. Sarah G.. b. 26. 3 mo.. 1802: d. 24. 7. 1808.
9. John. b. 26. 2. 1806.
10. Samuel 1!.. b. 9. 4 mo.. 180<).
11. Mary Ann. b. 1. 2. 1811.
12. Gary. b. 17. 7. 1814.
Having carried the history of the John ( 3 ) Hampton line
f(jr\vard through 2 additional generations, we turn now to the
Benjamin ( 3 ) Hampton line. P>enjamin ( 3 ) was the second son
of Joseph (2). Pennsylvania founder of the W'rightstown line of
Hamptons, whose father. John (1). originallv settled in Freehold,
X. J.
P.enjamin (3) PTampton | Joseph 2. John 1|. b. 7 mo.. 15,
172S. was the second son of Joseidi and Mary Ganby Hampton
and is so recorded in Hampton Family P)ible in the handwriting
of P.enjamin's son. James Hampton, school teaclier. 1792. (See
Bible record, p. 45 ). It is interesting to note that this young man
was teaching school during George Washington's administration
and wrote the family record at this time.
P.enjamin inherited the residue of tlie estate of his father,
Josepli (2) Hampton, at W'rightstown. He and his brother.
John (3) llam])ton. already mentioned, early took u]) the ])romo-
tion of the h'riends" Meeting-- in Wrightstown.
At the I'riends' Meeting. 1. 3 mo.. 1768. Benjamin ( 3 ■ Hamp-
ton was api)ointed witli Jolm (3) Ham])t()n and Abraham Ghap-
man to collect and revise the Wrightstown Minutes. During 1770.
in the post of treasurer or auditor, he was appointed to settle the
Meeting's accounts. Benjamin's activities continued throug-hout
the years as an elder of Wrightstown Meeting and in various
capacities; for instance, the minutes declare that 6, 3 mo., 1781.
he was appointed to draw up testimony against one Friend Richard
Leedom and report back to the Meeting. 6, 11 mo., 1781, he was
appointed to attend the Quarterly and Youths' Meeting at Middle-
town. In 5, 2 mo., 1782, he was one of the committee which
made a report finally, which ofi^ered testimony concerning the
failure of Isacher Morris to make satisfaction to the Meeting for
fines paid the Military Authorities during the Revolution. It was
stated that Morris "was not convinced of acting wrong" in paying
such fines, although contrary to Friends teaching. The committee,
comprised of William Linton and Benjamin Hampton, prepared
and submitted the report between 2d and 4th months, 1782, on
which latter date the committee, being discharged, announced that
the testimony and report against Morris had been delivered to
the latter. The relationship between the Morris and Hampton
families was close and became more so later on.
Isacher must have made satisfaction subsequently, for he and
his family were continued in the Society, his chilch-cn marrying
into established Quaker families. His daughter, Hannah Morris,
married the grandson of Benjamin Hampton, Benjamin Hampton,
3d, in 1815, at Wrightstown. The last named Benjamin (and
Hannah) removed to Ouakertown, X. J., and after Hannah's
death he had his home over twenty years with his son, William
Wharton Hampton, grandfather of the writer of these pages.
Isacher was a witness to the will of Benjamin (3) Hampton
in 1807, and in Isacher's own will, dated 1810, he mentions that
the farm he lives on was bought from Joseph (2) Hampton.
Benjamin (3 ) married Ann Wildman in 1750. The Wrights-
Ljwn Minutes give us the developing romance in successive en-
tries, the 1st and 2d declarations, the marriage, and the subsequent
report of the ceremony made to the meetirig.
bVom the Wrightstown Minutes :
p 63 — James Wildman appeared with Mary Warner and
declared intention of marriage, 4, 7 mo., 1750. Same "sleeting,
Benjamin Hamton and Ann Wildmau appeared and declared in-
tention of marriage, and this being the first time, Elieazer Doan
and Zehulon Heston are appointed to enquire into his clearness in
relation to marriage and conversation and report to next meeting.
6. 9, 1750. Second declaration made by James Wildman and
Mary Warner, and by Benjamin Hamton and Ann Wildman, certi-
ficates issued, and left at liberty to consummate marriage, and
William Smith and Eliezer Doan appointed to see it orderly ac-
complished for llenjamin and Ann; while Zebulon Heston and
Joseph Hamton api^ointed to see that James Wildman's marriage
is consummated, and report to next meeting. James Spice'- and
Rachel Wildman appeared and declared intention of marriage
same day.
p. f)4 — 4. 10 mo., 1750. Reports from committees .-.aid that
Benjamin Hamton and Ann Wildman were married 28 of 9th
mo.. 1750. Racliel Wildman and Jame-. S])icer :^ame date, and
James Wildman and Mary Warner married 21 da. of 9th mo
The marriage record is preserved in the Pennsylvania His-
torical Society Library. Philadelphia, in the "Records of Births,
Marriages and Deaths — Friends' .Month! v Meeting> — B.ucks
County. ] 'a. 1680.-1870." ( p. 455 ) :
"Married 9-28-1750 — Benjamin Hampton of Wrightstown
t.p., B.ucks County, ( Son of Josei)h and Mary i ar.d Ann Wildman
of said t.p. (daughter of Joseph and — ) at Wrightstown
Both of Benjamin's parents, Joseph (2) Hampton and Alary
I Canhy ) Hampton were present at this marriage of Benjamin
Hampton :ind .Ann Wildman.
There were also present James Wildman (the bride's cousin I,
John Lmton, William Smith, Zebulon Heston and 35 other.
.\nn W ildnian was the daughter of Joseph Wildman and
Sarah Wilson, and the granddaughter of Martin Wildman and
Ann Ward, pioneer settlers of Penns_\ Ivania in 1692/3. The wife
of lienjannn Hampton was horn in .Miildletown Township, T'.ucks
County. B2, Ki. 1726, and died t) nio.. 3. 1S06, according to the
Ham])ton Family i'.ible record, left by her son James Hampton,
the school teacher, who died in 1792. ( See complete records of
218 J(1SEPH H.\MPT()X
the Hampton Family Bible, the earliest known 'ist of Hampton
Family names and birth and death records, p. 101.)
The earliest Wildman progenitor of whom 1 have record was
Matthew \\'ildman. of Celside. parish of llorton. in Craven. York-
shire. England. Tlie son of Matthew W'ilihnan was Martin Wild-
man of Crosdalegrains, Lincolnshire, who was married 2-9-1678.
to Ann \\'ard at Settle Meeting, Yorkshire. England.
Tlie}' Ijrought with them to America a mo^-t insi)iring and
interesting letter or recommendation from the Afeeting at Settle.
Yorkshire. England, to Xeshaminah or Middletown Meeting.
Pennsylvania. The letter is dated 1691. and reads in modernized
English as follows :
To Friends in I'enn.sylvania :
Dear Friends and : In the nn'ty of the blessed spirit
which distance of place cannot l)reak and in the love which many
waters cannot ((nench. do we at this time ver\ dearlv "^alute you.
heartily desiring that the (iod of ad our n^.erc'es may p'entifully
shower down of His blessing u]:)<)n \ou 1)oth spiritual and temporal
to your abundant satisfaction whereb\- your hearts may be en-
gaged forever to walk faithfully before him and to return him
the praise and glory over all wdio is forever worthy !
Xow, dear friends, the chief occasion of our w'riting to you
at present is to signify that our friend and brother in the truth.
Martin Wildman, having laid before us his intentions of removing
himself and family, (if the Lord jiermit). into Pennsylvania in
America, we found a concern u])on us to signify (so far as we
iudge needful on this account ) w hat we know and believe con-
cerning him. and in the first jilace as to his life anrl conversation
we do believe that he is an honest man and faitnful to the truth
according to his measure, having borne a faithful testimony here-
to both in sufferings and in other ways as occasion was offered
and through his innocent behavior among his neighbors and those
he conversed with he so gained their love and respect toward him
that diver.-e of them though, unbelievers profered him several
kindness if he would stay among them and used diverse arguments
to i)ersuade him from going his intended iourne\'.
And in the second place as to his outward substance or estate
he is but a poor man though through his care and industry (with
God's blessing upon it ) he so provided for himself and family that
he has not hitherto been burdensome to any but has lived of his
own after a decent and orderly manner according to his station
and degree, but when at any time there was occasion for contri-
buting to any who were in necessity eitlier friends or others he
was always willing to contribute and lend a helping hand accord-
ing to his small ability nay sometimes beyond what could in reason
have been expected from him. And as to his wife and children
we do believe they are honestly minded and faithful to the truth
according to their measures so that these things above said being
considered with more that might be mentioned, we desire all
friends where he mav come or among whom his lot or concern
may fall that they be kind and affectionate towards him and
assisting to him whether in advice or other ways as occasion may
require which for our i^arts we could freely and willingly liave
done if he had staid among us and stood in need and which we
hope in the fellowshi]) of the same spirit with us you will be
engaged to do, which is all we think needful to signify at present,
so rests your friends and brethren in the unchangeable truth.
From our monthly meeting at Settle the 2nd day of the 2nd
month 1691.
Signed on behalf of said meeting by —
Samuel Watson John Hall
John Moore. Sr. John Frankland
John Ridd, Sr. Thomas Robison
John Robison Thomas Rudd
Robert Batteesbie John Wildman
John Dodshion George Bland
James Congress or Congers Robert Baily
Matthew Wildman Thomas Wilson
James Wildman Matthew Frankland
Wm. Cumberland Thomas Waite
Thomas \\\\(\ John Moore, Jr.
Ralph Clark James Wildman. Jr.
Wm. Anderson Thomas Skirron of Xook
John Kendall Thomas Skirrun of ye Crosh
Wm. Fllis Thomas Skirron. Jr.
Richard Wilkinson Wm. Skirron of ye Cross
John Ridd, Jr. John TiMulinson
The coming to America of Martin and Ann Wildman was
one of those brave ventures undertaken by entire families in the
colonial period, for they were accompanied by their six children,
all minors, several being mere infants. The children of Martin
and Ann, all of whom reached maturity and married in the Penn-
sylvania Quaker frontier settlement, were:
L Matthew Wildman, b. Nov. 12, 1678, m. Mary Hayhurst.
Issue : —
1. Martin, (see colonial service note for John, son of
Joseph, below ).
2. James, m. Mar\- Warner.
3. Ann.
4. Elizabeth.
5. Rachel )
6. Mary ) twins; Rachel married James S])icer.
II. John Wildman, Elder of Middletown Aleeting. b. Eeb. 2,
16.«1 ; d. 3 mo. 27, 1739; m. Alarah Croasdale. Issue: —
1 . Agnes.
2. Mercy, m Thomas Jenks.
3. Elizabeth.
III. Joseph Wildman. b. Jan. 23, 1683; d. 1740. Married (1)
Rebecca F)unting, d. 1715. Issue: —
1. Jacob (died before Oct. 1739).
2. Rebecca.
Married (2) al)out 1717-18 Sarah Wilson at Middletown
Meeting. Issue : —
1. Mary, b. 1720, 8 mo., 8; d. 7 mo. 13, 1766. according
to The Friend, V^ol. 33, Pa. Gen. Soc, she married
(1) Thomas Atkinson.
( 2 ) James Moore.
She was a prominent minister of Friends.
2. Joseph. Jr., listed as under 21 in Joseph's will, written
in 1739; m. (1) Ann Parson, (2) Elizabeth; son, Clar-
ence Wildman, born in Newtown. Pa.
3. Ann, b. 12, 16, 1726; d. 9 mo., 3, 1806; m. Benjamin
Hampton. (See later record for their children, tracing
descendants of Ilenjamin Hampton and Ann Wildman.
p. 56).
John, b. Middletown. July 8, 1732; married Mary Wal-
ton. He and cousin Martin Wildman \\ere in Company
of Foot. Newtown. Bucks County, in colonial service
during French and Indian \\-dv for Province of Penn-
sylvania, commissions issued 7 March 1756. Pa. Arch-
ives, \'ol. 1. Ser. 5. p. 40). Issue: —
1. Sarah.
2. Enos.
3. Amos.
4. Betsy.
5. Rachel.
6. Joseph.
7. John, b. ]\Iarch 28, 1771, married Mary Knight 1801,
Middletown. The children of John \\'ildman and
Mary Knight were :
1. Charles Wildn.ian, m. 1803 Susanna Albertson.
2. Martha Wildman, m. Joel Smedley.
3. Ann \Mldiuan, died single.
4. EUwood Wildman, m. Alar} Thomas.
5. John Wildman, m. Abigail Thompson.
6. Mary ^^'ildman, m. Thos. Smedley.
7. Edward W'ildman, m. Abs. Gilbert.
8. Joshua Wildman, m Hannah Johnson.
9. Jane Wildman, died single.
10. Rachel Wildman, m. Hughes \\'arner.
Of the above, Charles Wildman and Susanna Albertson
1. Chackding Wildman. m. Emeline - — .
2. John Knight Wildman. m. ( 1 i Hannah Pierce.
(2) Sarah A\'illis.
3. Benjamin Wildman, m. Esther L. Thomas.
4. Charles ^\"ildman, m. Caroline "W-rkes.
5. Ellwood Wildman. m. Mary Ann Burgess, who
was the daughter of Hiram ikirgess and Catherine
Hampton. ( Catherine Hampton was in turn the
daughter of Benjamin Hampton. Jr., and Mar-
garet Pownall. see later record, p. 71).
Issue : —
1. Anna.
2. Catherine.
3. Esther L. Wildman. of Langhorne, Pa.
4. Ehna C. Wikhnan. of Langhorne, Pa.
6. Jane Wikhnan.
7. AFary Ann Wikhnan.
5. Rachel.
6. Abigail.
7. Isaac.
I\'. James \\'il(lman, b. Jan. 20, 1685, m. .
V. Alice Wikhnan. b. Veb. 6, 1687, m. Fienry Xelson.
VI. Elizabeth Wikhnan. b. Sept. 9. 1689.
Benjamin (3) Hampton lived in Wrightstown throughout his
entire lifetime, occupying extensive farmlands, which subsequent-
ly passed on into the hands of his sons and grandsons. The last
record shows Moses Hampton living thereon in 1872.
He continued his activity in connection with the Wrightstown
Meeting. His father, Joseph (2) Hampton, had been one of the
founders of Wrightstown Meeting and, with Abraham Chapman,
had the care of the building. xA.s Joseph had had direction over
the Meeting's finances, so Benjamin came into the same obliga-
During a great j^eriod of growth and development of Wrights-
town Aleeting, Benjamin Hampton was active in the work. In
1774 a wall was built around the graveyard at Wrightstown and
in 1787 a new meeting house was built. Abraham Chapman,
Benjamin Hampton and eight others were appointed to have the
oversight of the l)uilding. This new meeting house, still in use
today, was constructed 40 feet wide. 70 feet long, and 2 stories
high. A number of architectural features indicate the use in the
new edifice of some of the original materials, whose Revolutionary
antiquity may be readily discerned.
Benjamin was a witness to the will of Thomas Stradling. Jr..
of Newtown, Apr. 9. 1757.
The tax lists for P.ucks Count\ . 1783, show the following:
Amount of tax.
Benjamin I [ampton 2.12.6.
Issacher Morris 2. 5.
Benjamin Hampton. Jr. .10.0.
The oldest public building in Bucks County is that at New-
town. Benjamin Hampton's name appears in the list of the orig-
inal members of the T.ibrary Company. Nov. 9, 1760. each of
whom subscribed £l. The list of subscribers is an able comment-
ary on the literary foresight of our ancestors. (Bucks Countv
History Society Papers. \'ol. HI, p. 318.)
Beujamin (3) Hampton died 5th, 17, 1811, surviving all
but three of his chiblren. He was in his eighty- fourth vear and
outlived his wife, Ann. five years. She died in 1806.
Rev. John Hampton Doan, author of the Hampton History
(pub. 1911 ), relates that Benjamin died sitting in his chair in the
old homestead at Wrightstown. The venerable gentleman was ac-
customed to taking a nap after dinner, sitting in his favorite chair,
and his passing was peaceful and quiet, and unnoticed until he
failed to waken at his usual time.
The will of Benjamin ( 3 ) Hampton was made 9, 6, 1807,
and proved May 25. 1811. His sons Benjamin and Oliver, were
executors. The will mentions his daugliter Elizabeth Coleman:
his grandson. John Watson, to whom lie left surveying instru-
ments in his possession; his grandson, Les. Hampton, and grand-
daughter, Sarah Watson. Witnesses were Isacher Morris, John
Lacey and Jesse Burroughs.
Benjamin (3) and Ann 1 fampton had nme childroi :
]. -^^ary (4) Hampton, 1). 10 mo. 30, 1752: d. 12 mo. 29,
1788: married Dr. John Watson. 1, 1, 1772, Wrights-
town Monthly Meeting.
2 Esther (4) Hampton, b. 1, 19, 1755: d. 2. 25. 1755.
3. Rachel (4) Hampton, b. 4. 22, 1756: d. 12, 26, 1756.
4. Benjamin (4) Flampton, b. 11, 24, 1758: d. 8, 2. 1828;
married Margaret Pownall (see later record ) (p. G7).
5. Oliver (4) Hampton, b. 7, 25. 1761; d. 10, 14, 1826;
m. (1)5, 11, 1791, Hannah Dennis at Buckingham
Monthly Meeting. (2) 11, 11, 1795, Hannah Kitchen
at Buckingham Monthly Meeting.
6. James (4) Hampton, b. 2, 29, 1764; d 8, 2, 1792.
7. Ann Hampton, b. 2, 29, 1767; d. 11, 1, 1799; m. 6, 15.
1791, Joseph Oner at Buckingliam Monthly [Meeting.
8. Sarah Hampton, b. 6, 13, 1769; d. 3 -no. 15, 1792.
9. Ehzabeth Hampton, b. 5, 22. 1772: d. 8 mo., 25, 1836;
married Samuel Coleman, 6, 10, 1807, at Wrightstown
Monthly Meeting.
Of the nine children of Benjamin (3) Hami)ton six were
girls and of the three boys who bore the Hampton name, one,
James, never married, leaving but two to carry the name down to
future generations.
Because the line survives to the present day principally
through the descendants of Benjamin (4). I shall relate briefly
tirst what I know about Oliver (4) and James (4), although they
were younger than Benjamin (4). Greater space will be given
lo Benjamin subsequently.
Oliver (4) married twice, as indicated above. ( T) to Hannah
Dennis, and (2) to Hannah Kitchen, widow of John Kitchen. T
have record of but four of his children, Oliver (5), Hannah (5),
Martha (5) and Cliarles (5).
CMiver (4) Hampton lived in Buckingham, and was a mem-
ber of that Meeting. He was named for Oliver Canby. the tie
between the two families being indicated in several other C hristian
His son, Oliver (5 ) Jr., came into possession of a most valu-
able part of the original Strator (Streater) land in Buckingham
Twp.. which Oliver, Jr., in turn deeded to his sister Martha Hamp-
ton in 1831. This property, including a fine old stone house which
was situated on the northwest corner of the crossroads at Green-
ville, now Holicong, was most advantageously located, and the
Martha Hampton School which was opened there, added to the
lustre of the Hampton name.
Oliver (5) Hampton was a member in 1836 of the Eastern
Division of the Brownsville Persistence Company of Bucks Coun-
ty, which w^as organized for the detection of thieves. The roster
of this Company is preserved in a certificate in the Mercer Mu-
The history of this Hampton ( Strator) property dates back to
the Patent granted by \\'illiam Penn to James Streator March 5,
1700. This proprietory grant of 500 acres was held by Streator
until Dec. 10 and 11. 1714, wdien a deed of lease and release from
Joseph Streator conveyed the property to Edmund Kinsey. Jane
Hampton's son-in-law. Edmund Kinsey was of the knighted
Kinsey family of England. The grant is thus related to the Hamp-
ton family from the original purchase. On this verv ])ro;;erty,
Joseph (2) Hanii)t(in's mother. Jane Hampton, lived witii her
daughter and son-in-law. Sarah and Edmund Kinsev. The Friends"
fleeting House stands upon the 500 acre tract of the original land,
for Streator had given ten acres for a meeting house burving
ground in 3705.
Edmund Kinsey held the Strator property in its entirety for
29 years, until 17-1:8. when part of it was sold to Samuel Kinsev.
who owned it until 1760. However. Edmund Kinsey retained
part of the farm, including the homestead, which was bequeathed
"as the residue of the same land", in his last will and testament,
June 22. 1758. to Joseph Kinse\-. ( Recorded in Rook C Deeds
pp. 2 & 3. )
The long white stone house, still standing at the corner of
York Road and Bycot Road, which later became the "Martha
Hamilton School", is thus one of the ancient landmarks of Bucks
County, and through successive changes from colonial days, has
descended to the Hampton family today, being owned by Leonard
A. Hampton, whose adjacent store of the Unity Frankford chain
IS widely known in Holicong and throughout Buckingham Town-
Edmund Kinsey died 21 of 12 mo.. 1759. One part of the
land, sold to Samuel Kinsey in 1743. came into possession of
Samuel, Jr.. in 1760. who in turn sold a house and 105 acres in
1769 to Joiiathan and A\'illiam Meredith The Meredith^ owned
this part throughout the Revolution, but in 1783 it came again in
the pos'^ession of the Kinse}s. Ultimately the Paxson family be-
came owners of that part of the land above noted.
In the brief of title to the homestead and land at Flolicong,
it is noted that this original property, which had been retained by
Edmund Kinsey until his death in 1759, Ijeing willed by Edmund
to Joseph Kinsey on June 22. 185S, wa^ mentioned by the latter
when his own will was made Sept. 14, 1764. Thomas Smith and
Joseph Watson were the executors.
On Xov. 16, 1764, Thomas Smith and Josej^h. Watson deeded
the property to Benjamin Kinsey. According to Bk. G, Vol. 2,
p. 517, Bucks County Deeds, Benjamin Kinsey and wife on Apr.
1, 1783, conveyed the se\eral pieces of land of the estate to
George Kinsey. And on Sept. 9, 1789, George Kinsey, joiner, and
Mary, his wife, conveyed this property to Samuel Johnson, h.atter.
The land in subdivisions continued to change ownership, the
particular projjerty in (|uestion, rejiresenting 48 perches, being
conveyed in a deed ]\Iarch 14, 1803, from Jonathan Tyson to
Joseph Shaw, and additional property of this section in a deed
of conveyance Apr. 1, 1813, from Isaiah Jones to Joseph Shaw.
On June 7. 1817, there is recorded a deed, dated Apr. 2, 1816, for
the above pro])erties, described as a "lot situated in the township
of Buckingham beginning at a stone marked B. K. ( Benjamin
Kinsey ) in the line of John Watson, Jr.'s, land, thence to Isaiah
Jones, then by John Ely's 'and." conveyed for $3200 by Joseph
Shaw and wife to Joseph Taylor. On the same day a deed for
the same land conveyed it from Joseph Taylor to Issachar Mor-
ris, (Jr. ). The ])roi)erty is indicated "at the corner of York Road
or Turnpike and Bycot Road."
Issachar Morris, whose sister, Hannah Morris, married Ben-
jamin (5) Hampton, (the third of that name), deeded the above
property in 1831 to Oliver ^5) Hampton and Martha (5; Hamp-
ton. It is op.e of the deeds in the Ijrief of titles, wdiich I have
here outlined, for the property owned by Alartha Hampton in 1831,
which is now in the I'ossession of Leonard A. Hampton, who has
retained the brief, showing the succession back to Wm. Penn.
The identity of the lot in the deed of transference from
Issachar Morris to Oliver and Martha Plampton is seen in the
following transcript :
Dated September 26, 1831. Acknowledged before Win.
Fenton, T. P.
Issachar Morris and wife ) Recorded March 15. 1832
) 55/802 \'ol. 2
to ) Consideration $1,000
Oliver Hampton and ^lartha )
Hampton )
A Certain Messuage or lot of land situated in the X'illage
of Greenville and township of Buckingham. Containing
91 perches, more or less, and is the same land which
Joseph Taylor, April 1, 1817, 46, granted and confirmed
unto the above named Issachar (2) Morris in fee and
which Joseph Shaw and wife April 14, 1816. conveyed
to the said Joseph Taylor in fee.
Oliver (5) Hampton, in consideration of $500, deeded "all
one equal half part or moiety and interest of and in one certain
house and lot of land" situated in A'illage of Greenville, township
of P.uckingham, etc., etc., in consideration of ?!500. to Martha
One authority states that the ^lartha Hampton School was
opened in 1824. \\'e know that Issachar Morris had removed
to Greenwood Township, Columbia County, prior to 1829, the
date of the marriage of his daughter Elizabeth to John C. Blaker,
of Northampton, for it is so recorded in the Bucks County Mar-
riages in the Docket of Isaac Hicks (Pa. Gen. Soc. Pub. Vol. 12,
p. 166). It is possible therefore that Oliver (5) Hampton was
an occupant of the property prior to the date of the deed from
Issachar Morris (Jr. ) in 1831. This would make the earlier date
of the school very probable, its successful operation determining
Martha Hampton to assume the financial obligations of full owner-
ship, although the management of the School was a joint enter-
prise of herself and her sister Hannah (Hampton") Lloyd, daugh-
ters of Oliver (4) Hampton, Sr. This institution, which was con-
ducted for nearly two decades, if the earlier date is correct, is
described by Davis, in the History of Pucks County, 2d Edition,
\(A. 1. p. 261 :
"A noted school in Buckingham in the {last was the boarding
school for girls at Greenville, now Holicong, established in 1830
by Martha Hampton and Hannah Lloyd, sisters. Boarding schools
were then rare in the county, and this venture by two women
comparatively little known, one a widow with four children and
slender means, was an enterprise of great risk. They bought the
long white house still standing on the northwest crossroads, opened
school, and went to work, one taking charge of the household, the
other the school, each eminently fitted for her task. The school
soon became a success and the house was soon filled with pupils
from Bucks, Montgomery, Philadelphia and New Jersey. A day
school was subsequently opened in connection with the boarding
school and Elizabeth and Sarah Ely, sisters of the late State
( Pliotograph by Hampton Hayes, New Hope, Pa.)
Senator Jonathan Ely, Solebury, were given charge. A few boys
were admitted to the day school, among them the late Judge
Richard Watson, ex-Chief Justice Edward M. Paxson, Samuel E,
Broadhurst, John Ruckman and Albert S. Paxson, presumably
the 'gilt-edge' boys of the neighborhood. The school was discon-
tinued upon the death of Hannah Lloyd at the end of several
The closing of the "Martha Hampton School" coincided with
the sale of the property to Benjamin Good in 1842. This trans-
action is indicated in a deed from Martha Hampton to Benjamin
Good, dated 4 mo. 25, 1842, acknowledged before Matthias Shaw,
J. P., and recorded May 28, 1842. The conveyance was made
in consideration of $1500, "Being the same land which Issachar
Morris and wife, Sept. 26, 1831, granted and confirmed unto
Oliver Hampton and the above-named Martha Hampton in fee,
and which the said Oliver Hampton in deed of release, March 11,
1831, granted and confirmed unto the said Martha Hampton in
There are many teachers among the Hamptons. Sixty-eight
members of the profession are named in the family history. Mar-
tha Hampton and Hannah Lloyd made a splendid contribution to
educational progress in the establishment of a meritorious school
in Buckingham. John Hampton Comly has already been noted
as one of the earliest educators and authors. His name is fore-
most among the teachers and principals of the Westtown School,
the oldest and most noted Friends' School in the United States.
James (4) Hampton, third son of Benjamin (3) Hampton was
also an able and accomplished teacher in Bucks County. James
(4) and Oliver (4) had the reputation of being the best penmen
and scholars in Wrightstown. James wrote a "Book of Memo-
ries," which is preserved in the archives of the Bucks County
Historical Society.
Although James (4) Hampton never married, he has done
us one of the greatest services which any in the family performed,
in preserving in his Family Bible, a complete record of his parents,
Benjamin and Ann Wildman Hampton, and all their children.
His Bible is the 1792 edition of the first family Bibles published in
America. This Bible record is the only source we have for many
of these birth and death records; the record was kept for several
generations by Benjamin (5) Hampton, Jr., Mary (6 ) Hampton,
daughter of Benjamin, Catherine (6) Hampton, another daughter
of Benjamin, and others to the seventh generation. It has come
down to us in an excellent state of preservation, thanks to the
solicitude of Esther L. \\ildman and her sisters, grand-daughters
of Catherine Hampton, above, of Langhorne, Pa. The Bible is
now in my possession (see later record, p. 100.) None of these
records was available when Doan's Hamplon History was pub-
lished in 1911.
John (4) Hampton was a school teacher in Wrightstovvn and
also in Newtown at the time of his marriage to Mary P>etts.
Asenatli (5) Hampton tanght school in London Co., Va.,
assisting her hrother Zachariah, also a teacher. She renioved to
Ohio also with her family, and there assisted her brother, James,
in teaching in Helmont Connty, at or near Flnshing. and also
tanght in lUne Rock township, Mnskingnm Connty. She married
William Doan, who was in the seventh generation of American
Doanes. descended from Deacon John Doane, of Plymouth Colony.
Her son was Rev. John (6) Ham])ton Doan, of (jhio, who com-
piled the hrst "Hampton History", published in book form in
1911. He was also a teacher, principal of the ( )hio Conference
Seminary, superintendent of Athens L'nion Schools, principal of
Amesville Academy and of Beverly College. He was a minister
of the JMethodist Episcopal Church, a member of the Pittsburgh
Conference and subsequently of the East Ohio Conference. Mary
R. Hampton taught at the noted Excelsior Normal Institute of
Carversville, Pa., being a member of the faculty from the date
of the founding of the school in 1859.
James (5) Hampton, son of John (4), was a teacher both
in Pennsylvania and in Ohio, to which state he removed.
Successive generations of teachers have continued in the
Hampton family to the present day. Esther L. Wildman has been
for many years in charge of music instruction in the Langhorne,
Pa., schools. Elizabeth B. Scarborough is Director of the Com-
mercial Education Department of the Cheltenham Township High
School, Elkins Park, Pa. The author of this article is History
Department Chairman in the New York City schools, former
Hunter College and New York University lecturer in history.
Teachers' Institute Director, and author of numerous books on
history, biography and teaching principles and practice. My
brother, Jcimes Hampton, occupies a prominent position in the
Newark Academy, Newark, X. j. My sister, Edith Ffampton. is
a teacher in the Franklin School, lUoomfield, N. J. Aly brother's
w'lie, Mrs. William J. Hampton, Jr.. is a teacher in Belvidere, N.
J., schools, and my wife, h^lorence Hampton, teaches at Public
School 45, Richmond Borough. New York City. Thus there are
five teachers in our immediate family. This profession has been
prominently represented in the family history from the earliest
It has long been said that the Hampton family is good to
make teachers and preachers of. The prond title "Qnaker Minis-
ter", an approved minister of the Friends, is found beside the
names of numerous members of this God-fearing race.
Ann Hampton, wife uf John (3), was a minister of the
Friends of Wrightstown, and she travelled far and wide to bear
witness to the Spirit. John Flampton Comly was one of the minis-
ters whose exhortations were widely heard. Phebe Canby, Marv
(Canby) Hampton's sister and Joseph Hampton's sister-in-law,
was a recorded minister.
Abigail Pownall, daughter of George and Eleanor Pownall,
was a minister of the Friends. She married William Paxson and
died 1747. Mary Wildman. who married Thomas Atkinson and
James Moore, was one of the most eloquent of ministers of
Wrightstown. She died 1766.
Amos Hampton, born in Pennsylvania, 11 mo. 12, 1822,
moved with his j^arents to Pelmont Count}'. Ohio, and thence to
Salem, Iowa. Pie was approved as a minister among the Friends,
and later left Salem, finally leading the Quaker migration of 1854,
with Herbert Hoover's great-grandfather, Jesse Hoover, and to-
gether they helped to settle West P.ranch, Cedar County, Iowa,
where Herbert Hoover, fnture President of the United States,
was born.
From my book on the life of Herbert Hoover, "Breasting
World Frontiers", I quote the following description of the dram-
atic settling of the Middle We>t bv these Hampton and Hoover
leaders :
"Entering the rolling prairies of Iowa, the laboring train
mcjved on. Several wagons formed the Quaker group which
])aused finally on the Ixmks of the Wapsononoc Creek, as the
rugged, dust-stained leaders, Jesse Hoover and Amos Hampton,
called attention to the ])eaceful scene before them. The occupants
of the several wagons gazed from the green plains to the neighbor-
ing fringe of trees with their fresh mantle of spring-time green.
The rich undergrowth was in full bloom. Red-bud, dog-wood,
crab-apple, wild-plum, cherry and rose made the land enchanting;
the grape-vines everywhere fihed the air with fragrance. It was
a new country.
"As the days passed, other Quaker migrants joined them on
this rough frontier. low^a's broad plains w-elcomed the friendly
sect. With ax and ox and plow, they had come to cultivate the
soil and establish homes, many of them from Miami. Ohio, and
other Ohio sectors. In the little W^est branch colony, a meeting
house of the Society of Friends was soon building close beside the
cabin homes."
(Reference to the Hoover and Flampton settlement of West
Branch, Iowa, is contained in \'ernon B. Hampton's
"Breasting World Frontiers." p. 15; and John Hamp-
ton Doan's "Hampton History," p. 48.)
Amos Hampton and his family remained in West Branch,
low^a. where he was a minister of the Friends, until after the
Civil War. He then moved into Missouri to help teach the freed-
men. One of the Hamptons organized a "Phylosophy School" in
Ohio, and another served as a "Quaker among the Indians," which
title he gave to a book he wrote about his experiences. .Sarah Wil-
liams Hampton, born at Pennsville, Ohio, in 1832, was a minister
of the Society of Friends ; she married Richard Mott, who was
also a Quaker minister among the Ohio Friends. Charles Sumner
Embree, born in Iowa, the son of Mary Elma f Flampton) Embree
and Pearson Embree. was ordained as a Congregational minister
in 1891 in Florida, but later affiliated w^ith the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, South, at ^Meridian, Mississippi, and served as a
minister of that church. Many Hamptons have served as elders
and other church officials, when not called to preach.
Thus the family have continued to minister to the spiritual
needs of the people. My owni father, Rev. William Judson Hamp-
ton, Ph.D., D.D., was ordained in the Methodist Church at Mor-
ristown, N. J., in 1892. and served over 40 years as a minister of
that denomination in the Newark (N. J.) Conference. He was
14 years a member of the Board of Examiners of the Conference,
and 7 years Registrar, thus directing the studies and guiding the
destinies of many young clergymen as they entered the ministry.
Dr. Hampton was an eloquent preacher, who during a long and
inspiring life aided and comforted countless thousands along the
way. He was an intimate friend of Rev. S. Parkes Cadman, and
was the author of numerous rehgious and historical works, and
hundreds of articles which appeared in the religious press of the
Methodist Church and other denominations. He died in 1934.
The dividing line between vocations was not as clear-cut in
early days as today. At that time, they practiced medicine along
with husbandry, and made a good job of both. The family has
achieved leadership in many lines of business and the professions.
Pioneer Hampton ancestors and descendants have left their names
in the history of religion, authorship, farming, education, the pro-
fessions, statesmanship, and the arts in America.
As we have seen, Joseph ( 5 ) Hampton and Aaron (5) Plampton
and later Benjamin (5) Hampton moved into Hunterdon County,
N. T-, from Bucks County, which was merely a step across the
Delaware River, the boundary line. While some of the family
turned eastward, settling in New Jersey at Ouakertown (Hunter-
don Co.), others, as we have noted, journeyed to the South and
West from Pennsylvania. They traveled by horseback and co-
vered wagon in their westward trek.
The Quakers as a sect were opposed to slavery. The Hamp-
tons feared not the wrath of the slave-holder, and their homes
were stations of the "underground railway", aiding runaway
slaves to escape into Canada. John (6) Hampton, born in Sandy
Spring, Montgomery County, ^Maryland, son of John (5) and
Mary Eetts Hampton, removed to Ohio, and there became a mem-
ber of the first anti-slavery society in the county. Samuel (6),
his brother, lived in Ohio and later near Cedar Rapids, la., and
was actually engaged in the freeing of runaway slaves. The
Hajuhtcii History says concerning him :
"Having lived in a slave state and witnessed much cruelty in
the treatment of the slaves, he became greatly interested in their
behalf and early espoused their cause. He was ever ready to
assist them in obtaining their freedom. At one time he, with a
few of his friends, secretly, fed a company of 16 in a cave four
miles from Chesterfield, Ohio. The slave owners were on their
track and the usually quiet village was in a great state of excite-
ment, which, however, soon passed off as the hunters grew weary
and left the place. It was now considered safe to proceed, and
the little band who were loyal to the slaves, sixteen in number,
under cover of the night, escorted the fugitives to the next under-
ground station. There was $1600 offered for the capture of the
"Later, while living in Iowa, when the poor unfortunates
found their ^^•ay to his door, they were taken in a covered wagon,
as though going to market, to Dubuque, and from there forwarded
to Canada."" Doan's Hampton History, pp. 41, 42. (My mother,
Mrs. Amelia IJoyce Hami)ton, of Belvidere. N. J., has presented
mv father's copy of the above history to the Bucks County His-
torical Society. J
Having traced the activities of various members of the Plamp-
ton family who left Pennsylvania, we return now to Bucks County,
where Benjamin (4) Hampton, n.oted in the Wrightstown records
as Benjamin, Jr., carried on the family tradition in the Wrights-
town Meeting, so ably established by his father^ Benjamin (3),
Sr., and his grandfather, Joseph {2) Hampton. Born in 1758,
he was seventeen years old when the Revolutionary War broke
out. The year of the i^eace Treaty closing the War shows him
paying a tax of ten shillings, according to the tax lists of Bucks
County for 1783. In 1786 he took unto himself a bride, undeterred
in this step by the erratic post-war period ot the Articles of Con-
federation. In the minutes of Wrightstown Meeting, we read that
on "7, 3 mo., 1786, Benjamin Hamton, Jr.. by one of the over-
seers requesting a certificate to Buckingham Monthly Meeting in
order to proceed in marriage with Margaret Pownall, a member
of that meeting, therefore Joseph and Charles Chapman appointed
to make inquir_\'."' The certificate was given to Benjamin Ham-
ton, 4, 4 mo., 1786, to consummate this marriage, which was duly
accomplished, 5 mo.. 10th, 1786, according to the James Hampton
Familv I'ible Record, and also the Record of Births, Marriages
and Deaths, Friends }i[onthly Meetings. Bucks County, in the
Penn. Hist. Soc. Library, Lhiladelphia, p. J 04.
We note in detail :
Married 5-10-1786, Henjamin Hampton of Wrightstown,
Bucks County, son of Benjamin and , yeoman ; and Mar-
garet Pownall, daughter of Simeon Pownall and Katharine Housel,
of Solehury township, said County, at JUickingham Meeting. Wit-
nesses included John P.alderson, Joseph f^axson, Joseph Pickering,
Robert Easthani and 40 others.
Margaret Hampton was ;iearly seven years younger than her
husband, Benjamin. Like liim, she was descended from pioneers
who arrived in America in 1682, the first of the family being
Oorge Pownall and his wife Eleanor, who are recorded in the
P.ook of Arrivals in the Province during 1682. (^eorge Pownall
belonged to an English armourial family. Vne children and
three servants accompanied them, the children including Reuben,
Elizabeth, Sarah, Rachel, and Abigail, and a sixth child, George.
Jr., was born in Pennsylvania soon after their arrival. George,
Jr.. was father of Simeon Pownall, who in turn was the father
of Margaret Pownall Hampton.
The page of entries relating to the coming of George and
Eleanor Pownall has the following information, the original of
which is in the Library of The Bucks County Historical Society :
THE BOOK OF ARRRALS . . . was a record kept to show
who came into the province: "A Registry of all the people in the
County of Bucks within the Province of Pennsvlvania that have
come to settle the said count\'."
George Pownall and Ellenoi-, his
wife, of Leycock, in the county
of Chester, in old England, veo-
man. came in the ship Called
Friends Adventure, the
Thomas W all arrived the 28tl
the 7 mo. 1682.
'J^ime of Service
cK: for when
To serve 7 }rs.
Loose the 29 of
the 7 mo. 1686
1 of
Thos. Leister
Tohn Brearlv
\\'ages & Land
50 s. at the end of iheir
time, and 50 acres of land
nn tiie
kegistry of all the llirlhs .\: Deaths of all
county ol Pucks in the Province of Pennsylvania.
^''ii't'i-^ Days of the month The N'ear
Their Name & Whose Child. Born the 11 of 9 month 1682
George Pownall, son of
George and Elh'nor Pownall,
in the county of Bucks in
the Province of Pennsylvania
The pioneer father, George Pownall, was killed by a falling
tree on land he was clearing a few weeks after his arrival in Penn's
Province. The date recorded for his untimely death is 31th of
8th mo., 1682. Eleanor, his wife, thus became the possessor of
the wilderness estate, and the guide and protector of her large
family of five children. A month after her husband's death, the
sixth of the Pownall children made his lusty arrival as George, Jr.,
the grief-stricken mother giving this man-child her husband's name
and dedicating him to a special service in this new land as the only
child of George Pownall and herself born in the New World. I
am proud indeed of my lineal descent from this babe of the woods
born to the brave mother in a rainbow of tears.
As recorded in Quarterly Meeting Record of Births and
Deaths from Bucks County for Middletown Monthly Meeting (p.
172) "George Pownall, son of George and EUenor Pownall, born
11, of 9 mo., 1682."
According to Holme's map of 1684, in Lower Makefield,
Bucks County, Eleanor Pownall is named among those persons
owning land adjoining the Delaware River, north of W^ood. Here
the Ealls Monthly Meeting met frequently.
Eleven years later Eleanor Pownall married again, selecting a
leader in the community as the object of her affections. Joshua
Hoopes was a member of the Colonial Pennsylvania Assembly,
living in Makefield, Bucks County. He and Eleanor were married
10, 20, 1693. Among the witnesses were Daniel Hoops, Rubin
Pownall, Joseph Kirkbride, Margaret Hoops, Abigail Pownall and
Mary Chapman.
Joshua Hoops, although a step- father in fact, proved a real
father to George Pownall, Jr., and the rest of Eleanor's children.
He had come from Skelton, in Cleveland, Yorkshire, in 1683, with
Isabel, his first wife, and 3 children, Daniel, Margret and Christ-
ian (Christine). They arrived in the ship Province of Scarbor-
ough, Robert Hopper master, and arrived in the Delaware 10 day
of 9 mo. 1683. It was at the home of Joshua and Eleanor Pownall
Hoopes in Makefield that the Falls Monthly IMeeting was fre-
quently held. (See Smedley Gen., p. 118.) Joshua Hoopes, step-
father to the Pownall children, was a member of the Provincial
Assembly, 1686, 1688, 1692, 1695, 1696, 1697. 1700, 1701, 1703,
1705, 1708, 1709, 1711.
George Pownall, Jr.. died in 1748, his will being proved Oct.
18, 1748. He left to sons Reuben and Simeon his plantation in
Solebury. Son John is also mentioned, as is one daughter, Rachel
Pownall. His wife is not mentioned, and must have died pre-
viously. The will was witnessed by William Kitchen and Sarah
Of the above four children, Simeon was progenitor of the
Margaret Pownall line. He married Katharine Housel, and they
had eight children :
1. Simeon, a soldier in Revolutionary War. (See Cluster
Rolls of Revolution, Pa. Archives, 5 Ser., Vol. 5, p.
2. Levi, who became a soldier in Revolutionary War. (See
above reference.)
3. Moses, executor of the will of Catherine Pownall, his
4. Ann, m. Balance.
5. Mary, m. Paxson.
6. Hannah.
7. Margaret, b. 5 mo. 6, 1765; d. 2 mo. 15. 1841; m. Ben-
jamin Hampton. Jr., at Wrigbtstown, 5 mo. 10th. 1786.
8. Catherine, d. unmarried.
Simeon, husband of Katharine Housel, and the father of
Margaret Pownall Hampton, left a will dated 2, 14. 1772, which
was proved July 29, 1772. At that time he lived at Solebury,
yeoman. The will mentions his wife Katherine; three sons,
Simeon, Levi and Moses, and five daughters, xA.nn, Mary, Hannah,
Margaret and Catherine. His wife and Joseph Eastham were
executors, the witnesses being Aaron Phillips, ^lary Phillips and
Paul Preston.
In the will of Catherine Pownall, sister of Simeon, which was
proved Nov. 8, 1813, Moses, her brother, is named executor, and
to each of three sisters, Ann Balance. Mary Paxson. and Margaret
Hampton, she left $300: her nieces, Catherine Balance and Han-
nah Hampton, "now living with me," each $400. Brothers Simeon
and Piloses are also mentioned. The witnesses were Jonathan Ely
and Joseph Doan.
Benjamin (4) Hampton and Margaret Pownall had the fol-
lowing children, all horn in Wrightstown :
1. Aloses (5) Hampton, h. 7 mo.. 25, 1787
2. Benjamin (5) Ham])ton, b. 9 mo. 20. 1790.
3. Sarah (5) Hampton, b. 10 mo. 26. 1792.
4. Joseph (5) Hampton, b. 9 mo. 8, 1794.
5. Margaret (5) Hampton, b. 12 mo. 2'^. 1796.
6. Hannah (5) Hampton, b. 10 mo. 17, 1798.
7. :\rary (5) Hampton, b. 9 mo. 9. 1800.
8. Ann (5) f'ampton. b. 9 mo. 9, 1800.
9. Catharine (5) Hamjiton, b. 6 mo. 19. JSOo.
Moses (5) Hampton remained on the original farm, which
he was occupying in 1873. He died 5 mo. 24, 1873, (85 years, 9
mo.. 32 da. ). according to the James Hampton Bible Record, pre-
viousl}- referred to.
]\[oses Hampton, born 1787, was a resident of Wrightstown
until his death 5th month. 24, 1873. There are many descendants
of Moses Hampton living in Bucks County today. His wqll, filed
in the office of the Register of Wills, Doylestown, Pa., was not
admitted to probate, because of a contest over the will. The will
mentions :
Son Isaac Hampton, who received the farm in Warwdck
Township "on which he now resides ;" also a lot of
woodland in Wrightstown," being part of the farm on
which I now living on public road leading from Wrights-
town to Taylorsville. adjoining lands of Ralph Twining."
Son Abraham Hampton, all part of laud on which I now
Daughter Margaret Wiggins
(irand-daughter. Margery Ann Hall.
Pi)si:i'ii ii.wiPTox 239
(jrand-son Howard Hampton.
(irand-daughter ^^laria ITampton.
(Granddaughter Klizabeth Hampton.
Aloses Hampton made his son Isaac Hampton, and his son-
in-law, Jesse Wiggins, e.xecutors of the will, which was dated
1869, 14th, 11th month. The will was filed July 23, 1873. The
names of George Hani])ton and Howard Hampton are carried
down in this line today.
lienjamin (5) Hampton, of later record. (See page 75) : m.
Hannah Morris.
Sarah ('5) Hampton died unmarried, 5 mo. J8. 1867. (74
years, fi mo., 22 da. ).
Joseph (5 ) Hampton, of later record. ( See p. 94 ) ; m. Re-
Ijecca Quinby.
Margaret ( o ) Hampton married Thompson. She died
2 mo. 9, 1876, (79 years, 1 mo., 17 da.)
Hannah (5) Hampton lived in Ruckingham with her aunt
Catharine Pownall, who left her $400 in a will dated 1813. Han-
nah Hampton married Mahlon Hall, 3. 11, 1817 : he was a soldier
in the War of 1812, and was descended from Matthew TLtH from
England in 1725. Mahlon Hall was a blacksmith of Solebury.
His wife, Hannah Pownall Hampton, above, liore him 5 children.
Thomas, John, William, Moses and P>enjamin Hall.
Hannah Hampton Hall died 10 mo. 30, 1827 (29 years, 13
<la. ). Hall purchased a farm in Doylestown township in 1836,
for $2,200. He married, secondly, Isabella Robinson, by whom
he had 12 children.
Mary (5)1 lam])t()n died unmarried, 8 mo. 15, 1888 (87 years,
11 mo.. 1 da. > She was one of the owner': of the Haniijton Family
P)ible of 1791, having received it in 1867 from Benjamin Hamp-
ton, her brother: he died in 1869. She preserved the P^ible and
handed it on to her sister, Catherine Hampton F)Urgess, with
whom she li\ed until her death in 1888. The Hampton Family
P)ible was faithfully i)reserved by descendants of Catharine }>ur-
gess, and ])resented as a precious keepsake to the writer of this
history of jose])h Hampton's Descendants.
Ann (5) Hampton died unmarried 8 mo. 21st, 1834, (33
years, 11 mo., 12 da.)
Catharine (5) Hampton, of Wrightstown, m. Hiram Ijurgess,
of iMumstead, at Wrightstown, 10, 1 mo., 1827. Their marriage
certificate is reproduced herewith through the kinchiess of their
granddaughters. Misses Esther L. Wildman and Ehna C. Wilchnan
of Langhorne, Pa. This certificate contains a notable hst of signa-
tures of Hampton.s and other Ikicks county famihes of that
period. The signatures on this certificate are as follows: Hiram
Burges, Catharine Burges, John Burges. Aaron Burges. Benjamin
Hampton, Margaret Hampton, Moses Hampton, Benjamin Hamp-
ton, Jr., Hannah Hampton, Joseph Hampton, Rebecca Hampton,
Margaret Hampton, Mary Hampton, .\nn Hampton, Elleanor
Hampton, Sarah Hampton, Benjamin Lacey. John Eastburn. Jr.,
Edward Chapman, Rachel Chapman, Rachel Lacey, Isaac Chap-
man, Mahlon Hall, Hannah P. Hall, Elizabeth Hampton. Joseph
Taylor, Margaret Smith. Jacob Twining, Phebe Twining, Mary
Ann Chapman, Susanna Chapman, Susana B. Cotton, George
Maris \\'ilson, Isaac Reeder, Ralph L. Smith, Mary I. Smith, John
Twining, Jesse Buchman, John Bnchman, R. Smith, Timothy At-
kinson, Deborah Atkinson, Susanna Smith, Jane S. Ely, Ruth
Worthington, Sarah H. Smith.
With the marriage of Catharine Hampton (5) and Iliram
Burgess, another distinguished colonial family entered the Hamp-
ton Line. Hiram Burgess, son of Joseph Burgess, of Plumstead,
was a lineal descendant of Samuel and Eleanor Burgess, w^ho came
from England to America in 1685 and settled in Falls township.
The children of Catharine (5) Hami:)ton and Hiram Burgess
were Benjamin Hampton (6) Burgess, Jane (6) Burgess, Sarah
Hampton (6) Burgess, Hiram (6) Burgess, Oliver (6) Burgess,
Mary Ann (6) Burgess, who m. Ellwood Wildman ; issue: Anna
(7) Wildman, Catherine (7) Wildman, Esther (7) Wildman and
Elma C. (7) Wildman.
Catharine married, 2d, William Satterthwaite, 12 - 15, 1870.
There was no issue by second marriage.
Of the three sons of Benjamin (4) Hampton and ]^Iargaret
Pownall, Moses (5) Hampton, Benjamin (5) and Joseph (5),
were destined to carry the Hampton name forward through their
descendants. Benjamin (5) subsequently removed to Hunterdon
County, New Jersey, with his entire family, whence my own line
comes through my grandfather, William Wharton Hampton, son
of Benjamin (5). Joseph (5) Hampton above, and Moses (5)
remained in Bucks County, where most of their descendants reside
Benjamin (5 ) Hampton (Benj. 4, Benj. 3, Joseph 2, John 1),
was born 9 mo. 20, 1790, at Wrightstown. He was married 5, 10,
1815, at \A^rightstown to Hannah Morris, daughter of Isachar
Morris and Hannah Kester. The record of marriage abstracted
from the men's minutes of Wrightstown Monthly Meeting, now
in possession of C. Arthur Smith, of Wycombe, Pa., reads as fol-
lows : —
"Benjamin Hampton, Jr.. of the Township of Wrightstown
in the County of Bucks and State of Pennsylvania, son of Benj.
Hampton of the same ])lace and Margaret liis wife; and Hannah
Morris, daughter of Isachar Morris late of the same place, and
Hannah his wife. Deceased, married 5-10-1815 at Wrightstown.
44 Witnesses."
Hannah Morris, daugh.ter of Isachar Morris and Hannah
Kester, was born in Wrightstown 4 mo.. 30, 1791 (Records of
Wrightstown Monthly Aleeting. ) With her marriage to my great-
grandfather, Benjamin Hampton, one of the most distinguished
family names in Pennsylvania, enters our line, to be handed down
in succeeding generations with several descendants bearing the dis-
tinctive name Morris Hampton.
FTannah's father. Tsacher Morris, was the son of Mor-
ris, and Lydia . His mother married again, and as "Lydia
Roberts'", signed the marriage certificate of Isachar and Hannah
Kester. in 1773, at Wrightstown Meeting.
Isachar was apparently not long identified with the Friends
of M'rightstown. The Minutes of the meeting disclose (pg. 208).
that on 1. 9 mo.. 1772. "Tsacher Morris by one of the Overseers
requested to be joined in membership with Friends," which is re-
ferred to further consideration of a Committee. On 6, 10 mo.,
1772, a committee consisting of Samuel Smith and Thomas Whit-
son was appointed to pay him a visit and make report of their
service at next monthly meeting. This report was satisfactory, and
1, 12 mo., 1772, he is accepted "to continue Friend so far as his
future conduct may correspond with the Truth."
Perhaps Isachar had marriage motives when he thus sought
to become one of the Friends, for the 2d of the 3d mo., 1773, he
requested a certificate to Buckingham Monthly Meeting, in order
to proceed in marriage with Hannah Kester, a member of that
meeting: therefore John Terry. Junior, and John Lacey were ap-
pointed to inquire concerning him. The certificate was granted 6.
4 mo.. 1773, and the marriage was subsequently consummated.
7 da. 9 mo. 1773 the Women Friends of Wrightstown pro-
duced a certificate from Buckingham Monthly Meeting, recom-
mending Hannah Morris (wife of Isachar Morris) to the Wrights-
town Meeting. Hannah Kester was the daugh4:er of Paul and
Hannah Kester and a direct descendant of Paulus Kester, who
came from the Upper Rhine to Germantown, Philadelphia, in 1687.
On the marriage record of Isachar Morris and Hannah Kester in
the Wrig-htstown records, 1773, are the names of Lydia Roberts,
his mother ; Paul Kester and Hannah Kester, the bride's parents ;
Catharine Morris, and Ann ^lorris, sister of Isachar Morris; and
28 witnesses. The children of Isachar Morris and Hannah Mor-
ris, Wrightstown Township :
1. Lydia Morris, b. 2d mo., 7, 1774.
2. Elizabeth Morris, b. 2 mo., 28. 1776.
3. Isachar Morris, b. 8 mo., 10. 1778
4. Mary Morris, b. 5 mo., 28, 1781 ; m. John Trego ; d. 1
mo.. 1830.
5. Joseph Morris, b. 9 mo., 15, 1784.
6. Sarah Morris, b. 7 mo., 13, 1788.
7. Hannah Morris, b. 4 mo.. 30. 1791.
(Taken from records of Wrightstown Monthly Meeting.)
Samuel Davis, son of Samuel Davis, of Solebury, in County
of Bucks, and Lydia Morris, daughter of Isachar Morris, m. 5,
20. 1795, at Wrightstown Meeting. 57 witnesses.
William Wharton, son of William and Mary Wharton, of
Lower Makefield. in county of Bucks, and Elizabeth Morris,
daughter of Isachar and Hannah Morris of Wrightstown Town-
ship, in Bucks County, m. 5, 16, 1798. at Wrightstown. 38 wit-
(Abstracts of Marriages in book of Men's Minutes of
Wrightstown Meeting.)
During the .\merican Revolution. Isachar Morris was taken
to task by the Friends of Wrightstown by reason of his paying
fines on account of military service. This matter first came up
in the meeting on 3. 10 mo.. 1780, and others similarly charged at
the same time included Zachariah Betts, Abraham Hibbs. William
Heston. Thomas Story, \Villiam Martindale, Benjamin Buchman
and Daniel Lee. A committee was appointed to "treat with them
concerning what they are charged with and report to the next
meeting.' This committee included Joseph Hampton. Jr.. Thomas
Whitson, John Hayhurst, Samuel Smith, Benjamin Wiggins and
others. Joseph Hampton was appointed 7. 8 mo., 1781, to give
copies of reports read against Buchman, Martindale and Lee.
Morris refused to confess any fault, his case dragged out
through nearly two years, being referred and deferred from meet-
ing to meeting during that time. On 5, 2 mo., 1782, "Morris was
not convinced of acting wrong, nor desirous of longer time,"' and
testimony and report against him was prepared at the re(|uest of
the meeting. The committee for this purpose was William Linton
and Benjamin PTampton. The report was indicated as given to
Morris 2, 4 mo., 1782, and the case was closed.
The will of Issachar Morris was made Aug. 24. 1810. and
proved March 24, 1812. In the \v\\\ he mentions his wife, Han-
nah ; and names his son. Issachar, and Isaac Chapman, executors.
To his son Issachar he bequeathed "125 acres whereon I live,
bought of Joseph Hamton" ; to son Joseph 38 acres purchased of
Benjamin and Joseph Chapman ; plantation on which son-in-law
John Trego lives to be sold. Alention is also made of "Daughters
Elizabeth Wharton, Alary Trego, and Hannah Morris" and grand-
sons Seth Davis and Morris Davis. Witnesses were Thomas
Warner and Letitia Briggs.
Hannah Morris was not yet married to the third Benjamin
Hampton when her father died in 1812. Isacher, Sr., was a wit-
ness to the will of Benjamin Hampton, Sr., written in 1807 and
proved in 1811. The tie between the two families was a close
one, even before they were united by the marriage of Hannah
]\Iorris to Benjamin Hampton in the fifth generation from John
Hampton, who settled at Amboy and Freehold in 1683.
Tsachar, Jr., Hannah Morris's brother, removed from Wrights-
town to Greentown township, Columbia County, Pa., for in 31
Dec, 1829. the Marriage Docket of Isaac Hicks has this record:
"Joseph C. Blaker of Northampton, son of Paul Blaker, Jr., and
Elizabeth Morris, daughter of Isachar ^^lorris, late of Wrights-
town but now of Greenw^ood township, Columbia County." (Green-
wood is later written Greentown.)
Ill the Hampton History, by Dr. Doan, it is written of Ben-
jamin (5) Hampton and Hannah ]\Iorris. his wife, "they lived
at Wrightstown till their five sons were nearly grown and then
moved to Quakertown, New Jersey. He was a farmer and also
a cabinet- and chair-maker, in religion a strict Friend."
Benjamin and Hannah Hampton were affiliated with the
Kingwood Aleeting from the date of their arrival about 1840 until
their rleaths, and both lie buried in the Kingwood Friends' Ceme-
ter>^ at Ouakertown. N. J. Their son, Morris Hampton, was an
Elder of Kingwood Monthly Meeting. Hannah (Al orris) Hamp-
ton died 1 mo., 16, 1844. Benjamin (5) outlived his wife 25
years: he made his home for more than 20 years with his son,
William Wharton (6) Hampton on the latter's farm at Quaker-
town, N. y.
The children of Benjamin (5) and Hannah Morris were:
1. Morris (6) Hampton, b. 1817: d. 1903-8-7, 86-2-3.
2. John T. (6) Hampton, b. 1823-4-2: d. 3898-1-2, 74-3-4.
3. William Wharton (6) Hampton, b. 1826. 2-1- : d. 1885,
4. James (6) Hampton, b. 1819, 5-11: d. 1889.
5. Joseph (6) Hampton, b. 1829, 1-7: d. March. 1900.
Morris (6) Hampton followed his father Benjamin (5) as
a leader in the Quaker Society of Quakertown, N. J. He was a
man of sterling qualities and respected by all who knew him and
had considerable property. He married 1842, 11, 12, Amy Hamp-
ton Clifton, daughter of William Clifton and Amy Hampton.
After her marriage to Morris Hampton, she called herself Amy
Clifton Hampton, dropping her middle name Hampton as need-
less and confusing duplication.
The Clifton family, which hailed from Philadelphia origin-
ally, was active in the affairs of Kingwood Meeting, the records
of the meeting being kept for many years by members of the fam-
ily who served as Clerks. Among the Cliftons who served in this
capacity were Henry Clifton, Amy Clifton, Amy Clifton, Jr., Wil-
liam Clifton, Elizabeth Clifton, Sarah Clifton, Joseph Clifton and
Sarah L. Clifton. The Kingwood Minutes of the Friends' Meet-
ings are preserved in the Newtown Bank, Newtown. Bucks Coun-
ty, Pa., also the repository of other Quaker records of Bucks
Morris Hampton was an elder of the Kingwood Friends'
Meeting at Quakertown. His nephew wrote many years after-
ward : "His ( Morris Hampton's) place during service was on the
bench back of the speaker's platform. This mav he assumed to
mean, in Quaker parlance, that he was an elder in the church and
sat in the elder's gallery." ]\Iorris Hampton was in charge of the
Meeting house, which adjoined his farm. Although the number
of Friends in Ouakertown, X. J., grew smaller, the few faithful
ones continued to seek the trutli and light in their quiet manner.
Morris Hampton was among the last members of the old Quaker
Meeting, and upon his ])assing, he was buried adjacent to the
Meeting House he had watched over with such tender care.
Shortly after my mother's marriage to my father, Rev. Wil-
liam Judson Hampton, of the ^Tethodist Church, she recalls that
in 1898 they visited Uncle Morris Hampton, brother of my father's
father, at Ouakertown. She describes Morris Hampton as a tall,
fine-looking man, quiet and dignified. At dinner silent blessing
was said, and during the day they all attended the Quaker Meeting
in the meeting hard by. My father's younger sister, lovely
Lulu Hampton, took an interest in the family history, and she
wrote her Uncle Morris Hampton, asking about the Bucks County
origin of her grandparents, Benjamin and Hannah Morris Hamp-
ton. My Great Uncle Morris wrote her the following letter, which
proved a link for later generations in forging the chain of Hamp-
ton family history.
Letter of Morris Hampton to Lulu Alice Hampton
"Quakertown, N. J.
.Srd mo. 6th, 1888.
Dear Xiece :
I received thy letter in due time. And was right glad to hear
from thee. And that thee likes it so well where tliee is. Hope
thy health is good. Now for thy questions, \^"ell, 1 have often
heard my father and mother say that their ancestors on the Hamp-
ton sid.e were English. I think I heard them say there were three
brothers of them that came to this country. One settled in Penn-
sylvania. One in New Jersey, and one in South Carolina. We
were descendants of the one that settled in Pennsylvania. I have
no old records to refer to, so I cannot say why they came to this
country. But suppose in pursuit of homes. Our Grandfather's
name was Benjamin, and a member of the society of Friends, and
all of his family 3 sons and 6 girls. Tliis family were all mem-
bers of Wrightstown Monthly Meeting — at one time in Bucks
County. I have no dates to tell what year our ancestors came to
this country in. I presume it must have been near the time of
W'm. Penn's treaty with the IncHans. 1682 or 1083. T iiave not
heard from my brother James in a long time. Don't know how
he is, or what he is doing. T have been quite unwell for two or
three weeks, much better now. The rest of our family nearly as
well as common. Please write again if thee gets time. We have
had a very severe and cold winter here. 4 below zero some morn-
ings. I now close with love to thee.
Thy Uncle,
Morris H.xmpton
Lulu Hampton
A debt of gratitude is due Lu'u Hampton, a favorite of the
family, for this service to posterity. She was preparing to become
a missionary as my father was preparing for the ^lethodist min-
istry, when her untimely death cut short her career. Her early
interest gave compilers of the Hampton History in 1911, who had
access to the letter of Morris Hampton which she left, a definite
"lead" that proved to be an unfailing signj^ost guiding the writers
in their further researches.
The Misses E.sther and Elma \\'ildman. of Langhorne, Pa.,
recall ?\Iorris Hampton of Ouakertown, Hunterdon County. X. J.,
visiting their grandparents, Hiram Burgess and Catharine Hamp-
ton, in Bucks County. .And my own boyhood memory recalls my
father and other relatives, speaking of Hiram Burgess, whose
name became fixed as another link with P)ucks County. W hat
Providence was it that led me to these good \\'ildman sisters in
the summer of 1938. and the unknown treasure of the 18th century
?Iampton Family Bible which they had preserved and cherished ?
History is written by such unsuspected links as these.
Children of Morris Hamp4:on and \my H. Clifton:
1. Rebecca Clifton (7) Hampton, born 1844-1-14; died
2. \\'illiani Clifton (7) Hampton, born 1845-8-25: died
3. Sarah Elizabeth (1) Hampton, born 1847-9-11; died
John T. (6) Hampton, (Benjamin 5. Benjamin 4, Benjamin
3, Joseph 2, John 1), bom 1823-4-2 in \\'rightstown ; died 1898-
1-2, age 74. 3. 4, in Cherryville, Hunterdon County, N. J. ; married
Lucy Bray, to whom his property was left and who lived a few
years after her husband's death; no children, Republican, farmer,
Wihiam Wharton (6) Hampton, ( Ijenjamin 5. Benjamin 4,
Benjamin 3. Joseph 2, John 1), born 1826-2-1, in Bucks County,
Pa.; dierl 1885-2-11, at Ouakertown, N. J- : educated in public
schools: married Susanna Baldwin, 1847-3-20, born 1827-11-1, and
educated in common schools. Died 1884-9-1. Both Methodists.
Susannah I^.aldwin was the daughter of Samuel Baldwin and
Mariah Marshall, both of Hunterdon County. Samuel Baldwin
was a member of the New Jersey Militia in 1792.
As in each successive marriage, the new line adds to the lustre
of the family name, so Susannah Baldwin brought to William
Wharton Hampton the honor and integrity of the Baldwin line
traced to Old England.
The estates of St. Leonard's (?), parish of Ashton Clinton,
County of Bucks, England, had been indentured to Richard Bald-
win for over 1000 years. Sir John Baldwin, Chief Justice of
England under Edward A 1 received his lands from his brother
Richard, who died Sept. 21, 1485. Sir John married Agnes
Donner. Their son, Richard, was born 1500 (?) in Donrigges
Parish.. Richard married .
In the tliird generation from Sir John Baldwin, we note that
Jolm Baldwiri, son of Richard, above, paid subsidies on his manor
of Otersie in 1542. He received it from his brother Richard, who
died in 1485 when John was but 16 years old. Manor in Ogles-
bury. Richard Baldwin, son of John (3), is of "Dunridge Parish
of Ashton Clinton, County Bucks, England." He married Ellen
Apooke in 1546. His will is dated Jan. 16, 1552. He is indicated
"yeoman". His brother John was a]:)pointetl overseer of his will.
John (5) Baldwin of the "Hayle", County Bucks, England,
was named overseer as above noted. His own will was made 12
March, 1564/5, describing himself as of the Hayle, Parish of
Wandover, County Bucks, yeoman. Married .
Children :
1. George (6) m. Avelyn (Aystell)
2. Nicholas f 6 ) m. Agnes Fisher, widow of William.
He lived at Eddlesborongh, County T'.ucks. Made
will 2 Jul\- 1577. proved 24 Apr. 1581, by his brother
Sylvester, but the ]jart is torn away in which he
enumerates his cliildren, except Triamor and John
1. John (7)
2. Francis (7)
3. Bartholomew (7)
4. Thomas (7)
5. Triamor ('7)
6. Winifred (7)
Triamor ( 7 ) Baldwin was also of County Bucks. England.
In the Chancerv proceedings in Jan. 1500/1 he is called the voung-
cst son. He was executor of the wills oi his brothers Francis and
Bartholomew in 1639 and 1655, and then disappears alto2;ether.
He marriefl His son. Triamor (8) Baldwin, was
born about 1635. There are two sons of Triamor (8) noted, —
William (9) Baldwin born 1667 (?), who sailed to xAmerica, and
Triamor (9) Baldwin, living in London. The will of Triamor
(9) Baldwin was dated and proved in 1729. He styles himself.
Gentleman, and left but one son to whom he bequeathed consider-
able property in London. He also left £100 to his brother Wil-
liam Baldwin, then living in or near New York ^Conn.) : and
£100 to each of his nephews Triamor TIO) Baldwin and \\'illiam
(10) Baldwin, sons of his 1)rother William i9), and he placed
the nephew Triamor last in the line of inheritance to certain prop-
erty (one-fourth of the old Marshalsea Prison, immortalized by
W^illiam (9) Baldwin apparently lived in Stratford, Conn.,
and married Ruth lirooks in 1688. His son Williaiu (10) ap-
pears there in later records. Triamor ( 10 ) A\-as kidnapped by the
Indians during the Indian Wars, and carried ofif to the "Big Lake
Countr\"'. He ne\er regained his family, but grew up on the
frontier, and made his wav into LIunterdon Countv. New lersev.
Triamor (10) PJalchvin married Mary GrofF. Children: William
(11) Baldwiii, John (11) Baldwin, James (11) Baldwin, Lena
(11) Baldwin, and Samuel (11) Baldwin. Records are found in
Hunterdon and Warren Counties. New Jersey.
The story of the kidnapping of Triamor B.aldwin has been
handed, down from generation to generation. Tt a])pears in written
records of the family and is preserved among tlie family docu-
ments of Annetta ('Baldwin) Hoffman, widow of Toyman Hoff-
man, of Sidney, Hunterdon County, X. J. The venerable woman,
grand-daughter of Samuel I'aldwin. above, was nearh' ninety
years of age. when T co]jie(l the records of the familv in 1938.
Her intellect was clear and her interest alert in the home vvhere
she kept house. ne>tled cozil\- in a ravine by a ^i'ver i;rook. T have
also been aided in the collection of family records by
Mrs. Alary Ham])ton, of bTenchtown, X. J. ( R. F. D. i, widow of
Jo-seph Elrod Hampton, my father's brother: by Jacob W. !\[ason,
of X>wark, X. J., son of .\nianda Baldwin and Edward ]\Tason ;
and by Lamar J. Harbout of South Bound Brook. X.J., whose
wife was Ella, daughter of Anson \\'ashington Baldwin and Re-
becca Ann Mason.
Of the children of Triamor (10) I'.aldwin and Mary droff",
I have record of the marriage of Susan I'.aldwin, who married
Conkling, and Samuel Baldwin, who married !Maria
Samuel (11) Baldwin and [Maria ^Marshall had issue-
1. Elizabeth (12) Baldwin, m. Samuel Groff.
2. Mary (12) Baldwin, m. Jonathan Eick.
3. Stewart Clark ( 12 ) Baldwin, m. 1st Rachel Hartpence.
2d Susan Bodine.
4. Susanna (12) Baldwin, m. William Wharton Hampton.
5. John [Marshall ( 12 ) Baldwin, m. Susan S. Rea.
6. Charles Furman (12) Baldwin, m. Sarah Snyder.
7. Anson ^^"ashington (12) Baldwin, m. Rebecca Ann
8. Amanda (12) Baldwin, m. Edward Mason.
9. Rebecca (12) Baldwin, m. Robert L. .Abbott.
10. Ambrose Schenk (12) Baldwin, m. Sarah Jane Bar-
11. Joseph (12) Baldwin.
12. Samuel ('12) Baldwin, twin of Ambrose (12l
Samuel (11) Baldwin and his brother. James (11) Baldwin
are listed in the New Jersey ^lilitia in 1792, from Hunterdon
County. Samuel fll ) left a will, in which he provided a lifetime
interest in a Hunterdon County farm to his daughter, Susannah
(12) Baldwin Hampton, mv grandmother. This will was not
finally settled until the 1890's.
Maria (Marshall) Baldwin, wife of Samuel Ql) Baldwin.
was the daughter of \\'illiam Furman Marshall and Susannah
Trimmer, and the grand-daughter of Charles Marshall. They
resided in Hunterdon County. Furman Marshall and Susannah
Trimmer were married April 19, 1798.
The children of \\'illiam Furman ^^larsliall and Susannah
Trimmer, above, were :
1. Amy, b. Mar. 24. 1799.
2. Mariah. b. Sept. 15. 1800. m. Samuel (11) Baldwin.
3. Susan, m. Jacob Thomas.
4. Rebecca, b. Mar. 24. 1805. d. Jan. 23. 1880.
m. Jonathan Case, June 12. 1830.
5. John T., b. Apr. 12. 1807. d. Apr. 20. 1874.
m. Charity McPherson.
6. Charles, b. Aug. 15, 1809. d. Aug. 17. 1876.
m. Fanny Snyder.
7. Anson, b. May 24. 1812. m. Hannah Griffith.
8. Joseph F., b. Aug. 21. 1814. m. Elizabeth Moore.
9. Amanda, b. June 9. 1817. m. Dec. 10. 1836. David Bird.
(The above data furnished by Hiram E. Deats. of Fleming-
ton. X. J., historian and genealogist. )
Susannah Trimmer, above, wife of William Furman Mar-
shall, was the grand-daughter of John or Johannes Trimmer, who
came to America from Germany in 1739. Johannes Trimmer
(written Johannes Trenner in the Record of Arrivals — see "Col-
lection of 30.000 Names of Immigrants in Pennsylvania." Rupp.
p. 131). arrived in the ship Jamaica Galley, Rotterdam. Felx 7.
1739. landing at Philadelphia. He was accompanied by his wife
and family. He and his oldest son, Matthias (Tysj, were natural-
ized by the act of the Assembly, in 1744. He had twelve children
by two wives, nine sons and three daughters. Four of the sons
settled in German \'alley, X. J.; three of them, however, settled
in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, N. J., with their father.
The sons George, Herbert and John (Hannes) settled in
Hunterdon County, and accjuired rich farm land in that fertile
section. Their farms were located in Franklin township (Quaker-
town), and also embraced valuable woodland on Schooley's Moun-
tain. The farm of John Trimmer, Sr.. was in Amwell. He died
in 3749.
The children of John Trimmer, Sr., were as follows:
by 1st wife:
1. Ty? (Matthias) m. Anna M. Neighbor.
2. Toenis (Tunis) b. Eleasabath .
3. Andry (Andrew) m. Houshall.
4. Gorg (George), b. 1725, d. 1807, March 29.
5. Herbert, d. 1810: m. Catharine Case,
bv 2d wife, Elsie Engels :
6. Anna
7. Christina
8. William
9. Hannes (John), b. 1730
10. Niclas (Nicholas)
11. Judit
12. Hendrick
No children by third wife, Mary Catrina.
Hannes or John Trimmer, Jr., married and had seven chil-
dren, according to record. He was a half-brother of Herbert
Trimmer and George Trimmer, wdio also settled in Hunterdon
County. Herbert Trimmer's children were Jackson, George,
l^eter, Tunis, William and Anne.
John Trimmer, Jr. (Hannes), was a blacksmith in Franklin
township, and was located about the time of the American Revo-
lution below the old Boar's Head Tavern, in Franklin (Quaker-
town). At his forge, iron-work was made for the forces of
General Washington ; in the Independence Jubilee celebration of
Hunterdon Countv in 1826, John Trimmer marched with the
proud survivors of 1776. having done his share in the Ordnance
Division for the American forces in the Revohition.
He had three sons and four daughters, as follows:
1. Henry, b. 1768. m. Dinah ■ — — .
2. Amos. m. Susanna Scott. Oct. 1802; she was a daughter
of George Scott of Franklin Township.
3. John G.. b. 1763. m. Catharine . b. 1768. d.
4. Mary
5. Sarah, m. Jacob Bush.
6. Susanna, m. Apr. 19, 1798. Furman Marshall.
7. Catharine.
Susanna (Trimmer) Marshall and Furman ^Tarshall lived in
Ouakertown. Here also lived Amos Trimmer, father of Joseph
P. Trimmer. Amos kept the "Frog Tavern" in Ouakertown.
which was later turned into a general store.
The Trimmer family were prominent in Ouakertown for
many years, and as the family branched out. likewise became
active in Flemington. Raritan Township, Harmony, and else-
where. Members of the family were active in securing the fran-
chise for the building of the Delaware and Raritan Canal. They
were likewise leaders in the promotion of education and schools
in Hunterdon County, serving on the School Committees, and as
Tru.stees. John Trimmer, Jr., was early listed as an elder of the
United First Church of Amwell, serving the church in its earliest
period when it was known successively as the German Presby-
terian Church and the Amwell Dutch Reformed Church. His
name is found on the list of elders as early as 1798. Other Trim-
mers were found in the Presbyterian church of Flemington, the
Lutheran Church, and in the German Baptist Church.
Children of A\'illiam Wharton (6) Hampton and Susannah
Baldwin :
1. Hannah Maria (7) Hampton, born 1849-12-31.
2. Stewart C. (7) Hampton, born 1854-3-22.
3. Joseph Elrod (7) Hampton, born 1856-3-17.
4. Anna Rebecca (7 ) Hampton, born 1836-2-7.
5. William Judson (7j Hampton, born 1866-4-1.
6. Lulu Alice (7) Hampton, born 1868-3-3; died 1890-4-1.
James (6) Hampton (Benjamin 5, Benjamin 4. Benjamin 3,
Joseph 2, John 1 ), born 1819-5-11 ; educated at Wrightstown, Pa.;
married Mary Titman. 1840-11-2, at Greenwood, Pa. She was
born at Greenwood, Pa.. 1823-12-21, and was still living, October
1910. James died 1889-7-13. He was a contractor and builder;
in religion, a Friend, a Sunday School teacher and active in church
work, superintendent of Sunday School at Greenwood; Repub-
lican. Children :
1. Daniel Baltis (7) Hampton, born 1841-9-12, at Quaker-
town, X. J.
2. Benjamin Morris (7 ) Hampton, born 1843-3-4, at Green-
wood, Pa.
3. Hannah Jane (7) Hampton, born 1845-8-28. at Green-
4. Elizabeth Abi (7) Hampton, born 1849-10-2, at Green-
5. Mary Eleanor (7) Hampton, born 1851-6-26, at Green-
6. Laura Ann (7) Hampton, born 1856-4-15. at Green-
7. Carrie Rebecca (7) Hampton, born 1867-5-17, at Ash-
land, Pa.
Joseph (6) Hampton, (Benjamin 5, Benjamin 4, Benjamin 3,
Joseph 2, John 1), born 1829, died March. 1900; married Mary
■ (2). Susan B. Swallow. 1852 ( ?). He was a wagon-
maker. They had one child. Mary Hampton, who married Joseph
L. \V. Bond, October 7, 1876.
Sarah Elizabeth (7) Hampton. (Morris 6, Benjamin 5, Ben-
jamin 4, Benjamin 3, Joseph 2, John 1), born 1847-9-11; married
1870-11-12, George Dillwyn Leaver.
Children of Sarah Elizabeth (Hampton) Leaver:
1. Morris Hampton (8) Leaver, born 1872-6-22, M.D., D.
D.S., is a prominent physician of Ouakertown, N. J. His
religious bent is toward the Quaker faith ; practicing
both medicine and dentistry.
2. William (8) Leaver, born 1880-1-25.
3. Albert Allen (8 ) Leaver, born 1883-4-15.
4. Amy Lucy (8) Leaver, born 1886-6-5.
5. Lucy ]\Liy (8) leaver, born 1892-1-21.
PTannah Maria (7) Hampton, (William Wharton 6. Benja-
min 5. TSenjamin 4. Benjamin 3, Joseph 2. John 1), born 1849-12.
at Ouakertown. N. J. Married John S. Robinson. 1876-6-3. Child
of Hannah Maria: Earl Hampton Robinson, born 1887-1-27.
Stewart C. (7) Hampton. (William Wharton 6. Benjamin 5.
Benjamin 4. Benjamin 3. Joseph 2. John 1). born 1854-3-22. at
Ouakertown. N. J. ; married Phebe R. Shay. 1879-3-26. and died
1881-4-22 : merchant and a highly respected member of the Metho-
dist church : lived at Frenchtown. N. J. Child : Nina Stewart
Hampton, born 1881-2-18 at Frenchtown, N. J.
Joseph Flrod (7 ) Hampton. (William Wharton 6, Benjamin
5, Benjamin 4. Benjamin 3. Joseph 2. John 1), born 1856-3-17. at
Ouakertown, N. J.; educated in public .schools; married Mary C.
Hofif. 1881-7-20. at Baptisttown. X. J. She was born 1862-12-7.
Doan Hampton History in 1911 quoted: "Reside about two
miles from Baptisttown. N. T-. on an excellent farm. He
has always taken an interest in politics and voted the Repub-
lican ticket. His party has honored him with the nomina-
tion for Countv Clerk and for Member of Assembly, but the
cotmtv being- stronelv Democratic, he was not elected. He polled
a strong vote in botli instances. Has also been interested in reli-
gious matters, \^^as connected with the Methodist Episcopal
Church." United with his wife, who was a Baptist, in the King-
wood Baptist Church ; for 16 years he served the church as Sun-
day- School superintendent and for a number of years as Deacon
and f'hnrcli Clerk. J()se])h Hampton died December. 1935. Child:
Abijah k:ir()d Hamilton, born 1882-10-27.
William Judson (7) Hampton. (AVilkam Wharton 6, Ben-
jamin 5. Benjamin 4, Benjamin 3. Joseph 2. John 1), born 1866-
4-1, at Ouakertown. N. J. Educated in public schools. Trenton
Business College. Pennington Seminary ; later pursued studies in
connection with Columbia. Taylor and New York Universities and
Cale College; honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity conferred by
Taylor College in 1908 : converted in and joined the Baptist
Church. March 1885, but left within six months and joined the
15 Seataottber, 1917.
Rev. William J. Hamptoa, D. D. ,
Builar, N. J.,
My dear Sir,
I aa: sure that yoa will not have misuQ-
cterstood try long delay ia replyiag to your let-
ter of tb© twenty-third of July last. It cas
beea due to an extraordinary pressure of public
business not only, but also to a feeling taat
I really did not krio* ho* to write an adequate
aaswer. It is very hard for roe to speak of
what my mother was without colouring the whole
estimate with tne deep love that fills my tsart
wbenevar I think of her; but, while others can-
not have seon ner as I did, I am sura that every-
one who knew her at all must haire felt the extra-
•ordinary quiat force of her character, must have
felt also the charm of her unusual grace and re-
fiaomeat, ir.-l ,;j . : i •- ■ i '■ i '- i./are of the clear-
eyed, peroeivin(5 mind that lay behind her frank
grey ayes. They /rcra not always ,^rey. They
were of that strange, changeable colour which so
often goes with strong character and varied a-
biiity. 3ne was one cf the most remarkable pey-
soQB I aavs ever known. She .vas so reserved
that only those of har own household caa have
known how lovable she was, though every friend
knew how loyal and steadfast she was. I seers
to feel still the touch of her nand and the
sweet steadying influences of her wonderful
character. I thaak God to have aad such a mo-
ther !
Verv sincerely Yours,
(Original Letter.)
MethocHst Episcopal, August 1, 1885, at Ouakertown. X. J., the
church home of his parents; licensed to preach January 9, 1888.
Admitted to the Newark Annual Conference, 1892. bv Bishop
Bowman, and Elder by Bishop Foss, in 1S96. He married Amelia
r.oyce. 1892-12-21. daughter of John A. and Julia Webb Boyce,
and born 1864-6-20, at Monroe, X. Y. Slie was educated in public
schools and in Xewburg Academy, Xcwburg. X. ^\. and at Cen-
tenary Collegiate Institute, I lackettstown, X. J.
Amelia IJoyce, of \ ernon, Sussex Countw X I., was the
daughter of John Albert I>oyce, Jr.. and Julia Webb. The parents
of Julia Webb, above, were Col. Samuel Webb (War of 1812).
and Abigail Conkhn (lineal descendant of .Annanias Conklin. first
manufacturer of window glass in .\merica, in 1635 ). Col. Samuel
Webb was the son of Charles Webb, .American Rcvolutionarv sol-
dier from Orange County. X. Y.. and Martha \'an \'achtor (A'an
\'achten ) ; Charles W>bb was the son of Samuel Wel)b (slain by
Indians in Alinisink War, 1758), and Sarah Kna])p. The last-
named Samuel was the son of Sergt. Samuel Webb and .\higail
Slason, of (loshen. Orange County, X. Y., and Stamford, Conn.
Sergt. Samuel was a member of the Stamford Train Band ni the
Colonial Indian Wars. The distinguished Webb line continues
back through colonial history, the next three generations in direct
line including: Samuel Webb, member of the Colonial Assembly
(General Court) of Connecticut in 1701, father of the Sergt.:
Richard, Jr.. also a member of the General Com-t, and Richard.
Sr.. the pioneer founder of the line who came to .Kmerica. settled
at Cambridge, Mass., in 1626. founder of Hartford. Conn., with
Rey. Thomas Mooker, in 1635. member of the General Court of
Connecticut, in 1655. Richard Webb was the son oi Alexander
Webb, of England, and grand.'^on of Sir .Alexander Webb, Mat-
comb County, England, prominently associated in service to the
Roval Family, and an officer of rank in the King's Army. Sir
Alexander was a gentleman at court of the Oueen of England.
Catharine Parr. The Webb and .Arden marriages of that dav gave
to the world its greatest name in literature. William Shakespeare.
Children of William Judson Ilam])ton and .Amelia lioyce:
1. Deh'on (8) Ham])ton. born at Oxford. X. [.. 1S93-12-
13: died 1894-8-7.
2. Wm. Judsoii (8) Hampton, Jr., born at Oxford, N. J.,
1895-1-1 ; m. Minnie L. Searies.
3. Marie (8) Hampton, born at Dover, N. J., 1896-6-8;
(lied 1896-7-26.
4. \'ernon l')Oyce (8 ) Hampton, born at Dover, N. J., 1897-
6-26 : m. IHorence L. Trnyter, July 4, 1927.
5. Edith Miriam (8) Hampton, born at Blairstown, \. J.,
6. James Webb (8) Hampton, born at Bayonne, N. J.,
1908-2-5; m. AFargaret L. Wilkins. Issue: Glenn (9)
Hampton, Beverly (9) Hampton.
Anna Rebecca (7) Hampton, (William Wharton 6. Benjamin
5, Benjamin 4, Benjamin 3. Joseph 2, John 1) born 1863-2-7;
educated in public schools; married Jeremy ^T. Biirroughs, 1881-
9-28. He is a mechanic.
Daniel Baltis (7) Hampton, (James 6. Benjamin 5. Benja-
min 4. Benjamin 3, Josei)h 2, John 1 ), born 1841-9-12, at Quaker-
town. N. J.; educated at Millville Seminary, Pa.; was a teacher,
also a soldier in the Civil War and honorably discharged because
of illness: married Afary Alargaret Drumm. 1863-5-17. at Win-
field, Pa. She was born at Lewisburg. Pa., 1844-1-31. He was
a Methodist, a Sunday School teacher and active in church work.
Lhed at Jamestown. N. J. : Republican. Children :
1. Benjamin Freeman (8) Hamilton, born 1864-3-15. at
Ashland, and died there in 1865-4-4.
2. Emma Eleanor (8) Hampton, born 1867-1-28. at Gir-
ardville. Pa., and died 1871-3-22, at Ashland. Pa.
3. Rachel Alverna (8) Hampton, born 1S69-10-1. at Jer-
seytown. Pa.
Benjamin Ab)rris (7) Hampton. (James 6, Benjamin 5, Ben-
jamin 4. Benjamin 3, Jose])h 2, John 1 ). born 1813-3-4, at Green-
wood, Pa. ; educated in public schools ; married Eliza Ginder Tunis,
1867-10-13. at Girardville. Pa. She was born 1850-6-13, in Phila-
delphia, Pa., and educated in Philadelphia public schools. The
greater part of his life was spent at Ashland, Pa,, where he was
one of the influential business men of the place, being in the whole-
sale and retail flour and feed business. He was a Alethodist and
a trustee of the church at xA.shland. His home was called the
"ministers" home", entertaining visiting ministers, including Pre-
siding Elders, in nearly all their visits. He was considered a very
charitable man; moved to Brooklyn, N. Y., in May, 1886, where
he was a lumber merchant and a dealer in real estate and became
a member of Hanson Place Methodist Church; died 1889-12-9;
Republican ; no children. His widow married John Perry^ Wil-
liams. 1896-1-29. a \'estryman in the Episcopal Church and a real
estate dealer ; Democrat.
Mary Eleanor (7) Hampton, (James 6, Pjenjamin 5, Benja-
min 4, Benjamin 3, Joseph 2, John 1), lx)rn 1851-6-26, at Green-
wood, Pa. ; educated in Pennsylvania public schools ; was teacher
of the Bible class of the Episcopalian Sunday School and active
in the work of her own church, the Presbyterian, and a teacher
in its Sunday School ; married George Sparks Keiper, at .\shland,
Pa., 1867-10-29. He was born at Akron, Ohio, 1843-12-1 ; edu-
cated at Allentown, Pa. Academy; was one of the first 530 Penn-
sylvania Volunteers who answered the first call of Abraham Lin-
coln for troops; arrived at Washington. April 18. 1861; enlisted
in "Three Months Service" and was honorably discharged July
18, 1861; re-enlisted August 25, 1862, for three years and was
honorably discharged April 13, 1865. He joined the Masons 1868 ;
was elected Master and went as high as thirtieth degree : Knight
Templar; appointed postmaster at Ashland, Pa., for four years,
Feb. 19, 1890; school director si.x years at Ashland; profession,
dentistry : later opened one of the finest jewelry stores in Ashland ;
considered an expert jeweler; retired from business 1910; Presby-
terian and was superintendent of Sunday School : Republican.
Children of Eleanor (Hampton) Keijier .
1. George Reuben (8) Keiper. born 18G8-10-3, at Ash-
land, Pa.
2. Mary Gertrude (8) Keiper, born 1870, 3-23.
3. Benjamin Hampton (8) Keiper, born 1872-9-1 at Ash-
4. Caroline Eliza (8) Keiper, borr. 1877-12-5 at Ashland.
5. Ella Lulu (8) Keiper, born 1883-3-20 at Ashland.
Carrie Rebecca (7) Hampton, (James 6, Benjamin 5, Benja-
min 4, Benjamin 3, Joseph 2, John 1), born 1867-5-17, at Ashland,
Pa. ; educated in Ashland public schools and at Bloomsburg State
Normal College: also studied art in New York. She was presi-
dent of the Woman's Auxiliary of 26th Ward (Brooklyn) Branch,
Y. M. C. A., for two years; treasurer of the Woman's Council of
the Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary, for the last three years and also secre-
tary of the Woman's Auxiliary of the 26th Ward Branch Y. M.
C. A., and a member of the Executive Board of tlie L. I. Council
of Woman's Clubs; a member of one of the best and the largest
Woman's clubs of Brooklyn, "The Chiropean" ; for two years
corresponding secretary of the Arlington Avenue Presbyterian
Church Ladies' Aid Society; historian for two years of the I'rook-
lyn Society of Mineral Painters ; president of the Friend in Need
Day Nursery Association; at Brooklyn. N. Y., 1.887-10-27, mar-
ried to John Conner Creveling, born 1863-6-30, at Bloomsburg,
Pa. ; educated in Columbia County, Pa., public schools and at
Bloomsburg State Normal College. After leaving school he clerked
in the Produce Exchange for five years ; was then made manager,
which position he resigned to go to lirooklyn, X. Y., where he was
in business as a lumber merchant and a manufacturer of doors,
sash, blinds, mouldings, etc. He was secretary of the local School
Board of District No. 40 of New York; member of the Knights
of St. John of Malta and Royal Arcanum ; member of the Penn-
sylvania Grange, Patrons of Husbandry; chairman of the Finance
Committee of the 26th Ward. Brooklyn, Y. M. C. A. ; a trustee
of the \ew York Lumber Trade Association ; a member of the
Trade Bulletins Committee; member of the Executive Committee
of the Brooklyn Presbyterian L^nion ; charter memlier, elder and
president of the P.oard of Trustees of the Arlington Avenue Pres-
byterian Church; member of the ?^Iusical and Literary Cotorie;
director of the Homestead Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Republican.
Children of Carrie R. (Hampton) CreveHng:
1. Hampton Benjamin (8) Creveling, born 1889-9-20 in
Brooklyn, N. Y.
2. Emerson Del Roy (8) Creveling. born 1893-10-1 in
Brooklyn, N. Y.
3. Cleolas Conner ( 8 ) Creveling, born 1899-1-1, in Brook-
lyn, X. Y.
Rachel Alverna (8) Hampton. (Daniel Baltis 7, James 6.
Benjamin 5. Benjamin 4. Benjamin 3, Joseph 2, John 1), born
1869-10-1. at Jerseytown. Pa. Married to Wm. Edward Klum-
bach 1891-5-28. Child of Rachel Alverna :
1. Hampton Roscoe ( 9 ) Klumbach. born 1893-12-20, at
Shamokin, Pa.
Nina Stewart (8) Hampton, (Stewart C. 7, William Whar-
ton 6, Benjamin 5, Pienjamin 4, P.enjamin 3, Joseph 2, John 1),
born 187] -2-18, at Frenchtown, N. J. Married Electus Shiner
Cole, 1902-12-24; he is an employee of the postofifice at Xewton,
Sussex County, X. J. Children of Xina Stewart (Hampton) Cole:
1. Kenneth Hampton (9) Cole, m. 1936, Jane Dunlap, of
Andover, N. J. Issue: Stewart Hampton (10) Cole. b.
July 22, 1938.
2. Ralph Stewart (9) Cole, m. 1930. Elizabeth Axford, of
Allamuchy, X'. J.
3. Mildred (9) Cole, m. 1934. Kenneth H. Bailey, of
Franklin, X. J. Issue: Robert Linn (10) Bailey, b.
Sept.. 1935.
Xina and Electus are Methodists. He was a teacher in public
schools and is a Democrat.
Abijah Elrod (8) Hampton. (Joseph Elrod 7. W'm. Wharton
6. Benjamin 5., Benjamin 4, Benjamin 3. Joseph 2. John 1.) Born
1882-10-27. Married Myrtle May A^anDorn, 1909-12-1: married
(2) Jean LaBarre. Children of Abijah Elrod Hampton and first
wife :
1. Morris (9) Hampton, m. Rose Hoosick.
2. Joseph (9) Hamilton, m. Thelma Tucker. Issue: Mary
(10) Hampton, Howard (10) Ham])ton, Frank (10)
Joseph (5) Hampton, son of Benjamin (4) Hamptou and
Margaret Pownall. (and a brother of P>enjamin (5) who moved
to Ouakertown. Hunterdon County. X.J.|. remained in Bucks
County, along with his brother ]\Ioses Hampton.
Joseph ( 5 ) was born at Wrightstown. 1794, 9 mo. 1st, died
1875, 9 mo., 13th. He married 1814, 11 mo., 17th, Rebecca Ouin-
by. b. 1793. 8 mo. 4th, died 1882. 4 mo. 5th, daughter of Job
Oninby and ^lartha Cadwallader. b. 1767. 11 mo. 9th. died 1880.
A few Quinby records from the fifth generation Joseph
Hampton Family Bible may be helpful to genealogists.
Job Quinby was born 1st mo. 29th, 1768.
Martha Quinby was born 11th mo. 9th, 1767.
Their offs]iring:
Rebecca Quinby was born 8th mo. 4th, 1793.
James Quinby was born 7th mo. 11th, 1795.
Rachel Quinby was born 8th. mo. 6th. 1797.
Sarah Quinby was born 8th mo. 20th, 1799.
Letitia Quinby was born 11th mo. 2d, 1801.
Deborah" Quinby was born 12th mo. 23d. 1803.
(This Bible is now in possession of Mrs. Anna J. Smith,
of New Hope, Pa., who also has a Smith Bible, con-
taining Kinsey, Brown, and Bleston records. A Bible
of the Burgess Family belongs to ^V\ss Esther Wild-
man, Fanghorne, Pa.)
Joseph (5) and Rebecca Hampton located after their marriage
at Byberry. in Philadelphia County. A few years later he bought
a farm in Buckingham township, where he lived until his death.
Their children were : '
1. Simeon (6) P. Hampton, b. 1815, 9 mo., 8th; d. 1855,
6 mo. 30th.
2. Fevi (6) Hampton, b. 1816. 11 mo. 7th: d. 1818, 7 mo.
3. Sarah (6 ) Hampton, b. 1818, 10 mo. 30th : d. .
4. Quinby (6) Hampton, b. 1821, 5 mo.. 13th; m. Fhza-
beth P. Betts, 1842, 12 mo. 22. He died 1907, 1 mo. 6th.
5. Fdward H. (6) Hamptonf b. 1823, 7 mo. 4th; d. 1847,
12 mo. 13th.
6. Martha (6) Hampton, b. 1825, 8 mo. 9th; m. Frank
Buchman. Harry Buchman resides at \\'ashington
Crossing, Pa.
7. Comly (6) Hampton, b. 1828, 1 mo. 8th.
8. Flizabetb (6) Hampton, b. 1830, 6 mo. 27th.
9. Anna (6) Hampton, b. 1832, 7 mo. 5th.
10. Joseph (6) Hampton, b. 1835, 4 mo. 3d : d. 1835. 11 mo.
11. Mary (6) Hampton, b. 1836, 9 mo. 13th.
Joseph (5 ) and Rebecca Hampton are buried in the Wrights-
town Cemetery. He was 81 years of age at the time of his death,
which occurred 1875, 9 mo.. 13; Rebecca Ouinby Hampton died
1882. 4 mo., 5, in her 89th year.
Ouinby C. (6 ) Hampton born in 1821, m. 1842. 12, 22, EHza-
beth P. Betts. Their children were :
1. Emma E. (7) Hampton, b. 1849. 4 ipo. 11; m. 1872,
11 mo. 28, to Isaac P. Scarborough. Ehzabeth B. (8)
Scarborough, director of the Department of Commer-
cial Education, Cheltenham Township H. S., Elkins
Park, Pa., is their daughter.
2. William (7) Hampton, b. 1844; d. 1915; married;
1. Anna R. Coon, on Nov. 7, 1866.
2. Annie T. Case, ou Jan. 5, 1887.
William Hampton (7) was the father of six children;
by Anna R. Hampton he had the following:
1. Ouinby C. ( 8 ) Hampton, b. Xov. 28, 1867.
2. Lillian (8) Hampton, b. Oct. 11, 1871; m. George
Morris, and lives in Newtown, Pa.
3. Eva May (8) Hampton, b. Nov. 29. 1880.
Three children were also born to William Hampton's
second wife, Annie Case Hampton, as follows;
4. Leonard A. (8) Hampton, b. Mar. 27. 1889.
5. Harold (8) Hampton, b. July 21, 1895.
6. Cecil Morris (8) Hampton, b. May 9, 1904.
Mrs. William Hampton resides at Pemi's Park, Bucks
County, Pa. Leonard A. (8) Hampton lives in Holi-
cong, Pa. He operates a L^nity Erankford Store.
Harold (8) Hampton is a painter and decorator, living
in Penn's Park, Pa. He married Estella M. Price, of
Penn's Park, ^Far. 25. 1915.
Children ;
1. Clarence L., b. Oct. 15, 1917.
2. Ruth E.. h. Jan. 2, 102:1
3. Earl \\'., b. July 14. 1927.
Cecil Morris (8) Ilaiiipton, I)\- a peculiar coincidence,
returned to Ereehold, X. J., the ancestral location of
his pion.eer forefather, John (1 ) Hami)ton. He married
and is a ]>rominent jeweler of the community.
^^Fartha Haiu])ton. horn 8, 9. 1825. married P'rankdin Buch-
luan. who was born 10. 6. 1822. They resided near Dolington,
F.ucks Countv. Pa. ATartha (Hampton) Ihichman and P>anklin
Buchman had eleven children :
1. Ed\^•ard H. I'-uchman. 1). 12. 24. 1845. m. Sarah Hcston.
2. Joseph 11. P.uchman. b. 6, 20, 1847. m. Cynthia Tom-
3. Elizabeth Ann P.uchman. b. 7. 11, 1848, lu. Lemuel
4. bVankliu P.uchman, b. 9. 21. 1849. m. Caroline Trego.
5. EJihu Smith Puchman. b. 2. 4. 1842. m. Margaret
6. Mary Rebecca P.uchman. b. 4. 2. 1854. m. Wilber
7. rWnjamin C. Puchman, b. 3, 23. 1856, d. 1. 1. 1868.
8. Waker C. lUichman. b. 6, 4. 1857. m. Ida Ph.illips.
9. Rchard P.uchman. b. 4. 4. 1859.
10. Henry P.uchman. b. 8. 4. 1860.
11. Sarah P.uchman. b. 4. 3. 1865, m. John E. Adams.
] am informed that Harry Buchman. descended in this line,
residies at W'ashington Crossing. Pa. The family is numerously
represented in Bucks County today, in various branches.
\ aluable assistance along some of the lines traced herein, has
been given to me by Miss EHzabeth Palmer and her sister, of
Xewtown. Pa. To them I owe the o])portunity and privilege also
of meeting the Misses Esther and Elma W'ildman, of Langhorne.
Pa. It was indeed a heaven-sent ins])iration which guided me to
the Priends IJoarding House, Newtown. Pa., one Summer's day
of 1938, for from that visit came the discovery of the rare Hamp-
ton Eamily Bible with entries and birth-dates as early as 1726.
As in the previous case of several of the male line, but two
sons of Joseph (5) Hampton have carried the name forward in
Rucks County. Comly (6) Hami)ton, born 1828, Jan. 8, in Buck-
ingham, in 1849 occupied bis father's farm. Upon the death of
h's father, Joseph (5) Hampton, Comly hired the farm by paying
out a certain ]X)rtion to the other heirs. He lived there until 1883.
when he retired and moved into Johnsville. On November 9, 1848,
Comly (6) Hampton married Caroline M. Watson, daughter of
Stacy and Elizabeth Watson, of Middletown township. She was
born in Falls township, Jan. 30. 1825. Eight children: Maria L.
(7) Ham])ton, of Warrington township: Rebecca (7) Hampton,
S. Watson (7) Hampton, married Mary Heaton : he lived on the
Comly Hampton farm: Elizabeth W. (7) Hampton, married
Joseph Carrell. of Warrington township: Almida A. (7) Hamp-
ton, married Levi Stratton. Jr.. of Philadelphia; Anson B. (7)
Hampton, who died in infanc}': Charles J. (7) Hampton, wdio
went to California to reside: Anson B. (7) Hampton, wdio resided
in Philadelphia.
Comly (6) Hampton was a distinguished member of the
Society of P>iends, a director of Hatboro National Bank and
recipient of several honors in public ofifice.
Elizabeth Hampton, daughter of Joseph (6). married
Johnson. Her son. J. Livezv Johnson, resides in Hatboro. Pa.
George and Howard Hamj^ton and others of Bucks County, also
uphold the family name and traditions today. Hon. J. Hampton
Moore is well-known as the statesman- Alayor of Philadelphia dur-
ing some of the most brilliant days of that fair Quaker City.
Another name traced to Benjamin TIaiupton, is Benjamin Bowles
Hampton, who was editor of Haiiihf(>)i's Magadnc and prominent
in the development of the motion picture industr}-.
The Joseph (5) Hampton Bible Reconl is authority for
man\- of the dates listed in the foregoing ])aragraphs. This P.ible
is now in the possession of Mrs. Anna J. Smith, of New Hope,
Bucks County, Pa.
An important source, dealing with many western descendants
of Josejjb (2) Hampton of Wrightstown. through John (3)
Hampton, is the "Hampton History", frequently referred to in
these Images. It was edited by Rev. John Hampton Doan, whose
son. Dr. E. B. Doan, resides in Miamisburg. Ohio. The pnbhsher
was Dr. Solomon E. Hampton, whose daughter. Miss Ella K.
Hampton, lives in Milton. Ky. The book does not contain the first
generation, (John (1) Hampton, of Freehold) and does not have
much of the data which has come to light since its publication in
1911. It stresses the western descendants from John (3).
An article on the Hampton Family appeared in the Huntcr-
doii Democrat. Flemington. X. J., April 27. 1939.
Descendants of John Hampton, of Freehold, N. J., are num-
bered by the thousands throughout the United States today. Hav-
ing traced particularly the male line tlirough one son, Joseph
Hampton, who settled in F.ucks County, Pa.. I have indicated in
this paper the strong Quaker influence which permeated successive
generations and which still is the source of spiritual direction and
comfort to many of the present generation. Others in the present
family of Hamptons have found solace in other (olds, but all pay
homage to the ancestor who gave this great family its name — a
name and lineage which we proudly bear. Having limited the
narrative and record to but one of the numerous sons and daugh-
ters of John (1) Hampton of Freehold, N. J., T realize the need
of an all embracing genealogy which would trace all lines with
equal diligence. This, however, is a task which I am unable to
essa) , for it would require exhaustive research and would involve
great expense.
I leave to another, who must succeed me, this greatei; task.
In my possession is the rare Hampton Family Piible, of the
first American Edition, 1791, puldished at Trenton, and printed
and sold by Isaac Collins. The "price per subscription", written
in the front of the Bible is "33 shillings, 9 pence".
On the second fly-leaf are written in ink in varying liand-
writings, the persons owning the Bible over a succession of years.
James Hampton, School Teacher, was the one who purchased
the Bible and recorded the original entries in 1792 concerning his
parents, Benjamin Hampton and Ann AA'ildman, and their children.
The dates in this original list begin with the year 1726. the date
of his motlier's birth.
James Hampton died 8th mo. 2d. 1792, and the Bible appar-
ently went ultimately to his brother, Benjamin Hampton, Jr. It
subsequently came into the possession of Benjamin Hampton, 3d.,
who. two years before his death apparently turned it over to his
sister, Mary Hampton. It thus came into her possession in 1867.
She resided for some years with her sister Catharine (Flampton)
Burgess, who later married William Satterthwaite. Through
varying turns of the wheel of Time and Good Fortune, the Hamp-
ton Family Bible came into the possession of the Misses Esther
and Elma Wildman, of Langhorne, Pa., granddaughters of Cath-
arine Hampton Burgess and Hiram Burgess. In 1938, they placed
the Hampton Family Bible in my keeping. The original pages
of family entries provided the vital information which historians
of the Flampton Family History had been seeking for nearly forty
years. Posterity will ever be grateful to the kind Providence
which safeguarded this Bible through the years. It was displayed
at the Doylestown ^Meeting of the Bucks Countv Historical So-
ciety, May 6, 1939.
Entries in the Fly-Leaf SliozciiK/ Several Siiecessiir Owners.
James Hanitoii's — 3 mo. 21, 1792.
Benjamin Hampton's — 3 mo. 7, 1819.
Benjamin Hampton's
Mary Hampton's Bible — 1867
(Entries are in ditierent inks and ditTerent handwritings; the
entry of Mary Hampton is in pencil. )
( E vcept Dates of Decease /
BENJAMIN HAMTON was born 7 mo. 15, 1728. Deceased
5th 77, 1811.
ANN HAMTON was born 12. 16, 1726. Deceased 9 mo. 3, 1806.
MARY HAMTON was born 10 mo. 30. 1752. Deceased 12 mo.
29, 1788.
ESTHER HAMTON was born 1. 19, 1755 ) Died in their
RACHEL HAMTON was born 4, 22, 1756 ) infancy
BENJAMIN HAMTON was born 11. 24. 1758. Deceased 8, 2,
OLIVER HAMTON was born 7. 25. 1761. Deceased 10. 14,
JAMES HAMTON was born 2. 29. 1764. Deceased 8, 2, 1792.
ANN HAMTON was born 4, 11. 1767. Deceased 11, 1, 1799.
SARAH HAMTON was born 6. 13. 1769. Deceased 3 mo. 15,
ELIZABETH HAMTON was born 5. 22. 1772. Deceased 8 mo
25. 1836.
Haniton is gone, the pious and the just :
His earthly part is no:^' consif/ned to dust.
TJiat vital spark of hcaz'cn's ethereal flame,
/vS- HOu' return'd to God. from ■K'luviee it eanie.
His heart no more with sorroze is oppressed;
His soul is sootli'd to everiasfing rest.
(E.vcrpt Dates of Decease)
BENJAMIN HAMTON was born 11 month 24th. 1758.
MARGARET POWNALE was born 5 month 6th, 1765.
WERE .AIARRIED 5 month 10th, 1786.
MOSES HAMTON was born 7 month 2r>th. 1787.
BENJAMIN HAMTON was born 9 month 20th, 1790.
SARAH HAMTON was born 10, 26th. 1792.
JOSEPH HAMTON was born 9 montli 1st. 1794.
MARGARET HAMTON was l)orn 12 montli 23d. 1796.
HANNAH HAAITON was born 10 month 17th. 1798.
MARY HAMTON was born 9 month 9th. 1800.
ANNE tIAMTON was born 9 month 9th. 1800.
CATHARINE HAMTON was born 6 month 19th, 1805.
HANNAH HALE died 10 mo. 30, 1827. 29 yr. 13 da.
ANN HAMTON died 8 month 21st, 1834. 33 yr. 11 mo. 12 da.
*SARAH HAMPTON died 5 month 18. 1867. 74 yr. 6 mo. 22 da.
BENJAMIN HAMPTON (bed 10 mo. 31st. 1S69. 79 yrs. 1
mo. 11 da.
MOSES HAMPTON died 5 month 24. 1873. 85 yrs. 9 mo. 30 da.
JOSEPH HAMPTON died 9 month 13. 1875. 81 yrs. and 12 da.
MARGARET THOMPSON died 2 month 9. 1876. 79 yrs. 1
mo. 17 da.
MARY HAMPTON died 8 mo. 15. 1888. 87 yrs. 11 mo. 6 da.
CATHERINE SATTERTHWAITE (bed 12 mo. 20. 1890.
85 yrs. 6 mo. 1 da.
SARAH H. BURGESS died 5 mo. 21. 1813. 80 yrs. 9 mo. 21 da.
Note: — *This is the beginning of spelHng of name H A M P-
TON. It is significant that the date of entry is 1867, which is
date that the I)il)le came into possession of Mary Hampton, ac-
corcHng to the title jmge date. It was two vears l>efore Benjamin's
death. \\M\
BENJAMIN HAMPTON ) was born 11 mo. 24, 1758.
) Dec'd 5 mo. 2, 1828.
MARGARET HAMPTON ) was born 5 mo. 6. 1765.
) Dec'd 2 mo. 15, 1841.
MOSES HAAH^TON was born 7 mo. 25. 1787.
BENJAMIN HAMPTON was born 9 mo. 20. 1790.
SARAH HAMPTON was born 10 mo. 26. 1792.
JOSEPH HAMPTON was born 9 mo. 9. 1794.
MARGARET HAMPTON was born 12 mo. 23. 1796.
HANNAH HAMPTON was born 10 mo. 17. 1798. Deceased
10, 30. 1827.
MARY & ANN HA^IPTON were born 9 mo. 9, 1800.
CATHARINE HAMPTON was born 6 mo. 19, 1805.
^Entries below in different hand (?)
ANN HAMPTON deceased 8 mo. 21. 1834.
BENJAMIN HAMPTON BURGESS deceased 7 mo. 19, 1869.
aged 41 yrs. 9 mo.
MARY ANN WILDMAN deceased 5 mo. 3, 1880, in her 34 yr.
Memoirs of Mary Israel Ellet
(R.a.l by Title, Doylestown Met'tin.u, September r,0, 1939;
]\Tarv Israel Ellet began the writing of her Memoirs in May,
1870, and finished them on her ninetieth birthdaw five months
before her death on November 2 of that year.
A decade ago. while studying the papers of lier distinguished
son, Charles Ellet. Jr., (1810-1862 )—tlien with tlic Misses Cabell,
now in the Transjiortation Library of the I'nixersity of Michigan
— 1 chanced upon a manuscrii^t cop}- of these Memoirs vvdiich
evidently had been made, after Mrs. Ellet's death, from her
original draft. So impressed was 1 witli the historical value of
this poignant narrative that I made a veriiatim transcript of it,
which is here reproduced b\ ])ermission of the Misses Cabell, of
Charlottesville. \'irginia, in whose possessi(>n the manuscript
copy is.
A few \ears later, wdiile following the trail of the El'ers in
Bucks County. Pennsylvania, 1 made the ac(|ua!ntance of Hugh
B. Eastburn. Escp. of Bristo', and to my delight discovered that
he, too, had long been interested in this remarkable family. .Sub-
sequently I i^repared notes on the Me.moirs, and in 1937, when
Mr. Eastburn wrote me that he was to deliver an address on
Charles Ellet, Jr., before the Bucks County Historical Society, I
sent him. among other things, the transcript of the Memoirs and
my notes.
He shared my opinion of their historical value and it was
he who suggested that the Society publish them. To the Misses
Cabell, Mr. Eastburn, and other friends who have facilitated the
editorial work, as well as to the officers of the Society, T wish to
record my gratitude.
1 Ierbert G.\ mbrell.
Hall of State, Dallas,
Mav 5. 1989.
Memoirs of Mary Israel Ellet
Philadeijmiia. May, 1870.
in reviewing a life of ninety years. I fail to
impart either pleasure or profit to anyone who
may chance to read my record of that life, filled
with reminiscences and incidents cf)nnected almost
exclusively to my personal experience in domestic
and social duties, I shall regret my inability to
portray facts, both in precept and example, which might have a
salutary eti'ect on some thoughtful youthful mind and lead them
from the pursuit of false ]ileasures to the knowledge of their ac-
countability both to God and man. by proving to them wherein
true happiness dwells, which only can be found in practical use-
fulness to our fellow beings as well as to self. Behold, how im-
partial, how beneficent the Creator of all things has been to his
creatures by endowing them with reason, and forming both mind
and body each capable of enjoying the great blessings showered
so abundantly upon them, with the grand example of nature,
wherein all laws for self-government is daily presented. The
rising of the sun admonishes us no longer to slumber, but like the
birds be up and doing.
God is never idle. Then why should nian waste the health,
strength, energy and vigor with which he is so abundantly gifted
in fruitless attempts to obtain a ])()sition of unnatural indolence,
which in the end leads to miserv and finally to death. Whereas in
following the Laws of ( iod as laid down in the works of Xature.
we will be instructed in all that is necessary for their happiness
in life, we shall be led to adore and worship a being from v;hom
all hap]>iness fiows. and also to imitate his great example, doing
unto our fellow-beings as he has ever done to his children. If we
fail with such an example ever before us. the fault must rest upon
I was born in Philadelphia, in Almond Street between ITont
and Second Streets, in the year 1780.^ Aly jmrents were Israel
^ June 17, 1780. ( fsraol Family P>ihle. Original in possession of
Arthur G. Ellet, Kansas City: transcript with Mrs. Ray Frazier. Fklorado,
Kansas. )
Israel- and Hannah Erwin,^ she of Delaware, my father of Penn-
sylvania. They as well as their ancestors'* on both sides were inde-
pendent, honest, industrious people, whose forefathers can be
traced back nearly 200 years, without a record of any breaking
of the Law, either divine or human, but lived and died in their
own inherited or acquired homestead, leaving no debts unpaid,
neither errings to defame their harmless, useful lives. Their re-
mains lie in the Presbyterian burying ground in Wilmington, Dela-
ware ; my parents in South Laurel Hill.
I was the fifth child and first daughter given to my parents
and continued the only female child for a number of years, and
was much beloved by a numerous family of brothers who pre-
ceded and succeeded me. My father, never having the advantage
- Israel Israel, a pruninent citizen and business man of Philadelphia,
was born (according to his own entry in the family Bib!e) on October 20,
1746. The Rev. Henry [Melchior] Aluhlenberg, D.D., however, wrote to
Israel Israel from New Providence on March 20, 1784, that he had "found
in our Church Records, that by Holy Baptism yo [sic] were adopted and
made a Child of God and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven, on the
13th Day of June Anno Domini 1746. . . Your Father professed to be a
Jew outwardly and your Mother a w^ell meaning Christian and Member of
the English Church." (Original in Israel Papers, Eldorado, Kansas.)
^ Hannah Erwin was born June 24, 1756 (Israel Bible), at Wilming-
ton, Delaware. "Her first meeting with her husband was romantic enough.
Mr. Israel had sailed on a sloop, or packet, from Philadelphia to visit New
Castle, where his mother and family resided. He observed on deck an ex-
tremely pretty girl, hardly seventeen years of age, and very neatly and taste-
fully dressed, with the finest turned foot and ankle in the world. All who
went on such voyages were then obliged to furnish themselves with provi-
sions ; and his attention was drawn by the young girl's kindly distribution
of her little stock, handing it about from one to another, till but little food
was left for her own portion. In passing him, she modestly hesitated a
moment, and then oft'ered him a share. . . Love at first sight was as com-
mon in those days as now. After seeing his mother, he visited Wilmington;
became better acquainted, ofifered himself and was accepted." (Mrs. E. F.
Ellet, TJte Women of the American Revolution [New York, 1848], I, 166-
167.) The marriage ceremony was read by the rector of the Swedish
Church in Wilmington, September 7, 1775. (Marriage certificate, signed
"Lawrence Gvielius, a.m.," in Israel Papers.)
The experiences of Israel and Hannah Israel during the war of the
Revolution are treated in E. F. Ellet, op. cit.. I, 153-167. Cf. also E. F,
Ellet, "Heroic Women of the Revolution, III", in Godev's Lady's Book,
(1848), 145-148.
4 "Michael Israel, father of Israel Israel, was a descendant of Mordica
[sic] Israel, who was a diamond cutter in Holland. The descendant of
Mordica migrated to Spain, from thence to England, thence to America.
Mrs. Michael Israel was an Episcopalian." (Notation in the family Bible
of Charles Ellet [1777-1847] in possession of A. G. Ellet, Kansas City.)
Among the family papers of the Misses Cabell of Charlottesville, Virginia,
is a fragment of a Hebrew parchment, on the cover of which is written in
Mary Israel Ellet's hand : "Brought from Germany by Michael Israel as
part of his Jewish decent [sic]. He was my father's parent."
of a liberal education, was anxious to bestow that blessing on his
numerous | family] consisting of 15 children.^ Accordingly he
placed us all at the best schools that the City afforded at that early
day.* Some of my brothers became good scholars and bright men.
Some were merchants, others Sea-Captains, but all have passed
away, with my last sister, Mrs. Davenport. She was the last called
and now I alone of all that large family remain to dwell upon the
past and perhaps the least qualified to make the record of by-gone
days, filled with both joys and sorrows, but I will make the at-
tempt even if I fail. The employment may, in recalling past
events, afford a short respite from too many painful thoughts,
passing through many sorrowful, lonely hours.
My childhood and youth was passed under the protecting and
aft'ectionate care of the best of parents. To them I am indebted
both from precept and example for any virtue that a long life of
toil and anxious cares have enabled me to endure to the end.
They early taught me that the blessings of life depended upon
love and gratitude to the Author of all good, that the only return
I could make was perfect obedience to his laws and thereof my
natural parents who would instruct me in my various duties,
which combined the Love of Country, of parents and friends,
that to attain a vigorous old age, depended upon system, order,
and rule in the various vocations of Life. First, cleanliness of
person, the free use of cold water externally and internally, that
no mind could be pure while the body was neglected. The bless-
ings of health and strength also depended upon action, regular
5 The children of Israel Israel, with the dates of their birth, were:
Israel, January 7, 1769; Samuel, February 20, 1773; John, June 10, 1776;
Nathaniel, July 12, 1778; Alary, June 17, 1780; William, September 17,
1782; Israel, July 20, 1784; Abigal [sic], June 24, 1786: Latitia, March 22,
1788; Hannah, December 27, 1789; Michael, December 18, 1791 ; Martha,
January 30, 1793; James H., January 31, 1795; Margarett [sic], March 10,
1796; Benj. Franklin, July 4, 1797. (Israel Bible.)
6 Mary Israel was graduated from the Young Ladies Academy, of
which John Poor was principal, en December 18, 1794, with "the highest
Honors of the Institution." (Her diploma, signed by Sam. Magaw, Presi-
dent; F. H. Ch. Helmuth, Vice-President; Benjamin Fay, Secretary; and
John Poor, Principal, is in the Israel Papers.) Present on the occasion
were '"the Lady of the President of the United States, the members c-f the
House of Representatives of this State, and of the L^nited Stares, and a
very respectable number of citizens." The principal address was delivered
by John Swanwick, Esq. (The Philadelphia Gazette and Universal Daily
Advertiser, December 20, 1794.) Mary Israel was, in 1869, "the oldest liv-
ing female graduate of any institution in America." (John \V. Forney, in
The Press, Philadelphia, January 11, 1869.)
aiul useful employment. These rules 1 have eu'leavored tu live
up to as far as my ahility and circumstances would ])ermit. Aly
normal acti()n^ throut^ii life have been based on counsel of my
good parents. Would that 1 could impart to all persons the
benefit that 1 have e-\])erienced in adhering to them, some of
which J will record : viz : a healthy old age. twenty years beyond
the period allotted to man; a constitution unimpaired, mind clear,
teeth and stomach in good order, and ail these rare blessings from
parental counsel adhered to conscientiousl^• through a long and
laborious life.
It is unnecessar\- lo go through the first 20 years of that life.
Happmess ])redonfinated, surrounded i)\- loving parents, brothers,
sisters, and friends, plenty of the comforts of life freely flowing
from the liberal pin-se of my generous father. While the house-
hold duties were carefully managed by my active, good little
mother, always ha]:»py in the performance of her domestic duties.
Home was her element, it was sacred soil to her, and around her
hovered her large fanfily. . . .
During the first twenty years of m\- life t)ur family resided
in the City in the Winter season and at my Father's country seat'
in the summer. It was at this ■!)lace I was married in the | _\ear j
1801^ by the consent of my jjarents tcj (Jharles billet, iiardware
Merchant, of J'hiladeli)hia. He was of a highly worthy family
of Friends of Salem, Xew Jersey, wiio are regular descendants
of Samuel Carpenter, contemporary of ^^'illiam I'enn: he was his
Secretary and afterward Provincial (jovernor of the State of
" Israel's country place was situated in "the Xeck" (The Press, Phila-
delphia. January ii, 1869), about "three miles from the city" (Scharf and
Westcott, History of Philadelphia, I, 47;). Mrs. E. F. Ellet says: "The
Ci-istlc from which the town of Xew Castle took its name was in very early
days the property and residence of his [Israel Israel's] ancestors. Subse
quently he became the purcliaser of the old castle, removed the tile.s that
covered it, with the vane that graced it, to liis country seat, where part of
them, several hundred years old, are still to be seen." (Op. cit., I, 167.)
It was an extensive establishment. In 1794 Israel is said to have entertained
at dinner there 800 guests representing the German and Republican Societies.
(Scharf and Westcott, op. cit., I, 477.)
8 October 8, 1801. (Ellet Bible.)
9 The Ellet genealogy, according to Charles Perrin Smith. Lineage of
the Lloyd and Carpenter Family (Camden, 1870), pp. 16-18, 64, 69-70. 78:
Thomas, third son of Charles Lloyd and Elizabeth (Stanley) was born
February 17, 1640; died September 10, 1694; married r^Iary, daughter of
The Rev. Mr. Jones, Clergyman of the 1st UniversaUst
Church"' in I.ombard Street, Phila., performed the ceremony.
Rev. Air. John Murray of Boston was present on the occasion.
He was a very noted character, being one of the first men who
preached the doctrine of Universal Salvation to all men, or dis-
avowed the cruel belief in Eternal punishment. He was of the
faith of Risley, who still adhered to the dark dogma of the Ortho-
dox faith of the Trinity, which has long since been discarded by
enlightened l'ni\'ersalists.
Assembled on the occasion of our marriage were between
eighty and ninety relatives and personal friends of whom not one
now lives, with the exception of n-:yself and a niece, then an in-
fant in the arms of her mother, my brother's wife. That child
is now an old Larly of Seventy years witli a large family of chil-
dren and grandchildren, residing on the !5anks of the Mississippi.
Could I have realized the sorrows, trials, heart breakings before
me, hov/ ardently would T have prayed, for death to terminate my
married life even before its commencement: but h.appily 1 was
ignorant of all that was to come.
The third day after our marriage we left the Parental roof.
The last words on parting were a repetition of affectionate advice
in conducting our new relation so as to insure domestic happiness.
. . . W'c entered our new home on Seventh Street, below Arch
and Race Streets, a nice, new three-storied building furnished
Colonel Roger Jones, September 9, 1665 ; married second Patience Gardiner,
who liad no heir.s. Children: Hannah, Rachel, Mordecai, John, Mary,
Elizabeth, Margaret, Deborah, Samnel.
Rachel (Lloyd) came to America with her father; she was born 1667;
married Samuel Preston, mayor of Philadelphia, 1712. Tier children were
Margaret, born i68g, married Richard Moore 1709, and
Hannah (Preston), born 1693; married Samuel, eldest son of Samuel
Carpenter, Penn's friend and associate; died 1772. fler children were
Samuel, Rachel, Preston, Hannah, Thomas.
Preston Carpenter married Hannah Smitli of New Jersey. Their
children were Hannah, Samuel, Elizabeth, Rachel, John, Marv," Tliomas,
William, Margaret, Martha.
Hannah (Carpenter) was born 1743; died 1820; and marrierl Charles
Ellet of New Jersey in 1768. Her son, Charles Ellet, was born 1777; died
1847; and married Mary, daughter of Israel and Hannah (Erwin) Israel,
in 1801.
10 Israel Israel was an early member of the Universalist congregation
which met in Lodge Alley, Philadelphia. The cluirch in Lombard Street
was on the south side, west of 4th Street. (Scharf and Westcott, op. cit.,
II, 1444- "> It was in the yard of this church that the bodies of his wife,
four of his children, and himself were originally Iniried. (Infra)
from attic to cellar by the generosity of the best of parents. Every
article of domestic use or ornament was placed in its proper posi-
tion, nothing was forgotten or omitted, plentiful supplies for table,
and beds. My heart swelled with gratitude and my most ardent
wish from that hour was that I might be able by love, duty and
obedience to testify my appreciation of their never ending good-
ness to me. their ever-loved child ; but, Alas ! I have never been
placed in a situation to testify my intense love and gratitude. . . .
My husband's sister^^ came to live with us a few weeks after
we were settled in our new home. She remained with us until
her marriage with James Wainwright, Esq., ^^ about two years
afterward, when she removed to his home in Baltimore. He was
an amiable, good man and member of the Maryland Legislature.
At the same time my husband's nephew,''^ a Lad of eleven years
of age. also came to live with us. He was an Orphan from Salem,
N. J., and was educated by his uncle, and at the age of 24 he
left us, accepting an advantageous offer from a gentleman in
New York, who afterwards became his Father-in-law. He joined
the Presbyterian Church and became an honorable member and
minister in that Congregation. He has lately died in Illinois, his
chosen home. For many years he lived beloved and respected by
a large number of pious friends who recollected him as a pioneer
in the far West. He was a writer of ability anrl an early abolition-
ist. Peace to his memory. He was a witness to many of my
trials and a warm friend of his adopted aunt.
For six years after our marriage we remained in Philadel-
phia, my husband pursuing his mercantile business, and I attend-
ing to a large and fast increasing family. At the end of those
six years. 1 had become the Mother of four lovely, interesting
children ■}^ but my first born boy^^ was taken from us at the age
11 Rachel Ellet, born "i2th of the Qth mo., 1780". (Salem, N. J., Month-
ly Meeting. Births and Deaths, 1686-1798. [Transcript in Historical Society
of Pennsylvania], p. ISQ.)
12 The children of James and Rachel Wainwright were William J.
Wainwright of Philadelphia (with whose widow Mary Israel Ellet spent
her last years) and Colonel James E. Wainwright of San Francisco. (The
Press, Philadelphia, January 11, 1869.'^
13 Thomas C. Lippincott.
1^ Hannah, born October 10, 1802, 4 A. M. ; Israel Carpenter, born July
II, 1804, 5 A.M.; Martha, born December i, 1805, 9 A.M.; Maiy, born
May 2, 1807. 4 P.M. (Ellet Bible.)
15 Israel Carpenter Ellet, born July 11, 1804; died May 10, 1807. (Ellet
of less than three years. His Httle sister/^ aged two years, pre-
ceded him. Thus commenced our first real affliction. Then suc-
ceeded the battle of Life, by my precious ones being torn from
me, even while in the agonies of child-birth. I looked the last on
my loved boy, ^' for I could not part with him until his cradle
was torn from my sight, and I yet see his beseeching eyes resting
on bis agonized mother, until the door closed and separated us
forever. A few minutes after this separation, my Mary^^ was
born and I again became the living mother of a living child, but
the affliction was too recent to allow me to take pleasure in my
babe. My heart was in the grave of my Lambs.
After these great afflictions and bereavements, my husband's
health was greatly impaired : he sorrowed for his boy, his heart
was wrapped up in the child. He determined to give up business
and retire to the country. I rejoiced when 1 heard his intention
and determined to make myself a competent farmer's wife. He
purchased a farm in Penn's Alanor^^ of 150 acres, sold out his
store establishment to a Air. Regen, and took me, the children,
and household goods by water to this new home, while he was to
remain in the City to settle his business. I will describe the place
and its surroundings : situated twenty-five miles from the City^'^
and a short distance from the Delaware River, a small island^^
intervening, three-quarters of a mile from the main road which
was turnpiked, the lane led to the house and river. There were
verv few neighbors and none such as I had been accustomed to
hold intercourse with, but I made up my mind at once that those
people's practical experience would be a source of great benefit
to me, v/hile I might impart to them in return some of the refine-
ments of Life.
1^ There is no record in the EUet Bible of a death among the children
before 1807.
1'^ Israel Carpenter Ellet.
18 Mary Ellet, born May 2, 1807. (Ellet Bible.)
19 The farm was purchased November 5, 1807, from Samuel Church,
Jr., of Philadelphia, a merchant, for $8,500. (Bucks County Deeds, Book
Zl, PP- 557-558.) It was not far from TuUytown, on Welcome [Scott's]
Creek. (See Map of Vicinity of Philadelphia. Surveys by D. J. Lake and
S. N. Beers. Philadelphia, i860.)
-'0 Philadelphia.
^1 Mint Island. (See Atlas of Bucks County [Philadelphia, 1891],
p. 4.3.)
280 M Ain' ISKAIll. I'.l.l.K'l'
Tlie liouse was a I.ot^ Cabin of the rmlest structure, had
never Iieen plastered, the one room (Hvided Iiy a partition. A
frame building containing one room Iiad been placed adjoining
for the accommodation of the owner when he chose to visit the
farm. Tlie fences were what is called worm fences, the garden
was eiicl.ise;l in this rude manner. ( )ver this establisliment T
was placed at the age of twenty-six to bring order out of chaos,
without a domestic, my only one being intemperate left me the
third day, ;uid ignorant of the first details of country life, but
something must he done and that speedily for my time of sickness
was again neai- at hand, m\- husband could not come to me only
on Saturdays to remain until Monday; but 1 was young, healthy,
and resolute to perform m\ ]iart of the labor to the best of my
ability, and fortunately for mc 1 met with sympathy from the
various work])eople empl(^}-ed to renovate tlie old dilaj^iflated
building:, ddiey soon understood my position au'l being not very
elticient mechanics themselves would come to me for advice on
knottv f|uestions. This stimulated mv ])ride and caused me to
search my hitherto iuacti'.e brain. The result was most wonder-
ful. T soon ])erceived i could be useful e\en to mechanics, and
supplied thoughts to those men which enabled them to finish the
work both creditably to themselves and quite .satisfactory to my
huslxmd on his weeklv visits. During this time, which was to
me one of intense interest combined with bodily labor such as
few ladies ever had to perform, 1 received the aid and ailvice of
a !\Irs. Stockham, a good woman and one who deserved and will
ever possess my unbounded gratitude. She was perfectly con-
versant with the labor and duties required of a farn.ier's wife.
b^roni our first interview she loved and ])itied me and truly and
faithfully have I returned her kindness. She came to my aid
in the hour of my greatest need, she taught me all that 1 know
of the various details of farming domestic work — not only in-
structed me, but gave material aid w henever she could leave her
own new home, the farm her husband had purchased on leaving
the one we now owned. She yet li\es at the age of ninety years
on that farm, widowetl, blind, but in(le]:)endent, has the attendance
of faithful domestics, and although childless is loved and re-
spected by all who had the happiness to know her and partake of
her unbounded hospitality. . . .
After the various improvements of the house were erifled.
my husband was able to devote his time to tlie cuhivation ot" his
farm, and I ini])roved in the knowledge ot domestic (hitie.-, but
the same (iiffimilty for obtaining female help for country work.
It drove farmers to the necessit\' of resorting to the emigrant ves-
sels, from one of which Mr. Fdlet i^nrchased-- two men and a
woman, but ])reviousl\' U' tli's ])urcha^e lie had bou.ght the tiiue
of a colored man and woman, both strangers to each o'd^er. He
proved of service, Ijut she had a child and allliough competent
to work was a verv bad woman, so that on t'le birth of a second
illegitimate child we thought it best to give her the bala'ice of her
time, which she gladly acce])ted. Then came the three Cermans,
neither able to s]ieak a word of Kng'ish and unacquainted with
the slicditest details of work. I f(nmd it a Herculean labor to
teach them, and ir.deed even found it more bJ:or'ous to work with
her than to go through the wdiole by myself. After keeping her
three vears without imj^rovement but with an additiou of two
children we gave her two }ears of time. The two ;nen re-
mained for the w ho^e of five years. Tho^e were personal troubles,
but added to these were interminable law suits. ^^ly husband
being a just man could ill brook or bear with the iiuiovations of
his unscrupulous n.eighbors' cattle. He prided, himseli on his
neat farming, and wdien he saw his crops (lestro\ed by hogs and
cattle, his fences torn down, he resorted to'' l)ut never ob-
tained justice, but great losses of monev and time.
In the midst of all these troul les mv family was increasing.
I had borne in those eleven years six | seven] children-^, besides
[caring for] those of the servants, all o+ wdiich w^ere ni}' charge.
The dift'icuhies increasing, Mr. Ellet, having a good offer for the
farm, resolved to sell it. It is inapossible to record the sufferings
and ]n'ivations I endured for eleven \ears. but 1 was supported
by knowing 1 was performing a labor of love, ami looked for-
ward to tb.e time wdien in the affection of my good children I
should lie amply repaid for this endless struggle. Fifiy years
-- i.e., purchased the time of two men ;;ntl a woman.
-3 The .Appearance Docket of Bucks Ccanty, 1811-1832, shows five
si;its to which Charles Ellet was a party.
-■* .Adeline, born June 28, iScS. 11 A.M.: Charles, born January i, 1810.
10 P.M.: John Israel, born August 2S, 1811, 5 P.M.: Israel Thomas, born
February 19, 1813 ; Eliza, born October 28, iSi;; Mareraretta, born July 8,
1816; Sahra [sic] Reeve, born August 3. I'^i"- (Ellet Bible. ^
has passed over my head since that eventful period of my life.
Few jiersons could in this present day of luxurious indolence
believe or understand how it was possible for a person born to
retinement and Jiving twenty years in ease and affluence, could
accomplish such arduous tasks, without body and mind yielding
to the heavy load. It was then looked upon as a marvel by all
who witnessed my labors, and there are those yet living who can
corroborate the facts if corroboration should be needed. There
was in the midst of so much suffering, hours of intense satisfac-
tion in teaching my children the first lessons of morality and use-
fulness. Tt was there ni} noble son Charles was born in the
year 1810, and it was in that rude cottage 1 noticed the first open-
ing of his great mind. Some remarks of liis at the age of five
years are indelibly impressed on my mind, showing at that early
period his full sense of justice and virtue. And then the time
arrived to leave this spot so filled with ])ainful associations and
to enter into new scener_\- which proved eciually embarrassing.
Mr. Ellet purchased from Air. ]\Iasse}- a farm on the Dela-
ware below Bristol and opposite Burlington. He paid a heavy
price,-^ quite too much for its unimproved and dilapidated condi-
tion, but eager to better his situation he acted too precipitately
and had it ever afterward to repent. It contained 225 acres, an
embanked meadow of 80 acres. The trenches, banks, and ditches
were all out of order, fences in a very bad state, ihe house old
and out of repair, everytliing wanting money and labor before it
could be made habitable for a respectable and growing family.
Before entering on the subject of the many sorrows and trials
attending our long residence at Alonkton Park (the name of our
last purchase),-^ I will return to the unfinished history of Penn's
Manor omitted from the foregoing pages. During our residence
there we had frequent visits from our numerous friends and rela-
tives residing in New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia,
amongst whom were included my husband's and my own dear
parents, who all stopped to enjoy the hospitality we proffered
them. Surely those were days of happiness and rejoicing to me
and the dear children. My kind parents always came laden with
2"i The consideration was $i8,o8o, according to the deed dated April i,
i8i8. (Rucks County Deeds, Book 46, pp. 358-,S59-)
26 The name "Monkton Park", which the F.llets gave to the place,
seems not to have survived their occupancy.
substantial presents. At one visit my father gave my husband
an order to either purchase or have built a handsome carriage to
suit his own taste or convenience. At the same time mv mother
presented me with a magnificent heavy silver coffee pot. with var-
ious articles of value for household use and for the promotion
of the children's happiness. It was my peculiar wish to render
their sojourn so pleasant that when they left me it was with the
full assurance that their daughter was happy in the performance
of her various self-imposed duties, and said that they were proud
and pleased to leave me both healthy and cheerful, \^'ould that
modern daughters and wives would pursue this rule and refrain
from complaint when in the performance of necessarv labor.
During the absence of my husband to the West on a col-
lecting tour, I was left not only to perform my regular household
duties, but the entire care of the farm and the many workmen
employed in its culture, but in that time 1 accomplished a labor
that I have ever been proud of. My heart was always anxious to
have the means to educate our children. Knowing that Mr. Ellet's
limited fortune would not enable him to do as much as we both
desired. I made up my mind with his consent to leave our eldest
daughter^-'^ at Mrs. Baiseley['s] boarding school when we left the
City. To accomplish this without money required brains and labor,
but I soon found that where there is a will and a good object in
view there can always be found a way. Accordingly I put my
shoulder to the wheel and with my own hands was enabled to for-
ward to Mrs. Baiseley the full amount of my daughter's schooling
and boarding for six months, and when Mr. Ellet returned I
placed in his hand the bill and the receipt. In doing this T never
trespassed on his crops, but the whole load was composed of
various articles of my own industry. Dried fruit of which there
was a great abundance on the farm. I made a barrel of cherry
Bounce, a keg of cherry cordial, a barrel of oil, large quantities
of butter saved and eggs preserved from my poultry in quantities
and various other articles which all proved satisfactory to Mrs.
Baiseley. In doing this I had a double purpose; by my eldest
child being educated, I could count upon assistance to teach the
younger ones if we did not get near to good schools. At one
27 Hannah Ellet.
time we emp'oyed a ])rivate teacher from ^'orkshire. England.
( )ii onr rein()\'iiig to Monkton I'ark he left us.
l*"()rtunatel\- there were good schools at liristol. two miles
and a half from the farm.-'^ Three of onr children were then
old enough to walk the distance and would take their dinners with
them. I had no fear of danger from the river, for they had heen
educated to j^ierfect ohedience and never tresi)assed their orders
although frequenth' im])ortuned and even ridiculed for not joining
the scholars in bathing : but the\- invariabl\' declined saying that
their parents had forbidden them the river and they would not
go into it. Their reward for olietlience was their father's taking
them in to bathe when the weather was suitable before our own
house. ^\y ha])])iness through all the past and future years of
trial was in m\' children. They were good, obedient, and affec-
tionate, and for so large a family gave me very little trouble. They
were early taught to be useful and saving.
These eleven years of various incidents recorded in the fore-
going ]:!ages did not jiass without the angel of death claiming his
victims. Two lovel}- and interesting children were taken from
us,-^ also n.iy dear mother passed awa}- and yielded to the impera-
tive decree in her 58th vear,'^" leaving a vactnmi in our large fam-
il\' never again to be filled. She was in all res])ects a good and
useful woman, a true helpmate to lier husband, a loving, tender,
and excellent counsellor to her children, a valuable, true friend
to the poor as well as an excellent mistress, capable and willing
to direct her househo'd in the various duties of life. It was my
privilege to be with her in her last moments, and to see the last
shovelful of earth that fell on her dear remains.
W'e had scarcely been settled at Monkton Park when another
l)ereavement fell upon us under circumstances partictilarly dis-
tressing. The time for weaning my dear babe had come and it
was thouglit best that I should avail myself of this opportunity
to visit my dear father, whom I seldom saw. although the dis-
tance was short, \et my presence could not readily be spared from
-^ The reference is still tn Penn's ?(Ianor.
29 Martha Ellet died December 30, 181 1; Adeline Ellet died April 25,
1813. (Ellet Bible.)
■^0 Hannah Erwin Israel died "Xovemlier nth, 1813, at 5 minutes past
7 o'clock P.M., aged 57 years, 4 months and 10 months [sic]". (Israel Israel's
entry in his family Bible.)
home. Accordingly I started at four o'clock in the afternoon,
intending to return on the following day, leaving my intant^^ in
the care of my eldest daughter then fifteen years of age. The
child was perfectl} we.l and was brought down to the bank to
see the boat pass and wave a kiss to her mother. On reaching
my fatlier's house he was with m_\- sister'"-- making arrange-
ments to visit my aged grandmother residing in Wilmington,
Delaware. They insisted u])on my going with them. ! ])lea(l the
necessity of my return, but they would take no denial and 1
yielded, as it would only cause a dela}- of a few hours. Soon
after we readied my grandmother's house a hastv messenger fol-
lowed us demanding my immediate return, for mv babe was ill
and feared to be near death. Without delay we took passage in
the next boat and arrived in ]'hiladel])hia after dark, where we
found my Iirother in a carriage ready to take me home.
-\t iui(hiight we reached the Toll Gate. Witli trembling voice
I asked the man if he had news from mv familv. "Yes." he said,
"they have been here several times in hopes to meet you." "Rut
my child: have you heard?" "Yes. She is dead." How 1 lived
to pass through that dense forest after midnight with no one but
my \iiung brother near to listen to my groans, God onl\- kriows.
\Mien I was carried into tlie house I looked for my child, but thev
had dressed her for the grave and taken her from the cradle wdiere
she had breathed her last out of my sight. They had kept her
there as long as they could in hopes of my early return, and to
]:)revent too great a shock of seeing her as a corpse w hom i had
so lately left in full health. It ajipeared that in a few hours after
my (ie])arture she was taken with the Crou]j and '^efore tlie doctor
arrived all hoj^e was gone. .She died in a few hours. Then I
thought that luy cup of sorrow wa.v full, but I have lived to find
that even that cruel stroke was light in comparison with those
whicli h.ave since followed in my path. . . . And now I will jn-oceed
witli my weary ])ilgrimage of fifteen years in a new location.
I have said what a task was before us, even greater than our
late exjierience. lUiildings were to l)e erected, barn, hogliouse,
and necessary small tenements such as smoke houses, tool houses,
•■'' Sahra [sic] Reeve Ellet, born .\iigust 3, 1817; died October 12. 1818.
(Ellet Bible.)
3- Hannah Israel, born Deceml)er _>;, 1789. (Israel P.ilile. ) She was
married December i, 1823, to Major William Davenport. U.S.A.
also a spring house to improve. To accomplish all this required
a large force of male hands. The banks, trenches, and ditches
were all out of order. A large stock was required to feed those
men, such as beeves, sheep, hogs, &c. These we brought with us
from the Manor. A large garden to be planted to furnish
vegetables for their table. Many cows to be kept to supply milk
and butter for this host of workmen, and to w^hose lot fell all this
labor? It is scarcely to be credited, but to myself alone almost the
heavy task fell, sometimes with a woman to assist, and sometimes
with none, when my only assistance would be my young daughter.
Much labor would have been avoided by feeding this large force
of men out of our house,^^ but my husband adhered to the ancient
manner of farming, every article of consumption to be raised and
fed on our own ground for the double purpose of enriching the
farm and saving the transportation of its yield to a distant market.
Many times have I made up seventy pounds of flour into bread
twice and thrice a week: often fifty lbs. of butter and sometimes
seventy for sale. I certainly never at that time had heard of
Woman's Rights or probably I might have rebelled, but I did not
and worked on, hoping against hope for better times again. I be-
came the mother of tw^o fine boys^^ within twelve months and two
weeks of each other. These two last births were my sons Edward
and Alfred, now men fifty years of age and fathers of families.
At the same time a woman who I had hired had a babe and a
child two years old to be cared for. nearly all of the labor falling
on me.
In the course of time by active industry and heavy expenses,
our place became very beautiful. Its situation on the Delaware
commanded a fine view of the river and the opposite shores of
New Jersey and the town of Burlington, with its splendid man-
sions and luxuriant green banks. ^^ Our numerous friends from
the City often visited us. As our children advanced in years their
young friends would come to enjoy for a season country life.
They would rove through the woods and return loaded with
3'^ i.e., with bought food.
34 Edward Carpenter Ellet, born September 25, 1819; Alfred Wash-
ington Ellet, born October 11, 1820. (Ellet Bible.)
^•'^ The Pennsylvania end of the Burlington-Bristol Bridge rests on the
old Ellet farm. (Observations by H. P. G. and Hugh B. Eastburn, August,
flowers, their persons tastefully ornamented and aprons filled.
Then seating themselves in the little boat always ready for use,
they would draw the shining fish to shore which when cooked
would afford a dainty supper. Thus at that time we lived and
being nearer the city could get female help if only for a short
period. I wish here to remark that the great trouble caused us
through those many years did not proceed from want of effort
on the part of my husband and numerous City friends, but from
the utter abhorrence females had to enter service in the country
to perform farming work, hence the necessity of farmers educat-
ing their own children to be useful and practical colaborers with
themselves, and early teach them that labor is honorable and leads
both to health and independence.
After we had lived on this place several years, I was called
upon to mourn the death of my beloved father. I will here
record . . . the words of my dear father when I last met him
alive, two weeks before his death, though not then thought to be
so near his end. "Farewell, my daughter," he said, embracing
me while the tears flowed down his furrowed cheek. "If my
words will be a source of comfort to you when I am gone, I tell
you now that you have been ever to me a good, loving, and dutiful
child, and Oh! if it had pleased Providence to have spared you
to me it would have been a great comfort now in my old age."
My mother liad died ten years j^reviously,^® and he departed in
the year 1822- His death was sudden and peaceful, his faculties
unimpaired,^" but I did not see him until he was in his coffin.
I lived then in the country was the cause. In the dead of the
night a messenger arrived with the sad intelligence and without
delay I returned with the person who came for me. The kind
parent with whom I had parted two weeks previously was now
in his coffin, and I never again could expect to listen to his words
of love and advice, but he had passed away peaceably at a ripe
36 November ii, 1813. (Israel Bible.)
37 "Died on .Sunday, the 17th of iMarcb, 1822, at Quaker Park, 8:00 in
the evening, my brother Israel Israel, of a mortification on the left leg,
produced by exposure to the March air. On the Wednesday previous he
was well and went to market. Much exhausted he returned home. On
Thursday he was atacked with a chill. On Friday the swelling appeared,
on Saturday increased and at 12 :oo o'clock on Sunday pronounced beyond
cure. At 8:00 o'clock on Sunday evening [he] was lifted out of bed and
in a few minutes breathed his last in his chair. He was about TJ years of
age." (Note by Joseph Israel preserved in EUet Bible.)
iting, in possession of Mis. Prescotl Bi
!o\v. Boston, Mass.)
old age, beloved and respected b}- a large circle of family and
He was buried with Masonic honors/^^ having been for many
years a member of that institution and filling tb.e high office of
Grand Alaster for a long i)eriod.'"^^ The services at the church
were most interesting. The minister who delivered the funeral
oration gave a history of his past life filled with the most interest-
ing instances of his social, political, and active career.^'* In all
the duties of that life the love of country and loyalty to its insti-
tutions was his rule of action, fhere were few dry eyes in that
congregation wdiile the recital was delivered. He was buried in
a lot of ground he had selected in the yard of the Lombard Street
Church,-*^ in the grave of my mother and brother.^- They were
afterwards removed to a Lot in South l^aurel Hill belonging to
my sister, where she and her husband have since been laid. This
solemn duty was performed under the vohuitarv superintendence
of our long and most esteemed friend. Rev. Abel C. Thomas.
My husband came in time to be present at the funeral, bring-
ing with hun several of our oldest children, that thev should wit-
ness the interment of one of the best of grandparent.^. Our stay
had to be brief for our family had to be cared for and could not
be left alone longer with safety. But before our return my
•*'^ Philadelphia Daily Ad^rrtiscr, Tuesday, March 19, 1822.
•^'•' "Israel Israel was admitted as a member in Lodge Xo. 3 in this
city May 20, 1794. . . He was elected Alaster of the Lodge in December
1795, serving three successive terms of six months until Tune 24, 1797. He
was again elected Master in Dec, 1797, for the term ending in June. 1799,
and again elected in June, 1800, for the term ending Dtcember 27 in that
year. He was elected Deputy Grand Master of Grand Lodge in December,
1798, for one year, again elected December, 1799. for another year, and
agaiii elected December, 1800, for another year. December 28. 1801, lie was
appointed by the Grand Master a 'recommender of objects to the Dispen-
sary'. In December. 1802. he was elected Grand Alaster for one year;
again elected December. 1803, for one year; and again elected December,
1804, for one year." (Michael Nisbet, Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, to M. V. E. Cabell, November 15, 1890. Cabell Papers.)
•^'^ At a mass meeting called for that purpose, March 2. 1794, the serv-
ices of Israel Israel. Stephen Girard. and other members of the Board of
Health during the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 were acknowledged "with
the most cordial, grateful, and fraternal thanks of the citizens of Philadel-
phia." (Israel's engros.sed copy in the Cabell Papers.)
41 The First Cniversalist Church, in Lombard Street.
•»- According to the Israel Bible, b«sides Mrs. Israel and her .-on B.
Franklin, wlio died December 20, 1797, her daughters Latitia (who died
June 16, 1795), Margaretta (who died July 25, 1796), and Martha (who
died July 25. 1804), were also buried in the Universalist Burying Ground.
father's will had to be read in the presence of his sorrowing
children. He left a large estate for the times, divided equally
between his six children then living.^^ I was to have the first
choice both of the real and personal, with an entailment to my
children, adding that under no circumstances should the estate
be sold or transferred under penalty of losing the whole, both
principal and interest. This clause was intended for kindness to
me, to secure a living through life in case of casualties. 1 was
perfectly satisfied and immediately gave the choice to Mr. Ellet,^'*
knowing that he would be able to select that share that would be
of immediate interest to himself. I also at the same time relin-
quished to him the whole claim that the will gave me the exclusive
use of the income to myself and for twenty-five years I ne\er in
any one instance claimed a right to any part of it, neither did I
change my frugal mode of living or dress in consequence of this
My views on the rights of women were early established and
] have never changed my belief that the laws of the country
should be founded on equal rights to all classes and each one.
The law of the land should be that every human being should
clioose his business or calling according to his ability or taste
wliile he or she interfered not with the privileges or happiness
of the community, and lived up to the moral law, perfect freedom
in thought and action while those thoughts or actions interfered
with no one to their injury, that in marriage the bond and liabili-
ties should be equal, that while the husband worked to maintain
his family, the wife should equalize tiie l)urden according to her
strength and ability, that the property should be common, and but
one purse should ever be known between them, that both men
and women should choose whatever profession that they felt
43 Israel Israel's will was dated October 22, 1817. The estate, ap-
praised at $59,650., was apportioned among the six heirs in 1824. (Sclicdule,
Vahiation. nnd Division of the Estate nf Israel Israel. Esquire. Deeeased,
Made Pursuant to the Dircetioiis contained in his Will [Philadelphia, 1839,
24 pp.] ") The heirs were Samuel Israel, Mar}' Ellet, William Israel. Michael
E. Israel, Hannah Israel, and James Hutchinson Israel.
■t-^ Charles Ellet and lAIary, his wife, on Eebruary 14. 1824, chose allot-
ment five, "consisting of a livery stable and lot of ground ... on the east
side of Hudson's Alley continued, and on the north side of Harmony
Court. . . : also all that carriage house and brick building and lot of ground
... at the northwest corner of ... Harmony Court and Hudson's Alley . . . ;
and also a brick coach-house and lot of ground on the south side of . . .
Harmony Court." (Schedule .. ., p. 16.)
themselves capable of filling with credit and profit to themselves
and family without the interference of any one. And I believe
that under this rule of perfect liberty, their natural delicacy and
love of home and family would in the end prevail over woman's
rights now so loudly demanded. Under those rules of freedom
womqn's rights would not need to be demanded. Woman would
modestly go to the polls with husband or friend. They could
pursue any business they chose without interference, but T yet be-
lieve that home and home duties would be their choice. In claim-
ing rights for women we are too prone to forget those of men.
I am confident from long observation that the men deserve more
pity tlian the women. The majority of the latter have but little
sympath-y for the labors that deck them in silks, satins, diamonds,
and jewelry, so that their love of dress is fully met. They too
seldom reflect upon the anxious hours passed by their willing
tools. I again say: Make the laws equal and all clamor will cease
and woman return to the station intended by the Almighty, viz :
to rear good sons and daughters, capable of all duties required of
For a long time after our return home we continued to pursue
our various duties on the farm and in the house, when my hus-
band determined to rent the place and remove to the City. We
required rest, the children education, and now our resources were
ample to accomplish this desire of my heart. Accordingly we
made all necessary arrangements and in the month of March
1824 reached Philadelphia with our whole family, consisting of
eight sons and daughters, one niece of mine, a cripple who had
lived under our care for many years. Soon after our arrival a
ninth child, a daughter,^-'' was added to the circle, and all things
promised a happy future. But again death entered our home and
a good, intelligent and most amiable son,^^ aged eleven years, was
suddenly taken from us by an accident wliich resulted in brain
fever. At the time of his death the whole of my children were
prostrated by the measles. In rather more than another year my
last beautiful babe was taken with the croup and died"'^ in a few
45 Letitia Cordelia Ellet, born Deceml:)er 12, 182,^. (EUet Bible.)
46 Israel Tbomas Ellet, born February IQ, 1813; died October 19, 1823.
(Ellet Bible.)
■*" Letitia Cordelia Ellet died February 7, 1825. (Ellet Bible.)
hours as two other of my httle ones who had preceded her had
done. At this period my family was again prostrated by sickness,
my eldest and youngest sons both ill, one dangerously.
After two vears and six months residence in the City, Mr.
Ellet determined again to remove to the farm. He was disheart-
ened by these afflictions combined with various other disappoint-
ments. For years we resided on the old place with fewer difficul-
ties it is true in many res])ects but in others far. very far, exceed-
ing our former ones, which I will pass over with the assurance
that these trials had not been brought on us by any misconduct
on the part of our family but from an accuiuulation of unlooked
for difficulties growing out of the bad faith of others.
Our children were fast growing u]). The two eldest sons
became restless. I'hey felt that the time had arrived to enter the
world to endeavor by their own exertions to become independent
citizens. The elder one was a great mathematician even at a
verv early age and showed that he possessed talents and genius
of a superior order. He would grieve over his loss of time,
thought ever\- hour sjient on the farm was a heavy loss to him.
He wished to be an Engineer. I rejoiced and encouraged him
in his laudable desire for improvement, although his father could
not view it in that light .'^^ He wished to keep all of his boys
with him he might instruct them in the art of farming, but
mv son could not be prevailed upon to remain to follow the plow^
and regulate on a farm. He had great views to accomplish and
accordingly departed without money or assistance from anyone
but relied on his own manly strength of purpose.-*^ His success
is recorded in history. T will only say here that he very soon
obtained a situation whicli enabled him to fulfill his long and
ardent desire to go to Europe, there to gain a perfect knowledge
48 Mary Ellet wrote Charles Ellet, Jr., July 26, 1827: "Your father
thinks there is danger in a too early promotion and in his usual desponding
style thinks a boy had better not rise too fast." (Ellet papers, Transport-
ation Library, University of Michigan.) Charles Ellet, Jr., wrote his wife,
November 26, 1847, that with his father he had "no congeniality of charac-
ter or sentiment — and there were many things in the relationship that
have been to me through life sources of trial and trouble." (Ibid.)
49 Charles Ellet, Jr., became a rodman on the Susquehanna survey in
1827. The next year "he entered the service of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal, where he remained until March, 1830, when he went to France.
(H. P. Gambrell, "Three I_xtters on the Revolution of 1830", Journal of
Modern History, I, 594-606; H. P. Gambrell, "Charles Ellet", Dictionary of
American Biography, VI, 87-88.)
of the profession he had chosen. He succeeded even beyond
his anxious mother's most sanguine expectations. She had ob-
tained for him letters of introduction to some of the first men
of Paris by the knowledge I had of my father's numerous friends
who rejoiced to render his grandson any assistance in their power.
In this way he was admitted into the first schools of the city^°
and had every opportunity to improve his great mind. Most for-
tunately I had it in my power to send him sufificient funds to
enable him to remain. My father had given each of his children
several shares in a Marine Insurance Stock. This I held in my
own right, but had never used the interest when due; I always
handed it over to Mr. Ellet. But now I raised money on it
and when my boy returned-''^ I signed the certificates of stock
over to Mr. Ellet, he paying the money I borrowed. Thus J was
enabled to assist my worthy, most beloved and dutiful son with-
out injury to anyone.
My second son^- had previously made up his mind to emigrate
to the West. His life had been spent on the farm, he liked the
business, and at the age of seventeen was so efficient in the var-
ious branches of agriculture his services could not well be spared;
but although a most obedient and dutiful son, he was determined
to accomplish his enterprise. We had been in correspondence
with Mr. Ellet's nephew''-' mentioned in these notes. His account
of the State of Illinois and its advantages to the young beginner
fired the imagination of the young enthusiast, but the questions
were. How could this great enterprise be accomplished against
the express wish of his father (but who in the end yielded to the
inevitable) ? We then, that is myself, son and daughter, held
council and succeeded admirably, for / was from the beginning
in favor of the experiment. My motto was "Action!" My ad-
vice, honest industry ; and all that led to that I encouraged in our
50 Through the good offices of W. C. Rives, United States Minister at
Paris, and the Marquis de La Fayette, to whom he had letters of introduc-
tion from Peter S. Duponceau and other friends of Israel Israel, young
Kllet gained admittance to the Ecolc dcs Pouts cf Chanssccs — "an institu-
tion where lectures are delivered for Engineers only, and by Engineers. . .
Here all the French [military] Engineers, after having passed through the
Polytechnic Scliool, are obliged to spend one year previous to entering upon
the practice of their profession", he explained to his sister. (Cliarles Ellet,
Jr., to Mary Ellet, Paris, June 7, 1830. Ellet Papers.)
51 In 1831.
53 John Israel Ellet, born August 28, 181 1. (Ellet Bible.)
^^ Thomas C. Lippincott.
sons, for I ever detested a drone or an idler either male or female.
We were born for a purpose. Industry leads to happiness. Idle-
ness to want and misery.
Our purpose was accomphshed in this wise. I had lost a
few years previous an old and beloved aunt who had saved a few
hundred dollars out of her small annuity, which she proposed to
give to me but I determinedly refused. She then left it to my
two eldest daughters who prof erred it as a loan to their brother.
I sold my mother's beautiful present, the silver coffee pot, with
other articles that I owned, also a horse which my brother had
given to me. These sales enabled me to raise money suft'icient
to pay the expenses of both, for my eldest daughter^^ determined
to go with her brother. They left us provided with all the neces-
saries for so long and perilous a journey. They arrived safely
to the hospitable home of their good cousin, who assisted them
by his advice in selecting a farm which could be bought on credit.
Fortunately an old settler by the name of Moore had become very
much dissatisfied with the fast filling up of the country by emigra-
tion — to use his own expression, he was "too much scrouged" —
and sought a home where there was no neighbors. The farm
of 150 acres was near Alton, fast becoming a populous town.
The improvements, a good brick house, an excellent orchard of
fine fruit, with many advantages for a newly settled country. It
was bought for eight hundred dollars on an eight years credit.
On this spot my noble son went to work like a true man and in a
few years succeeded in making the place both beautiful and valu-
able. At the age of 19 he married a Miss Scarrett^^ of Scarrett
Prairie, by whom he had seven children, but two of them now
living. She died of consumption, leaving her husband with a
large family.
As soon as I heard of the purchase I went to work to send
him furniture for his new establishment. I was enabled to do
this from the quantities of furniture over and above the wants
of our family which my parents had given me, added to which
I had received various presents at different times from relatives
54 Hannah Ellet, born October lo, 1802. (Ellet Bible.)
55 John I. Ellet was married in 1830 to Laura Scarrett. The children
of this marriage living in 1870 were Colonel John A. Ellet, Charles Ellet,
and Lieutenant Richard Ellet, who married Bettie CuUen. (C. P. Smith,
Lineage of the Lloyd and Carpenter Family [Camden, 1870], p. 78.)
and friends, which still remained in the City. With the assistance
of my youngest daughter^*^ I was enabled with my own hands to
box and pack up a vessel load of excellent household furniture
which my good brother shipped for me. All arrived out safely
and caused great wonder to the natives, expressing utter astonish-
ment at the amount of "plunder", as they called the goods, and
could not imagine what possible use could be made of so many
articles. This happened in the early settlement in Illinois, where
everything was in the most primitive order; but now they rival
the Eastern States in luxury and magnificence. Many laughable
occurrences took place that, had I the time or strength, would be
worth recording. The united efforts of brother and sister soon put
the house in complete order, and my son's knowledge of farming
accomplished wonders on the place.
On account of an accident Air. Ellet had received, he was
unable to attend to business and as he wished to visit his son and
also to make purchases of land in Illinois, he concluded to attempt
the journey by water, taking with him a son^" and daughter, the
one to be placed at the Jacksonville College for education, the
other to return with her father. I was to be left with my two
youngest children to attend to the coming harvest of grain and
hay. I then had a strong, healthy colored woman in the kitchen
and I hoped that with the men under our employ that I should
be able to have the crops garnered in safety and with little trouble.
But soon it was apparent that the use of liquor was to destroy
all my anticipated hopes. At first the men behaved very well, but
the following Saturday, the time of payment having arrived, ac-
cording to agreement between them and Mr. Ellet, I gave them
orders on the store, the proprietor being ordered to sell no liquor
to them. But the precaution was without effect, for they traded
the goods they had purchased for their favorite beverage.
The consequence was most alarming. At night they took
from the stable our horses and spent all Sunday in a flrunken
debauchery. When they returned on Monday they were unable
to work and laid around the fences perfectly prostrated until
56 Eliza 'Tllet, born October 28, 1814. (Ellet Bible.)
57 Edward Carpenter Ellet, born September 25, 1819. (Ellet Bible.) He
attended Illinois College, Jacksonville, during the 1833- 1834 session. (The
Registrar to H.P.G., October 13, 1932.)
night ; my little soiv'^^ taking charge of the stock with the assistance
of my woman. When night arrived I thought it more safe to
remain in the parlor than to retire to rest. While thus situated
the four men came to the house for their supper and demanded of
me money. T answered that I had none in the house. They
threatened to break open the door. I felt that the time had ar-
rived to prove my authority and save ourselves from brute force.
I commanded them to leave or 1 would fire on them, although T
had no gun, and if I had would not have used it, but it had the
desired effect. They left for the barn and the next day, the
effects of the liquor having been slept oft', they returned to their
labor, ashamed of their conduct. But before harvest arrived they
again became unruly and I was obliged to discharge several of
About this time my son Charles had arrived in New York,
his engagement on a certain road-"'^ being ended. T wrote him to
come home at once, stating my difficulties. Then, with the fresh
hands he was able to engage, everything went on prosperously
and satisfactorily to both myself, Charles, and Mr. Ellet who, on
his return in the fall found all his heavy crops well saved and
valuable. But it was a time of great mental trial to me as well
as most arduous bodily labor, for in those days our harvest con-
tinued for six weeks. 225 acres of land well managed produced
abundant crops, and the laborers were fed sumptuously. They
expected five meals per day. which I always furnished them with
great pleasure, for they worked hard from dawn until the setting
of the sun, and I always believed that the laborer was worthy of
his hire and felt a pitying interest in them, as long experience had
taught me that work was not play.
When Mr. Ellet returned he soon made up his mind to sell
or rent the place. Fortunately our next neighl>or bought eighty
acres of it at 100 dollars per acre. Then a real estate dealer came
up with a proposition to exchange City property for the balance
of the farm consisting of 145 acres. The offer was gladly met
58 Alfred Washington Ellet.
59 He had surveyed for the Utica and Schenectady railroad and laid
out the western line of the New York and Erie, 1832-1833. (See Dictionary
of American Biography, VI, 87; E. H. Mott, Betzveen the Ocean and the
Lakes INew York, 1901], pp. 25-30.)
and once more we were preparing for an exit back to our native
beloved Philadelphia.
TUit before our final departure, I had made a visit alone to
my son."" I wished to see how he was situated as well as to take
out various articles for the comfort of himself and family. On
my return I brought with me my two daughters and my son^^
who had been left at Jacksonville School.
We continued to reside in the City a number of years during
which time many great changes had taken place in our family. My
son Charles had risen to great eminence in his profession, was
Chief E^ngineer of the James River and Kanawha Canal.*'^ He
was considered a great and rising man. His salary was sufficient
to warrant him to settle in life. He married a Miss Daniel,^^ of
Lynchburg. \'irginia. and removed to Richmond, where he re-
mained for several years. He had taken his brother Edward
with him. but he did not like the profession and left to go to
the West. Soon after followed the marriage of my daughter
Mary to a Mr. Bailey,""* a merchant residing in St. Louis. In less
than three months the happy bride was borne to her grave. This
was another sad, sad affliction, one most painful to realize. I had
contemplated for years the happy time 1 should enjoy with my
darling daughters when they [had | a house and home to receive
their worn out mother. They loved me and appreciated my love
toward tliem. On parting after the wedding, she clung to me
crying "Oh! Ma. this is too hard for you after so long looking
forward to the time that your children could by kindness render
your latter years more happy than your former ones, to be so
cruelly disappointed ; it is too, too bad." I saw her depart and
never after beheld her dear face. She was one of the best, most
"0 John I. Ellet, then living near Alton, Illinois.
61 Edward C. Ellet.
'■- Charles Ellet, Jr., became assistant engineer of the James River and
Kanawha Company in 1835. From 1836 to 1839 he was chief engineer.
This canal, one of the ambitious projects of the period, was intended to
connect the Ohio river with tidewater. Ellet completed it as far as Lynch-
"3 Elvira, daughter of Judge William Daniel, Sr. (1770-1839), by Mar-
garet Baldwin (1785-1826), his first wife, was born at Lynchburg in 1817.
She was married to Charles Ellet, Jr., at "Point of Honor", Judge Daniel's
home in Lynchburg, October 31, 1837. (Alexander Rrown. TheCabcllsand
their Kin [Boston, 1895], pp. 392-393; C. P. Smith, op. cit., 78.)
64 James Bailey. (Smith, op. et loc. cit.) Mary Ellet Bailey died Nov-
ember 8, 1834.
affectionate of daug-hters, beloved by all who knew her virtues and
her most amiable disposition. After dear Mary's death another
daughter^^ was married to a Mr. Hale from the East but residing
in the City. They resided for a time in West Philadelphia. He
was in the coal business. The next marriage was my youngest
daughter, Eliza, to a Mr. Bryan,^*^ a merchant of Philadelphia.
I began to anticipate a realization of my early dreams, but was
again doomed to disappointment and grief. In three short years
she was taken from her most excellent husband, her sorrowing
parents, and her two babes.
Thus ended my last fond hopes of daughter's tender care in
old age ; but God had afflicted me and I dared not repine, for as
yet I was not wholly bereft. Four good and loving sons re-
mained and I felt sure that they would be true and affectionate
during life, although far from me. From choice they had gone
not wishing to farm. Mr. Ellet had given them*'^ a tract of land
moderately improved, one of the purchases he had made on his
former visit to the West. On this farm they worked industrious-
ly. (The particulars of their wonderful labor will be found in a
long letter I wrote to Mr. Ellet while I was on a visit to them.
I will not repeat what I said then in those notes, but they will be
worth retaining if only for the example to their own children
whom I here advise to go and do likewise).
In all these changes that time had made in our family, al-
though years were increasing over me, I did not rest idle. My
daughters I wished to do something for as far as I was able, and
with various presents from friends and relatives, with the fruits
of my own industry, I was enabled to prove to them my will to
do if my circumstances could not meet my wishes. But much can
be accomplished by unselfishness and self-denial. Thus I was
able to do something for each daughter as they departed from me.
My dear Alary's clothing her husband returned to me, tlie goods
and furniture he retained. He soon married again and emigrated
to Texas. I have never seen him since. Eliza's two children
60 Hannah Ellet was married to George C. Hale. (Smith, op. ct loc.
^i6 George S. Bryan. (.Smith, op. et loc. cit.) Eliza Ellet Bryan died
June 18, 1841. (Ellet Bible.)
67 The land was given to Edward C. and Alfred W. Ellet. Charles
Ellet, Jr., and John I. Ellet had previously established homes.
were reared by their father's good sister; the daughter Hved to
the age of 28 years, was a wife six years,*^** and then was called
to follow her young mother. ... In the course of a few years
Death had again entered my father's household. My three remain-
ing brothers,^^ all that was left of our once numerous family, were
called to pay the debt of nature. Two had wives and children
to grieve after them, one was unmarried ; while L their sister,
had to mourn the loss of three affectionate brothers who had ever
been kind and sympathizing toward me in my many afflictions,
but I had the melancholy satisfaction of attending their sick and
dying beds to receive their last look, and to follow them to their
last resting place. I also lost during those few }ears many very
valuable, beloved, old friends. . . .
>,ow after eleven years of various changes, the time had ar-
rived to part with my two remaining and youngest sons.'^ Like
their elder brothers they were seized with the spirit of enterprise
and with the approval of both parents started for Illinois to locate
on the farm that their father had given them. It was unimproved,
but they felt sanguine that they could in time and by industry
render it both attractive and valuable. Again I was called upon
to do what was in my power to render their simple home some-
what comfortable, and forwarded them what yet remained of my
good parents' abundant gifts to me years previously.
After a time, hearing of their efforts to accomplish their
praiseworthy intentions, I could not rest contented idle, ruminat-
ing on the privations of my sons when I might by a little sacrifice
of ease render them effective service. I consulted with Mr. EUet
and proposed to him for me to join the boys, if he would consent
to forward the amount of my weekly board, so as to furnish
us with money to carry on the necessary improvements. Mr.
Ellet would be well cared for during my absence by his son and
two married daughters who were now residing in the City.'^^
68 Alary Ellet Bryan was married to Robert Albree. ( Smitli, op. et loc.
69 The surviving sons of Israel Israel in 1824 were: Samuel, William,
Michael E., and James Flutcliinson Israel. (Schedule ... of the Real Estate
of Israel Israel, p. 18.) James Hutchinson died January i, 1829. (Israel
Bible.) Samuel Israel "died on the 23 of Oct. 1834 at Cape Haytien where
he had been stationed as American Consul for eleven years." (Ibid.) The
deaths of William and Michael Israel are not recorded in the family papers.
70 Edward C. and Alfred W. Ellet.
71 Philadelphia.
Accordingly, at the age of sixty-two, I started alone, taking
only a small black boy with me, whose grandmother wished me
to bring up and leave with my sons when I should return. I
parted with my family with a cheerful heart, under the full belief
that I was performing my duty and in the full hope that with
my aid they would rise to independence. I arrived safely,'^- was
greeted with joy by mv sons and soon entered on my self-imposed
task. Everything was rough and primitive, but we were sanguine
and buoyant with hope. We saw in prospect as the future vision
of beauty flitted before us. and every efifort we made towards im-
provement filled us with joy. There w^as at first only an old log
cabin, a well of pure water, and some fencing; but very soon a
nice double log house was built by my sons, with only the assist-
ance of one carpenter and one laborer. They cut the timber from
their own woods with their own hands, while I prepared their
meals and improved the surroundings both indoors and out. T can
truly say I was proud of my sons, so young, so enterprising, and
so industrious. Their course foreshadowed the full grown man,
and I was supremely happy. They planted trees brought from
the woods, while I planted the wild flowers in the beds I had
made surrounding the house. Some climbing wild rose reached
to the roof and entwined in the windows. The rough yard grew
into a smooth sod by cutting down the high places and filling up
the hollows, which I would sow with blue grass which soon spread
over the whole yard. The trees took root and soon afforded
shade. The worm fence was succeeded by a neat rail fence, and
excellent garden, yielding an abundance of vegetables, was planted
in the spot that once was a refuge for cattle and hogs. Our stock
increased in numbers, affording fine beef and pork. We luxuri-
ated in cream and butter, poultry increased, affording eggs in
great abundance. Thus with a great quantity of the good things
of this earth afforded bv industry we all enjoyed ourselves. I had
added various articles of domestic use, such as a sofa, rocking
chair, beds, curtains, and various articles of plain ornament, and
when harvest came it was my delight to prepare cakes and milk
for them as they would return to the house weary and dry. I
would rise before the dawn of day to have fresh milk for their with a hot batchelor loaf with a relish of prairie birds
72 At Bunker Hill, Illinois.
which my sons would shoot, also squirrels, fat rabbit, and nuish-
rooms picked up in quantities from the road before the house.
Many friends would visit us and partake of our fare and always
complimented me on my culinary efforts for their enjoyment.
Travellers would stop as they passed to admire the neatness of
and improvements accomplished in so short a time. It mig'ht truly
be said that we had made "the wilderness to bloom like the rose".
j\Iy pride was to have everything in and around the house neat.
One lady in passing observed my efforts and success in culti^'ating
wild flowers, and although a stranger to me, slie told mv son that
if he would call at her house that she would send me a load of
rare plants. She said it afforded her pleasure to give to people
who appreciated the beauty of flowers. I planted all that she
sent and they grew luxuriantl}-, and no doubt are at tlie place
now. Some of them I have growing in my lot at Laurel ilill over
the graves of my children since buried there.
Within three months after my arrival at my sons, the sad
intelligence reached me of the death of my youngest daughter,"^
the wife of Mr. Bryan. . . . She died nine days after giving birth
to a son, her second child, leaving a mourning husband who yet
remains a widower, now wifeless and childless. . . . The tender
sympathy of my sons enabled me, with the necessity of action,
to again return to my avocation.
At the end of nearly two years of pleasant toil we had accom-
plished all that we had worked for. About that time v,e !iad a
visit from the daughter of a former neighbor when we rei'itled
in the City, a Miss Roberts.'^ She had come out to visit a brother
in Southern Illinois and hatl extended her travels as far as my
son John's and our house. After remaining with us during part
of the summer, much pleased with our ])lain coimtry life which
my sons made agreeable to her by rides through the country, she
had to return to her brother's house. Her societ\- had afforded
me much, pleasure and the sequel proved equally so to my young- son, for when she left us it was as the affianced bride of
Alfred. This unexpected event rendered my presence no longer
necessary, and 1 availed m\self of the change to return to my
home and home duties, accordingl\- when m\- son departed to ful-
"'■i Eliza Ellet Bryan died June i8, 1S41. 1 I'.llct liihle. )
'•* Sar.nh Jane Roberts of Philadelphia. ( Smith, .>^. c//.. ■j'^.)
fill his engagement, I went with him as far as the place of his
destination, then pursued my long journey alone. When I first
joined my children I did not expect to remain over six months
or a year. Mr. Ellet was to come out for me, but the situation
of the farm and my sons rendered it impossible to return and con-
flicting causes prevented my husband from joining us.
When I parted with my son T retired to my state room and
after indulging in a hearty cry, I threw myself on my bed but
not to sleep. I rose refreshed and with my usual efl^orts threw-
off those morbid feelings and in the anticipated pleasure of again
meeting my family a reaction ensued, and enabled me to enjoy
the contemplation of the various characters before me as well
as the beauties of the country as the boat sailed, the captain often
affording me much information by describing the localities of
interest and relating many amusing incidents that he had wit-
nessed aboard his boat, with its concourse of human beings.
On arriving at Lancaster I was met by my good son-in-law,
Mr. Bryan, and soon was welcomed by his large family of mother,
brothers and sisters. The next day "Mr. Ellet came for me and
we returned to the City. As the cars came to the depot my dear
son Charles was there to receive me with open arms and fast
falling tears of joy. Soon his loved wife and many of my other
friends v/ho had heard of the old traveller's return joined, us and
notwithstanding the many changes which had transpired during
my absence, we were very happy in the reunion, for although
sixty-four years of age, I had not lost my energy or interest in
the world, and looked forward for new fields of labor, and they
did come all too soon. . . .
At this time my son Charles was engaged in building the
wire bridge across the SchuylkilF^ and on the survey of the City
'^•'' His plan for a wire su.spension bridge over the Scliuylkill at Fair-
mount was accepted by the county commissioners in July, 1839, over four-
teen com])etitors (Mary Ellet to Charles Ellet. Jr., July 14, 18.39) and the
work was completed in February, 1842 (Philadelphia Daily Chronicle, Feb-
ruary 5, 1842). It was "one of the most complete structures of the kind"
(Eli Eowen, Pictorial Sketch-Book of Pennsylvania [Philadelphia, 1852],
p. 20) as well as "the first wire bridge of considerable size erected in the
United States" (J. L. Ringwald, Development of Transportation in the
United States [New York, 1888], p. ^.,7). In 1874 it was taken down to
make place for the present Callowhill Street Bridge. (Records in Bureau of
Engineering and Surveys, City of Philadelphia.)
and County of Philadelphia. He resided in Girard Street.'*^ My
husband was boarding but we spent the summer at Cooper's Point,
Camden, New Jersey. In the winter we returned to the City.
Shortly I observed that Mr. Ellet's health was not as robust as
hitherto. He had become a convert to the Hydropathic System
and entered into its extreme use without due precaution. After a
trial of over a year his constitution was much impaired and he
yielded to the wishes of myself and his children to abandon the
use of water to the excess which had produced his weakness. I
had taken a house in Camden and he then gave up his water cure
physician with his room and servant in the bathing establishment,
and gladly he consented to call in our good family doctor, who
attended him faithfully for the eleven succeeding months of his
suffering life, during which period he had the satisfaction to have
his two sons and last daughter"''' with him, assisting with love and
tenderness their weary mother in her attendance on tlieir father.
. . . My Charles was absent ; he had been called to build a bridge
across the Ohio River at Wheeling, and also one across the
Niagara River, but my son John had lost at that period his father-
in-law and wife.'^'^ In his bereavement he came to us hoping to
get into business near his parents. ^\y younge>t son'" came at
the same time in consequence of the farm being rented on which
we had devoted so much time and labor. In consec[uence both
brothers were out of business. Edward hoped to study medicine
and immediately to attend a course of lectures. The death of his
father occurred about this time. His great sufiferings were ended.
He breathed his last surrounded by his remaining family, and
\vas borne to the lot already occupied by his youngest daughter
at Laurel Hill.^'^
It being inconvenient for my children to remain with me in
Camden, it was thought advisable that I should be removed to my
son Charles' home until my health should improve. Accordingly
my pleasant little home was broken up. a house rented in the City,
where in the course of two short weeks from the burial of my
^^ 33 Girard Street. Mary V. E. Cabell gives a vivid description of
the place in her reminiscences. (Cabell Papers.)
77 John I. Ellet, Alfred W. Ellet and Hannah Ellet Hale
7S Laura Scarrett Ellet. (Smith, nh. cit.. 78.)
79 Alfred W. Ellet.
80 Charles Ellet died November 26, 1847. (Ellet Bible; Philadelphia
Public Ledger, November 29, 1847.)
husband my last and only daughter^! was carried to join her
father and sister in their last home on earth. Those two bereave-
ments, coming in such sudden succession, nearly deprived me of
self control. I questioned myself why it was that God had
selected me for such great and heart-crushing sorrows. Could
there be anyone born to repeated calamities? I thought not, and
for a time could see nothing bright before me worth living for.
But too soon I had to realize the fact that yet greater afflictions
had to be met and borne.
These bereavements caused a breaking up of our family. Mr.
Hale, with his only child, left for his native home in the East.
Charles had to attend to his engagements in the West, building
of the two bridges, one across the Ohio, the other across the
Niagara.^- ^Ty son Edward commenced the study of medicine
and attended lectures at the Pennsylvania University.^^ My son
John remained for a time to attend to his brother Charles" business
and the sale of his household furniture, as he had taken his wife
and children with him, as his absence would of necessity be pro-
tracted in the prosecution of two such great works.
81 Hannah Ellet Hale died December 19, iB47- ( Ellet Bible.)
8- Cliarles Ellet, Jr., was elected engineer of the Wheeling and Bel-
mont Bridge Company, July 14. 1847 (Telegram. James Baker to Charles
Ellet, Jr., July 14, 1847), and on November 9, 1847, was appointed engineer
and contractor for the Niagara Falls Bridge Companies (Ellet to his wife,
November 9, 1847). These were two of the most spectacular engineering
undertakings of the period before the Civil War. Both structures were
designed by Ellet and the Wlieeling Bridge, which he completed in Novem-
ber, 1849, was at that time the longest single span bridge in the world —
loio feet. Its erection was the basis for the bitterly contested suit of the
State of Pennsylvania v. The Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company in
the Supreme Court of the United States: and although a decree of abate-
ment was granted by the Court. Ellet saved his bridge by inducing Congress
to declare it a post route. After the structure was severely damaged by
storm in ]May, 1854, it was rebuilt by Ellet, and later by John A. Roebling.
It is still in use.
After Ellet had constructed a temporary bridge across the Niagara
gorge, disagreements with the companies resulted in his relinquishing that
work (December, 1848) but not before he had demonstrated the practicabil-
ity of bridging the Niagara. Ellet's bridge was between the Whirlpool and
the Falls, on the site of the present Ldwer Arch Bridge. (Data from Ellet
83 Edward C. Ellet did not attend medical lectures at the University of
Pennsylvania, (Assistant to the Dean to H.P.Ci., October 22, 1932) but was
a student at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. (Editor, J.'uriwl
of the American Medical Association tn II. P.O., January 30, 1934-^
306 -MAin iSRAKI, Ki,I.P7r
Now as 1 should l)e left witliout any relative near me, when
the busines.s was settled that detained my son John, it was thought
unsafe for me to continue in the house. 1 then rented, and it
was concluded that I should sell my furniture — now become
i)ainful for me to look upon — and that I should refurnish with
purchases from my son Charles' sale. Accordingly all this was
accomplished with the aid of my son. When everything was
finished 1 entered my solitary room, spending my lonely hours in
reflecting on m\- past most eventful life, anticipating the future
\vith anxious dread.
My husband had in his last will'"' berjueathed his property
to his fii'c children, three sons and two daughters, without naming
his eldest son^^ or myself, but not from unkindness to either but
according to his ideas of justice. The reason he gave was that
his exclusive use of my whole estate for the period of 26 years
had convinced him that it was fully sufficient for my maintenance
without addition from him. With this will I was then and am
now after a lapse of 23 }ears perfectly satisfied with, and have
never wish.ed it to be otherwise. l)Ut not as regarded my most
dutiful noble son who had ever been the pride of his parents and
familv from his many virtues and great talents which had placed
him unaided in a high position before the world. It was now my
duty to re]iair this unfortunate seeming neglect as far as my
resources would enable me.''^'^ Therefore, as soon as I began to
receive my rents I commenced a series of retrenchments as re-
garded my personal wants. fhis was not dift'icult. for my life
ever since earl)- youth had been one of self-sacrifice fortunately
as the sequel of these notes will prove. I accomplished my inten-
8-t Charles Ellet's will was dated .\pril 25, 1842. (Original in Ellet
Papers.) Of his fourteen children, these were living at the time of his
death: Hannah Ellet Hale (who died December 19, 1847), Charles, John
Israel, Edward Carpenter, and Alfred Washington Ellet. (Ellet Bible.)
^5 The only reference to Charles Ellet, Jr., in the will is as follows:
"I request my executors to collect a deljt due me by my son Charles Ellet,
junior, for money paid to Moss & Son April 3, 1832, of three hundred and
seventy-three l/iOO dollars with the interest thereon until the same is paid.
I have not forgotten him: if Mrs. Hannah Israel Davenport, his aunt,
wishes to make restitution for what she unrighteously obtained of her
father's estate to the exclusion of her sister [Mary Ellet], she can bequeath
to my son Charles what will make his portion equal to his brothers and sis-
S6 The letter transmitting her gift to Charles Ellet, Jr., with his en-
dorsement thereon, is among the Ellet Papers.
tions, not altogether as I wished had my income been greater, but
satisfactorily to my children. How I have used those resources
will be seen after m}' death by referring to a few memorandums
made at various times. .Suffice it now to declare that all has been
used according to my first intention exclusively on my family,
with the one exception of a bare maintenance for food and cloth-
ing and small, very small, sums for charity.
After my son John had concluded the business which had
detained him, he returned to the West to again be with his mother-
less children, and enter into business.^" Shortly after he left, my
youngest son^^ with his wife and children came to the City for
the purpose of seeing their relatives, he being anxious to get into
business now that his farm was rented, returned to the West, leav-
ing his family in the City. This was about the first great excite-
ment on the California gold fever. He found the whole State
deeply interested and full of extravagant hopes of great fortunes
being made in a very short residence in the newly discovered
Eldorado. After some deliberation, combined with the disap-
pointment of not being able to enter into any suitable business,
and weary of living so long idle, he determined to join the adven-
turers, wrote to his brother^^ just concluding his medical studies,
having received from all of the professors flattering assurances
that he had earned his diploma by close study and attention to
the lectures.^** As soon as he received his brother's letter he con-
sented to join him in the expedition. My wish was that he should
commence the practice of medicine here in the City, near his
mother, but he was infatuated with the prospect. Accordingly I
again had the work of preparation to make, succeeded in purchas-
ing clothing for both, as well as many little necessaries for com-
fort, and when he left me with the various articles T had selected
for use, it was on my part with a dread that it was for the last
time, but as usual I lived on in hope, and yet believed that I should
not lie entirely liereft. Then judge of my astonishment Avhen on
8" John I. Ellet operated a furniture business in St. Louis.
88 Alfred W. Ellet.
89 Edward C. Ellet.
90 Edward Carpenter Ellet was graduated, with the degree of Doctor
of jMedicine, from Jefferson ^Medical College of Philadelphia, on March 28,
1849. His thesis subject was "Iodine and its Therapeutical Applications."
(CataliH/uc of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Session 1S49-50,
p. 13.)
meeting a friend I was hailed with the strange news that the
whole undertaking was relinquished, that on the arrival of Ed-
ward, his brother's wife had preceded him and had succeeded in
inducing her husband to relinquish the whole scheme. Again I
was satisfied that it \\ as for the best that they should remain.
Edward joined the oldest practitioner in the place/-*^ and at
once entered into the practice of medicine. Alfred purchased out
an establishment of Dry Goods and commenced store keeping.
Then they were as they tlicn thought established for life. They
wrote to me to join them so that they might have the care of me
in my declining years. I acceeded to their proposal. My son
Charles as well as many kind friends believing it to be the proper
course for me to pursue. Although T was very comfortably situ-
ated, had a large and beautiful room, surrounded with numerous
old, tried friends, with kind treatment from the ladies of the
house with whom I boarded, they being also old friends. Yet I
preferred being with my children. Again visions of peace and
happiness floated before me. I would order the purchase of a
cottage which I would adorn w'ith running vines and flowers, my
garden should yield the best of vegetables, fruit should be plentiful
and gathered by me for my son. who was to live with me. How
I enjoyed in anticipation the pleasant time we should have when
he returned weary from long rides, how I would have provided
for him the fragrant cofifee, hot rolls, and nice relishes, and after
the repast he would read to his mother such books as w^e both
loved. To realize this vision T looked forward to its certain con-
summation. The cottage was bought in a beautiful situation, two
acres of ground filled with fine fruit surrounded it, adjoining was
a beautiful grove of Lumber de poplars afterwards owned by my
son. Here were held picnics and popular meetings, here \vould
congregate the children to amuse themselves with swinging and
other plays.
The cottage was bought and paid for, my furniture shipped
and money forwarded to complete all necessary arrangements and
improvements. The house and grounds needed repair. ]\Iy dear
son Charles came for me to escort me as far as his home at
Wheeling, Virginia, then. I parted with my pleasant home, my
many dearly beloved friends, many of whom remained with me
91 Bunker Hill, Illinois.
until the carriage came for me late at night, showering on me
the last tributes of affection, basket filled with dainties, many
little keepsakes, some of which I yet have, and at last the parting
embrace with many tears. Charles handed me into the carriage
that parted us for a very long time, but not as we then thought
When we arrived at the home of my son, T found his wife
in a delicate condition. It was their wish that T should remain
with them until her health was restored. She was a great sufferer
and I am happy to say that I had it in my power to do her great
service in many ways. I believe that I was the means under Provi-
dence of saving the life of the infant.^- Deprived by the illness
of its mother of its natural food, it had to be raised by hand. I
accomplished this task easily as T had had experience, but not be-
fore the constant pressure of the babe to my breast to prevent
its mother from being disturbed by its cries had produced a lump
which terminated in a tumor destined in the end to carry me to
my grave, even before great age performed its work of decay.
When my daughter-in-law had recovered, winter was approach-
ing, they consented to my leaxing them.
Charles placed me under the charge of the captain, and again
I was afloat. Rain commenced and continued during tlie entire
voyage from Wheeling to St. Louis, where we arrived after a
weary week. The boat filled to overflowing with immigrants and
rough passengers from Tennessee. With, as the captain told me. children on board, to sleep was impossible, to keep
dry even more so, and when at 12 o'clock at night we landed,^^
I did not know where to find my son'^< who had been telegraphed
to and had come to the wharf several times. Tt being Sunday his
store with all others were closed, but the good captain and his
kind clerk would not suffer me to be disappointed and started
through the pouring rain and never yielded the search until they
brought my son to me. The consequence of this great exposure
settled in a ccjld in my left breast, increasing tlie lump already
there from the babe's i)ressure. I found on reaching mv son's
9- Cornelia Daniel, danghter of Charles (Jr.) and Elvira Daniel Ellet,
born at Wheeling October 2, 1840. (Memorandum dated April 7, i8w. in
Ellet Papers.)
93 At St. Louis.
9-> John I. Ellet.
house his whole family prepared to receive me with a most afifec-
tionate greeting. He had again married, a Southern lady by the
name of Skillman,'*'' quite a young woman. After remaining with
my kind children several days. T left them with my sons Edward
and Alfred, who had come for me.
We arrived at Bunker Hill, the name of the place where I
was to reside. It was situated on the immediate line of the rail-
road from Terre Haute and Saint Louis, in an undulating prairie,
and although unimproved and with but few inhabitants or houses,
presented to me a very pleasing prospect, and now, twenty }'ears
later, it has become one of the most attractive towns on that line.
Churches, schools, have increased with the influx of population,
and it now stands almost imrivalled in the beauty of its buildings,
the refinement of its inhabitants, or the taste exhibited in the cul-
ture of rare flowers and trees, so that on entering the town it
presents the appearance of a very highly cultivated garden.^^
Owing to the improvements being unfinished in my cottage, I did
not remove into it until the 1st of May.
Then near seventy years of age. but yet buoyant with hope
and capable of projecting future improvements; but I must ac-
knowledge that a temporary check was cast upon my dream of
future bliss wdien I found that my son^*^ was already engaged to
be married to a lady from New York, Miss Lydia Little, who
was on a visit to a friend. This event changed my plans and as
property was and could be purchased very cheap, as in all new
settlements, I availed myself of the prospect of making good in-
vestments and bought two good but unfinished buildings, each
with a quarter of an acre of ground, in an eligible situation, and
presented them to my sons. They have improved them very hand-
somely by adding to the original buildings. On one of them ray
95 Mary Skillman. (C. P. Smith, op. cit., 78.)
96 "Bunker Hill is one of the most beautiful little villages in the State,
situated on a prairie in high cultivation ; the houses are neat and arranged
tastefully, and each is garnished with a pretty garden and plenty of shade
trees, which give the loveliest rural aspect imaginable to the place. . . The
population is about three hundred. . . There are Presbyterian, Methodist and
Baptist churches. . . No lawyers, and none are needed. The only one who
ever lived there was drowned in Wood River. A monument is being erected
to his memory. There are two excellent practicing physicians, Dr. H., and
Dr. E[llet]." (Mrs. [E. R] Ellet, Sumwer Rambles in the West, [New
York 1853], pp. 176, 178.)
97 Dr. Edward C. Elkt.
son, the doctor, yet lives. Alfred has sold his many years
since. During my residence at the Hill 1 had many grandchildren
born, some of them were early called home. The places the three
families occupied were in sight of each other, in speaking distance.
Daily my sons came to me, and 1 lived surrounded i)y their fami-
lies and. manv, verv many, kind friends, whose friendship I am
happy to say yet continues.
1 was fortunate in obtaining efficient help in my kitchen, who
had as much pride in assisting me in my imi^rovements as it af-
forded pleasure to myself. With our united efforts, and also the
aid from m\ sons, the little cottage with its surroundmgs assumed,
if not a grand, a most attractive appearance. By tearing down
partitions (enclosing small useless rooms) I obtained fine, large,
light apartments, with porticos and ix)rches added outside giving
shade within and without, paint and paper with tastefully ar-
ranged furniture suited to its humble pretentions. Added to the
effect, owing to the richness of the soil, my plants and dowers and
nuining vines grew as if by magic. The honeysuckles with climb-
ing rcjses of great variety clustered around the trellises \ had
erected. The double white and red rose grew each side of my
door, while beneath in the border grew the sweet violet and Lily
of the X'al'ey, perfuming both the porch and the parlor. Trees
planted by the former owner surrounded the whole two acres, to
which 1 had added the Osage orange for a hedge, fruit trees were
in abundance, of excellent quality, such as a])ples, peaches, pears,
and plums. My garden started from the back porch, where I
often sat contemplating its vigorous growth and watching the
gambols of the variety of beautiful birds that hovered around the
Howers. The little humming birds woidd come in i^erfect safety
up to the very door, sip the dew from the flowers and flit to and
fro in perfect safety.'-*^. . .
The years passed, I perfectly hap])v in my moderate posses-
sions, intending there to end my few remaining days. I'.ut truly
9^ "Clay Cottage, tlie residence of my venerahle aunt, is a rural para-
dise. The dwelling house, of substantial brick, painted light gray, peeps in-
\itingly through a plantation of tall trees of several varieties — its verandah
and trellised porch wreathed with roses and flowering vines, and a bordering
of rare shrubs and rose-trees completely embowering it. The smooth lawn
is sprinkled with shrubbery, and a clustering grape vine covers with its
luxuriant drapery the whole of the rear L'uildings. . . . This, by confession
the most elegant 'place' in town, may represent the better order of prairie
homes." (EUet, cp. cit. 177.)
it is said that while "man appoints, God disappoints". During my
residence in this place I had occasion twice to visit the East on
business respecting my propert)'. once in company with my son
Alfred and his family. I think it was in the year 1855. From
many circumstances seeming to delay our departure, we did not
leave until December when, after ])assing Springfield, we were
overtaken b}- one of the greatest snow storms on record. When
we reached the great grand Prairie we could neither proceed nor
recede, but were entirely engulfed in snow banks of huge dimen-
sions. ( )ur cars were filled with passengers all without food, but
fortimately we had reached a station and could get both wood
and water, the former sulTicient to feed the one stove in each car,
the latter useless as the engines were all embedded out of sight in
snow drifts. In vain did all the male passengers tiu'n out to
assist the workmen in their efforts to disinter the buried engines.
We could only discern a few inches of the pipes, and they soon
disappeared with the fast falling snow. Our party consisted of
nine persons, three children (the youngest taken ill with a high
fever), myself aged seventy-five years: but my son was strong
and healthy and determined that his faniily should not suffer for
food. He with a gentleman friend who was the tenth of our
party, started through the snow almost uj^ to their waists, en-
deavoring to reach the nearest inhabited house. They succeeded
in obtaining food for us, which we divided with two lone ladies
who had no friends near them. Fortunately there was a iihysician
on the cars who attended the child successfully. Every dav for
several days did our son and our friend go forth on this mission
of love, and each da}- assisted the work-men to remove tlie snow
from the engine. On the 17th day the end was accomplished and
we left our long imprisonment with iow but not before nature
vielded to fatigue and privation in my worn frame. I nas per-
fectlv prostrated, sick at heart. unal)le longer to hold up ni}- head
when we arrived at Chicago. I wa^ put to bed, a doctor was sent
for and for several da\s was unalde to leave my bed. As my
strength returned, 1 I'ecame very anxicjus to resume my journey.
All of our party under the care of ]\lr. Cundell, our friend, had
gone on. Alfred remained with me. \\'hen we did leave I was
in a very feeble state, but full of energy which enabled me to
bear up under the long journey, deathly sick as I was.
When we arrived in Philadelphia we found my brother-in-
law, Col. Davenport, at the depot waiting for us. He had been
apprised through our friends of our detention. I was immediate-
ly taken to my bed where I lay prostrated for several weeks, com-
pletely worn out. Now, after a period of 15 years, when I refer
to that disastrous journey, I wonder how we escaperl with our
lives. The weather was intensely cold, making ice from our
breath on the glass nearl\- an inch in thickness. No sleep for
seventeen nights, only as we could catch a moment of weary for-
get fulness, never changing one garment in all that time, no exer-
cise, as the floor was an inch thick or deep in tobacco juice, the
ends of the seats we occupied were used by the now weary gentle-
men passengers who were glad when night arrived when the floors
were cleaned of its filth to throw themselves down with only a
stick of wood for a pillow. Added to all these discomforts at
the time, we were seriously threatened with riot from the poor
frozen laborers, who thought they were entitled to one fire as well
as the passengers. Many of them had their poor feet frozen and
one I heard had to have his amputated. One gentleman died after
he left the cars. Our party, being young, healthy, and vigorous,
soon recovered from the fatigue and was able to come and see me
on my arrival at my sister's, where T was very pleasantly situated,
surrounded with every comfort and the kindest attention. As
soon as our arrival was made known, my many friends flocked to
see me. Daily I received assurances of sympathy from those
who had long known me and loved me.
^Lv son Charles at this time was in Europe on ofl'icial busi-
ness.'"^ lie had read an account in a foreign newspaper of the
terrible snow storm on the Prairies of Illinois. TTe knew from
our letters that we intended to make the journev and had become
very an.xious on our account. Pie did not return liome until the
fall, and then immediately removed with his family to Richmond,
Virginia. But returned again in the spring to Philadelphia to
take me back to Illinois where he intended to invest in western
land, wlr'ch design he acc()m])lished to his full satisfaction. After
his departure I resumed mv ])revious occupation. My house and
■♦^ Charles Ellet, Jr., went to Europe in October, 1854, to negotiate
loans for the Virginia Central and the Ilempfield raih-oads, of which lines
he was principal engineer and fmancial agent. lie returned to America,
with his family, before June, 1H55. (Data from Ellet Papers.)
grounds had been improved during m}- year's absence, by my
sons. During this, my last, residence in my cottage T had again
the pleasure of entertaining my dear ^on Charles and his family,
lie had been appointed 1)y the Government to examine the Delta
of the Mississip]^i in view of its imjirovement.^"" ( )n his finish-
ing bvis task he sto])ped to see me and left his family for a time
with lue.
In the course of less than two years 1 was again necessitated
to return to the East, and I then determined that it should be my
last journey. Consequentl\- 1 rented my ])lace, ])arted with my
furniture and all my efifects. Imt not until 1 had ])resente(l mv son.
Charles with a d^^ed to my homestead, which he and his family
had so much loved and admired. Thus I was enabled lo fulfi'l
my long cherished wish to do full justice to mv loved son. The
place had become ver\- valuable and is now in the pcjssession of
his children. I do hope that their duty U> their parents will cause
them to com])ly with the often expressed wishes and intentions of
both, never to i)art with that spot so endeared to them bw manv
associations .so very dear.
T was accompanied on this journe\- 1)\- m\ dear son Edward.
We stopped at Washington, D. C. where Charles then re-^ided.^"^'
I remained with them until fall, and then came back the City,
but in the following spring my good son Charles came for nie to
return with him in hopes that I would make up my mind to reside
permanently under his care, but there were many objections, how-
ever desirable the ])roject might be. Ffis business made his ab-
10" He was appointed by President Filmore, on the nomination of the
secretary of war, on November 4, 1850, to make surveys looking towards
"the protection of the borders of the Mississippi from overflow and the
improvement of the channel at the mouth of the river." His report was
published by the government printer in 1852. ( Ellet, Report on the Over-
flows of the Delta of the Mississippi, 96 pp. ) During 1856 and 1857 he
endeavored, without success, to secure congressional appropriations to en-
able him to put his plan into operation. It is possible that he made another
survey in 1856, but it does not appear in the Ellet papers
1"! Charles Ellet, Jr., moved to Washington in 1856. In September he
purchased a three-story residence at 288 H Street, where he lived unti' P"eb-
ruary, 1858, when he moved to "Clifton", his country place on the Heights
of Georgetown. (Ellet Papers.) Here "the full and genial plenty of a
Pennsylvania farm-house was gracefully blended with the not less hearty
kindness of a Southern plantation. . ." ( F., "The Colonels Ellet" in Army
and Na7'v Journal. I, 212.)
sence from home very frequent and uncertain. His family were
very delicate and when or where he went his family must come.
I was now 80 years of age, and must have some secure settlement.
However, for the present. I consented to comply with their united
wishes to have me with them. It was in May, 1860, that lie came
for me. The following summer and winter I remained. He was
frequently absent in surveying Western Virginia in reference to
his project for improving the Ohio river, rendering it navigable at
all times by reservoirs. &c, &c.^"-
One morning he entered mv chamber witli a telegram in his
hand and most tenderly communicated the contents. My property
had been destroyed the night before by an incindiary. The news
did not excite me for a moment. My first word was that the
neighbors would rejoice to be rid of such an eye sore as those
ancient buildings presented, and further I said I would return to
the city in the spring to improve (without a dollar) the vacant
lot. For, I said to my son, Building material is very cheap, labor
plenty, and ofifites wanted, and I believe I can allow all this when
I return in the spring. He expressed his great surprise at the
manner in which I had received the news of my loss of income,
but more at my energy. He agreed entirely with me respecting
the improvements I desired. Having no one near me to assist in
counselling me (for he had to be absent, and one son in Califor-
nia,^'^''' two in lUinois,^*^* ) but T was not discouraged and deter-
mined to carry out my plans, for I knew I had credit from the
known character of my father and my son, as well as my husband,
who lived and died well known as an honorable merchant. But
again I was doomed to disappointment for the present.
For the great Rebellion was about to culminate in a Civil
War, such as history had never recorded. The South combined
with the treacherous administration, the pitiful president who
could not believe that a nation had the power to coerce a rebellious
loii From 1858 until the outbreak of the Civil War he was intermit-
tently engaged in work connected with his favorite project, the improve-
ment of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers by means of reservoir lakes. His
report on the Kanawha improvement, a plan subsidiary to the greater one,
was published in Philadelphia in 1858 after surveys made for the James
River and Kanawlia Company. ( Ellet, Report on the I mproTement of the
Kaiuiu'ha and Incidentally of the Ohio Ri^'cr. 125 pp.)
!•« John I. Ellet.
104 Dr. Edward C. Ellet and Alfred W. Ellet.
State or to punish a dishonorable, treacherous Cabinet, and by
his false actions submitted to the wicked machinations of a thirty
years' ccjnspiracy to dismember our blessed L^nion and bring death
and desolation throughout the Land in order to perpetuate Slavery
and sustain them in their bloated Aristocracy founded and fed on
the blood of 400,000 of human beings, and shame to say, these
vile, plotting rebels, supported, upheld, and encouraged by the
so-called freemen of the Northern States, our unscrupulous
Democratic organization. Rut it will not do for me to write
on this dreadful subject. At ninety years of age. every drop
of blood in me swells and surges with indignation until it nearly
prostrates my feeble body. Can it be wondered I thus feel
when by their wickedness I have lost two of my beloved children ,^^-''
while six brave sons and grandsons'^*^*' with their lives in their
hands went forth vohmtarily to serve their country and its institu-
tions ?^*^^
10"' Charles Ellet. Jr., Colonel commanding Ram Fleet, anrl his son,
Charles Rivers Ellet. Colonel in the Mississippi Marine Brigade.
106 Colonel Charles Ellet, Jr., and his son. Colonel Charles Rivers
Ellet; Brigadier General Alfred W. Ellet and his son. Lieutenant Edward
C. Ellet; and Lieutenant Colonel John A. Ellet and Lieutenant Richard
Ellet, sons of John L Ellet.
1"'^ "T am decidedly ft^ offering or accepting no compromise with
traitors. I believe that the whole difficulty or scheme has been concocted
by designing demagogues to break up the Government and construct another
on their cwn dishonest Democratic platform, which has already brought
our country to the brink of ruin by their thefts, falsehoods, and treachery,
together with Buchanan's complicity with the traitors in their base trea-
son. . . Teach your boys, my son, to love, respect, protect, and if necessary,
die by their country's flag. For my part, T am determined, if this Govern-
ment is severed, while there remains one good old Federal State, to live,
while I live, in that; and when I die, my request and will is that my body
may be wrapped in the emblem of my country's .glory.'' (Mary Ellet to her
son, John L Ellet, of California, December, i<S6o.)
In 1863, after the death of Charles Ellet, Jr., and Charles Rivers Ellet,
she wrote again to John L Ellet: "I wish to see your sons in the field. I am
anxious to have as many of the name as possible in this eft'ort to crush
rebellion, so that in after ages the record will stand in history that not one
of the family were cowards or disloyal ; but that all were true Americans
and patriots. . . Then let us with one voice devote all we have — Hfe. for-
tune, home, and family — for the preservation of the blessed Union. I have
drained the cup of sorrow, and am yet to suft'er more and greater trials;
but nothing of self-sacriiice shall make me shrink from the duty I owe my
country, and may God keep in His protecting power my sons and grandsons
who are devoting their lives for the cause that T know He approves."
(Both letters are quoted in The Press, January 11. 1869.)
r.ut I must proceed with my narrative while I have strength
to perform my task, which, when my age and infirmities are con-
sidered, cannot he called trifling. When spring returned, excite-
ment and dismay combined with ]>atriotic enthusiasm prevailed
throughout the whole land, for Fort Sumpter had been assaulted,
our very capital threatened, our Treasury robbed, forts taken,
navy and army demoralized. Nothing remained for us but valor,
truth, ])atriotism. and a firm determination of leaders and men
to rush forth to do or die.
At this crisis it was thought best that 1 should leave w^hile
transportation was unimpeded; therefore, on the 14th day of
Apripos J i^-^^i ^^jg^^ ^Q j^^^. ^jg^j. daughter-in-law and under the
protection of my dear son'"^ left \\'ashington. Numerous rumors
reached us on our journey that troops were on their way to de-
fend tlie Ca]Mtal, but horrible was the sight that met our eyes as
the car reached the depot in Baltimore. The streets had been
torn u]). the stones piled in vast quantities on the road, while
anchors from vessels had been hauled across the roads to prevent
a passage. TMany cars were demolished by the crowds of un-
scrupulous men, the windows of the houses were broken, and
the doors hanging loose, while the mob shouted and yelled in joy
that they had with murderous hands slain our brave defenders.
Some of our wounded heroes were brought to the car that we
had reached after great struggling through dense crowds of ex-
cited i)eople, but we were told that many of our brave men had
been able to proceed to the Capitol, which gave us much joy : for
we felt that if but few that they were brave and determined to
save their country, .\fter much difificulty we reached the boat
that conveyed us across the river. On reaching Wilmington a
crowd of true Unionists met us and cheered us with ho])e. We
arrived at 12 o'clock at night in I'hiladelpliia.
In the morning we heard of the destruction of the bridge
which caused a detention of a week to my anxious son. who had
left his family unprotected ; but as soon as the roails were again
unim])e.led, he returned, and after much difficulty reached home,
only to make arrangements to devote his life to bis loved country..
'"^ They left Washingtcm .\pril 17, 1861. ( C. R. Ellet to .\. W. EUet,
April 17, 1861. Ellet Papers.)
K^i* Cliarles Ellet, Jr.
His career stands recorded in history. He gave his hfe for that
dear country. He fell by the hands of a Southern rebel at the
moment of victory, while he and his noble brother Alfred had
sunk and destroyed the whole rebel fleet before Memphis. T said
that 1 had six sons and grandsons in the Army. They were
Charles, Alfred, their sons Edward and Charles, with my two
grandsons from California, the children of my son John, who
both distinguished themselves, John bravely defying the rebel
batteries at \^icksburg. Richard, who had joined the California
Hundred, was shot down at the battle of Santa Anna Bridge and
laid for months in a hospital, but as soon as he recovered, again
went forth to meet the foe and served the country until the close
of the war. I take great pride in thus recording that I am the
mother of six patriotic men, which recollection enables me to
bear the great calamity of the loss of my two loved ones, who
were my pride and joy in life. But they died for their country:
that must be my consolation.
And now I will resume my self-imposed task, fearing that
my failing strength w^ill prevent me from finishing this weary nar-
rative. After my son had seen his mother as comfortably situated
as circumstances permitted, he endeavoured to reach his home
through every impediment and obstruction that the rebels had
placed in his way. The telegraph wires had been cut. the mails
impeded, the main roads impassable and in possession of the
enemy: yet after great exertion, delay, and fatigue, he reached
his anxious family, found the city protected by our troops who
had succeeded in evading the enemy.
In consequence of the war I had relinquished all idea of
improving the property or of rebuilding. The fire had led me
into many extra expenses, such as fencing the lot to prevent acci-
dents to pedestrians. Twice were the enclosures all carried away
by midnight marauders, which they used for fuel. House rents
and provisions increased in price, making boarding [-housekee[)ers]
almost fabulous in their demands, while my income had de-
creased one-half, but the taxes increased proportionately. Thus
situated, all that remained for me to do was to use increased
economy if possible to meet my outlay.
It was not long after Charles reached his home before he
laid before the Executive and Secretary of War his plans, which
were favorably received,""' and he had received full power to pro-
ceed with his patriotic doings under the title of Colonel, and with
authority to oifer that of second in command to his brother Alfred,
who was accordingly telegraphed to join him.^^^ After leaving
his family, he came to me to bid me as he then thought a short
farewell, but alas ! and alas ! it was a final parting. 1 Te was cheer-
ful and sangu.ine, never for one moment doubted the final result.
His tenderness to me during his brief stay was most afi'ecting.
He left me for a short time to provide all that he thought neces-
sary for my comfort and h.ealth during his absence. Pens, ink,
jjaper. and stamps in quantities. He so loved to get his mother's
letters. The last kiss and embrace was received, and I followed
him to the stairs, but not satisfied he stopped at ^liss Longstreth's
11^ From the moment tliat tlie disruption of the Union became a prob-
ability Charles Ellet, Jr., had turned his tremendous energies, first, to
demonstrating to Virginians the futility of secession ; second, to writing for
New York and London periodicals analytical articles on the political and
military problems involved in the crisis ; third, to laying before President
Lincoln and cabinet officers a series of plans for crushing the rebellion
which his intimate knowledge of the topography and resources of Virginia
and the Mississippi Valley enabled him to suggest ; fourth, oft'ering his
services in any capacity to the President (Lincoln to Ellet, August 19, 1861J,
and to the Governors of Pennsylvania and jWest] Virginia (Ellet to Gov-
ernor Patterson, April 24, 1861 ; Ellet to Governor Pierpont, June 22, 1861) ;
and, finally, to a series of critical studies of the strategy of Union com-
manders in the field and the whole conduct of war. He reserved for
General McClellan his most scathing criticism, devoting two widely circu-
lated pamphlets {The Army of the Potomac and its Mismanagement, [New
York, December, 1861], tq pp.; and Military Incat^acity and liluif it Costs
the Countiy [New York, February, 1862], 15 pp.) to the inefticiency of the
He was derisively dubbed "Lieutenant-General Ellet" and subjected to
widespread ridicule (see cartoon in Harper's H'eckly, December 28, 1861) ;
and when editors became cautious about publishing his communications, he
seriously contemplated establishing a journal at Washington, which would
be independent of official influence. ('E. C. Ellet to Charles Ellet, Jr.,
JMarch 9, 1862.) Indeed, "his excitement over the inaction of our Govern-
ment made his friends almost dread his presence, for his importunity knew
no bounds." (J. T. Headley, Farragut and our Xaval Commanders. [New
York, 1867I, p. 214. )
As early as 1855 he had endeavored to induce the Navy Department
to adopt his "ram boat" scheme of warfare, and had published a brochure
setting forth its principles ( Coast and Harbor Defences or the Substitut-
ing of Steam Battering Rams for Shifts of JVar. [Philadelphia, 1855],
17 pp.) .\s Ellet's professional interests were then largely in the South the
pamphlet circulated widely there. At the outbreak of the Civil War he
again endeavored, without success, to have his plan adopted by the Navy
Department. When he learned of the conversion by Confederates of the
frigate Mcrrimac into a ram, and further that the enemy was preparing a
ram fleet to clear the Mississippi river of L^nion vessels, he appealed at
last to TMwin M. Stanton, the new secretary of war, with whom he had
been on bad terms for more than a decade. (Stanton had initiated the liti-
parlor to again urge her to attend and comfort me in case of
sickness. Then the front door opened and I saw the last of that
beloved, noble son.
b^requent letters came to me from himself and his wife. All
the news each received was transported to me. Some of the fleet
of rams were tinished and in motion, when the glorious news
reached the country that a complete victory had been obtained
over the Enemy's fleet lying at Memphis by Col. Charles Ellet.
and his brother, with the new mode of naval warfare tliat he had
introduced. I had retired but not to slee]) but to reflect on a satis-
factory letter I had just received from him, when my door w^as
flung open and my nephew came to me with the great news of
my son's success, and that the enemy's fleet was completely de-
stroyed. But, said he, Charles has been wounded.^ ^- Thus was
my joy crushed. I knew full well his physical weakness; from
gation over the Wheeling Bridge and, in Ellet's opinion, had resorted to
questionable methods to obtain a decree of abatement from the Supreme
Court of the United States. [13 Howard 624, 1849.])
On March 12, 1862, Ellet offered his services to Stanton, and two days
later was requested to proceed to Fortress Monroe and report upon "the
most effectual mode of dealing with the JNterrimack, should she make her
appearance again." (Ellet to Stanton, March 15, 1862.) Upon his return
to Washington, after a series of staff conferences in Stanton's office, March
20-26, 1862, Ellet was authorized to construct a ram fleet for service on
the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, in accordance with his own plans. He was
commissioned as a colonel (on General Fremont's staff) to command the
ram fleet, on April 28, with the stipulation that his expedition was to be
independent of both army and navy commanders, and subject only to the
orders of tlie secretary of war.
Ill Alfred W. Ellet was commissioned as a captain in the Sgth Illinois
Infantry August 20, 1861. At the request of his brother, Charles, he was
appointed a lieutenant colonel, a.a.d.c. (on the staff of General Fremont)
and assigned to the Ram Fleet on April 28, 1862. (F. B. Heitman. His-
torical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army. [Washington,
1903], I, 401.)
11- In an engagement before Memphis, June 6, 1862, Colonel Ellet
demonstrated the effectiveness of his innovation in naval warfare. The
commander of the Federal naval flotilla, resenting the interloping of this
"civilian, engineer", had delayed moving down the river against the Con-
federates until compelled to do so by Ellet's threat to proceed alone. Op-
posite Memphis the fleets engaged in battle, with most of the population of
the city watching from the bluffs. In less than an hoin- Charles Ellet, Jr.,
in command of one ram and Alfred W. Ellet in command of another, had
succeeded in sinking or disabling seven of the eight Confederate vessels
engaged. It was estimated that 150 Confederates were killed or drowned
and more than 100 were taken prisoners. Only Colonel Ellet, of the Union
forces, was injured. Brigadier General M. Jeff Thompson, C.S.A., reported
the next day to General Beauregard: "I saw a large portion of the engage-
ment from the river banks. . . many of our boats were handled badly or the
plan of the battle was faulty. The enemy's rams did most of the execution
long years of intense study his once vigorous frame had been
debilitated, but his wonderful energy overcame his weakness,
while his brain increased in vigor and capacity. He was unmind-
ful of himself; his whole thought was for others, his wife, his
family, and his lieloved country. They were telegraphed to join
him. Already had his brother, Edward, and Alfred's wife been
apprised of the event. It appeared as we received the news, that
Charles was the only person that was injured. His great desire
to witness the proceedings and wish to save human life, caused
him to expose his person, when he was struck by a Southern
sharpshooter's bullet and immediately fell.^^^ But while in this
condition gave his orders, wrote his dispatches, and ordered his
young son to plant our glorious flag on the roof of the Post Office,
wdiich he did in the face of the whole rebel population, they pelt-
ing him with stones and other missiles. ^^"^ He was then taken to
his bed and medical aid called in. For several davs hopes were
entertained for his recovery, but his sufferings were intense until
the end.
He diecP^'' trancjuilly and in the full possession of his mind.
His loved remains were brought to the City, his native i)lace, ac-
and were handled more adroitly than onrs. . It is impossible now to report
casnalties, as we were hurried in our retirement from Memphis." (Official
Records, Navies, Ser. I, v. 22, pp. 139-140.) Cf. Herbert Gambrell, "Rams
versus Gunboats", Southivcst Rciicw. XXITI. 46-78 (October, 19.57), sum-
marized as "After the Merrimac", Readers Diciest. XXXI, no. 186. pp. 39-
42 (October, 1937).
^1-'^ "Brother Charles need not have been hurt if he had used the ordi-
nary precaution to protect himself, but forgetful of everything else save
the demonstration of his principle of warfare, he never thought of killing
anybody nor of their killing him, but only of sinking the boats ; and exposed
himself to witness the effect of his blows." ( .-Mfred W. EUet to Mary
Ellet, June 7, 1862. ) The Colonel had stepped to the rail of his tiagship to
watcli the sinking of a vessel he had rammed, when a Confederate soldier
shot him in the knee. Captain J. E. Montgomery, C.S.N. , reported to his
secretary of war that the shot was fired by Signal Quartermaster J. Sulli-
van. (Rebellion Records, Ser. T, v. 52, p. 40.)
The wound was not a serious one, but Ellet's exhausted and enfeebled
condition made his recovery improbable. He died as his ship touched shore
at Cairo, Illinois, June 21, 1862. His body lay in state in Independence Hall
and was buried in Laurel Hill, Philadelphia. His wife, who died two days
later, was buried in the same grave. (Data from Ellet Papers.)
ii'* The incident is vividly described in a pencilled note of Colonel
Ellet to his daughter, June 6, 1862. (Ellet Papers.) The Confederate flag
which Charles Rivers Ellet removed from the post office and the Union flag
from the S"u'it::;erland are in the possession of the Misses Cabell.
11'"' On the Steam Ram Sixntzerlaud, at Cairo, Illinois. June 21, 1862.
(James Brooks to E. M. Stanton. Telegram, June 21. 1862.) See Xorth
American, thiladelphia, June 22, 1862.
companied by his broken-hearted wife, daughter, brother, and
friends. They were all brought to my boarding house and con-
ducted into my room where I lay prostrated with grief. All that
dear Ellie said was. "Poor, poor Mother!" Then they led her
to her bed. which proved the bed of death. I never saw her again
alive. His dear remains were taken to Laurel Hill, placed in my
lot where rested his father and sisters. His grateful country con-
ducted him to the grave with the honors of war, and his body
laid in state in the Hall of Indei)en(lence, guarded by good and
true men who loved their country's defenders. Two days after
his interment, his faithful wife, who had died with a broken
heart, was taken over the same road and the grave of her loved
husband was opened to admit her good, noble body. Never was
there a more lovely character than Elvira Ellet's. never a more
faithful, loving wife. '■()h!" she said. "1 have lost my heart's
treasure. Lav me on his dear bosom" and her dying wish was
filled to the letter.
The agony of hi.s jjoor daughter"'^ cannot be described. It
was dreadful to witness her agonies, thus in two short weeks to
be deprived of both parents, and such i^arents as few were ever
blessed with. Her health and even her mind at times yielded to
the great grief which overpowered her. b^-om the heights of
human happiness to the depths of human misery, to be thus
launched on the world at an early age to take res])onsibilities few
had ever been able to fulfill ; but she did in time yield to the will
of Providence, after a long and fearful struggle, and accepted
her situation and performed her duties in rearing her little brother
and sister. ^^"^
316 Mary Virginia Ellet, born at Lynchburg, Virginia, January 24, 1839.
She had been in Virginia, visiting in the homes of her relatives, Alex. H. H.
Stuart, former Secretary of the Interior, and Wood Bouldin, in April 1861,
and she left Virginia for Washington on the last train that made that trip.
It was her custom to sit daily in the gallery of the Senate at Washington
after her return, and she heard many of the withdrawal addresses of the
Southern senators. (Cabell Papers.) Notwithstanding her attachment to
her native state — she named herself Virginia — she was as devoted to
the Union cause as was her father.
Secretary Stanton came personally to Clifton on tlie Heights of George-
town to inform Colonel Ellet's family of his wound, and provided Mrs.
Ellet and Mary with passes that they might join him without delay. They
were at Colonel Ellet's side when he died, and accompanied the body to
Philadelphia. (Ellet Papers.) When Mrs. Ellet died, two days later,
Mary became the head of the family.
117 William D. Ellet and Cornelia D. Ellet.
After those dreadful, heart rending trials, and we had begun
to realize our situation, my dear son Edward in the goodness of
his heart insisted upon my returning with him to my old home
at Bunker Hill, so that he could be near me and attend me in
sickness. I was very old, very sick, and almost broken hearted ;
then why should I remain, not a relative near me excepting mfy
aged sister who approved of the change? She was rich and well
cared for by two faithful domestics. Mary had returned to Wash-
ington intending to remain there in the home her parents had so
recently occupied ; but the very sight of the place was too much
for her, and after we had departed letters and telegrams came
urging the necessity of her removal. Accordingly her uncle again
returned to the East and brought Mary and the two young children
home with him. Alfred, and his son: young ATary's brother; and
my two other grandsons were yet in service. ^'^ We were all
under the protection of Edward.
]\Tary's health gradually recovered by change of scene and
freedom from care. Then we began to hope for a time we might
have a respite from domestic affliction, but this could not be while
the war was in full force, and Vicksburg in the hands of the
enemy, and all five of my brave sons with their lives in their hands
in hourly danger. Daily we heard of some of our friends being
cut down, and at times the remains of some gallant youtli would
be brought home to their sorrowing, bereft mothers and friends,
who had joined their companies in high health and high anticipa-
tion of glorious victory. We all remained under the care of
Edward nearly a year. Dear Alfred at times coming to see us,
as well as the boys, when they could obtain a short furlough.
Those times were times of happiness, although of short duration.
Now and then the news would come of the capture of \'icksburg,
but as soon contradicted. Then would come the thrilling news
of my brave young grandson's' ^^ endeavors to pass the Rebel
Batteries at \'icksburg,^-° the loss of one vessel and the miraculous
lis Alfred W. Ellet (then in command of the Ram hTeet), his son,
Edward C. Ellet: Charles Rivers Ellet, son of Charles Ellet, Jr.; and John
and Richard Ellet, sons of John I. Ellet of California, were in the service
in 1862.
11^ Colonel Qiarles Rivers Elkt, Lieutenant Colonel John A. Ellet and
Lieutenant Edward C. Ellet were all engaged in the action.
VM February 26, 1863.
escape of the men while my brave boys would flaunt the Stars
and Stripes, even as the balls were rolling around them and the
boat was sinking. They fired the last gun. Charles' young son
escaped in the Switzerland with his life, but the boat much
riddled. In this manner our lives passed, hoping and fearing to
hear the details, and yet more miserable when none reached us.
At length, while the war was raging a telegram came announcing
the death of my sister, the last excepting myself of 15 children.
My son Edward was named her executor. Therefore we had to
return without delay as she could not be interred until our arrival.
Mary and the children came with us. We all arrived safely in
time to follow my dear sister's remains to the grave. She had
been kept in the receiving vault at Laurel Hill until our arrival.
I could not see her as she had been dead a week and the weather
very hot. She was placed alongside of her husband and near the
remains of our honored parents, — she had had them removed
from the Church yard to her lot at South Laurel Hill.'-^
And now again, at the age of eighty-four years, I was with-
out a home, only with strangers, and without a relative near me
when my son again had to leave ; and Mary I knew would return
to the South as soon as the way was clear, I felt confident but
yet I would not yield to despondency. I had many kind friends,
old and tried, who assured me that I should never be neglected while
they lived, and truly I have found their promises realized. After
those great family afflictions, my time was mostly occupied in
reading the papers and watching with anxious heart for the re-
turn of victorious peace, for T would not for one moment allow
mt\'self to imagine that we would fail in a cause so just, based
upon the platform of truth, righteousness, and universal liberty.
But as time passed, battle succeeded battle and our brave defend-
ers fell before the cruel enemy, while yet more personal troubles
awaited me, added to the many preceding ones. I lost by death
one of my oldest best beloved friends for nearly eighty years. . . .
Her revered name before her marriage was Alargaretta Fitzgerald,
her husband was Dr. Dale of Delaware. ... In her death I lost
the last of all my old and early friends, but God had spared to
^-1 Israel and Hannah Israel's bodies had been removed in October,
i860, under the superintendence of the Rev. Abel C. Thomas. (Mary Ellet
to E. C. and A. W. Ellet, October 15, i860.)
me three good, affectionate sons, but I was separated from them,
one in California, another in the army defending his country's
rights, the third for twenty-five years a resident of IlHnois, a prac-
ticing physician.!" All had families of their own, and I had lost
all of my eight daughters. . . .
Not many months before I had lost my beloved friend, a tele-
gram came announcing the death of my young grandson, Charles
Rivers Kllet, a youth of great promise and as brave as his dear
father. His mind was of a superior order. lie was learned be-
yond his years (only nineteen) and what rendered this stroke so
peculiarly distressing was the manner of his death by taking an
overdose of Morphia, to relieve great pain caused by severe colds
and exposure while in service. ^-^ This great affliction when com-
municated to his sister again renewed the wounds yet bleeding,
and again she was prostrated both in body and mind, but as time
passed and his dear remains were brought to the City of his nativ-
ity and he was laid beside his beloved father and mother at Laurel
Hill Cemetery, our feelings of renewed sorrow subsided. Al-
122 John I. Ellet was living in California, .A.lfred W. Ellet, now a
Brigadier General, U.S.A., was in command of the Mississippi Marine Bri-
gade, and Dr. Edward C. Ellet lived at Bunker Hill. Illinois.
123 Colonel Charles Rivers Ellet, his health broken, applied for leave
of absence from the Marine Brigade and in August, 1S63, retired to the
home of Dr. E. C. Ellet at Bunker Hill, Illinois, where he died on October
16, 1863.
"He was but twenty years and five months old," wrote John S. C. Ab-
bott in Haiper's Magazine (XXXII, 312, February, 1866) "and though so
young had passed through perils and borne responsibilities such as few
experience in a long lifetime. With remarkable acuteness and activity of
intellect he read and discussed with avidity the philosophical works of
Comte, Buckle, Mill and Cousin. His conversation, tone, and manners were
gentle, almost womanly. His massive brow, large, lustrous eyes, and long,
straight black hair and expressive features ever attracted the attention of
the observing. . . In all the records of romance a more truly chivalric
spirit can nowhere be found."
He had his early education under tlie direction of his father, and at-
tended school in Paris. 1854-1855. Later he attended Gessner Harrison's
school in Virginia and Georgetown College in the District of Columbia.
In i860 he began the study of medicine, and at the outbreak of the Civil
War became a medical cadet at a Washington hospital. Secretary Stanton
gave him permission, without consulting Colonel Ellet, to join the Ram
Fleet (E. M. Stanton to C. R. Ellet, May 35, r862) and he reported to his
father for duty on his nineteenth birthday, June 2. After the battle of
Memphis, he was sent ashore to receive the surrender of the city. He pro-
ceeded down the Mississippi with the Ram Fleet after his father's injury,
and was subsequently commissioned as a Colonel of Infantry, attached to
the Marine Brigade. (Data from Ellet Papers.)
Colonel, IT. S. V.
though not blasted, we had to yield to tliese repeated strokes that
had so often brought misery upon us, but which we were as
powerless to avert as we were ignorant of God's designs in thus
afflicting us. If He will only take me ere the few who are left
may be called. I will never murmur at those dispensations again,
but submit to His decree and acknowledt^e that all His doings are
intended for ultimate good. . . .
And now almost approaching the end of tbis condensed re-
view of my long life, 1 have yet to record other trials and other
bereavements. My youngest daughter, Eliza, left one daugbter^^"*
when she was taken from her good husband, her mother and her
kindred. . . . Nine months since, while alone in mv chamber
meditating on the past years so full of man\- sorrows, a telegram
was handed, to me stating that my dear child was dead at the Astor
House in New York, where she was taken ill wliile siie and her
husband were on their way to the sea shore in pursuit of liealth.
. . . Immediately I dispatched to my son at the seashore and also
to my other sons far distant. I wrote to the familv letters of m\
poor, feeble consolation and to the papers announcing her death.
When this was done I had time to grieve, for this cbild was ver\-
dear to me Mthough far distant, her home being in Pitts-
burgh, she with her husband ol'ten came to see me. . . .
Although I have paid the penalty prescribed to length of
years by outliving many loved kindred and friends, I have yet
living man\- grandchildren. l)ut all are separated from me by long
distances. Many 1 have never seen and others but seldom, yet I
have the satisfaction of receiving assurances that thev bid fair to
be good and virtuous men and women. Those who are grown
lire in business and honorable men.
1 think my testimony to the virtues of my beloved .son Charles
will not l)e inappro])riate at this time, and T will therefore herein
record some of these which has | sic | made my heart glad, even
while in gi'ief at his death. II is virtuous character was unrivalled,
his domestic duties fulfilled in life even to the end. He was the
best of sons, brothers, busbimd, father, and friend. ... in a
letter receive<l from my son I^dward of Illinois on the subiect of
his dear brother's last will, be says. "1 have quoted bis own words
1-^ .Mary E. IJryan, wlio married Robert Albree.
from his will ( Edward was in possession of the will) now lying
before nie. He commended to the tender care of his wife and
children that beloved mother in snch words as deserve to be com-
Then judge. }e who may read those words, what that mother's
feelings are in contemplating the dreadful fact that the loved wife
is now in the grave with her devoted husband, and sorrowful to
record, their children have all immigrated to Virginia. The eldest
married on the very spot where secession first raised its hideous
head/^^ and thus again has my hopeful vision been blasted, for
a partition has been built between my son's children and myself,
that time can never pull down. My glorious son's memory is too
deeply imbedded in the inmost recesses of my heart ever to call
his murderers my friends. I pray that they may repent all of
their horrible crimes and crave the forgiveness of the Almighty.
My son's children have been and are very dear to me. I counted
much upon their tender care as recommended by their dying
father, but this marriage has left me helpless/-*' and only for my
long-tried friends alone in the world. Circumstances have ren-
dered it out of the question for any of my sons to settle perma-
nently in the East, for of choice in youth they selected the West
for their home, have resided there for over thirty years. They
I-'' Mary Virginia EUet was married in the Church of the Epiphany,
Philadelphia, to William D. Cabell, of Norwood, Virginia, on July 9, 1867.
(Alexander Brown, The Cabclls and tlicir Kin, [Boston 1895], p. 392.)
She died en July 4. 1930.
i-G Mr. Cabell was a cousin and early playmate of Mary Virginia
EUet. A Virginian, he opposed secession until President Lincoln's call for
troops. On April 17, 1861, he recorded in his diary: "I this day change my
position and am for opposing him to the bitter end. Having been cool and
conservative up to this date, I now feel thrice armed for the combat. May
the God of battles be with us." (Cabell Papers, Charlottesville, Virginia.)
He at once entered the Confederate service. Exempted from military duty
on account of his dependents, he was made Commissary agent of Nelson
County with the rank of Captain, buying and shipping supplies to Lee's
army until the end of the conflict. He organized the Home Guard which
blocked an advance of Federal cavalry down the James River valley. To
care for families of soldiers, he advanced from his private funds $25,000 on
one occasion ; for this as well as for expenditures of larger sums authorized
by the county court (of which be was bonded agent), he had no return.
The close of the war left him impoverished. (Account Books of William
D. Cabell with Nelson County, (Tabell Papers.)
In spite of the violence of this language and her bitter opposition to
the marriage of her granddaughter to a Southerner, Mary Ellet expressed
herself, elsewhere, as liking Mr. Cabell. (Elvira and Margaret Cabell,
"Notes on Mary Virginia EUet Cabell's Life", Cabell Papers.)
(From a photograph, about 1870)
come to see me as often as it is possible to leave home, business.
or family, but the distance, danger, and fatigue attending so
long a journey always causes me great anxiety. . . .
One month after the death of ni}- dear grandchiUI, Mary
[Bryan Albree], my husband's nephew, Mr. William Wainwright
died, after a long and painful illness, iioth himself and amiable
wife had been for forty years the friends of our family, and in
the necessary absence of nw children they were to me in every
respect like unto them. They were childless, but had adopted
five orphans of their deceased brother who had now been with
them over twenty years. ... At the time of William's death, she
was residing in Iicr orrn house, where they had spent twenty
happy years. She then in the kindness of her heart made me an
offer of a home under her immefliate care, and 1 most g-ladly
accepted, thankful that at last a haven of rest was found to end
my weary pilgrimage. . . .
I will attempt to describe this house and its surroundings.^-'
The house is of medium size, say 20 feet wide, in perfect order,
as it must be under the care of tlie very best of old-fashioned
housekeepers. The room T occupy is the very perfection of neat-
ness, my table supplied with all the delicacies of our abundant
market, served by the hands of ni}- niece, or more pro]^erly my
granddaughter, for both Sarah and Alice choose to perform all
ofifices tending to my comfort, by their own kind hands.
My second story windows overloo!-: what is now Franklin
Square, but memory recalls the time man\- \ears since when it
Avas a burving ground, owned T believe by the Moravians. Once
some fiftv vears ago, I passed it when the gate was opened to
admit a funeral. Curiosity led me to follow. The coffin was
borne (as was then the fashion of the day) on the shoulders of
four men, four more to relieve the liearers when tired. The body
was dc])()sited somewhere near the center of the ground. T could
almost i)()int to the spot, for 1 recollect the grief of the mourners
as the loved one passed into the earth. Again, many years after-
ward. I was jiassing the same spot, and again curiosity led me
into the ground, for men were at work disintering the dead.
Vehicles of various kinds were in attendance taking away the
1-" 627 Vine Street.
remains who had friends living to claim them. I saw the ground
opened and a long space cleared to place, far beneath, those bodies
who had none to recognize them. It was about the same spot
that years before I witnessed the funeral. I saw the stone laid
over the body, and the work of filling up commenced. Painful
thoughts came over me. Can it be possible that one so lamented
should in such a few years have none to claim relation.ship, or to
preserve the bones so loved in life! On leaving the ground, near
the Sixth Street fence, I observed an elegant tomb, and was told
it was owned by a person of wealth and distinction, who disputed
the right of the City to remove his dead, I do not know how
the matter ended, but the rich monument has gone with the
humbler ones to places unknown. Sitting at my window (No. 627
Vine St.) overlooking the spot so long remembered, I have been
led into deep reflection, and can scarcely realize the changes that
have taken place in half a century.
This place of my birth has grown from a medium sized village
to a magnificent City, from a population of a few thousands to a
million. Seventy-five years ago I heard my parent [sayl that the
increase of population then was wonderful; that in walking the
streets he met so many strange faces, whereas but a short time
ago he knew every person he met. He looked forward to wonder-
ful improvements, and said were it possible to return after death
to view the place 50 years hence, not one living could realize the
change. He had a true prophetic vision of the future magnificence
of our growing City and Republic. This park now before me is
a small realization of his great anticipations. From an unadmired
square of ground, only used for the dead, and part useless, it is
now a magnificent miniature forest, the grounds laid out in taste-
ful order into walks and luxuriant grass plots, in the center a
fountain throwing up many jets of pure crystal water, around it
the evergreen trees and flowers are planted, while seats are placed
to rest the admiring crowd who daily assemble there for recre-
ation or rest from toil. The little children flock there in hundreds
after school hours, enjoying themselves with their hoops, jumping
ropes, and marbles. It is indeed a beautiful sight to contemplate
their innocence and happy ignorance of the future. This park is
frequented by that class of society on which our future i:)rospects
for a pure government depend, viz : honest, honorable mechanics
who in rearing their children to industry and pure moraHty will
form the bulwark of our future grand and great Republican coun-
But there is a growing evil, that if not checked, in time will
lead to great trouble and fearful ruin, both in public and private
life. T mean the unreasonable passion as exhibited in our female
population for dress and fashion. It is not only in personal orna-
ment, but even to the grave this vitiated taste is carried. I have
witnessed such scenes as have made my heart sick in the house of
Death, that should be of decent respect if not of real mourning.
The family under the control of interested and too often unscrup-
ulous hired [ ?] persons, are in the very presence of the dead con-
sulted on the subject of the most fashionable mourning, the shade
and quality of the crepe, the most fashionable patterns of sleeve
or waist ; the dead equipped as for a party or wedding reception,
silks, satins, tassels, on the body ball decorations, flowers covering
the attenuated form who but a few hours before was an object
of pity if not disgust, and now of rejoicing that death had relieved
the relatives of so much care. Accident presented this scene a
few years ago, but 'tis always to be remembered. Many others I
have witnessed equally to be regretted.
My idea of death is that, as we came into the world unorna-
mented, we should return to our natural element and to the pres-
ence of the Almighty in decent, plain clothing, placed on the body
by loving hands. My last request is that everything relative to
my funeral shall be conducted in a plain, quiet, and \mostentatious
manner. If not mourned for in reality, let there be no show for
effect. The great devotion to fashion is fast destroying the
natural impulse of love and veneration for relatives and friends.
My voice is weak but my interest in the rising generation is strong.
I would if possible lead them into the only true paths to happiness.
Flad I the pen of our late lamented good philanthropist, Charles
Dickens, it should be exerted and used in this holy cause.
It is not only in the manner that funerals are conducted and
disgraced that I raise my voice, but also in that of weddings. The
extravagance in which young people are ushered into domestic
life is truly appalling and almost inevitably leads to ruin. I am
glad to see that marriage before a curious crowd in a church is
going out of fashion. I look upon the union of a young couple
as one of the most solemn, as well as one of the most eventful,
jieriods of their lives. I cannot understand why a modest, delicate,
young girl should cast ofif all delicacy and refinement at the very
moment that these inestimable qualities are required, merely to
gratify the vulgar curiosity of a crowd of strangers, for the in-
dulgence of their vanity, by endeavoring to create a sensation in
the exhibition of fine dress and long trains. The most beautiful
ornament for a young bride is modesty, and the virgin blushes
that mantle her cheek are far more beautiful to her lover than
satin or diamonds. But I am very glad to observe that the old
way of marriage is now performed, in the house of the bride's
parents. I hope other reforms will soon follow, if not in the
present generation, in the future. . . .
I am now nearly at the end of my life's record, botli in the
body as well as on paper. Therefore, before concluding, T wish
to say that the foregoing is a very brief relation of facts, but T
wished to condense and avoid saying anything that could be con-
strued as a reproach. I therefore omitted all circumstances of a
painful character, and avoided bringing in anv person not im-
mediately connected with the details relative to myself alone.
These notes are private, only for my immediate family and near
friends. 1 have been induced to write them because I wish to
show those who read n\v record how much can be accomplished
by a person who is willing to resign all devotion to self-interest
and self indulgence in pursuance of a sacred duty to others. I
have been suj^ported in my labors b\- dutiful, affectionate children.
My husband always aided me by a good example of honesty,
sobriety, and industry in the pursuits of life, which prevented
him aiding me as he wished in raising a very large family of
children. I am now at the advanced age of 90 years, comfortably
situated, although from unavoidable circumstances separated from
my three sons and my two married granddaughters. Mary Anna
Crandall and Mary \'irginia Cabell, both a great distance from
me. But T have b}' arranging my affairs obtained a sure income
from my pr()]ierty. Although T could not build T have leasefl for
ten years on ^uch conditions as will leave it to the heirs a clear
and valuable estate, unencumbered, and will aft'ord me a living.
My sons have again and again oft'ered me support, which I have
always refused, as I have my peculiar independent ideas of my
own. I believe that when men marry, that their duty is to their
family, and all must know that a rising; family requires means
to educate, clothe, and rear, but were I in ])overt\' T should accept
relief unhesitatingly.
J wish here to observe tliat until Mr. Forney re(|uested me
to give him some reminiscences of the past century, I had never
written a line only in letters to my dear children and family. I
hastily drew up those notes, thinking that he mieht gather some-
thing new from my simple statement. I wrote then in two morn-
ings before breakfast, and in two evenings. I had never even
looked over them when I placed them in his daughter's hands. ?\Iy
astonishment was great when his beautiful sketch came out.^-^
r thought then and I think now that he did me most undeserving
honor. ... T wish to express my grateful thanks both to Mr.
Forney and my friend. Rev. Abel C. Thomas, for the beautiful
true eulogium on the character of my son Charles and his son
wlio both died for their country. ^-^ I am happy to receive the
a'^surances of these gentlemen that they believe in the jnirity of
their noble characters as also in the i)atriotism of nn whole
family, as they have so beautifully expressed in the Obituary of
the one and succeeding notes of the other, and at the same time
I must acknowledge my happiness that these gentlemen have con-
sidered my humble self deserving of such sons. ATy estimation
of Mr. Forney's patriotism commenced on reading his editorials
in the Press, long before I had the pleasure of his acquaintance.
The tone of the paper was so different to the papers generally,
that although unknown to me. I became his advocate and defender
whenever T heard him denounced, for his honest republican prin-
ciples, based on sure conviction of justice and moralitv. On a
personal acquaintance and daily reading of his ])owerfr.l pen. I
am convinced that my first impressions were correct. Mr.
128 Colonel John W. Forney, editor of The Press, Philadelphia, devoted
five columns to a signed article, prepared hv himself, on Mary Ellet. whom
he characterized as "An American Cornelia". The hastily written notes, to
which Mary Ellet here alludes, fill three columns immediately following
Colonel Forney's article. The notes, as well as the article itself (which
consists in part of quotations from Ellet letters), contain information re-
garding the Lsrael and Ellet families, as well as Mary h:i]et's vivid recollec-
tions of events and personalities nf early Philadelphia. ( Tin- I'rcss. Phila-
delphia, January ii, 1869.)
1-" .\|l)ell C. Tfhomas] : /;/ .l/.-;;;,-;v of Col. Charles F.llet. Jr. ( Phila-
dcli)hia, iS6j).
Thomas is a friend of many years. Tn his character of Pastor
of the Church over whicli he presided from youth to middle age.
he gained the love of his large congregation, assisted as he
was in his ]iastoral care over his flock by his most faithful,
highly cultivated companion, whom I am proud to number as
one of m}- most valued and esteemed friends.
Since my connection in early youth with the first Universalist
Church in Lombard Street, I have had the privilege of becoming
intimately acquainted with many of the ministers who have pre-
sided over that Society, and have always found them gentlemen
of cultivated minds, pure morals, and all devoted to the doctrine
of the future holiness anrl happiness of the whole human family;
all religious without pedantry or fanaticism, well versed in the
scriptures, and filled with sympathy for all mankind. Among
those pastors of a late date, 1 have the ideasure to number Rev.
Richard Eddy, who succeeded ^Ir. Thomas and has to my great
satisfaction continued his ( Mr. Thomas' ) attention to the old
friend and oldest member of their church. My feelings towards
the congregation as well as the doctrine are most .reverential, and
even to the very building which my own father was instrumental
in rearing, both by his counsel and material aid. He loved the
doctrine, and 1 have witnessed the happv association of the old
members wdio were the first followers of Winchester, Priestly,
Murray. The names of this handful of good men who dared to
defend a faith founded on the purest {)rinciples deserves to be
recorded. They are as follows : ]\Ir. Francis. ]Mr. Gordon, Mr.
John Connelly. Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Israel Israel, Mr. Cuthbert,
Old Aunt Amy, and several others whose names, although fami-
liar. I cannot at this instant recall. I have lately become ac-
quainted with the present ofificiating minister of the Church, the
Rev. Mr. Leonard and his [wife] from whom I expect to receive
much information as well as most pleasant intercourse, should
my life be spared yet a little longer.
And now I close these pages and drop my pen, one month
since I first [took] it for the purpose of stating some of the events
of my life. . . .
June 17th, 1870. This day brings to a close my ninetieth
year. Tomorrow will commence a new year in my life. I know
not what is before me, whether my years are yet to be lengthened,
but I am most tliankful that T am yet al)le to lielp myself. I rise
in the morning I^efore the sun (my Hfe-Iong ])ractioe). T read
until breakfast, then I take my needle in hand and am able to
create my little repairs, as in days long \rdst. 1 pass the day in
various occupations, entertaining ni}- friends, answering letters,
all my spare time reading. I never sit idle. It is my duty as well
as pleasure to cultivate the hours in some useful em]:)loyment, and
I cannot be thankful enough that 1 yet liave my eyesight (some-
what dim. but able to read, write, and ^ew ). At eight o'clock I
retire and sleep well, have a moderate appetite, and never over-
dainty ; my taste has always been very simple, my habits regular,
my rule of action, swstem and order whicli has enabled me to per-
form my allotted tasks with comparative ease. I would advise
all who read these pages to try the experiment.
And now. I bid you (/// an affectionate farewell. . . .
\ closing this brief narrative of myself, 1 wisli my
children or mv friends who ma\' outiive me, to conform
to this my last request in disposing of my body. Let
everything pertaining to that event be conducted in the plainest and
unostentatious style. Let the emptv casket return to the earth from
whence it came, clean but unadorned, without any expense for
show.^'^*^ The necessary money 1 leave for that purpose will be
found and labelled in \u\ desk. ]M\- reason for making this request
IS the great (Hsiike and even horror that 1 have telt m witnessmg tne
i--"' Mary EUet died on November 2. 1870, at her residence, 627 Vine
Street, Philadelphia. Funeral services were conducted at the home "by the
Rev. Abel C. Thomas, one of the most eminent Universalist clergymen in
the world, assisted by the Rev. Henry C. Leonard, pastor of the Lombard
Street Universalist Church. Mrs. Ellet was one of the oldest L^niversalists
m America, having joined that denomination in 1807. . . The dying wish
of the noble female patriot [was] that she should be buried with the
American flag wrapped around her." Dr. Thomas said : "For more than a
third of a century she was to me as a mother, antl it is my deliberate judg-
ment that in mental energy, and in all that goes to make up a truly regal
character few have equalled and none have excelled her." Tiic pall-bearers
were E. Dallet, Esq., W. II. Wair, John Steward, Edward Simmons, juid
Colonel John W. Forney. .At the grave in Laurel LI ill, L^r. Thomas read
"extracts from a memoir written in her own hand, most of it after she had
passed her ninetieth year. Tliey referred to iier children, grandchildren,
and friends, and were singularly ckar and cnnnocled." (The Press. Phila-
delphia, November 8, 1870.)
most unnatural manner that funerals are now conducted, by dis-
playing the extreme of fashion even in the grave by decorating
the inanimate body in fashionable apparel only fitted for the ball
room or bridal, burying in the grave valuables that might, if
disposed of for money, warm many a desolate house. Could the
poor inanimate departed only speak, what a lesson it would teach
to those false, misguided people who show their love and respect
for the departed by catering to their own depraved taste for
fashion. Miserable, most miserable, devotees to fashion! Your
turn is close at hand. Reflect in time, the uncertainty of life and
how that life should be spent in doing all the good to our fellow
beings while in the flesh that we are capable of doing.
I have another request to make before closing these pages.
It is now twenty years since I have been greatly afflicted with a
tumor in my left breast, not at all malignant or cancerous in its
nature, but producing a great flow of blood, frequently amounting
to severe hemorrhages. My desire is that at my death a compe-
tent physician shall be called in to examine and extract the tumor,
in order to define its character, and by that means afford relief
to many who may be affected in the same way as I have been.
My mental sufferings for nearly a quarter of a century have been
more than equalled by the pain arising from the malady. To
prevent such discomfort to my fellow sufferers. I advise this
course to be pursued at my death.
The Last Purchase of Land from the Indians in Bucks County
(Doylestown Meeting-, September 30, 1939)
N the "Merchant of Venice", Shylock's servant,
Launcelot Gohbo, declared that to get away from
his tyrannical master, he would, if necessary, "run
as far as God has any ground." Beginning at
the Delaware River, the three original counties
of Pennsylvania ran as far inland as Penn had
any ground. No attempt was made to set tip county government
except where the land had been purchased from the Indians ; but,
as each successive tract was thus acquired, it automatically came
under the jurisdiction of the county or counties in which it was
For seventy years Bucks County extended to the New York
line. In 1752 all that portion that lay above the Lehigh Hills was
organized into a new county called Northampton. Three years
before Bucks was thus drastically reduced in area, a great tract,
most of which was in Bucks County, was bought from the Six
Nations. The circumstances surrounding this "Purchase of 1749"
make it one of the highly dramatic episodes of Pennsylvania his-
tory, but for some reason the story is unknown except in its barest
outlines. Few are aware that it was closely related to the "Walk-
ing Purchase", of which it was the final chapter. To make this
clear, let me take a few minutes to refresh your memorv on some
phases of this much discussed earlier purchase.
In the early days of the Province, the Delaware drainage
basin, including the valleys of the Schuylkill and the Lehigh, was
inhabited by Lenape Indians who soon came to be known as Dela-
wares. The Susquehanna \^alley was in possession of a powerful
Iroquois confederacy, known at first as the Five Nations and later
as the Six Nations. Before the arrival of William Penn, the Five
Nations, either by contract or by strategy, had become the over-
lords of the Delawares, though they made no claim to the owner-
ship of Delaware lands until 1736. At a treaty held in I^hiladel-
phia that year, the Six Nations sold io the Proprietaries a large
tract in the Susquehanna \"alley below the Blue or Kittatinnv
Mountain. The deed specified that it extended eastward only as
far as "the Heads of the Branches or Springs which run into the
Susquehanna", thus distinctly excluding any land drained hy the
Schuylkill, the Lehigh or the Delaware itself.
Usually when a transaction of this kind was completed, the
Indians started for home. On this occasion, hov/ever. nearly all
of the signers of the deed remained in Philadelphia several weeks
longer, during which time they were the recipients of very kind
treatment and valuable presents. Fourteen days after they signed
the deed, these Indians signed another document in wdiich they
declared that "their Intention and Meaning by the former l^eed,
was to release all their Right, Claim, and Pretensions to all the
Lands lying within the Bounds and Limits of the Government of
Pennsylvania beginning eastward on the River Delaware as far
north as the said Ridge of endless [Blue] Alountains". It could
scarcely have been a mere coincidence that the Six Nations claimed
the right to dispose of lands in the Delaware Valley just when the
Provincial authorities were making their elaborate plans to have
the Walking Purchase include as much land as possible. Little, if
any, publicity was given to this second document at the time, and
it is extremely doubtful whether the Delawares had any knowledge
of it when the Indian \\'alk took place the next year.
They were anxious to have the bounds of the Walking Pur-
chase defined because the whites were settling in the LehighA'alley,
and particularly in the "Forks", which w^as the name given to the
section south of the Blue Mountain between the Lehigh and the
Delaware, which region, they felt confident, would be beyond the
limit of the Walk.
Indeed, they cherished the rather flimsy hope that the walk
of a day and a half might not go beyond the Tohickon. They
were sure that it would not go past the Lehigh Llills. That it
might extend beyond the Blue Mountain was unthinkable.
You know how the afl:*air turned out. Edward Marshall,
winner of the contest, by a remarkable feat of walking, reached
a point far above the Blue ^Mountain, from which the northern
boundary was laid out at a right angle to the line of the \A'alk.
Thus the Purchase was made to include two tracts which the
Delawares had no thought of disposing of, — the Forks below the
Blue Mountain and the Minisink region above that ridge. As the
Purchase was laid out, the portion above the Lehigh Llills was
several times as large as that below these Hills. The Delawares
would have been something more than human not to have resented
the outcome of the Walk. They stubbornly refused to give up
the land above the Lehigh Hills.
The Delawares could probably have been placated, even
though they were not satisfied, if the Provincial authorities had
made some concessions, but they chose to resort to coercion by
reporting the matter to the Six Nations. On July 12, 1742. Canas-
satego, spokesman for the Iroquios C(jnfederacy. in a public ad-
dress at J'hiladelphia said to Governor Thomas: "We see with
our own eyes that they [the Delawares] have been a very unruly
People and are altogether in the wrong in their Dealings with
Then turning to the Delawares, he made a speech full of
taunts and ridicule that blasted their hopes that the Forks would
be restored to them. Said the speaker: "You ought to be taken
by the Hair of the Head and shak'd severely till you recover your
Senses How come you to sell Land at all : We conquer'd
you. we made Women of you; you know you are Women and
can no more sell Land tlian Women. . . . You act a dishonest part,
not only in this but in other matters. . . We charge you to remove
instantly. We don't give you the liberty to think about it. . . .
We therefore assign you two Places to go — either to Wyomen
or Shamokin. . . . Then we shall have you more under our Eye
and we shall see how you behave. . . . Neither you nor any who
descend from you are ever hereafter to presume to sell any Land."
Canassatego concluded l)y curtly dismissing the Delawares. say-
ing: "A\ e have some other I'.usiness tn transact with our Prethren.
Therefore depart the Council."" Fearing to disobey, the Delawares
left Philadelphia at once, and shortly thereafter removed from the
Forks, some to Shamokin, some to Wyoming, and some to the
Ohio River.
I!y this j)roce(lure the Proprietaries secured jiossession of the
h^orks : but they lost their claim to the Miiiisink region; for neither
the deed of 1736 nor the su])p]ementar)- document, signed two
weeks later, made mention of any land above the lUue Ah)untain.
H', as Cana-^satego declared in 1742. the Delawares had no power
lo sell an\- land, then the Mir.isinlc area >till heloiigetl to the Six
\atioii'. It was not until 17-l!l. twelve \ears after the Indian
Walk, that this tract was transferred to the Penns
Not many years after the Six Nations sold their land below
the Bine Mountain, they began to be troubled by the encroach-
ments of adventurous settlers who went through the Susquehanna
gap, six miles above the present Harrisburg, and located along the
river and its branches. By 1749 the condition had become such
as to endanger seriously the friendly relations heretofore existing
between the Provincial government and the Six Nations. Early
in the spring of that year the Indians decided to send a delegation
of chiefs to take up the matter with the newly arrived Governor,
James Hamilton.
Accordingly, at the beginning of the summer, forty-six Sen-
ecas in charge of three chiefs started for Philadelphia. The repre-
sentatives of the other five nations were expected to follow shortly
thereafter. The Senecas came as far as Wyoming and there
waited a month for the other deputies to arrive, but they failed
to appear. The Senecas, after some hesitation, finally decided to
go on without further delay. They came down the Susquehanna
to Shamokin [now SunburyJ at the forks of the river.
L'sually, travelers, both red and white, between Shamokin and
Philadelphia followed a historic Indian path that left the Susque-
hanna at a point fifteen miles down the river and crossed the
mountains toward Reading. On this occasion, however, the Sen-
ecas followed the river all the way to the gap in the Blue Mountain
so that they might see for themselves whether the reports that the
whites were settling on Indian lands were true. At the gap was
a mill on a small tributary of the Susquehanna which was owned
by the Widow Chambers. From this point they headed for the
home of Conrad Weiser, who lived about thirteen miles west of
the present city of Reading. Weiser had come from central New
York twenty years before this. As a boy in the teens, he lived
for some time with a chief of the Mohawk tribe, one of the Six
Nations. Thus he became acquainted with their language and
their customs, and was regarded as an adopted son. The Senecas,
on their way to Philadelphia to see the Governor, took Weiser with
them to act as interpreter.
At a meeting in Philadelphia on July 1, their speaker, Ogash-
tosh, stated : "One of the most considerable Points which induced
the Council [of the Six Nations] to send Deputies at this time
was that they heard the white people had begun to settle on their
side of the Blue Mountain and we to our surprize found
the story confirmed with this addition, that even this Spring since
the Governor's arrival numbers of famihes were beginning to
make settlements. As our l)oundarics are so well known and so
remarkably distinguished b\- a range of high mountains, we could
not suppose this could be done by mistake. Tlie Governor
will be pleased to tell us whether he has brought any orders from
the King or the Proprietaries for these people to settle on our
lands, and, if not, we earnestl}- pray that the}- may be made to
remove instantly with all their Efl^ects to prevent the sad conse-
quences that will otherwise ensue."
In his reply on July 4, the (Governor stated that proclamations
iiad warned woul<l-be settlers of heavv penalties for encroaching
on Indian lands and added: "Some who have bren so audacious
as to go there have been forcii)l\- removed and their plant-
ations broke up and destroyed." Two weeks later ( ioverncjr Ham-
ilton issued another proclamation forbidding settlements on hidian
riie Provincial authorities realized that the heav\' immigra-
tion from Euroj^e to Pennsylvania would soon make it necessary
to buy additional land from the Indians. ( )n July 7. the (.Tovernor
instructed W'eiser to "sound the three Seneca chiefs on this im-
portant ])oint,' cautioning him to so handle the matter as to "make
the first motion come from them for should the Indians dis-
cover that ye Prop'tys want to buv and that they are the first
movers, they would be the more averse and insist on higher Terms.
The lands to be sold should be of i)roper extent and not an
insignificant part of ye country." The idea \\'as to ha^•e the Senecas
take back to the other five nations the suggestion to sell a tract
above the Plue Mountain.
Befcjre the Senecas began their return trip, they were i)re-
sented with a large quantity of desirable goods. In the list was
one item which injected a gleam of humor into the matter, a very
rare element in the contacts between the Indians and the Whites.
The Senecas was given "l'-2 groce of small llrass Juice I lar])s".
Imagine the serious and dignified Indian deputies strolling through
the forest or seated b\- their cam]) fires engaged in ])laying these
instruments. Perhaps the clerk who wrote the list had in mind
the method of playing when he wrote "juice" instead of "jews"
and sacrificed correctness in spelling in order to secure vividness
in description.
The visit of the Senecas had been expensive. In addition to
their presents, which cost one hundred pounds, the Province paid
their traveling expenses from the Widow Chambers' on the frontier
to Philadelphia and back. I-'ood was cheap, but forty-six Indians,
who, as W'eiser said, always comi)lained of being nearly starved,
consunied a prodigioiLs ([uantitv of prc)visions. For example, dur-
ing their stay of three days at \\ eiser's on their way down, they
dis]iosed of IS huge loaves of bread worth 9 pence each, 420
pounds of beef and mutton whicli cost 2jS to 3 pence per pound
and "2 gallings of rum" at five shillings a gallon. The Province
refunded to ^^'eiser more than 60 pounds for such expenses. The
(governor also recommended that he be paid a handsome reward
for his service, no small part of which was the task of keeping in
order fort\'-six Indians whose thirst for the white man's firewater
was almost un([uenchable.
As the Senecas departed, the Governor strongly urged them
"if they met the other Deputies to inform them what had been
done and ])erswade them to return." \\ eiser was also requested
to (io all in his power to keep the others from coming to Philadel-
]jhia. ( )ne such visit as that of the Senecas was cjuite as much,
financially and otherwise, as the Governor and the f)ther Provin-
cial oiTicers cared to have that summer. Imagine then their dismay
when a letter came from W'eiser stating that the deputies of the
other five nations were at Shaniokin on tlieir way to Philadelphia.
The Senecas had not yet reached Shaniokin on their homeward
journev, and Weiser expressed the hope that the new delegation
would turn back when they heard what the Senecas had to say.
It was a vain hope. Xot only did the newly arrived deputies
insist on going to see (Governor Hamilton, Init they also persuaded
the Senecas to go with them, as well as a large number of Dela-
wares and other In.dians who were not members of the Six Na-
tions. The total numlier was nearly three hundred. They came
dov.n the Suscjuehanna to the Widow Chamliers', as the previous
delegation had done. Their first stop below the Blue Mountain
was at Justice Galbreath's. whose house was near the Swatara
Creek at the site of the present town of Hershey, from which
place they sent four messengers to notify Weiser of their arrival
and to request him to meet them. The leader of this great body
of IncHans was none other than Canassatego, who so bitterly re-
buked the Delawares seven years before.
Weiser met them the next day, but, instead of greeting them,
he "stood at a (hstance Hke a stranger for above a quarter of an
hour to signify to them" his displeasure at their coming. At last
Weiser sat down wdth Canassatego on the creek side where they
were encamj^ed, and took him severely to account for ignoring
the (jovernor's wishes, and also for inviting numerous other In-
dians to come, who, not being members of the Six Nations, had
no official business in Philadelphia. After their arrival at Weiser's
house, he made another attempt to induce Canassatego to turn
back, but without success.
He wrt^te to Secretary Peters: "1 belief 1 have oft'endeii him
Ijy telling him I thouglit it imprudent for them to go to Philadel-
phia with such a great number of people that had no business
there at all, only to get drunk, etc. As the Sinicker | Seneca]
deputies had been down and had cost a great d.eal of money
- - - they must not expect any presents without they had some-
thin.g to do that 1 did not know ; that they remembered well when
they received presents it was for some land." W'eiser's reminder
of the connection between presents and land sales made an im-
pression, as was proved by later events.
C)n August 8 the great delegation left Weiser's house for
Philadelphia. An unpublished letter by the Interpreter is replete
with interesting incidents, but is too long to be quoted in full. A
few items will give some idea of this journey. The arrogant Canas-
satego, angr}- and humiliated by the reproaches of Weiser and
some of the Indian chiefs, kept drunk most of the time and sulkily
followed at the rear of the picturescjue procession. The first day's
travel brought them to William Hartley's at the site of the jiresent
Reading. Here, as Weiser wrote, "the poor crearures nearly per-
ished" in a heavy rain storm which delayed them for a day. The
Indians stripped the bark from the walnut trees in the neighbor-
hood to make shelters for themselves, greatly to the tlissatisfaction
of the settlers there.
.\ (lav of two later there was a great commotion because a
drunken Indian had struck a white man witli his hatchet. Weiser
demanded that Canassatego find the guihy ])arty. The wily chief,
having discovered that the ofifender was not one of the deputies,
made a great show of sending him back to Shamokin ; but when
the redskin was apprehended, he had been so badly beaten that he
could hardly walk, and so the excitement died down. On another
occasion there was a bitter cjuarrel between Canassatego and Sar-
ristagus, an Oneida chief, and the latter announced his intention to
go back home at once ; but Weiser, fearing trouble if the Oneidas
went back through the settlements unescorted, finally persuaded
Sarristagus to change his mind and continue with the rest of the
deputies to Philadelphia.
At a meeting on August 16. Canassatego ofiferecl to sell a
narrow strip along the Susquehanna where the whites had settled.
The Governor told Weiser to inform the Indians that sf) small a
tract was not worth considering and offered to buy a tract whose
upper boundar\- began at Shamokin and ran ])aridlel to the Blue
Mountain from the Susquehanna to the Helaware. The Indians
rejected this proposal but offered to sell all the land within the
following boundaries, — beginning at the Susquehanna gap in the
Blue Mountain, then up the river to a mountain fourteen miles
below Shamokin, then by a straight line across country to the
Delaware above the mouth of Lackawaxen Creek, then down said
river to the Blue Mountain at the Water ( iap, and then along the
said mountain to the place of beginning. These negotiations were
privately conducted.
At a public council on August 21, Governor Hamilton stated :
"Having received this second offer, tho' neither in this is there
any considerable cjuantity of good land, yet in regard to your
poverty more than to the real value of the tract, we sent you
word that on your signing a deed we wou'd pay the sum of Five
Hundred Pounds." He also announced that the Indians would
be given a present practically identical with that which the Senecas
had received even to the "1^- groce of small brass Jews Harps",
bvit this time the clerk spelled "Jews" correctly.
The next day twenty- four Indians signed the deed. Surpris-
ing to relate, two of the signers were Delawares. though Canas-
satego had em])hatically declared seven years before that none
of the Delawares, "nor any who descend from you are ever here-
after to presume to sell any Land". In view of the fact that the
boundaries of the purchase of 1749 were drawn to include all that
portion of the Walking Purchase that lay above the Blue Moun-
tain, the signatures of the Delawares may have been the linal step
in removing any lingering vestige of doubt about the title of the
Proprietaries to the Minisink lands.
A map of the Purchase was attached to the deed for the
information of the Indians. Another was sent to England for the
use of the Proprietaries. They were identical, except in one par-
ticular. The reason for this difference appears in a letter from
Secretary Peters to the Proprietaries on September 11, in which
he says: "The extent of the land purchas'd is laid down on a map
herewith sent, w'ch is an exact copy of one annexed to the Indian
Deed, save in this ; — Susquehana is laid down beyond Wyomen.
but in yt annex'd to the Indian Deed, it is broke off just about
Shamokin, and the reason was, Susquehana after you come to
Shamokin tends so much easterly that Mr. Weiser was apprehen-
sive that on the Indians seeing the course of the river and how
near the land sold went to Wyomen, they would not have ratify'd
their contract."
Three days after the signing of the deed the Indians started
for home. Because of the vivid picture of the journey from
Philadelphia to the Widow Chambers' which appears in Weiser's
expense account it is here quoted in full :
1/49 the Government of pensilvania debtor for Expences on the return of
the Indians from Philadelphia to Chambers Mill on
Susque Hana in paxton
August left Philadelphia. Came to Whitemasli with some of
the the Indians the rest being drunk by the way I wa^
25 oblidged to lie still till all the Indians came up.
a. t/i a.
the 26 paid to Christian Raby 384 lb. of Reaf at 3 pens a lb. 4-16-00
250 lb. of Meal at i5/i>er cwt. 1-17- 6
to Bread Milk & other necessarys 2- 9- 6
the 27 We marched from Christoph Raby's to John Slirocks
over Berjomen [PerkiomenJ had for refreshment at
noone 1-7-9
at John Schracks 328 lb. of Beaf at 2y2 peny a lb.
amounts to 3-8-4
348 LAST !.\DI.\N
1 1 -
- 6
I -
- 4
to 221 lb. of flower at 13/per cwt. l- 9-cx)
to Horse pasturing & drink o-ii- i
the 28 we marched to Marcus Huelings fPottstown]
had for refreshment at noone i _ 3 _ 6
at James Kiemers Innkeeper for Bread, Sider, Indian
Corn, Horse pasturing- and other necessarys in the
whole 2-6-00
the 29 reached ReacHng had for refresht at noone to the
value of I _ 8_ 4
paid to ])aul dust damage done liy the Indian dogs
killing two sheeps it was done upon my own View 00-10-00
to 440 11). of Beef of Willm Hartley Esqr. at sVj
a li). anidunts
to J 50 Ih. (if flower
to other necessarys
thi.- day Tawis tawis a chief of the Cayiuckers
[CayugasI died hy the way the Indians carried him in
tlie 7C a litter
to a coffin, grave, & funeral expence of Tawis tawis
this Evening the most part arrived at my house Some
that had Cahins made [of walnut bark on the v.-ay
diwn] stayd at Willm Hartleys It rained ver\ liard
all day.
Sept. We marched the way to Susque Hana They marched
the 2 thf most part of tliem the way to Susque Hana About
tlie 4(1 part w(.nt over the mountains toward Sham-
okin [by way of the trail] they had during their stay
996 lb. of Beaf, Mutton & Pork at 2l:- pens a lb.
amounts to
Item 575 lb. of Meal at 12/per cwt.
to 63 loaves of Bread at 9 pens a loave
to the pasturing of Six Horses 3 nigb.ts
to Milk & Butter
the 3 at James Galbreaths Esqr. 229 lb. of Beaf
to flower, Bread, Milk & etc.
the 4 we reached the Susque Hana and came to Chambers
Mill this day
Expense amounts to 2-18- o
the 5 I Bought a fat Cow for tlie Indians of the widow
Chambers at 3- o-
to Sundrys i _ 6 _ o
the 6 I took my leave of them and gave them in ligquor to
tlie value of 00- to -00
the 7 arrived at my house to 11 Indians that were lame and
could not folow the rest to Philadelphia 21 days 10-00-00
The Xew I'nrchase did not look very promising- as a farming
region. In his letter to the Proprietaries Secretary Peters said it
- 6
- 3
- 3
7 "■
- II
"was not comparatively speaking worth one sixpence, being broken,
stony, mountainous land and almost impassable, as well on ac-
count of the Kittochtinny Hills as another range of hills at a little
distance from them or rather there was one continued broken
succession of mountains large undrainable marshes taking
up most of ye valleys." A century later this mountainous land
not worth a sixpence was producing year after year millions of
dollars worth of coal from the richest deposits of anthracite in the
In 1768 the remaining land along tlie Delaware was sold by
the Indians, but by this time that region was a part of Northamp-
ton County. Therefore the Purchase of 1749 was not only the
closing act in the drama of the Walking Purchase, but also the
last sale of Indian land in Bucks Countv.
Showing its relation to the Walking Purchase and indicating
tlie route between Shamokin and Philadelphia which was followed
b)' the Indian Deputies who sold the land.
\ ^^ / / r
^ ^
"TV " V • ^*) /"^
/^y^ '/ J-'^''
( / J^ ^:
w >^Z^
7 / <^'^ (f^^'
t"'-"^4.- ^"^^-^ "'%^
^m:£ --^
^^Wi ''^.!^^
Vh\U^,\^\xi. Of
A B C D — Walking Purchase
E F G H — Purchase of 1749
■ Weiser
• Hartley
■ Keimer
• Schrak
■ Raby
Including an Account of Public Fairs
and Live Stock Exhibitions
(Doylestown Meeting:, September ;'-0, 1939)
detailed account of our several agricultural societies
would form a most readable chapter in the otherwise dry
social history of l^)Ucks county, provided that such an
account had been written. TUit so far as we know, local historians
have heretofore practically neglected this very interesting- and im-
portant phase of our rural life more than a century ago. It is
therefore, our puri)ose this afternoon to present before the Bucks
County Historical Society an abridged hi.story of the events lead-
ing to the formation of Newtown's far-famed and noble-purposed
Bucks County Agricultural Society whose famous exhibitions had
their origin in the Eighteenth Century town fair, and were in turn
outmoded by the present type of Twentieth Century county fair
having essentially the same motives. Particularlv do we want to
show the apjiarent deve1o])meiU of one agricultural society into
another of different format and later date, as well as to memorialize
the names of certain pioneer farmers who. in those intellectually
dark days ]irior to the public school system, had the vision and
coiu-age to ])ui!(l such institutions for the improvement of hus-
bandry and general advancement of agricultural education through-
out the countv.
The cb.ic'f fmiction of eacli of our agricultural societies was
to manage a count\- fair. Even the concei:)t of the word "fair"
seems to have changed through the years like have so many other
of our words in common use. Today we are apt to think of a
fair as a mileless potpourri of trylons and flood-lighted futuramas,
but in the yesterdays of our greatgrandfathers, a fair meant a
cattle show, or exhibition of ])rize live stock usually followed by
the sale thereof, with the accessorv entertainment being kept more
or less in the background. Rosa Bonhenr painted the old type
fair: Billy Rose paints the new.
* * *
The social center of Bucks county for the first half century
of its existence was, of course, at Bristol, named originally Buck-
ingham. So we expected to find that fairs originated in that old
town where were located the courts of justice and the greatest
population. In the Great Charter of the Borough of Bristol that
was granted by Governor William Keith on November 14, 1720^
is found ofi'icial authorization for the holding of a semi-annual
fair, two days in the month of jNIay, and three in October, "In
such place or places as the burgess from time to time may ap-
point."- It is a great loss that no contemporaneous records exist
iBache, William, Historical Sketches of Bristol Bnrongh, 1853, p. 17.
The first and only extensive publication of the charter of Bristol borough
was when Samuel Hazard reprinted it in the May, 1829 issue of his Register
of Pennsylvania. He, no doubt, used for copy the original charter, which
has long since been lost or destroyed. William Bache, great grandson of
Benjamin Franklin, stated that he reprinted it in June, 1849, in his newly
established Bristol Gazette. No copies, however, of this newspaper have
been preserved. The paragraph from the charter relating to markets and
fairs reads : "And we do further grant to the said Burgesses and Inhabit-
ants of the aforesaid town and Borough of Bristol, That they and their
successors shall and may for ever hereafter, hold and keep within the said
town in every week of the year one market on the 5th day of the week
called Thursday ; and also two fairs there in every year : the first of them
to begin the eighth Day of May, and to continue that day and one day
after; and the other of said fairs to begin the twenty-ninth Day of October,
and to continue till the thirty-first day of the same month, in such place and
places in the said town as the Burgess from time to lime may appoint."
This type of fair can be traced back to the early English settlement of the
Delaware Valky, and perhaps even earlier. When Gabriel Thomas pub-
lished in 1698 his Historical and Geographical Account Of The Province
and Country Of Pensilvania And Of 'iJ'est Xcw Jersey In America, he stated
that Philadelphia "hath in it Three Fairs every Year, and Two Markets
every Week," and that the "Four Great Market-Towns, viz, Chester, the
German Town, Xew-Castle, and Lewis-Town" also had fairs in them. He
tlien continues in another place to say that in Burlington, "the chiefest Town
in that Countrey," i.e., West New Jersey, "There are kept also in this
Famous Town several Fairs every Year." The Bristol Courier of March 4,
1940 ctHitains a reprinting of the Great Charter, as recorded in the above
mentioned editicn of Hazard's Register, vol. HI, p. 312.
-Da\is, W. W. H., History of Bucks County, 1B76, p. 341- The borough
of Trenton, X. J., apparently had a similar fair ; witness this advertisement
from tlie Pennsylvania Journal or Weekly Advertiser, published at Phila-
delphia on Octniier 3, 1745 : "These are to give Notice, that on VVednesday
the i6th of this Instant October, at the Burrough Town of Trenton, in the
County of Flunterdon in the Province of New Jersey, will be held and kept
a Fair, in the selling and buying of all and all Manner of Horses, Mares,
Colts, Cows, Calves, Steers, Hogs, Sheep, and all other Cattle, Goods,
AHr.icn.TrKK sdciftiks 353
to inform us about the details of tliis early fair, for its adminis-
tration by the llorou^ii authorities under the direction of the
buri^ess was a curious and ])erha])s unique >et-uii.
Ik^cause of the absence of county ne\vsi)a])ers. and the fact
that few in rural 1 kicks county i^ubscribed to the romsyh'aiiia
Gazette, this fair does not seem to ha\e been advertised much in the
newspapers. ( We did not. however, search all the Cit\- pa])ers for
all the years of the period concerned. ) An\way. the fair was
always held at a certain time, like l"hristma>. so how could one
forget such an im])ortant date? A\'e did. though, find one adver-
tisement in b'ranklin and Mall's pa])er for the fair that was held
180 years ago. ( )n ( )ctober 4. ITri!), the Cazcttc stated:
"For the Benefit oi the Public. Xntice is hereby yiven, that th-:- Fair
of Bristol Borough, in liucks Gmnty. will be held on the qth Day of
Xovember next, agreeable to Charter; for the buying and selling of all
Sorts of live Cattle: The ilrst Attempt of this Kind w;is made at the last
May Fair, and succeeded beyond Expectation, there being a Xumber of
Horses sold, and several horned Cattle. It is lioped there needs not many
Arguments to evince the Utility of such a Practice to the Public in general.
All Persons therefore, who have Cattle of any Kmd, Horses, Oxen, Cows,
Sheep. &c. to dispose of, and all who want to purchase such, are hereby
invited to promote their several biterests. l)y meeting and attending said
Fair, where proper Accommodations for the standing of Cattle will be
It is indeed tui fortunate that we are not able to trace the
varying fortunes of the first fair to be held in llucks county. All
we know is that it degenerated pretty rapidly toward the close of
what is now called the colonial period. Only fourteen years after
the sanguine announcement that "there needs not many Argtunents
Wares and Merchandizes whatsoever; Wliich said !-'air will be held and
kept the same Day above mentioned, and two Days next foil nving, pursuant
to a Clause in a Charter of Priviledges lately granted to the said Burrough
Town for that Purpose." In the same paper, issue of April 19, 1750, we
find the following: "The Charter of the Burrough of Trenton, being sur-
rendered, and tlie said Surrender accepted liy his Excellency in the follow-
ing Words. 'By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; Captain General
and Governor in Chief, in and over His Majesty's Prtnince of Xova
Caesarea or Xcw-Jersey, and Territories tiiereon depending in America,
Chancellor and Vice Admiral in tl:e Same, &c. Having perus'd and consi-
der"d the within Instrument of surrender of the Charter for inc irporating
the Town of Trenton, I do tlierefore in behalf of His most sacred Majesty
accept the same. Dated at the City of Burlingti n. in -aid Pro\ince, this
ninth Day of April in the twenty third "S'car of I lis Maieslys Reign. 1750.
J. Belcher' Pr.l)lick Xotice thereof is Iiereby gi\en to all Persons, to
prevent their Trouble and \ttend;mce \\\) w the l-"airs. which \\\\\ not be
held as usual."
to evince tlie Utility of such a Practice to the Public," the fair
had gone comi)Ietely to pieces. Perhaps more arguments would
have been in order; but more than likelv shift of poi:)ulation to
the county seat at Xewtown was the contributmg factor in its
(lo\\nfal!. Tradition tells us tliat fairs were held at Xewtown
during the latter ]iart of this pericjcl, and if such was the case,
the death of the liristol fan- was inevitable. Whatever the cause,
we know that on Xovember 10, 1773, the burgess and council of
P)ristol liorough resolved that the fair was useless on accoun.t of
the large number of stores, and that the "debauchery, idleness and
drunkenness consequent on. the meeting of the lowest class of
peo]ile together is a real evil, and calls for redress."'^ No redress
could be had, however, as the fairs were held by lawful charter.
The oj-jportunit}- to abolish them came after the Revolution, when
tliC P.orough was re-incori:)oratefl l)v an act of ( ienera' Assemblv
I)assefl Sei^tember 16. 178'). lUit the privilege of contimiing the
long established fair was, for some reason undisclosed, renewed
in this new charter, and it was not until eleven years later that
the condition was iiermanenth corrected.^ ()n .V])ril 4, 1796, an-
•^Green. Dorcn, HisUvy of Bristol, igii, p. 6q. F.y this time the moral
status of the previously mentioned fair held on the opposite side of the
River was also had. For an account of some articles stolen at the said
Burlington fair, we quote this advertisement from the Poiusyli'aiiia Journal
and IJ'cck'Iy Advertiser of Xovember 8, 1750. It is dated "Burlington, Nov-
ember -I, 1750", and is signed by Joseph Scattergond. "Xotice is liereby
given, that this Day vv^as taken up in this City, an old Bag, containing a
piece of Irish Linen, a few Yards of Kersey, a dressed Deer Skin, a pair
of Shoemakers Xippers, and 2 Knives, w'lich are supposed to liave been
stolen from some Person or Persons a Day or two since in the Fair, by a
certain Samuel Xcrris of Bucks County, who is now here under Confme-
ment, for a Crime of that Nature. Any Person or Persons who have lost
the said Goods or any Part thereof, are desired immediately to repair to
the Subscriber, who hath the same in Possession, that the Person guilty of
the Theft may lie brought to Justice, and the Person or Persons injured
may be restored."
■iBache, William, Histoneal Sketches of Bristol Borough, pp. .33 and 26.
The original act, as recorded in Statutes at Large, vol. XV, p. 461, reads:
"Whereas the burgesses and common council [andl other inhabitants of
the l)orough of Bristol and the adjoining townships, in the county of Bucks,
have, by their petition, set forth that the fairs originally established by
charter within the said liorough have become useless and unnecessary, and
promote licentiousness, vice and immorality, and have prayed that the same
may l)e abolislied. Therefore: Be it enacted by the Senate and the House
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General As-
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted liy the authority of the same. That,
from and after the passing of this act, so much and no more of any law
or charter of this state as empowers the inhal)itants of the borough of
Bristol to hold and keep fairs witliin the same, is hereby repealed, annulled
and made void."
other act was passed, "to annul and repeal so much of any charter
t)r law of tlie State as empowers the inhahitants of the 1 k) rough
of Bristol in the County of Bucks to hold and keep fairs within
the same."
Such, in brief, is what we know about Bucks county's first
public fair. It was distinctly one of those English products of
the early Eighteenth Century which soon outlived its usefulness
in this country, but because of its peculiar legal sanction, it was
nursed into an unnaturally long life. No agricultural society could
profitably sponsor a fair in Bucks county while this old Bristol
fair continued to exist.
>■< * -M
The Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture was
founded as early as 1785, but it was not until twenty-four years
later that the first definite attempt was made to start a similar
society in our county. The date was December 30, 1809, the
name adopted was The Bucks County Society for Promoting
Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures, and the organizers were
■'Inhabitants of the Townships of Solebury and l^uickingham."
Until last year, almost nothing was known about this pioneer
association of central Bucks county farmers. It is true that their
group held together for only two and a half years, but it is also
true that their little group, feeble as it was, started the movement
in the county which culminated in the great exhibitions of the
mid-century. As pioneers in their field, these men deserve a place
of honor today, and chief among them was Samuel D. Ingham^
who was chairman of the preliminary meeting held at his house.
Mr. Ingham, benefitting from his experience in this society, be-
came an active member of the 1820-society, and the first president
of the 1843-society, until his removal to New Jersey forced his
About a year ago, the librarian of Bucks County Historical
Society was able to purchase, for the price of the blank paper it
included, th.e original minute bf)ok presented to the Agricultural
Society by Samuel D. Ingham, and containing the minutes of
•''See Pncccdiiujs of Bucks County Historical Society. Vol. T, o. 450, and
Vol. IV, p. 10, for articles alxnit Mr. Ingliaiii. We was a meinlier of the
General Assenil)ly, 1805-1807, and of Congress, 1813-1818 and 1822-1829. On
July 6, 1819, Mr. Ingham was commissioned Secretary of the Common-
wealth of the State of Pennsylvania.
356 AGRicrr.TURE societies
those meetings held from December 11, 1809 to February 29, 1812,
inckisive, and the complete constitution of the Society in the
handwriting of Mr. Ingham, who later became P5ucks county's
favorite son in the cabinet of President Andrew [ackson. An
examination of these miinites reveal that there were thirtv-two
resident members of the society. Their names were :
1. ^James Beers 17. Jonathan ^^^ Ingham
2. ''Abraham Chapman, Flsq. 18. Samuel D. Ingham
3. Aaron Eastburn 19. Samuel Johnson
4. Amos Eastburn 20. •'John Lefferts
5. Joseph Eastburn 21 . ^Robert T. Neelv
6. Moses Eastburn 22. John Parker
7. John F21y, Jr. 23. John Ruckman
8. ^William Erwine. Esq. 24. •'Benjamin Smith
9. Charles D. Fell 25. Jonathan Smith
10. Jonathan Gillingham 26. ^'Thomas Smith
11. Samuel Gillingham 27. Joseph Thornton
12. William Gillingham 28. John Watson. Jr.
13. C)liver Hamton 29. Joseph Watson
14. John Hughs 30. Dr. John Wilson
15. ''Thomas Hutchinson 31. Stejihen Wilson
16. Hezekiah Ingham 32. '^Jonathan \\'ynkoop
Following the example of the Philadelphia Society, this so-
ciety also elected from time to time certain distinguished gentle-
men, — usually from a distance. — to the roll of honorary mem-
bers. The names of at least ten men so honored were:
1. "Henry Clifton, Hunterdon co., N. J.
2. '^John Comley. By berry. Pa.
3. George Farmer. Esq., ]\Iid(llesex co., X. J.
4. ■^Joseph Hart. Philadelphia. Pa.
5. John Kinsey, Little Brittain twp.. Eancaster co.. Pa.
6. Levi McKane, ''Pawkepsey," N. Y.
7. "Dr. James [Nlease. Philadelphia, Pa.
^These members joined after adoption of the conslitntion, December
30, 1809.
'''^These r.anies were proposed, but their election wa.s apparently not con-
firmed in later minutes. On May 26. 1810, the Society subscribed for two
numbers of a work about to be published by Dr. James INIcase, entitled
"Archives of Useful Knowledge.'' Tt will be noted later tliat the 1820
society also had a library of some sort. See Sec. 11 of their second bye-law.
Born in Xew Hnne, SejJt. 6, J779; Dic'l in Trenton, Jnne 5, i860.
An active member of all tlie agricultnral societies of Rncks Connty.
This illustration is from the steel engraving presented I0 Bucks County
Historical Society in 1907 by his son, the late William A. Ingham, of
Philadelphia; and the engraving was from the original painting
hanging in the United States Treasury Department, of which lie was
the Secretary from 1829 to 1831.
8. Richard Peters, Esq.
9. John Skinner, near Edenton, N. C.
10. Dr. John Watson, Buckingham, Bucks co.. Pa.
The prehminarv meeting of the Society was held, on Decem-
ber 11, 1809, and a committee was appointed "to draft an essay
of a Constitution for the regulation of said Association and pro-
duce it at the next meeting of the Society." The next meeting
was held December 30. 1809 at Buckingham Friends schoolhousc,
where all subsequent meetings, without exception, were held.
Probably in lieu of paying rent for the schoolroom they contri-
buted something towards its repair. At least on August 31, 1811,
"Samuel Johnson produced an Acct for fitting up & repairing
the room for use of this Society amounting to $3.22 Cents which
the Treasurer is directed to pay."
At the organization meeting of the 30th, the constitution was
adopted^ and the following officers were elected for the ensuing
year: Samuel Johnson, president; Dr. John Wilson, vice presi-
dent ; C'liver Hamton, secretary ; and Aaron Eastburn. treasurer.
A committee of correspondence, consisting of Samuel D. Ingham,
Samuel Gillingham. Moses Eastburn, John Ruckman, and Jona-
than Smith, was directed to draft a bill and apply to the General
Assembly for an Act of Incorporation. The bill was presented
before the next quarterly meeting, but apparently the move was
premature, for nothing further is heard of it. Probably the So-
ciety was deemed too weak in finance and membership to warrant
such a move by the Legislature. On May 26, 1810, the committee
was directed to "digest a system of Finance", whatever that meant.
The first stated meeting of the Society was held on the last
Seventh Day of February, 1810. Meetings continued quarterly
thereafter to the end. Election of officers took place at the Nov-
ember meeting, when the annual dues of $1.00 were payable. The
initiation fee for new members was $3.00.
At the meeting of February 24. 1810, "Sundry propositions
were presented to the Society on agricultural subjects which were
recommended to the individual attention of the Society & any
^Besides Inj>;ham"s manuscript copy referred to, tlie corntitntion was
printed in Asher Miner's Peuiisyk'aiiia Corrcspundciit and Fanners' Adver-
tiser of March 26, 1810. This was the only newspaper being published then
in Bucks County.
memlDer or meniliers who may make any experiments thereon are
requested to communicate tlie result thereof to a future meeting."
But what these "Sundr) pro])ositions" were, tlie minutes unfor-
tunately do not state. This was the first mention of any discus-
sion of agricultural matters. At the same time, the committee of
correspondence was directed to get 150 certificates of membership
printed "on a handsome scrip type." I'hey reported at the next
meeting that this had been done. According to the constitution
the wording on these certificates was to be. "This may certify
tnat AB was elected a member (or honorary member) of the
Bucks County Society for promoting Agriculture and Domestic
Manufacture on the day of A. D. — ■ ." What
a pity that not a single one of these certificates has survived to
the present day !
At the second election held November 24, 1810. all the old
officers and the old members of the committee of correspondence
were re-elected for another year. Samuel D. Ingham then pro-
posed tlie following resolution :
"Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to report to this Society
on the general state of Agriculture & Manufactures in the County of
Bucks Sz such other matters relating to the objects of this Institution from
neighbouring Counties & States as they may think proper & the Correspond-
ing Committee are directed to attend to the objects of said Resolution &
report to a future meeting."
The committee of correspondence was also directed at this
annual meeting to make arrangements for the holding of a fair
for the sale of live stock. This was the first fair in Bucks countv
to be held under the auspices of an agricultural society.
At the quarterly meeting held May 25, 1811. the committee
presented the following report, which was adopted and spread on
the minutes :
"Tliat in their opinion one of the chief objects cf tliis association viz.
the improvement of the varinus l)reeds of li\-e Stock will l)e especially
promoted by the establishnienl jM-oposed.
"Tile committee would suggest that for the proper regulation of the
proceeding at a h'air for the sale of Stock it ma\ he expedient to appoint
some superintending officers & adopt certain rules for their direction. The
following are suggested for the consideration of the Society, viz. The
Society shall at their meeting next preceeding the time of holding said
Fair appoint a Committee of arangement who shall superintend generally
the husiness of the Fair & make all the necessary arangement?. for the
"'I'he Committee of arangement shall employ a Clerk who shall keep
accounts of .sales & such other matters as may be required of him: also
a Crier who shall make the publick sales that may be requisite. They
shall also certify the pedigree of blood cf such stock as may be offered
at publick sale when the same can be particularly ascertained but if not
the Crier shall announce the same at the time if sale. All moneys received
by the Clerk for any animal sold at publick sale, & the pedigree or blood
thereof certified by the Committee of arangement shall remain in his hands
ten days if the purchaser shall think such time necessary to assertain the
pedigree or blood of said animal & if it shmild be made appear to the
Committee of arangement that any mistake or deceptii n should have been
practised l)y the owner the jinrchaser en returning the animal shall receive
his money without delay. The Committee of arangement shall make report
to the ne.xt succeeding meeting of the Society of the proceedings of the
Fair & their ( pinion of tlie propriety (if continuing the same & such other
matters crnected therewith as they may deem useful to communicate.
Which report was unanimously adopted & John Ruckman, Joseph Eastlnirn
& Moses Eastburn are appointed a Committee of arangement for the
purpose of carying into effect the matters contained in the foregoing report
and they are hereby instructed to make the necessary preparation for hold-
ing said Fair & show at the house of John R\ickman at such time as they
may think m. st proper agreeably to the afi resaid rules & regulations."
The Pcnusyl-iaiiia Corrcspondciit and Fanners' Ad-t'crtiscr of
Jiih- 20. 1811 carried this advertisement:^
"Pursuant to a resolution of the Bucks County Society for the
prcmotic n iT Agriculture and Domestic Alanufactures. the undersigned
inform the public, that a b^air will l)e held at the house of John Ruckman,
in Solebury township, ( rive miles from New-Hope and four from Mit-
chell's Ferry) on Friday the 23d cf August, where a considerable number
of the several kinds of live stock will be offered at public and private
sale — viz. Horses, working Oxen, and Store Cattle; also a few Yearlings of
the celebrated Bakewell breed, and a number of Sheep, consisting of full
and mixed blood Merino rams, of highly improved Leicester, and also of
the common breeds.
"An establishment of this kind will aft'ord so convenient an opportunity
to farmers for the sale, purchase, or exchange of Live Stock, that it cannot
fail to promote their interest, and meet their approbation and encourage-
^A note at the bottom of the advertisement reads: "The Editor of the
Trenton True American will please re-publish the above, and continue it
until the Fair." Possibly such haphazard advertising as this resulted in a
small attendance which caused the committee of arrangements to report
unfavorably on "the propriety of continuing" the fair in 1812.
agr:ci'dtuke societies 361
"All till se who may he flis])iised either to .sell or buy sti:ck of any
description, are resjiectfully invited to attend. — Proper regulations will
secure a due regard to the interests of the seller, and the l)uyer may be
assured that all kinds of impi^ition in the public sales, will be strictly
guarded against.
"By order of the Society above mentioned.
JoHX Ruck jr AX,
Moses Eastburx,
Joseph Eastp.urx,
Coiiniiittcc on Arraiigcincnt.
"N. B. Any person who may l)e in p >sessirn of an improved breed of
Stock, of whatever kind, and will exhibit the same at the said fair, or give
a particular <lescription thereof in writing, to the Committee of Arrange-
ment, will receive the cordial thanks of the Si ciety."
A complete report of the first and only fair held by the
original agricnltural societ}' of P>iicks cotmty in 1811 is not avail-
able. An extract of the report liowever, appeared in the Pciinsyl-
7'aiua Correspondent on Septeml:;er IGtli following. Among the
exhibits mentioned were those.
"By Dr. Isaac Clark, of Middlesex county, X. J., two Cows and
Calves, and a yearling Heifer, all rif the celebrated Hulland milk breed;
they were large and handsome, and sold for 46, 42 and 26 dollars respec-
"r>y John Vanhorn, a Cow r.f the heavy big lioned breed, sold for
"By Joseph Eastbuni and others, the celebrated imported Bakewell
English Bull, together with a numlier of his Calves, which were large and
handsome, and very mucli resembled their sire in point of symmetry and
beauty: one r,f them, a Ifeifer a1)i:ut six months and a half old, owned
by Matthias Hutchin.-rm, Esq. weighed nn fo( t 4Q2 lbs.
"By Samuel D. Ingham, ]\b;ses Eastluirn, .\aron Eastburn and others,
a great variety of elegant sheep, rf the famed ^Merino and highly im-
proved Leicester lireeds, of different grades of blood, from half to full
blood; some of wliich yet remain in the hands of the owners, who would
disp: se of them at a fair price.
"Tlie Eair was attended l)y a numerous concourse of people, among
whom were many characters of the first respectability. — Harmony and good
order prevailed throughout the day."
The minntes of the meeting held Augnst 31, 1811 reveal the
receipt from different correspondents of five communications on
interesting subjects, not one of which is preserved.
"Dr. Samuel Moctrc sent a communication in which he informed the
Society he Iiad a particular breed of Swine lately imported from China
and described some of the properties. A communication on the preservation
of Timber was produced by Aaron Eastburn. Also one by Thos. Hutchin-
son on harrow teeth. A Communication was also presented liy Samuel
Johnson on the properties of a late imported summer wheat. And one also
by Dr. John Watson on the subject of preserving manure &c."
-Vt the third election, Aloses Easthiini was chosen vice presi-
dent in place of Dr. Jolin Wilson, and John Watson, jr.. was
elected secretary in place of Oliver ITamton. The other officers
were re-elected. Three new memhers were elected on the com-
mittee of correspondence: namely, John Wilson, Joseph Eastbtirn,
and Aaron Eastburn, in ])lace of JMoses Eastburn. John Rnckman,
and Jonathan Smith. The last minutes of the Society in the
minute book alxive referred to are those of Eebruarv 29, 1812.
The quarterly meeting to be held on the following August 29th
was advertised in the Pcnnsyk'ania Correspondent, but after this
no record of any further meeting is known. Apparently after
two and half years of tr}ing, the attempt to form a permanent
society was given up.
The only known description of the Trucks County Society
for Promoting Agriculture and Domestic AFanufactures was writ-
ten over a half centun- after its failure, l)y some resident of
Newtown who remains unidentified under the pseudonym, "Agri-
cola." In his letter to the editor of the Xez^io-wii Enterprise,
which was published in the issue of October 1. 1868, the unknown
author of Reininiseences of the On'ainal Afiricultural Society of
Bneks County said :
"It is believed tliat the first impulse given to the Association last named
was the introduction of Merino sheep into this country. The person who
took the deepest interest in that movement, in our county, was Samuel D.
Ingham — the honored president for a number of years of the modern so-
ciety. T5y his magnetic influence a number of influential persons in the
townships of Buckingham and Solebury. were convened by public notice,
at the school house in Buckingham Township, near Buckingham Meeting
House. The Society was organized, and took the unpretending name of
the "Bucks County Society, for the Promotion of Agriculture." Its offiicers
were Samuel Johnson, President; John Watson, Recording Secretary, and
S. D. Tngham. Corresponding Secretary. Among the members were Dr.
John Watson, the father of the Secretary — Robert Smith, Jonathan Ely. Sr.,
and a number of others, mostly in the vicinity, whom I do not now recollect.
The meeting convened annually, and had a very limited attendance. Several
topics connected with farm- work, were occasionally discussed, but that
whicli enlisted most interest, at tlie time, was the proper management, and
selection of the kind of farm stock, of which the introduction and purchase
first gave rise to the organization.
"As might be expected from the narrowness of the range of action,
whicii the society contemplated, the proceedings were very void of interest,
except to those concerned in the leading object of the Association. Having
no Exhibition or premiums to offer,' o and not being able to afford other
attractions, the Society endured a lingering and premature life, of a few
years — its rise being coeval with the Merino excitement — and its exit, term-
inating with the extinction of the said speculating spirit. And neither its
life nor death would be now noticed, but for the purpose of showing, by
contrast, the magnificent utility of the present Agricultural Society.
"I cannot, however, forbear to relate an incident or two, at the early
period to whicli I liave referred. I do this with the more satisfaction^ as
they tend to sliow that even in the original movements of our associated
farmers, the skillful hands of the female sex were brought into requisition.
"At the only meeting of the Society, which I even attended^ (and
which was in its declining years), it was proposed by S. D. Ingham, that an
emblematic device should be published, the hint for which he had observed
in some late engraving. The prominent idea in the proposed design was
''Science Shedding Her Rays on a Field," in which a variety of agricultural
operations were displayed. All that I remember of the reception of this
thought, was one or two trifling witticisms, to which it gave birth — one of
which was a substitute in the form and manner of the "Sun darting his
rays on a potato patch." Rut, on the whole, the proposition first offered,
met with general favor.
"One of the officers of the Society, on returning home, mentioned the
suggestion to his daughter, who possessed considerable talent for drawing
in water colors ; and long before the next annual meeting of the Society,
she had completed an original design intended to characterize and properly
designate the organization. The general outline of the picture comprised
a delineation of a farm located on the margin of a river. Within a short
'"Apparently the fair of iSii had lieen forgolten liy Agricola when lie
wrote this account 57 years later. It was the original intention of the
Society to offer premiums as soon as the condition of the treasury permitted.
In fact, section 14 of the constitution declared: "The Secretary shall as soon
as necessary funds are provided annually propose prizes upon Interesting
subjects, relative to actual experiments and improvements in agriculture &
manufactures, & for the best essays written on proposed subjects. The
Society will from time to time publish extracts from such communications
as shall be made to them. To promote these views, all experienced agricul-
turalists and maiuifacturers arc invited to assist the Society with their in-
formation. The Society will publish from time to time the prize subject,
and the manner in which the claims shall be examined and determined." As
far as we know, the last named provision was never carried out.
iiPart of section 10 of tlie constitution provided, "Strangers who desire
to be present as auditors may l)e introduced by a resident member."
distance could be seen a flock of sheep grazing — near which, upon a grassy
hillock, was seated a shepherd, with a dog by his side, and the emblematic
crook in his hand. Tn the distance could be discerned a loaded wain slowly
wending its way to the farm-l)uildings, which, with the farm residence and
other appurtenances, were all appropriately represented. This was duly
exhibited to the Society at its next annual meeting, and a handsome note
of thanks was tendered to the lady (including both the design and the
execution of the piece), as, at that early day there was neither premium
nor competition.
"Under the painting was inscribed the motto from Thomson's Seasons
with the alteration of a single word, and this introduced without altering
the measure. The inscription reads, 'Hence Columl)ia sees her solid grandeur
"This painting is still preserved in the family, although the executor
of it has been deceased some twelve or fourteen years. i-
Newtown, Sept. 24th. Agricola."
:|: ^ ^
We have thus reviewed aU the known data in connection with
our county's first agricultural society. Its history has been pre-
sented as full as ]~)ossible, — in the Hght of all known facts, —
because it was one of our pioneer organizations. We are not as
fortunate, however, in having such complete records pertaining
to the second society, which was founded at Newtown in 1820.
^-'Vhe artist referred to was Miss Elizabeth Johnson, born in 1790, who
married in 1814, Jonathan Pickering, of Solebury. Her sister, Ann (John-
son) Paxson, was the one who "still preserved [the painting] in the family"
after Eliza's death. Following the death of Mrs. Paxson, the painting prob-
ably descended to the late Judge Edward M. Paxson or the late Col. Henry
D. Pa.xson. Eliza and Ann were, of course, the two daughters of Samuel
Johnson, the first and only president of the Bucks County Society for Pro-
moting Agriculture. The Bucks County Intelligencer of February 2Ti, 1869,
contains a shorter article from Buckingham very similar to Agricola's. It
was probably written by Thomas Paxson, the husband of Ann, who signed
it simply "T. P." His article, after more or less repeating the information
in Agricola's communication, continued : "Eliza Johnson, daughter of the
President, had a decided talent for drawing and undertook the task. The
design and execution of the work would have done credit to a much more
experienced artist. The prominent features in the drawing (which is in the
possession of her only sister), are a farm on the margin of a river, with its
buildings and ornamental shade trees, a load of grain in the distance, a
plowman with his oxen, the boy with a team to the harrow, the cattle graz-
ing, a shepherd's cottage, a flock of sheep and the shepherd with his dog and
cronk. The drawing was introduced to the society as a present from the
hand of the self-taught young artist. It elicited a hearty and united response
with a glad vote of thanks. The society awarded no premiums, neither had
they a race course for fast horses, as a school to promote in the minds of
their children a tendency to extravagance and immorality." Note the simi-
larity between this drawing and the "diploma" depicted on a later page
which was engraved by William H. EUis for the Bucks County Agricultural
Society, in the year 1846.
Unless additional information is uncovered in the future only an
incomplete and sketchy history can be written. As far as we
know, there is not a single contemporaneous document pertaining
in any way to the history of the Agricultural Society of Bucks
County, except the advertisements and the occasional re])orts of
meetings that are found in the Doylestown newspapers." It has
been stated that the minutes of the Society were lost, "having
probably been burned with the house of John Linton, two miles
from Newtown, on the Yardleyville road, in the spring of 1852. "^-^
We see no reason w^hy, (in the absence of positive proof to the
contrary ) , that John Linton should have had the minutes in his
house twenty years after the affairs of the Society had been
A careful study of the newspaper advertisements of the various
meetings, — which were always over the signature of the secre-
tary. — revealed that former sheriff' Thomas G. Kennedy, of
Newtown, was the organizing secretary, that he held off'ice through
the meeting of February 12, 1821, and that sometime thereafter he
resigned. The call for the meeting of October 29, 1821 was issued
by Stephen Burson, ^I. D., as secretary pro tem., and declared,
"in addition to the ordinarv business of the Society, a secretary
i3This statement should be slightly qualified, because two of the four
extant annual addresses appeared exclusively in sources other than the
county papers. The address of 1823 by Mr. James P. Morris was printed
in pamphlet form, of which the only known copy is at Historical Society of
Pennsylvania. The address of 1825 by Dr. Phineas Jenks, and the address
of 1826 by Mr. James Cox both appeared in the Bucks County Patriot. The
address of 1827 by Samuel D. Ingham, Esq., was printed in Samuel Ha7.ard's
Register of Pennsylvania, Vol. 11, p. 118.
i4Quotation is from an article appearing in Neiulozvn Enterprise, Sept-
ember 1=;, 1923 by Mrs. Laura (Feaster^ Gill, who compiled, for the New-
town New Century Qub, the first histories of the second and third agricul-
tural societies of Bucks county. We find the following account of the
Linton fire in the Bucks County Intelligencer of May 25, 1852: "On the
morning of the 23d inst., about twenty minutes before three o'clock, the
dwelling of John Linton, on the Yardleyville road, near two miles east of
Newtown, was discovered to be on fire. The family were aroused and
made their escape, and succeeded in getting out the goods from the first
story and the cellar ; those in the upper stories being consumed with the
house. The fire was seen by Josepli Cunningham, a neighbor, who repaired
to the spot and assisted in removing the goods. There was an insurance in
the Mutual Beneficial Insurance Association of Bucks County, on the house,
for about $1,000; the loss was probably not over $1,500. It is supposed to
have been the work of incendiaries, as the fire originated in a part of the
house where no fire has been used for more than a year ; and the thunder
storm had not yet come up. We saw the light [from Doylestown 1 plainly
at half past three o'clock in the morning, wlien the fire was probably about
its height."
will be elected for the remaining i)art of the year." John Wan-
shear W ynkoop. grandson of both Judge Henry Wynkoop and
Cieneral PYancis AFurray, was the secretary chosen to fill the vac-
ancy created by Kennedy's resignation. -Major Wynkoop held the
office for four years. The John Linton above referred to was
secretary in 1826 and 1827, and possibly in 1828. Michael Hut-
chinson Jenks was secretary in 1829, and perhaps longer. How-
ever, the call for the adjourned meeting of September 3, 1832
was issued by Dr. John H. Gordon, secretary. We do not, there-
fore, see why Air. Linton who was the third from the last secre-
tary should have received the miiuites at the death of the Societv.
The ])reHminary meeting to form the Agricultural Society of
I kicks Count} was held at what is now called the Brick Hotel,
Xewtown, on January 20, 1820. The names of the men who
formed the second society of its kind in Rucks county remain
today unknown, for all the minute books, treasurer's accounts, and
other papers belonging to the company have been lost or destroyed.
The call for the meeting in the Pennsylrama Correspondent and
Farmers' .-idz-ertiser was unsigned, and simply stated, "Persons
desirous of forming an Agricultural Society, are reciuested to
meet at Mrs. Hinkle's Tavern, in Xewtown, on Thursday the
20th inst. at one o'clock, L. AL" .Apparently a constitution was
adopted at this meeting, for at the next meeting, held February
12, 1821 "Agreeably to their Constitution," it was announced that
"considerable alterations and amendments to the Constitution will
be proposed. "^-"^ The members convened at the old Court House, ^^
''■'^Pcn>isylva)iia Correspondent and Farmers' Advertiser, January 23, 1821.
At a stated meeting of the society to be held Monday, April .30, 1821, i :oo
P. M., it was advertised that there would lie operated for exhibition purposes.
"A machine for breaking- Flax, which has been tried and found to perform
the work better, and with less waste, than the common Break, and on which
upwards of 300 weight of Flax, may be broken in one day." At the same
meeting a year later, (April 29, 1822), it was announced that another
machine, manufactured by Chapman & Rawley, for breaking and dressing
tlax would 1)e exhibited.
i*5The exact date when the old Court House was torn down is not known
with certainty. The vendue of the county buildings was advertised in the
Bucks County Patriot and Farmers' Advertiser of October 31, 1825; but the
last sheriff's proclamation mentioning the election polls being at the "House
formerly occupied as a Court House" was in 1829. We believe, therefore,
that the demolition probably took place in the winter of 1829-1830. General
Davis oliviously erred in his date when he wrote, (History of Bucks County,
Vn\. II, p. 353, note), "The court-house was purchased liy James Phillips,
who attempted to dig a cellar under it, but the walls began to give way, and
soon after 1827 it was taken down." Thaddeus Stevens Kenderdine implies
where their other meetings were held until 1826, at which time
the meeting place returned to the Brick Hotel.
The annual meeting for the election of officers of the Society
was held at first on the last Monday of January. lUit l)eginning
in 1825, the time of tliis meeting seems to have heen changed to
May. Probahly the si>ring was a more convenient time for the
majority of members to assemble together than midwinter was.
The announcement for tlie special election to be held on ]\Iav 28.
1829, "earnestly re(|uested that the members generallv attend, as
business of the utmost importance to the society will be presented
for its consideration."^" Davis said, "At the May meeting, 1829,
Dr. Jenks introduced a strong temperance resolution, which was
adopted. The minutes are silent as to what was said on the
subject, l)ut, instead of pre])aring for the Xovember exhibition at
the next meeting, the society was adjourned until Se|)tember,
1832." Mrs. Gill wrote that the following oft'icers were elected
in 1829, "Aaron Feaster, president; John Linton, vice ])resident :
Dr. John H. Gordon, secretary; Chapman P.uckman, treasurer;
Michael H. Jenks, orator; and Dr. P. Jenks. librarian. At the
n.ext meeting Dr. Jenks presented a strong temperance resolution.
In 1829 the society met in pursuance of adjournment, and dis-
cussed a proposition for a temporary suspension of the meeting."
The activities of the Agricultural Societv of Rucks County
most interesting to us now are undoubtedly the annual exhibitions
or cattle shows held in the yard of the Brick Hotel in the fall of
the year, generall}- on the second Monday in November. How-
ever, the first show, a one-man aft"air and only a forerunner of
what was to follow, was held February 12, 1821 in connection
with the annual meeting. At this time Charles Brown showed
one cow and one bull. An extract from the minutes printed in
the Pciiiisyliania Correspondent'^^ contains this report by Enos
ill his pamphlet When Xczcfo:^'ii was tJic Cnnnty Scat, illus. facino; p. 57,
that the Court House wa.s pulled down before 1822.
'^''Bucks County Intelligencer and General Advertiser, May 25, 1829.
i**Issue of February 20, 182U Several technical papers were presented
before the .Society in the year 182U The Corresf^ondent of May 8, 1821
contains a letter irom John Linton to Secretary Thomas G. Kennedy about
an invention of Lambert Torbert's, — "a very respecvable neighbor" of
Linton, -- to prevent the ravages of the Hessian i\y. James Worth, Esq.,
of Sharon, IMiddleton township, read two papers before the Society on July
30th of tliat year. Tliey were so successfully received that he repeated
tliem 1)efore tlie Philadelphia Si.ciety for Promoting Agriculture, on the
Morris, Esq., Dr. Phineas jenks. and Thomas \'ar(lley. "api^ointed
a committee to view the Cattle exhibited" :
"That they gave the preference to the cattle brought by Charles lirown
of Poplar Grove in this County, viz.
"A Cow of more than ordinary size, of the milk l)reetl, in !ine urder,
and which if fattened would probably weigh looo l])s. She is in the
opinion of your committee, more perfect in symmetry and beauty than any
animal of the kind they have ever seen.
"Also a Bull of the Holland breed four years old, remarkal)ly well
fatted. He is long, low, and heavy, of apparent perfectinn in all his parts,
except the horns, which are short and quite loose, he measures 4 feet 3
inches high, 7 feet 3 inches long, 7 feet 3 inches round the girth, 2 feet 7
inches diameter through the sin ulder
""S'our committee have no hesitation in saying tliat they consider him
far superior to any of tlie celebrated Bakewell breed that ha\e come under
their notice, and that Mr. P)ri wn is entitled to the thanks of this society
for his care in selecting and fatting cattle."
At a stated meeting held April 28, 1823, "a newly invented
cleaning Mill"' was exhibited to the Society. It was not. then,
until the last Monday in ( )ctober, 1823, that the first of six regular
annual exhibitions was instituted. L'n fortunately, no report of
the first one of these is known to exist.
The announcement for the second exhibition declared. "It is
proposed to have a ploughing match on the same day — a suitable
piece of ground will be provided to test the qualities of the dififer-
ent kinds of ploughs. The neighboring farmers who have any of
superior construction, are invited to come forward and join in the
honorable competition. Any person having new and improved
implements of husbandry ; fine stock, or any superior productions
of the earth, will confer a favor on the Societ}-, by exhibiting
them at the meeting."^'' Fortunately, the complete report of the
exhibition was extracted from the minutes and published by order
following October 23d. The first was on the pea fly, (Bruchus pisi), and
the second was on the diseases of the Morello cherry and the management
of fruit trees. These scientific papers were printed first in the Saturday
Magazine, and then reprinted in the local Pennsylvania Correspondent,
issues of February 12 and April 16, 1822. The first paper is addressed to
"John Linton, Esq., Chairman of the Committee on Entomology." The
second paper is addressed to 'Air. James P. ]\Iorris, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fruit and Forest Trees."'
'^^'^Biicks County Patriot and Farmers' Advertiser, October 25, 1824. This
was the first of at least five consecutive exhibitions to be held on the second
Monday of November. The shoAvs were officially opened at 10:00 o'clock in
the morning.
Born May 3, 1781 — Died August 6, 1851
"In liis Iirain," wrote Cliief Justice I'.dward M. Paxson, "tiie idea
of organizing this Society first fonncl a lodgcnicnt."
of the Society in the Bucks County Patriot and Fanners' Adver-
tiser of Xovember 22. 1824. hy John W. Wynkoop, secretary. Tt
follows in full :
"The committee on Stock, &c. report —
"That among tlie horses exhibited which were worthy of distinction,
were Wm. Aspy's, three years old colt Standard, Sired by Badgers Sir
Solomon, and Iired by Mr. Stephen Hunt, of Xew Jersey — lie bids fair to
rank among the first rate thorough bred stud horses.
"Mr. Steele's Diomedc Virginia Mare, half sister to Henry the late
competitor of Eclipse: she is a mare of superior form.
"Mr. ]\IcDoweirs draft stud horse, grandson of Tate's imported Corn-
planter, bred by Mr. David Jones from his blooded mare, he is a horse of
power and great action for his size.
"Cattle — Mr. James Cox exhibited Iiis imported Cow. She was pro-
nounced by the multitude attending to be the handsomest Cow they had
ever seen, and your committee are of opinion tliat her points and general
figure are equal to any of the Teesv^^ater or Durham short horn cattle that
have been imported— bred and exhibited l)y Jolm Hare Powell, the most
celel)ratcd Ineeder in Pennsylvania.
"Also, his high bred bull calf Rlytlie. His sire, Powell's Champion,
by Palm flower, and Palm flower by Patriot, who sold for 500 guineas.
Blythe's dam was Powell's Shepherdess. He is a calf of fine promise.
Your committee anticipate great and lasting advantages to result from his
pr(>geny and recommend the thanks of the society to be voted to Mr. Cox
for his liberal exertions to improve our breed of cattle.
"Mr. James Worth, in addition to his Alderly Cow. Sharon cow, native
short honed l)eauty, and his large Sharon steer, that bids fair to be the
largest ever bred in the country, also exhibited his three year old bull,
bred by Nicholas Biddle, esq. from the thorough bred imported bull Denton ;
his dam the cele])rated Southborough cow, which produced within one year
480^/' Ills, of butter. (She is better known by the name of the Oakes cow,
that made 16 lljs. of butter per week, yielding 36 quarts of milk per day.)
Your ccmmittee are happy in beholding in this noble animal points equal
to any of the imported Durham shcrt liorned cattle — that they have seen
few men do as much credit to their surname as James.
"Dr. A. T. ]\Ioore's cow and yearling heififer are very fine cattle — we
hope to see them crossed with the improved breed.
"Enos ^lorris' Bulb cks were wel'. selected cattle, and do credit to their
"Hogs. — Mr. Erancis Mahan's barrows were the best fed hogs on the
ground, in addition to which they are well framed, and your committee are
satisfied that their feeder is not without a Hobby.
"Mr. John Linton's Boar is a well grown and well formed hog — he
took the attention of the people, and we anticipate that there will be many
of his progeny in the neighborhood the ensuing season. His brood sow
had nothing worthy of distinction. The pedigree of his stock was not fur-
"Mr. Aaron Feaster exhibited a pig eight weeks old, of the Thorp
breed, crossed with Maris's importation ; it is even very fine, and your com-
mittee are of opinion the cross will produce a line race of hogs. We are
sorry Ave did not take its weight.
''Major John W. Wynkoop exhibited two sucking pigs, 78 days old —
their dam a half blood of Haines' imported No-ball, and the sire a half
blood of Cobbets importation crossed with good native hogs on both sides.
They are fine formed pigs— the sow pig weighed 91K lbs. the boar 36^4
lbs. They are from a small stock on both sides, but very healthy, and will
always do credit to the feeder.
"Mr. James Worth's Cobbet hogs — Although he has taken pains to
introduce the breed, which is approved of by a majority of those who do
not feed high; yet, from the appearance of his stock, your committee infer
that a hog is not his hobby.
"Sheep — Mr. Chapman Buckman's quarter blooded merinos were the
best of the kind we have seen.
"Mr. John Leffert's Bakewell sheep, originally from Capt. Farmer's
flock of the Bean's importation ; some of them are equal to Capt. Barney's,
of Delaware. Mr. Lefferts is the only gentleman of the county who has
taken care to preserve the Bakewell sheep pure in blood. They certainly
are the most desirable breed to the farmers of our country. His flock is
an evidence that farmers may breed in and in with safety and advantage. —
He has lately however, procured a fine buck of the same breed from the
neighborhood of New Brunswick ; your committee are not without a hope
that this race of fine animals will yet become more common, and that Mr.
Lefiferts may be remunerated for his attention is preserving his flock so high
in the blood.
"Vegetables were produced in great variety. Those the most worthy
of distinction were Mr. Thomas Cunningham's mercer potatoes; three of
which were exhibited in a half peck, and they being clustered filled it,
making good huckster's measure. Your committee are of opinion they can
be cultivated to greater advantage to the farmer than any other potatoe
now in use, as they are generally approved of for the table.
"James Worth's Mangel Wurtzel. One that was exhibited weighed 13
lb. 10 oz. without the top. They are known frequently to grow much
larger. The experiment which Mr. Worth has made the present season in
raising this vegetable, convinces your committee of the great value of the
crop. The tops were not taken into the calculation, as they were cut off close
before weighing.
"The last, not least, was a straw hat, exhibited by Miss Keyser, of
Newtown, plaited by herself. It is superior in appearance to many of the
Leghorn hats of No. 17. Your committee would recommend to the mem-
bers of the society the cultivation of the Leghorn straw, in order to give
tht American ladies an opportunity of displaying their skill in this liranch
of useful industry.
"The Committee appointed to superintend the ploughing report, that
Enos Morris's plough drawn by two horses, William .\ustin, ploughman,
ploughed 3/16 of ;in acre of herd and timothy sward 7 inches deep in 24
minutes. — James Worth and John Linton's iihmghs, each drawn by two
horses, with Crirnelius Torbert and Daniel lirass ploughmen, ploughed the
same quantity in 27 minutes 6 inches deep: and t!iat John Lefferts plough,
drawn by three horses, liimself ploughman. ))l(iug]ied the same quantity in
40 minutes 7 inches deep — all of which was dnne in a superior and hand-
some manner.
"The Committee on implements of liusl)andry report, that there has
been submitted to them by Air. Worth, a Corn Shelling Machine, (Moore's
patent) which, from the simplicity of its construction, clieapness, and com-
plete operation, tliey l)elieve is well entitled to the attention of farmers
generally. They also examined an ox cart belonging to Mr. David Jones,
which contained an improvement in tlie method of discharging its load,
wliich they consider an important one."
At the anntial meeting and election held .May IG, 1825, "The
imported F.ull, Bishoj). with some of his ])rogeny" was sh.own to
the members. Imt it was not nntil Xovemlier 14tli that the big
annual exhibition and cattle show was held. "There will also be
a ploughing match with horses and oxen, when the farmers of
the county are cordialh' invited to come forward and test the
qualities of their ])loughs, horses, and oxen and their own skill
as ploughmen."-"
The exhibition of 1826. was also a]:)parently a success. Fifty
dollars in prize money was awarded, and according to General
Davis, "Jeremiah Bailey exhibited a model of his machine for
mowing grass and grain, which had been in successful operation,
in Philadeli^hia county, and was well indorsed by Edward l^uf-
field and Samuel Xewbold. James \\'orth, Newtown, had also
used it the last season, and said it did lictter work than anything
]ie had ever seen."-^ The report of this exhibition, like the one
of 1825, has not been preserved only the premium list has sur-
vived. It is quoted below from the Ducks Coiiufy Patriot of
Septemljer 4, 1826.
-f^Bucks CoiiiHy Patriot and Farmcis' .Id-cwtiscr. October 31, 1825.
2iDavis, W. W. H., History of Bucl.\^ County, Vol. II, p. 353. See also
T. S. Kenderdine's article, "An Old Mowing Machine", in Proceedings of
Bucks County Historical Society. Vol. Ill, p. 373.
"The inhabitants of Bucks County are respectfully informed, that a
show or exhibition of cattle, sheep and other animals, domestic manufac-
tures &c. will be held at the house of Mrs. Ann Hinkle. in the village of
Newtown, on Monday, the 13th of November, [1826] when the following
premiums will be offered, for the annexed articles, viz.
For the best Bull above two years old $5
For tlie best Bull under 2 years 3
For the best Cow above three years 4
For tlie best Heifer between i and 3 3
For tlie best Heifer calf under i year 2
For the best Merino Ram 3
Ewes not less than 3 in number 2
Dishley Ram 3
Ewes 3 in numlier 2
— 10
For the best Boar 3
For the best Sow 2
— 5
Best domestic 3
Best 3
— 6
Best 3
Best not less than tln-ee months old 2
— 5
At the same time and place, there will he a ploughing match — Premiums
as follow —
Best, one eiglith of an acre, performed within 35
mimites 2
Five next best i dollar each 5
Total $50
"Premiums to be confined to inhabitants of the county of Bucks. No
person will he entitled tn a Premium for any animal which he shall not
have bred or pr ssessed at least tliree nmnths preceding the exhiliition : and
he must give satisfactory assurance nf its remaining in the county for
twelve months thereafter, provided it is of sufficient age to breed from.
Nor for domestic articles unless manufactured at liis or her residence, and
the process in manufacturing stated.
"The society reserves the right of witliholding premiums in every case,
when the object presented is deemed unworthy of distinction.
"The society regrets that the limited state of the funds has necessarily
confined the premiums to the objects enumerated, and particularly that they
have been compelled to exclude Horses, Household Fabrics, the produce of
the soil, implements of Husbandry, and other useful inventions. But it is
hoped that the proprietors of those important articles will bring them for-
ward; because it will not only benefit the community at large, to which
every member of the human family is bound to CDUtribute his part, but it
will really comport with their own interest; for instance, what is known
of the value of a horse by the pompous advertisements which appear when
the meanest is often extolled beyond the most excellent, and therefore the
owners of fine horses, would establish their true merits more readily at a
public exhibition, than by all that could be said of them on paper ; and the
same observations may be applied to household fabrics, implements of hus-
bandry &c.
J.\MEs Worth.
Cliainnau nf fh.c Co}iiv\ittee.
"Such animals as are intended for competition on the premium list,
must be on the ground by nine o'clock A. M. By order of the Society,
John Linto.v, Secretary."
The exhibition of 1827 was much more successful than the
prececHng ones. The following is a complete report of the show ;--
"At the Exhibition Meeting of the Agricultural Society of Bucks County,
held at the Iiouse of Mrs. Ann Hinkle, in Newtown, November 12, 1827.
"The Committees, on Stock— on Implements of Husbandry — on House-
hold Fabrics, and on Ploughing, made the following Reports, to wit :
"Wc the Committee on Stock make the following Report :
"Mr. Miles Addis's Young Expedition, a Stallion 4 years old is, in the
opinion of your Committee, a horse possessing many good points, with a
handsome figure and action, and is entitled, we consider to the premium.
"Mr. James Worth's Brood Mare with a Colt by her side, we consider
a fine beast, and entitled to the Premium. |$2.oo]
"Mr. S. Y. Thornton's 2 years old blood Colt, sired by Rattler, is, we
consider entitled to notice, although there is no premium for Colts of
his age.
2-From the Bucks County Intelligencer and General Advertiser of Nov-
ember 19. 1827. The premium money, inserted in brackets by the present
writer, was taken from the premium list as published in the same paper on
the preceding October 8th.
"Defiance, owned by ^Messrs. Worth & Feaster, a full blooded Durham
short horn Bull, over 2 years old (well known in the neighborhood,) is
entitled to the premium. [$2.00]
"Mr. James Coxe's yearling, full-blooded Durham short horn bull, sired
by Blythe, is a l)eautiful Calf, and promises fair to compete with any of
his predecessors, lie is therefore entitled to the Premium. [$i.oo] Mr.
Coxe's full-blooded, yearling Heifer Fanny, by Blythe, is a very superior
Calf, in some parts preferable to her brother. Entitled to the Premium.
"Mr. Aaron Feaster's half-lilooded short horn heifer Calf Tiljbs, under
2 years old, is decidedly, in our opinion, entitled to the Premium. [$8.00]
We also award to Mr. Feaster the premium for the second best half-
blooded Heifer Calf, under two years old. [$i.oo]
"To Air. John Linton we award the premium for the best half -blooded
Bull under une year old. [Xo premium listed]
"Mr. James Worth is entitled to the premium for his full-l)looded Dish-
ley Ram. [$2.00] But your committee had mucli difhcnlty in deciding with
respect to the full-blooded Dishley Ewes, exhibited 1)y Mr. Worth and Mr.
Lefiferts — as they certainly were very superior ; but finally concluded that
three of Mr. Worth's Ewes were rather preferable and therefore awarded
in his favor. [$2.00]
JOHX Lf.kferts,
M. H. Jknks.
"The Committee on Implements of Husbandry and Household Fabrics,
respectfully report: That they have examined the several articles offered
for their inspection, and recommend the following premiums, viz :
For Implkmexts of Husbandry.
To John Deates for his Plough manufactured by Garret Brown $2.00
To Wm. Bache for his self-sharpening Plough manufactured by
James Philips i.oo
To Wm. Bache for his self -sharpening Cultivator i.oo
To Croasdale & Kirk, for a Sausage Cutter i.oo
"Buckman & Fasset, exhibited a Washing A.Iachine, which, from the
high character given to it by a very respectable member of the society, the
committee recommend it to the notice of the public.
"The Committee further recommend the following premiums (^n House-
hold Fabrics.
To Mrs. Alice M'Xair for her Carpet $2.00
To Mrs. Ann Morris, for her Carpet i.oo
To Michael H. Jenks for his excellent Pomona Brandy i.oo
James Worth.
Chainmiii of Committee.
376 AGRicrLTriJK societies
"Tile Cniniiiittee im Ploughino report. — That two different Ploughs
only were exhibited, viz : P)aclie's and Brown & Deates. It is the opinion
of the Committee that P>ache's Plough will remove more earth, with the
same strength^ (cf Horses') than any Plougli in the County. At the same
time they think that Brown & Deates's Plough is worthy the attention of
the puljlic, and performed the work in a much handsomer manner, managed
by Joseph Buckman, with his own horses. Isaac Vanhorn with Mr. Mor-
ris's horses and Bache's plough, certainly deserves great credit. The Com-
mittee award to Mr. Buckman the first premium. [$5.00]
John Lefp^erts,
M. H. Jenks.
\Vm. R. Rirn.xKnso.v.
"Extracted from the Minutes,
John Linton, Sec'y."
(ic.neral Davis mav have seen at one time the original mintttes
of th.e Society. f(jr he sai'l. "At the exhibition .\ovember 10, 1828,
preniinins were ottered on horses, cattle, shee]:), hogs, miscellaneous
articles and plow ing. Some of the fine st'Dck of John Hare Powell
was brf)ught t(j this la'^t exliibition. AnK)ng other leading men, who
encouraged the pioneer soi-iet)', were Dr. John 11. Gordon, Thomas
G. Kennedy, Alichael H. Jenks and James \\'orth."-'^ Mrs. (iill
wrote :
"In 1828 the siiciety met at the house of Joseph Archambault (Brick
Hotel). Tlie exhil)itii>n made a good display: it was Archambault's first
year at the Brick, and the dinner prepared for the members was a credit
to the new landlord. The Pomona l)randy, manufactured by Micliael H.
Jenks was placed on the talile free and plenty, and appears to have acted
like a charm. The l)randy and tlie maker were warmly toasted. When the
age of the brandy was given it was taste 1 again, and the more it was tasted,
the older and lietter it became, while regret was expressed that a larger
premium c; iild not be given. -■* It was remarked afterward that several of
the memljers knew more about good brandy than they did alniut good
-'3Davis, W. W. II., History of Bucks Comity. Vol. II, p. 353. A com-
plete report of ihis meeting is to be found in the Sticks County Intellincuccr
and General .Idz'crtiscr « f December i, 1828, and the Political Examiner
and Bucks County .-Idici tiscr of December 8, 1828, but no mention, how-
ever, is made therein of "the fine stock of John Hare Powell."
--•Vewt' wn's Star of freedom, June 18, 1817, carried tins brief adver-
tisement 1iy Michael II. Jenks; "Apple Whiskey, Of the first quality, for
Sale, By the Hogshead < r Barrel." Xcte that he received from the Society
in 1827 a prenn'uni of $1.00 for "his excellent Pomona Brandy", so he ap-
parently ran his distillery for many years. This in spite of the fact that the
bye-laws of 1821 provirled for a standing committee "especially to dis-
courage that great bane of society, the excessive use of spiritual liquors."
-^Nei^'toi^n Enterprise, September 15, 1923.
Two of the most prominent members of the Agricultural
Society of Uucks County were James Worth. Es(|.. a distinguished
gentleman whose country seat was Sharon, in Middletown town-
ship : and Dr. F'hineas Jenks. who lived in the old stone house at
the southwest corner of State Street and Centre Avenue, in New-
toAvn. Both of these men were received into the honorarv mem-
bership of the Philadelphia Society for I'romoting Agriculture,- —
I^OTICE is hereby given that the society
Jjl will be dissolved on Thursday, the 4th
of October next, when aneqnitable dividend
of the moneys in the hands of the Treasurer
and those which may arise from the sale of
the books, &c. will be made among the
members, in attendance or their represen-
tatives. The money not claimed on that
day will be appropriated to some benevo-
lent purpose. By order of the Society.
J. H. GORDON, Sec'y,
September 24th, 1832
N. B. The Books, 6cc. will be publicly
sold at 2 o'clocli P. M. on the day of meet-
ing, at the house of Joseph Archambault, in
Newtown. Members, who hold books be-
longing to the Society, will please to return
them on or before the day of sale. :
the former on I'^bruary l.l, 1820 and the latter on March 21,
1838. \\'hy sucli men of recognized ability i^ermitted their society,
formed under tlic most favorable circuiustances, to fall to pieces
remains a my^terw In speaking of tlie wind-up of this organiza-
tion Mr-.. ( iill ])ubli.-.hed the following conclusions:
"A int'cTins; was called in iX^j, cuiiniittees aiipuiiitcil tn onUect tlie
1)1 Mks and adjust the affairs cf the sncicty. in urdcr tn clnse up the business.
At a later meeting the same year, the books were sold, and it was ordered
that the proceeds be divided among the members, with the understanding
that if any shares were not called for within ten days, all nmney then
remaining in the hands of the committee was to be presented to the cause
of temperance. The projectors of the society had a liigher oliject in view
than money for what they exhibited. The institution wa';, in fact, con-
trolled by a high class of men.
"Charles B. Trego, of Pliiladelphia, who was spending the summer of
1874 3' the home of his brother, Edward, remarked on hearing the names
of members of the society ; T remember many of them very well, and also
the places at which they lived.' He was asked whether they were all
farmers. 'Oh I no,' he answered : 'They were all men of solid worth and
intelligence and in nearly every department of business, — farmers, mechan-
ics, retired gentlemen, lawyers, and doctors.' He then told of the farms and
places in which they lived. He was asked : 'How would they compare with
the persons who now, after fifty years, occupy the same places?' The ques-
tion was too direct to answer in one word, but the substance of it was that the
tone and character had not been elevated, and if the present generation
had not better facilities for business than they had iifty years ago, they would
loose by comparison. Tt was remarkable that the society which had ap-
peared to be in such successful operation in 1829 when officers were re-
elected for tlie ensuing year, with the most favorable prospects for a good
exhibition in the fall, should break down and crumble to pieces in the
course of a few months. There were some cause*^ for the cliange and it is
interesting to know what they were. Among the changes might be noted:
first, the old court house, in which the meetings had been held, was sold ;2<5
second, there had been some jealousy created in the society by rival exhibit-
"James Worth, Aaron Feaster, and Jonathan Wynkoop were the fathers
of the society, and had their farms better stocked than any others, with all
improved breeds of animals, until James Cox, of Philadelphia, moved up to
Northampton, and turned his attention to stock raising. He had good taste
and ample means for making a fine display of the best kind of cattle.
Public attention was originally all directed to what Worth, Feaster, and
Wynkoop said. James Cox was likely to become the coming man.
"Temperance was beginning to be an exciting element in social life
and a strong disposition was manifested to make the Agricultural Society
of Bucks County do its share of temperance work. This soon made a bad
feeling in the society and had probably more influence in breaking up the
26This had nothing to do with the downfall of the Society. ( E. R. B.)
Some of the known members of the Agricultural Society of Bucks County
include : Dr. Stephen Rurson. William Carr, James Cox, John Cox, Aaron
Feaster, Dr. John H. Gordon, Alichael H. Jenks, Esq., Dr. Phineas Jenks,
Thomas G. Kennedy, Esq., John Kirkbride, John Lefferts, John Linton, Esq.,
Yardley Linton. Enos Morris, Esq., James P. Morris, William R. Richard-
son, James Worth, Esq., Major John Wanshear Wynkoop, Jonathan Wyn-
koop, Esq., and Thomas Yardley.
organization than any other one cause. This can be appreciated by a little
consideration of social life at that time. In that day it would have been
regarded as cool treatment to visitors not to offer them a glass of wine.
Mechanics who came at sunshine ready for work expected their bitters
before breakfast, dinner and supper and it was the same with laborers.
Rum was indispensable in the harvest field to brace up the exhausted
systems of the workmen. The theory that rum has more tendency to pros-
trate the system, than to give it strength, had not been accepted. As this
was the attitude of social life and public sentiment, there is little wonder
that the strong resolutions offered at the meeting of 1829, condemning the
use of liquor made a great sensation. The neighborhood was not prepared
for it when it was only at the last exhibition that the Pomona brandy of
Michael H. Jenks was very acceptable and highly praised at the dinner at
the Brick hotel of Joseph Archambault."
of the
Agricultural Societ7 of Bucks County.
Amended and Adopted, February 12, 1821, and
first Printed in the "Pennsylvania Correspondent
and Farmers' Advertiser" on the April 3d following.
Article 1.
The Society shall be styled the "Agricultural Society of Bucks
County" — and shall consist of such persons as reside within the County,
and shall comply with the provisions of this Constitution.
Article II.
The attention of the Society shall be called to Agriculture, and
all subjects connected therewith.
Article III.
The stated meetings of the Society shall be held on the last second-
days, or Mondays of January, April, July and October, at such hour
and place as the Bye-laws may designate, and five members shall con-
stitute a quorum for ordinary transactions.
Article IV.
The officers of the Society shall at present, consist of a President,
Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, to be annually elected at the
stated meeting in January: — but should an election not be so held,
it may take place at any after stated meeting; and any vacancy by
death, resignation or otherwise, may be supplied at any time, provided
that such vacancy shall have been announced at some previous meet-
ing. The number of Vice-Presidents may hereafter be increased and
such other officers appointed, as may be found expedient. In all cases,
the officers chosen shall continue to exercise their functions, until
others are elected.
Article V.
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of
the Society, to preserve order, to state questions, to give the casting
vote when the Society is equally divided, and to perform all such other
acts as may appertain to his office. In the absence of the President,
his duties shall devolve on the Vice-President.
Article VI.
The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of the proceedings of
the Society, and perform such other acts as the Bye-laws may enjoin,
or the transactions of the Society require.
Article VII.
The Treasurer shall give bond with approved security, for the
faithful performance of his duties; he shall receive and pay all monies
belonging to the Society, and keep a regular account thereof, and
exhibit the at the stated meeting in .lanuary annually, and at
such other times as may be called for; but he is to pay no monies
except on the order of the President, attested by the Secretary.
Article VIII.
In the absence of any officer at any stated meeting, his place may
be supplied pro tempore, by a vote of the Society.
Article IX.
There shall be held annually at the stated meeting in October, a
shew or exhibition of Cattle, Sheep and other animals, domestic manu-
facturers, implements of husbandry, new and improved varieties of
fruit, grains, grasses, roots, and other productions.
Article X.
Every member shall sign the Constitution, and pay at the time
one dollar, and on the first day of January annually thereafter, such
furthei- sum as may be required by the Bye-laws. Any member whose
contributions shall be found to be two years in arrears, and shall omit
lo pay the same on application by Treasurer, or other person author-
ized by him, shall be considered as withdrawing from the Society, and
shall forfeit all interests therein.
Article XL
Amendments to this Constittition, may be made at the annual meet-
ing in .January by two-thirds of the members present.
For the government of the Agricultural Society of Bucks County.
1st. All meetings of the society shall be held v.t the Old Court-
House, in Newtown, at one o'clock, P. IVI., except such as may be other-
wise directed at a preceding meeting; and business shall be entered
upon within one hour after the time appointed, provided a quorum shall
have assembled.
2d. At the annual meeting in January, the following standing
Committees shall be appointed, viz: —
1. On Farm, Buildings, Fences and Implements of Husbandry —
To study the improvement of Houses, Bams, Barnyards and Out-build-
ings, both as it regards the plan and materials. To examine the relative
cost of the different kinds of fences, and the best methods of construct-
ing or raising them. To make improvements in the implements of
husbandry, and to introduce such as may be made in other places.
2. On Domestic Animals. — To enquire after and introduce the
bes: kinds, to endeavor to r.scertain the most economical and best
methods of rearing, managing, and feeding them, together with facts
on the relative advantages of the employment of horses, mules and
oxen, for labor.
3. On the Veterinary Art. — To investigate the nature and origin
of the diseases of domestic animals, and the best methods of preven-
tion anci cure.
4. On Soils and Manures. — To examine the different soils of this
County, and study their improvement. To endeavor to ascertain the
relative advantages of barn-yard manure, plaister, lime, burnt clay,
ashes, salt, and other kinds of manure, with the most proper time and
manner of applying each; together with the best methods of accumulat-
ing r.nd preparing them.
5. On Grasses, Grains, and Roots. — To enquire after and recom-
mend the best and most profitable kinds, the time and manner of sow-
ing and planting, and the proper quantity of each per acre; also, the
previous preparation of the ground and seed, together with the best
method of culture.
6. On Fruit and Forest Trees. — To endeavor to ascertain the best
and most useful fruits of all kinds, with the best methods of making
wine, cider. &c. To examine the causes of the premature decay of
fruit-trees, with a view to their preservation; to ascertain the best
time of cutting forest-trees, as it respects the durability of the wood,
under ground or exposed to the weather — also, for fuel.
7. On Horticulture. — To ascertain the best and most approved
methods of managing kitchen gardens, attend to the introduction of
useful vegetables, modes of culture, &c. And also, to promote good
taste in the planning and arrangement of gardens generally.
8. On Entomology. — To examine the habits of such insects as
injure the crops of the farmer, \v1th a view to discover the means of
destroying them, or preventing their ravages; and to study such other
branches of natural history, as are interesting to the Agriculturalist.
9. On Domestic Manufactures.— To endeavor to devise the best
means of encouraging household fabrics, and raising the raw materials
for larger establishments, and generally to recommend a preference
In the use of the manufactures of our country.
10. On Industry and Economy. — To endeavor to find means for
the employment of the poor, and to stimulate the idle into industry;
to introduce habits of economy and good mangement among the labor-
ing class, and especially to discourage that great bane of society, the
excessive use of spirituous liquors.
11. A Library Committee. — To superintend the library, to appoint
a librarian, and to establish such rules for its government, as are
consistant with the views of the society.
Every member of the society shall have the privilege of attaching
himself to any one, or more, of the standing committees, except the
library committee; each committee to consist of at least five members,
besides the officers of the society, who shall be admitted ex-officio;
and where that number do not voluntarily offer, the president shall
appoint the deficient part.
Each committee shall transmit to the society, all papers which
may be addressed to them, touching the objects of the association. It
will be expected that every committee will make a report to the society
at least once in every year. It shall be the duty of the first named on
each committee, on being furnished with a list of the members, to
notify his colleagues of their appointment, and call them together,
whenever he may deem it expedient.
3d. It shall be the duty of the president to call special meetings
of the society whenever he may deem it expedient, or on the applica-
tion of any five members made in writing and stating the object of the
call. He shall appoint all committees consisting of not more than
three members; and he shall designate the first or Chairman of all the
standing committees. It shall further be his duty to maintain all use-
ful correspondence, not otherwise particularly directed; and he shall
annually request some member to deliver an address at the stated
meeting in January.
4th. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to enter the number
of members attending each meeting; to notify the Chairman of each
committee of the object of their appointment, and furnish a list of the
members. He shall publish the meetings of the society unless other-
wise directed.
5th. The business of the society shall commence on the president
calling the members to order, when all conversation and noise that
might interrupt the proceedings, must be avoided. The secretary shall
first read the minutes of the preceding meeting, but no debate shall
be admitted on such minutes further than to correct inaccuracies. The
reports of the standing committees shall next be in order, taking pre-
cedence as they stand recorded. Other committees shall then be called
upon as they are entered on the minutes, and all unfinished business
must be disposed of before any new matter can be introduced; except
at special meetings, when the business for which the meeting is con-
vened must first be transacted.
6th. All motions shall be reduced to writing, if required, by the
presiding officer, nor shall any debate take place until a motion is
regularly seconded and stated from the chair. A motion may be with-
drawn by the member who makes it before amendment or decision, and
a motion to amend, commit, postpone or adjourn, shall always be in
7th. In all debates the members shall address the president. A
member shall not be interrupted while speaking, except by a call to
order or for the purpose of explanation, nor shall he speak more than
twice on the same subject, without leave obtained from the society.
The president shall be judge of all questions of order, but any member
declared to be transgressed, may explain himself and appeal from such
decision and on being seconded the society shall determine. All mat-
ters touching the objects of our association may be fully discussed
either orally or written, but personal reflections may be deemed in-
8th. All claims against the society must be presented at some
regular meeting thereof, and when adjusted, the president shall draw
on the treasurer for the amount. The annual contribution of members
shall be fifty cents till otherwise directed.
9th. At the stated meeting in July a committee consisting of five
members shall be appointed whose duty shall be to attend the exhibi-
tion in October and carefully view and examine all such cattle, sheep
or other animals, domestic manufactures, implements of husbandry,
new and improved varieties of fruit, grain, grasses, roots and other
productions, as may be shewn or exhibited, and having completed
their examination, they shall report to the society, a statement of their
transactions generally, and shall particularly notice every person who
may have distinguished him or herself, by exhibiting the best or most
approved article of any kind, and also such as may have offered the
next best, which report shall be entered at large upon the minutes, and
a certificate signed by the president, and attested by the secretary,
shall be issued to each individual so distinguished, bearing honorable
testimony of the facts; or such other evidence of the merits of the
case be granted, as the society may at any time direct. The president
is hereby authorized to supply any vacancy that may happen in the
10th. Any alteration or addition to these rules may be made
at the annual meeting in January, or at any other stated meeting,
provided notice thereof shall have been given at a previous meeting.
We have now reviewed tlie history of our county's second
agriculture society. The third one was formed in 1843, by several
of the men who had ])een active in the society that had become
defunct about a decade earlier. They transposed the name of
the old Agricultural Society of Rucks County to form the new
Bucks Count\- Agricultural Society, and with this change in name
came a change in fortune. Vor forty \ears the P.ucks Counts-
Agriculture St)ciety w as without doubt one of the most prominent
of any county societx' in Pennsylvania.
W'e are most fortunate in having preserved to us a sj^lendid
history of this Societ}' during the first (|uarter century of its life.
This histor}-, from the pen of none other than the late Judge
Edward M. Paxson, a])]^eared in the Bucks Coioify InicUigcncer
of Xovember 10. 3868. And we (juote it herewith to preserve it
in a more jiermanent form, because we could not, at this late date
hoj)e to be able to frame the stor\- in the same colorful way that
one of the founders could. The following is part of. ".\n Ad-
dress Delivered before the l^>ucks County Agricultural Society, at
Newtown. September 23. 1868. by Edward M. P^axson.. Esq."
'Air. President and Gentlemen of the lUicks County Agricultural So-
ciety; — On the 9th day of October, 1843, I was sitting in the editorial
sanctum of the Newtown Journal, when the door opened and in walked
my fellow townsman, Dr. Phineas Tenks. He laid down his hat and cane,
and with that solemn air so habitual with him, remarked: "Edward. I have
been thinking that we ought to have an Agricultural Society in Bucks
county, and I have come to consult you in regard to it." The matter was
then and there considered and discussed between us. and the result of our
deliberations was that I sat down at my tal)le and wrote a notice in these
words :
'Bucks County Agricultural Society.
'The Farmers of Bucks county are requested to meet in the Borough
of Xewtown on [Monday the 6th of November next, for the purpose of
forming an Agricultural Society. A general attendance is desirable.
ATany Farmers.'
"Tliis notice was published next day. Octolier lotb, in the Newtown
Journal, and it was the first step in the formation of this Society.-''' From
-'\n the issue of his A'r:>, /"n'/; Journal und IVorkimiiucu's Advocate for
October 24. 184.3. Air. Paxson wrote: "By reference to our advertising will
be seen a call for a meeting of the Farmers and all others interested in the
importance of Agriculture, to meet in this Borough, in the Free Church on
Monday, the 6th of November, for the purpose of forming a Society for the
promotion of agricidture in this county. We deem it unnecessary to speak
to our friends upon the importance of this subject, believing that they are
well aware that an institution of this kind can but prove highly beneficial to
which it will be seen that 1 >i . Jonks ami myself were, m a measure, its
fathers, and as our old friend, the Doctor, is no longer with us, I may
perhaps, without egotism, lay claims to being the surviving parent. I con-
fess I feel myself alnmst too young a man t;> have such a strapping
progeny; and now after an absence of many years when 1 survey him in
all the pride and strength of his full development, I may well explain in
the language of the poet: "The very mother that him bare would scarce
have known her child.'
■'On the sixth day of November, A. D. 18-13, i" pursuance of the notice
I have referred to, a few of our farmers assem1)led at Xewtown 'for the
purpose therein indicated, and though they were few in numbers, they were
mostly men of weight and influence in the cnmmunity. Samuel D. Ingham,
Joshua Dungan, Jacob Eastburn, James C. and Adrian Cornell were among
those who attended the first meeting. After some preliminary discussion,
the little band organized by calling Dr. Phineas Jenks to the chair, -& and
the appointment of a Secretary [i.e., Edward M. Paxs-n]. The President
submitted a constitution to the meeting, which, after divers amendments,
was adopted. The Society was formed, and it adjourned to meet at Pine-
ville Hall, on the first Monday of P^lM-uary folh'wing. and tlic President
was invited to deliver an address.
"It will thus be seen that the sixth day .if Xuxember next is the tv.-enty-
fifth anniversary of the formation of this Society— its "silver" anniversary,
if I may be allowed to borrow the term for the occasion. I submit to the
worthy Managers wdiether it would be right to allow the day to pass with-
out some mark of recognition, and witl: this suggestion I leave the subject
with those to whom it properly belongs.
"The Pineville meeting met, as was agreed u))on, lHd)ruary 5, 1844. It
was much larger than the Xewtown meeting, yet the number present was
quite inconsiderable. Pineville Hall was not near full. Indeed, the business
of the Society was transacted in the parlor of the hotel then kept by Samuel
Tomlinson. A series of by-laws were adopted, and a committee, consisting
of Joshua Dungan, Jacob Eastburn, Josiah B. Smith, James C. Cornell,
John K. Trego and William Xeely Thompson, were appointed to report the
names of suitable persons to serve as permanent officers. The conmiittee
after consultation reported as follows: — President, Hon. Samuel D. Ing-
ham : Vice Presidents. Dr. Phineas Jenks, James C. Cornell, John K. Trego
and Jolm Blackf an ; Secretary, Edward M. Paxson ; Treasurer, Jacob East-
our county. Aside from the benefit to be derived, tlie subject is one wdiich
is highly interesting to all, whether engaged in that useful and honorable
avocation or not. In Chester, Delaware, and many other counties, societies
have been formed, farmers have associated together, and each has had the
Ijenefit and advantage of the experience of all: to say nothing about the
exhibitions of Cattle and Stock, Farming implements of all kinds. Ploughing
matches. Premiums, &c. At the last Plougliing match Bucks County was
completely victorious, Mahlon ,Smith of Phmistead receiving the premium
for the best ))lough, and Jonat'ian Smith the ])remium for the best plough-
-■'^Ti^ey actually met on S.iturday, the 4tii instead of Mondav, the 6th,
as advertised. (E. R. B.)
l)iirn. The repi^rt of tlie committee was unanimously adopted, and thus the
Society was now fully and permanently organized, and in complete working
"At this meeting the Secretary was directed to procure an engraved
device, representing some rural occupation, to be engraved and printed as
an ornament to the certificates to be granted thereafter to those who should
exhibit the best stock. &c., at the annual exhibitions. For in that day of
small things no one dreamed of offering large premiums in money, or other
valuables, to e.xcite competition. We had a Treasurer, it is true, and it
sounded well. We had a treasury, but it required no strong box to guard
it. The Hrst few dollars that were thrown therein sounded like falling
stones in an empty cavern. But the men who had charge of this enterprise
at tliat time were men of pluck and courage. They put their shoulders to
the wheel, and though at first it moved slowly, yet it was not long before
the indonu'table energy and vim of such men as Samuel D. Ingham, Josliua
Dungan and James C. Cornell made it hum.
"Addresses were delivered at the Pineville meeting by Dr. Phineas
Jenks, the President thereof, and by Sanniel D. Tngham, the newly elected
President of the Society.-^ They were both carefully prepared and interest-
ing papers, and were published in the newspapers of the county for the
following weeks. That of Mr. Ingham was marked by the careful thought
and extensive reading for which he was deservedly celebrated, and con-
tained many valuable scientific truths in regard to the nature and composi-
tion of soils.
"The Pineville meeting adjourned to meet again in three months, and
Joshua Dungan was invited to deliver an address. Indeed for some time I
think we had an address at each quarterly meeting. It answered very well
and added interest to the proceedings. But four a year was
pretty severe drain upon the resources of the Society, so far as home
orators were concerned ; and this custom came to be honored more in the
breach than in the oljservaiice.
"The first exhibition was held in Xewtown, on the 24th of October,
A. D. 1844. I remember tlie day well. Many of us looked forward to it
witli anxiety We felt uncertain as to liow the result. There had not been
any such exliibition in tlie county for many years, and it was a new thing
to most of our farmers. Besides, it came just on the eve of a Presidential
election — the famous Clay campaign of 1844, which many of my hearers
will remember as one of the most exciting as well as hotly contested cam-
paigns we have ever passed through. We were in the midst of monster
political meetings — very much like those we have now, excepting that 1844
was pre-eminently the campaign of big teams — twenty yoke of oxen, I think,
having been harnessed to one team at the great Newtown meeting. This
was all very well for politics, Init very bad for Agricultural Exhibitions.
But we persevered. Dr. Phineas Jenks, Garrett Brown and myself com-
-i'Printed in pamphlet form at the "Journal" office. Barnsley, E. R.,
Presses and Pi inters of Nei^-town before 186S, 2d ed., p. 51.
x" '
Yy >
mm-/. .-.
burn. The repi^rt of the committee was unanimously adopted, and thus the
Society was now fully and permanently organized, and in complete working
"At this meeting the Secretary was directed to procure an engraved
device, representing some rural occupation, to be engraved and printed as
an ornament to the certificates to be granted thereafter to those who should
exhibit the best stock. &c., at the annual exhibitions. For in that day of
small things no one dreamed of offering large premiums in money, or other
valuables, to excite competition. We had a Treasurer, it is true, and it
sounded well. We had a treasury, but it required no strong box to guard
it. Tlie first few dollars that were thrown therein sounded like falling
stones in an empty cavern. Hut the men who had charge of this enterprise
at that time were men of pluck and courage. They put their shoulders to
the wheel, and though at first it moved slowdy, yet it was not long before
the indomitable energy and vim of such men as Samuel D. Ingham, Joshua
Dungan and James C. Cornell made it hum.
"Addresses were delivered at the Pineville meeting by Dr. Phineas
Jenks, the President thereof, and by Samuel D. Tngham, the newly elected
President of the Society.-^ They were l)Cth carefully prepared and interest-
ing papers, and were published in the newspapers of the county for the
following weeks. That of Mr. Ingham was marked by the careful thought
and extensive reading for which he was deservedly celebrated, and con-
tained many valuable scientific truths in regard to the nature and composi-
tion of soils.
"The Pineville meeting adjourned to meet again in three months, and
Joshua Dungan was invited to deliver an address. Indeed for some time I
think we had an address at each quarterly meeting. It answered very well
and added interest to the proceedings. But four addresses a year was
pretty severe drain upon the resources of the Society, so far as home
orators were concerned ; and this custom came to be honored more in the
breach than in the ol)servance.
"The first exhibition was held in .\ewtown, on the 24th of October,
A. D. 1844. I remember the day well. Many of us looked forward to it
with anxiety. We felt uncertain as to how the result. There had not been
any such exhibition in the county for many years, and it was a new thing
to most of our farmers. Besides, it came just on thr eve of a Presidential
election — the famous Clay campaign of 1844^ which many of my hearers
will remember as one of tlie most exciting as well as hotly contested cam-
paigns we have ever passed through. We were in the midst of monster
political meetings — very much like those we have now, excepting that 1844
was pre-eminently the campaign of big teams — twenty yoke of oxen, I think,
having been harnessed to one team at the great Newtown meeting. This
was all very well for politics, hut very bad for Agricultural Exhibitions.
But we persevered. Dr. Piiineas Jenks, Garrett Brown and myself com-
-"••Printed in pamphlet form at the "Journal" oftice. Barnsley, E. R.
Presses mid f'l inters of Ner^^town before 1S6S, 2d ed., p. 51.
'Mr -A ^ ^'-'i,^ ^
Mr. Watkins, a shoemaker by trade, later enlisted in Capt. Ayers' cavalry company, i8th Penn'a
Cavalry, and die_d a prisoner of war at Richmond, Va., on July 20, 1864.
His Borne in Newtown was at the "Sandwich House" on the main
street, next door to the Sign of the Bird-in-lland.
posed the Committee of Arrangements. Dr. Jenks did not act, and the
whole lahor of that Committee devolved upon (iarrett I'mwn and myself.
We worked like heavers. The other committees were equally industrious.
Kind friends were not wanting to help us and cheer us in our lahors, but
we lacked experience, and of course labored to some disadvantage. The
announcement or advertisement of the Exhibition as published in the county
papers occupied about three squares, to speak in printers' phraseology. It
looks meagre now, compared with the extended and flaming announcements
of modern Exhibitions. There were but six committees, and they were com-
posed of three members each: 1st On PJougliing. 2nd. On .Xgricultural
Implements. .^1. On Stock. 4th. On Agricultural Products. 5th. Com-
mittee to prepare a report for publication, 6th. Committee of Arrange-
ments. The ground used for the Exhibition was a lot back of what was
then Hough's hotel, [now called the P.rick Hotel]. The arrangements, hasty
and imperfect it is true, were all made at last and the eventful day dawned,
and it brought a great crowd of people, and they brought their stock and
their produce, their huge apples and mammoth pumpkins, and, best of all,
our farmers brought their wives and daughters^ with their rosy cheeks and
bright eyes, to gladden our hearts.30 The Exhibition was a success. The
Society was a success. A large number of our best farmers enrolled their
names as members. From that hour the Rucks County Agricultural Society
became one of the substantial institutions of our county.
"The venerable President of the Society, Samuel D. Ingham, delivered
the address, which was published in the county papers along with the official
report of the Exhibition, prepared by the Committee on Publication. The
report made a little over a single column of the Newtown Journal. The
latter paper in its issue of October 29, 1844, says:
" 'The Exhibition and Cattle Show which came off in this place on last
Thursday fully equalled our most sanguine expectations. There liave been
so many large meetings this season, and the public mind is so taken up by
political matters just now, that we were fearful a matter which strikes
more deeply tlian all others at the great interests of the country, would
be comparatively neglected. But in this we were agreeably disappointed.
The people were then — the bone and sinew, as the politicians say.'
"So closed the first exhibition, which at that time occupied but a single
day. The second was held at the same place on the sixteenth day of OctoI)er,
A. D. 1845. I'he address was delivered by Joshua Dungan. The attendance
was large and the display better than the year before. The Society had
made another step forward. The Reports of the Committees were longer
and more carefully prepared.
"Tlie third cxhil)ition was held on the fifteenth of October, 184(1. It
was an advance on botli of its predecessors. The display was very good,
and the people were tliere Iiy tliousands. .Vo premiums were awarded, but
diplomas, handsomely engraved, were delivered to the successful com-
•^•'.Mr. Paxson w;is just twenty years old at tliis time, and unmarried.
"This is as far down as I propose to trace the operations of the
Society. Its career since that time is perhaps better known to others than
to myself, and while it has been pleasant to refer thus briefly to some of
the incidents connected with the foundation and early career of this fiourish--
ing institution^ it must not be forgotten that the picture has also its shady side.
The graves that have opened admonish us that strong as our institution
now is, some of its firmest pillars, shaken with the storms of time, have
fallen, and crumbled back to their kindred dust. Our first President, the
Hon. Samuel D. Ingham, after a life of rare usefulness and purity, like
a shock of ripe grain ready for the harvest, has been gathered to his fathers.
Our country has produced few men equal and none superior to Samuel D.
Ingham. With a calm, clear mind, richly stored and garnished by culture,
he joined the charm of pleasant manners and a generous heart. He was
probably the most scientific farmer in our county. His knowledge of agri-
September *Zi and 35, 1862.
,1. S. BROW.V. S*.r,tarv. U. C IVINS, I'reei.ieut.
r*ST riiK^«$.
from the Library of Bucks County Historical Society.
cultural chemistry, and of the nature and character of soils, was equalled
by few in this or any other country. And while such men are not always
the most successful farmers in a pecuniary view, we must remember that
their knowledge is in a great measure the result of experiments — that ex-
periments in agriculture are costly, and that while they seldom benefit
pecuniarily the man who makes them, the knowledge that he thus obtains
and imparts without money and without price to others, benefits and en-
riches them. To Samuel D. Ingham this Society owes a debt it can never
repay. But we can cherish and revere his memory. We can keep alive
the recollection of those graces of mind and heart that in former days
charmed us by the very richness of their simplicity. We can imitate, feebly
indeed, but still imitate, those christian qualities that endeared him to us
in life, and leave a bright halo around his memory in death. I speak not
the languge of mere eulogy, rather the earnest utterance of truth. Samuel
D. Ingham was one of my earliest and best friends. At the very outset
of my career, when the future was uncertain before me, and the great
battles of lite were still unf ought, his voice of kind encouragement and
approbation was among the first I heard. Coming as it did, from a man
of his years and position, it cheered me in hours that would otherwise have
been dark, and has left an impression upon my mind, no time nor circum-
stances can efface. Tn life, I loved him for his high qualities, and in death,
I honor and revere his memory.
"Joshua Dungan, too, is gone. We miss his genial smile and hearty
support in every useful public enterprise. He was one of the most promi-
nent, as he was one of the alilest men, connected with the organization of
this Society. As a farmer, combining the practical with the scientific, he
had no superior in our county. He was a man, too, of fine literary tastes,
rtnd an accomplished and elegant writer. — Some of his addresses and
essays read before this Society were models of their kind — replete with
fine thoughts clothed in the language of elegant simplicity. After a life
of usefulness he, too, sleeps with his fathers.
"Dr. Phineas Jenks, the man in whose brain the idea of organizing
this Society first found a lodgement, meets with us no more. His venerable
form, as we used to see it about Newtgwn, with that look of profound
wisdom, which, like his cane, he always carried with him seems before me
now. Kind hearted, a good physician, a good farmer, a good neighbor,
and last, but most important of all, a genial Christian gentleman — he has
gone, I trust, to that better land, where neither constitutional conventions-^i
nor agricultural exhibitions are needed.
"Jacob Eastburn, after filling with entire satisfaction for many years
the responsible position of Treasurer^ has also departed upon the same
long journey, after having first, I have no doubt, laid up his treasures in
that kingdom where the "moth does not corrupt, nor do thieves break
through and steal." No one connected with the Society was more efficient
and zealous than Jacob Eastburn. No one more faithfully performed
whatever was committed to him to do. In his death the community has
sustained a great loss."
Tlie first constitution-'- of the lUicks County Agricultural So-
ciety, adopted November 4, 1848. contained twelve articles as
follows :
"Art. I. The Society shall l)e styled the Bucks County Agricultural
Society,-^'' and shall consist of such persons as comply with the provisions
of this Constitution.
"Art. 2. The attention of the Society shall lie called to Agriculture,
and all subjects connected with it.
3lThis is an illusion to the fact tliat Dr. Jenks was one of tlie four
delegates from P)Ucks county to tlie State Constitutional Convention of 1838.
3- Printed in the Nczi'tozcn Journal and IVorkingmcn's Advocate of
Nov. 7, 1843. Note tlie similarity to the old constitution of Feb. 12, 1821.
3:^The name was amended later to Bucks County Agricultural Society
and Mechanics Institute. The date of incorporation was September 16, 1857.
"Art. 3. The stated meetings of the Society shall be held on the first
Mondays of Xovember, February, May, and August, at such hour and
places as the By-Laws may designate, and five members shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
"Art. 4. The officers of the Society shall at present consist of a
President, four Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer, to he elected
annually at a stated meeting, but should an election not be held, it may
take place at any after stated meeting; and any vacancy by death, resig-
nation, or otherwise, may be supplied at any time, provided such vacancy
shall have been announced at some previous meeting. The number of Vice
Presidents may hereafter 1)e increased, and such other officers appointed
as may be found e.xpedient. In all cases the officers chosen shall continue
to e.xercise their functions until others are elected.
"Art. 5. It sJKdl l)e the duty of the President to preside at all meetings
of the Society, to preserve order, to state questions, to give the casting vote
when the Society is equally divided, and to perform all such other acts as
may appertain to his office. In the aljsence of the President, his duties
shall devolve upon a Vice President.
".\rt. 6. The Secretary shall keep a faitliful record of the proceedings
of the Society, and perform such other acts as the By-Laws may enjoin, or
the transaction of the Society require.
"Art. 7. The Treasurer shall receive and ])ay all monies belonging
to the Society, and keep a regular account thereof, and exhibit the same
at the stated annual meeting, and at any other time when required ; but he
is to pay no mouies except on the order of the President, attested by the
"Art. 8. In tlie absence of an officer at any stated meeting, his place
may be supplied pro tempore, Ijy a vote of the Society.
"Art. 9. There shall be held annually a Show or Exhibition of Cattle,
Sheep, and other animals. Domestic Manufactures. Implements of Hus-
bandry; new and improved varieties of Fruits, Grain, Grapes, Roots, and
other productions.
"Art. 10. Any person may become a member at a stated meeting by
a vote of the Society, and complying with the requisitions of the Constitu-
"Art. II. Every member shall sign the Constitution, and pay the sum
of one dollar at the annual stated meeting ; and thereafter such further
sums as may be required by the By-Laws. And a member may at any time
withdraw from the Society on paying such sums as may be in arrears.
"Art. 12. .Amendments to this Constitution may be made at the annual
meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present; and the persons
attending this meeting, and furnishing their names to the Secretary, shall
be considered as members."
The sixteenth annual exhibition was the most successful one
experienced in the early days of the Society. By noon of the
second day about "•ten or twelve thousand peoi)le had entered the
enclosure." "The fair sex were out in their ^strength, and in the
jam hoops were demolished or compressed without the least con-
sideration." The reason for such a large turnout was the dedica-
tion of the new building and the presence of the famous Horace
(Ireelv. of New York City, who was scheduled to make the ad-
dress of the day. The Bucks County I ntclUqcnccr of September
20, 1851) noted :
"The time fixed upun for tlie annual exhil)iti;ni uf tlie Rucks County
Agricultural Society is near at Iiand. To-nKirrnw tlie l-"air will cdmmence.
and should the weather prove favorable there will undouhtly Ije an immense
crowd in attendance.''^ Exhibitors of horses will find posted on and aliout
the exhibition ground, printed regulations giving full and explicit direc-
tions in regard to tlie manner in which the training track is tn lie used.
These regulations will be strictly enforced iiy tlie managers, and exhibitors
will save trouble ;'nd confusion by consulting and observing then:. Regu-
lations giving the general order of exhiliition will also be posted up, to
prevent confusion and disorder. .\ few words of caution to visit' >rs will
not be out of place. Extensive preparations of cour>e will be made m and
about X'ewtown to furnish amusement for the crowds of visitors at the
I-'air, in the way of concerts, side shows, and "doings" generally. And dou])t-
less, pickpockets, gamblers, "patent safe" men. and devil's emissaries nf all
sorts, will not be scarce, and snares for the feet df the unwary will be
spread in abundance. One of the l>est preservations aeainst danger from
such sources will be to keep sober: and another will be to put u" rash
trust in strangers."
Tlie reports of this famous exhiliition were, of course, ])rinted
in all the county newspa])ers. In an article of this nature it is
(|uite impossible to review all of the forty exhibitions held by this
society, nor is it necesary to do so, because nearly all of the books
and records were turned over, at the dissolution, to the Bticks
Count V Historical Society, where they are now assured of perma-
nent preservation. .Anyone interested can examine them any time
that the library is oi)en.
:<■! The i6th Annual lixhibition Of The Bucks County So-
ciety, which was advertised to take place on the 2Tst and 22^\ instant, in
consequences of the severe storm was postponed to Wednesday & Thursday.
October i2th & 13th, when the same premiums already published will be
offered to competitors, and under the same Rules and Regulations. Their
beautiful new Building will be inauguarated, with an Address by one of the
most distinguished speakers of the country. The friends of agricultural
and industrial progress, everywhere, are invited to participate, as exhibitors
and spectators. {Bucks County Intelligencer, September 2j, 1859.)
392 .v(;R[C['LTruE societies
"The E.vliihition of the Bucks County Agricultural Society at Xew-
town on Wednesday and Thursday last was in every way successful and
gratifying — completely restoring the position of the Society from the
depres'^ion occasioned by the heavy storm on the days originally fixed upon.
I'lie weather was just right — and the roads good enough to make the
travelling easy, and the consequence was a very large attendance of the
citizens of the county — a full propcrtion of them lieing of the fairer sex.
On Wednesday, the gnntnd was still a little soft and slippery in places not
readied by the sun, l)ut in general the surface was in very good order
for pedestrian travel and the display of horses upon the track.
"The display of articles in the various departments was very creditable
to the productive abilities of Bucks county. The vegetables of different
kinds would l)ear comparison with those shown at agricultural fairs in any
county -- Tliey were all of the production of Bucks county farmers, and
not of professional gardeners. In the department of fruit, the display was
ni t very large in quantity, but in quality it appeared to be very superior.
We could not ask for handsomer or larger apples than most of those on
exhibition. Of pears there were but a few, the season being nearly over,
and of peaches none at all. There were several specimens of quinces,
grapes, pomegranates, &c.
"The clatter of machinery of different kinds was incessant. Most, if
ni;t all of the implement makers and machinists of the county were on
hand, with almost every conceivable variety of straw cutters, mowing and
reaping machines, plows, harrows and horse-rakes. There was a small
steam-engine, which was an object of considerable interest, and a number
of force pumps and water-rams, which supplied the water used on the
grounds for drinking purposes. The display ni machinery was quite up to
tlie usual standard.
"The numlier of neat cattle on exhibition was rather limited on the
first day, but on the second day a good number of dairy cows were added
to those already on hand, and the display was exceedingly fine. The horses
turned out finely, and there was a fair display of pigs^ sheep and poultry
of different kinds. Tlie reader will see the details of the exhibition in
the reports of the ciinmittees wiiich we publisli in full in another place.
"There was quite a large number of persons present on the first day —
nearly as many as generally attend when the exhibition is held during a
single day. It had become known that Horace Greeley would speak on
Thursday, and very many persons accordingly deferred their visit until
that time.
"The second day of the exhibition opened favorably in every respect.
The sky was clear, and a balmy southwest breeze seemed to invite everyone
into the open air, to enjoy the beautiful Indian Summer day. From eight
o'clock to noon along every road leading to Newtown there were long
trains of carriages proceeding towards the exhibition ground. Newtown
was soon literally jammed vvith crowds of people and horses and carriages
««^', ■■.".■i'^
392 -V(!R[C(:LTrKE societies
"The Eyliibition of the Bucks County Agricultural Society at New-
town on Wednesday and Thursday last was in every way successful and
gratifying — completely restoring the position of the Society from the
depression occasioned by the heavy storm on the days originally fixed upon.
The weather was just right — and tlie roads good enough to make the
travelling easy, and the consequence was a very large attendance of the
citizens of the county — a full proportion of them being of the fairer sex.
On Wednesday, the ground was still a little soft and slippery in places not
reached by the sun, lint in general the surface was in very good order
for pedestrian travel and the display of horses upon the track.
"The display of articles in the various departments was very creditable
to the productive abilities of Bucks county. The vegetables of different
kinds would l)ear comparison with those shown at agricultural fairs in any
county -- They were all of the production of Bucks county farmers, and
not of professional gardeners. In the department of fruit, the display was
not very large in quantity, but in quality it appeared to be very superior.
We could not ask for handsomer or larger apples than most of those on
exhibition. Of pears there were but a few, the season being nearly over,
and of peaches none at all. There were several specimens of quinces,
grapes, pomegranates, &c.
"The clatter of machinery of different kinds was incessant. Most, if
not all of the implement makers and machinists of the county were on
hand, with almost every conceivable variety of straw cutters, mowing and
reaping machines, plows, harrows and horse- rakes. There was a small
steam-engine, which was an object of consideraljle interest, and a number
of force pumps and water-rams, which supplied the water useil on the
grounds for drinking purposes. The display of machinery was quite up to
the usual standard.
"The numl)er of neat cattle on exhibition was rather limited on the
first day, Init on the second day a good number of dairy cows were added
to those already on hand, and the display was exceedingly fine. The horses
turned out finely, and there was a fair display of pigs^ sheep and poultry
of different kinds. 'l"he reader will see the details of the exhibition in
the reports of the conmiittees which we publish in full in another place.
"There was quite a large number of persons present on the first day —
nearly as many as generally attend when the exhibition is held during a
single day. It had become known that Horace Greeley would speak on
Thursday, and very many persons accordingly deferred their visit until
that time.
"The second day of the exhibition opened favorably in every respect.
The sky was clear, and a balmy southwest breeze seemed to invite everyone
into the open air, to enjoy the beautiful Indian Summer day. From eight
o'clock to noon along every road leading to Newtown there were long
trains of carriages proceeding towards the exhibition ground. Newtown
was soon literally jammed vvith crowds of people and horses and carriages
fi*'?^. ^-f ^ "^ ■?/^A,'i
€1)10 10 ta (Hertifn //«/ .^/V^.t.^^^^-r^ec^^
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^an/(/ c '^ c;<r^SCcW
^/r?-^^^op, //-
witliMiit niimlifi I hf scene nutside the enclosure was exceedingly grand
and enlivening. Tiic bontli.s and various shows did a lively business, and
mammoth stage coaches and public carriages kept constantly rattling up
to the gates, unloading scores upon scores of passengers. — For hours
people ])iiured tln^ough th.e se\'eral gates. P'retiuently large crowds of jier-
sons were kept waiting for their turn of ingress to tlie e.xliibition ground.
I!y noon at least ten or twelve thousand people had entered the enclosure,
and in and about the exhibition building and other points of attraction, the
crowd was intense. The fair sex were out in their strength, and in the
jam hoops were demolished or compressed without the least consideration.
The several flags suspended from the building and the tents, waved grace-
fully in the bree;^e, and the spectacle presented was chequered and grand.
All felt delighted that the exhibition had proved a complete success. The
best order prevailed inside, and no accident occurred to mar the pleasure
of the occasion. Considering the large crowd of people assembled, the
order outside was also very good, there being but a moderate amount of
drunkenness. Some pick-jxickets and gamblers were on hand, but we did
not learn tli;it tliey met witli mucli success.
"'i"hc exhibition of horses on the track attracted much attention. A
fawn on exhibition, forwarded to Judge Jenks by Gov. Ramsey, of Min-
nesota, was the centre of attraction, and appeared to be a great curiosity to
the ladies. Master Hagy, of Plymouth, Montgomery county, with a small
dog harnessed to a little coach, produced much merriment. The lad,
movmted in his miniature carriage, drawn by his canine nag, made several
journeys around the tract in imitation of a regular Jehu, to the especial
delight of Young America, who greeted liim witli vociferous cheers.
"The receipts from the sale of tickets and tiie entrance of carriages
at the gate, during both days, amounted to $1,825 — far exceeding those
of any previous exhibition of the Society. .\dd to this, about $300 from
the rent or sale of refreshment stands, &c., and the wdiole income from
the cxhibitii n will exceed $_',ioo.
"At half ])ast one o'clock, the gentlemen present to deliver addresses
building, and a sea of up-
nce, bore upon the speakers.
is the Hon. David Taggart,
of Xorthumberland. who delivered a l)rief, but eloquent and spirited
address. Mr. Taggart was frequently applauded.
■■'i"hc next speaker was the Hon. Horace Greeley, of New York. WMien
his name was anufumced by tlie C"b;iii-nian, there was a general closing up
of all ^pace amund tlic speaker's stand, and the large crowd pressed for-
ward until those in the midst of it were nearly pressed flat. Tliere was a
great desire to sec and liear .Mr. Greeley. Those who had read the descrip-
tions given in the California newspapers fif his iiersonal appearance wdiile
in the Golden State could bear testimony to the truthfulness of their
reports, if Mr. (irteley was attired while witli lliem as lie was on I'hursday
last. Mr. Greeley looks considerably older tlien he did wdicn we saw him
a pi
at for
at tlie east end
1 of the ne\
turned f
ig far l)eyond 1
learing dist:
Tlie fu-s
t spe;
■oduced to tlie
audience w
last. He is much more fleshy than he was when he attended Beek's
Exhibition in this county, four years ago, though he plainly shows the
effects of age.
"Mr. Greeley's address was plain and simple, and entirely devoid of
any attempt at eloquence or beauty of speech. — His remarks were mainly
addressed to farmers, and he discussed the different modes of tilling tlie
I Omitted here are nine paragraphs descriliing Greeley's speech.]
"We have hastily run o\-er Mr. Greeley's remarks, n:it pretending to
give his language. Tliey were well received, and contained many practical
suggestions and facts. — After he concluded his address he descended
from the platform, and was at once surrounded l)y a crowd of our farmers,
who cordially shook hands with him. He reached Xewtown by way of
Trenton in tlie morning, and returned to New York by the same route, in
the afternoon. He had with him his old gray coat — identical coat that
he carried with him on his recent overland journey. It looked much the
worse for the wear, and was entirely l)Uttonless, the Calif ornians having
cut every l)Utton oft', for keepsakes of its wearer. It was examined with
curiosity by hundreds."
Because the later history of the Society has been treated
elsewhere.-'"' we will not dwell on it in detail at this time, liut close
the subject by saying- that tlie business of the corporation was
ended at the annual meeting in 1888, and the balance of $3.92
remaining in the treasury was donated to lUicks County Historical
^^••Harnsley, E. R., Historic Xcwtui^ni. pp. 96-100.
■''f'Thirteen years later the last physical evidence of the I'ucks County
Agricultural Society disappeared from the Newtown scene. The Dcylcstoicii
ncnu'Crat of Deceml)er 17, 181)6, reported:
"'I lie old frame structure in Xewtown, known as the "Exhibition iUiild-
ing," was destroyed by fire Saturday night. [December 12, i8g6.1 The lire
was discovered at about 9 o'clock, and in half an honr's time the building-
was a mass of ruins. Heroic and persistent work alone saved from destruc-
tion the double house nearby, on Lincoln avenue, occupied by John I'.ennett
and Mrs. and Miss Tietjen. b"or a number of years the E^xhibition Building
has been used as a store-house, and at the time of its destructirm it con-
tained <':ui>rge B. Brown's steam threshing machinery, a rack wag'm belong-
ing to Warner & AlcCinwan, m.'inufacturers, and a small wagon of il.irry .V.
Krusen's. .Mr. Hrown had his machinery insureil in the Insurance Com])any
of North, .'\mcrica for $i,.^()0, which he says will cover about two thirds of
his loss. The building was the property of the Pbiladelphi.-i, Xewtown and
New York Railroad Company, and was i)robably insured. It is thought
that the fire was of incendiary origin, as Mr. lirown says that his machinery
had not been in use for a week previous to the conllagration. i'he old exhi-
bition building held a w.irm place in the hearts of many of .Newtown's
citizens. It orijjinally stood ( n W'.isliington avenue, and in it were held the
.Newtown cxhiliitions so well hnown thirty years ago. Within its walls
were drilled many of the "br;i\e boys ;ind true" from Xewtown preparatory
to their leaving their homes for the of iS()i (>5. .\t about iS()5 it was
'I'hf next exliiliitioii to l;e held in Mucks L"()U!il\ was con-
ducted not 1)\- an agricultural society but In- one William I'eek,
an adventurous citi/:en of the llorough of I)o}lesto\vn. lie had
fond ho])es for his fair, hut the elements of nature worked against
him. In 1855, h.e put on a splendid disp'.ax of four days duration,
including what was prohablx' the first l>ab_\- show ever to be held
at Doylestown. or elsewhere in Bucks County, "liut that autumn
a heavx' gale i^f wind blew down the exhibition l)uilding. that was
never rebuilt, and ruined the enterpn'ising ])ro])rietor."'''' Again we
must turn to the files of our local newspapers to uncover con-
temporaneous accounts of wdiat actually transpired at this, the
lUd'lK'S EXllllU'riOX !;riLI)lX(,. i855-
I-rrin ilhistrnlioii in Paris' '■ Di'yIcstdJ.ii Old and A'rrc", p. ^SO.
first of several county-seat fairs. A Doylestown corresjiondent
to one of the Philadelphia newspapers wrote colorfulh' :
"The al)^iii-l)in;4 tlieme amnny nur citizens, at tlie present time, is tlie
Mamniiitii [ .ind .Kgrioultural I'.xliiliitiun, wliich is tn take place
here in 111 tlie 21st. jjiI. 2,^1 and _'4th of .\ugust. Splendid i^rounds liave
been pruvided tor it and permanent building.s erected ilierecn, wliich will
inuliinlitcflly excel in si^leiulor and extent anything of the kind in the I'nited
States. The main l)uilding covers an area of 20,000 xpi.ire feet, .and is
one hundred feet liigh to the a])ex of the dome, which is <m feet in di.anieter.
moved on rollers to the location it occupied at the time of the destruction.
where the annual exhibitions continued until 1873, since whicli time, .is lias
been stated, it lias been used for storage iiurposes."
•■«'\V. \V. H. Davis. History of Buchs County. Vol. 11. p. .^35.
It is lighted with windows 30 feet in height and 12 feet wide, and richly
plastered and finished upon the interior. Gas works have also been erected
in connection with it, and it will be lighted for evening exhibitions during
the fair. A number of the heaviest manufacturers of Philadelphia have
already entered goods in this department, and the display will, undoubtedly,
be rich and beautiful. The grounds, which embrace an area of 30 acres,
have been carefully graded at heavy expense, and enclosed with a firm and
substantial fence, with four gates of entrance and exit. — The track for
the trial of horses has been constructed with great care, and is half a mile
in length, a feature which will probably induce an excellent exhibition of
tine stock. Beck's Philadelphia Band has been engaged for the occasion,
and will, undoubtedly, add greatly to its interest."
To the above, the editor of the Bucks County Intelligencer
replied :^^
"The correspondent quoted above has omitted the most interesting part
of the exhibition — the baby show.^^ This must not be lost sight of.
The dear little creatures are being trained by their mammas to look nice
in public. We understand that a vast number of babies have been entered
to compete for premiums — among which are fat ones, lean ones, good,
bad and indifferent. What a squealing time there will be, and what a
grand sight for old bachelors! Who's got a baby to exhibit?"
"The splendid training track on Beek's exhibition ground is a novelty
in this neighborhood, and frequently it presents the appearance of a minia-
ture exhibition of 'fast nags' in the process of initiatory training. There
is a great deal of fun attending these trials of speed, a crowd usually col-
lects, and at times it would be difificult for a stoic to keep cool. One
evening last week, a company of spectators 'oecame so much excited on
witnessing the feats of a couple of fast horses, that they could stand it not
longer. A foot race around the course was proposed, and instantly put in
execution, when one of the party made his half a mile in four seconds less
than two minutes. Here's time for you. This young man ought to hire
himself out for a locomotive."-*"^
"A busy scene was presented in and about the Fair grounds yesterday.
Throughout the day wagons loaded with every description of goods and
•^^Issue of August 7, 1855.
^^"li is a matter of amusement to notice how the approaching baby
show has disturbed the equilibrium of the old bachelors of Bucks county.
They can't resist this infantile attraction and hundreds of these peculiar
people will favor the show with their presence. Many of them afterwards
no doubt will be willing candidates for matrimony, so ladies watch your
chance. A bachelor from the lower end, with no soul in family but him-
self, in the height of his ecstacy, has invested $5 in season tickets, ostensibly
as a compliment to the indomitable perseverance and genius of the projector
of this enterprise, but in reahty because of his anticipated pleasure on
feasting his eyes upon the representations of babydom." {Bucks County In-
ctlUgcnccr, August 14, 1855.)
"^^bucks County Intelligencer, August 14, 1855.
"his portrait of tlic president of lleek's \'.\\
late Samuel F. DuBois, of I)oylesto\vii, ;
auditorium of Bucks C'ountv Hi-
ition was painted by the
1 it n;i\v lianLi> in tlie
rical Societv.
articles for exliihition were entering the grounds and depositing their var-
ious contents. When we visited the building about noon, but a small portion
of the space inside was occupied, Init the remainder was rapidly filling up,
and the display promised to be of much interest. Outside of the building
but few articles were to l)e seen, and we suppose it is the intention to con-
fine the mechanical display mostly within doors. We understand that nearly
all the stalls for live stock, some tliree hundred in number, were engaged
on Saturday evening, and that workmen are putting up additional ones.
Refreshment saloons, stationary and on wheels, abound both inside and
out of the enclosure; and numerous tents, occupied by magicians, showmen,
&c., are scattered around. Everybody is taking advantage of the oppor-
tunity to turn a penny — small shows in abundance are clustering around
the big one, and expect a proportionate share of patronage. Of the clouds
of dust which envelop every vehicle passing to and fro, we will say nothing
— they must be seen to lie appreciated."'*!
^WlLliIAM BEEK, Esq.,
Thursday Eveaing, September 27th, 1855,
^^'^KJ^..^.. ■ .„., w^tO^-
^'S' X.^JVX-K^-^'
The crigiunl of this illustration i^as presented to Hueks County
Historieal Society by Miss Helen H. Ely, Xez^ioi^'n. Pa.
"The "Doylestown I'niversal Industrial and Agricultural Exhibition'
came off last week according to programme. The Exhibition commenced
on Tuesday morning and was closed on Friday evening. It is estimated
that from twenty-five to thirty thousand people visited the Exhibition. —
We present to our readers the following particulars :
"The Exhibition Grounds were opened on Tuesday morning for the
reception of visitors. The weather was auspicious — a clear sky overhead,
and a cool breeze from the west, which occasionally wafted over those on
their way to the grounds clouds of dust as it was stirred up by passing
vehicles. On approaching the exhibition grounds froui any point the visitor
Iiad ample opportunity of taking a glance at the outside shows, which lined
^ Bucks C"nntv Intelliucncer, August _>i, 1855.
\(!Rirr[.TrRK sociktiks 399
tile road on either side, alinnst fiTmint^ canvass villajics, and tlieir variety
were e(|ually imposing. At one place a large painting on tlie dUtside nf
tlie can\ass displayed a huge "living crocodile" just in tlie act of l)iting tlie
netlier end of an affrighted darkey; furtlier on was the "smallest living
mrm' or tlie "greatest living curiosity," all represented in paintings true
as life and twice as natural, and music playing inside to arrest the attention
of the passer-hy, and enveigle the shillings out of the pockets of the seekers
after knowledge, while the pressing invitation of 'walk in, gentlemen, only
a shilling,' could scarcely lie resisted. The appearance of things seemed to
indicate that these shews were doing but little business, and the counte-
nances of their ])roi)rietors plainly expressed that unless they had more
customers, in view of the ruinous rents they were paying, the Doylestown
Fair would pnve a bad speculation to them. The refreshment stands,
eating establishments, &c., also were not doing nuich business. It appeared
as if everybody came to the Fair with their stomachs well tilled.
"The number of visiters inside was rather slim in the forenoon, per-
haps not exceeding two thousand, and every one appeared to be more or
less disappointed at the small attendance. Strangers were generally pleased
with the fiisplay and arrangements witliin the enclosure, and many were
quite astonished at the immensity and design of the exhibition building;
they had no idea that the building was so large and beautiful.
"The inaugural ceremonies of the Exhibition appear to have been an
address by the Hon. Horace Greeley, of New York. M three o'clock, the
visiters were called to order in the area of the building, immediately under
the dome, by Dr. Charles Huffnagle, presiding officer of the Exhibition. A
letter was read from George G. Leiper, Esq., of Delaware county, in which
he stated his inability to be present and preside over the Exhibition, in
consequence of a sudden and afflicting bereavement in his family. The
President then introduced to the assemblage Horace Greeley, Esq. Mr.
Greeley rose and was greeted with applause. The speaker hesitated a
moment, to have silence established; but this appeared impossible, for the
place was the worst suited to hear that could have been selected, there
being no seats for the audience, and the constant moving about of feet on
the floor, rendered it impossible for any one fifteen feet off the speaker
to hear what was said. This createil great disappointment, and many per-
sons who had seen Mr. Greeley for the lirst time, and who had come some
distance to hear his address, had to content themselves with a sight of the
distinguished stranger. This exceedingly unpleasant to the audience,
and disc uraging to the speaker. Mr. G. remarked that the room was not
tlie be^t suited to hear a sjieaker, ;ind that his \oice was too weak, from
recent ip(lis|(>sitii.n. to make himself heard any great distance, and hoped
his hearers wnnjd l)c as quiet as possible. Mr. ( ireeley looked somewhat
worn lit fr..m hard scrxice or recent sickness, and a;;e, too, which is silver-
ing what is left of his locks, is ha\in.ii its elTecl upon him. His appearance
indicates application, and hard, untiring attention to the columns of
The cut on the opposite ])age illustrates the first sheet of the
famous Greely Manuscript in the library of Bucks County His-
torical Society. It is the address delivered by Horace Greely,
Esq., 'editor of the Ne7c York Tribune), at Beek's Exhibition,
Doylestown, August 21 , 1855. The following caption to the same
was written by General ^^^ W. H. Davi^ :
"Mr. Greely delivered the address without anj' iDtes, and after he was
through, Hiram Lukens, then foreman of The IntcUi(jencci\ Doylestown,
asked Mr. Greely for a coi)y of his paper. Mr. Greely said he had written
no paper and therefore had no copy to give Mr. Lukens, and asked why it
was that no stenographer was present to take down the speech if it was
desired to have it printed in a newspaper afterward.
"Mr. Lukens explained that Doylestown was out in the country, and
that Mr. Greely was not in the Tribune office, and it was up to him to
write the speech out, because the people of Bucks county wanted to know
what he said.
"Mr. Greely thought this was a great joke on himself, and sat down
that night and wrote tlie speech. Although Mr. Greely's manuscript is
notoriously illegible, Mr. Lukens took it and set the type himself, making
only a few small typographical mistakes in the whole thing, as the proofs
herein will show, and deciphering the manusc-ipt in every case, although
he had never seen any of Mr. Greely's copy l)efore."
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the Tribune. ITe is not an eloquent speaker -- but his earnest^ plain and
unassuming style of delivery attracts the attention of his audience ; while
the spirit and sentiment of his addresses are such as every thinking man or
woman might desire. The address was exceedingly instructive and enter-
"The Exhihition terminated on Friday evening about nine o'clock, the
gas lights in the building having all gone out and left it in total darkness.
The large assemblage of people dispersed to their respective homes, and
Doylestown assumed its accustomed quiet, after four days of unusual excite-
ment. Here and there during the night, boisterous revelry proceeded from
fragmentary crowds where liquor had been flowing freely ; but as a general
thing quiet prevailed. Be it said to the credit of Doylestown, and Bucks
county, that we have never seen such a large assemblage of people where
there were less drunkenness and disorder.
"Of the Exhibition itself we may say more in some future number.
The enterprise itself was a herculean work, undertaken as it was, principally
by one enterprising individual ; for there is no use concealing the fact that
the whole affair was carried on under the auspices of Wm. Beek, Esq.,
a citizen of Doylestown ; the enterprise was an emanation from his own
brain — ■ he l)ore its burthens and alone shared its responsibilities. It was
attended with a vast expenditure of money and great labor. It was no hum-
bug. I\Ir. Btek fulfilled his engagement to the public, and under the cir-
cumstances, few men could have done better, or even as well. The number
of visitors was not as great as may been anticipated by Mr. Beek, but yet
we are glad to announce it was not a losing affair. We believe that the
attendance from abroad would have been much greater if Mr. Beek had
imitated Barnum, and paid more respect to the potencey of printers' ink,
and recognized the power of the press, saying nothing about courtesies. We
are satisfied that proper notice of the Exhibition was not given in Mont-
gomery, Chester, Lancaster and Delaware counties^ and the neighboring
counties '.f Xew Jersey. Where the Bucks county papers circulated, people
were informed of the nature of the exhibition, and turned out."
"A balloon ascensirn was advertised to take place from Beek's Exhibi-
tion gr(.und on Saturday afternoon, at three o'clock, a Mr. King to make
the aerial voyage : and the entertainment to end with a display of fire-works.
By some arrangement the ascension and fire-works took place about the
same time. At the time announced for the balloon to go up, the balloon
was nut sufficiently inflated, from some difficulty in manufacturing gas —
nor was it sufficiently inflated to attempt a voyage among the clouds before
about ten o'clock. The crowd assembled became impatient at the delay, and
many departed in disgust. Finally, Mr. King, attached the car, entered it, and
the balloon was let go, but there was not gas enough to lift him up, he
being a man weighing about 150 pounds. A young man, an assistant of
Mr. King, of the name of ^Marion, then proposed to go up. The car was
detached in order to make the load as light as possible, a board was fastened
to the ropes, and on this frail seat, without hat, coat or boots, the adven-
turous young man made his flight to the upper regions. The balloon went
Up beautifully; and when up a few hundred yards, it apparently stood still.
The grappling hook and rope were then thrown out to lighten the weight
attached, and it then ascended rapidly, taking a northwest course, and was
out of sight in a few minutes. The young man had no command of the
balloon, having no ballast or grappling hook, and the rope connecting with
the valve on the top of the balloon had drawn up beyond his reach, and
he was obliged to await the expansion of the gas before he could descend.
"Much fear was expressed in regard to his fate. Nothing was heard
from him until near noon on Monday, when he returned to Doylestown,
having alighted on the farm of Jacob Eichlein, in Tinicum township, near
Ottsville, on the Easton road, 12 miles from Doylestown. The whole time
occupied by his trip was not more than thirty minutes. After rising through
the first stratum of clouds, he saw above him, and passed through another,
— soon after which he must have descended, as he heard what he supposed
was the noise of Katy-dids. After securing his balloon he went to Eich-
lein's house for assistance, which was refused, and he was compelled to
remain by it until morning^ when he proceeded to Ottsville. Mr. King in-
forms us that it is his intention to make another ascension from this place
A history of the agricultural societies, public fairs, and exhi-
bitions of Bucks county would be far from complete if the story
of the Doylestown Agricultural and Mechanics' Institute was omit-
ted. This Institute was established at the county seat to sponsor
exhibitions in direct competition to the then very successful dis-
plays at Newtown under the leadership of the Bucks County Agri-
cultural Society. We regret that neither time nor space permit a
discussion of this interesting organization which flourished in
central Bucks county for over twenty-five years, toward the end
of the last century. Much original data pertaining thereto is to
be found in the library of Bucks County Historical Society. So
we will leave to another the writing of its history, together with
that of the jH-esent highly successful Doylestown Fair.
We close, therefore, by quoting what General Davis had to
say on the subject in his History of Bucks County:
■^-Buctis CoiDity Intelligencer, August 28, 1835. The following account
of Bucks County's lirst balloim ascension, taken from the Penusytrania Cor-
respondent and Fari'iers' Advertiser of December 26, 1820, was signed by
Joseph Able and Denry Shrader : "The public are respectfully informed,
that the subscribers will raise a Balloon from the jail-yard in Doylestown,
on the first of January, (New Year's day) at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
The Balloon is about 16 feet in height and 48 in circumference. The citizens
are respectfully invited to patronize the above to gratify their curiosity."
"111 1865, ^ chartered company, under the name of the 'Doylestown
Agricultural and Mechanics' Institute,' bought the Beek tract, and that fall
held a successful exhibition under canvas. The following year a conven-
ient brick building, in the shape of a cross, each arm ninety-six feet long,
and other improvements were made, including a half-mile trotting track,
one of the best in the country. The society grew to be one of the most
prosperous in the State, and for several years the display was extensive and
valuable at the exhibition. The stock paid a dividend, and several thousand
dollars were awarded in premiums. Like its predecessors, it came to an
end. The society wound up its affairs about 1890 ; the property was sold,
and, after paying the debts, the remainder was divided among the stock-
1. Semi-annual Fair of Bristol Borough, 1720-1796.
2. Bucks Cotmtv Society for Promotion of .Agriculture and
Domestic ^la'nufactures, 1809-1812.
3. Agricultural Society of Bucks County, 1820-1882.
4. Bucks County Agricultural Society and Mechanics' Institute,
5. Doylestown Universal In(histrial and Agricultural Exliibition.
6. Doylestown Agricultural and Mechanics" Institute, 1885-1890.
(Established in 1909)
19 40
Stipii!e Enslaved Portrait by Gimbrede. published in the Issue of the
Analectic Magazine for November, 181 4. General Pike, one time a resident
of Bucks County, Pa., was mortally wounded in the Second War between the
United States and Great Britain by the Explosion of a Powder Magazine dur-
ing his Successful Expedition against York, tlie Capital of Upper Canada,
April 27, 1813, dying at the age of 34 yeais.
General Pike's birthplace has long been a matter of disijute among his-
torians and biographers. General W. W. H. Davis, author of the "History of
Bucks County", believed that he was a native ot this county, but he does not
offer positive proof. There seems to be little doubt that Captain Zebulon
Pike, father of General Pike, and his family lived in Lumberton, Solebury
Township, during General Pike's childhood. Most biographers of C4eneral
Pike state that he was born in Lamberton, now a pait of Ti-enton, N. .1., and
this statement was long accepted as a fact. However, William J. Backes,
Trenton, N. J., puts up in a contribution to the Somerset County Historical
Quarterly, Somerville, N. J., October, 1919, (A'ol. S, No. 4>. a very good claim
for Lamberton (now Laniington), Somerset County-, N. J., as the actual birth-
place. Mr. Baclves says he found his clue leading to this conclusion in a scarce
small volume of biography published in 1S17 by TlK>mas Wilson, who i.-ouples
the name "Allamatunk" with Lamberton. The same reference to the name
"Alamatunk" as the original of the name L&mberton can be found in a
biographical sketch of General Pike, published in 1814, three years earlier
than the date of Wilson's book, in Volume IV of the Annlectic Magazine, in
the Library of The Bucks County Historical Society. This sketch was doubt-
less the source of Wilson's information.
When your magazine comes to you today, you open it on
your library table and turn back its sleek gorgeously-colored
calendared cover to read what the editor and publisher have
diligently provided for your edification or amusement. The
large, clear-cut type, the attractive general makeup, and what
the writers have to say, all interest you immensely. You may
not say it out loud, but still the thought passes through your
mind: "What a wonderful thing this magazine is!"
However, you may not know (and even may not care) that
this prized magazine of yours, product of the keenest brains
and the very last word in art, artisanship and mechanical
ingenuity, had a most humble beginning. The first magazine
was crude, like the processes, types and presses that produced
it. But it represented something that men and women of the
time wanted and publishers liked to make, and it persisted. In
the intervening years between then and now it went through
all the successes and defeats, the forward movements and re-
cessions, quite like those that mankind itself encountered.
Save for recent efforts of the public library, the antiquarian,
the historian and the bibliophile, we would today know little
about the periodicals of the past. Magazines were born and
died, some quickly, some lingerlingly; others took their places,
only to meet the fate of predecessors, with no one to keep a
record of their comings and goings. Some, not necessarily the
small and obscure, but sometimes the more important, were
forgotten entirely. Others met a kindlier fate when copies were
stored away in cob-webby garrets and private libraries, to be
brought forth years later and carefully studied when their great
value as reflexes of the social, political, economic, industrial
and agricultural life of their times became recognized.
A century hence will the periodicals of today become as
near being forgotten as were many of those of a century ago?
There is hope that this will not be the case, as the tendency of
today is to record the "passing show", and thus what is of
value to future generations may be saved. An instance is the
"Crypt of Civilization", now in the making at Oglethorpe Uni-
versity, Georgia, where the microfilmed works of a thousand
recognized authorities on all the known wisdom of the world
is being stored in a massive bed-rock and stone depository
beneath the University building, to be sealed up two years
hence, with the intent that it is not to be opened until A. D. 8113.
Public libraries have become asylums of old-time period-
icals that otherwise would have been destroyed or lost, and
these have been great aids to a number of researchers who
lately have compiled important lists and histories of magazines.
A recent publication admirably covering practically the whole
field of magazine publishing in the past is "A History of
American Magazines", 1741-1885, 3 vols., by Frank Luther Mott,
Director of the School of Journalism, State University of Iowa,
published by Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Here is a fascinating story that has value for the library and
student of periodicals and charm for the general reader. Mr.
Mott's "History" has been of great help in compiling this
Check List.
Acknowledgments are also due to other publications, men-
tioned in the proper place.
The need for a Check List of magazines in the Library of
The Bucks County Historical Society has been apparent for a
long time. The effort here made to supply such a List does not
pretend to conform entirely to the orthodoxy of library stand-
ards, formality being sacrificed where necessary to the purpose
it is intended to serve. It is believed the List will be helpful to
those patrons of the Society who desire access to such a source
of information. Its plan has been simplified as much as pos-
sible, the data being presented by certain groupings.
First is given the last known name of the journal, its period-
icity and when established, followed by the location of the
publshing house and names of publishers. Next are given
variations of title, if there are any. Third, the editors are named,
when known. Next appears a list of all the numbers of the
periodical in the Library of The Bucks County Historical Society.
This is followed by a line stating whether the periodical is still
in progress, or, if suspended, the date of discontinuance. The
final "Note" is either explanatory or contains such information
as could not be conveniently placed elsewhere. In the matter
of titles, exception is made in a very few cases, and the period-
ical is listed by its best-known instead of its last title. In a few
instances the information presented is brief, either because the
periodical is unimportant or because more data was wanting.
It will be observed from this List that the Library lacks
many numbers to complete its files of important Eighteenth and
Nineteenth century magazines. If members and friends of the
Society who happen to have such missing numbers are dis-
posed to present them to the Society, they will be thankfully
received by THE LIBRARIAN.
BCHS — The Bucks County Historical Society.
est — established.
V — bound volume or volumes.
X — unbound number or numbers.
— — Library has all numbers from, to, and including
dates between which this character occurs.
— when not used purely as a punctuation mark,
indicates missing numbers in Library's hold-
In progress —current, still published.
—months, except May, June and July, are ab-
The 425 volumes comprising the fine collection of works on
Tnthropology, archaeology and ethnology, presented to The
Bucks County Historical Society by the late Dr. Henry C.
Mercer, president of Society (1811-1930), include seventy bgund
volumes of pamphlets, periodicals and fragments of periodicals.
Only a small number of periodicals in these seventy volumes
are complete. In most cases they comprise parts of periodicals,
dealing with a single subject. Unfortunately covers were re-
moved prior to binding and no dates or other data of identifica-
tion are noted. In some instances even the names of the period-
cals aire not apparent. Under these circumstances it is possible
to give here only the names of those that can be identified, as
The Archaeologist, Waterloo, Ind.
The American Naturalist.
The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London.
The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain
and Ireland.
The American Anthropologist, Washington, D. C.
The Halifax Naturalist.
The Natural Science Journal.
Bulletin of the New York State Museum, Albany.
Field Columbian Museum Publications, Chicago.
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, Columbus.
The Nugitna, Zoar, Ohio.
Bulletin of the Free Museum of Science and Art, University
of Pennsylvania.
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Phila-
Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia.
Everybody's Magazine.
North American Notes and Queries, Quebec.
Prometheus, Berlin, Germany.
Wide World.
National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C.
Mittheilungen des K. K. Oesterreich Museums fur Kunst und
Industrie, Wein.
The Antiquarian.
The American Archaeologist, Columbus, Ohio.
The Philippine Journal of Science.
Popular Science Monthly.
The American Geologist, Minneapolis, Minn.
The Illustrated Archaeologist.
The Journal of American Folk-Lore.
The American Antiquarian, Chicago.
Archaeologia (British).
L'Homme Journal Illustre' des Sciences Anthropologiques,
Science, New York.
L'Anthropologie, Paris.
Revue des Questions Scientifiques, Louvoin.
Bulletin de la Societe de Geologique de France, Paris.
Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquities of Ireland,
There are two or more copies of nearly all the above
named periodicals or fragments. Of many of them there are
numerous copies.
In the following Check List of American magazines, the
first and the last will not be found. In 1741, Andrew Bradford,
first printer in Pennsylvania, launched his American Magazine,
the first in America, and the shortest lived. Only three numbers
were issued. It appeared only ten years after Edward Cave
had established the first so-called British magazine. The Gentle-
man's. Although the first issue of Bradford's magazine is dated
January, 1741, it really did not appear until February 13.
Between Bradford and young Ben Franklin, who had also
announced his intention of publishing a magazine, there was
bitter rivalry. Three days after the American Magazine ap-
peared, Franklin was ready with his General Magazine. It
lasted only six months, or twice as long as Bradford's. Frank-
lin was robbed of the distinction of issuing the first magazine
in America by the double dealing of John Webbe, his editor.
Webbe, in the Bradford-Franklin war, went over to Bradford,
communicated to him Franklin's plans and became Bradford's
editor. This enabled Bradford to get into the field ahead of
Franklin and aggravated the feud between the two printers.
Neither Bradford's nor Franklin's magazine had enough merit
to warrant a feud, and little would have been lost had no
copies of either survived.
Beer's Check List of Eighteenth Century American maga-
zines (1923) gives 98 titles for the whole country, many of which
were unimportant. The Columbian Magazine, established in
Philadelphia, September, 1786, was an exception, rating as one
of the best. Mathew Carey, one of four men who had estab-
lisher The Columbian, soon withdrew and in January, 1787,
established The American Museum, the best-edited and most
important periodical of that century. With that periodical, the
oldest American magazine in possession of The Bucks County
Historical Society, this Check List begins.
For over a century Philadelphia was the periodical pub-
lishing centre. The Civil War brought to the front the New York
pictorials and accentuated a change, already under way, and
the Manhattan metropolis took the prestige that was once Phila-
dephia's. Boston and Baltimore also became important period-
ical publishing cities and today Chicago, San Francisco and
other cities of the West and Middle West are forging to the
The increase in periodical literature within the last twenty
years has simply been marvelous. One has only to look at the
array of such material on the news stands today and recall the
comparatively meager offerings of a quarter century ago to
realize this enormous inflation. No one has attempted to make
a complete list of the magazines of today, or, for that matter, of
the last fifty years. That will be the big task for some one in
the future. However, old magazines like old newspapers, hide
between thier covers a vast deal of historical and genealogical
information not obtainable elsewhere. This alone is sufficient
reason for their preservation.
Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania. ( Devoted to the Preservation
of Everv Kind of Useful Information), weekly, est Jan. 5,
Philadelphia: Printed by W. P. Geddes, No. 59 Locust
Street, 1828-1830; Wm. P. Geddes, (Liberty Street), 1830-
Title varies : Jan. 1828- June 1831. The Register of Pennsylvania ;
July 1831-Dec. 1835, Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania.
Editor : Samuel Hazard, Xo. 51 Filbert Street ; no street address
after Oct. 11, 1828.
BCHS has : V
1828 Jan. 5-1835 Dec. 26 (complete).
Publication discontinued December 26, 1835, "in consequence of
the very limited patronage received."
Note: Hazard's Register is now regarded by many researchers
as an important source of material for the eight years
covered by its publication, and as well for its valuable
articles on the jirior history of Pennsylvania and the
United States.
The Home journal, and Uitizen Soldier, weekly, est Jan. 7, 1843.
Philadelphia: Published by I. R. and A. H. Diller, No. 57
South Third Street, below Chestnut, Jan. 7, 1843-Sept. 13,
1843; Xo. 134 Chestnut Street, above the U. S. Bank, Sept.
20, 1843-()ct. 25, 1843; No. 3 North Sixth Street, Nov.
1. 1843-Nov. 16. 1843; A. H. Diller. No. 3 North Sixth
Street. Nov. 17. 1843-May 8. 1844; No. 85 Dock Street
(2nd Story), May 15, 1844-
Title varies : The Citizen Soldier, Jan. 7, 1843-Dec. 27. 1843 ; The
Home Journal, and Citizen Soldier. Devoted to Literature,
Science and the Military, Jan. 3, 1844-
Editor : "We are happy to inform the public that we have secured
the services of a gentleman of the highest qualifications as
editor of 'The Citizen Soldier'. He is a man of science, an
elegant scholar, and one of the most popular writers of the
day." (Publishers' announcement in the first issue).
RCHShas: V
1843 Tan. 7-Dec. 27.
1844 Jan. 3-May 29.
Note: The volume in the Library of The Bucks County His-
torical Society comprises the only known copies of The
Citizen Soldier and The Home Journal, and Citizen
Soldier. It is a four-colunm, eight-page periodical, form
size IOV2 X 14 in., made up almost wholly of original
matter. It came to the Society from the General W.
W. H. Davis collection. General Davis' inborn love for
history led him to preserve many things of this kind that
came to his hand, and he thus saved from oblivion much
that today has enduring- value. Two of the contribu-
tors to The Citizen Soldier were George Lippard and
James Rees. The Battles of Germantown and the Brandy-
wine are described at length, important "Sketches of the
American Revolution" have a prominent place, and sten-
ographic reports of the historical lectures of Captain
Alden Partridge and others were admitted to its pages.
All important news of the militia organizations of the
day is well covered. The date of the last issue is not
BtX,ZMM, SJi^^^^^^^^ TWO 0«M,t.SMB FSM ^JnrCM,
»r pence prrrnra Otr war." — tr>aAijis^<^^
'"jiJ.J «i'i'n*L'.;Sl'- l.''«'°™3°w'""..J ',11 ih«'^ .-».".:-l o( filly "-^ ""I *.i"(™
. ,„.. j.i. p,,-;i%i.. if,.i.o. ■rtt:*, ™^rtrr ih. ffj-';.,'".'',' ,.--T'f T".:..
First-page Title of a Unique and Valuable Periodical. The only lino-svn
copies are in the Library of The Bucks County Historical Society.
known, but it was probably soon after the publication
office was moved to Dock Street.
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, semi-annual,
then quarterly, est 1845.
Newark, N. J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 230 Broad-
BCHS has : V - •
Note : This official periodical of the New Jersey Historical
Society contains reprints of Colonial and Revolutionary
documents, addresses before the Society, original articles
relating to New Jersey history, genealogical and bio-
graphical notes and reports of the Society meetings.
Beginning in 1845, fifty-six vokimes of the "Proceed-
ings" have been issued. An index to the first thirty-six,
1845-1919. is available.
In progress.
The Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries Concerning the
Antiquities. History and Biography of America, monthly.
est 1857.
Boston: Published by C. B. Richardson, 1857; New York:
C. B. Richardson. 1858-1863; J. D. G. Shea, 1864-1865;
Morrisania, N. Y. : 1866-1875.
Editors : John W. Dean, 1857 ; George Folsom. 1858 ; J. D. G.
Shea, 1859-1865 ; Henry R. Stiles, 1866 ; Henry B. Dawson,
BCHShas: V
1867 Jan.-June.
1868 Jan.-June.
1869 Jan.-Dec.
1870 Jan.-Sept.
1871 Jan.-Aug.
Extra, Feb. 1871.
1872 Jan.-Mar.
1873 Apr.-Dec.
Duplicates :
1873 July, Aug. (2), Sept. .-Dec.
Suspended June 1875.
Note: Henry B. Dawson, last editor of this magazine, was a
noted historical writer who became involved in several
celebrated controversies on historical subjects. The
magazine passed into his bands July 1, 1866, and he con-
tinued to publish it for a number of years, enlarging it
to twice its former size. (See Appleton's Cyclopedia of
.\merican Biography, 1888, Vol. H, pp. 108, 109). "The
file contains a large amount of historical, biographical
and archaeological material not elsewhere available."
(See Mott's History of American Magazines, Vol. HI,
p. 175). Among the historian-contributors were Ban-
croft, r.ossing, Schoolcraft and Sparks.
Now and Then. Devoted to History, Amusement. Instruction,
Advancement, bi-monthly, then quarterly, est 1868.
Muncy, Pa. : J. M. M. Gernerd ; The Muncy Luminary,
Luminary Building.
Editors : J. M. M. Gernerd, T. Kenneth Wood.
BCHS has : V
1890-1892 (complete).
1930 (Apr.-June missing).
1931 (complete).
1932 (Oct.-Dec. missing).
1934 :May-1935 June (reprint).
1936 Vol. 5 (bound).
Duplicates :
1890-1892 X
Note: Now and Then continued The Magazine of History and
Biography established at Muncy in 1868 by J. M. M.
Gernerd, which was revived in 1929 as a quarterly maga-
zine by Dr. T. Kenneth Wood.
The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Devoted
toi the Interests of American Genealogy and Biography,
quarterly, est Jan. 1870.
New York: Published by the New York Genealogical and
Biographical Society.
Editors : Rev. Melatiab Everett Dwight, H. S. Mott, J. R. Tot-
ten, et al.
BCHS has : V
1904 Apr. (430/160).
In progress.
Note: This genealogical magazine succeeded the Bulletin, pub-
lished for only one year (1869) by the Society cited
above. When it started the Record contained only eight
pages. Now it is classed with The New England His-
torical and Genealogical Register as one of the two fore-
most publications of its class in America. It has con-
sistently maintained its high character during its career
of nearly seventy years.
The American Historical Record. (See Potter's American Month-
ly), monthly, est Jan. 1872.
Philadelphia : Published by Chase & Town, No. 142 South
Fourth Street.
Editor : Benson J. Lossing.
BCHS has: X
1872 Jan.-Dec.
1873 Jan.-Dec.
Note : The American 1 listorical Record was acquired January,
1875, by John E. Potter & Co., 617 Sansom Street, Phila-
delphia, Pa. This firm changed the character of the
periodical to that of a general magazine and its title to
Potter's American Montlily Illustrated Magazine, which
The Chronotype, an American Memorial of Persons and Events,
monthly, est Jan. 1873.
New York: Published by the American College of Heraldry
and Genealogical Registry. No. 67 University Place
( Societv Library Building).
BCHS has : V
1873 Jan.-AIay. (430/160).
Discontinued 1874.
The Pennsylvania Magazine of Historv and Biography, quarterly,
est 1877.
Philadelphia: Publication Fund of The Historical Society of
Pennsylvania, No. 820 Spruce Street. 1877-1882; 1300
Locust Street. 1883-1935 ; The Historical Society of Penn-
sylvania, 1300 Locust Street, 1936-
Editors : A committee on publication.
BCHS has: V
1877 Jan.-lf)39 Oct. (\^ols. 1 to LXIIT complete).
DupHcates :
-. 1877 Vol. I. V
1878 Vol. n. y
1880 Vol. IV, No. 2. X
1883 Vol. VIL V
1884 Vol. VIII. V
1885 Vol. IX. V
; 1886 Vol. X. V
1887 Vol. XI. V
1896 July. X
1898 Jan.-Apr. X
1907 Apr. X
1908 Tan.-Oct. X
1909 Tan.-Oct. X
1910 Tan.-Oct. X
. 1911 Tan.-Oct. X
1912 Tan. -Apr. (2), Tuly (2), Oct. (2). X
1913 Tan. (2). Apr. (2), Julv-Oct. (2). X
1914 Tan. (2). Apr. (2). July (2), Oct. (2). X
1915 Tan. (3). Apr. (2). Tulv (2), Oct. X
1916 Tan- Apr.. Tulv. X "
1917 July. X
1918 Apr. X
1935 Apr. X
1938 Apr, X
Note: The objects of this magazine, as stated in its first number
(1887), "are to foster and develop the interest that has
been awakened in historical matters, and to furnish the
means of intercommunication between those of kindred
tastes."" Since this modest announcement the Pennsyl-
vania Magazine of History and l>iography has been ful-
filling an increasingly important historical mission and
has become essential to every well-ordered historical
library in the country.
In progress.
The Magazine of American History with Notes and Queries,
monthly, est Jan. 1877.
New York and Chicago : A. S. Barnes & Company, 1877-
1882: Xew York: Historical Publication Co.. 30 Lafavette
Place and 743 Broadway, 1883-1893.
Editors: John A. Stevens, 1877-1881 : B. F. DeCosta, 1882-1883;
Mrs. Alartha J. Lamlj (who was also owner ), 1884-1892.
BCHShas: V
1877-1892 ( complete ) .
1893 Jan.-June.
Discontinued Sept. 1893.
Note: The twenty-nine beautifully bound volumes of this maga-
zine in the Library of The Bucks County Historical
Society have the book-plate of the late Thomas Mac-
Kellar, Germantown, Pa., senior member of the firm of
MacKellar. Smiths & Jordan, owners of what was con-
sidered in its prime the most celebrated and important
type foundry in the world. "Thomas MacKellar, poet,
was born in New York August 12, 1812, and in 1833 re-
moved to Philadelphia, where on the death of Mr.
Johnson in 1860. he became the senior partner of the
great type-foundrv of Lawrence Johnson & Co. He
early wrote for the Journal of the Sunday School Union,
and published 'Droppings from the Heart,' 1844: 'Tam's-
Fortnight Rambles," 1847, and 'Lines for the Gentle
and Loving," 1853: also, 'The American Printer." "" ( See
Scharf and Westcott's History of Philadelphia, Vol II,
p. 1167). The Magazine of American History was one
of the more important historical periodicals of its time,
reporting the proceedings of the New York Historical
Society, and publishing valuable historical articles, manu-
scripts and biographical notices. After the death of Mrs.
Lamb, Jan. 2, 1893, it passed through several hands,
degenerated, and expired September of the same year.
The Biographer, monthlw est Ma\- 1883.
New York: 23 I 'ark Row.
BCHShas: \'
1883 May. (430/160).
The Biograpliical Mag-azine. An Illiistrated Alonthlv. est. Nov.
New York : The Pictorial Associated Press, Clipper Building.
BCHS has : X
1883 Nov.
Suspended 1885.
The National Magazine. A Journal Devoted to American History,
monthlv. est 1884.
Cleveland, O. : PuhHshed by William W. Williams, 1884-
1887 ; New York : The New York History Companv. 132
Nassau St.. 1888-1893.
Title varies: The Magazine of Western History, 1877-1891; The
National Magazine, 1891-1893.
Editors: William W. Williams, 1884-1887; James Harrison
Kennedv, 1887-1893.
BCHS has : ' X
1891 Nov.
Suspended .\pr. 1893.
Note: After its removal to New York, this periodical ceased
devoting its attention exclusively to publishing western
historical material, its objective when it was founded by
Williams. After its suspension in 1893, Mott, quoting
from the Bulletin of Bibliography, says in his History of
American Magazines (Vol. HI, p. 262) "unscrupulous
publishers later used the name (The National Magazine)
for issues of a pretended magazine with contents taken
from books and advertising improvised in order to get
would-be notables to pay for steel portraits which were
inserted in 'ghost magazines' never sold or distributed.
Such issues of The National Magazine were printed as
late as 1897."
Maine Historical and ( ienealogical Recorder, quarterly, except for
the last year, which was monthly, est Jan. 1884.
Portland, Maine: S. M. Watson, Publisher.
Editor: Stephen Marion Watson.
BCHS has : X
1889 Apr.
Suspended 1898.
Note: According to Mott's History of American Magazines
(\^ol. HI, p. 259n), this periodical was published with
several intermissions: suspended during 1890-1892. 1894.
and 1896-1897.
The Historical Record. Devoted Principally to the Early History
of the Wyoming \'alley and Contiguous Territory, monthly.
est Sept. 1886.
W'ilkes-narre. I'a. : Press of the \\'ilkes-Barre Record.
Editor: F. C. Johnson, M.D.
BCHShas: V
1886-1908 (14 voI>. complete j.
Note : This extremely interesting and valuable historical publica-
tion began as a monthly periodical ; then sometimes two
montlis were combined in one number. Later it was pub-
lished quarterly, finally "appearing from time to time
as a complete volume." Its contents comprises "a com-
pilation of matters of local history from the columns of
the Wilkes-Barre Record."
Putnam's Monthly Historical Magazine est 1890.
Salem, ^Nlass. : Published by Eben Putnam.
Title varies : Salem Press Historical and Genealogical Record,
1890-1892: Putnam's Monthly Historical Magazine. 1893-
Editor : Eben Putnam.
BCHS has: \'
1895 Apr.
1898 Feb.
Note: Putnam's Monthly Historical Magazine in October, 1893,
absorlied Tilley's Magazine of Xew England History.
William and Mary Co'.lege (.)uarter!\ Ilistoiical Magazine, est
Apr. 1892. '
Williamsburg, \'a. : l\iblished by William and Mary Col-
l^rst Series: Apr. 1892-Apr. 1919.
Second Series: Jan. 1921-
Editors: Dr. Ev.jn C. Tyler, 1892-1919; Dr. Tuhan Alvin Car-
roll Chandler, l!)21-Apr. 1934; Dr. K. J." Hoke, July 1934;
Dr |ohn Stewart Bryan, Oct. 1!);4- ; associate editor.
Dr. I^. C. Swem, 1921-
BCllS has: X
1921 |an.-192^< luh.
1929 "|an.-193(i ( )ct.
1937 Apr.-1938 ( )ct.
In ])r()gress.
-Vote: "Thi.-. Magazine was estaljlished ai his own expense in
1892 by Dr. Lyon G. Tyler, i)resident of the college. It
was published and edited by Dr. Tyler for twenty-seven
years as a private undertaking, the last number issued
being number 4 of volume 27, dated April, 1919. Since
Dr. Tyler's retirement as president, he has established a
new magazine which is now published at Richmond, \'a.,
entitled Tyler's Historical and Genealogical Quarterly."
(See William and Alary College Quarterly Historical
Magazine, Jan. 1921, p. 72). This college quarterly has
always been an authority in the field of \ irginia history.
All of its editors have been the college's presidents and
its associate editor the librarian of the roUege.
Annals of Jowa. An Historical Onarterly. est Apr. 18^3=^
Des Moines, Iowa: Published by tlie liistorical Dei>artnient
of Towa.
BCHS has : X
1898 Oct.
1899-1904 (complete).
1905 Jan.
*Note: Third series: publication resumed April 1893 after a
suspension of several years.
In progress.
The \'irginia Magazine of History and IJiosjrapliv. quarterly, est
July 1893!^
Richmond, \'a. : Published by The \irginia Historical So-
ciety, House of the Society. Xo. 707 East Frankdin St.
Editors: Philip A. Pruce, \\'illiam G. Stanard.
BCHS has: A'
1893 lulv-1915 (complete).
1916 Tan. X
Xote: "Instead of ]iublishing an annual volume upon some one
subject, the Executive Committee deemed it expedient
to publish a magazine which would contain a variety of
subjects of original historical value, and be more in ac-
cord with the methods provided by other similar societies.
.Accordingly the first number of the Virginia Magazine
of History and Biography, which will be quarterly, was
published in Julv la-t, the second number in October,
and the third is now far advanced."' — From the annual
report of Joseph Bryan, President of the A'irginia His-
torical Society, December 14, 1893.
In progress.
Publications of The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, annual,
est 1895.
Philadelphia : Printed for the Societ\- bv Edward Stern &
Co., Inc., 112 and 114 Xorth Twelfth St., 1895-1897:
printed for the Society by The Wickersham Printing Co.,
Lancaster, Pa., 1898-1914: Philadelphia: 1300 Locust
Street. 1915-1922: Building of the Flistorical Society of
Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust' Street, 1923-
Editor : M. Atherton Leach.
BCHS has: \'
1895-1938 (complete).
Special Niiml)er, "The Xewkirk l^'amily" 1934.
Duplcates :
1933 Mar.
3 938 Oct.
Note : The committee on publication, in the first number of this
important periodical, said that, in selecting the articles
for that number, they had "borne in mind that the pri-
mary object of the Society has always been to collect
original records and material for genealogical and his-
torical research rather than to turn their attention to the
building up of pedigrees After thi? has been done,
family history, properly speaking, can be compiled with
certainty and the avoidance of those errors which are
sure to creep in when the author is not familiar with the
original sources of genealogical information." — A safe
platform, on which every similar society can successfully
In progress.
The American Historical Review, quarterly, est Oct. 1895.
New York : The Macmillan Company : London : Macmillan
& Co., Ltd.
Editors: J. Franklin Jameson, Andrew C. McLaughlin.
BCHS has: X
1898 Oct.
1899 Tan. -Oct.
1900 Oct.
1901 Tan.-Oct.
19(^2 tan.-Oct.
1903 Tan.-Apr.
1931 Oct.
1912 Jan.-1919 Oct.
1920 Ttdy. Oct.
1921 Jan.-1927 Oct.
1929 Tulv.
1930 Ian.. Julv, Oct.
1!)31 Jan.-July.
Duplicates :
1902 Jan.. A])r.
.\mericana ( lermanica. A Quarterly Devoted to the Com]iarative
!-^tU(ly (if the Literary, Linguistic and Other Cultural Rela-
tiDus of Germany and America, est Jan. 1897.
.\c\v ^'ork: The Macmillan Company. 1897-1901; Publi>hers.
I'he German American Historical Societv, 1902.
Editors : Marion Dexter Learned, University of Pennsylvania,
and a corps of contributing editors.
BCHS has: X
1897 Vol. I, Nos. 1, 2.
1898 Vol. II, Nos. 1-3.
1899 Vol. IT, No. 4; Vol. III. Nos. 1, 2.
1899-1900 Vol. Ill, Nos. 3 and 4.
1901 Vol. IV, No. 1.
1902 Vol. IV, No. 2.
Note: Americana Germanica carried on its title page for the
first year only the line: "Publication of the University of
Pennsylvania." In the last issue, 1902. publication by
The German American Historical Society was announced,
the Society having been chartered December 10, 1901.
The first meeting of the Society was held January 6, 1902.
In 1903 Americana Germanica ceased as a periodical and
was succeeded by German American Annals, a monthly
periodical, which became the official organ of the Society,
with nearly the same sub-title as that of Americana Ger-
manica. (See German American Annals in this list).
Publications of the Southern Historv Association, bi-monthly.
est 1897.
Washington, D. C. : Published by the Association.
Editors : Publication Committee of five.
BCHS has : X
1900 Mar.
The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, quar-
terly, est Jan. 1900.
Charleston, S. C. : Published by the South Carolina Historical
Editors : A. S. Salley, Jr., Mabel L. Webber.
BCHS has : X
1918 Oct.
1933 Tan.-Oct.
1934 Ian .-Oct.
1935 Jan., Apr., July.
1936 .Apr., julv. Oct.
1937 Tan.-dct.'
1938 Jan.-July.
Note: This is one of the best conducted historical magazines of
the dav and its articles are always attractively presented.
In progress.
The Penn Germania. monthly, est Jan. 1900.
Lebanon, Pa. ; Lititz, Pa. ; Cleona, Pa,
Title varies : The Pennsvlvania German, 1900-1911 : The Penn
Germania, 1912-1914.
Editors : Rev. E. P. Croll. H. A. Schnler. H. W. Kriebel.
BCHS has: V
1900 Jan.-1914. Dec. (Complete set).
Duplicates :
1907 May (3), Aug. (5).
Discontinued Dec. 1914.
The West Mrginia Historical Magazine, quarterly, est Jan. 1900.
Charleston, West \'a. : Published by the West Virginia His-
torical Society.
Editor : W. S. Laidley.
BCHS has : V
1904 Apr.
The Gulf States Historical Magazine, bi-monthly, est Sept. 1902.
Montgomery, Ala. : Published by Joel C. DuBose.
Editor: Joel C. DuBose.
BCHS has : V
1903 July.
German American Annals. Continuation of the Quarterly Amer-
icana Germanica. A Monthly Devoted to the Comparative
Study of the Historical, Literary. Linguistic, Educational
and Commercial Relations of Germany and America. (See
.Americana Germanica) est Jan. 1903.
Philadelphia: ]\iblished by The German American Historical
Society, Chas. H. Breitbarth. Business Manager, 1120
Chestnut Street. Rooms 54 and 56. (with agencies in New
Vork, Berlin, Leipzig, London and Paris).
Editors • Marion Dexter Learned. I'niversity of Pennsylvania,
and a corps of contributing editors.
BCHS has: X
1903 Jan., Mar.
Note : This periodical was the organ of The German .American
Historical Society, The National German .American Al-
liance, and The LTnion of Old German Students in America.
Americana (American Historical Magazine), quarterly, est 1906,
New York: Published by Publishing Societv of Xew Vork,
1906-1907: National Americana Society, 1908-1910 ; David
I. Nelke, President National .\mericana Society. 1911-1916:
The American Historical Society. Inc.. 1917 to date.
Editors : Lyman Horace \\>eks. 1908 ; Florence Hull Winterburn,
1910; John R. Meador. 1912: John Howard Brown. 1913-
1914: L M. Greene, 1915: L. Greeneway Greene. 1916:
Fenwick V. Hedley. 1917-1924: Winfield Scott Downs.
1925-1938; Winfield Scott Downs. Litt.D.. 1939-
BCHS has: \'
1919 Julv.
1920 Ian.. lulv. Oct.
1921-1938 (complete).
In progress.
Note : This is one of the most important current American maga-
zines on genealog}^ and history. The value of its con-
tents is equalled by the beauty of its typography and
heraldic plates and genealogical charts in colors, and its
attractive portraits and other illustrations.
Maryland Historical Magazine, quarterly, est Jan. 1906.
Baltimore : Published by the Maryland Historical Society.
Editor : Louis H. Dielman.
BCHS has: X
1912 Dec.
1913 Sept.
1914 Mar.
1915 Sept.
Genealogv. A Monthlv Magazine of American Ancestry, est May
New York : William L. Clemens, Publisher, 56 and 58 Pine
BCHS has: X
1916 Jan.
Chronicles of Oklahoma, quarterly, est Jan. 1911.
C>klahoma City. Okla. : Published by the Oklahoma Historical
Title varies: Historia, 1911-1920; Chronicles of Oklahoma, 1921
to date.
Editors: William P. Campbell, 1911-1920; Board of Publication,
1921 to date.
BCHS has: X
1916 July.
In progress.
Note: A recent report of the proceedings of the Oklahoma His-
torical Society has the following paragraph : "A feature
of the Society easily available to all its members is its
quarterly magazine. Mr. William P. Campbell edited
for some years for the Society a pamphlet called His-
toria : at a meeting of the board of directors on May 6,
1920, on motion of Judge R. L. Williams, a committee
was appointed by the president to make arrangements
for publishing a quarterly magazine. Judge Williams,
A. N. Leecraft and Professor J. S. Buchanan constituted
CHECK LIST OK M.\ri.\/.[XES 21
the coniniittec and they decided to name the magazine
the "Chronicles of Oklahoma". With Prof. iJuchanan
and Dr. E. K. Dale as editors the issue appeared in
January. 1921 We are now in volume XV of the
Chronicles. The magazine is edited by a hoard consist-
ing of Directors Harry Campbell. John B. Meserve,
George Evans. Grant Eoreman and the secretary."
The .Montgomery Ivimily Magazine. (Genealogical. Historical and
I'.iographical. (|uarterly. est June 1915.
New York Citv. X. V.; William M. Clemens, Publisher. 56
& 58 Pine Street.
Editor: William Montgomery Clemens.
BCHS has: X
1916 .\pr.
Minnesota History, quarterly, est 1918.
St. Paul : The Minnesota Historical Societv. Central Ave.
and Cedar Street.
Editors: Theodore C. P.leden. I'.ertha L. lieilhron
BCHS has: X
1933 Sept.
The Western PennsvK^ania Historical Magazine, ciuarterlv est
Pittsburgh. Pa. : ]*ublished by the Historical Society of West-
ern Pennsylvania. Bigelow Boulevard and Parkman Avenue.
1918-1932; 4338 Bigelow Avenue. 1933-
Editors: h'ranklin F. Holbrook. Elisabeth M. Sellers.
BCHS has: \"
1918-1939 (complete).
Duplicate :
1926 Jan.
In progress.
Xote: The salutatory of this magazine said: "For a number of
years the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania
realized that it would be advantageous to conduct a
magazine, but did not feel able to undertake the work. It
is now prepared to answer the call, and the result is its
entry into the of publishers." This is now the lead-
ing historical magazine of western Pennsylvania.
The Quarterly Journal of the Xew Ynrk State Historical Associa-
tion, est Oct. 1919.
Albany: Xew ^'ork State Historical Association.
Editors: James Sullivan, Dixon R. Vox l-'rederick P>. Richards.
I5CHS has: X
1920 A])r.. ( )ct.
Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealo.^ical MaL^jazine. est 1920.
Richmond, \'a. :
Editor : Lyon G. Tyler, M.A., LL.D.
BCHS has: X
1923 Jan. ( Washington number).
The P.eehive. monthly, est 1921.
Germantown. Pa.: Published by Flen & Fetterolf. 5954 Ger-
mantown Avenue, and 10 to 16 Tiarvey Street.
Editor: Epentus L. Fetterolf.
P.CITS has: X
, Sept.
. Tune.
. June-
Note : This magazine is
a worker mainl\-
in the rich field of
Germantown historv.
The County Court Xote-Book. A Little P.ulletin of History and
Genealogy, irregular, mostl}' bi-monthl}'. est Oct. 1921.
P)ethesda, Montgomery Co., Md. ; Washington., D. C. : Colum-
bia Printing Co., Inc.
Editor: Milnor Ljungstedt.
BCHS has: X
1921 Oct., Dec.
1922 Mar.-Xov.
1923 Feb.-Dec.
1924 1an.-Nov.
1925 Feb.-Dec.
1926 Feb.-Dec.
1927 Feb.-Dec.
1928 Feb.-Dec.
1929 Feb.-Dec.
1930 Feb.-Dec.
1931 Feb.
The Perkiomen Region, irregular, est Dec. 1921.
Pennsburg, Pa. : Published by the Historical and Natural
Science Societv of the Perkiomen Region.
Editors: Thomas R.' Brendle. 1921-1927; H. \V. Kriebel, 1927-
BCHS has: \'
1921 Dec. 1-1936 Apr. (complete set).
Duplicates :
1934 Aug. X
Discoutinued in 1936.
Note : The Perkiomen Region is a rich scnirce for much historical
material for the upper parts of Montgomery and Bucks
Counties, Pennsylvania.
The Nebraska and Midwest (Genealogical Record. (|uarterly. est
Jan. 1923.
Lincoln. Ne1)raska : Published by the .\el>raska (Genealogical
Editors: Editorial staff. Miss Mabel Lindlv. managing editor.
BCHS has: X
1923 Apr.
The Genealogical Magazine of New lersev. quarterly, est Ji^ily
Newark. N. j.: Published by the Genealogical Society of
New Jersey.
Editor: Russell Bruce Rankin, with a staff' of hve associate editors.
BCHS has: V
1925 july-1939 Oct.
In progress.
Note: "The Genealogical Society of New Jersey was organized
September 17. 1921. and incorporated April 5, 1924
Our members have compiled or have access to much un-
puljlished material relating to a great many New Jersey
families It is our intention to continue these activi-
ties, and to preserve the results of our labors bv putting
our data in print whenever and wherever it mav be prac-
ticable to do so — in this magazine or elsewhere." — From
editorial in first number, July, 1925. This periodical
holds a place of much importance in the genealogical
The Kansas Historical (Quarterly, est Nov. 1931.
Topeka, Kansas: The Kansas State Historical Society.
Editors: Kirke Mechem, James C. Malin.
P,CHS has: V
Duplicate :
1931 Nov.
In progress.
The Christian Herald, and Seaman's Magazine, semi-monthlv.
est Afar. 30, 1816.
Xew ^'ork : PnbHshed by John Oray, Xo. 60 Church, near
Murray Street. 1820; at the r)ttice of Blackwood's
Edinburgh Magazine. 1821-1824.
Title varies: The Christian Herald. 1816-1820: The Christian
Herald, and Seaman's Magazine. 1820-1824.
BCHS has: X
1820 ]une 3.
1821 June 16.
Discontinued Mar. 1824
Xote : This was one of the early religious periodicals, established
by and for at least four years tuider the supervision of
John E. Caldwell, a founder of the American Bible So-
ciety. Its main object was to supply religious literature
to sailors.
The Berean. A Religious Publication, seini-montlil}'. est Apr.
\\'ilm';ngton. Del. : Printed by Mendenhall & Walters. Xo. 31,
Alarket-Street ; later by S.'E. Merrihew, No. 103, Shipley-
BCfIS has: \"
1825 Ai)r. 19-Dec. 27.
1826 Jan. 10-June 27.
Biblical Repertory and I^'inceton Review. ( See The Presbyterian
Quarterly Review and The Presbyterian Quarterly and
Princeton Review. ) quarterly, est 182;").
Philadelphia: Al. P). Hope, Education Rooms, Xo. 29 Sansom
Street; R. E. Horner and J. T. Robinson. Printers. Prince-
ton. 1842- ; Philadelphia: Published bv Peter Walker.
821 Chestnut Street. 1868; New York: Published by Charles
Scribner & Co., 654 Broadway.
Title varies: Biblical Repertory. 1825-182!); r.iblical Repertory
and Princeton Review, 1830-1871.
Editors: Charles Hodge. D.D., Lyman H. Atwater, D.D.
BCHS has: X
1842 Jan.
1847 Apr.. July.
1868 July.
1869 Apr.
1871 Apr., Oct.
Note: This publication was merged with The Presbyterian Quar-
terly and Princeton Review Jan. 1872. Mergers of Pres-
byterian periodicals of closely similar names in the Nine-
teenth Century were so numerous as to lead to confusion
unless the records are very closely scanned. "With the
year 1831 Dr. (Edward) Robinson began the publication
of the Biblical Repository, of which he was the editor
and principal contributor for four years." — Cyclopaedia
of American Literature," Duyckinck. 1856, Vol. II p
168. "In July, 1833, he TBela Bates Edwards) estab-
lished the American Quarterly Observer, a journal of the
order of higher reviews; which, after three volumes, was
united in 1835 with the Biblical Repository, which had
been conducted by Professor Robinson. Edwards edited
the combined work, known as the American Biblical
Repository, until January, 1838."— Ibid., Vol. II, p. 342.
'The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review, such
being its final title, is the oldest of American theological
quarterlies, having now (1856) reached the thirty-first
volume. It was begun by Professor Hodge in 1825,
and has. with small intervals, remained under his hand
until the present time. It has been regarded as the ac-
credited organ of the Westminster Calvinists and Presby-
terians, and has exercised a formidable influence ; but its
tone in regard to slavery has made it especially imsavory
to abolitionists." — Ibid.. Vol. I, p. 615.
The Presbyterian Quarterly Review, est lune 1852.
Philadelphia : Printed for the Proprietor, bv Isaac Ashmead
No. 248 Chestnut Street, June, 1852; Published for the
Proprietor by Willis P. Hazard, No. 178 Chestnut Street,
Sept.. 1825-1857; Presbvterian House, No 1334 Chestnut
Street, 1858-1862.
Editors :^ Benjamin J. Wallace ; Albert Barnes, Thomas Brainerd,
E. W. Gilbert, Joel Parker, associate editors, with the as-
sistance of Professors in the New York ITuion, Auburn and
I^ne Theological Seminaries. lohn Jenkins succeeded E
W. Gilbert in 1854.
BCHS has: X
1852 lune-Dec.
1853 Mar.. Sept., Dec.
1854 Mar., Dec.
1858 Julv. Oct.
1859 Jan., Oct.
1860 Jan.
1862 Jan., Apr., Oct.
Note: The prospectus of this pubHcation, in the first number,
contains the following: "This work has grown out of
the wants of the Presbyterian Church, and is intended
to maintain a close connection with all its interests and
plans." The Presbyterian Quarterly Review began a
successful and lengthy career. It was i)ul'lished by the
Presbyterian Board of Publication. (See Sharf andWest-
cott's History of Philadelphia, \^j1. Til, p. 2024). Janu-
ary 1. 1863, it was merged with The American Theo-
logical Review under the title of The American Presby-
terian and Theological Review, which see.
The Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review. (See The
Presbyterian Quarterh Review), est Jan. 18(13.
New York: J. M. Sherwood, No. 5, iJeekman Street; Phila-
delphia: Presbyterian P>ook Store, 1334 Chestnut Street:
New York: J. AI. Sherwood, 654 Broadway; 21 Barclay
Title varies : The American Presbyterian and Theological Re-
view, 1863-1868 ; The American Presbyterian Review, 1869-
1871 : The Presbyterian (Quarterly and Princeton Review.
Editors: Henry B. Smith, J. M. Sherwood, Lyman H. Atwater :
associate' editors, Albert Barnes, Thomas Brainerd, John
lenkins, Roswell D. Hitchcock, Jonathan B. Condit, George
E. Day.
BCHS has: X
1863 Julv.
1869 Apr.
1874 Apr., Oct.
1876 Oct.
1877 July.
Journal of The Department of History (The Presbyterian His-
torial Society) of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.
semi-annual, est Alay 1901.
Philadelphia: The Presbyterian Historical Society, W'ither-
spoon Building, 1901-1929; Published by the Department
and Society, Witherspoon Building, 1930-
Title varies : Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society. May
1901-June 1930; Journal of The Department of History
(The Presbyterian Historical Society) of the Presbvterian
Church in the U. S. A., Sept. 1930-
Editors : Committee on Publication.
BCHS has : V
1901-1939 (complete).
In progress.
The Presbyterian, weekly, est Feb. 16. 1831.
Philadelphia : P\iblishe(l by Russell & Martien, No. 9 George
Street, 1831-1834; Alfred Martien, May 1, 1834-1873;
Rev. Dr. S. A. Mittchmore, 1873-
Editors: Rev. John Burtt, Feb. 16, 1831-Nov. 21. 1832: Rev. Dr.
Tames W. Alexander, Nov. 28, 1832-Tan. 9, 1834; Rev.
Dr. William M. Engle, 1834-1864; Rev. Dr. E. E. Adams,
Rev. Dr. M. B. Grier, 1864-1873 ; Rev. Dr. S. A. Mutch-
more, 1873-
BCHS has: X
1833 Mar. 27.
In progress.
Note : This is the second oldest Presbyterian journal in the coun-
try, being antedated only by the Biblical Repertory and
Princeton Review (1825). It took the form of a news-
paper, 17 X 22J/ in., adhering to "the fundamental doc-
trines of evangelical Christianity." In 1931 it celebrated
its centennial anniversary by publishing in its issue for Feb-
ruary 12 a sketch of its career, where the history of the
journal since 1873 may be found.
The Quaker, monthly, est 1827.
Philadelphia: Published by Marcus T. C. Gould, No. 6,
North Eighth Street.
Editor : Marcus T. C. Gould.
BCHS has: V
1827 Feb. (?) (Vol. I).
1827 luly-Dec.
1828 Jan.-Dec.
1828 (Vol. IV).
Duplicates :
1828 Feb., Mar., May, June, July, Aug. (2).
Note : Vol. I and Vol. IV were not published in periodical num-
bers, but in every other particular were considered by
the editor as a part of the regular series.
Discontinued Dec. 1828.
The Friend. A Religious and Literarv lournal. weekly, est Oct.
13, 1827.
Philadeliihia : Published by John Richardson, Corner of Car-
l)enter and Seventh Streets, 1827-1830 ; printed by Adam
Waldie, Carpenter Street below Seventh, 'l 831-1841 ; Wil-
liam and Joseph Kite, Joseph Kite, Joseph Kite & Co., Sev-
enth and Carpenter Streets, 1842-1847 ; Kite & Walton, No.
3 Ranstead Place, b^ourth Street above Chestnut, and Lodge
Street, opposite the Pennsylvania Bank, 1848-1855 ; Robb,
Pile & ^IcElroy. Pile & McElroy, William H. Pile, Wil-
liam H. Pile's Sons, Lodge Street, opposite the Pennsyl-
vania Bank. 1856-1891.
Editors : Robert Smith. 1827-1851 ; subsequently edited by com-
mittees, tlie duties chiefly devolving upon John Richardson,
Charles Evans. M.D.. John S. Stokes and Joseph Walton.
John H. Dillingham, Edwin P. Sellew. Davis H. Forsythe,
and the present editor. Margaret W. Rhoads.
BCHS has:
1827 Oct. 13-1891 July 25 (complete). V
1900 Nov. 10. Dec." 25. X
1901 Ttilv 27-Dec. 28. X
1902 Ian. 4-Dec. 27. X
1903 Tan. 3-Dec. 26. X
1904 Jan. 2-Mar. 26. X
In progress.
X^ote: This periodical was founded when differences arose be-
tween the Hicksite and Orthodox branches of the Society
of Friends, The Friend representing the orthodox or
parent branch. The publication committee which con-
trols the periodical is a self-perpetuating body and desig-
nates the editor.
The Friend : or. Advocate of Truth, monthly, semi-monthly and
weeklv. est Ian. 1828.
Philadelphia: 'Published by M. T. C. Gould. No. 6, North
Eighth Street ; New York : Isaac T. Hopper, Xo. 420 Pearl
Editor : Marcus T. C. Gould.
BCHS has:
1828 lan.-Xov. V
1829 lan.-Dec. V
1830 Ian. 2-Feb. 27. Y
June 19-Dec. 25.
Duplicates :
1828 Feb., Mar., May, lune, Tulv. Aug. (fragment), Nov.
1829 Jan. 1-Dec. 16. "
Note: Changed to weekly, January 2, 1830, and "joint office"
opened at 420 Pearl Street, New York.
Friends' Miscellany, monthly, est Apr. 1831.
Philadelphia: Printed for the Editors by I. Richards, No.
13 Church Alley.
Editors : John and Isaac Comly, Byberry.
BCHS has: Y
1831 Dec.
1832 lan.-Dec.
1833 lan.-Mar., Dec.
1834 Jan.-July.
Last issue, fuly, 1839 ( Yol. XII, No. 7).
Note: "He (Jolin C omly ) \va> >ul)sequentl\ engas^ed with his
brother Isaac in ])ul)]ishing a periixhcal called 'l^'riends"
Miscellany', which was continued through a series of
years, and has been the means of preserving many valu-
able records, biographical sketches, historical notes, and
other matters of peculiar interest." ( See A History of
the Townships of IJyberry and Moreland, by Joseph C.
Martindale, ]\I.D., page 296 i "There are second
editions of X'olumes 1. 2 and 3. The date of the second
edition of \'o!ume I is 1834. The content of both edi-
tions is the same, however." ( E. X'irginia Walker. As-
sistant Librarian. Friends" Historical Library. Swarth-
n":ore College. Swarthmore. I 'a.)
The Friends' Intelligencer, weekly, est Mar. 30. Ls44, liy josiah
I'hiladelphia : Published by The b^riends' Intelligencer Asso-
ciation. 1215 Chestnut Street.
Title varies : Friends' Weekly Intelligencer: iM-ieids' Intelligencer;
sub-lit'.e varies: A Religious and l-^a;nily Journal. The
Quaker Message, .\ Quaker Me>sage
Editors: Josiah Chapman. Howard M. jenkin--, Rachel W. Hill-
burn. Helen G. Longstreth. Lydia 11. Hall. Alice L. Dar-
lington, R. L.arclay Spicer, Pllizabeth I'ownall I'ond, Eliza-
beth Lloyd. Henry b>rris. \\alter Halsey .Abel. Anna jack-
son. Sue C. \'erkes. et a!.
BCHS has: X
1846 Mar. 7.
1855 Mar. 24-1856 Mar. 15.
1868 Mar. 7-1869 Feb. 20.
1869 Mar. 6-1870 Feb. 26.
1870 Mar. 5-1871 Feb. 18.
■ 1873 Jan. 4. Mar. 1-1874 Feb. 21.
1874 Feb. 28-1875 Feb. 20.
1876 Feb. 26-1877 Feb. 19.
1881 Feb. 19-Dec. 31.
1882 Ian. 7-1' eb. 11.
1885 Ian. 24.
1891 Ian. 3. 10.
June 13.
lulv 25.
.\ug. 15, 22.
Oct. 17.
Xov. 7.
1892 1-eb. 6.
Aug. 6, 13.
Oct. 1, 8, 29.
Xov. 5, 26.
Dec. 10.
1893 Ian. 7-28.
Feb. 4-25.
Mar. 4, 11.
Aug. 15, 22.
Oct. 31.
Nov. 21.
1894 Feb. 3-24.
Mar. 3-31.
Apr. 7, 28.
Mav 12-2().
Tune 2. 23, 30.
Aug. 8.
Sept. 1, 15-29.
Oct. 13-27.
Nov. 3. 10.
Dec. 8-29.
1895 Jan. 12, 19.
Feb. 2.
May n-25.
June ], 8.
Aug. 29.
1896 Apr. 18, 25.
May 2. 16-30.
June 6.
July 25.
Aug. 1, 8.
Sept. 5, 19, 26.
Oct. 3.
1897 Mav 29.
Tune 12.
1898 Apr. 2, 16-30.
May 7-28.
1899 Mar. 18.
Apr. 1, 8, 22.
Mav 13.
1900 Apr. 28.
Tune 9-30.
July 7-21.
Aug. 4-25.
Sept. 1.
Oct. 13, 27.
Nov. 3, 17.
Dec. 15.
1901 Jan. 5, 12, 26.
Feb. 23.
Apr. 13-27.
Mav 11, 25.
June 1-22.
July 6-27.
Aug. 3-31.
Sept. 28.
Oct. 5-26.
Nov. 3. 30.
Dec. 7. 14. 28.
1902 Ian 18. 25.
Feb. 1. 8. 22.
Mar. 8. 15. 29.
Apr. 5, 12. 26.
May 3. 17.
July 12-26.
Aug. 9.
1903 Ian. 3-Dec. 26.
1904 Ian. 2-Dec. 3. 17-31.
1905 Jan. 7-Dec. 30.
1906 Jan. 5-Dec. 29.
1907 Ian. 5-I)ec. 28.
1908 Ian. 4-Dec. 5. 19. 26.
1909 Ian. 2-May 15, 29-Dec. 25.
1910 Tan. 1-Aug. 20. Sept. 3-Dec. 31.
1911 "lan. 7-Dec. 30.
1912 Jan 6-Dec. 28.
1913 Tan. 4-Dec. 27.
1914 Tan. 3-Dec. 26.
1915 Tan 2-Dec. 25.
1916 Tan. 1-Dec. 30.
1918 Tan. 5-Mar. 2, 16. 30-.\pr. 6. 13. 27-Dec. 28.
1919 Ian. 4-Dec. 27.
1920 Tan. 3-Dec. 25.
1921 Tan. 1-Apr. 16, 30-Dec. 31.
1922-1934 (complete).
Duplicates :
1874 Oct. 31.
1903 Tan. 17-Feb. 14. Mar. 28-May 16. Oct. 31. Nov. 21.
1904 Ian. 23. 30. Mar. 5-A]m-. 2, 30.
1909 May 15.
1912 Sept. 28- Dec. 28.
1913 Tan. 4-Dec. 27.
1914 Ian. 3-Dec. 26.
1915 Jan. 2-July 31.
1927 Tune 11, Nov. 15. 22, Dec. 3, 10.
1928 Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 18, Apr. 14-July 28, Aug. 18-Nov. 24.
In progress.
Note: In some liistories and check lists this periodical is erron-
eously listed as having been established in 1838. This
error, no doubt, occurred through confusing two publica-
tions. In a letter, dated June 29. 1939, Anna B. Hewitt.
Secretary of Friends' Historical Association, Haverford.
Pa., says: "P>iends' Intelligencer, of Philadelphia, hegan
publication in 1844 and has continued to the present.
There was another publication called I^Viends' Intel-
ligencer, which was published in New York in 1838-
1839. Only one volume appeared, consisting of 24 num-
bers. I think that this was an entirely distinct publica-
tion, and that the Philadelphia periodical was not a con-
tinuation of it. We have a file of both publications in
the Haverford College Library."
Bulletin of the Friends' Historical Association, irregular, 1906-
1921; semi-monthly, 1822- : est Oct. 1906.
Philadelphia : Published by Friends' Historical .Association.
Printers, The Leeds & Biddle Co., 1010 Cherry St.; The
Biddle Press, same address ; Ferris ^- Leach, 29 S. Seventh
Street, Lancaster. Pa.; Lancaster Xew Fra : Swarthmore,
Pa. : Publication ( )ffice.
Title varies: Bulletin of the Friends' Historical Society of Phila-
delphia, 1906-1923 : Bulletin of the Friends' Historical As-
sociation, 1924-
Editors: Jsaac Sharpless. 1906-1907; Allen C. Thomas. 1907-
1920: Amelia M. Gummere, 1921; Ravner VV. Kelsev,
1922-1927; Henry J. Cadburv. 1928-1929; Rayner W. Kel-
sey. 1922-1932: Thomas K. Brown. Jr.. 1933-
BCHS has: \'
1906 Oct.-1939 (complete).
General Index Vol. I-X. 1906-1921.
General Index \^ol. XI-XV. 1922-1926.
General Index Vol. XVI-XX. 1927-1931.
Special Insert. Logan Story Index.
In progress.
The Christian : A Monthly Publication, for .\11 Denominations of
Christians, est 1847.
Philadelphia : Printed for George F. Gordon. Proprietor.
Editor : George F. Gordon.
BCHS has: V
1849 Jan.-Dec.
The Cavalla Messenger. "Good Xews from a Far Country",
monthly, est July 1847.
Cavalla. W. Africa: Published by the I'rotestant Episcopal
BCHS has: X
1855 Mar.
The Moravian, the Official Organ of the N^orthern Province of
the Unitas Fratrum or Moravian Church in America,
weekly, est Jan. 1. 1856.
Philadelphia, Pa. : Published by authority of the Synod, T856-
1858; Bethlehem, Pa.: 1859-
Editors : Rev. Edmund deSchweinitz, Rev. Lewis F. Kampmann,
Rev. Francis F. Hagen, 1856-1902 ; Rev. Charles D. Krei-
der, D.B., 1903-1937 ; Rev. Roy Grams, Th.M., 1938-
BCHS has: V
1908 Nov. 11-Dec. 23.
1909 Jan. 6-June 23 (missing, pp. 389-392^.
In progress.
Note: While it is distinctly a church paper. The Moravian pub-
lishes much literary and historical. The file in possession
of The Bucks County Historical Society contains a serial
historical novel. "The Sister : or. Romance of the United
Brethren or Moravians," by Sarah Biddle Cabeen, of
Philadelphia — a story of the Indians and Moravians
of early times.
Sunday Magazine. (A British periodical), monthly, est in U.
S. A. Oct. 1869.
Philadelphia: Publishers, T. B. Lippincott & Co.., 715-717
Market Street.
Editor : Rev. Thomas Guthrie, D. D.
BCHS has: X
1869 Nov.. Dec.
1870 J an .-Dec.
1871 jan.-Sept.
Probably discontinued in 1873.
Note: Dr. Thomas Guthrie, editor of this periodical, was an
eloquent Scottish divine, born at Brechin ab<;)Ut 1803.
He became minister of Free St. John's, Edinburgh, in
1840. As an associate of Dr. Thomas Chalmers he took
a prominent part in the institution of the Free Church
in 1843 He was the chief founder of the Ragged
or Industrial School of Edinburgh.. He died Feb. 24,
1873. (See Lippincott's Universal Pronouncing Diction-
ary of Biography and Mythology, 1887, p. 1194). Sun-
day Magazine was controlled by a publishing house estab-
lished in New York by Alexander Strahan, of Edin-
burgh and London, in 1865.
Griffin's (I. C. B. \J.) Journal, monthly, except 1883-1912, when
semi-monthly, est 1873.
Philadelphia: Published h\ Martin 1. T. Griffin. 711 Sansom
Editor: Martin I. J. Griffin.
BCHS has: X
1892 Feb. 29.
Discontinued in 1900.
Note: Griffin's Journal, tiiough published under the auspices of
the Irish Catholic Benevolent Union, was dominated by
the strong personality of its editor. It was merged in
1900 with American Catholic historical Researches,
which had been established in 1884 in Pittsburgh in
charge of A. A. Lamburg, but in 1886 came under the
direction of Griffin, wdio removed it to Philadelphia.
American Catholic Historical Researches in 1912 was
combined with the Records of the American Catholic
Historical Society of Philadelphia.
Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadel-
phia, wdth which is Combined American Catholic Historical
]\esearches. quarterly, est May 5, 1887.
Philadel])hia : Published bv the Society, Philopatrian Hall,
211 South Twelfth Street, 1887-1889: Athenaeum Build-
ing. 219 South Sixth Street, 1889-1895; 715 Spruce Street,
Editors : Editorial supervision in charge of a Publication Com-
BCHS has: V
1884-1938 (complete. 49 volumes).
Supplement. 1893 Dec.
Duplicates :
1894 Dec.
In progress.
Note: Records of the American Catholic ?[istorical Society of
Philadelphia is a publication of the highest importance.
It has performed invaluable service in rescuing much
material from oblivion and bringing it to public atten-
tion. Each volume contains stores of historical and
genealogical information either inaccessible or not readily
accessible anywdiere else. No well-equipped library can
well do without this ably-edited journal. The first twenty-
three volumes of Records were issued annually, and it
was not until March 1913 that they began to be issued in
regular magazine form. The first volume was announced
t® be ready for distribution under date of May 5, 1887.
(See Records, Vol. XXIII. p. 8). But this first volume
covered the proceedings of the Society back to its incep-
tion. Tulv 1884.
Our Church Monthly, est July 1881 .
Doylestown. Pa. : Devoted to the Interests of the Doylestown
!\Iethodist Episcopal Cliurch.
Editor : Rev. L. B. Brown.
BCPIS has: X
1881 July, Oct.
The Asbury Review, monthly, est 1882.
Wilmington, Del: Published by the Mutual lmi)rovement
Society of the Asbury M. I{. Churcli.
Editor: Sallie B. Shaw.
BCHS has: X
1883 June.
People's Pulpit, Bible and Tract Society, monthly, est Feb. 1909.
Brooklyn, N. Y. : Brooklyn Tabernacle, 13-17 Hicks Street.
BCHS has': X
1909 Apr.
The Mennonite Ouarterlv Review, Devoted to Mennonite History,
Thought and Current Afifairs. est Jan. 1927.
Goshen, Indiana : P'ublished by Goshen College.
Editor : Harold S. Bender ; associate editors, John I'mble, Guy
F. Hershberger, Edward Yoder.
BCHS has: X
1928 Apr.
In progress.
Note: "During the year 1926, I published three numbers of
what was called here the Review Supplement to the
Goshen College Record. The Goshen College Record
was a student publication and is still a student publica-
tion. In a sense The Mennonite Quarterly Review is
the successor to the Gashen College Record Review Sup-
plement. The Mennonite Quarterly Review is the only
scholarly journal published by any branch of the Menno-
nites in America. It is, however, not an official organ
of our denomination, since the regular ecclesiastical organ
of our denomination is the Gospel Herald, which is pub-
lished by the Mennonite Publishing House at Scottdale,
Pennsylvania" — Harold S. Bender, Editor of The
Mennonite Quarterly Review, June 8, 1939. It may also
be stated that in late years The Review has appointed as
its publishing agent The Mennonite Historical Society,
which is at the present time the publishing agent for
Goshen College.
Pennsylvania Archaeologist. Bulletin of the Society for Pennsyl-
vania Archaeolog-y. quarterly, est Apr. 1931.
Milton, Pa. : Published for the Society of Pennsylvania
Editors : Frederick A. Godcharles ; assistant, Donald A. Cadzow.
BCHS has: X
1986 Jan.-Oct.
The Pennsylvania Archaeologist. Bulletin of the Society for Penn-
sylvania Archaeology, monthly, est 1931.
Lancaster, Pa. : Published by the Society.
BCHS has: X
1934 Jan.
American Journal of Archaeology. The Journal of the Archaeo-
logical Institute of America, quarterly.
Concord : Published by the Institute.
Editor : George W. Elderkin.
BCHS has: X
1929 Jan., Mar.
The American Museum, or, Universal Magazine, monthlv. est
by Mathew Carey, Jan. 1787.
Published by Carey, Stewart, and Co., Front Street, east side,
at the fifth door south of Spruce Street, and other Front
Street addresses.
Title varies: The American Museum, or Repository of Ancient
and Modern Fugitive Pieces, «&c.. Prose and I'oetical, 1787-
1789 ; The American Museum, or. Universal Magazine :
Containing Essays on Agriculture — Commerce — Manu-
factures — Politics — Morals — and Manners. Sketches
of National Characters — Natural and Civil History — and
Biography. Law Information — Public Papers — Pro-
ceedings of Congress — ■ Intelligence; Moral Tales — An-
cient and Modern Poetry, &c., &c., 1790-1792.
Editor : Mathew Carey.
BCI-IS has: V
1790 Jan., Feb.. Apr., May, Aug.-Dec.
Discontinued Dec. 1792.
Xote : The suspension date given above is on the authority of
Mott's "History of American Magazines", vol. ITI, p.
100. In "One Hundred and Fifty Years Publishing,
1785-1935;' Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger (1935), p. 14,
it is distinctly stated that the Museum was continued for
thirteen years. Mott explains the discrepancy by stating
in a footnote (Vol. Ill, p. 103) that "six years after the
discontinuance of the magazine, Carev published a vol-
ume called The American Museum : A Repository of
Valuable Newspaper Essays and Pamphlets. This is
sometimes mistakenly called Vol. XIII of the magazine."
Lea & Febiger also state that the firm name during the
existence of the Museum was simply Mathew Carey,
whereas the title page of \^ol. VII, 1790, bears as its
publishers' name Carey. Stew^art and Co. The Museum
easily headed the American magazine field as long as it
was published. Among congratulatory letters Carey re-
ceived was one from (jeneral Washington. The original
is now in possession of Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
The New-York Magazine: or. Literarv Repositorv. monthly, est
New York : Printed by Thomas and James Swords, At their
Ofii'ice. No. 43. Crown-Street.
BCHS has: \'
1790 Jan -May (pp. 315-382 missing from May issue).
Plates :
Trinit} Church, New York City (missing j.
Unfortunate Mistake. Engraved by Tiebout (fragment).
Federal Edifice, New York City (missing).
\'iew of the Bastile. Engraved by Tiebout (from original
French engraving ) .
\^iew of Columbia College in the City of New York. Drawn
by Anderson : engraved by Tiebout.
St. Tamany. An original piece of music.
\'iew of Light House at Sanrly Hook. Drawn by Ander-
son ; engraved by Tiebout.
\'ie\v of Hell-Gate (missing).
\ie\v of the Town of St. I'eter and St. Paul in the Bay of
Awatchka. Engraved by Tiebout (half plate missing).
Mt. Aetna in Eruption (1669). Engraved by Tiebout.
Map of New Discoveries from Lake Superior to Cook's
River (missing).
Discontinued Dec. 1797.
The Philadelphia Monthly Magazine, or, LTniversal Repository of
Knowledge and Entertainment: Consisting of Original
Pieces, and Selections from Performances of Merit Foreign
?« 2E1
SS 7: c
^v. H^
. t.
"3 rt
~ 05(^
^^ '"' 4)
Dm a
er, th
V_ '
X s
c zl
•^ "So.
and Domestic. Calculated to disseminate useful knowledge
among all ranks of ])eople, at a small expense. EmI ellished
with Elegant Engravings, est Jan. 1798.
Philadelphia : Printed for Thomas Condie, Stationer, No. 20,
Carter's Alley.
BCHS has: \'
1798 July-Se])t.
Probably discontinued at the end of the }ear 1798.
Note: In the three numbers of this scarce magazine in the BCHS
Library, much space is devoted to the yellow fever
scourge. .Soon after they appeared, the fever articles
were printed in pamphlet form under the title "History
of the Pestilence Commonly Called Yellow Fever, which
almost Desolated Philadelphia in the months of August,
September and October. 1798. B}- Thomas Condie and
Richard Folwell." A C(»p\- is bound in with the BCHS
magazine volume. The fever articles ])rovoked much
comment and elicited letters from the city's leading phy-
sicians and others. September number contains a plate,
"A'iew in Easton upon Delaware", engraved from a draw-
ing by 1. Hoffman, with descriptive text. This may be
the earliest picture of Easton extant.
The Analectic Magazine, monthlv lMt9-l,s2() : weekK 1S21.
Jan. 1, 1809.
Philadelphia: Published bv Enos Bronsun and John F. Wat-
son, 1809-1812; Moses 'Thomas, Xo. r)2 Cliestnut-Street,
1813-June 1819; James Maxwe'l, July 1819-1821.
Title varies: Select Reviews and Spirit of Foreign .Magazines,
1809-July 1811; Select Reviews of Literature, and Spirit
of b^jreign Magazines, Aug. 1811-Tan. 1813; The Analec-
tic Magazine. Feb. 1813-1821.
Editors: Samuel Ewing, 1809-1812; Washington Irving. 1813-
1815; Thomas L Wharton, subsequently the distinguished
editor of law books.
BCHS has: V
1814 Tulv-Dec.
1815 Aug.
1819 July-Dec.
Discontinued Dec. 29, 1821.
Note: Strictly speaking. The Analectic Magazine began its career
in 1813. Moses Thomas. Philadel]ihia bookseller and
publisher, purchased Select Reviews, a monthly period-
ical, from John F. Watson in 1812. started a new series
in January, 1813, and changed the name in February to
The Analectic ^Magazine, with a long sub-title, which sub-
title was also changed two or three times. Lnder Thomas"
direction The Analectic took front rank among American
periodicals. Special attention was given to naval and
arm\ affairs. Among its biographies of military heroes
(probably written by Washington Irving) is that of
General Zebnlon M. P'ike, sometime resident, if not a
native, of Lumberton, Ikicks County, Pa. The biograph-
ical sketch is illustrated by a well-executed stipple por-
trait of the General, by Gimbrede. November number,
1814, contains the first magazine or book printing of
"The Star Spangled Banner", by Francis Scott Key, un-
der its original title, "Defence of Fort McHenry." July
number, 1819, publishes the results of the first experi-
ments with lithography in America, illustrated with a
design made by Bass Otis on a stone brought from
Munich and now in possession of the -Vmerican Philo-
sophical Society.
The London Ouarterlv Review. (American Edition). English ed.
est 18(5?).
New York; Published by Leonard Scott & Co., 79 Fulton
Street, corner of Gold.
BCHS has: \'
1852 Jan.-Oct. ( W.. NC. Nos. CLXXIX-CLXXXTL)
Note: This was one of several London and Edinburgh reviews
republished verbatim in the United States. Leonard
Scott & Co., of New York, were pioneers in this field.
It is said that in 1865 as many as eight such periodicals
were reprinted here. It was profitable business, as the
reprints were widely read. At first the American pub-
lishers pirated them, then the British publishers invoked
the copyright law, forcing the printers here to buy ad-
vance sheets from them. The number of American edi-
tions then declined. "As it ( Edinburgh Review, est Oct.
1802 ) was devoted to the support of Whig politics, the
Tory or ministerial party of the day soon felt the need
for a similar organ of opinion on their side, and this led
to the establishment of the Quarterly Review in 1809.
The Quarterly has ever since kept abreast with its north-
ern rival in point of ability, and is said to have out-
stripped it in circulation." ( Chambers' Cyclopaedia of
English Literature, Third edition, \'ol. II, p. 412).
The North American Review, bi-monthly. May 1815-Sept. 1818 ;
quarterlv, Dec. 1818-Oct. 1876; bi-monthly, Jan. 1877-
Dec. 1878; monthly, Jan. 1879-Aug. 1896; fortnightly.
Sept. 7, 1906-.Aug. 16, 1907: monthly, Sept. 1907-June
1924; quarterlv, Sept. 1924-June 1927; monthly, Sept.
1927-Mar. 1935 ; quarterly, June 1935- est May 1815.
Boston: Wells & Lillv. 1815-1816: Cummings & HilHard,
1817-1820; Oliver F:verett. 1821-1824 ; Frederick T. Gray,
1825-1828: Gray & Bowen, 1828-1831: Charles Bowen,
1832-1836: Otis'. Broaders cS: Co., 1837-1838; Ferdinand
Andrews, 1838-1840; James Munroe & Co., 1840-1841;
David H. Williams, 1842; Otis, Broaders & Co., 1843-
1847 : Little & Brown, 1848-1852 ; Crosby, Nichols & Co.,
1853-1863; Ticknor & Fields. 1864-1867; Fields, Osgood &
Co.. 1868-1869; James R. Osgood & Co.. 1870-1877; New
York: D. Appleton & Company. 1878-1880: A. T. Rice,
1881-1889; Lloyd Brice, 1889-1894; North American Re-
view Publishing Company, 1895-1915; North American Re-
view Corporation. 1915-
Title varies : The North American Review and Miscellaneous
Journal, 1815-1821; The North American Review, 1821-
Editors : William Tudor, May 1815-Apr. 1817 ; Tared Sparks,
May 1817-Mar. 1818; Edward T. Channing, May 1818-
C:>ct. 1819 : Edward Everett, Jan. 1820-1823 ; Jared Sparks,
Ian. 1824-Apr. 1830; Alexander H. Everett. Julv 1830-
bct. 1835; Tohn G. Palfrev. Ian. 1836-Tan. 1842 :'Francis
Bowen, 1843-1853 ; Andrew P. Peabodv. 1853-1863 ; James
Russell Lowell, 1863-1872 ; Henry Adams, 1872-1876 ; Al-
len Thorndike Rice. 1877-1889; David A. Munro. 1896-
1899; George B. M. Harvev. 1899-1926; Walter Butler
Mahony, 1926-1935: John H. G. Pell, 1935-
BCHS has: N
1885 Oct.
In progress.
Note: In Dec. 1814 William Tudor wrote the prospectus for
The North American Review, the first number of which
appeared in May, 1815. under his editorial supervision.
(See Cyclopaedia of American Literature. Duyckink,
1856, Vol. II, p. 269). For a century and a quarter this
periodical has been pre-eminent among American re-
The New Monthly and Literary Journal, est Jan. 1821.
Philadelphia :' Republished by E. Littell ; New ^■ork : R. Nor-
ris Henry.
BCHS has: \' '
1821 July-Dec
Note: Not much appears to be known al)()Ut this magazine, nor
how long it was published. 'J^ie word "Republished",
preceding the publishers' names, is mystifying. The New
Monthly and Literary Journal may have been Littell's
and Henry's first venture in the periodical field. Be-
neath its first-page title is carrie(l in ornate type the
words "ORIGINAL PAPERS." The published papers
bear the mark of originahty, no articles are credited to
other journals, and most of the prose pieces and poetry
are signed by either initials or a non-de-plume, like
"Thomas Crotchet" to a dissertation on "Music of Poli-
tics."' There are also rather clever attempts at humor,
vide "Specimen of a Prospective Newspaper. The North
American Luminary, 1st July, 4796." The historians of
Christmas customs might find much of interest in the
1821 view of "Christmas Keeping." Few of such orig-
inal features apjiear in Littell's and Henry's later and
far-better known periodical effort, the Eclectic Magazine,
made up almost entirely of scissored foreign reviews.
The Eclectic Magazine of h^oreisrn Literature, month! v. est July
Philadelphia : Published by E. Littell, No. 88 Chestnut Street,
1822-1835; E. Littell & Co., 1836-1842; New York and
r^hiladelphia : E. Littell. 1843 ; Leavitt, Trow & Company,
1844-1846; New York: W. FL Bidwell. 1846-1868; E. R.
Pelton, 1869-1898; Boston: The Living .\ge Company,
1899-1905; Henry D. Noyes & Company, 1905; New York:
Eclectic Magazine I'rinting and Publishing Company, 1905-
Title varies : Museum of Foreign Literature and Science, 1822-
1835; Museum of Foreign Literature, Science and Art,
1835-1842; American Eclectic and Museum of Literature,
."Science, and Art, 1843 ; The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign
Literature, Science and Art. 1844-1898 ; The Eclectic Maga-
zine and Monthly Edition of The Living Age, 1899-1900;
The Eclectic ?^lagazine of Foreign Literature. 1901-1907.
Museum series :
First Series. 1822-1835.
Second Series, 1835-1842.
Cnited Series. 1843.
Alagazine ^eries :
First Series. 1844-1864.
New Series, 1865-1898.
Third Series, 1899-1905.
Fourth Series. 1906-1907.
Editors; Robert Walsh. 1822; Eliakim Littell and Squier Littell.
1823-1842; John Holmes Agnew, 1843-1846; Walter Hil-
liard Bidwell, 1846-1881; not known, 1882-1907.
BCHS has: \'
1824 I'ndatefl number.
1837 Jan. -Dec.
1838 'luly-Dec.
1839 lan.-Dec.
- 'tr '.
Engraved Title Page by Maverick after a Diawin.u by Faiiman. Tlie Top
of the Engraved Page is by Maverick after tlie Paintin?: by Sully.
1840 Tan.-Dec.
1843 jan.-Dec.
Duplicates :
1839 Jan.-Apr.. Sept.-Dec.
Discontinued June 1007.
Note: "Eliakim Littell, editor, b. in llurlington, N. J-. Jan. 2,
3798 ; d. in fjrookline,Mass., May 17, 1870 removed
to Philadelphia in 1819, and established a weekly literary
paper entitled the 'National Recorder", whose name he
changed in 1821 to the 'Saturday Magazine'. In July,
1822, he again changed it to a monthly called the 'Museum
of Foreign Literature and Science' After conduct-
ing this with great success for nearly twenty-tw^o years,
he removed to Boston, Mass., where in April, 1844, he.
began 'Littell's Living Age', a weekly periodical." —
Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography (1888),
Vol. IIJ, p. 737. Littell's Museum, under its various
titles, printed a vast amount of foreign literature, and
during its career of eighty-six years was published in
three different cities. It was probably the most success-
ful periodical in its own field.
The New York Mirror, weekly, est Aug. 2, 1823.
New York: Published by George P. Morris in the New
Franklin Building, Corner of Nassau and Ann .Streets.
Title and sub-title vary : The New York Mirror, and Ladies' Lit-
erary Gazette, 1823-31; The New York Mirror. A Weekly
Journal Devoted to L>iterature and the Fine Arts.
Editors: Samuel Woodworth, 1823-1824; George P. Morris,
Theodore S. Fay, Nathaniel P. Willis, John Inman, Charles
Fenno Hoffman, Epes Sargent, 1828-1842.
BCHS has; \'
1832 Julv 7-Dec. 29.
1833 Jan. 5-June 29.
Note; Publication of The New York Mirror continued until the
completion of the twentieth volume in 1842, when it was
suspended, due to the financial disasters of that year.
The last issue is dated December 21, 1842. The New
Mirror, a weekly journal, was begun by Messrs. Morris
and Willis April 8, 1843, and continued until September
28, 1844. It was changed to a daily newspaper then and
named The Evening Alirror, the first number dated Oct-
ober 7, 1844.
^-'/,V Vv. A,
Ensraving by C. G. Cliilds after a Drawing by C. W. Clay in Tlie Ann rican
Monthly Magazine for April, 1824. This engraving lirst appeared in Volume I
of the Novel, "The Wilderness", published by J. Palmer, 1S24.
The American Monthl)- Magazine, est Jan. T8'24.
Philaclel])hia : Published by Job Pahner.
Editor: Dr. James McIIenry.
BCHS has:
1824 Apr., Xov.
Discontinued Dec. 1824.
Note: Dr. James ]\lcflenry, e(htor of this notable but short-lived
magazine, author, critic and playwright, was born in
County Antrim, Ireland. December 20, 1785. After com-
pleting medical study in Dublin and Glasgow Colleges he
came to America in 1817, spending a short time in Haiti-
more and Pittsburgh and then settling in Philadelphia,
where his home became the centre for men of letters. He
wrote historical tales, ]ilays anrl poetry. ( )ne of his
plays, "The l^surper, an Historical Tragedy, in Five
Acts," had a long run to crowded houses at the Cdiestnut
Street Theatre, Philadelphia, in 1829. The April num-
ber of The American Monthly ^Magazine in the liCHS
collection has an engraving by C. S. Childs. after a draw-
ing by C. \\\ Clay, showing the famous scene between
Governor Dinwiddie. when Washington made his oft-
Cjuoted declaration, "Tomorrow — today — this hour — and
at all hours — I am at the service of my country." The
engraving illustrates "The Wilderness, or Braddock's
Times, a Tale of the West," one of Dr. Henry's historical
novels. Dr. Henry was a personal friend of Andrew
Jackson, which fact did not prevent his writing a laud-
ator\- biographical sketch of Henry Clay, f^ate in life
he returned to his native County Antrim, where he died,
July 21, 184.").
The ( larland, or Xew General Repository of b^igitive Poetry,
monthly, est |une 1825.
Auburn, X.Y.: T. M. Skinner.
Editor : G. A. 'Gamage.
BCHS has: \'
1825 June.
Note: This is jiroliaM}- a forgotten i)eri<td.ical. How long it was
published is not known. A copy of the first issue in the
BCHS Library has 16 pp, 4>4 x 8^4 in.; contents, all
poetry, except a super-flowery prospectus. The p(>ems
number thirty-nine, and nine are dignified by editorial
comment. The title page, engraved with many flourishes
by V. Balch & S. Stiles. ITtica, is shown in the accom-
panying illustration.
///... y../.u
K K L K r T K I)
^^..,,// y/M.,/,y ,,.,^,,//^ /^
Publislied by T. M. Skinner at Albany, N. Y., 1825 ; Engraved bv V Balch
and S. Stiles, Utica, N. Y. Engraved Title Pasres similar to this' one were
popular with the Earlier Nineteenth Cfntur>- Porindical Ptiblishers.
The Casket, and Philadelphia Monthly Magazine, monthly. (See
Graham's Magazine), est Jan. 1826.
Philadelphia : Pnblished by Atkinson & Alexander, at the
office of the Saturday Evening Post, 1826-1827 ; Samuel
C. Atkinson, 1828-Apr. 1839; George R. Graham. 1839-
Title varies : The Casket, or, P'^lowers of Literature. Wit Ct Senti-
ment. 1826-1838; The Casket, and Philadelphia Monthly
Magazine, 1839-1840.
Editors: Samuel C. Atkinson. 1826-1839; (leorge R. Graham and
Charles T. Peterson. 1839-1840.
BCHS has; \' "
1826 Feb., julv. Nov.
1827 Apr., Oct.
OR, TisOWniLs or
No. 2.
tni'sl liim, to believe all comipt mther than
;)l:ice confidence in tlu ir virtue, and to be
. an-ful, above all, ho*- he should admit any
to tr.s frifndsliin.
Tliis Periodical was the Forerunner of Graham's Mags
the first American Magazines to print Fasliion Plates.
ine and one of
Note: The Casket carried a verse of poetry beneath its first-page
title, changed each issue, like the following :
"A moving picture of the ])assing day;
Look at the tint, then turn improved away."
Though small and unattractive in appearance. The C"asket
had by far the best patronage of any magazine of its
period. Its founders, Samuel C. Atkinson and Charles
x\lexander, were also founders and proprietors of The
Saturday Evening Post. In 1839 George R. Graham,
who had just been admitted to the bar and whose contri-
butions to the press had attracted favorable notice, ac-
cepted an invitation to fill the editorial chair of the Post.
In May, 1840, he purchased The Casket. In November
following he bought Burton's Gentleman's Magazine.
After publishing both magazines through 1840, he merged
them with Graham's ^Magazine, which he established Jan-
uary, 1841.
Graham's Mag^azine. ( See The Casket), monthly, est Jan. 1841.
Philadelphia : George R. Graham, southwest corner Third
and Chestnut Streets, 1841-1848: Samuel D. Patterson &
Co., 98 Chestnut Street, 1848-1850; George R. Graham,
1850-1853: R. H. See & Co., 3854-1856; Watson & Com-
pany, 1856-1858.
Title varies: Graham's Latly s and (Gentleman's Magazine (The
Casket and Gentleman's United), 1841-3844; Graham's
Magazine of Literature and Art. 1844-1848; Graham's
American Monthly Magazine of Literature and Art. 1848-
1856 ; Graham's Illustrated Magazine of Literature. Ro-
mance. Art. and Fashion, 1856-1858. (These are volume
titles ; first-page and engraved page title was simply Gra-
ham's ^Magazine ) .
Editors: George R. Graham, Charles J. Peterson, Edgar Allen
Poe. Mrs. Emma C. Embury. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Rufus
W. Griswold, Robert T. Conard. J. R. Chandler, J. Bayard
Taylor. Charles Godfrey Leland. ( Graham was usually one
of a triumvirate of editors while he was connected with
the magazine).
BCHS has:
1849 lan.-Dec, V
1853 lan.-Dec. V
1854 Jan. X
1856 Jan.. Feb.. Apr.-Aug.. ( )ct., Dec. X
Discontinued Dec. 1858.
Note: The founding of Graham's interlocks with The Casket,
but it was thought best for various reasons to list them
separately here. George R. Graham at the close of 1840
owned The Casket and Burton's (ientleman's Aiagazine.
In January, 1841, he merged them into Graham's. At
the age of tw^enty-six, with vision, courage and exper-
ience. Graham, profiting by the mistakes of numerous
predecessors, started his enterprise with confidence in its
success. He gave the people the kind of a magazine
they wanted, less ponderous and more vivacious than its
forerunners, and he kept it in touch with po])ular taste.
In its zenith it was reputed the most widely circulated
of all American periodicals. The colored Paris fashion
plates were alluring, the cream of American authors
sought to write its stories, and engraver John Sartain was
doing his best magazine work for it. ( iraham became
the publisher sensation of the day, the most noted, the
wealthiest. Then in 1846 he made his unfortunate blun-
der of entering the newspaper field. Disaster soon over-
t(K)k his magazine, he was obHged to sell it in 1-^48. two
years later regaining control of it, but too late uj revive
wall i!ii>fe [lafes ol ih'-itt- .iri;:ai:il ruad::
mure rcia- ali<l ••le^'.iiit i. !:;LfuivF:iiRii!s, 'Ji,.
Cover Title Page for January, 1S42, about the time tlie Magazine
taking the lead among American periodicals.
its fortunes, and he drojiped out in 1853. 1 [is life is a
striking example of the ups and downs of a magazine
pubHsher of the last centnry. In 1887 he was a hopeless
and almost friendless invalid in a New York hospital.
The Philadelphia Times of March 17. that year, thns
conclndes a story of his career: "Tjeorge R. Graham,
the man wdio bought the Xorth American, was for many
years the leading publisher of Philadelphia and who gave
employment in their early days to men and women, who
have become shining lights of American literature, is now
a poor, infirm old man and but for the kindness of a
philanthropic Philadelphian would be in the poorhouse."
The Philadelphia Album and Ladies" Piterarv Port I-'olio. weeklv.
est June 7. 1826.
Philad'elphia : Published by Thomas C. Clarke, No. 27 Mar-
ket Street, north side, five doors above Front Street, and
Southwest Corner of Chestnut and Second Street : Printed
and published by Jesper Harding. 74 ^S South Second Street
and 36 Carter's Alley.
Title varies : The Album and Ladies' Weekly Gazette ; The Phila-
delphia Album and Ladies' Literary Portfolio.
Editors: Thomas Cottrell Clark, Roljert ^Jorris.
BCHS has:
1829 lulv 1. 29. Aug. 19. X
1831 Apr. 30-Dec. 31. \
1833 Ian. 5, 26. X
Feb. 2-23. X
Mar. 9. 16. X
Apr. 6. 20. X
Mav 25. X
June 15. 22. X
Duplicate :
1831 Dec. 24.
Discontinued Dec. 27. 1834.
Note: This is one of the periodical treasures of the BCHS Li-
brary. There are no known complete files. The Album
was an eight-page, four column sheet. 10 x 13 inches,
containing some scissored matter, considerable original
contributions and occasionally a good engraving. The
Ladies' Literary Port Folio, establishetl by Thomas C.
Clarke. December 10. 1828. was consolidated with the
Album about 1830. In the issue of March 14. 1831, is
an interesting account of "A Novel Case", a suit at law
before Judges Fox and Watts, at Doylestown, Pa., on
the charge of "Eaves-Droi)ping. being the third indict-
ment for a similar offence win'ch has ever occm-red in
Pennsylvania '"
The Philadelphia Monthly Magazine : Devoted to General Liter-
ature and the Fine Arts, est Oct. 1827.
Philadelphia : J. Dobson. Agent, 108 Chestnut Street.
Editors: Isaac Clarkson Snowden. M.D., Oct. 1827-Tulv 1828;
R. B. Evans. Sept. 1828-Sept. ( ? ) 1829.
BCHS has: A'
1827 Oct.-Dcc.
1828 Jan.-Sept.
Note: This magazine was started w'th the high purjiose of im-
proving American taste for good literature and giving
worthy writers a medium of expression. The last issue
was probably September, 1829. Causes for its discon-
tinuance are not clear, but the time may not have been
ripe for a periodical of that character. It was well jtrint-
ed by Mifilin & Parry. Dr. Snowden, its talented editor
and proprietor, died of pidmonary consimiption, July 21,
1828, just ten months after he launched the project. He
was a native of Princeton, N. J., born December 21, 1791,
and was probably a descendant of John Snowden (b.
Philadelphia. 1685), an early landholder in Makefield
Township, Bucks County, Pa. He was a student at the
L'niversity of Pennsylvania, 1811 to 1814, and received
the usual testimonials of scholastic and medical profi-
ciency, but was not formally graduated, as the records
of the University show no graduating class for 1814.
After leaving the University he came to Bucks County
to reside and recuperate his shattered health. While prac-
ticing medicine here, he conceived in 1827 the idea of
founding the magazine. In this work his health soon
broke down completely.
Godey's Magazine, monthly, est 1880.
Philadelphia : Louis A. Godey & Company, Cor. .Sixth and
Chestnut Streets, 1830-1877; Godey's Lady's Book Pub-
lishing Company. 1877-1883 ; J. H. Haulenbeek and Com-
pany, 1006 Chestnut Street, 1883-1886; William E. Striker,
1886-1887 ; Croly Publishing Company, 1887-1888 : Godey
Publishing Company. 1888-1892; New York: The Godey
Company, 52 Lafayette Place, 1892-1898.
Title varies : The Lady's Book, 1830-1839 ; Godey's Lady's Book
and Ladies' American Magazine, 1840-1843; Godey's
Magazine and Lady's Book, 1844-1848; Godey's Lady's
Book, 1848-1854 ; Godev's Lady's Book and Magazine,
1854-1883; Godey's Lady's Book, 1883-1892; Godey's
Magazine, 1892-1898.
/'^-f^'ff'^"=^^iL y-^
Covei- Title Page for May, 1S44. Godey's was a keen lival with Gialiam's
for Fiist IMace in tlie American Magazine Field.
Editors: Louis A. Godey, 1830-1836; Louis A. (lodev, Mrs. Sarah
J. Hale, 1837-1838; Louis A. Godev, ^^Irs. Sarah J. Hale,
Mrs. Lvdia H. Sigournev, 1839-1841; Louis A. Godey,
Mrs. Sarah T- Hale. Mrs. L. H. Sigournev. Morton Mc-
Michael. 1842; Louis A. Godev, Mrs^ Sarah f. Hale, Mor-
ton McMichae], 1843-1846; Louis A. Godev, Mrs. Sarah
J. Hale. 1846-1877; L G. L. P.rown, (diaries W. Frost,
Mrs S. A. Shields, 1878-1881; J. Hannuni Jones, A. E.
Brown, 1881-1883 ; T- H. Haulenbeek, Eleanor Moore Hies-
tand, 1883-1886; Mrs. D. ( i. Grolv. 1887-1888; Albert H.
Hardy. 1892-1893; Harrv Wakefield Bates. Harold Wil-
kinson. 1894-1898.
BCHS has:
1874 Jan.-Dec. \'
1875 Jan., Feb. V
1896 Aug. ("the 793d consecutive monthly issue""). X
Discontinued Aug 1898.
Note; Sharf and \\estcott"s History of !'hilade".i>hia. \ol. IH.
p. 1995, dubs Godey's "the oldest ])ublication of its class
in America." It was a rival of (iraham"s and Peterson's
Magazines, both success fu\ and in some respects re-
sembled them closely. Hut (H)dey s had an individuality
all its own. well expressed in its title "Lady's Book."
Female talent and fashion ]vates dominate 1 its pages,
though I'oe, \\'illis, .\rthur. .Morris and Simms were
occasional contributors. Much of ( ioiley's success was
due to Mrs. Sarah J. Hale's editorial ancl executive abil-
itv. She was identified with the magazme for forty
years. When Mr. Godey died in 1878. he is reputed to
have left a fortune of a million dollars. Like Peterson's.
Godey's boasted a circulation in its heyday of 150,000.
Again, like Peterson's in its decadence, in 1892 it drifted
into the New York magazine morgue, where finally Frank
Munsey rescued it and merged it with his Puritan. Con-
cluding a delightful chapter on (jodey's, Mott in his His-
tory of American Magazines, \ol. L pp. 593. 594, says:
"Thus Godey's disappeared, leaving reminders nowhere
but on the attic shelves and in the most inaccessible cor-
ners of our libraries. Yet there is much to be learned
from its file. Here is a history of manners, a history
of taste, a history of costume. Here is something of art,
with some first editions of famous writers. Here are two
portraits fully painted: those of Louis the Good, and
Mrs. Sarah losepha Hale. Most interesting of all. per-
haps, here is a measure by which we may observe the
advancement of women in later years. It may be that
some things have been lost along the road of that march
that were worth keeping; if so, the old 'Lady's Book' is
a guide to their rediscovery. At anv rate, the yellow
pages have somewhat the charm of old lace, and the odor
of lavendar alx)nt them."
The Lady's Dollar Newspaper, semi-monthly, est 184S.
Philadelphia: L. A. (lodey, 113 Chestnut Street.
Editors: Fanny Linton, Grace Greenwood.
BCTLS has: X
1850 Jan. 1.
Note: The Lady's Dollar Newspaper was offered as a premium
by Louis A. Godey wath his Godey's Lafly's Book. The
date of its discontinuance is not known.
\\'aldie's Select Circulating Library, weekly, est Oct. 1. 1832.
Philadelphia : Printed and Published by Adam W'aldie, No.
6, North Eighth Street: No. 207 Chestnut Street: No. 46
Carpenter Street.
Editors: Adam W'aldie, lolm ]. Smith.
BCHS has: \' " "
1832 Oct. 1-1837 Dec. 26.
Duplicates :
1833 Inly 16-1834 fan. 7. \'
1834 July 1-Dec. 23. \'
1835 July 7-Dec. 27. \'
Note: This publication was really more of a circulating library
than magazine. Claiming to print "the best po]:)ular liter-
ature", its pages were made up of novals, memoirs,
biographies and travel stories pirated from British pub-
lications. Extras were often issued, containing complete
novels. They were circulated under the cheap newspaper
postage rates until 1843, when a new postal order put
them in the same standing with ])amphlets. Soon after-
ward most of this class of magazines were discontinued.
The [Mother's [Magazine, monthly, est Jan. 1833.
New York: Published bv S. W'hittlesev, 150 Nassau-Street.
1833-1844: Rev. D. Mead. 1844-1888^
Editors: Mrs. A. G. Whittelsev. 1833-1844: Mrs. \. G. Whittel-
sev. Rev. D. Mead, 1844-1850; Rev. D. Mead. 1850-1888.
BCHS has: X
1835 June.
Discontinued in 1888.
The Philadelphia X'isiter. Devoted to Popular Literature. [Miscel-
lany. \-c. monthly, est June 1835.
Philadelphia: Published by A. Weikel, N. \\'. Corner of
Coates and Second' Streets, up Stairs, Entrance on Coates
St. (Probably the second publication site).
BCHS has: \'
1835 T"ly ( fragment )-Dec.
1836 Tan.-June.
Note: This magazine has ])retty much all of the defects apparent
in early efforts to develop popular periodicals. Both short
stories and serials, mostly anonymous, have prominent
places. TJttle information about The Visiter is avail-
able. The Philadelphia \'isiter and Parlour Companion
"came into existence in March, 1837, edited by H. M.
]\Ioore, and was published by W. B. Rogers at Xo. 49
Chestnut Street." (See Historv of Philadelphia, by
Scharf and Westcott, 1884, Vol. ill, p. 2011). Whether
The Visiter was a predecessor of that magazine is con-
jectural. The use of the word "\'isiter" in the title is
"Ensi-aved Expressly for Graham's Magazine" by G. J. Anderton ; an
unusually fine example of American Stipple Ensravint^ daring the period of
about 1S35-18.55.
not incorrect, but it is interesting. In the second edition
of Lingua Britannica Reformata : or, A New Universal
English Dictionary, by Benj. Martin, London, 1754, the
words "visiter" and "visitor" are given different mean-
ings, namely : Visiter, "one that goes a visiting, or seeing
his neighbours ;" visitor, "one that visits a monastery or
religious house." This distinction no doubt persisted into
the nineteenth century. Early editions of Webster give
practically the same two definitions for the word "visitor"
and state in parenthesis (written also visiter").
Human Rights, monthly, est July 1835.
New York: Published by the Am. A. S. Society. 143 Nassau
Editor: R. G. Williams.
P.CHS has: N
1837 Dec.
Note: Nothing is known about the fate of this periodical, but it
probably did not long survive after 1837.
The Ladies' Garland and Dollar Magazine, irregular at first, then
monthly, est April 15, 1837.
Philadelphia: Published bv John Libby, 1837-1838: pub-
lished and printed by J. VanCourt, 1839-1846; Samuel D.
Patterson. 1847-1849.
Title varies: The Ladies' Garland, and Family Magazine: The
Ladies" Garland and Dollar Magazine.
Editor : Samuel D. Patterson,
BCHS has: V
1846 July ( incomplete VDec.
Discontinued June. 1849.
Note: The Garland would not fit into the periodical fashions of
today. Tt was a hotchpotch of silly stories, poorly colored
flower and bird prints, some passable engravings and
music. Put it was sufficient unto its own generation —
no doubt a welcome visitor to many parlors a century
ago. Tt still has much of interest to the delver into by-
gones. Sometimes local color will be found, as in the
engraved plate of "\Mlkes-Parre". with its story of the
"X'^ale of Wyoming", in the September number for 1847.
The United States Democratic Review, monthh-, weeklv and quar-
terly, est Oct. 1837.
\Vashington, D. C. : Published by Langtree and O'Sullivan,
1837-1839: S. D. Langtree, 1840; New York: J. 8.^ H. G.
Langlev and eleven other publishers, 1841-1859.
Title varies: Tlie Lnite.l States Xlagazinc and Democratic Re-
view, 1837-1851; The Democratic Review, ]852; The
United States Review. 1853-1855; Tlie I'nited States Demo-
cratic Review, 1856-1859.
Editors: S. D. Langtree and James (VSullivan. 1837-1846;
Thomas P. Kettell and several others. 1846-1859.
BCHS has: V
1838 Sept.-Dec.
Discontinued Oct. 1859.
Note : This periodical is best known by its first title. The United
States Magazine and Democratic Review. Under the
editorial management of Langtree and O' Sullivan it
wielded great political influence. Its literary features
were of the highest class, this being true almost to the
end of its career. For the first ten years of its existence
it has been described by one writer as the most brilliant
magazine of that day. Nathaniel Hawthorne was a
frequent contributor. James K. Paulding. William G.
Simms and Walt Whitman are represented in its pages.
W'hittier and Bryant supplied poems. One of its illus-
trators was Felix O. C. Darley. The Democratic Re-
view's series of portraits have much value, even today.
The Literary Messenger, monthly, est June 1840.
Pittsburgh: Printed by Alex. Ingram, Jr.
Editor: Alex. AFIlwaine.
BCHS has: V
1840 June-Dec.
1841 jan.-May.
Carrier's Address of The Literary jMessenger. Pitts-
burgh, January 1, 1841.
Note: Collected and preserved in bound form l)y I. Heron Fos-
ter, founder in 1846 of the Pittsburgh Dispatch,
Littell's Select Reviews, monthly, est Tulv 1840.
Philadelphia: E. Littell & Co.. 297 Chestnut St.
BCHS has: V
1840 July-Dec.
Note: The reason for the creation of this periodical is explained
by a notation on the title page: "It is the more solid part
of the Museum of Foreign Literature." How long it
was published is not known, but it was probably discon-
tinued when Eliakim Littell sold the Museum in January,
The TVterson Magazine of Illustrated Literature, monthly, est
Ian. 1842.
Philadelphia: Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, 1842-
1856: T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 1856-1887; Peterson
Magazine Company. 1888-1893: Philadelphia and New
York: Penfield Publishing Company, 1894-1895; New
York: Peterson Company, 1895-1898.
Editors : Charles J. Peterson, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, 1842-1853 ;
Charles T- Peterson, 1854-1887 ; INIrs. Charles J. Peterson,
1887-1892; Frank Lee Benedict, ] 892-1893; Roderic Camp-
bell. 1894-1898.
s ■
. Mar
., Ma^
r-Tuly, Sept., Nov., Dec. X
, Nov:
, Dec
:. X
. Nov.
, Dec
. X
, Feb.
. Apr.
, Apr
, Oct.
-Dec. X
3 873
, ^lay
. X
nplicates :
, Feb.
, (part), May, June, Aug., Oct., ^
, Mar
., Nov.
. (4).
1872 Ian., Apr., jnlv, Sept.
1873 Mar.. May." June- Aug. (2), Sept. (2). Oct. (2), Nov.
(2). Dec. (2).
3885 Apr.
Discontinued Apr. 1898.
Note: Peterson's Magazine was started by Charles J. Peterson
while he was associated with George R. Graham as
editor of Graham's Magazine. The success of his
magazine being apparent the first year, Mr. Peter-
son, who besides being a publisher was also a successful
author, severed all his other publishing interests and
devoted his time almost exclusively to the magazine.
Popular female writers were its contributors and fashion
plates were specialized. In its most prosperous years the
magazine claimed a circulation of 165,000. Mrs. Peter-
son managed the periodical after her husband's death,
1887, but about five years later sold it to other publish-
ers, who changed its character and moved it to New
York, where it was bnljsecjnentl}' acquired by Frank
Alunsey. who merged it with the Argosy.
The North British Review. (American Edition!, quarterlv. est
May 1844.
New York: PnbHshed by Leonard Scott tS: Co., 79 Fulton
Street, corner of ( lold Street.
BCHS has: \'
1853 Alav-Nov.
1854 Feb.
Note: The North British Review appeared in F(Hnburgh in 3 842
and. ceased pubhcation in January, 1871. This is one of
many British reviews pubHshed between 172.") and 1900
in Great Britain — a type of magazine not numerous or
very popular in America. They were, however, high-
class critical joiirnals. often sponsored l\v noted writers
or poets.
The American Whig Review, monthly, est Jan. 1845.
New York: Published bv Wilev and I'utnam. 1845: (jeorge
H. Colton, 1845-1847 : D. W. I lollv. Xo. 114 Nassau Street,
Title \'aries : The American Review: A Whig journal of Poli-
tics, Literature, Art and Science. 1845-1847 ; The American
Review: A Whig Journal, Devoted to Politics and Litera-
ture, 1848-Apr. 1850: The American Whig Review. May
Editors : ( leorge H. Colton. 1845-1847 ; James Davenport Whelp-
lev, associate, Hon. Daniel D. Barnard. 1848-1849 ; Ceorge
W. Peck, 1850-1852.
BCHS has: X
1848 Apr.
Discontinued Dec. 1852.
Note : The American Whig Review was established soon after
the close of the exciting Polk-Clay Presidential campaign
to offset the political influence of The Democratic Review.
Chief among its political writers were Congressman Bar-
nard, an associate editor ; John Ouincy Adams. Edward
Everett, Daniel Webster and Horace (jreeley. Poe and
Lowell, it is believed, were likewise contributors, but
nianv i)oems and leading articles were anon}-mous, and
authorshi]) is difficult to trace.
Golden Rule, monthly, e^t 1845.
Covington, K}. : John II. Pettii X: Co.. Printers.
Editor: D. F. Newton.
PiCHS has: X
1848 Oct.
Note: How long this ])eriodical continued is unknown to the
com])iler of this List.
The Anserican Onarterh- Register and Magazine, est May 1848.
l'hiladeli)hia: E. C. & J. Biddle. No. 6, South Fiftli" Street,
]848 ; I'uhhshed by tlie Proprietor, No. 520 Chestnut Street,
W'iHiam !^. \'oung. Printer. Franklin Building, No. 50
North Sixth Street. 1849 : New York : Published by the
Proj^rietor (James Stryker). 1850-1851.
Editor : James Stryker.
BCHS has: X
1848 Alay.
1849 June.
Discontinued in 1851.
Note: Stryker's American Register, th(»ugh short-lived, was an
important periodical. The numl;ers were bulky, com-
prising some 300 pages each. The contents, mainly his-
torical articles, documents, statistics and miscellany, have
much value to the historian of today. The six volumes
issued were hoarded for manv vears as treasuries of pub-
lic information.
Sartain's Magazine, monthly, est Jan. 184!).
Philadeljihia : F'ublished' by John Sartain & Co.
Editors: John Sartain, Mrs. Caroline M. Kirkland, i'rof. John S.
Ilari. Dr. Reynell Coates.
BCHS has: X
1850 Aug.. Nov.
Note: Sartain's Magazine succeeded the I'nion Magazine of
Literature and Art. New York, in which Sartain bought
a half interest and then transferred the pericidical to
Philadelphia. Sartain's Alagazine was discontinued in
1852 and merged with The National ^lagazine, Devoted
to Literature. Art and Religion. New York. ( See Apple-
ton's Cyclopaedia of American P)iography, 1888, Vol. V,
]). 401. and Scharf and Westcott's Plistorv of Philadel-
phia. 1884. \ol. 111. pij. 2020. 2021 ).
Harper's Magazine, monthh . est June 1850.
New York: Plarper & Brothers. Publishers, 82 Cliff Street:
329-331 I'earl Street, Frankhn Square: 327-335 Pearl
Street, l^^anklin Square.
Title varies: Harper's New Alonthly Magazine. 1850-1899: Har-
per's AFonthlv Magazine. 1899-1912: Harper's Magazine,
Editors: Henry J. Raymond. 1850-1856; Alfred H. Guernsey,
3856-1869: Henry Miles Alden, 1869-]919; Thomas B
Wells, 1919-1931: Lee Foster Hartman, 1931-
BCHS has: N'
1850 June-1922 May.
Duplicates :
1851 Oct. X
1852 lune-Nov. V
1853 June-Dec. \'
1854 Jan.-Xov. \'
1855 |une-.\ov. V
1858 Mar. X. lune-Nov. V
1861 Ian. X
1865 Mar. X
1869 Aug. X. Dec.-1870 Alay. V
1870 [an.. May X. |une-Xov. V
1870 bec.-187i May. \'
1871 lune-Nov. \'
1871 bec.-1872 May \ . Mar. X
1872 June-Xov. X'.'Oct. X
1872 Dec.-1873 Mav \'. Mar. X
1873 !une-Xov. V.'luly. X
1873 beL-.-1874 May. V
1874 ]une-Xov. V
1874 ]3ec.-1875 May W Apr. X
1875 ]une-Xov. \", lune. X
1875 bec.-1876 Mav. V
1876 June-Xov. \' '(2)
1876 Dec.-1877 May. Y
1877 June-Nov. V^
1877 bec.-1878 May. \" (2)
18/8 lune-Xov. V
1878 bee. -1879 May. V
1879 lune-Xov. V
1879 ]>ec.-1880 Mav. V
1884 Mar. X
I'^ragments : X
1870 Oct.
1871 Mav. Xov.
1872 Dec.
1874 Oct.
1876 Feb.. Apr.- Tune, Aug;., Sept.. Xov., Dec.
1877 iH'l)., N(.v. "
1879 Mav-lulv, Sept.
1882 Mav.' Nov., Dec.
1884 July.
1887 Jan., Xov.
1903 Feb.-Apr.
In progress.
Note : Harper's Magazine has undergone many changes since it
was founded ninety years ago ; but the summation of
Harper's, pubhshed in 1866 by the Nation, namely: "^^'e
may well consider it an index to the literary culture and
general character of the nation," is true of the magazine
throughout its long career. The most drastic change took
place in September. 1925, when illustrations, upon which
Harper's had largely builded its reputation, went into the
discard and other revolutionary stei)s were taken to bring
it into line with a changing world.
Harper's Weekly: A Journal of Civilization, est Jan. 3, 1857.
New York : Harper Brothers, Franklin Square, 1857-1913 ;
McClure Publications. June 7, 1913-Aug. 28. 1915; Har-
per's Weekly Corporation. Sept. 4, 1915-May 13, 1916.
Editors: Wesle\' Harper, Theodore Sedgwick, John 1 Conner, 1857-
1863; George William Curtis. 1863-1892; Carl Schurz.
1892-1894; Henrv Loomis Nelson. 1894-1898; John Keti-
drick Bangs, 1898-1901; George Harvev, 1901-1913; Nor-
man Hapgood. 1913-1916.
BCHS has: X
1859 Nov. 26-1865 Dec. 30.
1866 Tan., Feb. 20-Dec. 29.
1867 Jan. 26.
May 18.
Tune 22.
July 6.
Aug. 24. 31.
Sept. 28.
Oct. 5.
Dec. 21.
1868 Tan. 18, 25.
Feb. 1, 22, 29.
Mar. 7-May 30.
Tune 16.
July 25.
Aug. 15-C)ct. 17.
Dec. 26.
1870 Nov. 26.
1874 Aug. 22.
1875 Jan. 16-30.
Feb. 6-27.
Mar. 6-27.
Apr. 3-24.
May 1-29.
June 12, 26.
July 3. 10, 31.
Aug. 7. 21, 28.
Sept. 4-25.
Oct. 2-30.
Nov. 6, 20, 27.
Dec. 4.
1876 Sept. 2-30.
Oct. 7-28.
Nov. 4-25.
Dec. 2-30.
1877 Mar. 31.
Apr. 28.
Tune 9.
Tulv 28.
Aug. 11.
Sept. 8, 15. 22.
Oct. 6.
Nov. 10, 24.
Dec 1, 22.
1878 Jan. 12.
Feb. 2.
Mar. 9.
1891 June 6, 13, 27.
July 18, 25.
Aug. 15. 29.
Sept. 5.
3892 Jan. 9, 23. 30.
Feb. 6-27.
]\Iar. 5, 21 (fragment).
Apr. 9.
Mav 7.
June 11-25.
July 9.
Aug. 27.
Sept. 17.
Oct. 1-15, 29.
Nov. 12-26.
Dec. 3, 10, 31.
1893 Jan. 7-21.
Feb. 11-25.
Mar. 11-25.
Apr. 1. 15-29.
^tay 6-27.
June 3-24.
July 1, 8, 22, 29.
Aug. 5, 19, 26.
Sept. 2, 23.
Oct. 7-21.
Nov. ]l-25.
Dec. 9, 16, 30.
1894 Ian. 6.
Feb. 3-24.
Mar. 3, 10. 24, 31.
Apr. 7-28.
May 5-26.
June 9-30.
Uilv 7, 14, 21(2), 28.
Aug. 4-25.
Sept. 1-29.
Oct. 6-27.
Nov. 3-24.
Dec. 1. 8, 22.
1895 Jan. 5-26.
Feb. 2-23.
Mar. 2-16, 30.
Apr. 13-27.
May 4-25.
June 1-15, 29.
Uily 6-27.
Aug. 3. 17-31.
Sept. 7-28.
Oct. 5, 12, 26.
Nov. 2-30.
Dec. 7,
1896 Jan. 4-25.
Feb. 1. 15-29.
Mar. 21.
Apr. 4, 11. 25.
Mav 2, 9, 23, 30.
fulv 18.
Aug. ]. 8, 22.
Sept. ]3.
Oct. 3. 24, 31.
Nov. 21, 28.
Dec. 5-19.
1897 Ian. 16.
Feb. 27.
Mar. 6, 13, 27.
Apr. 3-24.
Mav 8. 22.
Tuly 24.
Aug. 14.
Sept. 11-25.
Oct. 2. 16.
Nov. 6 ( fragment).
Dec. 18. 25.'
1898 Jan. 8.
Feb. 5.
189!) July 29.
Aug. 5, 12, 26.
Dec. 30.
1901 Sept. 21 ( AIcKinley fuiu-ral nunil)er, in Pictorial Pub-
lications portfolio ).
Huplicates :
1862 lune 14.
1863 "Mar. U.
also several fragments.
Discontinued May 13, 1916.
Note: Harper's Weekly was widely circulated and influential in
])olitical and literary circles for man}- years. During tbe
Civil War and for nearl\- a decade later its circulation
ran from 100.000 to 160,000 weekly. Its period of great-
est popularity was while under the editorial management
of George William Curtis. It was not profitable during
its last twenty-three years. "Henry Allen Mills was ac-
customed to call it 'the fighting arm' of the House of
Harper, and its great fights for Lincoln, for the people
of New York against Tammany, for Grant, for Cleveland,
for the gold standard, and for Wilson are the achieve-
ments by which it deserves remembrance. Besides this,
its records in text and picture of the events of sixty
years make it a contemporaneous history of the highest
value." ( See Mott's Historv of .American Magazine.
\'ol. H. p. 487).
Harper's I'.azaar. weeklv, 1867-Ai>r. li)01 : monthlv, Mav 1901-
est Nov. 2, 1867.
New York: Harper & Brothers, iM-anklin Square; 1867-1913;
International Magazine Comj^any, 1913-1928: Harper's
r.azaar. Inc., 1929-1936: Hearst Magazines, Inc., l!)36-
Title varies: Harper's Bazaar: A Repository of Fashion. Pleasure
and Instruction. 1867-1929; Harper's liazaar, 192!»-
Editors: Marv L. Booth, 1867-1889: Margaret Sangster. 1889-
1899: Elizabeth Jordan. 1900-1913; William Alartin John-
son, 1913-1914: "Harford Powell. 1914-1916: John Chap-
man Hilder. 1916-1920; Henrv P.. Sell, 1920-1926; Charles
H. Towne. 1926-1929; Arthur H. Samuels, 1929-1934;
( armel Snow, 1936-
BCHS has: N
1879 Apr. 26 (fragment)
Alav 17-lulv 26.
Aug. 16-()ct. 18.
Nov. 1-Dec. 27.
1881 Tan. 1-Feb. 12.
1892 Feb. 20.
June 25.
1893 Oct. 28.
1894 Jan. 20.
Feb. 3.
July 7, 21.
Sept. 22.
1896 Jan. 4.
Feb. 8, 22.
Apr. 11.
Nov. 7.
Dec. 5.
1897 Tan. 2. 9, 30.
Feb. 27.
Mar. 20.
Apr. 3.
Nov. 20.
1398 Feb. 26.
1899 Mar. 11, 25.
Aug. 26.
In progress.
Note : Except for politics, the general contents of Harper's Bazaar
bore a resemblance to those of Harper's Weekly. It was
a magazine for women and devoted much space to
fashions. Its illustrations, as a rule, were good. In re-
cent years this periodical has been "modernized" without
materially changing its character.
Tlie Illustrated W^averlv Magazine and Literarv Repository, week-
1}'. est July 6, 1850. ^
Boston : Published by Moses A. Dow.
Editor : Moses A. Dow,
BCHS has: V
1854 July 1-Dec. 23.
Discontinued in 1908.
Note : Waverly and success went hand in hand from the start.
From a venture launched on borrowed money, Dow is
reported to have had yearly incomes as high as $60,000.
The circulation varied from 20,000 to 50.000. Young
writers were welcomed to its columns, taking their pay
in gratification over seeing their contributions in print.
The last page was always a full-page of music. Dow
claimed for Waverly "the largest weekly ever printed in
this countrv."
Household Words. A Weekly Conducted bv Charles Dickens
est 3850.
New York: AEcElrath &- Barker, Publishers, \o 17 Spruce
Editor : Charles Dickens.
BCHS has: \'
3854 Vol. \'III.
Discontinued in London 1859.
Note: This apparently was an American reprint of the well-
known English i)eri(Klical. How long this reprint was
conducted here is unknown to tlie compiler of this List,
but it probably continuefl as long as it was printed in
England. Through a disagreemen't with his London pub-
bshers, Dickens discontinued Household Words, which
had been a marked success, and established another simi-
lar literary magazine under the title of All the Year
Round. ( See Chambers' Cyclopaedia of Englisli Liter-
ature. \'ol. IL p. 52] ).
Cleason's Pictorial Draw ing-Room Companion, weekly, est May
3. 185L • ' -
Boston. Mass. : IJublished every Saturday by F. (jleason,
C'orner of Tremont and Brombcld Sts., 1851-1854- M M
liallou, 1854-1859.
Title varies: Gleason's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion, 1851-
1854: Ballou's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion,' 1855-
Editor: Maturin .Murrav Ballou.
BCHS has: \-
1853 lulv 2-1 >ec. 24.
1854 Jan. 7-july 1.
Discontumed Xov. 1859.
Note: .\lter making a fortune from I'ictorial. Frederick Gleason,
the founder, sold it in November, 1854, to Maturin M.
Pallou, his editor, and retired. Later he lost part of his
money and the remainder vanished in his attempt to
eslahlisli another ])erio(Hca!, Glea.son's Monthly Compan-
ion. He is said to have died in poverty.
Ballou's Pictorial Drawing-Room Compan.ion. (See Gleason's Pic-
torial Drawing-Rooiu Companion), weekly, est May 3
I'oston: M. M. Ballou, Publisher, Corner of Tremont and
Bromfield Streets.
Title varies : Gleason's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion, 1851-
1854: J5all()u's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion, 1855-
Editor: Matnrin Murray I'allou ; T^ancis A. Durivage. assistant
BCHS has: \'
1855 June 9-Dec. 29.
Discontinued in 1859.
Note: When Jjallou lx)ught the Pictorial in 1854. it was Ijooming,
witli a large subscription list. It was expensive to pro-
duce, and later, becoming less profitable, he decided to
discontinue it and devote his entire attention to his Dollar
Magazine and other publications. The Pictorial under
both Gleason and T'allou was noted for its historical
engravings, which still contin.ue to elicit great interest.
Ballou's Dollar Monthly Magazine, est 1855.
Boston: Matnrin M. Ballon. Tremont and Bromfield Streets.
1855-1859; Number 22 Winter Street, 1860-1872; Thomas
& Talbot, 1872-1886: George W. Studley. 1886-1893.
Editors; ^laturin M. I'.allou. 3855-1872: later editors not known.
BCHS ha^: X
1859 Apr.
Discontinued in 1893.
Note: This periodical was produced more chea]>ly than Ballou's
Pictorial and financially was more successful. Ballon con-
tinued to ])ublish it until 1872, when it passerl into other
hands. The word "Dollar" was drojjped from the title
in 1866. Sylvanus Cobb's stories ]M)]iularized this maga-
Arthur's New Home Magazine, monthlv. est Oct. 1852.
Philadelphia: T. S. Arthur & Co.. 1907 Walnut Street, 1852-
1869: T. S. Arthur & Son, 920 Walnut Street, and 227
South Sixth Street, 1870-1891 : Arthur Publishing Com-
pany, E. Stanley Hart, President. 1891-1894; Penfield Pub-
lishing Company, 1894.
Title varies: The Home ^lagazine. 1852-1853; Arthur'.s Home
Magazine. 1854-1856; The Ladies' Home Magazine, 1857-
1860; Arthur's Home Alagazine, 1861-1871; Arthur's
Lady's Home Magazine, 1871-1873; Arthur's Illustrated
Home Magazine, 1874-1879 ; Arthur's Llome Magazine,
1880-1891 : Arthur's New Home Magazine. 1891-1898.
Editors: Timothv Shav Arthur, X'irginia F. Townsenrl, 1852-
1885; Joseph P. Reed, Emilv H.^Mav, 1891-1894; Roderick
C. Penfield, Marion A. Prentice, 1894-1898.
BCHS has: X
1878 Feb., June. ♦
Discontinued Dec. 1898.
Note: T. S. Arthur, founder of Arthur's Home Magazine and
its editor until near hi^ death, AJarch 6, 1885. was born
in Newhurgh, N. V.. in 1809, moved wlien young with
his parents to Baltimore, went West and then returned
to Baltimore to become editor of Fhe Atlienaeum. He
went to Philadelphia in 1841. He was the author of
numerous domestic and temperance stories. The most
successful was Ten Nights in a Barroom, which was
dramatized. His magazine was designed mainly for
women and young folks and at one period reached a cir-
culatin f)f about 30,000. it copied the fashion features
of its I'hiladelphia contemporaries. After Arthur's
death, the magazine had a precarious career, suspending
in Feb. 1896 and Jan. 1897 beff)re it final! v went out
in 1898.
Leslie's Illustrated \\'eekl\- Newsi)aper. weekh. est Dec. 15.
New York: Published by Frank Leslie. 19 Citv I lall S(|uare.
537 Pearl Street, and Park Place. 1855-1879: 1. W. Fng-
land. Assignee, 1880-1881; Mrs. Frank Leslie. 1881-1889;
Judge Publishing Company. 1889-1892: W. 1. Arkell. 1892-
1894; Arkell Weekly Comiianv. 1894-1898: Leslie- ludge
Company, 1898-1922.
Title yaries : Frank Leslie's Illustrated .\ewspaper. 1855-1891;
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekh. 1891-1894; Leslie's Il-
lustrated Weekly, 1894-1895; Leslie's ^^>ekly, 1895-1907;
Leslie's Illustrated Weeklv. 1907-1912; Leslie's, the People's
\\'eekly, Mar.-Nov.. 1912; Leslie's, 1912-1914; LesHe's Il-
lustrated Weekly Newspaper, 1914-1922.
Editors: Frank Leslie. 1855-1880 (managing editors. Henrv C.
Watson. 1855-1861; Ephraim Squien 1^61- ; f. C.
Goldsmith, 1873-1874); Mrs. hVank Leshe, 1880-1889;
John A. .Schleicher, 1899-1922.
BCHS has:
1861 Nov. 2, 9(2)-23. V
1862 Ian. 4-Dec. 27. V
1865 Apr. 15. X
1867 lulv 20. X
Aug. 10. X
1869 Sept. 25. X
1870 Sept. 10 (fragment). X
Supplement July 7. 1877. N
1901 Sept. 28 ( McKinley funeral number ). \
Discontinued June 24, 1922.
Note: Frank Leslie was a i>ictures(jue figure in the .Vmerican
periodical arena. Born Henry Carter in Ipswich, Eng-
land, ^larch 29, 1821, son of a glove manufacturer, he
came to New York in 1848 and later, by legislative act,
took the name of Frank I.esie, which was the nom-de-
plume signature he attached to sketches which he had
supplied while in England . to the London Illustrated
News. After working as an illustrator for P. T. Bar-
num and Gleason's Pictorial and later attempting to estab-
lish a Ladies' (iazette of P^ashion and Fancy Needlework
and merging it with the New York Journal of Romance,
he became satisfied he was "on the wrong track". X'ersa-
tile and resourceful, after a few months of preparation,
he put into execution his long-standing belief that he
could successfully launch an .American journal somewhat
on the plan of his youthful ideal. The London Illustrated
News. He named it Frank Leslie's Illustrated News-
paper. It was successful from the start despite fiery
competition from Harper's Weekly and others. It out-
lived all his other ventures. Frank Leslie's financial dif-
ficulties were not due to his periodicals, which were all
profitable, but to extravagance and unwise land specula-
tions, failings which overtook him late in his colorful
career. After he made an assignment he still exercised
an oversight of his publications until his death in Janu-
ary. 1880.
Frank Leslie's lllustrite Zeitung (German), weeklv. est Aug.
15, 1857.
New York: 19 Chathamstreet.
Editor: Dr. Krandeis.
BCHS has: X
1860 July 21.
1861 Sept. 28.
Nov. 30.
Dec. 7-28.
1862 Ian. 4-Oct. 18.
1863 Sept. 19.
1865 Sept. 29.
Note: Two years after establishing his Illustrated Newspaper,
Leslie started an edition in German and another in Span-
ish. Both were probably discontinued soon after the end
of the Civil War.
Frank Leslie's liudget of Fun. monthly, est Apr. 1858.
New York: Published by Frank Leslie. 537 Pearl Street.
BCHS has: X
1864 Sei)t.. July.
1866 Aug.
1867 Sept.
1875 June.
Frank I.eslie's Chimney Corner, weekly, est 1865.
New York: Pnblished by Frank Fe'sHe, o;?7 Pearl .Street.
Editors: Frank Leslie, F. G. S(iuier
BCHS has: X
1869 Dec. 11.
Note: Chimney Corner, mainly a "story paper", was one of the
long string of periodicals with which the irrepressible
Leslie anned to supply the vagaries of all hues of popu-
lar literary tastes. It is reputed to have been financially
among his most successful periodical efforts. Chimney
Corner was established by Leslie ten years after he
founded his Illustrated Newspaper.
Putnam's Monthly: An Illustrated Monthly of Literature \rt
and Life, monthly, est Jan. 1853.
New York: G. P. Putnam '& Company. 1853-1855- Di.x &
Edwards, 1855-1857; Miller & Company. 1857- G P Put-
nam & Son, 1868-1870; G. P. Putnam's .Sons, 1906-1910.
Title varies: Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Litera-
ture, Science, and Art. 1853-1857; Putnam's Magazine:
Origmal Papers on Literature, Science. Art, and National
Interests, 1868-70; Putnam's Monthly and the Critic- \
Magazine of Literature, Art, and Life. 1906; Putnam's
Monthly: A Magazine of Literature, .Art. and Life. 1907-
1908; Putnam's Monthly and the Reader, 1908-1909 - Put-
nam's Monthly: An Illustrated Monthly of Literature \rt
and Life, 1909-1910. ' " '
Editors: Charles F. P.riggs, (associates, George William Curtis
Parke Godwin), 1853-1857; Charles F. Briggs, 1868-1869-
Edmund Clarence Stedman, 1869-1870; Parke Godwin'
1870; Jeanette Gilder, Joseph R. Gilder. 1906-1910
BCHS has: X
1855 Sept., Nov.
Discontinued Apr 1910.
Note: Putnam's was merged with Emerson's United States Maga-
zine in 1857, but it was revived in 1868 and continued
until 1870, when, in November, it was merged with .Scrib-
ner's Monthly. The second resuscitation took place in
Oct. 1906, when The Critic, which had been i)ublished by
Putnams since 1898, was merged in the new periodical.
Putnam's Monthly and the Critic. Its title was changed
during each of the four years it survived. It was tinally
absorbed by Atlantic .Monthly.
The Atlantic .Monthly: A Magazine cf Literature. Science. Art
and Politics, est Nov. 1857.
Boston: Philips. Sampson & Companv. i:; Winter Street.
1857-Oct. 1859 ; Ticknor & Fields, Nov. 1859-Tune 1868 :
Fields, Osgood & Company, July 1868-1870; James H.
Osgood & Company, 1871-1873; H. O. Honghton & Co.,
] 874-1877: Houghton, Osgood & Company, 1878-1879;
Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1880-Julv 1908; Atlantic
Monthly Company, Aug. 1908-
Sub-title varies : A Magazine of Literature, Art and Politics,
1857-1865 ; A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art and
Politics, 1865-
Editors : James Russell Lowell, 1857-Iune 1861 ; James T. Fields,
Julv 1861-July 1871; William"Dean Howells. Aug. 1871-
[an. 1881; Thomas Bailev Aldrich, F&h. 1881-Mar. 1890;
Horace E. Scudder, Apr'. 1890-July 1898; Walter Hines
Page, Aug. 1898-July 1899; Bliss Perry, Aug. 1899-July
1909 ; Ellery Sedgwick, Aug. 1909-June 1938 ; Edward A.
Weeks. Julv 1938-
BCHS has:
1859 Sept. X
1874 lan.-Dec. V
1886 Tan.-Dec. V
1887 lan.-Dec. V
1888 Jan. -July. V
In progress.
Note : The Atlantic has always maintained a high literary
standard. During the last century it was the vehicle of
expression almost solely of the New England school of
writers. It could easily admit the charge of being sec-
tional. Just before 1900, however, editors of another
type broadened its field without weakening its literary
Scribner's Monthly. An Illustrated Magazine for the People,
est 1865.
New York: Scribner & Co., Scribner, Armstrong & Co.,
Charles Scribner's Sons ; last publication address, 743
Title varies: Hours at Home, 1865-1870: Scribner's Monthly,
Editor: J. G. Holland.