]S3 'jnk\ do) HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY W PENNSYLVANIA FROM THE DISCOVERY OF THE DELAWARE TO THE PRESENT TIME BY WILLIAM W. H. DAVIS, A.M. President of the Bucks County Historical Society, Member of the American Historical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, the Western Reserve Historical Society; Author of "El Gringo, or New Mexico and Her People, " " History of Gen, John Lacey: " " The Spanish Conquest of New Mexico ; " " History of the One Hundred and Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment;" ""History of the Hart Family;" " Life of Gen. John Davis;" "History of the Doylestown Guards;" "The Fries Rebellion; " " History of Do3lestown, Old and New;" Etc. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED WITH A GENEALOGICAL AND PERSONAL HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNT\ Prepared Under the Editorial Supervision of WARREN S. ELY Genealogist, Member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Librarian of the Buck^ County Historical Society, AND JOHN W. JORDAN, LL.D. Of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. \ '^OLUME III — ILLUSTRATED NEW •)RK CHICAGO THE LEWIS JL,TIBLISHING COMPANY ^?05 •,'**f -^^ i l4Q Entered According to Act of Congress IN THE Office of the Librarian of Congress, in the Year 1905, BY The Lewis Publishing Company. INTRODUCTORY The present volume forms a fitting supplement to the ample historical nar- rative from the pen of General W. W. H. Davis. For its preparation especial thanks are due to Mr. Warren S. Ely, of more than merely local fame as a genealogist and historian. Out of his abundant store of material and through familiarity with the official records of Bucks and adjoining counties, he has been enabled to write with care and intelligence the genealogical history of various branches of leading families in Bucks county, and his sketches will be readily identified by all who are familiar with the methods which he has observed so successfully in making investigations into ancestral fields in response to many exacting requisitions by individuals and family associations. He has also, in this work, dealt largely with the personal history of leading men of affairs in his native county, and his facile pen can be readily traced by the great mass of readers in that region who for years have been familiar with his clear and cogent writings along the lines which he has pursued with that genuine enthusiasm becoming to one who holds in proper appreciation the sturdy race from whom lie sprang and among whom he was reared, and who possesses the ability of rightly weighing their lives and achievements. An earnest effort has been made to give an authentic history of most of the early settlers, as well as of those who later found homes in this historic county, and their descendants down to the present time, giving special attention to the part taken by them in its history and development. It has been impossible, however, to give as full an account of some of the old families as might have been desired, by reason of the paucity of data furnished, many families of more or less prominence in the aff'airs of the county, at different periods, being with- out exact records of their family line, and it being, of course, impracticable in a work of this general character for the publishers to undertake extensive and expensive researches in untrodden paths. Neither was it possible for Mr. Ely to revise and verify all the data furnished by the representatives of the families treated of in the work. It can be said, however, with reference to the bio- graphical matter contained in this volume that in its preparation the publisher^ have observed the utmost care as to accuracy and authenticity, so far as lay in their power. In all cases the sketches have been submitted to the subject, or present representative of the family, for correction and revision, and the pub- lishers believe that they are placing before the public, in the contents of this volume, a valuable adjunct t,'^ the narrative history of the events in this historic county, to which General Dcv'is has devoted nearly a lifetime of painstaking iv INTRODUCTORY and intelligent research, by giving some authentic account of most of the families that have participated in those events, and following these genealogical and historical sketches with some account of the present gei '.'ation, on whom and their descendants the grand old county must depend for the maintenance of the high standard of citizenship that has characterized her in the past. An effort has also been made to give some account of the descendants of Bucks county ancestry who have wandered from their alma mater and distinguished themselves in the various- walks of life in other sections. We believe, therefore, that we have rendered a lasting service to posterity in gathering together and placing in enduring form much valuable information that would otherwise soon have been irretrievably lost through the passing away of many custodians of family and other records, and the consequent dispersion of such matter. The publishers desire to express their appreciation of the assistance ren- dered them and their editors in the preparation of this work, by various persons wdio have placed at their disposal the result of valuable researches made on genealogical and historical lines for private purposes. As stated therein, much of the data in reference to the Holland families who w^ere the first actual settlers on the Neshaminy in Northampton, Southampton and adjoining parts of War- minster, Bensalem, Middletown and Bristol townships, is the result of more than twenty years of research conducted on these lines by R. Winder Johnson, of Philadelphia, very little if any of which has been heretofore published. Again, much of the data in reference to the early German settlers in upper Bucks, whose part in the history of the county has probably never received proper recognition, is the result of exhaustive researches made by Mr. Ely, in which he was materially aided by the Rev. A. J. Fretz, of ]\Iilton, New Jersey,, who has devoted years of unselfish work to these lines. ]\Iany others have con- tributed more or less to the value of the work by giving us the benefit of their valuable researches. THE PUBLISHERS. INDE PAGE Abbott, Francis.' *. I95 Abbott, John I95 Abbott, Joseph 195 Abbott, Joseph D 195 Abbott, Mary S 196 Abbott, Timothy 195 Adams Family T] Adams, James 7^ Adams, John 78 Adams, Joseph \V 80 Adams, Samuel 79 Afflerbach, Abraham 532 Afflerbach, George 531 Afflerbach, John F 531 Afflerbach, John H 532 Alderfer, John K 597 Alderfer, John Isl 597 Alderfer, Joseph 597 Allabough, David W 505 Allabough, Henry 50^ Allabough, Henry S 505 Althouse, Albert C i^d Althouse, Arndt 34° Althouse, Daniel 340 Althouse, Elias 341 Althouse, Elmer E 340 Althouse, Frederick 341 Althouse. "Milton D 341 Althouse, Samuel K 367 Altho ise, Tobias 366 Andalusia 1 58 Anders, Asher K 368 Anders, INIatilda 369 Anders, Solomon 369 Anders, William 368 Andres, William \\' 369 Anderse, Paul 368 Andress, Jacob 3^58 Angeny. Davis F. . . . .' 424 Angeny, Jacob 424 Angeny, John 424 Armitage, Amos 622 Armitage, Amos, Sr 622 Armitage. Samuel 622 Atkinson Family 163 Atkinson. Howard W 168 Atkinson, Silas C 166 Atkinson, Stephen K 167 Atkinson, Thomas 6 Atkinson, T. Howard 165 Atkinson, Thomas 164 \tkinson, William 6 Atkinson, William H 166 PAGE Bachofer, John C 618 Bailey, Emily 504 Bailey, George 503 Bailey, George W 504 Balderston, Charles S 573 Balderston, David 671 Balderston, John 573 Balderston, John W 573 Balderston, Oliver 573 Balderston, Robert L 671 Banes Family '/22 Banes, Samuel T "22, Baringer, Henry 444 Baringer, Irvin Y 410 Baringer, William 410 Barnsley Family -3^4 Barnsley, John 243 Barnsley, John 314 Barnsley, Joseph 314 Barnslej', J. Herman 243 Barnsley, Lydia H 315 Barnsley, Thomas 243 Barnsley, William .314 Barrow, John 615 Bartheman, Francis 667 Bartleman. Theodore 667 Bassett, Samuel 4*^8 Bassett, Samuel T 408 Baum, Heinrich 235 Baum Henry 235 Baum, Joseph 235 Baum, William , 234 , Bean, Henry W^ Bean, Wilson W 3?-> Beans, Nathan 349 Beans, Stephen 349 Beaumont, Andrew J 406 Beaumont, Charles F 406 Beaumont. John A 683 Beaumont, Thomas B 683 Beck, John B 593 Beck, Joseph 593 Bell, Frank F 264 Bell, John 265 Berger, Henry 640 Berger, J. Fennell 640 Bergey, Jonas G 645 Bergey, Wilson S 645 Beringer. Amos N 329 Beringer, Amos S \^^ Beringer, John 329 Beringer, Nicholas 32S Betts.' Charles IM 389 ^\ VI INDEX PAGE Betts, C. Watson 5 • 5 Bctls, John . 389 Betts, Stephen 5^5 Betts, Thomas 5I5 Betts, Wilham 5i5 Biddle, Charles 15H Biddle Family 158 Biddle, Nicholas 159 Biehn, Michael M 334 Biehn, Milton A 334 Bigley, Adam 248 Bigley. Charles. D 248 Bigley, Isaac 248 Birkey Family 625 Birkey, Henry W 628 Birkey, Isaac M 629 Birkey, John 627 Birkey, John W 629 Birkey, John Y 625 Birkey, Peter 626 Birkey, feter 625 Birkey, Samuel 625 Birkey, Thomas H 627 Birkey, William J. A., Jr 628 Birkey, William J. A., Sr 627 Bishop, John H 643 Bishop, Samuel 643 Black, Andrew A 427 Black, Clarence R 259 Black, George E 427 Black, John 258 Black, John P 258 Black. Wilmer S 259 Bloom, Peter D 598 Bloom, William 598 Bond, Cadwalader D 710 Bond, Lewis R 709 Boutcher, Benjamin 641 Boutcher, Benjamin W 64T Boutcher, Joseph 641 Boyer, Daniel M 436 Boyer, John S 436 P.raddock, Katherine 615 Bradshaw, James 430 Bradshaw. John W 429 Bradshaw, Samuel 429 Biadshaw, Thomas 429 Bradshaw. William. Jr 43° \ Branson, Edwin R • 693 vBranson, Isadore C 693 I'ranson, Isaiah 692 B/anson, Jacob 692 Branson, James L 692 Branson, Sarah E ; 693 Branson, William 692 Breen, James 3,^6 Breen, Patrick 336 Brinker, Aden H 588 Brinker, John 588 Broadhurst, Horace G 392 Broadhurst. Samuel E 392 Brooks, Abram 593 Brot)ks, William L 593 Brown. Benjamin 240 Brown, Charles 240 Brown, John 240 Brown, Joseph 352 Brown, Levi 352 Brown, Robert 239 Brown, Robert S ,, . . . 240 PAGE Brown, Samuel 239 Brown, Stacy 352 Brown, William 683 Brown. William B 352 Brown, William H .- 683 Brunner, Harvey S 484 Brunner. Solomon 484 Buckman, Abden 684 Buckman, Benjamin 684 Buckman. Edward H 233 Buckman, Elihu S 233 Buckman, Franklin 232 Buckman. James R 684 Buckman. Walter 233 Buckman. Zenas 232 Buehrle, Frederick F 377 Buehrle, Josejjh 377 Buehrle, William 377 Bunting. Edwin M 185. Bunting Family 184. Bunting John S . . . . 186 Bunting, Joseph 185 Burges, Daniel 214 Purges, Family 214 Burges, Joseph 214 Burson. Benjamin 614 Burson, Edward 614 Burson Family 614 Burson, Joseph 614 Burton, Anthony 22S Burton, Elwood 229 Burton, John 228 Cadwallader, Algernon S 604 Cadwallader, Charles AI 375 Cadwallader, Eli. Jr 718 Cadwallader, Franklin 588 Cadwallader. George S 588 Cadwallader. Jacob 588 Cadwallader. Jacob 663 Cadwallader. James L 663 Cadwallader. John 375 Cadwallader. Samuel C 663 Cadwallader. Washington 717 Cadwallader, Yardly 376 Candy, James B 528 Candv. Thomas D 52S Carrel!, Ezra P 299 Carrell, Ezra R 390 Carrell, Jacob 300 Carrell. James 300- Carrell. James .591 Carrell, Joseph ,^or Carrell, Joseph 391 Carrell, Joseph, Jr .3«/0 Carter, James 61 g Carter. J. Harris 619 Carver. A din (^185 Carver. Charles H 084 Carver. John 040 Carver. Mahlon '>4f> Case. Alexander J 433 Case. Peter 433 Case. Theodore L 433 Cassel, Isaac 27 f Cassel, Levi 271 Cassin. Isaac S \99 Cavanaugh, Francis 606 Chambers, Alexander 508 Chambers, Thomas P 5^7 \ INDEX vii PAGE Chapman, AlM-ahani 380 Chapman, Arthur 380 Chapman Family 379 Chapman, Henry 380 Chapman, John 379 Chapman, Joseph 380 Christy, Alexander 615 Christy, Henry 615 Church, Eleazer F 501 Church, Richard 501 Church, Watson P 500 Clarendon, Thomas 550 Clarendon, Thomas, Sr 550 Claxton, George 555 Claxton, John B 555 Claxton, Thomas B 555 Clayton, Amos K 556 Clayton, William B S56 Clunn, Joseph F 652 Clunn, Robert 652 Clymer, Christian 1 236 Clymer, Christian T 236 Clymer, Eli L 270 Clymer, Henry, Jr 270 Clymer, Henry S 236 Clymer, Jacob F 88 Clymer, John H 2S^ Clymer, Lee S 86 Clymer, Robert L 282 Clvmer, William C 88 Clymer, William H 87 Comfort, Annie 203 Comfort, George 204 Comfort, George M 127 Comfort, Henry W 126 Comfort, John 203 Comfort, Samuel 204 Conrad, Charles 2,S7> Conrad, James 257 Convent of the Blessed Sacrament.... 526 Cooley, William J 281 Cooper, Alfred M 330 Cooper, John W 686 Cooper, William B 330 Cooper, William R 330 Cope, Adam 567 Cope, Addison C 566 Cope, Amandus H _^22 Cope, B. Frank 286 Cope, Charles E 349 Cope, George B 349 Cope, Jacob 322 Cope, John 567 Cope, John 67S Cope, John F 678 Cope, jNIilton L 678 Cope, Tobias G 567 Cope, William S 567 Cornell, Adrien 52 . Cornell Family Sr Cornell, George W 53 Cornell, Hiram 684 Cornell, Ira H 684 Cornell, James C 684 Cornell, John S 237 Cornell, John S., Sr 238 Cornell, Joseph M 54 Cornell, Wilhelmus 52 ~^ 'Courter, Jacob 607 *Courter, Jacob H 607 PAGE Cox, Ezekiel B ^, 623 Cox, Reeder 023 Craven, Charles 712 Craven, James R 71 j Craven, Joseph 248 Craven, Linford R 247 Craven, Thomas 712 Cressman, Abraham S 579 Cressman, Anthony 579 Cressman, Anthony 079 Cressman, David D 579 Cressman, Henry 679 Cressman, Henry 579 Cressman, Jacob 405 Cressman, Jacolj 579 Cressman, Josiah L 405 Cressman, Philip S 679 Cressman, Tobias H 405 Crewitt, Alfred 496 Crewitt, John A 496 Crewitt, Richard C 496 Crispin, Silas 43 Croasdale, Jeremiah W 546 Croasdale, John W 546 Croasdale, Roliert 546 Croasdale, Robert M ..... 545 Crouse, Andrew J 704 Crouse Family 702 Crouse, Frederick 703 Crouse, Jacob W 703 Crouse, Michael, Jr 703 Crouthamel Family 55S Crouthamel, George 538 Crouthamel, Jacob S. Crouthamel, Noah O. Crouthamel, Peter R Crouthamel, Washington O. Cunningham, Joseph T Cunningham, Matthew Cunningham, Matthew C. . Cunningham, Thomas Curley, John Curley, Thomas Dager, Charles T. . . Dager, Frederick Dager, John Dana, Anderson, Jr Dana, Richard Dana, Robert S Dana, Sylvester Darlington, Edward !*> Darlington, Hemy T. Darlington, Thomas Davis, John Davis, William W. H Deemer. Charles ... Deemer, Elias Deemer, George li.. Deemer, Johan G . . . . Deemer, John Deemer, John Deemer, Michael ... Deemer, Michael ... Deemer, Oliver J Delp, George Detweiler, Aaron C. Detweilef, Christian Detweiler, George . , Detweiler, Henry 67 r 558 .S58 67 1 537 5.36 536 .11)0 325 3-^5 3^5 5-'T 5-2 ^' 5-: I 522 510 510 Sro 46 45 359 470 359 358 470 47 1 3> > 47 f 358 731 68.=^ .56 r 677 -iJ Vlil INDEX Delwciler, Henry . . . . Detwciler, Isaac C... Detweiler, Isaac H. . . Detwciler, Jacob . . . . Detwciler, Jacob L... Detweiler, John A... Detweiler, John C... Detweiler, Joseph . . . Detwciler, Mahlon C. Detweiler, Martin . . . Doan, Amos Doan, Harry P Doan, J. Oscar Doan, Wilson Dobbins, Joseph K . . . Doll, Charles M Dolton, Charles Dolton, Richard L... Dorland, John Doron, Thomas E. . . Doron, William E. . . Douglass, George . . . . Douglass, James . . . . Doyle, Charles C Doyle, Edward Doyle, Henry H Doyle, Joseph Doyle, Lemuel H.... Doyle, Samuel Doyle, William Drexel, Joseph W. . '. Drexel, Lucy W Du Bois, Charles E.. . Du Bois Family Du Bois, Jacob Du Bois, John L. . . . Du Bois, John L., Jr. Du Bois, Louis Du Bois, Louis ] )u Bois, Peter Du Bois, LTriah Dungan Family lungan, Isaac )ungaiM /ames Dungan, Jesse , Dungan, John Dung?n, Thomas ... Dungan, Thomas . . Dungan, Wallace » . . Duvner, Charles E. . . Duiiicr, Charles F. . . . ?AGE 68 ^ 677 561 631 561 561 b77 S6i 631 561 685 685 323 43S 726 348 348 496 620 620 617 617 456 454 456 455 454 455 454 525 525 194 192 192 . 194 194 192 193 193 193 ~2o6 20S 206 20S 207 208 206 331 331 Eastburn, Charles T . . 19 Eastburn Family 15 Eastburn, H ugh B 17 Eastburn, Joseph ... lO Eastburn, Moses \6 Eastburn, .Robert 16 Eastburn, Robert 15 Eastburn, Robert 17 Easlliurn, Robert K 21 Eastburn, Samuel 21 Eastburn, Samuel C ....,,.. 20 Eastburn, William T 18 Edwards, Benjamin R 335 Edwards, Hugh 335 Ellis, Charles • ■ . 5^4 Ellis. Joseph A 564 Ellis, Rowland ' 564 i*' - Daniel 426 PAGE Ely, Edward N 451 Ely Family 127 Ely, Heman 448 Ely, Joseph 451 Ely, Justin 448 Ely, Warren S -. : 132 Ely, William L 426 Erdman, Andrew 305 Erdman. Daniel 305 Erdman, George 686 Erdman, John ' 305 Erdman, Milton K 686 Erdman. Owen 305 Erdman. William S 305 Erwin, John 313 Erwin. John 314 Erwin, Joseph 314 Erwin, Joseph J 313 Evans, Caleb 388 Evans, Wilson C 388 Everitt, Aaron 413 Everitt. David 413 Everitt. Ezekiel 412 Everitt. Jesse C 412 Everitt, Samuel 413 Fackenthal, Benjamin F 451 Fackenthal, IMichael 451 Fackenthal. Peter 451 Fackenthal, Philip 450 Faust, Alfred H 356 Fell. Benjamin 186 Fell, Benjamin 266 F"ell, Byron ,M 266 Fell, David 219 ■ Fell. David X 73 Fell, Ely 266 Fell, James. B 266 Fell, Jesse 186 Fell. Tohn 266 Fell, John A 186 Fell, Jonathan 219 Fell, Joseph y^ Fell, Joseph 218 Fell, Joseph "oo Fell. Lewis W 218 Fell, Preston J 187 Fell. Seneca 266 Fell. Wilson D. .37 Felty. Victor H ." -^i,7 Felty, William 547 Flack. Joseph, Jr ^7Z THack, Joseph. Sr :^72, Flack, Roland 37?, Flagler. George W 428 Flagler, Peter 428 Flower^, Amos S .^55 Flowers, Thomas K 554 Flowers, William 5.S4 Flum, Frank H ' . . 272 Flum, Frederic 272 Folkir. Howard 205 Forrester. George W 626 Foulke. Benjamin G 90 Foulke, Caleb 90 Foull.e. Charles E o 'i Foulke, Eleanor ■.-. 1) I'Vudke. Everard i... o. ■ J'oulke Family Bf < Toulke, Hugh 9 ^ IXDEX IX PAGE Foulke. Hugh 89 Foulke. Job R 91 Foulke. Thomas QO Foulke. William H 91 Freed. Henry 444 Freed, Henry W 444 Freed, John 444 French, Bennett M 714 French, J. Andrew 713 French, William 714 Fretz, Abraham 360 Fretz, Abraham 401 Fretz. Abraham J 401 Fretz. Alfred E 307 Fretz, Christian 401 Fretz, Clayton D 307 Fretz, Ely 433 Fretz. H. Erwin 432 Fretz. Henry L 3('r Fretz, Jacob 3>(^o Fretz, John 360 Fretz, John 401 Fretz, John E 146 Fretz, John S. . : I47 Fretz, Joseph H • 3f>o Fretz, Mahlon M 43-2 Fretz, ?^Iartin 401 Fretz, Oliver H i-'O Fretz, Philip H I43 Fretz, Philip K 43-^ Fretz, Ralph J '. i47 Fretz, S. Edward 30H Fretz, William 120 Fulmer, Daniel 406 Fulmer. Xoah 406 Fulmer. Oliver A 406 Garges. Abraham 257 Garges. Edward 3 '6 Garges. Henry 257 Garner. Samuel 344 Garner. Sannul J ' 344 Garner. Samuel S 344 Geil, John 15- Geil. Samuel I5- Geil, William E 15^ George, Jacob, Jr 43'^ George, Jacob. Sr 4.^8 Gibson. Andrew 653 GibsGii. Andrew J 653 Gilbert Hiel 647 Gilbert. Maris 647 Gilke^on. Andrew W 345 Gilkeson. Franklin 345 "Gillam. Harvey, Sr 540 Gillam, Simon 540 Gilliam. Harvey H . 540 Gilliam, William 54° Girton. Garret B 367 Girton. James 5^8 Gotwals. Daniel 581 Gotwals. Jonas 581 Gray. Dean (191 Gray. John .\55 Gray. John ]M 365 Gray. Samuel 355 Gray, Samuel S J56 Gray, Thomas H (")i Greup, John +3' Griffee, Howard ^I ' >5-' PAGE Griffee, Peter 652 Griffith, Amos 616 Griffith, Austin E 616 Griffith, John W 616 Grim, Adam 301 (irim, F. Harvey 301 (irim, George M 306 Grim, George W 301 (irim, George W 306 Grim, Webster 210 Groff. Charles S 571 Groff, Isaac S 477 (iroff, Jacob • 477 Groff, Jacob 571 Ciroff, James E 477 Groom, Ezekiel A 543 Groom, Jonathan 543 Groom, Thomas 543 Groover. Andrew 711 Gross, Daniel 209 Gross, Henry W 209 Gross, Jacob 362 Gross, John 363 r,ross, John A 362 Gross, John L ;j63 Gross, Joseph N 209 Grundy, Edmund 365 Grundy, Joseph R 365 Grundy, William H 365 Gruver, John 711 Gruver, Jonas H 711 Gulick. Christopher S 289 Gulick h'amily 288 (iulick. Hendrick 288 (iulick, Joachim 288 Gulick, Merari 289 Gulick, Samuel 288 Gulick, Samuel S 289 Gumpper, John J i' 347 (iumpper. Thomas K 347 Hagerty, James 443 Hagerty, John 44 ' Hagerty, Preston W 4'^ Haldeman, Abel G 6'^^ Haldeman, Charles (\^^ Haldeman. Daniel "^^ Haldeman. Edwin K ^^^ Haldeman. Tohn • ^~ Hall, C. Harry W2 o Hall Family I4T ' Hall, ^ifatthias H tji; Hall, William W 150 Hancock. Charles W 516 Hancock. John 516 Hancock, Joseph L 5f6 Hancock, Samuel 516 Haney, Anthony 051 Haney, Michael 65 1 Haney, Michael G 651 Haring, Charles C 611 Haring, Charles C, Sr 611 Harley. Jrjhn 647 Harlcy, Jonas S 647 Harpel, Amos 405 Harpel, Conrad ^.05 Harpel, Harvey F 404 Harpel, John 405 ITarrar. James S 240 1 larrar, Joel J . 249 INDEX PAGE Harris, Theopliilus 336 Hart, B. Frank 42 Hart, George 45 Hart, George 320 Hart, James 45 Hart, James 319 Hart. John 42 Hart, John 318 Hart, Joseph 45 Hart, josnua 2t)4 Hart, JosialT 320 Hart, William 319 Hart, William H , . 45 Hartley, George W., Jr 279 Hartley, William H 279 Hartzel, Abram G 609 Hartzel, l-'rancis D 609 Harvey, George T 158 Harvey, Joseph 488 Harvey, Lydia A . 488 Harvey, Theodore P 488 Heacock, J^oel 636 Heacock, Joel L 636 Headley, Amos B 612 Headley, Joseph J 612 Headley, Heaney, Heaney, Heaton, Heaton, Heckler, Heckler, Heckler, Heckler, Heckler, Hedrick, Hedrick, Heinlein Heiulein, Heller, Heller, Heller, Heller, ' leller, eller. Thomas 612 Nicholas L 424 Thomas 424 Frank ■....; 727 Mathias 72J Allen H 333 Calvin F 33^ John R 333 Nari F ■ ■ 333 Samuel 33o David ■...-■ 646 John K 646 Family .' 308 George . ■ 308 David 310 el Iyer, llyer, llyer, llyer, Jacob 310 Johan M ■ • 310 Josiah B 310 William J .-• • 309 Yost 310. Amos S 381 Anderson 381 Howard A -55^ Valmore M 381 William -55^ 485 485 Benjamin 495 Cornelius 495 Family 494- 495 496 335 335 Edwin John r D Di Dv ^^'-llyer, I:cmmerly, Hei.-rierly, Hendricks, Hendricks, Hendricks Hendricks, John C Hendricks, Joseph A Heritage, John B . . . . Heritage, John F. . . Heritage, Joseph B . Heritage, Joseph D.. Heston, George T. . Heston, Jesse S. . . Hibbs, James C Hibbs, John G . . . Hibbs, Si)encer H Hibbs, William . . Hicks, Fdward I' Hicks Family . . . . Hicks, George A . . . 5^9 5-^9 532 53-2 576 576 576 576 1 12 no 112 PAGE Hicks, Penrose 1 14 Hiester, Maria C 87 Hiester. William 87 Hill. Harry C 469 Hill. Humphrey 469 Hill. John H 469 llillborn, John 621 Jlillborn, William 621 Hillpot, Samuel S 231 Hinckle, Casper 380 Hinckle, Philip 380 Hines, A. J 473 Hines, William C 474 Hhikle, Albert G. B 380 Hinkle. Elias 707 Hinkle, Joseph 381 Hinkle, Tobias C 707 Hinkle, William 381 Hobensack, B. Frank 369 Hobensack, Isaac 369 Hobensack, Isaac C 720 Hobensack, Wilkins 610 Hobensack, William 719 Hogeland, Abraham 396 Flogeland, Daniel 395 Hogeland, Derrick K 39c; Hogeland, Elias 396 Hogeland Family 395 Hogeland, Frank 396 Hogeland, Horace B 397 Hogeland, Isaac 396 Hogeland. John 397 Hogeland, JNIorris 398 Hogeland. William S 397 Hoguet, Louis A 241 Holbert, Nathan 706 Holbert, William 705 Holbert. William M 705 Holcomb. Isaac W 608 Hplcomb. John 608 Hoi combe, Charles 320 Flolcombe, John 321 Holcombe, IMary 320 Holcombe, Oliver H 320 Holcombe, Richard 320 Holcombe. Sarriuel 321 Hotchkiss, Clarence D 478 Hotchkiss, George W 478 Hotchkiss, Samuel 478 Hough. Benjamin 12 Hough. John 8 Hough. John S 8 Hough. Oliver 11 Hough, Richard 5 Plough. William H 74 Howell. David 562 Howell. Timothy ....". 562 Hunsicker. Abraham 514 Hunsicker. Isaac 514 Hunsicker. Isaac ]\f . . 514 Hunsicker. Jacob 514 Hunsicker, Valentine 514 Hutc-hinsr>tvEdward S ^44 1 i 'isinger. Albert 688 1 iisinger. Edward 6SS Iredell. Charles T ■;63 Ire.loll. Robert 364 Ireland, Charles G 705 Irif land. Rachael P 704 INDEX \n PAGE Irwin, John 689 Irwin, Nathan D 637 Irwin, Mrs. N. D 637 Ivins, Aaron ^_^^ Ivins, Aaron 62T Ivins, Edward A 344 Ivins, Edward A 343 - Ivins, Moses H 687 Ivins, William ' H 621 Jacoby, Benjamin 142 Jacoby, Edwin J 589 Jacoby, Henry S 141 Jacoby, John 589 Jacoby, Peter 142 Jacoby, Peter L 142 James Family 60 James, Henry A ' 6^ James, Howard 1 64 James, Irvin M 65 James, Oliver P 66 James, Thomas A 67 James, Wynne 64 Janney Family 54 Janney, Randle j^. . ^z, Janney, Stephen T 50 Janney, Thomas ^6 Janney, William S 60 Jarrett, Alvin J 661 Jarrett, Solomon 661 Jenkins, John [^34 Jenkins, Joseph ^34 Jenkins, Phineas 534 Jenkins, Stcphei),' . 534 Jenkirs, Wilii^m . 5*^4 Jenkii Zirhary T 534 Jet;'-- .'ctmily .. ' -^,S Jenks, George A \o Jenks, John S -^ Jenks, Phineas 39 Jenks, Thomas -. 38 Jenks, William H 41, Jenks, William P 41 Johnson, Casper ! . . . 347 Johnson, Charles ;^T^y Johnson, Clark 242 Johnson, Edward W 98 Johnson, Elmer L 242 Johnson, H. Watson 221 Johnson, Isaac S 102 . Johnson, Jesse L : . . . . 243 Johnson, John 237 Johnson, John R 237 Johnson, Lawrence gS .Johnson, Martin 237 Johnson. JNlilton 347 Johnson. O. James 337 Johnson, Richard M 347 Johnson, R. Winder \36 Johnson, Robert M 266 Johnson, Samuel A 715 Johnson.' William 254 Johnson. William 266 .Tones, Catherine J 667 Jordan, Alexander 475 Jordan, A. Hayes 474 Jordan, Frederick. Jr 475 ■Jordan, Henry ^75 "Kanll, George 6^8 Kaiill, John H 6,^?> Keeler, Keeler, Keeler, Eli E. K. PAGE ^ Wesley ^^q John ,75 Kemi, Daniel D jgf, Keim, Daniel M ig6 Keim, Nicholas 196 Keith, Sipron C ocQ Keller, Abraham 509 Keller, Christopher "' c;o9 Keller, Joseph ;;;;' rog Keller, Lewis cnR Keller, Mahlon .... J', Kelly, William F.. Jr... . 387 Kelly, William F., Sr [[[] 3X7 Kerbangh, Benjamin F 642 Kcrbaugh, Josiah ] * 642 Kilcoyne, John J . . 242 Kimble, Al)el ^^q Kimble, Richard 51^0 Kimble, Seruch T 550 Kimble, William 550 King. John F 472 King, John G 472 King, ]\Lnrtin 472 King, ^lorton 612 King, Peter gj King, Samuel M 612 Kirk, Amos W: 551 Kirk, Charles '^-y Kh-k, Edward R ^^j Kirk, Isaac ^'c^i Kirk, Thomas \'^i Kiser, Edwin 479 Kiser, Harvey S 478 Kiser, Samuel 47Q Kline, George H 342 Kline, Henry K 341 Kline, Isaac 347 ynight, Alfred ggi H-o -'ht, 'Amos 5g8 KniglK r A iiej-, ggj Knight. 1 sirlc 7 s^gg Knight. Jonathan * . . c;gg Knight. ., Sarah J 660 Knoll, Frank L ^4^ Knoll, Lewis ' / _ ,^^'- Kolb. Henry \j] Kooker, Henry ., ^j Kooker, Jacob , - , . 442 .^ Kooker, Peter ' 442 ^l^ Kramer, Abraham ,, ' Kramer, Samuel R Krause, Carl G Krause, Charles B 680 Krauskopf, Joseph 276 Kratz. Abraham 268 Kratz. Abraham 689 Kratz. David N 577 Kratz. Henry M 268 Kratz. Henry R 648 Kratz. Jacob 268 Kratz. John c,yj Kratz, John S . . 68g Kratz. Philip 1577 Kratz. Valentine 268 Kratz. William 648 Kratz. William D 348 Kreiss, Peter 5 f8 Kreiss, Peter L 518 Krusen, Wilmer 261 •5" . ()8o INDEX. PAGE Kulp, Abraham 316 Kulp, Abraham' M 587 Kulp, Harry N 410 Kulp, Harvey S 586 Kulp, Jacob H 586 Kulp, Jacob S 411 Kulp. John L 316 Kunser, Andrew 553 Kunser, Henry 553 Kunser, ]\Iichael 553 Lampen, Garret H 407 Lampen. Michael 407 Lampen, Michael, Jr 407 Lamnen, Simon 407 Landis, Isaac M 619 Landis, George 354 Landis, George M 354 Landis, Henry 436 Landis, Jacob 354 Landis, Jacob S 619 Landis, John M 693 Landis, Michael A 436 Landis, Samuel B 353 Lapp, Abraham 594 Lapp, Henry B 594 Lapp, Jacob 594 Large, Henry C 484 Large, William M 484 Larue, Albert C 282 Larue. John B 282 LaRue Family 180 LaRue, Moses 182 LaRue, Nicholas 183, LaRue, William H 183 Larzelere, Benjamin 446 Larzelere, Jacob 446 Larzelere, Nicholas 446 Larzelere, William 446 Laubach, Anthony 499 Laubach, Charles -, ■• 500 Laubach, Christian . . /T" 498 Laubach Family • • ' 49^ Laubach, Fredenv k 385 Laubach. Joha/i ' G 499 Laubach. Jobh G 499 Laubach, Samuel H 498 Lauderbach, Charles J 659 Lauderbach, Harris V 659 Li ar, George 385 i.ear. Henry 386 1 eatherman. Aaron 690 Lcatherman. Eli 440 Leatherman. Henry L 361 .[>eatherman, Jacob 41S l-eatherman, Jacob Y 361 Leatherman, Joseph 690 Leatherman. Joseph 418 Lehman, Arthur C 483 Lehman, Harry C 483 Lehman, Michael 483 Lehman & Sons : 483 Leidy. Cornelius W 4.15 Leidy Family S87 Leidy, H. Frank 588 Leidy. Levi 435 Leidv, Samuel G 587 Leigli. Thomas 306 Leigh, Wiliiam B 306 Leister, John 53S P.^GE Leister, Johnas 539 Leister, Thomas R 538 Lengil, Peter 542 Lengel, Samuel R 542 Lerch, David 429 Lerch, George W 429 Lerch. Samuel 429 Lewis, David M 324 Lewis, Joseph M 324 Lippincott, Joshua 668 Lippincott, Theodore 668 Livezey, Edward 728 Livezey, Edward, Sr 728 Lodge, Abel 607 Lodge, John 607 Longstreth, Daniel 302 Longstreth, Edward 302 Loux, Andrew 439 Loux, Mathias i 439 . Loux. Mathias J 4.S9 Lovett, Daniel 661 Lovett, Henry 307 Lovett. Jonathan 307 Lovett, R. Pittield 661 Lovett, William 307 Lundy, J. Wilmer 114 Lundy, Richard 114 Lynn. Alexander 574 Lynn, Lewis M 574 Lynn, Victor V 574 IMacKenzie, Farrell 610 MacKenzie. Richard 610 Alagill, Alfred 602 Magill, Edward W 449 iSIagill, C. Howard 601 Magill, w atsoi. r" 4; M -.gill. William 449 Magill, William 602 IMarple, Alfred . 283 ]\[arple, Frank H 284 ^Larple, F. M 2^i Marshall, Alfred 501 Marshall, Caleb H 502 ]\Iarshall, George M 447 Marshall, Harriet P 44S ]\Iarshall. Robert 502 ]\Iarshall. Se.th 447 Marshall, Thomas 501 Jklartin, Adam 37- Martin, A. Oscar 4S2 :Martin, Allen S -'S'8 Martin, George ,-72 ^Lartin, George ' ■r)2 Martin. Jonas iSj ]\Iartin, Michael '02 Martin, Reul)en A r - Martindell, Edwin W -N i Martindell, John 507 Martindell. Jonathan \V 580 Mason, Ernest ' 3.^8 ]\Iason, Joel v-^ Mason, Joel M ...v^ ]\rathew, Simon I'li ^ilathews, Charles H i^'O ]\Iathews, Charles H 1 ' 3 Mathews. Charles J 417 Matliews, Lawrence J 417 Matlack. William .i.| McDowell, Robert 374 McDowell, William 374 McTlhatten, D. J 3H7 ;McIlhatten, Samuel P 387 ]\IcKinstry, George 327 McKinstry, Henry 246 INIcKinstry, H. Martyn 247 jMcKinstry, Jesse 328 McKinstry, Nathan 246 McKinstry, Nathan 327 IMcKinsfry, Oliver 328 McKinstry, Robert 246 IMcKinstry, Samuel 328 McKinstry, Wilson B 246 McNair, James 637 IMcNair, James M 637 INIcNair, Solomon 637 Mershon, Joab C 644 Mershon. William C 644 ]\feyer. Christian 269 jMeyer, Hans 224 IMeyer, Henry 440 Meyer, John 224 IMeyer, "Samuel 269 Meyers, Isaac 441 IMeyers, John H 440 IMeyers. John 44T Michener, Burroughs 367 jMichener, Ezra 584 INIichener, Isaiah 584 ]\Iichener, IMarmaduke 367 Michener, Meschach 367 IVIichener, Samuel 367 ]\Iiles Family 665 Miles, Griffith 665 Miles, Joseph 665 Miles, Sanmcl 665 Miles, William G 665 TMill. George 589 Mill, George G 589 Mill, Solomon 589 Miller, A. J 281 Milnor, J. Cambv S7S Milnor, William "B 575 Mininger, William H 232 Minster, Ell wood W , 362 INTinster, Nicholas 362 INIinster, William S 362 Mintzer, St. John W 411 iMitchell, Allen R 520 Mitcliell. Gove 520 INIitthell, Henry 520 IMitchell, Joim 520 Mitchell, Pearson 520 Moll, James D 435 ]\[oll. John 435 Moll, John G 435 Mollov, Harry F 262 Molloy, John B 581 TMolloy, Nicholas E 262 Moon, Charles 602 Moon, Daniel 215 TMoon Familj . . 212 Moon, James .... 602 PAGE Moon, Mahlon 213 Moon, Moses 213 Moon, Moses 602 Moon, Owen, Jr 214 Moon, Roger ' 212 Moon, William 214 Moore Family 440 Moore, Henry ■ 449 Moore, Henry 11 579 Moore, Jesse H 579 Moore, Jesse P 579 Moore, Mordeci 449 Moore, Richard 449 Morgan, Daniel 308 Morgan, David 416 Morgan, Enoch 416 Morgan Family 308 Morgan, John M 416 Morgan, j^Irs. Lizzie Bell 311 Morris, Effingham B 456 Morris, Israel W 456 Morris, Mrs. Robert J , 180 Morris, Peter H 601 Morris, Theodore 601 Morris, William T 601 Morrison, A. J 137 Morrison, Joseph 138 Morwitz, Edward 463 Morwitz, Joseph 464 Moyer, Abraham '. 269 Moyer, Abraham D 234 Moyer, Abraham G 220 Moyer, Abram F 708 Moyer, Allen G 219 IMoyer, Christian 219 Moyer, Harvey W 221 Moyer, Henry A 1 70 Moyer, Henry G 169 Clover, Flenry 269 IMoyer, Isaac H 708 ^ — Moyer, Levi S 2Sj Moyer, Peter 233 Moyer, Samuel 220 Moyer, Sanniel B 269 IMoyer, William G 245 Murphy, Felix A 67S Murphy, John 676 Murray, Charles 357 [Murray, Joseph D 331 Murray, Mahlon 357 Murray, William H 33^ T^Iyer, Benjamin 630 Myer Family • 630 Myer, Isaac 630 Myer, Isaac, Jr 630 Myers, Aaron F 359X-_ Myers. Abraham F 431 Myers, Abraham G 25T Myers, Abraham M 2ST Myers, Christian 582 Myers, Christian M 224 Myers, Eliza B 226 Myers, Emma E. B 259 Myers, Francis F 25T IMyers, Henry 251 Myers. Henry 431 Myers, Henry F 725 Myers. Jacob 582 IVfycrs, Joseph F 359 MV INDEX PAGE Myers, Newton 582 Myers, Oliver 725 Myers, Samuel 225 Nase, Barndt 574 Nase, Herbert S 574 Nash, Abraham 423 Nash, Abraham 571 Nash, Abraham D 571 Nash, Mary A 423 National Farm School 276 Naylor, Jesse P 662 Naylor, William 662 Neamand. Harry 403 Neamand, John 403 Neamand. William 403 Negus, John 426 Negus, Stephen W \ . . . 426 Negus, Thomas C 426 Newell, William C 157 Nichols, H. S. P 138 Nightingale, Charles R 464 Nightingale, Henry B 465 Nightingale, Samuel 464 Nonamaker, Aaron 239 Nonamaker, Henry 239 Nonamaker, Noah S 239 Ozias. George 700 Ozias, John A 700 Paddock, Naomi A 635 Paddock, Phineas 635 Paist, Andrew C 554 Paist, James ]\I 553 Paist, Jonathan 553 Paist, Joseph H 553 Parry, Benjamin 68 Parry, Daniel yi Parry, Edward R 70' "^arry Family 67- Parry, George R 70- Parr}% Henry C 287 Parry, Isaac 226- Parry, Isaac 227 Parry, Isaac C 25(? Parry, Jacob 227' Parry, John , ; . . 68^ Parry, John 287 Parry, Old Mansion 71 Parry, Oliver 69 Parry. Oliver P 71- Parry, Philip 287 Parry. T?icliard R 70 Parry, Thomas 67- Parry, Thomas 227 ifarry, Thomas 287 Parry. Thomas F 287 Parry. William B 288,^ Parsons, Charles A > . 400 Parsons Family 400 Parsons, Isaac 400 Patterson, Daniel T 50 Patterson, James 513 Patterson, James 411 Patterson, Jesse 41 r Patterson, Samuel A. W 50 Patterson, ThoiDas H SO P^.xsnn, AMiert S 693 Paxson, Charles 693 / PAGE Paxson, Edward M 154 Paxson, Jacol) 155 Pax=on, James 154 P' son, J. Warren 350 xson, Mrs. J. Warren 349 1 axson, Phineas 693 Paxson, Thomas 754 Paxson, Thomas 155 Paxson, William 154 Pemberton Family i Pemberton, Henry 4 Pemberton. Phineas 4 Penrose, Evan 699 Penrose Family 293- Penrose, Jarret 294 Penrose, Jonathan 382 Penrose, Robert 293 Penrose, Robert 294. Penrose, Samuel 294 Penrose, Samuel J 296- Penrose, William 294 Penrose, William 295 Penrose, William 699 Percy, Frank 434 Percy, Thomas ^ 434 Phillips, Francis M 339 Phillips, Horace G 339 Pickering, H. Augustus 530 Pickering, Henry Y 517 Pickering, Henry Y 669 Pickering, Isaac, Jr 530 Pickering, John 517 Pickering, John 669 Pickering, Jonathan C 531 Pickering, Joseph 531 Pickering, Thomas E 670 Pickering, Yeamans 317 Pickering. Yemans 670 Pollock, James 480 Poore, Daniel 697 Poore, John B 696 Poore, Robert A 698 Praul, Amos T 447 Praul, Elias 662 Praul, Elisha C 569 Praul, Francis 447 Praul, Isaac 447 Praul, John 447 Praul, John 569 Praul, William 662 Preston, Albert W 666 Preston, Joseph G 666 Preston, Paul 666 Preston, Silas 666 Price, Daniel B 213 Price, David 260 Price, David 40^ Price Family - 1 3 Price, James j.'v Price, John i .^ Price, John ^^^ 260- Price, John ^^^5 Price, John N ^JBfck. Price, Nathan Price, Nathaniel Price, Samuel G .^o Price, Samuel G , 466 Price, Smith 2U0 Price, William H 665 Purdy Family 45? IXDEX XV PAGE Purely, Harry R 460 Purely, John 458 Purdy, John M 459 Purdv, Thomas 459 Purdy, William 458 Pursell, Brice 151 Pursell, Howard 150 Pursell, John 151 _ Quick, Armitage B 546 Quick, Ezekiel 546 Quick, Joseph G . 5.16 Quinby, George H 386 Quinby, Henry R 597 Quinby, Isaiah 386 Quinbj', James 386 Quinn. Hiel G 55^ Quinn, John 558 Radcliff, Elisha 453 Radcliff, George W 660 Radcliff, James 453 Radcliff, Jarrves 660 Radcliff. John 452 Radcliff, John L 704 Radcliff, Rachael P 705 Radcliff, Samuel K 452 Radcliff, Thomas S 704 Ramsey, Edward 425 Ramsey, John. Jr 425 Ramsey, John, Sr 425 Ramsey, William 425 Randall. Amos 2^2 Randall, Eber 253 Randall, James V 2^2 Reed, Andrew 468 Reed, David 600 Reed, George I\I 694 Reed, Jacob 467 Reed, Johann P 467 Reed, Michael H 468 Reed, Robert 600 Reed. Willoughby H 467 Reeder, Eastburn 22 Reeder, Frank K 694 Reeder. Joseph E 23 Reeder, Mahlon H 694 Reeder, Merrick 2,^ Renner, Adam 422 Renner, Jr.cob • 422 Renner, John 422 Renner, William 422 Rhoades. Charles H 25S Rice, Charles 569 Rice, Hampton W 506 Rice, Joseph 506 Rice, Oliver J 568 Rice, Robert 568 Rice, Samuel H 506 Rice, William 506 RicharcKf .n, Edward 256 Rich" -d -en, Joseph 256 Richardson, Joshua 255 Richardson Mary ; 256 Rickert. Hei v R 713 Rickert, Isasf^ 713 Rickert. John • : 44° Rickert, Mary L 440 Rickert. Reuben 1 713 Rickey, John ' 727 PAGE Rickey, ^largaret W 727 Ricke}', Randal ^27 Rickey, Randal H ^^27 Ridge. Daniel 585 Ridge, Lloyd 585 Ridge, Louis A 355 Ridge. William W 585 Riegel, Ida J 423 Riegel, John L 423 Riggs Family 631 Riggs, Joseph 631 Riggs. Samuel 631 X^ Robbins, Isaac 1 570 Robbins, John 57a Robbins, Joseph 570 Roberts, Annie E ;i26 Roberts, Edwin 326 Roberts Family ;^26 Roberts, Lewis 251 Roberts, Robert ^^26 Roberts, William P 251 Rockafcllow, William 657 Rockafellow, William H 657 Rodman, John 162 Rose, Edward B 712 Rose, John 658 Rose. OHver P 658 Rose, Thomas 658 Rosenberger, Abraham B 675 Rosenberger, Artemus 418 Rosenberger. Daniel 563 Rosenberger. Harrington B 563 Rosenberger. Henry 418 Rosenberger. Isaac 67^ ■ Rosenberger, Isaac R }.6t, Rosenberger, Jacob D 419 Rosenberger, Joseph 563 Ross, George 81 Ross, George 83 Ross, Henry P 82 Ross, John 82 Ross, Thomas 81 Ros^, Thomas S2 Roth, Jacob B 258 Rubinkam, G. W 393 Rubinkam. Nathaniel 393 Rufe. George 302 - Rufe, John 30:: Rufe, John Z 596 Rufe, Reden 302 — Ruff. Jacob ^02 ^ Rumpf. Frederick 055 Rumpf, Joseph F 655 Rush, Jacob ^i 293 Rush, William 293 Ruth, Henry P 539 Ruth. Joseph S 539 Ryan, John 476 Ryan, William C 4/6 Satterthwaite. Giles 646 Satterthwaite, Henry W 646 Savacool, Aaron 291 Savacool, Enos 291 Savacool Family 290 Savacool. Jacob 290 Savacool, Jacob 291 Savacool. W. Elmer 292 Savacool. William P. 291 Scarborough, Enos T) . I7S>' XVI INDEX PAGE Scarborough Family 1/5 Scarborough Family 178 Scarborough, Henry W 178 Scarborough, Hiram 179 Scarborough, Isaac 180 Scattergood, Caleb 578 Scattergood, William A 578 Schaeffer, Andrew '. 624 Schaeffer, John .' 624 Schaffer, Conrad ' 681 Schaffer, Gotfrey '575 Schaffer, John . ' 575 Schaffer, Joseph B 575 Schaffer, Samuel 68r Scheerer, Christian 238 Scheerer, Jacob 238 Scheetz, Albert F 384 Scheetz, Conrad 383 Scheetz, Erwin 385 Scheetz Family 383 Scheetz, George 383 Scheetz, Harvey '. 385 Scheib, John 541 Scheip, George \V 541 Scheip, John L 541 Schenck, Courtland 660 Schenck, Joseph H 660 SchloUer, Abraham 565 Schmitt, Harry B 488 Schmitt, Leonard 488 Schneider, Jacob 583 Scott, Abraham 512 Scott. Joseph ]M 547 Scott, Josiah 512 Scott, Josiah E 512 Scott, Josiah N 513 Scott, Rachel 513 Scott, Samuel 512 Scoit, Thomas 346 Scott, Wilford L 547 Scott, William 346 Search, Christopher 592 Search, Jacob M 326 Search, Jacob ]\I 592 Search, Theodore C 592 Sells, Holmes T,2y Sells, John D 327 Shaddingcr. Abraham 653 Sbaddinger, Andrew 653 Shaddingcr, Edward E 572 Sh;ddineer, Hannah G 653 -iliacidinger. Henry R 572 Sbaddinger, Jacob L 572 Sbaddinger. John W 675 Shamp, David 429 Sliamp, Jonathan 429 Shari)loss. Charles W 669 Shearer, Jesse 488 Shellenberger. Conrad 292 Shellenberger Family 292 Shellenberger, John L 292 Shellenberger, Jacob S 293 Shelly, Andrew B 200 Shel ',y, Emanuel N 353 Shcilv, PTenry S 58^ Shelly, Henry S 682 Shelly, Jacob L 585 Shell}', Joseph W 200 Shell} , Samn. i t,^t, Sboll\ S;:mml qS; PAGE Shelly, Samuel D 353 Shelly, Samuel M 682 Shepherd, Carlile 480 Shepherd, Cornelius 481 Shepherd, Henry C 481 Shepherd, John C 481 Shepherd. Joseph 481 . Sherm, John 677 Sherm, John B 677 Sherm, William H 577 Sherwood Catharine J 667 Sherwood, Harry M 596 Sherwood, John 667 Sherwood, William 595 Sherwood, William E 595 Shoemaker, Harry J 296 Shoemaker, Isaac 297 Shoemaker, James 297 Shoemaker, James 298 Shoemaker, Jesse 298 Shoemaker, Peter 296 Shoemaker, Peter, Jr 297 Siddall, John E 556 Siddall, Joseph H 556 Siegler, Charles L 304 Siegler, C. Louis 304 Siegler Family 303 Siegler, INIathevv .' 303 Siegler. Peter 304 Sine, Darius 542 Sine, John 542 Sine, Joseph 542 Slack, Abraham 562"" Slack, Abraham 654 - Slack, Abraham 673 , Slack, Abram K 562 - Slack, Albert 6^9 - Slack, Albert E ■. . 673 Slack, Cornelius 562 - Slack, Cornelius 654- Slack, David 639 . Slack, Edward M 654 - Slack, Edward T 639 _ Slack, Elijah T 673 ^ Slack, John 639 - Slotter. Jacoh 674* Slotter, J. Titus 67^ Slotter, John F 565 Slotter, Samuel 565 Smith, Charles J (134 Smith, Charles B . 511 •Smith, Fdnumd 618 Smith, Elias E 5tt Smith, Horace T 6\y Smith, James 656 Smith, James P 656 Smith, John D 339 Smith, Jonathan 635 Smith Joshua ^118 Smith, Joseph L 2O,- Smith. i\Iartin H. 339 Smith, Robert fnr Smith, Thomas M>' Smith, Thomas S fii.^ Smith, William -'03 Smith, William 635 Snyder, y\mos H 591" Snyder, George 583 Snydev, Henry H 583 Snvdcr, John 19S INDEX xvu Snyder, John H Snyder, Martin L Snyder, Martin L Snyder, Robert B Solliday, Jacob Solliday, Peter Souder, Cliristopher Souder, Henry Souder, Henry H Springer, John StackhoTise, Amos Stack-house, Asa INI Stackhouse, Benjamin Stackhouse, Charles Stackhouse Family Stackhouse, Henry Stackhouse, Henry W Stackhouse, Isaac Stackhouse, Isaac Stackhouse, James R Stackhouse, John H Stackhouse, John H Stackhouse, Robert Stackhouse, Thomas, Jr Stackhouse, Thomas, Sr Stapler, John Stapler, John M Staplery Stephen Stapler. Susanna , Staplerl Thomas, Staveley, William Staveley, William R Steeb, Friedrich Stever, Abraham Stever, John Stever, John H Stever, Reuben B St. Francis Industrial School. Stintsman, Samuel Stintsman, Silas Stintsman, Thomas Stockton, Isaiah V Stockton, John Stockton. Lendrum Stonebach, Jacob T Stonebach, Sylvester H Stoneback, Robert Stoneback, Worman Stout, Abraham Stout, Abraham B Stout, Enos Stout, Jacob B Stout, Harrison C Stout, Henry H Stout, Jacob Stout, Lewis K Stout, Mahlon H Stout, Oliver Stout, Oliver A Stover, Abraham F Stover, Henry S Stover, Jacob Stover, Jacob Stover, John J Stover, Ralph Stover, Samuel . . Strawn, Charles F Strawn, Daniel Strawn, Johnson Strawn, Thomas ... ...... 'AGE 198 197 198 591 730 ■ 730 613 613 61S 686 489- 489^ 420 420 419 682 6S2 419 420 682 ■420 420 490 ' 419 419 4S6 486 4S6 604 486 649 649 .^56 402 402 40.> 402 414 232 232 232 600 600 600 63s 635 676 676 84 345 203 85 345 202 84 203 84 20 r 203 428 582 226 583 582 428 226 590 =;9o 678 500 PAGE Strawn, Thomas 678 St. Stephen Reformed Church 531 Stuckert, Amos 278 Stuckert, Henry 277 Stuckert, Henry C 277 Stuckert, William H 277 Stuckert, William R 27S Summers Family 490 Summers, ]\Iartin 491 Summers, Philip 491 Summers, Samuel 491 Summers, William 492 Swallow, Charles R 313 Swallow, Francis R 313 Swartley, Abraham M 267 Swartlej^, George 439 Swartley, Henry D 241 Swartley, Henry S 267 Swartley, John 222 Swartley, John 223- Svvartley, John C 85 Swartlc3% Levi 222 Swartley, Levi M 223 Swartley, Philip R 85 Swartley, Philip 222 Swartley, Philip 439 Swartley, Philip C 240 Swartz, Abram 680- Swart /c, Abram V 679 Swart/C, Andrew 670 Swartz, Jacob i I ! 230 Swartz. Thomas I' 230 Swartzlander. Frank 187 Swartzlander. Frank B 189 Swartzlander, Gabriel 18S Swartzlander, Jacob 188 Swartzlander, Joseph R 190 Swope, Reuben 276 Taylor. Benjamin • 536 Taylor, Benjamin J 109 ■ Taylor, Charles L 104- Taylor, Joseph ^;^~ Taylor, Timothy ^t,/ ■ Taylor, Thomas 104 • Taylor, William S 267 Terry. Charles B, 603 Terry, Millard F 603 Terry, William 603 Thatcher, Samuel B 716 Thomas, .Abiah 494 Thomas, Hiram 494 Thomas, Job 40 .^ Thomas, Joseph 223 Thomas, Oliver M 492 Thomas, Thomas 403 Thompson, Albert 66ji Thompson, Albert J 663 Thompson, John 502 Thompson, Warner C 663 Tierney, J. J., Country Home 44S Titus, PYancis, Jr 437 Titus, Jacob 437 Titus, Oliver P 437 Titus, Tennis 437 Titus. William 437 Tomlinson. Aaron 342 Tomlinson, B. Palmer 714 Tomlinson, George 343 Tomlinson, Homer 675 xvm INDEX PAGE Tomlinson, John 6y^ Tomlinson, Joshua 342 Tomlinson, Richard 342 Tomlinson, Robert K 714 Tomlinson, William 342 Torbert Family 724 Torbert, James 72 y ■Torbert, James, Jr 724 Torbert, John K 725 Trauch, Edward H 323 Trauch, Peter . 434 Trauch, William H 322, Trauch, William H 434 Trauger, Elias 368 Trauger, Xoah G 36S Trego, Amos K 35^ Trego, Edward 398 Trego, Harry R 350 Trego, Jacob 350 Trego, James 35^ Trego, John 2,31 Trego, John K 351 Trego, Mahlon 398 Trego, William 351 Trego. William . . . .' 35 1 Troemner, Eliza B 427 Trumbauer. George 43 ^ Trumbauer, Henry 431 Trumbauer, John 695 Trumbauer, Micliael S 695 Trumbauer, William P 43^ Turner. Mary A 166 Twining, Amas H 7or Twining, Charles 4.09 Twining, Cyrus B 624 Twining, David 70 r Twining, Edward W 410 Twining, F. Cvrus 624 Twining, Jacob, Jr 62}, Twining. Sara E 701 Twining, Stephen 409 Twining, Stcohen B 408 Twining, William. Jr ! 408 Twining, Wilmcr A 623 Umstead. David R 445 Umstead. Jonathan R 445 Umstead, William 4J5 L'ndcrwood. Owen L 360 Underwood, Reuben L 360 V'anarlsdalen, Cyrus T 279 ^'an Artsdalen, Garret ?8o Van Artsdalen, Henry H 2X1 Van Artsdalen, Isaac 28c Van Art-dalen, Tames 28r Van Artsdalen. James, Jr 281 Van Artsdalen, John 2S0 Van Artsdalen. Silas 2.8r Van Artsdalen, Simon 279 Vandegritt. Charles S. 2>3 Vandea:rift Family 3'^ Vandegrift Frederic B ?,?, Vandegrift, George V .36 Vandegrift. John G 34 Vandegrift. J. Wilson },7 Vandegrift. Lewis H 3(J Vandegrift. Lemuel 34 Vandegrift. Moses 34 \'andegrift. Sanuiel A 35 PAGE Van Hart, Charles 430 Van Hart, Charles 670 Van Hart, David 430 Van Hart, Frank W 645 Van Hart, Jacob 570 \'an Hart. Jacob 645 \'an Hart, IMichael A 570 Van Hart. Michael A 645 \3.n Horn. Christian 94 Van Horn Family 92 Van Horn. Henry 96 Van Horn. Isaiah 96 \"an Horn, Richard H 97 \'an Horn, Samuel S 97 Van Pelt Family 102 Van Pelt. Joseph 104 Van Pelt. Seth C 103 \'an Pelt. William 104 Van Sandt. Albert 26 Van Sandt, Cornelius 25 Van Sandt, Garret ■ 27 Van Sandt, George 27 Van Sandt, Jacobus . . . 26 Van Sandt, Johannes 26 Van Sandt, Stot^el 24, \'ansant Family 24- Vansant, Howard 28 Vansant, James T 28 Vansant, John F 261 Vansant, John H 261 Winsant, Martin Y. ^ 29 Vansant. Nathaniel 29 Void, Frederick R 329 Void, Frederick, Sr 329 Waidelich, John H 544 \\'aidelich, Michael F 544. Walker. Edwin C 542 Walker. Elias 542 Walker. Holcombe 633 \\'a!ker. Peter 542 Walker. Phineas 633 \\'alker, Rober-t 633 Walker. William L 6,^2 Wallace, James 462 Wallace, James 463 Wallace, John B 463 AN'allace. Robert 462 Wallace. William S j6r Walter. John 672 Walter. John B 317 Walter. Jo^^enh B 672 WaUcr, Michael 672 Walton. Heston J54 Walton. Isaiah 255 Walton. Jeremiah 254 Walton. Thomas 25,=; Walton. William 298 Wambold, Abraham H 404 Wambold. Xoah 404 Wanger. George 1.34 Wans ?r. Irvinsr P 133 Washhvrn. J. H 277 Watson. Henry 1^7 Watson. Henr}- ^^' 664 Watson. Jenks G 620 Watson. Josep'i 66a Watson, John 136 Witson. Samuel \ 620 \\'atson, William 136 INDEX XIX PAGE Weaver, Brice 382 Weaver, Isaac 382 Weaver, Stacy L 382 Weber, Frank 560 Weber, George . . . ^ 560 Webster, Hugh B.. 557 Webster, Jesse G 557 Weisel, Ehner P 729 Weisel, Francis S 7:^^ Weisel, Henry 730 Weisel, Oscar W 731 Weisel, Samuel 730 Weiss, George 44' Weiss, Henry W 441 Wharton, Thomas L 525 White,-^ Charles A 726 White, George 698 White, Howard P 244 White, James , 638 White, Jonathan 244 White, I,ednum L 726 White, Thdmas 658 White, William 244 White. William H 698 Wildman, Alfred M 651 Wildman. Charles 648 Wildman, George K 315 Wildman, John 657 Wildman, Joshua 315 Wilkinson, Abraham 421 Wilkinson, Charles T 420 Wilkinson, Eleaser 421 Wilkinson, Frederick R 174 Wilkinson. John 421 Wilkinson, Lawrence 420 Wilkinson. Ogden.D '. 171 Wilkinson, Samuel 420 Wilkinson. William 420 Willard Family 398 Willard. Jacob 695 Willard, James V ^()S Willard, James V 399 Willard, Jes-e 399 Willard. J. Monroe 399 Willard, Lewis ()95 Williams, Anthony 701 Williams, Barzilla \* 2~s Williams, Benjamin 272 Williams, Benjamin 274 Williams, Carroll R 273 Williams. Charles 701 Williams, Cyrenious 497 Williams, Edward 272 Williams Family 27 ^ Williams, Henry T 72S Williams, Jeremiah 273 Williams, John 275 Williams, John 728 W^illiams, John S 272 Williams, Neri B 497 Williams. Samuel 272 Williams, Thomas 497 Williamson, Edward C 664 Williamson Family 216 Williamson. Jesse 664 Williamson, John 218 Williamson, Josephus 218 PAGE Williamson, Mahlon 217 Williamson, Mahlon . 664 Williamson, Peter 217 Williamson, William 217 Wilson, Ebenezer C 378 Wilson, Isaac 378 Wilson, John D 205 Wilson, Joshua ^78 Wilson, Joseph H 378 Wilson, Samuel 519 Wilson, William E 519 Wilson, William E 520 Winder Family 100 Winder. Jacob M loi Winner, Samuel 565 Winner. William P 565 Wismer. Christian 505 Wolfingcr, Jacob D 6og Wolfinger. Reuben S 6og Wood. Benjamin G 715 Wood, George 715 Wood. Joseph 715 Woodman, Edward 548 Woodman. Henry 549 ^Voodman. Isaac N 548 Worstall. Edward D 371 Worstall, Edward H 191 Worstall. George C 190 Worstall. John igo Worstall, Joseph 190 Worstall, Joseph 191 Worstall. Josepli. Tr 371 Worstall, Joseph, Sr 371 ^X^irthineion. Amasa 721 Worthington, Amos S 352 Worthington, Amy 672 Worthington, Benjamin M 672 Worthington. Elisha 559 Worthington. Harriet L 559 Worthiifgton, John 710 Worthington. Joseph 559 Worthington. Lewis 352 Worthington. Lewis 710 \\'orthington. T. S 721 Wright. William P 650 Wynkoop, Garrett 354 Wynkoop, John 354 Wynkoop. Philip 354 Wynkoop, \Villiam 118 Yardley, Achsah 604 Yardley, Charles G88 Yardley Family 122 Yardley, John 122 Yardley. Mahlon 688 Yardley, Robert ^[ 125 Yardley, Samuel 124 Yardley, William 604 Yardley. William 688 Yardley. William W 688 Yerkes, Harman 75 Yerkes, Herman 75 Yerkes, Stephen 76 Yocum. Israel 599 Yocum. Jonathan 599 Yocum, William D 599 BUCKS COUNTY. THE PEMBERTON FAMILY. Four miles south of Morrisville, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, on the mainland, near the Delaware river, opposite Biles' Island, there is an old family graveyard, dating back to the ninth decade of the seven- teenth century. It is one of the oldest graveyards in the county, if not in the state. Within its walls, measuring two rods square, lies the remains of four gen- erations of one family, all of whom died in the short space of fifteen years. There rest the five j'oung children of Phineas and Phebe (Harrison) Pemberton, as well as both the parents of these children. Near them also repose their grandparents. Ralph Pemberton, and James Harrison and Anne his wife; and adjoining lies the remains of their great-grandmother, Agnes Harrison, born in one of the last years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Not often, even in a well settled and long established country, is found such a number of generations, en- compassed by one enclosure. The early history of the family that lies buried in this ancient burying ground is so closely inter- woven with the history of the founding of Penn's colony on the Delaware and the causes that led up to that event, and so typical of that of most of the early families that formed the van guard of the Quaker emigrants to Pennsylvania, — ex- plaining, as it does, the motive that led these early settlers to leave the land of their birth' and seek homes in an unknown wilderness — that we wish to preface a brief account of the family with some account of the early sutTerings of the Society of Friends, of which they were representa- tive members. Let us take a glance at the condition of the Friends in England, prior to Penn's establishment of his colony in America. The development of Quakerism in Eng- land under, let us say, the reign of Henry VIII, would have been an impossibility: but the growth of popular government and freedom of thought which were so firmly established by the genius and power of Oliver Cromwell, rendered possible that which would have been entirely impossible a century earlier. All the force of gov- ernment, however, and all the power of the church were thrown against the So- ciety of Friends, and no means were spared 1-3 to persecute them and subject them to ignomy and contempt. No class of life- or society was spared in these persecutions. Many of the early converts to Quakerism were of noble birth or people of power and influence in the realm. William Penn was "the companion of princes and the dispenser of royal favors." Thomas El- wood was «of gentle birth, being nearly related through his mother to Lady Wen- man. George Barclay was of good stock and a fine classical scholar. Yet all these men, because of their religious convictions, were frequently imprisoned, sometimes herded with the lowest felons and vilest prostitutes — "nasty sluts indeed they were," says Elwood in his autobiography. "Re- member," said Phineas Pemberton, in an epistle that was intended as a preface to the "Book of Minutes of the Yearly Meet- ing of Friends," on the setting up of that body at Burlington, New Jersey; "Remem- ber, we were a despised people in our native land, accounted by the world scarce worthy to have a name or place therein ; daily liable to their spoil ; under great sufferings, by long and tedious imprison- ments, sometimes to the loss of life — ban- ishment, spoil of goods, beatings, mock- ings, and ill treatings ; so that we had not been a people at this day had not the Lord stood by us and preserved us." (Friends' Miscellany, vol. vii, p. 42.) His descrip- tion is not overdrawn : "Come out," they cried before Phineas Pemberton's door in 1678 ; "Come out, thou Papist dog, thou Jesuit, thou devil, come out." He was several times imprisoned in Chester and Lancaster castles, being confined in the latter prison in 1669 nineteen weeks and five days, and this, too, before he was twenty-one years of age. James Harrison, who lies buried beside Phineas Pemberton and who was his father-in-law, was very active as a minis- ter among Friends and was imprisoned in 1660, in Burgas-gate prison for nearly two months; in 1663 in the county jail of Wor- cester; in 1664, 1665 and 1666 in Chester castle : "But none of these things," says Phineas. were done unto us because of our evil deeds, but because of the exercise of our tender consciences towards our God." Nor were these cases exceptional ; to such a pitch of nervousness had the government HISTORY OF BUCKS COUXTV. been wrought by the various plots, and so great was the fear of Catholic ascen- dency among the people at that time, that later, in t6S6, when James 11 issued the general pardon to all who were in prison on account of conscientious dissent, over twelve hundred Quakers — perfectly inof- fensive and harmless subjects as they were — were released, "many having been im- mured in prison, some of them twelve or fifteen years and upwards, for no crime but endeavoring to keep a good conscience to- wards God." It was from this English barbarism and English oppression that William Penn in- vited his fellow Friends to join him in what he called his "Holy Experiment" in America. Accordingly, on the sth of the 7th month (September), 1682, the Pember- tons and Harrisons, with other families, sailed from Liverpool in the ship "Sub- xnission" for Pennsylvania. As it may be of interest to their descendants we give below the list of passengers on the "Sub- mission." This list is taken ,from James Pemberton Parke's mss. account of the Pemberton family, 1825. It is from this >manuscript that the account of the family ^published in the Friends' miscellany, vol. vii, is drawn. The latter, however, con- tains only a partial list of the passengers given below. Our list also contains some particulars not included in the list given :in the "Sailing of the Ship Submission" in vol. i, no. i, of the "Publications of the Genealogical Society of .Pennsylvania," Philadelphia, 1895. Passengers on board the ship "Sub- xnission." Ralph Pemberton, Bolton, Lancashire, age 72; servants, Joseph Mather, Eliza- beth Bradbury. Phineas Pemberton, Bolton, Lanca- shire, age 33 ; servants, William Smith, servant of Phineas Pemberton, came in Friends' Adventure, arrived 7th mo. 28, :l682. Phebe Pemberton, wife of Phineas, daughter of James Harrison, age 23 Abigail Pemberton, daughter of Phineas, age 3 years. Joseph Pemberton, son of same, aged pne year. James Harrison, Bolton, Lancashire, age 57 years: servants, Joseph Steward, Allis Dickerson, Jane Lyon. Agnes Harrison, Bolton, Lancashire, mother of James, age 81. Ann Harrison, his wife, Bolton, Lanca- shire, age 61. Robert Bond, son of Thomas Bond, of Waddicar Hall, near Garstang, Lancashire, age 16; being left by his father to the tu- ition of sd. James Harrison. Lydia Wharmsby, of Bolton afsd., age 42- Randolph Blackshaw, Hollingee, in the Co. of Chester, servants, Sarah Brad- bury. Roger Bradbury, and Elinor his wife and their children Hager, Jacob, Joseph, Martha, and Sarah. Alice Blackshaw, his wife, and their chil- dren, l^liebe, Sarah, Jacob, Mary, Neiie- miah, Martha and Abraham, the latter died at sea, 8 mo. 2d, 1682. Ellis Jones, and Jane his wife. Coun- ty of Denby or Flint, in Whales, and their children, Barbara. Dorothy, Mary and Isaac Jones. "Servants of the Gov- ernor Penn these came." Jane Mode and Margery Mode of Wales. daughters of Thomas Winn, and the wife of sd. Thomas Winn ; servants, Hareclif Hod- ges, servant of Thomas Winn. James Clayton, of Middlewitch, Chester, blacksmith, and Jane his wife, and cliil- dren James, Sarah, John, Mary, Joshua and Lydia. The list conforms to the account given in the original "Book of Arrivals" in the handwriting of Phineas Pemberton, now in possession of the Bucks County Historical Society. The list given in the Publications of the Genealogical Society, above referred to, gives, in addition to the above, "Rich- ard Radclif, of Lancashire, aged 21," and Ellen Holland, whose name adjoins that of Hareclif Jones ; "Joseph* Clayton, aged 5," and omits Joshua Jones ; and gives age of Barbara Jones as 13, gives "Margery and Jane Mede, aged 11 1-2 and 15, respective- ly. It also gives "Rebeckah Winn. 20 years," but omits the name of — Winn, wife of Thomas. In re, Winn and Mode, see "Pen- na. Magazine of History and Biography," vol. ix, p 231, also "Genealogy of Fisher Family, 1896, pp. 15, 199, and "Ancestry of Dr. Thomas Wynne," 1904. James Settle, captain of the ship "Sub- mission," was by the terms of his agree- ment to proceed with the ship to the "Del- aware River or elsewhere in Pennsylvania, to the best convenience of the freighters," but through his dishonesty they were taken into Maryland, to their very great disad- vantage where after a severe storm they had enconntered at sea, on 8 mo. 2. 1682, they arrived in the Patuxent river, on the 30th of October, and unloaded their goods at Choptank. Here James Harrison and Phin- eas Pemberton, his son-in-law, left their respective families, at the house of Will- iam Dickenson, and proceeded overland to the place of their original destination, the "falls of the Delaware," in Bucks county. William Penn, who had arrived on Octo- ber 24, was at that time in New York ; Harrison and Pemberton had hoped to meet him at New Castle. When they arrived at the present site of Philadelphia they could not procure entertainment for their horses, and so "spancelled" them and turned them into the woods. The next morning they sought for them in vain they having strayed so far in the woods that one of them was not found until the following January. After two days searching they were obliged to proceed up the river in a bont. Philadelphia was not then founded, and the country was a wilderness. James Harrison had received grants of 5,000 acres of land of Penn, when in Eng- ,GNES WIFE OF.iMMAilllEL,liAKHjSQ^„ - ■ • BORN: i.eCi-, 0iTO,AUGJ>687 HER SON-- JAMES HARRISON . ',.B.' fSgS-'- 0. ■0Ct.-8- IBB! ■'%:,':: HIS WIFE ANKE (H»TH1 HARRfSW^' ,J^^^.fEB-J3- f623-4- D. March 5 168S-30: "^ ' HCmCHIta PHCEBE ,;iFE^OF FHINEAS PEMBEHTON B. APRIL T J&60 0. Get. 30 (396 RALPH PEMBERTON- B . JAN.3 l6(0-it :D: JULY'a.f687v , i,^ HiSSOHPHlHEASPEMBERTOffi B •£« 30 I649-50 D.MAR^.H I ll&rZ ^ IVE OF HJS CHIUBREN ^'EST THEIR PUBLICLI3:^^.;^Y ASTON, LENOX AND TILCEN FOUNDATlCNS. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY, land, a short time before his departure for America. Most of this land was sub- sequently located in Bucks county. In the following spring, 1683, Harrison and Pem- berton brought their families and house- hold goods from Maryland to this county, Harrison stopping at Upland, now Ches- ter, on the way south, to attend the first Assembly, to which he had been elected. Until Phineas could erect a house in Bucks county, he and his family stayed at the house of Lyonel Brittian, who had arrived in Bucks, 4 mo. (June) 1680. On 11 mo. ly, 1683, Phineas Pemberton purchased a tract of 500 acres on the Delaware, oppo- site Grecian's (later Biles') Island and built a house there. It must have been a satisfaction to him, after the storms at sea and wanderings on land, to have his fam- ily at last under his own roof-tree. This plantation he called "Grove Place." He appears, however, at first to have called it "Sapasse." since letters to him from friends in England in 16S4 were addressed, . "Sapasse, Bucks County." It was part of a tract of over 8,000 acres of land, pur- chased by Penn from an old Indian king, and had once been a royalty called "Sep- essain." (On Peter Lindstrom's map of 1654, in Sharp and Westcott's "History of Philadelphia," vol. i, p. 75, the name ap- pears as "Sipaessing Land"). The old bury- ing ground before referred to was located on this tract. Being desirous of erecting • a more comfortable home for his family, Phineas Pemberton finished one in 1687. •On the lintel of the door was this inscrip- tion :, 'P. P. 7 D. 2 mo. 1687. The initials signifying Phineas and Phebe Pemberton. This lintel is now in the pos- session of the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia. This house Pem- berton moved after his second marriage to another tract of land five miles distant and more in the interior. It was taken ' down in 1802 by his grandson, James Pem- ■ berton. In the year 1687 a great deal of sickness prevailed in the colony, and Phin- eas Pemberton lost his father, Ralph Pem- berton, and his father-in-law, James Harri- son. Agnes Harrison, the mother of James, also died. Three years later Anne (Heath) Harrison, the widow of James died; and in 1696 Phineas lost his wife Phebe, who died 8 mo. 30, i6g6, exactly fourteen years after her arrival in Patuxent river, Mary- land. On the i8th day of May, 1699, Phineas ■ Pemberton married, at the Meeting House at Falls. Alice Hodgson, "of Burlington, in the Province of West Jersey, spinster, daughter of Robert Hodgson, late of Rhode Island, deceased." The following names, as witnesses appear on the marriage certifi- •cate : Ann Elett, Ann Jennings, Elenor Hoopes, Mary Baker, Abigail Sidwell, Eliz. Browdon, Sarah Surket, Mary Webster, Phebe Kirkbride, Sarah Jennings, Grace Lloyd, Mary Badcoke, Elizabeth Badok, Ann Borden, Elizabeth Stacy, Sarah Stacy, William Croasdell, George Browne, John Surket, Junr., Joseph Large, Peter Webster, Seth Hill, Edwd. Penington, Tho. Brock, Joseph Kirkbride, John Jones, Jeremiah Langhorn William Ellett, John Biles, Saml. Beakes, Arthur Cooke, ' John Simcocke, Saml. Jennings, • Thos. Duckett, Jos. Growdon, Mahlon Stacy, Henry Baker, Richard Hough, Will. Dunkin, Isaac Mariott, Peter Worrall, Edward Lucas. Abraham Anthony, John Cooke, -^ John Sidwell, Robert Hodgson, Philip England, Mary Yardley, Abell Janney, Jos. Janney, Mary Williams, Abigail Pemberton, Eliz. Janney. Joseph Pemberton, Israel Pemberton, Thomas Yardley, Rand'l Blackshaw, Joseph Mather. Alice Dickerson, Martha Drake, Joseph Borden, John Borradaill, The original certificate is in the posses- sion of p descendant. Mr. Henry Pember- ton, of Philadelphia. Phineas had no chil- dren by his second wife. After his death she married, in 1704, Thomas Bradford, being also his second wife. She died Au- gust 28, 1711. James Harrison was at an early date the friend and confidant of Penn. "He was," says Proud, "one of the Proprietor's first Commissioners of Property, was divers years in great esteem with him, and his agent at Pennsbury, being a man of good education and a preacher among the Quak- ers." In the library of the Historical So- ciety of Pennsylvania at Thirteenth and Locust streets, Philadelphia, (Penn mss. Domestic Letters) there are many original letters from Penn to Harrison, some of them written before Penn left England. They undoubtedly belong to the collection of Pemberton mss.* now owned by the His- *This collection, mounted in about one hundred volumes, extends over a period of about two hundred years from a date before the birth of Penn to within modern times. It was presented to the Society in 1891 by Henry Pemberton, of Philadelphia, and com- prises mss. of the Pemberton, Harrison, Galloway, Rawle, Shoemaker, Clifford and other families. Two volumes of letters now in the " Etting Collection" of the same Society, belonged originally to this collec- tion as they are docketed on the outside in the liand-. writing of James Pemberton. Harrison was a member of the first provincial council, which met in Philadel- phia on tlie tenth day of the first month, 1682-3. In the same year lie was a member of the committee to draw up the charter of the colony. In 168.5 he was appointed by Penn as chief justice of the supreme court, but declined to serve: but the following year he accepted the position of associate justice. He was Penn's steward and agent in Pennsylvania until his death, on October 6, 1687. His daughter Phebe mar- ried Phineas Pemberton, the 1st day of 11 mo. ( Janu- ary ) 16T6-7. at the house of John Haydock, in Coppull, near Standish. Lancashire. England, under the super- vision of Hardshaw Monthly Meeting of Friends. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. torical Society, since they contain an index drawn in the handwriting of Phineas Pem- berton. Many of these letters from Penn are interesting in that they contain refer- ence to matters current in the earliest days of the colony, and also occasionally give a picture of political life in England. Phineas Pemberton took an active part in the public affairs of the colony as well as of Bucks county. He was a member of provincial council in 1685-7, 1695, and 1697- 9; was a member of assembly 1689, 1694, 1698 (the latter year he was speaker), and in 1700, and a member of Penn's council of state in 1701. But it was in the affairs of Bucks county, where he lived, that his activity and usefulness was the greatest and his work of the most value. He was beyond doubt the most prominent man of his time in the county and the most ef- ficient, as shown by the mass of records he has left behind him in his own hand- writing, and by the number of official po- sitions he filled. In addition to filling the local positions of register of wills, recorder, and clerk of all the courts, he held for a time the positions of master of the rolls, register general, and recorder of proprie- tary quit-rents for the province ; and the records of the county up to the time of his fatal illness are entirely in his handwrit- ing, and are models worthy of imitation by officials of our day. The records of the different courts left by him are invaluable to the historian, and greatly superior to those of his successors in office in the matter of lucidity and completeness. Many of our historians have noticed and acknowledged this fact, which is apparent to all that have had access to them. Buck, in his "His- tory of Bucks County," referring to the records left by Pemberton, ;says, "they comprise the earliest records of Bucks coun- ty offices, and, though they have been re- ferred to by different writers, comparative- ly little has been heretofore published from them. To us they have rendered valuable aid and we must acknowledge our indebt- edness for information that could, possi- bly, from no other source have been ob- tained." In like manner Battle, in his "His- tory of Bucks County," writing on the same subject, states. "From that period (i. e. 1683) until disabled by a fatal illness, save an unimportant interval, the records of the county were written wholly by his hand; and in them he has left a memorial of him- self that will not be lost so long as the his- tory of the commonwealth which he helped to establish shall be read."* Phineas Pemberton died March i, 1701- 2, at the age of fifty-two years, and was_ *The Records of Arrivals " published in vol. ix. of Penna. Mae. of History and Biography, was compiled by Phineas Pemberton. although through an editorial oversight it is not accredited to him therein. Tin's record has proved very vahiable in Keneali^siral and historical research. The original Kecord of .<\rrivals in Bucks County in Pemberton's handwritinK is in possession of the Bucks County Historical Society, while that of Philadelphia and elsewhere is in the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. buried in the old graveyard above referred to. "Poor Phineas," wrote Penn to Lo- gan on September 8, 1701, "is a dying man, and was not at the election, though he crept, (as T may say) to Meeting yester- day. I am grieved at it ; for he has not his fellow, and without him this is a poor country indeed." Again, in a letter from London to Logan in 1702, Penn writes, "I mourn for poor Phineas Pemberton, the ablest as well as one of the best men in the Province. My dear love to his widow and' sons and daughters." Samuel Carpenter, in a letter to Penn. quoted in J. Pemberton Parke's niss., writes, "Phineas Pemberton- died the ist mo. last, and will be greatly missed, having left few or none in these parts or adjacent, like him for wisdom, in- tegrity, and general service, and he was a true friend to thee and the government. It is a matter of sorrow when I call to mind and consider that the best of our men are taken away, and how many are gone and how few to supply their places." ()f the nine children of Phineas and Phebe (Harrison) Pemberton, but three survived him for any length of time : Abi- gail, who married, November 14, 1704, Stephen Jenkins, and settled in Abington township — her descendants being the founders of Jenkintown — Priscilla, mar- ried, 1708-9, Isaac Waterman, and set- tled at Hohnesburg; and Israel, the only son, who lived to manhood, mar- ried 2 mo. 12, 1710, Rachel Read, daughter of Charles Read, a provincial councillor. He was an active and in- fluential Friend, and for nineteen consecu- tive years a member of colonial assembly. He left three sons: Israel Jr., born 1715; James, born 1723; and John, born 1727. Of these, John, who was a prominent preacher among Friends, left no issue, and James left only daughters, one of whom married Dr. Parke, and another Anthony Morris. Israel Jr. married Sarah Kirkbride of Bucks county, and had two* daughters, and one son, Joseph, who married Ann Gallo- way of Maryland, first cousin of Joseph Galloway, the Bucks county loyalist, and died at the early age of thirty-six, leaving a large family, of whom John Pemberton' born in 1783, was in 1812 the only male representative of the family in America. He married Rebecca Clifford, and left a large family, of whom Henry Pember- ton, of Philadelphia, referred to in this sketch, was the fifth. A complete geneal- ogy of the descendants of Phineas Pem- berton will be found in Glenn's "Geneal- ogy of the Lloyd, Pemberton and Parke Families," Phila., 1898. Isreal, James and John, the sons of Israel and grandsons of Phineas. were prominent in the religious, political, social and business life of Phlia- dclphia, where their descendants are still found. Further accounts of the Pemberton Fam- ily, may be found in Appleton's "Cyclo- paedia of American Biography," vol. iv, p. 706; Westcott's "Historic Mansions of HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Philadelphia," p. 494; Sarah E. Titcomb's "Early New England People," p. 52 j "Glenn's Genealogy;" and "Friends' Mis- cellany," vol. vii, both before referred to. RICHARD HOUGH AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. Richard Hough, Provincial Councillor from Bucks county, for many years one of the most prominent figures in the Provincial Assembly, as well as in all the affairs of the Province and Bucks county, justice of the county court, etc.. was a native of Macclesfield, in the county of Chester, England, and came to Pennsyl- vania in the "Endeavor" of London, arriving in the Delaware river 7th mo. 29, 1683 (O. S.), bringing with him four servants nr de- pendents — Francis Hough, (probably a younger brother or nephew), Thomas Wood (or Woodhouse) and Mary his wife, and James Sutton. He settled at once in Bucks county on land doubtless previously pur- chased, though patented later. This land consisted of two tracts fronting on the Delaware in Makcfield township, one of them in what became later Upper Make- field and covered the present site of Tay- lorsville, and the other' lying along the original (bift not the present) line of Falls township in Lower Makefield. On the lower tract fronting on the river about one- fourth of a mile and extending inland about three miles, Richard Hough made his home and erected his tirst and only I'ucks county home, a stone house, (one of the earliest to be erected of that material) from a quarry on his plantation which Penn con- sidered of so much importance that he or- dered a memorandum be entered in the land-office, "that ye great quarry in Rich- ard Hough's and Abel Janney's lands be reserved when they come to be confirmed, "being for ye public good of ye county." On this plantation lived six generations of the eldest male branch of the family, part of it remaining in their possession until about 1850, when they removed to Ewing township, Mercer county, New Jer- sey. Richard Hough took an active part in all the affairs of the county, political, so- cial and religious. He was a member of Falls Meeting of Friends and his character and attainments gave him an important place in its proceedings. Prior to the erec- tion of the Falls Meeting House, the Bucks Quarterly Meeting as well as meetings for worship were frequently held at his house. He was there, as elsewhere, intimately as- sociated with Phineas Pemberton, Thomas Janney, William Yardlej-, William Biles, Nicholas Wain, Joseph Kirkbride and others, who, with him, were the leaders in the affairs of the county and province, though some of them, notably William Biles, with whom he was intimately associated in private affairs, differed from him in provin- ■cial politics. Biles being the Bucks county leader of the Popular party, with strong Democratic tendencies, while Richard Hough was a strong adherent of the Pro- prietary party headed by James Logan. Richard Hough began early to engage in public affairs, and represened Bucks county in the Provincial Assembly in 1684, 1688, 1690, 1697, 1699, 1700, 1703, and 1704-5; and member of Provincial Council, 1693 and 1700. He was one of the commission to divide the county into township in 1692; was one of the justices of the coun- ty count, and appointed in 1700, with Phin- eas Pemberton and William Biles, by Will- iam Penn, a "Court of Inquiry" to inves- tigate the affairs of the province. This bare record of the positions filled by Richard Hough can give but a very inadequate idea of the real position he filled in the af- fairs of the county and province, careful perusal of the records of both disclosing that he was one of the foremost men of his day. William Penn in a letter to Lo- gan, 7 mo. 14, 1705, replying to one of Lo- gan reporting the death of Hough, says : "f -lament the loss of honest Richard Hough. Such men must needs be wanted where selfishness and forgetfulness of God's mer- cies so much abound." Richard Hough was drowned in the Delaware March 25, 1705, while on his way to Philadelphia from his home in Bucks county. By his will dated May I, 1704, his home plantation of 400 acres was devised to his eldest son, Rich- ard, one half to be held by his wife Mar- gery, for life. His upper plantation, next the Manor of Highlands, went to his sec- ond son John ; 350 acres and his Warwick plantation mentioned as 570 acres, but real- ly nearly 900 acres, was devised to his youngest son Joseph; 271 acres, "next to John Palmer's," and 475 acres in Bucking- ham, purchased of his brother John, in 1694, were to be sold. The Warwick tract was one originally taken up by his father- in-law, John Clows, and purchased by Rich- ard Hough of the heirs, and remained the property of his descendants for many gen- erations, some of it for nearly two centu- ries. His daughters Mary and Sarah were given their portions in monej'. His wife Margery, son Richard, and "friend and brother," William Biles, were made execu- tors. Richard Hough married 8 mo. 17, 1683T 4, Margery Clows, daughter of John and Margery Clows, theirs being the first mar- riage solemnized under the control of Falls Meeting. John Clows and Margery his wife and their children, Margery, Rebec- ca and William, came to Pennsylvania in the same ship with Richard Hough, from Gawsworth, Cheshire. Three other chil- dren, John, Joseph and Sarah, had pre- ceded their parents, arriving in the "Friends' Adventure" 7 mo. 28, 1682. John Clows be- came a large landowner in Bucks county and represented the county in the Pt-ovin- cial Assembly in 1683 and 1684. He died 7 mo. 4, 1687, and his widow Margery '' mo. 2, 1698. The eldest son John fV '^'"~ 1683; Joseph married ElizabetK^^ ^ ^ ^^~ "" -^ ^ .800-67; was HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. William. Sarah ITanfield; Sarah, John Bainbridffe, of New Jersey; Margery, Rich- ard Hough ; and Rebecca, John Lambert^ of Nottingham, New Jersey. The children of Richard and IMargery (Clows) Hough were: 2. Marj' Hough, born 6 mo. i, 1685, died November ii, 1720; married April 6, 1690, William Atkinson, of Bristol, Bucks coun- ty, 'Pennsylvania. 3. Sarah Hough, born 4 mo. 7, 1690, married first, 4 mo. 23. 1708, Lsaac Atkin- son, brother of William; and (second) Leonard Shallcross. in 1724. 4. Richard Hough, married first, 171 1- 12, Hester Browne, and (second) 7 mo. 27, 1717, Deborah Gumley. 5. John Hough, born 7 mo. iS, 1693, married, 1718, Elizabeth Taylor. 6. Joseph Hough, born 8 mo. 17, i695_. died Mav 10, 1773; married 1725, Elizabeth West, daughter of Nathaniel and Eliza- beth (Dungan) West. Thomas Atkinson, father of William and Isaac Atkinson, was a minister of the So- ciety of Friends, and was born at Newby_. Parish of Ripon, West Riding of Yorkshire. England. He married Jane Bond at Knar- esborough Meeting. 4 mo. 4, 1678, and in 1681, with his wife and son Isaac, born March 2, 1679, came to America and set- tled for a time in Burlington county. New Jersey, but soon after removed to Bristol township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, where he bought a plantation. Thomas died 9 mo. I, 1687, and the following year his widow Jane became the second wife of William Biles, before mentioned in this narrative. Another son, Samuel Atkin- son, married Ruth Beakes, widow of Will- iam Beakes and daughter of Mahlon Stacy_, of West Jersey. This family of Atkin- son held high rank in colonial times. An account of Thomas Atkinson was published in a "Collection of Memorials of Deceased Ministers and others" (Phila. 1787) and also in "The Friend." vol. 27. In vol. 28 of "The Friend" is also a memorial of his wife, under the name of Jane Biles. William Atkinson was a resident of Bris- tol borough and a member of town council there ; was collector of excise eleven years, 1738-1749. coroner of Bucks county 1721, I73I-5' and 1737-1740; county commissioner 1722. He was for nearly thirty-three years an elder of Falls Monthly Meeting and a trustee for its real estate. He died in Bris- tol, October 29, 1749. The children of William and I\Iary (Hough) Atkinson were as follows : (l). Sarah, born i mo. 10, 1704-S, died 10 mo. 1706. (2). Hannah, born January 25, i7o6-7_, died December 9. 1760; married May, 1734. John Hall, of Bristol, his third wife. John Hall was a son of Robert Hall from the city of Westminster, England, who was the first coroner of Bucks county, and by his sec- d. .jvife, Elizabeth, daughter of George possessu-om Buckleburv. Berkshire, Eng- while thai , ,- ,,„ . , ., ", possession d.cestor of the WhUe family of Bucks county. John Hall was a councilman of Bristol; member of Assembly 1717 and 7740 to 1750; several times sheriff of Bucks county; a justice of the county courts, and succeeded his father-in-law, William Atkinson, as collector of excise. He was born 6 mo. 12, 1686. and died 11 mo. 10, 1768; married first Rebecca Rad- cliffe, daughter of James Radcliffe, an emi- nent minister among Friends and an early settler in Bucks county, for whom Radcliffe street in Bristol is named. He married (second) January, 1715, Sarah Baldwin^ daughter of John and Sarah (Allen) Bald- win, and granddaughter of Samuel Allen, who came from Chew Magna, Somer- set, England, and founded a family of high standing in Bucks county and Philadel- phia. (3). William Atkinson, born 9 mo. 19, 1707. married 7 mo. 24, 1734. Sarah Pawley, daughter of George and Mary (Janney) Pawley, of Philadelphia (see Janney fam- ily). William Atkinson, Jr., was one of the early shipbuilders of Philadelphia, an industry for which that city is famous. (4). Mary Atkinson, born 7 mo. 19, 1713, married July 9, 174S, at the First Presby- terian Church, Philadelphia. Daniel Bank- son, of Bensalem, son of Daniel and grand- son of Captain Andreas Bankson, one of the leading men among the early Swedish settlers at Philadelphia, whose descendants still hold a high place among the old families of that city. (5)- Joseph Atkinson, born 10 mo. 5,. 1716, married first, 10 mo. 8, 1743, Janet Cowgill and (second) in 1762 Sarah Silver. He was a prominent man in Bristol borough, where his descendants are still people of high social standing. He succeeded his father as trustee of the real estate of Falls Meeting. (6). Sarah Atkinson, born 9 mo. 4. 1719, died 2 mo. 7, 1726. William Atkinson married (second) June 5, 1722, Margaret Baker, daughter of Henrv Baker, well known in the early annals of Bucks county and had five children : Ra- chel, Rebecca, Samuel, Isaac, and Thom- as. Rachel, the eldest, born 2 mo. 23^ 1723, died 5 mo. 8, 1803, married 10 mo. 18. 1750, Thomas Stapler, son of John and Esther. (See Stapler Family). 3. Sarah Hough married Isaac Atkinson,, another son of Thomas and Jane, born in Yorkshire, March 2, 1679, died in Bris- tol township, Bucks county, January 3,. 1720-1, where he was a landowner. They had issue : Jane, born 6 mo. 6, 1709, married 172S. John Wilson, of Middletown. son- of Stephen and Sarah (Baker) Wilson, and grandson of Henry Baker above men- tioned, and left numerous descendants in Bucks: (2) John; (3) Thomas. Sarah (Hough) .Atkinson married second in 1724, Leonard Shallcross, by whom she had nO' children. 4. Richard Hough, eldest son of Richard and Margery, (Clows) Hough, inherited his father's home plantation of 416 acres HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 7 and lired thereon during his life. He sold ICO acres and his heirs about lOO acres more, the remainder going to his son Hen- ry, and from him it descended to his grand- son Phineas Hough, who sold it about 1850. Richard Hough, Esq. was one of the lead- ing men of his time in Bucks county and took an active part in public affairs at a time when they were almost entirely in the hands of his cla.ss of gentlemen of landed estate. He was a justice of the peace and of the county courts for many years, and a member of Falls Meeting. He married February, 1711-12, Hester Brown, daughter of Henry and Margaret (Hardman) Baker, before mentioned, who had been the widow of Thomas Yardley, and of William Brown of Chichester, Chester county, Pennsylvania. Richard and Hester had one child, Richard, who died young. He married (second) 7 mo. 27, 'ijf?, Deborah Gumley, (widow of John Gumley, of Philadelphia, formerly New Castle county) and had issue as follows : 8. William Hough, died without issue prior to 1755. 9. Deborah, married Thomas Davis, of Lower Makefield. 10. Margery, married Jonathan Saults, of Philadelphia. 11. Henry Hough, born 8 mo. 11, 1724 (O. S.) died 8 mo. 27, 1796, married 10 mo. 22, 174S, Rebecca Croasdale: see forward. 12. Mary, born 1726, died 1802 ; married 2 mo. 12, 1752 (O. S.) Anthony Burton, Jr., of Bristol. (See Burton Family). II. Henry Hough, son of Richard and Deborah, inherited 215 acres of the Make- field homestead and lived thereon the life of a country gentleman, taking little part in public affairs. He was a member of Falls Meeting. He married 10 mo. 22, 1748, Re- becca Croasdale, born 1727-8, died 1800, daughter of William and Grace (Harding) Croasdale of Newton township and had eight children as follows: 13. Sarah, born 1751, married 1775, John Watson. 14. John, born 1753, married Hannah Watson and Mary Yardley. 15. Deborah, born 1755, died 1773, unmarried. 16. Mary, born 1759- 17. Jesse, born 1761, died 1794, married Mercy Merrick. 18. Rachel, born 1764, died 1793, married David Heston. 19. Rebecca, born 1766, married Isaiah Ross, grandson of Thomas Ross, an eminent, minister among Friends and the ancestor of the eminent jurists, an account of whose family is given elsewhere in this work. 20. Henry, born 1768. 14. John Hough, born 9 mo. 16, 175,3., eldest son of Henry and Rebecca (Croas- dale) Hough, lived on his father's planta- tion in Lower Makefield. He was a mem- ber of Falls Meeting, but was married by the Rev. William Frazer, a Church of Eng- land minister, in 1782, to Hannah Watson, and they had one child, Beulah. He mar- ried (second) about 1790, Mary Yardley, daughter of Richard and Lucilla (Stack- house) Yardley, and a great-granddaughter of Thomas Janney, Provincial Councillor. (See Yardley, Stackhouse and Janney fam- ily sketches in this volume.) The children of John and Mary (Yardley) Hough, were: 22. Phmeas, born 12 mo. 20, ijdo, died 5 mo. 6, 1876; 23. Lucilla, born 12 mo. 24, 1788, died 2 mo. 9, 1883, married Abraharti Bond nf Newtown, son of Levi and Hannah (Merrick) Bond, and a descendant of Phineas Pemberton, whom James Logan styles "The Father of Bucks County." (See Pemberton Family). Phineas Hough (22) inherited a part his grandfather's plantation in Lower Make- field and lived thereon until sixty years old ; selling it in 1850 he removed to Ewing township, Mercer county, and resided with his son William A. Hough until his death in 1875. He married Elizabeth Carlile, by whom he had no issue. On February 25, 1819, he married Deborah Aspy, daugh- ter of William and Elizabeth Aspy, of Makefield, and had the following children: 24. William Aspy Hough, born December 4, 1819, died December it, 18S8, married Eleanor Stockton ; see forward. 25. John Hough, born November 26, 1879, became a Methodist minister and removed to Dela- ware, where he married Rebecca E. Dukes. 26. Mary S., born July 7, 1824, married Ja- cob Hendrickson, of Mercer county. New Jersey. 27. Samuel Yardley Hough, born, February 14, 1827, died August, 1862, mar- ried Wealtha Allen, from Massachusetts, and removed to Kansas, where he died. 28. Phineas, born January 24, 1830, died May 28, 1869, . in Philadelphia ; married Lizzie E. Lynn. 29. Benjamin Franklin, born March 16, 1833, lived in Philadelphia, unmarried 30. Edwin W., born April 27, 1837, died in Philadelphia, April 30, 1863, of disease contracted in the army, having served in the celebrated Anderson Cavalry, i6oth Regiment, P. V. William -Aspy Hough (25) was born on the old homestead near Yardley, but in early life removed to property purchased in Ewing, New Jersey, and died there. He married Eleanor Stockton, of the disting- uished family of that name in New Jersey and they were the parents of five children : 31. John Stockton, see forward.- 32. Will- iam Henry, died while a student at Rut- gers College. S3. Horace G., who inher- ited and is living on his father's plantation in Ewing. 34. Thomas J., and 35. Mary Emma, both died young. John Stockton Hough, M. D. (31) eldest son of William A. and Eleanor (Stockton) Hough, was born on the old Hough planta- tion in Lower Makefield, Bucks county, December 5, 1845, and while a child removed with his parents to New Jersey. His edu- cation was obtained in the Ewing school, 1850-58; Trenton Academy, 1858-60; Mod- el School, Trenton, 1860-61 ; Fort Edward Institute, New York, 1861-62; Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., iS-'6?-63: Polvtechnic College, Philadelphia, civil engineering course, 1864-67; Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Medical Department, 1865-68 ; received degree of M. D. at the University in 1868, and of Master of Chem- istry at the Polytechnic in 1870. He lec- tured on botany, Philadelphia, 1866-67; was 8 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUXTY appointed adjunct professor of Chemistry. Central High School, Pheladelphia. i868_^ resident physician, Philadelphia Hospitalj 1868-9; lecturer on Physiology, Wagner In- stitute, Philadelphia, 1868-69 Philadelphia Dispensary, 1869; Lying-in Charity Hospit- al, 1869; medical adviser U. S. Life Insur- ance Company, 1869-73 ! Berkshire Life In- surance Company. 1875 ; and practiced medi- cine in Philadelphia 1S69-74. While physi- cian at Philadelphia Hopsital he made orig- inal discoveries in reference to trichinae. He invented a plan for fireproof huilding construction in 1870, and was the inventor of various surgical instruments in 1868- 70. He was the author of about thirty pa- pers and pamphlets on hygiene, biology, speculative physiology, social science, vital statistics, population and political economy, published in medical and scientific journals in this and foreign countries, from 1868 to 1886. These papers attracted much at- tention, and some were translated, and published in foreign languages, and through them membership in various learned socie- ties was conferred on him. and a sketch of his life was published in Johnson's and Appleton's Encyclopaedias, and in the En- cyclopaedia Britanica. His magnus opus was a bibliography of medical literature of the fifteenth century, intended to be en- titled ''Incunabula Medica." He had lists printed of all the known medical books oj that time, of which there were about 1.500, and sent copies of it to public libraries and private collectors all over the world, with the request to mark on the list such books as they had copies of. and to make certain remarks about them and return the lists. He also visited many important li- braries and most of the famous Universi- ties in France, Germany, and Italy, and mas- tered the languages of these countries, mak- ing eleven voyages to Europe in connection with this mammoth work, and traveled extensively in this country. Before his death nearly all the lists sent out had been returned, but he had not finished the com- pilation (which, besides the matter con- tained in the lists, was to include biogra- phies of all the authors) when death over- took him. It is to be sincerely hoped that some day the work so well begun will be taken up and finished. During this period of his life he also gathered together a li- brary on medical and related subjects es- timated to contain lo.ooo titles. It was his desire that this library should be kept intact. I-iut leaving no will, it was sold by his administrators to the College of Physi- cians, who transferred about 1,900 volumes to the library of the University of Pennsyl- vania. He was much interested in local history and the history of old Bucks county families, and furnished considerable mater- ial for Davis's "History of Bucks County," first edition. 1876. In 1890 he purchased a property in Ewing township, where he had always retained his voting residence, and named it Alillbank, and spent the remainder of his life there. He also owned, with his brother Horace, a farm in Hopewell town- ship, and a half interest in the Ewing flour mill near his home. He took a deep interest in that section where his boyhood was spent, and devoted great efforts for work of road improvements in that section, capably serv- ing in the capacity of county supervisor of roads. John Stockton Hough. M. D., as eldest son, back to Richard Hough. Provincial Councillor, was the head of the Hough fam- ily of Bucks county, Pennsylvania. He was one of the revivers of the Aryan "Order of St. George, of the Holy Roman Empire in the Colonies of America, which was found- ed by Sir Thomas Forsythe, Viscount de Fronsac, a British-American officer, with the allies fighting the Revolution in France, who in 1798 was given authority by Em- peror Joseph II to organize the American families who were descended from noble European blood, or from officers holding royal commissions in the colonies. A num- ber of persons were admitted during the early j'ears of its existence, but it was not thoroughly organized until 1879. when some of the members met in Boston for that pur- pose, and it was more formally organized in the rooms of the IMaryland Historical Society. October 28, 1880. Dr. Stockton-Hough, as he styled himself, was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, being confirmed by Bishop Stev- ens in Philadelphia in 187^. He married first, January 29, 1874. Sarah Macomb Wetherill. daughter of Dr. William Weth- erill, of Fatland. Montgomery county. Penn- sylvania, a descendant of Christopher Wethrul. of West Jersey, ancestor of the well known Philadelphia family of that name. She died in Florence, Italy, in 1875, leaving an only daughter, Frances Eleanor Agrippina Etrusca Hough, who was born in Florence, December 30, 1874, and died un- married at Millbank, April 4, 1893. Dr. Hough married (second) June 30. 1887, in New York City, Edith Reilly, daughter of Edward and Anna Russun (Rogers) Reilly, of New York. Her father was a graduate of Yale, and a large mine owner in the west, and her mother's ancestors were prominent in Delaware and the eastern shore of Mary- land. Dr. Stockton-Hough was a member of the Grolier Club and University Club of New York. He died at Millbank, May 6, 1900. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HOUGH. SECOND SON OF RICHARD AND MARGERY HOUGH. 5. John Hough, second son of Richard and Margery (Clows) Hough, born 7 mo. 18, 1693. in- herited his father's upper tract adjoining the Manor of Highlands and included in Upper Makefield in 1737. It comprised 359 acres. It is not known how he disposed of it, and he left no will, and none of his children are known to have resided upon it in later years. It is probable that he conveyed a portion of it to the Taylors, his wife's brothers, as a descendant of Mah- lon K. Taylor, who married Elizabeth JOHN STOCKTON HOUGH TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Hough, a great-granddaughter of John_ Hough, inherited it and founded Taylors- ville. John Hough was a justice of the Bucks county courts for several years, and his death is said to have occurred while filling this position some time after 1733. He married 11 mo. 1718, at Falls Meeting. Elizabeth Taylor, daughter of Philip and Julianna Taylor, of Oxford township, Phila- delphia county. Her brothers removed to Bucks county and founded a wealthy and in- fluential family there. The children of John and Elizabeth (Taylor) Hough were: 40. John, born 11 mo. 3, 1720, died 1797, married Sarah Janney ; see forward. 41. Joseph, born 5 mo. 20, 1722, died 1777; married 1746, Lydia Hurst, and their descendants removed to Loudoun Coun- ty, Virginia, w'here one of his children married a Washington. 42. Benjamin Hough, born 4 mo. 14, 1724, died 2 mo. 10, 1803, removed to Phila- delphia when a young man, accumulated a fortune, and spent the latter part of his life in traveling in the interests of religion. He lived for a time in Wilmington, Dela- ware, later at Nottingham, Cecil county, Maryland, and about 1771 located in Little Britain township, Lancaster county, where he died. He married first, 1748, Elizabeth West, daughter of Thomas, of Wilmington^ by whom he had three children, of whom only Benjamin survived his father. He mar- ried (second) 1781, Sarah Janney. widow of Isaac Janney, of Cecil county, Maryland. Their only child, John, died at the age of seven years. 43. Isaac Hough, born 9 mo. 15, 1726, died 4 mo. 13, 1786, married Edith Hartj see forward. 44. William Hough, born 11 mo. i, 1727-8, married 1749, Sarah Blaker. daugh- ter of Samuel and Catharine of Warwick, Bucks county. 45. Thomas Hough, born 11 mo. 2, 1729-30, died 5 mo. 18, 1810; married 1857, Jane Adams; 1784, INIary (Bacon) Wistar. He removed to Philadelphia in early life and became one of the wealthy men of that time. He lived at No. 20 Pine street. By first wife had six children, all except two of whom died young; Elizabeth married James Olden, of the New Jersey family, and "Betsy Hough's wedding" is referred to in the "Journal of Elizabeth Drinker," one of Mrs. Drinker's daughters being a brides- maid. Jane, the other daughter, married Halladay Jackson, of the Chester county family, well known in Friends' annals. One of her sons was John Jackson, the min- ister. One of her descendants is Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier. Mary (Bacon-Gilbert) Wis- tar, the second wife of Thomas Hough, was a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Test) Bacon, of Bacon's Neck, Cumberland county. New Jersey. She married first, Thomas Gilbert, of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, and (second) Richard Wistar, whose family is prominent in the social life of Philadelphia to this day. There was no issue by the second marriage. 46. Septimus Hough, born 4 mo. 21, 1731, died in Philadelphia 9 mo. 3, 1749. 47. Elizabeth, born 12 mo. 15, 1732-3, married Nathan Tomlinson. 48. Bernard, born ir mo. 15, 1734-Sj said by an old record to have died "in France." 49. Martha, born 4 mo. 22, 1737, married David Bunting, son of Samuel and Priscilla (Burgess) Bunting, of the Bucks county branch of the descendants of Anthony Bunting, who came from Matlock, Derby- shire, and settled in Burlington county. New Jersey. 50. Samuel, born 2 mo. 15, 1739. John Hough (40) eldest son of John and Elizabeth (Taylor) Hough, removed to Loudoun county, Virginia, where he became a very large landed proprietor, and built a fine mansion known as "Corby Hall." He was an elder of Farfax IMonthly Meeting, and represented his Quarterly Meeting in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting; was well known in northern Virginia, and held in high esteem not only by the members of the Society of Friends but by the "cava- lier" gentry of that section, with whom some of his children and grandchildren intermar- ried. When a number of prominent Phila- delphia Quakers were exiled to Winchester. Virginia, during the Revolution, by or- der of the supreme executive council, John Hough visited them and was active in se- curing their release. A number of his let- ters on this subject are preserved in the Pemberton mss. collection in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. He is mentioned in the diary of George Wash- ington, on the occasion of the latter spend- ing a night at Corby Hall, and in other places. John Hough married, in 1742, in Bucks county, Sarah Janney, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Biles) Janney, a granddaughter of Thomas Janney and of William Biles, both provincial councillors from Bucks county, and among the greatest of the founders of the county. Their nine children all married and reared families, most of them intermarrying with Virginia families, though some of the married into Bucks county families who had migrated to Virginia. They have left many disting- uished descendants, among whom may be mentioned, Emerson Hough, of Chicago, novelist, historian and journalist, author of "Mississippi Bubble," and "The Way to the West," etc. Isaac Hough (43) fourth son of John and Elizabeth (Taylor) Hough, removed early in life to Warminster township. Bucks county, where he purchased about 236 acres of land. He married, September 24. 1748, Edith Hart, born May 14, 1727, died March 27, 1805, daughter of John and Eleanor (Crispin) Hart, of Warminster, and sister of Colonel Joseph Hart, of the continental army, county lieutenant ; member Bucks County Committee of Safety, etc., one of the most prominent figures in the Revolu- ionary struggle in Bucks county. (See Hart family). Her father, John Hart, was sheriff lO HISTORY OF BUCKS COUXrV. of Bucks county, justice of the county courts, coroner, etc. She was a granddaugli- ter of Thomas Holme, surveyor-general of Pennsylvania and sometime president of Provincial Council. of Pennsylvania, former- ly of the Parliamentary army in the civil war in England. Also great-granddaughter of Captain William Crispin, acting rear admiral in the British navy, and one of Penn's commissioners for settling the Col- ony in Pennsylvania ; and of Captain John Rush, also of the Parliamentary army, an- cestor of the celebrated Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence, etc. She was granddaughter of John Hart, from Witney, Oxfordshire, an early minister among Friends who joined the Keithians, and finally became a Baptist preacher, one of the most learned men of the colony, and of Silas Crispin who, through his mother, Anne Jasper^ was a first cousin to William^ Penn. Isaac Hough left the Society of Friends and joined the Baptists, to which sect his wife belonged. In 1775 he joined the Warminster Company of Associators, in the Second Battalion of Bucks County Mi- litia, Colonel John Beatty. In July, 1776, he was appointed by the County Committee of Safety one of the committee to distribute allowances to families in need whose hus- bands were in the military service. On Au- gust 29, 1777, he was appointed one of the members of the committee from Warminster to attend to the driving off of cattle to pre- vent them from falling into the hands of the British. The children of Isaac and Edith (Hart) Hough were as follows: 60. Eleanor, born August 20, 1749, died March i, 1802; married 1766, Thomas Cra- ven, and had nineteen children. The fam- ily removed to Virginia during the Revo- lution. 61. Elizabeth, born August 21, 1751; married 1771, Silas Gilbert, her first cousin, son of William and Lucretia (Hart) Gil- bert, and removed to Maryland. He was lieutenant in ist Battalion, Bucks County Militia, 1777. 62. Susannah, born June 28, 1753 ; mar- ried 1773, Benjamin Jones, whose family furnished several members of Assembly and justices of Bucks county in colonial times. 63. John Hough, born March 12, 1755 ;■ married 1774, Charity Vandoren. He was a member of Warminster Associators 1775, and afterwards in Virginia militia. He moved to Philadelphia after the Revolution, and .later to Moreland, Montgomery county. 64. Mary, born May 19, 1757, died un- married. 65. Isaac Hough, born September 15, 1759, died March 17, 1801 ; member Warm- inster Associators; removed to Philadelphia after Revolution ; many years chief clerk of United States Mint. One of his descend- ants is Judge Robert T. Hough, of Hills- borough, Ohio, sometime solicitor of Intern- al Revenue at Washington, D. C, recently candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor of Ohio. Isaac married first Elizabeth Houghton ; second, Mrs. Elizabethi Eberth. 66. Thomas Hough, born October 7, 1761 ; removed to Philadelphia ; said to have been on otlficer in war of 1812; married' 1790, Hannah Tompkins. 67. Oliver Hough, born August 27, 1763^ died January 18, 1804; see forward. 68. Rev. Silas Hough, born February- 8, 1766, died May 14, 1823. Baptist minister^ also practiced medicine in Bucks and Mont- gomery counties. Married his cousin, Eliza- beth Hart, daughter of County Treasurer John Hart. 69. Joseph Hough, born June 17, 1768, died July 3, 1799: married Elizabeth Marple. 70. William Hough, born September 12, 1770; died unmarried. Oliver Hough (67) son of Isaac and Edith (Hart) Hough, became a large land- owner in Upper Makefield, Bucks county. Hough's Creek, (formerly Milnor's Creek) took its name from him. In the latter part of his life he resided in Dolington. He mar- ried at Horsham Meeting, 4 mo. 16, 1790, Phebe Cadwallader, born 11 mo. 5, 177^, died 7 mo. 13, 1842, daughter of Jacob and Phebe (Radcliffe) Cadwallader, of War- minster. She was a descendant of Henry Baker before alluded to in this narrative, and from John Cadwallader, one of the prominent ministers among Friends, who died while on a religious visit to the Island of Tortola in 1742; also of Johannes Cas- sel and Thones Kunders, two of the princi- pal founders of Germantown, and from Jan Lucken, the founder of the Lukens family in America. Her brother, Hon. Cyrus Cadwallader, before referred to in this volume, was in state senate 1816-25. The children of Oliver and Phebe (Cad- wallader) Hough were; 71. Elizabeth, died young. 72. Rebecca, born 1792, married 1820, Joseph Johnson. 73. Mary, born 1794; married 1822, Samuel Yardley, a well known merchant of Doylestown, later of Philadelphia. 74. Elizabeth, born 1796, married 1817, Mahlon Kirkbride Taylor, founder of Taylorsville. 75, 76, 77. Isaac, Rachel and Phebe, all died young. 78. Oliver, born 2 mo. 14, 1804, died 7 mo. 20, 1855 ; born at Dolington, lived there until his marriage, when he removed to the Doron farm in Middle- town township ; soon after removed to a farm just outside Newtown borough on Yardley turnpike, where five of his chil- dren were born. In 1842 removed to Doy- lestown, and in 1846 to Philadelphia. Dealt largely in real estate, owning besides Bucks county property, coal and timber lands in Upper Lehigh Valley, also in Michigan, Tennessee and elsewhere. He died in Au- gusta. Georgia, July 20, 1855, while on a trip to Louisiana to view the property of the Louisiana Canal Company, of which he was a director. He was a member of Spruce Street Friends' Meeting, Philadel- phia. Oliver Hough married. 3 mo. 15, 1832. Martha Briggs, daugiiter of Joseph and YORK ASTON, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. OLIVER HOUGH HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 1 1 Martha (Dawes) Briggs, of Newtown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and had issue : Rebecca Jarrett Hough, died unmarried ; Phebe Alice, unmarried, member Civic Qub and Browning Society, Philadelphia, and of Bucks County Historical Society ; managing committee of Friends' Central School, Philadelphia ; ]\Iary Yardley Hough, unmarried; from 1876 to 1897 proprietor and editor of "The Children's Friend," a juvenile magazine; author of numerous short stories for children; Elizabeth Tay- lor, died in childhood. Martha Dawes Hough, unmarried, elder of Spruce Street, Meeting, manager of Friends' Home for Children. Philadelphia, and Friends' Board- ing House Association, Philadelphia. Oliver, died 1863 at Nashville, Tennessee, of camg fever, was a private in i6oth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunters, 15th (Anderson's) Cavalry. Isaac, see forward. The Misses Rebecca J., Phebe A., Mary Y. and Martha D. Hough lived for over forty years at 1340 Spruce -street. Philadelphia. In April, 1904, they removed to the old William Linton Mansion, 24 South State street. Newtown, Bucks county, a picture of w'hich ap- pears in this volume. They inherited this house from their aunts Letitia and Fran- cenia Briggs. Isaac Hough, son of Oliver and Matha (Briggs) Hough, was born in Doylestown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania and moved to Philadelphia, with his parents when a child. He was a merchant, and engaged in the shipping trade with the West Indies. He was a charter member and director of the Maritime Exchange of Philadelphia, is a member of the Philadelphia Bourse ; direc- tor of the Finance Company of Pennsjd- vania, and member of the Philadelphia Fencing Club, the Merion Crick- et Club, of Haverford, Pennsylvania, and of the Union League. He married first, in 1867, Anna Alexander Duff, daugh- ter of Edward Duff, common councilman, and member of the board of health of Phila- delphia, by his wife, Mary Jane Diehl, a descendant of Captain Nicholas Diehl, a Revolutionary soldier and a member of the Committee of Safety of Chester county, of noble birth in Frankfort, Germany. Isaac and Anna A. (Duff) Hough were the par- ents of one child, Oliver Hough, 2d Lieutenant. Company 8.. 3d Regiment, Infantry. Penna. Vol. Spanish American war, T898. to whom we are indebted for the foregoing history of the Hough fam.ily as well as data on numerous other 'families published in this volume. He is a member of the Bucks county Historical Society and has contributed a number of valuable papers to its Ar- chives. He is the author of a number of papers on genealogy and local his- tory and is now- at work on an exhaust- ive history of the Hart and Atkinson families. Is a member of a number of patriotic Societies. Isaac Hough mar- ried (second) in 1877. Emilia Antionette, vsndow of Francis Thibault, of Phila- delphia, and had one son, John Boyd, who died in 1895. OLIVER HOUGH, son of Isaac and Anna A. (Duff) Hough, was born in Philadelphia, September 3, 1868, has lived in that city until the present time, and for about two years past has had a transient residence with his aunts, the Misses Hough, at the William Linton Mansion, at 24 South State street, New- town. He received his early education at private schools, and entered the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania in the class of '88, re- ceiving the degrees of B. S. and P. C. on completion of course. He has been presi- dent, vice-president, secretary and treasurer,. Class of '88, and two terms secretary of the University of Pennsylvania Cricket As- sociation. For thesis required for technical degree (P. C.) he made three original re- searches in chemistry, described under the titles : I. "An Attempt to Introduce Iodine into Parabroma-benzoic Acid"; II. Some Salts of Meta-nitro-para-bromo-benzoic Acid" ; HI. Some Compounds of Monochlo- ro-dinitrophenol". Nos. I and II were pub- lished in the "Journal of the Franklin In- stitute," December, 1891. No. HI resulted in the discovery of twelve previously un- known chemical compounds. .He has written a number of magazine and newspaper articles of historical or bio- graphical character, the principal ones be- ing: "Richard Hough, Provincial Council- lor," (Penna. Mag. Hist, and Biog., XV- III, 20) ; "Captain Thomas Holme, Sur- veyor-General of Pennsylvania and Provin- cial Councillor,"' (Penna. Mag. Hist, and Biog., XIX, 413. XX 128, 248) : "Cap- tain William Crispin, Proprietary's Commis- sioner for Settling the Colony in Penna." (read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, January 10, 1898, and pub- lished in Penna. Mag. Hist, and Biog.. XXII, 34) ; and "Thomas Janney. Provin- cial Councillor," (read before Bucks Coun- ty Historical Society, July 20, 1897, and published in Bucks county newspapers). In politics Oliver Hough has been secre- tary and chairman of the Seventh Ward Association, Municipal League of Philadel- phia ; a member of several committees in charge of independent candidates' cam- paigns (one of which resulted in the elec- tion of Alexander Crow, Jr., as sheriff of Philadelphia county) ; and from 1896 to date has represented the Fourteenth Divis- ion, Seventh Ward, in many conventions of the Republican party. ]\Ir. Hough joined the National Guard of Pennsylvania as a private in Company D, First Regiment, In- fantry, August 10, 1893 ; elected second lieutenant Company G, Third Regiment, Infantry, June 10, 1897. Served again with Company D, First Infantry, on riot duty at Hazelton, Pennsylvania, October, 1902. Is a member of the "Old Guard" of Company D. He was mustered into the United States service for the Spanish War as second lieutenant. Third Penna. Volunteer Infantry, July 12 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 22, 1898; detailed as acting assistant quar- termaster, A. A. commissary of subsis- tence, and A. A. ordinance officer ; served in camps at Fernandina, Florida, and Hunts- ville, Alabama ; mustered out October 22, 1898. Mr. Hough is or has been a member of the following organizations : Society of Co- lonial Wars (by descent from Richard Hough, Thomas Janney and other early Bucks countians) ; Sons of the Revolution (by descent from Isaac Hough of the Bucks County Associators) ; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and local historical societies of Bucks county, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, and Harford county, Maryland ; Genealogical Society of Penn- sylvania (historian and member board of di- rectors) ; American Catholic Historical So- ciety of Philadelphia ; Friends' Historical Society (England) ; Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain) ; Franklin Insti- tute of the State of Pennsylvania ; ]\Ierion Cricket Club of Haverford, Pennsylvania ; and Markham Club of Philadelphia. ANCESTRY OF BENJAMIN HOUGH, OF WARRINGTON. Joseph Hough, youngest son of Richard and Margery (Clowes) Hough, a sketch of whose life and distinguished services is given in the preceding pages, was born in Lower Makefield, Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania, September 19, 1693, and died in Warwick township, now Doylestown, May 10) '^773- By the will of his father he inherit- ed the Warwick plantation, originally taken up by his grandfather, John Clows, and pur- chased by his father in 1702. It comprised 841 acres as shown by a survey when di- vided between his two sons Joseph and John by deeds dated May 2, 1761, and lay on "both sides of the Neshaminy, on the lower line of the present township of Doyles- town, extending from the Bristol road to Houghville, or "The Turk." It was divided almost equally between the two sons in 1761, the Neshaminy being the dividing line for about one-third of the distance. John getting the end next Houghville, and Joseph the western end. Joseph Hough, Sr., married "out of meeting," his wife being Elizabeth West, daughter of Nathan- iel and Elizabeth (Dungan) West, and granddaughter of the Rev. Thomas Dun- gan, who came from Rhode Island to Bucks county in 1683, and of Nathaniel West, of Rhode Island. Nathaniel West, Jr., was living at the time of the marriage of his daughter, on the Rodman tract, adjoining the Hough farm, which would imply that Joseph Hough had taken up his residence in Warwick prior to his marriage. A Jo- seph Hough was dealt with at Falls Meet- ing for marrying out of unity May 9, 1726, but whether Joseph of Warwick, or Joseph Hough, son of John and Hannah, who was about the same age, cannot be ascertained from the records. He evidently retained a nominal membership, as his son Joseph was considered a member at Buckingham at the time of his marriage in 1756. The children of Joseph and Elizabeth (West) Hough, were as follows : 1. Sarah, married James Radcliffe. son of Edward and Phebe (Baker) Radcliffe, and grandson of James Radcliffe, the preacher, and of Henry Baker, whose dis- tinguished services have been previously referred to. 2. Martha, born 1728, died 1785, married William Evans, son of Lewis Evans, a trooper in the battle of Boyne. For their children, see "Fox, EUicott & Evans Fami- lies," Chas. W. Evans, Buffalo, N. Y., 1882. Four married Ellicots. 3. Mary, married Samuel Gourley, of Wrightstown, Bucks county. 4. Rebecca, married (first) a George, and (second) Samuel Williams, of Gwynedd. 5. Joseph, born 1730, died January 6, 1818. 6. John Hough, second son of Jeseph and Elizabeth (West) Hough, lived on the 414 acre tract conveyed to him by his father in 1761, as before recited, in Warwick township. Was probably not a member of the Society of Friends, though he adhered to their principles. His name appears on the roll of "Non-Associators" in 1775. He married, October 31, 1767, at St. Michael's and Zion Church, Philadelphia, Ruth Will- iams, and' had issue five children, viz: Jo- seph, who married Eleanor Miller, who after his death married John Meredith ; Thomas married (first) Ann Mathews, and (second). Lydia (Mathews) Drake, her sister: John, married Rebecca Thomp-. son ; Mary, married Robert Walker of War- rington; and Charlotte, died January 14, 1 81 5, married John Meredith, who after her death married her brother's widow, Eleanor (Miller) Hough. John Thompson Hough, the wealthy inventor and manufact- urer of safes, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, is a descendant of John and Rebecca (Thomp- son) Hough. 7. Margery Hough, married Hugh Shaw. 8. Elizabeth Hough, married Robert Tompkins. 9. Hannah Hough, died April 18, 1819, married Simon Meredith, an uncle to John", who married Charlotte, daughter of John Hough. A grandson of Simon and Han- nah married Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Hough ; see below. 5. Joseph Hough, Jr.. eldest son of Jo- seph and Elizabeth (West) Hough, born 1730, lived on the 420 acres conveyed to him by his father in Warwick. He was a -mem- ber of the Society of Friends and was dis- owned for marrying out of meeting in 1756, but continued to adhere to their principles and was a "Non-Associator" in 1775. He married, in November, 1756. Mary Tomp- kins, daughter of Robert Tompkins, Esq., of Warrington. She died August 8, 181 1, at the age of seventy-five years. They had issue: i. Joseph, died 1796, married Re- becca Radcliffe, daughter of John and Re- becca (West) Radcliffe, niece of his aunt HISTORY OF BUCKS COUXTV. 13 Sarah's husband, and a descendant of Na- thaniel West, as was her husband. 2. John who died young. 3. Richard, who married Pamela Walton. 4. Elizabeth, who married Henry Ditterline. 5. John, who married Mary Meredith. 6. Robert, who married (first) Francis Martin, of Maryland, and (second), Rachel Hopkins, of the Johns Hopkins family of Maryland, lived and died in Baltimore, and has left many distin- guished descendants there. 7. Septimus Hough married Edith Wilson, daughter of Robert and Mary (Lundy) Wilson, of New Jersey. See Lundy Family. 8. Ben- jamin Hough. See forward. 9. Jacob, died young. 10. Lydia, who married Elias Anderson. 11. Charlotte, died unmarried. 12 and 13. Isaac and Jacob died young, and 14. Mary, married (1808) Dennis Con- rad, a descendant of Thomas Kunders, one of the founders of Germantown. John Hough, son of Joseph and Mary (Tompkins) Hough, was a prominent man in the community. He inherited a part of his father's plantation near Houghville. generally known as "The Turk," and when the county seat was about to be removed from Newtown laid out streets there and made a plan of a town, and offered the site for the court house and public buildings. He was a large land owner and owned the Turk Mills at Houghville, and exten- sive warehouses in Philadelphia. He donat- ed the land on which the Doylestown Acad- emy was built, and was one of the commis- sioners of the lottery authorized by the legislature to raise $3,000 to complete the Academy. He married Mary Meredith, daughter of Thomas and Rachel (Mathew) Meredith, and niece of Simon Meredith, who married Hannah Hough, and had issue : John, who married Eliza Stuck- ert, and Harriet Ann Pierce, and Mary, who never married. 8. Benjamin Hough, son of Joseph and Mary (Tompkins) Hough, was born Janu- ary 25, 1770, and died May 16, 1848. He purchased from his father in 1797 and 1806, and later of his brother, Septimus Hough, portions of the old ancestral homestead, and at his death owned the greater part of the 400 acre tract, and lived thereon all his life. He was a prominent man in the community and filled many positions of pub- lic trust. He was a director of the poor in 1818, and served as a director of Doyles- town Bank in 1832. He married, August 24, 1791, Hannah Simpson, born July 26, 1770, died April 3, 1848, daughter of John and Hannah (Roberts) Simpson, of Hors- ham, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, and a sister to John Simpson, the grand- father of General Ulysses Sirnpson Grant.* John Simpson, her father, was iDorn in 1738, and died August 16, 1804. His wife, Hannah, was a daughter of Lewis Roberts, of Ab- ington, and a sister to Colonel William Roberts, of New Britain, colonel of milit- ia during the Revolution and a sheriff of Bucks county. Hannah (Roberts) Simp- son died at the residence of her son-in- law, Benjamin Hough, in Doylestown township, January 22, 1821, aged seventy- nine. The children of Benjamin and Han- nah (Simpson ) Hough, were as follows: I. John Simpson, born 1792, married, 1818, Elivia Lunn. 2. Joseph, born 1798, mar- ried Jane Cowell, and lived for many years in Tinicum ; was brigadier general of Penn- sylvania Militia. 3. Anne, born 1794, mar- ried George Stuckert. 4. Benjamin, see forward. 5. Silas, born 1804 married Sophia F. Moser, and their son, John S. Hough, was a candidate for governor of Colorado on its admission in 1876. 7. Hannah, born 1807, married, November 16, 1826, Daniel Y. Harman, member of Penn- sylvania legislature in 1836, etc. 8. William Simpson, born i8og. married Elizabeth Neely. 9. Samuel Moore, born 1812, mar- ried Elizabeth N. Harman, sister of Dan- iel Y., and (second) his wife's niece, Ara- minta Beans, daughter of Isaac and Biie»-'M7a^ U»^ (Harman) Beans. He was adjutant of 33d Pennsylvania Regiment, of which his brother, Joseph, was colonel. 10. Mary_, born 1814, married John Barnsley, of New- town. See Barnsley Family in this work. Benjamin Hough, Jr., son of Benjamin and Hannah (Simpson) Hough, was born on the old homestead in Warwick, now Doylestown township, January 25, 1801. He was a merchant and farmer, and at one time owned and conducted the store at Buckingham. He later purchased the Bar- clay farm, later the Radcliffe farm at War- rington, which then included the site of the present store at Warrington, across the turnpike from the farm, a small triangular piece of land, whereon he erected a store building and conducted the mercantile busi- ness there for many years. He also pur- chased the farm now occupied by his grand- son, Benjamin Hough, where he died in 1853. He was married by the Reverend John C. Murphy, February 5, 1824, to Ma- ria Wentz, of New Britain, and they were the parents of ten children, viz : John, who removed to Valva, Illinois; Ellen, who married John S. Bryan; Silas, see forward; J. Finlay, who was a miller, lived first in Bedminster, later in Buckingham, died at Atlantic City, was the father of Dr. Hough of Ambler ; Mary Jane, who married Ed- ward Buckman, of Newtown, she died Sep- tember 27. 1905; Anna, for many years a school teacher, died at Newtown in Septem- ber. 1900; Simpson and Samuel H., twins, the former removed to Illinois and the latter for many years a miller in Warwick, War- *General U. S. Grant twice visited the section where his maternal ancestors resided, the first time soon after his graduation at West Point in 1843. The young cadet then was entertained at the liouse of his great-uncle and aunt, Benjamin Hough, Sr., and wife Hannah Simpson, and was conveyed thence to visit the old Simpson homestead in Horsham, where his grandfather , John Simpson, was born. In 1J<,53 he re- visited Bucks county and' stopped at the house of his relative, Robert McKinstry, vihose mother, Mary Weir, was a sister to Grant's grandmother, the wife of John Simpson. H HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. minster and Hatboro, died in Hatboro in 1903; Benjamin, a soldier in the civil war, died at Leadville, Colorado, March 13, 1890; Henry, for many years a teacher in Doyles- town and elsewhere, was appointed during President Grant's term to a position in the Pension office at Washington, D. C, and died there in 1901 ; and George, still liv- ing in Valva, Illinois. Silas Hough was born and reared on the Warrington homestead, and on his marri- age removed to the farm on which his son Benjamin now resides. He was a successful and prominent farmer, and filled many positions of public trust, frequently acting as guardian of minors and as execu- tor and administrator in the settlement of estates. In politics he was a Republican^ and took an active interest in the questions of the day, but never sought or held pub- lic office. He married, March 3, 1855, Han- nah Horner, daughter of James and Ann (Long) Horner, of Warminster, Bucks county, both of Scotch-Irish ancestry. Si- las and Hannah (Horner) Hough, were the parents of four children, of whom three died in childhood, leaving Benjamin Hough as only surviving heir. Hannah Hough died in 1890, and Silas in 1892. Benjamin Hough, only son of Silas and Hannah (Horner) Hough, was born on the farm on which he still resides, in Warring- ton township, March 12, 1854, and it has been his place of residence almost continu- ously to the present, covering over half a century. He acquired a common school education, supplemented by a course at the Doylestown English and Classical Seminary. He was reared to the life of a farmer, and on his marriage he brought his bride to the old farm which he conducted until 1883, when he removed to Chester county and spent two years there on an experimental farm. After the death of his father he re- turned to the homestead, having in the meantime gained new knowledge of modern farming methods which he adapted to the use of the home place. He made substantial improvements and greatly improved the ap- pearance of his beautiful home on the Doylestown and Willow Grove Turnpike and Trolley line, overlooking the beautiful valley of the Neshaminy. Mr. Hough is a Republican in politics and takes a keen in- terest in public affairs, but has never been an aspirant for office. He has filled the position of school director and other town- ship offices. He married, September 28, 1876, Sarah Patterson, daughter of Jesse R. and Mary (Myers) Patterson, both na- tives of Bucks county, and granddaughter of William and Sarah (Rubinkam) Patter- son, the former a native of Pittsburg, and the latter of Bucks county. William Patter- son was of Scotch-Irish Presbyterian stock, and inherited the sterling as well as the genial qualities of his ancestors. He was a farmer in Bucks county, and reared a family of seven children, viz : Jesse, the father of Mrs. Hough; Mrs. Susan Bolin- ger, Margaret, William, of Doylestown : Sheridan T., a farmer near Peoria. Illinois; Joseph, who died in the army during the civil war; and Thomas, who died in Illi- nois. Jesse Patterson, father of Mrs. Hough, was reared on his father's farm and early in life learned the miller's trade which he followed for many years. He was at one time the owner of the mills at Edisob, Bucks county, which he operated when the mill was destroyed by fire. He rebuilt and operated the mill during the civil war, and later turned his attention to farming. In 1880 he removed to Chester county, where he bought a farm and carried on agricul- tural pursuits until his death in 1885, at the age of fifty-eight years. His wife, Mary Myers, who was a daughter of Tobias My- ers, of German descent, died in 1901. Her mother, a Miss Puff, was of English de- scent, and her brothers were Philip Puff, a merchant of Philadelphia, and Henry Puff, a carpenter. Jesse and Mary Myers Pat- terson were the parents of three children, of whom the youngest died in infancy, Sa- rah, Mrs. ^ Hough, was the eldest. Her brother William is a prominent farmer in Chester county. Mrs. Hough is a member of the Baptist Church of Doylestown. Benjamin and Sarah (Patterson) Hough, are the parents of two children, Frederick F., born September 27, 1879, at present a school teacher in Bucks county, who was born on the old homestead in Warrington, and William P., who was born in Chester county, September 7. 1885. WILLIAM H. HOUGH. More than a century has passed since the Hough family was established in Bucks county, for here occurred the birth of Charles Hough, the grandfather of William H. Hough, his na- tal year being i8or. He followed farming throughout his entire life and gave his political support to the Republican party. He held the office of supervisor for a num- ber of years and was always faithful in matters of citizenship. The moral develop- ment of the community was also of deep interest to him. and his life was in harmony with his professions as a member of the Society of Friends. He married Miss Sus- an Neal, and they became the parents of ten children, six of whom have passed away. The living are: Rachel, the wife of Tames Lonsdale; Jasper, a carpenter of Lang- horne. Pennsylvania: Henry; and Martha, the wife of James Subers. Henry Hough, son of Charles Hough, was born in Edgewood, Pennsylvania, in 1838, and when a lad of twelve j-'ears went with his parents to the farm upon which his son William now resides. There he as- sisted in the development and cultivation of the fields and continued to engage in agri- cultural pursuits until 1861, when he estab- lished a hardwnre business in Yardley. con- tinuing it for thirly-three years. In 1894 'le sold this and removed to Solebury. where he has since given his attention to farming. Throughout his mercantile career he en- joyed an unassailable reputation, and his business life has ever been characterized by HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. .straightforward dealing and persistency of purpose. His efforts, too, have been directed along lines that have proved of value to his community, and at the same time have pro- moted individual success. He was one of the organizers of the Yardley Building and Loan Association, and for twenty-five years served as its treasurer. He was also one of the organizers of the Yardley National Bank. He held the office of school director for a number of years, the cause of educa- tion finding in him a warm friend; and his political allegiance has ever been given to the Republican party. He married Miss Elizabeth Parent, of New Jersey, and they l)ecame the parents of two children : Mar- tha, deceased; and William H. William H. Hough was born November 17, 1856, and acquired his education in the •common schools of Yardley. When not occupied with his text books he assisted his father in the store, and was thus identiefid with mercantile interests for twenty-four years. In 1880 he opened a grocery store in Yardley, which he conducted with fair success for ten years. Since that time he has been engaged in the butchering busi- ness in connection with farming, and his "keen discernment and enterprise have brought to him very creditable and grati- fying success. Socially he is connected with the Improved Order of Red Men, No. 170, of Trenton, New Jersey, in which he has passed all of the chairs, a fact which indicates his popularity with his brethren of the fraternity. William H. Hough was married to Miss Anna Ford, a daughter of George and Anna Ford, of West Chester, Pennsylvania. They becarne the parents of seven children, of whom one died in infancy. The others are : Bertha J., wife of William J. Wilson ; Edward T., Lillian I., Mabel C, Elsie and Bess, all at home. EASTBURN FAMILY. The name of Eastburn is an old and honorable one. It originates in Yorkshire, England, where the Manor of Esteburne, (East stream) was created early in the Elev- enth century. It comprised the par- ishes of BingJey and Thwaite-Keighly, from whence the Eastburns emigrated to America six centuries later. The name "de Eastburn" appears as a sur- name as early as 1200, and the more familiar names of Robert and John East- burn in 1583. The first of the name to migrate to Penn's Province was John Eastburn. of the parish of Bingley. who brought a certificate from Brigham Monthly Meeting of Friends to Phil- adelphia, dated 5 mo. 31, 1682. He pur- chased 300 acres of land in Southamp- ton towMiship, Bucks county, in 1693, and married Margaret Jones, of Philadelphia 5 mo. 2, 1694. He died in Southampton about 1720. His children were: Eliza- beth, born 8 mo. 16. 1695: John, born ■ 6 mo., 22, 1697; Peter, born i mo. 5, 1699; Thomas, born 9 mo. 22, 1700. Their mother died in 1740. There was also a daughter Mary, who married Thomas Studham. Elizabeth married Thomas \Valton. of Southampton. Thomas died in 1748, leaving a widow Sarah and daughter Margaret. The eldest son John left several descendants. ROBERT EASTBURN, probably a brother of John, at least son of another John, of the parish of Thwaite-Keighley, Yorkshire, married Sarah Preston, daughter of Jonas, of the parish of Rostick. near Leeds, England, 3 mo. 10, 1693. Their children were: Esther, born 8 mo. 27, 1694, married 1717. Jonathan Livezey, ancestor of the Solebury family. Benjamin, born 7 mo. 15, 1695, died ,1741; surveyor general of Pennsylvania from 1733 to 1741, w'ho married Ann Thomas in 1722, but left no issue. John, born i mo. 12, 1697, married Grace Colston, and settled in Norriton, Montgomery county, Pennsj-lvania, where many of his descendants still re- side. INIary, born 11 mo. 17, 1698, died un- married. Samuel, born 2 mo. 20, 1702, died 1785 in Solebury, Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania; married Elizabeth Gillingham. Joseph, born l mo. 21, 1704, died un- married. Sarah, born 12 mo. 10, 1706; married 1734, Hugh Thomas, of Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania. Robert, born 2 mo. 7, 1710; married 1733, Agnes Jones; was captain in French and Indian w-ar of 1756-8 under General Forbes, and was captured by the Indians in March, 1756, and carried to Canada and held until November, 1757. He, however, lived to render valuable service to Philadelphia Committee of Safety at the outbreak of the Revolu- tion. He was the father of Rev. Joseph Eastburn, founder of the Mariners' Presbyterian Church, in 1818, and sev- eral other children. Elizabeth, the youngest child of Rob- ert and Sarah (Preston) Eastburn, was born after the arrival of her parents in Philadelphia. The family as above given brought a certificate from Brigham Friends' Meet- ing in Yorkshire to Philadelphia, dated 12 mo. 6, 1713, and removed to Abing- . ton in 171.-;. Robert died 7 mo. 24, 1755, and Sarah 8 mo. 31, 1752. Samuel Eastburn, third son of Robert and Sarah, born in Yorkshire, 2 mo. 20, 1702, came to Philadelphia with hi^ pa- rents in 1713. In 1728 he married Eliza- beth, daughter of Yeamans Gillingham of Oxford, Philadelphia county, and re- moved to Solebury township, Bucks county, near Centre Hill, where he fol- lowed' his trade, that of a blacksmith, as well as the conduct of a farm of 250 acres which he purchased in 1734. He i6 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. brought a certificate from Abington Meeting, dated March 6, 1729, to Buck- ingham Meeting, of which he became one of the most active members, serving as overseer and clerk for several years. He was recommended as a minister m 1770, and travelled in that capacity through various parts of this state, as well as in New Jersey, New York and New England. He was also a prom- inent man in the community in which he lived. He donated the land upon which the first school house was built at Cen- tre Hill, which was known for many years as "The Stone School House" be- fore Centre Hill was known as a vil- lage. He died in 1785. His children were: Benjamin, born 2 mo. 11, 1729, died II mo. 21, 1735. Joseph, born 12 mo. 18, 1730, died 10 mo. 29, 1780; married 1753, Mary Wilson. Ann E., born 12 mo. 18, 1732; married 1754, Joseph Pugh, son of Daniel, of New Britain. Mary, born 2 mo. 16, 1734; married William Edwards. Sarah, born 3 mo. 23, 1736; married 1756, Benjamin Smith. Robert, born 6 mo. 23, 1739; married 1763, Elizabeth Duer; 1784, Rachel Pax- son. JOSEPH EASTBURN, born 1730, died 10 mo. 23, 1780, inherited from his father one-half of the homestead, 125 acres, and purchased considerable other land in Solebury, part of it being a tract of land purchased of Richard Pike in 1763, a portion of which is still in the tenure of his great-great-grandson, Eastburn Reeder. He married, i mo. 17, 1753. Mary, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca (Canby) Wilson, of Bucking- ham, and had by her eleven children, as follows: Joseph, born 7 mo. 16, 1754; married ^777, Rebecca Kitchin, daughter of Will- iam and Sarah Ely Kitchin. Benjamin, born 7 mo. 4, 1756; married 1778, Keziah Ross and removed to Maryland. Samuel, born 6 mo. 20, 1759; married 1781, Macre Croasdale, and in 1786, Han- nah Kierkbride. John, born 4 mo. 28, 1760; married 1788. Elizabeth Wiggins, and in 1808, Hannah Hillborn. Rebecca, born 4 mo. 4, 1762; married i8to. George Pierce. Thomas, born 5 mo. 14, 1764; married 1795, Mercy Bailey. Mary, born 6 mo. 22, 1766; married 1790. Joseph Phipps. James, laorn 8 mo. 27, T768, married 1/91, Merab, daughter of John and Sarah (Simcock) Ely. Amos, born 12 mo. 25, 1770; married T7QS. Mary Stackhouse. David, born 4 mo. 7. 1773; married 1801. Elizabeth Jeanes and removed to Delaware. Elizabeth, born 1776, died 1777. Mary, the mother, died 11 mo. 19, 1805. JOSEPH EASTBURN, born I7S4, died 5 mo. 16, 1813, inherited from his father the Pike tract of land in Sole- bury, and lived and died thereon. He married Rebecca Kitchin, 9 mo. 19, 1777, and had seven children, of whom only five, all daughters, grew to maturity, and only the eldest, Elizabeth, born 9 mo. 13. 1778, married. She became the wife of Merrick Reeder, Esq., in 1802. An account of their descendants is given on another page of this work. ROBERT EASTBURN, youngest son of Samuel and Elizabeth Gillingham Eastburn, born 6 mo. 23, 1739, died 1816, married (first) 11 mo. 22, 1763, Eliza- beth Duer, and took up his residence on a part of the homestead farm where he was born, and spent the rest of his life there. His children by Elizabeth were: Sarah, born i mo. 12, 1766; married Thomas Phillips. Moses, born 4 mo. I, 1768; married 1790, Rachel Knowles. Elizabeth, born 1770, died 1775. Aaron, born I mo. 10, 1773; married 1796, Mercy- Bye. Ann, born 12 mo. 27, 1775, married 1798, John Comfort. Robert married (second) Rachel Paxson, a widow on 9 mo. 16, 1784, and had two children: Letitia, born 1793. married 1816, Samuel Metlar; Samuel, born 1800, married 1821, Mary Carver. MOSES EASTBURN, born 4 nio. i, 1768, died 9 mo. 28, 1846, married 10 mo. 21, 1790, Rachel, daughter of John and Mary Knowles. Mary Knowles, the elder, was a daughter of Robert and Mercy (Brown) Sotcher, and grand- daughter of John and Mary (Lofty) Sotcher, Penn's faithful stewards at Pennsbury, and also granddaughter of George and Mercy Brown, and a cousin to General Jacob Brown. The children of Moses and Rachel Knowles Brown who grew to maturity were: John, born 1791, removed to the west; Elizabeth, born 1793, married 1813, Samuel Black- fan; Robert, born 1794, removed to the west; Jacob, born 9 mo. 14, 1798, married 1829, Elizabeth K. Taylor; Mary, born 9 mo. 15, 1800, married 1829, Thomas F. Parry; Sarah, born 1804, married John Palmer; and Moses, born 5 mo. 9, 1815, married 1845, Mary Anna Ely. Rachel Knowles Eastburn died 4 mo., 1843. Moses Eastburn, son of Moses and Rachel, born 5 mo. 9, 1815, died 9 mo. 27, 1887, was a worthy representative of this old family. He was possessed in a marked degree of the best elements of good citizenship, quiet and unassuming in demeanor, but determined and un- swerving in his devotion to principle and right. Though never holding any political office he held many positions of trust, and was always active in promot- ing and maintaining local enterprises for the benefit of the people of his na- tive county. He was for many years a HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 17 manager and afterwards president of the Bucks County Agricultural Society; one of the organizers and most active mem- bers of the Solebury Farmers' Club; a manager of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Insurance Association of Bucks County, probably the largest local in- surance company in the county, and for many years its president, (1877 to 1886); a manager of the Lahaska and New Hope Turnpike Company, and its president for many years prior .to his death; a manager of the Doylestown and Buckingham Turnpike Company from 1864 until his death; a manager of the Lambertville National Bank, and school director for many years. He was an active member of Solebury Monthly Meeting of Friends, being for thirty-tive years clerk of the Meeting, and in every position he discharged its duties with ability and fidelity. Few men have been more honored and respected for sterling qualities than he. He was married 4 mo. 16, 184s, to Mary Anna, daughter of Hugh B. and Sarah M. Ely, of Bucking- ham, where she was born, 11 mo. 30, i8t6. She died in Solebury, 7 mo. 2, 1879. Moses Eastburn inherited the farm upon which he was born and spent nearly his whole life there. It is now the property of his only son, Hugh B. Eastburn. The children of Moses and Mary Anna (Ely) Eastburn were: Hugh B., born 2 mo. 11, 1846; and Fannie, born 10 mo. 27, 1847, died 1851. HUGH B. EASTBURN, of Doyjes- town, lawyer and banker, was born on the Solebury farm, 2 mo. 11, 1846. He attended the public schools of the neigh- borhood until 1859, and then entered the Excelsior Normal Institute at Carvers- ville. graduating in 1865. For two years he taught in the Boys' Grammar School at Fifteenth and Race streets, Philadel- phia, and subsequently in the Friends' Central High School. While there he began the study of law under the pre- ceptorship of Hon. D. Newlin Fell, now justice of the supreme court, and was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in the spring of 1870. In June, 1870, he was appointed by State Superintendent Wick- ershani to fill a vacancy in the office of county superintendent of schools in Bucks county, and was elected to that position in 1872, and re-elected in 1875. Mr. Eastburn resigned the office of county superintendent in 1876 and en- tered the law department of the Univj^r- sity of Pennsylvania, and was admitted to' the Bucks County bar in August, 1877. In 1885 he was elected district at- torney on the Republican ticket, receiv- ing a handsome majority, though the county was at that time Democratic. Mr. Eastburn was one of the organizers of the Bucks County Trust Company in 1886, and has been one of the board of directors since organization and its pres- ident since 1895, and trust officer since 2-3 1892. He has always been deeply inter- ested in educational matters, and his voice and pen have been potent in every movement for the advancement of -edu- cation in his native county and state. He was for several years a member of the board of trustees of the West Chester Normal School, and has been a member of the Doylestown school board since 1890, and is now its president. In poli- tics he is an ardent Republican, and has taken an active interest in the councils of his party. He has been its represen- tative in many district, state and national conventions. He was married 12 mo. 23, 1885, to Sophia, daughter of John B. and Eliza- beth S. (Fox) Pugh, of Doylestown, and has two sons: Arthur Moses, born 9 mo. 27, 1886; and Hugh B., Jr., born 2 mo. II, 1888. ROBERT EASTBURN, of Yardley, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, was born in Solebury township, Bucks county, 3 mo. -J 1833, is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth K. (Taylor) Eastburn. Jacob Eastburn was a son • of Moses and Rachel (Knowles) Eastburn, mentioned in a foregoing sketch, and was born oh the old Eastburn homestead in Solebury, September 14, 1793. He married in 1829 Elizabeth K. Taylor, who, like Rachel (Knowles) Eastburn, was a descendant of John and Mary (Lofty) Sotcher, through the marriage of their daughter Mary to Mahlon Kirkbride. On the marriage of Jacob Eastburn his father purchased for him the farm now owned by John H. Ely, adjoining the homestead, and he spent the re- mainder of his life thereon. Jacob East- burn was a prominent and successful business man and farmer. His elder brother Robert had heired a farm at Limeport, but, going west when young, had died without issue, whereby the farm descended to his brothers and sis- ters, subject to the life estate of the father, Moses Eastburn. During the life- time of Moses the farm, which was a valuable one, as it included the then profitable lime kilns, quarries and wharfage on the canal, was occupied by Phineas Kelly. At the death of Moses Eastburn, in 1846, Jacob, as the eldest surviving son, was induced to take charge of this valuable plant and man- age it for the heirs. He entered into a partnership with the late George A. Cook, who had been a clerk under Mr. Kelly, and the new firm built up a pros- perous and profitable business. They eventually purchased the interest of the other heirs and continued the business until the death of Jacob Eastburn, which occurred August 26, i860. Jacob East- burn was an active and prominent man in the community, though never holding any elective office other than school di- rector and was frequently called upon to act as guardian.' trustee or executor i8 HISTORY Of BUCKS COUNTY. in the sclllcniciil of estates, ami held many positions of trust, lie was an ac- tive anil consistent member of Sole- bury Friends' Meeting. Jacob and Eliz- abeth Eastburn were the parents of ten children, viz.: William T. and Anna, both of whom died in infancy; Robert, the subject of this sketch; Ellen Y., wife of Samuel Hart, of Doylestown township, born 10 mo. 27, 1834; Mary Anna, born 2 mo. 29, 1837, now widow of J. Simpson Belts; George, born 11 mo. 25, 1838, a prominent educator of Phil- adelphia; Elias and Timothy, twins, born 12 mo. 28, 1840 — the former, now deceased, was a sheriff of Bucks county, and the latter is still living in Solebury; Rachel, died in infancy; Sarah, born 10 mo. 15, 1845, now deceased, was the wife of Mark Palmer, of Lower Makefie'ld. Elizabeth K. Eastburn the mother, died 8 mo. 21, 1877. Robert Eastburn was born and reared on the Solebury farm, and received a good education. Arriving at manhood, he was married, 2 mo. 12, 1857, to Eliza- beth, daughter of Joseph E. and Letitia (Betts) Reeder, and in the following spring began farming on the Pownall farm at Limeport, purchased by his father-in-law. His wife Elizabeth died there 11 mo. 6, i860, and the following spring he sold oi.it and returned to the homestead. His father having died the preceding summer, he as eldest son and executor was occupied in the settlement of the estate and the conduct of the business for the next two years. These were trying times for the Quaker-bred youth of our section, the civil war hav- ing broken out, and excitement ran. high. Though bred and trained as non-com- batants, religious principles and parental injunction and restraint were insufficient to restrain many from responding to the numerous calls for men to go to the front in defense of our country. This family of four grown-up sons was no exception to the rule, and only the con- tention as to who should go and who remain at home to care for the widow and faim, probably prevented their early enlistment. Finally, when the rebels had entered our own state, the strain was too great, and three of the boys (Robert, George and Elias) enlisted in an emergency company formed at Doylestown, and started for the front, leaving Timothy to care for the home interests. Fortunately the tide of in- vasion was turned and the boys were gone but a few weeks, and came home to make peace with the grim elders of the meeting for their transgression of the discipline. In' 1866. one year after the close of the war by the active work of our late friend, John E. Kenderdine, a prominent and active worker in Sole- bury Meeting, assuming the position that the boys going to the front were no more guilty than those at home con- tributing to the war, an acknowledg- ment of their deviation from one of the cardinal points of their faith (that of opposition to war) by in any way giv- ing encouragement to the government in its armed support, was prepared and signed by forty-seven of the fifty male members of that meeting. Of that list but fourteen are living at this time. In the summer of 1863 Robert East- burn purchased the interest of his father in the lime business and removed to Yardley, where an ofifice for the sale of the lime had been long established, and formed a partnership with George A. Cook, under the firm name of Eastburn & Cook, which lasted several 3^ears. Later he embarked in the coal and fer- tilizer business at Yardley, which he continued until 1897. In addition to this business, having been elected a justice of the peace in 1874, he started a real estate and general business agency, which he has continud to the present time in connection with the settlement of many estates and the transaction of official business, Mr. Eastburn having held the oftice of justice until the pres- ent time, a period of thirty years, Robert Eastburn married (second) on Octootr 1:0, 1863, Elizabeth, daughter of Charles White, of Solebury, and took up his permanent residence in Yardley. His wife died 11 mo. 5, 1866, and on 8 mo. 12, 1875, he married (third) Anna Palmer, who died 3 mo. 8, 1901. By his first marriage, with Elizabeth Reeder, Mr. Eastburn had two children: William T., born 8 mo. 31, 1859, married Alada Blackfan, and is now living at New Hope; and Jacob, born 11 mo. 6. i860, now living in New York city. By his marriage with Anna Palmer he has one son, Walter N., born 2 mo. 6, 1881, mar- ried II mo. II, 1902, Isabel Frances Stanbury, and now living in New York. WILLIAM T. EASTBURN, of New Hope, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Reeder) Eastburn, was born in Sole- bury, 8 mo. 31, 1859. At the death of his mother, 11 mo. 6, i860, he went to live w'ith his grandparents, Joseph E. and Letitia Reeder, and was reared in their h-^me in Solebury. He received a good ec'ucj.tion. and upon his marriage began farming at his present residence, where he has ever since resided. At the death of his grandfather in 1892 he was devised this pronerty and the farm upon which he was born at Limeport. Mr. Eastburn is a progressive and intelligent farmer, and has gradually improved the propertv since it came under his tenure. He is a member of Solebury Friends' Meeting. He was married 10 mo. 5, 1887. to Alada E., daughter of the late'William C. and Elizabeth (Ely) Blackfan, a lineal de- scendant of Edward Blackfan and Re- becca Crispin, the latter being a first / HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 19 cousin to William Penn. William T. and Alada E. B. Eastburn have four children; viz.: Sybil Ethel, born 4 mo. 6, 1890; William B., born 4 mo. 30, 1894; Edward B., born 2 mo. 9, 1898; and Jo- seph Robert, born 10 mo. 20, 1901. CHARLES TWINING EASTBURN, ■of Yardley, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, one of the most active and successful young business men of Bucks county, w^as born in Newtown township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, October 9, 1873, and is a son of Franklin and Mary Eliza- beth (Twining) Eastburn, both of whom -are descendants of the earliest English settlers in Lower Bucks. Mr. Eastburn' is a descendant in the seventh genera- tion from Robert and Sarah (Preston) Eastburn, who migrated from Yorkshire, England, in 1713, through their son Samuel, who settled in Solebury town- ship, Bucks county, in 1729. An account of the first three generations of this family is given above. Amos Eastburn, son of Joseph and Mary (Wilson) Eastbtirn, and grandson of Samuel, above mentioned, was born in Solebury township, 12 mo. 25, 1770, be- ing the ninth of eleven children. His father died when he was ten years of age. Early in life he learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner, and followed that vocation in connection with' fafm- ing in Buckingham and Solebury town- ships, until 181 1, when he removed to Middletown township and settled upon 135 acres of land that had been the prop- erty of the ancestors of his wife since 1699, nearly the whole of which is now included in the borough of Langhorne Manor, where he died 10 mo. 16, 1823. He married, 4 mo. 23, 1795, Mary Stack- house, born in- IMiddletown township, ■daughter of Jonathan and Grace (Com- fort) Stackhouse. granddaughter of Isaac and Mary (Harding) Stackhouse, and great-granddaughter of Thomas and Ann (Mayos) Stockhouse, an account of whose arrival in Bucks county in 1682 is given in another part of this work. The land upon which Mrs. Eastburn spent nearly her whole life was part of a tract of 350 acres taken up by her great-grandfather (the last named Thomas Stackhouse) in 1699. and had been successively occupied by her di- rect ancestors down to the death of her father, Jonathan Stackhouse, in 1805, when fifty-five acres thereof was set apart to her as her share of her father's estate. Her husband later purchased of the other heirs an additional seventy-six acres adjoining, and it was her home from 181 1 until her death, i mo. 31. 1831. Amos and INIary (Stackhouse) Eastburn were the parents of three chil- ■dren: Grace, born in Buckingham, i mo. 29. 1796, died in Fallsington in 1875, unmarried; Jonathan, born in Bucking- ham, 12 mo. 25, 1797, died in Middle- town, 4 mo. 9, 1840, married Sidney Wil- son and had children: Mary Ann, Amos, Joseph Wilson and Isaac S.; and Aaronj born m Buckingham, 8 mo. 23, 1804, died in Newtown township, 2 mo. 6, 1889. Aaron Eastburn, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was reared from the age of seven years on the Langhorne Manor farm. His father died when he was nineteen years of age, and he re- mained with his mother until 1828. when he purchased the farm where the subject of this sketch was born, in Newtown township, and spent his remaining days thereon, dying 2 mo. 6, 1889, in his eighty-fifth year. He was an active member of the Society of Friends, and a trustee of P^alls Meeting. He married 5 mo. 22, 1831, Sarah Cadwallader, daughter of Cyrus and Mary (Taylor) Cadwallader of Lower Makefield town- ship, granddaughter of Jacob and Phebe (Radclifife) Cadwallader, great-grand- daughter of Jacob Cadwallader, and great-great-granddaughter of John Cad- wallader. a native of Wales, who wa= an early settler in \\'arminster township and a noted minister among Friends. Through her mother, Mary Taylor, she was a great-granddaughter of John and Mary (Lofty) Sotcher, William Penn's trust- ed stewards at Pennsbury. the former of whom was for many years a member of colonial assembly. Aaron and Sarah (Cadwallader) East- burn were the parents of five children: Mary C, born 5 mo. 10, 1832, married Charles Moon; Cyrus, of Lower Make- field, born 12 mo, 2, 1833, married Ase- nath Haines; Charles, died in infancy: Mercy, born 7 mo. 11, 1838, married Charles Albertson; and Franklin. Franklin Eastburn; father of the sub- ject of this sketch, was the youngest child of Aaron and Sarah, and was born on the Newtown homestead, 11 mo. 2, 1842, and resided thereon until 1896 when he moved to 2107 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, where he now resides. He married. 10 mo. 28, 1869. Mary Elizabeth Twining, daughter of Charles and Eliza- beth (West) Twining, of Yardley, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and they are the parents of two children: Sarah C, born in 1871, now the wife of George William Balderston. of Trenton, New Jersey, and Charles. Charles Twining Eastburn was born and reared on the old homestead in Newtown township, and acquired his education at the public schools and at Friends' Central School at Fifteenth and Race streets. Philadelphia, and Stew- art's Business College at Trenton, New Jersey, leaving the latter February 28, 1892. The day following his leaving bus- iness college he entered the employ of Stephen B. Twining, in the stone quarry business, at Stockton. New Jersey. Upon 20 IIISrONV Of BUCKS COUXTY. the death of Mr. Twining, in July, 1894, he assumed charge of the entire opera- tions. The following year he purchased the business, and has increased and ex- panded it from year to year until he is now the largest cleaier in his line of trade in Eastern Pennsylvania, operating ex- tensive quarries at Stockton, New Jersey, Lumberville, Yardley, Neshaminy Falls, and in Clearrteld, Elk and Jefferson counties, Pennsylvania, and filling large contracts for furnishing stone to the Pennsylvania and other railroad com- panies, and for many large public and private building operations all over the country, employing from four hundred to seven hundred men in the conduct of his business. He also owns and con- ducts the homestead farm in Newtown township. Mr. Eastburn married, January 8, 1903, Margaret B. Phillips, daughter of Theo- dore F. and Emma B. Phillips, of Lang- horne, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and they are the parents of one child, Sarali P., born June 17, 1904- Mr. and Mrs. Eastburn are members of the Newtown Presbyterian church. Mr. Eastburn is a Republican in politics, and has taken an active interest in the success of his party. He is a member of Newtown lodge, No. 426, F. and A. M. SAMUEL COMFORT EASTBURN. Among the most enterprising business men of lower Bucks county is Samuel Comfort Eastburn, of Langhorne bor- ough. He is a son of Joseph and Eliza- beth (Comfort) Eastburn, and was born in Middletown township, Bucks county, August 2, 1848. An account of the first three generations of the paternal ances- tors of the subject of this sketch is given in other pages, he being a descendant in the sixth generation of Robert and Sarah (Preston) Eastburn, who came from' Yorkshire to Philadelphia in 1713. and settled near Abington. Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, a year later. Sam- uel Eastburn, the great-great-grand- father of Samuel C, removed to Sole- bury township, Bucks county, in 1729. His son, Robert Eastburn, and his first wife, Elizabeth Duer, were the great- grandparents of both the subject and his wife, Elizabeth (Maule) Eastburn. Aaron Eastburn, youngest son of Rob- ert and Elizabeth (Duer) Eastburn, born I mo. 10, 1773, married in 9 mo., 1796, Mercy Bye, of Buckingham, and lived in Solebury, dying at the age of seventy-three years, 3 mo. 24, 1846, and Mercy, his widow, dying 2 mo. 21, i8j8. aged seventy-four years. They were the parents of ten children, seven daughters and three sons. Joseph Eastburn, the ninth child of Aaron and Mercy, and the only son who married, was born in Solebury township, 4 mo. 18, 1814. He was reared in his native township of Solebury, but on his marriage, 11 ma. 19, 1846, to Elizabeth, daughter of Sam- uel and Elizabeth Comfort, of Middle- town, settled on a portion of his fath- er-in-law's farm in Middletown. At the death of Samuel Comfort in i860 this farm descended to his daughter, Eliza- beth C. Eastburn, and a part of it is the present home of the subject of this sketch. The children of Joseph and Elizabeth (Comfort) Eastburn were: Samuel C, born 8 mo. 2, 1848; Anna^ born 6 mo. 24, 1852, married John G. Willetts; and Thomas, born 8 mo. 21,. 1853. Joseph Eastburn, the father, died 10 mo, 31, 1891. The maternal ancestors of the subject of this sketch were among the early Quaker settlers of this section. John Comfort was a resident of Amwell tovvn- ship, Hunterdon county, where he died' in 1728. He brought a certificate from Flushing, ■ Long Island, to Falls Meet- ing, 12 mo. 3, 1719. In 1720 he married Mary, daughter of Stephen and Sarah (Baker) Wilson, and had by her three children: Stephen, Sarah and Robert. Stephen Comfort married Mercy Croas- dale, and settled in Middletown town- ship, where he acquired several large tracts of land. He died in 1772, leaving sons Stephen, John, Ezra, Jeremiah, Moses, and Robert; and daughters Grace and Mercy. Stephen Comfort (2), mar- ried Sarah Stevenson, and settled on his father's farm on the Neshaminy, near Parkland, and later purchased consid- erable adjoining land, most of which be- came the property of his son Samuel at the death of his father in 1826. The other children of Stephen and Sarah Comfort were, Stephen, David and Jeremiah. Samuel Comfort lived upon the Nesh- aminy homestead until about 1850, when he removed to the village of Attleboro, where he died in i860, leaving children: Mary Ann; Jesse; Elizabeth, wife of Jo- seph Eastburn, and Samuel. He was a prominent man in the community and filled many positions of trust. Samuel Comfort Eastburn was reared on the Middletown farm, and received his education at the Langhorne Acad- emy and at Westtown Boarding School. He later took a course at Crittenden's Commercial College, Philadelphia. He engaged in railroad surveying for a few- years, and then in the dry goods busi- ness in Philadelphia, where he remained for ten years. In 1880 he took an agency for the Provident Life and Trust Com- pany of Philadelphia, in the life in- surance department, and has been con- nected with it ever since, now holding" the position of general agent for Cen- tral Pennsylvania. Mr. Eastburn is an enterprising and successful business man. and has been closely identified with most of the vast improvements in and about his native town of Langhorne in HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 21 the last twenty-five years. In 1886 he organized and developed the Langhorne Improvement Company, purchasing for it the 620 acres of land upon which the present borough of Langhorne Manor is built. In 1887 he built the Langhorne water works, which now supply water to the three boroughs of Langhorne, Langhorne Manor and Attleboro, and in the same year he built the Langhorne brick works. In 1888 he organized the Langhorne Electric Light Company. He was treasurer and superintendent of the Langhorne Manor Inn, now the Foulke and Long Institute. Me has been largely instrumental in the sale and development of suburban real estate, and has been for many years a foremost advocate of the improvement of the public roads. He has always been an ardent advocate of progress and improvement, and has been a potent force along these lines in the communit)^ in which he lives. In religion he is a member of the orthodox branch of the Society of Friends. In politics he is a Republican, though never a seeker or holder of other than local office, be- ing for some years a justice of the peace, and filling other local offices. He married May 3, 1876, Elizabeth L.. daughter of Joseph E. and Sarah (Com- fort) Maule, of Philadelphia, who was torn 2 mo. 10, 1851. She is a grand- daughter of John and Ann (Eastburn) Maule, the latter being a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Duer) Eastburn, and a sister to Aaron Eastburn, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. The children of Samuel C. and Eliza- beth (Maule) Eastburn are: Herbert Maule, born 3 mo. 25. 1877; Samuel Arthur, born 10 mo. 3. 1878; Joseph Maule, born 4 mo. 25, 1880: and Howard Percy,' born 2 mo. 15, 1887. Herbert is the general agent of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company at Trenton, New Jersey; Samuel A. is district agent for the Provident Life and Trust Com- pany at Williamsport. Pennsylvania; Jo- seph M. is superintendent of the Red- wood Lumber Manufactory, at Samoa, California, for Hammond & Co.; How- ard P. is a civil engineer in the em- ploy of the Good Roads Commission of Pennsylvania. All of the brothers are successful in their chosen careers, and all are single. ROBERT KIRKBRIDE EAST- BURN, Decea.sed, of Langhorne. Bucks county, Pennsylvania, was born in Mor- Tisville, Bucks county, January 20, 1825, and was a son of Samuel and Huldah (Wooley) Eastburn and grand-on of Samuel and Hannah (Kirkbride) East- burn, the last named Samuel being a son of Joseph and Mary (Wilson) Eastburn, of Solebury, Bucks county, g-randson of Samuel and Elizabeth (Gil- lingham) Eastburn. and great-grandson of Robert and Sarah (Preston) East- burn, who were married in Yorkshire, England, 3 mo. 10, 1693. An account of the first three generations of the de- scendants of Robert and Sarah (Pres- ton) Eastburn, and some account of their earlier antecedents in England, is given in the preceding sketches. Samuel Eastburn, son of Joseph and Mary (Wilson) Eastburn, of Sole- bury, was born in that township, 6 mo. 20, 1759. He was reared on the old Solebury homestead, still in the tenure of the descendants of Joseph and Mary, and early in life learned the trade of a blacksmith, which he followed during the active j^ears of his life, in connec- tion with farming in -various parts of the county. His father died when Sam- uel had just arrived at the age ot twen- ty-one years, and prior to the death of the grandfather, who died in 1785. Under the will of the latter, Samuel acquired title to a part of the old homestead on the borders of the present borough of New Hope, and he followed his trade there until 1787, when he purchased a farm of loi acres adjoining the home- stead, which he conducted in connec- tion with his trade until 179^- At about this time, having sold his farm, he re- moved to White Marsh, Montgomery county, where he operated a smith shop until 1803, when he removed to Morris- ville, Bucks county, and purchased a portion of the Robert Morris tract and located thereon. He followed his trade in connection with farming at Morris- ville for some years, and died at that place, 4 mo. S, 1822, at the age of six- ty-four years. He was twice married, having married 4 mo. 12, T781, Macre Croasdale, who died 4 mo. 31, 1782; his son Joseph, by this marriage, horn i nio. 13, T782, died in infancy. He married again, 5 mo. 15. 1788, Hannah Kirk- bride, daughter of Robert and Hannah (Bidgood) Kirkbride, of Doylestown, granddaughter of Mahlon and Mary (Sotchcr) Kirkbride, and great-grand- daughter of Joseph Kirkbride and John Sotcher. both of whom, as well as Mah- lon Kirkbride, were provincial pustices and assemblymen for many years, and the most prominent men of their time in Bucks countv. Samuel and Hannah (Kirkbride) Eastburn, were the parents of nine children, viz.: Robert, born i mo, 31, 1789. died 7 mo. 28, 1796; Samuel, see forward: Jonathan, born 9 mo. 2, 1792. married first Beulah Gaskel. and second Sarah Crozier; David, born 2 mo. 23, 1795, married Louisa Willing; Mahlon. born 9 mo. 9, T797. died unmarried, 12 mo. 7, 1870; Hannah, born 12 mo. 7, 1799, married Aaron Ivins, in 1839; Kirkbride, born i mo. 23, 1803, married Ann Reeves; Macre, born 2 mo. 14, 1806, died unmarried; and Ruth, born i mo. 20, 1810, also died unmarried. 22 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Sanuul Eastbiini. son of Sam- uel and Hannah, was born in Solebury, Bucks county, lo mo. 7, J 790. His early boyhood days were spent at White Marsh, where his parents resided until he was in his thirteenth year, the re- mainder of his life being spent in Falls township and Morrisville borough, Bucks county. He married, in 1813, Huldah Wooley, and they were the pa- rents of seven children, viz.: Lewis, born 8 mo. 5, 1814; Elwood, born 11 mo, 22, 1816; Robert K., the subject of this sketch; Caroline, born 3 mo. 17, 1832; Maria Ann, who married and removed to the west; Hannah K., born g mo. 13, 1835; and Edward. Robert Kirkbride Eastburn, third son of Samuel and Huldah, was born and reared at Morrisville. At the age of nineteen years he became a school teacher and taught in the nearby townships of Bucks county for several years. He later removed to Philadelphia, and w-as engaged in the manufacture of furniture, after some years becoming a member of the firm of Reeves & Eastburn, in which he con- tinued for a member of years. His health failing, he was induced to accept a position as book-keeper for a mining company in New IMexico, and removed there with his family, and remaiped twelve years, entirely regaining his health in that delightful climate. While in New JNIexico his duties required him to make his home in a rough mining camp among a turbulent element, not al- ways controlled or animated by the re- fining influences of civilization, where every one except he went armed, and human life was held exceedingly cheap. Mr. Eastburn always refused to carry arms, and, by his fearless though kindly defense of right and justice, won an in- fluence among the rugged miners, and successfully enacted the role of peace- maker in many little disturbances in the camp, where he had the respect of all who knew him. He returned to Bucks county in 1894 and purchased a handsome home on Richardson Avenue, Langhorne, where he lived until his death on Febru- ary 26, 1897, and where his widow still resides. He held to the faith of the So- ciety of Friends, in which he and his ancestors had been reared, and his firrn though kindly disposition won the re- spect and esteem of all who knew him. Mr. Eastburn married, April 12, 1859, Aliriam Ivins, daughter of George Mid- dleton and Sarah (Buckman) Ivins, of Penns Manor, Bucks county, where her paternal ancestors had resided for sev- eral generations, she being a grand- daughter of Aaron and Miriam (Middle- ton) Ivins, and great-granddaughter of Aaron and Ann {"Cheshire) Ivins. On the maternal side she is a granddaughter of James and Sarah (Burroughs) Buck- man, the former of whom was a son of William and Jane I'uckman, and a de- scendant of William Buckman, who* came from England and settled at New- town in 1684, and the latter a daughter of John and Lydia Burroughs, and granddaughter of Henry and Ann (Palmer) Burroughs, who came from New Jersey and settled in Lower ]\Iake- field, being a son of John Burroughs,, who was born at Newtown, Long Island, in 1684, and died in Ewing, New Jersey,, in 1772, and the last named John being a son of John and Margaret (Wood- ward) Burroughs, of Long Island and a grandson of John Burroughs, who came from England to Massachusetts prior to 1639, and died at Newtown, Long Island, in 1678, at the age of sixty- one years. To Mr. and Mrs. Eastburn were born two children, both born in Philadelphia, viz.: Henry Kirkbride, born November 19, i86i; and Edward Ivins, born March 17, 1866. Henry K. Eastburn is now engaged in the wool business in Philadelphia; he married, January 17. 1884, Carrie Gideon, of Phil- adelphia. Edwin I. is also a resident of Philadelphia. Mrs. Eastburn, accompanied her hus- band to New Mexico, and spent twelve years in that territory. She now resides in Langhorne borough where she is highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. EASTBURN REEDER, one of 4he most prominent farmers and dairymen- in Bucks county, was born June 30, 1828, upon the farm on which he now resides, and which had been the prop- erty of his ancestors for five generations from 1763. Charles Reeder, great-great-grand- father of the subject of this sketch, born in England, 6 mo. 24, 1713, came to America in 1734 and settled first near Philadelphia, removing later to Upper Makefield township, Bucks county, where he purchased 200 acres of land in 1765; he died there in 1800. He mar- ried in 1737, Eleanor Merrick, daughter of John and Eleanor (Smith) ]\Ierrick, of Lower Dublin township, Philadelphia county. John Merrick was a Friend, a native of Herefordshire, England, v«ho came to Pennsylvania and settled in Lower Dublin township. In first month, 1702. he declared intentions of marriage, at Abington Friends' Meeting, with Elea- nor Smith, and was married the follow- ing month. He died in 1732. His eldest son John subsequently removed to Wrightstown, having married Ilananh Ilulme. and was the ancestor of the Merricks of lower Bucks. Charles and Eleanor (Merrick) Reeder were the pa- rents, of eleven children, viz.: Joseph, born mo. 3, 17.18, removed to New Jer- sey, (his son John is supposed to be the ancestor of the Rceders of Easton, 0^ w Q W W ^; ID pq H CO < O Q < W H c/i W :^ o HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 23 Pennsylvania) ; Charles, born 6 mo. 15, 1743; Benjamin, born 3 mo. 29, 1746, settled in NorthumberlancJ count3% Penn- sylvania; Jesse, born 8 mo. 25, 1748, was drowned in the Delaware river when a young man; David, born S mo. 3, 1750, married, in 1776, Elizabeth Montgom- ery; Abraham, born 7 mo. 8, 1752, mar- ried in 1780; Elizabeth Lee, of Wrights- town; Merrick, born 7 mo. 31, 1754, mar- ried in 1773, Elizabeth Collins; Hannah, born 8 mo. 15, 1756; Eleanor, born 2 mo. 3. 1758; John, born li mo. 29, 1761; and Mary, born 9 mo. 15, 1764. Merrick Reeder, seventh son of Charles and Eleanor, was reared on the Makeficld farm, and on arriving at man- hood married Elizabeth Collins, and followed the vocation of a farmer. He was a tenant on the "Canaan Farm" in Upper Makefield for several years. Hi t8io he and several of his children re- moved to Muncy, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania. He had thirteen children, viz.: Benajah, born 11 mo. 30, 1774, mar- ried Elizabeth Pownall, of Solebury, and removed to Muncy, in 1810; Merrick, born 2 mo. 8, 1776, .was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch; Jonathan, born 6 mo. ID, 1777, married Sarah Palmer, and removed to Muncy; David, born 8 mo. 23, 1778, married Rachel Pownall, and removed to Muncy; Han- nah, born 4 mo. 11, 1780, married Sam- •uel Winder, and removed to Muncy; Mary, born 10 mo. 29, 1781, married John Robinson; Rebecca, born 5 mo. 20, 1783, died unmarried; Elizabeth, born 4 mo. 3, 1785, married Thomas Osborn and re- moved to ]\Iuncy; Charles, born 4 mo. 18, 1787, married Elizabeth Clark and re- moved to Baltimore. Maryland, where he has descendants; Andrew, born 6 mo. 12, 1789, married Anna Kemble, and re- moved to Muncy: John, born 5 mo. 18, 1791, married Rebecca Ellis, and re- moved to Muncy; Eleanor, born 11 mo. 4, 1793, married John Ross, and re- moved to Muncy, Lycoming county, with her parents; Jesse, born 8 mo. 19, 1796, married first Elizabeth Fell, and (sec- ond; Mary Fell, her sister; settled in Buckingham and is the grandfather of E. Wesley Keeler, Esq., of Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Merrick Reeder, Jr., second son of Merrick and Elizabeth, born in Make- field, 2 mo. 8, 1776, was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. He was reared on a farm in Upper Makefield, and received a good education. He came to Solebury as a school teacher in 1800, and in 1802 married Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Kitchin) East- burn. He was a man of good business ability, and was for many j^ears a justice of the peace in Solebury and New Hope borough. Soon after his marriage he settled on a portion of the Eastburn farm, (purchased by Joseph Eastburn, Sr., in 1763), and at the death of his father-m-law, Joseph Eastburn, Jr., in 1813, it was adjudged to him in right of his wife, and is now the property and home of Simpson B. Michener, of New Hope. Merrick Reeder was a surveyor and scrivener, and an active and useful man in the community. P^is wife, Eliza- beth Eastburn, died 9 mo. 7, 1833, and he married (second) in 1836, Sarah Simpson. He died in i mo., 1851, aged seventy-five years. (For Eastburn an- cestry of subject of this sketch, see East- burn Family). Merrick and Elizabeth (Eastburn) Reeder were the parents of three children: Joseph E., born 3 mo. 28, 1803; David K., born 10 mo. 29, 1804, married Elizabeth M. Reeder, a daughter of Charles M. Reeder; and William P., born 4 mo. 26, 181 5, married Mary Reeder, also a daughter of Charles M. Reeder. David K. Reeder heired his father's portion of the old plantation in Solebury and lived and died in that township in 1887. William P. removed to Philadelphia, and died in 1885. Joseph E. Reeder, son of Merrick and Elizabeth, born in Solebury township, 3 mo. 28, 1803, was a farmer, and resided during his whole life on the parental acres. He married 4 mo. 11, 1827, Le- titia, daughter of Stephen and Hannah (Blackfan) Betts, of Solebury, who bore him two children; Eastburn, the subject of this sketch; and Elizabeth, born i mo. 20. 1831, died November 7, i860, married Robert Eastburn in 1857. Joseph E. Reeder died 7 mo. 28, 1892. aged eigh- ty-nine years, and Letitia, his wife, died 12 mo. 2, 1892, aged ninety-one years. Eastburn Reeder, born on the old homestead of his ancestors, June 30, [828, has spent his whole life thereon. He received a good education, and on arriving at manhood turned his whole attention to the farm. He married, 12 mo. 15 1853, Ellen, daughter of John E. and Martha (Quinby) Kenderdine, and the following spring took charge of the home farm, which he conducted person- ally until 1898 a period of forty-four years, since which time he has retired from its active management. In 1872 he becv.me interested in the breeding of Jer- sey cattle, and his handsome herds were the pride of the county for many years. He has always taken an active interest in the elevation of the calling of a farrner and the improvement of methods of till- ing and utilizing the soil- He was one of the original thirty-three members of the Solebury Farmers' Club organized in 1871, and its first secretary, and is still one of its most active members. He was the representative of Bucks county in the State Board of Agriculture from 1877 to 1893, sixteen years; was ap- pointed by Governor Robert E. Patti- son. May, 1893, State Dairy and Food Commissioner, the first commissioner under the law creating the office, and served until JuJy, i89S. He was active 24 HISTORY or BUCKS COUNTY. in the prosecution of the manufactures of oleomargarine and other imitations of pure food, and placed the office on a high plane of usefulness to the farmer. He is also the author of numerous pa- pers on farming and dairying, and has done much to influence legislation for the protection and betterment of the farmer. He was a member of the Sole- bury school board for nine years, from 1865 to 1874, and its secretary for six years. In politics he is a Republican of the independent type. In religion is an active and earnest member of Solebury Meeting of Friends, as were his ances- tors. Since his retirement from the ac- tive management of his farms he has devoted considerable time to literary pursuits, and has published a book en- titled "Early Settlers of Solebury," and also a "History of the Eastburn Earn- ily." Eastburn and Ellen K. Reeder are the parents of four children: Watson K., born October 3, 1854, the present sta- tion agent for the P. & R. R. R. at New Hope, who married 1879, Mary C. Beans, of Johnsville, Bucks county, Pennsylvania; Elizabeth, born 6 mo. i, 1857. married in 1880, Newton E. Wood, of Moreland, Montgomery county, Penn- sylvania; Letitia, wife of Dr. George W. Lawrence, of East Berlin, Connecti- cut, married in 1892; and Martha, wife of Charles Janney, of Solebury, married in 190.3. THE VANSANT FAMILY. The Vansants of Bucks county are descend- ants of a common ancestor, Gerret Stof- felse Van Sandt or Van Zandt,* (other- wise Garret Van Sandt, son of Stoffel or Christopher), who emigrated from the Netherlands, probably from Zaan- dani in North Holland, or Zandberg in Drenthe, in or about the year 1651, and settled in New Utrecht, Long Island, on the records of which town he is fre- quently mentioned as Gerret Stoffellse. He was one of the fourteen patentees mentioned in the patent from Governor Thomas Dongan, May 13, 1686, for the Commons of New Utrecht, "on behalf of themselves and their associates, the present freeholders and inhabitants of the said towne." His land was located at Yellow Hook, "under the jurisdiction of the town of New Utrecht." He was a magistrate of New Utrecht in 1681. * For much of the information contained in this sketch, more especially that pertaining to the early generations of the family, we are indebted to R. Win- der Johnson of Philadelphia, who has made extensive researches covering nearly twenty-five years pertain- ing to the ancestry of the Vansants and other Holland families from whom he is descended. He is himself a descendant of Garret Vansandt, through liis son, jacobus (') . and his fourth son, Isaiali X'iinsant. who married Charity VanHorn, and their daugliter. Sarah, who married Christian Van Horn, tlie descent being shown more in detail in the article in this volume on the VanHorn Family. By deed dated July 31, 1695, lie con- vej'ed his Yellow Hook plantation to Derick Janse Van Zutphen, and re- moved to Bucks countj', where Joseph Growdon on 12 mo. 10, 1698-9, conveys to him 150 acres in Bensalem township, and on the same date conveys a like tract adjoining to his son Cornelius. It is probable that he was located for a time in New York, as he had two chil- dren baptized at the Dutch Reformed church there in 1674 and 1676, respec- tively. It is generally conceded that he was twice married, as the record of the baptisms above mentioned gives the name of his wife as L3'sbeth Gerritz, while the later baptisms at New Utrecht and Flatbush churches give it as Lys- beth Cornelis. It is, however, possible that in one instance her father's sur- name is used and in the other his first name as was common on the Dutch records. Cornelius Gerrets was a mem- ber of the Dutch church at New Utrecht. Garret Vansand died intestate in Ben- salem township, Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania, prior to June 5, 1706, the date upon which his ten children make a con- veyance of his land purchased as before stated in February, 1698-9. The record of baptism of seven of his ten children appears at the Dutch church of New Netherlands, and will be given in con- nection with a sketch of each child, ta- ken in regular order of birth, later in this article. The names of the ten chil- dren were: I. Stoffell; 2. Cornelius; 3. Josias; 4. Harman; 5. Albert; 6. Johan- nes; 7. Jacobus; 8. George; 9. Jesina, and 10. Garret. (Harman was really the third child in order of birth, and Josias fourth). I. STOFFEL VAN SANDT, eldest son of Garret, was born in the province of New York about the year 1670, and took the oath of allegiance at New Ut- recht, Long Island, as a native of New Netherlands, in 1687. He probably re- moved to Bucks county at the same time as his fatlier, in 1699. He was a member of the Bensalem Dutch Re- formed church, with wife Rachel Cour- son ; having joined by certificate in 1710. He seems, however, to have become a member of Abington Presbyterian church at its organization in 1714, and was made one of its elders. He purchased of Henry Paulin on May 23, 1706, 300 acres of land in Middletown, 200 acres of which he con- veyed to his sons Garret and John, and died seized of the balance in 1749. He was a justice of Bucks county. 1715-18, 1723-27, and a member of colonial as- sembly, 1710, 1712, 1714, 1719. His chil- dren were: i. Jannctje. baptized at Brooklyn, September 3. 1693, married November 3. 171 1, William Renherg. 2. Garret, baptized at Brooklyn. May 4, 1695. probably died young, as the soii Garret, mentinned later, was ceriai^ily HISTORY OP BUCKS COUNTY. 25 a younger man. (These children above were by Stoffel's first marriage with An- netje Stoffels, who probably died prior to the removal to Bucks county.) The chil- dren of Stoffel by his second marriage with Rachel Corson, daughter of Hen- drick Courson, were eight in number and as follows: 3. Joshua, married February 20, 1728, Catharine Johnston, and settled in Kent county, Maryland, on land conveyed to him by his father, October 28, 1728. — >4. John, who married Rebecca Cox, of Philadelphia, August 19, 1728, and set- tled in Middletown, on land conveyed to him by his father in 1738, and died there in 1750. leaving daughters Ann, Elizabeth, Catharine, Rebecca and Mary and one son, John. S. James, who was baptised at Abing- ton as an adult September 16, 1716, and had children, i. Rebecca, 2. Flora, 3, John, 4. Jacobus, baptized there 1719- 1733- — 6. Garret, purchased land of his fath- er in Middletown in 1742, died there in 1789. leaving large family of children; see forward. 7. Elizabeth, who married John Enoch in 1718, and left a large family. 8. Alice, or Alshe, married Samuel Rue and left a number of children. 9. Rachel, married Lewis Rue, March 24. 1736, and left children. ID. Je.sina. who never married. II. CORNELIUS VAN SANDT, son of Garret (i) was born in New York, probably about the year 1672. On 12 mo. ID, 1698-9. he purchased 150 acres of land adjoining his father in Bensalem township. Bucks county. On May 4, 1714. he conveyed this tract to Thomas Stevenson. It was probably in exchange for land in Cecil county, Maryland, as on the same date Stevenson conveyed to him 1,035 acres on the west side of Elk river, in New Mnnster township, Cecil county, Maryland. He was bap- tized at Pennypack Baptist church, Sep- tember 14, 1712, and in 1714, with wife Dericka. was "dismissed to Welsh Tract" Baptist church in Pencader Hun- dred, New Castle county. This church was organized by a colony of Welsh Baptists at Milford Haven, wdien about to embark for America, in 1701. On ar- riving in America they located at Pen- nypack. where they remained until 1703. when they located in New Castle on land donated to them by James James, and were ever after known as the "Welsh Tract Baptist Church." Cor- nelius Vansarjt remained a member of this church, and was buried there May I. 1734- His will, probated in Cecil county, mentions wife Mary and chil- dren Cornelius, Garret and Rebecca, all apparently minors. He evidently mar- ried a second time after his removal. III. Harman' Van Sandt, son of Gar- rett and Lysbeth Gerritz, was baptized at the Dutch Reformed church of New York, June 10, 1674, and died in Bensa- lem township, Bucks county, in 1759. He purchased August i, 1704, 250 acres of land in Bensalem of Thomas Stevenson, and on April 26, 1712, 250 more. On May 26, 1713, he purchased 125 acres which had belonged to his brother Johannes, and devised it in his will to his daughr ter Catharine, wife of Daniel Severns. On May 20, 1741, he purchased 100 acres for his daughter Gazina, wife of Jacob Titus. He also purchased in 171 1 56 acres in Southampton, which he con- veyed to his brother Jacobus. Harman Vansant was three times married. His first wife, whom he married in New Utrecht, was Elizabeth Brouwers. He married (second) in 1733 Jane Joudon, and (third) oji November 9, 1738, Judith Evans, who survived him. She had been twice married before becoming the wife of Harman Vansant, first to Cornelius McCarty, and second to John Evans, both of Basalem township. The children of Harman Vansant were as follows, all probably by Elizabeth, his first wife: I. Garret, who died in 1755, leaving a widow Mary and four children — Har-'' man, Peter, Elizabeth and Garret. Har-" man, who married Eleanor Vandegrift, was the administrator of his father in I7SS> and executor of the will of his grandfather in 1759. He was devised by the latter 125 acres of the land whereon his father had lived, and subsequently purchased considerable other land in Bensalem where he died in 1815. His children were: Jacob, baptized at South- ampton church, July 7, 1754: Joseph; Mary Van Horn; Eleanor, wife of Rob- ert Wood; Sarah Cox; Ann Pleamess and Garret. Peter was devised 100 acres of land by his grandfather. Elizabeth and Garret were the ancestors of practically all the Vansants of Bensalem. 2. Gazina, who married Jacon Titus and lived on land devised to her by her father. She died prior to April 30, 1772, leaving children; Elizabeth, who mar- ried Ephraim Phillips, of Burlington, New Jersey; Olshe. who married Joseph Seaborne, of Warwick, Bucks county; Catharine, who married John Baker, of Mt. Holly, New Jersey; Charity, wife of Samuel Sutton, of Byberry, Jacob. Se- ruch and William, of Bensalem; and Sa- rah of Byberry. 3. Elizabeth, who married May 6, 1719, Volkert Vandegrift, and had nine chil- dren, and died before her father. See Vandegrift Family. ' 4. Katharine, who married Daniel Severns and lived on land in Bensalem devised to her by her father. 5. Harman, who married Alice Craven, daughter of James Craven, of Warmins- ter, Bucks county, and died in 1735, leaving four children, mentioned in his father's will in 1755. three of whom were James, Harman and William. James 26 HISTORY OP BUCKS COUXTY. was born in 1731, and died in Nortlianip- ton, January 31, 1798; he married Aug- ust 23, 1756, Jane Bennett, daughter of William and Charity Bennett, and set- tled in Northampton in 1764; James and Jane were the ])arents of thirteen chil- dren: Harman, married Alice Ilogeland and settled in Warminster; Charity, wife of John Corson, Esq.; William; Charles; Elizabeth; Eleanor, wife of John Brown; Richard; Isaac; John; Alice; James; Aaron, and Mary. Harman, son of Har- man and Alice (Craven) Vansant, mar- ried Catharine Hogeland, and died in Warminster in 1823; was many years a justice; he left but one child, Elizabeth, wife of James Edams. William died in Warminster in 1805 IV. Josias Van Sandt, son of Garret and Lysbeth Gerritz, was baptized at the Dutch Reformed church of New York, October 29, 1676. but as we find no further record of him he probably died in childhood. V. ALBERT VAN SANDT, son of Garret (i) was baptized at Flatbush, May 13, 1681. He married November 8, 1704, Rebecca Vandegrift, daughter of Leonard and Gertje (Ellsworth) Van- degrift. He probably removed with the rest of the family to Bensalem, Bucks county, as he joined in the deed conveying his father's real estate, but in 1708-9, in connection with his bro- ther-in-law, Jacob Vandegrift, purchased 500 acres of land in St. George's Hun- dred, New Castle county. He seems also to have purchased land in Georgetown, Kent county, Maryland, which he con- veyed to his brother George, May 14, "^737- 111 1743 lie and his wife Rebecca, of St. George's Hundred, New Castle county, Delaware, joined in the deed for his father-in-law's real estate in Bensa- lem. After this date and prior to De- cember 16, 1751, the date of his will, he married a second wife, Sarah, who is named as executrix. His children were: Elizabeth, baptized October 3, 1705, mar- ried a Joudon; Leonard, baptized No- vember 5, 1707, probably died young, not mentioned in will; Harmanus; James; John; Garret; Christina, mar- ried a Dushane; Rebecca, married a Mar- tin; and Ann, who married a Brown. VI. JOHANNES (or John) VAN SANDT, born on Long Island, son of Garret (i), married at the First Pres- byterian church of Philadelphia, 12 mo. 17, 1702, Leah Grocsbeck, probably daughter of Jacob Groesbeck, who ac- companied the Vansants from Long Isl- and .to Bensalem and purchased land there. John Vansand, as he signed his name, purchased August I, 1704, 125 acres of land in Bensalem of Thomas Stevenson, but reconveyed it to Stev- enson, May 17. 1714, and the latter im- mediately conveyed it to Harmon Van- Sandt before mentiontd. On the same date Stevenson conveyed to him 500 acrs of land on Elk River, Cecil county, Maryland. It is probable that his in- tention to move to Maryland was- frustrated by his sickness and death. His will is dated October 30, 1714, and was proved the sixth of the following January. It devises to son John forty shillings, and to his wife Leah his per- sonal estate and the use of his Mary- land real estate, if not sold, during life for "the educaticui and maintenance of. herself and children." Believing that it will be necessary to sell his Maryland real eistate, he empowers Stofifel Van- sand and Bartholomew Jacobs to sell it. If not sold, to be valued and divided between the two boys, they paying their sisters their equal shares. The only child mentioned was John. It is possible that the other of "the two boys" was Gar- ret, who had a number of children bap- tized at St. Stephen's church, Cecil county, beginning with 1721. A daughter Rachel was baptized June 5, 1711. TJ^'-ijACOBUS (or James) VAN SANDT, son of Garret (i), was baptized at Flat- bush, Long Island, February 15, 1685, and removed with his father to Bensa- lem, Bucks county, in 1699. He married at the First Presbyterian church of Philadelphia, on January 7, 1707-8, Re- becca Vandegrift, daughter of Nicho- las and Barentje (Verkerk) Vandegrift, who had come to Bensalem from Long Island at the same date as the Vansants, (See Vandegrift Family). Jacobus and his wife joined the Bensalem church, Neshaminy branch, at its institution in 1710. On April 7, 1711, Benjamin Hop- per conveyed to Jacobus Vansand, of Bensalem, yeoman, 100 acres of land in Southampton, and on January I, 1712, his brother Harman Vansandt and Eli- zabeth his wife conveyed to Jacobus fif- ty acres adjoining the 150 which had been purchased by Harman of Ezra Bowen, June 13, 171 1. He later purchased 144 acres of land of Cornelius Egmont, which he devised to his son Nicholas. The will of Jacobus Vansandl, of South- ampton, is dated December 12, 1744. a"fl was proven January 9, 1745- It devises to son Jacob the 150 acre farm on which he dwelt, reserving certain p-ivileges to his wife Rebecca: the Egmont farm to son Nicholas: mentions daughters Eliza- beth and Rebecca as having received their shares, the latter being ceceased; sons Jacobus, Garret and Isaiah, and grandson Charles Inyard, to have equal shares. The will names "kinsman John Vansand" and friend Nathaniel Brittian as executors, but they renouncing, as also did the widov/, letters were granted to the sons James and Nicholas. The will is signed "J. V." His widow Re- becca survived him two years, leaving will dated November 18, 1746, and ])roved January 13, 1746-7. and men- tions the sanfe children, and grandson diaries Inyar)llege in 1891. and for one winter filled the position in that institution as teacher in the banking department. He then accepted the position of bookkeeper for .Augustes Beitney, which he filled for six j-ears. and then entered into the em- ploy of Walton Bros., grain merchants of Philadelphia, as bookkeeper, and after a short time was promoted to the posi- tion of general superintendent, haying general charge of their large warehouse. The firm has for many years done a HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 29 large business, and is one of the largest dealers in that line in Philadelphia. In politics Air. Vansant is a Republican, and takes an active interest in the af- fairs of the town in which he lives. He has been for many years a member of the borough council, and is now filling the position of clerk of that body. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, being affiliated with Bristol Lodge No. 25, F. and A. M. He is also a member of Neshaminy Lodge, No. 422, L O. O. F., of Hulmeville, of which he is a past grand. He married, November 12, 1895. Cora Wilson, daughter of Charles and Sarah (Snyder) Wilson, of Trenton, New Jersey, and a granddaughter of Chris- topher and Sarah (Snyder) Wilson. They are the parents of two children, Ella Praul, born February 23, 1900; and Elisha Praul, born March 9, 1904- ANCESTRY OF MARTIN V. B. and NATHANIEL VANSANT, of South- ampton. Captain Nathaniel Vansant, only son of Nicholas and Mary (Brittian) Van- sant, of Southampton, was born on the old homestead in that township, March 13- 1745- At the outbreak of the Revolu- tion he was a resident of Bensalem town- ship having purchased a farm there in 1777. He was commissioned first lieu- tenant of the Associated company of that township. From the very beginning of the arming for the conflict with the mother country, the Vansants were fore- most in oft^ering their services for home defense and militia service. Garret and Peter were members of the Bensalem company; Garret. of Southampton, brother of Nicholas, ^.nd uncle to Cap- tain Nathaniel, was second lieutenant of the Southampton company in 1775. and was second lieutenant of the Fifth Com- pany of the First Battalion in the re- organization of 1777- Nicholas, father of Captain Nathaniel, and Jacob, his brother were both members of the Southampton company in 1775. In i\Iid- dletown. George and John, sons of Gar- ret and grandsons of Stophel, were mem- bers of the Associated company of that township. James, son of Harman and grandson of Harman. Sr.. the only mem- ber of the family in Northampton, joined the Associated company there in 1775. Peter, of Lower Makefield, son of Isaiah and grandson of Jacobus, was captain of the company of that township, and his brother Cornelius was second lieutenanh^ The member of the family, however, who rendered pre-eminent service and suffered untold hardships in the defense of his country was Captain Nathaniel Vansant. of Bensalem. He was commis- sioned a captain January 5, 1776. in Col- onel Robert Magaw's Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, in which there was a large number of Bucks coun- tians. who through the treachery of Ma- gaw's adjutant, were badly routed at Fort Washington, New York, on No- vember 16, 1776, and 2,700 American sol- diers were taken prisoners, including Magaw and almost his entire command. Captain Vansant was captured with the rest, and for two years suffered the hor- rors of imprisonment in the floating hells in New York harbor and the loathsome warehouses in the city. Many of the let- ters written home to his wife while a prisoner are in the possession of the Bucks County Historical Society and of members of the family. The quaint chapeau worn by him in the service is also in possession of the Historical So- ciety. Captain Vansant married August 27, 1768. at the Dutch Reformed church of Southampton, Hannah Vansandt. There seems to be some dispute about the maiden name of Hannah Vansant; both the church records and that of the grant- ing of the license by the civil authorities give it as Vanzandt, while his descen- dants claim that her name was Brittian, the same as that of the Captain's mother. It seems to be conceded that she was his cousin, and it is probable that she was the daughter of his uncle, James Vansandt. who married Margaret, daugh- ter of Hendrick and Hannah (Field) Breece. Hannah was born January 16, 1746, and died August 19, 1818. The chil- dren of Captain Nathaniel and Hannah Vansant were as follows: Harman, who died of yellow fever in Philadelphia dur- ing the epidemic of that disease in the city, about the close of the century; and Nicholas, born February 25, 1771. died April 19. 1850. Nicholas, as only surviving child of Nathaniel and Hannah Vansant, inher- ited the real estate of his father, who died August 8, 1825. intestate. He lived and died on the old homestead in South- ampton, which remained in the family for six generations and until 1889, when it was sold, a period of at least one hun- dred and fifty years. Nicholas married Alary Larzelcre. daughter of Nicholas and Hannah (Brittian) Larzelere of Ben- salem township. She was born Septem- ber 8, 1772, and died October 27, 1863. The children of Nicholas and Mary (Larzelere) Vansant were: 1. Alary, born September 6. 1795, mar- ried Jacob Vansant, and had two chil- dren, Franklin, who married a Hogeland, and Angelina. 2. Nathaniel, born April 14, 1797, mar- ried z\lice Vanartsdalen; see forward. 3. Elizabeth, born February 24. I799, married Silas Rhoads, and had one child, Alary Ann, who married William Go- forth. 4. Benjamin, born February 14, 1803. died June. 1869; married (first) Sarah Campbell, born Alarch 7. 1810, died Alarch to. 1853: and (second) Jane Lu- kens. The children of the first marriage 30 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. were: Lendrum L., born October 4, 1832; Elizabeth R., who married J. Paul Knight; Harriet P., who married George Shoemaker; and Charles R., who mar- ried Carrie Saurman. The only child of the second marriage was Dr. Benjamin Vansant. 5. Nicholas L., born September 7, 1807; married Margaret Vandegrift, and had two children, Mahlon and Marj^ Ann. The children of Nathaniel and Alice (Vanartsdalen) Vansant, were: 1. Mary Amanda, born March 26, 1824, married Anderson Leedom, and had three children: Thomas, deceased; Alice, wife of John Tomlinson; and Nathaniel, who married Martha Comly. 2. Casper R., born April 3, 1826, died June 26, 1881, married Ellen Field, and had two children: Nathaniel, born Oc- tober 12, 1859; see forward; and Levi, who married Ida Sickle. 3. Nicholas B., born January 28, 1828, went to California, where he probably died. 4. Hiram R., born January 12, 1831, •died September 19, 1888. 5. Jacob W., born March 7. 1833: mar- ried Esther Buckman, and had five chil- dren: Alice, who married William Brad- field; Watson, who married a VanReif; Howard, who married Lydia Stout; Leonard, who married Sarah Yerkes; and Mary who married Horace Blaker. 6. Howard S., born February 13. 1835; married Elizabeth Fetter. He died July 9, 1866. 7. MARTIN VAN BUREN VAN- SANT, born on the old homestead in Southampton, February 4, 1839. He was reared on the old homestead and edu- cated at the public schools. He learned the trade of a miller, and was engaged in the milling business at Churchville for a number of years. At his father's death in 1883 he purchased the old homestead in Southampton, and subsequently sold it to Dr. Benjamin Baer, of Philadelphia. Mr. Vansant was never married. In pol- itics he is a Democrat. He never held other than local offices, having filled that of assessor, which office, by the way, was held by his great-great-grandfather under Colonial authority, the original commission being in possession of the Bucks County Historical Society. NATHANIEL VANSANT, son of Casper (4) and Ellen (Field) Vansant. was born at Somerton. Philadelphia county. October 12,. 1859, but was reared in Southampton township, Bucks county, and educated at the local schools. His father purchased a farm in Southamp- ton in 1870, which he conveyed to Na- thaniel in 1888, and he has always fol- lowed the life of a farmer. In politics he is a Democrat. He has filled the of- fice of school director for several years. He was married in September, 1888. to Wilhelmina Depew, and they are the parents of two children: Blanche, born March 10, 1890; and Viola E., born Oc- tober 8, 1892. THE VANDEGRIFT FAMILY is of Holland descent, their progenitor being Jacob Lendertsen Van der Grift (that is, son of Lenerd) who with his brother Paulus Lenertsen Van der Grifc, came from Amsterdam about 1644 and settled in New Amsterdam. Both of the Van der Grift brothers were in the employ of the West India Company. Paulus was skipper of the ship "Neptune" in 1645, and of the "Great Gerrit"' in 1646. He was a large landholder in New Amster- dam as early as 1644. He was a member of council, 1647-1648; burgomaster 1657- 1658, and 1661-1664; orphan master 1656- 1660; member of convention, 1653 and 1663. On February 21, 1664. Paulus Leendersen and Allard Anthony were spoken of as "co-patroons of the new settlement of Noortwyck, on the North River." He had five children baptized ai the Dutch Reformed church, and he and his wife were witnesses to the baptism of five of the eight children of his brother Jacob. Paulus Leendertsen Van der Grift sold his property in New Amster- dam in 1671, and returned with his fam- ily to Europe. Jacob Lendertsen Van die Grifte, bot- tler, of New Amsterdam, in the service of the West India Company, on Septem- ber II, 1648, granted a power of Attor- ney to Marten IMartense Schoenmaker, of Amsterdam, Holland, to collect from the West India Company such amounts of money as he (Van die Grift) had earned at Curocoa, on the ship "Swol". em- ployed by that company to ply between the island of Curocoa and New Nether- lands. The early records of New Am- sterdam give a considerable account of this ship "Swol." It carried twenty-two guns and seventy-six men. In 1644 it was directed to proceed to New Amster- dam, and on arriving, "being old." it was directed to be sold. Another boat was', however, given the same name, be- ing sometimes mentioned as the "New Swol." On July 19, 1648. Jacob Lendertsen Van der Grist was married at New Am- sterdam to Rebecca Fredericks, daugh- ter, of Frederick Lubbertsen. On March 7. 1652, he sold as attorney for his father-in-law, fifty morgens and fifty-two rods of land on East river. On Febru- ary 19, 1657, Jacob Leendersen V.nn die Grift was commissioned by the burgo- masters and schepens of New Amster- dam as a measurer of grain. To this ap- pointment was affixed instructions "that from now nobody shall be allowed to measure for himself or have measured by anybody else than the sworn meas- urers, any grain, lime or other goods HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 31 which are sold by the tun or schepel. or come here from elsewhere as cargoes and in wholesale, under a penalty of £3 for first transgression, £6, for sec- ond and arbitrary correction for the third." In 1656 Jacob Leendertsen Van- dergrift was made a small burgher of New Amsterdam. In 1662 he was a resi- dent of Bergen, New Jersey, where he subscribed toward the salary of a min- ister. On April 9, 1664, he and his wife, Rebecca Fredericks, were accepted as members of the church at "Breukelen," upon letters from Middlewout, (now Flatlands); his residence on the west side of the river must, therefore, have been of short duration. On May 29, 1664. then living under the jurisdiction of the village of Breukelen, Long Island, he applies to council for letters of ces- sion with committimus to the court, to relieve him from his creditors on his turning over his property in their be- half, he being "burdened with a large family, and on account of misfortune be- fallen some years ago, not having been able to forge ahead, notwithstanding all efforts and means tried by him to that end, etc." There are records of a num- ber of suits prior to this date, in which he appears either as plaintiff or defen- dant. In 1665 he was living on the strand of the North river, New Amster- dam, where he is assessed towards pay- ing the expense of quartering one hun- dred English soldiers on the Dutch burghers. On. October 3, 1667, he re- •ceived a patent from Governor Nicolls for land on the island of Manhattan, on the north side of the Great Creek, which he sold to Isaac Bedloe, in 1668. He probably removed at this date to Noord- wyck. on the North river, where he pur- chased in 1671 the land of his brother Paulus, who had returned to Amster- dam. In 1686 he appears as an inhabi- tant of Newton, Long Island, where he probably died, though the date of his death has not been ascertained. His widow removed with her children to Bensalem, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in 1697, and was living there in 1710. The children of Jacob Lendertsen and Re- becca Fredericks Van der Grift, baptised at the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam, were as follows: 1. IMartje. baptised August 29. 1649, married Cornelius Corsen. March^ 11, 1666. He was baptised at New York, April 23, 1645. being the son of Cor- nelius Piterse Vroom. and Trynt.ie Hen- dricks. After the death of Vroom, Tryntje had married Frederick Lub- bertsen. the grandfather of Marytje, father-in-law of Jacob Lendeert=en Van der' Grift. Many descendants of Corne- lius Corssen and Marytje Van de Grift still reside in Bucks county. 2. Christina Van de Grift, baptised February 26, 1651, married (first) Oc- a widower, by whom she had two chil- dren, Abraham and Jacobus. She mar- ried (second) April 14, i68r, Daniel Veenvous, from Beuren, in Gelderland, by whom- she had five children — Wil- helmina, Rebecca and Contantia; two others also named Rebecca died in in- fancy. 3. Anna Van de Grift, baptised March 16, 1653, married, September 29, 1674. *Jacob Claessen Groesbeck. They re- ;^tober 9, 1678, Cornelius Jacobse Schipper, moved to Bucks county with the rest of the Vandegrift family in 1710, but little is known of them other than that he pur- chased land in Bensalem adjoining that of his brothers-in-law, and that two of • his daughters married into well known families of Bucks. Their children were; Rebecca, baptised June 23, 1673; Eliza- beth, baptised September 4, 1677; Leah, baptised February ir, 1680, married 12 mo. 17, 1702, Johannes Van Sandt; Rachel, baptised November 21, 1682, mar- ' ried November 8, 1704. James Biddle; and •' Johanna, baptised August 9, 1685. 4. Leendert (Leonard) Van de Grift, baptised December 19, 1655, died in Bensalem, Bucks county, 1725; married, November 20, 1678, Styntje Ellsworth. He, with his three brothers and two brothers-in-law, purchased land in Ben- salem in 1697 of Joseph Growdon, Leon- ard's purchase being two tracts of 135 and 106 acres respectively. He subse- quently purchased seventy-four acres of his brother Frederick. He and his wife were received at Bensalem church in 1710, and he was appointed junior elder. On December 30, 1715- he was commis- sioned a justice of the peace. Letters of administration were granted on his estate February 18. 1725, to his eldest son Abraham, known as "Abraham. Van- degrift, by the River." The children of Leonard and Styntje (Ellsworth) Van- degrift were: i. Jacob, baptised Septem- ber 20, 1679; 2. Christoffel, baptised Au- gust, 1681, married July 7, 1704, Sarah Druith; 3. Rebecca, baptised December 15, 1683, married November 8, 1704, Al- bert Van Sandt; 4. Abraham, baptised July 4, 1686, married October 17, 1716, Maritje Van Sandt, died March, 1748, leaving six children — Leonard, of Ben- salem; Garret and Abraham, of Philadel- phia: Christine, wife of Yost Miller, of Salem county. New Jersey; Mary, wife of Mathew Corbet, and Jemima, wife of George Taylor, of Chesterfield, New Jer- sey. 5. Anneken, baptised April 7, 1689, married Andrew Duow. 6. Elizabeth, baptised at Brooklyn, October 8. 1691, married May 23, 1710, "Francis Kroeson. 7. Annetje, baptised June 12, 1695, mar- *Nicholas (or Claes^ Groesbeck. father of Jacob: was a carpenter of Albany. New York, in 1662. On October 10. 1696 deoosed th^t he was seventv-»wo years old. His will dated January 3. 1706-7, mentions wife Elizabeth, son Jacob and others. 32 HISTORY Of BUCKS COUNTY. ried December 22, 1715, Cornelius King. Ail of the above children of Leonard Vandegrift removed to New Lastle count}', Delaware, prior to the dealh of their father, except Abraham, to whom they conveyed the real estate in Bensa- leni in 1743. The above named heirs of Abraham conveyed the same to Leonard, eldest son of Abraham, in 1761. 5. Nicholas Vandegrift, baptised May 5, 1658, married at New Utrecht, Long Island, August 24, 1684, Barentje Ver- kirk, daughter of John Verkerk. They settled at New Utrecht, where he took the oath of allegiance to James II in 1687, and where he purchased land in . 1691. He removed to Bucks county with his brothers and bothers-in-law in 1697, conveying his Long Island land after his removal. On July i, 1697, Joseph Grow- don conveyed to him 214 acres in Ben- salem. He joined the Bensalem church in 1710, and became a junior deacon. The records of the Dutch Reformed church show the baptism of three children, viz.: Rebecca, baptised July 26, 1685, mar- ried II mo. 7, 1707, Jacobus Van Sandt; Jan, baptised January i, 1691, married ]\Iay 5, 1721, at Abington Presbyterian church, Anna (or Hannah) Backer; and Deborah, baptised April l, 1695, mar- ried Laurent Jansen,* or Johnson. Nich- olas Van de Grift removed to Sussex county, Delaware, conveying his land in 1713 to Jacob Kollock, whose .w'idow Mary in 1722 conveyed it to Folert, son of John Vandegrift. 6. Frederick Vandegrift, baptised Au- gust 20, 1661. purchased of Joseph Growdon on July i, 1697, 106 acres ad- joining that of his brothers in Bensalem township, Bucks county, a part of which he conveyed a year later to Leonard Vandegrift. If ever a resident of Bucks count}', he probably remained but a short time. 7. Rachel Vandegrift. youngest daugh- ter of Jacob, was baptised at New York, August 20. 1664, and. married, in 1689. Barent Verkerk, son of Jan, and brother to his brother Nicholas's wife. Barent Verkerk purchased in 1697 a tract of land in Bensalem adjoining his brothers- in-law, all the deeds being from Joseph Growdon. and bearing the same date, July I. 1697. He died in 1739, leaving children: Jacob: John; Mary, married Niels Boon; Constantina. married James fitchet; Dinah, married James Keirll; and another daughter, who married an Underwood. 8. Johannes Vandegrift, youngest son of Jacob Lendertsen and Rebecca Fred- erics Van der Grift, was baptised at New York. June 26. 1667, and died in Ben- *Laurent Jansen, or Lawrence Johnson, was doubt- less son of Clans Jansen. who purchased several tracts of land in Bensalem some years earlier than the Vandegrifts. He died in 1723. 'devising his lands to his sons Lawrence, John and Richard. The fami- lies later intermarried. • salem township, Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania, in 1745- He married, September 23, 1694, Nealkie Volkers, widow of Cor- nelius Cortelyou, who was living at date of his will in 1732, but died before 1740. He married (second) July i, 1741, Eliza- beth Snowden, a widow. He purchased 196 acres in Bensalem of Joseph Grow- don, adjoining the tracts of his brothers and brothers-in-law, the deed bearing date July i, 1697. He was an elder of the "Sammeny" church, having joined it at its organization in 1710. His will dated March 16, 1732, proved March 28, 1745, devises to son Abraham the farm he lives on, for life, and if he die with- out issue it is to go to his surviving brothers and sisters. Some years later the children of Johannes entered into an agreement by which the land was to vest in the heirs of those deceased, even though they did not survive Abraham, and inasmuch as Abraham died without issue in 1781, the subsequent conveyances of the land throw light on the family connections. In 1786 the representatives of Jacob, Rebecca, Christana, and Hel- ena conveyed the land, 160 acres, to Jacob Jackson and later a partition thereof was had between Jackson and Abraham Harman and Cornelius, sons of Fulkert. The children of Johannes and Nealke (Volkers) Vandegrift were: i. Fulkert, born 1695, died 1775; married May 6, 1719, Elizabeth Vansandt. and (second) August 10, 174^, Marytje Hufte. He was a considerable landholder in Bensalem. He had five sons: Folkhart, Harman, Abraham, Cornelius and John; and three daughters: Alice LaRue, Elizabeth Krusen and Elinor, most of whom have left descendants in Bucks county. 2. Jacob, baptised at New York, October 14, 1696, died in Bensalem in 1771, mar- ried Choyes Toulej^ October 23, 1716. 3. Abraham, born 1698, died 1781, mar- ried, but had no issue. 4. Rebecca, mar- ried John Van Horn, died 1786. 5. Chris- tiana, married November 8. 1722, Joseph Foster. 6. Lenah, married a Fulton. 7. Esther, baptized in Bucks count}'. May 10. 1710. Most of the Vandegrifts of Bucks county are descendants of Johannes and Nealke (Volkers) Vandegrift. Leonard, grandson of Leonard, remained in Ben- salem, and the land originally settled by his grandfather descended to his son. Captain Josiah Vandegrift. John, son of Nicholas, became a large landholder in Bensalem; he died in 1765, leaving sons: Nicholas. Jacob, John. Joseph, for many years an innkeeper in Bensalem; and daughters: Catharine Sands; Esther, who married John Houten; and Rebecca Vansciver. Of the sons, John married' Ann Walton, May 28. 1761. and had chil- dren: Joshua. Joseph, John, Jonathan, and ]\Iary. The father died in 1777. and the widow Ann married Charles Fetters a jear later. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 33 Jacob Vandegrift, son of Johannes and Nealke (Volkers) Vandegrift, baptized at New York, October 14, 1696, was but an infant less than a year old when his parents settled in Bensalein township, Bucks county. He married, October 2;^, ■ 1716, Charity Touley. He became a large landholder and a prominent man in the community. He died in 1771. His children were,! John, died 1805, in Ben- salem, leaving live children, viz. :i Jacob, who settled in Northampton township; ( John;VjJane, who married a Johnson; _, Bernard, settled in New Jersey; and Ab-"" ' raham, who married Catharine Vande- grift a granddaughter of Fulerd. 2. Ber- nard, who was devised 200 acres in Up- per Dublin township, and settled there- on; 3. Jacob, who was devised by his father 200 acres of land whereon he was living at his father's death. 4. Charity (or Catharine) who married John Praul, January 20, 1757. 5. Helen (or Elinor) who married Harman Vansant. Jacob Vandegrift, third son of Jacob, married first Catrintje Hufte, May 19, 1753. and (second) Sarah Titus, Febru- ary 5, 1775, as before stated he settled on 200 acres belonging to his father which descended to him at his father's death. He died in May, 1800, leaving five children; Jacob, married Elinor ; David, married Sarah — '■ ; William Bloomfield, the grandfather of Senator Vandegrift; Mary married Bennett; and Elizabeth, who married Daniel La- Rue. William Bloomfield Vandegrift in- herited from his father considerable real estate. He was the youngest son, and had just arrived at his majority when the will of his father was proved in 1800. He married Christiana Saund ers. His death occurred in 1854! HTs' children were seven in number, viz.; Sarah Ann, married Charles Tomlinson; Eliza L., married Jacob Johnson ; Eleanor, married Enos Boutcher; Alfred; Charles Souders ; William M., married Eliza Boutcher and Susan, married Peter Conover. Alfred Vandegrift was born in Ben- salem township in 1807, and died there ' in 1861. In 1849 his father conveyed to him and his brother jointly a store prop- erty at Eddington, where they conduct- ed a mercantile business until the death of Alfred in 1861. In 1849 he also pur- chased of his father 31^^ acres on the Buck road, which had been the prop- erty of his ancestors for several genera- tions. He married Catharine Gibbs, daughter of John Gibbs, and granddaugh- ter of Richard Gibbs, who was sheriff ^of Bucks county in 1771, and a promi- nent public man. His children were: John Gibbs, born September 2, 1834; William Bloomfield; Elinor, wife of William Lynesson Sayre; Charles Soud- ers, Jr.; Augustus: Henry S.; Lewis H.; Susan ; Mary : Christina ; Alfred and Eliza- beth LaRue. 33 HON. CHARLES SOUDERS VAN- DEGRIFT, son of Alfred and Catherine (Gibbs) Vandegrift, is a worthy representa- tive of an old and eminent family. He was born in Bensalem township, August 20, 1839. He was reared on his father's farm, and attended the public schools until fifteen years of age, when he entered Captain Alden Partridge's Military School at China Hall, in Bristol township, where he remained for two years. At the age of seventeen he entered the employ of his uncle and namesake, Charles S. Vande- grift, Sr., in the country store at Ed- dington, where he remained as clerk and proprietor until 1873, when he sold out the store, and in connection with J. and E. Thomas opened a lumber yard on the Delaware at Eddington. This partner- ship continued until 1890, when he re- tired from the firm. Since that time he has been employed in the settlement of estates and the transaction of public business. In 1882 he was elected to the state senate and served four years. He was an active member of the upper house, and served on the ways and means, agriculture and other important committees. In politics he is a Democrat, and has served as representative to Dis- trict, State and National conventions. He has always taken an active interest in local matters, and served his township officially at dififerent periods. He is presi- dent of the Good Roads Association of Bensalem township, and one of its most active and efficient members. He is a di- rector of the Farmers' National Bank; president of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Insurance Company of Bucks and Philadelphia counties; president of the Doylestown Publishing Company; and treasurer and trustee of the Vande- grift Burial Ground at Cornwells. He is a past master of Bristol Lodge, No. 25, A. Y. F. and A. M.; of Harmony Chapter, No. 52, R. A. M.: and St. Johns Coni- mandery. No. 4, K. T., of Philadelphia, and is the district deputy grand master for the eighth district. He is a member of The Netherlands- Society of Phila- delphia. Mr. Vandegrift married, March ir, 1862, Mary Hannah Rowland, daughter of Charles Rowland, of Chester county, Pennsylvania. To this marriage have been born two children : Frederic Beas- ley, born December 22, 1862: and George Bloomfield, born May 22, 1864. The lat- ter died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Van- degrift are members of the Presbyter- ian church. FREDERIC BEASLEY VANDE- GRIFT, son of Senator Charles S. Van- degrift, was educated at the public schools of Philadelphia, and at Smiths' Commercial College, after which he en- tered the office of John W. Hampton, Jr., 34 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. custom house broker of Philadelphia, where he remained for eight years. He then entered into the business himself with offices in Philadelphia, New York and Chicago, and was also import freight agent. He continued to conduct the busi- ness of a custom house broker until his death. In 1893, feeling the necessity of a technical knowledge of the law in the transaction of his business, he entered himself as a student at law in the office of William S. Stanger, Esq., in Phila- delphia, and was admitted to the Phila- delphia bar in 1897, and was admitted to practice in the United States courts in January, 1899, but died on March 7, 1899. Frederic B. Vandegrift made a close study of the tariflf on imports and be- came an expert on that subject. Among the papers prepared and published by him on the subject was one on the Mc- Kinley Tariff, and another on the Ding- ley Tariff. He received an order for 1,500 copies of his work on the Dingley Tariff from the United States government, a copy of which was to be sent to every United States consul throughout the •world. He received the prize offered by the United States government for the most perfect paper on the tariff. Mr. Vandegrift became a distinguished mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity. He was made a Mason on March 8, 1884, by his father, Past Master Charles S. Vande- grift, and became master of Bristol Lodge, No. 25, in 1888; joined Harmony Chapter, R. A. M.. in 1889, and was elected king in 1899, which office he held at the time of his death. He joined St, Johns Commandery, K. T., in 1894, and held the office of captain general at the time of his death. He joined the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, January 18, 1895. and on June 21st re- ceived his thirty second degree, S. P. R. S. He was also a member of Lulu Tem- ple^ A. A. O. N. M. S., and was repre- sentative of University Lodge in the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania at the time of his death. On November 16. 1887, he married Harriet Elizabeth Har- vey, of Philadelphia. This marriage was blessed with four daughters: Gertrude, Evelina, Lorame and Genevieve, all of whom are being educated at the Friends' Schools of Philadelphia. JOHN GTBBS VANDEGRIFT, eldest son of Alfred and Catharine (Gibbs) Vandegrift, and brother to Hon. Charles S. Vandegrift. the subject of the pre- ceding sketch, was born in Bensalem township, Bucks county, September 2, 1834. He was educated at the public schools, and later received an academic education. He was reared on the farm, ^nd for several j'cars followed the vo- cation of a farmer. In /§73 he pur- chased the store at Eddington and fol- lowed the mercantile business there for the rest of his life. He was a 'justice of the peace for twenty years, and filled many positions of trust. He took a deep interest in educational matters, and was for many years a member of the school board, acting as its secretary. He was a vestryman of the Episcopal church. In politics was a Democrat, but never sought or held other than local office. He was a member of Bristol Lodge, No. 25, A. Y. F. and A. M.; of Harmony Chapter, R. A. M.; and St. Johns Com.- mandery, K. T. Mr. Vandegrift married March 27, 1861, Mary Jane Creighton, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Ash- ton Creighton. She was born May 10, 1832, at Holmesburg, Philadelphia, and died May 4, 1895. John G. Vandegrift died April 11, 1901. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Vandegrift, Kath- erine and Lemuel. Lemuel Vandegrift was born August 13. 1864. He was reared on a farm and attended public school. At the age of seventeen years he entered his father's store to assist him in the business, and at his death succeeded him in its con- duct. He was also elected a justice of the peace to succeed his father. He is a vestryman of the Episcopal church. In politics he is a Democrat. He is a mem- iaer of Bristol Lodge, No. 25, A. Y. F. and A. M., Philadelphia Chapter, R. A. M., and St. Johns Commanderj^ K. T. Mr. Vandegrift was married, April 6, 1893, to Mary Ella Carey, daughter of Seneca and Mary Ella (Moore) Carey. They are the parents of two children: Lem- uel Creighton, born July 26, 1895, and Marian Katharine, born July 8, 1897. Their eldest child, John G.. Jr., died in infancy. These children are being edu- cated in the public school of Bensalem. MOSES VANDEGRIFT. In the pre- ceding sketch of the descendants of Ja- cob Lender tsen Van der Grifte, who came from Holland in 1644 to New Am- sterdam, where he married in 1648, Re- becca Fredericks Lubbertsen. is given an account of the baptism and marriage of Johannes Van De Grift, youngest son of Jacob and Rebecca, and of the birth and marriage of his children. From two of the sons of Johannes and Nealkc (Volk- ers) Vandegrift is descended the subject of this sketch. Folkhart, the eldest, and Jacob the second son. Folkhart (or Fulkerd) Van de Grift, eldest son of Johannes, was born in the province of New York in 1695. and was therefore but an infant when brought into Bucks county by his parents in 1697. He became a large landholder in Ben- salem, a man of importance in the Dutch '.^^Voa^cUc^^ ^/Jlo-s^ ^m^id^^A.^^ ^^ l>c.W 'PUBil yoliK ^^'^^Any ASTO-', L-,,. TlLDtlH Fr X Af-l .9 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 35 colony in Bucks, and a member of the Bensalem church. He was twice mar- ried, first on May 6, 1719 to Elizabeth Van Sandt, and second on August 10, 1742, to Marytje Hufte. Neither wife survived him. He died in November, 1775. Of his nine children, Fulkhart, Elizabeth, Harman, Alshe, Abrahaiii, John, Cornelius and Elinor, the first eight are mentioned in his will. Abraham Vandegrift, borrt about 1725 married Femmentje Hufte about 1752 and had six children. He died in Ben- salem township about 1800. The children were: Elizabeth, baptized at Southamp- ton church August 18, 1754, married John DeCoursey, and had eight children; Mary, married Benjamin Severns; Ab- raham; and Catharine, who married Ab- raham Vandegrift, her second cousin. Jacob Van de Grift, second son of Jo- hannes and Nealke, baptized at New Amsterdam, October 14, 1696, was the grandfather of Abraham above mention- ed. John Vandegrift, eldest son of Ja- cob, known as "John Vandegrift, Es- reaching manhood. Thomas Jenks married, 3 mo. 19, 1731, Mercy Wildman, daughter of John and Marah (Chapman) Wildman, of Middle- town. The former, born in Yorkshire, England, in 1681, came to America with his parents, Martin and Ann Wildman, in 1690, and the latter, a daughter of John Chapman, the pioneer settler of W'rightstown, had married first John Croasdale, John Wildman being her sec- ond husband. Thomas Jenks, on his mar- riage, settled first in his home in Buck- ingham and three years afterward re- moved to a tract of land in Middletown township, two miles southeast of New- town, along Core creek, containing 600- acres. Upon this tract he erected prior to 1740, a fulling mill one of the first in the county which was operated (by the family) until his death, doing a large business in dyeing, fulling and finishing the homespun goods of his neighbors, the early settlers of lower and middle Bucks. His ledger "C," ex- quisitely written and kept still in good preservation, is now in possession of his great-grandson, William H. Jenks. of Philadelphia. It covers the years 1743- 56, and contains his accounts with near- ly all the early families of Bucks east of the Neshaminy. He was an active and energetic business man, and retained his mental and physical faculties in a re- markable degree to extreme old age. He died at Jenks Hall (erected by him ir» 1734) from the effects of injuries re- ceived in being thrown from a wagon, 5 mo. 4, 1797, in the ninetj'-eighth year of his age. He had in the truest sense of the word "grown up with the country."" Arriving in Bucks county w^hen far the greatest part of it was a primeval w-il- derness, still inhabited bj' the Indians,, he lived through its entire colonial per- iod, and saw his country recover frorr» the shock and trials of its war for in- dependence, and become a thickly settled prosperous and enlightened community. He w-as six years older than Dr. Frank- lin, and thirty-two years older than George Washington, yet he survived the former seven 3'ears. and the latter sur- vived him but little over two years, though both had lived to see the fruition of their long and noble struggle for their country's good. His wife Mercy died 7 mo. 26. 1787. aged seventy-seven years, after a married life of over fifty- six years. They were the parents of six children, as follows: T. Mary, born 4 mo. 20. ^JH- died 1803: married Samuel Twining. 2. John, born 5 mo. I. 1736. died 1791, married in 1785, Sarah W^eir. His son HISTOR]^ OF BUCKS COUNTY. 39 John Wildman Jenks, born 6 mo. 21, 1790, studied medicine and removed to Jefiferson county, Pennsylvania, where he died 4 mo. 4. 1S50. He married in 1816, Mary Day Barclaj', who bore him ten children, most oi whom were distin- guished in their professions, the young- est, George Augustus Jenks, being a member of the Forty-fourth United States Congress, and the Democratic nominee for governor of Pennsylvania in 1898. 3. Thomas, born 10 mo. 9. 1738. died 5 mo. 30, 1799, married, in 1762, Rebec- ca Richardson, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Paxson) Richardson, of Middle- town. 4. Joseph, born 12 mo. 22, 1743, died 5 mo. 1820; married 6 mo. 22, 1763, Eliza- beth Pearson, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Duer) Pearson; see forward. 5. Elizabeth, born 3 mo. 15, 1746, died 12 mo. 30, 1808; married 12 mo. 23. 1762, William Richardson, son of Joseph and Mary (Paxson) Richardson. 6. Ann. born 9 mo. 8, 1749. died about 1812; married 2 mo. 20, 1770, Isaac Wat- son. Thomas Jenks, second son of Thomas and Mercy, was born and reared on the homestead in Middletown, and spent his whole life there. He was a prominent and influential man in the community. He served as a member of colonial as- sembly for the year 1775, and w^as a member of the constitutional convention of 1790, and was the first member of the state senate from Bucks under the con- stitution then adopted, and served con- tinuously in that body until his death. May 4, 1799. For the first six j^ears of his service the district which he repre- sented was composed of the counties of Delaware, Chester and Bucks, while dur- ing his last two terms the district con- sisted of Chester, IVIontgomery and Bucks. He was an active member of the upper house and served on many im- portant committees. He married, in 1762, Rebecca Richardson, and they were the parents of nine children, eight of whom lived to mature age. They were as follows : 1. Rachel, born 5 mo. 23, 1763, died 2 mo. 12, 1830; married 10 mo. 19, 1786, Thomas Story. 2. Mary, born 3 mo. 12, 1765, died in infancy. 3. Joseph R., born 9 mo. 16. 1767, died 6 mo. 26, 1858: married first to mo. 10, 1792, Sarah Watson; second, 6 mo. 6, 1809, Ann West; and third. 2 mo. 29, T844, Ann Ely of Philadelphia, a widow. Joseph R. Jenks was a prosperous and prominent merchant in Philadelphia. 4. Mercy, born 10 mo. 20. 1769. died 10 mo. 19. 1836; married 10 mo. 18, 1792, Abraham Carlile. 5. Thomas, born 2 mo. 4. 1772- died 2 mo. 27. 1828: married first, in I797. Thomazine Trimble, and second, in 1816, Rachel Wilson. 6. Rebecca, born i mo. i, 1775, married I mo. 15, 1801, Jonathan Fell. 7. Mary, born 7 mo. 9, 1777, died in 1854, unmarried. 8. Phincas, born 5 mo. 3, 1781, died 8 mo. 6, 1851, married first, Eliza Mur- ray, and second, Amelia Snyder, see for- ward. g. Ruth, born 8 mo. 19. 1788. died 2 mo. 16, 1843, married 11 mo. 8, 1810, Joseph Dickson. DR. PHINEAS JENKS, eighth child of Thomas and Rebecca (Richardson) Jenks, was reared on the old homestead in Middletown. He chose the medical profession, and was a student of the cele- brated Dr. Benjamin Rush, and a gradu- ate of the University of Pennsylvania. He began the practice of medicine in Newtown, and continued to practice there until his death in 1851, becoming one of the eminent physicians of his day. He was the first president of the Bucks County Medical Association, and con- tinued at its head until his death. He took an active interest in the affairs of his county; state and neighborhood, and was one of the influential and prominent men, outside of his profession. He was a member of the state legislature for five years, 1815-19, and a member of the con- stitutional convention of 1837-38. He was one of the organizers of the St. Lukes Protestant Episcopal church at Newtown, of which he was rector's war- den for many years. He was a good extemporaneous speaker, and was al- ways counted on to lend his aid to any meritorious project in the neighborhood. He was twice married. His first wife was Eliza Murray, daughter of General Francis Murray of Newtown, wdiom he married 3 mo. 20, 1806. She died 3 rno. 16, 1807, leaving one daughter, who died in' infancy. He married (second) on 3 mo. 28, 1820. Amelia Snyder, daughter of Governor Simon Snyder. She was born June 21. 1791. and died August 6, 1859. They were the parents of seven chil- dren, three of whom, (Simon Snyder, Frederick A. and Henry L.) died in childhood, the latter being a twin broth- er of General A. Jenks. Esq. Those who survived were: Elizabeth M.. born July 29. 1822, died March 29, 1887; married Rev. Joseph I. Elsegood, rector of Trin- ity Protestant Episcopal church of East New York, Long Island, who died in 1884. William Wallace Jenks, born il mo. 2, 1825, a merchant in Philadelphia; he died 7 mo. 20. 1857. P. Frederick Jenks. born February 27. 1832, studied medicine and located at St. Louis, Mis- souri, soon after his graduation. At the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted in the First Missouri Light Artillery, and was in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Pittsburg Landing. He 40 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY died at St. Louis, t mo. 9. 1863, from diarrhoea contracted in the service. George A. Jenks, Esq., the only surviv- ing child of Dr. Phineas and Amelia (Snyder) Jenks, was born at Newtown, October 9, 1829. He received his ele- mentary education at the Newtown Academy, and then entered the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated July 4, 1850. He entered him- self as a student at law with James C. Van Dycke, Esq., of Philadelphia, then United States district attorney, and also entered the law department of the Uni- versity, where he took a full course, and on July 3, 1853, the degrees of Master of Arts and Bachelor of Laws were con- ferred upon him. On April 16, 1853. he was admitted to the bar of Philadelphia, and on October 8, 1855, was admitted to practice in the circuit and district courts of Pennsyl- vania, having. been admitted to practice in the supreme court on January 13, 1854. He practiced law in Philadelphia from 1853 to '1859, when he removed to Newtown, and was admitted to the bar of his native county, of which he is now the senior member. He is a careful stu- dent, and his thorough knowledge of the law and sound judgment have made him a safe counselor. In his long practice he has had many intricate cases to un- ravel, and in the vast number of dis- puted cases as to questions of law, re- ferred to him by the courts as auditor, he has seldom been reversed in either the lower or upper courts. He has filled the office of justice of the peace for forty-four years, and has served his bor- ough in the position of school director for nineteen y^ears ; and filled the ofiice of chief burgess for seven years. He has always been actively interested in all that pertains to the interest of the local- ity in which he lived, and has been con- nected with nearly all the meritorious local enterprises of his town. He is president and one of the directors and active supporters of the Newtown Li- brary, as was both his father and grand- father, George A. Jenks having served as a director for over forty years, and presi- dent for about thirty years. He is a member of the Bucks County Historical Society, and has always been actively interested in its work, and has furnished several historical papers for its archives. He is a member of Newtown Lodge, No. 427, F. and A. M., of which he was the first master, and Newtown Chapter, No. 229, R. A.-M., of which he was the first high priest, and served as district deputy grand master for the district for five years. He is a member of St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal church of Newtown, of which his father was one of the founders. He was married, June 15, i860, to Ella Davis, daughter of Jesse and Susan B. Davis, and they have been the parents of two children, Sylva P. and Elizabeth M., both of whom died in early childhood. In politics he has been a lifelong Republican, but has never sought or held other than local office. Joseph Jenks, third son of Thomas and Mercy (Wildman) Jenks, was boni and reared on the old homestead in Middletown. He married, 6 mo. 22, 1763, Elizabeth Pearson, born in 1744, died 1768, daughter of William and Eliza- beth (Duer) Pearson, and granddaugh- ter of Enoch and Margaret (Smith) Pearson, of Buckingham, Enoch Pearson being a native of Cheshire, England, hav- ing come to Bucks county with his par- ents, Edward and Sarah (Burgie) Pear- son, in 1687. Joseph and Elizabeth (Pearson) Jenks were the parents of three children: Margaret, born 6 mo. 6, 1764, died 1841; married li mo. 12, 1783, Samuel Gillingham. William, born 8 mo. 12, 1766, died 12 'mo. 5, 1818; mar- ried 10 mo. 28, 1790, Mary Hutchinson. Elizabeth, born 10 mo. 21, 1768, died 1828, married, in 1787, Isaiah Shinn, of New Jer- sey, who was a general in the war of 1812. Joseph Jenks married a second time, 4 mo. 25, 1770, to Mary Ingham, who lived but a few years after tlTe mar- riage, and he married a third time, on 5 mo. 30, 1776, Hannah Davids; neither of the last two wives left issue. William, only son of Joseph and Eliza- beth (Pearson) Jenks, was a lifelong .resident of Bucks county, following the vocation of a farmer and miller on the homestead. He died at the early age of forty-two years, leaving a widow and ten children, six of whom were minors at the time of his death. His wife Mary was a daughter of Michael and Margery (Palmer) Hutchinson, of Lower Make- field township, a descendant of two old and prominent families of Makefield. The children of William and Mary (Hutchinson) Jenks, were: 1. Joseph, born 9 mo. 12, 1792, died il mo. 19, 1869, married 5 mo. 29, 1827, his second cousin, Eliza Jenks, daughter of Joseph R. and Sarah (Watson) Jenks. 2. Rebecca H., born I mo. 30, 1794, died 4 mo. 21, I797- 3. Michael Hutchinson Jenks, born S mo. 21, 179s, died 10 mo. 16, 1867. He was a surveyor and conveyancer, as well as a justice of the peace, for very many years, and did an immense amount of local business, and was a very fine pen- man and draughtsman. He was county commissioner for the term of 1830-2, county treasurer in 1834, ^n associate judge of the county, and represented his district in the twenty-eighth congress, as well as filling a great number of other positions of trust. He was four times married; first, in 1821, to Mary Ridg- way Earl, who was the mother of his nine children. His third daughter, .^.nna Earl, became the wife of Alexander Ramsey, first governor of Minnesota, and United States senator from that r ^ HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 41 rstate. His other wives were Mary Can- by, Ann Higgins and Sarah Leeclom. 4. Eliza Pearson Jenks, born 2 mo. 14, 1797, died 12 mo. 13, 1884; married 10 mo. 13, 1825, George Yardley. • 5. Charles, born 12 mo. 31, 1798, died 8 mo. 5, 1823; married 4 mo. 16, 1823, Mary Ann Newbold. 6. Margery, born 8 mo. 5, 1800, died I mo. 31, 1802. y1 Hannah, born 6 mo. 17, 1802, died 9 Ano. 17, 1822, unmarried. 8. Mary Palmer Jenks, born i mo. 25, 1804, died 2 mo. 15. 1875; married 12 mo. 27, 1827, Edmund Morris. 9. Margaret, born 9 mo. 24, 1806, died 12 mo. 20. 1825, unmarried. ID. William Pearson, born 12 mo. 17, 1807, die*d 9 mo. 17, 1886, married 5 mo. t6, 1837, Elizabeth Story; see forward. 11. Ann, born 2 mo. 26, 1810, died 4 mo. 15, 1870, married 10 mo. 12, 1831, Charles M. Morris. 12. Susan W., born 6 mo. 3. 1812, died 7 mo. 25. 1857; married 7 mo. 4, 1838, Franklin Fell. WILLIAM PEARSON JENKS, the tenth child of William and Mary (Hutch- inson) Jenks, was born and reared in the old homestead at Bridgetown, in Middle- town township. After finishing school he went to Paterson, New Jersey, where he learned the trade of a machinist. In 1828 he became interested in the manu- facture of cotton yarns at New Hope, where he remained until 1832. In 1833 he went to Madison, Indiana, in the in- terest of the firm in Paterson with whom he had learned his trade, and remained there two years, establishing a factory -for the manufacture of cotton goods. In 1835 he accepted the position of man- ager of the Union Factories near Elli- cott's Mills, Maryland, then the largest plant for the manufacture of cotton goods south of New England. He re- mained there until the autumn of 1846, when he was obliged to resign his posi- tion on account of failing health, and took a trip to Brazil to recruit. He re- turned in the summer of 1847 and joined Tiis wife and three children in Phila- delphia. Having regained his health, he was desirous of again engaging in busi- ness, and in the fall of that year joined Evan Randolph and formed the firm of Randolph & Jenks, cotton merchants, and did an extensive and prosperous bus- iness. He retired from active participa- tion at the close of the year i860. The firm continued, however, under the same name, the present members being his two sons. John Story Jenks and William H. Jenks, Evan Randolph, his partner, who married his only daughter, Rachel Story Jenks, in 1864, having died 12 mo. 3, 1887. William Pearson Jenks died 9 mo. 17, 1886, aged nearly seventy-nine years. He was a man of marked ability as a merchant, and his life was full of active and intelligent energy. He pros- pered in his business and business enter- prises, and took an interest in many of the financial institutions in Philadelphia. His wife, Elizabeth Story, born 3 mo. 6, 1807, was a daughter of David and Rachel (Richardson) Story, of New- town, and a great-granddaughter of Thomas Story, a native of Northumber- land, England, who came to Pennsyl- vania with William Penn on his second visit, in the ship "Centerbury," arriving at Chester 10 mo. i, 1699. He settled in Bucks county, and in i mo., 1718, mar- ried Elizabeth (Wilson) Buckman, widow of William Buckman, of Newtown, who bore him one son, John Story. Thomas Story died 9 mo. 10, 1753, at the age of eighty-two years. His son, John Story, was born 11 mo. 26, 1718-19. He married 5 mo., 1747, Elizabeth Cutler, daughter of Thomas and Eleanor (Lane) Cutler, and lived all his life in the neighborhood of • Newtown. He died 11 mo. 10, 1804, at the age of eighty-six, and is buried at Wrightstown. His son, David Story, was born 4 mo. 20, 1760, and died 2 mo. 23, 1833. He married 4 mo. 19, 1792. Rachel ^Richardson, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Jenks) Richardson. They had six children: i. Rebecca, born i mo. 15, 1793. died 9 mo. 22, 1870; married 5 mo. 20, 1824, Dr. Ralph Lee, of Newtown. 2. Hannah, born 3 mo. 23, 1794, died 4 mo. 13, 1876: married 5 mo. 16, 1837, John C. Parry, of New Hope. 3. John, born i mo. 15, 1796, died 10 mo. 22, 1844:. mar- ried 4 mo. 28, 1831, Esther A. Allibone. 4. William Story, born 9 mo. 10, 1797, died 9 mo. 16, 1822. unmarried. 5. Mary, born 3 mo. 23, 1800, died 5 mo. 22, 1846, un- married. 6. Elizabeth, born 3 mo. 6. 1807, died I mo. 11, 1878, married 5 mo. 16, "1837, William Pearson Jenks. John Story Jenks was born near Elli- cott City, Maryland,' 10 mo. 29, 1839, and came with his parents to Philadelphia in 1846. He married, 10 mo. 27, 1864, Sidney Howell Brown, and has three daughters, all of whom are married and reside in Philadelphia. William H. Jenks was born in Mary- land, II mo. II, 1842, and married in Philadelphia, 9 mo. 9, 1869, Hannah Mif- flin Hacker He has two sons, William Pearson Jenks and John Story Jenks, both of whom are business men of New York City, and two daughters who are married and reside in Philadelphia. John Story Jenks and William H. Jenks, as before stated, succeeded their father, William Pearson Jenks, in the firm of Randolph & Jenks, and now com- prise that firm. They have been pros- perous merchants, and are interested in many of the financial, beneficial, social and political institutions of the city. They are worthy descendants of their Bucks county ancestors, for whom they entertain the most profound love and re- 42 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. spect. They are both members of the Bucks County Historical Society, and take a lively interest and pride in the county where their first ancestors on all branches were early settlers, and where all their later ancestors were born and reared. B. FRANK HART, of 2010 Wallace street, Philadelphia, retired manufacturer and business man. was born in Warminster, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1825, and removed to Philadelphia when a young man and engaged in manufacturing interests there, where he has since resided. He has, however, always kept in touch with the county of his birth, and takes spe- cial pride in his distinguished Bucks county ancestry. On the paternal side all his direct ancestors from his father, John Hart, to his great-great-great-grandfather, John Hart, were prominent officials of the countv and members of the law making body of the province and state, from Bucks county, making five successive generations to serve in tliat capacity. John Hart, the ancestor of the Warmins- ter (Bucks county) family of the name, was a son of Christopher and Mary Hart, of Witney, Oxfordshire, England, where he was born November 16, 1651. A brother, Robert, remained in England, a younger brother Joseph migrated to Jamaica, and the only sister Mary, born April i, 1658, accompanied her brother to Pennsylvania in 1682. The family were members of the Society of Friends, and John brought a certificate from Friends at Witney. He had purchased of William Penn, July 16, 1681, 1,000 acres of land to be laid out in Pennsylvania. Of this 480 acres were lo- cated on the Poquessing, in Byberry, Phila- delphia county, and the balance in War- minster township, Bucks county. The for- mer was surveyed by virtue of warrant dated September i, 1681, and on this John Hart located on arriving in Pennsylvania, and erected a house on the banks of the Poquessing. The Warmin,ster tract was surveyey 7 mo. 25, 1684, and lay along the north side of the street road near Johns- ville. It became the residence of John Hart in 1697 and remained the home of his des- cendants for several generations. John Hart was early identified with public af- fairs. He was a member of the first as- sembly of the province, from Philadelphia county, and his name is attached to the first charter of government, granted by Penn to his colonists, dated at Philadelphia, Feb- ruary 2, 1683. He was a minister among Friends, and the earlj' meetings of the So- ciety were held at his house from 1683 to 1686, when the meeting house was erected "near Takony." He was clerk of the meet- ing for many years. In i6gi he joined George Keith in his famous schism against Friends, and was one of his ablest advo- cates, and, when Keith's radical doctrines had carried him and his followers out of the Society, he united with the Baptists in 1697, and became their preacher at the meeting house originally erected by the Friends. He later became assistant preach- er at Penncpack Baptist church, but was never ordained. He removed to Warmins- ter in 1697. selling his land in Byberry, ex- cept one acre which was reserved as a burying ground. He died in Warminster, September, 1714. in his sixty-third year. He had married in the fall of 1683, Susannah Rush, daughter of William and Aurelia Rush, who had come to Pennsylvania in 1682 and settled in Byberry, and a grand- ■ daughter of John Rush, who commanded a troop of horse in Cromwell's army. Sus- annah, after the death of her husband, re- turned to Byberry and died there February 27, 1725. John and Susanna (Rush) Hart were the parents of five children ; John, the ancestor of all of the name who remained in Bucks county ; Joseph who married Sarah Stout, April i, 1713, and died in 1714, without issue; Thomas, who inherited a portion of the land and conveyed it to his cousin, James Rush, in 1731, and left the county ; Josiah, who removed to New Jer- sey, and ]\Iary, who died unmarried. John Hart, eldest son of John and Sus- annah (Rush) Hart, wa^ born in Byberry; July 16, 1684. He does not appear to have occupied so important a place as his father in public affairs, though he held many posts of honor and responsibility. He was sheriff of Bucks county, 1737-8-9. and 1743-4-5, and 1749; coroner of Bucks county, 1741 and 1748; was commissioned justice June g, 1752, and was succeeded by his son Joseph in 1761. When he was sworn in 1757, the record states he was "old. and impaired by apoplexy." He followed his father in mat- ters of religion and united with the Bap- tists and was baptized at Pennepack November 15, 1706, by the Rev. Evan Mor- gan, and was thereafter closely associated with the sect. He was one of the organ- izers of Southampton Baptist church in 1746, and served as clerk, deacon &nd trustee, until his death ]\Iarch 22, 1763. He inherited from his father a large por- tion of the Warminster homestead and erected the family mansion there in 1750. He married November 25. 1708. Eleanor Crispin, daughter of Silas and Esther (Holme) Crispin, and grand-daughter of Thomas Holme, Penn's surveyor general, and oi Captain William Crispin, one of Penn's commissioners for settling the col- ony of Pennsylvania. Though the latter never reached Pennsylvania, he was so closely identified with Penn and his family as to be of interest to Pennsylvanians. He was born in England in 1610, and was commander of the ship "Hope" in the ser- vice of the Commonwealth, under Crom- well, in 1652. In May. 1653. he was sent with the expedition against the Dutch, as captain of the "Assistance." under Rear Admiral William Penn. the father of the founder, and remained the remainder of that year cruising on tlie Dutch coast and preying uiion their commerce. In 1654 'i^ psjK ' " H * HJ ■',.'' i ~=^9K ** ,i; l^=:-Jj ■ ''~*Sf •1 ^^9 .i '- if %« O f m ffi UJ r^ 2 — 3 00 n [^ H CO —i 1^ — D en m -1 cc < Q. Q- < d 1- u (C 01 < :s: X u z Z) X CD o -) q: UJ _l H o U on li- — o x Q 01 < < t- 10 liJ S o HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 43 was captain of the "Laurel," in the British squadron, sent against the Spanish pos- sessions in America, arriving at Bar- badoes, January 29, 1654-5. He partici- pated in the capture of jamica, May 17, 1655, was named as one of the commis- sioners for supplying Jamica, and remained there when Penn returned to England, but following him soon after, and with him retired to Kinsale, Ireland, where he lived for about twenty years. On Penn re- ceiving the grant of Pennsylvania he named Captain Crispin as one of the three "Commissioners for the Settleing of the present Colony this year transported into ye Province," as stated in his letter of in- structions, dated September 30, 1681. Cap- tain Crispin, with his fellow commissioners John Bezar and Nathaniel Allen, sailed for Pennsylvania, but in different ships, Crispin sailing in the "Amity," which was blown off after nearly reaching the Dela- ware capes and put into Barbadoes for repairs. Crispin died there, and the "Amity" returned to England, and, return- ing to Pennsylvania in April, 1682, brought over Thomas Holme, Penn's surveyor gen- eral, who also succeeded Crispin as com- rnissioner. Captain William Crispin mar- ried Anne Jasper, daughter of John Jasper, a merchant of Rotterdam, and a sister to Margaret, wife of Admiral Sir William Penn, and mother of the great founder. William and Anne Crispin were the parents' of four children: Silas, above referred to, who came to Pennsylvania^ with Thomas Holme, and later married his daughter Esther; Rebecca, who married. August 24, 1688, Edward Blackfan, son of John Black- fan, of Stenning, county of Sussex, Eng- land ; Ralph, who remained in Ireland and Rachel who married Thomas Arm- strong and also remained in Europe. Edward Blackfan prepared to come to Pennsylvania, where William Penn had directed land to be laid out to him, but died before sailing, in 1690. His widow Rebecca and their only son William came to Pennsylvania and located in Bucks county at Pennsbury, where she lived for a number of years. She married, in 1725, Nehemiah Allen, son of Nathaniel, the com- missioner. William, the son, married Elea- nor Wood, of Philadelphia, and located in Solebury, Bucks county. They are the ancestors of the now numerous family of Blackfan. Captain Crispin married a second time, and had eleven children, most of whom located in the West Indies. Silas Crispin, only son of the Captain by his first marriage, in 1684 located in Upper Dublin township, Philadelphia county, where he lived the rest of his life, dying May 31, 171 1. He married a second time. Mary, daughter of Richard and Abi- gail Stockton, and widow of Thomas Shinn, who after his death married a third time, September 11, 1714. Richard Ridgway, Jr.. son of Richard Ridgway, who was one of the earliest English settlers on the Delaware in Bucks county. Silas and Esther (Holme) Crispin were the parents of eight children^ six of whom lived to maturity: Sarah, married Lesson Loftus, of Philadelphia; Rebecca, married Joseph Finney ; Marie^ married John Collett ; Eleanor, married John Hart; Esther, married Thomas Rush; Thomas, married Jane Ashton, and lived on his father's plantation in Lower Dublin ; and William and Susanna who died young. By the second marriage Silas Crispin had six children ; Joseph, who removed to Dela- ware ; Benjamin, of Chester county; Abi- gail, married John Wright, of Chester county ; Silas ; Mary, married Thomas Earl, of New Jersey; and John. John and Eleanor (Crispin) Hart were the parents of ten children, viz :- T. John, born September 10, 1709, went to Virginia, where he was killed June ir, 1743 by the accidental discharge of a gun. 2. Susanna, born April 20, 171 1, mar- ried March 31, 1731. John Price, and died two years later, leaving an only child^ Joseph Price. 3. William, born JMarch 7, 1713, died October 7, 1714. 4. Joseph, born September r, 1715. died February 25, 1788; see forward. 5. Silas, born May 5, 1718, removed in early life to Augusta county, Virginia. • At the organization of Rockingham county ht became a resident of that county, filling the position of judge, sheriff, etc. He died without issue October 29, 1795. 6. Lucretia, born July 22. 1720, died December 15, 1760; was twice married, first, October 15, 1741, to William Gilbert, who died about 1750, and on March 5, 1752, to John Thomas ; had three sons by first marriage, and a son and two daughters by the last. 7. Oliver Hart, born July 5, 1723, was for thirty years pastor of a Baptist church at Charleston, South Carolina, 1749-80, and fifteen years at Hopewell, New Jersey; died December 31, 1795. 8. Edith, born 1727, married Isaac Hough ; — see Hough Family. 9. Seth, died at age of nine years. 10. Olive, died in infancy. Colonel Joseph Hart, fourth child and eldest living son of John and Eleanor (Crispin) Hart at the death of his father, was born in the old family mansion in Warminster. September i. 1715, and died there February 25. 1788. He was an active member of the Baptist church of South- ampton, and a deacon from its organiza- tion in 1746. and succeeded his father as clerk and trustee in 1763. He entered into public life at an early age; was sheriff of Bucks county 1749-51 : justice of the county courts 1764 to the time of his death. He was ensign of Captain Henry Kroesen's company of Bucks County Associators in 1747, and captain in 1756 of a Bucks county company. His most valuable services were however rendered during the Revolutionary contest, during which period to write of him is to write the history of the struggle in Bucks county, where he was in the fore- 44 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY front from the "protest" at Newtown. July 9, 1774, when lie was appointed one of the committee from Bucks to meet the "Com- mittee from the respective counties of Penn- sylvania" at Philadelphia, July 15, 1774. until independence was established, almost always representing his county in the var- ious conferences and conventions, serving as chairman of the committee of safety, county lieutenant, etc. He was commis- sioned colonel of the first battalion raised by the committee of safety, and took it through the Jersey campaign of 1776. He was vice-president of the convention that met in Carpenter's Hall. June 18, 1776, and was twice chairman of the committee of the whole in that famous convention. In 1777 he was elected to the supreme exe- cutive council, and served until October, 1779, when he became lieutenant of Bucks county. He was register of wills and re- corder of deeds of Bucks county, 1777 to his death in 1788, being the first person com- missioned for these offices by the surpreme •executive council. He was elected in 1782 to represent Bucks county on the "board of censors," and on June 7, 1784, was commissioned by council as judge of the courts of common pleas and quarter ses- ■sions. The records fully verify the truth of the lines inscribed on the tomb erected to the memory of him and his wife at South- ampton; "His long and useful life was almost wholly devoted to the public ser- vice of his country; while the lives of both ■were eminent for piety and virtue." He married October 8. 1740, his cousin Elizabeth Collett, daughter of John and Marie (Crispin) Collett. and granddaughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Rush) Collett. She was born in Byberry, May 14, 1714, and died February ig, 1788, six days be- fore her husband's death. They were the parents of six children, all sons, William, John, Silas, Josiah. Joseph, and another Joseph, the first having died in infancy. William, the eldest died in 1760, at the age of nineteen, unmarried. John the second son of Colonel Joseph and Elizabeth Hart, born November 29, 1743, was treasurer of Bucks county during the revolution, and was filling that position when the treasury at Newtown was robbed by the Doans and their gang of outlaws, October 22, 1784. He died at Newtown June 5, 1786. He married, September 13, 1767, Rebecca Rees, daughter of David and Margaret Rees, of Hatboro, and they were the parents of five sons and two daughters, of whon three died in youth. His son William was a physician in Philadelphia; John was a merchant at Jacksonville for many years, married Rachel Dungan and left numerous descendants; Elizabeth mar- ried Dr. Silas Hough, see Hough family ; Joseph died unmarried. Silas, the third .son of Joseph and Eliza- beth (Collett) Hart, born October 4, 1747, was a farmer and lived and died in War- minster; married Mary Daniel, and had ten children : Joseph, the sixth son of Colonel Joseph Hart, born July 17, 1749, is treated of in the sketch of General W. W. H. Davis, whose grandfather he was. Joseps, the sixth son of Colonel Joseph and Elizabeth Hart, and the ancestor of B. F. Hart, was born in Warminster, December 7, 1758. He was a man of liberal education and extensive information on public affairs, in which he took a deep interest, and always enjoyed the confidence of his fellow-citi- zens. During the famous Whiskey Insur- rection he was paymaster of Colonel Han- na's brigade, and accompanied the army in its march to western Pennsylvania. He was a member of the state senate 1804- 1809, and as such in 1805 was chairman of the committee which reported favorably the bill for building an alms-house in Bucks county, and in 1808 introduced the first resolution in the senate for the removal of the county seat from Newtown to a more central part of Bucks county, and which resulted in the location at the pres- ent site, Doylestown, two years later. He enjoyed a wide acquaintance with the dis- tinguished men of his time in the state, as is evident by his correspondence. He mar- ried, December 25, 1783. Ann Folwell, of Warminster, whose family was one of the most respectable and influential in the county, and they were the parents of seven children, viz : Thomas, John, Charles, Lewis Folwell, Thomas, Eliza Ann, and Clarissa Maria. The first Thomas and Charles died in childhood. At the death of the father, on April 15, 181 1, the home- stead buildings and part of the home farm became the property of Thomas, the fifth son, who died in 1838, the balance being divided between John and Lewis F., who erected buildings thereon. The mother, Ann, died March 11, 1843. Eliza Ann, the eldest daughter, born December 8, 1797, married December 2, 1817, David Marple; and Clarissa Maria, the other daughter, married Joseph Carver. John Hart, the eldest son of Joseph and Ann (Folwell) Hart, born in Warminster, April 9, 1787, was a man of prominence in the county, and for many years had a considerable political influence. When the British threatened Philadelphia in 1814 he and his brothers, Thomas and Lewis, en- listed in Captain William Purdy's com- pany in Colonel Humphrey's regiment, and served in the fleld until December, when the danger having passed, they were mus- tered out of service. After the return of peace he took an active interest in the military of the county, serving at one time as colonel of militia. He served one ses- sion in the state legislature. 1832, and filled a number of local offices. He was a warm patron of Hatboro Library, founded in 1755 by his grandfather and others. He married, IMarch 10. tSio, Mary Horner, daughter of John and Mary Horner, of Warminster, who was born May 3, 1790, and they were the parents of eight children as follows -.'blisTiing . C <^ . A' : >0^-©^aA^ J§. ^a^^?^ ^^^-co-^ "^ HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 45 Joseph, the oldest son of John and Mary (Horner) Hart, born January 21, 1811, receiving a liberal education and grad- uated at Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania. He followed the profes- sion of teaching for many years, and was deeply interested in public affairs up to the time of his death in 1898. He married Jane, daughter of William and Ellen Vansant, and had four children, — George W., Charles H., Mary E., and Ella S. George W. followed the vocation of a farmer, married Jennie Valentine, had one child, Charles Vincent, who received a public school education, then graduated from West Chester Normal school, re- ceiving a scholarship to Dartmouth, grad- uated from that institution and afterward from Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is now practicing in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Charles H. was also a teacher, and at the time of his death, in 1881, was principal of a school in the Twenty-third Ward, Philadelphia. He was also connected with several news- papers, and enjoyed the reputation of being a deep thinker. Mary E. died in infancy. Ella S. taught school in Horsham. Mont- gomery county, for a few years, then re- turned home to attend her father in his de- clining years. She now lives in Hatboro, Pennsylvania. William H., second son of John and Mary (Horner) Hart, was born April 23, 1813. In 1845 he married Rachel Ayers, of Moreland, Tvlontgomery county. They had three children, all of whom died in infancy. James, the third son of John and Mary (Horner) Hart, born December 15, 1820, married Rachel, daughter of Isaac and Emilie Hobensack. With his family he moved to jNIaryland and located near IBalti- more, where as a farmer he continued to reside until the beginning of the civil war. Owing to the hostile feeling entertained toward northerners he was obliged to sacrifice his property and return with his family to Bucks county. He then enlisted in the First New Jersey Cavalry Regiment, in the company commanded by his cousin, Captain John H. Shelmire. In recognition of his bravery and courage he was promoted to major of the regiment, and at the same time held the commission as major in the United States army. He was repeatedly wounded, and finally killed, after the evacuation of Richmond, at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia, April i, 1865. His remains were brought home and in- terred in the Southampton Baptist burial ground, along with his kindred. He left a widow and six children, all of whom are living. George, the fourth son of John and J^Iary (Horner) Hart, born April 18, 1823, re- ceived a good thorough home education, and afterwards graduated at YalQ. In 1849 he went to California, returned to Phila- delphia, became a partner in the mercantile house of Shunway, Hart & Co., married Louisa Webb, and had four children, one of whom is still living. B. Frank, the fifth son of John and Mary (Horjaer) Hart, and the subject of our sketch, born March 22, 1825, like- wise received a liberal education and taught different schools in his native county and also in Philadelphia. He then located in Philadelphia, and was for many years associated with John P. Veree's rolling mill in Kensington, then became exe- cutive officer and general manager of one of the city passengers railways. After many years of close attention to business he retired from active life, and now resides with his family at 2010 Wallace street, Philadelphia. He is a member of the Bucks County Historical Society, and takes a lively interest in the affairs of the county with whose history his distinguished an- cestors were so closely identified. April 9, 1867, he married Anna H., daughter of Thomas Barnett, Philadelphia, and had five children. John Davis, born March 25, 1868, died in infancy; Sarah, born May 23, 1869; Mabel, born November 10, 1870, died March 14, 1873; Walter, born October 5, 1874; and Lydia, born September 11, 1876. Sara, daughter of B. Frank and Anna (Barnett) Hart, married Rev. Madi- son C. Peters, the distinguished preacher, author and lecturer of Philadelphia, and has three children, Dorothy, Anna and Frank H. Walter Horner, son of B. Frank and Anna (Barnett) Hart, gradu- ated from Colonel Hyatt's [Military School and is now one of Philadelphia's rising business men. Lydia, daughter of B. Frank and Anna (Barnett) Hart, remains at home with her parents. Thompson Darrah, sixth son of John and Jilary (Horner) Hart, born August 14. 1827, went to Philadelphia, where he engaged in business. He married Susan Snedecar, and had one child. At the be- ginning of the civil war he enlisted as first lieutenant in his cousin's (Colonel Alfred Marple's) company in Colonel W. W. H. Davis's 104th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, and was later commis- sioned as lieutenant-colonel and commanded a brigade at the siege of Charleston, South Carolina. Ann Eliza, daughter of John and Mary (Horner) Hart, born January 17, 1817, died June, 1900. Mary Darrah, daughter of John and ]\Iary (Horner) Hart, born July 18, 1818, died. GENERAL WILLIAM WATTS HART DAVIS, a veteran of two wars, author, journalist and historian, was born at Davisville, Southampton township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, July 27, 1820, and comes of English, Welsh and Scotch-Irish ancestry, representing the commingling of the blood of these different nationalities to which we are indebted for many of the finest types of American citizenship. On the paternal side, his great-grand- 46 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY father, William Davis, was an early settler in Solebury or Upper Makefield township, Bucks county, and while tradition makes Tiim of Welsh descent, his environment and associations indicate very strongly to the the writer of these lines that he was either a native of the north of Ireland, or a son of an Ulster Scot, who had made his way to Pennsylvania with the great army of Scotch Covenanters from the province of Ulster in the first quarter of the eighteenth century. He married, about 1756, Sarah Burleigh (or Burley) daughter of John Burley, of Upper Makefield, an Ulster Scot, who had settled in Upper Makefield about 1735 with the Torberts, IMcNairs and others with whom his family later intermarried. Little is known of the life of William Davis other than that he was a farmer in Solebury and Upper Makefield, and died in the latter part of the century. William and Sarah (Burley) Davis were the parents of seven children, viz : Jemima, born December 25, 1758, married John Pitner, and removed with him first to Maryland and later to New Castle. Delaware ; John, the grand- father of General Davis, born September 6, 1760; Sarah, born October i, 1763, married Lott Search, of Southampton, Bucks county; William, born September 9, 1766, became a sea captain and died at sea ; Joshua, born July 6, 1769, removed to Maryland about 1800; Marv, born October 3, 1771, and Joseph, born March i, 1774, of whom we have no further record. John Davis, second son of William and Sarah (Burley) Davis, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born and reared in Solebury, and at the age of six- teen years became a member of William Hart's company in the Bucks county bat- talion of the Flying Camp, under Colonel Joseph Hart, and participated with it in the New Jersey and Long Island campaign of 1776. Returning with the battalion to Bucks county he participated with General Washington in the Christmas night attack on Trenton. In 1777 he enlisted in Caotain Thomas Butler's company in the Third Pennsylvania Regiment, later becoming a part of the Second Pennsylvania Regi- ment ; then transferred to Captain Joseph McClelland's company, was at the storming of Stony Point, and wounded in the foot at Fort Lee on the Hudson. 1780. He was in the Ninth, under IMcClelland. at the time of revolt in New Jersey, proceeded from there to York in January. 1781, and from there the company was ordered south under Lafayette and participated in the battle of Yorktown.- after which Davis was dis- charged on account of his disabled foot and returned to Bucks county. In 1782 he was commissioned ensign of Captain Neclev's company. Colonel John Keller's battalion, Bucks county militia, and was one of the members of that battalion to enter into active service for seven months. At the close of his military service John Davis married. June ■ 26. T783. Ann Simp'^on. daughter of William and Ann (Ilines) Simpson, of Buckingham, and rented the Ellicott farm in Solebury, where he lived until 1795, when he removed with his fam- ily to Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, where they resided until 1816, when he removed to Franklin county, Ohio, where he died January 25, 1832, at the age of seventy-two years. His wife, Ann, survived him, dying June 6, 185 T, in her eighty-seventh year. Her father, William Simpson, was born in Ireland in 17,32. and is said to have come to Pennsylvania about 1740 with his widowed mother and a- brother John, who was the great-grandfather of General U. S. Grant. William Simpson married Ann Hines, daughter of Mathew Hines, of New Britain, and lived for a time in that town- ship, removing later to Buckingham, where he died in 1816. The children of John and Ann (Simpson) Davis were: Sarah, born in Solebury, October 12, 1784; William born August 22, 1786; John, born August 7, 1788; Ann, born November 6, 1790; Samuel, born 1792, died in infancy; Joshua, born in Maryland, June 27, 17^\ Samuel S., born September, 1798 ; Joseph, born January 27, 1803, and Elizabeth, born November 18, 1805. Most of these children removed with their parents to the banks of the Scioto, where they became useful and active members of the community and en- gaged in different • branches of business and professions. John Davis, the second son of John and Ann. born in Solebury. August 7. 1788. was the father of the subject of this sketch. He removed with his parents to Rock Creek, on the banks of the Potapsico, Maryland, at the age of seven years, and was reared' to the life of a farmer. At the age of sixteen years he began to drive his father's Cone- stoga wagon with produce to Baltimore, and before he was seventeen was sent with his father's team to remove the goods of a neighbor to Pittsburg, crossing the Alle- ghenies and passing through what was then a wilderness with scattering settlers ; tUe trip occupying about sixty days. In 1808, at the age of twenty, he bought his time of his father and began farming for him- self. His opportunities for an education being limited, he supplemented what schol- astic knovvledge he had gained in his boy- hood bv the reading of books and period- icals of the day in the midst of a life of business activity. He had a thirst for knowledge, and. possessing a retentive memory, became exceptionally well in- formed on history and the issues of Amer- ican politics of the day. On one of his visits to his uncle. Lott Search, in South- ampton township, he made the acnuain- tance of his future wife, Amy Hart, daugh- ter of Josiah and Ann (Watts) Hart, who was living with her widowed mother on the old Watts homestead in Southampton, and from that time until March 13. 1813. the date of his marriage, was a frequent vis- itor at his uncle's house. ' .^my Hart was born June 30. T784. and came of distinguished ancestry, her father. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 47 Josiah Hart, being the fourth son of Colonel Joseph* and Elizabeth (Collet) Hart, born July 17, 1749, and died October 25, 1800. He was captain of one of the Bucks county companies of militia during the Revolutionary war, under his father, who was commissioned colonel of the first battalion organized in Bucks county, in 1776, for the Jersey campaign. Colonel Hart was one of the most prominent men of his day in Bucks county, serving as sheriff, 1747-1751 ; justice of the courts of Bucks county, 1764, to the time of his death in 1788, ensign of militia, 1747. In the Revolutionary struggle he was one of the leading spirits from the time he was ap- pointed on the committee of Bucks county, July 9, 1774, to attend "a meeting of the several committees of the respective coun- ties of Pennsylvania, to be held in Phila- delphia the 15th of July, instant," until independence was achieved. He was born September i, 1715, and died February 25, 1788, and was a son of John and Eleanor (Crispin) Hart, grandson of John Hart, who came from Witney, Oxfordshire, in 1682, and married Susanna Rush, of Byberry. On the maternal side Mrs. Davis was a granddaughter of Stephen, and great- granddaughter of Rev. John Watts, born at Leeds, England, 1661 ; came to Lower Dublin, Philadelphia county, 1686, and married Sarah Eaton. He become pastor of the Pennepack Baptist church, 1690, and died 1702. William Watts, brother of Mrs. Josiah Hart, was prothonotary, clerk of quarter sessions, and associate justice of Bucks county. Mrs. Hart, mother-in-law of John Davis, died in 1815, at Doylestown, of typhoid fever ; also William W. Hart, a young member of the bar, her son, and Mrs. Miles, another daughter of Mrs. Hart, all dying in the George Brock house, Doylestown, within a few days, of the same fever. Soon after his marriage John Davis settled on his mother-in-law's farm in Southampton, and, at her death, in 181 5, it was adjudged to him in right of his wife, and he resided in that immediate neighbor- hood the remainder of his long and active life. He at once became active in the af- fairs of his native county, to which he re- turned while the second war with Great Britain was in progress. On news of the burning of Washington reaching Bucks county, a meeting was called at Hart's Cross Roads, now Hartsville, on Thursday, September i, 1814, to raise volunteers to take the field. The list of the men enrolled is in the handwriting of William Watts Hart, brother of Mrs. John Davis, and John Davis's name heads the list. He became ensign of the company then formed, which, after two months' camp and drill at Bush Hill, Philadelphia, proceeded to Camp Dupont, in Delaware, where their three months' service was completed. Ensign Davis, soon after his discharge, entered * See preceding sketch. the volunteer militia of the county, became active therein, and was in constant commis- sion for thirty-four years, holding in suc- cession commissions as captain, brigade in- spector, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and was three times elected major-general of the division composed of Bucks and Montgomery counties. General Davis was a natural politician, a Democrat from con- viction, and became a power in that party in Bucks county. Sturdy in the advocacy of what he conceived to be right and strong in the reasons and facts on which his con- clusions were founded, he became a strong and eloquent advocate and was "on the stump" in many of the political campaigns of his day. He was appointed by Governor Wolf, 1833, a member of the board of ap- praisers of public works and held the office three years. In 1838 he was elected to congress from the Bucks county district, and made a splendid record as a congress- man. His speech in favor of the passage of the Independent Treasury Bill, June 2/, 1840, was commented on throughout the country as a masterly and able one. He served on many important committees and took an active interest in all that pertained to the best interest of his district and ,the country at large. On March 4, 1845, he was appointed surveyor of the port of Pniladelphia, and filled that position for four years. During the forty years from 1820 to i860, General John Davis's position in the political arena was a prominent one and he was closely associated and in constant correspondence with the leading political lights of that time, A lifelong friend of James Buchanan, he used strenuous efforts to accomplish his election to the presidency. He, however, disapproved of Buchanan's Kansas and Nebraska policy, and refused to indorse it, and became estranged from many old-time comrades in the party. During all these years General Davis remained a resident of Davisville, where he operated a farm and saw mill for many years. In 1829 he built a store building there, and conducted a general merchan- dise store for many years, and filled the position of postmaster. He was an ex- cellent business man, frank and straight- forward in his dealings, and of unswerving public and private integrity. He and his family were members of the Baptist church, and he took a deep interest in religious and educational matters. At the outbreak of the Civil war he was amongst the very first to raise his voice in favor of maintaining the Union and putting down the rebellion with a strong arm. Had his age permitted would have gone to the front, as did his only son, in defense of the government he loved and served. Amy, the wife of General John Davis, died August 17, 1847, and he on April 8, 1876, and both are buried in the old graver yard at Southampton Baptist church. Their children were : Ann, who married, Decem- ber 10, 183s, James Erwin, of Newtown, 48 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. whose only surviving child married Henry Mercur, of Towanda, Pennsylvania ; Re- becca, who married, January 5, 1840, Alfred T. Duffield, who succeeded the General as storekeeper at Davisville, and died in September, 1871, and his wife in 1884, leav- ing three children : J. Davis Duffield, T. II. Benton Duffield, and Amy, wife of Judge Gustav A. Endlich of Reading; Sarah, who married Ulysses Mercur, of lowanda, later chief justice of the supreme court of Penn- sylvania; Amy, who married Holmes Sells, a practicing physician at Dublin, Ohio, later a prominent physician and druggist at Atlanta, Georgia, where they resided during the Civil war; Elizabeth, who never married, and resides at the old homestead at Davisville; and an only son, William Watts Hart Davis, the subject of this sketch, who was named for his mother's brother, William Watts Hart, a member of the Bucks county bar, who was clerk of the orphans' court of Bucks county in 1814, and resigned to go in defense of his country when Washington was burned, and was adjutant of Colonel Humphrey's Bucks county regiment. At the close of the war he returned to Doylestown and died m 1815 of typhus fever. William Watts Hart Davis was born at at Davisville, July 27, 1820. He was reared on ttie old homestead and his earliest educational advantages were ob- tained at a private school Kept by Miss Anna Longstreth, at the Longstreth home- stead nearDy; later he attended the cele- brated classical school at Southampton Baptist church, and the day school, a mile from Davisville, on the Bucks and Mont- gomery county line road. In 1832 he came to Doylestown and attended the Academy there, boarding at the public house of his father's old captain and friend, William Purdy; a few years later he attended the select school of Samuel Long, near Harts- viUe, and the Newtown Academy, finishing his elementary education at the boarding school of Samuel Aaron, Burlington, New Jersey. From the age of ten years the time not spent in school was spent behind the counter in his fathers' store, where he learned practical business methods and habits of industry from the best of teachers, by both example and precept. In 1841 he entered Captain Alden Partridge's Univer- sity and Military School at Norwich, Ver- mont, and concluded a three years' course in sixteen months, graduating in 1842 with the degrees of A. M. and M. M. S. In the same year he was appointed an instruc- tor of mathematics and commandant of cadets in the military academy at Ports- mouth, Virginia, where he remained three years. He then began the study of law in the office of Judge John Fox, at Doylestown, and in 1846, after his admission to the bar, entered the law department of Harvard University. On December 5, 1846, while a student of Harvard Law School, at Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, he enlisted in the First Massachusetts Infantry for the Mex- ican war ; was commissioned first lieutenant, December 31, 1846, of Captain Crowning- shield's company, Colonel Caleb Cushing's regiment; adjutant, January 16, 1847; aide- de-camp June I, 1847; acting assistant ad- jutant general, July 18, 1847; acting com- missary of subsistence, October 9, 1847; act- ing qtiartermaster and inspector, October 29, 1847; captain. Company I, First Massa- chusetts Infantry, March 16, 1848, spending the winter of 1847-1848 with Scott's con- quering army in the Valley of Mexico. He was one of the officers who participated in the capture of General Valencia, in a night ride of seventy miles. He was mus- tered out July 24, 1848, at the close of the war. He now returned to Doylestown, where he practiced law until 1853, when he was appointed by President Franklin Pierce (with whom he had served in the Mexican war) to the position of United States dis- trict attorney of the territofy of New Mexico, and spent the next four years in that territory, during which time he filled the offices of attorney-general, secretary of the territory, acting governor, superintend- ent of Indian affairs and of public build- ings. While there he also published a newspaper at Santa Fe in Spanish and English, and, with the assistance of an in- terpreter and his clerk he saved the valuable Spanish manuscript in the secretary's office which afterward furnished him the material from which he wrote "The Spanish Con- quest of New Mexico," that was issued from the press of the "Doylestown Dem- ocrat" in 1869. While at Santa Fe he wrote his first work on New Mexico, entitled "El Gringo, or New Mexico and Her People," which Harper & Brothers puD- lished in 1857. While exercising the func- tions of government in our new territory, Mr. Davi^ met with some unique experi- ences. On one occasion, himself and party, while traveling on the plains, were cap- tured by the Arapahoe Indians, but, by the exercise of a little diplomacy, escaped seri- ous molestation. Returning to Doylestown in the fall of 1857, lie purchased the "Doylestown Dem- ocrat," then as now the organ of the Demo- cratic party in the county, and owned and edited it until 1890, when he sold out to the Doylestown Publishing Company, but continued as its editor until 1900, since which time he has devoted his time to his- torical and literary work. General Davis raised and took to the front the first armed force in the county for the defense of the country in the civil war, known as the "Doylestown Guards," of which he had been captain since 1858 as a volunteer militia organization. He served with this company through a campaign in the Shenandoah Valley under General Robert Patterson, an account of which cam- paign he later published, and which is con- sidered an authority on that subject. The company was ordered to Washington in HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 49 1861, and was the first military force to pass through Baltimore after the riots of April 19, 1861. The company being mus- tered out at the end of their three months' service, Captain Davis, by order of the secretary of war, raised at Doylestovi^n the One Hundred and Fourth Regiment, Penn- sylvania Volunteers, and a battery known at its inception as the "Ringgold Battery," but later as "Durell's Battery," an excel- lent history of which has lately been writ- ten and published by Lieutenant Charles A. Cuffel, of Doylestown. Colonel Davis went to the front with his regiment November 6, 1861, and served throughout the war as its colonel, though frequently filling positions and exercising commands commensurate to a much higher rank. His military record during the civil war, as briefly summed up from the records of the War Department, is as follows : Captain Company I, Twenty- fifth Pennsylvania Regiment (Doylestown Guards), April 16, 1861, in the Shenandoah Valley campaign; mustered out July 26, 1861 ; colonel One Hundred and Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Sep- tember 5, 1861 ; provisional brigade com- mander, November 11, 1861 ; commanding First Brigade, Casey's Division, Fourth Corps, November 30, 1861 ; wounded at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862 ; commanded First Brigade, Second Division, Eighteenth Corps, January II, 1863 (Second Division, First Corps, March 10, 1863; commanded United States forces at Port Royal Island, South Carolina, May 27, 1862, post of Beau- fort, South Carolina, June 14, 1863; First Brigade, Terry's Division, July 8, 1863, at siege of Charleston, S. C. ; commanded U. 5. forces at Morris Island, South Carolina, January 19, 1864; District of Hilton Head, Port Pulaski, St. Helena and Tybee Islands, South Carolina, April 18, 1864; First Brigade. Hatch's Division, July 4, 1864; wounded at siege of Charleston, July 6, 1864, losing fingers of right hand ; mus- tered out September 30, 1864; brevetted brigadier-general. United States Volun- teers, March 13, 1865, "for meritorious ser- vices during the operations against Charles- ton, South Carolina." In connection with the distinguished services rendered by Gen- eral Davis in the operations before Charles- ton we publish below a letter written by Major General Gilmore, then in command of the forces there, which shows in what light his services were held by his superior officers : "Headquarters, Department of the South, "Folly Island, S. C, Nov. 26, 1863. "Col. W. W. H. Davis. 104th Pa. Vol. Inf., Commanding Brigade, Morris Island S. C. "Dear Sir :— Although entirely unsol- icited by you, directly or indirectly, I deem it my duty, as it is certainly a pleasure, on the eve of your departure for a short leave of absence in the North, to express to you, officially, my high appreciation of the zeal, intelligence, and efficiency which have marked your conduct and service during 4-3 the operations against the defences of Charleston, still pending. Much of our service here has been trying, indeed, upon both officers and men, but I have been most nobly sustained by all, and by none more zealously than yourself. I wish you a suc- cessful journey and a safe return to us. Very Respectfully, Your Obt. S'vt., (Signed) Q. A. Gilmore, "Maj. Gen'l. Com'd'g." The above letter, received on the eve of his departure for a short visit to his family and friends in Bucks county, was an en- tire and gratifying surprise to the general and is -much prized by him. The One Hundred and Fourth passed through the thick of the fight, and rendered valiant service in the defense of the Union, and left many of its numbers in their last sleep under Southern skies. General Davis was largely instrumental in securing the erection of a monument to the memory of his fallen comrades at Doylestown. At the close of the war General Davis re- turned to the management and editorship of the "Democrat." He was honorary com- missioner of the United States to the Paris Exposition in 1878; was Democratic candi- date for congress from the seventh district in 1882, and for the state at large in 1884. In 1885 he was appointed by President Cleveland United States pension agent at Philadelphia, and filled that position for four years. In the midst of a life of busi- ness activity General Davis has devoted much time to literary and historical work. In addition to numerous lectures, addresses and papers on historical and other subjects, he is the author of the following publica- tions, "El Gringo," 1857 ; "Spanish Con- quest of New Mexico,"* 1869; "History of One Hundred and Fourth Regiment, Penn- sylvania Volunteers," 1866 ; "History of the Hart Family of Bucks County," 1867 ; "Life of. General John Lacev," 1868; "History of Bucks County," 1876; '"Life of John Davis," 1886; "Doylestown Guards," 1887; "Cam- paign of 1861. in the Shenandoah Valley," 1893; "The Fries Rebellion." 1899: "Doyles- town, Old and New," 1904, and a revised edition of the "History of Bucks County," 1905. All of these publications are consid- ered the best authorities on the subjects treated and most of them now bring in the market double and treble their original subscription price. General Davis has been *The eminent historian, George Bancroft, read the entire manuscript of the " Spanish Conquest of New Mexico" prior to its publication, and in a letter to General Davis, from Berlin, under date of February 17, 1869, said: "You are the only American I know who had the opportunity and the curiosity to investi- gate the subject, and our new acquisition is rising so rapidly in greatness and value that a new interest attaches to the romantic career of the adventurers who discovered it, and I trust that you will publish your valuable work." Thomas A. Janvier, author of the " Mexican Guide," and an extensive contributor to Spanish-American literature, in a letter to the General says: "Your history is one of the most scholarly and thoroughly satisfying works in the whole range of Spanish-American literature. It has the charm of style of the old chroniclers, and much of their charm of quaintness. with an exactneFS that is not, in all cases, an old chronicler's characteristic." 5P HISTORY OF BUCKS COUXTV. president of the Bucks County Historical Society almost from its organization, and its success as an organization .is largely due to his untiring efforts in its behalf. Nearly his whole time since his retirement from the editorship of the "Democrat," in 1900, as well as a large part of his time prior to that has been spent in its rooms and in its service, and hundreds of books, pamphlets and curios on its shelves are of his con- tribution. At the age of eighty-five years his highest ambition is to live to see the Society successfully installed in its hand- some new building, for which it is largely indebted to his untiring zeal in that behalf. General Davis was married, June 24, 1856, to Anna Carpenter, daughter of Jacob Carpenter, of Brooklyn. New York, and of their seven children three survive: Jacob C, of Doylestown, now in the employ of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company ; Margaret Sprague, wife of Cap- tain Samuel A. W. Patterson, of the U. S. Marine Corps, son of Rear Admiral Thomas H. Patterson, U. S. N.. and grand- son of Commodore Daniel T. Patterson, U. S. N., who commanded the Naval forces at the battle of New Orleans, 1865; and Eleanor Hart, residing with her father. General Davis is a companion of the mil- itary order of the Loyal Legion, a member of the Aztec Club, Survivors oi the Mex- ican War, of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution. Post No. i, G. A. R., Philadelphia, the American Historical Association and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and a member and one of the founders of Historical So- ciety of New Mexico. CAPTAIN SAMUEL AUCHMUTY WAINWRIGHT PATTERSON. U. S. Marine Corps, on board the United States battleship "Kentucky," of the North At- lantic squadron, U. S. N., was born at Washington, D. C, December 3. ^^>9, and is a son of Rear Admiral Thomas Harman Patterson. U. S. N., by his wife. Maria Montresor Wainwright. daughter of Colonel Richard D. Wainwright. first colonel of the United States Marine corps : and grand- son of Commodore Daniel Todd Patterson, U. S. N. Commodore Daniel Todd Patterson was born on Long Island. New York, in 1786. He entered the U. S. navy in t8oo, and was a mid'^hipman on board the frigate "Phila- delphia" in the expedition commanded by Captain William Brainbridge, engaged in the blockade of Tripoli. October 31. 1803, when the frigate ran upon the rocks and the vessel and entire crew were captured and held prisoners in Tripoli for three years, until peace was declared. On Janu- ary 24. TS07. he was promoted to the rank of lieutenanl, and on July 24. 1813. to master-commander. As commander of the naval forces he co-operated with General Andrew Jackson in 1S14-15 in the defense of New Orleans, lending such support as to assure the victory over the British, and received the expression of their apprecia- tion from the U. S. congress. He com- manded the expedition sent to capture the defenses of the corsair Lafitte, on the is- land of Grand Terre, in Batavia Bay, hav- ing been made captain February 28, 1815. He commanded the frigate "Constitution," 1826-29, and was appointed navy-commis- sioner in the latter year, holding the posi- tion for four years. In 1832-36 he was in command of the Mediterranean squadron, and on his return was made commandant of the navy yard at Washington, which he held at the time of his death in 1839. Rear Admiral Thomas Harman Patter- son was born at New Orleans, May 10, 1820, entered the navy from Louisiana as actmg midshipman April 5, 1830, was pro- moted midshipman March 3, 1837, passed midshipman July i, 1842. He spent the next five years on the frigate "Macedonia " the sloop-of-war "Falmouth," acting mas- ter and lieutenant on the brig "Lawrence," West India squadron, and on the brig 'Washmgton," Coast Survey, from April 17, 1844, to October, 1848, when he was commissioned master. He was commis- sioned lieutenant June 23, 1849. and served on the sloop-of-war "Vandalia," Pacific Squadron, until October 12, 1852. At the breaking out of the civil war he was serving on the steam sloop -'jMohickan," on the coast of Africa; returning home he was put on active duty; was commissioned commander of sham gunboat "Chocura," July 16, 1862, in Hampton Roads, Vir- ginia; and was present .at the siege of iorktown, and opened up the Pamunkey river for McClellan's army, co-operating with the Army of the Potomac. In Novem- ber, 1862, he was ordered to the South At- lantic Blockading Squadron in the steamer "James Adger," which he commanded untjl June. 1865. participating in the capture of a flying battery near Fort Fisher, in Aug- ust. 1863; captured the "Cornubia" and "Robert E. Lee," and the schooner "Ella" off the North Carolina coast. He 'was senior officer in the outside blockade off Charleston. South Carolina, September 15, 1864; commanded the steam-sloop "Brook- lyn," flagship of the South Atlantic Squad- ron, from September 19, 1865. to Septem- ber 18, 1867. being commissioned captain July 25, 1866; promoted to commodore November 2. 1871, and commanded Wash- ington Navy Yard 1873-6; was commis- sioned rear admiral March 28. 1877. and commanded the Asiatic Squadron until 1880, which completed his twenty-five years of active sea duty. He retired May ro, 1882. He was elected Januarv 2. 1868. a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. He died at Washington. D. C. after a, long and painful illness, April 9. 1889. He mar- ried Maria Montresor Wainwright. daugh- ter of Colonel Richard Wainwright. of the United States Marine Corps, who died in HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 51 1881. They were the parents of three sons and one daughter. Captain Samuel A. VV. Patterson entered the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1876, and graduated in 1882, after making sev- eral cruises as a student. After gradua- tion he was attached to the flagship "Hart- ford," of the Pacific Squadron, where he served twcr years. He left the navy in 1884, and in 1885 was appointed as a clerk in the United States Pension Office at Phila- delphia under General W. W. H. Davis, pension agent, and filled that position for four years and six months. From 1886 to 1896 he resided in Doylestown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. In May, 1896, he entered the U. S. Revenue Cutter service, where he served until January 17, 1900. He Vfas in the blockading squadron at Cuba during the Spanish- American War. He re- entered the U. S. navy in January 1900, and was stationed at the Boston Navy Yard until ordered to China, June, 1900, as second lieutenant of the U. S. Marine Corps, and was promoted to first lieuten- ant, July, 1900, during the Boxer troubles in China, where he participated in the famous march to Pekin to relieve the im- prisoned legations. At the close of the Chinese imbroglio he was ordered to the Philippines, and served on the U. S. S. "New Orleans," at China and Japan, and at Cavite and Olongapo, Philippine Islands. After two years and eight months' service abroad he was stationed for a time at the New York Navy Yard, from whence he was ordered to the Isthmus of Panama, where he served for six months. Return- ing to the New York Navy Yard he was promoted captain in November, 1903, and is now (1905) cruising on board the U. S. battleship "Kentucky," of the North At- lantic Fleet. Captain Patterson. February 18, 1886, married Margaret Sprague Davis, daugh- ter of General W. W. H. Davis, of Doyles- town. Bucks county. Pennsylvania, a sketch of whose distinguished career and ancestry is given in this volume. Captain and Margaret (Sprague) Davis Patterson have been the parents of three children, Anna Davis, born December 27, 1886, died December i. 1894: Thomas Harman, born April 15. 1889. died August 12, 1889; and Daniel Walter, born April , 14, 1891, who survives. CORNELL FAMILY. Gulliame Cor- neille, (variously spelled. Cornele, Cor- nale, Cornelise. in the Dutch records of New Netherlands) wa<: of un- doubted French origin, probably a Hue- guenot. and possibly of the same family as Pierre and Thomas Corneille, the noted dramatists and poets of Rouen, a supposition strengthened by the fact that he named his eldest son Peter, the French of which would have been '"Pierre." He settled on Long Island •early in the seventeenth century, and died at Flatbush prior to July 17, 1666, at which date his son Pieter Guilliamse paid for the burial of both his father and mother, as shown by the town rec- ords. On August 9,-1658, he procured from Director Stuyvesant, a patent for a large plantation at Flatbush, and in i66r he and his son Pieter purchased a "bouwery" and several building lots in Flatbush. He left five children Pieter, Gulliam or Gelyam, Cornelis, Jacob and Maria, who have left numerous descen- dants in Kings county. Long Island, New York, New Jersey, and in Bucks county and other parts of Pennsylvania. The name for nearly a century was spelled Cornele, with the accent on the e. Pieter Wuellemsen, as he wrote his name, the eldest son of Guilliam Cornele, was a prominent man in the early history of Flatbush and Kings county. As above stated he was joint purchaser with his father of a large plantation in Flatbush, and later was alloted other building lots in the town. He was commissioned as "Pierre Guilleaum" on October 8, 1686, a lieutenant of the Flatbush company of Kings county militia. His will is dated May 23, 1689. He married in 1675 Mar- gueritie Vercheur, or Vernelle, as the marriage record gives it. and they were the parents of at least five children: Gulliame. born 1679; Cornelis, 1681 ; Ja- cob, 1683; Maria, 1686, and Pieter. Cornelis, the second son, married Jan- netje — and had children: Johannes, bap- tised September 21, 1718; Adrien, bap- tised November 19, 1721; Cornelis, mar- ried Anne Williams in Philadelphia in 1746. and probably several others, some of whom are said to have settled in Bucks county. Pieter, the j^oungest son of Pieter and Margaret, married Catharine Lanning and settled in New Jersey. Adrien, son of Cornelis, is erroneously" confounded with Adrien, son of Guilliam, who settled in Bucks county; the former probably never lived in Pennsylvania. Gilliam Cornell, eldest son of Peter and Margaret, was born at Flatbush, Long Island, in 1679, married November 4, 1714. Cornelia Van Nortwyck, daugh- ter of Simon and Folkertje Van Nort- wyck, of Blanckenbufg, in the Nether- lands, and remained until 1723 at Flat- bush. removing from there to New Utrecht, and is said to have accompan- ied some of his children to Bucks county prior to 1750. of which latter fact we have no proof, unless a tombstone, be- side those of his sons Gilliam and Wil- helmus. in the old Dutch Reformed burying ground near Feasterville. marked "Q x C," maybe considered as such. He purchased a. "house and lot in Flatbush as early as 1708. His children as shown by the records of the Dutch Reformed churches of Flatbush and New Utrecht and from the Bucks county records, were: Adrien: Jacobus, baptised October 2, 1720: Wilhelmus, baptised July 29, 52 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 1722; Gilliam, baptised October 23, 1724; Johannes, baptistnl June 16, 1727, married May 23. 1750, Maria Lott, and remained in Flatbush; Simon, baptised July 13, 1729; and Abraham, baptised October 10, 1731. Margaretta Cornell, who married Rem Vandcrbclt, of Southampton, and had a son Gilliam baptised at South- ampton in 1742, is also supposed to have been a daughter of Gilliam. Of the above named sons of Gilliam and Cornelia Cor- nell, four (Adricn, Wilhelmus, Gilliam and Simon) came to Bucks county, and settled in Northampton and Southamp- ton, and where the first three left nu- merous descendants. Adrien was the an- cestor of most of the Cornells who now reside in Bucks, and a more detailed ac- count of him will be given below. ^WILHELMUS CORNELL, born at Flatbush, Long Island, July 13, i7.-2f. probably came to Bucks county with his elder brother Adrien and their pa-- rents prior to 1740. He was married at the Southampton church, April 14, i744- to Elshe (or Alice) Kroesen. H'ls first purchase of land was in connection with his younger brother Gilliam in 1755, and consisted of three tracts of land near Churchville, eighty-two acres on the Northampton side of the Bristol road, and IIS acres opposite in Southampton, including the present site of the church. In 1762 he conveyed his interest in these tracts to Gilliam, and purchased of Jacob Duffield 2331^ acres in South- ampton, and subsequently acquired con- siderable other land there. He died Oc- tober 14, 1783, and his wife Elshe died October 8, 1802, at the age of seventy- seven years; they are buried side by side in the old grave yard af Feasterville. They were the parents of Seven children: Gilliam, born January 2, 1745, died Au- gust 17, 1755; John, born January, 1750, died January 24, 1811. leaving sons Gil- ; Ham, Wilhelmus, Jacob, John and Isaac, and daughters Elizabeth, wife of Henry Feaster, and Cornelia, wife of Gilliam Cornell; Cornelia, baptised February li, 1753, married William Craven; Margaret, baptised December 14, 1755, married Henry Courson; Elizabeth, baptised June 7, 1761; and Gilliam, baptised September 17, 1758, married Jane Craven. The lat- ter was known locally as "Yompey Cor- | nell." He was buried on his farm at Southampton Station. Gilliam Cornel, born on Long Island in 1724, married there May 23, 1750. Mar- garet Schench, and removed to Bucks county. He purchased land as above recited in 1755 in connection with his brother Wilhelmus, and purchased the latter's interest therein six years later. He died in Northampton, July 17. 178=;. and his wife Margaret died September 5, 1805. They had seven children: I. Phebe, who married her cousin Cor- nelius Cornell, the son of Simon. 2. Cornelia, baptised April 11, 1757, mar- ried William Bennett. 3. John, baptised December 31, 1758, married Catharine Sleght. 4. Abraham, baptised January 28^ 1760. died August 31, 1801, married Agnes Bennett. 5. Gilliam, baptised August 27, 1764, married Rachel and left Bucks county. 6. Margaret, baptised 1767. 7. John, baptised June 12, 1774, died young. 8. Maria, baptised August 24, 1778. Simon Cornell, born on Long Island in 1729, married Adrienne Kroesen and settled in the neighborhood of South- ampton, though probably in Philadelphia county; his sons Cornelius and John were baptised at Southampton church in 1761 and 1772 respectively. The former mar- ried Phebe, daughter of his uncle Gil- liam, and had children Gilliam, John, Cornelius, Isaac, Jane, who married Peter Bailey, and Margaret. ADRIEN CORNELL, eldest son of Gelyam and grandson of Peter Guil- liamse Cornel, was born in Flatbush, Long Island, August 22, 1713, as shown by his family Bible now in possession of Thompson Cornell of Philadelphia, a great-great-grandson, and died July 28, 1777. He was eldest son of Gelyam Cor- nell by the first marriage of Gelyam, who was a landholder in Flatbush as early as 1708. Historians have erroneously stated that he was a son of Cornelis, the brother of Gelyam. Bergen, in his "Early Settlers of Kings County," makes that statement and gives the date of his baptism as November 19, 1721, but this is effectually disprove!! by the Bible record, as well as by the will of Gilliam of Bucks county, who is shown to be a son of Gelyam and Conelia, and makes "my nephew Gilliam Cornell, son of my brother Adrien," one of the executors of his wilj^' Adrien Cornell married Mattie Hegeman, born at Brooklyn. Long Island, November I, 1718, daughter of Rem and Peternella (Van Wycklen) Hegeman, grand-daugh- ter of Elbert and Marytje (Rappalye) Hegeman, great-granddaughter of Jo- seph and Femmeltje (Remse) Hegeman,. and great-great-granddaughter of Adrien and Catharine Hegeman, who emigrated from Amsterdam in 1650, settling first at New Albany, but later removing to Flat- bush. Long Island, where Adrien was a magistrate in 1654 and died in April, 1672. Adrien Cornell removed to Bucks county prior to June 7, X739, at which date he purchased 250 acres in North- ampton township, where he was already a resident. In 1751 he purchased sixty- one acres adjoining his first purchase and 205 acres additional in 1772. Tliis land was located in the heart of the Dutch settlement known as Holland, and much of it still remains the property of his descendants. He died on his plan- tation purchased in 1739. July 27. 1777, and his wife Mattie died July 4, 1790;; (^^'f //y 9Tt ^-^f^r? P-^-pf HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 53 both are buried at Richboro. Their cliil- dren were: Gilliam, born April 26, 1741, died March 2, 1809, married Jannetje Suydam, daughter of Lambert Suydam; and Rem, born June 9, 1744, died July 18, 1825, married Peternelletje Hegeman, born 1751, died December 19, 1816. Gilliam and Jane (Suydam) Cornell were the parents of nine children: Adrien, born May 18, 1765, died Febru- ary 28, 1841, married Rachel Feaster; Abigail, born December 17, 1769, mar- ried Henry DuBois; Lambert, born July 14, 1772; James, born October 20, '1774, died April i, 1850, married first Cynthia, daughter of Rem Cornell, and second Margaret Vandegrift; Rem, born April 4, 1777, died young; Mattie, born April 23, 1779, married Aaron Feaster; Jane, born May 15, 1781, married Christopher Vanarsdalen; John, born March 29, 1783. married Elizabeth Vandegrift; and Gil- liam, born May 13, 1785, married Eliza- beth Krewsen, November 16, 180Q. In the division of the real estate of Adrien Cornell between his two sons Gilliam and Rem, the/ latter retained 203 acres of the homestead tract of 250 acres, and forty-one acres of the Vanduren pur- chase adjoining, and conveyed to his brother Gilliam the balance of the home- stead, fifty-six acres, and 205 acres pur- chased by their father of Van Horn in 1772. These lands were devised by the brothers to their respective sons, and a portion of both tracts still remain in the tenure of their descendants of the name. Gilliam divided the homestead between his sons Lambert, James and Gilliam, settling his son Adrian on eighty-five acres purchased in 1785 of William Thomson, and John on 100 acres pur- chased of Henry Dyer. Rem Cornell, second son of Adrien and Mattie (Hegeman) Cornell, born in Northampton in 1744, married Pet'er- neelitie Hegeman. and lived all his life on the old homestead in Northampton, acquiring later considerable other land in the vicinity./ He was an active and prominent man in the community, and a member of the Dutch Reformed church of North and Southampton. He died July 18. 1825, in his eighty-second year. His wife died December 19. 1816, in her sixty-fifth years, and both are buried in the old gravej-^ard at Richboro. They were the parents of three children: Mat- tie, born 1770, married John Kroeson; Cynthia, born 1776, died June 7. 1808, married her cousin James Cornell; and Adrien. Adrien Cornell, only son of Rem. was born on the old homestead in North- ampton in May, 1779, and, inheriting it from his father in 1825. spent his whole life there. He was a prosperous farmer and a good business man and acquired a large estate, owning at his death in 1857 over 700 acres of farm land and a fine mill property in Northampton, and over 400 acres in Upper Makefield township. His wife was Leanah Craven, daughter of James and Adrianna (Kroeson) Cra- ven, and Vas baptised at Churchville, February 21, 1779. The children of Adrien and Leanah (Craven) Cornell were as follows: i. James Craven, bap- tised November 4, 1804, died February I, 1865, married Judith S. Everett. 2. Eleanor, baptised January 10, 1807, mar- ried James Krusen. 3. John Leflferts, baptised January 10. 1807, died January 14, 1836. 4. Ann Eliza, baptised August 28, 1810, married James S. McNair. 5. Charles, baptised March 21, 1812. 6. Lj'dia, January 18, 1815, married Henry Wynkoop. 7. Cynthia, baptised August II, 1816, married William R. Beans. Adrian, see forward, and Mary Jane, wife of Frances Vanartsdalen. Adrien Cornell, youngest son of Adrien and Leanah (Craven) Cornell, was born on the old homestead in Northampton, December 21, 1818. He was reared on the farm that had been the home of his ancestors since 1739, and in the house erected by his great-great-grandfather in 1747. This house he tore down in 1861, and erected the present mansion house. He was an active and successful business man. He was connected for many years with the Bucks County Agricultural So- ciety, of which he was for several years president, succeeding his brother James C. Cornell in that position. He married January 8, 1840, Mary Ann Van Horn, daughter of Abraham Van Horn, who survived him many years. He died on the old homestead, September 17, 1870. GEORGE W. CORNELL, only child of Adrien and Mary Ann, was born on the old homestead. October 17, 1841, and resided there until the spring of 1904, when he removed to Newtown borough, where he now resides. He was educated at the public schools of Northampton, supplemented by a three years course at the Tennent School at Hartsville, Pennsylvania. He married October 10, 1871, Sarah C. Luken. who died May 23, 1873. On June 6, 1877, he married Eliza- beth B. Camm. his prresent wife, who is a daughter of Joseph C. and Martha (Feaster) Camm. and a granddaughter of Aaron and Matilda (Cornell) Feaster, Matilda being a daughter of Gilliam and Jannetje (Suydam) Cornell. Her pater- nal great-grandfather, John Camm, was a native of England and located in Phil- adelphia, where his son William and grandson Joseph C, were born and reared. Her father, Joseph C. Camm. lo- cated in Northampton township. Bucks county, after his marriage, and Mrs. Cor- nell was born and reared in that town- ship. On the Feaster side she is of Hol- land descent. Her great-great-grand- father, John Feaster, was born on Long Island in 1798, and died in Northampton township, Bucks county, December 19, y 54 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. \77S. His wife Mary, born in 1706, died May 28, 1774. Their son David, born April 8, 1740, married Mary Hegeman, born March 8, 1743; he died September 28, 1808, and his wife May 28, 1783. Their son Aaron, the grandfather of Mrs. Cor- nell, was born in October, 1772, and died July 18, i860. Mr. and Mrs. Cornell have no children. Mr. Cornell still owns the old homestead in Northampton, but lives retired in Newtown. In politics he is a Republican. He and his wife are members of the Dutch Reformed church. Gilliam Cornell, youngest son of Gil- liam and Jannetje (Suydam) Cornell, of Northampton, was born on the old home- stead May 30, 1785. He married Novem- ber 16, 1809. Elizabeth Krewsen, and settled on a portion of the old homestead purchased by his grandfather of the Van Horns in 1772, 103 acres of which Gil- liam inherited at his father's death in 1809. His two children were: Jacob Krewsen, born September 28, 1810, and Martin H., born May 29, 1820. Jacob Krewsen Cornell was reared on the old Northampton homestead, but on his marriage purchased of Samuel Mc- Nair a farm in Southampton, at Church- ville, part of the land purchased in 1755 by Wilhelmus and Gilliam Cornell, and settled thereon. He married January 7, 1834, Elizabeth Finney, who bore him eleven children, seven of whom lived to maturity and raised families, viz.: 1. Mary, born June 26, 1835, married Charles Van Artsdalen, January 10, 1856, and had one daughter, Alice, born De- cember I, 1856, who married James L. Cornell. 2. Alice, born December 18 1837, died May 28, 1838. 3. Jane M., born August 21, 1840, mar- ried December 26, 1861, Thomas Beans, and has three children — George, William and Howard. 4. Alice L., born June 5, 1842, married (first) Henry McKinney and (second) Joseph J. Yerkes, and has a son Jacob. 5. John Corson, born August 2, 1844, a prominent merchant of Oakford, Penn- sylvania, married April, 1870, Margaret J. Stevens. 6. Jacob Krewsen, Jr., born June 10. 1846, now deputy recorded- of deeds of Bucks county; married January 8. 1884, Alice E. Woodrufif; has no children. 7. Charles F., born June 10, 1848, died August 8, 1848. 8. Gilliam, Jr., born June 22, 1849; mar- ried Januar} 24, 1878, Jane, daughter of Joseph Hogeland; one son, Joseph Rem- sen, borrt January 8, 1885. 9. Martin Harris, horn February 19, 1851, married October 7. 1874. Mary H. Agin ; now reside in Doylestown ; one daughter, Carrie Ruth, Ixirn July 7, 1884. TO. Charles Finney, born t8s3, died 1861. II. Henrietta, born 1857, died 1863, Jacob Krewsen Cornell married (s'ec- ond) Ruth Anna Morrison, daughter of' Judge Joseph J. and Ellen (Addis) Mor- rison, by whom he had the following chil-' dren : Joseph M., born December 18, 1862^ see forward ; Ella M., born October 4, 1864, married January 14, 1897, J. Warner Cornell, and has two children — Ruth and Charles; Edith, born May 10, 1870; and' Albert, born October, 1871, died July, 1872. JOSEPH MORRISON CORNELL was born on the old homestead at Churchville, Southampton township,. Bucks county, December 18, 1862, and is the eldest son of Jacob Krewson Cornell by his second marriage with Ruth Ann Morrison. He was reared on the farrn and acquired his education at the local schools. On arriving at manhood he fol- lowed farming five years in that vicinity,- and then purchased his father's farm, where he has since resided. He has always taken an active interest in the affairs of his native township, and has filled several local offices. He was for three years supervisor, and has also filled the office of township assessor. Mr. Cornell was married November 27, 1884, to Emma E. Fetter, daughter of John Carrel and Mercy C. (Lefferts) Fetter, and they have been the parents of two children: John Fetter, born December I, 1887, died July 17, 1890; and Joseph M. Jr., born January 16, 1894. Mrs. Cornell was l3orn March 20. 1864,. and is one of the three children of John C. and Mary (Leffets) Fetter. Her great-grandfather, George Fetter, was one of twelve children, and was born January 13, 1768. His wife, Rebecca Wynkoop, was born August 28, 1868, and they were the parents of nine children,, of whom William, the eldest, born Oc- tober 7, 1797, was the grandfather of Mrs. Cornell. He married Sarah Carrell, De- cember 26, 1821, and had six children, of whom the eldest, John C, born August 18, 1824, was the father of Mrs. Cornell. On the maternal side Mrs. Cornell is of Holland descent, being descended from LefTet Pieterse, who came to Long Island with his parents in 1669 from Haugh- wout. North Holland, and settled at Flatbush, Long Island. His son, Pieter Lefferts, born May 18, 1680. married Ida, daughter of Hendrick Suydam. and their son, Leffertse LefTertse, was the first of the family to settle in Bucks county, where he has left numerous dscendants. THE JANNEY FAMILY of Bucks county are descendants of the Cheshire family of that name who, according to- various authorities, "are supposed to be" or "considered to be" descended from the house of De-Gisne. or Gyney, of Heverland, Norfolk, who were of French extraction, and the name' to be derivect from Guisnes. near Calais. France. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 55 The earliest lineal ancestor of the American family of Janney of whom there is any authentic record was Ran- dull Janne3% of Stiall, parish of Wilmes- lome, Cheshire, Enghvnd, who died about the year 1596, being mentioned in the will of his son Thomas Janney, made in 1602, as having left legacies to daughters of Thomas, the youngest of whom was baptised in 1595. Thomas Janney, before mentioned, was married at least twice, if not three times. Investigations re- cently conducted in Cheshire by Miles White, of Baltimore, indicate that he married first Ellen , who was bur- ied February 7, 1578, and by whom he had a daughter Alyce, who was baptised Novemoer 7, 1570, but as no further rec- ord of this Alice is found, and she is not mentioned in Thomas's will, there is no proof that the record above refers to 'J. hom;iT of Stiall. 1 He married, Decem- ber 7. 1578, Jane Worthington, who was Duried August 10, 1589, and (second) on Movember 4, 1590, Katharine Cash, of Stiall. By the first marriage he had two sons, Randle and Henry, and daughters Margerie and Maud. By the second marriage he had six children, two at least of whom died in infancy. He was pos- sessed of a considerable freehold of lands in Cheshire, which he devised to his sons Randle and Harry, and personal estate to Thomas and daughters Maud, Mar- garet and Anne. Randle Janney, the eldest son of Thomas and Jane (Worthington) Jan- ney, was baptised February 23, 1579-80, and was buried October 30, 1613. He married, July 14, 1602, Ellen Abrodd, and lived and died at Stiall, Cheshire. They were the parents of four children: Thomas, baptised June 27, 1605, died 12 mo. 17, 1677. married September 3, 1625, Elizabeth Worthington, who died 12 mo. 19. 1681-2; Randle, baptised May 26, 1608, married July 16. 1636, Anne Knevet; Heine, baptised March 24, 1610, buried March 3. 161 1; and Richard, baptised February 20, 1613, settled in Ardwick, Lancashire, where he died in 1691, wife Mary. Of these four children of Randle Janney, of Stiall, only the two eldest has special interest to the Janneys of America, as through the two sons of the former, Thomas and Henry, and Will- iam, son of the latter, are descended all the Janneys who today are scattered over the United States. Thomas Janney, eldest son of Randle and Ellen (Alrodd) Janney, baptised June 27, 1605, was married September 3, 1625, to Elizabeth Worthington, and both joined the Society of Friends soon after it came into existence, and are fre- quently mentioned in the early annals of the Society, meetings being frequently held at their house at Stiall, and later at Mobberly, Cheshire. He suffered distress of goods, was imprisoned, and otherwise persecuted on account of his faith as related in Besse's sufferings. He and others purchased and presented to the Meeting the land for the t)urial ground and meeting house at Mobberly. He was evidently possessed of consider- able property, and in his will made in 1677 left a legacy to the poor of the town. He died 12 mo. 17, 1677, and his widow Elizabeth on 12 mo. 19, 1681-2, and both are buried in the Friends' bury- ing ground at Mobberly. His will is stfi' preserved at Chester, and his name thereto is spelled Jannej^ though men- tioned in the records as Janey. His will names the children mentioned below, his brother Richard, and William Janney of Handworth. The children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Worthington) Janney were: 1. Mary, baptised March 19. 1625-6, died 7 mo. 3, 1698, married 12 mo. 3, T663-4, Robert Peirson, of Pownall Fee, Cheshire, and had a son Enoch, born il mo. 30, 1665, died 8 mo. 2, 1680-I. Thomas and Robert Pearson, who came to Pennsylvania in 1683 and 1682 respec- tively, were probably related to Robert. 2. Margaret, baptised March 16, 1627, died II mo. 11, 1673, is buried at Mob- berly. 3. Martha, baptised June 6, 1630, died 2 mo. 4, 1702, married 12 mo. 12, 1672, Hugh Burges, of Pownall Fee, who died 3 mo. 23, 1713, aged seventy-four years. Both are buried at Mobberly. It was at their house, that her brother Thomas Janney, of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, died in 1696, while on a religious visit to England. 4. Randle, baptised December 16, 1632, died 3 mo. 17, 1674, buried at Mobberly. 5. Thomas, the ancestor of tlie Jan- neys of Bucks county, baptised January II. 1634. died 12 mo. (Feb.) 12, 1696, and is buried at IMobberly; see forward. 6. Henry, baptised January r, 1637, died at Eaton Norris, Lancashire, 6 mo. 3. 1690. and is buried at Mobberly. He married at the house of Thomas Potts, Pownal - Fee. i mo. 3. 1674, Barbara Baguley, of Stockport, was a tailor and chapman or cloth dealer. His daughter Elizabeth, born 9 mo. 7, 1677. came to Philadelphia in 1698. and married in 1710 Pentecost Teague. a distinguished Friend of Philadelphia. Mary, born 11 mo. I, 1680, and Tabitha. born 7 mo. 29. 1687, also came to Philadelphia, the former marrying in 1708 Joseph Drinker, and the latter in 1709 William Fisher. A son Thomas and daughter Martha died in infancy. Before proceeding to give an account of Thomas Janney, the distinguished an- cestor of the Janneys of Bucks county, jt might be well to say a word or two in reference to William Janney, (son of Randle and Mary, and grandson of Randle and Ellen Alrodd Janney), whose two sons. Randle and Thorn'as, also came to Pennsylvania. 56 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. William Janney was baptised Decem- ber 8, 1641, died 8 mo. 4, 1724, and is buried among his kinsman in the old burying ground at Mobberly. He mar- ried 7 mo. 30, 1671, Deborah Webb, and was then living at liandforth; after his wife's death he removed to Morley. He was a prominent member of the Society of Friends, and suffered persecution for his faith. Meetings were frequently held at h's house. His son Randle, born 2 mo. 10, 1677, in 1699 obtained a certifi- cate from the Meeting at Morley and emigrated to Philadelphia, where he be- came a prominent merchant, was a friend of Penn, and a large landowner in Penn- sylvania and Cecil county, Maryland. He married at Philadelphia, in 9 mo., i/OI, Frances Righton, daughter of William and Sarah Righton, of Philadelphia. Their only child died in infancy. In 1702 and 1706 he visited England, and in 1715 obtained a certificate to visit the Bermudas, but died before starting, 10 mo. 7, 1715. His will mentions his brother Thomas and his sister Mary, wife of George Pawley, who had also come to Philadelphia, and their children, De- bora. Mary, Sarah and Thomas. Thomas Janney, brother of Randle, was born in Cheshire, England, 3 mo. 18, 1679, and died in Cecil county, Maryland, about 1750. In 1702 his brother Randle obtained a certificate for him to Phila- delphia, which, with the one brought from the Morley Meeting by Randle in 1699, is preserved among the records of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. In 1706 he went to England with his brother, and after his return settled in West Not- tingham township, Chester county, on land formerly owned by Randle, and later found to be in Cecil county, Marj-- land. His will was proven in Cecil county, March 22, 1751, and in it he men- tions his wife Magdalen, son-in-law Rob- ert Lashly, and children Jemima Janney, Debora Lashly, William, Thomas and Isaac Janney, who are the progenitors of the Janneys of Cecil county. Robert Lashly was Robert Leslie, who married Debora Janney, in 1740, and is the an- cestor of Charles Robert Leslie, R. A., the noted author and artist, and his"'tal- ented sisters. Deborah Pawlee, daugh- ter of George and Mary (Janney) Pauley, married 9 mo. 21, 1727, Samuel Siddons, son of Thomas and Lowrey (Evans) Siddons, who have descendants in Bucks county. Sarah Pawley, another daughter of George and Mary, married 7 mo. 24. 1734, William Atkinson, Jr., of a Bucks county family. THOMAS JANNEY, second son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Worthington) Janney, baptised at Stiall. Cheshire, Eng- land, January 11, 1634, "was convinced of the truth as held by Friends" at the first preaching thereof in Cheshire in 1654, and the next year took up the min- istry in that sect and traveled exten- sively in England and Ireland. He mar- ried, 9 mo. 24, 1660, Margery Heath, of Horton, Staffordshire. The marriage took place at the house of James Harri- son, in the township of Pownal Fee, in which Stiall the home of the Janneys was situated. Ann, the wife of James Harrison, was a sister of Margery, as was also Jane, the wife of William Yard- ley, both of whom came with their hus- bands to Pennsylvania and settled m Bucks county in 1682, as shown by an account of each family given in this volume. They lived at Stiall, where their four sons were born, until 1683, when they followed their brothers-in-law to Pennsylvania and settled on a tract of land in Makefield, Bucks county. Thomas Janney had purchased of William Penn, 6 mo. 12, 1682, 250 acres of land to be laid out in Per .;sylvania, and it was laid out in Lower Makefield, fronting on the Delaware. He and his wife Margery, their four sons and two servants, John Nield and Hannah Falkner, arrived in the Delaware river in the Endeavor, 7 mo. (September) 29, 1683. He eventually purchased other lands in the vicinity; the tract fronting on the Delaware below the present borough of Yardley containing 550 acres was confirmed by patent in T691, and ancther tract of 1000 acres lay back of the "River Lots" and extended into Newtown and Middletown town- ships, wdiere the line between these townships joins the line of Lower Make- field. The latter tract was of irregular form and was well watered. Core creek running through it. A saw mill was erected on it soon after its occupation in 1683, and Jacob Janney erected a grist mill near the old family mansion in 1816, which was in use until a few years since, that portion of the plantation still being owned and occupied by descendants of the name. Thomas Janney was related by blood or marriage to many of the most prominent settlers of the county. William Yardley, for many years a jus- tice of the county courts and a member of provincial assembly, and James Har- rison, Penn's confidential agent in Penn- sylvania, were, as before stated, his brothers-in-law. and Phineas Pemberton, called by Logan "the father of Bucks County." was therefore his nephew, and John Brock, another prominent oificial of the county, was his cousin. Thomas Janney was also an intimate friend of Penn, who entertained a high opinion of him and mentioned him lovinglj' in many of his letters. Thomas Janney continued his labors as a minister of the Society of Friends, but that did not preclude his en- gaging actively in civil affairs, and upon his arrival in America he at once took a prominent place in the affairs of the col- ony. He was elected to provincial coun- cil for a term of three 3-ears, and was qualified as a member i mo. 20. 1684, and HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 57 was again elected and commissioned in 1691. He was also commissioned April 6, 1685. one of the justices of the courts of Bucks county, which commission was renewed January 2, 1689-90. He was one of the commission of twelve men ap- pointed to divide the county into town- ships in 1690, and filled many other im- portant official positions. In the minis- try he visited Friends' meetings in New England, Rhode Island, Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, and was an esteemed counsellor in all matters pertaining to the Society, as well as of the county and province. In the early part of 1695 he began to make preparations for a visit to Friends in England, executing a power of attorney to his eldest son, Jacob Janney, to trans- act business for him in his absence, and making his will, which is dated 3 mo. 21, 1695. This will was doubtless proved and recorded in the county of Bucks, but the records of the county (with the exception of deeds) from 1693 to 1713 are entirely lost, and it is only through a copy found among the papers of Samuel M. Janney. the Quaker historian, that we learn what its provisions were. He was accompanied on his visit to England by Griffith Owen, and they started by way of Maryland 3 mo. 31, 1695. Ean'ding in London, they traveled through Eng- land and Wales, visiting many meetings. Janney was taken sick in the spring of 1696, while in Derbyshire, but. partially recovering, attended the Quarterly Meet- ing in London, and then started to pay a visit to his relatives in Cheshire, and, though detained in Hertfordshire by a severe attack, eventually reached Che- shire, and so far recovered as to visit meetings there and in Lancashire, and made preparations to return to Penn- sylvania in \i mo., 1696, but, being taken* seriously ill, returned to the home of his sister. Mary Burgess, where he was born, and died there the 12th of the 12th mo., (February) 1696-7, at the. age of sixty- three years, having been a minister for forty-two years. His wife Margery sur- vived him and died somewhere between 1697 and 1700, Their children were six in number — four sons: Jacob, Thomas, Abel, and Joseph, who accompanied their parents to America; and two daughters, Martha and Elizabeth, who died in Eng- land. I. Jacob Janney, born at Pownall Fee, Cheshire, 3 mo. 18, 1662, buried in Bucks county, 8 mo. 6, 1708, married at Falls Meeting, Bucks county, 10 mo. 26, 1705. Mary Hough, born in Bucks county, 7 mo. 6, 1684, daughter of John and Han- nah Hough, of Newtown. After her husband's death she married, 3 mo. 2, 1710, John Fisher, by whom she had one child, Mary, who married in 1740 John Butler. The only child of Jacob and Mary (Hough) Janney was Thomas, born 12 mo. 27, 1707-8, died 4 mo. 8, 1788. 2. Martha Janney, born at Cheadle, Cheshire, 5 mo. 17, 1665, died there 12 mo. 4, 1665-6. 3. Elizabeth, born at Pownall Fee, 11 mo. 15, 1666-7, died 11 mo. 17, 1666-7. 4. Thomas Janney, born at Pownall Fee, Cheshire, 12 mo. 5, 1667-8, died in Bucks county. He married 9 mo. 3, 1697, Falls Meeting records, Rachel Pownall, born in Cheshire, England, daughter of George and Eleanor Pow- nall, of Bucks county. They had four children; Henry, born 4 mo. 20, 1699; Sarah, born 8 mo. 26, 1700, married 1722, Thomas Pugh; Mary, married 1725, Thomas RoutJedge; Abel, born in Bucks county, died there 1748, married June 5, 1740, Elizabeth Biles. 5. Abel Janney, born at Mobberly, Cheshire, 10 mo. 29, 1671, married in New Jersey, 1700, Elizabeth Stacy, born at Dorehouse, Yorkshire, 8 mo. 17, 1673, daughter of Mahlon and Rebecca (Ely) Stacy, of Trenton, New Jersey. They had seven children; Amos, born 11 mo. 15. 1701-2, died in Fairfax county, Vir- ginia, 1747, married, 1727-8, at Falls, Mary Yardley, daughter of Thomas and Ann (Biles) Yardley; Rebeckah, born 9 mo. 9, 1702, died at Wilmington, Dela- ware, married Joseph Poole, of Bucks countjs born in Cumberland, England, 1704, died in Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania, 1767; Mahlon, born in Bucks county, 2 mo. 18, 1706; Thomas, married 1735, Hannah Biles, daughter of William and Sarah (Langhorne) Biles; Jacob, born 4 mo. 10, 1710, died in Delaware il mo. 14, 1782. married Elizabeth Levis, at Kennett, Chester county, was a prom- inent minister: Abel, removed to Vir- ginia, 1742; Elizabeth, married 10 mo. 22, 1737, John Stackhouse, and (second) David Wilson, both of Bucks county. Abel Janney. the father of the above named children, was a justice of the peace 1708-10, and a member of assem- bly 1710-21. 6. Joseph Janney, born at Pownall Fee, Cheshire, i mo. 26, 1675-6, died in Bucks county, about 1729, married at Falls Meeting, 6 mo. 18, 1703, Rebeckah Biles, born in Bucks county, 10 mo. 27, 1680, daughter of William and Joanna Biles, and had six children : Martha, married Nicholas Parker and settled in 'New Jer- sey; Ann, died young; Abel, married at Falls, 8 mo. 2. 1733, Sarah Baker, and removed to Virginia; William, married at Falls, Elizabeth Moon, born 10 mo. 16, 1719, daughter of Roger and Ann (Nutt) Moon, and removed to Virginia; Jacob, married at Falls, 1725, Hannah IngTe- dew, and removed to Virginia; Mary, married at Falls, 1720, John Hougji, of Bucks county and removed to Virginia; they are the ancestors of Emerson Hough, of Chicago, the novelist and His- torical writer, editor of "Forest and Stream." Thomas Janney, born 12 mo. 27, 1797-8, 58 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. only son of Jacob and Mary (Hough) Janney, is the ancestor of the Janneys at present resident within the county of Bucks. He married at Wrightsfown Meeting, Bucks county, lo mo. 28, 1732, Martha IMitchell. daughter of Henry and Sarah (Gove) Mitchell; the former a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Foulds) Mitchell, was born at Marsden Lane, Lancashire, and the latter was a daugh- ter of Richard Gove of Philadelphia. By the will of Thomas Janney, the pioneer and provincial councillor, he devised to his son "Jacob the house and plantation which 'we do live in and upon, with all the la7ids and appurtenances thereunto belonging," and, Jacob dying in 1708, it descended to his infant son and only child Thomas Janney, and has contin- ued to be the home of his descendants to the present day. On a visit to the old homestead in May, 1905, the writer of these lines was shown the old family Bible nearly a century old, in which was inscribed, in the quaint handwriting of long ago, the dates of the birth of the children of Thomas and Martha (Mitch- ell) Janney. Martha, the mother, died 9 mo. 19, 1785, and Thomas, the father, 4 mo. 8, 1788. Their children were: Jacob, born 8 mo. 15, 1733, died 3 mo. 26, 1761, without issue; Thomas, born 2 mo. 17, 1736, died 11 mo. 16, 1754; Rich- ard, born 8 mo. 22, 1738, died 9 mo. 5, 1766, see forward; Mary, born i mo. 18, 1741, died 2 mo. 24, 1795, married 3 mo. 19, 1788, William Linton, no issue; Sarah, born 10 mo. 19, 1743, married 11 mo. 11, 1762, Daniel Richardson, and had one son, Daniel; Alice, born 10 mo. 4, 1747, married John Dawes, and settled in New Jersey; Martha, born 9 mo. 11, 1750, mar- ried Isaac Warner. None of these sons survived their father, and the homestead was devised by his will to his grandson Jacob Janney, the only grandson of the name. Richard Janney, third son of Thomas and Martha (Mitchell) Janney, born 8 mo. 22, 1738, married, in 1764, Sarah W^orth. daughter of Joseph Worth, of Stony Brook,' Burlington county. New Jersey. She was born in 1741, and died in Wrightstown township, Bucks county, August 20. 1833. at the age of ninety-two years, having been a widow for forty years, though three times married. Rich- ard Janney died 9 mo. 5, 1766, leaving an only child, Jacob Janney. born 4 mo. 10, 1765. His widow married Stephen Twin- ing in T773, and had two children; Mary born September 16, 1774, died March 8. 1815, married Joseph Burson; and Stephen Twining, born 1776, died 1849. Her second husband dying in 1777, Sarah married (third) 2 mo. 6, 1782, James Bur- son. Of the youth of Jacob Janney, only child of Richard and Sarah (Worth) Jan- ney, little is known. Tradition relates that he lived for a time in New Jersey. If this were true, it was probably with his maternal grandparents. As his moth- er's last two husbands both resided in Wrightstown, it is probable that he was reared there or on the old homestead in Newtown, with his grandparents, Thomas and Martha Janney. Certain it is that that was his residence at the time of his grandfather's death in 1788, when he is devised the plantation and made ex- ecutor of the will of his grandfather. He married, ii mo. 16, 1792, Frances Briggs, born 10 mo. 19, 1773, died 8 mo. 21, 1851, daughter of John and Letitia Briggs, and continued to reside on the old homestead until his death, 2 mo. 19, 1820. The children of Jacob and Frances (Briggs) Janney, all born on the old homestead at Newtown, are as follows: 1. Thomas, born 8 mo. 9, 1794, died in Newtown borough, 3 mo., 1879, married 10 mo. II, 1838, Mary Kimber, daughter of Emmor and Susanna, born 2 mo. 10, 1807, and had two children: Anna, mar- ried a Bergner, and is still living in New- town; and Emmor Janney, of Philadel- phia. Thomas lived on the old home- stead until 1842, when he rented it to his youngest brother, Stephen T. Janney, and removed to Newtown. He was a large landowner in Newtown and Make- field. 2. Richard, born 3 mo. 13, 1796, died in Lower Makefield, 8 mo., 1877, married (first) Ann Taylor, and (second) Ach- sah Yardley, and lived and died in Lower Makefield. He had seven children: Mercy Ann, married Heston Lovett, of Lower Makefield, and is deceased; Tay- lor, died unmarried; Susan, married (first) Lovett Brown, of Falls, and (sec- ond) Oliver Paxson, of New Hope, where she still resides; Franklin, died in Phila- delphia; Jacob, married Matilda Ely, of Lambertville, and is living in Philadel- phia; Frances, married Jonathan Scho- field, of Lower Makefield, and is de- ceased; and Mary, married William Lin- ton, of Newtown, and is deceased. y 3. Jacob, born 4 mo. 24, 1798, married Esther Betts, daughter of Stephena and Hannah (Blackfan) Betts of Solebury, and removed to Cecil county, Maryland, and after several years residence there returned to Bucks county. and later removed with his family to IMichigan. where he died 12 mo., 1869. They had seven children: Hannah. married Amasa Atkinson; James Worth, married Loisa Beitzel; Ed- ward B., died single in Michigan; Fran- ces, married John Sumner, and is re- cently deceased: Elwood, married Al- meda Allen; Robert Simpson, married Urania Baldwin: Dr. Joshua Janney. of Moorestown, New Jersey, who married Amanda Eastburn, of Solesburj^. 4. John L., born 5 mo. 31. 1800, died on his portion of the homestead, 4 mo. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 59 12, 1872. He married Mary . Jenks, daughter of Thomas and Thomazine (Trimble) Jenks, of Middletown. (See Jcnks Family). By the will of Jacob Janney the homestead was devised to his sons Thomas and John L., and they in 1829 made partition of it and a tract pur- chased by them adjoining, the new pur- chase and a small part of the homestead on the east going to John L., where he lived and died, and where his son Thomas and daughters Elizabeth and Thomazine still reside. The children of John L. and Mary (Jenks) Janney were: Charles, married first Anna Yardley, and second her sister, Julia Yardley, was a merchant at Dolington for many years, and died on a farm in Solebury in 1902; Thomas J., who was prothonotary of Bucks county, 1895-7, and is now cashier and accountant in the office of the Newtown, Bristol and Doylestown Electric Rail- way Company at Newtown; John L., Jr., married Matilda Wynkoop, and resides in Newtown borough, though still con- ducting the old homestead farm; and Elizabeth and Thomazine, before men- tioned. 5. Martha, born 10 mo. 14, 1801, died 12 mo. 6. 1876, married Robert Simp- son, of Upper Makefield, and had five children: Jacob, of Buckingham, de- ceased, married Elizabeth Johnson; William, of Upper Makefield, deceased, married Julia Johnson; Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Smith, many years princi- pal of Doylestown English and Classical Seminary, now of Plymouth Friends' School; IMartha, wife of Albert Hibbs, of Kansas; and James, who married an Eis- inbrey, of Solebury, and died in Kansas. 6. Benjamin, born i mo. 17, 180.^, died I mo. 8, 1806. 7. Mary, born 6 mo. 8, 1805, died 7 mo. 31. 1807. 8. Sarah, born 10 mo. 21, 1806, died 10 mo. 10, 1851; married Joshua Dungan, no issue. 9. Letitia, born 9 mo. 25, 1808, died i mo, 22, 1813. 10. William, born 3 mo. 31, 1810, died 3 mo. 7, 1891, married 12 mo. 15, 1830, Rebecca Smith, daughter of William and Sarah (Moore) Smith, of Solebury, where she was born in 1810. He was a farmer in Lower Makefield for several years, and later lived retired in Newtown borough, where his widow and two daughters still reside. They were the pa- rents of nine children: Richard H., re- siding on the old Smith homestead in Solebury, married Mary Hibbs, of Pine- ville, and had three children: Dr. Will- iam Smith Janney, of Philadelphia, see forward; Sarah Smith, living with her mother in Newtown: Stephen Moore, of Newtown, married Elizabeth Nickelson, of Yardley; Oliver, of Wrightstown, married Hannah Willard, of Newtown; George, of Solebury, married Elizabeth Ellis, of Langhorne; Martha, wife of Harrison C. Worstall, a hardware mer- chant of Newtown; Rebecca Frances, died in infancy; and Mary Ella, living with her mother in Newtown. 11. Joseph, born 9 mo. 19, 1812, died 10 mo. 19, 1887, married li mo. 21, 1833, Mary Ann Taylor, daughter of David B. and Elizabeth, of Lower Makefield, lived- and died in Philadelphia. They had chil- dren: Barton Taylor, of Eniilie; Benja- min, Samuel and Joseph, of Philadelphia; Frances, wife of Joseph Lovett, of Emi- lie; Elizabeth, died in Philadelphia; and Emma, wife of Charles Walton, of Lang- horne. 12. Mahlon, born 12 mo. 15, 1815, mar- ried Charlotte Brown, and removed ta the west where he died. 13. STEPHEN T. JANNEY, young- est child of Jacob and Frances (Briggs) Janney, was born 11 mo. 15, 1817, and died II mo. 12, 1898, on the old home- stead where he was born and always re- sided. He was but three years of age at the death of his father, and remained with his mother on the homestead, and. was educated at an academy in Wilming- ton, Delaware. On his marriage in 1842, he rented the homestead of his brother Thomas, and purchased it in 1855, and continued to conduct it until his death. He married Harriet P. Johnson, born in Buckingham. 10 mo. 20, 1820, died 1891, daughter of William H. and Mary (Pax- son) Johnson, and granddaughter of Samuel and Martha (Hutchinson) John- son, all of Buckingham. (See ancestry of Hon. E. M. Paxson, where an account of the distinguished ancestry of Mrs. Jan- ney, maternal and paternal is given). The children of Stephen T. and Harriet P. (Johnson) Janney, were: Calvin D., born January 12, 1843, residing on the homestead, married March 8, 1892, Fred- erica, daughter of Frederick and Anna. M. Linton, of Newtown, who died at the birth of their only child. Frederick, December. 1892; Horace, born Septem- ber I, 1846, farmer and nurseryman at Newtown: William H., born October i, 1849, a farmer in Lower Makefield, mar- ried February 3, 1873, Anna M. Torbert, daughter of James L. and Maria (Van Artsdalen) Torbert. of Lower Makefield, and had two children: Elizabeth, wife of Erwin J. Doan, of Philadelphia, who has three children — Frances J., Anna Jean and Harriet J.; and Harriet, wife of LeRoy Suber, of Newtown. Mrs. Anna M. Janney died 3 mo. 11, 1893. and Will- iam H. married (second) June 8, 1905, Ella J. Burroughs, daughter of Robert and Phebe (Beans) Burroughs of New- town. Marietta Janney, third child of Stephen and Harriet, is still single, and resides with her brother Calvin on the homestead. Frances J. Janney, the youngest daughter, married, September 6o HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 26, 1877, Wilmer A. Briggs, son of Theo- dore S. and Sarah B. (Leedom) Briggs, of Upper Makefield, and they reside at Glen Ridge, New Jersey. DR. WILLIAM SMITH JANNEY, of 1535 North Broad street, Philadelphia,, Pennsylvania( second son of William and Rebecca (Smith) Janney, was born in Lower Makefield township, Bucks •county, Pennsylvania, August 12, 1833. He acquired his elementary education at the public schools, Newtown Academy, Bellevue Academy at Langhorne, and finished as a private pupil of Joseph Fell, of Buckingham. At the age of seventeen years he taught school at Brownsburg, Upper Makefield township, and later at Lumberville, in Solebury, at the same time taking up the study of medicine. He attended lectures at the Pennsylvania Medical College at Philadelphia in the winters of 1852 and 1853, and graduated in March, 1854. He practiced medicine at Tullytown, Bucks county, for two years, and in April, 1856, removed to Leavenworth, Kansas, just in time to tecome involved in the noted "Border War." Returning to Bucks county in the fall of the same year, he located at Woodsville, Mercer county, New Jerse3% where he remained until 1870. In the meantime, however, (in 1862, he enlisted in the army as assistant surgeon of the Twenty-first New Jersey Volunteers, and was promoted to surgeon of the Twenty- second Regiment. His regiment during its ten months service took part in the battles of Chancellorsville and Freder- icksburg, and the doctor had ample op- portunity for the use of his skill as a surgeon. Returning to Woodsville, New Jersey he resumed his practice, which continued until 1870, when he removed to a plantation in Caroline county, Vir- ginia, where he remained until 1874. when he resumed the practice of his pro- fession at Eighth and Oxford streets, Philadelphia, removing in 1877 to his present location, where he has since practiced. In 1880 he was elected cor- oner of Philadelphia by 20,000 majority. He was for sixteen years surgeon of the Philadelphia Hospital, and for the last fourteen years has had charge of the "hospital of Girard College, and stands deservedly high in his profession. He is a member of Post No. 2, G. A. R., and of the Loyal Legion, and in politics is a Republican. He married, in November, 185s, Sarah Ellen Beans, born April, 1835, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Beans, of Lower Makefield, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. They have been the parents of four children, two of whom, a son and daughter, died in in- fancy; those who survive are: Marianna, born November 2, 1873; and William, born February 18. 1876, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, both re- siding with their father. THE JAMES FAMILY. The James family of Bucks county is of Welsh orig- in, being descended from John James and Elizabeth, his wife, who with sons Thomas, William, Josiah, and Isaac, and daughters Sarah, Rebecca and Mary, migrated in the year 171 1 from the parish of Riddillyn, Pem- brokeshire, South Wales, and settled in Montgomery township, Philadelphia, (now Montgomery) county. They were Welsh Baptists, and the vanguard of the little colony of that denomination who eight years later organized them- selves into a church known as the Mont- gomery Baptist church, of which the James family were members for many years. New Britain and Hilltown Bap- tist churches were ofifshoots of this an- cient church. The James family con- tributed largely to the moral and finan- cial support of the New Britain church for many generations. Whether the family settled originally in Montgomery or in New Britain is problematical. According to Rev. Mor- gan Edwards, the great Baptist histor- ian, the Rev. Abel Morgan, pastor of Pennypack church, preached to the lit- tle colony at Montgomery prior to the organization of the church, at the house of John Evans, who arrived from Pem- brokeshire a year prior to the arrival of the James family, and the James fam- ily formed part of the assembly. At that period all the land on the Bucks county side of the line belonged to other than actual settlers, in large tracts, and it is more than probable that the James family were tenants on some of this land. In 1720 John James and his eldest son Thomas purchased one thousand acres in New Britain township, Bucks county, including a portion of the pres- ent borough of Chalfont, and extending eastward at least two miles, and north westerly at its western end nearly as far, being in the shape of the letter L. Be- tween that date and 1726, when they made a division of the land between them, they conveyed nearly one half of this tract to the other three brothers, William, Josiah and Isaac, and William and Thomas had purchased other tracts adjoining on the northeast until the fam- il}^ owned nearly if not quite 2,000 acres, extending from Chalfont far into what is now Doylestown township, and up across Pine Run and North Branch to the old highway leading through New Galena. Two of the brothers. Josiah and Isaac, do not seem to have left de- scendants in Bucks county, though both owned portions of the original 1,000 acre purchase. Josiah married. May 21, T724, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Ferry of Great Valley Baptist church, Chester county, and a year later she was received as a member of Montgomery church, but June 16. 1727, they received a dismissal to Great Valley and prob- HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY 6i ably settled in Chester county. Isaac James was a blacksmith, and resided in Montgomery township. He married, No- vember 26, 1729, Ann Jones. We have no further record of him other than his conveyance of his New Britain land about 1742. Josiah had received 235 acres of the 1,000 acre purchase in 1722, and conveyed it to his brother in 1725. Of the daughters of John and Elizabeth James, Sarah, .the eldest, as shown by the records of Montgomery church, s married Benjamin Phillips, March 2, ^f 1727, but in the will of her father twen- ty years later she is mentioned as Sarah Lewis. Rebecca, we learn from the same source, was married to a miner. Mary ' was single at her father's death in 1749, K^ ' and was requested to live with her brother Thomas. Elizabeth James died prior to her husband. Thomas James, eldest son of John and Elizabeth, was born in Wales about 1690, and died in New Britain in April, 1772. As previously stated, he was one of the original purchasers of the 1,000 acres of which he retained possibly 300 acres, and in 1731, purchased over 200 acres of the society lands of Joseph Kirkbride, most of which, however, he conveyed to his sons several years prior to his death. He married. May 15, 1722, Jane Davis, and she was baptized as a member of Montgomery church, No- vember 19, 1725. They had four sons and two daughters, Thomas, the eldest, lived and died on a portion of the old plantation in New Britain, but is said to have left no issue to survive him. Elizabeth, the eldest daughter, married Benjamin Butler about 1746, and had one daughter, Ann, who married (first) Thomas Morris, and (second) Moses Aaron. Benjamin Butler died about 1750. James James, second son of Thomas and Jane, married Elizabeth Eaton in 1762. His father had conveyed to him in 1755, 167 acres, part of which is now the property of the estate of Eugene James, deceased, one-half mile west of New Britain, and here he lived until the close of the Revolution, when he ex- changed v/'th Peter Eaton for land in Rov.c.n ccuirty North Carolina, and re- moved thither taking with him three of the children of his brother John. John James, third son of Thomas and Jane, received by deed from his father in 1 761 a farm of two hundred acres, and lived thereon his entire life. He was a member of the New Britian Company of Associators in 1775, and a private in Captain Henry Darrah's company, when in service under Lieutenant Colonel (later General) John Lacey, November I, 1777. He died in March, 1779. John James was twice married, first on Au- gust 13, 1762, to Magdalena Keshlen, (or Keshler) a German woman, by whom he had two children; Margaret, born 1763, died March 3, 1821, married Morgan Jame,'-.. son of John, and grandson of William James; and Benjamin James, born 1765, removed to Bryant's Settle- ment, • Rowan county, North Carolina, with his uncle James James about 1785. John James married (second) June 14, 1766, Edith Eaton, a sister to his brother James' wife, and had by her two children Catharine and James. In his will dated February 10, 1779, proved March 10,. 1779, he directs that Catharine's share of his estate be left in the hands of her "Aunt Elizabeth James;" this was the wife of James James, with whom all three of the younger children removed to North Carolina. James, the young- est son, was devised 200 acres of land in Chestnut Hill township, Northamp- ton county. Samuel James, youngest son of Thom- as and Jane, received from his father a farm of about 150 acres just northeast of Chalfont, and died there in 1804. He married, April 8, 1765, Anna Keshlen, a sister to his brother John's first wife, and had five children; i. Samuel, who married Elizabeth Shewell, and removed to Maryland, where he died in 1847; 2. Levi, who married Rebecca Polk and was the father of Samuel P. and grand- father of Levi L. James, late a member of the bar, and father of Robert James, deceased, whose son Louis H. was also a lawyer, and Lydia, who married John G. Mann; 3. Elizabeth, married Isaac Oakford; 4. Margaret, married John Wolfe; and 5. Ann James. Levi married late in life Mary Polk, nee Good, who survived him many years. William James, son of the emigrant John James and Elizabeth his wife, from whom most of the family now residing in Bucks county are descended, was born in Pembrokeshire about 1692, and died in New Britain township, Bucks county, in 1778. He seems to have been the fa- vorite son. and was the largest land- owner of the family. In the year 1725 his father and brother Thomas con- veyed to him 206 acres of the 1,000 acre purchase, and in the same year he pur- chased of his brother Josiah his allot- ment of 235 acres of the same. In 1738 he purchased of John Kirkbride 207 acres of the society lands, part of which is still the property of his descendants. He also owned other tracts of land near Chalfont. which became the property of his sons-in-law. He conveyed practical- ly all of his land to his children in his life time — in 1749 to John the 206 acres, and to Isaac the 207 acres; and in 1758 to Abel the 235 acres. William James married in 1718. The name of his wife was Mary, but nothing more is known of her. She was baptized at Montgomery church in 1719 as "Mary, wife of Will- iam James." She died about 1765. Will- iam and Mary James had five children; ^2 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY John; Isaac; Margaret, wlio married Henry Lewis; Abel; and Rebecca, who married Simon Butler, Jr. John James, eldest son of William and Mary, born 1719, died 1785, was a car- penter and joiner by trade, but, since he retained possession of his farm and re- sided thereon his whole life, it is to be supposed his principal occupation was the tilling of the soil. He married, May 20, 1740, Elizabeth, daughter of Lewis ' Evans, and was the father of ten chil- ■dren, nine of whom grew to maturity, viz: I. Josiah, born 1741, died December II, 1816, married Elizabeth Evans. 2. AVilliam, born 1742, died May 10, 1828, married January 25, 1769, Rebecca Will- iams. 3. Isaac, born 1744, married Jemi- ma Mason, and removed to the state of Ohio. 4. Ebenezar, born 1746, died 1815, had no children. 5. Simon, born 1748, died 1814, married Elizabeth Hines. 6. Morgan, born April 27, 1752, died April 18, 1816, married Margaret James, daughter of John, as before stated. 7. Elizabeth, married John Callender. 8. Mary, married Nathan Evans. 9. Alice married Thomas Mathias. Of the above Josiah and Elizabeth were the great- grandparents of Robert E. James, Esq., of Easton, Pennsylvania, and the chil- dren of William and Rebecca all re- moved to the west. The only one who left descendants in Bucks of the name was Morgan, and Margaret. Morgan James, sixth son of John and Elizabeth James, was born on the old plantation in New Britain, April 27, 1752. At the breaking out of the Revo- lution he, with his brothers Josiah, Will- iam, Isaac, became members of the Asso- ciated Company of New Britain militia. Morgan was later a private in Captain Henry Darrah's company, and was in ac- tive service under General John Lacey. His brothers, Isaac, Ebenezer, Simon and William, were also in this company. Morgan James married, as before stated, Margaret James, daughter of John and Magdalene. Their children were: i. Ly- ■dia, who married Mathew Thomas. 2. Benjamin, born November 28, 1786, died May 24, 1865, married Elizabeth, daughter of Moses Aaron, and widow of James Poole, left no issue. 3. Naomi, iDorn February 26, 1793, died November 4, 1871, married Jacob Conrad. 4. Isa- iah, born August 27, 1798, died Septem- ber 23, 1886, married Caroline James, daughter of Abel James. Isaac James, second son of Williani and Mary James, born in New Britain about 1726, received from his father in 1749 a deed for over 200 acres of land upon which he lived his entire life. He was constable of New Britain township for many years. He died very suddenly in 1766. aged about fifty years. His wife, whom he married in 1751. was Sarah Thomas, daughter of John Thomas, who •came to New Britain from Wales in 1726 and died there in 1750. The chil- dren of Isaac and Sarah (Thomas') James were: i. Abiah, born 1745, died December i, 1834, married September 22, 1773, Rachel Williams. 2. John, born 1747- a soldier in the Revolution, mar- ried Dorothy Jones. 3. Abel, born 1749, died 1798, married Elizabeth Hines. 4. Nathan, born 1754, died 1845, married Sarah Dungan. 5. Samuel, born 1760, died 1848, married Elizabeth Cornell and removed to North Carolina in 1785. 6. Us- lega, born 1762, died 1844, married Jo- seph Morris. 7. William, born 1764, died 1854, removed to Reading, Berks county, Pennsylvania. 8. Benjamin, born 1766, died 1854, married Ann Will- iams. Tracy, died young. Of these, Ab- iah, Abel, Nathan, and Benjamin have descendants residing in Doylestown.and will be noticed later in this sketch. Abel, the youngest son of William and. Mary James, born about 1729, died Sep- tember, 1770, at Dover, Delaware, was in some respects the most prominent of the family m his generation. He re- ceived a liberal education and was pos- sessed of ample means and early evinced a taste for mercantile pursuits. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Thomas Howell, of Warwick, in 1756, and entered into business in Philadelphia and Dover, Del- aware, and was for several years very successful. An unfortunate speculation ruined him. and the worry and strain of his financial difficulties brought on a fever from which he died while at Dover. _/;^ His plantation of 235 acres in New Brit- - ain had been heavily mortgaged to tide him over a financial speculation and was sold. He left five sons and four daugh- ters, viz: I. Daniel, the eldest son, was a clerk for his father at Dover at the time of the failure; after his father's death r he secured a position as clerk at Dur- ham Iron Works, then operated by Jo- seph Galloway. At the closing of the furnace in 1776 he returned to Delaware and joined Proctor's Delaware regiment as a lieutenant, was promoted to cap- tain, and served throughout the war. 2. William, the second son, was also a sold- "^' ier in the Revolution, first enlisting in Captain Edward Jones' company recruit- ed in Hilltown, and later serving in Cap- tain John Spear's company in the Elev- enth Pennsylvania Regiment. 3. Mar- .^ garet, married William Kerr, of War- »* wnck. 4. John James was a noted mill- ,J* wright, and lived and died in Lower ^ Dublin township, Philadelphia county."^ 5. Mary, married Abel Thomas of Hill- town; they removed first to Harford county, Maryland, and later to Rock- bridge county, Virginia. 6. Martha, married Asa Thomas, brother of Abel.* Abel H., youngest child of ."Vbel and Mary (Howell) James, was born Jan- *Catharine, another dauehter. married Mr. Hilt, an iron master, having iron works in the extreme western end of Virginia. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 63 nary i, 1771, a few months after his father's death. VV'hen quite a youth he went with his brother-in-law, Abel Thomas, to Maryland, and a few years later to Virginia, near the Natural Bridge, where he engaged in the trans- portation of produce down the James river. The boats were built at Lexing- ton, and on reaching tidewater were sold as well as the cargo, and a new one built for the next trip. He returned to Bucks county in 1803 to marry Cath- arine Owen, daughter of Griffith Owen, Esq., of Hilltown, intending to return with her to Virginia. He was, how- ever, persuaded to remain in Bucks county, and in 1804 he opened a store at what is now Hagersville, on the Beth- lehem road, above Dublin, which he conducted a few years when he opened a store at Lewis' Tavern, in Hilltown. A few years later he purchased the store property at Leidytown and remained there one year, when he purchased the tavern and store known as Lewis', at what is now Hilltown postoffice and re- mained there until his death, June 11, 1838. His wife died August 12, 1810. and he married (second) Gainor Mathias, a widow. His children were: Caroline, born September 2, 1804, died Septem- ber 5, 1888, married Colonel Isaiah James, before mentioned; Mary, born March 6, 1806. died young. Owen, born 1807. died young. John Owen James, the great Philadelphia merchant, born March 8, 1809, died June 26. 1883. Cathar- ine Owen, who married Abel H. James, •was born in Hilltown township, Bucks county, June 17, 1781. She was the eld- est daughter of Griffith Owen, Esq., and his wife Jane Hughes. Griffith Owen, the grandfather of the ■Griffith mentioned above, was a native of Wales and came to America in 1721, settling in Hilltown. He was received into Montgomery Baptist church, and on June 30, 1731, married Margaret, daugh- ter of Thomas Morgan, who it is said accompanied him from Wales to Bucks county. Griffith Owen, Sr.. was one of the most prominent men of Hilltown. He was captain of the Hilltown company of Associators in 1747-8, raised for the de- fence of the frontiers and was a member -of colonial assembly from 1749 to 1760. He died October 18. 1764. He had three sons, Owen, Ebenezer and Levi; and •one daughter, Rachel Erwin. His eld- est son, Owen Owen, married Cathar- ine Jones about T756, and had eigJit chil- dren: Abel, Elizabeth, Griffith, Edward. Owen. Margaret. Sarah and Mary. Grif- fith, the second son. was born Febru- ary 0. 1758. He was one of the trustees of Hilltown Baptist church, and a very prominent man in the community. He was commissioned a justice of the peace in t8oi. and served in that office until prevented by the infirmities of age from ■discharging its duties. He died Feb- ruary 5, 1840. His wife, Jane, was the daughter of Christopher Hughes, of Bedminster and was born September i, 1759. died January 9, 1841. Isaiah James was a very prominent man in local and county affairs, a mem- ber of New Britain Church, he always took an active part in all its affairs and was a consistent member thereof. After his marriage he lived for a number of years in Hilltown township. In 1849 he purchased the New Britain farm, now owned by the estate of his son, Eugene, and made his home thereon for several years, conveying it to Eugene in 1870. Like all the family he was an ardent Democrat in politics and always took an active part in his party's councils. He was a member of the Assembly, 1834- 1838, and Prothonotary of Bucks county 1848-1851, The children of Isaiah and Caroline James were Abel H., born April 16, 1825, died September 20, 1850. He was a man of more than ordinary culture and fine ability. He served as Deputy Prothonotary during his fath- er's incumbency of that office up to the time of his death. Isabella, born August 9, 1828, married Dr. Thomas P. Kep- hard; she is now residing in Doyles- town with her daughter Florence. Eu- gene, born March 31, 1831, died August 22, 1896, married Martha J., daughter of Abiah J. and Miranda (James) Riale. Isaiah James, the father, was for many years a Colonel of militia, and was al- most universally known as Col. James. Abiah James, eldest son of Isaac and Sarah (Thomas) James, born in 1745, died December i, 1834. He accepted the 222 acre farm of his father, under pro- ceedings in partition in 1789, but soon after' conveyed a portion thereof to his brothers. He married September 22, 1773, Rachel Williams, and had six chil- dren, viz: I. Margaret, married Joshua Riale and had. Abiah J., who married Miranda, daughter of Joseph and Mar- tha (Mann) James; Rachel who married Joseph Evana; Elizabeth, who married Josiah Lunn, Ann, and Sarah who mar- ried David Stephens. 2. Col. Nathan James, a soldier in the U. S. army who served through the war of 1812. 3. Eliza- beth who married William Hines, and had children. Nathan. Dr. A. J., deceased, late of Doylestown, Elizabeth and Emily. 4. Abiah, married Pamela Jones. 5. Martha, died unmarried, and Benjamin W., who married Elizabeth Black, daugh- ter of Elias and Cynthia (James) Black. Abel James, second son of Isaac and Sarah (Thomas) James, born 1749, died 1798. married Elizabeth Barton, and had four children. Barton, who removed to Baltimore. Maryland. James, who re- moved to Ohio. John, who died unmar- ried and Cynthia, who married Elias Black, the latter being the parents of Elizabeth, who married Benjamin W. James. Benjamin W. and Elizabeth 64 HISTORY Of BUCKS COUNTY. had one son, Abiah R., who married Josephine Leavitt and is now livin<,' in Doylestown township. A sketch ot their only son Wj'nne James, Esq., will follow. Nathan James, third son of Isaac and Sarah (Thomas) James, born 1754, died 1845, niarried Sarah Dungan, and had four children, i. John D., for many years Court Crier, married Sarah Cline, and had Elizabeth who married Ashcr Cox, Nathan C, a life long member of the Bucks County bar, Sarah, who mar- ried Jacob Shade, and Henrietta. 2. Ann, or Nancy, married Jesse Callender. 3. Joseph, married, Martha Mann, and had Miranda, who married Abiah J. Riale, Wilhelmina, Charles, Joseph, Louisa, and Susan. 4. Simon, married Mary Meredith. Benjamin youngest son of Isaac and Sarah (Thomas) James, born 1766, died 1854, was a farmer and resided in New Britain township. He married Ann or Nancy Williams, daughter of Benjamin Williams. She died in 1838. Their chil- dren were: i. Uslega, married Edward Roberts; 2. Isaac W., married Ann Mere- dith; 3. Abiah, married Charlotte Aa- ron; 4. Thomas C. never married; 5. Elizabeth M., died unmarried; 6. Sarah Maria, married (first) Hervey Mathias, (second) John G. Mann; 7. Abel, died unmarried; 8. Silas H. died immarried; 9. Oliver P., M. D., and two daughters who died 3'oung. HOWARD I. JAMES, Esq., of Bristol, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, senior member of the firm of Gilkeson & James, is the sec- ond son of Eugene and Martha A. (Riale) James, of Doylestown township, whose an- cestry is given on other pages of this work, and was born on his father's farm in Doyles- town township. He was educated at the public schools and Doylestown Seminary, and read law with his brother, Henry A. James, Esq., and was admitted to the Bucks county bar May 9, 1892. He' opened an office at Bristol, Bucks county, and began the practice of his profession, forming a partnershipwith his brother Henry A., who had an office at Doylestown. In 1898 he formed a co-partnership with Hon. B. t. Gilkeson, of Bristol, under the firm name of Gilkeson & James. This firm was for many years the leading one at the local bar, and did an immense amount of legal business, the routine work of which de- volved largely upon Mr. James. At the death of Mr. Gilkeson, in 1904, Mr. James continued the business for the family, and on the admission of B. F. Gilkeson, Jr., to the bar about a year later, he became a member of the firm, the old firm name of Gilkeson & James being continued. Mr. James has been a successful practitioner, and is one of the leaders among the younger members of the bar, and highly respected by his fellow attorneys. WYNNE JAMES, lawyer and real es- tate agent, Doylestown, was born No- vember 2, 1865, in Doylestown town- ship, on a part of the plantation that had been in the tenure of his direct an- cestors for over a century, and where his father, grandfather and great-grand- father were born. He comes of the good old James stock. His great-great-grand- father Abel James, through his matern- al grandmother, was second lieutenant of Captain William Pugh's company, Fourth Battalion of Pennsylvania militia,^ and saw active service in 1777 under Lieutenant Colonel William Roberts. Several other members of the family were also in the service, among them John James and Isaac James, who served under Captain Henr}' Darrah, in the bat- talion of Lieutenant Colonel (afterward General) John Lacey, the former being a brother to Abiah James, the great- grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Abiah James was also a mem- ber of the militia. Abiah R. James, the father of the sub- ject of this sketch, as before stated, was born on the old homestead in Doyles- town township, formerly New Britain, being the son of Benjamin W. James and Elizabeth Black, the former being a son of Abiah James and Rachel Will- iams, and the latter a granddaughter of Abel James and .Elizabeth Barton. Abiah R. was educated in a school established on the home farm by his father, and where many prominent men were edu- cated under the tuition of Professor Clark, a graduate of Yale College, and an eminent educator. Arriving at man- hood he married Josephine Levitt, of Memphis, Tennessee, whose family had sought refuge in the north during the trying scenes of the civil war in their native state. At the death of his father he inherited the farm that had descend- ed from father to son for six generations, and still owns it. Failing health in- duced him to leave the farm and he and his wife live retired in Doylestown town- ship. He is a trustee of New Britain Baptist church, of which his ancestors have been members since its organiza- tion. In politics he is a Democrat, but has never sought nor held office. The subject of this sketch is the only child. Wynne James was educated at the public schools of his native township and at Doylestown English and Classical Seminary, where he graduated in 1885. He tangh't school in Doylestown town- ship for one year, in Southampton for three years, and again in Doylestown township for one year. In 1891 he en- tered as a student at law in the office of Nathan C. James, Esq., at Doylestown, and was admitted to the bar in March, 1893, since which time he has practiced law and conducted an extensive real estate business, his practice being mainly in the orphans' court and in connection HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. with real estate titles and conveyancing. He is a member of Doylestown Lodge, No. 245, F. & A. M.; Doylestown Chap- ter, R. A. M.; and Philadelphia Con- sistory; Doylestown Lodge, No. 94, L O. O. F. ; the Royal Arcanum and the Knights of the Golden Eagle. He was married in 1895 to Madeline Mai Gen- try, of Memphis. Tennessee, and has two children, Madeline A., and Wynne, Junior. HENRY A. JAMES, attorney and counselor at law, Doylestown, son of Eugene and Martha A. (Riale) James, was born in Doylestown borough, Octo- ber 22, 1865. Through the various in- termarriages of his ancestors, as shown by the preceding sketch of the James family, Mr. James is a descendant of two of the sons of the emigrant John James, viz: William and Thomas, and a lineal descendant of three of the sons of the former. Eugene James, the father of Henry A. James, was the son of Col. Isaiah and Caroline James, and was born at War- rington, Bucks county, where his father was at the time conducting a store, March 31, 1831. Most of his boyhood days were spent in Hilltown, where his father was engaged in the mercan- tile business. In 1849 his father pur- chased the old James plantation in New Britain, and Eugene, at the age of eigh- teen years, became its principal farmer, his father at the time being prothono- tary of the county. He remained on the farm until his marriage in 1864 to Maria A. Riale, daughter of Abiah James and Miranda (James) Riale, when he settled in Doylestown. His father-in-law, Abi- ah J. Riale, dying at about this time, Eugene purchased his interest in the mercantile firm of Bell & Riale, who conducted a store where George W. Met- lar, is now located, and became a mem- ber of the firm. He continued in the store business until the spring of 1870, when he purchased his father's New Britain farm and lived there until his death, August 22, 1896. He was an ac- ti'^e and prominent man in the commim- ity, and won the esteem of all who knew him. He held man}' positions of trust; was one of the directors of the Doyles- town National Bank, from January, 1884, until his death: president for many years of the Whitehall Fire Insurance Company; a director of the Whitehall Turnpike Company, and one of the man- agers of the Doylestown Agricultural and Mechanics Institute. Eugene and Martha A. (Riale) James were the par- ents of three children — Henry A.; How- ard I., a prominent member of the Bucks county bar; and Gertrude Miran- da, wife of Rev. Purdy Moyer. Henry .\. James was reared from the age of five years on the New Brit- 5-3 ain farm, and received his early educa- tion at the public schools. He later at- tended the Doylestown English and Classical Seminary, from which he grad- uated in 1884. In the following year he registered as a student at law in the office of J. M. Shellenberger, Esq., at Doylestown, and was admitted to the bar of Bucks county, January 30, 1888. For two years he remained in the office of his preceptor, and then opened an office for himself, and has since prac- ticed his chosen profession in all its branches, and has met with success. In politics he is a Democrat, and has taken an active interest in the councils of his party, frequently representing his home district in state, congressional and dis- trict conventions. He has been a mem- ber of the Doylestown school board for several years. He is a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and of the Bucks County Historical Society. He is one of the directors and counsel for the Whitehall Fire Insurance Com- pany, vice-president of the Fellowship Horse Company, president of the Doy- lestown Fire Company, and one of the board of censors and examiners of the Bucks County Bar Association. He is a member of Doylestown Lodge, No. 245, F. & A. M., and Aquetong Lodge, No. 193. I. O. O. F. He married, April 30, 1902, Miriam Watson, daughter of ex-Judge Richard and Isabella T. (McCoy) Watson, of Doylestown. They have no children. Mr. and Mrs. James are members of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal church, of Doylestown, of which Mr. James has been a vestryman and accounting war- den for a nuinber of years. IRVIN MEGARGEE JAMES, of Doylestown, was born in that town, No- vember 25, i860, and is a son of the late Nathan C. and Maria (Megargee) James, the former of whom was for many years a prominent rnember of the Bucks County bar, and died August 10, 1900. Nathan James, the great-grandfather of Irvin IM., as shown bj' a preceding sketch, was a son of Isaac and Sarah (Thomas) James, and a great-grandson of John James, the emigrant ancestor of the family. He Avas an officer of militia during the revolutionary war, having been commissioned first lieuten- ant on ]May 6, 1777, of the Eighth Com- pan}\ Captain John Thomas, Second Battalion, Colonel Arthur Erwin, Bucks County Militia, and was promoted May May 10, 1780, to captain of the Seventh Company. Fourth Battalion. Colonel Mc- Elroy. Captain Thomas' company was in active service in August. 1777. Cap- tain James married Sarah Dungan, daughter of John Dungan, of New Brit- 66 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. ain, and had l\jur cliildrcn. viz: Jdlm D.; Nancy, wife of Jesse Callender; Jo- seph, and Simon, John Dungan James, son of Captain Nathan and Sarali ( Dnn- gan) James was the grandfather of Ir- vin James. He was an officer in the war of 1812-14, m the company of his consin. Captain Nathan James, as was also his brother Simon. John D. was crier of the courts of Bucks county for fort)' years. He married Sarah Cline. and had seven children; Elizabeth; Nathan C, above mentioned; Sarah, Silas. Hen- rietta, Mary Ann, and Elizabeth. Irvin Megargee James was born and reared in Doylestown. and was educated at the Doylestown Seminary and the Cheltenham Academy at Ogontz. Penn- sylvania. In 1879 he accepted a position as clerk in the wholesale dry goods es- tablishment of William B. Kempton & Co., of Philadelphia, where he remained for two years. The next three years he held a similar position with Riegel, Scott & Co., in Philadelphia. On July 5, 1885, he was appointed a clerk in the United States pension office at Phila- delphia, which position he filled accept- ably for five years, four under General W. W. H. Davis, and one year under his Republican successor. Pension Agent Shelmire. In 1890 he entered the employ of the Philadelphia "& Reading Railroad Company, where he remained for one year, when he accepted a re- sponsible position in the offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, where he remained until April, 1903. He now follows a general insurance and real es- tate business at Doylestown. Mr. James has been a member of the Doylestown school board for the past four years, and is now the secretary of the board: he is also clerk of the town council. He married, November 27. 1889. Elizabeth C. Firman, daughter of the late Samuel A. and Hannah (Doan) Firman. Their only surviving diild is Marie Megargee. born July 5. 1893. Mr. and Mrs. James are members of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal church of Doylestown, of which Mr. James has been a vestryman for a number of years. DR. OLIVER P. JAMES, late of Doylestown, deceased, was the young- est son of Benjamin and Nancy (Will- iams) James, and was born in New Brit- ain township, Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania, in 1815-. He was a descendant in the fifth generation from John and Eliza- beth James; who emigrated from Pem- brokeshire. Wales, in 1711, as shown by the preceding sketch. On the maternal side he is said to be a descendant of the Roger Williams family of Rhode Isl- and. Dr. James was reared upon the New Britain farm, on Pine Run, and received his education at the schools of the neighborhood. At the age of nineteen, believing that a mechanical trade was his sphere in life, he took up that of a carpenter. He did not bind himself as an apprentice, as was the custom in those days, but. after assisting in build- ing a house erected for his father in 1834, lie went to Philadelphia and worked at the trade for two years. Be- coming convinced by that time that he had mistaken his calling, he abandoned the saw and plane, and in 1837 entered himself as a student of medicine in the office of his cousin. Dr. Robert E. James, of Upper Mount Bethel. Northampton county. Pennsylvania, father of Robert E. James, Esq., of Easton, and read the allotted time with the Doctor, and during the winter season attended lec- tures at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, where he graduated in March, 1840. During his studies it de- veloped that he possessed a peculiar aptitude for his chosen profession. Dur- ing the year succeeding his graduation his cousin and preceptor, Dr. Robert E. James, was serving a term in the state legislature and the young doctor took charge of his practice in his absence. Fie opened an office in New Britain, where he soon built up a large practice. In the first or second year of his prac- tice he was appointed physician at the Bucks County Almshouse, a position he retained for seventeen years. This po- sition attracted attention to the rising voung physician, and assisted in secur- ing him a large practice that soon ex- tended into the far surrounding sec- tions. He continued his residence in New Britain until 1859, when he re- moved to Doylestown. purchasing the present Ginsley property, on Main street, the former residence of General Sam- uel A. Smith. Soon after the war he purchased the handsome residence on North Main street, where he spent the- reniainder of his life, and where his widow and dai ghter still reside. Dr. James became very prominent in the practice of his profession. Prior to his retirement from active practice, a few years btfore his death, he was one oi the most prominent physicians of the county, and enjoyed an extensive and lucrative practice. He was always close- ly identified with the interests of his town and county, and in his prime his high ability, courtly manners and kind- ly nature commanded the highest re- spect and gave him a wide infiuence among men. , In politics he was a Democrat, and from early manhood he took an active mterest in politics. In 1864 he was elected to the state senate over his old neighbor. William Godshalk. by a ma- jority of 989 votes. In 1878 he was the candidate of his party for congress from the Seventh District, and. though he rah HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY 67 far ahead of his ticket in many of the precincts, was defeated by his old op- ponent, William Godshalk. In local so- cieties and institutions Dr. James took a deep interest. He was a member of Doylestown Lodge, No. 245, F. & A. M., and its treasurer for many years, hold- ing that position at the time of his death. He was president of the Doyles- town borough council for several terms. He was treasurer of the Doylestown Ag- ricultural and Mechanics' Institute from its organization in 1866 to its dissolu- tion in 1892. He was for twenty years a director of the Doylestown National Bank, and was a member of the board of directors of the Doylestown and Wil- low Grove Turnpike Company, and treas- urer of the company for many years. Dr. Jai-'.es died at his residence in Doylestown on the evening of Novem- ber 19, 1894. He had been in failing Tiealth for some time, being confined to the house for upwards of a month. The cause of his death was valvular disease of the heart. Dr. James was married in 1859, to Sa- rah A. Gordon, of Montgomery county, who survives him. Their only son, Oli- ver B., died when a young man. several years ago. Two daughters survive: Martha A., wife of Rev. George H. Lorah, D. D., of Philadelphia; and Sarah M., residing in Doylestown. THOMAS A. JAMES, of Doyles- town, son of Louis H. James, is de- scended from Thomas James, eldest son of John and Elizabeth, who accompanied his father from Wales in 1710 and joined him m the purchase of the one thousand acres of land in New Britain in 1720. He married Jane Davis, May 15, 1722, and lived all his life on the old farm plantation, and died there in 1772, leav- ing Thomas; Elizabeth, who married Benjamin Butler, and second, Moses Aaron; James, John and Samuel. Samuel James, born 1730, succeeded to one hundred and fifty acres of the homestead, and married Anna Kach- line, died in 1804, leaving three children: Samuel, Levi and Elizabeth, who mar- ried Isaac Oakford. Levi married Rebecca Polk, of an old Scotch-Irish family of Warwick, whose pioneer ancestor, Samuel Polk, came from Ireland, in 1725, and after her death married Mary Good. His children by the first wife were: Robert, Samuel, Elizabeth. Lydia Ann, and Isabella. He was a prominent man in the community. He died in 1857. Robert, the son, married Ann Bayard, a relative of the distinguished Delaware family of that name. He was almost a giant in stature, modest, unassuming, intelligent, a man of unquestioned integ- rity. He participated actively in the af- fairs of the county, both politically and socially. He was elected to the legisla- ture at the same election in which Fran- cis R. Shunk was made governor, and while at Harrisburg a warm friendship was cemented between the two men. He died in his eighty-eighth year, and was survived by his wife and five children: Louis H., Nancy C., Frank, Emma C. and Louise. Louis H. married Mary E. Laughlin, of Philadelphia, studied law in the of- fice of George Lear, and as a lawyer had a large clientage throughout the county. Like his father, he took a very active part in politics, and was one of the leaders of his parity. He died in the latter part of 1900, and was survived by his wife and six children: Robert C., Helen, Thomas A., Carrie Y., Margaret C, and Mary E. THE PARRY FAMILY OF NEW HOPE, PENNSYLVANIA. ("CORY- ELL'S FERRY" OF THE REVOLU- TION.) The Parrys herein mentioned are de- scended from an ancient and honorable family, long resident in Caernarvon- shire, Wales.- THOMAS PARRY, the founder of the family in Pennsylvania, was born in Caernarvonshire, North Wales. A. D., 1680, and came to America towards the close of the seventeentU century, settling in that part of Phila- delphia county — long afterwards set aside as Montgomery county, and still so called. In 1715 he married Jane Mor- ris, by whom he had issue ten children, all born between the years 1716 and 1739 inclusive. Eight of these were sons, and two daughters, named Mary and Mar- tha. The eldest son Thomas having been born July 26, 1716. the third child, John, (ancestor of this branch) July 25, 1721, and Martha, the youngest, March 3, 1739- THOMAS PARRY, THE ELDER, born 1680, was a considerable landholder and is recorded as having been owner of over one thousand acres of land in Mont- gomery county, Pennsylvania, to a part of which his son John, Parry, of Moorland Manor, subsequently succeeded. Of the above thousand acres, Thomas Parry conveyed 200 acres to John Van Bus- kirk, September 2, 1725;. and 300 acres he conveyed to David Maltby, December 29, 1726. Thomas Parry was a man of most excellent good sense, and judg- ment, and he and his neighbor and ac- cmaintance. Sir William Keith. of Graeme Park. Governor of Pennsylvania under the Penns. consulted together about their internal local affairs, such as roads, etc., and certainly the roads were bad enough in their day, as Indian trails and bridle paths were frequently the best 68 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. that they had before. It is only since comparatively late years that there were turnpikes from Willow Grove, in Mont- gomery county to either Doylestown or New Hope, in Bucks county. The de- scendants of Thomas and Jane Morris Parry are to be found at the present day not only in Pennsylvania, but in parts of Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, New Jersey, and Virginia. By intermarriage the Parrys have become allied with some of the oldest colonial families in the United States, such as Tyson, Randolph, Pax- son, Morris, Waldron, Gerrish, Winslow, and others of note. A paper, stamed yellow with age, found recently among some old family papers recites quaintly that "Thomas Parrj' dyed ye 30th day of ye seventh month, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and Forty Eight." (7 mo. 30, 1748). His widow, Jane Parry, survived him many years, dying September 6, 1777, aged eighty-two years. Both Davis "History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania" 1876, and "Munsell's American Ancestry" Vol. 7, page 21, note the coming to America of this Thomas Parry. JOHN PARRY, of "Moorland Manor," so styled to distinguish him from an- other John of the same name, the third child of Thomas Parry, born 1680, and Jane Parry, his wife, was born July 25, 1721, married September 21, 1751, Mar- garet Tyson, daughter of Derick and Ann Tyson, and granddaughter of Re- nier (sometimes spelled Reynear) Ty- son, who, with Daniel Pastorius, the three brothers UpdegrafF, Jan Lukens, and others, came to America in 1683, from Crefeld in Germany, and were the original settlers of Germantown, Penn- sylvania. Renier Tyson was twice chief burgess of Germantown; he in early days, removed to Montgomery countjs then a part of Philadelphia county, ac- quired a large estate, and became ances- tor of the Pennsylvania and Maryland Tysons. John Parry and Margaret Ty- son Parry, his wife, had seven children: Thomas, John, Benjamin, Phebe, Stephen, David and Daniel, the eldest born August 20. 1752, and the youngest April 21, 1774. John Parry lived on the back road, near the present "Heaton station" of the North-East Pennsylvania Railroad, the road running into the old York Road at about this point. This estate was derived from his father, Thomas Parry and his house, a large double stone mansion, still stands, but has since that time been altered by car- rying the attic up square, making it now (1905) a double three-story structure, but losing in its colonial style, which was originally not unlike the "Old Parry Mansion" at New Hope, Pennsylvania, built in T784. John Parry was an elder in the Society of Friends, had many city acquaintances and, being a man of means and much given to hospitality, enter- tained largely in this ancient home in his day; it passed out of the ownership of the family, however a number of years ago. Several of John Parry's books containing his autograph and dated and an oaken and iron-bound wine chest once owned by him containing a num- ber of very thin bottles bearing curious cut devices and most of them unbroken, with the wine glasses and two small glass funnels, each dotted with cut stars gilt are still in existence and much val- ued by their owner, a great-grandson, re- siding at New Hope. Pennsylvania. .A stout gold-headed walking stick or cane of this John Parry's and engraved with his name and date, A. D., 1751, was also in the possession of his great-grandson. Judge William Parry, now deceased, and doubtless is still preserved in that branch of the family. John Parry, of Moorland Manor died November 10, 1789, his wife, Margaret Tyson Parry, surviving him for eighteen years and dying November 24, 1807. BENJAMIN PARRY, a prominent and influential citizen of Bucks county. Pennsylvania, during the latter part of the eighteenth and early part of the nine- teenth centuries, was the third child of John Parry, of "Moorland Manor" and Margaret Tyson, his wife, and was born March i. 1757, and married November 4> 1787, Jane Paxson, daughter of Oliver Paxson the elder, of "Maple Grove," Coryell's Ferry (now New Hope) Penn- sylvania, by whom he had issue, four children as follows: 1. Oliver, born December 20, 1794 (and noted later on) died February 20, 1874, in eightieth year. 2. Ruth, born January 4, 1797 and died October 28, 1885 in ninetieth year, un- married. 3. Jane, born August 27, 1799, and died September 28, 1879, in eighty-first year, unmarried. 4. Margaret, born December 7, 1804, and married C. B. Knowles, and had no issue. Died July 26, 1880, aged seventy- six years. Benjamin Parry is mentioned at con- siderable length in General Davis' "His- tory of Bucks County. Pennsylvania," 1876, in Hotchkin's "York Road, Old and New," Philadelphia. 1892, and in divers other published works. Under the chapter upon New Hope. General Davis in the historical pages of this work gives some account of Benjamin Parry and the old Parry Mansion, which is minecessary to repeat here. Benjamin Parrj^ was the original pro- moter of the New Hope Delaware Bridge Company and in 1810. first agitated the subject, with his friend, the Hon. Sam- uel D. Ingham of Solebury. secretary of the United States Treasury, under Pres- ident Jackson. At that early day, real- • -s • x-«^--.x->^" T 'cmt^^ Bom Marc'h I f TlLD£N -U HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 69 izing the great importance of bridging the Delaware River at New Hope, these two men never rested until it was ac- complishd, in 1813-1814. Benjamin Parry headed the subscription list and Mr. Ing- ham signed, as second subscriber. The first public meeting towards organization was held September 25, 181 1, at the Tav- ern of Garret Meldrum in New Hope at which vigorous action was taken towards securing the building of the bridge. Ben- jamin Parry and Mr. Ingham were the commissioners, to superintend its con- struction as noted in the very interesting paper of the Reverend D. K. Turner, upon "Our Bucks County Congressmen" read before the Bucks County Historical Society, January 22, 1895. It was neces- sary to obtain charters from both the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and charters were granted in both states in 1812 — about fifteen months after the first eventful meeting at "Meldrum's Tavern." The charters gave the bridge company banking privileges and acting imder the same, and the written opinion of their counsel, the Hon. George M. Dallas, once vice-president of the United States, a banking business was conducted and bank bills were issued, for many years and became largely the currency of the country,. both in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The first president of the New Hope Delaware Bridge Company was the Hon. Samuel D. Ingham and Benjamin Parry was a member of the First Board of Managers in 181 1. It may perhaps be of some interest to note that in 1905, ninety-four years later, the family are still closely connected with this ancient corporation and one of its members (a grandson of Benjamin Parry) has been for a number of years president of the company. Daniel Parry, born April 21, 1774, a younger brothet of Benjamin, was its treasurer in 1814. The present treasurer is John S. Will- iams. From 1784 to about 1815 "Cory- ell's Ferry," (now New Hope) was ad- mittedly the most active and thriving town in Bucks county and the means, liand and influence of Benjamin Parry, were those which mainly guided the helm; so much so was this that in earl> times he was known and styled "the Father of Coryell's Ferry." Besides his linseed oil mills, flour and saw mills in Pennsylvania, Benjamin Parry was owner of flour mills in Amwell town- ship. New Jersey, on the opposite side of the river from New Hope and was inter- ested with his relatives, Timothy Pax- son (one of the executors of the rich. Stephen Girard) in the flour commission business in Philadelphia. A letter from the late Martin Coryell of Lambertville, New Jersey, states as follows, "Benjamin Parry had a very large and profitable trade, for the product of his flour mills ■with the West Indies and other tropical countries, having in A. D., 1810, invented a process by which malt, flour, corn meal, etc., would resist the heat and moisture of voyages through tropical climates and remain sweet and whole- some" and "that the amount of produc- tion was the only limit for the demand in foreign ports." This patent from the United States to Benjamin Parry is dated July 10, 1810; and is recorded in both Washington and Philadelphia; the rec- ord in Philadelphia being in Book 25 "L. W." of Miscellaneous Records, page 67, etc., Recorder of Deeds Office. It was long known as the "Kiln Drymg Process" and was not superceded by any different method for a period of nearly seventy-five years. Some of the business affairs of Benjamin Parry were conducted under the firm name of Ben- jamin Parry & Co., and others as Parry & Cresson. Some time between 1791 and 1794. the name of "Coryell's Ferry" was changed and it became known as New Hope and a private map of the settle- ment, made for Benjamin Parry, bears the name of New Hope and is dated, in printed letters A. D.. 1798. Mr. Parry died as before stated, November 22, 1839, in his eighty-third year at "The Old Parry INIansion,"* New Hope, and he is buried with so many others of his name and race, in the family lot at Solebury Friends' burying ground, Bucks county. OLIVER PARRY, GENTLEMAN, of Philadelphia and Bucks county, Penn- sylvania, only son of Benjamin Parry, born 1757, was born at "The Old Parry Mansion," Coryell's Ferry, now New Hope, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, De- cember 20, 1794, and married May I, 1827, Rachel Randolph, daughter of Cap- tain Edward F. Randolph, a patriot of 1776, who had served in many of the principal battles of the Revolutionary war and who became an eminent citizen of Philadelphia. His portrait in oil, painted by Robert Street, hangs upon the walls of the "Historical Society of Penn- sylvania." at Philadelphia. Oliver and Rachel Randolph Parry had twelve chil- dren, four sons and eight daughters, all born between March 24, 1828, and Au- gust 17, 1848. Of the sons. Oliver Paxson Parry, born June 20, 1846, died in 1852, aged 6 years, and the others will be noted later. Oliver Parry, the elder, born 1794, was a large landholder and his name appears upon the records of Philadel- phia county oftener perhaps, than that of any other person of his day. A part of his property was a large tract of the once famous "Bush Hill Estate" long the residence of Governor Andrew Ham- ilton, in colonial days. This property Mr. Parry owned jointly with his *An account and description of "The Old Parry Mansion" follows this narrative. ■o HISTORY OP BUCKS COUNTY. nephew Nathaniel Randoljth. In Wat- son's "Annals of l'hilaclcii)hia, " nuich mention is made of "The Bush Hill Ins- tate." Rachel Randolph Parry, the wife of Oliver Parry, died at "The Old Parry iVIansion," New Hope, September g, iS66, his own death occurring February 20, 1874, at his city residence, 1721 Arch street, Philadelphia, and both are buried in the family lot at Solcbury Friends" burying ground, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. The close of an obituary notice of Oliver Parry in a Philadelphia newspaper of the day, thus pays tribute to his high character, and standing: "Born a member of the Society of Friends, he lived and died in that faith, walking through life with a singleness and direct honesty of purpose which made the name of Oliver Parry synony- mous with truth and honor." (E.dward, Richard, George and Oliver, the four sons of Oliver, are noted below.) MAJOR EDWARD RANDOLPH PARRY, U. S. army, born July 27, 1832. eldest son of Oliver Parry (born 1794) was a brave and gallant officer, who served from the beginning to the end of the Civil war of 1861. The following no- tice of him, appeared in many of the newspapers, after his death, which event occurred at "The Old Parry Mansion" April 13, 1874: Major Edward Randolph Parry, late of the United States army, died at his residence. New Hope, in this county, on the 13th of April, 1874, and was buried on the i6th, at Friends' Solebury burying ground. He was a son of the late Oliver Parry of Philadelphia, and was born at New Hope, July 27, 1832. In May, 1861, he entered the army as first lieutenant in the nth United' States Infantry, and served throughout the war, with great credit. In 1864 he was made captain in the nth; afterwards transferred to the 20th, and on reorganization of the army was promoted to a majorality for j^allant service. He was in the terrible fighting along the line of the Weldon railroad, and before Petersburg, Virginia, com- manding his regiment in several actions. In 1865 he was assistant general of the regular brigade. Army of Potomac, and served upon the stalT of General Win- throp when he was killed. At Lee's sur- render he was attached to army head- quarters. In 1868 Major Parry com- manded Forts Philip and Jackson, at mouth of Mississippi river, and Fort Ripley in Minnesota in 1869. He re- signed on account of ill health in 1871. Major Parrj' was the grandson of Major Edward Randolph, who served from the beginning to the end of the Revolution- ary war. A portrait of Major Parry hangs upon the walls of the "Bucks Comity Histori- cal Society" at Doylestovvn, Pennsyl- vania. Major E. R. Parry married De- cember 17, 1863, at ]^>oston, Massachu- setts, Frances, daughter of General Jus- tin Dimick, U. S. A., and had three chil- dren. She, with one child, an unmarried daughter (named Katharine) survives him. The other two children, daughters, died in childhood RICHARD RANDOLPH PARRY, GENTLEMAN, of New Hope, Pennsyl- vania, second son of Oliver and Rachel (Randolph) Parry, was born in Phila- delphia, December 5, 1835, and married October 11, 1866, in Saint Luke's Prot- estant Episcopal church, Portland. Maine, Miss Ellen L. Read, of Portland, and they have issue, three children, as follows : 1. Gertrude R. Parry, unmarried. 2. Adelaide R. Parry, unmarried. 3. Oliver Randolph Parry, born March 29, 1873, married on October 15, 1898, in New York city, Miss Lida M. Kreamer and has one child, Margaret (born May 3, 1901,) at "The Old Parry Mansion." R. R. Parry was educated at private schools in Philadelphia and at Haver- ford College, Pennsylvania. From 1856 to 1862, he resided at Mankato, Minne- sota, where he was engaged in the bank- ing business. In "Neill's History of the Minnesota Valley" page 549, published in Minneapolis, 1882, and in "Mankato, iLs First 50 Years" published at Mankato 1903, Mr. Parry is described as one of the early pioneers of the valley. In 1862 he returned to Pennsylvania to live_. He is a member of the "Bucks County His- torical Society" and a life member of "The Historical Society of Pennsjdvania" since 1855. He is also a member of the "Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution;" and a companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, commandery of Penn- sylvania. He is senior warden of "St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church", Lambertville, New Jersey, and for many years past has been president of "The New Hope Delaware Bridge Company." Mr. Parry is a man of literary tastes, and historical interests and has fre- quentl}^ contributed articles to the press and published works. He resides at the "Old Parry Mansion," in New Hope- borough, erected for his ancestor. Ben- jamin Parry in 1784. Two dififerent por- tions of this estate were occupied by the Continental troops, in December. 1776, just prior to the "Battle of Trenton" as more fully mentioned elsewhere in this volume. DR. GEORGE RANDOLPH PARRY, of New Hope. Pennsj'lvania ("Coryell's Ferry"), third son of Oliver and Rachel (Randolph) Parry, was born September 3. 1839 in Philadelphia, and was edu- cated in private schools of that city. He began the study of medicine in the Phil- adelphia College of Pharmacy from which .In- graduated, in the class of 1862. V (jSc^_vL.^X,r-U-^ A 'THEN 'PUBLIC *SrOH, Lr-NQx AND OLD PARRY MANSION — INTERIOR VIEW L I l»ki>.V^ > HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 71 In 1864 he entered the Medical Depart- ment of the University of Pennsylvania and was graduated in 1867. For some years he practiced his profession in Cayuga county. New York. On return- ing to Pennsylvania in 1880 he located at the old homestead at New Hope, living at the ""Old Parry Mansion" until his death June 12, 1893. He enjoyed a large practice, and died much esteemed and lamented. Dr. Parry married March 2, 1869, Miss Elizabeth Van Etten, of Van- ettenville. New York, whom he survived twelve years. They had two children, Elizabeth R. and Jane Paxson, the latter deceased. Dr. Parry was a member of the Medical Societies of Bucks county, Pennsylvania and Hunterdon county, New Jersey; and was also a member of the "Bucks County Historical Society" and a life member of the "Historical^ So- ciety of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia." He also was much interested in Free Ma- sonry and belonged to a commandery of Knights Templar in New York state. OLIVER PAXSON PARRY, fourth son of Oliver and Rachel (Randolph) Parry was born 1846. and died December 13, 1852, in his seventh year. DANIEL PARRY, ESQ., of New Hope, Pennsylvania, son of John Parry, of "Moorland Manor" and Margaret Ty- son, his wife, was born April 21, 1774, and married Martha Dilworth of Dil- worthtown, Pennsylvania, having but one child, named for his grandfather, John. Parryville, Carbon county, Pennsylvania, an important point for shipment of coal on the Lehigh river, was named for this Daniel Parry, who was a gentleman of fortune and owned large tracts of land, in Carbon, Wayne, Luzerne and other counties of Pennsylvania; a part of which were obtained through the Marquis de Noailles of France. Daniel Parry died July 16, 1856, aged eighty-two years. Martha Dilworth Parry, his wife, died April 3, 1831, aged fifty-three years. Their son John died in childhood and all three lie buried in their family lot, at Friends burying ground in Solebury township, Bucks county. The Doylestown papers, in noticing the death of Daniel Parry, spoke of him as "a man of large benevo- lence, and a generous friend to the des- titute," and many poor persons indeed mourned the loss of a friend ever ready to help them. "THE OLD PARRY MANSION," New Hope Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania ("Coryell's Ferry," of the Revolution). The ancient colonial double stone r^an- sion still standing at the corner of the old York road and the Trenton or River road in New Hope borough, erected in 1784 for Benjamin Parry, which has bravely stood in three centuries has long been known as "The Old Parry Man- sion" and has been the home of the Parrys of New Hope (Coryell's Ferry) for five generations. Two different por- tions of this property were occupied by troops of the Continental army, in the Revolutionary war. In 1776, just prior to the Battle of Trenton, a considerable bod}' of American soldiers under General William Alexander (Lord Stirling) were quartered here and the village placed in a state of armed defence by Stirlmg, who threw up a strong redoubt on top of the hill across the pond, in a southwest- erly direction from "The Old Parry Mansion," and a part of this estate. These earth works extended from where the yellow public school house now stands, in an easterly direction, a considerable distance towards the Delaware river, at the termination of the old York road at the river's brink above and below the Ferry landing. Upon another part of the Parry property, (purchased of the Todd's) entrenchments were erected and batteries placed. Lord Stirling also had another redoubt thrown upon the old York road facing the river at the cor- ner of Ferry street, and the present Bridge street, opposite where "the old Washington Tree," cut down November 28, 1893, then stood and near the site of the present Presbyterian church. From this elevated position he Ifkewise com- manded the approach from the Delaware river. Such were the defenses of Cory- ell's Ferry at this period of the Revolu- tion, when it (then an important strategic point, and crossing of the Delaware) was saved to the American cause from British plans and designs. At page 175, Volume I of *Washington and his Generals" in speaking of General Alexander (Lord Stirling) it is stated "That in his new capacity of Major Gen- eral, he joined the army in its memorable retreat through New Jersey and took part in the operations on the Delaware river, where he again signalized himself by his successful defense of Coryell's Ferry." Lord Stirling's headquarters at New Hope, are said to have been in the old hip roof house known as "The old Fort" which then stood on the site of the pres- ent hipped roof home of Mr. P. R. Slack on the Old York road, just opposite the avenue and entrance to "Maple Grove" then and now owned and occupied by the Paxson family and where Benjamin' Parry's wife Jane Paxson was born Jan- uary 24, 1767, Looking backward through the long vista of more than a century and a quar- ter, it seems difiicult to realize that New Hope ("Coryell's Ferry") and the now ♦Published by E. Meeks, Philadelphia, 1885. 72 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. peaceful highways about it once re- sounded witli the bustle of war, and the frequent tramp of armed inen, as our patriot sires hurried forward to do battle for their country or fell back in the sad- der marches of retreat. The years have come and gone since the days of the Revolution, bringing with them many changes, but the old settlement at "Coryell's" still remains, nestling close beside the noble river, at the "Ferry" which our forefathers defended in the old heroic days. Many of the boats used by General Washington on Christmas night, 1776, to make that memorable crossing of the Delaware, now known the world over in history, as "Washington's Cross- ing" and made additionally famous by the artists' brush, were collected at New Hope ("Coryell's Ferry") and kept se- creted behind Malta Island, then densely wooded over and were floated by night, down the river to "Knowles Cove," just above Taylorsville, Pennsylvania, the point where Washington crossed to fight and win the Battle of Trenton. "Malta Island" has since filled up and become mainland, the present "Union Mills" paper manu- facturing company's plant at New Hope is just at the north end of Malta Island. Former mills here were owned many years ago by Daniel Parry Esq., (born April 21, 1774) a younger brother of Benjamin Parry. Many letters of General Washington and other of his prominent Generals, are at different times, during the Revolutionary War, dated at "Coryell's Ferry." In both Benjamin Parry's day and that of his son Oliver Parry, the "Old Parry Mansion" was the scene of much hospitality and its doors were thrown open wide upon many an occasion to bid hearty welcome to both city and coun- try guests and during the life time of the latter and his hospitable and popular wife, Rachel Randolph, this ancient homestead was often called by their friends "Hotel de Parry" and sometimes "Liberty Hall." Many distinguished per- sons have been entertained beneath its broad roof in the long period in which it has stood and had it lips, much it could speak of events in three centur- ies. Interesting mementos of bye-gone days have been sacredly treasured up and much old family furniture is yet pre- served in this home; some of it nearly (or quite) 200 years old, and brought from over the sea; the ancient high clock standing half way up the stairs, on the broad landing, has ticked in and out the lives of many generations of the family and still shows upon its familiar face the moon, in all its phases. In this connection it may be perhaps of some in- terest to note the occurrence of an event so unusual in its character as to become historic, and worthy of passing notice in the birth in this home, on May 3, 1901, of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Randolph Parry (named Margaret Kreamer Parry) in the same room in which her great-grandfather Oliver Parry was born in 1794, one hundred and eleven years ago, and in the same old mansion, in which her great-great-grand- father Benjamin Parry lived and died. Seldom do we find homes in the United States passed on beyond the second or third generations. Many sketches of "The Old Parry Mansion" have appeared from time to time, in various published works, and newspaper articles, a com- paratively recent one on July 15, 1901, issue of The Philadelphia Inquirer by its historical editor, being illustrated. In the "York Road, Old and New" by Rev. S. F. Hotchkin, published 1892 in Phil- adelphia, this old colonial home of the Parrys of "Coryell's Ferry" is thus de- scribed : "As viewed from the outside — • this ancient mansion, presents a quiet and dignified appearance, in keeping with the family for whom it was built; the quaint and handsome carved ornamen- tations, over the windows, small window panes, pointed corners, and hoods, be- token its age, and are charmingly at- tractive. Over the front door remains the ancient bonnet or hood of our fore- fathers' day, beneath which is the mas- sive old-fashioned door, with its trans- verse panels, brass knocker, cumbrous lock and huge iron hinges, which stretch across the whole width. This door opens into a wide wainscoated and paneled hall, running through the middle of the house and dividing the long parlor upon one side from the dining room and the parior or sitting room, on the other; in these rooms and in daily uso, are yet preserved the corner cupboards of a hundred 3'ears ago" now (1905) 121 years old. "The up- per floors are approached, by low broad steps and half way up the stairs on the broad landing, stands in one corner, relic of a past age — the old eight-day clock which has ticked in and out, the lives of so many of the family and still showing upon its familiar face, the moon in all its phases. Five bed chambers, most of thetn communicating upon the second floor, open out upon an upper hall, the full width of that beneath ; the inside shutters over the house — both in the main building and wing — -are secured for the most part by long wooden bars, stretching across, and fitting into the deep window frames. In most of these rooms may be seen great open mouthed chimneys and fire places, the brick floors of which are painted in bright tile col- ors; immense closets, with brass door knobs in one of these chambers fill up en- tirely one end of the room, taking sev- eral feet off its length but compensating by the additional convenience afforded the family. The rooms and halls of this old mansion contain much valued, hand- some and ancient furniture, belonging HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 73 to the family for several generations, much of it being carved in solid ma- hogany and walnut woods. In one of the rooms on the first floor is a trap door in the floor leading into a cellar, partitioned off and shelved as a wine cellar, but which may have been in- tended in earlier times, as a means of escape from sudden danger. In the great attic overhead the children, grandchil- dren and great-great-grandchildren oif the original owner, have often played and wondered at the contents of numer- ous chests, high cases of drawers and boxes, since found to have contained much linen-stuffs, and other articles of family value, and far up amid the ratters on the fourth floor, a dark secret room only reached by a long ladder (always removed after each visit) afforded a safe hiding place for papers, and such valued matter as seemed to require extra secur- ity and care in the time of the original owner, which was to his grandchildren, of course, a place of especial wonder, tinctured somewhat perhaps, with a spec- ies of fear. In the wing of the mansion, in a capacious fire place, still swings an ancient iron crane, with its outstretchea arm at rest after a long term of service, much prized by the family and shown visitors as a curious relic. A huge bake oven of an early period and no longer used in the kitchen adjoining was torn out a few years ago for the lost space which was needed. An elaborately cut stone circle in the north gable end of the house, under the roof, bears a tablet inscribed Benjamin Parry, A. D.. 1784, and to this home in 1787 he brought his wife Jane Paxson, as a bride" and here on December 20. 1794, was born their only son, the late Oliver Parry, Esq. whose son Major Edward P.andolph Parry of the United States army, died at "The old Parry Mansion" in 1874 of dis- ease brought on by hardships and ex- posure endured during the late terrible Civil war. Major Parry received a brevet from Congress "for gallant serv- ices during the war." This old mansion has never been out of the Parry family and name; it is now (1905) owned and occupied by Richard Randolph Parry. Of the male descendants of Benjamin Parry (of the name) in the next genera- tion, Oliver Randolph Parry, born March 29, 1873, son of above Richard, is the only one living, at the present time. _ HON. DAVID NEWLIN FELL, jus- tice of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania, was born in Buckingham, No- vember 4^ 1840, and is a son of Joseph and Harriet (Williams) Fell. Joseph Fell, the pioneer ancestor of the family, was born at Longlands, the seat of the family for several generations in the parish of Rockdale, Cumberland, England, October 19, 1668. In 1698 he married Bridget Wilson, and two sons, Joseph and Benjamin, were born to them at Longlands. In 1704 with his wife and two sons, he emigrated to America, and located for a short time in lower Bucks county, removing to Buckingham in 1706, when he became a large landholder and a prominent man in the community. Two daughters, Tamar and Mary, were born to him in Bucks county. His wife dying when the latter was eleven days old, he married three years later Eliza- beth Doyle, daughter of Edward and Rebecca (Dungan) Doyle, who had come to Bucks county from Rhode Island in 1683. Their seven children were John, Isaac, Titus, Thomas, George, Sarah, and Rachel. He died in 1748, his widow surviving him several years. Joseph Fell, eldest son of Joseph and Bridget (Wilson) Fell, was born at Longlands, Cumberland, England. June 29, 1701. He married, March 4, 1735. Mary Kinsey, daughter of Edmund and Sarah (Ogborn) Kinsey of Buckingham, the former a native of New Castle, Dela- ware, for many years a noted minister among Friends at Buckingham. Joseph Fell, Jr., settled on a farm on the Dur- ham road above Mechanicsville. con- veyed to him by his father, which re- mained the property of his descendants until 1890, a period of one hundred and seventy-five years of continuous occu- pancy. He died there February 22, 1777. His children who lived to maturity were: Joseph; Sarah, who never mar- ried; Rachel, who married William Low- nes ; David ; and Martha, who married Edward Rice, Jr. Mary (Kinsey) Fell, the mother, was born in Buckingham, April 29, 1715, and died December 29, 1769. Joseph Fell (3) son of Joseph and Mary (Kinsey) Fell, born October 31, 1738, on the Buckingham homestead, married October 21, 1767, Rachel Wil- son, who was born in Buckingham June 5, 1741. and died March 8, 1810. She was the daughter of Samuel and Re- becca (Canby) Wilson, the granddaugh- ter of Thomas Canby and Stephen Wil- son, both early pioneer Friends in Bucks county and a great-granddaughter of Henry Baker, a provincial councillor and one of the most prominent public men in the infant colony on the Dela- ware. Soon after his marriage Joseph Fell removed to Upper Makefield town- ship, Bucks county, where he purchased a farm and resided until his death, March 26. 1789. He was the father of eight children, six of whom grew to maturity: Joseph, born 1768, married Esther Bur- roughs; John, born 1770, married Edith Smith; Martha, married Benjamin Scho- field; David, married Phebe Schofield; Jonathan, born 1776, married Sarah Bal- derston and returned to the Buckingham homestead, in 1831; and Rachel, born 1783, married John Speakman. 74 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUXTV. David Fell, M. D., second son of Jo- seph and Rachel (Wilson) Fell, born in Upper Makeficld, Bucks county, July i, 1774, was the grandfather of Judge Fell. He received a liberal education, and, hav- ing" chosen the medical profession, en- tered the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated with the degree of M. D. in 1801. He began the practice of medicine in Upper Makefield, but soon after removed to Buckingham, where he built up an extensive practice and be- came one of the prominent physicians of his day. He died February 22, 1856, in his eighty-second year. He married, March 16, 1803, Phebe Schofield, who was born September 26, 1774 and died January lo, 1858. She was the daughter of Samuel and Edith (Marshall) Scho- field, of Solebury, Bucks county, Penn- sylvania. They were the parents of five children: Joseph, born March 12, 1804; Edith Newlin, died unmarried in 1857; Sarah Ann, died unmarried in 1872; Bush- rod, died in infancy; and Elizabeth, mar- ried Ezra B. Leeds, of Germantown, and later removed to Columbiana county, Ohio. Joseph Fell, son of David and Phebe (Schofield) Fell, was born at Lurgan, Upper Makefield, Bucks county, Penn- sylvania, March 12, 1804, and died in Buckingham, March n, 1887. He was one of the best known and highly re- spected men of Bucks county. He began teaching at Union School, Buckingham, and was later an instructor in the school of John Gummere at Burlington, New Jersey. In 1830 he began to teach at the Friends School at Buckingham Meeting House, where he remained several years, making it one of the famous local schools. He later made a journey to Ohio and on his return purchased the Buckingham homestead, still owned by his grandchildren, and spent his remain- ing days there. During the winter for several years he continued his teaching at Tyro Hall and the Hughesian School. He was elected to the state legislature in 1837, and was prominently identified with the adoption of the common school law of Pennsylvania, and rendered effic- ient services in placing it in effect in his native county. He was a member of the first school board of Buckingham, and its secretary for many years. When the office of county superintendent was created in 1854 he was elected as the first superintendent of Bucks county, and did much to place the office on the high plane of usefulness it has since attained. After filling the position for three years he declined a reelection. In 1855 he held the first teachers' institute. Retiring to his farm in 1857 he devoted himself to the affairs of his farm and neighborhood, filling many important positions of pub- lic trust. He was for many years a trus- tee and director of the Hughesian Free School, and continued an active interest in educational matters during his whole life. He vv-a.': a lifelong member of the SocicLy of Friends, and an active, fear- less and outspoken Abolitionist, his home being one of the stations of the "Underground Railroad." He was a man of high intellectual ability, and kept in touch with the important public move- ments, and was fearless and outspoken in all his convictions on public questions. He married, March 28, 1835, Harriet Williams, born September 25, 1807, died March 28, 1890, a daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Watson) Williams, of Buck- ingham, and a descendant of Jeremiah Williams, who came to Tinicum town- ship, Bucks county, from Westbury, Long Island, about 1743, and they were the parents of five children: William W., born May 25, 1836, died unmarried, Jan- uary 4, 1874, was a lawyer of Philadel- phia; Emily C, born June 15, 1838, mar- ried William T. Seal; David Newlin; Ed- ward Watson, born September 27, 1843, married Elizabeth M. Kenderdine, and resided on the old homestead, died April 30, 1900; and Lucy W., who never mar- ried. Hon. David Newlin Fell, born and reared on the Buckingham farm, was ed- ucated under the direction of his father, and graduated from the First Pennsyl- vania State Normal School at Millers- ville, in the class of 1862. In August of 1862, he entered the army as lieutenant of Company E, I22d Regiment, Pennsyl- vania volunteers, the company being mainly recruited from the students of tKe school. He studied law in the office of his brother, William W. Fell, and was ad- mitted to the bar MarclT 17. 1866, and at once began the practice of his chosen profession at Philadelphia. After ■eleven years of successful practice he was ap- pointed May 3, 1877, by Governor Hart- ranft, as judge of the court of common pleas of Philadelphia county, and in the November following was elected to the same position for a term of ten years, and reelected in 1887, receiving on both occasions the nomination of both the Republican and Democratic parties. He has always manifested an active interest in the public aft'airs of the city of his adoption, and at the time of his appoint- ment to the bench was a member of the city council for the twentieth Ward, and was a member of the municipal commis- sion created by the act of legislature to devise a plan for the better government of the cities of the commonwealth. He i.c a member of Post No. 2, G. A. R., of Philadelphia, and has served as senior vice cfunmander and judge advocate gen- eral of the Grand Army of the Republic of Pennsylvania. He was elected to the Supreme Bench in 1893. He married, September i. 1870. Martha P. Trego, born July 31. ^846, daughter of Smith and Anna (Phillips) Trego, and A'-'^r . ph/lA- )%^-^^. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 75 they are the parents of seven children: Joseph Williams, born June 24, 1871. died December 8, 1901; Anna Trego, born Februa,ry t6, 1873. married John H. Ruckman, April 26. 1900; David Newlin, born June 3, 1^75 ; Edith Newlin. born August I, 1879; Emma Trego, born De- cember 17, 18S1; Edward Watson, born August 22, 1888; and Alfred Moore, born January 30, 1891- Jvtdge Fell and his family have made Buckingham their summer residence for many years, he having erected a handsome residence on a part of the old homestead overlooking the beautiful valley of Buckingham. HON. HARMAN YERKES, of Doyles- town was born in Warminster township, Bucks county. October 8. 1843- He is ot French and Holland descent, being son ot Stephen and Amy Hart (Montayne) Yerkes, and sixth in descent from Anthony Yerkes, who emigrated from Holland about 1700 and settled in Germantown. This pioneer ancestor of the Yerkes family in America was accompanied to our shores by "is wite Margaret and two sons Herman and Adol- phus The first record we have of him is m the year 1702, when he was burgess of Germantown, a position which he filled for three years. In 1709 fie purchased the plantation in the "Manor of Moorland, now Moreland township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. He married (sec- ond) Sarah (Eaton) Watts, widow of Rev. John Watts, pastor of Pennypack Baptist church. , . , j Hfrman Yerkes, son of Anthony and Margaret, born in Holland in 1689, died in Moreland in March, 1751- He was a farni- er and miller. He married February 8, 171 1, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. John and Sarah (Eaton) Watts, born April 15, 1689 (Rev. John Watts was a native ot Leeds, England, and his. wife of Wales). Herman Yerkes pn^bably settled on his father's plantation in Moreland at its pur- chase in 1709. His father conveyed to him two hundred acres on Pennypack creek in 1723. In 1744, in conjunction with Walter Moore he erected a mill on Penny- pack and set apart nineteen acres of land therewith. This mill he devised to his sons, and it later became the property of Jacob and John Shelmire, and is to this dav known as "Shelmire's Mill." The chi'ldren of Herman and Elizabeth (Watts) Yerkes : 1. Anthony, born November 28. 1712, died March 9, i79i- ,. , 2. John, born February 21, 1714. died 1790; married Alice McVeagh. 3. Sarah, born July 15. I7i6, married Jacob Hufty. •. 4. Josiah, born November 28, 1718, died 1793; married Mary . 5. Herman, born January iS. 1720. died November 29. 1804; married (first) Mary Stroud, and" (second) Ivlrs. Mary Clayton, and (third) Mrs. Eliza Tompkins. 6. Silas, born February 15, 1723, died 1795; married Hannah Dungan. 7! Elizabeth, born January 29, 1725, died 1793; married John Howell. 8" Stephen, born August 3. 1727, died 1811 ; married Rebecca Whitesides. 9. Elias. born February 7, 1729, died January 17, 1799; married Rebecca Foster. 10. Titus, born 1731, died 1762; married Margaret Paul. Harman Yerkes, fourth son of Herman and Elizabeth (Watts) Yerkes, was born in Moreland. January 18, 1720, and died there November 29, 1804. Like his fatlicr V!e was a farmer and miller. He also fol- lowed the mercantile business at Plymouth Montgomery county, in the years 1752-5. where he had purchased a tract of land from his brother John in 1747. In 1762 he removed to Warminster township. Bucks county, being the first of the family to make a home in this county. He purchased i8t acres of land near Johnsville. which still remains the property of his descend- ants. He returned to Moreland in 1788 and died there November 29, 1804. He was an active supporter of the war for inde- pendence. His name appears on the list of Associators in Warminster in 1775, and he served on various committees under the committee of safety. His Warminster home witnessed some of the bloody car- nage and rout following the battle of Crooked Billet in 1778. An incident is related of an American soldier being saved from slaughter by four British soldiers who were pursuing him, by the strategy of Mrs. Mary Yerkes, the second wife of Harman, who, when the soldier had sought refuge in the house, conducted him to a rear exit and found him a place of con- cealment in a pile of buckwheat straw in a neighboring field. His pursuers entered the house and made a diligent search for the fugitive, thrusting their bayonets through" beds and up the chimney, to the terror of the women and children of the household. After locating at Plymouth, Mr. Yerkes became enamored of a Quaker lass, Mary, the daughter of Edward Stroud, of White Marsh, and uniting himself with the So- ciety, was married to her by the simple ceremony of the Society March 22, 1750-1. She died in 1771. and he married (second) Mary (Houghton) Clayton, widow of Richard Clayton. His second wife died in 1785, and he married in 1787 Elizabeth (Ball) Tompkins, widow of John Tomp- kins, of Moreland. She was the proprie- tress of an inn on the Old York road, and his remaining years were spent as "mine- host" at this old hostelry. His widow died in 1819. The children of Harman and ]Mary (Stroud) Yerkes. were: I.' William, born 1752, died in infancy. 2. Elizabeth, born September 5. I753; married 1779 John Hufty. 3. Catharine, born June 19. I755- died 1821 ; married Major Reading Powell. 76 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 4. Edward, born April 19, 1757, a Revolutionary soldier and sea captain, died at sea. 5. Sarah, born 1759, died in infancy. 6. Stephen, born October 20, 1762, died 1823 ; married Alice Watson. 7. Mary, born January 5, 1765, died un- married. 8. Harman, born July 25, 1767, died February 12, 1827; married Margaret Long. 9. William, born July 25, 1769, died 1823, married Letitia Esther Long. Harman, son of Harman and Mary (Stroud) Yerkes, was born in Warminster, July 25, 1767. He spent his whole life on the Warminster homestead, one hundred acres of which he purchased in 1793, upon which he erected the large stone mansion still standing. In 1800 he purchased the remainder of the 180 acres that had been his father's and later bought the Noble tract on the county line, making three farms which he devised to his sons. He married in 1790 Margaret, daughter of Cap- tain Andrew Long, of Warrington, born January 8, 1771, died March 4, 1849. He died February 12, 1837. The children of Harman and Margaret Long Yerkes were 10, viz : 1. Mary, born 1791, died 1816; unmar- ried. 2. William, born July 8, 1792, died 1826; married Penelope McDowell. 3. Andrew L., born August 25, 1794, -died 1862 ; married Eliza Everhart. 4. Edward, born July 11, 1797, died 1799. - 5. Elizabeth, born May 26, 1800, died 1875 ; married John C. Beans. 6. Clarissa, born October 2, 1802, died December, 1873 ; married Samuel Mon- tayne. 7. Edwin, born November 28, 1804, died 1864; married Catharine R. Williamson. 8. Harman, born March 9, 1807, died 1889; married Rebecca Valentine. 9. Stephen, born May 19, 1809, died July 25, 1865; married Amy Hart Mon- tayne. ID. Margaret, born October 8, 1815, died December 29, 1815. Stephen, son of Harman and Margaret Long Yerkes, was born on the old home- stead in Warminster, May 19, 1809, and died there July 25, 1865. He commenced life as a farmer on the west side of the Yo;-k road, but at the death of his father in 1837 he removed to the original homestead de- vised to him by his father. He later added to this two other farms now occupied by his sons. He married January 13, 1831, Amy Hart Montayne, daughter of Rev. Thomas B. Montayne, and great-grand- daughter of Jean de la Montaigne, who came to New York in 1624, and was direc- tor-general of New York under the Dutch government. Mrs. Yerkes was born Octo- ber 23, 181 1, and died March 22, 1856. The children of this marriage were : 1. Thomas, born November 14, 1831. 2. Harman, born February 8, 1833, died May 24, 1840. 3. Stephen, born April 11, 1835; mar- ried Elizabeth Jamison, and is now living on the Warminster homestead. 4. Adolphus, born January 31, and died February 31, 1837. 5. Anna Margaret, born January 17, 1841, died at Germantown, March 13, 1903; married Captain George H. Bucher. 6. Harman, the subject of this sketchy born October 8, 1843; married Emma Buckman. 7. Alfred Earle, born June 7, 1846; married Mary A. Hazlett, living in War- minster. 8. Edwin Augustus, born October 24, 1849, died May 21, 190D. Judge Yerkes' boyhood days were spent on the Warminster farm. He attended the public school of the neighborhood and la- ter the Tennent school at Hartsville, and then entered Williston College at East- hampton, Massachusetts, from which he graduated in the class of 1862. He read law with Thomas and Henry P. Ross, at Doylestown, and was admitted to the bar November 3, 1865, and at once began the active practice of his chosen profession. He was elected district attorney in 1868, and discharged the duties of the office with special ability. In 1873 he was elected to the state senate and was re-elected in 1876. He was a prominent figure in the upper house of the state, and served on many im- portant committees. He drew the laws regulating the separate orphans courts and the civil and criminal courts of' the state under the new constitution of 1874. He was a member of the state board of managers of the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876, and took a prominent part in the management. He introduced the bill creating the Hospital for the In- sane at Norristown and was one of the or- iginal trustees to which position he has been a second time appointed. He has been a life long Democrat and has always been prominent in the councils of the party. He was chairman of the judicial committee of conference in 1869, and was a delegate to the judicial conventions of 187 1 and 1872. He was a delegate to the Democratic national convention at Baltimore in 1872, but was one of the twenty-one members of that memorable convention that refused to vote for the nomination of Horace Greeley, giving the vote to Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, of this state. He was a national delegate again in 1880, and delegate to the state con- ventions of 1873, 1874, 1877, 1878 and 1882. In 1883 he was elected president judge of the district and was re-elected in 1893, re- ceiving at that time the unanimous endorse- ment of the bar of the county. As a judge ■Mr. Yerkes displayed remarkable ability, his' promptness in the despatch of business, his eminent fairness of his decisions, the deep study and wide research shown by the opinions rendered and his intense earnest- ness in the prosecution of the suits brought before him, made him very popular. He^ has frequently been called upon to hold HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 77 court outside the county, and was univer- sally considered a learned and able judge. He was one of six Democratic nom- inees for the superior court at the Will- iamsport convention in 1895, and received on the first ballot 349 out of a total of 454 votes in the convention. In the election that followed, '.vhile he ran far ahead of most of the ticket, re- ceiving a handsome plurality in his home county, he was defeated by his colleague. Justice Smith, of Wilkesbarre. In 1901 he was the Democratic nominee for justice of the supreme court, and ran far ahead of his ticket. On the expiration of his sec- ond term as president judge he was unani- mously re-nominated for the position, but was defeated at the polls by Hon. Mahlon H. Stout. On retiring from office he at once 'resumed the practice of law, associating himself with the grandsons of his old pre- ceptor, Thomas and George Ross, and en- joys a large practice. Judge Yerkes and his family are members^ of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church of Doylestown, of which he is a member of the vestry. He is a member of Doyles- town Lodge No. 245, F. and A. M. ; of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; the Bucks County Historical Society; the Col- onial Society ; the Society of the Sons of the Revolution, and the Pennsylvania Ger- mans' Society. He was extremely active in bringing about the erection of the Bucks County Historical Society building, and was largely instrumental in securing funds for the purpose, and as chairman of the building committee had principal charge of the erection of the building. He was mar- ried June 24, 1869, to Emeline, daughter of Monroe Buckman, of Doylestown, but has no children. THE ADAMS FAMILY. Among the earliest members of the Adams family who emigrated to America were Henry Adams, of Braintree, Massachusetts, and Robert Adams, of Oxford township, Philadelphia county, and Walter Adams, his brother, all of whom it is said were descended from Lord John Ap Adams, son of Ap Adams, who "came out of the Marches" of Wales. Thomas Adams, brother of Henry Adams, of Braintree, Massachusetts, was one of the grantees named in the charter of Charles I. in 1629. He was high sheriff and lord mayor of London. Henry Adams with his eight sons set- tled at Mount Wollaston, in Braintree, and Walter and Robert Adams were his broth- ers. It is thought, however, that they came to this country at a later date. They settled in Pennsylvania and, like the ma- jority of the early colonists of that state, Walter was a Quaker. The earliest record of the English branch of the Adams family is that of John Ap Adams, of Charlton Adams, in Somerset- shire, who married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress to Lord Gowrney, of Bevistorj and Tidenham county, Gloucester, who was summoned to parliament as baron of the realm, 1226 to 1307. In the upper part of a Gothic window on the southeast side of Tidenham church, near Chopston, the name of John Ap Adams is still to be found, to- gether with "arms argent in a cross gules, five mullets or," of Lord Ap Adams. The design is probably executed on stained glass of great thickness and is in perfect preser- v'ation. This church originally stood with- in the boundary of Wales, but at a later period the boundary line was changed so that it is now upon English soil. The arms and crest borne by the family are described as argent in a cross gules ; five mullets or, out of a ducal coronet a demi-lion. The legend is "Loyal au mort ;" a motto com- monly used by this branch of the family is "Aspire, persevere and indulgence," all other "sub cruce Veritas." ,The following is the line of direct des- cent to the Adams family of the Lehigh Valley, (i). Ap Adams came out of the Marches of Wales. Lords of the Marches were noblemen who in the early ages se- cured and inhabited the Marches of Wales and Scotland, living there as if they were petty kings, having their own private laws. These laws, however, were subsequently abolished. (2) Sir Ap Adams, knight, lord of Ap Adams, married Elizabeth, daughter of Lord Gowrney. (3) Sir Thomas Ap Adam; (4) William Ap Adam ; (5) Sir John Ap Adam; (6) Thomas Ap Adams; (7) Sir John Ap Adam, Knight; (8) Sir John Ap Adam, who was the first to attach the letter "s" to his name; (9) Roger Adams; (10) Thomas Adams; (11) John Adams; (12) John Adams; (13) Nicholas Adams; (14) Richard Adams; (15) William Adams; and (16) Henry Adams, who is said to have emigrated about 1634. In February, 1641, he was granted forty acres of land near Boston, of which Braintree is a part. His brothers were Robert, Thomas and Walter. The last named came to America by way of the Barbadoes, West Indies, and after living there for a time took up his abode in Pennsylvania. (i) Walter Adams married Elizabeth . Their children were: Richard, Anne, William, and Robert. Walter Adams was the brother of Robert Adams, of Ox- ford township, Philadelphia, who died in 1719, leaving no children; he devised the estate of his nephews and nieces, the chil- dren of his brother Walter and Elizabeth, his wife. (2) Richard Adams, of New Provi- dence township, now Montgomery county, ^ Pennsylvania, died in 1748. His first wife^V-' Alice or Aishe Withers, and they were /^ -n^ <^^ married in 1726. His children were as fol- / lows: Abraham, married Alse ; Will- iam, of Braken township, Lancaster coun- ty ; Isaac, of Coventry township, Chester county; Susanna, married Conrad Custard, 78 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. or Kistard; Catharine, married Joiiii Mor- ris ; Mary, married Israel Morris ; Mar- garet, married Paul Casselberry ; Elizabeth, married Thomas Bull ; Ann, married Jacob Umstadt; Hannah, married Owen Evans. (3) Abraham Adams died in 1738, and letters were granted to Rachel, his daugh- ter, a spinster. There is mention of two children, Ann and Abigail. Walter Adams and his brother were brothers of Henry Adams, who came to New England and was a founder of the Adams family there, at Braintree, ]Massa- chusetts. Walter, his son Richard, and his son Abraham were Quakers. Conrad Custard, husband of Susanna Adams, (daughter of Richard), owned a large tract of land immediately adoining the tract surveyed to Ensign John Adams, of Nockamixon township, in 1763. John Adams and James Adams, possibly and probably brothers, lived in Nocka- mixon township, Bucks county. There are a few records at Doylestown, Pennsylvania, which bear James Adams's signature. He was also an ensign in the provincial ser- vice. Associated Companies of Bucks coun- ty, in 1747. (See Colonial Records, vol. v., p. 209 ; also Pennsylvania Archieves, second series, vol. ii., p. 505). This was nine years before John Adams held a like commission in the provincial service in the Associated Companies of Bucks county. There is nothmg to establish that James Adams and John Adams were related, nei- ther can be found any data of their former residence or whose children they were. The only solution is that they were both possibly sons of Abraham Adams ; the lat- ter having died intestate no list of his chil- dren is obtainable. The fact that John Adams held land adjoining that of Conrad Custer is a possible solution, he having been raised by his aunt Susanna. Richard Adams, of Providence town- ship, Philadelphia, whose will is dated February i, 1847-8, and probated March 24, 1747-48, mentions son Abraham's chil- dren, Ann and Abagail, then letters were granted to Abraham's daughter Rachel. There at once seems to be some discrep- ancy which is most ditificult to explain. James' commission in the provincial ser- vice, as above stated, was dated in 1747, which tends to show that he might have been disinherited by his grandfather. Then, again, there is a possibility that James and John Adams are one and the same man, but this is very doubtful, as their names are mentioned distinctly and separately in the old records. (i) John Adams, ensign, Provincial Service, of Nockamixon township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, died in Nockamixon township. May 22, 1807. He married Mary . He was buried in the old Nocka- mixon church graveyard. His will dated March 21, 1807, proved June 8, same year, is recorded in Will Book No. 7, p. 278, in the registrer of wills office, Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Jiilm Adams, of Nockamixon, served in llu' provincial service in 1756. He held a commission as ensign in one of the com- panies of the Associated Companies of Bucks county. (See Pennsylvania Archieves, vol. iii., p. 19; also Pennsyl- vania Archives, second series, vol. ii., p. 531). Captain William Ramsey was cap- tain of the company in which John Adams served and held his commission as ensign in 1756, and was also from Nockamixon. township, Bucks county. John Johnson was the lieutenant of the company. John Adams of Nockamixon, and Mary his wife, had the following children : Mary, Eliza- beth, Margaret, George, Henry, John Jacob. George and Henry, sons of John Adams of Nockamixon, served in the Nockamixon Company of Associators in 1775. George was sergeant of the company, and the son, John was a soldier in the Continental army during the Revolutionary war. The first record that we have of John Adams of Nockami.xon owning any land is a warrant that was granted March 26, 1754, to John Adams, for land in Nocka- mixon township, Bucks county, upon which a survey was returned for fifty-four acres and 113 peiches. A patent for this same land Wis granted April 26, 1726, to Abra- ham Fryling. John Adams had some trouble with this land, for on May 19, 1763, he entered a caveat against the acceptance of a survey made for Archibald Merrin, which took in the above mentioned land and improvements. (See Pennsylvania Archieves, third series, vol. ii., p. 275). The above land was surveyed by J. Hart, for which he gave a receipt, June 26, 1763, which is recorded in Doylestown, Pennsyl- vania, in Deed Book No. 32, p. 169. This vcceipt also mentions the date of the war- rant, March 26, 1754. (H) John Adams, private in Captain Samuel Watson's company, of Durham township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, was a son of John Adams of Nockamixon township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, born in Nockamixon township, November 3- 1759, tlied in Durham township, Novem- ber J 2, 1826. He married Christina Klinker, December 15, 1789, at the Tohickon Ger- man Reformed church. Some time after the Revolutionary war he moved into Dur- ham township, where he lived until his death. He is buried in the old Durham church graveyard. Christina Klinker, the wife of John Adams, of Durham, was born in Nockf.mixon township August 15, 1770, died in Durham township October 2. 1847, and is buried in the old Durham church grc-.veyard. She was the daughter of John and Mary Klinker of Nockamixon town- ship, Bucks ^county, Pennsylvania. John Adams, of Durham township. Bucks county, Pennsylvania, was a soldier in the Cortinental army during the Revolution- ary war. He served as a private in Cap- tarn Samuel Watson's company of the Sec- ond Pennsylvania Battalion under Colonel HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 79 Arthur St. Clair. He enlisted February 12, 1776. (See Pennsylvania Archieves, second series, vol. x, p. 98). Several of the mem- bers of his company were from upper Bvcks county. Captain Watson died at Three Rivers and was succeeded by Thomas L. Moore, who was promoted to major of the Ninth Regiment, Mav 12, 1779, and was succeeded as captain by John Hen- derson. The company was transferred or became a part of the Third Battalion, Twelfth Regiment, July i, 1778, and thus became associated with other companies of Bucks county. For his services he re- ceived from the state of Pennsylvania two hundred acres of "donation land" in Rob- inson township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, which was returned for pat- ent October 9, 1786. (See Pennsylvania Archives, third series, vol. vrii, p. 7^3)- This land he sold to Hugh Hamill, November 4, 1786. for i37 IDS. The witnesses to this deed were Thomas Delap (Dunlap). John Donnell and Jacob Glassmyer, all residents of Nockamixon township at that date. (Re- •corder's office,' Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, deed book D-17, p. 322.) John K.. son of John Adams of Durham, was a soldier for some time during the war of 1812-1814, private in Captain John Dornblaser's com- pany (Pennsylvania Archives, second ser- ies, vol. xii, p. 105). John Adams of Durham, and Christina, his wife, had the following children : Elizabeth, Mary, Margaret, John K.. Hen- ry, Jacob, Samuel, Susan, married Joseph Retfchlin, and Daniel. John Adams of Durham was quite a large land owner. In 1706 he owned one hundred acres of land and a grist and a saw mill in Nockamixon township. Bucks county, Pennsylvania. April 20, 1799, he bought of Solomon Lightcap 263 acres of land. (Bucks county deed book 30, p. 310). April II. 1808, he bought two tracts, one of 155 acres and the other of twelve acres. (Bucks county deed book 39, p. 135)- John Adams of Durham died without making a will. It is impossible to give the date when John Adams was mustered out of the service, for the muster rolls of the Twelfth Regiment have practically never been found. Tax lists of Nockamixon township show the holdings of John Adams, the father of the above John Adams, and his sons George and Henry, elder brothers of John. John Adams appears as a "single man'" first in the year of 1785, notwithstand- ing that he was of age in 1780. He there- foVe served, in all probability, up to about that date (1784-1785) in the Twelfth Penn- sylvania Regiment. Captain Samuel Wat- son's company records date to November 25. 1776. only. (Ill) Henry Adams, of Durham town- ship. Bucks county, Pennsylvania, son of John Adams, was born in Durham town- ship June 17. 1806. and died there Decem- ber 15. 1838. He married Elizabeth Bitz, August 25, 1828, at her home in Spring- field township, Bucks county. Pennsylvania. He is buried in the old Durham church graveyard. Elizabeth Bitz, the wife of Henry Adams, of Durham, was born Sep- tember 18. 1811, in Springfield township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and died March 28, 1878, in Bethlehem, Pennsyl- vania. She was the daughter of John Bitz and Susan Riegel, his wife, of Springfield, Bucks ^ county, Pennsylvania. Henry Adams's will is recorded in Doyles- town, Pennsylvania. It is dated April 28. 1838, and is proved December 22, 1838. Henry Adams of Durham and Elizabeth, his wife, had the follow- ing children: John, Hannah, Catharine and Samuel. After the death of Henry Adams in 1840, Elizabeth Bitz was married a second time to Christian Nicholas. She had no children by this union. Christian K. Nicholas was born in Nockamixon township. Bucks county, Pennsvlvania, January 23, 1817, and died in upper Saucon township, Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, November 3, 1893, and was buried in Fried- ensville November 7, 1893, and body re- moved to Nisky Hill Cemetery, Bethlehem, December 16, 1899. (IV.) Samuel Adams of south Beth- lehem, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, son of Henry Adams, of Durham township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, was born in Durham township July 25, 1837, and died in South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Febru- ary 22. 1902. He married Susie Weaver, September 14,. 1865. at her home in Allen- town, Pennsylvania. He is buried at Nisky Hill Cemetery, Bethlehem. Pennsylvania. Susie Weaver, wife of Samuel zA.dams, was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, ]\Iay 5, 1847. She was a daughter of Joseph Wea- ver and Salome, his wife, of Allentown, Pennsylvania. Samuel Adams and Susie Weaver, his wife, had the following chil- dren : John, Joseph W., Henry and Susie. Samuel Adams when quite a young man started out in farming, and then in iron ore mining. He entered the employ of the Thomas Iron Company of Catasaqua. Penn- sylvania, and was given charge of their mining interests. Mr. John Fritz induced him to come to Bethlehem and accept the position as his assistant in the Bethlehem Iron Company. Here he remained for nearly thirty years, and then had to re- sign on account of his health. He then or- ganized the Ponupo Mining and Trans- portation Company, Limited, and went to Santiago de Cuba as general manager of the company. Here he bought a railroad for the company, the Ferro-Carril de San- tiago de Cuba, and became its president, and also built an extension to the railroad to connect with the company's manganese mines. He remained in Cuba with his fam- ily for over two years, when he resigned and returned north. He was in Cuba part of the year 1892, all of 1893, and part of 1894. After returning from Cuba he a.s- sisted in forming the Sheffield Coal. Iron and Steel Company of Sheffield, Alabama. 8o HISTORY OF BUCKS COUMY. He stayed in Sheffield with liis family one year, then sold out his interest and came north. While with the Slieffield Coal, Iron and Steel Company he held the position- of general superintendent and assistant treas- urer, and also director of the company. He then retired from active business and de- voted himself to farming, having a tract of one hundred acres near Friedensville, Pennsylvania, about I3p acres above Bin- gen, Pennsylvania, and a tract of woodland along the P. & R. of forty acres, above Bingen, Pennsylvania. He was also inter- ested in and a director of the following companies at the time of his death : Pon- upo Mining and Transportation Company, Cuban Alining Company,- Jones and Bix- ler Manufacturing Company, South Beth- lehem National Bank. Henry, son of Samuel Adams, was a soldier during the Spanish-American war of 1898. He organized the first volunteer company in the state. He and his com*- pany were taken into the Ninth Pennsyl- vania Regiment to help make up the Third Battalion of that regiment. He was com- missioned as captain of Company K, Ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantry. The regiment was in the Third Brigade, Third Division, First Army Corps. (V.) Joseph W. Adams, of South Beth- lehem, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, son of Samuel Adams, was born in Beth- lehem, Pennsylvania, January 19, 1872. He married Reba Thomas, of Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania, daughter of David J. Thomas and Susannah Edwards, of Pittsburg, June 14, 1899, at her home. Reba Thomas, the wife of Joseph W. Adams, was born in Pitts- burg, November ir, 1877. Joseph W. Adams was educated at the Moravian parochial school of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the HiH school of Potts- town, Pennsylvania, and the Lehigh Univer- sity of South Pennsylvania, where he joined the Delta Upsilon fraternity. He started to work in the drawing rooms of the Bethle- hem Iron Company. He went to Cuba with his father and was treasurer of the Ferro-Carril de Santiago de Cuba, 1892-93. He went to Alabama as assistant to the general superintendent of the Sheflfield Coal, Iron and Steel Company in 1895, and part of 1896. He returned home and took up his studies again at Lehigh University in metallurgy and mineralogy, and then read law for over a year. In 1899 he and his brother Henry formed the Cuban Min- ing Company, and he was elected secretary and treasurer of the company and also a director. He is connected with the follow- ing companies : Director and vice-president of the South Bethlehem National Bank ; director and president of La Paz Mining Company; director, secretary and treasurer of the Cuban Mining Company ; director and executive committee of Delaware Forge and Steel Company; director and commit- tee of Guerber Engineering Company ; director of Lehigh Valley Cold Storage Company; director, secretary and treasurer of the Roepper Mining Company; director of Valentine Fibre Ware Company; acting trustee of . the estate of Samuel Adams. He is a member of the fol- lowing clubs and societies : Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York; Empire State Society; Sons of the American Revolution ; Pennsylvania So- ciety of Sons of the Revolution ; Pennsyl- vania German Society, and the local town and country clubs ; and of Masonic bodies — Bethlehem Lodge, Zinzendorf Chapter,, Bethlehem Council, Allen Commandery, Caldwell Consistory, and Rajah Temple. He is captain of commissary, Fourth Reg- iment Infantry, N. G. P. His children were : John, born January 23, 1901 ; David Samuel, born March 15, 1903. Henry Adams, captain of Company K, Ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, U. S. V. I., son of Samuel Adams, of South Bethlehem, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Novem- ber 2, 1873. He married Annette Talbot Belcher, of New London, Connecticut, July 9, 1902. Henry Adams, mining engineer, was edu- cated at the Moravian parochial day school of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the Hill school of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, and the Lehigh University of South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where he joined the Delta Upsilon fraternity. He started to work with Thomas Edison at Edison, N. J. He went to Cuba and was assistant superin- tendent and then superintendent of the Fer- ro-Carril de Santiago de Cuba. He went south to Alabama and was in charge of the coal and coke department of the Sheffield Coal, Iron and Steel Company at Jasper, Alabama. He went to Mexico and erected an electric light plant for the Mexican Na- tional Railroad, and then was supervisor of a division of that road. He resigned and was made constructing engineer for Tumer Nunn & Company of Mexico, Mexico, with headquarters in Pueblo. In December of 1897 and January of 1898 he was in Cuba in the city of Santiago and the surrounding, countr}', and visited the insurgents sev- eral times. When war broke out with Spain in 1898 he raised the first company of volunteers in the state, with the assistance of Colonel Wilson and Captain Juett of Bethlehem. He and his company were mustered into the United States service, and he received his commisison as captain of volunteers on July 6, 1898. His company was attached to the Ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantry, as Com- pany K, to help complete the Third Bat- talion. The regiment was in the Third Division, Third Brigade, First Army Corps. Company K, of the Ninth Pennsylvania Regiment of United States Volunteer In- fantry, is thus mentioned in the "Record of Events which may be Necessary or Useful for Future Reference at the War Depart- ment." HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 8i "This company was organized in July at South Bethlehem, and mustered in at South Bethlehem, July 6, 1898, which company left by rail for Chickamauga Park, July 7, 1898, arriving in camp July 19, 1898. Re- mained in camp until August 26, 1898, when company left by rail for Camp Hamilton, Lexington, Kentucky, arriving , in camp August 28, 1898. . Left Camp Hamilton for regimental headquarters at Wilkesbarre, September 17, 1898, arriving there Septem- ber 19, 1898. Company left by rail for home station, September 20, 1898, arriving same day, when company was verbally fur- loughed for thirty days." The above is taken from the muster-out roll of the company. The company was mustered into service on the 6th day of July, 1898, and was mustered out of the service on the 29th day of October, 1898. It was the first volunteer company formed in the state of Pennsylvania, and was taken to help fill out the Third Battalion of the Ninth Pennsj-lvania Regiment. The other companies were Captain Green's, of Read- ing; Captain Mercer's, of Summit Hill, above Mauch Chunk ; and Captain Moor's, of Towanda. On Friday evening, April 22, 1898, there was a meeting held in the Fountain Hill Opera House, and a call for volunteers made. These met in Doxon's Hall after- ward and elected Henry Adams, captain ; Leighton N. D. Mixsell, first lieutenant; and Dick Enright, second lieutenant. Mr. Enright failed to pass his physical ex- amination and was re-elected. A. Alison Mitchell, of Wilkesbarre, was appointed in his place. The South Bethlehem Market Hall was used as an Armory by the com pany. Henry Adams is a member of the Penn- sylvania German Society, 1899; a member of the Society of Foreign Wars, Pennsyl- vania Commandery, 1899 ; general manager of the Cuban Mining Company at Neu- vitas, Cuba, 1899-1902, and the mines of this company were discovered by him ; a mem- ber of the Empire State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, and was pre- sented a medal of honor by the society for service in the Spanish-American war; and of Masonic bodies — Fernwood Lodge, No. 543, Philadelphia, and Caldwell Consistory, 32d degree. He was vice president and general manager of the San Domingo Ex- ploration Company and San Domingo Southern Railway Company, San Domingo, R. D., West Indies, 1902. HON. GEORGE ROSS, an eminent jur- ist and statesman, was born in Doylestown, August 24, 1841. He came of a distinguished and honored ancestry. His earlier ancestors were of the clan Ross, of the Highlands of Scotland. His great-great-grandfather Thomas Ross was born in the year 1708, in county Tyrone, Ireland, where his parents had sought a refuge from the horrors of civil 6-3 and internecine war in their native Scotia. Emigrating to America at the age of twen- ty-one he settled in Solebury, Bucks county. He joined the Society of Frien-ds and be- came a distinguished preacher. He was a man of superior education and intellectual ability, and traveled extensively in later life both in the American colonies and in Eng- land and Ireland. He died at the home of Lindley Murray, the great grammarian, in York, England, while on one of his relig- ious visits in 1786. He married Keziah Wilkinson in 1731, and had by her three children : John, Thomas, and Mary, who married Thomas Smith. John Ross mar- ried Mary Duer in 1754, and had seven children; Sarah, who died in childhood; Thomas; Keziah, who married Benjamin Eastburn ; John ; Joseph ; Isaiah ; and Mary, who died in infancy. Thomas, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, as one of the execu- tors of his father's will, joined in the con- veyance of the Solebury homestead, pat- ented to his father in 1737, to Jacob Van Horn in 1787, and the latter conveyed it back to Thomas by deed dated two days later. In 1796 he conveyed it to his son Thomas, who by will in 1814 devised it to- his brother, Judge John Ross, of Easton, who devised it to his son Thomas, the fath- er of the subject of this sketch, who con- veyed it to Edward Vansant in 1853.. Thus the original homestead of the Ross family in Bucks county remained in the family for one hundred and sixteen years, notwithstanding the fact that for three generations the owners had been much more eminent as jurists than as farmers. John Ross, eldest son of Thomas and Ke- ziah, removed to Philadelphia. His son Joseph removed to the West. John be- came an eminent physician. Thomas mar- ried Rachel Longstrethand settled in West Chester. He was a lawyer, and had a large and lucrative practice. Thomas Ross, younger son of Thomas and Keziah. (Wilkinson) Ross, born on the old homestead in Solebury, was the great- grandfather of the subject of this sketch. He married (first) a Miss Clark, and (sec- ond) Jane Cliapman, who was the mother of his six children : Thomas, John, Will- ia'm, Cephas, Hugh and Samuel. He lived on the Solebury plantation until 1796, when he removed with his family to Newtown, where he died about 1814. His eldest son Thomas was appointed prothonotary and clerk of the courts of Bucks county in 1801, and held those offices for eight years. He was born in 1767 and was admitted to the bar of Northampton county in 1793, but practiced but a year or two, when he re- moved to New York city. He returned to Newtown in 1800 and practiced law until appointed prothonotary and clerk. His wife was Mary Lyons, of Long Island. He died in 1815, while visiting his brother John at Easton and left no children. Hugh Ross studied law with his brother John at Easton and on being admitted to the bar returned 82 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. to Newtown, later went to Trenton, New Jersey and finally settled in Milford, Pike county, Pennsylvania. Samuel, the young- est child of Thomas Ross (2) born 1779, ■married in 1815 Mary Helena Wirtz, and settled in Philadelphia. He had six chil- dren. Cephas Ross, another son of Thomas (2) remained in Bucks county, ■where he still has numerous descendants. -He died in Plumstrad in 1840. Hon. John Ross, the grandfather of the •"su"bect of this sketch, son of Thomas and Jane (Chapman) Ross, was born on the Solebury homestead. February 24, 1770. He received a liberal education, but it appears that his family were averse to his follow- ing a professional career. From a number 'of letters written by him in 1790 to his benefactor, Richard Backhouse, it would seem that by reason of the difference with his parents as to his future career he was cast upon his own resources. These let- ters are now in the possession of the Penn- sylvania Historical Society. He commenced life as a school teacher at Durham, where he attracted the attention of Richard Back- house, then proprietor of the furnace. To Mr. Backhouse the youth confided his in- tention of going South to seek his fortune. Mr. Backhouse urged him to take up the study of law, and generously offered to give him sufficient financial aid to complete his studies and start him in the practice of law. Taking up with this generous offer, the embryo judge began the study of law with his cousin. Thomas Ross, of West Chester, then in the same judicial dis- trict as Bucks county, and he was admitted to the bar of the district in 1792. He set- tled at Easton. Northampton county and began the practice of law. and at once sprang into prominence. Hon. Henry P. Ross, his grandson, once said : "No member of the family approached him in ability," and his brilliant professional ca- reer warrants the assertion, superlative though it be. A born politician, he early launched into the , arena of politics. He was elected to the state legislature in 1800. In 1804 he was a candidate for congress, but the jealousies aroused by the rival claims of the three counties of Northamp- ton, Bucks and Montgomery, then compos- ing the district, caused his defeat. He re- newed the fight in 1808 and was then elected. At the expiration of his term he was appointed prothonotary of Northamp- ton county. Was elected to congress again in 1814. and re-elected in 1816 and resigned to accept the appointment of judge of the seventh judicial district, comprising the counties of Bucks, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware. January 25. 1818. He had married November 19. 1795. Mary Jenkins, whose family resided at Jenkintown, and on taking up the duties of his office he located there. The act of March. 1821, placed Montgomery and Bucks in one ju- dicial district and Judge Ross removed to Doylestown, then the county seat of Bucks. He purchased the old tavern stand where the National Bank now stands, and con- verted it into a residence, and it remained the home of his descendants until 1896. Judge Ross was appointed justice of the supreme cgurt April 16, 1830, after which much of his time was spent in Jenkintown. He died of apoplexy in Philadelphia Jan- uary 31, 1834, in his sixty-fourth year. While in Northampton county he had pur- chased a tract of 348 acres near the Wind Gap in what is now INIonroe county, and named it Ross Common. He set apart upon this tract a family burying ground. Here his favorite brother Thomas was bur- ied, and here the famous jurist and states- man himself lies buried. The children of Judge John Ross were : George, a graduate of Princeton, who stud- ied law with his father and was admitted to the bar in i8r8; (he became involved in a quarrel which resulted in a duel on the Delaware river, and he was never after- wards heard from) Charles J.; Lord; Cam- illa, who married General Peter Thrie, of Easton ; Serena ; John, an invalid, though he lived until 1886; Thomas; Jesse Jen- kins, who was at one time consul to Sicilv ; Adelaide, who married Dr. Samuel R. Dubbs. and Mary. Of these, George, Thomas, William and Jenkins all were col- lege graduates and all lawyers, though Thomas was the only one who continued to practice. William became a teacher. ]\Iary Jenkins Ross died in December. 1845. Thomas Ross, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Easton. Decem- ber I,. 1806. He graduated at Princeton in 1825. studied law, and was admitted to the bar February 9. 1829. Inheriting the abilities of his distinguished ancestors, he was a fine pleader and a logical thinker and became one of the eminent lawyers of his day. He was elected to consress from the tenth district comprising Bucks and Lehigh in 1848. and re-elected in 1851, and the district was never more ably repre- sented. As an orator he obtained a na- ional reputation. He died July 7. 1865. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Levi Pawling of IMontgomery county, a member of the fiftieth congress, and £rrandauQ:hter of Governor Heister. The children of this marriage were Henry P., George and Mary. Henry P. Ross, born December 16. 1836, who became president judge of the seventh judicial district, graduated at Princeton in 1857. studied law with bis father and was admitted to the bar in December. 1859. He nracticed law with his father imtil the death of the latter in 1865. when he took his brother George into the firm. He w'as elected district attorney in 1862. He was a brilliant lawyer and an accomplished speaker. He was a leader of his party, and twice its candidate for congress. He was elected additional law^ judge in 1869. and succeeded Judge Chapman as president judge two years later. When the district was divided in 1874 he chose Montgomery HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 83 •county and, finishing his term there, was re-elected in 1881, but died at Norristown, April 13. 1882. George Ross, son of Thomas and Eliza- "beth (Pawling) Ross, was born August 24, 1841. He obtained his preparatory edu- cation at the Tenent school at Hartsville. -conducted by the Rev. Alahlon anfi Charles Long, and at the Lawrenceville. New Jer- sey Academy, under the tutorship of Dr. Hamill. He entered Princeton in January, 1858, and graduated in the class of 186 r. He at once began the study of law with his father and brother at Doylestown and was admitted to the bar of the county June 13, 1864. At the death of his father the fol- lowing year he formed a partnership w^ith his elder brother, Hon. Henry P. Ross, which lasted until the elevation of the lat- ter to the bench in 1869. when he became associated with Levi L. James, under the firm name of George Ross & L. L. James. At the death of Mr. James in 1889, J. Ferd: inand Long became the junior partner. Mr. Ross, like his father and grandfather, was a trained and erudite lawyer, by years of study and patient industry he had mas- tered the great principles of common and statute law, and soon earned the proud distinction of being the recognized leader of the bar in his native county. He \vas a forceful speaker, quiet and undemonstra- tive in his manner, not given to self-asser- tion in oratory. One of his contemporaries has said of him. "if the absence of art is the highest quality of oratory, he was an orator indeed. His remarkable knowledge of the law. his subtle power of logic, and his indomitable perseverance in the ad- vocacy of the cause of a client, have made his memory dear to the people he served, and made his name remembered and hon- ored in the community in which he lived." In 1872 he was a member of the constitu- tional convention that framed our present state constitution, representing the counties of Bucks and Northampton in that body. He was elected to the state senate in 1886, and succeeded himself four years later, a distinction exceedingly rare in the history of his county. He was a life-long Demo- crat, and therefore represented the minority in the law-making body of the state. Not- withstanding this fact he soon became known as the recognized leader in all that pertained to the best interests of his state. At the organization of the senate on Janu- ary 2, 1895, Senator Brewer, of Indiana county, who w-as not of his political faith, in calling the attention of the body to the death of Senator Ross, said in part : "Sel- dom has any legislative body been called upon to mourn the loss of a more disting- uished member. This is not the proper time to pay a tribute to the distinguished services he rendered his state. There is such a thing as leadership, known and rec- ognized among men, and the members of this body, irrespective of party, accorded to George Ross leadership. Although we have scarcely passed the threshold of this session, his absence is noticed and his coun- sel is missed. " Mr. Ross stood deservedly high in the counsels of his party. He was a delegate to the national conventions of 1876. 1884. and 1892. He was the Demo- cratic nominee for congress in the seventh district in 1884, but was defeated at the polls by Hon. Robert M. Yardley. He w^as also the caucus nominee of his party for the Um'ted States senate in 1893. He was deeply interested in the local institutions of his county and district was one of the original directors of the Bucks County Trust Company, and its president at the time of his death. He was also a trustee of the Norristown Insane Asylum until his death. He died at his home in Doyles- town, November 19, 1894. The disease which caused his death had given his fam- ily and friends much concern for probably a year. The state senate, of which he was a member at the time of his death, ap- pointee' a committee of five to draft resolu- tions expressive of the sense of that body upon his death, and fixed a special session on January 23, 1895, to receive and con- sider the report of such committee. At this special session the resolutions adopted and the speeches of his colleagues show the merited appreciation of his public ser- vices and private virtues. We quote from one of these speeches the following : "Our friends was not of humble origin, nor could he boast of being wholly a self-made man. He had great advantages, coming ^rom a long line of distinguished ancestors, a race of lawyers, some of whom had worn the judicial ermine; he had the benefits of a most liberal education, and claimed the famous college of Princeton for his alma mater. This scion of one of the most il- lustrious families of Pennsylvania, in whose veins flowed some of the best blood in this grand old Keystone state, worthy of his origin, was a prince among men." George Ross married, December 4, 1870, Ellen Lyman Phipps, a daughter of George W. Phipps, of Boston, Massachusetts. The children of this marriage are : Thomas, born September 16, 1873 : Elizabeth P., George ; Ellen P., I\Iary ; Gertrude. Thomas, the eldest son, was educated at Lawrenceville and Princeton, and gradu- ated at Princeton in the class of 1895. He studied law under the preceptorship of Hon. Harman Yerkes, and was admitted to the bar December, 1897. He formed a partner- ship with his father's old partner, J. Ferd- inand Long, which terminated with the death of the latter in January, 1902. George Ross was born May 28, 1879. He graduated at Lawrenceville in 1896 and at Princeton in 1900. He studied law with his brother Thomas at Doylestown and at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and was admitted to the bar December 22, 1902. and entered into partnership with his brother. In 1904 Hon. Harman Yerkes be- came a member of the firm. 84 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. HON. MAHLON H. STOUT, president judge of the courts of Bucks county, was born in Richland township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, March lo, 1852, being the son of Jacob and Amanda (Headman) Stout, both of German descent. Jacob Stout, the great-great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was- born in Germany in the year 1711, and came to this country at the age of twenty-six years. He arrived in Philadelphia in the ship "Sam- uel," August 30. 1737, accompanied by an elder brother John, aged thirty years. In the year 1739 Jacob Stout married Anna Leisse, widow of John Leisse, of Rockhill township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. John Leisse, LaCene, Lacey, or Licey, as the name has been variously , spelled, ar- rived in the ship "Adventurer," from Rot- terdam, with wife Anna, aged twenty- four years, a brother, Paul La Gene, with his wife Luisa and three children, and a broth- er-in-law, Michel Miller, September 23, 1732. John Leisse purchased in 1735 two hundred acres in Rockhill under the name of "John Lacey." He died in 1738, and the following year his widow married Jacob Stout. The two hundred acre farm pur- chased by Leisse. included a large part of the present borough of Perkasie. In 1759 Johannes and Hendrick Licey, the sons of John Leisse, deceased, conveyed this tract to their stepfather, Jacob Stout, and he and wife in turn conveyed to them tracts in HilUown, portions of 266 acres purchased by Jacob Stout in 1757. The first purchase of land by Jacob Stout was a tract of land adjoining the Durham tract, now in Will- iams township, Northampton .^ county, 243 acres, purchased September 9, 1750; his residence at that date was given as "Dur- ham township, Bucks county." In 1753 he purchased a mill property at Church Hill, in Rockhill township. In 1767 he purchased the Pine Run mill property and one hun- dred and nineteen acres, and in 1774 a tract of one hundred and fifty acres in New Britain township. These later pur- chases were doubtless to provide homes for his daughter, Salome, who had married Abraham Freed, a miller, and to whom he conveyed the mill and forty-one acres three years later ; and Catharine, who had mar- ried Jacob SchliefTer, who occupied and later heired the New Britain property. Jacob Stout was a potter by trade and was a successful and prominent man in the com- munity. The last twenty years of his life were doubtless spent on his Perkasie farm, • where he lies buried in a neat little burial lot close to the P. & R. R. R. station. He died April 30, 1779. aged sixty-eight and a half years. The children of Jacob and Anna (Miller-Lei.sse) Stout were: Abraham. Isaac; Salome, married (first) Abraham Freed and (second) Gabriel Swartzlander ; and Catharine, wife of Jacob Schlicfifer Abraham Stout, eldest son of Jacob and Anna Stout, was born August 17, 1740. He was probably one of the best educated Pennsylvania Germans of his time in Bucks county. Most of his education was ac- quired in the old Germantown Academy,, under the tuition of Hilarius Becker, pro- fessor of German, and David J. Dove as instructor in English. He thus acquired a. thorough knowledge of the English lan- guage, a rare accomplishment at that date or for many years later among the German colonists of upper Bucks. He was an ex- cellent accountant and penman as well as a good business man, and his services were much in demand as a surveyor, scrivener and accountant among his German neigh- bors for over a quarter of a century. From' an examination of the old papers on file in the county ofiices it would appear that he drew a great majority of the deeds, wills and other legal papers for the middle sec- tion of upper Bucks during that period. In addition to this he was constantly in de- mand by the court to serve as one of the auditors appointed to prepare and state the accounts of administrators and executors under the rule then in vogue, and many of these papers now on file in the orphans' court are models of penmanship, concise- ness and neatness. At the death of his father in 1779 his brothers and sisters con- veyed to him the homestead farm at Per- kasie, whereupon he was born, and he spent his whole life there, the Durham farm go- ing to his brother Isaac, while the sisters were provided for as before stated. He died June 8, 1812, and is buried beside his father, mother and wife in the family- burial lot at Perkasie. His life presents a fine example of German-American citizen- ship. Though he was in the height of his local usefulness during the period of the Revolutionary war, he seems to have held aloof from active participation therein. He was elected to represent Rockhill township in the committee of safety in 1775, but after several meetings had been held he asked to be relieved and another was ap- pointed in his place. It is probable that the traditions of the sufferings of his ancestors from the civil wars in the Palatinate had their effect in deterring him from taking an active part in the struggle. He was a. delegate from Bucks county to the constitu- tional convention of 1790, and took an ac- tive part in the framing of the constitution of our commonwealth. He married Octo- ber 21, 1772, Mary Magdalen Hartzell, daughter of Henry Hartzell of Rockhill. She died November 8, 181 1, in her sixty- first year. Their children were : Hannah, who married a Worman, and was left a widow young and for many 3'ears resided' with her parents; Abraham; Henry H. ; Jacob H. ; Anna, who married Jacob Hart- man; Margaretta, who married Tobias Rule; (later spelled Ruhl") and Magdalene, who married John Gearhart. Jacob Stout, second son of Abraham and Magdalen, was the grandfather of Judge Stout. He was born on the Perkasie homestead January 9. 1775. and died there .August 15. 1820. His wife was Elizabeth Barndt, born November 27, 1778, and died' J^ C^yH^<>CrV'<-^ HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 85 November 7, 1821. They resided on a por- tion of the old homestead and raised a family of eight children, viz : Isaac ; Abra- ham; Jacob B. ; Samuel; Sarah, who mar- ried Charles Leidy ; Anna, who married Isaac Drumbore ; Mary Magdalen, who married Jacob Groff; and Elizabeth, who married Enos Kile. Jacob B. Stout, the father of Judge Stout, was born at Perkasie, November 8, 1814, and died near there in April, 1896. He mar- ried Amanda, daughter of Michael Head- man. They resided for a time at the ola Headman Pottery in Rockhill, but returned later and purchased a farm adjoining the old Perkasie homestead, where the re- mainder of their lives were spent. The children of Jacob and Amanda Stout were : Maria, who married Tobias Weil ; Emma, who married George W. Kratz ; and Mah- lon H., the subject of this sketch. Judge Stout spent his boyhood days on the Rockhill farm and attended the -public schools of the neighborhood and the First State Normal School at Millersville, and taught school for four years. He after- wards entered Franklin and IMarshall 'College, at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1878. He at once took up the study of law in the office of Adam J. Eberly, Esq., at Lancaster, and was admitted to the Lancaster county bar April 4, 1880, and to that of his native county in ]\Iay of the same year. After two years of practice at Doylestown he lo- cated in 1882 at Flulmeville, opening a law office there and having a branch office at Bristol. He was also a justice of the peace at Hulmeville. In 1886 he came to Doyles- town and formed a law partnership with cx-Judge Richard Watson, under the firm name of Watson & Stout, which continued until the death of Judge Watson in 1894. Mr. Stout was elected district attorney of Bucks county in 1888, and was unanimously nominated by his party to succeed himself three years later, but was defeated at the polls by the' late Paul H. Applebach, the ■candidate of the then dominant party. Mr. Stout was married November 13, 1894, to Miss Harriet Miller, of Downing- town, Pennsylvania. In 1898, his wife's health failing, he sacrificed his business and removed with her to Pasadena. California, with the hope of saving her life. While there he was admitted to the bar of that state and practiced law at Pasadena. His -wife died December 24, 1899, and their in- fant son Max on December 25, 1898. Mr. Stout returned to Doylestown in the spring of 1900, and again took up the prac- tice of law. In 1901 he formed a partner- ship with Harvey S. Kiser, Esq., under the firm name of Stout & Kiser, which con- tinued until the elevation of Mr. Stout to the bench. He was elected president judge in November, 1903, and entered upon the duties of his office in January, 1904. Judge Stout has always been a close student, and as a lawyer had the reputation of being one of the best counsellors at the bar, and his administration of the high office to which he has been elevated merits the trust re- posed in him by the large majority of voters who elected him. His calm and even tem- perament, his uniform courtesy, his sterling common sense, his devotion to principle and right, and his unquestioned knowledge of the law, have made his administration popular with all classes. JOHN C. SWARTLEY was born in Franconia township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, September 14, 1865, and is a son of Jacob S. and Elizabeth (Cassel) Swartley, both of whom are descendants of early German settlers in that locality of the Mennonite faith. John Schwardley, the pioneer ancestor of the subject of this sketch, was born in Ep- pingen, in Necker, grand duchy of Baden, Germany, in the year 1754. At the age of eighteen years, accompanied by his younger brothers, Jacob and Philip, he emigrated to Pennsylvania, arriving in Philadelphia September 30, 1772, in the ship, "Minerva," Captain James Johnston, from Rotterdam. He soon after found a home among his compatriots in Franconia township, where he married Magdalena Rosenberger, born December 18, 1759, daughter of the Rev. Henry Rosenberger, Mennonite minister at Franconia, and grand daughter of Henry Rosenberger, the pioneer ancestor of the Rosenberger family, who had taken up a large tract of land in Franconia in 1728. Rev. Henry Rosenberger was born Decem- ber 2, 1725, and died in 1809. He married in 1745 Barbara Oberholtzer, born in 1726, died February 3, 1765, daughter of Jacob and Barbara Oberholtzer, (or Overholt), who were early settlers in Bedminster township. Bucks county, where Jacob pur- chased land in 1749. Rev. Henry and Bar- bara (Oberholtzer) Rosenbergeir were the parents of eight children, five of whom sur- vived and left descendants, viz : Anna, who married (first) Michael Leatherman and (second) John Loux, both of Bedminster; Elizabeth, married Mark Fretz ; Barbara, married Daniel Rickert ; all of Bucks county ; Magdalena, above named ; and Sar- ah, who married Philip Schwardley, the youngest brother of John Schwardley, above named. John and Magdalena Schwardley lived and died on a portmn of the Rosen- berger homestead in Franconia, still in the tenure of iheir descendants, and were the parents of nine children, viz : John, Jacob, Samuel, Abraham, Joseph, Henry, Philip R., Elizabeth and Mary. Philip R. Swartley, son of John and Magdalena, was born on the old homestead in Franconia, January 2, 1795, and died there July 30, 1880. He married Annie C. Shoemaker, and their son Jacob S. Swart- ley, born in 1821, died 1867, was the father of the subject of this sketch. He was born and reared on the old homestead in Fran- conia, and followed farming and milling 86 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. (luring the brief period of bis nianbood. His wife, Elizabeth Cassel, was a descend- ant of early German settlers on the Skip- pack, who have left numerous descendants of the name in Bucks and Montgomery counties and elsewhere. She is still living in Lansdale. Pennsylvania. John C. Swartley, the subject of this sketch, left an orphan at the age of two years, was reared in the family of his maternal uncle, Abraham F. Delp, in the township of New Britain, Bucks county, and acquired his elementary education in the public schools of that township. He entered the First state normal school at Millersville in 1885, and graduated in 1888. For the next two years he was principal of the North Wales high schools, in Mont- gomery county. In 1890 he entered the law department of the University of Pennsyl- vania, from which he graduated in 1893, in the meantime reading law in the office of Henry Lear, Esq.. at Doylestown. He was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in June, 1893, and in August of the same year to the bar of Bucks county, and at once be- gan the practice of his profession at the county seat. Soon after admission to the bar he became active and influential in pol- itical circles, and served for three years as chairman of the Republican county com- mittee. In the fall of 1897 he was elected to the office of district attorney for the term of three years, and filled that position with ability. He has always been active in the councils of his party, and has served as delegate to state and congressional con- ventions. He was appointed January i, 1903, assistant United States attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a posi- tion which he still fills. In 1903 he formed a co-partnership at law with Wesley Bunt- ing, Esq., and the firm have a good prac- tice in the several courts of Bucks county. Mr. Swartley was married on October 24, 1900, to Agnes Darlington, daughter of the late Henry T. and Susan Darlington, of Doylestown, and this union has been blessed with two children — John C. Jr., and Mar- garet Darlington. (A sketch of the career and ancestry of Mrs. Swartley's distinguished father, Henry T. Darlington, will be found in this volume.) LEE S. CLYAffiR, of Riegelsville. Bucks county, Pennsylvania, one of the prominent manufacturers and business men of uppei Bucks, was born at Mt. Laurel Furnace. Berks -county, Pennsylvania. (Temple post-- office) April 2, 1863, and is a son of Will- iam Hiester and Valeria (Smith) Clymer. His father was for many years proprietor of the Mt. Laurel furnace. Mr. Clymer comes of a distinguished ancestry both in this country and in Europe, only brief men- tion of which can be given in the scope of this brief sketch. Richard Clymer, the pa- ternal ancestor, was a native of Bristol, England, from whence he migrated to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1705, ac- companied by his mother, Catharine Clymer, and a brother William, who died in 1740 without issue. Richard Clymer was ' a. shipping merchant and shipbuilder; he died August 18, 1734, leaving several children, of whom only his sons, Christopher and William have left descendants. George Clymer, the signer of the Declaration of In- dependence, was a son of the former. William Clymer, son of Richard, was a captain in the English navy, commanding the frigate "Penzance" during the reign of George II, and was lost at sea, leaving a will dated October 16, 1760. He married at Christ Church, Philadelphia, January 19, 1742, Ann Judith Roberdeau, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Conyngham) Roberdeau, and sister to General Daniel Roberdeau, the friend of Franklin, and one of the most distinguished patriots in Pennsylvania dur- ing the Revolution. Ann Judith (Rober- deau) Clymer was born on the Island of St. Christopher, West Indies, in the year 1725, and died at Morgantown, Berks county, Pennsylvania, April, 1782. Isaac I Roberdeau, father of Mrs. Clymer, was a native of Rochelle, France, and fled to the , island of St. Christopher, one of the Brit- I ish West Indies, on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Here he met and married Mary Conyngham, born at Cayou, on that island, April 4, 1699. daughter of Robert Conyngham, born in Scotland, March 24, 1669, and his wife Judith Eliza- beth de Bonneson, a native of Morlais, France, the former of whom traced his des- cent back through a long line of kings and princes royal to William the Conqueror, and in his own direct line to Malcolm, son of Friskine, who assisted Malcolm Can- more, afterwards King of Scotland, to es- cape from ]\IacBeth"s tyranny and treason, and was in return made Thane of Conyng- ham, from which his posterity afterwards took their surname. Robert Conyngham, of St. Christopher, left an immense estate in St. Christopher and in Scotland, a portion of which he entailed in the male line, and which was the subject of litigation a cen- tury later on the male line bearing his sur- name becoming extinct. Isaac and Mary (Conyngham) Roberdeau were the parents of three children, all born at St. Christo- pher, viz : Elizabeth, born 1724, who died unmarried ; Ann Judith, who married Will- iam Clymer; and Daniel, the eminent mer- chant, statesman and patriot before referred to. Isaac Roberdeau died at St. Christo- pher, and his widow and children removed to Philadelphia while the children were still in their minority, where the widow married a man by name of Keighly, but was again a widow many years prior to her death, which occurred March 13, 1771. Daniel Conyngham Clymer, only son of William and Ann Judith (Roberdeau) Cly- mer, was born in Philadelphia. April 6^ 1748. His father dying when he was a child, he was educated under the care of his distinguished uncle. General Daniel Rober- HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 87 dcau. He graduated at Princeton in 1766, studied law and became eminent in his pro- fession. At the beginning of the Revolu- tion he at once joined the Associators of that city and was commissioned a lieutenant. April -8, 1776, he was commissioned lieu- tenant-colonel and placed in command of a rifle battalion. He was appointed in 1775 and again in 1776 by Congress as a signer of Bills of Credit, and held the offices of deputy commissary-general of prisoners and commissioner of claims of the treasury. During the closing years of the Revolution he removed to Reading, Berks county, and represented that county in the legislature in 1782 and several succeeding terms. He died at Reading, January 25, 1810. He had married in 1782 Mary Weidner, daughter of Peter and Susan Weidner, of Berks county, who died December 5, 1802, in her forty- sixth year. Their children were Ann, born 1782, who died unmarried in 1852; Will- iam, born 1788, died October 10, 1845, an eminent lawyer of Reading; and Edward Tilgham, born August 14, 1790, died March 6, 18.31. Edward Tilghman Clymer was born at Reading, Berks county, and was educated at Princeton. He married June II, 1818, Maria Catharine Hiester, daughter of William and Anna Maria (Meyer) Hiester. She was born March 4>_ 1793, and died March 24, 1845. Edward Tilghman was a man of scholarly attam- ments, and follows 1. Daniel Roberdeau. a merchant and lawyer of Reading, born March ,31. i8ig, died May 5, 1889, aged seventy years, 2. William Hiester, the father of the subject of this sketch; see forward. 3. Edward Myers, born July 16, 1822, died May 25, 188.?, in New York City, pro- jector and first president of the East Penn- sylvania railroad, later president of a coal company connected with the N. Y., L. E. & W. Railroad Companv, with offices in New York. 4. Wiedner, born May 12, 1824, died July 16, 1824. 5. Mary Hiester. born July 19, 1825, drowned in the English Channel November 26, 1878, with two of her children ; mar- ried August 10, 1852, her cousin, William Bingham Clymer, son of Henry, and grand- son of George Clymer, the Signer, who was jDorn April 18, 1801, at Morrisville, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, died May 28, 1873, at Florence, Italy. 6. Hon. Hiester Clymer, born Novemlier 3, 1827, died June 12, 1884; lawyer, state senator, congressman. Democratic candidate for governor, president of Union Trust Company, etc. 7. George Edward - Clymer, born Jan- uary 8, 1830, died July 7, 1895, major of Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry in the civil war and prominent in the iron and steel indus- tries. William Hiester Clymer, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born at the Clymer homestead in the Conestoga Valley, near Morgantown, Berks county, October 9, 1820. His father dying when he was eleven years of age, he was placed with his uncle, William Hiester, at New Holland, Lancaster county, arid was educated at Lititz, and assisted his uncle in his store. He later removed to Reading, where he and his brother, Daniel R., conducted a dry goods store until 1846, when he sold out to Daniel, and with his brother Edward M., purchased the Mt. Laurel iron furnace. They built the Temple iron furnace in 1867, and, having seven years previously pur- chased the old Oley furnace, became exten- sive manufacturers of iron, organizing the Temple Iron Company in 1870, and later the Clymer Iron Company, both of which W^illiam H. Clymer was president, until September, 1882, when he resigned and re- moved with his family to Reading, where he died July 26, 1883. He was president of the First National Bank of Reading from 1876 to his death. He married, June 12^ 1855, Valeria Smith, eldest daughter of Levi B. Smith, who was born March 14, 1828,. and died August 17, 1901. They were the parents of six children : Emily Smith ; Ed- ward Tilghman ; William Hiester ; Lee Smith ; Valeria Elizabeth ; and Frederick Hiester. The ancestors of Maria Catharine Hies- ter, the grandmother of the subject of this sketch, were of Silesian origin, her first American ancestor being Daniel Hiester, the youngest of three brothers, John, Jo- seph and Daniel, who emigrated from Wit- genstein, in Westphalia, to Pennsylvania, early in the eighteenth century, and took up their residence in Goshenhoppen, now Mont- gomery county. Daniel had several sons, of whom John, born April 9, 174S, was a mem- ber of congress from Chester county 1807-8 and was succeeded by his son Daniel ; Dan- iel, a representative in congress from Mont- gomery county, 1789-97, and from Mary- land 1801-5 ; Gabriel, for thirty year's a member of the state legislature from Berks county; and William. All four of these sons of Daniel Hiester were in the conti- nental service during the revolution, the two elder as colonels, the third as a major,. while William, the youngest, born June 10, 1757. being required to look after his aged parents, did not serve but one campaign. Joseph Hiester, governor of Pennsylvania, was the only son of John, and a cousin of the four brothers above named. Daniel Hiester. the elder, was born m the town of Elsoff, county of Witgenstein,. province of Westplialia, in Silesia, Ger- many, January r. 1713, and died in J^erii township, Berks county, Pennsylvania, June 7, 1795. His wife was Catharine Schuler, whom he married September 29, 1742. She was born Sepiember 10, 1717, and died August 17, 1789, aged seventy-two years, eleven months and seven days. William Hiester, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, born at Go.sh- enhoppen. Upper Salford township, Mont- gomery county, June 10, 1757, was the youngest son of Daniel and Catharine 88 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. (Schulcr) Hiester. He was seventeen years of age when his parents removed to Reading, and remained with his parents in Reading for ten years. He then removed to Bern township, where he died July 13, 1822. He was a private in Captain George Will's company, in 1777, in the battalion commanded by his brother, Major Gabriel Hiester. He married. March 18, 1784, Anna Maria Meyer, daughter of Isaac Meyer, the founder of Meyerstown, Pennsylvania. She was born December 28, 1758, and died October 4, 1822. They were the parents of eight children, the fifth of whom. Maria Catharine, born March 4, 179.3. was the wife of Edward Tilghman Clymer. Lee S. Clymer, born at the Mt. Laurel Furnace. April 2, 1863, was educated at Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, taking a special course in chemistry. On leaving college he accepted a position as chemist for the Minnesota Iron Company, which he filled for one year. In 1885 he opened a general laboratory at Reading, Pennsylvania. In December, 1886. he left Reading and took a position as chemist for the Carnegie Company at the Edgar Thom- as Furnace. Braddock, Pennsylvania, where he remained for one year. In October. 1887, he came to Bucks county as chemist for the Durham Iron Company, and filled that position for two years, when he was made superintendent of the Request Iron Fur- nace, near Oxford, New Jersey, where he remained until the furnace was about to be closed in the autumn of 1890. He then accepted a position as superintendent of the Lehigh Iron Company's works near Allentown, Pennsylvania, where he re- mained for about eight months. During a part of the next two years he was superin- tendent for the Thomas Iron Company's furnaces at Hellertown, Pennsylvania. In 1895 he erected and equipped the Durham Knitting Mills, at Riegelsville, Bucks coun- ty, which he has since sucessfully operated. He also operates several fine farms in Dur- ham township, and is interested in the breeding of standard bred horses and thor- oughbred cattle. He recently became half owner of what was the Lehigh Power Company, located at Raubsville, Pennsyl- vania. It is proposed to operate this plant under the name of the Clymer Power Com- pany. He married, June 11, 1891, Clara Matilda Riegel, daughter of the late John L. and Lydia (Stover) Riegel. by whom he has two children. John Riegel, born April 14, 1892, and Valeria Smith, born January 12, 1896. JACOB F. CLYMER. The Clymer fam- ily, of which Jacob F. Clymer. a prosperous farmer of New Britain township is a worthy representative, is one of the oldest in the township, and have always been highly es- teemed for the many excellent characteris- tics displayed by them both in public and private life. Jonas Clymer, grandfather of Jacob F. Clymer. resided on the farm now owned by Jacob F. Clymer. He was a shoemaker by trade, and this occupation he followed in connection with agricultural pursuits during the early years of his life, but as he advanced in years he abandoned the former line of work entirely, devoting his entire attention to the latter. He served as supervisor of his township for seven years, his long term of office attesting to his capability. He adhered to the tenets of the Mennonite church, in which he served as trustee ; he was formerly a Whig in pol- itics, and later a Republican. He married Hannah Clymer, daughter of Henry Cly- mer, and their children were : John, Will- iam C. Henry. Levi, Elizabeth, Sarah, Amanda and Hannah. William C. Chmer, father of Jacob F. Clymer. was reared on his father's farm in New Britain township, educated in the com- mon schools of the neighborhood, and upon the death of his father succeeded to the homestead. In connection with his exten- sive farming operations he engaged in the produce commission business for thirty years, deriving a goodly income from both enterprises, and thus was enabled to pro- vide a comfortable home for his family. The esteem in which he was held by his fellow- townsmen was evidenced by the fact that he was the incumbent of the office of school director twelve j'ears and supervisor one year. He was a trustee of the Mennonite church, the doctrines of which he firmly be- lieved in, and his political views were in accord with those of the Republican party. By his marriage to Elizabeth Fretz, only child of Joseph and Mary (Markley) Fretz, four children were born: Jacob F., Charles who died at the age of twenty years ; Jonas, who is engaged in business in Philadelphia; and Harvey, also engaged in business in Philadelphia. Mary (Fretz) Clymer, moth- er of these children, died in 1884. and ]\Ir. Clymer married for his second wife Lydia A. Swartley. widow of Philip Swartley. Jacob F. Clymer was born in New Britain township. Bucks county, Pennsylvania, March 16. 1862. He was reared on the old homestead, and his educational advantages were obtained by attendance at the com- mon schools. His whole life has been spent on the farm where he was born, his occu- pation being that of farming, for which he is eminently qualified, as is clearly shown by the appearance of his broad acres and com.modious outbuildings. Mr. Clymer has served as supervisor of the township nine 3'ears. his duties during that time being performed in a highly creditable and ef- ficient manner. In religious and political faith he follows in the footsteps of his fore- fathers, being a member and trustee of the Mennonite church and a Republican. In 1887 l\Ir. Clymer married Anna Mary Swartley, daughter of Philip and Lydia Swartley, and they are the parents of one son, Vincent, born June 30, 1892. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY 89 THE FOULKE FAMILY that has been prominent in the ofificial, professional and business life of Bucks. Montgomery and Philadelphia counties for many generations as well as in that of far distant states and cities, is descended from Edward Foulke, who emigrated from Wales in 1698 and set- tled in Gwynedd, now Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. An acount of his ancestry, tracing in unbroken line to "John King of England, born December 24, 1166. crowned May 27, 1216," and an account of his com- ing to America, etc., the latter written by himself under date of ii-mo. 14. 1702, con- tains among other things the following : "When arrived at mature age, I married Eleanor, the daughter of Hugh, ap (son of) Cadwallader, ap Rhys of the parish of Spytu in Denbighshire. Her mother's name was Gwen the daughter of Ellis ap William, ap Hugh, ap Thomas, ap David, ap Madoc. ap Evan, ap Cott, ap Evan, ap Griffith, ap Madoc, ap Einion, ap Meredith of Cai-Fadog: she was born in the same parish and shire with her husband. I had by my said wife nine children, whose names are as follows: Thomas, Hugh. Cadwall- ader. and Evan ; Grace. Gwen, Jane, Cath- arine, and Margaret. We lived at a place called Coedy-foel, a beautiful farm belong- ing to Roger Price, Esq., of Rhiwlas, of Merionethshire, aforesaid. But in progress of time I had an inclination to remove with my family to the Province of Pennsylvania ; and in order thereto we set out on the 3d day of the 2d-month, A. D. 1698, and came in two days to Liverpool, where with divers others, who intended to go the voyage, we took shipping, the 17th of the same month, on board the "Robert and Elizabeth," and the next day set sail for Ireland, where we arrived, and stayed until the ist of the 3d month. May, and then sailed again for Pennsylvania, and were about eleven weeks at sea. And the sore distemper of the "bloody flux broke out in the vessel, of which died five and forty persons in our passage. The distemper was so mortal that two or three corpses were cast over- board every day while it lasted. But through the favor and mercy of Divine Providence. I. with my wife and nine chil- dren, escaped that sore mortality and ar- rived safe at Philadelphia, the 17th day of the sth-month. July, where we were kindly received and hospitably entertained by our friends and old acquaintances. I soon purchased a fine tract of land of about sev- en hundred acres, sixteen miles from Phila- delphia, on a part of which I settled, and divers others of our company, who came over sea with us, settled near me at the same time. This was the beginning of November, 1698, aforesaid, and the ^own- ship was called Gwynedd or North Wales." According to his own narrative Edward Foulke was born 5th mo. 14th. 1651, and taking the age given by the Meeting Rec- ords at time of his death would place the date of his death in 17,39. All of his nine children lived to mature age, married and reared families. The only two in whom Bucks countians have any especial interest were his eldest son Thomas, and second son Hugh. Gwen, the eldest daughter, married Alexander Edwards, Jr., who was a land owner in Bucks county and has descendants here. Grace mar- ried John Griffith, of Merion, Chester county. Jane married Ellis Hugh, and set- tled at Exeter, Berks county, and left nu- merous descendants of the name of Hughes. Catharine married Theophilus Williams, of Montgomery. Margaret married Nicholas Roberts. Thomas Foulke, eldest son of Ed- ward and Eleanor, born in Merionethshire, \yales, immigrant to Gwynedd. 1698, with his parents, married at Gwynedd. 4 mo. 27, 1706. Gwen Evans, daughter of David, of Radnor, and settled at Gwynedd on part of the Edward Foulke tract. He died in 1762, and his wife in 1760. They were the par- ents of eight children, of whom the two oldest Edward (1707-1770) and William (1708-1775) had descendants in Bucks. Dr. Joseph Foulke, for many years a practicing physician of Buckingham, was a great grandson of Edward, through his son Hugh (1752-1831), a noted minister among Friends, who married Ann Roberts, their son Joseph (1786-1863). who married Eliza- beth Shoemaker, being the father of the Buckingham physician. Dr. Charles Foulke, born December 14, 1815, died December 30, 1871, for many years a practicing phy- sician at New Hope. Bucks county, and the father of Dr. Richard C. Foulke, still practicing there, was also a great-great- grandson of Thomas Foulke and Gwen Evans. His father. Edward Foulke, of Gwynedd (1784-1851). married Tacy Jones, and his grandfather, Amos Foulke, (1740- 1791) one of the firm of Caleb and Amos Foulke. merchants of Philadelphia, was the son of William, second son of Thomas and Gwen. who married Hannah Jones, of Montgomery. Hugh Foulke. second son of Edward and Eleanor, born in Merionethshire, in 1685, married, in 1713. Ann Williams, born 11 mo. 8, 1693, died gvao. 10, 1773, daughter of John Williams, of Montgomery, and settled in Richland, Bucks county, soon after his marriage, and died there 5mo. 21, 1760. He was a minister of the Society of Friends for iorty years. He is the ancestor of many present residents of Bucks county, through comparatively few of the name now reside in the county. The children of Hugh and Ann (Wil- liams) Foulke were; — Mary, born 1714, died 2mo. 29. 1756, married James Boone, of Exeter, Berks county, son of George the elder, and brother of Squire Boone, the father of Daniel, the pioneer of Kentucky. Their eldest daughter, Ann, married Abra- ham Lincoln, of the family of the martyred president. Martha, born Smo. 22. 1716, died 4mo. 17. 1781, married (first), October 4, 1738, William Edwards, of Milford, Bucks county, and (second) John Roberts. Samuel, born 1718, died 1797, married Ann 90 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Greasley. He was one of tlie most promi- nent men in upper Bucks county, serving in the Provincial Assembly 1761 to 1768. He was a surveyor and conveyancer, and transacted a large amount of public busi- ness for his neighbors. He was clerk of Richland Meeting from its organization in 1742 for thirty years, and an elder until his death, notwithstanding the fact that he and his brothers, John Thomas, and The- ophilus and nephew, Everard, were dis- owned in I 781 for having taken the oath of allegiance, the action of the Meeting not being sanctioned by the Yearly Meeting. He translated the "narrative" of his grand- father, Edward Eoulke, from Welsh into English. John Foulke, born i2mo. 21, T722, died 5mo. 25, 1787, married Mary Roberts, daughter of Edward Roberts, a noted minister amcrng Friends of Richland. John was also a member of Provincial Assembly from Bucks county from 1769 to 1775. Thomas Foulke. born in Rich- land 8mo. 14, 1724, died 3mo. 31, 1786, married Jane Roberts, another daughter of Edward Roberts, of Richland. See for- ward. Theophilus Foulke, born in Rich- land, i2mo. 21, 1726. died iimo. 4, 1785, married Margaret Thomas, daughter of Samuel and Margaret. Of their twelve children Benjamin, born iimo. ig, 1766, died 2mo. 28, 1821, was a member of as- sembly from Bucks county, 1816 to his death in 1821, at Harrisburg in attendance upon the session of the legislature. He was given an official funeral, which was attended by both houses, the governor, and heads of departments, and resolutions were adopted that crape should be worn during the remainder of the session. William Foulke, born i2mo. 10, 1728, died 4mo. II, 1796, married Priscilla Lester, daughter of John of Richland. Edward Foulke, born lomo. ig, I72g, died March i, 1747, unmarried. Ann Foulke, born imo. i, 1732, married William Thomas. Jane Foulke, born imo. 3, 1734, died 8mo., 1771, married John Greasley. Thomas Foulke, of Richland, son of Hugh and Ann (Williamsj Foulke, born imo. 14, 1724, died 3mo. 31, 1786, was a life long resident of Richland township, and a prominent man in the community. He was a member of Richland Monthly Meet- ing, and like his brothers was dealt with for taking the oath to the United Colonies in 1781. His wife, Jane Roberts, born Iimo. 3, 1732, died 7 mo. 25, 1822, was a daughter of Edward and Mary (Bolton). Roberts, of Richland, the former a native of Merionethshire, born 3mo., 1687, came to Pennsylvania in i69g, and settled in Byberry, Pliiladelphia county. He married, in 1714, Mary Bolton, born in Cheltenham, Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania, Novem- ber 4, 1687, daughter of Everard and Eliza- beth Bolton, who came from Ross, Hert- fordshire, England, in 1682, and settled in Cheltenham. F.verard Bolton was a just- ice of Philadelphia county, and a very prominent man in Colonial times. The children of Thomas and Jane (Roberts> Foulke were: — Everard, born gmo. 8, 1755, died gmo. 5, 1-827; Abigail, born lomo. 4, 1763: Susan, born iimo. 5, 1766; Samuel, born iimo. ig, 1767; Ed- ward and Samuel, died in infancy. Everard Foulke, son of Thomas and Jane, was one of the justices of the peace of Richland for many years. He was one of the assessors of the United States taxes, w'hen John Fries raised his rebellion in I7g8, in upper Bucks and Northampton counties, against the collection of the tax, and was one of the assessors attacked in Lower Milford and at Quakertown by the insurrectionists and forced to desist from performing their duty. He married, in 1778, Ann DeHaven, of Holland ancestry and they were the parents of nine children, as follows: — Abigail, born 5 mo. 18, I77g, married Abel Penrose, see Penrose family in this work; Eleanor, born 7mo. 18, 1 781, died 4 mo. 28, 1815, unmarried; Caleb, see forward; Samuel, born 3 mo. 28, 1786, married Elizabeth John- son; Thomas, born 4 mo. 13, I78g, died in Kentucky; Susanna, born g mo. 18, I7gi, died 1883, married David Johnson; Anna, born 5 mo. 3, 1794, died 9 mo. 16,' 1820; Margaret, born 12 mo. 24, 1796, married Peter Lester in 1820; Everard, born 7 mo. 21, 1800, married Frances Watson, daughter of John Watson, of Buckingham, and removed to Illinois. Caleb Foulke, son of Everard and Ann (DeHaven) Foulke, was born in Richland, 8 mo. 28, 1783, died 2 mo. 22, \ 1852, was also a lifelong resident of Richland. He married, 11 mo. 26, 1807, Jane Green, born 2 mo. 8. 1785, died 3 mo. 3, 1835, daughter of Benjamin and Jane (Roberts) Green. Benjamin Green was a son of Joseph and Cath- arine (Thomas) Green, of Springfield, Bucks county, and was born in Spring- field. 4 mo. 27, 1750. died in Quaker- town. He was a hatter in Springfield and later in Quakertown. The children of Caleb and Jane (Green) Foulke were: — Caroline, died in infancy; Caro- line, born 2 mo. 25, 1810, died 12 mo. 17. 1838; Maryetta, born 7 mo. 30, 1811, died 4 mo. 26, 185 1, married Aaron Pen- rose; Benjamin G. (see forward); and Eleanor, born 3 mo. 12. t8i6, died 8 mo. 13, 1842, married Samuel J^ Levick. Benjamin G. Foulke, son of Caleb and Jane (Green) Foulke, was born at Qua- kertown, and died there 8 mo. 14. 1888. He was clerk of the men's branch of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting from 1873 to 1886. He w^as a prominent busi- ness man of Quakertown for a half cen- iniy and was highly respected by all who knew him. He was a surveyor and conveyancer and did a large amount of public' business. He married, in 1838,, Jane Mather, born 3 mo. 24. 1817. daugh- ter of Charles and Jane Mather, of Whitpain. Montgomery county, Penn- sylvania. Their children were, Caleb. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 91 born 12 mo. 3, 1839, died 10 mo. 20, 1865; Charles M.. born 7 mo. 25, 1841, educated at Foiilke's school at Gwyn- edd, and Friends' Central School, Phila- delphia; entered mercantile business in Philadelphia, 1861, retired 1872, married at Paris,. France, December 10, 1872, Sar.Th A. Cushing. of New York city; Job Roberts, born 2 mo. 23, 1843; Anna S., born 1846; and Eleanor, 1850. Job Roberts Foulke, son of Benjamin G. and Jane (Mather) Foulke, born at Quakertown, 2 mo. 23, 1843, has been trust officer of the Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia for many years. He married, 5 mo. 25, 1869, Emma Bullock, daughter of Samuel and Jemima R. Bullock, of Mt. Holly, Ne\Y Jersey, and has two children; Roland Roberts, and Rebecca Mulford. Roland Roberts, a member of the Philadelphia bar, married, June 6, 1900, Ellen R. Griffith, daughter of Manuel E. and Mary E. Griffith, of Philadelphia. Eleanor Foulke, daughter of Benja- min G. and Jane (Mather) Foulke, is, the only one of the family to retain her residence in Bucks county. She resides at the old family mansion at Quaker- town, and is unmarried. WILLIAM HENRY FOULKE, one of the enterprising, practical farmers of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, was there born in Richland Centre. July 4, 1841, on the farm he now occupies and cultivates, it being one of the original Foulks homesteads. William is the son of Hugh and Sarah (Roberts) Foulke, and grandson of Hugh Foulke, who was a farmer by occupation and the founder and a trustee of the subscription schools of his district. He is a descendant of Hugh Foulke, the first of the name born in America. An old Bible now in the possession of Mrs. Susan Hannah Biehn, sister of William Henry Foulke. gives the record of his birth. July, 1685. and death, May 21, 1760. He married Ann , who was born November 3, 1693, and died September 10, 1773. They were the parents of the following named children: i. Mary, born September 24, 1714; 2. Martha, June 2. 1716; 3. Sam- uel, December 4, 1718: 4- Ellen, Janu- ary 19, 1720; 5. John, December 21, 1722; 6. Thomas, January 14. 1724; 7- William, December 10, 1728; 8. Edward, October 19, 1729; 9. Ann, January I, 1732; 10. Jane, January 3, 1734. Hugh Foulke, father of William Hen- ry Foulke, was born in Richland town- ship, Bucks county. Pennsylvania. His education was obtained in the subscrip- tion schools of his district, and the fol- lowed the quiet but useful calling of a farmer. He married Miss Sarah Rob- erts, daughter of John and Sarah Rob- erts, and the following children were the issue of this union: i. Catherine, born September 6, 1835. married Isaac Tomlinson, of New Britain township; 2. Julia Ann, born December 4, 1839, married Henry Dotts of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania; 3. William Henry, mentioned at length herein after; 4. Sa- rah Martha, born August 19, 1843, mar- ried (first) David Hillegas, of Quaker- town, and (second) Henry Sonders, far- mer, of lower Richland township; 5. Charles Edward, born in 1845, married, 1870, Anna, the daughter of Warner and Alice (Singley) Haycock, farmers, Whitemarsh township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania; 6. Elizabeth, born March 6, 1847, married Charles Miller, and resides at Hockerstown, Montgomery county; 7. Hester Ellen, born November 16, 1850, married Nicho- las Martin, of Stowe. Montgomery county; 8. Susan Hannah, born Octo- ber 25, 1852, married Andrew Biehn, lives at PaletQwn, Richland township; 9. Anna, born April 15. i860, married Fran- cis Fellman. William Henry Foulke, third child and eldest son of Hugh and Sarah (Rob- erts) Foulke, obtained his educational training in the Rocky Ridge public school at Paletown, remaining there until his nineteenth year. After leaving the school William assisted with the farm work, and later he and his brother, Charles Edward, purchased the place. They were engaged in the cultivation of the farm until 1891, when the partner- ship was dissolved. William sold his interest in the property to Charles and purchased the Hugh Foulke farm, the old family homestead, comprising sev- enty-two acres of improved land and forest. Mr. Foulke is an industrious, useful member of the community, and an excellent farmer. In matters of poli- tics he affiliates with the Republican party, and, although he takes a deep and lasting interest in the welfare of that organization has never aspired to public office. He is actively interested in edu- cational affairs, and served twelve years as school director. January 25, 1883, William Henry Foulke was united in marriage to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Pilgrim. V. S.. of New York city, and widow of George S. Plant, Esq., of Nor- folk. England. Mrs. Foulke was born at Hudson, on the Hudson river, near Albany, New York, May 31. 1847- Dm"- ing her first husband's life she lived for a time in England, and later near Quak- ertown. Mrs. Foulke is a woman of bright and active disposition and assists in the management of the home farm. Mr. and Mrs. Foulke are the parents of one child, Mary Elizabeth, born June 5, 1888; she was educated in the public schools of Paletown, and now resides at home with her parents. 92 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. CHARLES EDWARD FOULKE, an old resident and worthy representative of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, was there born in Richland Center in 1845, the son of Hugh and Sarah (Roberts) Foulke. Mention of the ancestral his- tory of Mr. Foulke is made in the pre- ceding sketch of his brother, William Henry Foulke. Charles obtained his edu- cation in the Rockridge public school, continuing there until he was eighteen years of age. He then engaged in as- sisting with the home farm work, and later spent six months in Quakertown with Mr. Richard Moore. He subse- quently purchased the home farm in partnership with his brother William, and in the spring of 1891 purchased his brother's interest, and has since contin- ued alone in the conduct of the farm. Mr. Foulke is one of the progressive farmers of the county, his farm compris- ing one hundred and seven acres of mostly improved land. In politics Mr. Foulke is a strong advocate of the prin- ciples of the Republican party, has al- ways taken a lively interest in local af- fairs, and has served as committeeman of his township. He and his wife are members of the Society of Friends of Quakertown Meeting. In 1870 he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Hoycock, daughter of War- ner and Alice (Singley) Hoycock, farm- ers of White Marsh township, Mont- gomery county, Pennsylvania. The fol- lowing named children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Foulke: i. Linford, born December 21, 1872, married, June 6, 1900, Miss Mary C. Gerhart, daughter of Edward and Caroline (Lewis) Gerhart; Linford Foulke, lives at Quakertown, is carrier of U. S. mails, rural free deTiv- ery, and a dealer in agricultural imple- ments, wagons and farrhers' supplies; 2. Joseph, born August 27, 1874, married Miss Katharine, daughter of William and Elizabeth Neanan, of Richland; he lives in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, and is a carpenter for J. W. Stoneback; 3. Herbert Theophalus, born September 17, 187s, lives at home and assists his father on the farm; unmarried; 4. Oschar Clif- ford, born January 20. 1878, married January i, 1904, Martha, daughter of Peter and Sarah (Weaver) Smith; lives at Quakertown, Pennsylvania; stove moulder for Roberts. Winner & Com- pany. 5. Chester A. Foulke, born Au- gust 25, i88r, lives at home, unmarried, and is a weaver in the Quakertown silk mill. THE VAN HORN FAMILY. The family of Van Horn has been a promi- nent one in Bucks county for two cen- turies, filling important positions in the official, professional and business life of the county in every generation and constantly sending out its representa- tives to fill like important positions in other localities and states, its represen- tatives now being found in nearly every state in the Union. The pioneer ancestor of the family was Christian Barendtse, that is Chris- tian, son of Barendt, who it is said came from Hooren, a city of the Zuyder Zee, about twenty-five miles from Amster- dam The exact date of his arrival in America is not known. He was a car- penter by trade, and the records of New Amsterdam show that he and a fellow craftsman, Auke Jansen, were appoint- ed, March 10, 1653, by the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to view a house, about the building of which there was some litigation. These records further show that he was fre- quently appointed a referee during the next four or five years. And he is shown to have contributed towards the strengthening of the city wall on Octo- ber IS, 1655. He is also said to have been with the force sent out from New Amsterdam, September 5, 1655, against the Swedes and Finns on the south (now Delaware) river, at Fort Chris- tina. On his return to New Amsterdam he was appointed January 18, 1656, a fire warden, in place of Johan Paul Jacquet, who had resigned and "re- moved to the South River in New Netherlands." On April 17, 1657, he was admitted a "Small Burgher" of New Amsterdam, an honor which carried with it the freedom of trade and a right to membership in the respective guilds of the town, and conferred upon na- tives of the city, residents there one year and six weeks before the date of the charter, burgher's sons-in-law, city storekeepers, salaried servants of the company and all paying the sum of twenty-five guilders. On August I, 1657, Christian Barentze, carpenter, was granted by Peter Stuyvesant, director general of New Netherland, a lot in New Amsterdam, by the Land Gate, (now at Broadway and Wall streets) for a house and garden. He also owned several other properties in the neighbor- hood, some of which are said to have covered a part of the present Trinity churchyard. Probably as a result of his trip to the South river. Christian Barentse and Joost Rugger and possibly others obtained a grant of land on the south side of None Such creek, a tribu- tary of the Chrisiana. near the present site of Wilmington. Delaware, and be- gan the erection thereon of a tide water mill. According to Amos C. Brinton, who has given much attention to the an- cient mill sites of Delaware Barentse and Rugger, he began the erection of this mill in 1656. From the dates previ- ously given, however, as well as from other records, it would appear that the date of Christain Barentse. removal to the Delaware was sometime in the 5^ear HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 93 1657. Contemporary records also refer to the mill as a "horse mill," the truth of the matter being most probably that the horse mill was set up to serve until the tide water mill was completed. The low marshy nature of the land and the turning up of the mud to the sun caused an epidemic from which Barentse died July 26, 1658. A letter written by Vice- Director Jacob Alricks, from New Ani- stel, (New Castle) to Stuyvesant, under date of September 5, 1658, and published in documents relating to tTie Colonial History of New York, vol. xii, p. 224, relates entirely to the affairs of the wid- ow and children of Christian Barentse. It states that the widow had requested within three days of his burial that she desired to return to New Amsterdam, and that the property which he left be sold and that though he consents there- to he "advised and proposed to her that it woulld be for her best to remain in possession, she should be assisted in completing the mill, with income where- of, which through the grists she would be able to diminish the expenses and live decently and abundantly with her children on the surplus, besides that she had yet three or four cows with sheep and hogs, which also could help her to maintain her family, she and her children should have remained on and in her and the father's estate, which was in good condition here, wherein the widow with the children could have con- tinued reputably and in position to much advantage; but she would not listen to advice, * * * tj^at she was to be restricted in her inclinations and well being, which I shall never think of, much less do." The wife of Christian Barentse was Jannetje Jans, and it is probable that they were married before coming to America, as the baptism of their eldest child is not recorded in the New York church. On December 12, 1658, Jannetje Jans, widow and ex- ecutrix of Christian Barents, presented an inventory of his goods and chattels to the court at New Amsterdam, and requested that Vice-Director Alricks, "Director of the City's Colony on the South River, where her husband died, be written to in order that the chattels which are there may be sent from the South river to this place." The widow married on September 12, 1658, Laurens Andriessen Van Boskerk, who was born in Holstein, Denmark. He was a mem- ber of Bergen court in 1667, its presi- dent in 1682, a member of the governor's council for many years. He died in 1693 and Jannetje on July 13, 1694. They were the parents of four children, Andries, Lourens, Peter, and Thomas, the two latter, according to the Dutch custom, being known as Lourensons, appear later to have become known by the name of Lawrence. Peter joined his half-brother, Barant Christian Van Horn, in his purchase of land in Bucks county in 1703. His youngest son John married Alee Van Horn, granddaugh- ter of Christian Barents, and his daugh- ter Jannetje, married Cornelius Corson, of Staten Island, and became the ances- tress of the Bucks county Corsons. The children of Christian Barents and Jannetje Jans were as follows: Barendt Christian Van Horn, born in Holland, married Geertje Dircks; died in Bergen county. New Jersey, in 1726. 3. Cor- nelius Van Horn, baptized August 3, 1653, married Margaret Van de Berg, died in Bergen county in 1729. 4. Jan Van Horn, baptized March 18, 1657, married Lena Boone, died in Bergen county. 2.' Barent Christian Van Horn, eld- est son of Christian Barents and Jannet- je Jans, as before stated was probably born in Holland, a theory which is borne out by the early date at which he ac- quired title to land. On March 26, 1667, Governor Philip Carteret granted to Barent Christian, of Menkaque, planter, fifty acres of land at Pembrepach and eighty-five acres on the bay called Kill Van Kull, both in Bergen county. On September 29, 1697, he obtained a grant from the proprietors of East Jersey, 160 acres on "Hackingsack River," joining that of his half brother Thomas Law- renson (Van Boskerk). On May 15, 1703, Barnard Christian and his half- brother, Peter Lawrence, purchased i,- 000 acres of Robert Heaton, on Ne- shaminy creek, in Bucks county, which on September 18, 1707, they partitioned between them. Two days later, Sep- tember 20, 1707, Barnard Christian con- vej^ed his portion to his two sons, Peter and Christian Barnson, Peter receiving 257 acres and Christian 294 acres. On September 29, 1707, Barnard Christian purchased 550 acres in Bucks county, of Thomas Groom, 274 acres of which he conveyed to his son Barnard Barnson, June 17, 1714. He also acquired other land in Bucks county, and on June 2, 1722, conveyed to his son, Isaac Van Horn, 276 acres, and on May 6, 1722, 290 acres to his son, Abraham Van Horn. He thus owned in all 1381 acres of land in Bucks county, though he continued to live in Bergen county. New Jersey, and died there in 1726. He married, in 1679, at the Bergen Dutch Reformed church, Geertje Dircks. daughter of Dirck Clas- sen, who was baptized in New York, March 5, 1662. The children of Bar- ent Christian Van Horn and Geertje Dirckse were: 5. Richard Barentsen Van Horn, born at Bergen, New Jersey, died at Hackensack, New Jersey, in 1763; mar- ried, April II, 1704, Elizabeth Garretsen. 6. Christian Van Horn, born Octo- ber 24. 1681. died in Northampton township, Bucks county, November 22, 1751; see forward. 94 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY 7. Nicholas Van Horn, born in Ber- gen county, New Jersey, died in Dela- ware; he was for a time a resident of Bucks county, and the baptism of two of his children Barnet on July 24, 1715, and Rachel on April 29, 1720, are re- corded at Abington Presbyterian church. 8. Peter Barentsen Van Horn, born at Bergen, 1686, died in Middletown township, Bucks county, February 20, 1750. He married (first) Tryntje (Cath- arine) Van Dyck, and (second) Eliza- beth Gabriels, on May 9, 1706. She was baptized at Albany, New York, May 12, 1689, and died November 3, 1759. She was a daughter of Gabriel Tomase Struddles. Peter settled on land con- veyed to him by his father in Northamp- ton in 1707 and 1715. and later pur- chased 425 acres in Middletown. Ac- cording to the Rev. Samuel Streng. Pe- ter Van Horn joined the Episcopal church, and was a vestryman of St. James Protestant Episcopal church at Bristol, 1734-7. His children, all with the possible exception of Barnard, his eldest son, being by the second wife Elizabeth, were as follows: Catharine, baptized June 4, 1710, died 1755, married Thomas Craven, of Warminster, Bucks county; Barnard, who "married Patience Hellings; Charity, who married, June 6, 1732, Isaiah Vansant (see Vansant family) Jane baptized October 16, 1715, married, Au.gust 10, 1732, Edmund Rob- erts; Gabriel, baptized March 3, 1716, died 1789, married Martha Brelsford; Elizabeth, who married April 21. 1737, Peter Praul ; Peter, baptized August 25, 1719. married in 1746, Margaret Marsh- all; Mary, who married William Gos- line. of Bristol, Bucks county; Benjamin, who married, June S, 1749. Hannah Da- vis; Richard, born 1726, died unmar- ried, February i, 1756; John, twice mar- ried, second wife being Mary Collett, a widow ; and Garret, who married Mary Neal. and died in 1801. 9. Barent Barentsen Van Ho'-n, born in Bergen, New Jersey, April 3, 1691. died in Bucks county, in 1776. He mar- ried (first) February 23, 1712, Jannetje Pieters. and (second) January 25. 1726. at Bergen, Elizabeth Klinkenberg. He received by Deed in 1714 276 acres in Northampton township, Bucks county, from his father. He had fourteen chil- dren, most of whom married and reared families. TO. John Van Horn, born in Bergen, New Jersey, 1692. died in Lower Dublin, Philadelphia county. 1758. and is buried in the Vandegrift burying ground. He married Rebecca Vandegrift. daughter of Johannes and Nealke (Volkers) Van- degrift. of Bucks county, and had one son John and six dau.ghters. II. Abraham Van Horn, born in IWr- gen. New Jersey, died in Northampton. Bucks county, in 1773. on farm of 290 acres received by deed from his father in 1722. He married first Mary Dungan, and second Mary Vansciver, and had six sons, Barnard, Isaac, Abraham, David, Jacob, and Jeremiah, and three daughters. Mary, wife of Derrick Krew- son. Charity, and Martha, who married a Van Sciver. 12. Jane Van Horn, born at Bergen, New Jersey, April 18, 1697. married Ad- rien La Rue, and resided at Six-Mile Run. New Jersey. 13. Isaac Van Horn, born at Ber- gen, New Jersey, died in Solebury town- ship. Bucks county, Pennsjdvania, • in 1760. He married Alice Sleght (or Slack) and had eight children: Bernard, who married first Sarah Van Pelt and second Jane Slack; John, who married Catharine Neafie; Catharine, who mar- ried a Van Pelt; Charity, Geertje, Elsie, Isaac, baptized 1749,* married Alice Neafies; and Jane. 14. Jacob Van Horn, born at Ber- gen, New Jersey, died there . April 14, 1775- 15. Benjamin Van Horn, born at Ber- gen. January 10, 1705. (6) Christian Van ■ Horn, second son of Barendt and Geertje (Dirckse) Van Horn, born at Bergen. New Jersey, October 24, 1681. He married William- tje Van Dyck, daughter of Hendrick Janse and Jennetje (Heermans) Van Dyck, and granddaughter of Jan Tom- asse Van Dyck, who emigrated from Amsterdam in 1652 and settled in New Utrecht, Long Island. His sixth child, Hendrick Janze, baptized July 2. 1653, married, February 7, 1680, Jannetje Hermans, daughter of Herman Janse Van Barkeloo, and settled on Staten Isl- and, where he was a constable in 1689 and assessor in 1703. In 1704 he pur- chased land in Bucks county and re- moved there. At the organization of Bensalem church, in 1710. he produced a certificate from the Staten Island church. He purchased four tracts of land in IMiddletown, two of which he retained until his death in 1721, and de- vised to his daughter Williamtje. wife of Christian Van Horn, and his g'\ind- (la ightcr. Susanna Van Vleck. who later m.'lv'-ied her cousin, Henry Van Horn. He had but two children, Williamptje, and J;innetje. who became the wite of \hz Reverend Paulus Van Vleck, the first ])asior ar Neshaminy. Christian Van Horn located in North- *Isqac Van Horn, of Solebury township. Bucks county. Pennsylvania, was commissioned January I. 177(5, ensign of Captain John Beatty's company. Bucks county's contingent of the Flying Camrv Hiffh Penn- sylvania Battalion, Colonel Robert Magaw, and was tiken prisoner at Fort Washington. November Ifi, 177f). Exchanged in 1(78, and promoted to lieutenant. Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, captain lieutenent, July 1, 177P; captain. Second Pennsylvania. June 19. 1781. Retired from service January 1. 1783. Settled in West- moreland county. Pennsylvania. 1781. Member of seventh and eighth congress. (1801-1803> from Pennsyl- vania. Receiver of public monies at /^anesville Ohio, in 1815. Died in Muskingum county, Ohio. February 2, 1834. Pennsylvania Archives. Second Series. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 95 ampton township, Bucks county, on 294 acres conveyed to him by his fath- ■er in 1707. In 1737 two hundred acres of the land belonging to the estate of his father-in-law, Hendrick Van Dyck, in Middeltown township was conveyed to ' him by leremiali Langhorne, as "straw man" in efifecting the transfer from the devises of Van Dyck to Christian Van Horn. He represented Bucks county in the I'onnsylvania assembly for the / ye:irs 1723-1732 and I734-I737. thirteen years in all. He died November 23, 1751, . and his wife May 6, 1760. She was born on Slatcn Island, July 4, 1681. The will of Christ i?n Van Horn devised to his eldest sor Bernard the home plantation of 205 acres in Northampton, to his son Henry 200 acres on which Henry was living in Newtown, purchased of George and Joseph Randal in 1726; to his son John thirty-two acres in Northampton , to his daughter Charity Van Duren anotl'.er tract adjoining containing for- ty-ore acres, and to his son Christian 187 acres in Northampton, wdien he should come of age; the other children receiving their shares of his. estate in money. To his , son Barnard he be- queathed his large Bible. This Bible is now in the possession of Dr. Wilmer Krusen, of 127 North Twenty-ninth street, Philadelphia, having descended to him from his ancestors, the Hege- mans, John Hegeman having ' married Jane Van Horn, daughter of Christian. who inherited it from her brother, Bar- nard Van Horn, who died in 1760, with- out issue. It was printed at Dordrecht in 1690, and was purchased by Hen- drick Van Dyck in December, 1701, and presented to his daughter Williamtje, who married Christian Van Horn. On the My leaf it contains the record of the "birth of the children of Hendrick Van Dyck, those of Christian and Williamt- je Van Horn, and those of John and Jannetje (Van Horn) Hegeman. The children of Christian and Will- iamtje (Van Dyck) Van Horn were: 16. Barnard Van Horn, born February 19, 1701-2. died April 22. 1760. married December 31, 1741, Jannetje Van Bos- kerk, had no children. 17. Henry Van Horn, born Septem- ber 15, 1707. died in Newtown township, Bucks county in 1761. He married his first cousin, Susanna Van Vleck. daugh- ter of Rev. Paulus and Jannetje (Van Horn) Van Vleck. She inherited from her grandfather, Hendrick Van Dyck, one half of his real estate, and 173 acres thereof was conveyed to Henry by the same proceedings as in the case of h.is father, and the latter at his death devis- ed to Henry 200 acres, in Newtown. and it was devised by the will of Henry in T761 to his sons. Christian and Henry. Susanna, the widow of Henry, died in June. T776. They were the parents of four children, Christian, who married. June 14, 1764, Sarah Vansant, — see for- ward; Henry Van Horn, died 1777, married Elizabeth Vansant; Jane, who married John Johnson; and Susannah, who married Euclides Longshore. 18. Geertje or Charity, baptized May 21, 1710, married Godfrey Van Duren, who was the first innkeeper at Ruck- man's, in Solebury township, Bucks county. 19. Antje of Ann, baptized March 22, 1712, died in infancy. 20. John Van Horn, born December 8, 1713. married. May 30, 1739, Lena Van Pelt, (See Van Pelt Family) and died in 1760. John and Lena (Van Pelt) Van Horn were the parents of five chil- dren, all of whom were baptized at Southampton church, viz: Catharine, baptized August ir, 1741, married Jan- uary 12, 1764, John Subers, see forward; Christian, br-'.ptized October 4, 1743, died young; Willimentje, baptized May _ II, 1746, died in infancy; Willimentje, born March i. 1748; and Joseph, born May 30, 1750, married, January 7, 1773, Ann Searle. 2T. Ann Van Horn, born July 19, 1716, died 1753. married Cornelius Cor- son, and had seven children, viz: Bland- ia, baptized March 26, 1738, Willemeyn- je, baptized February 24, 1740; Maryt- je, baptized May 23, 1742; Jannetje, baptized July 19, 1744; Antje, baptized December 26, 1746; Benjamin, baptized April 13. 1749; and Cornelius, baptized November 16. 1751. 22. Catharine Van Horn, born April 13, 1719. married Hendrick Hegeman, and had four children, viz: Adrien. bap- tized March 26. 1738; Maria, baptized April 7, 1740; Jannetje, baptized June 6; 1742; Catrintje. baptized March 24, 1745- 23. Jane Van Horn, born May 20, 1721, died September 7, 1783, married, Octo- ber 20, 1741, John Hegeman, born Jan- uary 10, 1718. and had nine children; Mary, born March 8, I743; Christian, born August 8. 1745: Henry, born Jan- uary 5, 1748; John, born July 26, 1750; Henry,' born January 11, 1753; Benjamin, born Novemiser 19, 1755; Adrian, born September 16. 1758; Barnet, born Feb- ruary 23, 1761; and Jane, born May 15, 1765. 24. Christian Van Horn, born August 29. 1728, died December 17, 1753. Christian Van Horn, eldest son of Henry (17) and Susanna (Van Vlecq) . Van Horn, born in Newtown township, Bucks county, married. June 14, 1764. Sarah Vansant, daughter of Isaiah and Charitv (Van Horn) Vansant, of Lower Makefield. Her mother. Charity (Van Horn) Vansant. being a daughter of Pe- ter (8) and Elizabeth (Gabriels) Van Horn. Christian Van Horn inherited from his father 126 acres of land in Newtown township, on the Neshaminy creek, part of the land purchased by his 96 HISTORY 01' BUCKS COUNTY. grandfather, Christian Van Horn, in 1726, whereon he lived until his death m 1777, when it was divided between his sons- Henry and Isaiah. Sarah (Van- sant) Van Horn died in 1785. They were the parents of but two children, viz: Henry and Isaiah. Henry, married, April 26, 1787, Elizabeth McCorkle, and had three children; Amos, born March 4, 1792, died at Newtown, September 5, 1823, married, January 8, 1817, Mercy Starkey; Susan, born October 25, i794, died in Michigan, September 5, 1872, married Joseph Roberts; and Elrzabeth, born January 27, 1797, married Joseph Winship, and died at Newtown, May 12, 1868. Isaiah Van Horn, second son of Christian and Sarah (Vansant) Van Horn, was born in Newtown township, Bucks county, married, December 31, 1794, Catharine Suber, daughter of John and Catharine (Van Horn) Suber, and his first cousin. He was adjudged fifty acres of the homestead farm by the or- phans' court in 1787, but on March 15, 1791, sold it to his brother Henry, and on his marriage in 1794 took up his residence on a farm belonging to the estate of his father-in-law, Isaiah Van- sart, in Upper IMakefield, where he died in 1802. His widow, Catharine, married John Wynkoop, January 31, 1805. The only child of Isaiah and Catharine( Van- sant) Van Horn, was Sarah, born Feb- ruary 29, 1796; died January 27, 1838. She married (first) on January 16, 1812, Aaron Winder, and (second) Avigust 24, 1825, Abner Morris. (See Winder Family in this volume). Catharine Wynkoop, the mother, died in Decem- ber, 1820. R. Winder Johnson, of Philadelphia, to whom we are indebted for the above account of the Van Horn familj', is a grandson of Aaron and Sarah (Van Horn) Winder, ^reat-grandson of Isa- iah and Catharine (Suber) Van Horn, great-great-grandson of both Christian and Sarah (Vansant) Van Horn, and John and Catharine (Van Horn) Sub- er, and great-great-great-grandson of Henry and Susanna (Van Vlecq) Van Horn, John and Lena (Van Pelt) Van Horn, and Isaiah and Charity (Van Horn) Vansant, and great-great-great- great-grandson of Christian and Will- iamtje (Vandyck) Van Horn, and Peter and Elizabeth (Gabriells) Vanhorn, the last mentioned Christian and Peter Van Horn, being sons of Barendt Christian- zen Van Hoorn and his wife Geertje Dircks Classen, and grandsons of Chris- tian Baretzen Van Hoorn and Jannetje Jans, the pioneer ancestors of the family in America. An account of the Van Pelt, Vansant, Vandegrift, Winder and Johnson families also largely the result of investigations made by Mr. John- son, will be found elsewhere in this work. Henry Van Horn, son of Henry and Susanna (Van Vlecq) Van Horn, was reared on the old homestead purchased by his grandfather. Christian Van Horn, in 1726, and at the death of his father, in 1761, inherited a one-half interest there- in with his brother Christian. They made a division of the 252 acres, each con- veying to the other 126 acres in 1773. After the reverses on Long Island in No- vember, 1776, and at Fort Washington when the Continental forces were so badly routed and so niau}^ of the Bucks county contingent were taken prisoners, Henry Van Horn raised an independent company of militia and was commissioned their captain, December 6, 1776, (See Penna. Arch. vol. xiv p. 175) and took them into the service. He died of camp fever late in 1777. He married Elizabeth Vansant, daughter of Isaiah and Charity (Van Horn) Van Sant, and they were the par- ents of eight children : Joshua, born Feb- ruary 21, 1759; Isaiah, born October 24, 1760, was drummer in his father's com- pany, 1776-7; Mary, born May 5, 1764, married Isaac Gillam, died April 18, 1823; Christian, . born July 13, 1766 ; Susanna, born October 9, 1768, married Jesse Wil- lett, who had previously married her sis- ter Sarah ; Elizabeth, married an Ander- son, and • died January 26, 1813 ; Sarah, born February 7, 1773, married Jesse Wil- lett, died prior to 1809; Henry, born Ap- ril 5, 1777. Elizabeth the mother, died November 25, 1807, aged about eighty years. Henry Van Horn, youngest child of Captain Henry and Elizabeth (Vansant) Van Horn, born in Newtown township, April 5, 1777, learned the trade of a car- penter and cabinet maker and located at Yardley, Bucks county, where he followed the trade of a cabinet maker for several years. His sign uniquely painted is now in possession of his grandson, Richard H. Van Horn, of Lambertville, New Jersey. He also purchased a farm of 93 acres in Lower IMakefield in 1805, which, in 181 1, he conveyed to his brother-in-law, Isaac Gillam. He purchased a farm of 200 acres in Upper ]\Iakefield, near Eagle Tavern, where he resided the balance of his life. He died in Februarj', 1849. He married, in 1798, Hannah Reeder, of Canaan, Up- per Makefield, and their six children who grew to maturity were as follows : 1. Abraham, born 1802, married, in 1829, Eliza Hampton, by whom he had one child, Margery. He married (second) Chris- tiana Neald, and a son Henry K. was born in 1834. He married (third) Eliza- beth Sampsel. He sold his farm in Upper ]\Iakcfield and removed to Sandy Spring, Maryland, where he reared a family of thirteen children. 2. Elizabeth, born 1804, married William Ryan, of Upper Makefield, born 1810. They settled near Rocksville, Northampton township, Bucks county, and engaged in the milling business. Three of their children ITHE r 'Y A3TOK, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 97 survive : Edward H., born 1832 ; Mary, born 183s ; and Hannah, born 1839. 3. Eleanor H., born 1810, married Cor- nelius Slack, and settled in Lower Make- field. He was lately a merchant at Dol- ington. Their children are : Watson, born 1832; John H., born 1833; Henry V., born .1836; Jane E., born 1839; Sarah E., born 1841; William H., born 1843; Anna M., born, 1847; and Hannah, born 1850. 4. Moses H., born January 15, 1812, at Yardleyville, removed with his parents to Upper Makefield, where he spent his entire life, inheriting at his father's death, in 1849, 100 acres of the old homestead. He was a successful farmer, and a prominent man in the community, holding many posi- tions of trust and honor. He and his wife and family were lifelong members of the Society of Friends. He married, April 13, 1843, Rebecca Scattergood, born February 7, 1820, daughter of John* and Catharine (Hepburn) Scattergood, of Makefield, who died September 15, 1895. Moses died February 13, 1885. They were the parents of nine children: Richard H., born 1844; Mary Anna, ^born 1846; Samuel S., born 1848; William T., born 1851; George F., and Catharine S., twins, born 1854; Han- nah E., born 1857; Benjamin F., born i860; and Emma L., born 1863.** 5. Mary A., born 1816, married Christian Van Horn, born 1814, and settled on a farm near Dolington. Their surviving issue are : Cyrus B., Jane E., Cornelius S., Han- nah E., and Callender C. 6. John R., born 1820, married Rebecca Feaster, and settled on a portion of the old homestead in Upper Makefield. Their surviving children are : James P., David F., Emeline, Watson, Martha F., and Jo- seph F. RICHARD H. VAN HORN, eldest son of Moses and Rebecca (Scattergood) Van Horn, born at the old homestead of his grandfather, in 1844, was reared on the Upper ISIakefield farm, acquired a limited education at the public school and" later took a course at Union Business College in Philadelphia. After a few years ex- perience in the mercantile business in Philadelphia, he started into that business for himself at Lambertville, New Jersey, in 1868. By strict application to business and a close study of the wants and needs of the community, he soon built up a *John Scattergood (a descendant of Thomas Scatter- good, of Burlington county, New Jersey, a noted min- ister among Friends' was born 6 mo. 14, 1774. He married 5 mo. 4. 1794, Sarah Forman. .and second Catharine Hepburn, who was the mother of Mrs. Rebecca (Scattergood) Van Horn. John Scattergood died 1 mo. 12, 1842. **George F. and Benjamin F. Van Horn, sons of Moses H., left the Upper Makefield homestead on arriving at age. George learned the printing business, and subsequently both brothers, after a few years engagement with their brother, Richard H , learning the mercantile business at Lambertville, New Jersey, went in 1890 into business on their own account near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where by much energy and hustle they met with great success, but owing to poor health both have retired from business, 190.5. 7-3 large trade and his remodeled store in 1884 named "Grand Depot"'enjoyed much more than a locak reputation and soon out- grew its early modest quarters. In 1877 an adjoining building was added and the vol- ume of business doubled. Seven years later the entire property was remodeled and both stores thrown into one, making a large and commodious department store, and his brother, Samuel S., who had been for some years a clerk in the establishment was given an interest in the business, and the firm name became R. H. Van Horn & Brother. The partnership of the grow- ing_ establishment extended far beyond the limits of Jersev into their native county, and the country districts and towns of New Jersey. In 1S89, the brothers dis- solved partnership and Richard H. contin- ued the business alone until 1892, when his son Henry came of age and was admitted as a partner. Ten years later the younger son, Edmori E., becoming of age, also be- came a partner, and the firm of R. H. Van Horn & Sons, continue to conduct the popular and successful establishment that has grown from its modest beginning of 1868. To an additional L a new building, the floor space of which combined with the original "Grand Depot" covers now '1904) about three-quarters of an acre. Richard H. Van Horn married, in 1869, Lydiana Beatty Warner, born in 1845, daughter of Edwards Edmunds Warner, of Philadelphia, and of New England an- cestry, and they are the proud parents of two sons, both of whom, as before stated, are members of the firm. Henry E., the eldest, born April 21, 1870, married Era Runkle, of Hunterdon county, New Jer- sey ; and Edmori E., born in October, 1S79, married Jessie Hoffman of the same place. Mr. R. H. Van Horn is an active member of the Society of Friends, having many years since transferred his certificate of membership from Wrightstown Monthly Meeting to Solebury Friends' Meeting where he and his wife Lydianna were sub- sequently appointed elders. R. H. Van Horn has always shown an active spirit in his town affairs but little interest- in "Political Pulls" ; he has, however, served in the school board, acted as a member of the board of trade, and at present is next to the oldest director in the Amwell Na- tional Bank of Lambertville. ' SAMUEL SCATTERGOOD VAN HORN, second son of Moses and Rebec- ca (Scattergood) Van - Horn, whose 'an- cestry has been given in the preceding pages, was born in Makefield township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. October 28, 1848, and was reared on the Upper Make- field farm; acquiring his education at the public schools of that township. In 1870 he went to Lambertville, New Jersey. In 1889 Samuel S. Van Horn embarked in the general merchandise business in Lam- bertville. where he carried on a successful business for three years. He then purchased 98 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. his present location, where he has since conducted a successful business. Mr. Van Horn married, in 1888, Ella M. Dilley, daughter of Louis and Caroline (Larison) Dilley, of Kingwood, Hunter- don county, New Jersey. To this marriage has been born two sons, Lloyd and Earl. Mr. Van Horn is an extensive real estate owner in Lambertville, owning fifteen resi- dent properties. He is a member of the Society of Friends. LAWRENCE JOHNSON AND HIS DESCENDANTS. The family of John- son, from which Lawrence Johnson de- scended, belonged to the yeomanry and lived in Lincolnshire, England, having set- tled in Barrow-on-H umber in 1684, after the marriage of Robert Johnson and Mary Hall, nee Ledgard. Here five generations of the family lived and owned property. Edward Johnson removed to Hull after his marriage in 1796. Previous to 1680 the family had lived and owned property at Grasby, in Lincolnshire. Edward Johnson had a large family of children, and, believing that their prospects for advancement would be greater in America, he was induced by his sons to sell his property in Hull, and emigrate with his family to America.- On July 4, 1818, with his wife and ten children, he sailed from Grimsby on the brig Gen- eral Ripley" for New York, where the vessel arrived August 28, 1818. The people of New York looked so pale that Edward Johnson thought it could not be a health- ful place, and accordingly sailed immedi- ately vip the Hudson to Albany, where he bought a farm of one hundred and twenty- fice acres near Cato, Cayuga county, New York. Lawrence Johnson, son of Edward and Ann (Clayton) Johnson, was born in Hull, England, January 23, 1801, and was bap- tized in Holy Trinity church, March 2, 1801. Immediately after coming to Amer- ica with his parents in 1818, he found em- ployment in the office of the "Troy Budg- et," a newspaper published at Troy, New York, but the following spring went to New York city, where he was employed in several printing establishments. About 1820 he settled in Philadelphia and estab- lished a stereotype foundry, to which he later added the industry of making type, under the firm name of L. Johnson & Com- pany, and built up an immense business. He became interested in many prominent enterprises in Philadelphia and elsewhere in Pennsylvania, the development of coal lands, building of street horse-car lines, and many other enterprises, and acquired a fortune. He was also president of the Commonwealth Bank. He died in Phila- delphia, April 26, i860. In the spring of 1851 Lawrence Johnson purchased a farm and country seat in Bristol township. Bucks county, known as "Lansdowne," where he spent much of his time, and which has ever since been occu- pied by members of his family. Mr. Johnson had married May 3, 1825, Sarah B. Murray, of Philadelphia, who died August 21, 1834, leaving one child, a daughter. He married a second time, on May 29, 1837, Mary Winder, daughter of Aaron and Sarah (Van Horn) Winder, of Lower Makefield township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, who was born June 18, 1814, and died February 16, 1877. (See Winder Family). Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson were the parents of ten children, viz: I. Edward Winder; 2. Anna Rebec- ca; 3. Mary Ella; 4. Caroline Fletcher; 5. Howard Lawrence; 6. Russel Hamp- den ; 7. Lawrence ; 8. Walter Richards ; 9. Robert Winder; 10. Alfred Clayton. I. Edward Winder John.son, eldest son of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson, was born in Philadelphia, April 12, 1838. In the summer of 1847 he accompanied his father on a trip to Europe. He was edu- cated at Mr. Fay's boarding school at Elizabeth, New Jersey, and at Dr. Faires' and other private schools in Philadelphia. In 1856 he traveled under the care of an agent of his father to Havana, Mexico, Texas, and up the Mississippi river, and to Cincinnati, Ohieu In the latter place he remained for some months, working in a branch type foundry established there by his father. On October 23, 1857, he was commissioned. as a midshipman on the flag- ship "Powhattan," and on December 9, following that frigate left Norfolk, Vir- ginia, on a long cruise, with ex-President Franklin Pierce and wife on board. She sailed first to Maderia, St. Helena, and Cape Town, preceeding thence to Hong Kong, stopping on the way at Mauritius and Singapore, and arrived at Hong Kong in May, 1858, and proceeded to Japan in the following July. Becoming ill in Japan, Midshipman Johnson obtained a dismissal from service on the LI. S. frigate "Pow- hattan," and embarked as a passenger on board the "Minnesota," October 2, 1858, to return home, arriving in Boston, Massa- chusetts, Jvlay 29, 1859. On September 26, i860, he sailed from New York on the clip- per "Messenger" for Hong Kong, intend- ing to enter into business with A. W. Hab- ersham, in Japan. He arrived in .Yoko- hama, April 20, 1861, where he remained for some time, engaged in business. On learning of the outbreak of the civil war in America he left Japan on the steamship "Carrington," and arrived in San Fran- cisco, California, October 20, 1861, from which place he proceeded at once to New York. He enlisted in August, 1862, in Company G of the Anderson Cavalry, and fought in the battles of Antietam and Mur- freesboro. Afterwards his regiment was reorganized, and he became a member of Company A of the Anderson Cavalry. He was also in the battle of Chickamauga, under General Rosencrans. On December 30, 1863, he returned home on a furlough, HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 99 and did not again enter the army. He died at Lansdowne, Bristol township, Bucks county, January 12, 1874, unmarried. 2. Anna Rebecca Johnson, second child of Lawrence and Alary (Winder) Johnson, was born in Philadelphia, December 15, 1839. She was educated at the school of Professor Charles D. Cleveland, in Phila- delphia. In 1858 and 1859 she traveled extensively in Europe, Egypt, and Pales- tine, under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Gar- del. She was married in Philadelphia, De- •cember 3, 1863, to Theodore Hoe Mead, of New York. Theodore Hoe and Anna Re- becca (Johnson) Mead have been the par- ents of six children, three of whom survive, viz : Lawrence Johnson Mead, who mar- ried, June 29, 1901, Anna Frances Ely, of Doylestown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, daughter of Samuel L. and Mary (Knight) Ely; Anna Johnson Mead, who married, October 7, 1902, Herbert Gordon Thom- son, of New York; and Gilbert Mead, who married, July 25, 1903, Mary Comly Ely, daughter of Samuel L. and Mary Comly (Knight) Ely, of Doylestown, Bucks county. (See Winder Family.) 3. Mary Ella Johnson, third child of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson, was born in Philadelphia, September 22, 1841. After spending five years in Profes- sor Cleveland's school in Philadelphia, she .traveled in Great Britain, Europe, Egypt, the Sinaitic Peninsula, Palestine and Syr- ia, as well as the rock-hewn city of Petra, to which, it is said, no ladies had previously ventured with the exception of two Eng- lish ladies, somewhat earlier in the same year. Miss Johnson married, December 4, 1862, William D. Stuart of Philadel- phia, who died April 7, 1863, leaving no children. Mrs. Stuart married a second time^ January 11, 1870, Dr. James Ches- ton Morris, of Philadelphia, by whom she has eight children, all residing in Phila- delphia. 4. Caroline Fletcher Johnson, fourth child of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson, was born in Philadelphia, July 10, 1843, and was educated at Dr. Cleve- land's school. She married, February 21, 1871, Anthony Taylor, son of Robert Tay- lor, and a nephew of Hon. Caleb Newbold Taylor, of Bristol, Bucks county, Penn- sylvania. Anthony Taylor enlisted in the Pennsylvania cavalry August 8, 1862, was promoted sergeant. October 30, 1862 ; first sergeant, March i, 1863; first lieutenant of 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, May 8, 1863; and captain, June i, 1865. He was awarded a medal of honor for signal acts of bravery, and was honorably mustered out June 21, 1865. He died in Philadelphia, May 21. 1894. Anthony and Caroline F. (Johnson) Taylor were the parents of two children Mary Lawrence Taylor, who married, Feb- ruary 25, 1893, Bromley Wharton, now pri- "vate secretary to Governor Samuel W. Pen- nypacker; and Elizabeth Elmslie Taylor, -who married, December 31, 1904, Houston Dunn. 5. Howard Lawrence Johnson, born Oc- tober 31, 1845, died June 25, 1891 ; mar- ried, May 7, 1876, Mary Evangeline Brad- ley. They had no children. 6. Russell Hampden Johnson, son of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson, was born in Philadelphia, September 15, 1847, and received his preliminary edilca- tion in private schools in Philadelphia. He entered Princeton University at the age of seventeen years, and graduated in the class of 1868, after a four years' course, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He then made an extensive tour of Europe, and on returning entered the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, where he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1871. After serving as resident physi- cian in the Episcopal Hospital of Philadel- phia, he once more visited Europe, spend- ing two years in travel, chiefly for the fur- ther prosecution of his medical studies in the University of Vienna. Returning to Philadelphia he began the practice of medi- cine there, where, excepting occasional vis- its abroad, he has since lived and practiced his profession. He married, December 13, 1877, Grace H. Price, of New York. Five children blessed this union, all, like their father, devotedly attached to the old home on the Nashaminy, in Bucks county, where the youngest daughter was born. The chil- dren are : Russel Hampden, Jr., born Sep- tember t6, 1878; Lawrence, born Septem- ber 17. 1880; Anna Price, born September 20, i88r ; Louisa, born May 20, 1883; and Paul Sears, bom October 24, 1896. 7. Lawrence Johnson, seventh child of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson, was bom in Philadelphia. September 28, 1849. and was educated at private schools there and at Princeton University. In 1868 he began his business career* as a clerk in the shipping house of Isaac Hough & Morris, where he remained for about two years. On coming of age in 1870 he began business for himself, under the firm name of Lawrence Johnson & Company, shipping and commission merchants and foreign bankers, which business he has since fol- lowed. On November 21. 1891. he was elected a director of the Philadelphia Na- tional Bank, and he is also a director of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities, the In- surance Company of North America, and the Philadelphia Warehouse Company. He married. December 6. 1877. Louisa Philler Gaw, daughter of Henry L. Gaw, of Phila- delphia. They have one child, Millicent Gaw Johnson, born November 22, 1884. 8. Walter Richards Johnson, eighth child of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson, was born at Lansdowne. Bucks county. August 24. 1851. He was educated at Dr. Faires' and other private schools of Philadelphia. He married, October 31, 1876. his cousin. Mary Rebecca Winder, daughter of Moses and Margaretta Winder. He purchased a farm on the right bank of the Neshaminy, in Bensalem township, :^71146 100 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Bucks county, between Hulmeville and Newportville, where he lived the remainder of his life, and was actively engaged in ag- ricultural pursuits. He was also actively interested in political afifairs and held sev- eral political otiices. He died March 25, 1897, leaving one child. Winder Lawrence Johnson, since deceased, who married, Oc- tober II, 1899, Susan D. Fine. 9. Robert Winder Johnson, ninth child of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) John- son, was born Sunday, May 7, 1854, at No. 727 Pine street, Philadelphia. He pre- pared for college at Mr. Gregory's private school on Market street, near Eleventh, and entered the freshman class of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, September, 1870 (class of 1874,) but left the University in tlTC spring of 187 1 and accompanied his mother to Europe, where he studied and traveled until October, 1874- He agaui traveled abroad in 1875 and 1876. In Jan- uary, 1877, he entered the office of Law- rence Johnson & Company, doing a large business as importers and exporters and bankers, and in July, 1879, was admitted as a member of the firm and has since been actively associated with its busi- ness. He was elected a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in 1874 and a life member in 1877; was elected a member of the Rittenhouse Club in 1883; a member of the vestry of St. Peter's church in 1891 ; member of the board of managers of Christ Church Hos- pital in 1892; member of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania in 1892; member of the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania in 1897; member of the Society of theProt- estant Episcopal Church for the Advance- ment of Christianity in Pennsylvania in 1897; member of the Board of managers of the Children's Hospital in 1897; mem- ber of the Netherlands Society of Phila- delphia in 1899; and a life member of the Bucks County Historical Society in 1903. He takes a deep interest in the local history of Bucks county, where his maternal an- cestors, the Van Horns, Van Dycks, Van Sandts, Van Pelts, Vandegrifts, Winders, and others were among the earliest and most prominent settlers, and has devoted much time and expense during the last twenty-five years in tracing out the history of these early families of Bucks. Mr. Johnson was married on November lO, 1887, to Rosalie Morris, daughter of George Calvert and Elizabeth (Kuhn) Morris, at St. Peter's Church, Third and Pine streets, Philadelphia. Their children are as fol- lows: Morris Winder, born July 5, 1889, at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia; Lawrence Edward, born July 9, 1892, at Lansdowne, Bucks county; Robert Winder, Jr., born August 19, 1894, at Lansdowne, Bucks county; and Rosalie Eugenia, born Octo- ber 12, 1900, at Chestnut Hill. ID. Alfred Clayton Johnson, youngest child of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson, was born in Philadelphia, Sep- tember 17, 1856. He was educated at pri- vate schools in Philadelphia and at Dres- den, Saxony. He read law under P. Pem- berton Morris, Esq., of Philadelphia, and also attended lectures on law at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the Philadelphia bar April 3, 1880. He was appointed consul to Stuttgart, Ger- many, in 1893 and vice consul general at Dresden in 1898. He married in Dresden, July 21, 1888, Countess Toni von Baudis- sin,' and they have one child, Mary Winder Johnson, born in . Bristol township, Bucks- county, Pennsylvania, June 11, 1889. THE WINDER FAMILY.* The pro- genitor of the Winders of Pennsylvania and New Jersey was Thomas Winder of England, who settled in Hunterdon county,. New Jersey, in 1705. He was in New Jer- sey in 1703, and was one of the purchasers of Maidenhead and Hopewell, and partici- pated in the agreement with Daniel Coxe,. one of the proprietors of West Jersey, in relation to that purchase. Soon after the consummation of the purchase he returned to. London, and was married at St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, June 5, 1704, to Sara Bull, and returned to West Jersey, settling in Hunterdon countly, where he became a large landowner. In 1721 he purchased six hundred acres at Newtown, Bucks county, of John Walley, and in 1727 purchased three hundred and forty-one acres in Make- field, Bucks county, which descended to his son John, and remained in the tenure of his descendants for several generations un- til it was sold in 1837. He was a prominent man in Hunterdon county, and was com- missioner of highways in Amwell town- ship in 1723. He married (second) in 1731, Rebecca Gregory, who survived him, and married Edward Collins in 1736. Thomas Winder died, and letters of administration were granted on his estate May 23, 1734. The children of Thomas and Sara (Bull) Winder were as follows : 1. John Winder, born 1707, died August 9, 1770, married Rebecca Richards. 2. Thomas, settled in Amwell, where he was living in 1736. 3. James, removed to Prince George- county, Maryland, where he died in 1789. _^'4. Jane, who married John Slack and set- tled in Lower Makefield, Bucks county, where many of her descendants still reside. 5. Elizabeth, married Peter Phillips of Amwell, where they lived and died. Elinor, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (Gregory) Winder, married July 31, I751r Thomas Guinnup, of Philadelpliia. John and Rebecca (Richard.-^) Winder settled on the land purchased by his father in Lower Makefield, Bucks county, the other heirs making conveyances to him for their interest therein at various periods af- ♦Condensed from "Winders of America," by R. Winder Johnson ^Ci^e4^ HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. lOI ter the death of Thomas. His wife, Rebec- ca Richards, was born September 19, 1714, and died January 19, 1788. The family- were not members of the Society of Friends until 1747, when he and his wife applied for membership at Falls Meeting, and were admitted as members. John died in Make- field, August 9, 1770. The children of John and Rebecca (Richards) Winder, were as follows: 1. Thomas, married, May 11, 1758, Eliza- beth Linton, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Blackshaw) Linton, of Northampton township. 2. James, married (first) December 28, 1763, Sarah Bailey, and (second) Mary Booz. 3. John, married, January 23, 1760, Mar- garet Briggs. He removed first to Dela- •ware and later to Fayette county, Pennsyl- vania, and still later to the state of Ohio. 5. Elizabeth, married (first) in April, 1759, Joseph Linton, son of Joseph and Mary, before mentioned, and on April 2, 1795, married David Feaster. 6. Sarah, married, April, 1761, Robert Whitacre, and removed to Catawissa, Penn- sylvania. 7. Hannah, married in 1770, Timothy Brooks. Moses, Aaron and Rachel died un- married. 11. Rebecca, married March 26, 1772, John Nutt, and removed to Fairfax, Vir- ginia. 12. Mercj^ died unmarried. 13. Ann married May 13, 1779, Absalom Knight. 14. Aaron Winder, born September 14, 1759, died July 2, 1824, married Janu- ary 16, 1812, Sarah Van Horn, born February 29, 1796, died Janu- ary 27, 1838, daughter of Isaiah and Cath- erine (Subers) Van Horn, of Makefield. He purchased in 1788 two hundred acres of the Makefield homestead, and built a Tiouse thereon in 1790. It is related that Catherine Subers, whose daughter he eventually married, was the first love of Aaron Winder, and on her marriage to his successful rival in her affections, Isaiah Van Horn, he abjured matrimony and lived single until the age of fifty-three years, when he married her daughter though Mrs. Van Horn, the mother, had been a widow almost from the birth of the daughter. The children of Aaron and Sarah Van Horn Winder were as follows : 1. Joel, born March 8, 1813, died in "infancy. 2. Mary, born June 18, 1814, died Feb- ruary 16. 1877, married Lawrence John- son. (See Johnson Family). 3. Rebecca, born February 22, 1817, died September 26, 1854, married General John Ely" and had four children, but two of whom lived to mature age ; Mary Winder Ely, born November 19. 1840, died July 12, i860, married October 19. 1859, Joseph Parry Brosius ; and Samuel Lawrence Ely, "born May 24, 1847, died March 19, 1886, imarried December 29, 1865, Mary Comly Knight. He was sheriff of Bucks county for the term of 1881-83. 4. Dr. Aaron Winder, born October 17, 1821, died December 28, 1883, married August 21, 1846, Mary S. Gillam, and had three children; William G. Winder, M. D., of Andalusia, Bucks county and Phila- delphia ; Mary Ely Winder, wife of Henry B. Knight of Bucks county ; and Lawrence Johnson Winder, M. D. 5. Moses Winder, born December 20, 1823, died April, 1864, married December 25, 1844, Margaretta Thornton, and had six children, five of whom grew to maturity, viz : Sarah, born 1849, married Blackstone P. Doddridge; Mary Rebecca, born 1851; died 1893, married Walter Richards John- son, of Bensalem, Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania; Anna Louisa, born February 4, 1854, married April 6, 1885, Isaac Holbor- row Robertson ; John Ely Winder, born 1857, died 1866 ; and Aaron Augustus Win- der, born February 8, 1859, married Octo- ber 12, 1880, Jane Phillips Slugg, died September 5, 1903. Sarah (Van Horn) Winder married (second ) August 24, 1825, Abner Morris, and had four children. JACOB M. WINDER, of Bristol, was born in that borough August 28, 1858, and is a son of Isaac and Mary Jane (Hetherington) Winder. He is of English descent, his paternal ancestors having been early English settlers in New Jersey. Samuel Winder, the great- grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a farmer in Falls township, and died there in April, 1816, devising his small estate to his wife Sarah who sur- vived him several years. Giles Satterthwaite Winder, _ son of Samuel and Sarah, was born in Falls township about 1795, being just arrived at legal age at the death of his father, and was named as executor of the will. He received a good education and taught school in Middletown township for thirty years. He died in Bristol in 1857. He married Sarah Yonker, daughter of George Yonker, of Middle- town, and granddaughter of Daniel Yonker, of Solebury. George Yonker was the father of twelve children, one son George, and eleven daughters, all of whom lived to mature age, and all ex- cept two of whom married and reared families. The father resided on his farm in Middletown, near Langhorne, until 1859, and then sold it on account of in- ability to care for it, being very old and infirm, and lived with a married daughter in Burlington for one year, and then removed to Bristol, Bucks county, where he died in 1861 at a very advanced age. Sarah Satterthwaite was his eldest daughter. She also lived to an advanced age. dying in Bristol, June 21, 1880. The children of Giles S. and 102 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Sarah (Yonker) Winder were: George Y., Daniel Y., Samuel, Isaac, Eliza and Mary. Isaac Winder, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Middletown township, Bucks county, in 1832, and died in Bristol in i860. He married Mary Jane Hetherington and they were the parents of one child, Jacob McBrien Winder, the subject of this sketch. Jacob M. Winder was born and reared in Bristol, Bucks county, and acquired his education at public and private schools in Bristol and Philadelphia. He graduated from Bryant and Stratton's Business College in 1877. For the greater part of his business life he has been engaged in the wholesale liquor business in Bristol, where he has always resided. In politics he is a Democrat, and has always taken a prominent part in the councils of his party. He was postmaster of Bristol for the term of 1895-1899, discharging the duties of that responsible position efficiently and to the satisfaction of its patrons. Mr. Winder married in August, 1878, Mar- garet Scott Irwin, daughter of Robert and Dorothy (McCartney) Irwin, of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Winder are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Bristol. ISAAC S. JOHNSON, of Bucking- ham, was born in New Britain township, on February 20, 1850, being a son of Jacob B. and Lydia (Swartz) Johnson. Jacob B. Johnson was a son of Jacob Johnson, a native of England, and was born in Montgomery county, Pennsyl- vania, and while still a young man re- moved to New Britain township, Bucks county, and later located in Plumstead township, where he still resides. He was a prominent farmer for many years, but is now living a retired life with his son Harry. When the turnpike was built from Doj'lestown to Dublin, Mr. Johnson was the builder under contract with the newly organized company. Jacob B. and Lydia Swartz Johnson were the parents of nine children, of whom seven survive, viz.: Henrj^ S., of Plumstead; John S., of New Britain; Isaac S. ; Abraham S., of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania; Sallie S., wife of John Funk, of Foimtainville; Mary Ann, wife of Reuben Detweiler. of Hilltown; Susan,, wife of Harry High, of Plum- stead. Isaac S. Johnson, the subject of this sketch, was reared on the farm and ac- quired his education at the public schools of the neighborhood. In 1873 he married Mary A. Myers, of Pipers- ville, Bedminsler township, and settled on and conducted his father's farm in Plumstead for ten years. He then rented the Lead Mine farm in New Britain, which he conducted for four years. In 1887 he purchased his present farm in Buckingham, eighty-six acres^ where he has since resided. He is a successful farmer and a man of high, standing in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are the parents of four children, viz.: Laura, for several years a school teacher in Buckingham, now the wife of Clarence Buckman; Monroe M., a graduate of the Hughesian Free School, West Chester Normal School and Pierce's Business College, now fill- ing a clerical position in Philadelphia; Franklin M., living at home; Rosa, re- siding at home and teaching school in Buckingham, who acquired her educa- tion at the Hughesian School, Doyles- town High School and at West Chester Normal School. Mr. Johnson is a member of the Mennonite meeting, as- was his father. In politics he is a Re- publican, but has never sought or held office. THE VAN PELT FAMILY. The emigrant ancestor of the Van Pelt fam- ily was Tennis jansen Lanen Van Peltt^ who emigrated in 1663 from Liege, Bel- gium, with wife, Grietje Jans, and six children and settled in New Utrecht, Long Island. He was known as "Tunis- the Fisher." The children of Teunis-^ Jansen L. Van Pelt were, John Van Pelt, died after 1720, married Maria Peters; Anthony Van Pelt, died Feb- ruary 2, 1720-1, married Magdalen Joos- ten; Hendrick Van Pelt, married An- netje Meinards; Wouter Vafi Pelt, mar- ried Maria Jansen Schaers; Jacomytje, married Jochem Gulick; and Aerte, mar- ried Nieltje Jansen Van Tuyl. Bergen in his "Early Settlers of King's County"" mentions three other children, of Teunis- Jansen L. Van Pelt, viz.: H. Teuntje, married Hermanns Gelder. Rebecca^ married Abraham De La Montaigne, and Elizabeth. Anthony Van Pelt, son of Teunis Janse, came to this country with his parents in 1663. He was a landholder in New Utrecht in 1683, ^"d ten years later was constable of New Utrecht. In 1700 he joined with his brothers and sis- ter, the six above mentioned, in a con- vej-ance of land taken up bj'^ his father in New Utrecht, on July 27, 1713; he. conveyed his land to his sons John and Tunis with a provision that he and his wife were to remain thereon during their natural lives. He died on February 2, 1720-1. His wife was Magdalena or Helena Joosten. Their children were: Joost. (Joseph) baptized at Flatbiish, September 28, 1679; Maria, baptized Oc- tober 14. i68r, married Adrien Schoute; Adriantje, baptized February 3. 1684, died young; Grietje, baptized June 3, 1685, married Barendt Bond ; Tunis, who removed to Staten Island, 1719, marriedl HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 103 Maria Degreau; Adriantje. baptized May 25, 1690, married Charles Taylor; John, of Staten Island, married Susanna La Tourette: Helena, baptized ]\lay 29, 1695, married Tennis Stoutenburgh, and Sarah, who married Cornelius Dorlandt. Of the above, at least two, Joseph Van Pelt and Adrien Schoute, (Scout) and Maria Van Pel.t his wife settled in Penn- sylvania, Joseph in Byberr3% Philadel-* phia county, and Scout in Warminster township, Bucks county. Joseph Van Pelt married Catharine , and the baptism of three of their children appears of record in Staten Island, Catharine, baptized May 4, 1714. Joost, baptized March 20, 1716, and Jo- hannes, baptized September 8, 1717. He removed to Pennsylvania prior to De- cember 6, 1719, as his daughter Sarah was baptized at Abington Presbyterian church on that date. Another son Der- rick was baptized at the same church May 7, 1721. His other children were: Joris (George), who married Catharine Sleght, June 2, 1743, and had children, Joseph John, Catharine and Sarah, bap- tized at the Dutch Reformed church of North and Southampton, (1744 to 1756); Lena, who married John Van Horn; An- thony, who died in Buckingham in 1754. and Elizabeth, who married John Ben- nett. On November 7, 1730, Joseph Van Pelt purchased 180^ acres of land in Byberry of Jacob Hibbs. He died intestate and letters of ^administration were granted to his widow Catharine March 17, 1739. His widow married John McVeagh, May 17, 1745. His son Joseph must have died j^oung as he does not appear in connection with the con- veyance of his father's real estate. John Van Pelt, the second son, married May 12, 1739, Cornelia Sleght, and settled in Northampton township, Bucks county. Their children were: Joseph, baptized December 11, 1742; Catharine, baptized April 2, 1745; John, baptized August 31, 1749; Daniel, baptized October 15, 1751; Isaac, baptized August 11, 1754. mar- ried December 30, 1788, Jane Hender- son, and removed to Wrightstown town- ship, Bucks county. Helena, baptized January 2, 1757; Jacob, baptized August 12, 1759, married Sarah Ryan. He died in New Mil ford, Ohio, August 31, 183 1. He was the father of eleven children. Sarah, baptized September 23. 1761. Catharine Van Pelt, eldest daughter of Joseph and Catharine Van Pelt, married Abraham Carroll, January 29. 1737. Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Van Pelt, married Barnard Van Horn, January 17, 1753, and their son Isaac Van Horn was baptized at Southamp- ton, March 17, 1754. Derrick Van Pelt married February 14. 1742. Mary Britton. He was an inn- keeper in Whitpain township, Philadel- phia county, at his death in 1767. His sons Joseph and John were residents of Upper Dublin township in 1770, but both removed to New Britain township, Bucks county, prior to 1776. The other children of Derrick and Mary were: Abraham, Mary, Anne, Samuel, Cath- arine, married Isaac Newhouse, and ]\Iercy, married Jacob DeHaven. Isaac Van Pelt, who married Jane Henderson in 1788, removed to Wrights- town township, Bucks county, in 1795, later removed to Buckingham where he died in 181 1. His children were: Mary, married Robert Jones ; John ; Isaac ; Thomas; Jane, married Thomas D. Wolf; and Eleanor, married William Vansant. Jane (Henderson) Van Pelt died in Buckingham in 1S35. Three of the sons of Joseph Van Pelt, viz.: John, Isaac and Daniel — were pri- vates in Captain Folwells Associated Company in Southampton in 1775, John was commissioned a lieutenant in Lower Solebury, I\Iay 10, 1779. Isaac also saw actual service in the revolution. John became a captain. Isaac, son of Isaac and Jane Hender- son Van Pelt, was born in Wrightstown in 1797. He was a shoemaker by trade and lived in Wrightstown until 1836, when he purchased a farm* in Bucking- ham, where he died May 27, 1865. He was twice married. His first wife was Sarah, daughter of Peter D. and Re- becca (Lewis) Cattell, (originally De- Cattel). The children of this marriage who survived were: Seth C, born Au- gust 24, 1829: Jane Ellen, married Jo- seph S. Ely, Esq., of New-town: William, of Upper Makefield: Wilhelmina, mar- ried Charles H. Warner. Isaac Van Pelt married (second) Mary Ann Rich- ardson and had three children: Joseph, born October 8, 1844, Elizabeth, mar- ride Joseph Starkey. and Matilda Caro- line, who never married, living with her sistei Elizabeth at Forest Grove. SETH C. VAN PELT, deceased, was born near Penns Park, Wrightstown township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, August 24. 1829. a son of Isaac and Sarah (Cattell) Van Pelt. He was reared on a farm until twenty years of age, acquir- ing a good education in the common schools adjacent to his home. He then entered the store of Jesse P. Carver, at Pineville, as clerk, where he remained until December i, 1872, when, having been elected to the office of prothonotary of Bucks county, he removed to Doyles- town and there resided until the spring of 1877, when he returned to Pineville and rented a store for two years. At the expiration of this period of time he purchased the same and continued the management of it until his death. May 31, 1889. He was a man of sterling in- tegrity, and in all his career as clerk, accountant, postmaster, merchant and 104 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. public official enjoyed the unbounded re- spect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact. Mr. Van Pelt married, May 30, 1877, Carrie A. Bodine, daughter of John R. Bodine, and sister of General Robert L. Bodine, who participated in the civil war. One child was the issue "of this union, Arthur C, who now resides in Pittsburg. Mr. Van Pelt was survived by his wife, who now makes her home in Doylestown. Their son, Arthur C. Van Pelt, born in 1879, is now residing in Bellevue, a suburb of Allegheny City, Pennsjdvania. He married Claudia Geer, and has two daughters: Marian and Margaret. Hope, Bucks county; Seth, who now has charge of the home fafm; and Clara, wife of Harry S. Woolsey, of Doyles- town. WILLIAM VAN PELT, of Upper Makefield, son of Isaac and Sarah (Cat- tell) Van Pelt, was born in Wrightstown township, Bucks county. May 27, 1833. He was reared on the Wrightstown farm, and acquired his education at the local schools. In 1857 he married Han- nah D. Tomlinson, daughter of Samuel Tomlinson, of Pineville, Bucks county, and took charge of the home farm, which he conducted for four j^ears, when he removed to Taylorsville, where he conducted a temperance hostelry for one year. He then removed to Searchville, and conducted a small farm for one year, and then removed to Titusville, New Jersey, and engaged in the butcher business. In the fall of 1861 he enlisted in Company F, Twenty-second Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, for a term of nine months, and went to the front in defense of his country. At the expira- tion of his term of enlistment he re- turned to Titusville, and was employed in a store there for a short time. His father being taken sick, he returned home and took care of him until his death, May 27, 1865. After his father's death he removed to Pineville, and worked at carpentering for a short time, and then purchased a lot of land and erected buildings and began buying and slaughtering calves and poultry for the New York market, and conducted a local butchering business. In 1878 he sold out his business to his half-brother. Joseph Van Pelt, and Hiel Quinn. and purchasing his present farm in Upper Makefield, has since devoted Tiis atten- tion to farming and stock raising. He has bred and owns a number of high bred horses. In politics Mr. Van Pelt is a Democrat. He is a member of Cap- tain Angel Post, G. A. R., of Lambert- ville, New Jersey. Mrs. Van Pelt died October 17, 1900. They have been the parents of seven children, four of whom survive: Jose- phine, wife of Augustus Poore, a con- ductor on the P. & R. R. R., residing at Doylestown; Isaac, residing in New JOSEPH VAN PELT, deceased, of Pineville, Pennsylvania, was born in Buckingham township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, October 8, 1844, a son of Isaac and Mary Ann (Richardson) Van Pelt. He was reared on his father's farm, and obtained such education as could be acquired at the common schools in the vicinity of his home. At his father's death, in 1865, he went to live with his brother-in-law, Joseph Starkey, on the Buckingham farm. In 1869 he came to Pineville and entered the employ of his half-brother, William, in the butcher business. Ten years later he began the business of butchering in partnership with Hiel G. Quin, under the firm name of Van Pelt & Co. Mak- ing a specialty of pork butchering, they built up a large and lucrative trade, turning out a finished product of two hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds in a year. The success attained by the firm was entirely due to the en- ergy, perseverance and pluck displayed in their management of affairs, and also by honorable and straightforward busi- ness principles which characterized their career from the beginning. In politics Mr. Van Pelt was a Democrat. Mr. Van Pelt married, December 31, 1874. Rachel R. Tomlinson, daughter of William H. and Sarah (Phillips) Tom- linson. Five children were born to them, of whoin Jennie died at the age of two years and eleven months, and Harry in his sixteenth year. The sur- viving members of the family are: Eu- gene K., a bookkeeper in Philadelphia; Mary A., a graduate of Doylestown high school, resides at home; and Lewis W., who also resides at home. William H. Tomlinson, father of Mrs. Van Pelt, was a son of Samuel and Hannah (Doan) Tomlinson, and grandson of Joseph Tomlinson, whose mother was a de- scendant of William Buckman, who came from Sussex county, England, arriving here in the "Welcome," 8 mo., 1682. Joseph Van Pelt died January 5, 190S. CHARLES LANGHORNE TAYLOR, of Trevose, son of the late Charles Will- iams Taylor, and Sarah (Paxson) Taylor, his second wife, was born on the Trevose estate in Upper Bensalem township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, the home of the Taylor family for several generations, and the residence in Colonial times of the Growdons, ancestors of the Taylor family. The founder of the Taylor family in America was Thomas Taylor 6f Virginia, who was a son of Thomas Taylor, of Lon- HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. lO: don, England. The latter wa? a son of John, who was a son of one Nathaniel Tay- lor, who lived in Colchester, Essex, at the time of the commonwealth under Crom- well. Thomas Taylor, the American pro- genitor of the family, went to Virginia when young and became a planter. He was prosperous and became possessed of a large landed estate which he devised to his son Caleb at his death. Thomas Taylor, third son of Caleb and grandson of Thomas Tay- lor of Virginia, was born in 1753, joined the Society of Friends, and settled in York, Pennsylvania, where he died in 1S37, aged «ighty-four years. His son, Caleb, Jr., was born in 1789, and went into the wholesale drug business at 24 North Front street, Philadelphia, in 1810, at the age of twenty- one. In the space of ten years he built up a large and profitable business. In 1820 he died, leaving a widow, Lydia, and four chil- dren : Caleb, third ; George W., Charles W., father of the subject of this stetch ; and Sarah, wife of the late Thomas Paul, of Germantown, whose niece, Mary Paul, mar- ried William Waldorf Astor, of New York city. Caleb Taylor, Jr., married in 1814 Lydia Williams, a woman of superior men- tal attainments and of distinguished an- cestry. She was a lineal descendant of Thomas Langhorne and of Lawrence Grow- don, the elder, and Joseph Growdon, prom- inent men in and early settlers of the pro- vince of Pennsylvania ; also from the Eng- lish Mauleverers of Arncliffe. She was the daughter of Charles Williams and Sarah Dickinson, his wife. The original parch- ment marriage certificate reciting their mar- riage in 1788 by Frends' ceremony, is still in the possession of the family, and is an interesting document. Charles Williams was the son of Hezekiah Williams, Jr. and Grace Langhorne Biles, his wife. The lat- ter was a daughter of Charles Biles and Anne Mary, his wife. Charles Biles was the son of William Biles and Sarah Lang- horne, his wife. William Biles was one of the early set- tlers of the county. He took up nearly three hundred acres just east of the pres- ent borough of Langhorne. He was a man of eminent talents and of great influence. He was a member of the assembly, over- seer of the highways, and a constable un- d?r Governor Andros and the Duke of York. Sarah Langhorne, his wife, was the daughter of Thomas Langhorne, and sister of Jeremiah Langhorne, a noted minister of the religious Society of Friends, and later judge of the provincial courts. Hezekiah Williams, Jr., was the son of Hezekiah Williams, Sr., and Sarah Abbott, his wife. . The latter was the daughter of John Abbott, and Anne Mauleverer, his wife. Anne Mary, wife of Charles Biles, was the daughter of Thomas " Hooper and Ganfeier (Growdon) Hooper, who was the daughter of Joseph Growdon, the father of Lawrence Growdon the younger. Joseph Growdon was a son of Lawrence Growdon the elder, of Trevose, Cornwall, England. He with his son Jo- seph in i68r together obtained a grant of ten thousand acres of land from the pro- prietor of the province of Pennsylvania. At the death of Joseph his share of the estate went to his wife Anne, and at her death it went to Lawrence Growdon the younger. The Growdon tract comprised nearly the whole of what is now the present township of Bensalem. The present Trevose estate is all that is now left of it, and it is one of the historic estates of Pennsylvania. The boundaries of the tract as it then existed began on or near the farm of one Charles Vandegrift, on the Poquessing creek, and extended in an irregular line to the Nesh- aminy creek, a short distance above the present village of Newportville ; thence fol- lowing the Neshaminy until it reached the range of the Southampton township line; thence along this line to the Poquessing, and down that stream until it reached the farm of Charles Vandegrift, at the place of beginning. The Growdons also took up under their patent from Penn three hun- dred acres of land in the southern point of Bensalem, between the Poquessing creek and the Delaware river. After a short residence in Philadelphia, after he came over from England, Lawrence Growdon erected a mansion house at Tre- vose, set up a manorial establishment, and maintained much pomp and. circumstance. The mansion house was at that time a large stone building with pointed finish, two stor- ies high, with open stairway and hall. When it was completed in 1687 it was one of the finest residences in the province. Two wings, one adjoining the east end of the house, and the other adjoining the west end, with an open court-yard between them, were used for kitchen, scullery, store house and slave quarters respectively. At the east end of the dwelling house Growdon erected a small stone fireproof building, with brick arched roof, and an iron door. Here the county records were stored while the county seat was at Bristol and while Growdon was prothonotary, and here at a later date were kept many of the valuable papers of Benjamin Franklin, who was an intimate friend of Joseph Galloway, son-in- law of Lawrence Growdon. In the iron door at present on this building there still may be seen bullet holes from shots fired by soldiers in the Continental army during the Revolu- tionary war. In front of the mansion house the main door opened into the spacious hall, and from this door a splendid view could be had of distant Jersey and the Delaware river, as well as the lower lands of Ben- salem, Byberry and Bristol. A fine lawn of original forest trees surrounded the house, while back were stables and garden. Back of the house and towards the "Neshaminy river" was Growdon's famous orchard of one thousand apple trees of English im- portation. This was the home, or Manor farm. The farms retained and rented were South Trevose, East Belmont, West Bel- mont, South Richlieu, West Richlieu, and io6 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Richlieu Forest. Part of the soiitlicrn lands were subsequently sold to the Rod- mans. Gabriel Thomas, in his book en- titled "An Historical Description of the Province of Pennsylvania," published in London in 1698, describes the Growdon mansion as situated on the "Neshaminy river" and further says that "Judge Grow- don hath a very noble and fine house, very pleasantly situated ; and likewise a famous orchard adjoining to it, wherein are con- tained above a thousand apple trees of various sorts." Growdon's mansion house, which this quaint historian refers to, is still standing, and is as solid as it was when built over two hundred years ago. There have been but slight changes to alter its appearance with the exception of a half story which was added in 1847. The old house- in its day had seen many a dis- tinguished guest. Here Penn held council, and here laws were formulated for the bet- ter government of the province. Here, in the next generation, Benjamin Franklin re- hearsed his theories regarding the then un- discovered science of electricity with his friend the eminent and erratic Galloway. Lawrence Growdon, the younger, was a member of the general assembly from Phila- delphia in 1685. In 1693 he was elected to represent Bucks county in the same body, and served as speaker of the house for a number of consecutive terms. He was ap- pointed a provincial judge in 1706, and was one of the judges of the supreme court in 1715. Proud speaks of him as being at- torney general in 1725. For further in- formation on this subject the reader is re- ferred to an interesting paper entitled "The Growdon Mansion," read before the Bucks County Historical Society, January 19, 1897, by Henry W. Watson, Esq., of Langhorne. Lawrence Growdon died in 1769, and left surviving him two daughters, Elizabeth and Grace. The latter married Joseph Gal- loway, one of the eminent men of his day. He was an able lawyer, and at the begin- ning of the Revolution had built up a large practice in the courts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. He was a man of great activity and indefatigable industry. He was a member of the provincial assem- bly eighteen years, and speaker of the house twelve years. He was sent by the assembly as a delegate to the Continental congress. After the death of Lawrence Growdon, his father-in-law, Joseph Galloway, resided at Trevose. He believed that the difficulties between Great Britain and the Colonies which eventually led to the Revolution could be settled amicably and without bloodshed. These views he boldly upheld in the Continental congress. His influence was so great that his opponents saw that he must be silenced. In the autumn of 1776, while Galloway was supposed to be living at Trevose, a squad of soldiers ap- peared there in search of him. They did not find him, however, as he had been warned and had left. They sacked the man- sion, and plundered the wine cellar. As they left they fired a parting shot at the iron door of the old record office. The bul- let holes may be seen to this day. After hostilities commenced Galloway upheld the British cause. His wife and daughter went to Philadelphia, where he rejoined them shortly after, entering the city with the British army under Sir William Howe. Joseph Galloway had one daughter, known to history as "Betty." In her day she was a great belle. Among her admirers was a British army officer, William Roberts, whom she afterwards married. Galloway took a determined stand against the young man and forbade his daughter to have any as- sociation with him, and threatened to shoot him if he ever came on his property. The colored servants sympathized with the young lovers and carried letters between them. An elopement from Trevose and a marriage followed. When Galloway dis- covered this he was enraged. He imme- diately resolved to sell all his slaves, and ac- cordingly advertised and sold them in the open court yard at the rear of the mansion house and between its wings. This oc- curred about ten years before the Revolu- tionary war. Some time after this, Galloway turned his mind to religion and wrote and pub- lished a work entitled "Galloway's Com- ments on Divine Revelation," an old work yet in many libraries. Meeting the far- famed Christian philanthropist, Anthony Benezet, one of the best men of any age or country, Galloway asked him very pom- pously if he had read his great work on "Divine Revelation." "No," replied Ben- ezet, "neither shall I, for I think that a man who sells his fellow beings at public sale had better leave Divine Revelation alone, and everything else that is Divine." To prevent her property from being con- fiscated, Galloway's wife Grace, by her will dated December 30, 1781, and recorded at Doylestown, devised all her real estate, in- cluding Trevose, to nine persons therein named, their heirs and assigns, without any restrictions or limitations whatever. The devisees took possession and held her estate until in iSoi, when the survivors of them recorded in Doylestown "A Declaration of Trust," in which they declared that they held the estate in trust for Elizabeth Gallo- way, her heirs and assigns, covenanting to convey at her request. The tracts Trevose, South Trevose, East Belmont, West Bel- mont, Richlieu, and Richlieu Forest were so conveyed to Elizabeth Galloway Roberts, and were sold by her grandchildren to George Williams, great-uncle of the subject of this sketch. The Galloways lived at Trevose in ac- cordance with their social position and wealth and were looked up to as great folk, by the people of the community. On every fair day "Betty" Galloway could be seen cantering on horseback over the roads of the ncighhorhnod, followed by a colored groom. Her riding habit has been min- utely described by a local historian : HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 107 "The habit consisted of a black hat and phinie, with coat and bodice and flowing skirt of green velvet, faced with gold." Her father wore the short trous- ers of the day with silk stockings and a powdered wig on all important occasions. An interesting discovery was made at Trevose in 1888. It was part of the neigh- borhood tradition that before Mrs. Grace (Growdon) Galloway was forced to leave her home at the time of the Revolution, she buried a good deal of her treasure, which was too bulky to take with her. In August, 1888, this tradition was confirmed. A la- borer while working on the farm unearthed the remains of what had been a box of rare and costly eggshell or India china. It was unfortunately nearly all broken when found, but enough remained to show that it had been hand-painted with pictures of Chinese life, with the funny and impossible perspec- tive so much in use by the artists of the Flowery Kingdom for the last thousand years. Just enough remained to show what once had been. They had evidently been carefully packed. Saucers and tea plates were found standing on their edges in rows, and there was a strong partition in the box separating them from the larger and heavier pieces of china. There were also a number of pieces found belonging to a children's toy -tea set of common blue ware. There was but one other article de- serving of mention, and this was a bowl of the commonest ware ornamented with a likeness of King George III., taken when he was a young man, with the words "George III., King," on a scroll at the base of the portrait. There seems to have been no reason why so worthless an article should have been hidden away, excepting that, as it indicated the loyalty of the family, it was dangerous to allow it to be exposed to view. A similar box of china was dug up in 1847 by the late William Ridge, who was then lessee of the property. In 1847 the Burtons, grandchildren of Betty Galloway, sold Trevose to their sec- ond cousin, George Williams, a lineal des- cendant of the Growdons. At his death he devised it to his niece Lydia (Williams) Taylor, wife of Caleb Taylor ; Lydia at her death devised it to her son, the late Charles W. Taylor, father of the subject of this sketch. It is somewhat singular that, from the time of the Growdons down to the time of the Burtons, there is no mention in any deed or will conveying the prope'rty to any male heir being born to the estate. There has always been a female heir in each gen- eration for whom the property has been held in trust. From 1681 to the present time the property has been sold but twice. Through the Williams family the present owner is a lineal descendant from the Growdons, the first purchaser from William Penn, and while the property has not al- ways descended in a direct line, yet it is interesting to note that it has never passed out of the hands of the descendants of Law- rence Growdon the elder, since the time he received it by grant from Penn, the pro- prietor of the province of Pennsylvania. Lydia (Williams) Taylor, wife of Caleb Taylor, was also a lineal descendant of Thomas Langhorne, father of Jeremiah Langhorne, of Langhorne Park. The lat- ter was an interesting contemporary of Lawrence Growdon. He was a branch of the Langhorne family of Wales, "a family of much wealth, and great note." They were the owners of all the country from St. Davids' to Carmarthan, over sixty miles. St.' Brides' was the family seat of the Langhornes, settled by one Thomas Langhorne during the reign of Richard II. Langhorne Castle was dismantled by Crom- well. Thomas Langhorne, of Kendall meet- ing, Westmoreland, England, came to Bucks county in 1684. He took up some eight hundred acres of land covering the ground between the present borough of Langhorne and Glen Lake, and was one of the first set- tlers. His mansion house was situated about one half-mile south of the present borough of Langhorne ]\Ianor, and on the property now owned by J. Hibbs Buckman, Esq. He had four children: Jeremiah; Elizabeth, who married Lawrence Grow- don; Sarah, who married William Biles; and Grace, who died at the age of thirty- four, unmarried. Jeremiah Langhorne was farfamed as one of the ablest ministers of the religious So- ciety of Friends. He was chief justice of the province, and held court in many places in it. He lived a single life with his sister Grace until her death, and after that alone with his servants. Besides Langhorne Park, his residence, he owned several thousand acres in Lehigh county. As to the date of his death there is no known record. His remains are said to lie in the Middletown meeting graveyard in the borough of Lang- horne. His will was proved in 1774. By- marriages and deaths without issue Jere- miah Langhorne's estates went largely to the Growdons and the Galloways of Tre- vose. For an interesting essay on "Jeremiah Langhorne and his Times" the reader is referred to a paper read before the Bucks County Historical Society on August 9, 1898, by Samuel C. Eastb'urn. Esq., of Langhorne, from which much of the infor- mation herein contained is taken. The Williams family are also descended from the Mauleverer? of Arncliffe, Eng- land. Hezekiah Williams, Jr. (ante) great- grandfather of the late Charles W. Taylor, was the son of Hezekiah Williams, Sr., and Sarah Abbott, his wife. The latter was a daughter of Anne ISIauleverer and John Abbott, of Burlington county, New Jersey, who were married April 16, 1696. John Abbott was born in Nottinghamshire in 1663, and arrived in Philadelphia in 1684. Anne Mauleverer was the daughter of Ed- mund Mauleverer, of West Auyton, York- shire, and Anne Pearson, his wife. He died 27 November, 1679. Edmund's father was James, who married Beatrice, daughter of Sir Timothv Hutton, Bart. Records in St. io8 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Mary's church, York, show that he was buried there 25 April, 1664. James's father was William, who married Eleanor, daugh- ter of Richard Aldborough. William Mauleverer was buried at x\rncliffe, the familj' seat of the JNIauleverers, 11 April, 1618. William's father was Sir Edmund, who married Mary, daughter of Sir Chris- topher Danby, Bart. He was buried at Arncliffe, 27 April 1571. Sir Edmund's father was Robert, who married Alice, daughter of Sir Nimian de Markenfield. Robert's father was Sir William ]\Iaule- verer (knighted at Flodden in 1513 )who married Anne, daughter of William, first Lord Conyers, and Anne de Neville his wife. The latter was a daughter of Ralph de Neville, third earl of Westmoreland. Lord Conyers was the son of Sir John Conyers, Bart, and Alice de Neville, his wife. Through the Nevilles, and John of Gaunt, the line may be readily traced to Edward IIL, and so on back, by any one familiar with English history. For further research on this matter the reader is re- ferred to "Descent of Anne Mauleverer Abbott," by Charles Marshall and John B. Clement, 1903. Times Printing House, Philadelphia. See also "Inglesby Arncliffe, and its Owners," by William Brown, F. S. A., 1901, John Whitehead & Son, Alfred street. Boar Lane, Leeds. The descent in all its details is beautifully traced in the Marshall-Clement chart, to which the reader is referred. Sarah (Paxson) Taylor, second wife of the late Charles W. Taylor, and mother of the subject of this sketch, was born April 13, 1841, at "Brushy Park," near Edding- ton, Pennsylvania, and died at Trevose, February 22, 1889. She was the daughter of Joseph Paxson and Elizabeth (Gallaher) Paxson, his wife, and a member of the Rod- man family. Joseph Paxson was born Feb- ruary 12, 1803, and died September 24, 1867. He was the eldest son of John Paxson, of Brookfield, and Sarah (Pickering) Paxson, his wife. John Paxson's father was Joseph, who married Sarah Rodman. He was born 25 December, 1744, and resided at Brook- field until his death in 1795. Sarah Rod- man's father was John Rodman (fourth) of Brookfield, who married (second) Mary Harrison Rodman. Pie was born in 1714 at Flushing, Long Island. He removed to Burlington, New Jersey, with his father, in 1726; thence September i, 1748, to Bensa- lem township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, residing until his death in 1795 on the farm called Brookfield, which he purchased from the Growdons. His father was John Rod- man (third) who married Margaret Grosse. John Rodman (third) was born in the Is- land of Barhadoes, May 14, 1679, and ac- companied his father to Newport, Rhode Island, in 1682. He resided at Newport after he became of age. and was admitted as a freeman of that city May i, 1706. He removed to Flushing, Long Island, in 1712, where he continued to reside until 1726. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and a practicing physician. He was a mem- ber of the ninth assembly of the province . of New Jersey in 1727, from the city of Burlington. From 1738 until his death, a period of eighteen years, he acted as King's Councillor for New Jersey. King George II. appointed him 8 January, 1741, a member of a commission to settle the con- troversy between the Mohegan Indians and the colony of Connecticut. He was the son of John Rodman (second) and Mary (Scammon) Rodman, his wife. John Rod- man (second) was born in 1653. His name appears among the inhabitants of Christ church parish, Barbadoes, December 22, 1679, as the owner of forty-seven acres of land and thirteen negroes. He was a mem- ber of the Religious Society of Friends, and while he lived in Barbadoes was fined 1)350 pounds of sugar "for default of ap- pearing in the troop." He purchased land in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1682, and in Burlington, New Jersey, in 1686. He died July 10, 1731, at the age of seventy-eight. He was the son of John Rodman (first) of the Island of Barbadoes, the progenitor of the Rodman family in America, and Eliza- beth Rodman, his wife. Of John Rodman little is known. He died in the Island of Barbadoes some time between the i6th Sep- tember and 4th December, 1686. His will bears the former date, and it was proved on the latter date. From whence he came is not now known. No memorials now exist in the family showing this fact, and the re- searches necessary to discover it from other sources have not been made. The only fact which tends to throw any light at all upon the subect is found on page 2^ of Rutty's "History of the Quakers in Ireland," pub- lished in 1751 : "In the year 1655 ^oi" wear- ing his hat on in the Assizes in New Ross, was John Rodman committed to goal by Judge Louder, kept a prisoner three months and then banished the country." The infer- ence from this passage is that John Rod- man originally came from Ireland, and upon his banishment went to the Island of Barbadoes. See "A Genealogy of the Rod- man Family from 1620 to 1886," by Charles Henry Jones, Philadelphia, 1886, Allen Lane & Scott, publishers. The Brookfield Farm above mentioned as the home of the Rodmans for so many generations is still owned by their descend- ants, and the subject of this sketch inher- ited an interest in it throiigh his mother. It is worthy of remark that from the early part of the seventeenth century until the present time, a period of two hundred years, this property has never been out of their hands, but has been owned and occupied by seven or eight successive generations of the family. Charles W. Taylor, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Philadelphia in t5i7. He was educated at the Westtown Friends' School, and at the Friends' Acad- emy, then on Fourth street, below Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Soon after coming of age he became associated with his great ^,^^^.^^e^^^?^ // o HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 109 uncle, George Williams, in the China and East India trade. In 1847 he gave up active business owing to ill health, and took up his residence at Trevose, where he resided until his death, May 30, 1893. He was a man of great force o'f character, of earnest piety, and much respected by those among whom ■he lived. In early life he was a member of the Society of Friends, as were all his fam- ily before him. In later years he became an Episcopalian. He was an attendant at Christ church, Eddington, and Grace Prot- estant Episcopal church, Hulmeville. For a number of years he was vestryman and rector's warden of the latter church, and represented it at the Episcopal convocation of Germantown. While he was possessed of more than ordinary ability and took a great interest in the public affairs of his time, yet he was of a retiring disposition, and, although he was often strongly urged, he never held public office. While living a retired life at Trevose he was active in every work for the advancement of the community. He was a fluent and graceful writer, and a frequent contributor to cur- rent newspapers and magazines on flori- cultural and historical subjects. He was especially interested in the latter subject, and was one of the charter members of the Bucks County Historical Society. Charles Langhorne Taylor, the subject of this sketch, was prepared for college by a private tutor, and at the Abington Friends' School, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. He entered the University of Pennsylvania in 1893 and was graduated B. S. in 1897 ; attended Harvard College, but did not graduate; was graduated LL. B. from Har- vard Law School, 1900; also graduated LL. B. from the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania, 1901 ; was admitted to practice law at the Philadelphia bar on mo- tion of George Wharton Pepper, Esq., in 1901 ; was admitted to the bar of the su- preme court of Pennsylvania in 1904, and has practiced his profession in Philadelphia since 1901. In the latter year he was one of the organizers of the Bucks County Coun- try Club at Langhorne, near Trevose ; later became one of its charter members, and a member of the board of governors; was elected secretary of the club in 1904. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of several clubs and societies, among which may be mentioned the Harvard Club of Philadelphia, the Bucks County Historical Society, and Historical Society of Penn- sylvania. BENJAMIN J. TAYLOR, of Bristol, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, president of the Farmers' National Bank of Bucks county and prominently associated with the business interests of lower Bucks, was born in Burlington county. New Jersey, and is a representative of a distinguished family that has been prominently identified with the business, official and social life of • Bucks and Philadelphia counties, and of the neighboring state of New Jersey for over two centuries. Samuel Taylor, the emigrant ancestor of the family, was a native of the parish of Dore, Derbyshire, England, and sailed from Bristol, England, in the fly-boat, "Martha," in the year 1677, and landed at the point where Burlington, New Jersey, now stands. He was one of the proprietors of West Jersey, owning one thirty-second share in the lands of West Jersey, the papers for which were executed by his brother, William Taylor, of Dore, county of Derby, England, who had purchased the land of George Hutchinson, when in Eng- land and sold it to Samuel, but being lost before reaching America, the land was conveyed to Samuel by Hutchinson in 1681. He located in Chesterfield township, Bur- lington county, owning large tracts of land there and elsewhere. He died in December, 1723, leaving a family of eight children, four sons, John, George, William and Rob- ert, and four daughters who married into prominent families of New Jersey. Robert Taylor, youngest son of Samuel, was the executor of his father's will and inherited a large portion of the homestead tract, which descended to his son Anthony, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, and remained in the tenure of his descendants until quite recently. The five hundred acre tract known as Brookdale farm was Robert's portion. His son, An- thony, who inherited Brookdale and lived thereon until his death in 1785, was an ar- dent patriot during the revolution and ren- dered material service to the cause of na- tional liberty. Anthony Taylor, Jr., third son of An- thony, and great-grandson of Samuel, the founder, was born at Brookdale farm in 1772, and when quite young was placed with John Thompson, a prominent merchant of Philadelphia, to be trained for a mercan- tile and business career. On attaining his majority he formed a partnership with Thomas Newbold. whose sister Mary He later married, and engaged extensively in the East India trade, the firm name being Taylor & Newbold. In 1810 Mr. Taylor retired from active business pursuits and settled at Sunbury," his fine country seat in Bristol township, Bucks county, which had been his summer home for some years previously.. He later purchased several other large tracts of land in lower Bucks county, and at his death in 1837 was the largest landowner in the county. Anthony Taylor married, in 1802, Mary Newbold, tenth child of Caleb Newbold, of Spring- field township. Burlington county. New Jersey, and a descendant of Michael New- bold, of Sheffield Park, Yorkshire, Eng- land, who in 1678 purchased one eighth of three nintieth parts of the province of West Jersey, and settled in Springfield townshif), Burlington county, where he died in 1693, leaving a large number of children and grandchildren, some of whom were still Jn IIO HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. England. Many of his descendants even- tually became residents of Bucks county. Anthony and Mary (Newbold) Taylor were the parents of eleven children, Robert, Anthony, Sarah, William, Edward, Law- rence, Michael, Caleb Newbold, Mary Aim, Thomas, Emma L. and Franklin. The seventh of these children, Hon. Caleb Newbold Taylor, born at "Sunbury," July 27," 1814, was for over fifty years one of the most prominent men in Bucks county, being an acknowledged leader tirst of the Whig and later of the Republican party in Bucks county, representing his county in state and national conventions almost con- tinuously after attaining his majority, and four times was the candidate of his district for congress, being twice elected, in 1866 and 1868, respectively. He was also one of the most prominent business men in the ■county and amassed a large estate, owning at one time about 3,000 acres of land in Bucks county. He was president of the Farmers' National Bank of Bucks county, of which his father, Anthony Taylor, had been president for many years at his death in 1837. He died unmarried. Dr. Robert Taylor, eldest son of An- thony and Mary (Newbold) Taylor, was the father of the subject of this sketch. He was born in Philadelphia in 1803, and was reared in Bucks county. On attaining manhood settled in Philadelphia, removing later to Burlington county. New Jersey, and late in life to Bristol, Bucks county, resid- ing at Sunbury Farm, where he died in August, 1872, at the age of sixty-nine years and was buried in the graveyard of the Protestant Episcopal church of St. James, the less, at the Falls of Schuylkill. Pie mar- ried Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Benjamin Jones, of Philadelphia, and a great-grand- daughter of John Jones, a large landowner in Bucks and Philadelphia counties in colonial times. Dr. Robert and Eliza- beth Ash (Jones) Taylor were the pa- rents of five children: Benjamin J., Cap^- tain Anthony, Robert, Fr&nces, and Alice J. Elizabeth Taylor, the mother of these children, died at Bristol, January 29. 1893, aged eighty years. Captain Anthony Taylor, the second son of Dr. Robert Taylor, born in Bur- lington county, New Jersey, October 11, 1837, rendered distinguished services to his countrj' during the civil war. He ■enlisted August 8, 1862, in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry as a private, was made sergeant, October 30, 1862; first sergeant, March i. 1863; first lieutenant of Company A, May 8, 1863: and Cap- tain. June I, 1865; having had command of the company as lieutenant, command- ing almost from the date of his commis- sion as first lieutenant. Prior to 1865 he was under Brigadier General Rosen- crans, in the Army of the Cuml)erland, and participated in the battles of An- tietam, Stone River, Chickamauga and many other engagements. From June I, 1865 until tlie close of the war he served on the stafif of General William J. Palmer, as aide-de-camp, and was honorably mustered out June 21, 1865. In 1893 he was awarded a medal of honor by the United States congress for signal acts of bravery and meritorious service. He married, February 21, 1871. Caroline Fletcher Johnson, daughter of Lawrence and Mary (Winder) Johnson, and died in Philadelphia, May 21, 1894, leaving two daughters, Mary Lawrence, now wife of Bromley Wharton, private secretary to Governor Pennypacker; and Elizabeth Elmslie, wife of Hcruston- Dunn. Benjamin J. Taylor was born in Bur- lington county,. New Jersey, and re- ceived his education at the Friends' Select School and at the Protestant Episcopal Academy of Philadelphia. He received a thorough business training, and followed mercantile pursuits in Philadelphia for eight years. In 1863 he served for three months in the Grey Re- serves, and was at the shelling of Car- lisle by General Fitz Hugh Lee. He also saw military service in Tennessee and Mississippi as volunteer aide on the staff of dififerent commanders. After retiring from active mercantile pursuits he made his residence at the old fam- ily homestead at Sunbury Farm, in Bristol township, and devoted much of his time to the transaction of business, acting as agent for others and assisting in the care and management of the large estate belonging to the family. He has been a director of the Farmers' National Bank of Bristol for many years, and on the death of Pierson Mitchell, in 1894, was elected its president, representing the third generation of his family in suc- cession to serve in that capacity. Mr. Taylor has inherited many of the ster- ling business qualities of his ancestors, and is interested in niost of the local business enterprises. He and his sisfer Alice are the owners of Sunbury Farmj comprising 400 acres, which has been the home of his ancestors and their fam- ilies for four generations, covering a period of over a century. He is a mem- ber of H. Clay Beatty Post, G. A. R., and other social, fraternal, and patriotic associations. THE HICKS FAMILY of Bucks county descend from Pilgrim stock, their first American progenitor being Robert Hicks, who landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, November 11, 1621, hav- ing sailed from London in the ship "Fortune," which followed the "May- riower," and brought over those left be- hind the previous year by that famous t'essel. The family of Robert Hicks were natives of Gloucestershire, Eng- land, and traced their ancestry in an unbroken line back to Sir Ellis Hicks, who was knighted by Edward, the Black HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Ill Prince, on the battle field of Poitiers, September 9, 1356, for conspicuous brav- ery in capturing a stand of colors from the French. Robert Hicks settled at Duxbury, Massachusetts, and died there at an ad- vanced age. His sons John and Stephen in 1642 joined an English company which acquired by patent an extensive tract of land about Hempstead and Flushing. Long Island. Stephen Hicks purchased several thousand acres at Little Neck, Long Island, and erected a large mansion where he lived to an ad- vanced age and died without leaving male descendants. John Hicks settled at Hempstead, and from him are descended the extensive family of the name on Long Island, in New York, Philadelphia and Bucks county, as well as in many other parts of the Union. He was educated at Ox- ford, and was a man of intelligence and natural force of character, and there- fore soon became a leader in the youth- ful colony, and took an active part in public affairs, his name appearmg in nearly all the iinportant transactions of the time. Thomas Hicks, only son of John, in- herited his father's intellectual ability and force of character, and occupied a prominent position in public and social life, filling many positions of trust and honor. He was the first judge of Queens county, New York, and filled that office for many years. In 1666 he obtained from Governor Nicolls a pat- ent for four thousand acres of land in- cluding Great Neck, Long Island, and lands adjacent, and lived there in Eng- lish manorial style. He was a remark- able man in many respects, and retained his mental and physical powers unim- paired to an extreme old age. He was twice married, his first wife being Mary Washburne, by whom he had two sons. Thomas and Jacob, the latter being the father of the famous Quaker preacher, Elias Hicks, the founder of that branch of the Society of Friends known to this day as Hicksites. Judge Hicks married (second) Mary Dought3^ by whom he had ten children — six sons; Isaac. Will- iam, Stephen, John, Charles, Benjamin; anl four daughters; Phebe. Charity, ]\Iary and Elizabeth. A paragraph in the "New York Post Boy" of January 26, 1749, in referring to the death of Judare Hicks., says: "he left behind him of his own offspring above three hun- dred children. grandchildren. great- grandchildren and great-great-grand- children." He died in his one hundredth year. Isaac Hicks, eldest son of the Judge by his second marriage with Mary Dought3\ was, like his father, a prom- inent man in public affairs. He was judge of Queens county. Long Island-, for the years 1730-1738, and a member of the colonial assembly of New York from that county, 1716 to 1739. He mar- ried Elizabeth Moore, and they were the parents of evelen children — nine sons: Charles, Benjamin, Isaac, Gdbert, James, Thomas. Henry, John, Edward; and two daughters, Margaret and Mary. Gilbert Hicks, fourth son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Moore) Hicks, was born in Queens county. New York, Sep- tember 19, 1720, and married April 24, 1746, Mary Rodman, born February 17, 1717, a daughter of Joseph Rodman. They were the ancestors of all the Hickses of Bucks county. Both were born at Flushing. Long Island. As a wedding present to the youthful couple, Joseph Rodman conveyed to them six hundred acres of land in Bensalem township, on the Neshaminy creek, twenty miles northeast of Philadel- phia, which he had recently purchased. Hither they came in 1747 and made their home in a comfortable log house untfl they erected a more commodious dwell- ing, to defray the expense of which he sold off two hundred acres of the land to Lawrence Growdon. They subse- quently sold the remaining four hun- dred acres and purchased one hundred acres, coming to a point at Four-Lanes- End, (now Langhorne) on which he erected in 1763 a commodious brick house which is still standing. On June 9, 1752, Gilbert Hicks was commissioned by the governor and council one of the justices of the peace for Bucks county, and on May li, 1761, he was commissioned chief justice of the court of common pleas. On March 29. he and Hugh Hartshorne were com- missioned by John Penn, then gover- nor, to hold court for the trial of ne- groes, whether slave or free. Gilbert Hicks was a man of superior mental abilities, and stood very high in the com- munity, commanding the respect of all. On July 9, 1774, he was chairman of a public meeting held at Newtown, then the county seat of Bucks, in pursuance of previous notice, and in a short ad- dress explained the objects of the meet- ing as being to consider the injury and distress occasioned by the numerous acts of oppression inflicted on the col- onies by the English parliament, in which the colonies were not represented, and entirely concurred in the resolu- tions then adopted, looking toward a congress composed of delegates from the different colonies, "to use every lawful endeavor to obtain relief and to form and promote a plan of union be- tween the parent country and colonies." See Penna. Archives, Second Series, Vol. XV, page 343. When, however. General Howe issued his proclamation calling on the loyal subjects of George III to lay down their arms and seek peaceful means of re- dress. Judge Hicks, being greatly im- 112 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. pressed with, the power of Enghind and the futility of armed resistance, while he condemned the injustices ijf the mother country toward the colonics, and being conscientious in regard to the oath he had taken as a justice, read the proclamation from the court house steps at Newtown, and counselled his friends and neighbors to pause before it was too late, and to postpone any over action or resistance until the colonies grew stronger. Excitement ran high at the time, and he was branded as a traitor and forced to flee the country and spend the remainder of his days in Nova Scotia, where he was supported by a pension from the British government, and where he 'was waylaid and mur- dered by highwaymen on March 8, 1786, for the quarterly pension he had just drawn. From the nature of the advice he gave to his eldest son Isaac, who visited him while in New York imme- diately after his flight, there is every reason to believe that if reasoned with calmly he would have realized that mat- ters had progressed too far for peaceful measures to prevail, and would have lived to render to the patriot cause the same eminent service that he gave to his county under royal authority. His extensive property was confiscated, and his family reduced to almost penury. His son Isaac, wdio at the time was clerk of the several courts of Bucks county, was cast under suspicion and removed from office. Mary Rodman Hicks, the wife of Gilbert, died August 17, 1769, years before his flight and disgrace. They were the parents of five children: i. Isaac, born April 21, 1748, married his first cousin. Catharine Hicks, daughter of Colonel Edward Hicks and Violetta Ricketts, of New Jersey. 2. Sarah, born November 3, 1749, died unmarried. 3. Elizabeth, born April 7, 1751, married June 4, 1768, General Augustine Willet, of Bensalem township. 4. Mary, born January 15, 1753. married May 8, 1772, Samuel Kirkbride. 5. Joseph Rodman, born November 12, 1756, married July 29, 1777, his cousin, Margaret Thomas'. Joseph Rodman Hicks purchased in 1780 a farm of one hundred acres near Dolington, in Upper Makefield town- ship, and spent the remainder of his life there. He died May 28, 1816. His wife was an approved minister among Friends at Makefield Meeting, adjoin- ing the farm, the land upon which the meeting house was built being orig- inally part of the farm. She continued , in the ministry from 1790 to the date of her death. May 2, 1842. In 1822 Mrs. Hicks and her children sold the farm, and she took up her residence with her son Charles in Philadelphia. ■ Joseph Rodman and Margaret (Thomas) Hicks *were the parents of eight children, viz: Charles, married Elizabeth Cooper; Joseph, married Jane Bond; Elizabeth, married Jacob Woll- ery; Margaret, married Amos Carlile; Gilbert, married Phoebe Mathews; Mary, married Elias Slack; William, died unmarried; and Isaiah married Mary P'lannagan. Joseph Hicks, second son of Joseph Rodman and Margaret (Thomas) Hicks, born June 12, 1780, died October 4, 1827, married January 2, 1804, Jane Bond, of New^town, Bucks county, and had nine children, the seventh of whom was Tliornas Hicks, the eminent artist. Cha-rles Hicks, eldest son of Joseph RodmarT and Margaret (Thomas) Hicks, w-as born June 12, 1778. At the age of sixteen years he removed to Philadel- phia, and learned the carpenter trade, which he followed in that city during the ative years of his life. He died April 20, 1855. He was married August 10, 1804, to Elizabeth Cooper, born June 19, 1780, died April 17, 1858, and they were the parents of nine children, viz,: William C, Isaac, Ann C, Joseph, Wil- let, Charles C, Cooper, Rodman, and Elizabeth. Willet Hicks, fifth son of Charles and Elizabeth (Cooper) Hicks, born Feb- ruary 21, 1814, died December 12, 1853, married April 16, 1836, Margaret Mint- zer, born June 26, 1816, died January 5, 1899, and had six children, viz.: George A.; Edwin M.; S. Pllizabeth; Albert M.; William U.; and Harry H. George A. Hicks, to whom we are in- debted for a history of the earlier gener- ations of the Hicks family, is the eld- est son of Willet and Margaret Mintzer Hicks, and was born in Philadelphia. Earlj' in life he learned the trade of a plumber, and has followed that business to the present time in his native city. He takes deep interest in Bucks county, the home of his ancestors. He is one of the active members of the Bucks County Historical Society, and is a regular at- tendant at its meetings, and contribut- ing largely to its success. Previous to manhood he imited himself with the United .States Hose Company, No. 14, (late Volunteer Fire Department of Philadelphia) and served as its secre- tary for many years. He is a member of the Veteran Firemen's Association, the Firemen's Association, State of Penn- sylvania, and a life member of the As- sociation for. the Relief of Disabled Fire- men. He is an honorary life member of Columbia Lodge No. 91, F. and A. M., and an honorary life member of Harmony Chapter. No. 52, R. A. M.; a member of the Master Plumbers' As- sociation, and a stockholder in the Mer- cantile Library, all of Philadelphia. Mr. Hicks was never married. EDWARD P. HICKS. Isaac Hicks, the eldest son of Gilbert and Mary (Rodman) Hicks, an account of whose HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 113 ancestry from the Pilgrim ancestor Robert Hicks down to his father Gilbert Hicks, is given in the preceding sketch, was born in Bensalem township, April 21, 1748, and died in Newtown, Bucks county, October 5, 1836. He received a good education, and was a man of fine intellectual ability and excellent busi- ness capacity. On June 6, 1772, he was commissioned prothonotary and clerk of the several courts of Bucks county, and filled those positions with eminent abil- ity until 1777, when he was directed to turn in all papers and books relating to these offices to be deposited in the fire- proof at Newtown, the political views of his father (Gilbert Hicks) having cast a suspicion upon him. He was also commissioned a justice of the peace an April 9, 1774, and held that office for three years. , The continued good and loyal deportment of the son had its proper effect to convince the public that the suspicion was groundless. After the close of the Revolution he was again commissioned a justice of the peace, and held the office many years while re- siding at Newtown. His office for many years was in the western end of what is now the White Hall Hotel. Here by close attention to his duties and an hon- orable course of life he built up a large business. It is said that in dress he ad- hered to the old style of breeches and knee-buckles. He was married at Newtown, on No- vember 17, 1771, to his cousin, Catharine Hicks, daughter of Col. Edward and Violetta (Ricketts) Hicks, who was born in New York, November 4, 1745, and died at Burlington, New Jersey, Oc- tober ig. 1781. Her brother William was prothonotary of Bucks county, 1770- 1772. The children of Isaac and Cath- arine Hicks, were : 1. Gilbert Edward, born March li, J773, who became a prominent physician at Catawissa, Pennsylvania, where hd- married Catharine Hibbs, daughter of James Hibbs. His grandchildren now living are: Dr. J. J. John, historian and prominent business man of Shamokin, who spent some little time in Bucks county in early life ; Emma Walters, of Catawissa; and Anna M. Ormsby, widow of Henry George Ormsby, of Philadel- phia. 2. William Richard, born November 17, 1774, died February 5, 1777- 3. Edward Henry, born June 29, 1776, died August 20, 1776. 4. Eliza Violetta, born March 17, 1778. married October 4, 1807, Thomas G. Kennedy, sheriff of Bucks county for the term 1815-1817. She was drowned in Newtown creek, near her home in Newtown, July 28, 1817, in an effort, to save her child, who had fallen in the creek. . 5. Edward, born April 2, 1780, died August 23, 1849. 8-3 Isaac Hicks married (second) October 20, 1792, Mary (Gilbert) Young, widow of Edward Young, of Philadelphia, who was born August 3, 1757, and died at Newtown February 22, 1812. Edward Hicks, youngest son of Isaac and Catharine, was born at Attleboro (now Langhorne, then known as Four- Lanes-End) April 2, 1780. His mother dying when he was but eighteen months old, he was left to the care of her faith- ful servant Jane, a colored woman. His father's home was entirely broken up by the confiscation of all the property belonging to his father, Gilbert Hicks, and this, with sickness and deaths in his family, reduced him for a season to a great strait. He later secured a home for his infant son in the family of David Twining, where he remained until thir- teen years of age. Edward Hicks in his "Memoirs" gives abundant testimony of his appreciation of the kindness received at the hands of his adopted mother, Elizabeth Twining. In April, 1793, he was apprenticed to the coach-making trade with William and Henry Tomlin- son, at Four-Lanes-End, where he re- mained until 1800, when he set up bus- iness for himself. In the autumn of 1801 he entered the employ of Joshua C. Canby, then a coach-maker at Mil- ford (now Hulmeville) and remained a resident of that village untilApril, 1811, when he removed to Newtown, Penn- sylvania. He became a member of Mid- » dletown Monthly Meeting of Friends in the spring of 1803, and later became a prominent minister in the Society, trav- eling extensively in the ministry. Like his distinguished cousin, Thomas Hicks, he possessed considerable artistic talent, and a number of his paintings of high merit are still preserved. He was an ardent temperance advocate, and claimed to have built the first house in Bucks county erected without the use of intox- icating liquors, in 1804. He married II mo. 17, 1803, Sarah Worstall, daugh- ter of Joseph and Susanna (Hibbs) Worstall. He died in Newtown 8 mo. 23, 1849, and his widow died 12 mo. 30, 1855. Their children were: Mary, born 10 mo. 12, 1804, died 2 mo. 7, 1880, un- married; Susan, born 11 mo. 9, 1806, married 5 mo. 17, 1832, John Carle, Jr., of New York, and died in New York, I mo. 24, 1872; Elizabeth T.. born 8 rno. 24, 1811, married Richard Plummer. of Baltimore, Maryland, 11 mo. 11, 1852, and died in Newtown, 3 mo. 22, 1892; Sarah B., born 12 mo. 24, 1816, married Isaac C. Parry, of Warminister, 5 mo. 23, 1844, and died in Warminister 2 mo. 23, 1895; Isaac W., born i mo. 20, 1809, and died 3 mo. 28,. 1898. Isaac W. Hicks, only son of Edward and Sarah (Worstall) Hicks, was born at Hulmeville, and reared in Newtown, Bucks county, where he lived from ,t)ie age of two years until his death. He 114 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUXTV. assisted his father in the coach painting business and farming, but after his fath- I ers (leatli he devoted himself mostly to farming. He was greatly interested in the incorporation of Newtown as a bor- ough in 1S38, and the laying of the brick walk on Penn street which led from a ladies seminary at the corner of Penn and Congress street to the heart of the town, and was the first improved walk in the new borough. Throughout his life he was interested in everything that would add to the best good of the town. His entire life after he was twelve years of age was spent in the house on Penn , street, Newtown borough, built by his father about 1821 and remodeled by him- self in 1870, and still occupied by his daughter Sarah. He married 6 mo. 4, 1857, Hannah L. Penrose, daughter of William and Hannah (Jarrett) Pen- rose, of Horsham. She was born at the historic Graeme Park, the former resi- dence of Sir William Keith, colonial governor of Pennsylvania, 2 mo. 20, 1820, and died at Newtown 9 mo. 23, 1894. The children of Isaac W. and Hannah Penrose Hicks are: Sarah W.. born 4 mo. 9, 1858, still re- siding at the old homestead in New- town. Edward P., born 8 mo. 27. 1859. mar- ried 2 mo. 24, 1903, Lydia Harper Barnesley, daughter of William and Mary Ellen (Paff) Barnesley, of Newtown, and resides in Newtown borough, in the house on Penn street, opposite the old homestead built by his father about 1833. and re- modeled by himself in 1904. Their daugh- ter, Mary Barnesley Hicks, was born 7 mo. 24, 1904. Mr. Hicks took a prominent part in 1898 in establishing the standard telephone system at Newtown which was a matter of much importance to Newtown. He was for seven years a member of the Newtown town council and during this time many very im- portant improvements were inaugurated which have proved beneficial to the town. He is somewhat retiring in dis- position but one of the useful and highly respected citizens of the town and county. William Penrose Hicks, born 9 mo. 6, 1864, married 5 mo. 23, 1890, Nellie Brown, daughter of William B. and Hannah (Hough) Brown, of Browns- burg, and resides on "Fountain Farm," adjoining Newtown borough. Their children are: Hannah Brown Hicks, born 12 mo. i, 1891 ; and Cornelia Carle Hick?, born 3 mo. i, 1898. annals of the Society of Friends. Will- iam Hicks was a native of Bucks county, and was the father of five sons and two daughters. One of the sons, George, was a farmer and married Ann, daughter of John and Ann Penrose. To Mr. and Mrs. Hicks were born eleven chil- dren, of whom one was Penrose, men- tioned at length hereinafter. In re- ligious belief all the family were Friends. Penrose Hicks, son of George and Ann (Penrose) Hicks, was born May 9, 1802, in Milford township. In his youth he learned the trade of a wheelwright and ploughmaker, but at the age of twenty-one became a farmer, devoting himself to agricultural pursuits until he was forty-two years of age. Some years later he retired from active labor. He was one of the directors of the Turn- pike Company. He was chosen by his neighbors a member of the council, in which he served with honor to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. He was a Republican in politics, and always took an active interest in the affairs of the organization. He was a birthright member of Richland Monthly Meeting. Mr. Hicks married Mary, daughter of W^illiam and Martha (Cadwallader) Ball, and they were the parents of a number of children. After the death of his wife Mr. Hicks married, November 13, 1862, Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh and Eliza- beth (Roberts) Foulke. The death of Mr. Hicks occurred July II, 1886, when he had reached the ad- vanced age of eighty-four. He left be- hind him the memory of a good husband and father, a kind neighbor, and a use- ful, public-spirited citizen. PENROSE HICKS. Bucks county is rich in memories of her honored citizens of the past, among whom must be num- bered Penrose Hicks, for many years a respected resident of Richland town- ship. Mr. Hicks belonged to a family whose name is a memorable one in the J. WILMER LUNDY, of Newtown, Bucks county, was born at Rancocas, Burlington county, New Jersey, May 3, 1869, and is a son of Joseph and I\lary (Evans) Lundy. Though a native of New Jersey, as have been his ancestors for four generations, his paternal an- cestors were among the earliest settlers of the county in which he now resides. Richard Lundy, the first American an- cestor of the subject of this sketch, was a son of Sylvester Lundy, of Axminster, in the county of Devon, England; and came to Boston. Massachusetts in 6 mo.. 1676. "and from thence came to the Delaware River the 19th of the 3d mo.. 1682." So says the ancient record in the quaint little tattered "Book of Arrivals" in the handwriting of Phine- as Pemberton (the first clerk of the Bucks county courts), now in posses- sion of the Bucks County Historical So- ciety. The same volume records the ar- rival in the Delaware river in "8th mo. 1683, in the ship Concord of London, the Master William Jeffry, of Elizabeth Bennett, daughter of William Bennett of Hammondsworth, in the county of HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. IT Ivliddlesex (now deceased) and now the wife of the aforesaid Richard Lundy." William Bennett was accompanied to America by his wife Rebecca and daughters Elizabeth, before mentioned, Ann and Sarah. This book also gives the record of the marriage of Richard Lundy and Elizabeth Bennett, 6 'mo. 24, 1684. Elizabeth survived her marriage "but three years, and was buried 6 mo. 14, 1687. Still another entry in the old "Book of Arrivals" is interesting to the descendants of Richard Lundy, that which records the arrival of James Harrison and the Pembertons in the ship "Submis- sion," on 5 mo. 7, T682, at Choptank, Maryland, and their subsequent trip overland to Bucks county, detailed in this volume in a brief sketch of "The Pemerton Family," in which is given a list of the passengers on the ship "Sub- mission." With the family of James Harrison came. Jane Lyon, who was to serve in his family for four years to 9 mo. 2, 1686, and was then to receive fifty acres of land. On 4 mo. 24, 1691. this Jane Lyon became the second wife of Richard Lundy, at Middletown Meet- ing of Friends. Jane was born in the year 1666, and was therefore sixteen years of age when she arrived in Penn- sylvania, and twenty-five years old when she became the wife of Richard Lundy. On 10 mo. 6th, 1682-3 there was laid out to Richard Lundy two hundred acres in what is now Bristol township, just west of the Manor of Pennsbury, which' was patented to him 5 mo. 6th, 1684. 8 mo. 7th, 1685, he exchanged this tract with Jacob Telner for 1000 acres in what is now Buckingham, "back in the woods", as it is described in the deed recorded at Doylestown under date of 2 mo. I2th, 1688. It comprised all the land below the York road, eastward from the west line of Judge Paxson's "Nonesuch" farm to the village of Holi- cong, and extending to the top of Buck- ingham mountain. Richard Lundy did not at once take up his residence "back in the woods" of Buckingham, but purchased of Samuel Burgess a tract of 103 acres on the up- per side of Pennsbury Manor, part of the same tract on which Falls Meeting House was erected, and probably re- sided there until close to 1700. He finally conveyed this land to Thomas Duer, and took up his residence on his Buckingham purchase, either • where Charles J. Smith now resides, or across the creek at the old Ely homestead now owned by the estate of Anna J. Will- iams. On 7 mo. 12. 1692, he conveyed to Francis Rossel. 500 acres off the west- ern end of his tract, lying in about equal quantities on both sides of the present Durham Road. Rossel dying in 1695, devised it to William Smith, Ralph Boon and the "sons of Samuel Burgess." By various conveyances prior to 1705 that west of the Durham road came to Mathew Hughes, whose family owned and occupied it for over a century, or until the death of Amos Austin Plughes in 181 1. The east side of the road was first occupied by Lawrence and Enoch Pearson in 1702-3, and came to be the home of Thomas Canby in 1729. On 4 mo_. 7, 1709, Richard Lundy, then rcj- residing in Buckingham, conveyed 100 acres to Joseph Large (now the Broad- hurst farm) and some time prior to 1719 sold to his son Richard Lundy, Jr., 300 acres of the remaining 400 acres of his tract "back in the woods." The date was probably that of the marriag,e of Richard, Jr., in 1714. He, however, failed to convey the land to his son, and he having agreed to sell it to Isaac Norris. Richard Lundy, Sr., and Jane his wife and Richard. Jr., and Elizabeth his wife in 1710 conveyed it to Norris, and a year later it became the property of Hugh Ely, and remained in the fam- ily several generations. In 1724 "Rich- ard Lundy, Sr., conveyed the remaining 100 acres to Hugh Ely. This was prob- ably the approximate date of the death of his wife Jane, and he took up his residence with his son Richard, Jr., who at this date had removed to Plumstead township and located on land belonging to his brother-in-law, Ebenezer Large, which he subsequently purchased. Richard Lundy was a prominent mem- ber of Falls Meeting, and is frequently mentioned on their records. On his removal to Buckingham he became affil- iated with the ^Meeting there, then a branch of Falls Meeting, and on it be- coming a separate monthly meeting with Wrightstown in 1720, became one of the overseers and elders. On 8 mo. 5. '^7i7' he requested a certificate to re- move himself to Maiden Creek. Berks county, where his son and family had re- moved two years previously. and though the Friends remonstrated against his removing himself so far back on the frontiers at his advanced age, he persisted, and was granted a certificate to Exeter Meeting, which he deposited there the month following. He prob- ably died at Maiden Creek soon after his removal there, as we find no further record of him, and at the marriage of his grandson there in 1789 his name does not appear among the witnesses. Richard Lundy (2), son of Richard and Jane (Lyon) Lundy, was born 3 mo. (May) 20. 1692, in Bucks county, probably in Falls township, and died 2 mo. (February) 28, 1772. at Alla- muchy, Warren county. New Jersey. At least part of his boyhood days were probably spent on the Buckingham plan- tation. 300 acres of which was conveved to him on his marriage in 1714. H-is wife was Elizabeth Large, daughter of Joseph Large, then deceased, and they were married at Buckingham under the ii6 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. auspices of Falls Meeting, 4 mo. 3, 1714. He was for ten years caretaker of Buckingham Meeting House and "grave digger." The records of the Meeting on 10 mo. 2, 1724, recites the fact that he had "moved too for off" to further officiate in this capacity, and fixes the date of his removal to Plum- stead, where he was later made one of the trustees of the land on which Plum- stead Meeting House was erected though the deed for the land (200 acres) on which he lived was not made to him until November 2, 1734, less than six months before the date on- which he conveyed it preparatory to his removal to Berks county, viz.: 3 mo. 24, 1735. On 3 mo. 5, 1735, he was granted a cer- tificate by Buckingham Meeting to re- move with his family to Maiden Creek, Berks county, the certificate being di- rected to Gwynedd Meeting, from which Exeter was organized two years later,' and of which latter meeting he was ap- pointed an elder in 1737. Richard Lundy and his family remained in Berks county twelve years, removing in 5th mo., 1747 to the valley of Pequest river, in what is now Allmuchy township, Warren county, he and his family bringing cer- tificates to Bethlehem (later Kingwood, and now Quakertown Meeting) in Hunt- erdon county. New Jersey., but becom- ing later attendants at Hardwick Meet- ing, a branch of Kingwood. Several of his children had married prior to the removal to New Jersey, but all removed there with their families, though a few years later several of his children and grandchildren removed elsewhere. On March 28, 1749, Richard Lundy was commissioned a justice of the peace for the county of Morris, in which his res- idence was then included. In the same year he was made an elder of the Friends Meeting at Great Meadows, and frequent mention is made of meetings being held at his house. He died in Allemuchy, 2 mo. 28, 1772, and was bur- ied at Hardwick Friends' burying ground. On the records of Kingwood Monthly meeting is recorded a testi- mony of his worth, which says among other things, "he was a man much es- teemed among Friends and others, being of a meek and quiet spirit, exemplary in life and conversation, and a pattern of plainness and simplicity * * * jjg was an affectionate husband, a tender father, a kind friend, punctual and just in his dealings among men, evidencing to the world that he was concerned to do to others as he would have them do to him." His eighty years of life had not been lived in vain. The children of Richard and Eliza- beth (Large) Lundy were nine in num- ber, all of whom were born in BuckiiTg- ham and Plumstead townships, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and all of whom removed with their parents to Berks county, and all of whom either pre- ceded or accompanied them back to New Jersey; they were as follows: 1. Richard, born 4 mo. 23, 1715, in Buckingham, died at Allemuchy, New Jersey, 11 mo. 7, 1757; married at Maiden Creek, Berks county, in 1739^ Ann Wilson, and removed to the Pe- quest Valley, New Jersey, in 1746. He had eleven children, ten of whom grew to maturity: Samuel, William, Amos, Sarah, Richard, Ann, Ebenezer, John Eleazer and Azariah. Samuel and Will- iam removed to Canada, Samuel to New- market, and William to Lundy's Lane, it being upon his property that the famous battle of Lundy's Lane was fought in 1814. Ebenezer and Azariah returned to Bucks county. Amos, Sarah (Kes- ter) Richard, John, and the family of Azariah removed to Virginia. 2. Mary Lundy, born in Buckingham, Bucks county, 11 mo. 6, 1716, married in Plumstead in 1734, Robert Wilson, re- moved with him to Berks county, Penn- sylvania in 1735, and to Sussex county. New Jersey, in 1748, where she died 3 mo. 4, 1807, at the age of ninety years. She left numerous descendants., some of whom still retain the Sussex homestead. 3. Joseph Lundy, born in Buckingham 4 mo. 24, 1719, removed with the family to Berks county in 1735, married there in 1743 Susanna Hutton, and removed to Warren county. New Jersey, in 1745; died- there about 1759; left children: Sarah, who married Joseph Carpenter, and returned to Berks county, as did his son Enos, who in 1805 removed to York county, Ontario. His daughter Hannah married Samuel Shotwell, and settled in Sussex countj% New Jersey. 4. Jacob Lundy, born in Buckingham 6 mo. 15, 1721, married at Maiden Creek, 1748, Mary Wilson, removed to New Jersey same year, and died there in 1800, leaving children, Jacob, Mary (Schmuck), Jonathan, and Deborah (Dennis). 5. Martha Lundy, born in Bucking- ham, 6 mo. I, 1723, married in New Jer- sey in 1755, Benjamin Schooley; died there 9 mo. 11, 1803; left four children. 6. Thomas Lundy, born in Plumstead, Bucks county, and died in Warren countj^' New Jersey, about 1775; he mar- ried there in 1750, Joanna Doan, and had si.x children. See forward. 7. Samuel Lundj', born in Plumstead, Bucks county, 12 mo. 13, 1727, died in Sussex count}'. New Jersey, 2 mo. 14, 1801. He was a judge of Sussex county court, and was twice married, first in 1731 to Ann Schooley, and second in 1765 to Sarah Willets, and had twelve children. His son Levi removed to Ohio, Samuel to Seneca county. New York, and Jesse to Ontario. Canada. ' The others of his children remained in New Jersey. 8. Elizabeth Lundy, bom at Plum- rtead, Bucks county, marr.cd at Hard- HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 117 wick, New Jersey, in 1748, Gabriel Wil- son, and settled at Great Meadows, in Warren county, New Jersey, where she attend 6/i ^^x^fc^«-^ ITHE NEW YORK' PUBLIC LICRARY ■ ^STOX, LENOX A.ND TILC£N F0UMDATICN3. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 119 the provincial conference in May, 1775, and was again a delegate to the confer- ence that drafted the first constitution in 1776. He was the leading member of the committee of safety in Bucks, and the county's first representative in the congress of the United States, which assembled in New York on March 4. 1789. He died in 1816. after a long car- eer of unexampled usefulness in public life.. Gerrit Wynkoop, second son of Ger- rit and Lilletje (Folkert) Wynkoop, was born in New York, about 1700, and came to Bucks county with his father in 1717, and died in Northampton town- ship, May 12, 1769, on the 260-acre farm conveyed to him by his father in 1738. He and his wife, Susanna Vliet, were members of -the Dutch Reformed church of Northampton and Southampton. They were the parents of several chil- dren, only two of whom survived him, Geri-rdus and Adrian. The latter was baptized at Southampton, October 4, 1/43- Gerardus, eldest son of Gerrit and Su- sannah, M^as born in Northampton, and was joint heir with his brother Adrian of the paternal homestead, which he pur- chased entire in 1770, and spent his en- tire life thereon. He was first lieuten- ant of the Northampton County Asso- ciators in 1775. He was elected a mem- ber of assembly in 1774, and served con- tinuously in that body until 1794, and was for several years speaker. He died in June, 1812. His wife, whom he mar- ried December 7, 1758, was Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac- Bennett. They were the parents of eight children — six sons: Isaac, John, Garret, Mathew, David, and William; and twc^ daughters, Susannah, wife of David Wylie, and Elizabeth, wife of Stephen Rose. William, youngest son of Gerardus and Elizabeth, inherited one hundred and twenty-eight acres of the old home- stead in Northampton, and spent his life thereon. He married April 13, 1801, Mary Longstreth. and died in 1833. His widow iMary survived him several years. Their children were: Thomas L., Ger- ardus, Christopher: Elizabeth, wife of Charles McNair; Catharine, wife of Dr. James McNair; Susannah, Margaret. Anna Maria, Susan, Mary Frances and Caroline. Thomas L. Wynkoop married Eliza- beth Torbert, daughter of James and Margaret (McNair) Torbert, of Scotch- Irish ancestry, a descendant of Samuel Torbert, who came to Newtown. Bucks countv. from Carrickfergus, Ireland, in 1726. 'Thomas and Elizabeth (Torbert) Wynkoop were the parents of five chil- dren, viz. : James. Catharine. William, Samuel, and Thomas Henry. The lat- ter was a member of General W. W. H. Davis' 104th Pennsylvania Regi- ment, and was killed in action in June, 1862. Thomas L. Wynkoop, the father of the above named children, died in. 1879, and devised the old homestead where he had lived all his life to his son William, the subject of this sketch, who still owns it. The subject of this sketch has lived an eventful life. He served three years during the war of the rebellion in the First New Jersey Cavalry, enlisting as a private and was promoted successively - to sergeant, second lieutenant, first lieu- tenant and captain, rie served on the staff of Brigadier General Davis, in Gregg's, Cavalry Division, as provost- marshal, ordnance office and assistant adjutant general; was three times wound and received an honorable testi- monial for meritorious services. Soon after the war Captain Wynkoop removed to Newtown, where he has since resided. He was engaged in the real estate business for nearly twenty years, and transacted a large amount of public business as assignee, executor, administrator, and agent. He served in the office of justice of the peace for fif- teen years; was three years chief .bur- gess of Newtown borough, and borough treasurer for several years. He has been president of the school board for the past ten years, and is an active member of the school directors' association of Bucks county, which he has served as president. He was one of the assign- ees of the Newtown Banking Company on its failure in May, 1878, and was an important factor in winding up its com- plicated affairs. Captain Wynkoop' comes of good old Presbyterian stock, his ancestors for eight generations having been officers of the Presbyterian or Reformed churches in the localities where they re- sided. He has served as ruling elder of the Newtown Presbyterian church since 1872. during which period he has acted as clerk of. the session. In the same year he was chosen superintendent of the Sabbath school connected with the church, and was re-elected to that posi- tion for twenty-eight consecutive years, then declining a re-election. In 1879 he was elected president of the Bucks Coun- ty Sabbath School Association and served in that position for eight years. He has been identified with the Bucks County Historical Society for many years, and has prepared a number of valuable his- torical papers for its sessions. , He is now one of the board of trustees of the Society. He is an nctive member of the G. A. R., and commander of T. H. Wyn- koop Post. No. .427. at Newtown. This Post was named in honor of his brother, who died in the service of his country, having enlisted in Colonel Davis' 104th Regiment, when twenty years of age. and was killed in action nine months later. Captain Wynkoop served as aide- de-camp, to Ge'neral John L. Black, I20 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY commander-in-chief of tlic G. A. R. of the United States in 1904. He married Rachel Ann Blaker, who died in January, 1895, leaving four chil- dren, their eldest child having died in her eighteenth year; those who survive are: Elizabeth, wife of George R. Luff, who resides with her father at New- town, with her five children, William, Ruth, Mabel, Katharine and Rachel. Katharine, who married (first) Henry C. Wylie, who died six years later, leav- ing a daughter, Margaret; she after- wards married G. F. Reynolds of Scran- ton, Pennsylvania, and has two sons, William and Arthur. Evelyn, married H. L. Harding, of Scranton. The only son, James .Wynkoop, entered Prince- ton University in 1900, intending on his graduation to study for the ministry but failing health compelled him to re- linquish his studies during his first year at college; he is at present employ- ed in a bank at Scranton, Pennsylvania, with greatly improved health. He is the. only male descendant of the Wynkoops in Bucks county, of the younger genera- tion, that bears their name. He was married in 1904 to Cora B. Gernon, of Scranton. Captain Wynkoop is still in active life and health. He is president of the Ex- celsior Bobbin and Spool Company of Newtown, president of the Mutual Beneficial Insurance Association of Bucks county, and a director in six other Bucks county corporations, and has served as secretary of the Newtown Cemetery Company for the last thirty years. He is widely and favorably known in business and social circles, and has traveled extensively both in this country and Europe. HON. OLIVER HENRY FRETZ, A. M., M. D., of Quakertown, Bucks coun- ty, Pennsylvania, one of the leading phy- sicians of upper Bucks, was born on his father's farm in Richland township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, April 9, 1858, and is descended from the earliest German settlers in upper Bucks county, whose descendants have been identified with the affairs of that section since it was inhabited by the aborigines, a per- iod of nearly two, centuries. John Fretz, the paternal ancestor of Dr. Fretz, came to Pennsylvania about the end of the first quarter of the eighteenth century, accompanied by two brothers Christian and Mark, the latter of whom is said to have died at sea. John Fretz located for a time in what is now Montgomery county, where he married Barbara Mey- er, daughter of Hans Meyer, an early German emigrant, who had settled in Salford township, now Montgomery county. About 1737 John Fretz pur- chased a tract of 230 acres in Bedniin- ster township, Bucks •county,, and set- tled thereon. His wife Barbara died about 1740, and he married a second time. He reared a family of eight chil- dren, five of whom were by his first wife, all except one of which were born in Salford. John Fretz died early in the year 1772. According to the historian of the family. Rev. A. J. Fretz, of Milton, New Jersey, he has to-day 5,000 living descendants. Jacob Fretz, second son of John and Barbara (Meyer) Fretz, was born in Montgomery county, in 1732, came with his parents to Bucks county when a child and was reared in Bedminster township. About 1755 he married Mag- dalena Nash, daughter of William Nash, of Bedminster, and settled in Tinicum township, near Erwinna, but later re- turned to Bedminster township, where he purchased a farm and lived and died there. He and his wife as well as all the earlier generations of the family were Mennonites and worshiped at the his- toric old Deep Run Meeting House erected about 1746, and where many of the family are buried. Jacob and Mag- dalena (Nash) Fretz were the parents of six sons and three daughters, only the eldest of the latter having married, viz : Elizabeth, who became the wife of the Rev. John Kephardt, for many years pastor of the Doylestown Mennonite congregation. Abraham the eldest son, located in Hilltown; he was a teamster in the Revolutionary army and endured many hardships. He married and has numerous descendants in Bucks. John, Jacob, William and Joseph Fretz were farmers in Bedminster, where they rear- ed families. Isaac Fretz, youngest son of Jacob and Magdalena (Nash) Fretz, was the grandfather of Dr. O. H. Fretz. He was born on the homestead in Bedminster township. June 11, 1781, and on arriving at manhood married Mary Moyer, and followed farming in Bedminster until 1822. when they removed to Richland township, where he also followed agri- cultural pursuits until his death on De- cember 27, 1855. His wife, Mary Moyer. was born August 24, 1786, and died March 27, 1855. They were the parents of two children, William and Magdalena, the latter of whom died July i, 1854, unmarried. William Fretz. only son of Isaac and Mary (Moyer) Fretz, was born in Bed- minster township, April 9, 1811, and re- moved with his parents to Richland at the age of eleven years. Early in life he learned the trade of a carpenter, which he followed until the death of his parents in 1855, when he returned to the homestead and resided thereon until 1866, when he removed to Quakertown, where he lived retired until his death on December 22, 1869. He took an ac- tive interest in local aflfairs and served as supervisor of Richland township for HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 121 several years. He was a member of the German Reformed church. He mar- ried, in 1854, Catharine Hofiford, daugh- ter of Daniel and Snsanna (MaugleX Hofford, and they were the parents of two children, Edwin Penrose, and the subject of this sketch. Edwin Penrose Fretz, born March 3, 1856, on the home- stead in Richland township, attended the public schools there until his fif- teenth year, when he learned the shoe- maker trade with A. B. Walp & Co. Later he entered Washington Hall Col- legiate Institute at Trappe, Montgom- ery county, Pennsylvania, and later Al- lentown Business College, from which he graduated in 1878. He was employed for some time in the shoe factory of A. B. Walp & Co. He is now proprietor of a shoe store at Lansdale, Pennsyl- vania. Hon. Oliver Henry Fretz, A. M.. M. D., second and youngest son of William and Catharine (Hofford) Fretz, was born in Richland township, Bucks county, April 9, 1858. There he lived till he was ten years old, when he removed with his parents to Quakertown, Pennsylvan- ia, where he received the best school advantages the borough afiforded. He later attended Oak Grove Academy, a school conducted under the auspices of the Society of Friends. During 1878 and 1879, he was a student of Muhlen- berg College, at Allentown, Pennsyl- vania. He began the study of medicine in 1879, first under that able practitioner, and scientist. Dr. I. S. Moyer, and after- ward in the same year he entered the Jefferson Medical College,. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and, after pursuing a three years' graded course of study, gradu- ated March 30, 1S82, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He began the practice of medicine at Salfordville, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, but, owing to ill health, at the end of three years he sold his practice and removed to Quakertown, where he is now suc- <;essfully engaged in the drug business, combined with a large and lucrative ofifice and consulting practice. In 1886- 87 he took a post-graduate course of instruction at the Philadelphia Poly- clinic and College for Graduates in Medicine. He also pursued a course of instruction at the eye, ear, nose and throat department of the Philadelphia Dispensary, fitting himself as a specialist in diseases of the eye. ear, nose and throat. In 1889 he completed a course in pharmacy at the National Institute of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois. Since 1886, when he was elected a school di- rector of Quakertown borough, he has been closely identified with the edu- cational interests of his town and the county. He was re-elected school di- rector in 1889, and served three years as president and one year as treasurer of the board. In 1890 Dr. Fretz was nominated on the first ballot for assembly by the Bucks county Democratic convention, and was elected by nearly three hun- dred majority. He represented his coun- ty in the legislature of 1891 with marked ability, and to the utmost satisfaction of his constituents. In the fall of 1892 he was renominated by acclamation and re- elected by a largely increased majority.' In the session of 1893 he served on the following important committees: educa- tional, municipal corporations, public health and sanitation, and congressional apportionment. He introduced a num- ber of bills in the legislature, the most important of which was, an act to auth- orize the state superintendent of public instruction to grant permanent state teachers' certificates to graduate of rec- ognized literary and scientific colleges. He was also elected by the house of Rep- resentatives a member of the Pennsyl- vania election commission for 1893-94, whose duty it was to open, compute and publish the vote for state treasurer. On June 21, 1893, Ursinus College recog- nized his ability by conferring the hon- orary degree of Master of Arts (A. M.) upon him. In January, 1894, Dr. Fretz was appointed a clinical assistant in the eye department of the Jefferson Medi- cal College Hospital, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. He received the appointment of borough physician of Quakertown in 1888, and has since been reappointed annually. In July 1893, he was appointed by the borough council; a member of the borough board of health, a position he still holds, he being president of the board. November 2, 1898, he was elected president of the Bucks county Medical Society. He is also a member of the State Medical Society of Pennsylvania, the Lehigh Valley Medical Association, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Political and Social Science of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania For- estry Association and the Bucks County School Directors' Association, of which he served as vice president. He is also surgeon for the Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley Traction Co.. and medical ex- aminer for numerous life insurance com- panies. On November 21, 1898, Dr. Fretz was elected by the board of trus- tees a censor of the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. He pursued a course of study at the Chicago School of Psychology, graduating therefrom March 15, 1900, receiving the degree of Doctor of Psychology (Psy. D.). On March 7, 1905, he completed a course of study at the South Bend College of Optics, South Bend, Indiana, graduating therefrom with the degree of Doctor of Optics, (Opt. D.). He is a member of the following organizations: Quaker- town Lodge, No. 512, F. and A. M. ; Zin- zendorf Chapter. No. 216. Royal Arch Masons, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; 122 HISTORY OP BUCKS COUNTY. Pennsylvania Comniandcry, No. 70, Knights Templar of Philadelphia; Qua- kertown Lodge, No. 714, 1. O. O. F.; Secona Tribe, No. 263, 1. O. of R. M., and Marion Circle, No. 16, B. U. (H. F.) of Pennsylvania. On October 26, 1882, Dr. Fretz mar- ried Elniira A. Roedcr, daughter of Na- than C. and Lucinda (Antrim) Roeder, of Spinnerstown, Pennsylvania. Both are members of the Reformed church. Their union was blessed with two children: Roberts Bartholow, born January 19, 1884, and died October i, 1884, and Ray- mond Lamar, born April 24, 1885. The latter received his primary education in the public schools of Quakertown, Pennsylvania; later he attended Perkio- men Seminary for two years, and the Bethlehem Preparatory School, an ad- junct to Lehigh University for one year. He then entered his father's drug store as a student of medicine and pharmacy, and in May, 1905, he graduated in the Era Course of Pharmacy of New York. He is also a member of Marion Circle, No. 16, B. U. (H. F.) of Pennsylvania, also of the Quakertown Mandolin Club. YARDLEY FAMILY. John Yardley, treasurer of the Doylestown Trust Com- pany, is a son of Mahlon and Elizabeth (Brock) Yardley, and was born in Doy- lestown, 6 mo. IS, 1852, and belongs to the fourteenth generation of the descen- dants of John Yardley, of county Staf- ford, England, who married a daughter of Marbury of Dadesbury, in 1402. The family of Yardley (formerly spelled Yeardley) is an ancient one with resi- dence in Staffordshire, where the heads of the familj-^ were known as the "Lords of Yeardley." Their coat-of-arms is: "Argent on a chevron azure, three garbs or, on a canton gules, a fret or;" Crest: "A buck courant, gu. attired or." The pioneer emigrant of the family was William Yeardley, who with wife Jane and three sons, Enoch, William and Thomas and a servant Andrew Heath, emigrated from Ransclough, near Leake, in the county of Stafford, and arrived in the river Delaware in the good ship "Friends' Adventure," 7 mo. 29, 1682. They located on five hun- dred acres of land purchased of William Penn 3 mo. 30, i68r, (just sixteen days after Penn received the grant of Penn- sylvania from Charles II). This tract was located on the Delaware river, near the present site of the borough of Yard- ley, and was called "Prospect Farm." William Yardley was fifty years of age on his arrival in Bucks county. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and had been called to the ministry among them in his twenty-third year. He had traveled through dififerent parts of iMig- land preaching the Gospel, and had suf- fered imprisonment and fines for his- faith. He became at once and contin- ud to his death one of the most promi- ennt men of the province. He was a member of the first Colonial Assembly in 1682, and again in 1683; member of Provincial Council in 1688-9; justice of the peace and of the courts of Bucks county, April 6, 1685, to January 2, 1689; sheriff, February 11, 1690, to April 29, 1693. He died 5 mo. 6, 1693, aged sixty- one years. Enoch Yardley, eldest son of William and Jane, was a member of Colonial Assembly in 1699. He married 10 mo. 1697, Mary, daughter of Robert Pletch- er, of Abington, Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania, and had by her three daughters, Jane, Mary and Sarah, all of whom died in infancy. He died li mo. 23, 1702-3. His brother William died' unmarried 12 mo. 12, 1792-3. Thomas, the other brother, married 9 mo. 6, 1700, Hester Blaker, and had two children, William and Hester, both of whom died" in infancy. He died on the same day as his brother, 11 mo. 23, 1702-3. Mary, the widow of Enoch Yardley, married (second) Joseph Kirkbridge, one of the most prominent men of the Province, who had emigrated from the parish of Kirkbride, in Cumberland, England. She was his third wife, and bore him seven children — John, Robert, Mary, Sarah (married Israel Pemberton), Thomas, and Jane, who married Samuel Smith, the historian of New Jersey. Hester, the widow of Thomas Yardley, married 8 mo. 1704, William Browne, of Chiches- ter, Chester county, Pennsylvania. William Yardley, his wife, children and grandchildren all being dead, his real estate in Bucks county descended to his brother Thomas, of "The Beech- es," in the parish of Rushton, Stafford- shire. In the year 1704 Thomas^ Yard- ley, Jr.. son of Thomas of Rushton, came to Bucks county with a power of attorney from his father and his brother Samuel to claim the real estate. "Pros- pect Farm" was sold under this power, of attorney, 5 mo. 25, 1710, to Joseph Janney, who as "straw man" conveyed it back to Thomas Yeardley, Jr., 6 mo. 14, 1710. This Thomas Yeardley (as he always wrote his name) was the ances- tor of all the Yardleyi of Bucks county. He married 12 mo., 1706-7, Ann, the youngest daughter of William and Joan- na Biles, who had emigrated from Dor- chester, in the county of Dorset. Eng- land, and arrived in the river Delaware 4 mo. 4. 1679. The children of Thomas and Ann (Biles) Yardley were ten in number: 1. Mary, born 8 mo. 4. 1707, married. 12 mo. 30, T72S-9. Amos Janney of Lou- doun county. Virginia. 2. Jane, born 11 mo. 20, 1708-9. married Francis Hague, of Loudoun county, Vir- ginia. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 123: 3. Rebecca, born 7 mo. 27, 1710, never married. 4. Sarah, bom 7 mo. 30, 1712, married (first) Benjamin Canby, (second) David Kinsey. 5. Joyce, born 10 mo. 3, 1714, never married. 6. William, born 3 mo. 25, 1716, died 8 mo. 3, 1774. 7. Hannali, born 11 mo. 13, 1718-19, never married. 8. Thomas, born 11 mo. i, 1720-1, died 3 mo. 12, 1803, married Mary Field. Entered military service of the Province and was disowned by Friends therefore in 1756. 9. Samuel, born 4 mo. 16, 1723, died 8 mo. 12, 1726. 10. Samuel, born 7 mo. 13, 1729, died 1759. married Jane. Thomas Yeardley was returned as a member of the Provincial Assembly in 1715 and again in 1722. He was commis- sioned a justice of the several courts of Bucks county, May 12, 1725, and contin- ued to serve as such until 1741. He was one of the most prominent and active of the judges, being present at nearly every sitting of the court. He became a very large land holder, acquiring in 1726 five hundre(| acres adjoining Pros- pect Farm, and in T733 a tract of six- hundred acres in Newtown township. He also acquired title to the Solebury Mills, erected by Robert Heath in 1707. He died in 1756. He devised his Make- field lands to his sons William an'd Thomas, and his Solebury property to his son Samuel. William Yardley, born 3 mo. 25, 1716, married 4 mo. 20, 1748, Ann Budd, of New Jersey, and had: Ann, born 4 mo. 10, 1749, married Abraham Warner. Sarah, born 2 mo. 17, 1751, married Timothy Taylor. Margaretta, born 12 mo. 6, 1752, married Stacy Potts, of Trenton, New Jersey. Anna (Budd) Yardley died 1753, and William married, 3 mo. 31, 1756. Sarah, daughter of Mah- lon and Mary (Sotcher) Kirkbride. Mah- lon Kirkbride was the son of Joseph, before mentioned, by his second wife, Sarah, daughter of Mahlon and Rebecca (Ely) Stacy, who were married at Cinder Hill, near Mansfield. Yorkshire, Eng- land, in 1668, and emigrated to Nevv Jersey in 1676. Mahlon Stacy was the first settler at the present site of Tren- ton, New Jersey, where he built a mill which was the sole resources for the farmers on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware for many years. Mahlon Stacy was a prominent official of the Prov- ince of West Jersey, while Joseph Kirk- bride, his son Mahlon, John Sotcher, father of Mary Kirkbride, and Penn's steward at Pennsbury, and William Biles, all ancestors of the subject of this sketch, were all members of Colonial Assembly and justices of the court at different times. The children of Will- iam Yardley and his second wife Sarah Kirkbride were: Mary, born i mo. 27, 1757, married Jonathan Woolston. Hannham, born 3 mo. 19, 1758, mar-- ried 1779- John Stapler. Achsah, born 2 mo. 17, 1760, married 1794, Thomas Stapler. Letitia. born 7 mo. 12, 1762, married 1782. Jonathan Willis, of Philadelphia. Thomas, born 10 mo. 2, 1763, married 1785, Susanna Brown. Mahlon, born 7 mo. 17, 1765, married 1787, Elizabeth Brown. Samuel, born 2 mo. 28, 1767, died in infancy. William, born 6 mo. 8, 1769, married 1793, Elizabeth Field. Joseph, born 3 mo. 19, 1771, married 1798, Sarah Field. Sarah (Kirkbride) Yardley, died i mo. 21, 1783. William Yardley, served as sheriff of Bucks county from October 4. 1752, to October 4, 1755; and as justice of the- courts of Bucks county December 7, 1764, to 1770. He died 8 mo. 3, 1774. Mahlon, son of William and Sarah (Kirkbride) Yardley, born 7 mo. 17, 1765, married 4 mo. 26, 1787, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann (Field) Brown, of Falls township. (Benjamin Field, father of Ann Brown, was a mem- ber of Provincial Assembly 1738-45.) The children of Mahlon and Elizabeth (Brown) Yardley, were: Sarah, born 4 mo. 16, 1788, married 1813, Joseph Paul. Ann. born 2 mo. 6, 1790, married 1812, Jesse Lloyd. Achsah, born 9 mo. i, 1792, married 1834, Richard Janney. John, born 12 mo. i, 1794, married' 1823, Frances Hapenny, 1841, Anna Van Horn. Hannah, born 4 mo. 25, 1797, married 1819, Samuel Buckman. Robert, born i mo. 18, 1799, married 1829, Ellen Field. Charles, born 8 mo. 4, 1802, married Anna Warner. Elizabeth, born 7 mo. 21, 1807, married 1831. Mahlon B. Linton. Elizabeth (Brown) Yardley, died i mo. 22. 1824. Mahlon Yardley died in Makefield, II mo. 17, 1829. John, son of Mahlon and Sarah (Kirk- bride) Yardley, born 12 mo. i, 1794. married, i mo. 23, 1823, Frances Hap- penny. Their children were: Mahlon, born 2 mo. 4, 1824, married 12 mo. 11, 1850, Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Brock. Strickland, born 10 mo. t8, 1826. married Martha Johnson. Franklin, born 6 mo. 26. 1830, died in infancy, John Yardley, married (second) Anna" Van Horn, 6 mo. 16, 1841; their children were: Fannie, born 12 mo. 10. 1S44. Hon. Robert M., born 10 mo. 9, 1850, member of congress, Seventh District. Mary 124 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Eliza, born i mo. 14, 1854. John Yardley during the later years of life was a mem- ber of the firm of Yardley & Justice, coal and lumber merchants, at Yardley, .Pennsjdvania. He died at Yardley, 5 mo. 24, 1874. Mahlon Yardley was born in Make- field township, 2 mo. 24, 1824, where his early boyhood was spent. He graduated at Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsyl- vania, in the class of 1843, and at once began the study of law at Easton. He was admitted to the Bucks County bar February 2, 1846, and began the practice of law at Doylestown. At the organiza- tion of the Republican party he became an ardent advocate of its principles. In the fall of 1851 he was its nominee for state senator from the Sixth district, and, although the district was then over- whelmingly Democratic, was elected, de- feating the late General Paul ApplebacH, of Haycock. The term at that period was three years, and he was therefore in the state senate at the breaking out of the war. When in April, 1861, the Doylestown Guards were on their way to the front, they were met at the station at Harris- burg by Senator Yardley and two col- leagues and a bountiful supper served to them. When General W. H. H. Da- vis recruited and organized the 104th Pennsylvania Regiment at Doylestown, September, 1861. Mr. Yardley enlisted and was commissioned^rst lieutenant of Company K. He was with the regiment at the siege of Yorktown, and in the be- ginning of the hostilities along the Chickahominy. In the skirmishes at Sav- age's Station and Seven Pines, prelimin- ary to the battle of Fair Oaks on May 24, 1862, he narrowly escaped being killed. General Davis, in his "History of the 104th Regiment," says, in speaking of this engagement: ''There were many narrow escapes. Lieutenant Yardley moved his head to one side just in time to prevent a shell that passed along, from taking it off. A soldier named Brown, immediately back of him. was struck in the head and instantly killed. After the battle the regiment M^as encamped on the edge of a dense swamp, and many of the men were taken sick with fevers. Among these was Lieutenant Yardley. In the latter part of the month he was carried home by some friends who were on a visit to the regiment, and never rejoined the command. When sufficient- ly recovered he was placed in the re- cruiting service and was subsequently appointed provost marshal for the Fifth District, with headquarters at Frank- ford." Mr. Yardley never fully recovered from the severe attack of typhoid con- tracted in the Chickahominy swamps, and was ever thereafter afflicted with a severe cough, which no doubt hastened his death. After being in bed for about four months, he opened a recruiting of- fice at Doylestown. On April 10, 1863, he was appointed provost marshal for this district, then comprising three wards of the city of Philadelphia, and promoted to the rank of captain. At the close of the war he was appointed in- ternal revenue collector for the same dis- trict, a position he filled until his death. He died June 23, 1873. His wife, whom he married 12 mo. 11, 1850, was Eliza- beth, daughter of Stephen and Mary (Jones) Brock. The Brocks are one of the oldest families in Bucks county. The emigrant ancestor of the family was sheriff of the county in 1685, and his son, Thomas Brock, held the same office for the term 1693-5. Stephen Brock, father of Mrs. Yardley, was twice elected sheriff of Bucks county, in 1821 and again in 1827. John Yardley, the only child of Mah- lon and Elizabeth, was born in Doyles- town, June 15, 1852. He was educated at private schools in Doylestown, and en- tered Lehigh University in 1868, remain- ing two years, after which he entered the silk house of Watson & Jan- ney, of Philadelphia, as clerk. He re- turned to Doylestown in the autumn of 1872 to assist his father in the revenue office. On February i, 1873, he was appointed a clerk in the Doylestown Na- tional Bank, and remained in the em- ploy of the bank until 1896, when he resigned to accept the position of treas- urer of the Doylestown Trust Company, which position he still fills. Mr. Yard- Ity has always been active in everything that pertains to the best interests of the t»iv,n he lives in. He was for many years a member of the S'chool board and has h^ld other borough offices. He was one of the organizers of the Doyles- town Electric Company and of the Doylestown Gas Company, and has been a director of both companies from their organization. He has also been inter- ested in several other local enterprises. He is a member of Doylestown Lodge, F. and A. M., No. 245; Aquetong Lodge, No. 193. I. O. O. F.; Doylestown En- campment, No. 25, I. O. O. F.; and Len- ape Council, No. 11 17, Royal Arcanum. He married. October 19, 1876, Emma, daughter of David and Lucy "(Lear) Krewson. Their only child is Mahlon, born May 19, 1878, who resides with his parents. SAMUEL YARDLEY. of Edgewood, Lower Makefield township, was born in Upper Makefield township. Bucks coun- ty, October 19. 1834, and is a son of Joseph H. and Esther B. (Knowles) Yardley. and is without doul:)t of the same lineage as Tliomas Yardley, son of Thomas Yardley. of Rushton Spencer. Staff'ordshire, England, the former of whom came to Bucks county in 1704, as TH t TILC HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY 125 the heir of his uncle, William Yardley, of Ransclough, near Leake, county Staf- ford, who had come to Bucks county in 1682, an account of whom is given in this work. Richard Yardley appears in Bucks county soon after the arrival of Thomas, with whom he was closely associated. He was probably a grandson of John Yardley, of Rushton Spencer, uncle of William and Thomas, above mentioned, who married Alice, daughter of Richard Sutton, of Rushton Spencer, and had sons, Edward, William, Ralph, John, Richard, and Thomas. As before stated Richard Yardley appears in Bucks coun- ty soon after the emigration of Thomas Yardley to this county, and the latter sold him in 1753 six hundred acres of land near Newtown, purchased in 1742. Richard never lived on this land, and at his death in 1761 was operating the mill belonging to Thomas Yardlej^ in Solebury township. His will, dated Jan- uary 5, 1761, and proved March 4, 1761, mentions wife Mary, daughter Mary, wife of Joseph Harvey; and sons, Thom- as, Samuel, Richard, Enoch, William, and Benjamin. Richard Yardley, son of the above Richard, married November i, 1759, Lu- cilla Stackhouse. He purchased in 1773 of Thomas and Mary (Field) Yardley 107 acres of land in Lower Makefield, on which he lived and died. He was a wheelwright by trade and followed that vocation in connection with farming. He died in 1786 leaving two sons, Sam- uel and William; and three daughters: Anna, wife of John Leedom; Hannah, wife of James White; and Mary, wife of John Hough. William, the j^oungest of the children, was born in 1777. Lu- cilla Stackhouse, wife of Richard Yard- ley, was born 4 mo. 9, 1738, and was a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Jan- ney) Stackhouse, her maternal grand- father being Abel Janney, whose daugh- ter Elizabeth, John Stackhouse married at IMiddletown 10 mo. 22. 1737, their only other child being Abel Stackhouse, born 4 mo. 4, 1740. John Stackhouse was born 3 mo. II, 1708, and died 7 mo. 23, 1743, and was a son of John and Elizabeth Stackhouse, of ]\iiddletown, the former of whom came to Middletown from England with his uncle, Thomas Stack- house, in 1682. Samuel Yardley, eldest son of Richard and Lucilla (Stackhouse) Yardley, was a man of considerable prominence in the community, and at one time a consider- able landholder in the Makefields. He married Ann Vansant, daughter of Cor- nelius and Ann (Larzelere) Vansant, and had two sons, Richard and Joseph Har- vey Yardley. Joseph H. Yardley was born near Yardley in the year 1797. He was a nat- ural mechanic, and in ,early life followed the trade of a carpenter, in connection with the conduct of a farm near Taylors- ville. In April, 1841, he purchased at sheriff's sale the Jacob Janney farm of 115 acres, which included the farm now owned and occupied by his son, the sub- ject of this sketch, and spent the remain- der of his life thereon, dying in 1880 at the age of eighty-three years. In politics he was a staunch Republican, and was an active and prominent man in the com- munity, holding the office of justice of the peace for many years. He was also one of the directors of the Yardley Del- aware Bridge Company, and held several other positions of trust. His wife was Esther B. Knowles, of an old and promi- nent family in Upper Makefield, and they were the parents of six children: Elizabeth; Julia, widow of Charles Jan- ney, of Solebury ; Anna, first wife of the above named Charles Janney; Rebecca, who died young; Samuel, the subject oi this sketch; and Gulielma, wife of Rob- ert Yardley Linton, of Makefield. Samuel Yardley was born near Tay- lorsville, -Upper Makefield township, Oc- tober 19, 1834, but from the age of seven years was reared on the farm upon which he still resides. He was educated at the local schools and at the Norris- town Academy. He was jeared to the life of a farmer, and has always given his attention to the tilling of the soil. In politics he is a Republican, but has never sought or held other than local office. He is one of the highly respected citizens of Lower Makefield, where he has always resided. Mr. Yardley has been twice married, his first wife being Sa- rah Swartzlander, who died December 21, 1865; and his second wife was Jane P. Swartzlander, who died November 28, 1902, both being daughters of Abraham and Rebecca Swartzlander. William R., only son of Samuel and Sarah (Swartzlander) Yardley, married j\Iary Vanhorn, and they are the parents of eleven children, as follows: Florence K., born February 6, 1884; Joseph H., born July 21. 1885; Bernard V., born October 4, 1887; Mary S., born Novem- ber 16. 1889: Sarah S., born Januarj' 22, 1892; Oscar v., deceased; Jane P., born ^larch 12, 1'897; Maud L., born August i, T898; Samuel Y., born February 5, 1900; Virginia, born May 30, 1901; Esther K., born January 8, 1903. HON. ROBERT M. YARDLEY, de- ceased. On the ninth day of December, 1902, passed away in Doylestown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, one of the most popular and distinguished citizens of the county, one who by reason of eminent ability and distinguished services had achieved a fame far beyond the borders of his native county, and who by his gen- erous, kindly and affable traits had in- trenched himself in the hearts of the people. 126 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Robert M. Yardley was born in Yard- ley, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, Octo- ber 9, 1850, a son of John and Ann (Van Horn) Yardley. Of a distinguished an- cestry who had rendered to tiieir county, state and nation distinguished and emi- nent services in nearly every generation, he rendered fully his meed of service. He w^as reared in the village, (now bor- ough) of Yardley, and received a good academic education. As a young man he was engaged for a few years in assisting his father in the conduct of a large lum- ber and coal business at Yardley. At the age of eighteen he began the study of law in the office of his half-brother, Mahlon Yardley, Esq., and was admitted to the bar of Bucks county in 1872. He located in Doylestown, and immediately began the practice of his chosen profes- sion. He was a careful and conscien- tious student, a logical and forceful reas- oner and an eloquent speaker, and soon proved himself an able and strong law- yer, and merited and held the confidence of a large clientage. In 1879 he was elected district attor- ney of the county against an adverse majority, and filled the office for three years with eminent ability. In politics he was an ardent Republican, and repre- sented his party and county in the na- tional convention of 1884. He was elected to the Fiftieth Congress in 1886, from the Seventh District, over Hon. George Ross, and made an enviable record. Re- turning to Doylestown and declining a ♦re-election, he resumed the practice of his profession and soon reached the first rank as a lawyer. His reputation as an orator placed him upon the platform at many political and other assemblies, and his eloquent addresses, touched with a vein of humor, were always incisive, in- structive and to the point. He was ap- pointed receiver of the Keystone Nation- al Bank, Philadelphia, in 1891, and his excellent administration of its a'rfairs led to his appointment as receiver of the Spring Garden Bank, in 1894. He was interested in all that pertained to the best interests of his town and county, and generously contributed to every good cause, public or private. He was a director of the Bucks County Trust Company of the Doylestown Elec- trical Company, the Doylestown Gas Company, and an officer in several other local institutions. He was president of the Doylestown school board for several years prior to his death, and an active member of the local board of health. He was a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity and of the I. O. O. F. Mr. Yardley was twice married, first in 1874. to Clara Bell, who died in 1883, and second, on April 21, 1892, to Re- becca P., widow of Levi. L. James. Esq., and daughter of John M. and Sarah (Roberts) Purdy, who survives him. An account of the ancestry of Mrs. Yardley, is given on another page of this work. The news of the death of Mr. Yardley on December 9, 1902, was heard with profound regret and sorrow in ail parts of Bucks county. The end came without warning; he had gone to his office as usual in the morning, and a few minutes after entering his private office died in his chair from heart fail- ure. HENRY W. COMFORT. It is def- initely known that it was at a very early- epoch in the settlement of the new world when the Comfort family was estab- lished in America, for John Comfort came from Flushing, Long Island, to the Friends Monthly Meeting held in Falls township. Bucks county, December 3, 1719, bringing with him a certificate from the former place. He settled in Amwell, Hunterdon county. New Jer- sey, and his life was devoted to reclaim- ing the wild land for purposes of civili- zation and to more advanced agricul- tural interests. He married Miss Mary Wilson, August 6, 1720, and they had three children: Stephen, Sarah and Rob- ert. (II) Stephen Comfort, of the second generation, was married to Mercy Croasdale August 25, 1744. They had nine children; John; Ezra; Jeremiah; Stephen; Grace, the wife of Jonathan Stackhouse; Mercy, the wife of Aaron Phillipps: Moses; Robert; and Hannah. (III) Ezra Comfort, son of Stephen Comfort, was born August 11, 1747, arid married Alice Fell, January 9, 1772. He was a recorded minister of the Society of Friends and exerted strong influence in behalf of the moral as well as mafer- ial development of his community. In his family were six children: Elizabeth, who became the wife of Peter Roberts, and after his death married Benjamin White; Mercy, wife of Joshua Paxton; Grace, twin sister of Mercy, and the wife of Benjamin Gillingham; John; Ezra; and Alice. (IV) Ezra Comfort, who was born April 18. 1777, was also a recorded minis- ter of the Society of Friends. He mar- ried Margaret Shoemaker, October 16, 1800, and they had nine children ; Sarah, wife of Hughes Bell; Grace, wife of Charles Williams; Jane, who became the wife of Jones Yerkes, and after his death married Charles Lippencott; Ann, who married Isaac Jones; John S.; Alice, the wMfe of George M. Haverstick; Jere- miah; David; and Margaret, wife of Henry Warrington. (V) John S. Comfort, son of Ezra Comfort, was born May 25, 1810, in Plymouth. Montgomery county, Penn- sylvania. In early life he engaged in a lime business, building and owning kilns about ten miles from Easton on the Delaware division of the canal. He HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 127 shipped the first boatload of lime that was ever sent over the canal, and for a number of years supplied most of the farmers in the lower part of Bucks county. Later he turned his attention to the lumber business, which he con- ducted quite extensively in the Lehigh valley. About 1835 he purchased the farm where his son, George AL Comfort, now resides, situated in Falls township, about a mile and a half from the village of Fallsington, whereon he spent his re- maining days, passing away in 1891. He married Jane C. Comfort, a daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah (Cooper) Comfort. Their only chil,d was (VI) George M., who was born April 10, 1837, in the house which is yet his home. He early engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which he was much inter- ested, finding it both congenial to his tast«s and satisfactorily remunerative. He was a member of the first board of directors of The Peoples' National Bank of Langhorne, and is yet a member of the board of directors of the First Na- tional Bank of Trenton, New Jersey, and is president of the Bucks County Contributionship for Fire Insurance. Like his ancestors for several genera- tions, he is a member of the religious Society of Friends, and from early life has been actively engaged in its work. He married Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Moses and Mercy Comfort, of Penns Manor, on October 14, 1858. Their chil- dren are : Edward .C, who died in child- hood; Henry W., born February 27, 1863; and William S., who died in child- hood. (VII) Henry W. Comfort, the only surviving son of George M. and Ann Elizabeth Comfort, resides on and is operating the farm in Falls township which has been the family home for three generations. It includes ah area of 225 acres, on which he keeps a large herd of high grade dairy cows, the milk from which is delivered daily to cus- tomers in the city of Trenton, New Jer- sey. This business was started by his grandfather in 1847. and the milk route has been constantly served from this farm ever since. Mr. Comfort is presi- dent of the John L. Murphy Publishing Company, president and treasurer of the International Pottery Company, of Treii- ton; a director of the Yardley National Bank, and is interested in. and vice- president of The William H. Moon Nur- sery Company. He has been actively associated with affairs touching the gen- eral interests of the neighborhood, is a director of the Morrisville Building and Loan Association, and of the Falls- ington Library Companv, and is one of the managers of The Friends' Asylum for the Insane at Frankford. Philadel- phia. Mr. Comfort has been twice married.. His first wife was Edith, daughter of Samuel Ellis and Sarah B. DeCou, and his present wife was Lydia P., daughter of Ellwood and Mercy A. Parsons. THE ELY FAMILY. The earliest men- tion of Ely as a family surname in Eng- land occurred during the reign of the Plantaganets after the Norman Con- quest. The English "Book of Digni- ties" records William De Ely as lord treasurer for King John and Richard I ; Richard De Ely, lord treasurer for Rich- ard I and Henry II; Ralph De Ely, ba- ron of the exchequer for Henry III, (1240); Philip De Ely lord treasurer for Henry III (1271); Nicholas De Ely, lord chancellor, in 1260, Lord treasurer in 1263, and Bishop of Worcester 1266 to 1289. One bra:nch of the family is known to have lived at Utterby, Lin- colnshire, from this early period down to the present day, L. C. R. Norris- Elye being the present Lord of the Man- or of Utterby and patron of the old thirteenth century church of * St. An- drew a.t that place. Wharton Dickinson, the New York genealogist, traces this line back to a connection with Ralph De Ely, Baron of the Exchequer. The Man- or House has the Ely arms, (a fesse engrailed between six fleurs-de-lis) cut in stone over the entrance, dated 1639. The same arms are also found in the church. Another branch is said to have settled in Yorkshire, and Burke gives the arms the same as above, but red instead of black. Papworth's "British Armorials" states that these arms were borne also by Nicholas De Ely and Sir Richard De Illey. In Bailey's "History of Nottinghamshire," John De Ely is stated to have been appointed the first vicar of St. Mary's Collegiate church at Nottingham in 1290, and its author adds that the name has "Come down to the present day." Another John De Ely was Lord of the Manor of Thornhaugh and Wiggesley in Nottinghamshire in 1316 (within a mile of Dunhan, where Joshua Ely resided before embarking for Am- erica in 1683.) The ancestors of the Elys of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, came from that part of Old England known as the Peak District, famous both for its natural beauty and historic interest. It com- prises Upper Derbyshire, Southwestern Yorkshire, and Western Nottingham- shire. The family were related to the Revells of Derbyshire, an ancient and powerful family, descendants of the JM^or- man nobility. Hugh De Revell was grandm.aster of the Knight Hospitalers, and this family in England throughout the Crusades were trustees of the Knight Templar property in England. The Sta- cyes of Yorkshire, who held the estate known as Ballifield from the time of the Norman Conquest, were also closely connected with the Elys. The Stacye 128 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. and Ely families were among the earliest of the English churchmen to follow the teachings of George Eox, the fonncicr of the Society of Friends. Great relig- ious meetings were held at Balhuci.l Hall, the home of the Stacyes, by Fox in his journeys to Yorkshire, and there is still to be found at Ballifield Hall, an antique black oak table inlaid with a silver plate inscribed as follows: "This called by Fox the Quaker's Table, made before 1593, was for many years at Syn- der Hill and afterwards for sixty years in the Tool House there, then restored and placed in Ballifield Hall by Thomas Watson Cadman, Esq., in December, 1868." The connection between this branch of the Elj^ family and those of the same name mentioned in the earlier history of this section of England is not known. In the Feudal history of Derbyshire by Yeatman in the days of Henry VH and Henry VHI, Hugh*, Thomas*, Roland*, and John Ely are memtioned and still earlier, Nicholas le Hele, Sir William "Delly," Knt. and John "Eallee" are also mentioned, but no positive lineage is known back of the grandparents of those who came to America. Joshua Ely and Rebecca Ely Stacye, who land- ed in West Jersey in 1683 and 1678 re- spectively, were the children of George Ely, of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. Other children were: Hugh of Mans- field, w'ho married Marie Roos; Ruth, who married Lionell Revell; and Eliza- beth, whose tomb is in a good state of preservation in the private cemetery of the Stacyes at Ballifield Hall. Another Hugh Ely is known to have married Rosamond Bullock at Chesterfield, Der- byshire, between 1600 and 1640, and Alicia, a daughter of Hugh Ely, was bap- tized at Chesterfield in 1614. A history of the Ely, Stacye and Rev- ell families is in preparation under the supervision of Warren S. Ely of Doyles- town, Pennsylvania, Dr. William S. Long, of Haddonfield, New Jersey, and Daniel B. Ely of Montclair, New Jer- sey. The wife of George Ely, of Mansfield, was doubtless Sarah Heath, as at the time Joshua Ely, their son, proposed intentions of marriage at Mansfield Quarterly Meeting, England, 7th month, 1673, with Mary Seniar, the following entry was made on the minutes of that' meeting: "Joshua Ely and Mary Senierd, both of Mansfield, declare intentions of mar- riage with each other. Present, his grandmother, Elizabeth Heath, his re- lations and guardians Mahlon and Re- becca Stacy, his brother-in-law, Lion- el Revel who married his sister Ruth . — _» *These Christian names are also common in the Revell pedigree. It is also known that the Elys of Utterby Manor are descended from the Elys of Derbyshire. Ely, and Alse Senierd, mother of said Mary Senierd." Mahlon Stacy had married Rebecca Ely in 1668, at Cinder Hill, a part oj the Ballifield estate. From another source we have the following records: "Joshua Ely of Mansfield and Mary Seniar of same place, daughter of Alice Seniar married 8th month, 29, 1673, at G. Cock- erman's House at Skegby in Notting- hamshire." "John Ely, son of Joshua and Mar}^, buried 9th month, 25, 1676. George Ely, son of Joshua and Mary, died 3rd month, 3, 1676." Mahlon Stacy, of the ancient family of Ballifield, with his wife Rebecca Ely, their children and servants, in the year 1678 embarked in the "Shield," and on November 10, 1678, landed on the east bank of the Delaware, in New Jersey, where they and their descendants were destined to take an important part in the founding and preservation of an Eng- lish colony and nation in America. In the same ship came their cousin, Thomas Revell, of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, who, unlike them, was not a convert to the gentle teachings of George Fox, but rep- resented the High Church Tory party, and later took an active part in the af- fairs of the West Jersey colony, filling the positions of surveyor general, re- corder, surrogate, member and almost a dictator in the governor's council, an3 finally a justice on the supreme bench. He was, however, an aristocrat of the aristocrats and was unpopular with the colonists, and after the downfall of Lord Cornbury was finally removed from of- fice at the instigation of the colonists and on the advice of William Penn. Mahlon Stacy became a very promi- nent man, filling many important gov- ernment positions. His daughters inter- married with the Kirkbrides, Pownalls and Janneys of Bucks county, who were prominent in the affairs of Bucks county and the province of Pennsylvania. He took up a tract of land on the site of the present city of Trenton and eretted a mill there, the first to furnish meal to the early colonists of Bucks county. It was through him that his brother-in- law, Joshua Ely, who, after his marriage, had settled at Dunham, Nottingham»- shire, came to America in 1684 with his wife and children, and located on 400 acres, conveyed to Joshua by Mahlon Stacy, on both sides of the Assinnipink, by deed dated April 20, 1685. This tract fronted on the river, about five eighths of a mile from a point thirty-two and one-half chains north of the mouth of the creek upward, and extended inland one mile. • Joshua Ely became a prominent man in the colon}', and was commissioned a justice in 1700 and recommissioned the following year. He became a large landholder, owning at different periods two other tracts of 400 acres each, be- HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 129 sides his original purchase on the site of Trenton, of which he died seized. His wife Mary died in 1698, and he married (second) November 9, 1699, Rachel Lee, who bore him two children, Benjamin and Ruth, twins. He died 4th month, 1702, at Trenton. The children of Josh- ua and Mary (Seniar) Ely were John and George, before mentioned, who died in infancy in England ; Joshua, born in Eng- land 1680; George, born 1682 in England; John, said to have been born on the voy- age to America; Hugh, born at Tren- ton about 1686; Elizabeth, and Sarah, the latter born -in the same year that her mother died. Of Rachel, the widow and her two children, nothing is known. Joshua Ely, the eldest son, bought a portion of the homestead in 1705. Let- ters of administration were granted on his estate to George Ely in 1760, but whether his son or not wc are unable to determine; nothing is known of his descendants. George Ely, the second son, it would seem, was about to marry Christian, the daughter of Nathaniel Pettit, who lived on an adjoining tract, at the death of his father, and the latter, in his will, expresses decided objections to the mar- riage and practically disinherits George in case of its consummation. What be- came of Christian Pettit remains a mys- tery, but in 1703 George Ely married Jane Pettit, daughter of Nathaniel, but whether the same person or another daughter is a matter of conjecture. George Ely purchased 100 acres of the old homestead of his father's executors at Trent Town (as it came to be known after the purchase by William Trent of the Stacy mill and lands) and lived thereon until his death in 1750. He was active in the affairs of the embryo city, and a member of its first town coun- cil, at the incorporation in 1746. The children of George and Jane (Pettit) Ely were: Joshua, born March 16, 1704; George, born 1706; Rebecca, who mar- ried Eliakim Anderson, and has descend- ants in Bucks county; Joseph; Mary, who married Richard Green, and is the ancestress of Mrs. Ethan Allen Weaver of Philadelphia; Sarah, who married John Dagworthy:* and Elizabeth, who married James Price of Hopewell. John Ely, the tjhird son of Joshua and Mary (Seniar) Ely, married Frances Venables, daughter of William and Eli- zabeth Venables, of Bucks county. Penn- sylvania, in 1706, and died at Trenton. in 1732. Their four children, John, who married Phebe Allison; William; Mary, wife of William Hill; and Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Higbee, have left num- erous descendants in New Jersey. The *John Dagworthv's sons. John and Ely. were officers in the French and Indian war. John became a brigardier general, and was granted 20,000 acres of land in Maryland for his services. U-3 descendants of John and Phebe are es- pecially numerous in southern New Jer- sey. Hugh Ely, the youngest son of Josh- ua and JNIary (Seniar) Ely, born at Trenton about 1686, married December 12, 1712, Mary Hewson, and in 1720 settled in Buckingham township on 400 acres of land purchased in the "Lundy Tract," extending from Broadhurst's lane to Holicong and from the York road to Buckingham Mountain, and lived there the remander of his life, dy- ing in 1771. He became a member of Buckingham Friends' Meeting, and, his wife Mary having died, he married May 16, 1753, Phoebe Smith, widow of Robert Smith, of Buckingham, and daughter of Thomas Canby, an eminent minister among Friends. Phoebe was also an accepted minister. The children of Hugh Ely, all by his first wife, were : 1. Thomas, who married January 22, 1734, Sarah Lowther, daughter of William and Ruth Lowther, of Buckingham and about 1775, removed with most of his grown up children to Maryland. Gen. Hugh Ely of Baltimore county, veteran of the sec- ond war with Great Britain, congress- man. United States senator, etc., was a son of Mahlon and grandson of Thomas and Sarah (Lowther) Ely. Many of the male descendants of Thomas migrated to Ohio, where the family is now quite numerous. 2. Hugh Ely, Jr., married Elizabeth Blackfan, and remained on the home- stead in Buckingham, part of which is still owned and occupied by his de- scendants. He reared a family and has very numerous descendants in Bucks county and elsewhere. 3. Ann Ely married Peter Matson. 4. Anna Ely, married John Wilkinson. Of Elizabeth and Sarah Lly, daugh- ters of Joshua and Mary, little is known. The descendants of the three sons, George, John and Hugh, are now widely scattered over the United States, and many of them have filled honored po- sitions in the official, professional and business life of the sections in which their lot was cast. George Ely, second son of George and Jane (Pettit) Ely, married Mary Prout,, and settled in Amwell township, near Lambertville, New Jersey, in 1748- 1750. He was proprietor of Wells Ferry, now New Hope, and resided there, and also was the owner of considerable land in the Ferry Tract, Solebury. He had sons Joseph, John and George, the last named of whom was colonel of a New Jersey regiment during the revolutionary war, and at its close removed to Shamokin, Pa., where he died in 1820, He married Susanna Farley, of Amwell and had nine children, many of whose descendants now reside in western Pennsylvania and Ohio. 130 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. Joshua Ely, eldest son of George and Jane (Pettit) Ely, born at Trenton, New Jersey March 16, 1704, married in 1729, Elizabeth Bell, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Bell, of Burlington county, New Jersey. He removed to Pennsyl- vania permanently in 1737, but .it would appear that he had established a resi- dence there some years earlier, as he was admitted a member of Buckingham Meeting in 1734- Though the minutes of that meeting fail to show any record of his removal, he and his wife Eliza- beth received a certificate of removal from Chesterfield Meeting to Bucking- ham in 1738. In 1737 he leased of Will- iam Blakey 400 acres in Solebury town- ship. Bucks county, the greater part of which is still owned and occupied by his descendants of the name. The lease was for ten years, and under its provis- I'ons, he was to clear sixty acres of up- land and ten acres of meadow, and build an addition to the house, Blakey to fur- nish "nails and shingles," and to build a frame barn. The lease was renewed in 1747, but in 1749 he contracted for its purchase, which failed of consummation until two years later by reason of the death of Blakey before the deed was de- livered. Here Joshua Ely lived until his death in 1783, building a stone house soon after his purchase, which is still occupied by his great-great-grandson, William L. Ely. He became a prominent man in Solebury but, being a consistent member of the Society of Friends, took no part in the revolutionary struggle, his name and those of his sons appear- ing on the list of "non-associators" in 1775. He was made an elder of Bucking- ham Meeting in 1752 and was recom- mended as a minister in 1758. He was a successful farmer, and in addition to the 400 acres acquired another large tract of land, part of the Pike tract adjoining. The children of Joshua and Elizabeth (Bell) Ely were as follows: 1. Joshua, born at Trenton in 1730, died on a part of the Solebury home- stead in 1804. He married Elizabeth Hughes, daughter of IMathew and Eliza- beth (Stevenson) Hughes, of Plumstead, and has left numerous descendants. The farm of 150 acres received by him of his father was occupied successively by his son and grandson, both named Jonathan, the latter dying in 1867, when the farm went to another branch of the family, and is now conducted by a great-great- grandson of his brother George, George H. Ely. 2. George Ely. born at Trenton, New Jersey. November 9. 1733- died in New- town township in 1815. He married Sep- tember 24, 1760, Sarah Magill; see for- ward. 3. John, born May 28, 1738. married SaVah Sinicock. and inherited the home- stead tract of his father. For his de- scendants see sketch of William L. Ely, who still resides there. 4. Sarah Ely, born June 14; 1736, mar- ried William Kitchin, to whom her fath- er conveyed a portion of the homestead lying next to the Delaware river, upon which he erected a mill for his half- brother Aaron Phillips, whose descend- ants of the name operated it until about 1890. 5. Hugh Ely, born August 8, 1741, mar- ried Elizabeth Wilson. He inherited from his father a farm in the "Pike Tract," but sold it and resided in New Hope, where he was a noted clock mak- er a century ago. 6 Hannah, married James Dubree, and left two children Absalom and Han- nah. 7. Jane, married Jonathan Balderston, and lived and died in Solebury. George Ely, second son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Bell) Ely, born at Trenton, November 8, 1733, married November 24, 1760, Sarah Magill, Jr., daughter of William and Sarah (Simcock) Magill, of Solebury, the former a native of Ulster, Ireland, located in Solebury about 1730. Sarah Simcock was a daughter of Jacob Simcock, Jr., and Sarah Wain, of Rid- ley, Chester county; Sarah Wain being a daughter of Nicholas -Wain, for many years a member of colonial assembly, at whose house in Middletown, Bucks county, the early Friends Meetings were held. John Simcock, of Ridley, the grandfather of Jacob, Jr., born in Chesh- ire, England, in 1630, came to Chester county with his wife Elizabeth about 1682; he was one of Penn's five commis- sioners, and a member of provincial council, 1683-1700; judge of Chester county, 1683-86; puisine judge of prov- ince, 1686-90; provincial judge. 1690-93; and speaker of assembly, 1696; died 1703. His son Jacob, who was coroner of Chester county in 1691, married Alice Maris, daughter of George Maris and Alice his wife, who came from Wor- cestershire, England, to Chester county in 1682, a member of the governor's council. 1684 to 1695. member of assem- bly, justice, etc., died 1705. In 1760 George Ely received from his father 112 acres of the homestead, on which he erected a house still standing, aijd which is still owned by his descendants, being the home of his great-grand- daughter Laura Ely Walton. He later purchased considerable other land in Solebury and elsewhere, much of which is also occupied by his descendants. He was a prominent man in the community, and a member of colonial assembly in 1760. He was a resident on the old homestead until 1802, when he trans- ferred it to his son George Ely, Jr., and removed to Newtown township to a farm purchased of Hampton Wilson, where he died in 1814. The children of HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 13^ , R- A. M. He is also a member of the Penn Club, and of the Schoolmen's Club. Professor Morrison was married at Feasterv>ille, Bucks county, March 9, 1865, to Julia H. Jones, daughter of Asa Knight Jones, and they are the parents of five children, viz.: Anna Jones Mor- rison, born January 18, 1866, graduate of the Girls' Normal School; Jennie Singer Morrison, born December 5, 1867. now the wife of Rev. H. W. Har- ing, D. D.. of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Egbert Heisler Morrison, born March T4, 1870, a graduate of the Central High School, now agent for the Gar- lock Packing Company; Clara Maria Morrison, born October 16, 1877, a grad- uate of the Girls' Normal School, re- siding at home: and Horace Stanton Morrison, born March 20, 1879, a grad- uate of the Northeast Manual Training School and of the University of Penn- sylvania, now associate editor of the Publications of Commercial Museums of Philadelphia. H. S. PRENTISS NICHOLS. Esq., of Philadelphia, was born in Columbia,. Lancaster county. Pennsylvania, No- vember 2. 1858. and is a son of Dr. Jo- seph D. and Emilj' (Darrah) Nichols. His grandfather was also a phj^sician and a native of New Hampshire. Dr. Joseph D. Nichols, was the proprietor of an academy at Columbia, Lancaster county, and died in T874. His wife Emily Darrah was a daughter of Robert Darrah, of Warminster Bucks county. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 139- and a great-granddaughter of Captain Henry Darrah of the Revolution. The pioneer ancestor of the Darrah family was Thomas Darroch, native of Londonderry, Ireland, who with his wife Mary, emigrated to Pennsylvania about 1730, with the colony of Scotch Irish who settled on the banks of the Neshaminy, about the famous "Log Col- lege." He settled for ,a time in Hor- sham township, but in 1740, purchased of Mathew Hughes, a tract of land in Bedminster, Bucks county, on the Swamp Road, below the present village of Dublin, purporting to be 500 acres of land, but really containing nearly 800 acres. He died there in March, 1750. The children of Thomas and Mary Darroch were Robert, Thomas, Agnes, wife of John Davis, Esther, wife of George Scott, William, Henry, James, and Susanna. Robert died in Bedmin- ster in 1793. leaving a son Robert and several daughters. He represented his township in the Bucks County Commit- tee of Safety in 1776, and was active in the struggle. Thomas also died in Bed- minster leaving two sons Thomas and Mark and several daughters. William was lieutenant of Captain, later Col. Robinson's company of Bucks county militia in 1775. and is also said to have served in the Colonial war of 1756-7. He left two sons Archibald and W^illiani and several daughters, one of whom Hannah, married David Kelly of Buckingham and became the mother of Hon. William D. Kelly, for many years a member of Con- gress from Philadelphia and known as the "Father of the House." Another daughter Susannah, married John Shaw and was the mother of Commodore Thompson Darrah Shaw. Still another Agnes married James Smith of Buck- ingham, son of Hugh, and was the mother of Gen. Samuel A. Smith of Doj'lestown. Henry Darroch, fourth son of Thomas and Mary, was a miner at the death of his father in 1750. B}^ the will of the latter about 190 acres of the homestead was devised to each of the elder sons, Robert and Thomas and the residue to the three younger sons Will- iam, Henry and James, subject to a life interest of their mother. On part of this residue, containing 185 acres Henry probably took up his residence on his marriage in 1760 though it was not con- veyed to him by his brothers until 1763, when he was about to convey it to Henry Rickert. In 1767, he purchased a farm of 207 acres on the west bank of the Neshaminy, on the Bristol Road, between Tradeville and New Britain vil- lages, now in Doylestown township, at Sheriff's sale as the property of his brother-in-law John Davis. Here he lived until 1773, when he purchased 237 acres further west in New Britain town- ship, on the line of Warrington town- ship, and now included in the latter township, later purchasing about 50- acres adjoining. This remained his home until his death in 1782. Henry Darroch was one of the most illustrious of our Bucks county patriots in the trying days of the war for independence. He was a member of the New Britain company of Associators in 1775, and was commis- sioned in ]\Iay, 1776, first lieutenant of Captain William Roberts Company of the Flying Camp, under Col. Joseph Hart, and served with distinction in the Jersey campaign of 1776. Returning to Bucks county in December, 1776, his company was one of the few that re- sponded to the second call in the winter of 1776-7. On the reorganization of the Militia in the Spring of I777, his old captain and lifelong friend William Roberts was made a Lieut. Colonel and Lieut. Darroch was commissioned Cap- tain May 6. 1777, and his company was soon after in active service under Col- onel, later Gen. John Lacey. In 1778, it was again incorporated in Col. Rob- erts' Battalion, which in 1781, came under the command of Col. Robinson. Captain Darroch's company of< Militia was one that was almost constantly in service and he died in the Spring of 1782 from a cold contracted in the serv- ice of his country. His will is dated INIarch 17. 1782, and his friends. Col. William Roberts. Col. William Dean and his brother-in-law W^illiam Scott are named as executors. It is related' that George Washington was a great ad- mirer of Captain Darroch and visited him at his house. Captain Henry Darroch married Au- gust 13, 1760, Ann Jamison, daughter of Henry and Mary (Stewart) Jamison of Warwick township. Bucks county. Tra- dition relates that Henry Jamison did not approve of the attentions of young Darroch to his daughter, because he was too much of a dashing young man and too fond of fast horses to settle down to the life of a farmer; and that the young people settled the matter for themselves by his taking her up behind him on one of his fast horses and outdistancing the irate father in a race to the parson's. Henry Jamison was a native of the north of Ireland. . and came to Bucks county with his father, Henry Jamison and brothers Robert and Alexander about 1720. Henry the elder is said to have been born in Midlothian, Scotland, and removed to the Province of Ulster, Ireland in 1685. with his parents, from whence he migrated to Pennsylvania. He purchased in 1724. i.ooo acres partly in Northampton township and partly in Warwick, and was one of the founders of Neshaminy Church in 1727. In 1734 he conveyed the greater part of his real estate to his sons and returned to Ire- land, where he died. His son Henr3^ Jr., the father of Ann Darroch. was one of I40 HISTORY OP BUCKS COUNTY. the original trustees of the "new lights" of the Neshaminy Church in 1743, a large landowner and prominent man in the Scotch-Irish settlement on the Neshaminy. He sailed for Florida in 1765, and was never heard of after- wards. His wife Mary Stewart was one of a large and influential family of the names that were early settlers in War- wick, New Britain, Warrington. Plum- stead and Tinicum. The children of Henry and Mary (Stewart) Jamison were, Isabel, who married Tristram Davis, brother of John who married Agnes Darroch; Jean, wife of Captain Thomas Craig; Ann, wife of Captain Darroch; Alexander; William. Robert and John. In the possession of the descendants is a beautifully written letter yellow with age written by Ann Darroch to her husband while he was in the army. The children of Captain Henry and Ann (Jamison) Darroch, were, James, see forward Ann, who married Hugh Shaw; Margaret who married William Hewitt; William, born 1767, died July 11, 1838; John and George, the last two of whom died young. James Darrah. eldest son of Captain Henry and Ann (Jamison) Darroch, was born in 1764, and reared in New Britain township. In 1789, the executors of his father's will conveyed to him 170 acres of the homestead tract in New Britain and the balance 114 acres to his brother William. James married Rachel Hen- derson, born in Warminster July 27, 1762, daughter of Robert and Margaret (Archibald) Henderson, of Warminster. In 1794, James Darrah purchased of h'is w^ife's sisters and their husbands the 250 acres farm in Warminster belong- ing to the estate of Robert Henderson, formerly the property of Rev. Charles Beatty, pastor of Neshaminy Church, and they sold the New Britain farm and made their home on the Warminster farm, all of which is still owned by their grandsons, John M. and R. Henderson Darrah. Rachel (Henderson) Darrah died November 18, 1802, and James mar- ried second Rebecca McCrea. James Darrah died February 17, 1842, aged 78 years. His children, both by the first wife, were Robert Henderson and Henry. The latter married his cousin Martha Stinson, daughter of Elijah and Mary (Henderson) Stinson and lived for a time in Warminster, but removed later to Richboro, Northampton township where he died August 10, 1849, aged 58 years. Robert Darrah, eldest son of James and Rachel ("Henderson) Darrah, was born on his grandfather's homestead in New Britain, February 8, 1789, and re- moved with his parents to the War- minster homestead at the age of nine years, and spent the remainder of his •days there. He was an ensign in the war of 1812. Among the cherished me- mentoes now owned by the family are three swords, that of Captain Henry Darroch, of the Revolution; the sword of Ensign Robert Darrah of the war of 1812 and that of Lieutenant Robert Hen- derson Darrah of the Civil war. Rob- ert Darrah was an industrious and enter- prising farmer and accumulated a con- siderable estate. He had a sawrnill on the farm which he operated in connec- tion with his farming. He also had a lime kiln and burned the lime used "on his plantation. He early realized the value of a dairy and gave much atten- tion to this branch of husbandry, mar- keting the product in Philadelphia. He married September 4, 1819, Catharine Gait of Lancaster county, born January 26, 1799, a woman of fine intellectual ability and both she and her husband took a deep interest in and devoted their energies and means to the cause of morality, temperance, education and re- ligion. In 1835, at the urgent request' of his wife, he erected a school house on his farm which was afterwards en- larged and in connection with Josepii Hart and others secured college gradu- ates as teachers for their own and theii^ neighbors children for many years, in 1849, he built a fine stone mansion house on the Bristol Road and retired from active farming, introducing water, bath," any many modern improvements, and this was the happy home of his family for forty years. His wife entered into all his plans and was his wise and pru- dent adviser. She lived to the good old age of ninety-one years, surviving her husband thirty years, he having died August 5, i860. The Darrahs were of strong Scotch-Irish Presbyterian stock. For more than a century the family have occupied the same pew in the historic Neshaminy Church, and the first two generations were intimately associated with the equally historic church at Deep Run, near their first Bucks county home, then presided over by Rev. Francis McHenry. Robert Darrah left a fam- ily of three sons and six daughters. His eldest son. Rev. James A. Darrah, born in 1821, was one of the pioneer home missionaries and teachers in the West. He graduated at Princeton in 1840 and studied law under Judge John Fox at Doylestown and was admitted to the bar in 1843. But feeling called to the min- istry he took a three years' course in the Theological Seminary of Yale College and was licensed to preach by the Pres- bytery of Philadelphia September 23, 1846. For some months he labored as a missionary at Winchester, Va., and tlien removed to St. Louis, Mo., where he was pastor of a church and principal of the preparatory department of Webster college for nine years and tlien was called to the pastorate of a church at West Ely, Mo. He died at Zanesville, HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 141 Ohio, Feb. 24, 1882. The other chil- dren of Robert and Catharine (Gait) Darrah were, Rachel H., first wife of Rev. D. K. Turner, the eminent Presby- terian divine of Hartsville, lately de- ceased; Eliza M., who married Dr. Free- land of Chester county; Emily, the mother of the subject of this sketch; Rebecca, the second wife of Rev. D. K. Turner; Mary A., who died unmarried; John M., of Hartsville; Kate, who mar- ried Theodore R. Graham of Philadel- phia; and R. Henderson, still residing on the homestead. Prior to the death of her husband Dr. Joseph D. Nichols, Mrs. Nichols re- turned to Bucks county and resided with her mother at the old stone mansion, on the Bristol road now owned by the sub- ject of this sketch, her son M. S. Pren- tiss Nichols, where she died in 1898. H. S. Prentiss Nichols came to Phil- adelphia in 1872, and since that time has had a home in the old homestead on the Bristol Road at Hartsville, Bucks county, though most of his time has been spent in Philadelphia. He gradu- ated from the college department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1879; studied law and was admitted to the bar of Philadelphia county, where he has since practiced with success, and has since been admitted to practice at the Bucks county bar. He is a member of the Bucks county Historical Society and takes a lively interest in Bucks county, the home of his distinguished maternal ancestors. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He married, June 4, 1895, Isabel Mcllhenny, of Germantown, daughter of John and Berenice (Bell) Mcllhenny, both natives of the north of Ireland, now. living in Germantown, but formerly of North Carolina, where Mrs. Nichols was born. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols reside at 346 Pelham Road, Germantown, but the summer months are generally spent at their country home at Hartsville, Bucks county. HENRY SYLVESTER JACOBY, Professor of Bridge Engineermg, m Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, was born April 8, 1857, in Springfield township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, between Bursonville and Springtown, and is a son of Peter L. and Barbara (Shelly) Jacoby, both of German de- scent. The paternal ancestor of Professor Ja- coby came to Pennsylvania, as is sup- posed, prior to 1750, but little is known of him. His widow Elizabeth survived him many years, dying at an advanced age at the home of her son-in-law, An- dreas Schneider, in Richland, about 1790, letters of administration being granted on her estate January 9, 1790. Her children as shown by the distribu- tion account filed were: Conrad, "eld- est son," Henry, who settled in. Lower Mount Bethel township, Northampton county; George, who settled in Lehigh county; John, who settled in York coun- ty; and Margaret, who married An- dreas Schneider, of Richland, a native of Zweibrucken, who came to this coun- try in 1759. Margaret, probably the youngest of the Jacoby family, was born January 6, 1749, and died March 22, 1828. Conrad Jacoby was born June 7, 1730, and was certainly in Bucks county May 18, 1751, when a warrant of survey for a tract of land in Bedminster township, Bucks county, was issued to him. His later Bucks county residence was in Mil- ford township, the threshold of German immigration into the county of Bucks. On April i, 1768, he purchased of Ja- cob Geil 220 1-2 acres of land in Spring- field township, on the line of Durham township. In this deed he is styled "Con- rad Jacobi, of Lower Milford township. Blacksmith." This farm is on the road from Bursonville to Durham, and ad- joins the farm still owned by Professor Henry S. Jacoby, on the northeast. On March 6, 1787, he purchased a farm of 152 acres in Bedminster township, the present residence of Gideon S. Rosen- berger, and lived thereon until his death ]March 26, 1795. On April 11, 1791, he purchased 259 acres in Durham town- ship, being Nos. 5 and 6 of the Durham tract, and adjoining his Springfield pur- chase. This tract he conveyed to his sons, Peter and John and John Reigle, respectively, in 1792 and 1793. His wife Hannah died November 27, 1828, at the age of ninety-nine years six months, and is buried at St. Peter's German Re- formed church, in Leidytown, her later days having been spent with her young- est son, Leonard, in Hilltown township. Conrad Jacoby is buried in the grave- yard of the old Tohickon church at Church Hill. He and his wife Hannah were the parents of nine children: John, Philip, Peter, Benjamin, Margaret, Cath- arine, Elizabeth, Henry and Leonard. John lived on the Durham land conveyed to him by his father in I793> until his death as did his brother Peter. Philip lived for a time in Nockamixon, and from 1783 to 1787 he lived on a farm of 196- 1/2 acres at Stony Point, in Springfield township. He then removed to Hill- town township, where he died in 1827. Benjamin settled in Haycock township on a tract of 165 acres, patented to him as No. 15 of the Lottery Lands in 1789, near Haycock Run postoftice, where he lived until his death. One of the daugh- ters, either Margaret or Catharine, mar- ried a Woolsleyer. Elizabeth married (first) John Fluck, and after his death married Robert Darroch, Jr., and they resided in Bensalem township, Bucks ■142 HISTORY or BUCKS COUNTY. •county, during the latter part of their lives. Henry lived for a time in Bed- minster, removed thence to Gwynedd, and a year later to Andalusia, Bensaleni township, Bucks county. Leonard lived for lifty years near the Mennonite meet- ing house in Hilltown, and then re- moved to Allentown. Peter Jacoby, third son of Conrad and Hannah, was born in Bucks county on New Years day, 1759. He learned the trade of a blacksmith with his fath- er, and probably followed it for a num- ber of years. On June 9, 1792, he pur- chased of his father seventy-one acres of the Durham tract No. -6. He built in 1801 the stone house and later the barn, both of which are still standipg, and later, purchasing other land ad- joining, lived there all his life. While attending the February term of court, 1815, as a juror, he was taken ill and died' March 11, 1815. He was a member of Durham Reformed church, a trustee of the church from its organization and was later an elder. He married Cathar- ine Trauger, born September 29, 1763, died September 4, 1844; daughter of Christian and Ann Drager (Trauger) of Nockamixon. The former, born March 30, 1726, in Bechenbach, grand duchy of Hesse Darmstadt, came to Pennsylvania in the ship "Restora- tion," arriving in Philadelphia, October 9, 1747, and died in Nockamixon, Janu- ary 8, 181 1. His wife, Anna Barbara, was born March 5, 1729, and died No- vember 5, 1821. The children of Peter and Catharine (Trauger) Jacoby were: John, who settled in Doylestown town- ship; Elizabeth, who married George Hartman, of Rockhill, who after living for twenty-seven years in that town- ship, removed to near Bloomsburg,. Pennsylvania; Mary, who married Jacob Hartman, of Rockhill; Benjamin, who finally settled in Springfield township; Barbara, who died in youth; Catharine, who married Frederick Laubach, of Lower Saucon, later of Durham town- ship; Hannah, who married George Overpeck, of Springfield, and later re- moved to near Milton, Pennsylvania; Sarah, who died in youth; Peter, who lived and died on the old homestead in Durham; Samuel, who finally settled in Northumberland county, Pennsylvan- ia; and Susannah, who married Jacob Schliefifer; of Springfield township. Benjamin Jacoby, son of Peter and Catharine (Trauger) Jacoby, was born September 9, 1786. He was a mason by trade. In the fall of 1809 he married Margaret Landes, daughter of Samuel and Susannah Landes, and on Septem- ber 10, 1810, purchased a small farm in Nockamixon, where he lived for six years, following his trade in summer and teaching school during the winter months. He then bought a farm of nine- ty acres two miles from Frenchtown, New Jersey, where he lived until 1826, when he purchased the farm in Sprmg- ficld, adjoining the farm purchased by his grandfather in 1768, and removed thereon. This farm has remained in the family ever since, and is now the prop- erty of the subject of this sketch. Here Benjamin Jacoby lived until the sprmg of 1839, when he rented the farm to his son, Peter L. Jacoby, and removed to the village of Springtown, where he lived until his death, October 29, 1850. He served for three months in the army during the war of 1812-14, his company being stationed at Marcus Hook, to guard the approach to Philadelphia af- ter the burning of Washington in 1814. His wife Margaret died in 1827, and he married in 1829 Margaret, daughter of Peter Werst, who died September 26, 1844, without issue. The children of Benjamin and Margaret (Landes) Ja- coby were: Samuel, who finally settled at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Peter L., who lived nearly all his life on the Springfield homestead; Catharine, who married Aaron Heckman and settled near Milton, Pennsylvania; Caroline, who married John Schlieffer, of Spring- field; Susannah, who married Samuel Fulmer, of Springtown; Anna, who died in infancy; Benjamin L., who during his later years resided in Philadelphia; John L., who lived for some years in Springfield and later removed to Allen- town, Pennsylvania; and Levi L., who was a minister of the German Evan- gelical association and stationed at various points in New York state, be- ing located at Newark, New York, at the time of his death. Peter L. Jacoby, second son of Ben- jamin and Margaret (Landes) Jacoby, was born in Nockamixon township, Bucks county, February 9, 1813, and, aside from teaching school for a brief period was a farmer all his life. He mar- ried, August 20, 1837, Barbara Shelly, daughter of John and Mary Shelly, of Milford township, Bucks county, and lived in Milford township until the spring of 1839, when he took charge of his father's farm in Springfield, rent- ing it until his father's death, when he purchased it, later purchasing other land adjoining, and lived on the homestead until his death, July 3, 1876. With the exception of ten years residence in New Jersey and one year at a select private school, his whole life was spent in Bucks county. He was better educated than most men of his day in that vicin- ity, and appreciated the advantage of a higher education. He was a prosperous farmer, and actively interested in the im- portant public interests of his neighbor- hood. His wife died at Bethlehem, June 12, 1904. Their eldest child, Mary Ann, died at the age of twenty-two years. Those who survive are: Titus S., now residing in Bethlehem; Amanda, who HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 143 married Henry Unangst, of Williams township, Northampton county, Penn- sylvania, and later settled near Pleasant Valley, Bucks count)-; Lewis Shelly, and John S., both now residing in Allentown, Pennsylvania; and Henry Sylvester, who now resides in Ithaca, New York. Henry Sylvester Jacoby, born on the old homestead near Bursonville, April 8, 1857, was reared on the farm and attended the public school during the winter sessions, and during the summer months attended the private school of David W. Hess for eight years. He attended the Excelsior Normal In- stitute at Carversville, Bucks county, during the terms of 1870-72, and the preparatory department of Lehigh Uni- versity, 1872-3. He then took the regu- lar four-years course at Lehigh Univer- sity, receiving the degree of Civil En- gineer in 1877. During the season of 1878 he was stadia rodman on the Le- liigh Topographical Corps, of the Sec- ond Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. From November, 1878, to November, 1879, he was engaged on surveys of the Red River, Louisiana, with the U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, under Major W. H. H. Benyaurd. From November, 1879. to March, 1885, he served as chief draughtsman in the United States En- gineer's Office at Memphis, Tennessee. From May, 1885, to August, 1886, he was bookkeeper and cashier for G. W. Jones & Co., wholesale druggists in Memphis. From September, 1886, to June. 1890, he was instructor in civil engineering at his alma mater, Lehigh University. In Sep.- tember, 1890, he was elected assistant professor of Bridge Engineering and Graphics at Cornell University, was pro- moted to an associate professorship in the same department in 1894. ^'if^ in 1900 was made full professor of Bridge Engineering in the University, and has since filled that position. In August, 1887, he was admitted a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; was made a fellow of the Association in 1894; secretary of "Section D" in 1895, and vice president and chairman of Sec- tion D. (Mechanical science and Engi- neering) in 1901. On November 5, 1890, he became an associate of the American Society of Civil Engineers; in August. 1894, a member of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, of which he was secretary 1900-1902. On February 22, 1888, he became a member of the Honorary Scientific Society of Tau Beta Pi, and of the Honorary Sci- entific Society of Sigma Xi on May i. Professor Jacoby. in addition to con- tributing numerous articles on Engineer- ing and kindred subjects, for periodicals devoted to that science, is the author -of the following publications: "Notes and Problems in Descriptive Geom- erty," (1892); "Outlines of Descriptive Geometry" Part I, 1895, Part II, i8q6. Part III, 1897; "A Text Book on Plain Lettering," (1897). He is joint author with Professor Mansfield Merriman of a "Text Book on Roofs and Bridges," in four volumes (1890-1898) embracing the following branches: Part I, "Stresses in Simple Trusses," 1888, entirely re- written in 1904; Part II, "Graphic Sta- tics," 1890, enlarged in 1897; Part III, "Bridge Design," 1894. re-written 1902; Part IV, "Higher Structures," 1898. Professor Jacoby served as editor of the Journal of the Engineering Society of Lehigh University for the years 1887- 1890. Professor Henry S. Jacoby married May 18. 1880, Laura Louise Saylor, daughter of Thomas S. and Emma A. Saylor, of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and they are the parents of three chil- dren, John Vincent, Hurlbut Smith, and Freeman Steel, all of whom reside with their parents at Ithaca, New York. Professor Jacoby retains a lively in- terest in the affairs of his native county, and makes many extended visits to the old homestead in Springfield (the own- ership of which he still retains), as well as to other points of Bucks county, tak- ing a proper and commendable pride in his Bucks county ancestry. PHILIP H. FRETZ. Among the rep- resentatives of the old and honored fam- ilies of Bucks county who. with their respective ancestors, have witnessed the settlement and development of our be- loved county from a primitive wilderness, inhabited by a primitive race, to a thick- ly settled, prosperous, wealthy and en- lightened community, is Philip H. Fretz, of Doylestown township. He w-as born in the township in which he still resides, November 22, 1846. and is a son of Phil- ip K. and Anna (Stover) Fretz. the an- cestors of both of whom had been prom- inent factors in the development of the natural resources of Bucks county, those of the latter being the pioneer millers of Tinicum and Bedminster and her emi- grant ancestor being Henry Stauflfer, who emigrated from Alsace in 1749 and settled in Bedminster soon after that date. His son Jacob, born May 13. 1757. was the grandfather of Mrs. Fretz, and Henry, son of the last named, born Oc- tober 17. 1786, was her father. Her moth- . er w-as Barbara Stout, daughter of Is- aac Stout, of Williams township. North-i ampton county, and a granddaughter of Jacob Stout, the emigrant ancestor of the Stout family of Bucks, an account of w-hom is given in this work. Bar- bara was educated at the Moravian school at Bethlehem, and her husband, Henry S. Stover, at the Doylestown Academv. under the Rev. Uriah Dubois, .144 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. both receiving unusual advantages in this respect for their day and genera- tion. The paternal ancestor of Mr. Frclz was John Frets, who with a brother, Christian emigrated from Manhenii, m Baden, Rhenish Prussia, about 1720, and settled for a time in Upper Salford, now Montgomery county, where he married Barbara Meyer, daughter of Hans Mey- er, who bore him five children — John, Jacob, Christian, Abraham and Eliza- beth. In 1737 John Fretz settled in Bed- minster township, Bucks county, where he purchased 300 acres of land and lived until his death in February, 1772. Christian Fretz, son of John and Bar- bara, born in Upper Salford, May, 1734, was reared in Bedminster township, Bucks county, and married in 1757 Bar- bara Oberhotzer, born November 10, 1737, died May 8, 1823, daughter of Mar- tin Oberholtzer, who was born near Frankfort-on-the-Main in 1709, and set- tled in Bedminster soon after attaining manhood. Christian Fretz, on attaining manhood, settled in Tinicum township, where he lived until his father's death, when, having inherited the old home- stead, he returned to Bedminster, where he died May i, 1803. During the boy- hood and early manhood of Christian Fretz the Indians were still quite num- erous in that vicinity, and tradition re- lates many incidents of the association of the family with the "noble red man." At the time of the death of Barbara Fretz, widow of Christian, in 1823, she was the mother of twelve children, one hundred and nine grandchildren, and one hundred and three great-grandchil- dren. The children were: John; Agnes, wife of Abraham Bebighouse; Joseph; Henry; Martin; Jacob; Abraham; Is- aac; Barbara, wife of Henry Fretz; Christian; Mary, wife of Henry Tyson; and Elizabeth, wife of Abraham INleyer. , John Fretz, eldest son of Christian and Barbara, was born in Bedminster, May 24, 1758, aiid was reared in the Men- nonite faith, his .parents being members of the old Deep Run Meeting, the oldest Mennonite congregation in Bucks coun- ty. He purchased land adjoining the homestead in Bedminster, and lived there until 1792, when he purchased 300 acres of the Rodman tract in Warwick, now Doylestown township, and settled thereon, building in 1795 the stone house which was standing until about 1898. He later purchased considerable adjoining land, owning at one time 800 acre§ along both sides of the Neshaminy, marked on the old maps of the region as "Fretz Valley." He died December 20, 1804. His wife was Anna Kratz, born in Pluin- s.tead township, November 4, 1764. She died August 4, 1813. John and Anna Kratz Fretz were the parents of nine children, viz: Christian; Susan, wife of William Garges; Elizabeth, wife af Thomas Z. Smith; Mary, wife of Henry' Gill; John; Rachel, wife of Abraham F. Stover; Barbara, wife of John Smith; Anna, wife of Samuel Dungan, and Phil- ip, died young. Christian, eldest son of John and An- na (Kratz) Fretz, was born in Bedmin- ster township, November 17, 1782, and was reared from the age of ten on the Fretz Valley farm in Doylestown town- ship, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a successful 'business man and acquired considerable real es- tate. He was a farmer and hotelkeepr- er, establishing the "Fretz Valley Inn," near the homestead on the Easton road, opposite the almshouse, which he con- ducted for a number of years. He died January 28, 1840. -He married April 14, 1808, Mary Stover, daughter of Ralph and Catharine (Funk) Stover, and granddaughter of Henry Stauffer above referred to, and a great-grand- daughter on the maternal side of the pioneer. Bishop Henry Funck. Ralph Stover, father of Mary (Stover) Fretz, was born in Bedminster, Bucks county, January 10, 1760, and died there November 7, 181 1. He was one of the prominent business and public men of his time. For many years a justice of the peace, he did a large amount of le- gal business pertaining to the transfer of real estate and the settlement of es- tates. He was a member of state assem- bly from 1783 to 1799, and was one of the first board of directors of the goor, created under act of assembly of April 10, 1807, ^nd superintended the erection of the almshouse opposite the Fretz homestead. His daughter Mary was born December 15, 1787, and died in New York, where she had gone to un- dergo a surgical operation, November I7i 1855. The children of Christian and Mary (Stover) Fretz were six in num- ber, as follows: I. Ralph Stover Fretz, born in War- wick, November 13, 1809, died in Cali- fornia, June 6, 1867. He had an event- ful career. Early in life he engaged in business in Philadelphia and later in New York city. At the latter place he met Commodore Garrison and be- came interested with hiin in several im- portant enterprises. For some years he ran a line of steamboats on the Missis- sippi river, and later engaged in a trad- ing and shipping enterprise with Com- modore Garrison at the Isthmus of Pan- ama, in which he was later joined by his brothers John and Christian Augustus. In 1849 he sailed from the Isthmus to San Francisco, where in connection witli the commodore he established a bank and amassed a fortune of a half million of dollars. The eighth clause of his will reads as follows: "Eighth: Considering that I have been greatly blessed and that I have an un- dying attachment to the Government of HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 145 the United States, the country of my birth, and remembering that by reason of my age and infirmities during the re- cent unnatural rebellion to destroy it, I was unable to render service in the field to put down and punish that great crime, and being not unmindful that a huge public burden of indebtedness has been necessarily incurred in accomplish- ing that object, I desire not only to leave behind me when I am gone an humble testimonial of the gratitude I feel towards those whose virtues, val- or and sacrifice and services preserved what I regard as the best government man was ever permitted to have, but beyond that and in addition to paying the ordinary taxes on my estate, 1 think it my duty out of the means Providence in His bounty has enabled me to ac- quire, and the Laws of the Country has aided me to preserve, to do some- thing towards extinguishing the Nation- al Debt; Therefore moved thereto by the foregoing causes only, I hereby give and bequeath unto the Secretary of thd; Treasury of the United States of Ameri- ca, in trust and to be applied only to- wards cancelling the National Debt, the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars." Dated at San Francisco, May i, 1867. 2. John Fretz. born October 2, 1811, in Warwick, died at White Sulphur Springs, California, where he was op- erating a gold quartz mill, June 26. 1863. He had also been associated with his brothers in enterprises at Panama. Neither of the above were married. 3. Philip Kratz Fretz, see forward. 4. Elizabeth Fretz, born February 23, 1818, in Doylestown township, died there February 9, 1897, married John Farren, of Lancaster county, Pennsyl- vania, January i, 1844. He was born March i, 1809, and died in Doylestown township December 16, 1878. He was a contractor, and was associated with his brother-in-law, Philip K. Fretz, in rail- road building, etc. He and his family were members of the Roman Catholic church. l'h died 12 . mo. 12, 1858, daughter of Ed- ward Warner and Mary (Griffith) Hes- ton, of Blockley, before mentioned. Ed- ward Warner Heston was born in Bucks county, and was a son of Jacob and Mary (Warner) IJeston, of Makefield, and a grandson of Zebulon and Doro- thy Heston, early settlers in Wrights- town, Bucks county. He inherited frona his father the lands at what was named Hestonville, in Blockley township, and was the founder of the village. He was an officer of the Seventh Battalion, Pennsylvania Militia, during the revolu-, tion and saw active service and was- subsequently one of the judges of the court of common pleas of Philadelphia county. His second wife was a sister of Mahlon Hall, who married his daugh- ter. On his marriage Mahlon HallS erected a house on what is now Elm avenue, West Philadelphia, close to Fair- mount Park, where he died 4 mo. 7, 1805. He was an active business man of Philadelphia. His widow married Will- iam Sanders, and had one son, Jacob Sanders, born 5 mo. 22. 1810. Mahlon and Mary (Heston) Hall were the par- ents of nine children: i. Edward H.,. born at Hestonville, 4 mo. 30, 1792, died in Columbiana county, Ohio, 4 mo. 10,- 1831, married at West Chester, Pennsyl- vania, 2 mo. 5, 1816, Jane Paxson, daugh- ter of Benjamin and Jane (Ely) Paxson,. of Solebury, and removed to Ohio irt 1820. 2. Mahlon, born 3 mo. 11, I793, died in Doylestown township, Bucks county, II mo. 3, 1872; see forward. 3. Thomas W., born 3 mo. 4, 1795, died in- Cain township, Chester county, 4 mo. 7, 1896, aged over one hundred and one years; he married Mary Heston, daugh- ter of Abr^jim HesUyi, and had nine children."^. Isaac, born 4 mo. 29, 1796, died 4 mo. 21, 1810. 5. John, born 8 mo. 17, 1797, died 2 mo. 3, 1897, at West Chester. He married, 10 mo. 23, 1862, Sarah (Thatcher) Yarnall, a widow, who survives him. He was a farmer at Hestonville for many years and removed to West Chester in 1872. 6. Jane, born II mo. 24, 1798, died at West Chester, 10 mo. 4, 1876, unmarried. 7. William H., born i mo. 21, 1801, died in West Chester, 5 mo. 20, 1886, married Ann- Paxson, but had no children. 8. Sarah, born 12 mo. 28, 1802, died at West Ches- ter, 2 mo. 3, 1900, married Edward Dick- inson, leaving no issue. 9. Ann, born 3"mo. 29, 1804, died 12 mo. 23, 1813. This family was very remarkable for longev- ity, one of them having exceeded the century mark, another came short of it but six months, wdiile four others passed four score years. Mahlon Hall, second son of Mahlon and Mary (Heston) Hall, born at Hes- tonville. Philadelphia, March 11, I793r was the father of Mathias H. Hall and the grandfather of William W. Hall,, sketches of whom follow. He was a blacksmith by trade, and came to Buck- ingham, near Pineville, Bucks county,, when a young man and followed his trade there for some years, returning later to Philadelphia where he was a partner with his brother John in the milk business. Subsequently he removed' again to Bucks county, and in 1836 pur- chased a farm of fifty acres in Dovles-, town township, where his son, Isaac H. Hall, still lives, and thereon died No-, vember 3, 1872. He married (first) Han- nah P. Hampton, of Buckingham, by HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 149 whom he had five children: Thomas, a prominent business man of Philadel- phia ; John ; William ; Moses P., for many years a merchant in Buckingham; and Benjamin, the father of Squire Hall. Mr. Hall married (second) Isabella Robin- son, daughter of John Robinson, who was a soldier in the war of 1812 and stationed at Marcus Hook, by whom he had twelve children, of whom eleven survived him: Mary, who never married; Hannah, who married her cousin, Al- bert P. Hall, son of Edward H. and Jane •(Paxson) Hall, who is a dry goods mer- chant at West Chester, Pennsylvania; Jane H., v/ho married William Seal; Martha R., who married George Geil; Edward D.; Isaac H., who lives on the homestead in Doylestown township; Sa- rah D., who married J. Gilpin Seal; Matthias H., a prominent farmer of Up- per Makefield township; Charles Henry; George W., and Emma P. Hall. Isabella (Robinson) Hall, widow of Mahlon Hall, •died in Doylestown township, June 29, 1879. Benjamin Hall, third son of Mahlon and Hannah P. (Hampton) Hall, was born in Bnuckingham, Bucks county. Pennsylvania, September 30, 1823, and resides with his son, William W. Hall, at I.innboro. He went to Philadelphia wlitn a boy, and for some time drove a milk wagon for his uncle. Returning to B;'cks county he clerked in the store of "his brother Thomas at Mechanics Val- ley until 1850, when in partnership with his brother, Moses P. Hall, he purchased the store at Buckingham, which they conducted for four years. On April i, 1854, he purchased and removed to the present homestead farm " at Danboro, where he resided for the following thirteen years. In April. 1867, "he purchased a property at Smith's Cor- ner in Plumstead township and opened a store, which he conducted for two years. He then removed to Mechanics "Valley, where he conducted the store ■for six years, and in 1875 returned to the old homestead, where he has since re- sided. Mr. Hall was the pioneer milk shipper to Philadelphia market from Doylestown. He married Sarah Carlile, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Carlile, of Plumstead, who was born on the present Hall homestead, wliere her father died January 9, 1833. Benjamin and Sarah (Carlile) Hall were the par- •ents of two sons and a daughter, of whom William W., mentioned herein- after, alone survives. MATTHIAS H. HALL, third son of Mahlon and Isabella (Robinson) Hall, was born in Doylestown township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, April 29, 1844. He was reared to the life of a farmer and acquired his education at the public schools of that vicinity. His whole life has been devoted to agricultural pursuits in the county of his birth. The following spring after his marriage he began farming for himself in Wrights- town township, and after five years' resi- dence there he removed to Upper Make- field, and in 1883 purchased his present farm in that township, on the Ime of Wrightstown, near the site of the his- toric Indian village of Playwicky, where he has since resided. While conforming to the tenets of the Society of Friends, in which faith his paternal ancestors were reared, he is not a member of the society. Though deeply interested in the afifairs of his coi^mty, state and nation, he has taken little part in partisan poli- tics. He is an active member of the Bucks County Historical Society, and a regular attendant of its meetings. He recently contributed a valuable paper to its archives on the local history and folk-lore of his locality, so rich in his- toric interest as the border line between the original settlement of the pioneers of Penn's colony in America and the land taken up by. their descendants and the later arrivals. He married, Novem- ber 18, 1874, Sarah Wiggins, daughter of Jesse and Margaret (Hampton) Wig- gins, of "Wrightstown. She is a de- scendant of Benjamin Wiggins, one of the earliest settlers in the locality in which she lives, and who is said to have, come thence from New England. He married in 1708, Susan Jenks, widow of Thomas Jenks, of Shropshire, England, on the borders of Wales, who came into Bucks county with her infant son Thomas, about 1700, and is the ances- tress of the prominent family of that name in Bucks county. By her second marriage with Benjamin Wiggins she had one son, Benzaleel Wiggins, born in 1709, from whom the prominent family of that name as well as numerous oth- ers of Wrightstown, Buckingham, Sole- bury and Makefield are descended. The pioneer maternal ancestor of Mrs. Hall was John Hampton, of Ephingstoun, East Lothian, Scotland, who purchased land at Amboy Point, East Jersey. No- vember 23, 1682, and later settled at Freehold, New Jersey, where he died in February, 1702-3, leaving sons: John, Joseph, Andrew, David, Jonathan and Noah. Joseph Hampton, his son by a second marriage with Jane Ogburn, widow of John Ogburn, and mother of Sarah Ogburn, wife of Edmund Kinsey, was one of the first ministers among Friends of Buckingham. Jane was four times married and came to Buckingham about 1720, then the widow Sharp, and died there in 1731. Joseph Hampton either accompanied or preceded hiS mother to Bucks county and located in Wrightstown. He married Mary, daugh- ter of Thomas Canby and has left numerous descendants. He died in I767> leaving two sons, John and Benjamin, and three daughters. The children of Matthias H. and Sarah (Wiggins) Hall 150 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. are : Frances, Margaret, Hanna, Jesse, and l-lmma, all of whom reside with their parents. WILLIAM W. HALL, only surviving son of Benjamin and Sarah (Carlile) Hall, was born in the village of Buck- ingham where his father and uncle Moses were at the time engaged in mer- cantile business, November 2, 1851. His parents removing to the present home- stead in T'Dr. John Rodman, the second son of John and Elizabeth, born in 1653, be- came a freeman of Newport, Rhode Island, in 1684, and was prominent in the affairs of that colony for five or six years. He later removed to Block Island, having purchased a three-six- teenth share of the Island. In 1691 he removed to Flushing, Long Island, but returned to Block Island later. He died September, 1731, at the age of seventy- eight years. He was a prominent physi- cian, and a minister among Friends for forty years. In 1686 he purchased one thousand acres of land in Burlington county. New Jersey, where some of his descendants later lived. He married Mary Scar^^jjiion and had twelve children, as follows :\rohn, born in Barbadoes May 14. 1679, see forward; Mary, died at New- port in 1683; Samuel, died in New York city in 1720; Joseph, born August II, 1685, died September, 1759, married (first) Sarah Lawrence, (second) Helena Willett; William, born May 20, 1687, died jNIay 23, 1704; Anne, born August II, 1689. died 1715, married Walter New- berry; Thoma?, born 1692, died October, 1693 ; Mary, born December 20, 1693. married John Willett; Elizabeth, died young; Thomas, born January 9, 1698, married Elizabeth Scott; Hannah, born August 6, 1700. married (first) Jonathan Dickinson, and (second) Samuel Holmes; and Elizabeth, born at Flushing in 1702, married Thomas INIasters, of Philadelphia. 'b Dr. John Rodman, eldest son of Dr. John and Mary (Scammon) Rodman, born in Barbadoes. ]\Iay 14, 1679. was reared at Newport, Rhode Island, where he became a freeman in 1706. removed to Block Island, and from there to Flush- ing. Long Island, in 1712. In 1726 he purchased land in Burlington county, New Jersey, and settled there. He was, like his father, a prominent physician and a member of the Society of Friends. He was a member of provincial assembly 1727-9, member of governor's council 1738. and commissioner to treat with the Indians in 1741. He owned 1300 acres of land in' Burlington county, and in 1703 purchased 3000 acres in Warwick town- ship, Bucks county, comprising nearly the whole eastern side of the township, which at his death in Burlington county, July^,T3. 1756. was devised to four of his sons," John. William, Scammon, and Sam- uel. Dr. Rodman married (first) Mar- garet Grosse. daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Grosse. of Boston, who died at Flushing. I-ond Island, June 2, 1718. He married (second) July 7, 1719, Marj^ Willett, daughter of William Willett, of Westchester county, New York, grand- daughter of Thomas Willett, a native of Bristol, England, who married in 1643 Sarah Cornell, daughter of Thomas Cor- nell, of Cornell's Neck, Westchester county. New York. The children ot Dr. Kjohn 2.n(l Margaret (Grosse) Rodman were :n John, born at Flushing, Long Island, 1714, died 179S; Thomas, born 1716, died in Burlington, New Jersey, 1796, married Elizabeth Pearson; Mary, married John Johnson, of Bucks county. The children of Dr. John and Mary (W^illett) Rodman were: William, born May 5, 1720, see forward; Anna, born 1722, died 1763, married October 20, 1759, William Lister, of Essex county, New Jersey; Scammon, born March 8, 1723, died January 4, 1762, unmarried; Han- nah, born July 4, 1726, died October 7, 175s; Samuel, born May 30, 1729, died July 4, 1761; and Margaret, born Aiigust 6, 1731, died October 18, 1752, married October 10, 1751, Charles Norris. William Rodman, eldest son of' D.r. John by his second marriage with Mary Willett, came to Burlington county. New Jersey, from Flushing at the age of six years. In 1744 his father sent him to Bucks county to take charge of six hun- dred acres of land in Bensalem township, called Rodmanda, later named by him after his birthplace. Flushing, where he lived until his death, January 30, 1794. He was one of the most prominent men of his day in Bucks count}'. He was a jus- tice 1752-57, and a member of provincial assembl}', 1763-76. He married Mary Reeve, of New Jersey, September 6, 1744, and they were the parents of eight c-bil- dren; Sarah, did at the age of four years; Mary, born July 23, 1747. died Decem- ber I, 1765. married, June 27, 1765, Phineas Buckley; Gilbert, born July 21, 1748. died August 21, 1830. married Sarah Gibbs. daughter of Richard and Mar- gery Gibbs ; Hannah, born 1751, died 1775. married John Howard; Margaret, born September 20. 1752. died February 22, T7S1. married Dr. William Mcllvaine; Elizabeth, died unmarried; William, born October 7. 1757, died July 27, 1824. mar- ried Esther W^est; and Rachel, born De- cember I, 1759. died September I. 1783, married September 20, 1782. Samuel Gibbs. Gilbert Rodman, born at Flushing, Bucks — cmwity; July 21. 1748. died in Bucks county, August 21. 1830. He was a major in the continental forces during the Amboy campaign of 1776. and was disowned from the society of Friends for his military services. He inherited from his father. William Rodman, the farm on which the Bucks county alms house is now located in Doylestown township, it being part of the tract purchased by his grandfather of John Gray, alias Tatham. in 1703. He lived on this plantation until HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 163 i8o8, when he sold it to the county and removed to Bensalem, where he died. He married, June 3, 1784, Sarah Gibbs, and they were the parents of eleven children: Mary, married Anthony McCoy, and was the mother of Dr. Gilbert Rodman McCoy, who succeeded to the practice^ of Dr. Charles Mathews at Doylestown, and was one of the most prominent phy- sicians of the count}'; Margery, married Judge John Fox, president judge of the •courts of Bucks county, 1830-40, and a leader of a powerful faction of the Dem- ocratic party in Bucks county for many years; Gibbs Rodman, born January 8, 1782, died December 18, 1812, unmarried; Sarah, married John S. Benezet; Eliza- beth, married William Drinker of Phila- delphia; Margaret, wife of Dr. Charles H. Mathews; Hannah, died unmarried; Gilbert, born August 25, 1800, died Jan- uary 15, 1862, unmarried, studied law with Judge Fox, later with Judge Da'P las at Philadelphia, located at Lancaster, was a clerk in the United States Treas- ury department under Samuel D. Ing- ham in 1829, later becoming chief clerk and filling that position until his death; Euphemia, born 1802, died 1807 ; Mary Ann, born 1804, died in 1827, unmarried ; and Lewis, who graduated from the med- ical department of the Universitj' of Pennsylvania in the same class with Dr. Charles H. Mathews, located in Phila- delphia, where he became a prominent l)hysician, was censor of the College of Physicians, consulting physician tor Preston's Retreat, etc. CHARLES HENRY MATHEWS, only son of Dr. Charles H. and Margaret (Rodman) Mathews, was born at Dojdes- town, April 21. 1844. He was educated at the Doylestown English and Classi- cal Seminar3\ the high school at Law- renceville. New Jersey, and at the Col- lege of New Jersey, (now Princeton Uni- versity) graduating in 1864. He studied law in the office of his cousin, Gilbert Rodman Fox. at Norristown, and was ad- mitted to the bar of the Seventh Judicial District, comprising Bucks and Mont- •gomery counties, in June, 1867 and to the Philadelphia bar in November of the same year. He located in Philadelphia, where he has since practiced his chosen profession, holding a high position in the legal fraternity; his present office being at 717 Walnut street. He married, March I. i88t. Hannah Selena Black, daughter of William and Delia (Dimon) Black, of New York, and they have been the pa- rents of three children: Charles Henry", Jr., born May 31. 1882. a graduate of Princeton University, class of 1905 ; Lewis Rodman died in infancy; and William Black, born Aoril 12. 1887. Mr. Mathews is a member of the Bucks County Histor- ical Society, and- takes a lively interest in the affairs of his native county. ATKINSON FAMILY. The family of Atkinson is an ancient and honorable one, whose representatives were found in different parts of Great Britain several centuries ago. Two distinct families of the name settled in Bucks county, Penn- sjdvania, in the latter part of the seven- teenth century. Thomas Atkinson, of Sandwick, Yorkshire, was married to Jane Bond, at Knaresborough meeting of Friends in 1678, and four years later emigrated to America with his wife and three sons, Isaac, William and Samuel, settling first in Burlington county. New Jersey, but removing soon after to Bucks county. Both Thomas and Jane were ministers among Friends. The former died in 1687, and his widow married Will- iam Biles two 3'ears later. She travelled extensively in the ministry after her second marriage, both in the colonies and in England and Ireland. Thomas Atkinson was a son of John Atkinson of Newby, Yorkshire, and in his will in 1687 devises land in Bucks county to his brother John Atkinson, "should he come to Pensilvania." It is not known that the brother John ever emigrated to Amer- ica. Isaac Atkinson, the eldest son of Thomas and Jane, died in Bucks county in 1721, leaving three children, John, Jane and Thomas. Most of the descendants of Thomas and Jane Atkinson eventu- ally settled in New Jersey. The present familj' of Atkinsons in Bucks county are descendants of John Atkinson, of Scotforth, near the city of Lancaster, England, who with his brother Christopher and their respective fami- lies embarked in the ship "Brittanica," in April, 1690, for Pennsylvania, where they had purchased of William Penn ■ 1500 acres of land, to be laid out, etc., in March. 1690. Christopher Atkinson, the elder of the two brothers, was married at Lancaster Meeting, England, on 6 mb. 8, 1679, to Margaret Fell, daughter of Christopher Fell, of Newtown, Lanca- shire, and the records of that meeting show the birth of seven of their children, of whom at least four, William, Hannah, Margaret and Isabel, sailed with their parents, though only the two latter ap- pear to have survived the voyage, the father. Christopher Atkinson, also dying on the way to America. John Atkinson, the other brother, had married at the same meeting, on 2 mo. 8. 1686. Susanna Hynde. daughter of Richard Hynde, of Scotforth, and the following chHdren were born to them in Lancashire, viz.: William, i mo. 31. 1687; Mary, 7 mo. 25, 1689; John. 8 mo. 25, 1692, died 9 mo. 5. 1694; John, born 9 mo. 25, 1695. The three surviving children above named accompanied their parents on board the "Brittanica." and. both their parents dy- ing on the voyage, were received by the Friends of Middletown Meeting. Bucks county, where the certificate from Lan- 164 HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. caster Meeting, dated 2 mo. 30, 1690, was deposited. The 1500 acres of land purchased by Christopher and John Atkinson was laid out in 1700 in Buckingliam township, Bucks count}-; 1,000 acres in a parallelo- gram was surveyed in right of Chris- topher, lying between the present Me- chanicsvilie road and the line of the land of T. Howard Atkinson, a lineal de- scendant of John, and extending from the Street road at Sands' Corner to the Greenville road at Beans' Corner. It was in two equal tracts of 500 acres each, and was patented to Margaret Atkinson, widow of Christopher, the upper half in her own right, under the will of her husband, proved on her arrival in Phila- delphia, and the lower tract for the use of her children. The latter was con- veyed by the widow and heirs to Jo- seph Gilbert, and the upper tract by Margaret Atkinson to William Cooper. The remaining 500 acres was surveyed for the use of the heirs of John Atkinson, and was laid out on the opposite side of the Street road, touching the upper tract of the i.ooo acres at Sands' Corner, and extending northwesterly from that point. It was resurveyed by Cutler in 1703 in the name of Alice and Mary Hynde, sisters of Susanna, wife of John Atkinson, who had taken out letters on the estates of John and Susanna, in Phil- adelphia, September 6, 1699. No convey- ance appears of record by the Atkinson heirs or their representatives, the first actual settlers thereon being William George, and Alice his wife. Certain it is that none of the heirs of either Chris- topher or John Atkinson found homes on the land originally purchased by their respective patents. John Atkinson, the youngest child of John and Sunsanna (Hynde) Atkinson, born in Lancashire, 9 mo. 25, 1695, is supposed to have spent his bojdiood days among Friends in the neighborhood of Newtown, Bucks county. On 8 mo. 13, 1717, he was married at the house of Stephen Twining, Newtown, to Mary Smith, daughter of William and Mary (Croasdale) Smith, of Makefield. He immediately purchased 200 acres in the Manor of Highlands, now Upper IMake- field, adjoining his father-in-law, and set- tled thereon and lived there until his death in January, 1752. The children of John and Mary (Smith) Atkinson were: John, born 1718; William, born 1721, married Mary Tomlinson, and re- mained on a portion of the homestead; Thomas, born 1722, see forward; Chris- topher, born 1725, married Lydia Canby; Mary, born 1725, married John Stock- dale; Exekiel, born 1728, died on the homestead. 1768. married Rachel Gilbert; Cephas, born 1730. married Hannah Naylor; and Elizabeth, born 1732. Thomas Atkinson, third son of John and jNIary, was born and reared on the Makefield homestead, but on his mar- riage in 1744 to Mary Wildman, located on 200 acres in Wrightstown township, near Penn's Park, the greater part of which is still owned and occupied by his descendants, part of it by his great- grandson, George G. Atkinson, and part by another great-grandson, Wilmer At- kinson Twining, Esq. Two children, Thomas and Mary, were born to him, but the latter died in infancy. He died in August, 1760. Thomas Atkinson, only surviving child of Thomas and Mary (Wildman) Atkinson, was born on the Wrights- town horncsfead, 8 mo. 19, 1751. He in- herited from his father the two hundred fcre farm, and spent his whole life there, dying 8 mo 19, 181 5. He was a promi- nent man in the community, and an ac- tive meinljcr of Wrightstown Friends' Meeting. He married, 5 mo. i, 1779, Sarah Smith, daughter of Timothy and Sarah (Kjnsey) Smith, who bore him seven children, viz. : Mary, died young; Jonathan, brrn 5 mo. 9, 1782, married Esther Smith, and lived and died on the ho.niestcad: Timothy, see forward; I'hoinas, born 10 mo. 8, 1786, married Jane Smith, see forward; Mahlon, born 4 mo. II, 1790, a physician, settled in Ohio, married Rebecca Babb; Sarah, boni 2 mo. 25, 1793, iTjarried Jacob Ples- tcn; au'l Joseph, born 8 mo. 22, 1795, died 1815. Sarah, the mother of the above children, died 10 mo. 19, 1830. Timothy Atkinson, second son of Thomas and Sarah, was born in Wrights- town townsliip and spent his whole life there. He was a farmer and at his fath- er's death purchased a considerable por- tion of il;e old homestead and lived thereon during his life. He married in 1807 Deborah, daughter of Edmund Smith, who bore him four children: Ed- mund S., born in 1808; Sarah, born 1815, died 1840; Elizabeth, born 18^1, died 1836; and Timothj^, Jr., born 1829, married Letitia Smith, daughter of Dan- iel and Hannah (Betts) Smith, died 1868. Timothy, the father, died in March, 1867. Edmund S. Atkinson, born on the old homestead in 1808, lived his whole life thereon. He was twice married, first in 1831, to Ruth Simpson, who bore him three sons, — Robert, Thomas Ogborn and J. Simpson, the latter being now a resident of Springfield, Missouri. Ed^ mund married (second) Ann L. Gilling- ham. and had children, Ann: Deborah, deceased; George G., now living on the old homestead in Wrightstown: Sarah E., single, residing in Wrightstown; and Lewis, deceased. Edmund S. Atkinson, the father, died February 16. 1895. THOMAS OGBORN ATKINSON, son of Edmund S. and Ruth (Simpson) Atkinson, was horn in Wrightstown township. Bucks county, October 12, T-T. I '..- v-'->v YORK J.Pwc ^TluZLAd ^CA/WJJTH Oc ^^^^^i'^i^zf^?'-^^ TH L ■ K ASTOri, LCrjOX AMD TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. lb- 1834, on the homestead farm, and was reared thereon to manhood. He received an ordinary education in the public schools, and the school of Rev. Samuel Aaron, in Norristown, Pennsylvania, known as Tremont Seminary. In early manhood he taught school for several years, working on the homestead farm during vacation season. In August, 1858, he removed to Mound City, Linn county, Kansas, and engaged in the mer- cantile business in company with his brother, J. Simpson Atkinson, remaining until December, 1859, when he returned to Wrightstown and engaged in the same business at Penn's Park, where he did a large business until 1871, at which time he sold out and removed to Doylestown, his present residence, and engaged in the real estate business. He first formed a partnership with Andrew J. LaRue. un- der the firm name of A. J. LaRue & Co. After the death of Mr. LaRue in 1873 be formed a partnership with Samuel A. Firman, under the firm name of T. O. Atkinson & Co. The latter firm did a very extensive business in their line in Bucks and adjoining counties. In 1886 he quit the real estate business, and with the late Judge Richard Watson and others assisted in organizing the Bucks County Trust Company, and became its first treasurer and secretary, and has held that position until the piesent time. Mr. Atkinson is one of the best known busi- ness men in Bucks county, and has al- ways stood deservedly high in the esti- mation of the people. He has held many positions of trust. Like all of his an- cestors he is a member of the Society of Friends. In politics he is a Republican, but has never held other than local of- fices. He is now serving his third term as president of the town council of the borough of Doylestown. He married in March, 1861, Mary B. Heston, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Iay 8, 1818, and Blackfan married her sister, ^ffMlftjk. born August 14, 1796, died December 6, 1858. Anna (Dungan) Wilkinson died May 31, 1810, aged thirty-six years, and Colonel Elisha married (second) Maria Whiteman, by whom he had six children: I. Sarah Ann, who died at Trenton. New Jersey, in 1880, unmar- ried; 2. Ross Wilkinson, who was edu- ■cated at West Point, and served as a ma- jor during the civil war, and after its close purchased a plantation in Louisi- ana, where he died in 1880. He was Uni- ted States .marshal of the district at the time of his death. He married Hannah Ann Folwell, of Philadelphia, and had two children; his son, Henry Clay Wilk- inson, was also educated at West Point, and was adjutant of Coloney Woodman's Forty-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers during the civil war. 3. Samuel Smith Wilkinson left Bucks countj' and settled in Dallas, Texas, where he died, February 26, 1879. 4. Edward Blackfan Wilkinson, was a dent- ist, and located at Huntsville, Alabama. He died of cholera, while on a visit to Paris, France, June 20, 1854., at the age of twenty-five years, and is buried at Mount Parnasse, Paris. 5. Elisha, died in infancy. 6. Algernon Logan Wilkin- son, born October 22, 1821, settled in Huntsville, Alabama, in 1844, where he practiced medicine, married, and reared a family of children. Anna (Dungan) Wilkinson belonged to one of the oldest families in Pennsyl- vania'. Her father, Elias Dungan, was a soldier during the Revolution, and a prominent member and deacon of South- ampton. Baptist church. He was a son of Clement and Eleanor Dungan. and a grandson of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Drake) Dungan, and a great-grand»on of Rev. Thomas and Elizabeth (Weav- er) Dungan, who came from Rhode Isl- and in 1684, and established th^ first Baptist church in Bucks county. (See Dungan Family). Ogden Dungan Wilkinson, second son of Colonel Elisha and Anna (Dungan) AVilkinson, was born in Bucks county, 1807; married, March 6, 1834, Sarah Snowhill Dill, born August 16, 1801, daughter of George Dill and Ann Red- inger, who were married at Germantown, February 6, 1797, she being the daughter of John Redinger and Elizabeth Beker, who were married February 14, 1758. George Dill was the son of John and Elizabeth Dill; his father, John Dill, was an officer during the Revolutionary war. George Dill was born February 7, 1772, settled in Trenton, New Jersey, and April 2, 1798, purchased his home- stead property. He was one of the larg- est real estate holders in Trenton, and did much to build up and improve the city. He was interested in numerous business enterprises, was one of the founders of the Mechanics' Bank and for some years its president. Ogden Dun- gan Wilkinson moved to Trenton, New Jersey, in 1832. He and his brother- in-law, Crispin Blackfan, builf the Dela- ware and Raritan Canal, from Trenton to New Brunswick. They were many years in business together and opened up and built up much of the cit^^ Ogden Wilkinson (or Colonel Wilkin- son, as he was known, he having been colonel of militia), was one of Trenton's most influential citizens. He was inter- ested in many of the business enterprises and acted as director of several of the banks and filled other local as well as municipal positions of trust. He died August 24, 1866. His wife died Febru- ary 16. 1891. They were the parents of several children, only one of whom, Frederick Redinger, survived infancy. Frederick Redinger Wilkinson, Only surviving child of Ogden D. and Sarah Snowhill (Dill) Wilkinson, was born in Trenton June 9, 1837; and graduated from Princeton, in the class of 1857. He married, January 24, i860. Harriet Sarah HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. / D Folwell, born December 13, 1839, daugh- ter of Robert Folwell and Harriet Gra- ham. Robert Folwell, born April 5, 1800, died July 10, 1875, was son of Nathan and Rebecca (Iredell) Folwell; Harriet Gra- ham, born April 24, 181 5, died January 18, 1S42, was daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Lasher) Graham. Thomas Gra- ham was a son of Michael Graham, and Margaret Kittera, daughter of Thomas Kittera. Frederick R. Wilkinson was a lawyer and resided in Trenton, New Jersey, but owing to his large real estate interests did not practice. He was actively inter- ested in a number of financial enterpris- es, was for many 3-ears director of the Mechanics' Bank and the People's and Standard Fire Insurance companies, and held a number of important positions both in private and municipal affairs. He was one of the influential men of the city. He died December 30, 1883. They were the parents of three children, two ■of whom are now living. Ogden Dungan, the subject of the sketch; and Eliza- beth Dill, wife of Louis Gompertz, now living in Paris, France; they are the parents of four children: Harriet, Helen, Ogden and Francisque. Ogden D. Wilkinson, son of Frederick Redinger and Harriet (Folwell) Wilk- inson, was born in Trenton, New Jer- sey, May 2, 1863, and now resides at 2031 Walnut street, Philadelphia. His early education was acquired at Chel- tenhan Academy, and at Tivoli Military Academy. He later spent some tinie abroad, and attended Mr. Edward Foazy's school at Geneva, Switzerland. On his return to America he attended Phillips- Andover Academy and the University of Pennsylvania. At the conclusion of his University course, he read law, but the care of the large family interests, most of which consisted of valuable real estate in the citj^ of Trenton, have al- most entirely engrossed his attention, and he has of late years devoted his entire attention to the improvement o^ the propert}- there. He has built and owns some of the most valuable and important buildings m the business cen- tre of Trenton, among them bemg the new State Street Theatre, said to be one of the most complete and attractive play houses in the State. The large department store opposite the postoffice; the Wilkinson building; the Hotel Ster- ling; and many others. Among the most extensive and attractive of Mr. Wilkin- sont's building operations, is Wilkinson Place, a very attractive residence portion of the thriving city of Trenton, consist- ing of two large apartment houses and forty-five very attractive and stylish dwellings. While not a resident of Trenton, having large "interests there, he is deeply interested in the aflfairs of the citv. and in its improvement and devel- opment and spends much of his time there. In Philadelphia he has been for many years quite actively interested in the patriotic societies of that city, and has from time to time acted as a member of the councils of most of them. He. is a member of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution; the Founders and Patriots' Society; Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, of which he is a mem- ber of the council; Society of the War of 1812; member and secretary of Pennsyl- vania Commandery, Military Order of Foreign Wars; member of the Order of Albion; the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania; Historical Society o^ Pennsylvania; Bucks County Historicaf Society; Society of Descendants of Co- lonial Governors; Union League Club of Philadelphia; New York Yacht Club; and of the Corinthian Yacht Club of Philadelphia, of which he was a found- er and its first vice-commodore, and for several years commodore. He owned the schooners "Lydia" and "Speranza," and the steam yacht "Speranza." During the Spanish-American war Mr. Wilkinson, after offering his services to the volunteer navy, assisted in organiz- mg the Wetmore Regiment, which was tendered to the United States, but, not bemg accepted, was finally distributed among the several National Guard regi- nients, and was a great factor in bring- ing the old regiments up to the new standard of efficiency. Mr. Wilkinson was later first lieutenant and commis- sary of the 'Nineteenth Regiment, Na- tional Guard of Pennsylvania, which was formed as a provisional regiment for the Spanish American war. Colonel O. C. Bosbyshell, commanding, and was later commissioned captain and quarter- master of the same regiment, and was mustered out with the regiment after the close of the war. Mr. Wilkinson is a director of the Broad Street National Bank of Trenton, and of the Standard Fire Insurance Company of the same city. He was married, April 4. 1883 to Sara Jane Taylor, daughter of Robert and Sarali Taylor, of Philadelphia, and they are the parents of two children: Sarah Dill, born December 30, 1883, and Eliza- beth, born January 3, 1888. SCARBOROUGH FAMILY. The family of Scarborough is an old one. and doubtless derived its name from the lo- cality where its early progenitors resided ■"^•hen surnames first came to be used. Scarborough Castle, an old Norman fortress in Yorkshire, England, is built on a high, narrow, rocky promontory, extending seaward about a half-mile, at the foot o vhich the ancient seaport of the same name is nestled in a sheltered nook along South Bay. The modern town of Scarborough is now a noted watering place of about 40.000 inhabi- 1/6 HISTORY OP BUCKS COUNTY. tants, and a few families of the name of Scarborough still reside there. The name is derived from its location, tlie word Scear, or Scaur, meaning a i,harp rock or crag, and "burg,' or borough, meaning a town or fortress, the combi- nation indicating and literally meaning a town or fort on or near the crags or rocks. Xhe arms of the family consist of a castle by the sea, a beacon tlaming on its turrets, the sun rising in the east, and a manned ship at anchor. Several representatives of the family, at that time scattered over different parts of England, emigrated to America dur- ing the period of the early settlement of the colonies, one settling in Boston, Massachusetts, another in Connecticut, and still another on the eastern shore of Virginia. Edward Scarborough was the first surveyor general of Virginia. Charles Scarborough was the physician to King Charles I. The earliest known progenitor of the Bucks county family of Scarborough was John Scarbrough, of the parish of St. Sepulchre's, London. He was known there as a blacksmith and coachmaker. He was a member of Peel Monthly Meeting of Friends, whose place of wor- ship was in Peel Court, near 65 St. John street. He is referred to in the minutes of this meeting under date of 10 mo. 26, 1677. He signed his name "Scar- brough," as did his descendants until about 1800, although in the body of the papers executed by them the lawyers and conveyancers frequently wrote the name "Scarborough." The Scarborough, Scarboro, Scarbrough, Scardeburg and Scarburg families are probably of one descent. On 7 mo. 4, 1682, he purchased of William Penn 250 acres of land to be laid out in Pennsylvania, and embarked for the Deleware to locate his purchase and prepare a home for his family in the new province. He left his wife in England, but took with him his only married Martha K. Past; Asa, born 9 mo. 12, 1800, died 11 mo. 24. 1800; Cynthia, born 11 mo. 17, 1801, married Joseph Large; Isaac, born 7 mo. I, 1804, married Mercy Pearson; Charles, born 10 mo. 6, 1806, died 11 mo. 26, 1839. He served under General Sam. Houston in the war between Texas and Mexico, was captured, and with eleven others drew black beans which meant that he. was to be shot. They escaped at night and after being twelve days without food reached friends. His daughter, Mrs Dorothea Ann Burks, and her children reside at Kerrville, Kerr county, Tex- as. Amy, born 10 mo. 16, 1806, married Watson' Smith; Pearson, born 4 mo. 7, 1813, married Hannah Worstall, died 2 mo. 7, 1874; and Elijah Wilson, born 10 mo. 7, 1817, married Sarah Adams. Crispin, the eldest son, married Mary Shaw, and they were the parents of Mrs. Isaiah Quinby, of Lumberville, Penn- sylvania. John, married Hannah Reed- er, and their children were: Reeder, of Wrightstown; Kirk, of Falls; Elizabeth, wife of Dr. George W. Adams; Cynthia, wife of Oliver H. Holcombe; Amy Ann, wife of William Buckman; Alfred, and Dr. John W. Scarborough, late of New Hope. William Scarborough settled in Buckingham adjoining the meeting house where he died in 1875; one of his daughters, Maria, married J. Watson Case, and is still living with her son, Edward G. Case, in Doylestown. Isaac Scarborough, fourth son o£ Isaac and Amy (Pearson) Scar- borough, born 7 mo. T, 1804, married Mercy Wilkinson, daughter of Crispin and Elizabeth (Wilkinson) Pearson, of Solebury, who was born 7 mo. 3, 1810, and died 10 mo. 16, 1884. In 1853 he purchased the homestead farm and lived thereon during the active years of his life, retiring late in life to a lot adjoin- ing the farm, at Canada Hill, where he died 3 mo. 22, 1883. In politics he was a Wiiig, and later a Republican, and boasted 'that he never missed a presi- dential election. Though neither he nor his wife were members of Friends Meet- ing, they always affiliated with the Friends, and used the plain language. The children of Isaac and Mercy (Pearson) Scarborough were: Amy El- len, who died young; Watson, born 4 mo. 24, 1839, fl'cd TO mo. 6, 1903; Elizabeth, born 10 mo. 11, iSio, married Richard C. Betts: Mercy Ellen, born 7 mo. 5, 1843, married Isaac C. Thomas, died 8 mo. 27, 1886; Isaac Pearson, born 7 mo. 24, 1846, married Emma Hampton, still living on the old homestead in Solebury; and Margaret, who died in in- fancy. Watson Scarborough, eldest son of Isaac and Mercy (Pearson) Scar- borough, married, i mo. i, 1868, Anna M., daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Wismer) Stover, of Carversville, Penn- sylvania, and took up his residence on one of his father's farms near Lumber- ville, known as "The Whittier Farm" « from the fact that the poet, John Green- leaf Whittier, once spent a summer there. In the fall of 1890 he retired to Carversville, where he died 10 mo. 6, 1903. In politics he was a Republican. His wife was a member of the Chris- tian church at Carversville. Watson and Anna (Stover) Scarborough were the parents of one child, Henry Wismer Scarborough. Henry W. Scarborough was born in Solebury, 7 mo. 24, 1870. He received his preliminary education at the Green Hill school at Lumberville, entered the West Chester Normal School, from which he graduated in 1890. In 1894 he received the degree of B. S. from Haver- ford College, and in 1895 the degree of M. A. In 1896 he graduated from the law department of the University of Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bars of Bucks and Philadelphia counties. He at once began the practice of his profession in Philadelphia, with offices at 522 Walnut street, and has met with marked success, being one of the rising young attorneys of the Philadelphia bar. He also practices at the bar of his native county. He is a professor of com- mercial law and the law of real property and conveyancing at the Temple Col- lege. He married 7 mo. 20, 1904, Clara Hagerty, daughter of ex-County Treas- urer Jacob Hagerty, of Plumsteadville, Bucks county, by his wife Mary (Lan- dis) Hagerty. A son, Jacob Watson Scarborough, was born in Germantown, Philadelphia, 4 mo. 30, 1905. SCARBOROUGH FAMILY. William Scarborough, eldest son of John and * Mary Scarborough, and grandson of John Scarborough, of St. Sepulchre par- ish, London, England, was born in Mid- dletown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, December 30, 1691, and removed with his parents to Solebury township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, when a lad of ten years. He was a "turner" bj- trade, which probably implied a cabinet maker and all grades of local wood working, as well as that of a wheelwright, which latter trade he is known to have lol- lowed. On arriving at manhood he mar-, ried and settled on a tract of sixty acres conveyed to him by his father in 1724, HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY. 179 part of a tract of 520 acres taken up by the latter in 1701. He died a few months after his father, sometime between the date of his will, April 27, 1727, and the date of its proof, September 24 of the same year. His wife's name is un- ^ known, and as she is not mentioned in 'his will, and a minor son is directed to reside with his uncle John during mi- nority, it is presumed that she died short- ly before her husband. His children were: William, who died without issue in 1783; Euclides, Lydia, Martha, and Sarah. The latter married a Stradling, and another daughter married a Smith. Euclides Scarborough, second son of William, was born in Solebury, and was a minor at the death of his father. By the will of the latter he was directed to "be apprenticed to John Heed "to learn the art of making German Wheels." Whether the parental direction was fol- lowed does not appear. He did learn the trade of a blacksmith, and followed it for many years in Solebury in con- nection