Bucks County Intelligencer, September 20th, 1870: Outrageous Affair in Lambertville—A company of Colored People Assaulted and Beaten by a Mob of White Ruffians.—On Thursday last the colored people of the surrounding country celebrated the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment by a grand demonstration at Flemington, New Jersey. Extensive preparations had been made beforehand for the event, and an immense concourse of people of this class was gathered together, including some hundreds from Buckingham, Solebury and other portions of Bucks county lying near the Delaware. The affair passed very satisfactorily, the exercises of the day consisting of a procession, followed by speeches, with music, &c. Good order prevailed throughout the day, and no disturbance or disorder occurred until a portion of the company were returning home in the evening. As a delegation of about one hundred, including a number of colored residents of Buckingham and vicinity, who were in wagons with their wives and children, were driving into Lambertville, about eight o'clock in the evening, the fire bells were rung, on which a crowd of men and boys rushed into the streets. The wagons containing the colored people were at once surrounded by a crowd of white persons, armed with clubs, stones, and pistols, some of whom attempted to seize their horses, while others poured a volley of stones into the wagons containing the defenseless people. Those at the head of the procession, on seeing they were surrounded by a mob, made every effort to push forward their horses and urged those following to do the same. Some of the men jumped from the wagons to try to extricate the horses from the hands of their assailants. One of these, Edward Jackson, of Buckingham, while trying to get his team through the mob, was shot through the hand, inflicting a painful wound, which will disable him for months. His companion, Tobias Thomas, of the same township, was struck in the side with a stone and severely bruised. Among the others injured was Philip Peterson, who was knocked down with a stone. An old woman was struck on the back with a stone, but was not seriously hurt. A son of William Bensing, while sitting in a wagon, received a severe cut on the side of the head. His sister, who was near him was knocked off the seat by a stone, but escaped without much injury. Philip Taylor received a severe blow from a stone, but was not badly hurt. All these parties live in Buckingham. By a determined effort on the part of the drivers of the wagons they succeeded in breaking away from the mob in a few minutes, and crossed over into New Hope. The outrage was premeditated one [sic] the part of the members of the “white man's party” engaged in it. The ringing of the fire bells was the signal for the attack. It was an unprovoked and outrageous assault upon a peaceable and inoffensive company of people quietly passing through the place. While this was most likely the work of the rabble of Lambertville and probably of New Hope, such proceedings are the legitimate fruits of the teachings of the Democratic leaders for years past. We have not learned whether any measures have been taken to bring the perpetrators of this outrage to punishment.